The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 06, 1868, Image 1

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    Eric altrktv Obserber.
Tukqvirvirvers BLOCk,
("" Iv. Co it STATE ST. AND ( PA STAMIt)
„,.enpte , . paid e•ratcrrt.v In advallee.. ... to.) (X)
raid In advance. • 250
',;',..,4,,b...-rlners,served by carriers, Fifty Cents
I r
to the ',Arne person - 400
' ” molt to one address, In 00
"0 00
Ten ;,, a 'ply only to those who pay In
ali,at,,enpt,on accounts niust he settled an
. NO PoPer will be sent to un l e s sson
f`Tonsibility In not known, the
lc paid in advance.
f o linw1111: are our advertng rate , which
.trictly adhered to. In reckoning the
ath ertisernon ttn Inch is monsidered
Anything le , s tm,
than an Inch in rated
1111 , Plarc:
‘q. 2 sq. I , x'. !sq .: t e.
• 1.1; 2.7.! • 7_001 . 2.iii
‘Q . ,. k .„ I.'o 2.1 a 3.g: 1. 1 11 7.(ts 1 . 2.00 t.l).fin
:Lao 1.00 5.00 5.50 15,011
flit n• a.•; 4.:11 fi.(lo 111.41 rAIV)
17; 3.11/ 7,111 pi.7o 15 . 00
1.0112,110 . 211.1111:41.01 15.05
12.1511.4. W . 20.00:g1.110 311.110
12 . o...)r.11110.1113. 90.011150 M
;rid Admintstratorat Not tee s id
I.:stray Notices $2 each;
„ • ,,q .et in Leaded Nonpartel. and
• ~• and Deaths SI per
14, recut:lr rates: Local Notices,
it, the p irta-‘,llets. per IMe of right
10r. m•ertiett, cents per line for sec.
. 1 ,.c eents.for each subsequent
si a fro. vents per line; Mar
' . • Deaths cents each. Adyer
- cry other week, two-thirds
iter.ote. handing in advertisements
• 7r. tire- periret they i‘h them pub
• ' they will he continued until
sat, at the t , sPense fa the advsrttsers.
ii„. I,hbingrnilrealn the
„. le, In do any kind of
• sr •mall order., at as n•n‘olinhip.
v ie a , any establishment
• • ••• 0 1 !I tr,
lons .-h".11.1 1, .• •111M1,Sett to
Editor and 'Proprietor.
tittsinrss Aotirro
r rt ,,. ro3ro. rarrrir !Intl Rnll , llno', -
. norG4-tr.
_ -
fi4IN:I4 If. tt! ,- tI.F.T,
at TA strut, ut,ovetinint,
~ i - I". nt norir.
T Iv: 10 , 1,1, ET` ennntv, Pg.
,rho r to with
•.I1 I I , p,tt oh.
,rI.I)F,N; MAT{N.f.s;
• kl lifl , l I %0UP...110,U
noarVortil Wf"..l
war,. Pa.
I i• . Ihert i'rottrl•-tor.
Itlons ettrefttl at tention
• 1111!.rin&5.
, .• 1. I 'lO , tv. ksh
• TMWw•e% t ,th
Nocilvfvf R. R. TN,' t , 'l'l'
0 ,1 ,*•••t - o. , ”no , ” nr CZ' vt h. 11 ,4 9,n nrsc.v,
re..ll;lemr, 014
Ninth and Tenth stre#ts.
W. nT'N:\"TcInNT
t,•1`l':(11.1 Of 1 1 )4 , PP•10.%
.zpnt. CelTivo,ltlt'Pr
)11,, In T?indorrinettt'u hlnek.cnvith.
In ..teito sl coo., Pa.
- r(
, lot • 1 , 1 1 rti•mk rarer , ,
• 1 , 1. \,. I.t. , T site .4 1 , e , 4, 011 , 10%1t
oriivp tv‘tirg from W.: A. .1. to
Llot from 1 t,)'i P. M. or111•67-t r.
Retail lloaler , in Anthrarite.
,a+ and Itlaek.nith cwt . !. Ottioe corner
• , . , 11?tliNtrertq, FYI,, l'a.
11. T-Of R. J. ,U.TSHAN.
• , r, ftr..‘ter and nerdPr in Horw,Tidrlev,
Larzf:r, kr. Prep - 19 . .16r nr.Alo and
r IL Malt War,l),np".... Erie,
. • - jyl2'66-t f.
o•Tler In ItrosenzsvolalA Mork. north
Park, Erie, Pa.
1):TIce, French street, xecon,t litory
rt a Ttl.)ek, n.tti the corner o 1 the• Reed
In+slN:rlN, W51.7.7.1Nrg s Cl),,
t., (;,,r2..” .7. Niorton. rornniliacion
.nt• . Deniers in Coal.
9r% 'S. Y.& F.. anJl l'enple•4 Line of
-o: Erik'.
A: Co.,
'in Inn ant CO7IIM 'N'terehrent,, and Real
,•...knent.., 1.3'2 Klatt. ,trt-et .1 , 1T11,7 Ntnl il
l'n, A.lynnen, nnulf. nn enwilannieniq.
..nntry Vnn,lnvs at tende.l to In tow part pf
',kw: WI •44"1T FA. r.
t l'ni..n
- flf•nnrtr, ,ttire, nnole, elenn
-0..1 n pal red nn n lout nntlee. Terms 24.•
N.• :I , IIIIV. In rt.
Eli.l no.r.n ',HERMAN.
s •• • , ll,^V.nt Last Franklin, Pa. °Mee In
I,ita•rtv City,
_ h."4•int,N Bank, Italrwlen rttrer.t.
• .I..nR Tmmptly made In all rani oL lhi'
dertlyr,ln hrtoi and ~ ott riot, Erift,
!!,. 411.0......1 of 0111" tlnok ,property to
n•o vn.l tlrrn • wr nerewtrllr retirefrron
t ret•omrot.n.ilnet nor 4 tore,,orq tot
-•,•1 , worthy of the efllltiderlee and patron-
Ytt' trend. and Mt" public.,
Tal lorYlfilli Ore,
attend. qt to prom I
of Erie,
prroprit.r Gocel• Lnnou
alwas, r.n )1.71 id xt Inwletnte
3y12 tf.
'T /C-M,TI;...Nr;
1.1".”1 It. r A rui.t nun:, Whrdt--
m A tirnettf...nnd
•••L,Iron Or,o,
!Tr. f:11 .runt Nl:rrtn• ro,th, Po•t
dvla- tr.
, ItriZerj,, • litree VO.lO VOkle.
.•n 1 n mrl nf,ht. Dr. nrirrett's
Ith St. tnyltVe7-Iy.
