inersToNt STOVE WORKS!, 1t1E310VV.73. Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead (WHOLP-..3ALE A: RETAIL DEALERS,) 3famatactUrers of srrciviE - Is HOLLOW WARE RAVE nintovED Tit Kin FOUNDRY. i4XLESROON AND OFFICE, To their Nov and comnindiou, Building I= Twelfth and . Sassafras Sts., tlyi)o 114 ERIE & PITTSBURGH. CAR WORK' Our increased facilities for Manufacturing will give us as large a variety of COAL AND WOOD Cooking and Heating .** rir 'Sr ! As is to lie found; est of Albany ==l Coal -Cookh:lg Stoves, IRON CITE, 'IRON OA TE s3fo,lCr, BURNER, !both plain and extension top,) WHEAT ISREAP, NEW ERA ANn AMERICA'N ItoSI. I=l DIEM IRON KING LEADER, F'„t• Kuril 0,0 Low Oven Coiik gloveQ,' for Wood, IMPROVED FOREST ()AN, (pInDI ;ma etil , ll , lnll 101).1 GOLD STAR, NEW FOREST OAR AND 3IENTOR Elevated Oven Stoves, ADVANCE, PRINCE 4, MINNESOTA ME Parlor Cook Stoveg, . . I ECLIPSE A -N1) BLACK SWAN Parlor Stores for Wood, BELLE, FAME -kND SIGNALS Earlor and Office lieatirig Siorem, for Coal, ARIZONA, DWARF, GEM, BELLE OP- THE LAKE, • SIGNAL, I'iIARL,.KEYSTONE, FANIE, COTTAGE-, CASKET, GLOBE AND SALAMANDER tt•nuht Yeblieet fully Invite the attention the pun!ir to on examination of our - 1..1114W. .IN/) V.Sittrr) Assortment of Stove-s ltrinC a••un•l that xtltlt our estru(rdtnai' I.l,lllties for manufacturing, e•e can offer such imlotwinents to tlu• run-baser as Will 1n• entire ty ...II 114,10 nrt•. ll'.• ular. lurt'e the Celebrated Base Burning Oriental Heating Store Ilan Lest In die World for which we have exClUals43 male In the city. cifiren NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERV-ER OB pRINTINO 0, oZ4 North-West- Corner of State Street and the Job Printing of Every Description ! Ina NtYle of orisorroAed neatm^..s. and tt price% to compete with any other oftleit hi the North West. Our PitEsols arc of the Our TYPE all NEW, and of the N'EATEAT STYLES, and our Wentkw EN equal to the coun • try. With the. Machinery and Material we now possess, we feel Juni; warranted in claiming that NO OFFICE in the western Part of the State EXCELS, and onl y one or two equal us, In facilities for turning-out work in a 'I RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER loy - v.rtN - sT'srl OP riierwrxivc, Received, and work warranted not to be inferior to that dale in the Eat,tern eltteß Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statements, ` ENGRAVING, LITEOGRAPHING, ar-c. 51111115!SVIPlitS With the htrgeo. and he,t •,tabli,linent In Buffalo for prpetrlng any port of 'Engraving that inay he needed. In as good style and at Cti )4 • N I :1 Oil 1 4scix T But Mina, Machinery, Seals,. Autographs, Maps, Portraits, ac., By entrusting them to us will be Imsared of a good piece of work to the moat prompt and satlifac tory manner. Eugravi um. (unlimited either on Wood,Storke or Metal. Boob &c. In tills department 'we have facilities that are unsurpassed. Penions having printing to be 110110 that requires Ruling ur Loading In i•onneet ton, will lind-it to their interest to entrust It to us. We Dili guarantee that it shall be. wrformed in a Vorlortanilize manner, and that the charge will be moderate as can be alcordot. The liberal patronage extended to this Mike during the ift4t two years has encouraged us th make every etrort possible to deseri c the illVOrri of our tritmds, and we now take especial grand cation In informing them anti the public that we have succeeded in fitting up tot establishment csig to er7gui r,h theentof (I?luit. ae,lr T intrcouvl,, l: ,e l x z t, t only ask s trio! to satisfy any one that wo claim no more than e e are, tikr ,•;itith,t Cott , tstittly on hand a full ',apply of Attorney't, 311,th:4,.. of the Pcace and Concitabh4 Blanks, of the nok tt appo - oeut forms. ..‘l.O, NQTES e% ery kind anti itErEIPTS, singio or in Wok.. FULL AND COMPLETE! FALL AND WINTER GOODS Dress Goods, Dress Silks, - Irish Poplins, FRENCH POPLIN , MERTNOES, ALAPACAS, REPS, ttc. Also, a Great Variety of Cheap Dress Goods lIPIELA-ITNIES; A NT) T lii IFS Good Prints for 121.2 Cto. per Nard---.:Can't be Rennin New York.; BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIMS, Of all Qualities and Prices. Cirxst (kinds as Low as rents per Tara Blankets, all Qualities & Prices, White & Colors. r - 11 - ' T-4_ljAi■l4. RED, WRITE & BLUE; ALSO, SREETLNO FLANNELS. Shawls, all Wool; Paisley, _Brocha,-&C.-, &c. W 1 43. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Edson, Churchill & Co. . sepWrt 1. GREAT .A.rrrrA,Li_crrioN DRY GOODS AND FURS! P. HENRICIFS F3IpORIUIII, No. 716 State Street. 