TlRt'iric (I ii:viexT. rHURSD.VY, JANUARY 23, IS 1:8.1 Democratic County Committee.' A meeting of the Democratic County Com mittee will he held at the Observer office, in the city of Ene,'on Monday, January 27th, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The punctual attendance of all the members is earnestly urged, as business of importance is to be transacted. BENJ'N WHITMAN, Erie, Jan. 16, 1868.z-2w. Chairman. ' The fallowing gentlemen constitute the Committee : Henry Shannon, Moses Smiley, P. A. Recker, M. V. B. Brown, C. E. Dun comhe, A. W. Vali Tassel. W. W. Lyle, F. F. Marshall, Dr. Skeels, F. P. Liebe'. E. Camp hausen, R. S. Hunter, W. W. Todd, And'w Jackson, D. C. Kennedy, Wm. Henry, R. O'Brien,,G: W. Allen, L. W. Savage, Amos Stone, F. W, - Koehler, D.-W. Hutchinson, G. W. Gallowlmr, H. M. Range, C. E. Hateh,-W. C. Oakley, W. C. Evans, Geo. P. Griffith, S E Neiler, J. B. Carver, R.• H. Arbnckle, A. P. Streeter. DRMOCRATILC STATE CONVNTIOS ILuauearnp, PA., Jan. 8, 1868 The, Democratic State Committee of Pethi svlvania have fixed WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH (4TH) DAY OF MARCH, 1888, at 12 o'clock, m., as the time, and the Hall of the House et Representatives, us the place, for holding the annual Convention of the party . . It is ordered that thin Convention be com posed of one member for, each Senator and Representative, who shall be elected in the usual manner, and the will meet at the time and Owe appointed,-for the purpose of nom inating candidates for the office of Auditor t;eneral and Survesor General, and of select. ing dideganN to the National Convention for the nomination of canilidates for President and Vice President. The members and committees ofthe or• u;anization, and 1111 Conservative eilizen , : who can unite with 11.4 in the support of Conatitu tioniti principles, are requested to proceed to Ili, election a the &locates in their retpee tivc By enter of the DemOrrzttie State Commit It e. • IVILLII3f A. WALLACE, I;. 0. Dkr,-E, :Sees. Chairman, .11iniG a • _ Let no one elmr his eyes to the facts which • ' A CRAVE (Cl'. ~ stare hint boldly in the thee Our country is It;14;ok , touch ;O: if the ' Fenian (111e 4 1100, i n a stinger to w hi c h 11 1;1 1 of the rebellion was NI °Uhl, yet he the pretext 1;n• another u•ar he- a pigmy : the most sacredly cherished fea• tween the United State- , and Great Britaitt• tares Of our Republieantbrm of Government A il.rtnight ago. ,ttcorge Fran T ra i n , an ere being Molted out of existence. Radical- Amerieon citizen, left New York . I;‘r Liver- ism, rendered reckless and ,desperate, hill pad. in ,the Cunard steamer Scotia. Before phinge the country into' more fatal convul he departed he made one of his usual erratic sinus than those from Which we have emerg mai clover speeches on 'Change in New York, ed. Alarm nutlagitatioit everywhere prevail. "I''''" 3 V31:1(.1Y 01' `l-lhiee", in which , " 1 "°"g Gold has takeria sudden rise, and entirely in • oth. r liii"2'.• he, eki're -411 hiln`df very consequence of the serious difficulties into It artol in the chanwter ot a Fenian leader, which the Radical Congressmen are plung:- . and very ostentatiously i ntimated what great lug the country. The Federal UlllOll under things he intended to perform in that rq , in the Constituthm has ceased to exist. The it fiat i , ‘ ludicrously deidgnated - the /50/fed tnilitar. - domination of the South overshad- King,han of Go at Britain and Ireland," A. owe and blights what was lett of liberty at teptwt of his oration reached London sonic the North. The original counterpoise of our days Arthur he arrived at Quecreflown,where ~y 0 ,,,,, i s d esuuye d , An d an o li garc hy co n; it e Cunard mail ateamera call, en route to trots what was once a Republic. Gen. Grant's c , :k Vipc.ol, to land pavengers to Ireland and despotism is to extend over a ocountry as iN t• the mail bags.. It is now stated that, large as all Europe, and to embrace a pope .'ti reaching Queenstown, Train and ti lotion three-fold that of our colonies at the Other persona weie wailed upon, on the Sco• time of the Revolution. Throughout this tia. by a strong police force, anti removed, as vast domain, and over..all these people, the ' pisoners, nit the charge of being active meat- Smart is to rule; unit the. Lair is to be pros. hers' of the American wing of the Fenian (rated. The process by which the Executive oiganization. Sevend American citizens of office hits been emasculated is to be applied Irish birth have beim arrested before, upon to the Federal Judiciary. An army of 80,000 the same charge, and the subject is beginning men ar t the South, and a horde of hundreds to attract the serious attention of the (Tam- of thodsands of corrupt officials at the North, try. :11.ost ot the New York papers demand are to he combined for the perpetuation of that nor Government shall adopt measures Radical despotism and to extinguish even the for maintaining . the rights of its citizens semblance of Liberty. • The Presidential 17road, and,grave hints are thrown out - titut election of 18fc4 is to be a farce, unless the unless Great Britain ceases its interference i people, spurred to desperation, turn it into a there may be need to resort to arms.' . ' tragedy. , , —A. dispatch from Mr. Train, dated Lon- ,And Gen. Grant, who is to be crowned as ,lon, Tuesday evening, says : Dictator, what of him ? Willin: accept this - I have just been released on the interVen tion of Mr. Adm.% I have brought a suit against the British government for 2100,000 flionagea." , THE SURRENDER OF GRANT - The N. V. Iterate aptly stylea Gen. Grant'A conduct in the Stanton matter an "inglorious ;iirrender"—a surrender to "another rebel •"force equally as destructive to the Constitu 'lion and Government ac that of the South. "lle has surrendered to the Radical revolu "tionists.' So remarkable and surprising was went that the newsboys in the streets Waphingfon were heard shouting 'The nrrcnder of Gen. Grant" as they ran ahout ''with the papers containing the new ! i,lustas "these sharp•wittcd fellow, =hooted the sur render of Lee when he - gave up." he did not NOR'!' to hold the' War De partment ago n , l 'he (feei.inn of the Senate, lie v:t hound, a. a man olinmor, to give the Proident notice, and leave him free to take -nett - , tep+ a- hi- judonent and micrlit dictate. Gen. Grant , eenafi to hare 1)&93 in milli-ion with Stanton and the Radical,; he , i`elll 4 in hare lent.: lihn:idf a: , their tool to hoodwink the l'reAdent, and remove oh,taoro, ro Stanfon4 prompt ye-4M ; ration. Th . on a gross ahn , e nt confidence, lybich could not Laic been perpetrated by a ninti clecriuliimf proper , entinii , nt , perc,on :,l r•-r lii ide. - Thor, ova-. .) kW' :\ 111 thy 001r:int—We 11114111 alnio%l , ay tricky —in Ili:: ino of this back door to let :•stanion conic in nt 111 C: door, NS itlmut notify- ittg-the I:'re,itimit, that it I:itnnot fitil to dant mz,. him "•riou,h• in the e•..tinAtirm o f the iran 1.4.0111 , . All the rizmarule al,titt e•uure•rsatiun, a ill, :meJohnhon on ill.