BF , Z.Nr.TT
wnr. are()ln moda t lon s and Itiodi ,
1ay9 7 7-t f.
4:3 4 4. BENNETT; M. P.,
°Mee, Ent Park St..
Hour .tore,—boardgrit theres-
Krlso, 241 door ~oath .pf the M.
403444, 4444 saggnfrag stref4t. 1)(1fre hours
a 44.. an 111•2 p. ni. m3-10'413-tf.
„' • ‘ ,, q, W.tre, kr., and a, de
'l,:ars Tobacco, &e.. No.
l'tv, Pa. lef;'67-tf.
• P. J. Fll \ SET% M. D.,
, •rr • I', , I , lrin and Snrrromn. 0
" Si.. opposite:the
limn, from 10 to 12 n. nh . rto
Erizsincer. Stirs epic. Residenee e(
c: and Avenue, East Erie
''onents.r,ter. at the .new Itrit•lc st
has on. taut(' a large ast.ort re
provislon., Wood and Will
.f 1.., Ltquors, segar.....te„ to which
'\llll tt n attention of tht• pull.
Tl, ,t nrr.-1. .2 good bargalnq
anypart of Erie county.
Bradley Engine
.1 Ncw Compoimd or
Double C. Under Engine.
s TII7C - 1.!-vr1.I.vavrAv
.111 , 1 i. 'Warranted to give
than a single C tinder Eu
tb amount ot• Steil tn.
O 1 all Deumptlon■
W ail
VOL. 38.
eroctries, Probuct, ,fruit, SC.
The Old Grocery Stand
o". 24 West Park,
Groceries, Provisioiii,
Having thoroughly refitted the above store and
F:Ver brought to FAN we are' , now prepared to
supply all the wants of the public
Defy Competition!
Of all the articles usually kept In a tirst-elasa
Grocery—all fresh, and at (be
Lowest Market Price !
We intend to keep an establishment at 'which
our customer, can always rely upon procuring
what they want, and will warrant our chargeß
to be as moderato as any store in the city
'ive us a trial, and see for younselve
!•t..104w...•ri 'tnt•
•nrk, TIP nn ring
lanr,somor. to F. t M. sehlande , ker, ix now re
. cetving a splendid assortment of
Liquors.- Willow, Wooden And Stone Ware
Fruits, Nuts, &c. A large stock of
Groeery Ileadquarterm,
Arnerlea n Block, State St., Erie. Pa
r l l3 -41 37 tr.
Whotextile and Itetal Grocery Store.
I') A. RECKE , R, & CO.,
North-East Corner Pori. and French St.,
Would regpeetfu tly call t h e attention of the cum.
muntty to their large stock of
Grroceries4 and
Which yiey are desirous to sell at
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups,
IN not aurpaaned is the city, as they are prepared
to prove to all who wive them a Call.:
' They also keep on hand a superior lot of
for the wholesale trade, to which they direct
the attention of the public.
Their motto b, "Quick sales, small prolltaand
a full equivalent for the money." apil'B3-tt,
p 'els V'l ' :41 .
Would respectfully announce that they have
opened a store at
No. 428 French St., between 4th and (ith,
For the purchase and-sale of
',nutter. Poultry, 3.1111r....dre.,
Orders from abroad will receive prompt at
entlon at the lowest market Prices.
N^ The highest price in Cash paid for Pro
duce. aul6W-tt
ITAVING sold our entire stock of Furniture
11 to J. W. Ayres, we hereby thank the com
munity for their liberal patronage to um, hoping
they will extend the came to him. We will de
vote our time hereafter to the ,
With the consent of J, W. Ayres we still hold
our otnctiln the same old place, 715 State street,
where will be found at all times ready toattend
to the wants of the community. In our line o.
Ready Mado Coffins
Trimmed to order. Metallic and Iron Burial
Cases, of all styles and sizes, on hand; also,
Shroud and Collin Trimmings. Undertakem
will find it to their advantage to huv them or
us, as we cannot he undersold west of Sew York.
apr25 . 67-Iy. 3IOORE & RIBLET.
LOB PRINTTNG of every It In large or
small quantities, plain or colored, done In
the beet style, and at moderate prlees at the
Obberver office. _
t~OI3 PRI:STING otevery -kind. -fa- /arse .or
salswell quantities, plain or colored, done to
hest style, and at :nixie:ride priced, at the
Observer %Mee.
. ,
_ .
: _ , . ..1.::_: ~ A _
--E R - ,, , OBS . _ .
_ .
At the well known gaud,
Dealers In
Agents for the sale of
Gun Caps, &e.
stneked It with on. of the
at prices tb}at
1-, Syrups,
is unsurpassed
WholeNale and Retail
Call and see us, at the
Their eagortm on t of
Southard . & McCord,
Our stock is the largest ever brought to the city,
• consisting of
'C A I :41 E E 8 ,
A complete a.saortinent of Dress Goods, every
kind of article in the Motion Line, and, in short,
a general aaaortment of everything - needed by
Country dealer'''.
Country Dealers are in% Ited to give nn a call.
We do a. strictly wholesale trade, and propose
selling Dt hueli priers nit will make it to the ad•
vantage of merchants In this section to deal In
Erie, Instead of sending F.•ttt for
11. S. SOUTILLII.II. • . ' .T. m'conn.
Carpet & Dry Goods louse
A complete stock of Meetings, Prints, Linens,
Cloths, sucktrigs, Flannels, Irish and French
Poplins, Monaini, Alpnext4, Delninesotc. Alma,
Call and get prices before purcluiaing.
ttpr3'67-Iy. No. snl, 3txtrlt4. Ftnnt, State St
Isl 2 4PA'I`I: ta..T • 1 - { yrr.
Dry Goods !
The largest and beat Mack of
Cloths, Cloaking's,. BeLAMP'', Alpacas, Leone,
Silks, Black and Colored
Cashmere, 11k Brochn and Paisley
Shawls, White Goods, Hosiery,
otions, &c.,
Goods marked down to meet the market. No
trouble to show goods. Call and examine.
my23'67-Iy.- . .ROMENZWEIG & BRO.
DAVIS; twic
Dealer% In T4ll kindm of
Filth Street, between State and French,
Iraving purrha44l onr goods Wore the late
rise In prices, we feel confident of being able to
give satisfaction both In Price and quality.
Country Prodzaeo,
Of every sort, bought and ...old. Farmers enn
nivrapt depend on receiving the highelt nutrket
price for their articlem. •
Ind on tho Llnvc of It :Inroad,
Remember May ik Jackson's Market Depot
For the Holidays!
Silver & Plated Ware !