31y Cloth Department IN tilled with great bargains, from the lute auction sales in'Naw York comprising everything in this line : Item .Te, t:itinchillas, Broad Cloth, Ladles' Cloths, Cass/mem, sat Inetts, T oed, Allexp'c Grey, Kentucky Jean, and a full line of mingle and doubled faced Wa lerproobi. IN - 1V Ti - • • Thly Departnient Is complete le ~verething corona;; tinder the name. 'White Dertitet, Shaker, 'Steven's, the best Uoods made In the v41117E11% Twilled Red, Mile Gray, all Wool, and . Union, vOTEIMetWillg Rt.:MC ( IN Per yard upward,. Fancy Plaids and Checks for Shirting, All Wool Blanket' front 'AIM to tlifolla, A full I Ito, of the favorite German Loom !PatAt. l.iticu, ettlillnotteing Ni l'etltti jre yard up- Towt•ltint from (loth; tapwitrtlx. Irl.ll 14nett ei•titit upwards, Ntipktin, iper Lin eu~. all t•ry I th fleet lit kind, of Blanket shawls, from upward.. A lairge assortment of square Woolen and litigAta. fliaek and nod Center Pao ay, trout ft.', to . 4 .45. lireakfaht Shawls, sontuwi, Se. (Mid Balmoral Skirts Irian 91. a to anti the tioured Alpaca Skirts, brained, Thj, port thestore is particularly attractive, compriNing Handsome Goods front 24 teats a va,l tip to SI. Everything In the way of Plaid, Poplin, French Poplins, Empty,' Cloths, Reps, upwards, Alpaca - 9 front 85 cents upwards, In black and colored. lo Mad: >fll, 1 Ict'y cso it ton, prlec t Ono, wucqug at :1.2Z, tip to 114.50 per yard. warrant theta pure silt; an d not to cut. c °loved c t try - F tuitl e • color and qualify, also very low. I will not be undersold in anything belonging to this line, such 1114 Prints, :Meetings, 3lus Ginghanis, Canton Flannel, e t ceck and Striped Shirting. Wool Yarn frotn . il a Ixarna unwards. half wool, front in cent, a pair upwards. Woves, Mink from .52.5 to .s•tx.) a Sett. Rit•er Mink trout .5;7 to tat Siberian Squirrel, Se. Don't forgot the place ] Na. 710 ostipro tit.reet. ITT:NrelelIl3. T. B. & TV liNir "Y JP [lvo,in:;lilUdupuuruße in the MOST compr,mrE: MANNER. nre Prerat•ed to do MOST IMPROVED KIND, OItDERS FOR Special attention given to Ilw printing of And all the kinds of wort; in inie by linxinesß Mon Parties wanting C 01..; of Li:lG A_ IL 1311_, A:IN ocif ,sTocIC of' Con.i•ting of all !10. new Colors and Styles of IN GREAT VARIET,Y (.' I. CI ll' II S 'L. I. N N . Shawll-; alai! 138121 . 1°ra' Skirts. 1)1t.E... 1 10-S Cr' 0013 S. SILKS. 113031t1S . T.ICS. UItS. IEI 11111 eroccrivs, Vrobuct, Ate. G. P. DAVIS 8. Co., Dealers la all kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PROVISIONS, Fifth Street, between State and.Freneh, ERTF., PA ll:wing purchased our goods btfore the late TII3O in prices, we feel confident of being able to give knibitaction both In I rice and quality. Country Produce, or sort, bought and sold. Fartnerg - can als - ays depend on receiving the highest nuirket price for their art lelec - DEALERS IN TAT'. ADJOLNINO TOWNS, And on the Liner, at itaLlsoad, KUTPLIF:DWITII FRUIT, o VEGETATILEF4, &C. . , City° us a Can. Remember May & Jackson's Market Depot ViTTR SPREE T. !AUGHEY & FILKINS, (sucerssotts To C. KEIGEL.) Iltalet 4 In GROCERIES, FRUITS & PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, VM4V.TAI3I,Efte, SHIP CHANDLE-HY, 502 STATE ST., CORNER FIFTH : ERIE, -PENN. 'A. aulsT7-tf. V. A. W7 7 .1111F.:11 tft cop., DF.ALEItii T.,!C Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINE 4, LIQUOR?'i, SEGARS, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruits, '1 , ;i3.04, Sc - 1314,4 t ate fiitreet, We ski°, between SU/ and 9th ittreeta, Erte, Pa • Cash paid for country , produce. F. A. WEBER. myll-tr. W. ERHART JOAN 33-11-I\-17.A.n113. DEALER .IN TX:OILY GROCERIES Tea, Cuffee Sugar, Syrup, 3lola.acs. , Flour, Furls Finn, riMitLiao,, Provision:4 generally, Coun try Produco, Bird Ca eM, \%'0.)41, 'Willow and Crockery Wan., Fancy Traveling BaiiketN, To bacco and Segani, Fishing Tuekle, 4te. 1.21.1-4tutorAtreet, Private FaranieN and Iloteks eupptted. tioods tleltvered. n1y16117-tt. • BARNUM, WALF:U7N . , DRUGS,- . NEDIEANES,- FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY TOILET SOAPS, IT A I R \ 0 r I, , ;Polypi:4 PUFFS, BRUSHES, 4 4: - COLOONE, -P. Lite.ecti ORs, Turpentines. Varnish, Hydro term of all kinds, - PATENT NEl:mum% PURE. LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, London Porter and Scotch Ale. Prescriptions carefully dispensed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be preelsele as rep resen t ed.. No tmnble to show goods. Remem ber the name and Plat., ' BARNUM, 1317 Peach Street, pr11317-Iy. , Sonth of the Depot. WHO 31ADE 'YOUR COAT ? ' Fat ,IL .N It nts,so I guess I 11mM, go and get one: how an his charges'; • WI