- ~ n lti,-et 'of Stanton, position amount to no thing in view of flu• great Clef , that in elmtluet lie ignored the Executive of the nation, did not act with proper respect to negleeted the dietateh of duty toward him, 'The thet is, Gen. Grunt has lit tle -knowledge ,of polities or indltleitms, or of anything el.e outside of his military profes -ion, and bit hus permitted his ambition and the clamor of t h e ((natio:tut pay to overrate ..en-ie of duly mot m.1)(421(111 behavior to Iti% CZ= It look, mut It a- if hi, amktition to become Pre,itlent had turned his head. and led him to throw hint, if 'bodily into the arms of the moivaii. A DenDirrat hi former times, he exhibited great liberality and broad VieNVP. in Ids treatment of the rebels' When they sur rendered. Itud he lots been regarded ta, con servative up to within a recent period. If lie wooled keep hit bold on the esteem and af-, feetimns of the American people he will re trace his stens!tt mire:l:4lhr as he can. show that he is eon-ervative ut heart and give the cold shoulder to his Haines) advisers. Noth ing else.ean him from ruin as. a pablie m:111. THE Washington corresixtudertt of the N. 1-. World telegraphs that the "President has expn , s.qed himself in the most positive man ner respeetines the revolutionary measures now Wing put through Cougrel;s. If Congress enacts na to deprive him of any of his constitutional authority the Executive, who was as directly elected by and as diret:tiy repre,ents the peopie as Congress was -and doe--, may be expected to resist such an en croachment with all the iamer at. his corn; maw!. His right and duty as Commander in-Chief of the army, of whielt it k prnpo , cal. to deprive him in the - pending reconstruction la, are among the chief prerogatiVei which lir:.Folmson consktently defend." Coo/ for Andy ! hip stand up fearlessly for the right, and ;tit- people will sup} !in him as they did Old HiCkory," when he was fighting a similar basic for the Constitution. Inv. (-vexing of congress on recomtrue lion 1., the World a snatch of the fife MOUS negro melody : _ "I whet:l about and turn about, • And do jiti rA) - And every lime I wheel about. jump dim ('rots " • - In which it piiiy M . live per , 1411-011( . 1 . .111111pitil: CrOl% :1:+4:01t ,:re...,, in Ow t.‘rr dam., of reron -traction, to.i . er 'Ka. 1,. jow l , itt la v.: CRISIA AT HAND. .The'people of the United. States will soon be put to another test that will exercise the full measure of their forbearance. The par ty, of which 'Sumner, Wade, and Wilson, in the Senate, and Boutwell, Ashley, Bingham and Thad. Stevens, in the House, are repre sentative members, are preparing to take one more stride forward in their traitorous efforts to overthrow our Constitutional form of Gov ernment. In defiance of popular opinion, it is the intention of the majority in both houses, who, in the language of Mr. Eliot, of Massachusetts, are responsible for the legis lation by CongreSs -during the last eight years," to put through and clinch all meas ures that may be requisite to a perpetuation of their power,. at whatever risk of public peace, interest and safety. The programme foreshadowed by Wendell Phillips twelve months ago, and reiterated by Ben. Wade last fall, has been agreed upon, and is to be carried out to the letter. Congress, with the united vote of the Radical party in both Houses, will carry out the folloWing ores, to wit : First. To put supreme power over the ex cluded States into the hands of a military dictator, abrogating the State laws and the rights of all white citizens thereof. Second. To subject the 'Executive to the control of the legislative branch of the floc eminent ; in Cid, obliterating the former. Third. To destiny the power of the Fed eral Judiciary, thus removing all - barriers to the Usurpation by Congress of the powers of the Federal Government. Fourth. To summarily remove the Pres ident by law, in case he should offer any ob stacle to the measures they have adopted or maw adopt. The hill for. that purpose pro: vides for the arrest and suspension of Presi dent Johnson as soon as articles of impeach ment shall be adopted by a majority vote of the House. The reason that impeachment heretofore failed was that a law fot the arrest and impeachment and suspension from office of the impeached party had not then been passed. Fifth. To legislate out of office, or destroy by base attacks on his reputation, every offi cer of the arniv or nave who refuses to assist in.fastening these measnres upon the nation. investiture? It 14 a poisoned robe which will cliMi to his festering sides, if he does. He has been silent, and moderate, and prudent, and men have looked to- him with some hope. Will he make himself the point of attack ; the target of-bate ; the central figure in this infamous usurpation ? Will he make his fellow citizens forget his battles for the tnion;in his Victory over the Constitution,his prostration of Civil Liberty. They accredited his victories in the field to the patriotic pur pose of restoring the tnion and re-estab lishing the law. Will he now, in the service of a faction, demand " the unconditional sur render ". of all that is vital in the Constitn tion, of all that makes communities free and honored, and of the attributes of independ ence in the Executive and the Judiciary !: It were better for him that he sheathed his sword in his own body Onot ; that he should wield it in such a cause. It is treason against liberty ; and every true voice should be raised to denounce it and evert• hand to strike it down! AVIIAT ARE THEY AIMING AT i What is the de , ign of the present part• in power, as manifested through the doings of the Radical Congress ? Simply to attain to absolute ana twrpc Nal power. AM how (I() thr•}• pror,o<, t o a tt a i n th a t end ? Our tit tie r.- NS'i<elY (110116i1 the riovcrument into three co-ordinate department., and dearly defined the duties of each, and their relations to each other. in the Constitution. This great ,hagner eiwria of human Liberty Iva , - taken a. a guide by three excellent men who early admini,tered the Governthent, and vontitmed to -be -4) looked upon ?Until the bl6oilv hand of war, incited for selfish, anti inflamed by sectional animosi ties, was laid upon it by thOse who had at mined power through the spirit of jealousy and the pns,ions they had evoked, until, now, they are endeavoring to blot out its provis ions and destroy its bill of Individual Rightg, together with the foundations of securitY up on which our Republican In.titutions were originally based. Through the plea of "war necessity" they have disorganized party combinations against their iniquitous schemes; and by steadily, and, through an organized plot, generally de nouncing all Outside of their "ring" lig "'trai tors" and "Copperheads," they have demor alized the public sentiment to such an ex tent that all the injunctions to watchfulness from the early fathers of our Republic, to gether with all the safbgttards of Liberty established by them, are lbrgntten, or stink in the unholy desire fur the success of, a party whose - in:dig:a spirit would drag down the Goddess of Liberty front her temple, de stroy her image which is enshrined in the hearts of the millions who have been blessed by her sweet smiles, and remove did beacon light of hope she has set up Ibr future gener ations. Now, with the control of the Congres's, these it »lien' corroptionists linc—or-ganized a regular banditti warfare against the itarn ings of the laboring man at the North and the property ttf the people at thO South and because the President could not be induced to disregard•titc Constitution as they chose to have him. and his oath of office to respect the same, and to see that An the law' were faithfully executed, the Executive Office has by their unconstitutional enactments been rent - lewd a nullity—and then, as if the ineri s lPt..f:l - their iniquity knew no bonds— they irtve :truck down the power constitu ted to decide upon their legality, and made the Supreme (Win 'of the U. a creature of Congres.:, Hat there is ni limit to despotism. 'rile "despot of the war otike,"--.