N tu LUWII, .at pricef that
Do not fall to call on
- Two doors East of main entrance
Db olnlion.
'[HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
1 between the undersigned, In the Planing
Mill, Door, Sash and Blind business, under the
firm name of Jacob Bootz & Co., was dissolved
ley mutual consent on MO 21st day of June, IStri.
The business will be continued by Jacob Bootz,
who is authorized to settle all the accounts of
the late firm. JACOB BOOTZ, •
The undersigneryntending to continue the
above business, at the old stand, west side of
Peach. between 12th and 13th streets, desires 'to
call the attention of the public to his facilities
for supplying them with anything in his line.
Lumber planed to order, and scroll sawing of
all kinds done. Sash, Doors and Illindr ftint
%shed to order. All kinds of Lumber on hand,
together with Shingles and Lath. In , fact, eve
rything that Is usually dealt in or done at first
- class establimhtnents of the kind. Thankful for
past kind favors, I respectfully solicit a coiv
tinuance of the same.
oel7-4hns JAMB BOOM..
F. A. WT:1337.17. dr. CC)..
Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions,
Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Errata, Subs, sr.,
Nc). t4l4:Stalte tztroot. ""
West side, between Bth and oth Streets, Erie, Pa.
Cash paid for country produce.
F. A. WEBER._ my2l-tf. W. ERHART
Tea, Police, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour,
Pork, Fish, Hams, Provisions generally, Coun
try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and
Crockery Ware, Saucy Traveling Baskets, To
bare° and Negras, Fishing Tackle, .te.
421 1 l tate PLAtreet,
Private Families and Hotels supplied. Goods
T. • 13ACCO. AND CIGAilk4.
The place to get a cbolce article of Tobacco,
Snuff and Cigars bi at
E. iL WE1.13/11514W'S 1318 PEACH ST.,
South of the Union Depot.
"tways on hand a good assortment of the
above articles of every grade, wholesale and re
taiL Also, Pipes, Pouches, leozes and Smokers'
Articles of every description. Please favor me
with a call. Don't forget the place, 13RS Peach
street" mr2l'67-4y.
Auditor's Notice.
E. Cooper, In the Court of .Common
VS. Pleas of Erie Co, No. 172 Nov.
Sam's Mahan, Jr. term, 1%7. Venditionl Ex,
And now, Der. 1887, on motion G. W. Gun
nison, Esq., appointed auditor.
Notice le hereby given to all parties interest
et that I will attend to the duties of my ap-
Pointment on Friday, January :Id. at 2 p. m., at
yap °Mee in Erie, No. 502 State street.
deel24w. GEO. W. GUNNISON, Auditor.
Store for Rent.
OTORE now ocenpled by goutlurrd iteedrd;
b on State irtreet, for rent. ,ply to
50 Weet Fourth Street.
&Mai at Raft:4d kW" by
4. IMt J. 13.
* 1: • i 111 iI • •
O•. • •
Orb (Boobs.
Dry Goods !
t.". 11.. a Cait
No. 2 Reed Block
-_ ~ ~ -~._-....~..-...i--.~. -,..,-.,-.~.,
Millirem; to the Nervous a l tm Debilitatell
Whose sufferings have been protracted from
hidden causes and whose cases require prompt
treatment to render existence desirable.' If you
are suffering or have suffered frtan Involuntary
discharges, what effect does it produce upon
your general health? Do you icel weak, debili
tated, easily tired? Does a little exerUon pro
duce palpitation of the heart? i Does your liver
or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently
get out of order? Is your urine dometinies thick,
pocky, or Ls it ropy on (fettling! Or does
a thick scum rise to the top! Or Is a sediment
at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you
have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia!
Are your bowels constipated po you have
spells of tainting or rushes of blood to the head?
Is your memory impaired! Is your mind con
stantly dwelling upon this subject? Do you feel
dull, listless, moping, tired of einnpany, ot iffe?
Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from
everybody? Does any little filing make you
start orJ amp? Is your sleep br,ken or restless?
Is the lustre oryour eye, as brilliant "The bloom
on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself
in society as Well? Doyen pursire your business
with the same energy? Do you feel as much
confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull
and flagging, given to fitsof melancholy? If so,
do not lay it to your liver or dial:winds. - Have
jou restless nights? Your back weak, your
knees weak, and have but little appetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver corn.
Now, - reader,selt-abusr, vene*al diseases bad.
ly cured, and sexual excesSea, aim all capable of
producing a weakness of the generative organs.
of generation, when in perfect health, make the
man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose 'generative organs
are in perfect health? You never bear such
men complain of being melancholy, of nervous.
ness, of palpitation of the heart. They are nev
er afraid they cannot succeed iii business; they
don't become s.•ul and , discouragea; they are al
ways polite and i3ll.liNall it In the company ofla
dies, loon you and them in the fare—
none of your d wneast looks °rainy other mean-
Deis about them. I do not meant hose who keep
the orgal. in named by running to exeet , s. These
will not only ruin their emistitptions, but ulna
those they do Misfiles with or for.
How many men from badly !cured diseases,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have
brought about that state of weakness in thou
organs that has reduced the general system se
mtich as to Induce aimed everyother disease—
idiocy, lunacy: paralysis. spinali affections, sot
eide, and almost every other form of disease
which humanity is heir to, and the real cause ot
the tenable seareely ever suspected, .and hay,
doetOred for all but the right oaf.
Diseases of the se organs rmitiD'e the use of a
BUCIIV Is the great Diuretic, rind Is a certain
rare for illsease‘ol the Blader, kidneys, Grav
el, Dropsy. Organic Wraknem,, Female' Corn
plalnta, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or
female, from whatever cause otiginating, and
no matter of how long standing'.
If no treatment is submitted to Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
the health and happiness, and tliatof posterity,
depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Helmhold's F.xtract Harlin, established up
wards of 18 years, prepared by
• IL T. UELMBOLD, Druggist,
501 Broadway, New York, and, 101 [South 10th
Street, Philadelphia.
Pero.-91.2..3 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 36.51),
delivered to any address. Sold by all [Waggish(
everywhere. not/4117.
A Card to the Ladles.—
DR. D1.71'01C014
In Correcting Irregularities, Removing Ob
structions of the 31onthiy Turns', from whatev
er cause, and always successful as a preventa
In removing obstruction and restoring nature
to its proper channel, quieting the nerves and
bringing back the " rosy color of .health to the
cheek of the moat delicate. -
Full and explicit dlrectlana ai , company each
. .
Price EI per box, gox boxen Ki. l Sold by one
drugglid In every town, village, city and hamlet
throughout the world. Sold Iri Erie by .1. B.