don't you know, ho sells CHEAPER than any other Merehant Tailor In :town, hat the BI:ST_; ASSORTMENT OP • GOODS, AND ALIi'ATS WARRANTS MS GARMENTS TO FIT; ti' :t IA that sal O[ courtie:tt itnvc go to lA% titore, No. 626 State Street, 4ntl eve him ',bob... to irtake you n suit, and you will **vet buy utlywhere else. jtt27'B7-tt. J:11. linsLET. Joa. A. STElq3=7. J. H. RIBLET & CO., NO. 818 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA., Manufacturers a tld dealers In Furniture of Every Description!' INCIXDINO Parlor, Dining. Room and 11(41 Room Sets, Otlico, " School owl Hotel SieN, and every nrtiele SrittSo Our Manufactory Is !limited on Eighth street and thrAianal, and nor-Ware Rooms at Ski Stata reet. In the latter place we keep a larger sup ply of furniture than can be found anywhere Mho in Erie, all our own manufacture, gotten up witliparticular care for custom trade, madam the best material Anil after the most approved style and manner. Particular attention Is tit raided to our UPIIOLSTERF t Ii GOODS! Of which we can make' a better article than 1 . 1111 be purchased at any of the attractive ware houses in the East, and which we guarantee to be First Clash la every particular. Full sets gotten up in Walnut, Hahne Wood or any other desirable material, covered with the beat goods nututtfaetured for the purpose. Our assortment of Furniture in this so complete that every customer can be, suited at that examlna- Una. I.72IELIE.IrrALICING6 We have commenced tile business of Under. taking with the best equipment ever introduced tit Erie, and with two excOilent hearses, one of which Ls as tine as any in the State. are enabled to attend to funeral orders with the utmost fa cility and satisfaction. Our stt)ek of Collins and Burial-Cases, Trimmings. Is full In every particular, and we are satisfied that we can rill every order promptly and salLsfactorliy, In the city or county.. ms-M7-tf. J. IL RIBLED di. CO. Authorize( • Capital ttL5OO.OOO. CA T PAID 11l 5M0,030. THE Nil SECOND lONAL BANK 1 opened for nu. Iness on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH , 1884, In the tanking office presiously occupied by the Merchant's Bank. Brown's Building, nortipeast corner of State street and public Park. W3f. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. DIRECTORS: . WM. L. SCOTT, of Arai of J. Hearn & Co., Coal Dealers. JOS. .11*CARTElt, of Inn of Belden, 'Bliss A. McCarter, Builders. OF,O. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo A Erie R. It. JOHN C. BCRGDS, of firm of Clemens,Caugla ey & Burgess, Wholesale Grocers. O. E. CROUCH, of arm of Crouch 4e Bro., Flour Merchants. M. it. BARR, of flan of Barr, Johnson 4 Sea man, Stove Manufacturers. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREIBIOAKER„ Wooer. • • •dcrat "1" - ,..11A.CCIO AND ClOAltt3. The place to. get a choice article of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars is at E. 8.. WELSECKAN:EI lass t , r.Aca • South of the Union Depot. est ways on hand a good assortment of the atx)ve articles ofleyery grade, wholesale and re-. tall.. Also, Ptprouches, Boxes and Smokers' Articles at every description. Please favor me with a call. Don't forget the place, laet Peach street. mr2VV7-Iy. kta121,42,=1 For the Handkerchief. 'TALON'S A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and 'Frs. cvint Perfume, Distilled from the Bare and Beautiful Plower from which it takes its name. Mnnnfactured only by PHA LON dr SON. 'NEW YORK. PlA'3l34olllllllhiisliSiil AM FOR PIIALOR93—TAKE NO min- Sold by Drunks& geseraY• . BANK - NOTICE. Keystone National Bank, 01 , : • CAPITAL -$250,000. . DIRECTORS; Belden Nfarvin, John V7.-Itall, Elliot Marvin, nester Town, 0. Noble. ORANGE NOBLE, Prest. JNO. S. TOWN, Cash. The above binds is now doing business in its new building, CORNER OF STATE AND 'EIGHTH STB. Satisfactory paper disconnteii. Money re ceived on deposit. Collections made and pro ceeds accounted for with promptness. Drafts, Specie' and Bank Notes limught land lad& A share of public patronage 'watched. Important Notice. Irmayt.r.AV STATION, fiept. 