-..viliose miserable truckling to derange the affairs of govern• . went. rind to disinter Executive 14 the expense of creating riot and blood-shetilltal been exposed by the President,—ntu.Sl be re-. thoirtcd to show their demoniac hate and diqrcgard nt' principle, and that they might have tine at the, hevi of ,the Wnr Depart ment base enough to the military aria i the Governntent, to carry 0u414,4; i i plitons designs by that means, if they were to tat/ tis etimitittieiett; Itt.eon. ttetitut 4/45 Anti 4egro ..?ttpreilittey,` eet)er • ally. ' • The power vested in the President as Com- Mander-in-Chief of the army is passed over to General Grant ; and this fact, together with the manner of his sanding his portfolio as Secretary of War set iatarim over to Stan ton, without consulting with his Comman der-in-Chief, gives additional cause for alma for our personaland•for general Liberty. The means then by which they expect to attain the end proposed is plain. They have- usurped control of ten States and minces maters their party with the South ern negroes for the purpose of controlling the elections in those States, which they have purposely kept from representation for two years, that they might get the entire control. They have tminpleddown the Executive brunch of the Government, arid the COnsti tution under which they attained to power, and over-ridden the Supreme Court. They have re-Instated officers suspended for notorious unfitness—if not notorious criminality—in order to further their designs; and if they cannot by these means carry out ' their_ designs it is evident they intend to con. trol the country through the power of mili tary despotism. Are the people prepared to submit to this result ? We shall see. D. ECIPORTANT BILL ET THE LEGIS- lIMMI The financial 'question gives promise of throwing the negro wholly in the shade henceforth. In all tht: Legislatures now in session, it is the leading topic, and . n .mere digest of the many measures proposed:for the puhlic,iclit-f .would fill mans ( . .olumns. Among the propositions suggested we have seen none that are More likely to command general attention, than the following rusolu lions introdnertd into the State Legislature by Mr. lfeek, the newly elected Democratic Senator from the Lyeoming district, We* understand that promises ot support for them have beengiven, by a number of Radical legislators; and that Senator Lowry will soon make a %pi:eclt favoring the principles of Mr. Beck's re , olotton6, if trial the resolutions thems'elves : &vetted, 1. That it is the judgment of the Representatives of the people of Pennsylva nia, in General Assembly met, that the earliest.possible renirn of the Government of the United State , : to specie payments is es sential to the interests of our people and the prosperity of the nation. 2. That to ensure en early and safe return to specie payments, we believe that the whole business of furnishing, the people with currency should be vested in the General Government alone, on the basis of her bonds ; and that the present national banking sys tent. exacting. as it does, two interests front the people--one in the form of taxes for the payment of the interest on the bonds deposit ed by the banks for thh use of their currency —is oppressive, unjust and ruinous, and, iu our judgment, should be discontinued. 3. - That the .lionds of the Government. furnished an ample and suture' basis for the currency required by the business of the times ; and that their payment in United States legal tender notes,l93l their sale for the same, by the Government, at the option of the holder, will-equalize the value of the several issues of the Government, restore public confidence, by raising both bonds and currency to a gold standard, and in our opin ion, open the way fur a speedy and safe re turn to specie payments. • • 4. That the exemption of any species of property from taxation for the support of' the Government, is unwise, impolitic, and has no authority in law; and that in our opinion, the existing internal revenue laws are grievously oppressive, and should be so changed, or modified, as to relieve the toil. and industry of the country, anti place thp burdens of the Government upon the vices, luxuries and wealth of the land. S. That economy in the expenditure of public money is also essential to the restora tion of public confidence; and that the ne cessity of the times no longer requires the enormous expenditures made necessary by the war; and iti our judgment each branch and department of the Government should be limited to the smallest practicable amount necessary for the efficient discharge of the duties relating thereto ; and that all sources of expenditure not essential to the present anti piospectiic necessities of the Govern ment should be speedily discontinued. fi. That, as well fbr the protection of the .labor and Manufactures of the country as for the purpose t fderiving revenues, a well de fined tariff upon imposts, le?ying thereon heavier duties than now exist, should be speedily enacted and rigidly enforced. —The resolutions came up for considera- I 'ion on the evening of the 21st inst., when I I Mr. Lowry commenced a long and carefully I prepared speech in :faVor of the. principles embodied in Mein. The tenor of his' remarks nettled some of his fellow ItailicaN, end a desperate-attempt was made to "choke him ott" Mr. Ridgway, of Philadelphia, accused Lowry of fiworin g - repudiation." The latter, with characteristic fervor, flung the charge back into hi , . teeth ; declared that he would , trolls; gagged, and continued pouring hot I "hot into the Radical financial system. There wa, a public =upper the same , evening, to I which the - Weal members werc intited,and I it being of - vastly snore impOrtance than the fbusiness interests of the community, the con sidemtion of the resolutions was postpbned ' in order that they might he enabled TO at tend.! GRANT THE RADICAL NOMINEE. Radicals of all hues now freely concede that there is but one man in The United HStates - Who. can safely run for President .algninst= the dead Democratic party. General' Grant's nomination is u foregone conclusion. Why do they nominate a man who liarnever ' been identified with their creed ? Why do they stake heir succe , , on mere , military prestige i Why select a candidate who, if he finally turns out to be a Republican will be such only because his - ambition gets the better of his judgment? There was never a more unequivocal confession of conscious weakness than the Republiean party is tow making. A political party never paid a sin cerer tribufeAo the strength s :lml vigdr of its rival than to nominate a man.who has aster publicly proftrssed its principles, whore li-es to let the eountry know where he stands, who never voted a Republican ticket, never made a Republican speech, het, er even attended 'a Republican meeting, anti cares nothing thr the Republican policy, except as a hobby on which he hopes to ride into the, White Howe. If he hud nut shared the de-' lesion, which prevailed ten months ago, that the Democratic party , was dead, he would as wiliingly have remained a democrat as have exchanged sly glances with the Republicans. For a while, the Detnfleilit.l (10111)14 him for precisely the same reasons that the Republi cans court him. now—because they supposed themselves weak. But since the great re action which has taken place in the public mind, the Democratic party feels no need of this crutch, and is quite willing its rival shall use it to support its tottering TIM -Radical pipers Irave published with a great flourish of trumpets, and much ;mus ing chatter.a secret eirctirOst. taunt by Hon. Win. A. Wallace. -Chairman of the Demo cratic State Central Committee, urging upon the party certain important bolo: in con: nection with the spring elections. It seems probable that the . pnlitieation of this docu ment may get some of nur "great moral idea" trim& info trouble. The circulars were all placed in the Yost ofhee by Mr. Wallace himself, ear-hilly sealed, 4nd di rected only to the Chairmen of the Demo cratic Co. Counnittei;s, whose political or thodoxy is unquestionable. As none of these gentlemen are likely to have given the cir cular to ,the RadicaP press, the question is, how did they obtain it i Is It possilde that It may linYe been purloined by some ll:Wield Postmaster, or mail agent 7 let the subject secure a thorough Investigation, and het some of the Radical editors placed on the wit ness stand. Ttit: Springfield (MasQ.) Republican, the New York Evening Post,the Brooklyn Union, the New York