CARVER & CO., drunbitn. aolei ' l agentm for the
Ismltorby sending them Si though the Post
°lnce, can have the pills Went (cohlldentlally)by
mall to any part of the country, free of postage
H. D, }W 1.1, Soleirroprietor,
rny9't37-Iy. i Sew York.
Pitaloaht •• Night Illeseriag Cierews.”
Pheiew'• " - Night Illeemaisig Ceres..”
PirtlOeo• ••Night Blooming Comm." ,
PlMawes •••Night 131o.eies Corr ..?,
Minims's- "-Night tilleetaing Cerrais.”
A •nnat c:gvt•tre. dolicate, and FraKrant Perfume,
Ir• 1 trout the rare att.l beatttlftil dower krav,
a.cli it tate, Its name.
Iliumfaann.l only by
- PilAl,o,ll 6c PION, New York.
Error* of 7 out h.--A gentlethan who suffer.
e 4 for years from Nervous Debility. Preinnture
Decay and all the effects of youthful Indiscre
tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to all wild need It, the! recipe and di
rections for making theslmple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing o profit by the
advertiser's exper I enee,en n do sd by addressing.
In perfect confidence, JOHN :13. OGDEN,
inyl6'67-I,y; 42 Cedar St., New York.
To Consnmptives.—The Rev. Edward A.
Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who de
sire it, the prescription with the directions for
making and using the simple remedy by which
ho was cured of a lung alfi•ctlon' and that dread
disease Lsmsumption. His only Object is toben
erit the afflicted, and he hoped every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad
No. lort South Second Street,
my16117-Iy. Wllliamsburgh, N. Y.
luforusatton.—lnformation guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of huh. upon A bald
head or beardless face, also a recipe for the re
moval of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beau
tiful, can be obtained Witheatcharge by address
ing THOS. F. CHAPSLOZ, Chemist,
mylB'67-iy. Broadway, New York.
It is a perfect and wonderful
.article. Cures
baldness. Makes hair gmw. A getter dressing
than any "oil" or "pomatum." Softens brash,
dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tress
es. But, above all, the great wonder i 4 the re,-
pidltv with which it restorsa (TRAY HAIR TO
The whitest and worst looking hair resumes
its youthful beauty by its uses It does not dye
the hair. hut strikes at the root and tills it with
new life and coloring matter..
The. first application will do gond; you will
see the NATI? RA L COLOR returning every day,
and before'you know it the old, gray. discolored
appearance of the hair will be gone, giving
place to lustrous, shining and beautiful locks.
Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Reneger no oth
er article is at all like it In eifech See that each
tie nes our pm ate Government Stamp over
the top. All others are Imitations. For saleby
all druggists.
HALL et CO.. Nashua, N. Proprietors.
Manufacttirera and Wholesale Dealers in
U r. Ek4. & c..
No. 6 Federal SL, Allegheny City, Pa.'.
Third door from Scumenhion Bridge, _ •
febl2'6l-i7. Sign of the Big Indian.
I)LANKS: BLANKS !—A complete apart=
ment of every ttlnd of altsnta needed by
Attorneys, Jostle:6e, Conatahlee and 13alinees
Men, for sale at the Obterver Ofdee.
OB PRINTLVG of every kind, In large or
anuill -quantities, Oran or colored, done in
hat le. aad at andarats Was. al Uis
Otarcrcer sty
Plain Talk for the Times !
Bead! Read!; Bead!!!
A few months more and the Presidential
Campaign will open in all its vigor, with can
didates in the field representing the distinct
issues of each political organization, and
committed plainly and unequivocally to their
On both sides active preparations are he
bg made for the struggle, and it will un
doubtedly be one of the most fiercely con
tested in the history of the nation. Every
indication - of the times points to the most
stubborn and unscrupulous resistance on the
part of the Radicals against the efforts of the
people to wrest from them the lawless powrr
which they have seized to uphold their base
The Democratic party begins the campaign
udder the most auspicious - circumstances,
with a confidence in success, en enthusiasm
for the cause, and a vigorous, self reliance
that has not been 'experienced in many years.
The late elections show Conclusively that a
vast majority of the nation are ready to es
pouse our standard if we only prove faithful
to our creed, and continue to stand firmly by
the interests of the country.
But to make victory certain something
More is necessary than mere dependence up
on the truth of our, principles. In the flush
of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what
a vigilant enemy we have to overcome, and
what desperate measures he is-apt to resort to
to attain his ends. Political battles, like those
of a more bloody nature, depend for their re
sults more on the skill,courage, determination
and energy of the contesting foes than upon the
sacrednes , . of their cauSer, or the convictions of
the participate. The Democracy of America
have always stood forthas devotedly attached
to the Union, the Constitution and the wel
fare of the country as they do to-,day, yet
'or 'even years they • have been divested of
power, and it is only when the people are
moused from their delusion by the imperilled
condition of the public interests; that they
have again returned -to us that confidence
Which it would have been Well if they had
never parted with.
The all•hnportatrit necessity of the day, on
the part of our political friends Is—trork!
wortx 11 WORK!'! -
We must be thoroughly organized and pre
pared for the campaign. Every .man must
consider that he owes a personal duty in the
Matter, as indeed he does, tor there is no one
so humble, but he is in some way more or less
concerned in the issues at stake. All the
districts must be canvassed, so that we may
know where it will be - most advantageous to
employ our energies. The young men - must
be encouraged to lend a helping hand. Those
who have been led estray must be brought
back to the fold; Mal Democratic arguments
placed in their reach, that they may know
the distinctive questions 'which divide par•.
ties, and no longer be misled by the wiles and
falsehoods of the Opposition.
What we have said before we now reiter
ate, and intend reiterating until we have
waked the Democracy up to a full cOnscious
ness of its truth, that the mast effective
weapon towards success Wthe vide dixtribn
lion of sound , and straightforward Iota( news
pain rs.
One good journal in a family will do more
.towards moulding its pOlincal convictions
than all other infiut.uces. and tidy copies cir
culated in any locality for six months will
accomplish more efficient service titan a doz
en costly mass meetings.
The Democratic party has never displayed
that zeid in supporting its press that it_ need
ed, and to that cause, as 'much as anything
else, may be attributed its misfortunes during
the last ten years. In, all sections of the
country—even in the midst of the strongest
Democraticlocalitiesthe Radical press is
more liberally sustained than ours, and in
many places the contrast is so -great as al
most to amount to a disgrace.
The time has come for these things to be
changed, and Mr •the Democratic party to
enter upon a new method of warfare. Our
papers ought to spread broadcast oVer the
land, and take the place-of those- which are
now. defiling- the minds of the young and
tilling them' with wrong ideas - of Republican
liberty, Our • public men should avail them
selves of every opportunity that offers to im
press the importance of these views on the
attention of the mie-ses. _ Our local leaders
should make a point of devoting I - Whatever
spare time they can towards strengthening
their county organs by procuring their friends , .
and neighbors' patronage.
The low price of TWO DOLLARS per
year at which the Observer is now_ offered,
if paid ia adranec ought to ensure the doub
ling of our subscription list inside of the next
six months.
But to place it within the reach of all, we
offer to take'si.r. swmth subser4j)ttom al ONE
DOLLAR in ado:nee, with the privilege of
commencing at any petiod desired; and.of
continuing the paper at, the same rate for the
balance of the year if desired. •
Now is the time to begin the work, dlefore
the spring operations set in, and While voters
have time to rend, and reflect over the facts
presented to them. Let it not be delayed
under the impression that the matter can be
as well attended to by-and-hy, Norm atf
vantageoue work can be rendered during the
next two months than can he performed dur
ing the entire balance of the campaign.' A
six months' subscription commencing within
the next- two months, will continue until
near the close of the campaign, and have an
immense influence over the mind of the vo
- •
ter who peruses the paper. '
We earnestly urge this important matter
upon our friemis as by all odds the most re
liable means of helping the cause. •
Let every one of our present' subscribers
see his Democratic neighbor at once, -and if
he is not a patron alreiuly, induce him to sub
scribe for six months, if he cannot For
Let those who can afford it, send copies to
he i 4tatin2 voters, who may' be influenced to
support-our candidates at the next election.,
Let clubs be established and procure 'ten,
twenty or fifty copies. fhr free distribution
wherever there i9-likely to be a vote gained.
Let this be the grand preparatory work of
the campaign, and he asAured that whenever.
'other means arc necessary there will be found
an abundance of ready helpers for everypfirt
We intend that, he the result 'of the. (ion
test what it may, no ont. shall have the op
portunity to complain that we-have failed to
fulfill our complete duty in the canvass.
The Observer for the next year will he
more vigorous and outspoken• than in any
previous portion Jf its• career; pill contain
more reading matter; and it shall be our
constant aim to present such material as will
be pmductivc of the most beneficial results.
, We only ask for such co-operation as R e
have a right to expect, and if
,the Democra
cy of the North-West, arc impelled by one
halt our zeal and confidence, we promise
such a verdict in this section as will gladden
the hearts of oar fHeada throne -A the
Buda • .- jalB4.
The (trie Mbottrtr.
Lowry's Greenback Speech.
No-Property Ertmpt from rcraii'on
Ihold to the same doctrine now which I
have always contended for hi the Senate ;
that neither the State nor the Nation can lacy=
fully exempt any species. of property from
taxation. If one species of property ran be
exempt from taxation, the same power can
exempt another, and another, until all sources
of revenue of-the State or Nation, are dried
up ; and the doctrine that one Legislature or
Congress can enact laws exempting proper
ty from taxation that will be binding upon
and fetter the hands of a succeeding Legisla
ture or Congress ' is still more abhorrent and
carries national Leprosy in its spinal marrow',
and is surely at this time inflicting a panty;
sis in-every limb of labor. The sin of ex
empting property of the most profitable kind
from the burthens of the government, and
placing it upon the shoulders of business and
prdduction, is so abhorrent to evert , principle
of justice, morality and public policy, that I
do not believe it lawful. , this nation has
this 'right, then she has the right to take her
own life. , Such a principle cannot be toler
ated by any people who are not in want of a
convenient rope on which to hang them
Robert J. Walker Rapped• over the KnyekleA
If I understand the lion. Robert J. Walker,
be holds that the payment of the bonds
which he negotiated aboutif paid in the man
ner designated by act of Congress, and the
face 4)f the bonds, would be an act of repudi
ation With all deference I differ with that
gentleman, and all others, who hold that we
are compelled by our own contract, or in
good conscience, to pay the principal of the
five-twenties in gold unless it is entirely con
venient for us to do so; and I contend that
it will be convenient, if we take the - Shackles
off the currency and put them on the Seem
tare, and let the Government issue the whble
currency, redeemable at her own treasury,
and that redemption will come when we ap
ply our means and ,credit to its best use.
You will here notice that before Mr. Walker
visited Europe, our liabilities were all paya
ble in what Congress termed "good .aild law
ful money ;" and every one who took our ob
ligations looked upon the face of the instru
ment we gave, and the act of Congress au
thorizing the issue, and saw that the word
"gold" was not to be found in either of them,
except for the interest ; leaving plainly the
inference that the principal of the five-twen
ties was not so to he paid. Mr. Walker.says
that he told them in Germany that they were
payable in gold. The price -which Ole
bonds sold is the best evidence that they did
not believe Mr. Walker. Bat if he did ri.II
them so, it is not known that he ever . exhib
ited in Europe or in this country. a power of
attorney to legislate for Congress, and it is
evident that in making their purchases they
were governed by their own interpreter. If
these men with whom Mr. Walker dealt in
Euri pe took "greenbacks" to-day, and paid
Mr. Walker a commission for converting them
into gold at present rates, they- would still
Make out of the investment a sum sufficient
to gratify the cupidity of any white Jew, or
black hating Gentile; and his doctrine, that
the way to get out of debt is to borrow More
money, has not even the merit of originality
or plausibility to rest upon, and is a sugges
don that prodigality always acted upon.
A Dollar is a Dollar-L-ia Alper or Gold.
The Government asserted that for all put. :
poses a dollar of its greenbacks was equal in
valuelo a dollar of its gold; and those bonds
of the Government which were sold as paper
dollars, and at the purchasing power of a
paper. dollar, should be so paid, unless stipu
lated in the bonds that they should be paid
in gold. The-principle-is recognized through
out Christendom, and by all practice, as a
war necessity, that nations have the right to
coin money and regulate the valne thereof.
This Government asserted that right, and the
whole world had notice of it, and tbreign and
domestic creditor , . acted upon it.• • 'gar Gov
ernment will ,always he strong where it is
just—alike for both its foreign and domestic
liabilities. When it is not thus just—when
it makes paper for the - domestic creditor,and
gold to the foreign creditor, when gold was
not promistsl 2 --the Republic will tremble like
an old mau upon his staff, and . the masses
trill go about the streets unemployed, and in
sackcloth. What. I ask, can he the injustice
of retiring the national bank promises, and
supplying their place with the issue of the
Government? What can be the- injustice of
saying to the holders - of the five-twenty
bonds, as they become due, "here are green
backs," or ',lhere is an equitable, gold-bear
• ing, tax-paving, selisupporting, government
sustaining bond. Choose ye which ye will ?"
