Emportan t jlottcto r.Sdrerlenses nserteci under this head -At 15 rents per line of 10 words for the and L o n' r oot, V: cents for the second, and 10 cents b subsequent insertion. forme rot Reliable Insurance of all kinds apply to A. p. Russell, Agent, No. X North Park Erie ror Insurance In well known and most ta to R. W. Russell, agent, flow companies, apply iistste scree t. fekel'67-Iy. ,rbe Erie Lodge No. O. of Good Tent- A m meets on evert- Toesday evening, In the Fot Fellows' Lodge rn, on State street, over ftiree ur. jewelry - store. Stranger Tempters vhs "Ring the city an cordially Invited to be resent. GEo. KNIGHT, W. C. T. rnr2,-tf. I=lll . A Stnnethin o u tlet.=Thgreatest thing F et. Just lt tells you everything. .osn'toratch fur-benringnnimaiß, tish,&e. How "',,iwwhigkers and curl the hair. Fifty great ' tr, sen tr ee tor 2.1 cents. Addretis set WOOD, Box 5.97. Y. City. Irs—• Uuoincos 13irectorp. lis,lneqi vt.:tr, Cats insrt in line. this depart. n alt a do e lla ed r per "nt •.'" ' _ - IV ROI:ESAU: GROCERS. iturge.. , 4 & Walker, tt,, - and X N. Park 500 and 502 rench st. t Ilrevellle F r, 513 French at. • wif - )I,FIsAI.F. BOOTS .AND 811003. 4e•:;•k, • ,t (=lark, - 32 North l'ark. Boor: AND SAGE.. IL Clark, 14 Park 'tow, Smith, ritti State street. Fic:lchart & Co., ill North Park. • Zara, 7111s1 ate street. ••10 State St. • • k lr sV.'. State st. BOOK STORES. North Park. o. IT•,r•l. 524 French st, Flidlt X FEED. Itaver•tick, Park Bow. t--,Duch A. Bro., 514 French at. • LIQI - 111. STORES. ..',•tt A. Michael, '2l State at. ot. 51. Sinitli, North Park. MCSIC STORES. p. zs.itler, s9l state st. • 1.4. Win. Willine, SS state ht. • SEWING MACHINE AGE:CCU/q.t. tnee!or 1'27 State st. Sewing Machine, tar_ French *4. str.zer Sewing :Machine, .12i French at. •;rover A Raker, 020 State at. PRODCCI% ‘Vhite, 0 South Part:. CROCKERY k GLASSWARE 11 ,4 ;lennv, 12 Park Itßw, Rosen/No . IC, 511 State st. W %yeti ES ,t• JEWELRY. 11mo A Fisher, 2 Park Rom. . T 21) North Park. IT.VPS AND CAPS. i• wipon, t North Park. Ac - t, 513 State street. 6;o1 Kendall, 527 1 4 French st. . 1 H. Smith, 5_5 French st. cONFECTIONERV STORES. ilerter Ilurgesx, 431 and 700 State street DRUGS AND 31 EDICINES. - Minim - a. 1117 Peach street. vi.- F.l lint, I'2) State street. 0 1 A Warfel, 1210 State at. . .1 4 .5 Doll, 1312 Peach street. r p clever h Co., 21 North Park. w , -• Nick A. Sons. 702 State street. r....,;l:ckinson h fion,7ll State street. _ DRY Goorki. Stenhens 11..:1111. K,e.ter h T.ohtnan. IVO Peach at 8r0.4.11-I , ltato 711; Stale at. 4, 41, 'll , ,re l l ill '1 Noble Block. rt,-,zlz:Vi•V: A Bro., :,12 State st. , 21(.1 - 1n , q11 & Co_ 5 Reed House Block rovi GOolls AND CARPETS ' atlorf, litsrts A Foster. r•varner Raw., 5'% State at. GROCERIES. rmrton A; Griffith, 11! Peach at._ P.... 5. Field et ?.J. P.Pctord l'n„ 1121 • linsbcnder. 1218 Tcnry Beekman, 501 State at. Iv+hall, Christian lt Craig, 24 North Park o;off, 515 French ct. 1. Ilinniz, Corner Rth and Stnte • 'lcker tt. Co., 541 French at. r , •an ,t French at. Till Tilnllorx. French Rt., •• , ohlantlecker, 1121 Stmt. et. H. V. Claug, 2/1 East Fifth at. P sehaaf, 701 State st. PITOTOHHAPHs. wilailer's, over 19, Rosenzwelo4 Block A. Lott, 1307 Peneh at. C. Dunn. over 6eB State street. o,onh Bros., Farrar Hall BulldinC. q. 11. Wai4er @ Co., over 117.3 Peach at. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. It. Welshman. 131; pencil Ilona fi Asklne,7o,llState St. Deck 7(ti State at. M. W. Mehl, .517 French ~t: 11. T. Sterner, 401 State at. HARDWARE. Shannon d: Co.. Peach at , W. W. Pierce & 830 State at. McConkey at Shannon, JlO7 French mi. J. Selden, 5.41 French STOVER AND TINWARE. !mac Vrintaggel, 1.121 Peach st. Hubbard Bros., 701 State st. M. Mayer & Ron, 1215FR:de at. Barr, Johnson & Co.. 101 l and 10.1 State st N. Mtmthy.= North Park. lilmrod & Co , 1361 Stlltgatraß St. GENERAL UNDERTAKERS. J. H. Rthlet & Co„ RIR State tit. FURNITURKWAREROOMS. J. H. Millet & Co., RIR State at. TATNIBER ALERCHANV Brawley & Ratl, State at., near depot. CLOTHING STORES. John Genshelmer Son, nt?. State et Stllz R Meth*, I.Ta State Ft, F. Wanner, 6 . .:4; State st. J. M. Kuhn, K 2 State Kt. \ tarkr. A Meyer, I Noble Block. W. 1.. Ross, No. 10 North Park. .ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. Ross Thompson, 521 French Kt. James Sill, 515 French Rt. D. W. Hutchinson. Girard. Pa. ==i2l=! 1: t. Stewart,:;[) North Park, house 07. state et V.. J. Frager, Homava third), G 23 Pcschst. )IILLINERY & RTFVIAT- Goong 3. M. Make, South Park. - Mir.. M. rurtis, 9 South Park. The .M faxes McGrath. tio7 Froneh Pi C. Ilawkin9,l3lo Pooch 9t. 1I1:.1SS FOUNDKIES. ieekl..t. Metz, 112 t State Mt. FOUN:DERS ANP ROMMEL . . NLVK EWA. Loverlen, Hall Zr Co., Id and Peach sth. • 'PLANING MILLS. Jas. P. Comic & Son, cor. Ith and Peach sts 1.. White & Co., corner 11th and French st. Bush Jones, corner llt.h and Holland eta. Jse,th Boot?, 1211 Peach ht. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL. ROAD. WINTER TIME. TABLE. Through and Direct Route between Philadel phia. Baltimore, Harrikburg, Williams- • • port. and the GREAT OIL REGION • OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On nil Night Trait... IN met after MflNll.l tY, NOV. aith, 1817. the t 1 trains nn the Pniladelphla & Erg« Railroad w.ll nlll at tallow,,: WESTWARD. 11:n1 Tra 111 le tt.._l'htl:utelpliia ut 11:13 p.m. and arrives at Erie at tkot p. m.. Fne Express leave.i.Pidlratel ph la at 12:W in., and Arriven at Erie at 9:15 a. ta, Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at 12:55 p. in., torn' at 2:30 p„ in„ and arrives at I.:de at 410 it. in: EASTWARD. M.Ol bun Leaves Erie at ntaro a, in., and arrives at Philadelphia at 8:55 a. in. Erie F.xpress leaves Erie at 4:25 p. nr., and Cr. ova'. at Philadelphia at 1:09 p. m. Welrren .I” , nnniodation leaves Erie at kit) a. m. Corry at 9:45 u. in., and arrtvtis at Warren at 11:15a. ni. Mail and Express connect with all trAins on the Warren & F'ranklin Hallway. Passengers letninc Ph iladelphia at 12:00 m. r arrivo at Irvine. ton at a. m., and Oil City nt 8:50 n. m. Letwing Philadelphia ni 11:15 p. 712., arrive nt 011 City at neo. m. All trains on the Warren At Franklin Railway make close con neettomi at 011 City With trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. IlAnoAnic. ruin - arm TUROW3II. ALFRED L. TYLER. Gen . ' Superintendent. Warrant in Bankruptrx, 'PIN IA TO GIVE:4OTIOE t hat on the ?.1t h dny t January, Psi". a Warrant In Bankruptcy W/ii - lvilled out of the District Court or the Erni *.o,f States, for the Western Dintlict of Penn'a, ephist the estate or Nan iteusefar Gillet t, of Ise poor, county or Erie, in multi district, adjudged rstlitropt on LIN own petition: That the pay. .wat: of any debts and the delivery of any pro nrtr to such bankrupt, to him or I s.e,e, and the. transfer of•nnY ProPerlYbY at.. forbidden. by Law: . and that u meet 'llttter -Op. creditors of said bankrupt, to prove nod to eltoo.Ne 0110` or more .Volltneen •of lilx u,tate a will be held, at a Court of Bank rsPley. to ter hoiden nt t be office of the Register, 'thy at Erie, before s. E.' Woodruff, Esq., Regis zcr to liaitki4autey for said district, on the tfith -htY of .