Times, the Buffalo Commer 1, 4tlyertiser and the New York Commer -1 glut Advertiser rt.fme to support the proposed usurpations os' Poo extqg Trrr. editOr of the Republican, tiler taking five :lights to sleep over the matter, returns to the "loyalty" discussion with.inorti. posi:. tive faith than ever in the soundness of his views upon it. lie sconta the tcla that the Constitution is the paramount object to which the "loyalty" of American citizens is due, and persists in the nonsensical 'declaration that it is the "Government," which he kindly condescends to inform us tote embraces the three "branches Executive, Legislative and Judicial, though it is but a year Or two since it consisted of the President only. If this be the rase, will lie please explain why it is that all the officers in these departments, be fore entering on the performance of their duties, lake a solemn oath to "preserve, pro tect and defend" the Constitution of the United States Will he further state the reason - why every State official, from Gov ernor to Justice - of the Peace, is required to` swear to the same effect, and that nowhere, in our whole syStem of public affairs is there such a proceeding known as an oath to sup-. port the "Government ?" We have neither time, room; nor disposi tion to prolong the controversy, but; we can not help remarking that according to our cotemporary's idea, the "Jointly!' of the American people is a subject of ir Very tin certain character. What is the:Government ? "The Executive, Legislative vand Judiciary branches combined,"* says the Republican now; •:the President," said its editor and his fellOw Radicals a few years ago. "But the 'Government' everybody i knows is di vided—the President and &prelim Court taking one side; and Congress the other. To which then is 'loyalty', due ?" "Con gress, of course," the RepubliCan Will claim. "But you said it was the President; not long since, and accused ns of 'disloyalty' for pot sustaining him?" "Flo we did but times have changed, you know, and the President is no , longer the Government; he• is 'disloyal: "Then one branch of die 'Government can be 'disloyal' to itself; and _the Government is one thing one day, and another thing at some other time! How concha it that if the Government is composed 'of the three branches, that you are 'loyal' to only. one? And how dare you, with libelkins tongue and - pen, accuse Democrats! of 'disloyalty,' for opposing. President Lincoln's course, when you are ten thues more hostile to Pres ident Johnson than they ei•er Were to his predecessor?" Out on•such humbug, saY we. j If the Re. publican's definition of "loyalty" le correct, then is the editor of. tlutt paper :one of the most deeply dyed traitors in -this Northern fragment of the Union. He has never sup ported hnfone President since the day he became a voter, and at least one-half of his manhood has been silent in open, undis guised enmity to every branch of the Gov ernment, Whether considi'red in our own construction of "loyalty," i' j the one he places upon ,it, it become.; hint to: say as little as possible on, the topic, for in leither light the evidences of his guilt rise s,; thick and foul that the astuteness or a ktiladelphia lawyer could not save hini froM conviction before a Court and Jury. ". ! LA-nut ad vices from WaShingtim than those given in another column, - hay that Grant de nies having had an agreement with the Pres ident to retain WS place ih tho Var depart ment until a successor email be appointed, or Stantnn's right to the place tested in the Courts. A denial is also teleginphed of the statement•that Grant has; urged Stanton to resign ; and they are represented to be upon the most happy terms. It would give more character to both these statements if the Gen eral would prin ti them over his own signature, instead of sending them out through the me dium of irresponsible enrrespondents: The President has been open in his charges of duplicity, and if Grant eipects,to be believed he must be equally nnreserfed' and straight forward. Ile has managed to keen the pub lic in uncertainty about - his opinion* so long, that many are beginning to think be either has none, or is Maying the role of a double freed trickster. - ' ' THE following gentleinen are prominently named in connection with the, nomination of the iiect Democratic , State Convention : Surveyor General, .T: M. Cooper, editor of the "Spirit," Chamhershurg ; Auditor Gener al, W. W. IL-Dacia, editor of the Thrylestown "Democrat," candidate for thq same position in 186.5; A. D. Markiev, member of the Leg islature from Montgbrnery j county; and Chas. E. Boyle, of Fayette county, an ex editor, now practicing law, member of the Legislature for two years, and President of the last State, Convention. The Convention will select Oft candidate for each of these positions, loin: Senatorial .delegates to the National Convention; and . two from each Cpngressional district ; mid, we presuifke, twenty-six candidates for Presidential elk:- tor. EDITORIAL', BREVITIES. Is the-late municipal election at Allegheny City,.the Democrats made a : gain over last year of G 49 votes. this in oni of the black est lOcalities of the State: The DemOcratic eolimm, like John Browril soul, is still "marching on.' . Tut: South Caroline. Rechnstruetion Con vention, convened under the acts of Congress, contains 58 white and 63 'negro delegates. How would the people of Pennsylvania like to submit the making of their Constitution to. a convention-compc4d nearly three-fifths of negroes? Fr is announced tliat Rev: William R. Al ger i s writing the "IlistoryLbf the Devil." If Alger be au accurate and faithful historian, a . large portion of his history will include the Congressional Globe and Appendix from Mareh r t, 1841. to the death of the Fortieth Congress. , WENDT:LI. Puds, in the Anti-Slavery Standard, cOnfesses that, "the inauager4 of the Republican party rely entirely'on the ten . rebel Steles Jo eleet,Gen. Grant. .. I 's It is planned to admit the Southern StatesAm the well-understood condition that they vote the Republican - 11(.1aq, no matter what name that ticket bears." Tue. Tribune is, shocked to learn, that Radical - County Convention at the capital of Indiana has unanithously 'resolved that the principal or all United States bonds which do not expressly specity that they are payable in coin shall be paid in legal tender. •If the editor-of the Tribune were to mix among the people, he would lie still more monied to find bow heartily business men of both parties agree on the question. Dunisto the dist!ussion in committee of one of the Radical measures, some over-sensitive' chap suggested that 'it .did no accord with &Won:oh:Won. Thad. Stevens at once jumped up and exclaimed "We all know that it is outside of the Constitution, but what of that?? When'the Constitution is in our way we have'a riabt to set it aside. That vestige or old fogyism - is played out. lam sink of hearing this babble aim( the Consti tution" This, after the split-hooffedlraitor has,sworn to suptiiart it filly times. A CABLE telegram inform. us that the eruption of Vesnvins, which heganNovent ber 14, has increased from day to day till it has now become a spechicle of sublimity, yet, terror, such is Vesuvius ;even has not pre sented probably for_cenutries. By singular 'coincidence the eruption , began on the day of the meteoric showers, Me earthquakes and tornadoes which, followed In terrible proces sion. What do these things, "coming ail at once," porteno •Ahout the Same time the Democrats swept the Northern States by large majorities. Is the world coming to an end?? or is it only the deaththe Itadical party ? If the latter there has be' en a very great fuss over a very small matter TETE shallow jubilation of the Republicans Oyer the--case of Stanton is of no more ac cCiant than the cacklingof geese. Whathave they gained by it ? An odious system is more easily tendered unpopular when administer ed by detested men. It was a mistake to put Me de in the place of POpe, since he has done the same things and gives their the sanction of his more respectable character'. We pre sume the President would not wish to repeat the same blunder in the War Department. The ac don of the Senate in St =tees case so far fi.inn being a party triumph, is a party infa my. When the Tenure-ofollica bill was on its passage, the Senate refuSed to include Cabinet officers, and onlytonsenffiti at last as the result of a Committee of Conference. It was the deliberate judgment ot the Senate that the President ought to have the selec-, tion of his Cabinet_ Its yielding to thelbuse seemed immaterial at the time, as the bill, by making the Senate the judge of the President's reasons, put it in its power to concede to him that control of his Cabinet which it admitted he ought to have. The fact that the Senate has acted against its own public admission of the President's rights, shows what an un scrupulous and inconsistent-junta of partisans it is.