16, 19:37. The Subscriber would respectfully inform the Farmers of Fairview-and vicinity, that ho hi prepared to pay ' 'tflE HIGHEST SIA_RICET PRICE for .all kinds of Farm Produce delivered nt Fairview Station. • Alho, keeps on hand for ewte MTUMI NOUS ANI ANTIIRACITE; COAL, as cheap us can he ,Jnal elsewhere. Also, has the agency of .11& , nigooci, Young& Co.'s Superior Cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivators, Wallace Lt. Jones' fielf-Duniping Wheel Huy 'Rake, &c. And has a superior lot of fall blood and gratlo SUFFOLK AND CHESTER WHITE PIGS! sepl9•67-Iy. ' A. STONE. NEW FIIR3I. Having emaciated with me on the Ist of Janua ry *Atelrew 31nyer, in the BOOT & , SHOE BUSINESS,' The firm will be known us C. Englebart & Co., and the business will be carried on as hereto fore at No. le 'West rurk, Erie, ra. C. ENGLEHAET. Something; New. • Buy Silver Tipped Shoes) for ).'onr children. A ntajorlty of the children wear bores In the toes of their shoes, In a very few days; then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent this great waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sli ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. -Leather Caps have been worn to some extent, but thex have proved worthless. ver • have a neat and substantial .appear ance;une do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings 1111(1 protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped• Shoes to be Intend in the city, !minding fine Sewed shoes, Bahnotals, -Youths' Boots, de., which we oiler, together with a large and fashionable ro.sortinent of Ladles' and Gents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. • =14'674 f. C. ENGLEHART t CO WATCHES, DMIONDS, JEWELRY, tiILVEB WARE, And a great variety ,A. N - IC 'Gr. 0 0 D S AT - AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 N. Park Place, Erie Next door to Merchant's rnion Express Co, A. stock of $.2.0,0e0 wokli of elegant and Wil k-mat& goods will tie otrered,'for the next three months, at a very great redin non in price. The stock is all new Mad purckitsed at lower rates of gold than now, and determined to avoid losses in future, small profits and cash transac tions shall benetit alike customer and dealer. Thirty years establiAtied in Erie, In the 'came business, irony be some guarantee that no great ahmunt id misrepresentation will be employed, but Just ennogh Fogy mei Young 'America spirit to warnint safe transa l diom; and good bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made totorder. I Watches and all kinds of time keener,. and Jeivelry carefully re paired and warranted. Give Me a cull. my?. 67-2 f. T. 11. AUSTIN. NEW Nimoixsittr. Alm RETAIL' CROCKERY STORE ; . 514 STATE STREET. ISAAC 110SENWEIG, tins operied a new store of the Rixive descrlp tion,at his olefstand,near the south \Visit corner of State street, and - the Parkochere he invites his obi ~ustoiners and the public generally to give him a tall. Constantly on hand a gene ral assortment Crockery, Glass, China and Silver Ware, Red Rootu Sets, Dltuter and Tea Sets, Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons, Looking Glasses, Lamps, Globes, Chimneys, - FANCY GOODS OF ALL RINDs! Embracing some of the Inuit beautiful ever brought to this nmrket. Those who wish co buy at a bargain will tind itdo their. intcrost ID call, Ito guarantees to sell' • PER CENT, 8E2,0 \s' any other house In the city exty7S67-I.Y. NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS I Just Opened Over 62S State St C. I:•U:STN. Having removed from his former Rooms, over Austin's Jewelry Store, to ids new and commo dious Gallery, in Eichenittub's new building, is now prepared to inake pictures of cat kinds, from the smallest to a LIFE SIZE PICTURE! Finlsbed In India Inlt, Water Colons or 011 41 Filitinfaction given or money refunded. niN State street oerr-Sm vuitivrruit - Reduced 30 Per Cent. in Price DEGRAAT & TAYLOR'S • 87 and 89 Boviery, hristie' Street, and 130 awl 13Bester Street, (EntriLnce Bowery,)' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Our Stork coreditta of all grades. atylea and kinds of FURNITURE and tiEDDINti, of our own make, which we guartirdce. Our Stock is entirely too largo for the season, mild MUST at: SOLD, If we can llnti the buyers, even AT 1 MAR. 0C10'67-402 R. Si.: W. ...TENKINSION, Manufacturertrand Wholesale' Dealers in TOBACCO, SWABS, N -P JO S'o. 6 Federal St., Allegheny : Clty, Third door from Suspension Bridge, febli."67-Iy. • Sign of the Big lathes, BLANKB t BLANKS !