‘prll. A. D., ltol,, at Itlo'cloCk, M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. • r. S. Marshal for said District. fdr ti. P. Davis, Dept. U. 8. Marshal. _ feb6-Iw. (R. FALTLKNER, M. D.. sr Locos ik HOWEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN.' =French Street, Erie, P. WANTED. 1 , 0( ill Men WORICII, possessing good , character, and energy, isseieverwace ini , liatenee, to net as canvassers for a ~r New Engraving., Five Beautiful Ideal Ainericah Faces, cilivav ett on stone Al Paris by „. 1 / 1 " aunt eminent Lltlastraphers In the world. faces, which are most beautiful tout t7i , e Omeeptions, are designed to typite the ide.d type. of American Womnahtxxi. rep -I,,eht ine their chnrit devotionosyrnpatlites, ." 4, bluetits and heroism. The lithograph Is In the higle , 4 style of the art, and Is such as has rareh been equaled, and ennnot be exeelled. Thew Portraits have receivod unequalled praise aPtue most. eminent, crithn and prominen t n"wppers of the countr3. and th F ey should urbrrt everrplusehold in the laud. or partic u4r4 and descriptive circular, address L. B. ROBINSON, - Main 14t., liprinSlleld, Maas. dPc33-2vr - P. P. Jr. DSOS' . A. WILLIKIC. 317.1140!..: dc WILDER, M anufaeturen; and Wholesale Dealers In Tin, Japan and Pres ed Ware, Move Pipe. Stove Trimmings, Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. Or -48118..hY mall promptly attended to. Jan% TOR PRINTING of every lc lotion begs or 'null 1 quantities, plain or colored, done in beat style, and at moderate prices at -the "Jesiever ales. WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENN'A, FEBRUARY 20, 1868 TERMS.-42 per year when paid in advance, or within a month, $2.60 when not paid in ad. cant*. and V. when not paid until the expira tion of the year. AU new subscriptions must be paid in advance, unless handed in by parties who are known to us, Agents for the Observer. We have selected the following gentlemen as our agents In the planes named, to transact any business In ccusnection withthe cake. Persons knowing themselves indebted to us can hand them the money, and their receipts will be ac knowledged the same as If given by ourselves: Corry—Amos Heath. • Petroleum Centre=Geo. W. Wilson. Tidlonte—Nelson Clark. Oak Grave—Wm. J. Welker. Wayne—B. W. Howard. Youngsvtile—Copt. 0, J. Whitney. - Srtansburg—john G. Burlingham. Titusville—Clark Ewing. Waterford—W. C. White. • Union Borough—M. V. B. Bro‘n. Union Township—Mo.ses Albion—C. E. Lincoln. Fairview—Amos Stone. fitrani—Qtpt. O. W. Hutchinson. Elk Creek and Lundy's Lane—Wret. Sherman._ Springhelii--Gilbert Hurd. Lockport—J. C. Caull'man. Wattsburu—Lyman Robinson. McKean Township—E. Pinney. - Edinboro—Marcus Saley. Harbor Creek—Wm. Saltsman. Wesleyville—Edward Jones. North East-13. A. Tabor. Jackson's—Smith J. Jackson. Observer for the Campaign. The Observer -s t ill he furnished to cam paign subscribers, from , this (late, until the close -of the Presidential canvass, at the fol lowing low rntes': One copy, six months, - • - $l.OO Five copies, six months, - • - coo Ten copies, six months, and an addition- - al copy for the one who gets up the - club, - - - - - 10.00 One copy, three months, - - 50 Five copies, three months, - - 2.40 Ten espies, three tricintii, - - :;.00 Subscriptions may commence at any date between this and election, and u ill he promptly discontinued when the time has ex pired. ti•ltfi-tt: Democratic Victory in Legami. The spring election in 'Leß(euf township is held by a special act of legislation on the 2d Tuesday of *February, and resulted at *the contest last week as follows: Justice, A. L. Tilden, Dew., GO majority. Assessor, John Welker, Dem., 43 Road Com., Gen. Kellison; Dem., 43 " Inspector, T. Davis, Dem., 40 " Constable,Wm. Kinyen, Dem., 22 " Auditor, J. S. 3leLane, Dem., 4 " School Diet'r, R. Burger, Dem., S " Jude of Elect'n, L. Porter, awl., Srh'l Dice r, J. L.Waterhouse, " 8 " In 1867 the Radicals had 43 majority in Leßawl township, and at ~onte elections they have exceeded that number. The Cor respondent who furnishes us the above adds "Sham loyalty i ! ; at a diwriunt ip old Le Tim greater portion, of Senator Lowry's grievance, arise from the press of his own party. They will nut let hint alone, and are incessantly giving him something to corn plain of. A short time since, he felt it to be his duty to make some strictures upon . the Radical press of Pittsburgh, whereupon the Gazette, of that city, says ; "It does not be come Mr. Lowry to put himself forward as a cen , or of the press in general or of any sec tion thereof. If any ten journals in the Commonwealth have done as much violent and coarse scolding in their columns as he has done from his seat in the Senate, during the seven years he has occupied it, they de serve to be abated as public nuisances." The Meadville Republican, which never loses an opportunit)s to give him a slap, unkindly adds to the above that "about the worst com pliment a newspaper could receive would be Lowry's approval." The Senator has a tacit ty of saying as share things us he receives, and we expect soon to hear of him coming down upon the Gazette and Republican in regular sledge hammer style. WE learn front Harrisburg that the State authorities have resolved upon adopting de termined measures to make the Atlantic ez Great Westetn Railway Company comply with the provision of their charter which provides that they shall Make a connection with the harbor of Erie. The, act was passed in May, 1857, and gave them ten years in which to ffiltil its provisions, which tifne having more than elapsed, it is evident that the company have no intention M obey the law unless compelled by the strong' arm of the State. It is contended that in a strict le gal sense, the company, by . refusing to obey one portion of the charter, have forfeited the whole, but the State officers do not intend forcing the case to this unpleasant conclusion unless the company, by its perverseness, shall oblige them to resort to the MR extent of the law, The Senate has authorized the Attorney General to proceed by such means as may be neeessa'ry to secure obedience to the violated charter, and instructed hint, if he fails to brine the matter to a aatisfitctory point through the Courts, M report to that binly what addition al legislation is required to compel the en ibreemon tiof the company's obligations to the State. Tin: spring elections in Warren bounty were held last week, and seem Mhavemost ly been contended upon political grounds. In Warren borough the Democrats elected all of their ticket except the candidates for school Directors by majorities ranging from to 11. The Radicals made tremendous ef forts, but without avail. Brokenstraw town ship, always Radical heretofore, cave' 46 Democratic majority. Glade went Itadietd by an average majority of 18, and In Youngs ville, though the Democrats were beaten, they gained 11 upon the vote of last MI. The Democratic candidate for constable in Youngsville was a soldier who served his time in the Bncktail Regiment, yet he was defeated by a "slishy-slashy sort of a Radical, whom our opponents were pleased to calla Copperhes;Td" during the war. The staunch Democratib townships of Conewango, Plea sant, Limestone nod Meade, stood faithfully bv'the old flag: Deerfield, hitherto reliably Radical, Wheeled herself into the Democrat ic column. In the two Radical townships of Spring Creek and Pine Grove we carried the election boards, while in Columbus, the Radical ranks were so much "demoralized,'!, that in several ea,ei the vote is a tie. Tidi oute went Radical by a reduced majority, and in the heavy °Radical township of Pitts field they are reduced to the beg t garly major ity of four votes. These facts show that the Warren county Democracy are alert to the necessities of the hour, and give the warrant of an encouraging result in the fall. Is it not a little stranue that in Lancaster county, in this State, with a Republican' ma jority of 0,000, the rate of taxation for the current year is fixed at two and a half mills on the dollar? In the Democratic county of York it is seven mills on the dollar, and in Berks, with a Democratic majority of 7,000, it is nearly ten mills.—Republican. Wouldn't it be advisable for our neighbor to make solve - inquiries into the rates of tax ation at home, before troubling itself about the affairs of counties way off in the Eastern part of the state? Unless we are wrongly in formusl,,the tax levy of Erie _county is higher than either of theea, named, while that of Erie city, having a Radical 'majority of sev eral hundred, is nearly double that of either Ltincaster or Harrisburg, both under Demo cratic rule. We would suggest to our neigh bor. that a close investigation into the com parative expensei under Radical and' Demo cratic administrations may not •prove very .profitable to its party interests. .Wants. Emma , 4k•DirrESenituut, the ice dealers, haie laid in a Pupply of 26,600 tons this winter, with which they expect to meet all the wants of the city and surround ing country. The ice this winter ht never been surpassed ; some of the blocks are 14 inches thick, and as solid as so much marble. County . Expenses. The Commisstmers have published their annual statement of the receipts and expens= es of the county, from which we -learn that the total sum in the Treasury during the year 1867 was $157,818, of which $96,031 was left over fram the year preceding, and the total expenditures $94,059. There were redeemed $365.45 of the' warrants of 1866, $4,275 of bounty warrants, and $30,000 of county scrip was destroyed, leaving a balance in the Trea sury on the Ist of January, 1868, of $ 29 .218-' a very snug sum to • . start upon. Of the expenses, the following are, among the most interesting items . : Coal for Court House and Jail $720.13; for the tailor's house $134; boarding prisoners $3,002 ; painting Court House $1,853 ; paid Sheriff Brown for con veying persons to Penitentiary, - House of Refuge and Insane Asylum $386; paid same for summoning jurors $ll7 ; paid Grand Ju rors $745; paid Traverse Jnrers $3,647; ex penses of Commonivealth cases - $2,173; for arrest of horse thieves $4O ; paid for Coro ner's Inquests $110; requisitions of Poor Di rectors $27,000; board of inmates of House of Refuge. $2,350 ; hoard of inmates of Dix mont Hospital $1.02.1; board of convicts in Western ,Penitentiary $1,596; expenses of General Election, 1867, $1,334; expenses of spring election, 1867, $571 ;-bond of Court House loan redeemed, with interest, $1,131; Sunbury ti Erie bonds redeemed, with coil; ports ; $33,983; interest on bounty warrants $930; commissions allowed County Treasur er $2,47.5. The comparative indebtedness of the coun ty on - the Ist of January, 1867, and 1805, is given as follows : ' nEscrtrritox. Jan. 1,'07. Jan. I,'oB. Co. Loan Bonds, $6,000 00 $5,000 00 House of Refuge, 500 00 ' 500 00 Sunbury ez E. R. R., 43,600 00 13,400 00 Bounty - Warrantq, 10 , 233 00 5,850 00 County Scrip, 55,000 00 25,000 00 Total, $115,225 00. $49,750 00 kdd Bounty Warrtnts issued in 1867, • 300 00 Total liabilities of Co Jan. 1, DM, RF.BOICRCES. Due from Colfors...te., $21,300 66 Cash in Treas'y, Jan. 1, 1868, 29,218 70 36,319 i 6 It will be perceived. by these figures that the finances of the county ure in a healthy condition, and that all the prospects point to a speedy release from indebtediess of every kind. Some of the items of expeoselook to us remarkably:large, but as we are not ac quainted with the circumstances sufficiently to be able to giye a correct statement in re gard to them, we withhold Comment until we secure more accurate information. Trial List. - The following eases nre set down for trial at the session of Court commencing on the fourth Monilav-inOtarell next Bulkley vs Evans, issue, (lark & Meicalf vs Douglass, issue, Bill & Colt vs Loomis & Tyler, issue, I)l , :Cracken, et al vs Olds, issue, Landpherevs E. s N. E. R. R. Co., Land phere vs Zinn, Stranaban vs Pa. R. R. Co., Henry vs Colby, Girard Borough vs Hart & Wright, Turner et al vs Scott, Use Baser vs . Boyd et al, Use Vaughn vs same, Use Baser vs Same (5 cases,) Tanner vs Kessler, Casper vs Erie City ; Gioth vs Tracy et at, I.7ht vs Raisch, Swannon vs }lnn' & Stearns, Bald win & Darling use Merrill vs E. & N. E.. It R. Co., City of Erie vs Barr, same vs same, Conner vs . Brown et al, Gaggin vs Downing, Taylor vs Avery, Mays VS Stein, Mausell vs Hall's Administrators, Roberts vs Deriah et al, Robinson vs Nantes, Russell vs Kennedy, Russell vs Kennedy, et al. The following is the list for the Court com mencing on the succeeding Monday : Sherman vs Hartman, Jarecki i Co. vs Greenfield Oil Company, Sherman vs Doug. lass; Bryan. vs Spires et al, Gunnison vs Ben nett, Nelson vs Cooper, Crozier vs Scott, Rankin & Co., WebSter vs Manhattan'ln surunce Company, Use Crawford vs Flem ing, Gilman vs Corry National Bank, Loom is vs Smith, Kelsey vs Gilbert, Mansell va - McChire's administrators. 'Second National -Bank of Erie vs Brown, Johnson vs Smith, Smith vs Haynes, Taber Ts Sears, Mansell vs ItlcClure'c administrators; Mansell vs . Hall's administrators, (2 cases,) Keith's ez ecutom vs Wolverton's administrators, How ard vs Covell, Baum vs Sherer & Co., Reed vs Cavanagh, Benson vs Phelps, Benson vs Way, Moore guardian, &c:, vs Sherer & Co., Burr vs Dunham, School Directors of Le Beouf township vs Hunter, Pomeroy vs Ark inburg, Riblet vs Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Haggerty vs Densmore, Ilughs vs American Express Company. MeTiallin vs I)avis, Stevenson vs Abbey. Presentation. The Sunday School Entertainment of the United Presbyterian church, on last Friday evening, was a very fine affair. The exer cises were well arranged, and the declama tions, singing, &c., were exceedingly well rendered, reflecting great credit upon those taking an active part. At the -close Of the services. Mr. Barr, on behalf of the cones gallon, presented a befutiful Coffee Uru to Miss Ettie Riblet, for long services in 'the choir, with the following remarks: Miss Henrietta giblet—By request of many of your friends in this congregation, and by their direction, present you from them this Urn, as a testimonial of their re gard and a very slight acknowledgement of the value of the voluntary and long continu ed assistance rendered by you in an Impor tant part of public worship in this house. While all acknowledge their indebtedness to others who have renderedvaltable assistance in the same department from time to time, yours has been for a longer period, without interruption, than that of any other volunta rily given. This is not intended, by any of those whom I here represent, as payment, but simply as a remembrance to you that while, your services have not been paid for, they have not been under-estimated, nor for gotten ; and permit me here to remark that one whose voice has been most frequently heard by us in union with your own in our church music, has been the , most active in collecting the necessary fends for its pur chase. We are well convinced that this is to you an unexpected part, of this evening's eb tertainment, and that you are entirely taken by surprise, and we shall therefore expect no reply from you Wishing von'a long, a hap py amili useful life, we unite in- expressing the hope that when your voice shall have ceased to be heard In singing the praises of God in - his earthly- courts, that the blessed Jesus shall have called you to join in the music of that happy host, that great congre gation of His saints who sing His praises in His holy temple in Heaven. Tits colored man, George Washington Gardner, by name, who undertook the feat of walking one hundred miles in as many successive hours, in Empire Hall, last week, arrived at his journey's cud on Saturday night at 10 o'clock, having accomplished the task successfnlly. He appeared but little fatigued by the tramp, and on Monday morn ing was seen upon the streets looking as live ly as a cricket, and declaring by all that's good and bad that ho can travel twenty-four hours longer whenever any one sees fit to make a bet on it. `dime doubts are expressed whether Gardner actually walked as agreed, but wesare informed by parties who profess to be posted, that he was so carefully watched there could have been no opportunity for him to shirk any portion of the task. A good deal of money changed hands over the walk, but the number of spectators was limited, and we question whether the managers much more than paid.expenses. Notice. We have sent this week a number of bills to persons who are still indebted to 119 for subscription, and hope they wilt . respond to our calls promptly. The times are so tight that we barely take in enough money to meet our expenses, and every-cent that is unjustly withheld . adds just that much to the difficul ties of our position. It Is not often that we complain, but the dilatoriness _which some exhibit would have been too much for the pa- tience of Job. Iris not generally known that the guy ernment redeems all mutilated cturetioy, whether greenbacks or shinplasters, when sent in to the Treasurer of the Vaited States, at Washington, in packages of three dollars or-over. Business men can save themselves considerable loss by keeping this fact in mem -913% LOCAL BREVITIES. Saz fourth . pave for interesting reading matter. strz young home mast be sold regard. less of cost: No. 815 State' street, Erie, Pa. feblB-tf. - Z. Satan. Tur. Second National Bank will remove to its new office in Waltter's block, on or about the 15th of Starch. S LET our fatiner readers who hare !endue bills to print, remember that we are prepaied to do them in the best' style, and at short _notice: Asonten paper is to be started in Tiones ta, Forest county. "The fools are not all detid yet," and the printing fraternity -con tains its MI proportion of them. - - A Di:Noce/au Club has been organized in Meadville, with some of the best citizens of the place as its officers. We hope to see 'a similarmoyentent inauguntied in every ward, borough and township of otti+ county, imme diately after the State Convention. Tne authorities of a number of cities arc endeavoring to stop the news dealers from selling the obscene papers of which so many are springing into existence in New York. In Philadelphia the Grand Jury has found true bills against several parties. Taz destitution and suffering arnort the working classes in almOst every Nosihern State has never been so bad in the memory of man as at present. The country is trav ersed in every direbtign by mechanics in search of work.- Let Radicalismcontinue in power and the condition of the Working classes will be made still worse. , AN Instance is related of an "active Dem ocrat in one of the townships of.Ouernsey i county, Ohio , who has p ro red the mime of every Democratic voter irllis own and ad ioi uing school district as subscribers to a Dem ocratic county paper." HIS example is worthy of imitation not only here, but in every por tion of the country, SURE of our Radicals declare that Lowry is preparing to join the Democrats. We sm• cerely.hope that if he has any notion of the kind, his friends, may prevail on him to change his mind.. The Democracy can get along well enough without him, but what in the world will•the poor, disjointed and dying old Radical party do in mac they lose their leader? $50,0.10 00 A COTRIEPOItARY gives an - account of a "London practitioner" who "cures the most desperate eases of toothache, Unless the dis ease is connected with 'rheumatism, by an application of the following remedy : Alum, reduced to an inpalpable powder, two drachms; nitrous spirits of ether, seven drachms; mix and apply to the tooth." Should the application be what is claimed for it, the "London practitioner" will deserve the thanks of the race for its invention. THE Democratic Committee of Lawrence county haveitelected D. R. Morris as Senato rial and Col. E. W. Stephens, Jr., as Repre sentative delegates to the State Convention. They also adopted a resolution earnestly urging the Democrats of the county to or ganize associations and prepare for the great work of the fall campaign. The Gazette states. that "the' members of the Committee gave a cheering account, of the condition of the party in their respective districts. All are awake and in good heart for the work.- No where are we sustaining losses; and in dif ferent localities we are making important gains."_ A IIOVEMENT is on Riot to take the grant ing of licenses out of the control of the Court and place it in the hands of the city Treasur er, the same as in several other cities of the State. It is claimed that the revenue de rived from this source in the city properly belongs to our corporation Treasury, and that the Treasurer, froit his more intimate acquaintance with the people of the city, is better able to decide who should have licen ses, than the Judges, only one of whoth is a resident of Erie. The argument is plausible, to say the least, and we do not see how any reasonable objection can be made to the pro posed' change. TUE Titusville Herald vents its .curses loud and deep upon the Radical State Sen ate. fir defeating its pet new county 'project, and throws out grave hints of treachery against the dominant Radical politicians bf Crawfdrd county, who_ promised the success of the bill. - Under this pledge many Demo crats in Eastern Crawford were induced to support the Radical nominees for Assembly, and they will probably conclude now, as see told them at the tithe, that it would have been better to adhere to theirown party. We haw never• seen nn ...instance where Demo crats deserted their principles to secure some object of real or imaginary local advantage that they did not find rause to regret it after wards. THE stot4iholders:nf the Dunkirk & War ren R.. R. Met at the Reed House on Mon day and held their annual election for officers. The event attracted a large number of the most proininent citizens of Warren, who are deeply interested In the measure. It seems likely that before tiro more years have passed, this mad will be an accomplished fact. The contract has been lehand wealthy men have taken hold hf the enterprise, who are resolved to push it through. The road will connect with the Lake Shore at Dunkirk, and with the Allegheny Valley at Irvine, making a continuous route from Butrnto to Pittsburgh. Its completion will be of great advantage toWarren; as that place will, in all likelihood, be thelocation of the machine .hops of the road. Aurnouott the day: is rather late, we ten ted refrain from adding our testimony to the merits of the loneert given by the "Old Folks of Titusville" at Farrar Hall, on. Thur sday evening of hist week. The audience was one of the largest convened in our city during the present winter, and we have not beard a „person who. wasjin attendance that did not pronounce the:tertainment with out exception the best t t has been given in Erie for a long period. ,The singing of Mrs. Burtis was alone worth the price of adnils sion., We congratulate the people of Titus ville upon having a corps of musicians•ln their midst of such unsurpassed attainments as the "Old Folks." EVERY week the N. Y. Tribune publishes a column or more of letters from wealthy Radicals sending money". to secure the free distribution of that paper among the people. The men who purstie this course Understand the secret of poll dealanceess. One live journal of either party, freely circulated among the masses, will have more influence than ten times the amount expended in noisy mass meetings. We commend the example of the Tribune's friends to Democrats everywhere; as the best means that can be adopted for procuring the triumph of our cause. THE Irish portion of our citizens are mak ing their preparations for the customary an nual celebration of St. Patrick's day, on the 17th of March next. A grand procession is to take place, in which the Father Mathew, Irish American and Fenian Societies will participate, to he followed with an entertain ment.in the evening. The four city. bands have all been engaged, and it-is expected that the celebration will be more largely at tended and on a better scale than any one hitherto held in Erie. Tux. National Publishing Compady of Philadelphia will sbon publish 'a new book by Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, which promises to be one of the most interesting issued in many years. Its title indicates its contents: "A Constitutional 'view of the late Vat be tween the States ; its causes, character, con-. duct and revolts, presented in a series of colloquies." Ha. Joan Bons, of the National Hotel, will give a Rail? Ball, this Thutiday evening. taitiaiNt . men are WoAdt:* ,nbotit the• city for a dollar and a dollar and a quarter a day, and find employment 'scarce even it such beggarly wages.' Many of this class of people find it hard to support their and we are inclined to believe that* in some cases a great deal of distress prevails. We have never seen a period - when so many per sons were out of employment, and unless the spring opens better than we anticipate the cases of extreme poverty will be double any former season. But what matters it that white men, women and children starve, when the nigger is free, .and "Witty" reignk tri umphant ? The Cuffees, Sambas and Jemimas of the South can eat, drink and - be merry at the public expense, while the poor men here at the North, who were so unfortu nate as to be born white, are compelled - to wear out body and "soul to eke, a TIMM subsistence. The acme of pure Republican government is reached at last; let us rejoice and shout hallelujah day and night ! Allah, be praised ; Grant is King; Steven's is his prophet; and the millennium which the Re publican party was established to secure, is finally at hand ! TrrE German Insurance • Company com menced transacting business on Wednesday. morning, in their office in iValthees block, under the management of the follow ing officers President, Col. if. Schlaudeek er ; Secretary, F. P. Liebel; Treasurer, P. A. Becker; Directors, `Mathew. Scblaudecker, F. P. Liebel, P. A. Becker, Henry Stahl, Jno. Gensheimer, G. F. Brevillier, Frank Schlan decker, U. Herinann, Joseph Serr, J. M. Ras tatter, Valentine Shultz. These names afford a sufficient guarantee for the stability and re sponsibility Apt the new institution, and we are much mistaken if it does not at once se cure a wide pOpularity. Henry Stahl has been selected as general agent f of the Com pany. Tim Chairman of the Radical Co. „Com mittee, James Sill, Esq., hag called a tutting of that body-on the 26th inst., for the election of delegates to the State Convention. Al:wavy pressure is being brought to bear upon the Committee by the friends of Cameron and Curtin respectively, and the contest bids fair to assume a lively aspect before it is conclud ed. As the majority of the Committee were selected in the Lowry - interest, • which is known to be hostile to Curtin, the friends of the latter, anticipating defeat, have com menced'an outcry for a .Convention, which, as it has been customary for a number of years for the Committee to select, they,will hardly-be able to secure. • MR. STEM Au. has introduced an act in vythe Legislature requiring the railroads in Erie county to erect fences five feet high the whole length of their lines, under a penalty of fifty dollars for each case of violation; also, an act authorizing the Court of Erie ,county to appoint a discreet person to act in conjunction with the Commissoners and Di rectors of the Poor to sell the present Alms Douse and invest the proceeds in the erection of a new building. Tawlate local election in Sparta township, CrawfOrd county, shows how much may be effected by energy and determination. A few years ago. the township seemed hopelessly given aver to Radleitlism, but the Demo trots resolved to redeem it, and now ive have the'gratifyiag report that on the 7th inst. our full.ticket was succesSful by majorities rang ing from 34 to 39 votes. The 'Democrats of Sparta deserve the thanks of their brethren throughout the Northwest, for the undaunted spirit the have displayed. 'Gun distinguished, amiable and popular fellow citizen, Isaac Rosenzweig, Esq., has been honored by Governor Geary with the apPointrrient of Notary Public, the highly important duties of which he is prepared to assume without delay. The keen faculty he displays in managing his own affairs war rants us in predicting that as a Notary he will be a "success," exercising a promptness that will cause the hearts of creditors to beat with renewed joy.' Tim Democratic Committee of Warren county met last week and elected B. F. Mor ris Senatorial and E. B. Eldred Repirenta tive delegates to the . State Convention. The Senatorial district Is' composed of Warren. Venango and Mercer counties, and our friends in Warren claim that they are entitled to the delegate on this occasion t Venango having had him for the several past years, "WE (eel ashamed every time we give an extract from 'Briar? Pomeroy a vile sheet."— Ikpublien. • The beat course we can recommend to you then, is not to give any more of them. "We feel ashamed" every time we take up a Rad ical paper, at the Ignorance respecting our institutions, and the spirit of petty malignity which they display, but it does not follow thnt we must lament over theni like a school boy on the loss of his grandmother. A Young Woman's Temperance Society. has been formed in Chatauqua county, N. V. They pledge theMselves to repel the - advances of any young man who uses intoxicating drinks. If the young men of Chautauqua county are like those of Erie, we fear the main portion of tbtladies have predes tined themselves for c Ttain old maids. Tern famous Johan Steele has applied for l i the benefit of the ban - pt act. Among the debts enumerated in his petition area hotel bill of $19,000, and "a cigar bill of $5,000. The papers say.foltnny le ix.en driven to the necessity of driving team in the .oil re gion for the last few months. "..‘ foot and his money are soon parted." - - 2 We are nnsip obligations to D. C. Kenne dy, Esq., of W yne township, for numerous accessions to_ cm list•of subscribers, Mr. K. is one of the most Indefatigable Democrats in the county, and the zeal he displays in promoting the interests of the Observer en titles him to our warmest thanks. - ' .WE are - requested by a member Of the congrega i tion to say that Rev: J. L. Smith, of the English Lutheran church, corner of Peach and 11th streets, will 'preach a sermon on "Theatres," next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock.- All are invited to attend. Tag Dispatch establishment has been con verted into a joint stock concern, with n cap ital of $60,000. The individual members of the company consist of B. F H. Lynn, Pres ident; Azro GotT,Treasurer ; Wm. P. Atkin son, Secretary. bur Year puties, in which the ladies per form all the duties . of gallantry, are getting quite fashionable in the neighboring towns. One took place at Link's lintel, Garland, on Friday last, in which some slaty couples participated. A PR IZEI scheme has been got up at Carry, under the management - of Mr. A. D. Russell. The price of tickets is $5, and $lO,OOO in prizes are prondsed to those who ingest. We shall see whale we shall see. Tnr. Mercer Radical Co. Committee met on the 14th inst., and selected D. F. - llouq. ton as Senatorial, and S. C. Koonce and T. A. Mann as Representative deleantes to the State Convention of - that party. SINCE writing our paragraph about the Warren county spring elections, 'we have been informed that the Dernociata carried . Columbus township by a considerable ma jority. • AMONO the contributions published in the Pittsburgh papers, for the rebuilding of St. Ravices Academy, we notice $2.0 from Jas. Casey and sl4fonn Rev. J. D. Coady, both of this city.' Tor. delegates to the Democratic State Convention from Venango county are :. Sen atorial, Arnold Plumer ; Representa dye, Jan. Phipps. BLANK NcyrEs and receipts for sale at Ibis office, single; of in books of twenty-five, fifty and one hundred. Tim report or the otlicers 'a the Phila. & Erie R. R. Co„ for the year 1887, exhlbita the fbllowlng facts : The total amount of tonnage in • 1866 was - . The total amount of tonnage in ..1.847 was Decrease in 1867 - • 23,087 Total number of passengers car ried In 1866 was - • • 698,415 While in 1867 it was but - 635,542 The through business, however, has in creased. In 1866 the No. of through pas sengers carried was .• 2,026 While in 1867 it was - - 13,186 In 1866 the tonnage of the • thmugh freight was • 21,763 In 1867 it amounted to • • 42,607 The receipts of the road are as follows : From passengers • - $637,941 , 65 Mall and miscellaneous • 63,916 25 Freight - • 1,611,902 02 Total • - - $2,333,73994 MARRIED. Wusatt—Krea - Exs—On the 13th liott.,by Rev: Mr. Benner, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Volt M. Willis , to Miss Kate Stevens, both of this city. Ttnn.u.s—Hincocs—At Worcester, Mass., on the 12th inst., by- Rot Win. R. Hun tington, Charles M. Tibbals, Jr., of Chi cago, 111., to Fanny S. Hancock, of Wor cester. No Cards. '. HtErt-iittrort—On the 13th inst., by Rev. G. A. Lyon, D. D., Mr. E. W. Reed to Miss Abbie E. Hilton, all or this city. TIONECEER—LAWER--Oe the 18th inst., at Warren, by Rev. Jacob Honecker, Mr. J. W. Honecher,lof this city, to At as Pauline Lawer. of Warren. DIED. Dkainsnoron—On the 3d inst., at Marengo, lowa, Mrs. Martha Deflinbough, formerly of this city, in the 36th year of her age. CLAns—At Cherry Hill, Erie county, Pa., on the 3d inst., George E. Clark, son of Hor ace and Caroline DI Clark, aged 24 years: AFTER using Blade's Lubribators for sev eral years, we have no hesitancy in pro nouncing them the best thing of the kind in the market. To. public speakers, especially, they are invaluable, removing all roughness from- the throat, and giving- a smoothness and flexibility to the voice which" we have failed to obtain by the aid of any other medi cine. We consider them all they profess to be, and would recommend them_ to all troubled with throat or lung disease. - REV. Wm. Anaurrnonti, . of East Genesee Conf. 31. E. Ch. • Bev. E. P. CRANE, Pnstor Baptist Ch., Wellsville, N. Y. GOOD STORIEI3.—Part 3 ; just issued by Ticknor cb - Fields, banishes a collection of capital stories specially suited for reading on winter evenings. They are excellent for the family, or for reading in cars or .on steam• boats." The price is only 110 cents per copy. All booksellers and news dealers have them, or they can be procured, postpaid, directly from the publishers, Ticknor & Field., 80.- ton. A. LIMY who has suffered for over five month's the most extreme torture from Neu ralgia has been completely cured by one dose (forty drops) Metcalfe's Great Rheumat ic Remedy. Sold by all druggists. .fteln bbertiorntento ffirAdvertisements. to secure insertion, must be handed in by 8 o'clock ou Wednesday after• noon. All advertisements will be continued at the expense of the advvitser. unless ordered for a specitled time. EAULE HOTEL, - Opposite Union Erie, Pa., Jas. Camp bell, proprietor. House open at all hours. The bar and table always mippi led with the choicest that the market s land. L. F. BALL. AGENT, 1301 Peach Bt., ono. /Corbin House News Dealer and Stationer, And Dealer In Havana and Domestic Clgans, ' Chewing and Brooking Tohaken, SNUFF. FANCY PIPES AND-CIGARS. All the MONTHLIES AND WEEKLIES Repeived, Immediately upon publication. feb2o-.lto HUBBARD BROTHERS, No. 701 State St., Erie, Pa. Dealers In • Stoves, Tin Ware and Sheet' 11.- Iv A. "tr.. - • A• large aasortineut of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, SPOON 4. Sr.C. TIN ROOFING DONE TO ORDER febXklni Warrant In Bankruptcy. HIB NTOGIVE NOTICE that on the 13th day of A. D.,lBol,aWarrant in Bankruptcy was issued against theestateof John B. Perkins, of the city of Erie, An the comity of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who hits been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition.; that the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to hint. for his use, and the transfer' of any property by hint are forbidden by law; that a meet Mg of the creditors of the said.bank rupt, td prove their debts anti to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at the otflea of the Register, in the city of Erie, before S. K Woodruff, Esq.., Register In said district, on the Pith day of April, A. D. 103, at 10 o'clock. A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, D. S. Marshal for said District. By (b P. Davis, Dept. C. S. Marshal. Warrant in Bankruptcy. ?Lint IS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that att the ifftlitlay I of Februarq„A. D. 1848,a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was Issued against the estate of German R. - Nourse, of Edinboro, iff the county of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, who luta been adjudged .ha bankrupt on his own petition That the pay ment of any debti and dellveryof any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are' forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the Said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held nt a than of Bankrupt cy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Penn's, before S. E. Woodruff; . .egister. on the Z3d day of April A. D. ISM, at. o'clock, P. I THoBIAs A. Rovrixy. U. S. Marshal for said District. By O. P. WWII, Dept. U. S. Marshal. febVit-4w.. -- Discharge to Bankruptcy. DISTRItT. COURT of the United I States, for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. Homer'J. Clark, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of Starch Id, 1867, having-ap plied for a discharge froze all his debts, and oth er claims provable under said act by order of the Court, notice in hereby given Mall creditors who.have proved their debts, and otherpersons interested, to appear on the 13th day of April, NW, at 9 o'clock, A. .11., before 8. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his office, at Girard, Erie county, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why. a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, reunited by the 2rth and 24th sect Mir; of said act, Will be held before the said Register. nt the same time and place. S. C. IfcCANDLESS, . Clerk of U. H. District Court for /Aid febl)-2w. Assigner in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the EnittAl Stairs I for the 'Western District of Penn'a. In the matter of the bankruptcy of Silas R. (leer. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Silas. It. Geer, of t'orry, Erie County, and State of l'ennsylva nia, within said District. who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dis trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, Feb. A. D., ISris. ENDA' AL RIBLET. Amignev. No."1:11,1 Peach St., Erie, Assignee in Bankruptcy. TN THE DISTRI CT COURT of thellnited States T for the Western DiStTlet "of Pennsylvania, In the matter of Chas. R. Brown, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives nattee of his ap pointment as assignee of Chas; R. Brown, of the city of awry, county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within, said district, who has been adjudged, a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said dis trict, dated at Erie. Pa.. Feb. 3 A. D.,1801. HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee_, No. ICI Peach pt., Erie. Ps. 1h -sr LATEST NEWS FROM. WA4INOTON 815,095 "i 92,008 Johnson and Grant in a Flurry ! BIG FISHING FOR THE PRESIDENCY ! BALL Is sr - 1'11_4114 itoiLairiv43- 0 EDSON, CHURCHILL The. Latest Arrival of the Season ! Alpacas—Black, Brown and Drab---Splendid Goods ! A. Stock .of ttoelaines, THE LAjIOEST STOCK OF PRINTS IN TOWN, Coußixting pf-• Merrimac, Sprague., Americans, Coeliecues, and all other popular makes jaMIJA . ILI . U . MLU i Ljuj That ever:body hag been calling for sod call now be supplied with. They are going like the dew lIVITJSTANS In the ,Nlurttet. New York Mills, Wamkutta, Len.Onleg, Fiutt4 of the Leom,&e,,lo Wet Ivo. le jut reepfve.! front th.• Mannfu•torg, 50,000 Yards of Brown Muslins ! • That we are willing that our ea:foment whould curry away, n .l we have not room for them. Oar counter. are loaded down with Domestic Goods, bought prey/oaf to the Now h tlw Limo to A , r , iii. V gn high,r CALL AT ?Fim: wirtew.. OF' Next door South of the Post Office: NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER o 4 ~O North-West Corner of State Street and the Park. Job Printing of Every Description ! In a style .4.nnsurpattsed neat noes, and at price,: to compete with any whet: (Ace lathe North Wegt. our Pnotsm are at the • • , . Our TYPE all NEW, and of the NEATENT STYLES, and (air Wuitiams equal to ally in the emus Ti y. - With the 3fsteldnery and Material we now pcentesa, we feel fully warranted lit ' claiming that NO OFFICE in the western Part of the State EIdELS, and only one or two equal og, in nullities for turning out work Ina RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER VW/ERN' 1 1 4Tleir..4E, OF PFt I N'T.I.Na 'tee°!vett. and work warranted not to ho inferior to thnt done in the V.aatern,eitlea. Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Cirenhirs, Statements, ENGRAVING. LITHOGRAPHING, &c. We have made arrangement+ with the largest and best estabilahment In BM W° far procuring any sort of Engraving that may be needed, In iu goad style and at A LESS PRICE THAN IF THE ORDER WAS SENT TO THEM DIRECT. Huildlogr4 Maehitiery, Seals. Autographs, Maps, Portrait*, se., Rc entrusting them to us will he assured at 31 MIMI/LOCH of work In the moot pr_ompt and Batista° tact . manner. Enatravlngs thrufshed either on Woodjitone or Metal. Book .13indingx, Ruling, *Ace._ In this department y e have faellities that are unsurpassed. Persona having printing to bathing that rev:arca Ruling or Mauling in connection, will Mid It to their interest to entrust it to ne. We will Guarantee that It shall be perlorinc.i in a workmanlike manner, and that the charge will be as moderate as eon be titiorded. • The 'Mend patronage extentle.i to tbk onlo• during the to ,4 two years has encouraged tut to mike every effort possible to dvsen c the lAN orb of our Milani, and we now take eepecial gratifi cation in informing them and the public that ae have socireded in fitting up an eatabliti=aut equal to every requirement of the community. IVP are determined to compete with the best, and only ask a trial to Bader our one that ire. .claim no more than we ate Many entitled to. LiE4GrA.l_, CUUS tautly on Wanda fall supply of Attorney's. Justices Of the Peace and tAnotable's Eftankli, of the most approved forms. Also. BLANK IS OTKM of every kind end RECEXPTSI, single or in books. FE Hut notwithstanding all MA. the OMR ,Cheap Dry Goods Store of JUST ItF4TIVED, A LARGE STOCK Or ummwranimiTlTim, Very Handsome Patterns, Superior to any In Town TIIE LARGEST STOCK OP 20,000 Yards Cheap Muslims, From K l 9 121-2 Crab.. LITE ADVANCE IN THE EASTERN MARKET; Edson, Church#l & Co., 1 1 4 1 W . TYPE, 0-B pRi , Nri : ..... IVG, Npi, --- .iii f 11:y:or - lik ..- -. -,=ri.. - • m ‘...,p2p., . -------' - ,-: r,.,, 9. , i• 0, . . . 0' ifto. tltte..l up our office In tbe. MOI4T• • CC)3IPI_:E.:Trk: We ure prepared to do MOST IMPROVED KIND; i tftbElts Fol: litte.l.ll. - pn given to the printing of And an Ile , kind- of work In use by Ilkodneroi Men PartlPA wanting' Cuts of feb2o-tt