• It stands self-convicted of sacrificing its • itnigmentto ffiwty malice. QtrrrE an exciting scene occurred .iu the Rouse on Wednesday afternoon of last week, pending the consideration of the so-called re construction bill. Mr. Fernando Wood,, of New York, proceeded to speak in opposition thereto, and in the course of his remarks he characterized the bill as "a monstrosity—the most infamous act of die many infamous acts of this infamous Congress." lie was loudly , called to order from the Radical side of the Rail, and Mr. Dingham demanded that the words quoted should be taken down by the Clerk, and objected to Mr. Wood continuing his remarks. A vote was ordered on a mo tion to allow Mr. Wood to proceed, and it was lost by-n strict party division—yeas 39 ; nays 108. Mr. Daives, ot Massachusetts, then offered a resolution requiring the Speaker to censure Mr. Wood for the language above re ferred to. A motion to lay this resolntiou on the table likewise failed by a strict party vote —yeas 38, nays 115. The resolution was then adopted—yeas 114, nays 38, and the Speaker proceeded to deliver a brief lecture to Mr. Wood on the alleged impropriety of his con duct. The honorable member did not appear to pay any attention to the proceeding what ever, doubtless thinking, with a great many " others, that, udder the Circumstances, it was a very high compliment to be censured by etch a body. THE Financial Chronicle, in a -late num ber, directs attention to the increase of the public debt in November and Deceinber; the expenses and outlay for army purposes, and the amount - of income necessary- to be col lected in order to keep up the Radical plan of governing the country, and adds, "for the present it appears we must give up thei hope of diminishing, to any great extent, the vast aggregate which represents our national ob ligations, except retrenchment be enthreeti with a much more rigorous and firm hand in the departments at Washington." The diffi culty Is_not in the departments. it lies With Congress. While that body keeps ten States under a military ,despotism, and the army upon a war footing, the expenses tlf the gov ernment will tncrcase year after year. Attntit the States, reduce , the cost of the ‘Var. De partment, and the first steps towards a reform have been taken. But the Radicals will not move in that direction, and hence the people must continue to suffer. As AN illustration of the manner in which military justice is administered in the South,' we give the following incidents of recent rre n ein that section : "Some months ago Captain-Schaaf, of the United States Anny, shot and killed Col. Shepperd, n citizen of Alabama, at Mount Vernon Arsenal, near Mobile. The murder was pronounced to most cowardly affair: He has recently been tried by a court martial and sentenced to pay a tine of #lOO awl be imprisoned at Fort Pu laski for eix months. A few days after that occurrence a negro committed a rape upon the person of a young lady in North Caroli na. Her friends captured and lnmg him. Fire of them were arrested and tried , by a ndlitaty court and sentenced to fifteen years' imprisimment at hard labor. This is Radical . justice.. The life of •a - white - man is worth' thine hundred dollars and a trifling impris onment; that of a. negro. incarceration for fifteen years. , IT Is nOw'statecl that the depression in Nev. England throws out of work at_leastiGo,ooo people----10,000 'in Maine, 20,000 in Newt Hampshire; 30,000 in Connecticut and Rhode Island, and 100,000 in Massachusetts. -The main cause Of-the unsettled financial condi tion and general depression of business and manufacturing interests is due to the Radical party, which, after nearly three years of ex periment, has failed to•restore or even to re construct, but is in •a fair way to starve the South, and to ruin, financially, the North. This destructive, all-depressing party has the supreme impudence to ask the unemployed mechanics and I:diming:men of the North to vote so as to keep this disaster-bringing and breeding concern dominant a few years more," or long entitiqrit to complete the country's ruin. Tnisordei of Gen. Ilancock, issued on the Ist inst., in' regard; to appeals to him to decide litiguted cases, fully sustains the former ac tion of that gallant officer since taking com mand of the district of Louisituia and Texas. These are golden words—" The administra tion of civil justice appc . rtains to the regular courts. The rights of litigants -do not de pend on the view; of the General. They are to be adjudged 41 settled according to the laws. Arbitthry power, such as he has been urged to assume, has no existence here. It is not found in the laws of Louisiana or Texas. It cannot be derived froth any • art of Con. grecs. Ire is restrained by a Constitution, and prohibited from action in many' particu lars." There is the ring of the true metal in these words. THE people of the \Vest, with great una nimity, favor the payment of the tive-twenty bonds in greenbacks.. This k denounced as "repudiation" by the New York Tribune; for partisan ptirposo2. On the back of the green back'issue of February 2.1, 1882, we findlhe fidlowing: "This note is a -legal - tend for all debts, public and private, except du ies on imports and interest on the public debt, and is rectivabtkin payinent of all loans made to the United States." What sense there is in styling the payment of an obligation in strict accordance with its terries "repudiation," • we leave to the decision of those who must pay the bonds. Tnn correspondent of the Tribune, speaking of the .Grant movement, says the Radical party "does not want a sol dier; if it had carried Pennsylvania , it would have done without him. But .1 this iv the. hour of its despair, and only a soi dier can wive it." Yet, after Grant is nom inated, the whole Mulical press will he howl ing (Oxon their love for the soldiers, and point to their tutppoit of Mn as an ilinatration . of it. • Tut highest financial authority in theptg... lish press, the London-Economist, says dike system (!) of taxation for which We have to thank the Radical party; "Every sort of in dustryr-almost every, kind of available and conspicuous net—t. seized upon anti taxed. A ninety-ninth part of this interference in - Englandivonld have caused a rebellion." Tem Grand Array of the Rermiblie, in conk vention at Philadelphia, elected Gea, Logait of Illinois, Collunander4n-Clitef; and Gen, J. Owen, 'of - Philadelphia, for Senior Vice Commander. The Grand Army must be hard up for material, to take two of the most notorious scapegraces in the country for its elder officers. Tug Mobile Tribune quotes the following extractiVont the letterof a 3liviiippi plan ter: "I never dreamed of such hard times and actual distress as lain this State at present; and it is nothing - now to what it will be. This portion of the State is its most favored. Moat of