—A complete astlort ,_relent or every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justletu3, Constables and Business Jim, for wile at the Observer Office. ' FOX, OR MUSE RAT TRAPS! By the dozen or single, for sale by deela-tt • J. C. BELDEN. JOB PALNTING , of every land; in largo or J OB PRLNI'ING of every kind; in -largo or small gutiallties, plain or colored , done to =tail csumtltles, plain or colored, done in the_beatatyle, and at moderate price"; at the the beet style, and at moderato prices, at the Observer office. Observer office. NEW CLOTHING STORE I WO. 592 SWAIM. ST.i JOHN M. KUHN, . . Having Opened a new store in the above toad ity, respectfully antteunees to the public that he has on hand one of the largest and 'nest care fully selected stocks of llefdyMnde Clothing, Cloths, Cassimores, OENTLF.MEN'S FiJILtiIBIIIIG GOOD:4. Hats, Caps, 4S c., ever brought to this market—all purchased since the fail in prices, awl to is. sold atithe most reasonable ilgures. He has one of the best Cutters in the country, and will engage to make up Clothing In the most fashionable an&durable style, His stock Is complete...Noth in the lino of Ids trade has been neglected. Give him a call awl see for yourselves. He warrants thegoods to bo as represented, and prices aglow as any In the city deosAY67-tc. .1 -3 .IFAILErY'S National, Claim Agency, 01SIN , in Farrar Mill 1111111441 g, Erie, Pa All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late acts of Congress, can have the same promptly collected by sending t heir discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly tut knowledg• ed and instructions returned. • INCREASF OF PENSIONS. • 815 per month for the Mud loss of Ilse of either leg or arm, instead of SS. .f. 2 per month far each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS of V. S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service March 3d, and discharged after April sth, lit i. Claims cashed. • Minot for arrears of pay. and pensions, and. bounty, promptly collected, timequalled Medi ities for closing and completing claims. Allow. aneo to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western rennsvPrunta where ye/1m of experience in the U: y. Treasury can be found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by - Increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to seenne their continued favor. omm In Farrar Hall Building. Address • . _ 81176 a-tr. James P. Crook, havina taken In his son, Jas. u partner, on the Ist dav of Aprll, isbri, un der the firm name of James P. Crook &Son. de sires to have a settlement" of his old accounts, All persons knowing themselves indebted to him ore requested to call and settle without de lay. • ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, F1t.k1%1E. , .4, D 0011.14 dz. 11.1.1:CI*3. Muuld.inga and Picket Pence, Scro/1 Matching and Planing done to order. Between Fourth and Fifth fits., Erie, Pa. ; Wo respectfully call the attention of 1314 pub tic to our facilities for doing work, in the lii•st of style, promptly aud on reasonable terms.- Rav ing fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery. we fee! confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders bolo -abroad will receive prompt at tent !MI. wcou'rcia TV 1 - 213 - 10-_ioNto 11-VVINti PRODUCE FOR SALE - We are now running a Market Line from Erie to Itenova, on the Yhtla. & Erie Railroad, and wishing to mecure all kinds of VEGETABLES & COUNTRY PRODUCE To carry it on, have established a depot, on, FIFTH STREET, • In the rear of the Reed House.. between Sttite and French Streets, Where we will be at all timer ready to receive and pay the lIIGILEST MARKET PRICE for the same. All having produce for sale are requested to give us a call. Inquire for Market Depot s Filth street ogle ' GERMAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner and *tate Sts., Thim Institution 114 now open for the trannte tion M hu.sinesa. OFFICE HbritS: SIatII.I)ADA: ft A. M. to M. 9.1. 31. to )4 I'. 31. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. •- ttMIRECTORS: J. Eichtnhint), P. A. Backer, F. P. 1..hel F. t.4-1no•Oler„ John Genshohner. OFFICERS: John Genghehner Matthew tAehlaudecker, F. Schneider, tny2'67-I.y. 01:131LIA stmanus mmamni. nonmoraTnte arsonnak train PRO PBD, FROG TUN 6105 T AMPLE Li experienee,an stints success; Simple—Prompt— , Binelent, and Bellable They us the only Medicines pernesly adapted to molar nee—eo simple that We. takes senate Le marls in ruing them; en hared= se to be free from dagger, and go efficient sa to be always reliable They have waged the Mohan eommendstlon from c. 4 tad MA always render satialetkoe. Carr , Cen ts. 1. Cane Fevers, C o ngest i on, Inflammations,. 25 9. • at liWor n V'erto-Ferw, Worm-Colic. 23 S. • Cryi s. Teethbeg of Inhata 15 5, • Diarr ma of ebildnis or Woks 93 • " Dysentery. Griping. Bilious Collo.. 95 Chotera.2lorbus, Vomiting 25 • " Coughs, Colds, Bronehkis • 93 • " 190 1 111 21 11: 1 09 Toothache, Facesebe... 25 • Thiadaenes•Bitk.healsens,Vertips 21 10, • Dyspepsia, Ulm Stomach 12 11. • Suppressed, or palnild Periods.... 22 1 2 , • Whitent too proem Period. 1 2 , • Croup, Conth, ditactilt Breathing._ 25 fen, • salt gthersta, Priapens. Conatou 93 16, Hll•Galwalagna Mc:motto Palos.. 