The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 20, 1868, Image 1
grit tZltekly Obistrbtr. owes W. ROSCRZW'n BLOM. (gp grAnrio CORR= =S TATE RI. AND PAHL gm & c opies, paid STRICTLY in adranee_...l2 00 o t bald in advan0e.....,.. 2 50 mr _ gri cribers.serced by carriers, Fifty Cents a dditional. Two copies to the seine person 4 on rice copies sent to one addretu5,......... 10 10 to 'reneoP leg.OD t uba rides apply only to those who pay in A dvance. all eniswription accounts must be settled an.. No WWI' will be sent to any person neatly. c oo responsibility Is not known, unless the pr o is paid in advance; ' • ADVERTISING RATES. The o:Wowing adhered vertising rates t which s in be strictly to. In reckonlng the l e ngth or advertisements, an inch is considered „ r oe. Anything less than an inch is rated fa 54Unre sq.l% e.kt4 c... 1 1 0. 1.00,1.75: 2.25., 2.751 500 2:00. rOne a sro eekg.. 3...15 coo, 7.oilizaol 33.0) m i .& weeks—. 2.01 , 1.001 5.00 4 1.5 0 115.001 25.00 Four week'.. 2.50' axit 4.50, 6. 4 10'10.001K00; 90.00 . r ." month._ 3.75 , 5.501 7.00, R. 50 19.03:25.001 45.00 rhree M nths. , 5.00' B.oo' 10,00 12.003/00'30.00i 50.40 ,41% wont ' fl.01)12.( 11 •Ifi.es1 321.41 . 3100:50.00: Fao) One cray.- ...... 12 . 002100 rimaa.on so.oogo.on ito on _ wiitnr ,* and Administrators' Notices $3 An airors' and Eittray Notices S 2 each: otiet.s. set in Leaded Nonparlek and -in,erted hefore Marriages and Deaths, per , , n dditinn to regular rates: Local Not ' ‘ ,'. n r ,;o, N l II the parties, 15 ete.'per linen,' Eight to tint insertion, 12eents per line for see • mi ten cents for each subsequent Notices 2i cents per line • Mar -0 cents: Deaths 25 cents each. Adver iL,ninta tn.erted every otherweek, two-thirds f ' l ! rvh,.. Venom; handing in advertisements Amu , the period they wish them pub otherwese they will be continued until o id e nid oat, at the expense of the advertisers, JOR PRINTING. - have one of the hest Johhingnifices in the grate,' and are prepared to do any kind of Enr k in large or small orders, at as reasonable rrs and In as good style as any establishment £n the mutt rv. kit eommnnieationii shen Id he addressed to WHITMAN, Editor and Proprietor. Busintss notices. CAMPITAVREN, t••.Hro or !he Peace, Farrar Halt Rut Ming, octre4-tt. TIF,VR)" M. RIBLF.T. Attorney at Taw, Peach xtreet, !thovernlon repot, Erie. Pa. n 07287. ap.nrtent, H. (TTLFR, k•••• ,, ,0v nt Girtni,. Erie Vonntr. Pa. and ()Thor htiml nett ritt , TMed to with onrtnr.. and 111.yrtleb. SET , DENf,,ARVIN. • ,ne,nr.r t Mervin, Attonleva and Connaeflora T A w, Offleo Paragon Block, near North West ~,ter or the Public. Wituire, Erle, EAfTLF, Waterfoni, Pa., Robert LeAlb.. Proprietor. a,commodatlona and careful attention riven' to the comfort of gueata, BRAWLEY h BALI MMMA, Cherry Ash, s!nr.t hn , l Cl3lc T,umber, Lath an4Elhickeles. state htre,t, North of R. R. 'Depot, Erts,, mr2-:tf. dc DARLING. ` , 1".1..1ar0k and Rur¢ean>•. Office, 4001 Peach .t, •onthwefit corner of Sixth. ()Mee open and night. Dr. • Whillrlln'n remhion'ee 914 xr,-00 %tre.t, between IClnth and Tenth streets. ms:-ti. (IF.O. W. (41.7NNTRON, ka. , rner at Law, and..Tn‘tiee of the Peaee, Pen4lnit and.Clatrn Agent, Conveyancer nn4 oilrrlor. Office In Rlnderneeht:a binck,snnth nat earner cif Fifth and State 'tree - fa, Erie, pa. arlDr•-tf. E. M. COLE & SON, Pink Trul.rx nn4 Blank Ronk Manufartnrent. ~ 4 •er KPyctn!le National Rank. .15,11'67-tf. Int.. O. L. ELLIOTT, Prat Dd. Nn. SOR Rtnto Rtenet,nppotito Brown's Nord, Erie, Pa. °MCP hours from 8 1 ,4 A. M. to 12 Si., and from I to 5 P. M. ocloll7-tf. SALTSMAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Anthracite. !Murat Urals and Blacksmith Coal. Office corner mcki and 12th streets, Erie, Pa. :, MALT . ..MAN. :.+eDl-tf.) R. J. fiALTSMAN. A. KING Nfalter Brewer and Dealer in' Hopp, Barley, Malt, Aim &r. Proprietor of Ale and ipr,er Breweriee and Malt Warehougest, Erie, rit j.f12'68-tf. W. E. 'MAGILL, Di.nti.t. (Mee to R,oßenzwont's Block, north wk. , of the. Park, Exle, P. If. Y. PICKERING, D. P. S., Dentist. Office, French street, Recon4 story qterrett'g Block, near the corner of the Reed FtOIISP. oetlg. HORKINSON, WILLIA.MS & CO., Sun-es/nom to George 3. Morton, Commbution Morchante and Wholesale Dealers In Coal. Agenta torsi. Y.& E. and People'a Line of fiteam rot, East Public Dock, Erie, Pa. Ja4'Bs. FRANK WINCHF.LL h CO., Auction and Comm button Merchants, and Real Estate Agehts, 532 State street (corner Ninth,) , Frio, Pa, Advances made on consignments. Country Vendues attended to In any part of the county. MAIM wINCTIELL. apVC-Iy. MARKA, • Tailor and Clothes Cleaner. Pnlen Ft/oak, shove Dr. Bennett's'oMee. Clothes made, clean .ad and repaired on short notice. Terms as reh lonable as any. inrra. THEO. C. SPEI4CER.. ROGER SHERMAN. SPENCER & SHERMAN, Attorneys at Law, Franklin, Pa. OffICA in Kerr's building, Liberty street. Pithnle City, Pa. —office over Kemp's Rank, Hamden street. collections promptly made In nil parts of the nit regions. Jal2. NOBLY:, BROWN dr. CO., Wh,,leartle dealers - In harts and 'oft coal, Erie, P. Having filipmed of our dock property to :he shove named firm, we necessarily retire from thc coal trede, recommending our folccefgfors hot eminently worthy of the confidence and patron ace of our old friends and the puhl lc. ja9b,-11. SCOTT', RANKIN & CO. iAMI Fashionable Tailor,Fifth *tree% between State shi Peach, Pa. Custom Work. : Repairing sad rutting attended to promptly.' npl9 66-tf. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE, Corner of French and Seventh streets. Yirte, R proprietors . Renner & Johnson pprietors. G ood lhorses and carriages_ always on hand at moderate pnres, jyl2-tf. ARNISTRONO & CO., succe‘Fort to Walker & Armstrong. Whole• , ale and Retail Dealer+ to Anthracite and truninong Coat•, Wood, Iron Ore, Ike. Ordee M. ie. corner of Twelfth and Myrtle streets. Poet Oflice, Lock Box 53, Erie, Pa. [dC/9-tf.l 1. vou.l.lslmitz, i•HAYIN 5 . I:UtRE:TT, I r rv,lrkng and Anrgeorm. ()Mi.,. Nn. 10 Noble ()encl. nron Inv and nizht. 1)r. Rarretni Nn...a.Wkt..sth St. myll3ll74y* FIF.NNETr HOI'RE Union Mille, Erie Ca., Pa., George Taber, Pr”prietnr. Good sicromrnodationa and made late ehnrgem. - myirtlT-tf. (11P.O. C._I3ENNFIT, M. 17 Pl*rician and fiurgeon: 01lice. Ent Park St., ' , err Harendieleg flour atrtre,—boards at the ree "ilen,e of C. W. Kelm). al eloor mouth of the M. E. ll'creh, on riansafraa atreet. Office !mum :ram 11 a. m. until 2 p. rn. ilYeal-tf. AL' Naler fa all kind), of Family' Groceriem and 1.- nvionnv,Fitnne Ware. &c., and wholevile deal “F In Wines,Liquora, Cigars, Tobacco, &c.. No. 26 fmt Fah stre.4, Erie, Pa. jetV67-U. r J. FRASF.R., M. D., Hormrpadn, Phypdrian and Surgeon. Ottra and Renidenee tet Peach Ht., opposite the Park Rouse. nuk e hours from 10 to 111 a. mx.,.1 , to sp. m., and p. JOHN H. 