our people have corn enough to last this year; but not one in' twenty-five has meat enough to last three months, and there' is no money to buy it with. No one has made cotton enough to pay. his hands nor to pay for the supplies used during the past year, and according to Ord's order, the latter are to receive attention first, as I think justly. On one or tub places, I hear that the negroes are living on parched corn alone, their em ployers not being able to pay them for last year's work nor to feed them this year." , GRANT'S Radical enemies arc. developing some of his alleged 'short-comings. One of these-Is the restoration to the army of Major Lynde, a relative of his brother-in-law, Gen. Dent. Lynde was cashiered anti • dismissed from the army for surrendering Fort Fillmore to an inferior force of Confederates, in 1801. They also animadvert: on his habits, and de clare that indulging in o;/ate CS has the same effect on him as on Toodles. TUF. World, Commenting on the doings of Congress, forcibly and truly says: "The men of the Rump are traitors—not with arms seeking to secede from one free government in order to establish another like the first— they are traitors to representative,govern ment itself, to the institutions which alone in modern times have enshrined civil liberty: They arc traitors to the freedom of treemen." TILE PERFIDY OF ORILIVP. - He Violates his Word, stud Sell■ out Body and Soul tp the Radteats. [Frorri the New York Tribune, Jan. lab. Possibly Mr. 'Johnson is as much sur prised at some features of the transactions in the Stanton affair as anybody ; for it appears he had an understanding with Gen. Grant some time ago, which was renewed and ifs details recapitulated from time to time,. and finally repeated on Saturday last t •tbat lie (Grunt) would eitherhold on to the office as Secretary of War ad interim until the rights of. Stanton should be adjusted in court, in case the latter should demand possession or the Department, or else he would - give the President' timely notice of his intention to resi,ln as Secretary ad interim, and thus ena ble Mr. Johnson. to appoint some other man to the office, who would relitse to surrender to Stanton until the decision cOnld be had.' As It was evident on Saturday last that the Senate would not sustain the suspension of Stanton, the President and General Grant had another interview on the subject, and a full understanding, substantially as above set forth, was the result. It Was also agreed that Gen. Grant, in company_ with General Sherman, should call on the President on Monday to determine finally whether he would resign as Secretary ad interim, or con tinue in the office and test Stanton's right, as before stated. General Sherman called on the Executive, but Grant did not. Mean time, on Sunday last, a suggestion had been made to the President by certain Senators that should the name of ex-Gov. Cox, of Ohio, be sent to the Senate for Secretary of War, his nomination would probably be con firmed, and thins get rid of the Stanton im broglio at once. Mr. Johnson, however, preferred to have the matter take the course .lie had decided it .should, especially as he bad no doubt of haying the co-operation of Gen. Grant or another Secretary ad interim, in the manner before stated. What caused Gen. Grant to change his mind or to with draw front the arrangements, or why he did not notify the President of his intention to surrender to Stanton,has not transpiredfully. ' The first notice the President had .of such change of purpose was upon the receipt of I the following note from Gen. Grant- to-day I at about 11:30: Tloqits. Alt3tY r. S., Jail. 14. 1868. 7 7iie Kritefinfry .1. .I,7hnson,- Pre*(deht ITiiika Stator. - SIR : I 'have the honor to inclose herewith , , a copy of official notice, received by me last ' evening. of the action of the Senate of the United States in the case of the suspension of the lion. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of f f War. According to the provisions of see-. tion 2 of an net regulating the tenure of civil officers, my functions as Secretary of War ad intert'm ceased front the moment of the receipt of the within notice. I have the hon. or to be, veryrespectfully, your obedient servant, • . ' U. S. Grum'. • (Here follows a copy of the resolution of the Senate.) This letter was handed to the President by one of Gen, Grant's staff lust one hour after Gen. Grant had surrendered to 'lli. Stanton, and of course the latter was in possession of the War Department for that • length of time before 31r. Johnson was advised of what had transpired. " • Gen. Grant was in conultatitin with the President to-night, and we have high official authority (not from Gen.' Grant)' that the General unnualifiedly'expressed the opinion that the Secretary of War should-1,43nd in his resignation. The same authority states-that Gen. Sherman expressed the same opinion yesterday. The President, it appears, is de termined to adhere to the strict letter of the law, so far as Mr. Stanton is concerned, which will compel everything from the War Department to go forth with the words,"By direction of the President." - Prom the same source I have it that Gen. Grant will obey the Presider)! only. The National Intelligencer republishes its article in- regard to the understanding be tween the President and Gen. Grant with the following renewed assertion of its exact truthfulness: ."The above statement of Lets was made by us deliberately; carefully and advisedly. We know it to be true' in all its length. breadth, • and • we • challenge General Grant to deny it in a single particu lar." Special dispatch to the Pittsburgh Pont.) ' Washington, Jan. 16.—There is no doubt that Grant deceived The President in sur rendering the war office.. Johnson pointedly reminded him in the presence of Sherinan of his agreement, and Grant did kot deny it, and said if he' had not allowed Stanton to take possession. he would have umliTtaken to run the war office elsewhere, under the authority of the Senate. The President said - if he, Grant; had kept faith, he would have seen how the Secretary would have seen how the Secretary would have fizzled - in running his out-side machine. Grant and others are at tempting to persuade Stanton to resign,while the Jacobin faction in Congress, entreat him to hold the place. Gen. Grant was again * with him to-night, and unqualifiedly expressed his opinion that Stanton should resign, and Gcn. Sherman yesterday earnestly advised the same course. Meantime, however, Stanton is reduced to the merest clerkship in the War Department. The President win not permit any orders to be sent from that department except in strict pursuance ! of law, which being literally fol lowed will prevent any orders from the Sec retary of war as heretofore, and compel eve rything of that character to tte 'issued by di rection 'of the President. Om Grant will only recognize order , from thy President. . THE D11.3.10ND DICKENS—LiIac liorrit.— The eighth volume of the dainty little "Dia mond Edition" of Dickens is now out, com pleting-nearly two-thirdS of thewhole series. The same merits that We have admired in the thriller volumes of this editioh mark the present volume, namely, compactness, beauty of typography, substantial paper, character istic illustrations, handiness of size, elegance of appearance and remarkable cheapness. It slips easily into an ordinary coat- pocket, tak- Ing up but little space, whilst it is handsome enough, inside and out, for the library shelf or the parlor table.--47erilond Herafd. The cast oteach volume of the beautiful Illustrated Diamond Dickens is only $1.50: plain edition, $1,?.5. It can be procured of any bookseller, or will be sent post-paid by 'the publishers,Ticknor& Fields, Boston. Comm: ,AriArN.