95 - " Fever &ag b ue, Chin Peter Aimee 23 - 11 , * taind - ar leeding. * " OpihnisaLusy, and are or weak Byes 20 11, • Catarrh, swots or chronic, Influenza 50 110, • SIT galsoping-CooghoollentConha 50 21._ • Asthma, opmeseed Breathing 55 • Ear Diacharges,mpsion eil IS, * Nero, lila, enlarged Glands, Swellings 23 24. • Gendral Deblllty, Minkel Weasel's,* * rops, sued gawky '&me• tiate 991, B D eaeale y kness, Wanes from riding. 54 Hidnier•Diseaso, Gravel 30 60. • Nervous Debility, Sentinel Iturtesions, involuntary Dilk• alt es 1.4* Sorgouttr, Canker - 0 0 . • Urinary Weakness. wetting bed. 60 r Painful Periods, with Spann— 55 51, • Mitre range at change of 115. lln 13, " " Epilepsy, Spims, 8s Vito' Intee.l.os " Dipbtbersa, desisted Bore Throat ISCI FAMILY CASES Of $5 largo trials, morocco esati • :Oontaining a specific for ovary ordinary disease a ramify is sublet* to, and a book or db. $lO 00 ittlatt? PROW lind Traveling ems, • with 29 to at. vials trolls $l5 ten Specifies tor ail Prtvate iseases, both for csiefue and for YreventiVe , pataracnt, to vials and pocket case! $$ to $6 rirThete if enmities, by the ease or e be; are sent to any pert of the country, by Dail or LS press, free of charge, on receipt of thelprlea, Adstreas Iltartithrer2' SpeeSo 0 " Homeopathic; Medicine Company, Oita and Depot, No. t 62 Drusitrwa2, Fax Toast. Dr. l"a rennim e to e c r onsuJtM d .or y Wo r m og msg. 'FOB BALK BA ALL DRUCOLSTS, WM. NICK & SON and Erie. Pa. WILKINS & DOLL, Agent; CHEAP CASH STORE. A • 111 . 1 N - • Corner of Bth and Istrate Sts., -- DEALEU tp.• _ • Groceries and Provisions, Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, ." And everything that Is usually liepOin a First Class Family Grocery. AIL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASA. - • The best brands of Elite County floui, Always on Band. Call and examine prices. Goods delivered free In any part of the city or South Erie. oc3-tf. GEO. C. DLTNI,i TUNDERSIGNED havint purchased the I well known Livery Stand heretofore occu pied by Wm. J. Sterrett, desires' to inform his friends and the public that he will continue the business, and invites their patronage. • THE STOCK will be largely increased and Im proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the best livery horses in the coun try. lam determined satisfaction t the estab lishment as to give Those who want to obtain the services of a good team will find me ready at all times to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, iStetrett's Old Stand, Fifth street,. rear of the Reed-Home. • jetna-tf. THOS. LENNON. TOR PRINTING o[` every land, In large or smali,..maatltles, platu or colored, done In the beet sTfie, and at moderate prices, at. the Observer offices ERIE, PA v.E•srrrN4Gc‘i. J. M. KlJfl SOLD( fats' BOUNTY TOfl Lock Box 101. Erh', Pa NVINV VII-INE. TAMES I'. CROOK a: SON Dealers In and, ;Manufacturers of C=MM=tEl JAMES P. CROOK Az SON MAY & JACKSON,.,.. orrosm POST OFFICE No. 5. UV PSSSim 2= krnfra3 , l;44l. - 4 btiA 064 Hoop Skirt & Corset Depot! AT TIM 1 24. w . York hoop Skirt Manntactory, 10061 STATI 16'1'. z Neat. Light, Faiddonable and Cheap. F. COHEN & Imo. respectfully inform the Indies of Erie and surrounding country that they have on hand a large assortment of Mop Skirts, of all 'sizes and styles, of our own make, and manufactured of the be-d. flexible steel and material, _width we will guarantee equal ~10 any in the market. Having had considerable expe rience in the business, we are contident of our ability to give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor us with a tali. f f any, of our make will break within one year, they will be repaired, and no charges nuule. Old Skirts repaired, altered and shaped as new. New Skirts made to order at the shorte.t notice. A splendid and larfle stock of all kinds of Corsets'and Corset steels constantly kept on hand. Coon-try merchants supplied at thesery lowest rates. A. F. COHEN Sr BRO.. jt -tf. No. MS State street, Frie, Pa. BOOK BINDERY lank took Manufactory ! We would respect fully :Illumine.. tot he public that we have opened n 1.3001 i: BIN nlOl are prepare 111. n do work In, any brnneh of the bmtlne.., • BLANK BOOKS! 'Of all k 11 1 ,1%. an hand and anade to order, and ruled to any pattern .lo,liett. XAGAZIYES AND OLD BOOKS, Bound and repaired In the best style BINDERY OVER Reyetime National Beak, Corner State and Bth Streets, Erie, Pa, MEE 'l7 'N - 13 k.:IIC 7 '. 'N1.21), linving purehni.e.l tho interest of the Messrs Vlneents In the r - Loutt AND FEED BUSINESF, Of the late thin, would re,.peetfullv solicit a continuance of favor from the friends - and pa trons of the house, and the public in general, pledging hinnielt that he will at all times try to bell good and reliable Flour, Vera and. Grain At the lowest price for cash in hand. From my long experience In this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that lam prepared to mest ,that want. Returning my thanks .to the public for their liberal patromeie to no in the hypo by strict attention to my bu,inc , s and their wants, to merit a eontinthince of their piitruniiito fix the future. THE MILLING-. FLOUR, FEED, ANN) Git.dN BCFLSI.S', Will iv ././mtinued. In all It , . departmentq, qt the ERIE 3IILLS, PARADE STREET, A.* taid P IC IC 12 4D W, Between Ittown': , lintel and Reed Where the publir will Mal a good stork always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. ap25'67-Iy. H. B. HAVERSTICK. PrebfOnt. Treasurer .Secretary - EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peavh Street, above the DIM& Road, 1311•VANT' eis C 40., I= PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SIII:ET IRON WARE, THE aLEBRITED PERM PLOW! And all kind. of ton Every Stove •by us i' warr.mird to give sittisfuetion. Kettles, islendi Shoes, Sad I room, Ste., on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points of superior maize and durabili ty always on band. A rail and a lair trial of our articles is all we a , k. r.N'illt-t e(1. J. w.. 1.- n S Whole , ate and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! Having purchased the entire stock - of Furni Cure of Me,srs. Moore t littget,q respectfully rod: my.old en%tomers and the public genernlly to give Inc a mil ut the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET liefofQ elsewhere. n-.Nortment 01 Parlor, Chamber and Bed - Room Sets I BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS,. TABLES, DE.%4KS, And, In fact everything in the line or Furniture. ant twepared, to tuannfacjure to order any style that may be ealled for. Remember. No. 71.5 Ktate street., Past side, between Seventh and Eighth streets, up:WC-t ;NC TT SIC S Ci Ye Prices at a large liLseount below inanufactur ors' prices, E.vcry instrument Warranted for five years. No. SIS State street, Erie, Pa. jan2-tf. Z. CLOTHING ! HST c.A.]ps! AND Gents' Furnishing Goods ! tome Find >4. , e oar FALL AND WINTER STYLES JUST OPENED. JONES & LYTLE, No. 10 PARK ROW. sertl2,ll. T.... it. criEv.Ar...iras. DESIGNER A-,*DECORATIVE ARTIST ! 'Neatest. Cheapest. and Best Sign Painting West of New York. City. Varlorts. IlcYllis, Churottees, &e., Frescoed in the neatest style of the art, General Designing, Drafting of MOdels for the Patent Office and every description of Orna mental Painting executedpromptly. Rooms in Farrar Hall, No. 3, second door _aplll37-tf. Mary . Crowther,hy her In tho Court of next friend, Edward D. Common Pleas or Loomis, ErteCounty. vs. No. 40 Feb. Term, Isaiah Crowther. 1815 . XTOTICE is hereby given that testimony In the II above case will be taken at my °Mee. in the borough of North East, on January 11th. ISill, at 10 o'clock aim., by virtue of appointment from the Court or Couunon ja2.2w. t 3. S. nAmmosiy, Coirimissloner. O N F. W EMI E. M. COLE SON thd the Store ERIE, PA I hos.: 8. lump OEM JOHN W. AYR ~ E G R rea l tbr E oadav rit uge A Do 3 bie L m y ktv A tt:: NEW 'YORK., 'Bow l ., --• and the New En,liand N This ItallWay extends from Dunkirk re York, 400 miles. Buffalo to New York, f,„•:`- , Salamanca to New York, 11 to 27 311 LES TILE SII(.IItTEST !tort trains run directly. through to :v,.„ 1: Alll.424,witliout change n 1 roael,,, •4. Front anti after Aug. IN, 187, trufnA UM In connection with • all the follows : rcnn DUNKRK and ii.11..kuZ7,,,L,; —)ty New i Y Ork titne—tr l out filt h , 7 : 1) A. 31., Express Mail, from Dunkirk' r to erlit Sunday.). St op , at , 01,1uar, ,i, t1 I and connects at Ilanutlir and Corning with tiler; A. 31. Exproa fr om from BMW° and, arrives in :Ceti rerk4 . 7 2:35 P. M., Lig (exce htning E x press frnal duily pt Sandayl... Intersr.i, neiisvllle v,llll 2. - 11) P. 31. Train Irani and arrives Ift New York at 7 A. 4:15 P. 31. New York Niaitt kirk :luny p.lxeept mama at G;;1i I'. rind arrives at I'. 31, con acerlyat Ni in, h trains allot st'eattior Lt. to n England 9;50 P. 31..C1tielnliati Expre,s, frina )Sundays excepted). Stunt at 11:7,5, I'. M., uad eonnects nt iiorat;;. with the 11:311'. N. Train froth ving in New York 3:2.5. P. 'N. From Butfala—by New York flan—r, o? earlier Exchange and " re.-1.1 A. M., New York law Excites, Sundays.). Arrives in New York at Connects fit Great Bend with I A Lackawanna & Western Jersey City with midnight ex Philadelphia, Baltimore r 8:00 A. M., Express Mall, via. A fir g'St (except Sunday;. A mt.. ;;"\ York at I'M A. M. Counts ts Williamsport 6: Elmira Railroad t.r IL,;" burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, ll'•c,t and points South. P. M., Lightning Express, daily'. 1(1 . ; • day), connecting with morning trains for Boston and New Eaglo„; Arrives In New York at •;:tfi A. M. 6:10 P. 31., New York Night Express flail, lurch:at Hornell's vine with the i:ISP. y, !. from Dunkirk, anti arrives in New - 12:30 P. M. 11:3' P. M. Cincinnati Express, dally, Sundays,, Sunyto. Arrives is New 1 oak at p Connects at Elmira with Northern Itallway,for Wieglatitsport,liartplair g. i-' adetphia, - Baltimore and Witsititan,, ;mat Bend with Delaware, ' , nett:trial' Western Railroad, and at New yr,,k afternoon trains and steamers for h and New England Only one train East oil Sunday. hat la g lo at ti:10 P. M., and reaching New y urk I' 'M. in advance of all other routes. Boston and New England passeratets, e . their baggage, are trans,erred, free of etitoez., New York. " ' The best Ventilated and most Sleeping Pars in the World accornpanyaß•• •• ... trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and fare low o. by any other route. ASK Eon TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAI lAt•:- enn lie obtained at allprineipa M 1.... fleoh in the West andSouth-West. 11. RIDDLE. ,W3f. It, BARR, Gen . / 5111.1. Gen . / Pas 4, 4. febl Teti. NC) YitYttr: - NO MORE GRAN LOC,K.S. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair•Renele T h pronounced by till who have 11,1 , 8 l• very best preparation for the hair. It h 1 , 4 , live t ure for baldness, 'eradicates dardr,,:i hinnopi, stops the hair from speedily restores gray locks to their origa.l,- and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and till, glands with new life and coloring mutter. T dead, faded or - gray hair will always t,e bto7;i. hark, by a few applications, to its y, Abundance, viThlityand color. • s It makes the. hair soft, glossy, fnunaut.l,l, sant to. the touch and easy mamma. 1, 7 wiry anti Intractable locks become mon% p, and disposed to remain In any desired As a Hair Dre:t.slng it has no equal. are enormous, and it Is a univenal old and young of hot)) sexe., Ktfid ay Druggists throughout •States. Address all oniers to ZIEGLER S SMITH, Sole Proprli ter. Y Tr; North - TU.lrd GOOD ! , ..ZEWS FOR Mot hers,are you oppressed with anxiety! your little ones? Are your slumbers and h.l„- broken by their cries? Do you 'mak, 11 morning anrefreshed and apprehen,ne• procure a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant and you will Lace no more wears Loun ateiting, and anxiety. • DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEId* Has siood the test of years. ThousatoN nt eN and mother , beer a Ituess that it to git e,relief if used in season. It 1. a tn4'.•r sure :Ind ,pk,tiy Curt. fur cOlie,Clll7llp, areip,a and Is InNalliable for all complaints int teet hung. • Sold by Druggists throughout the States. Address all orders to ZI EWA'S{ S sMITH, Mole Proprktn , 117 North Third it.. Pluladelg: slLl'Ell:g WASH POWDER! Sav4. , lime,l3l , or and Inoney—inak,.• ng n pasture.. and Monday a Festiva: •N ~rywhere. Try it. ..iddreN.s all , •rdi. , :* nantif:ietarer.. ZIEGLER &Sz3lrrli, sok: , Proprtm„N 137 North Third St.,-Philivkip:.l. MEE = • 1E444 61 04„""u'R"G'4 O' I" AND C Corner of Holland and Sixth Stret4 ERIE, PA. • BRYAN & McGITEHIN. 505 French Street, Folly realize the truth or the a 00,0,,,110r object of the totrert Iser Is not to wet. advert isements, but to fairly by bezer , t:,;. , lie the advantages Ns Inch he offer,. ex;•r enee we find that.purchastng fore:•h :12 _VDVANTAGE TO MYRCII~~r` AND CONSITICERS. Bating got In a large and Iv,. FA LL STOt 1 I'iirehttmett tier Cash! And having resolved 10 mOl.O oar mucll as possible, a CASII ONE, 'Wt . ate vr-;.: ed to otrer, to Families aud. , All Purchasers for Cast Adrantazoi rarely offered in* our lin, who haVe not yet favored - uN with a r.N , L flnd•thls a reality by calling and exanug,i Clboicest FEEM cots ar-.~~, 11P1CE. , 4, pICKLES,•PROVISIONs. Daily Supplier, of FRESH COUNTRY FRODTCE BRYAN_ ,t MeGIVEIa 5 1 13 French S!., Er' MEE COAL! COAL! COAI! The place to lay In your Winter's `t P• • Coal hi at Saltsman 4Fz' Co.'s Yards At the Corner or reach and PLh corner of Saunfrro; and 13th ; :- Coal of all kinds" constantly an 11. , 2- lowest figures. Nut, Bituminous, from 82.50 to )?3•s°' Large Lamp, do., from .14.50 to i,5•5* Mid all other Coale In prol'orf 43-Dealers supplied by tiw C,ar liberal reduction. Frit IT,