'MILLAR, Civil F.agineer and Rnrveyor. Rea!donee cor ner Rlxth street and East Avenue, East Erie. 141'67. NEW STORE John Cronenberger, at the new brick stone, rAti , Village, has on band a large assortment Oa:Aeries, Provisions, Wood and WllloW Wire, Wines, Liquors, Begurs„ /Ye., to which he Tlpmttully calla the attention of the public, minne , l that he can offer as good bargains as ma be had in any part. of Erie county. air. 1766 ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, MRIE. MANTFACTEISEBB OY The Bradley Engine ! A New Ccalpoond or Doable Cylinder .Engine, Which csEs THE &TEAM TWICE. And ts Warranted to give TIM TO ONE HUNDRED PER CUT. ?tore pow er th at , a Single C. linder• Engine into& the .ame amount of &team igEl3l ENGINES AND BOILERS ! OF ALL STYLES. OIL STILLS AND TANKS ! Of all Dascliptions. 01 RClULA6.1Et SAWMILLS t !MEAD WlLOalia. det4 TUR:.:.ER1E.,...'. - .OE-.SERVER: VOL. 38. StocrtitoA3tobuce, Scutt. Fcc. The Old Grocery Stand ! CRAIG & 31/MHALL, At the well known stand, No. 24 West Park, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS, OHS, ASC. Agents for the sale of - \ - POWDER, COTTON FUSE, Gun Cason, Sce. Haring thoroughly refitted the above store sad stocked It with one of the FINEST . LOT OF GOODS Ever brought to Erie, we are now prepared to supply all the wants or the public Defy Conipetition! Tests, Coffees, CANNED FRUITS, AC., A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of all the articles usually kept in a nrst-class Grocery—all fresh. and at the ' - Lowest Market Price i EMEIMII We intend to keep an establishment at which our cuntomeracari always rely upon proewing what they want, and will warrant our charges to be as moderate as any More to the city. Olve nil a trial, arid see for youraelveg. CHEAP GOODS ! Wholesale and Retail • GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS. • F. SCFLLA.IIDECTMR, succemor to F. & SI. Aohlandee.ker, L now re calving a splendid assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, Liquors, Willow, Wooden and Stone Ware Fruits, Nuts, &c.. A large stock of TOBACCO AND C I GARS, Call and see us, at the arovery lieadquarters, American Block, State St., Erie, Pa. ruy9'B7-tf. F. SCFILAUDECEER. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Stnee. P. A. BECKER'&, CO., WHOLLNALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-FAA Ontier Park and French (Camara/DE.) Would reapeetfully call the attention of thatiam r ; • muulty to their large stook of Groceries and Provisions, 1 4 Which they arerdealroaa testa! at TUE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Sugars. Coffees, Teas, Syrups, le not surpassed In the dty. ea theyare Prepared to pram to all who alive them a mll.l They also keep on hand a superior tot Of PURE LIQUORS, • for the wholesale trade, •to which they direct the attention of the public. Their motto li, "Quick sales, Small profits and a full equivalent for the money." apIIVI-Lt. M. V. WORDEN Ar. CO.; Would reepectiltUy artoonnee that they have opened a store at No. 428 Preach St., Waves 4th and ith, ERIE, PA.. For tl . lB purchase and sale of , ALL RINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE. nutter. Poultry, Milk. ate.. Orders from abroad will reoelse prompt ig nition at the lowest market Prices. Sir do The highest price In 'Cash paid for Pro. es. anl,ol-ct. i NOTICE. HAWAII aold cow =tine stock a Furniture I.OJ. W. Ayres, we hereby thank the com munity tar their liberal patmetake to ual i ghiii they will =tend the same to him. We de vote our time he to the UNDERTMaNG BUSINESS ! With the consent of W. Ayres we a= hold our once in the same °Wigan% 715 State where will be iceman at an Croa t ready to= to the wants of the ecanzntunty In oor Ulm e. trade. Ready Made Comae 2 Trimmed to order. MetalUe and Iron Burial Oases, o sad f all styles and alms, on hand also, Ellwood (Wan Und Trimmings. ertakers will And it to *dr advantage to boy them m us, as ws 7 - 1 7. MO cannot be undersold OSE 411 westof New =FILET T. $1451. Tog PRINTING ot ewer, kind, la huge or moan quaatittak plata or eoloral, doae the bees Otte. sad at moderate priest, at the Observer Mee. TOE MINTING of ovary kind, In large or ama4tltlne, Nate or colored. iloor In ti fiend a , t - ie rfleee..erene Dealers la at priees that OVR STOCK. OF Sugars, Syrups, is ualsurpassek Jal6.3m. Their assortment of TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Dm &Jobs. NV11(31..E.E4A1.1 7 1. DRY, GOODS STORE, 423 STATE STREET, ERIE. PA. Southard & McCord, JOBBERS TN TORIt -ODDS NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &C Oar stork is the largret ever brought to the My, emulating of. PELNTS, DELAINES, SITXS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERESI, • BLEACHED & BROWN MEETINGS, A complete assortment of Dress Goods, every land of article In the Notion Line, and, to short, a gener aldeale assortment of everything needed by Country rs. ' TO 13F t AOLD AT NEW 'YORK PRICES T. " Country Dwdens are Invited to give us a call. We do a strictly wholesale trade, and propose seUlng at such priced as will Make It to the ad, vantage of merchants In this section to deal In Erie, instead at sending East for their goods. . I!. & itOOTIVian. nay24-tf. OLDEST . SST Carpet & Dry Goods House IN N: W. PENNSYLVANIA A complete stock of Sheeting", Prints, Linens, Cloth, Backings, Flannels, Irish and wrench Poplins, Mobairs, Alpacas, Delainesstc, Also, WRITE G1C14:11313,, .11400.313E1We GLOVES AIR NOTIONS, CaWand get prices befiire purchasing. WARNER 13R05., apr3l37-Iy. NO. GOB Marble Front, hate 13t. 512 O , I4TATE 6TIII MIC. Dry ,Gooffia: Dry lio.ods! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! The largest sail beet stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, LINENS, , Cloths, Cictakings, DeWiles, Alpacas, Leone, 3iohairs, Silks, Mack and Colored Thihlt, Cashmere, 'Mk, Broths and Paisley _ Shawls, White Goods. Hosiery, Notions ; de., Etc. Goods marked down to - meet the market. No trouble to &bow goods. Call and examine. ' rorZNIT-17. ROSENZWEIG & BRO. o. P. roA.vxs &. co., - Dealers la all kinds of j GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PILOITUDONB, Fifth Street, between State ant French, ERIE, PA. Having purchased our goods before the late rime in place, ve feel confident of being able to give leason both in Price and quality. Country Produce, • Of every sort, bought and sold. Farmers mu always depend on receiving the highest market price for their articles. DEALERS IN TAE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Line!' of Railroad, SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT, VEGETABLES, &C. Give nii . ; Call. Remember May & Jackson's Market Depot FIFTH STREET. For the Holidays! • WATCHES, . DIAMONDS, - JEWELRY, • Silver & Plated Ware ! The largest assortment to town, at voices that DEFY COMPETITION ! Do not hal to call on • MANN & FISHER, No. 2 Reed Block. Two doors Kent of malt entrance. • - nol4-tt. Dissolution. TE CO-PkETNERSITIP heretofore existing between the undersigned In the Planing 117, Door, Bash and Blind bus iness, under the firm name coun t Boots was diseased by mutual on the 21st day of Ju ne 1 The business will be continued by Jacob Boots, who Is authorised to settle all the accounts of the late firm. JACOB ANTONY BCN ATZTN. OER. The undersigned, intending to continue the above business, at the old stand, west side of Peach. between 12th and 13th streets, desires to call the attention of the public to his facilities for supplying them with anything in his line. Lumber planed to order, and scroll sawing of all kinds done.. Sash. Doors and Blinds furn ished to order. All kinds of Lumber on hand, together with Shingles and Lath. fat eve rything that is usually dealt in or o ne at first claa establishments of the kind. ThaukiW for past kind favors, I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same. - ocl7-em• JAMS BOOT& F. A.' WEI3EII. & CO.. Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINE% LIQI7OIIB, SE('►RA, Tobseco, • Crockery Ware. Fruits. Nut; &c., No. 1511444tate Street. West side, between Bth and Bth Streets, Erie, Pa. Otati pall tbr connt27 Produce. F. A. WEBER. EnyOli-tt. W. ERHART JOHN .13A1‘Iralail). DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES! Tea,Oabe saga*. Moleasee, Flour, York, _Flan. Name. in generally, Coun try PrOdUee. and Cages , Wood. Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco sad Sew% Fir=ng Tackle, *c. - 421 State Street. Erie. Pa. Private Fatedlles and Hotels supplied. Goode delivered. Irt. , IIACCO AND CIGARS. The place to nu a geff t a n ch d Cigars is a t oice articl of Tobacco, S Z. R. WELEUEIWriII 1818 PEACH EN" South of the Uolon Depot. always on hand a good assortment of the above articles of every grade. wholesale Said re. tall Also, Pipes, Pouches, Boxes and Smokers' Articles of every deseriPlease favor with a call. Don't fung te e the place, MS Peac me h street/ nir2C67-IY. Auditor's NoUre. E. Cooper,l In the Court of Common va. Pleas of Erie Co. No. 272 Nov. 13am'i Mahan, Jr. term, LW. Venditioni Er. And now, Dee. 1307„ on motion. G. W. Gun nison, Faq., appointed auditor. CURIAL Notice la hereby given to an PER parties intensit ed that I will attend to the duties of my ap pointment on Friday, January 3d. at 2 p. m., at my alike in Erie, No. 502 State street. deel2-3w. GM W. GUNNISON, Auditor. • Stare for Bent. STOKE now occupied by Southard s McCord en State street, tar rent. Apply to D. H. C .11441w 4 lig Went YouitiviStrast, 11033810 IigLANIEEITS Sidling M ob . tadia. J. 81111)1111111 ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, ,FEBRUARY. 20, 1868. . - Address to the Serrano and Debilitated whose sufferings have been protracted .from hidden causes and whose cases require pronipt treatment to render exigence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary disehrirgee, what effect does it produce upon your general health? DO you feel weak, debili tated, easily tired? Does a little exertion pro duce palpitation of the heart? ' Does your liver or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, lioelry, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the - top Or is n iiediment at the bottom after It has stood awhile? Do you have spell. of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your, boWels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind con stantly dwelling upon this subject? /top= feel dull, listicas, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does emy• little thing make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? /a the lustre of youreye ea brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright! Doyen enjoy yourself_ in society as well Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much eonddenee In yourself?, Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to Mao( melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restlesit nights? 'rope back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver com plaints? sow, reader, sel t-abuSe, venereal diseases bad ly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness Qf the generative organs. of generation, when la perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? Yon never hears such men complain of being melancholy, of nervous. ness, of palpitation of the heart. They are nev er afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and diseourtiged ; they are al ways polite and pleasant in the company of la,- dies, and look you and them right in the ace-- none of your downcast looks many other mean ness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by miming to exams. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do husines with or for. How many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of seleabine and excesSes, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce elmiet every other disease— idiocy, lunacy': rontiriis, spinal affections ; sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is bete to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely e'er saspeeted, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of - theee organs require the use of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SUCH - Uhl the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav el, Dropsy, Organic 'Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of bow icing standing. If no treatment is submitted to Consump tion or Insanity may ,ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported trims these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of posterity, depends, upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Helmbold's fttistet Bach% established up- wand of 18 years, prepared by IL T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, & Broadway, Now York, and 104 South.loth Street. Philadelphia. • Pince-81.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 14.50, delivered to any address. Sold by , all Druggists everywhere. n 02,17. A Card to the Ladles.— DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, In Correcting Imam!Arnim, Removing Ob structions of the Monthly Turns, from whatev er cause, and always immessful si a prevents tlve. ONE BOX IB BIIFFICIMirT In removing obstruction and restoring nature to its proper channel, quieting the nerves and bringing back the "rosy color of health" to the cheek of the moat delicate. . Fail and explicit 4:Unctions accompany each box. Price $1 per box, ilk boxes $5. Sold by one druggist to every town, village, city and hamlet throughout* the world. Sold in Erie by J. 13. CARVER & CO., druggists, sole agents for the city. Ladies by sending them 11 through the Post Office, can have the pills sent (eonfidentlally)by mail to any part of the country, free of postage M. D. ROWE, Sole Proprietor, myiro7-Iy. New York. I NSW PFINTILE FOB TIM ILINITISIStainiL rho "Night Illawashes Cereus. ll fballswes °nibs Bleinalas Catees.r, Plhalioshi ••• nibs Blimeafs. Ceres.++ IPhatimi's . 6 411611 it BlMmlas Coress.§, NoludosOs •. Ugbs Blarelse Cr/grimy! A mod excialrite. dramas, mad Preirear Neaps*. dint Led trots the rare mod toreatthil newer frau whirl It rakes its name. ktazstactu.d only by PEIRLON * NOl. New Telt. - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S-.TAKE NO OTHER. Errors oftotteb..--A gentleman who stiffer ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the eftl.cts of youthful indiscre tion, will, for the make of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and dl• rections for making themimple remedy by which he woe cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experlence,can done by addressing, In perfect conadence, JOHN B. OGDEN, my18137-Iy. 42 Cedar St., New York. To Coassf.mptiVis.,—The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who de sire It, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he wai red of a lung affection and that dread disease t.vosumption. His only object is to ben efit the - afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as It will mat them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad dress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, . No. 145 South Second Street, rayl6'67-Iy. Williainsburgh, N. Y. lafarmatiers.—lnformation guaranteed . to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the re moval of pimples, Blotches, BMWens, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beau tiful, can be obtained withoutchaamby address- Lug THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist, mylErB7-Iy. P. Broadway, New York. R. .9z W. .TEDEILiNSON, Manatletarers aid Wholesale Dealers in TOBACCO , smuts. • SNVPF, PE.113 • :10. 8 Fedeal ED... Allestieoy OM Third door town Saspensloa Bridge, febl2lS-1.7. WWI of the Big Indian. . Warrant in Bankruptcy. rrMS lii TO GIVE NOTICE thrit on theiTriddai of January, A. D 1088,a Warrant in Bank rap w as Issued n enst the estate of Gordon .1. M of Gi in the' county of Erie, S bankrupt nsyln who has been adjudged aon his own petition ; That th e of any debts and delivery of any propert belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of . his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt• cy, to be holden at the office of 8. E. Woodruff, in the borough of Girard, in the county of Erie, and State of Penn'a. before & E. WoodrufT,A-w -ister,. on the 21st day of March, A. D., MS, at 10 o'clock, A. M. TUOMAS A. ROWLEY, C. N. Marshal for said District. • By G. P.Tavis, Dpt. U. 8. Marshal. • ja.lo-4w. - JOHN GEMHEINER & SON, mama ur Clothing and Gent% Furnishing GOOds I ammt, OF szmnit mu= " .E111,113..11.4.4 MEAT C SLITSAGE STIIFPXII,I! ditnfeWl *penal flatters. FOR FEMAU'z:*3 Of the best Mad. a& Plain Talk for the Times! Beal! amass. Bead!!! THE ALL-IMPORTANT DUTY of EVERY DEMOCRAT! A few months more and the. Presidential campaign will open in all its Apr, with can didates in the field representing the distinct ive issues of each Political organization, and committed plainly and unequivocally to their interests. Oa both sides active preparations are be ing made for the struggle, and it will un doubtedly be one of the most fiercely con tested in the history of the nation.• Every indication of the times points to the most stubborn and unscrupulous resistance on the part of the Radicals against the efforts of the people to wrest froM them the lawless power which they have seized to uphold their base purposes• The Detriocratic party begins the campaign under the most auspicious circumstances, with a conddence In success, an enthusiasm for the cause, and a vigorous 'self reliance ,- has not been experienced in many years. The late elections show conclusively that a vast majority of the nation are ready to es pouse our standard if we only prove faithful to our creed, and continue to stand firmly by the interests of the country. But to make victory certain something more is necessary than mere dependence up on the truth of oar principles. In the flush of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what a vigilant enemy we have to 'overcome, and .what desperate measures he is apt to resort to to attain his entla. battim, like those of a more bloody nature, depend for their re sults more on the skill,courage, determination and energy of the contesting foes than upon the sacredness of their cause, or the convictions of the participate. The Democracy of America have always stood forth as devotedly attached to the Union, the Constitution, and the wel fare of the country as they do to-day, yet for seven years they have been divested of power, and it is only when the people are, aroused from their delusion by the imperilled condition of the public interests, that they have again returned to us that confidence which it would have been well if they had never parted with. • The tillimpokant necessity of the day, on the part of our political friends 14—work I wont!! WORK! !'! We must be thoroughly organized and pre pared for the campaign. Eveery man must consider that he owes a personal duly in the matter, as indeed he does, for there is no one so humble, but he is in some way more or less concerned ill the Wines at stake. All the districts must be canvassed, so that we may know where it will be most advantageous to employ our energies. The young men must be encouraged to letuLa helping hand. Those who have been led easy must be brought back to the fold, and Democratic arguments placed in their reach; that they may know the distinctive questions which divide par ties, and no longer be misled by the wiles and falsehoods of the Opposition. What we have said before we now reiter ate, and intend ' reiterating, until we have waked the Democracy ;up to a full conscious ness of its truth, that the most effective weapon towards success is the wide distraut lion of sound and straightforward local news papers. . One good journal in a family Will do more towards moulding its politwai convictions than all other !affiances, and fifty copieicir culated in any, locality for six months will accomplish more efficient service than a doz en costly mass meetings. The Democratic party has never displayed that zeal in supporting its press that it need ed, and to that cause, as much as anything else, may be attributed its misfortunes during the last ten years. In all sections of the country—even in the midst of -the strongest Democratic localities—the Radical press is more liberally sustained than ours, and in many places the contrast is so great as al most to amount to a disgrace:* The time has come for these things to be changed, and for the Democratic party to enter upon a new method of warfare. Our paper's ought to be spread broadcast ever the. land, and take the place of those which are now defiling the minds of the young and filling them with wrong ideas of Republican liberty. Our public Men should avail them selves of every opportunity that offers to im press the importance of. these views on the attention of the masses. Our local leaders should. make a point of devoting whatever spare time they can towards strengthening their county organs by procuring their friend.' and neighbors' patronage. • The low price of TWO DOLLARS per year at which the Observer is now offered, if paid in adeanes, ought to ensure the doub ling of our subscription list Inside of the nest six months. But to place it within the reach of an, we offer to take viz nunath subteripttona at ONE DOLLAR in advance, with the_ privilege of commencing at any , period desired, and of continuing the paper at the same rate for the balance of the year if desired. the time to begin the work, before the spring operations set in, and while voters have time to read, and reflect over the facts presented to them. Let it not be delayed . under the impression that the matter can be as well attended to by-and-by. More ad vantageous work can be rendered during the next tWo months than can be performed dur ing the entire balance of the campaign. A six months' subscription commencing within the nest two' months, will continue until near the close of the campaign, and havean immense influence over the mind of the vo ter who peruses the paper. We earnestly urge this important matter upon our friends as by all odds the most re liable meant of helping the cause. Let every one of our present ottbseriberß see his Democratic neighbor at on and if he is not a patron iilrealy, induce h t ri co sub. scribe for six monthai if •he =got for a year. - . Let those who can afford it; send copies to hesitating voters, who may, be influenced to support our candidates at the next election. Let cider be established and procure ten, twenty or fifty copies for flee distribution wherever there is likely to be a vote gained. Let this be the grand Preparatory work 'of the campaign, and be assured that whenever other means are necessary there will be found an abundance of ready helpers for every part requirid. We intend that, be the result of the con test what it may, no one shall have the op portunity to complain that we have failed to MUM our complete ditty in the canvass. The Observer for_ the next year will be more vigorous and outspoken than in any previous portion of its career; will contain more reading matter ; and it shall be our constant aim to present such material as will be productive of the most beneficial results. :We only ask for such ccooperition as we have a right to expect, and if tht Democra cy of the North-West aie impelled by one half car zeal aid confidence, we promise each a verdict in this section as will gladden the hearts of our friends throughout the jalll4. TUE THINGS TILT RZVIit DIE. The pure, the bright, The tiesutiful, - - That stirred our hearts in youth, The impulse to a wordless prayer, The dreams of love skid truth ; The longings after something lost, Thespirit's yearning cry, • The striving after better hopes, These things can never die. The timid hand stretched forth to aid A brother in his need, The kindly word In grief's dark hour That proves a friend indeed— The plea of mercy softly breathed. When justice threatens high, The sorrows of a contrite heart— These things shall never die. The memory of a clasping hand, The pressure of a kiss, ' And all the trifles, sweet and frail, - That make up love's first bliss ; If with a firm, unchanging faith; And holy trust and high, Those hands have. clasped, those lips have met, ' Those things shall never die. The cruel and the bitter word, That wounded as it fell; ' The chilling want of sympathy, We feel, but never tell The hard.repulse, that chills the heart • Whose hopes were bounding high, In an unfading record kept, These things shall never die. Let nothing.pass, for every band . Must find some work to do ; Loge' not a chance to waken love— Be firm, be just, and.true; Bo shall a light that cannot fade Beam on thee from on high, And angel voices say to thee— These things shall never die. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION. A Correct Account of the 'Mysterious Female Nan. (Prom the Broadhead (Wis.) Independent. Feb ruary Ist.] About the year 18 , - Al there moved to this village a family by the name of Burnham, consisting of Dr. M. L Burnham, his wife, and two children, a daughter aged 16, and a son three orfour years younger. Mr. Burn ham was a man of some property and of the highest respectability. The family soon be came active members of our village society, the Doctor being an active member and one of the deacons of the Congregational Church. Dr. Burnham was a well-read physician, and did some practlie 1n addition to keeping a drugstore, in which Ms daughter, Ellen, as-, sisted him as a cletik for the first two years of the Doctor's residence here. MIS Ellen Burnham was by no means beautiful. Her hair and eyes were dark ; features regular, but rather coarse and masculine; form tall, square-shouldered and wanting in that grace of outline that inspires admiration. If a stranger were tempted to look at her the sec ond time ; it would be with surprise at the strong, masculine appearance unnatural to a woman, especially one so young. • Miss Burnham was not a favorite with our young men, nor did sbe.seem anxious to be. Her time outside of her domestic duties, was devoted to instrumental music and to horse back-riding, in both of which she was decid edly accomplished. Her, life for the four years subsequent to 1856 was not unllltethat of other young ladies of the place. She had a large class,mostly of young ,girls,whom she instructed in instrumental music. In the fall of 1858, a young man by the name of Powell tame here and was employed as principal of our village school. Powell resigned the lead ership of the school in the spring of 1859, and started the Reporter, the first paper published in-our village. During that summer he be came intimate with the family of Dr. Burn ham, and became engaged to Miss Burnham in the fall following. he engagement soon became known outside of the family. The only surprise excited on account of it was at the taste of Mr. Powell in selecting a girl of such masculine appearance. Miss Burn ham'il parents seemed particularly pleased at the prospective marriage of their daughter, whom they believed well qualified to make a good wife for an editor. In February, 1860, L W. Powell and Miss Ellen Burnham were married by Rev, Mr. Cochran, the Congrega tional minister. The happy couple took a short bridal tour, preparatory to settling down for life. Alter an absence of a week they returned to the residence'of the - bride's parents, who, in bon er of their daughter's marriage, skist out In to large numbers of our citizens to wekcome 'the bride and groom. We were present at this wedding party, and could not but think that both the bride and groom ap peared remarkably solemn. We did not kiss the bride, although that was the fashion. Our objections to the, kissing part of the programme were a dislike to come in con tact with an unusually heavy and black moustache which marred the upper lip of the bride. Mrs. Powell became more and • more mas culine in her appearance as she gred older. She took a case in the Reporter office, 'and learned the printer's trade rapidly. And in a short lime she proved to be the best jour in the office. She also took to smoking,in the cultivation of which habit she proved herself to be a printer. In the spring of 1861, when Powell had been married about a year and a half, the 7th Wisconsin regimen; was organized.. Pow ell's wife not having presented him with an heir to nuke home doubly pleasant he re solved to go to the war. He sought, and through the influence of ffiends, obtained the appointment of State agent or "wet nurse" for the 7th, then ordered to Washington. Mrs. Powell, being of a tough and hardy make, resolved to amompany her husband to the &out No objection being raised, she fit ted herself out and went to Washington. The regiment was for a time detained at Washington, and Mrs. Powell made herself happy by working up that moral town. A few weeks after her arrival, while she was riding on horse-back one day, her masculine appearance attracted the attention of a Gov ernment detective, who made up his mind that Sirs. Powell was a man and a rebel spy. The detective followed her about the city and to her quarters: He dogged her steps for several days, until, just before the regi ment was ordered off, Mrs. Powell took it in to her head tb return to Broadhead. She packed up her rig, took leaveof her husband and the regiment, and started for home. The detective accompanied her to Chicago on the same train, and at the Briggs House, where the lady booked her name, he placed her un der arrest as a rebel in dis guise.. In vain she claimed to be a woman and the wife of a member of thelth • regiment. She celled in the landlady, who asserted that she had seen Mrs. Powell at the house before. Mrs. Pow ell finally induced the detective to telegraph to Gov. Randall, of this State, 'and to her husband at Washington. : Governor Randall telegraphed back that there was such a lady. A similar telegram arrived from Washing ton, and the detective released her and re turned to Washington. In a few days, Mr. Powell reached Chicago, and the unhappy couple made their way home to this village. Language cannot describe the feelings of this unhappy pair. Hardly over the first flush of connubial felicity, and the wile had become an object of suspicion to strangers, and was in constant danger of being arrested as a man. They remained here a few days, when Mrs. Powell informed her parents that she was going to visit her relations east. The fond parents, little dreaming of the. arrest and subsequent Scenes at the Briggs House, urged her to remain and replenish her ward robe. She readily answered that ihe could procure more becoming and stylish garments at the east Atter her departure, Mr. Powell procured some cloth, and went to Mr. Moon ey; one of our tailors, and informed him that he wished to present his brother with a suit of clothes. He informed the tailor that his garments fitted his brother, and a suit made to .fit him would be just the thing. The clothes were made and expressed to Chicago. Soon after Mr. Powell informed Dr. Burn ham, the father of his. wife, that, Ellen had changed her dress,. and was now wearing" man's attire, and living in Chicago. The Doctor was thunderstruck, and the mother half crazy. The only satisfaction they could get out of Powell was, that his wife was not a woman, and would not dress u a woman any longer.. The Doctor requested Mr. Pow ell to accompany him, and they immediately went to Chicago, where he found his,daugh ter dresired in a suit of clothes which Mr. P. had had made for his brother. Mrs. Powell intbrmed her father that she was not a wo man, and'irould no longer U to act the part of one. The Doctor insisted upon an exam ination.: At length, to satisfy Mr M , litunham,i she consented that the late D. Brainard' should examine her. Dr. Brainard did so,l and informed the father that his daughter was not a female, and had done the beat thing to be done in clogging her attire. At ter much sulk:Maim. Ellen permitted her Meer to exandee her and slab* kinnelf that she was not a woman. Dr. Bambara then procured a situation for her under the name of Edgar Burnham, in the 'wholesale drug house oFJ. H. Reed & Co., in whose employ he remained about one year. • During this time he roomed and slept With a young man by the name of Andrews, now iloing business in Crosby's Opera House block. He also became engaged to a young lady on State 'Meet, the daughter of his landlady. We frequently visited young Burnham at his room on Washington street, being our• selves at that time in the law office of Meech & Redfield, then officing on Dearborn street Young Burnham made up in appearance as a man of all the beauty and grace he lacked as a woman. Chicago had few better look ing young Men than the former Mrs. PowelL He was a portion of this time organist at the _Plymouth church, Rev. J. R. Shepherd, pas tor, and for a time organist of one of the Bap tist churches. We were particularly amused 1 at his hearty admiration of the girls. He would leave his piano or work any time to look at a woman. In 1863 young Burnham returned to Broadhead, and went into the drug business with his father. He was at this time engaged to the State street lady, who was entirely ignorant of the story of her lover's life. We have it from the best au thority--a young man who resided in the family of the young lady—that Burnham was a devoted lover, and, even after he removed to Broadhead, corresponded regularly twice a week with his - betrothed, and paid her visits of two or three days duration. After hiS removal to Broadhead, he was a decided favorite in the society here, both on account of his good looks and his skill as a musician. Men, women and children flocked to the drug-store of Burnham & Son to trade, for the cake of seeing thC young man who was once a wife. At length Dr. Mumham sold out his pro perty here in 1864 and removed to Waterloo, lowa, taking Edgar .with him, and there opened a drug store. Soon after the remov al 'of the family to Waterloo, Edgar sought arid obtained in marriage the hand of Miss Gerta Everette, one of the prettiest girls in Spring Valley, Rork county, Wis. The Chi cago engagement had been broken off. They have now been married about three years, and living at Waterloo. They have no children as yet, all stories to the contrary notwithstanding. Should they ever have children, or either of them, we shall make haste to inform our readers of the fact. It is simply ridiculous to suppose that Ed•. gar Burnham waa ever a mother, and quite as insane to believe that he can be a father, From the best of authority, namely, from Mr. Powell, and from the summon who ex amined him, we know that Edgar Burnham is an It, and will never be anything else. It is due to the young lady to whom he was en gaged in Chicago to say that she never knew the make-up of her lover from first to last, and that the engagement was broken off by her before his history became known. Miss Everette, his present wife, knew the facts of this remarkable case, substantially as we have related them, and married It will ingly of her own accord and against the wish es of her parents. She undoubtedly knows the facts more definitely now than we do, and can comfort .herself accordingly. We wish h^r joy of her union with an It, it there is any joy in it. The Irish. From the VlLlmkorton (N. C.) Journal.] Since the Honorable Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, whois somewhat knotin by his anceessfid efforts in the "taking off" of Mrs. Sorra% has said that the negroes are as well qualified to vote as those who have been brought up at the tail of a wheelbarrow--meaning by this allusion the Irish—it has become very popu lar to repeat the alaiater by the apologists of negro suffrage, even in the South. It can only be believed by the ignorant and repeated by the depraved The Land We Love, in its last issue, thus refers to Mr. Bingham's comparison of the Irish and Africanraces : Does he•know that Wellington, the great est soldier of Great Britain, way an Irishman ? That the sweetest poet of the English lan guage was Moore, an Irishman ? That, ac cording to Walter Scott, the most vigorous writer of pure idiomatic English was Swift, an Irishman? That thegreatest British states man was Burke, an Irishman': Does he know What Byron said of Sheridan, the Irishman, "He has written the best comedy, the best farce, the best address in the English tongue, and, to crown all, he has delivered the very best oration ever conceived or heard of in any country ?" -It may be sonic rebuke to Mr. B.'s RadicaTimpuderice to tell hint that the profoundest sensation ever made in the British Parliament was caused by the speech ? es of those two Irishmen. , Burke and Sheri dan, during the trial of Warren Hastings, The great bummer Hastings had just brought to a successful conclusion the conquest of India. - He had swept over that unhappy region in the style most popular even in the sixteenth century, stealing, plundering, burn ing and murdering. Like a modern hero, he endeared war to the heart of the conquering nation by making war support itself, and by furnishing dainty material for illustrated pic torials of the suffering and humiliation of the conquered people. He was therethrelisisted and honored,' and was the Magnus Apollo, the adored idol of the British populace. But in this very hour of his triumph and his pop• ularity, these two generous Irishmen had the heart to sympathize with the wronged and oppressed; still better, they had the courage to denounce the demi , god and bring him to trial. It was the Begum speech of Sheridan, delivered on the occasion of the impeachment, which Byron pronounced to be the master effort of British oratory_ Will it be worth while to tell Radical stu pidity of those world-renowned Irish writers Sterne, Steele-and Goldsmith? Gf Shee, the Irish poet and painter, President of the Roy al Aetidemy? Of the great oriental scholar. Shea, the Irishman? Of the long line of em inent orators. barristers, statesmen and jurists —Curran, Grattan, Lord Plunket, Sattrin, O'Connel, shiel, ? Has this Radical ignoramus ever heard of poor Etturter? If not, we refer him to the school hooks. Has he ever heard of Bishop Arelibishop Usher—all Irishmen, and the last author offs chronology of the Bible ? Does he know that the.great French philosopher said of Robert Boyle, the Irishman, "Without Robert Boyle we-would know nothing," Does he know that one of the most em inent of the British Surgeons was Abernethy, the Irishman? Does he know that the first Commodore in the American navy was .101 m Parry,the Irish man, whom the English tried to bribe with $OO,OOO in money and the Captaincy of an English frigate ? If the honorable gentle:tem can mention a single name among the descendants front Guinea, Congo and Ashante, which will bear comparison with any one of those given above, then we will believe that Itadical ignorance Is not so great 'as Radical wicked ness. A Negro Juror. - The following scene actually occurred in one of the North Carolina court+ recently : Scene, a Superior Conrt in ,u ion in North Carolina. Dittrn+l l . , Perir,nol., Ne gro on the jury, and courmel ot ; jeetini to his competency. Causidicus ,(tog.)—"Sam, are yon' K free holder ?" Timbuctoo—"Yea, aur." "Have you any land r. "No, sur." • "What do you mean, then. i. FA% ng you are a freeholder?" "I means bein' free and 11 , .1.1kre on and all dat." "What is a verdict, Sant t "I dun know, aur." "What is a defendant ?' "I dun know, sue; rse gram 'hunt dew, tings." Counsel -: I submit to your honor that this negro is utterly incompetent. - Let General jury order bei der be read. It is read, and ito positively It the negro in question, and all other lilse in North Carolina, that the poor .1‘1.1 . .., who would be pricked from his ben..., !be bayonet did be do'otherwl.e, is t ,rre i .1.. de cide for the competency, and 1't.,1:,.t.500, with his mouth wide open, i+ ,w,ra in. And this, gentle reader, is the t.:_ con., di, the jury business in the State; of snit South Carolina, Georgia, Florid 4, m,,t,,tms, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tes, .13dge Aldrich resisted in South Catoritia. end oil went his head. Judge Reese Georgia and they trolled him • d0,: , 1 ri,k nine-pi n, Judge Ward resisted iu and not only lost his seat but came co•dr ing laid by the heels to boot. The Supreme Court resisted, and tordly it. Chief Justice...and his two brethrtm ,tre in another State earning their bread in th. , if age at the bar. "You lost two legs in the army, yo.‘ 4 ; what did you gain by It?" asked a gvdtl.-- man of a prisoner. "Simile blessedness, sir," he reillied " for after that no artuasu would saw way . Gra. Grant at Galena. Prom the 0 3**asalL.Deuxtntta We are repeatedly called upon, to common with others of our velloT alums, by letters from different parts of th• • Union, for infor mation in regard to the •odecedents, moral, social and political. a Gen. U. S. Grant, or Gen. Samuel Ulys:vt-i Grant, according to a . lath newspaper writer, who says he derives die information fr om Sam's own father, who, if he knows anything, ought to know his own, son's name. . NO, 39 Having no personal feeling against U. 8. Grant,or S. U. Grant,we haver-onsequently no objections to an answer to these queries, and to state fairly all that is known, or can be brought, forward, in regard to the political opinions of this gentleman. As to hts social and moral 'miter, we have little to say at present ; but, as to his politics, wo .have ex cellent authority to whom we can refer for proof—that is, it Gen.- Grant ever had any fixed opinions while ho resided in Galena. U. S. Grant, or 8. U. Grant, came to this city about nine years ago. His father was a resident Of Covington, Ky. bad a leather store here, and 'Was engaged, through his two sons, Orville and Simpson Grant, in the purchase of hides, which were shipped to Covington. Hither came' Ulysses, after he wandered out of the United States army, and was employed as a kind of a porter about the establishment He was equally un known to fame or society here, and so re mained until his good luck came into play with that of the Black Republican dynasty of A. Lincoln. It has been repeatedly stated that Grant voted for Douglas at then Presidential elec tion of 11360, which resulted in the triumph 'Black Old Abe and the eternal aluez!" Afraid it has been said that both he and ids brother voted for A: Lincoln. His brother did. vote the Republican ticket, but Sam did not cote at aIL He told one gentleman that if be did vote, he would prefer to do so for Bell and Everett, the Know Nothing candi dates. , To another gentleman he expressed his preference for Judge Douglas, adding however, that he did not like to oppose the wishes of tie father and brother, who were Republicans; thus exhibiting the same vas dilating course in politici that he does at present. Know Nothingism appears at all times to be his predominating political char acteristics. . - But few of our citizens knew 11. fi, or S. 11. Grant during his residence here; and it was not until the title Of General was at tached to his name that they began to in quire:- "Who and what is this Gen. Grant who is announced ass distinguished citizen of - Galena?" "We never knew him'!" "What is he—what did he do here?" Everybody seemed astonished that we "had a Bourbon among us," and had ignorantly been nursing a military-genius in oar midst, who was des tined (politically at least) . to overslaugh all competitors. • It is venerably understood that there is and has been for -some time past, in &Ct. ever since Gen. Grant loomed up in the political horizon, quite a contest or rivalry as to the particular individual who that lent Grant a helping hand—both E. B. Washbarne and Dick Yates claiming the merit of being his benefactor. It appears, that, on the breaking/out of the rebellion, U. S. or S. U. Grant, (we had bet ter-call him Sam, for short,) wii,ndered to Springfield, and obtained. temporary employ ment as a clerk or peace affintant in the office of that moral, sober and exemplary chief magistrate, Governor Richard Tates, the:: buetly atttempting to organize the militia o Illinois. It was here the first stroke of gore luck occurred to him. A regiment was bel:. organized, and Dick was about to appoit certain A. IL Colonel thereof, against w 1,.• .1 the officers of the embryo corps rel.: stoutly. "Who, then, shall I appoint" sal Excellency. "Anybody but a Trade responded the Captains and Lieutenants • em. 'There's Captain Grant; how w. • do—he's a West Pointer ?" says Dick, k • ti WWI writingat Si table in the room.) "Contee • " answered the officers, and Grant was in, • diatele commissioned by the Governor Ce • , nel of the Twenty-First Illinois regime and who,yrobably, in that capacity, was . best appointment that Dirk had made. Ulysses Sam, or Sent Ulysses, after h:•• singularly eecidental torten,. in getting the regiment:had next to raise the funds toequip himself. Hie preeent admirers were not the men to aseist him ; they seep! aloof ; although many hf .heut it the time were making mon ey out of mew contracts. He was poor ; they were rich. Ilea own fatuity refused to aid him, and•had it nut been tor the kindness of a gentleman, who was .t D etioemt, and had been-at one time connected with his father in business, he would • not have been- able to - purchase his outtiO Up to this time it is .ssid that Sam Grant, had never known E. B. W' islibume or Wash bunae known Sam, although some members of his family had politically stood by Wash burne. The Congressmau had often passed and repassed the unknowu hero in blessed ignorance of who and what he was. When and where they found out their re. spective merits is unknown to us. So also others of our citizens, who now adulate, awn • upon anti worship Grant, hailing him as the "Agamemnon' of the army, never recognized him, patronized him, or ettended to him the right 'head of fellowship until Washburne led the way ; atter he had been manufactured into a General, and then it was that he was first deemed worthy of their distinguished consideration. Such is a brief sketch of' the Galena career of "Uncle Sam" Grant, as he was wont to be called by his old emneeles in the regular ar• my. We have "naught extenuated or sot down aught in malice." His good luck in things personal has adhered to him thus fits. As we have before rein-irked, the very men who knew hitamot, who never extended to him their hands in friendship, or their hespis tality to him or his family, or even visited them—who, in flue, while 11.- was in the. humble employ of his father, under the di rection of his younger brother, gave him the cold shoulder—are now his most obsequious servants. and in conjunction with and .at the nod of E. B. Washburne, purchased and furnished for him a house at the enormous expense - of some six thousand dollars, tusk ing the whole country ring with their gene rosity. On the other band, the few who out of pity for his poverty and forlorn condition, showed him kindness, appear to have been totally forgotten by this distinguished "citi zen of Galena." We speak only of Grant in connection with this city. , Although he has shown • Chrjstian spirit in forgiving his enemies, and doing good to those who Icapitefully used him. This tact may entitle him t•i an election as an honorary member if the Young Men's Chilotian Atsociatioan, hit certainly does not fit him rot the carp of dictator over the ten Southern Statee.- or Pre-hlent of the whole Cninn.— is premised here very generally, and thef'n re those among us who - "roll the sweet morel under their lips" daily and nightly, that. 4hould Grant's good luek elect him President, our eity - of Galena will be highly benefited. ..The Cabinet, in whole, or the greater part ; it to be selected from among our citizens. The 'Hon. E. H. Wmithurne will Seeretan of Stay onr gallant aboriginal Parker Sl:eretary Interior; While our former Dem,xmitie counselor, J. A. Rawlins, will receive the Department of War. We have ev..n great it tnkeri, who might be per auaded to accept the Treasury Department, such at, the gentleman lately elected President of the tir.uit ('lot,, of fillene. in fact, we alwa fit kor tarok th.::ni , •lve.. fit) for auv position, and why 'Mould they not be reward ed for their life-long drywion to Sam Ulystes or Ulyse' Sam grants "Nortf.—This zuntlomsn w r its E. A. Col lins, Esq., then uttent. now a citizen of Davenport. lowa, a man of. wealth and high position. to whom sny. inquiries touching :lA4 matter mieht al , l - rr.Aeil, and Whole reliability will be P11(1.114 , ' I by Gen. Grant hitscwif.—Erst. CLKVF:IAN L. PIALN GE 41L.`: It. _ 1, - Kttir worthy Itsocriattn by - the Wall , of Grizzle, was drowned -•••ne• time since, and 311 search for the 10,4 1 pr ,red tmovallintr. After it hart heen in the wits borne mond''', however, it wag discovered floating on the stem.* and taken to the :.,:tore, wherenpon Mr. Swish INA, at once dispatched to convey 'the intelligence to the much afflicted widow. •Well, %Ira. Grizzle, we have found Mr; "Ye 4 w•r :,are—tint jory sot on it, mit fo.outit 4 7 til of eels!" "You ,I , l:t't May MT. Grizzle's body is full ot! eels I" Vit., it i 4. s•c 1 w.• t .1 know what yo.t will have clove with it "Why, how' ai•rt; .--11 do you think there I.: in him 1." —Why, Ahout to, IPA? - - "Well. then ,a had better heed the eel, 'up to the ho t+t, .tad set him again." Tut.: Springfield R.....inbliest: thinks that if urttehts are made in . livnven, it tshnitt ixs well, in many instattets, ttl-poetporie• this °ere:lloElT until the hri le and grooms take up there remdence them. exchange aaya : "Lf our wife wanted Vs run aK..y with another man, we would wilt Fri Ooddpeed, for we, think too much of bet to her her want for anythint." WHIT i 6 the difference brtween a harbelo and a mother? One Immune to-shave, an the ether - has ahavere to raise.