—We take great 'pleasure in again announcing to the aflicted that the celebrated Dr. Liston, Surgeon to the Albany Eye and Ear Infirmary, will make his next professional visit to Erie on Wednesday arid Thursday, the 12th and 13th days of Februn- rY, stopping at Brow'n's Hotel, for those trio days only. The reputation whielt Dr. Lis ton has iilieaily acquired for "his successful treatment of all diseased of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Catarrh and Chronic Diseases gener ally, makes it unnecessary to devote any time or space to sounding his praises.. To those In any way afflicted we say gi and consult him. You are certain to receive honorable and fair treatment in every respect. Eroxisia HAIR Rgreronan..—The cheapest and best. Mammoth bottles only 75 cents. The Eugenia Harr Restorer eclipses all known discoveries for the rapidity with which it restores gray and faded hair to its original color, promotes its. rapid and healthy growth, preyents and stops it when falling WY, and to a most luxuriant hair dressing for the human hair and head, rendering it soft, Silky and luenum., Bold b 9 fl. Dickimson Son, sole agents In ETle. decl3l.y. °ROLM from city or country for "Ictil ,ell's New General Aria l " addressed E. tiargeant, Agent, 111 Erte P. 0., will receive prompt attention. jal6-2t. itelv-abbtrtior tato. -°- 114388. "THE WORLD." . At the opening of the year Z. "The World' challenges, more confldently than ever, the sympathy and support of a I pattiOtie A glorious work has been gloriously begun.— Deep already answers deep, The 'miff fidelity of this journal to the cause of liberty protected by la* stands nobly vindicated in a spllendorof victory shining.from Maine to California. Con necticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, have'timndened forth their • venllet upon the misrule and madness of the past. lint much more remains to he done. Never was. the peril of the country greate.., The Radical party still decrees the death of representative self-govern ment .n ten sovereign States. Armed with mil itary despotism and wholesale Negro Suffrage, it desperately grasps at a permanent lease,of power, in defiance of public opinion. at the cost of mom , us taxes and of crippled induntries, at the cost of Union and Peace. To the great battle still to be, fought "The World" will give all its efforts, all its energies. It asks of its friends in their turn as much : it asks of them mare readers and a wider influ enCe. It asks this with confidence in Its claims an n newspaper and as an organ 111 . 01)1111011. The chief use of a Newspaper in to give its readers ALL THE NEWS. • For this the nullities of "The World" are un surpassed by any Journal In the United States, It seeks to exeel by an accuracy and candor, a apirit and freshness in its news ecdumnt: which shall commend it to readers of whatever party, sox, As an organ of opinion "The World" Lathe un flinehing cimmplon of A Liberal, Progre , isive Den►oeraey, whereof the corner stone is Freedom restrained by Justice; Freedom pure and simple, In the largest collective measure; the ottice of Justice being to protect Freedom front encroachments; Freedom of the individual eit Izen Inhis rights of though, speech, religion and locomotion ; in his Right tp make any money bargains he think. proper in spite of foolish usury laws; in Ids Right to buy and sell In all markets, domestie and foreign, in spite of tinned protective MOM.; in his Right to choose his own food and drink, to spite of meddlesome temperance laws• kilns Right to representation in tne legislat iVe bodies which tax him. In spite of unconstitutional ex clusions;Freedom of collective citizens to as semble fur discussion of glevanees; Freedom of all local communities to manage their local af fairs without central interference; Freedom in every settion f the country, from the arrogant and Uneonstltutional domination of other see nuns. This large and emnprehensive idea of Freedom sums up the polities of “The World," which will never he found wanting to this yap- Rai interest of the country and of the human nice. • -A paper published In the metropolis is natu rally looked to for careful. Market reports Mid authentic information, and intelligent discus sions relating to Trade; Commerce and Finance. In this. features "Thp ilTritCB corn- Istrignit with any ()Myr Pwns]. EDITIONS The Wi.:ERLY WORLD, a large quarto sheet. same size as Daily, Ii now printed wholly in large typo, And (since Rs union with the New York Argus) has the largest circulation of any weekly Journal published, save one. It is an unrivalled Journal for the Farmer, Live rit twit or Produce Dealer. Country Merchant, etc. Pub. lislust 'Wednesday. The SEM w WORLD is a large ,Luar to sheet, same size tot Dully, which, by omit ting the great mass 11.1' city advertisements from the Daily, contains everything else that appears In the daily awl meekly editions. Published Tuesday and Friday'. The DAILY WOliI.1) afford, a complete cot.m- In•ttdhua and diqcumition of the n. ot cl y day. lEME=I "Wit'EfiLY W 9111.1.. 1 Cope I year 4 2 00 4 qopies I year, geparately addre,..,ed 7 00 10 coplem 1 year, kepar...ttely aditre‘csel.l Ii to) 'X copies . . l i year, to otle athltle4.,s Vi to a) eople, I.year, separately tettlressetl '2.7 00 50 eoplem 1 year, to one aticlregps 14 01 50 eople, I year,-separately addressed.... .. '..5 00 14E:111-WEEKLY .NV Olt LI ). 1 vow: I year.... 4 Poples I year, separately sclolress , sl . 16 copies I year, to one , to enples I year, separately tultlre,,sl PAILY WORLV 1 copy ')I . (1,1 - 13 PILIZES For (lob of In to It address, I Weel:ly 1 year ' semi-Weekly " Ito " 1 Daily - DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be nude :Any time in the year at the above club rates. l'hanges In club lists made only on request of receiving club mei:ages,' stating edi tion, post Mike and State In which it has pre viously been Seta, and enclosing twenty-five cents to pay for trouble of the change to sepa rate address. - Terms, cash in advance. Send, If possible, Post °Mee Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk of sender. We have no traveling agents. Specimen cop ies, peed ,• etc., sent free of charge wherever +lna whenever deatred. Address ail orders and . Tin: WORLD. .15 Pork. Row, lq, , w York 1(•t tpri to J Ci:,.M-iht . LATEST & BEST! lIE (MEAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Bole. Ovemeaming CM SEWING MACHINE ! IM warranted to execute in the begt num ner every variety of Sewing Hemming, Felling, Coding, Tucking, Braiding, Gath ering, quilting, Overseaming, Embroider ing on the edge, and in zuldition makeM beautiful ilnitnn and Eyelet Holm In ail fabricv, IT 11QUAI.: ah,nolutely the best. Family Machin:6 In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, Pic it is two 3lnchines combined In one by a simple and beautiful ,meehanlcal ar rangement. .• Circalars with Intl particulars and MITI.. pies of work done on this machine, can be had on.applleation at the - SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANI South-Weld, Corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Sta., PHILADELPHIA InArtretlons glvpn oti the Maehlne gra tuttoumly to all purchases. 4r4 1 'T'N 701"r13 To sell this !darlilne C. R. liingxbury. 425 State Street St., Erie, ' AgPat fir trie, Warren find Crawford rountiga. ' Jahrtia-ly. AGENTS . 'WANTED FOR THE HI, - CCOA.TS, tnd liow they Lived - , Fought and Died for the rnlon, with Seenen and Incident , ' In the Great Rebellion. Comprising narratives of Personal adventure, thrilling incidents,daring exploit si, heroic deeds, wondertul escapes, -life in the camp, field and hospital; adventures of spies_ end scouts, to gether with the songs., ballads. anecdotes and humorous incidents of the war. Splendidly il lustrated with over 1W tine portraits and beau tiful engravings.