!The country, the Congress and the courts
said that our "greenbacks" were "good and
lawful money" before you bought them from
us, and in these, or their lawful equivalent,
you paid for the bonds, at a time when more
depreciated—at a gold standard—then they
are now. Gold has been made an article of
traffic by speculators. They have hoarded
it up, and have succeeded in fixing it to a
fictitious value .Is that any reason why the
Government, which alone has the • lawful
power to regulate all values, should be forced
to purchase it from these conspirators at fab
ulous prices ?
Th.e. Shyloeh Shown CP
In . the darkest hour that ever dawned up
on This nation ; in the :midst of an intes
tine war, ntiParalleled for the wickedness of
its purpose, the Shylocks of the land con
spired together. They :practically demand ,
of the Government her life or her gold bear
ing bonds for their own 'unredeemable cur
rency. They,got the bonds. Here, if capi
tal had conscience, it would have been satis
fied ; but it was not. It demanded ninety
per centum more in a currency better than
they gave, and they got it ; and they got
ninety per centum too much, which the Gov
ernment should retire from their benefit to
its own. Not satisfied with this double ex
tortion, capital demanded that its wealth,
much of it made out of the necessities of the
Government, should be forever exempt from
taxation—Government, State and local—and
the promise, so thr as taxing bonds for Gov
ernment purposes is concerned, is against
public policy and void. They demand more;
they demand thgl. a charter be given them,
exclusively, to monopolize, for their own un
paid benefit, the currency of the nation—an
inalienable boon, and which, if not inailenti
ble, but perpetually transferable, was worth
more than every honest- dollar expended' in
the war. History will record that, in this
last exaction, Shylock over-reached himself,
for the goose' in every machine shop, that
was to forever lay for him the golden egg,
was plucked to death by avarice. And the
egg in` het abdomen was swallowed by greed
:before it tOok shape. Mark you, Senators,
history will so record it.
G,od•Adriee to the Grey-Haired Money Bogs.
I adVise those very respectable grey
haired gentlemen, who have been so much
.eulogized for their great financial ability, to
retrace their steps, and give up a portion of
Their extortions, or the people will pursue
VIM, and catch them, and punish them as
_highwaymen iiir attempting to rob them , of
their children's birth-right. The young men
who fought in the war are our nation's hope,
and our country's produders. The old,--who
remained ai home and made money out of
the necessities of the war, and laws to op
`Press.the producers, must let go their six
teen per cent. grip, or perish from their own
extortions. A - discerning people can have
no _confidence in us, nor can we have faith
in ourselves, unless we demand a national
law as immutable as the law of God, provid
ing that the wealth; vice and luxury of the
country shall furnish the means for national
expenditures, and not its arduous labor, its
unsullied purity, or its honthtt penury. -_
The Beimt of Siitions Warned.
It will not do for that beast of nations,that
has a stranger love for Irish blood than she
has for English ale, or for the untaxed bond
holders, to join the pirates of the seas—the
violators of international law, in raising the,
cry of repudfation, and breach •eif contract,
in regard to our national securities. As well
might the villains wlui;with a pistol at your
breast, extorted from you, as a condition of
sparing your life, an obligation for more than
you are worth, demand its liquidation or your
disgrace in a better currency than the obli
gation called for.
The Republkart Party &spans:7' . ie.—An
Aierming C/071 - lind Frightfuf State of Af
fairs Goierally. •
Theitepublican party have a majority in
Congress. They are responsible to the coun
try. Let them do well their duty. Let them
bejust to our creditors and to the people,
and no evil will befall them or us. Thep
have abolished a alive azhdoerser In the
South ; let them beware, lest they build up
a bond aristocracy in the North. The pres
ent and preceding Congress of the United
States has done more great things for man
kind than any legal body of men ever done and here I wish I could stop,
hut-duty compels me to say that their gen
eral extravagance has not only shocked con
fidence, but it gave freedom a chill which
made her shake, when they voted to them
selves an increase of double an honest sala
ry ; and liberty grew pale with fear for their
own safety, and - Republicans grew red with
shame, and Heaven was silent for the space
of half an hour, when they took two mile.
ages for one travel by the longest imagina
ble routes; and that travel often never made,
and when made; generally done on free
Chase and hi.. Troubles-4 Public Debt a Na-
tiona Cline
All through the %vitt I defended Chase and
his greenbacks. I defend them now. Ile
did his whole duty in times of great peril.
The hand of the calculating extortioner was
at his throat. Naked, hungry and bleeding
patriots were at his door. and he heard the
cries.of widows ands children in the wilder
derness. England had legalized piracy on
the seas, that freedom might perish from the
earth. France spit-in, his face when his
hands were tied. Chase did his duty, and is
immortal as a war minister of finance. Let
us pay our debts as we agreed to pay them,
and let us pay them as fast as we can. Let
prodigality of public money be held to be a
public crime, and instead of teaching our
children "that a national debt is a national
blessing," let us teach them to pray, "from a
nation's debt, good Lord deliver us." Our
children are nut responsible for the existence
of this debt c it Is the bequest of our own
sins. Let us pay it by the sweat of uur own
aces, and not by hardening the hands and
the hearts of the innocent.
John Bog upped cal, the Prob&seis
There are other reasons why we Should
pay our debts as fast as possible. The con
duct of Great Britain in hanging Irishmen
for political offenses has awakened coester=
nation in the hearts of the Christian-world,
and invokes the Wrath of the Almighty: - It
has aroused hidden memories, that well up
fromthe depths of the American soul, of acts
of strange ininstice, and inpious wrong, per
petrated upon our patriot fathers. The
shouts of the pirate Semmes have scarcely
ceased to Vibrate upon the breezes of the At
lantic. The lurid flames of our burning mer
chantmen yet glimmer in the eastern skv,and
the cries of unarmed perishing American
seamen, victims of Britain's torch and lead.
in the, hands of the American outlaw, still
ring in our ears,with the mournful cadence
of a death wail. The measure of Ler iniqui
ty is full, and the day of her national death
may not long be delayed. Let us put 'our
house in 4ot-der. Irish orators and editors
are English outlaw when they speak truth.
The Trai,4 Must 7 St"ppell and the- Dead
' Heath , Thryr). Off:
- The army of unnecessary government offi
cials, eiviLend military, bankers, stock hold
ers, Teter Funk detectives, and untax
ed bondholders, are "dead-heads," riding
upon - the car of freedom, at the expense of
industry. They should at once be put off.
or made pay their fare. The conductor who
reftises to enforce this order should be "dis
charged and publicly disgraced. The en
forcement of this edict is . essential to public
confidence, which is the "John the Baptist"
of payments—the disciple of bur pros
perity, the apostle of our children's happi
ness and the savior of our country's content
ment. •
An Emehtial
The principle of the right to tax all pro
perty for the staiwort 01 the Government is
as essential in vindicating a principle as its
execution may be in swing a country. Its
practice is as old as any government on earth.
Have not all nations made use of the tax
levy to reduce the rate of interest for money
which was borrowed at extravagant rates in
peace to save her life in war? History will
reproduce herself. One Congress did, in an
evil hour. release property from taxation.—
Those who received our bonds knew that it
was the right and the duty of the next Con
gress to inflict what the last released for na
tional purposes and national preservation.
The Government has a right to live, and it
cannot live without taxation, nor can this Re
public exist upon unjust taxation. Pennsyl
vania, and nearly all the States in the Union,
'and nearly all the governments on earth,
have been compelled to yield to the princi
ple that what one, Legislature. or Congress
may do another can undo. The principle is
indispensable in a Republic, and a Republic
cannot, I contend, live but in name, that does
not exempt labor, in all forms, from direct
taxation, but it must go turther and also pro
tect it bviarKs. Labor, in this Republic, is
the only soverrip who is above taxation.
A PrenibinA a Feend and Perjury
The exactions upon toil under our 'financial
and revenue :,ystent..s are loathed and feared
by every honest man who has studied them
and witnessed their workings Our system
is loathed because our revenue laws are pre
miums on fraud and perjury. Both the rev
enue and banking systems are feared, because
they stand upon the point of a musket's bay
onet while the breech rests upon sweat and
saltpetre.. The bulwarks of a republic are
within the hearts iaf its. own people.. Our
whole system of currency and finance (I tell
Congress in sorrow) has not patriotism enough
in it to convert one rebel, but enough rebel
lion to resurrect the Democratic party, unless
every principle in the internal revenue law
and currency leprosy is revised.
Odd, but Forcible &Weiler.
Labor must not pay taxes .tor every child
she clothes or every horse she 'shoes. The
spoon with which the infant is fed, under our
system,- is taxed, whilst the rickettv, fraudu
lent, uncertain internal system itself sees and
often helps a coach and four drive through
the meshes of the law. Why put a cmwn of
thorns upon the head of every engine build
er? Why drive nails through the - hands and
feet of the manufacturer? Why run a spear
into the side of every promise of commerce?
Why put wormwood and gall, with a sponge,
into the mouth of every poor man in the
land? And all this to benefit untaxed
wealth, organized villainy and incorporated
What Confidence &es, Whispers and Prays.
Had we confidence that a system was clear
ly fixed upon that would enable us to annu
ally liquidate fifty millions of the public debt,
we could resume at once and continue specie
payments. ContiOnce cannot, with truth,
he charged with unreasonable timidity. She
sees the coin and the currency of the coun
try-alternately stall-fed and starved in Gov
ernment stables-411)1es filled to the halters
of-the horses with useless and expensive ma
chinery, with both the feed trough and water
trough leaking, and the fears of the people
alternating between Congress and McCulloch.
Confidence is shocked a seeing the uncertain
hand of Congress upon the cradle lever press,
which rocks men to sleep at high twelve in
riches by expansidn, and wakes them up at
cock-crow in the morning in poverty by con
traction. Confidence whispers in my ear
that the surplus gold in the Treasury of the
United States is of no more value to the peo
ple than the manure in the Government sta
bles. Both should be judiciously scattered
to enrich-the land. And we both have un
bounded faith that_ General Grant will
clean the stables of everything but square
trotters. The Whole sours desire and prayei
to'God of confidence is, that the control of
the.currency be left exclusively with com
merce, where it properly belongs.
Greenbacks for Bonds—D4larAq-
The Government, in my humble judgment,
should make her own bonds the basis, mid
issue all the curreqy that any one may de
mand upon thetni'dollar for dollar. Timid•
men, who have not reflected on this subject,
tell us that if we let all who want currency
for bonds have It, to much would find its way
into circulation that its value would depreci
ate. The effect, from the nature of things
and the value of timings, will he just the re
verse. Currency cannot now purchase Gov
ernment bonds at par. The effect would be
to increase the value of greenbacks to the
value -of gold bearing bonds—an essential
step towards resumption—it will make all
our obligations equal in value, and the estab
lishing of the nation's own sinking fund
would enhance their -value to such an
extent that all out secunties will soon be
equal to gold. Let those who want cum - mcy
purchase it by depositing the bonds of the
Government •, -let the Government cut off the
coupons of all so deposited, in exchange for
currency, and put them in a sinking fund._
Give the Government the benefit arising from .
all the currency, and let all other currency
now out be retired, and let no other be li
The ; Short Road to Glory
_ The shortest way, in my opinion, to re
sumption, as well as to the country's rescue,
is to make the currency free to all who will
pay for it in bonds of the Government, or in
bullion. I would go further and retire di:-
currency-when asked to do so. in exchange
for the bonds, until vecia payment came at
its own accord, enrcting six per cent fur the
time the currency was out, and adding it to
the sinking Alibi. I cannot see why this
would not give confidence that we had nrac
tically determined to pay our debts. It would
give confidence that all could have the. best
and safest circulating medium upon the earth
at six per cent. to all who had Government
securities or gold. It would not only regu
late values, but be an anchor to the anul of
commerce against expansion and contraction,
aud in no way interfere with individual and
associated - private banking. except that the
Gnvernm.'nt would issue,all the currency for
its own benefit, that bonds and bullion want
ed - for business, and to receive that profit
which, under the national banking system,
she give4 - to others. Let those national banks
now in existence do business like other peo
ple, pay for their currency if they want any,
but let the Government have the profit of her
own credit. What the hank men lose in an
ticipated accumulation in sorrow,: the people - -
will gain direct and with joy,
NO. 37
In lttltS4 did not all the Republicans and
part of the Democrats in both brandies of
the Legislature vote, from dire neceisity, that
our interest then !idling due in gold, for gold
borrowed, should then and in futtire-time be
paid in greenbacks? Did we not. .by act.of
this Legislature, require gold-bearing bonds,
payable in gold, both principal and interest,
fur gold borrowed, to be paid in green
backs ? And the Ryment on the principal
and interest of our public debt is going on
every day under this law ; and has not nearly
every State in the Union been compelled to
do the same? And all this talk about
ed faith," and this matter of conscience to
pay debts in a better currency- than we re
ceived or promised to pay, comes with a bad
grace Rom us, and the people will be very
likely to believe that its source is from other
motives than genuine integrity and public
policy. -
Let the Mother haw her OluTd.
This systemat does appear to me, if adopt
ed by the Government, would restore confi
dence, because it is a mathematical certainty
that by it we could arrive at the final liqui
dation of the debt, and that without taxing
productioiis. It would not be long until gold
interest bonds would be offered to the Iloy
irnment for. greenbacks; and when this is
done, specie payments will have taken a long
step in the only way that I can discover in
which they oug4t to travel. Confidence is
now more valuable and indispensable to re
sumption - than coin. If specie payments
were attempted with a difference of even ten
per cent. between rrapertmd gold, a spasmod
ic abortion and • discreditable Kral& would
be the result, and our last state would be
worse than the first. Let the creator and re•
deemer of our country's cdrrency have the
benefit of the labor of her own child, and let
her hold all who would deprive her of it as her
public enemy.
In the schemes betore Congress, I know of
no proposition as monstrous as that which
would seem to recognize the right of munici
palities or states to tax the credit-of the Gov
ernment. This is one of the most dangerous
phases that State rights ever assumed ; and
any attempt by Congress to make the Govern
ment liable for the local wants of the corn-
Munity, by allowing them to tax her bonds,
can have no sympathy with reflecting 'peo
ple. The- true policy of this country is to
keep her debt in the hands of her own pea •
pie, and-not to drive the Government debts
beyond the smell, of ward or township asses
s.or. No man would purchase n security of
the Governinent, if he for a moment believed
any local al thority had power to render them
valueless. The Government alone has the
right to. tax her own necessity—a right fund- •
•imental to a Republican form of government.
Let local property pay local taxes ; and Until .
this principle is well established, confidence
will not wash her feet within our doors.
-Yore About Confider:re—A -l'at'eral Concitc
Confidence can have no faith in coupons,
payiible with the smoke of sweat; nor has
she faith in 'work house or poor house re
demption. Conti fence has a conscience. and
is comprehensive in her conceptions. Con
fidence will not ride with extortionersin car
riages drawn by barefooted mechanic's, up
the hill of atonement, for a nation's sins.
Confidence never will have faith in a Gov
ernment that would ruin its : people, giving
away a franchise worth millions; to favorite
robbers to_oppress the masses. Confidence
will have respect for •us when we have re
spect- for ourselves, and restore to the same
complexion, as fast as possible, the several
children of the same parent. The different
complexions of the children of the treasury
causes jealousy and shame in the father's
heart, a feeling of injured innocence in the
mother's bosom, and scandalizes the house
hold.. A well defined system, such as I hays
suggested, would do away with all this, and-Z:
that speedily. S
The only Safe Systm one that Adores its Creator,
and Neither Lows 73,r hates,
The only safe system of finance that can
be devised for onr country is one that adores
only its' Creator—that loves no.manthat
hates no man—that fears no man—that con
tracts upon no man—that inflates upon no
man—that robs no man—and that enriches
no man, and is beyond politics or legislative
hilltrosy, and that loves equal and exact jus
tice for ita own sake. A sy,tem that will al
low the widow to deposit the hundred dollar
bond that the Government gave her as a
bounty for hCr husband's life, and receive on
it fifty dollars, subject to redemption, or re
ceive on it the full face, upon equal terms
with the contractor who clothed her husband
upon shoddy, and fed him on musty hard
tack and worms. We must hare a system of
. which carries with it its own barom
eter, its own thermometer, and its own time
whose iiendulutu will keep time with the
shuttle and the trip hammer of the country t.
a system that meets and parts with men on
the level and the square. A system clothed
in ,the garments of equality, which will aid
in every motion of the body politic, and not
impede the pregnancy of commerce or pro.'
gress, which I verily believe, in its own good
time after its practical conception, will.. give
birth, without pain or contortion, to specie
Orthodox Truths in a .Yeta Dress. .
The bonds, the bullion, the currency of the
country, would as surely be attracted, to the
same - centre, as the appli , of the tree is attrac
ted to the earth by its oWn gravity; or he
sonl of a man is attracted by its own imniOr
tality, up to heaven or down to hell, by the
fruit at the core of its own heart. From the
nature of things, we should reconstruct the
currency of the country, upon a basis that is
not laid in the interests of any special class,
but which will benefit all t_ and ive-should
bear in mind that the peace of the country
and the belief ot"the people that their Gov
ernment's blessings and burdens are as im
partial as Heaven's dews, is -a jewel beyond
all prier. The natural prejiplices of mankind
sympathize with indivaluality, and the peo
ple will war •with corporations; moneyed
corporations particularly; antagonisms will
exist and should 'exist against national banks
_tier individual benefit ; for their whole struc
ture is at war with their : own name and the
rights and interests of man.
So Hulk! from Cimoresa.
I have given my views on this currency
question at greater length than I intended,
but I had not time to make them more brief.
The eyes of the people.of the whole land are
riveted upon. Congress. Had I seen a rain
bow of hope from that quarter: I would not
have spoken. Congress, I fear, looks upon
national banks, and cowers before them.
From these banks, in my judgment, must be
.taken a right which is denied to all others,
before our Govertiment will sit firmly on 'a
pinnacle in the Synagogue of nations.
Fl,ur Prerioue Jc-aytt-771e - Tariff, Nigger
Eggality, Greentßicks and _Nigger Suffrage.
I am in favor of the resolutions , before the
Senate as far as they gn; they are sound up
on the currency, finance and tariff, but we
should speak also for man and Womanhood,
for they are inseparably connected with the
currency question. I see within the casket
of freedom four jewels. To preserve one of
them, or to preserve one of ourselves,we must
preserve.thetn all.
First. Strong protective tariffs.; high
taxes upuu all that is vice and vanity ; rea
sonable taxes upon accumulative wealth;
and no taxes upon hard. hands and heaving
Second , . Political equality to all men who
fight. and work, and pay taxes."
Third. The inalienable right to make ex
clusively nor own currency and circutate it
for our undivided benefit.
The tburth is the keystone to them all :
the practical enforcement that all men shall
stand before the ballot bOx as they stand be
fore God—equal.
.4 Quartette of Slaters--Not to be Looked upon
These are a quartette of sisters. , Let not
State rights lust after them. All of them •
must be protected in virgin purity, or all of
them will he buried by Congress in the grave
yard of nations. Neither of theta can be put
out by Congress to do menial service for
State politicians,. associated wealth, or be
come the mistress of individual lusts without
deb!tuching them all and all of us.. Let us
seud up our resolutions to Congress, asking
her to keep them all in the arms of a nation'.
law and love. The Government, to live itself,
must smite down the libertine who would
pollute either of them. If one. of them is
kept in purity they are pure ; if one is defiled
(Concluded on Rurth Page.)
/1 Happy Reminiarnee.
A Moratrous Proposition
'with Lustful EyeA
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