• There is a certain portion-of the war that will never go into the regular histories, nor be em bodied in romance or. poetry; which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to succeeding generations a, better idea of the spir if, of the conflict than many dry reports or care ful narratives of events, and this part may be called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of the war. This illustrates the character of the leathers, the humor of the soldiers, the.devotion of women, the bravery of men, the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the senice. The valiant and brave hearted, the pictur esque and dramatic, the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic, and the whole pauora ma of the war are here thrillingly portrayed in a masterly numner, at once historical and to mantle, rendering it the most ample, unique, brilliant and readable hook that the war has called forth. Amusement as well as instruction may be found In every page as graphic detail, brilliant wit and authentic history, are skillfully -inter woven in this work of literary art. Send for circulars and see our terms and a lull deuripßou of the work. Address JONES BROTHERS & Philadelphia, EMB Store for Bent. CTORE: now occupied by Soutliant d McCord, CI on State street, for rent. Apply S. - CLATtIt. tP West Fourth Street. 3112-3w* HORSE BLANKETS Selling at Reduced Rates, by deeISAL ' 3. 0. BELDEI4 'WANKS! BLANKS !—A complete assort- J.,P. went of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men. for sale at the Obaerver office. JOB PRINTING or every kind, in large or Malmiantitlee, plaln or colored, done in mat it, ando4.lnederate pricee,"at the • " t Ir a PRINTING of overt kind, in large or mall quantities, plain or colored; itonala, beat style, and at Moderatif prices, at the Observer offices Ado abbertioctritnts. 1324. Peach Street. 1321; Itiiioo - 4. THE BLOCKADE RAISED. BURTON & GRIFFITH, Corner a Penelx and lal) - Are glad to Inform their euntomern that the obstruetion canned by the luying of the new sewer through Peach fdreet, has been. removed, and their patrOtte and- triettda are how able to remit their ?stand with tenant as or old. They Mare beeii improving their tI Me during the tern. ponary blockade by more than doubling their already huge stork of Grocerlea and Protlidons,•ke., and they now have the LARGEST AND BEST r<r•r.tcr, sTocg ever brought Into the city. of Erh•. ,atv.• cull. ttkA)ll.l,l.; ELSE FATAIILINUED IN-1844. HALL & WARFEL, WHOLESALE: AND Itizmi YLAU (4- C-4- S 6:10 State St.. Erte,,Pa.. French Window Glass. Tho public are respectfully Informed flint Stock of FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Impeirted by us fltnietly front the ruantmietur,. in France is the large-it and mod to he found west of NVW York city. It enibr.ievc both mingle and double th lektiens, of nearly MP !". Rill'. Thr• superior strength, Chetnttes beauty Of Freuvii glass is admitted by all. tour prices e.r.• hut little mone than for Anp-rirla, glas... A.IIIERICAN GLASS. We also keep constantly on band a large and varied supply of American Glastioflrst quality, both single and double thickness, of nearly every• size. Dealers and consumers In want of Glass will promote their Interest by examining our stock and prices of French and American Glass, before ordering from 'New York or PI O. where. Paints, Oils and Varnishes, White Lead variou,. Lin,e, .1 ‘,,'. raw and boiled, Spirit, Turpentine, Varnio,,,, Colored Paintg, both dry and in oil, lirtiklit-,21 - 01 every other article in the Paintinz Line at %bp Lowe.O. Market Price, in large or la MIIII q Unfit!, DYE WOODS. Our Stcc•k of Ilye Woods and Dpi• Atari' , 14 Coln plete, which we are hell',11„ n t WilnlCSllle m! retail. = 4 it/ 14 ICI 20 101 MEI PATENT MEDICDIES. All the popular of the day, at low est each price',. Drags, Chemicals & Gino, Our 'supply of above articles is eXtPli,h e , and aro prepared at all tlmea to eupply the wasp. la3th of the retail and jobbing Maio. Whal.• Oil, imam Tanners' Oil, And all kinds of Essential Oils, to 'huge a:! small lots. We express our thanks for tie libend ptc,-• age reteivc,ldUring the karat twenty-t t7' and now invite the attention olleen , uia , r. our Wholesale and Retail I)epart an ht,, sti.ea are well supplied with Staple Good., sair!i are selling at lowest cash price.. 0e24117-atu. 1 1111 E UNDERSIGNED otters for sale itic vala• able farm, on the Kuhl road. Creek township, one mile south 01 the VA?... Lion road, and eight miles from Erie. It NI tains fifty-five acres and eighty perches, OLT kroved and in the highest state of colt nott,a The laraLis equal to the very best - in I list sec'ii of the county. The buildings compel.. s ry frame house with 1 , - story kitchen an Iced cellar under the whole"; wood house - and se l house; 2 hams, each 311:v45 feet : nOA long with stable at the end; and all Memo... , ry outbuildings. A fi rst chess well of sun. int" • which never fails, is at the kitchen door. ThP7 Ls an orchard with 140 apple trees, all tirai - w. and bearing; and an abund a no. of a inn et (2' other kind of fruit grown In this ni , ght , r! , .. l The only reason why I wish to I on going West to embark in allot ml. ao,t,pan ,. a. Terms made known bv applynt 4 , to moors { Le premises, or to Hon. Elijah itsbbitt: • Ati , rr , '• at-Law, Erie, , J. stt decs-tf. l'ost Office Adds,.. Erie. 1 , 0041 Men and Women, isosesAarg character, and energy. Pee'se" L r''' and intelligence, to net as canvasser. forli "- riel of New Engravings,Five BeM nUUI American Facos.engraved on stone to Par, the most eminent Lithographers in U..' see; These faces, which arc Ilto+t 6,:ttllltr: poetic conceptions. are designed to 1.01 0 best Ideal types of American,...N resenting their charities, devotion. synl T.' attachments and beroisni. The lit flogrsra • - the highest stylb of the art; and l surl: rarely been equaled, and cannot be These portnilts have reeeitlsi untsinatioti": from the most, eminent ern ies and newspapers of the eountrs* and then ndorn every household in tVe land. r";'‘' Mats and descriptive circular. address dee2tt-2v'. : -Pt Mann St., ktpringtk;,l,N, Dissolution Notice. • THE FIRM OF V, SCITULTZ s Mut r:,z••"; , this dal; beentlissolved by mut ran"' nil persons Indebted to the same are mglf.e ,, , settle their aeconnts'on or before the of March next. - The book. will be at th";:* stand, where V. Schultz will contmsc the , nees the same us before; F. Schott? rat L - :4'%' the flour trade next door.l „ ,r • VALENTISE FF:111./LNIAND :41411 Creek, Jan. O. iai,," • I,o_:r To Architects and Builder. D..ANS AND PROPOSALS will Is' t•":'" . by the Directors of the Poor,unt 11 the Pitarchnext,for the building of an A1'1131 1 ° 0 '; Rouse of Employment, on the Erie ,•ii2r l ;.:". house farts; four miles west of F.fte. r der. WNL 31 AItIILTE I .-• • deelr67. NEW . And Tin, Ware Establishme: 11 A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF TIN Wl.r" ALWAYS ON iIAND. Cull at llltatri,d 1364 Sasttafnw street, clear 211 e Erie, Pa. ( R. FAULKNER, 31. T l, SttraStl F & 110:1CF,OPATti it;::11; qe ll3 nirrer - eila. - --- ' Ifouplem for Sale. UNDERRIGINEL , often , fur 1 jt Houses On SiXteetith Stre,t, to iinrtlelb's brick bulldlng,belnif among tu~p~r*' desirable Mucci( of rrshieuee one fs a two-story brick, in good ortivr.'7;,:i on nixttbeati, Street , : the other a triune e one-half story. frootinwou rotti on the same lot. .F.a..0• terns will be ttt",e°*,, t ,; quire of PETER SCILVAF, State t .1" 1, ,".ft. - the undernlgned, owner, In West lf E.? ! , Ja2-tf. Si 'HU - - . For Rent. LARGE TWO STORY FRAMF , 11(n :: F,..1 APeach street, 13etween '3l and 1 ,1 . 0 e'',,,- °ccuPied by Dr. 3lnghl. P0..,,,,t0n w,ll,l"'yg. en on theist of Aura. Apply to 3 ''`• '' aball, nut, and tili, owner, ili fia-tf. NI Rs. N, FOOI.I ItA ILANKB! BLANKS! A complvt_l,l tileat, Of °very Matt of Blank . ' Tell 10011011; JOStiCDowitehkrf and 4 .• iso, for sale it the filbstrrit t)flhan WM=tl2Ml And linporten. of OILS. Linseed Oil, Both raw and hash 4 Castor Olt Nr3t :b• t 0:: CIZEI Farm. for Sale. WANTED.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers