The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 09, 1868, Image 1

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    Erie 'retitle' dAboctber.
rw v i z noway's:ma's, at.ocic_ . dMy gun"
s' 1.3 . .1v. coaxICH STAIR err. • 4l/ 1 111 , YABJCi •e 1
-,lngle copies, paid armor= in
ot na idvance, advance..„s2
r n y g o tacribergerveed
by carr.lerp, VW:Cents
additional. •
D f c, copies to the same person 4 00
Five codcodsent to one address, 10 00
Clubs applyonly to .tbpse who:pay:ln;
A dvance.
All sutacriptlon accounts must bo settled an-
T ony. No paper orlll be
to tiny person
_ toe r estoostelllty Ls not known, ;mien the
;Ace is din advance.
Ttt , r o noons are our advert Islns Wes, which,
will b e strictly adhered tie /u reckoning the
ingth ot edVertisententa, an Inch is oonsideeed
1 niiiii . e . Anything less than an dna Is rated
ss s tell square: , I ,
i, o. in5ert101.221 . 471 . 219: ',4,0.14 c.l 1 c,
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i)iiister• - • • Lan 1 1.75 2.25; 2.75 5.00 - 7.001 - 12. - Tc;
'Pro weeks ..., 1 , .50i 2.50 3.25{ 4. 7,40,12.00 3 1 0 0 I
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reeks- ...01 3.02! Un 5.0 r), ft,.,0,14,00! 25.00
Four weeks .... 2.53 1 1.70,1 4.501 6110 , 10M15.00 MA
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months— 8 - 0118 . 00200 39 . 9 0 50.00 Kos,'
one ymi.... .... :: !2n0 Ince 30.00 woo 50.00 9.00 1501 M
_ ____ _____ •
tera and Admtrators' Notices Stl
m om,' and Istrity Notices et: Nicht
ststres, set in fowled Nonpariel. and
''', rtn
e d before Marriegcs and Deaths, 25 per
, s td it lon to regular retest: Lewitt Notices,
fnrni•hed to the parties, Picts. per line of Eight
for first insertion, 12 cents per line for secs
‘r n
I nnd ten ernttt for each subsequent Inger,
Tittorial Notices eents eachne Mar
orate; Deaths 2 - 5 cents.- Adver.
isserteirevety other week, two-thirds
PP11 , 0119 handing in advertisement*
„1 .O'MP the period they wish them pubs
~,„1 • otherwise they will he continued until
_ iv , out, nt the expense of the advertisers.
'lave ono of the Itettt Johhhic Oilier% In the
Are prepared to ilO 211 W kind of
vrk. In
1 n Inetze, nr Antall Arden+, nt net reasonable
In re, tt and t:t ele as any establishment.
tt Ole ,onntrr.
t q entnlntinientinnA tthottlil he addressed to
Editor Mid Proprietor.
t3115i11t 4 30 Optirtg.
rd the PiIICP, Formr Ttall 'Hui - Mina,
Attorney at Law, Pencil street, above rntoni
kpot, Ede, P.l. • tiortr.
.„ me at I.lw, (tirant, Erie , 'Cotintv. Pa.
other linglnewl attended to with ,
„,,,, and ithipateli.
, 6enf , r A Marvin, .Ittnrnevg rand Counaellnrwi
vitro Parnenn Block. nenr,North \WO.]
wrrr of the Public. Square, Erie , . Pn.
Robert LemllP. Prnnrletnr.
,„,,i ~n•nunnmlfdion, tmd earernl att..ntlnn
.lien to theb...oinfort or Itoorns.
I , ..nier. In pine, White , .vraxt, Cherry, •Agh,
WAlnnt - and Oak Lumber. Lath and Shineles.
treeLSorth of R . R. Depot. Erie,
P... iny2-tf.
c.,,clnn4 and Sumer/11s. Office, frid Peach
44nithwest turner of Sixth. °like open
its and night. Dr. Whilldln's residence 914
g r ruc.trcer between Ninth and Tenth Itreets.
(16). w. GT*.N.NrRoN.
-.wary at I.nw, and lostire of the Peliee,
om and Claim Agent, ronve.vaneer and
ntllrr• in Rindernechra bla•lt, anttth.
Ire romp-4' of Fifth and State at reetx, Erie. Pa.
E. M. COLE ,t.• SON.
llo: Madera and Blank Bonk Mannfaetnrerv,
,Kpvoone National Bank. .15'11'-tr.
D,nt Vo. 5 , 1 , 1 Rtnir Rtrerkt, normal te Tlrown's
,tOI. Erio, Pn. ,oMro hours from 13 , 4 A. M. to
, 11. , and from I , to 5.P. M. oc10•67-tf.
and Retail Dealers in Anthracite,
I.arainoun'and rilackgmith Von]. Ocoee corner
P...rh and 12th xtrects, Erie, Pn.
.0t I.TSMA [se2B-tt] R. T. RALTRMAS.
Brewer and Denier in Ilona, Barley,
Tauter, &e, Proprietor of Ale and
nrewerie+ and Malt Witrehonßea. Erie,
' , lola. °Mire In Rogenzweht'n Work, north
the Park, Erie, Pa.
If. Y. PICKERING, 1). 11. tzl„
Dentl.t. ()Mee, French ntreM,. meennd story
'erret t flock, near the. corner or the Reed
' wtlR,
..4tiree.Nora to George J. - Morton, Commimalon
Merchants, rind Wholewlo Denten; In Coal.
icent, for N. Y.& E. awl People's Line of Steam-
Eact Public Dock, Erie, Pa. ja4115.
tuot Inn and rommlsslon Merehonts, and Real
Astents, 112 State street Cromer Nlntll,l
:rte. Pa. Advanees ironic on consignments.
rntintry Vendttes attended to In any part of
tw emit nt v.
and Clothes - Cleaner, 'Union Block,
l'iove Dr. Bennett's offiee. Clothes made, elean-
FI repaired on short notice. Terms as rea
watahle am any.
SPENCER fi fiTrint.-VS,
knornevs at Franklin, Pa. Office In
Liberty street. I'l[hr - de City,
ever Kemp's Bank, linimden street.
l'ollePtlons promptly made in all parts of the
0 1 1 regtonv. Jnl2.
Whales:de dealers In hard and soft eons, Erie,
'M. Haying disposed of our ,inek property to
•be above named fl rm, we neeessurtlyret Ire from
trade, reeommendina our suer eftsors as
,mnent lv worthy of the eontidenee patron
of our old friends and the pub] le,
score, RANKIN &
Kohionable Tnflor , Fifth street, between State
ATI P.aeb, Erie, Pa, Custom Work, Repairing
.;1.1 hating attended to promptly. aplferoi-tf.
enliWr of Frenelt and Seventh Mtrrets, Erie,
!14.nner John"on proprietor". Good horgeti
.ert carrlapFes •alwaym on hand at moderate
Pico. ,Wl2-tf.
• If. M. .‘11:11 , 1T1tONO & CO.,
, nerewits: to Walker et: .krmgtrona.
and Retail Dealer,. in Anthracite and
Coals, Wood. Iron Ore, &c. Office S.
o.,rner of Twelfth and Myrtle streets; Pcett
Lork Box .13, Erie.• Pa.
4 m. 4.1:4,ra0N0. !dcl'l-tr. , S. FOLL ANSISiE.
rh , ..1.1.014 net Mart on'; (1011e0 Vo. 10 Noble
k. r):1,...70pets divan.) nl••ht. 11r. ltarrett'a
No. :111 West sth SI. inelter-ly"
llion 11111 m. Erie Co., Phi: (1.. bry„.• •Tabor
~P rirtor. ( i..r.1 arwomm,wrltt lons :tip! nude
'.1 ., Oka rg0..4. 711(ietri-t f.
, _
(;Ko. C. BENNETT. M. I)
Phy.t.'lan and Surgeon. 4)lnce, Flot Park st.,
o'er flour gtore,-I)oarda at the no.
','""f NV. ReNo. 2d door gout!) of the M.
`.• ..ruirell. On SaA‘afram Ktreet. • ()Mee hours
:71,41 II n. In. until 2 p. zn. mvlo'6F-tf.
In all kind' of Faint v (In iverle. nn.l
4r., and wholl.wi denl
r In Wlne:i.l.l.lunrc. el; tars, Tobaero, .tr.. Na.
F'lfth xtn•et Erie.. Pa. jon'67-t
P. .1. Fit A14F.1.1, 1 .1 -.
• I .l lv%lciata and Attrw.p. rn. Odle^
I. l , 4•lrli•meo tt24 1 3 paeltopprelte the Park
If hourq (mall 11; to 12 a. to Sp.
• .an•l _to p. at.
1;11 Enzineer and Surveyor. ReMOnee ror
-,ltth street and Runt Avenue, East Fair.
r•ronenta•rger, at the new !..tore,
Village, has on hand n large assort rn.•nt
Provisions, Wood. and Willow
Liquor -4, Siegars, ,tc., to which he
' , v,thilly calls the attention of the public,
that he can otT•r as good bargains an
I 'i hr tit I in any part of Erie county.
MANCFArrunEris or
The Bradley EnOne!
N, - ni Compound or
bonble Cylinder Engine,
NEsi 14'r/;:A.IIIPTWICY:.
And is Warruntod to give
f- ,,, ' Mower than a Mingle C. Huller
"IN< the .ame amount of oitrant
Of ull Descriptions
• - - • • . . ..
, f,;I :•.;:-!.. . 1 ..;', ff, -,. .q, ,
:. z" • I'' .. ''..'...' ',..r,'-'_l - , - T'a .r.,4,. 3. .3 . '
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4 1" ~
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enter' robuce p 9t, &T.
1 AND -
Confectionely Depot !
8 Smith Park Place, Erie, Pa. •
1 - I.o7ft*C.F. L. Nytiriorr,.
' E
purchasediV i itock and lease of the above
M giro to end and keep the moat complete
stock of goods 'line ever °tiered In Erie.
The public can hereafter rely upon finding a
full assortment o r
Groceries, House anti Foreign Fruits,
Give ttio a ealland gee what I can do ter you
.c; ;AP - GOOD I S !
Wholesale and Retail
F. SCE - traITDECI±Ft.
Succeasor to 7. t 31 Sehlandecker, Is now re.
ftiving a splendid assortment of
Liquors,. Willow, Wooden and Stone Ware
Fruits, Nitta, Fic. .1 large stock of
Call and see us, at the
G-rocery 1-leadquartersa,
American Block, State St., Erie,
Wholesale and Retail iiroeery Store.l.
Nortk-East Corner Park French Bt., -
Would respectfully call the attention of the com
munity to their large stock of
G-roeorless and P'roylailonsi.
Which they are desirous to sell at
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups,
Is not surpassed In the city, an they are prepared
to provy to all who give them a call.
They also keep on hand a superior lot of -•
for the wholesale trade, to which they direct
the attention of the public.
Their motto in, "Quick.sales, amall profits and
(quit equivalent for the money." aplrtft-tf.
II ;MO BUM De iffki Al
Would respectfully announce that they have
Opened a More at
No. 42$ Freneh St., between 4th and Mb,
For the purchase and sale of
nutter, Poultry, Milk - . afco.,
Orden; from abroad ,will receive prompt at
cotton et the lowest m'rket Prices.
Q The highest price In Cash ;mid for Pro
duce. an161313-tt.
Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad.
I.F i LE . R ,il ?l r O u N n Dgi t - hi N s OVin f r
- -
mai A. M., Pittsburgh Express, stops at all sta
tions, and arrives at A. & G. W. R. R. Trans-
ter at 1:40 p. in., at New Castle at 3:00 p. in..
and at Pittsburgh at 6:00 p. m.
0:00 M, Accommodation, arrives at James
town at IWO p. in.
A. - 31, Accommodation from Jamestown,
arrives at A. & W. R. U. Transfer at 334
a. in., at New Castle at 7:011 a. in., and Pitts
burgh at 10:1/0 a. m.
80) A. M., Erie Express, leaves New Castle at
8:45 a. in„ A. & G 11. R. Transfer at 10:10
a. in., making close connection with trains
for Bernd() and Niagara Falbt,and arrives at
Erie at 1:30 p. m.
4:20 P. M.,_ Night Express, leaves New Castle
at 7:23 p. tn., A. &. G. W:11,. It. Transfer at 6:45
p. Eriemeswn at InS, p. m. and arrives
at at 12q1i, a. m.
Pittsburgh Express south connects at James
town at 1 . 440 p.m. with .T. & F. Express, arriving
at Franklin at 235 p. m., and Oil City at 3:40 p.
m. Connects at Transfer at I:10 p. m., with A.
& 41: W. Mail west, for Warren, parent' and
Erie Express north connects at A. & f 4. W.
Transfer nt 10:10 a. in., with - Mail east for Mead
ville and Jamestown, and at Jamestown with
J. & F. Express for Franklin, arrivlntrat Frank
lin at 2:35 p. m., and Oil City. at &TO p. m.
Trains connect at Rochester with trains for
Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and
at Pittsburgh connections for Philadelphia,
Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, via
Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
Erie Express north connects at Girard with
Cleveland & Erie trains westward for Cleveland,
Chicago and all points in the West; at Erie with
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren,
Irvineton, Tidioute, ite., and with Buffalo& Erie
Railroad for Buffalo. Dunkirk, Niagara Falls
and New York City. .1. J. LAWRENCE,
deelna-t f superintendent.
.A:LTsrrriNi -
Don't :ulyertise no Intensely the largest stock
of old I.tyle goods for the Holidays, but after
thirty rune selling
Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry,
silver Spoons, Fancy Goods, &e., in Erie, Is
prepared to show upon this oeeasion and steady
right along hereafter, every day, Just such goods
in style and quality most desirable to boy. The
old shopkeeper who so long stood guard, have
been relieved by New Goods, which arrived last
evening from New York, and at once displaced
the Old Fogies, who were very glad to see in
tesifled Young America with the
Latest Styles at the Lowest Prices.
Old and new patrons, don't he afraid of an old
concern—Austin is up to the times and en
denvors to do things in a practical manner.
Watches and Jewelry repaired skilfully. Sil
ver Ware manufactured as usual. Engraving
in every deitign on Gold and Silver. Give me a
call. T. M. AUSTIN.
At 24 North Park ItOw.
N. R.—New Cirxxls, Jr., will arrive at Anatin'a
144.4.. 24th, ISM. dpel9-41m..
For the Holidays!
Silver & Plated Ware!
The largest assortment in town, at prides that
Du not fall to call on
Twodoont East of main entrance
HAVING sold our entire stock o f Furniture
to J. W, Ayres, we hereby thank the Com
munity for their liberal patronage to us, hoping
they will extend the same to him. We will de
vote our time hereafter to the
With the consent of J. W. Ayres we still hold
our odice In the same old place, 715 State street,
where will be found at all times ready Wattend
to the wants of the community In our line o.
trade. ,
Deady :/fade Coiling*:
Trimmed to order. ' Metallic and Iron Burial
Cases, of all styles rind sizes, on hand; also,
Shroud and - Collin Trimmings. Undertakers
will find It - to their advantage to buy them in
to, as mei, cannot be undersold west of New York.
MOOR} et
I.3LANI►S:. COM pleto assort-
JD kind of ertry kind of Mauls needed by
dustless. Constables and Business
tra. lineTh ine sale at ilia - Observer Gales.
11. L WHITE.
Their ussprtment of
No. 2 Reed Block
Dm (Atolls.
Diqendorf, Woks . &
NO. 7 =ID -NOUN*
Would respectfully dull the attention or their
Mends, and the public generally. tathelr large
anti well eeleeWil amok of goods •
vxr.ver; nom' mitnomm,
Three Ply. Hartford and ip4ell Ingrain,
CAR 1 E T S .
, .
STAIR RODS. &c., &c
All of the latest and facet fsablonable styles of
Irish and French Poplins,
Merinos; Empresi Cloth;
Alapaclus, In Black and Colon,
The Finest Assortment In the city
ranite Penn:lett.", Malange
Clothe, Camlet Clothe,
A beauttfut stock of
In all ivldtha and colorw
- largest let at the lowest prim) to be found
In the city. - Call and be convinee,L Remember
No. 7 Reed Hove and 'l9 Fifth St.
'';. Dletendort Grog* & Folder.
Southard & McCord,
Our stock Is the largest ever brought to the ctt}•,
consisting of
A complete assorttnent of Dress Goods, every
kind of article In the Notion Line, and, in short,
a general assortment of everything needed by
Country dealers.
Country Dealers are invited to give us a eall.
We do a strictly wholesale trade, and propose
selling at such prices as will make It to the ad
vantage of merchants In this section to deal In
Erie. instead of sending East for their goods.
H. S. soUTHARD. I. 'Comp.
Carpet & Dry Goods House
A complete stock of Meetings, Prints, Linens,
Cloths, Backings, Flannels, Igish and French
Poplins, Ifohnirs, Alpacas, Delaines,&e. Also,
Wllrrh 004:21013t1,
(all and get prices before purchasing.
ispr3V-Iy. No. 506. Marble Front; Mate St
T 11.2 flarx•A.T. STREET.
Dry Goods ! . Dry Goods !
The largest and best stock of
Cloths, Cloakin4s, DeLollies, Alpacas, Leona,
Mohair's, Silks, Black and Coiored
Cashmere, Silk, Broeha and Paisley
Shawls, White Goods, Hosiery,
Notions, Ac.,*&c.
Goods maiked down to meet the market. No
trouble to show goods. Call and examine.
my23'67-Iy. ROSENZWEIG & JIRO.
• Dissolution..
TCO-PARTNETISILIP heretofore existing
I between the undersigned in the Planing
Mill, Door, BaPb and Blind business, under the
firm name of Jacob Boot" & Co., was dissolved
by molted consent on the :Int day of June, 1961.
The business will be continued by Jacob Boots,
who ("authorized to Nettle all the accounts of
the late then. JACOB BOOTZ,
The. undersigned, intending to continue the
abliVilt business, at the•old stand, west side of
Peach, between 121 b and 13th streets, desires to
calkthe attention of the public to his facilities
for supplying them with anything in We
Lumber, planed to .order, and scroll sawing cd
all /rinds &ZS. Sash, IDasnytuid Blinds furn
ished to order. Al! kinds of Lum ber on hand,
together with Shingles and Lath. In fact, eve.
rutting that is usually dealt in or done at first
class establishments of the kind,. Thankini for
put kind favor% I respecUnily solicit a con
tinua/W*of Stu same.
ocl7.4ras - JACO SHOO T&
ERIE, 1'4., TiIuRSpAT:AFTERI4OON, JANITARy 1 , 1868.
waor.mtLe AND RETAIL
r• iurct. s ik4
030 State St., Erie, Ps.;
French Window Gin's&
The public aro respectfully informed Oat our
Stock - of '
Imported by us directly from the manufacturers
In Fmnee is the largest and - most extensive
to be found West of New York city- /teMbrscea
both single and double thickneak of nearlyeye.
ry size. The superior strength,eletuinew nns
beauty of French abuts is admitted by all. Our
prices are but little more than for American
We nisi) keep conattmtly on ham! a large and
varied supply of American Glass,(firstquality,)
both single and double thickness, of nearly
eve si. Dealers and consume of
Glass wilt promote their interest b examining
our stock and prices of French and American
Glass, before ordering from .New-York or else.
Paints, Oils and varnishes.
White Lend of various qualities, Linseed 011,
raw and boiled, Spirits Turpentine, Varnishes,
Colored Paints, both dry and in oil, Brushes and
every other article in the Painting Line at the
Lowest Market Price, in large or small quanti
Our Stock of DY4 Wooda and Dye Stain Is
complete, which we are selling at wholesale and
retail. --
All the popular Medicines of the day, at low
est cash prices.
Stripes, etc., etc.
DOgs, Chemicals & (aues.
Our supply of above articles is extensive, and
are prepared at all times to supply the wants
both of the Akan and Jobbing trade. ".
Whale 011,
Lard 011
And all kinds of FAseritlal 011 a, In large and
small lota.
We express our thanks for the liberal patron.
age received during the last twenty-three years,
and now Invite the attention of consumers to
our Wholesale and Retail Departments, which
are well supplied with Staple Goods, which we
are selling at lowest cash prices.
White. Men :gust Rule - America.
CLUBS FOR 186$...CLUB$ FOR 1868.
The Best New York. Weekly Published.
The New York Day-Book is a straightforward
Radical Democratic paper, with a larger circa
lotion than any other Democratic Journal ever
published, on this continent, and it enters on
the threshold of 1888 more prosperous and more
hopeful of the great muse It upholds than ever
before. Standing on the Declaration of Inde
pendence, that "all (white) men are equal," and
therefore entitled to equal rlghta, it is opposed
to all forms and degrees of special legislation
that conflict with this grand central truth of
Dernocraey, and over all and above all, does it
combat that monstrous treason to American
liberty, which, thrusting the negro element In
to our political system must of necessity wreck
the whole mighty fabric left us by our fathers.
God has created white men superior. and ne
groes inferior, and therefore all the efforts of
the past six years to abolish His work and
equalize with negroes—every law violated, eve
ry State Constitution overthrown, every life
sacrificed, and every dollar expended; are ne
cessarily Just so many steps towards national
suicide; and thesimple and awful pro. lem now
upon us !spud this—shall we recover our rea
son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon
grelism, social anarchy, and the total ruin of
our country,
The Day 'Rook, therefttre, demands the resto:
ration of the "Uhion as it was"—et Union of co
equal States upon the white basis, as the only
hope, and the only means posible tinder heaven
for saving the grand ideas of 1178, and the fund
amental priclples of American liberty, and If
the real freemen, and the earnest believers in
that sacred and glorious cause In which the
-men of the Revolution ofThred np their lives,
wilt now labor to expose the ignorazice,deinsion
and treason of the Mongrel party, it will sue
ceed, and the white Republic o' Washington
be restored again in all' Its original influence
and grandeur.
The Day Book will, hOwever, hereafter be
more than ever devoted to all the varied purpo
ses of a news paper, Conscious that It reach
es thousands of families who take no other
Journal, beyond perhaps their local paper, it
will continue and improve its "News of the
Week" Summary, so as to present a transcript
of the World's events in each Issue. Its "Fain
tly Department" will embrace the best original
and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart
ment!' will be fully. sustained, and being the
only paper of ils class male up expressly for
errantry circulation, It 15 confident it is worth
double the price of a weekly hurriedly reprint
ed from a daily. It gives full and complete re
ports of the New York and Albany Cattle Mar
kets; Provision!' and Cotton . Markets,
and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to
gether with the markets, by telegraph, from
.New Orleanig Cairo, Charlesfon, Philadelphia,
Ac., de o up to time of going to press.
Terzneaah in Advance.
One copy one year $2 00
Three copies one year 5 50
Five copies one year, and one to the getter
up of the club 10 00
Ten copies one year, and one to the getter
up of the club rr 50
Additional copiesl 75
Twenty copies one year, and one to the get
ter up of the club 30 00
Specimen copies sent free. Send for a
copy. Address, giving post °Mee county and
Stale la full, VAN EYRIE, HORTON& 113.,
declt No lel Nassau St., New York.
E. Cooper, 1 In the Court of Common
vs. Pleas of Erie Co. N 0.172 Nov.
Sane! Mahan, Jr.) term s ISM. I:audition! Ex.
And now, De 2, 1867, on motion G. W. Gun
niaon, Eau., appointed auditor.
Notice is hereby given in nil parties interest
ed' that I will attend to the &mien of my ap
pointment on Friday, January 3d, at 2 p. m., at
my °Mee In Erie. No. art state street:
deel2-br. (lEO. W. GUNNISON, Auditor.
Assignee in Bankruptcy. •
I.N THE DISTRICT CX"AlftTof the United states
for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
in the matter of Win. M. Arbuckle, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pal n inlet" t. as assignee of Wm. 11l Arbuckle, of
Erie city, Erie t'o., and State of Pennsylvania,
within said district, who has been adjudged
bankrupt upon his own' petition, by the District
Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., Dae.l2,
A. D., ls6l. HENRI M. RTEILI 4 IT, Assignee
deetil-3w. No. 1= Peach St., Erie; Pa.
703 Dun state Bt., between 7th sad Bth,
Will henceforth,. tut my Agent, condnerzny
business In Manufacturing Cigars; end Belting
all kinds of Tobacco.
BLANKS! IILANKH !—A complete assort
ment of every kind of Blanks needed. by
Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business
-Men. for sale at the Observer OffiCP.
YOB Pansrma of every kind, in large or
0 small quantities, plata or colored, done In
O *at
tattiest style, and
- at moderate at the
bserver m
14.7 ctn --;
And Iniporteni of
Tanners' Oki,
Linseed 011,
Both raw and trolled,
Castor Ott,
Neats Foot 011,
Sweet Oil,
a'pcttat ~toilctL,
Allidress to She tiervitstaandDebilltatedl
wit's* sniTerings have' been protracted from
bidden (=Mei' and whose , eases -require , prompt'
treatment to render existence desirable: if you,
are stiffering oe-have snfftwerl from Involuntary
dimclmrges, what effect ,docit ,produce upon
yottr general health? Do ;von feel wealr;flel3lll
- tired T ! Dom . littl9 exertion pro,:
mince palpitatkm of the heart Does your liver
of urinary orgasm, or your kidneys, frequently
get tint of under? Is your urirresouretimes 'tack.
milky, ;rocky, psis it ropy oMsettilna? Or does
01*k scAm rtso to the top? Or Ise sediment
pt the bottom after it but stood awhile?
t r . k e it .00,
have spells of-short breathing or dys i n?
..ire rye bawels constipated ? Do you ate
spellsot laint' lug or =shelter blood to the bead?
Is your memory tmpaired? la your mind- con
stantly dwelling upon this sullied? Dorms feel
dull, listless, moping,. tired otcompany, of life?
Las you wishlo be left alone, to get away fire
everybody?. Dees any little 'thing make you
'start orinmp t, Ls your -sleep broken or restless?
Is the lustre of yotareye as brilliant? The bloom
on your chegikats btightiDosou vino' yourself
in society as well? ,Do you pursue your ha-lineal
with the Moe energy.? ,Dia 'you feel ad much
confidence In yourself?. Are your spirits- dull
and flagging, - given to alts of melancholy? If so,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have
yea restleirs nights? Your back weak, yotir
knees Weak, and have but little appetite,, and'
you aitrilatky this to dyspepsia or liver com
plaints? -
New', ...„
retuler;selt-abuse, venereal discaaes bad.
•ly =roil; and sexual exCessca;mire all Capable of
product - lag a weakness of the generative organs,
of generation, when In perfect health, make the
man. Did yon ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose generative organs
are in„perfect health? You, never hear suet(
men complain of being melancholy, of nervous=
ness, of palpitation of the heart. They ore nev
er afraid they cannot succeed in business; they
don't become sad and discouraged; they are al
ways polite and pleasant In the company of la
dies, and look you and them right in the face,—
none of your do'wueast looks orany other mean
ness about them. Ido not mean those who keep
theorgami Inflamed by running to excess. These
will not only ruin their constitutions, but also
those they du buslnes with or for.
How many men from badly cured diseases,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have
brought about that state of weakness in those
organs that has reduced the general system so
much as to induce almost every other ditease
idiocy, lunacy:paralysis. spinal affections, sui
cide, and almost every other form of disease
which humanity is heir to, anti the realeause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have
doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these organs require the use of a
BIICHII is the great Dka..4re, ssa s oortoln
cure no dtseesesof tne Bladder; Kidneys, Grov
el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com
plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or
female, from whatever cause originating, and
'no matter of bow long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported tram these sources, and
the health and happiness, suidthat of posterity,
depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Heimbold's Extract Diehl; established up
sraref 18 years, prepared by -
H. T. HELEIBOLD, - Druggist,
501 Broadway, New York, and IR South 10th
Street, Philadelphia:
Patex-SI.Z per bottle, or 6 bottles for sup,
delivered to any address. - Sold by all Druggists
everywhere. net2B'67.
A Card to the iadter.—
. .
In Correcting irregularities, Removing Ob
structions of the Monthly Turns; froin whatev
er canto, and always successful as a preventa
In removing obstruction and restoring nature
to its proper channel, quieting, the nerves and
bringing back the "roar color of health " to the
cheek of the most delicate.
Full and explicit directions accompany each
Price 81 per box, slx boxes S. Sold by one
drugglstin every town, village, city and hamlet
throughout the world. Sold In Erie by J. B.
CARVER & CO., druggists, soli agents for the
Ladles by gending them El through the Post
Office, can have the pills sent (confidentially) by
mail to any part of the county, free of 'postage
• H. D. HOWE, Bole Proprietor,
nry9'o7-Iy. New York.
110>VAP,POlitillijihv:Ill:R101:••TA:11 , 44
Misdates l'iNiallit Bleestrtai Coveoa"►
Madinah' "Mlts bloonsing Cer,eus.*l
"Nlitrt 111 . immislag ,Ceremso9
Planiaoho `•Sight Blooming Career."
"Afield Itlesesing Cereatun
'A cued exquielte, delicate, and Fragrant Pechum
dial led from the care and besetting sower teat;
which It Eakee its maw.
Manufactured only by
PHALON ei NON, New Nark.
Errors et I oath.-A gentleman who suffer
ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscre
tion, will, for the sake of suffering tramanity,
send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
rections for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferent wishing tO profit, by the
advertiser's expeilenceian do do by addressing,
In perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
ntylB'B7-Iy. 42 Cedar Si., New York.
To Consumptives.—The Rev. Edward A.
Wilson wilt send (free of charge).to all who de-,
slie it, the prescription with the directions for
making and using the simple remedy by which
he wait cured of a fang atketion and that dread
disease Consumption. His only object is to hen=
elit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad
No. 1.65 Routh Second Street,
WilllaroabOrgtr, N, Y
Information.—lnfornuttihn guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
head or beardless fair, also a recipe for the .re
moval of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beau
tiful, can be obtained without charge by address
ing THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
tnyl6ll7-Iy. BS3 Broadway, New York.
C C., 0 1,4
Is still making those elastic Hair Chains, Hair
Jewelry, tilling Laldea' Pins and Lockets to or
der only. and guarantees them to be made of the
hair you Rend in.
Our Watch Chains, made live years ago,areas
good as ever.
Wigs, Curls, Bands, Switches (some one yard
lorur hair) made and on hand. Old Switches
made over and hair added to it if wanted. Cash
paid for raw hair at , my Hair Dressing Saloon,
under Brown's Hotel. nol4-6w.
It kw* HALL'S
7 7 5 -7 - '
- IZEMairL
It is a perfect and wonderfhl article. Cures
baldness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing
titan any "oil" or "portustu in." Softens brash,
dry and wiry hair into Be:Nairn' Silken Tress
es. But, above all, the great wonder is the ra
pidity with which it restoras OttAY.IIAIR TO
The whitest and wont looking hair resumes
its youthful beauty by its use. It does not dye
the hair, hat strikes nt the root and fills it with
new life end coloring matter.
The first applieation will do good: Yon will
see the gitTITIIAL COLOR retarding every day,
and before you know it the old, gray, discolored
appearance of the hair will be gone, giving
place to Instrotts, shining and beautiful locks.
Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer; no oth.
er article is at all like it In effect. See that each
balite ORA ear private Government Rtatup over
the top. All others are imitations. For eels by
R. ITTEM L ot CO., Nashua, N.,1f., Froortotoro.
• . • . Vint satOW4 ,
.SIM* the , publication,. 4if•:"The Bridge let
,Sightir by' Hord; we leave seen nothing equal
to the following -poem hi point of smooth
•versification,, flowing rythin,. nod ~ t onehteg`Pathos,
`Pathos , VW Yitlintire wail of a ; woman's
.lost lionor,will.bring tears to every sensitive
• break' Vbe'artthor and:sdhject of the piece
: was an actress of some reputation, 'Who for.:
inerrylived in St,-Louis irt :great 'styl e. and
magnificence. , f Sbe was connected b p- niar
riage with some of the first people Of the
country,' aad 46 those Who knew her the
poenrwilihe doubly attractive—a Woman of
'great genius and Surpassing beauty, fallen
fromber proud estate, paints ber own soul
and lets the 'world see tile remorse written
.upon it in. such terrible setters :
'Oh r the snair; the bet . intiful snort ) . •
Filling the sky and earth bete* ;
Over the house-tops, over the street, •
Over-tke,heads of the people, you meet
' Dancing, , ,
• ' • • Skimming-along. - • • '
Beautiful snow t It does no wrong,-4: • •
'Flying to kiss a fair lady!s-cheek, •, •
Clinging' to lips in a 11-Olieseime freak,
Beautiful snow . from Me heaven above, -
-Pure as Mr:angel, gentle es' love - • ' ' '
:1 • -
Oh ! the snow, the beautiful snow,
How the flakes gather, and-laugh as they go
Whirling about ih the Maddening Am, ,
It plays in.the glee with every one: -
• Chasing, • - • •
Langlaing„ • •
- Hurrying by.;
'lt lighti air the firce r enorstisirldealltecyc,
And the Slogs, with a bark and a bound, -
Snap at the crystals that eddy around
The town is alive, and its heart in a glow, -
To welcome the coming of -beautiful, snow
How wild the crowd goes swaying along,
-Hailing each other with humor and song!
How the gay sledges; like -meteors, flash by,
Bright, for the moment, then lost to the eye
-. Rinoing,
Dashing they go.
Over the crust of the beautiful snow . ; .
Snow so pure when it falls from the sky,
To he trampled ln.mud by the crowds rush
ing by,
To be trampled and tracked by the thousands
of feet,
Till it blends ultli the filth of the horrible
street. •
Once I was pure as the snow—but I fell !
Fell like the snow-flakes from heaven to hell ;
Fell to be trampled as 111th of the street:
Fell to be scoffed at, to be spit on and heat ;
, • Dreading to die,
Selling my soul to whoever would buy ;
Dealing in shame for a morsel of bread ;
Hatuksrehe via and fearing the dead.
Merciful God! have e mucirso tow:-
And yet I was once like the beautiful snow.
Once I was fair as the beautiful snow, -
With an eye like its crystal; a heart like its
glow ; '
Once 1 was loved.for my innocent grace =
Flattered and sought for the charms of my
facet •
Father, •
Sister—all ;
lOod, and myself, I havelost by my fall ;
The veriest wretch that goes shivering by
Will make a wide sweep, lest I wander ,too
nigh ;
For all that on or above me I know,
There is nothing that's pure as-the beautiful
Dow strange it should be that the beautiful
Should fall on a sinner with nowhere to go !
flow strange it should be, when the night
comes again,
If the snow and the ice struck my desperate
Fainting, •
. Freezing, . .
• Dying alone.
Too wicked for prayet, too weak for a moan,
To be heard in the.streets of the crazy town,
Gone mad in the joy
. of the snow coming
down, •
To be, and izo die, in my terrible woe,
With a bed and a shroud of the beautiful
Frightful Condition of the Country.
Atrocious Conduct of the Negroes.
In order to realize the situation in Virgin
ia, iris only necessary to remain a few days
in the capital, seeing the eventn here trans
piring and hearing, through the most reliable
sources, of the state of things in the interior.
I have met several . Northem men, who, atter
a sojourn of only a week or snore in "Dis
trict No. 1," have become fully convinced of
the destructive tendency of Radicalised,
though before numbered among its strongest
During the holiday season now drawing to
a dose the negroes have held high carnival
all over the State. Abandoning their work
on Christmas eve, they flocked to the villages
and country seats, or roamed over the coun
try, and have not-vet returned to the planks
lions upon which they were employed. On
a trip over one of the lending lines of travel,
your correspondent saw at every station
crowds of bbicks basking. on the sunny side
of the depots; linddleirtogether in front of
whiskey shops, or in noisy groups tilling the
stores of low junk dealers. Occasionally a
dozen men and women were gathered togeth
er on the:Platform dancing breakdowns and
jigs to the music- of the bano, or singing
such offensive airs
_as "John Brown's body
lies a-mouldering in the grave," to the - an
noyance and discomfort of gentlemen and
ladies whose business compelled them to
meet the train. These good for nothing vag
abonds say they expected to receive from the
government on Christmas day a piece of land,
rations of flour and bacon, and a mule, upon
which capital they designed to set up in busi
ness for themselves. This property was to
be obtained by the confiscation of goods of
wealthy white men who engaged in the re
bellion. Many were much disappointed nt
their fititurty to get possession of their prom
istsl homestead and stock.
Thrown out of employment by their own
act, and.spending what little money they had
saved for Christmas in buying gewgaws and
gingerbread, hundreds of freedmen found
themselves, on the- second day of the holi
days, hungry and penniless. No wonder,
then, that the improvident wretches scattered
themselves over the country to plunder and
to destroy. On every side the ears of the
traveler were greeted with reports of meat
houses robbed, pantries ransacked, poultry
yards pillaged, hog pens gutted, granaries
broken open, barns burned, and even of
dwelling houses laid in ashes by the "wards
of the nation." • Rarely were-the-offenders
apprehended,. and' even in these instances,
hppelesta of obtaining Justice under' the pres
ent regime, the poor whites frequently allow
ed the rascals to go without prosecutions.
The negro is actually advised to such
means of obtaining subsistence by the per=
sons who now control his votes. Hear the
rascally demagogue Hunnicutt, a man who
once occupied the sacred desk and wore the
livery of Jesus, pandering to the appetite of
a mob of blacks. 'At a meeting held at Hun-
nieutt Hall, on Friday night, after adverting
at length upon the wrongs (I) of the colored
race, he said : "There is corn and wheat, end.
flour add bacon, and turkeys and chickens,
and wood and coal in the State, and the col
ored people willhare them before they seilialarre."
This declaration was received with deafening
shouts of applause by the int:tabled crowd of
negroes. Al few of the more ,sensible white
Republicans ventured to protest that "these
good people would not steal," but their voice
was hushed in the hoarse murmur of the
blacks. and amid shouts of applause
cutt repeated hissafenalye.wordsling, "It
is so—all history and nature prove Abut it is.
so. These people do not info to starve."
Let the thinking men of the North remem
ber that the man who thus advises thieving,
and even adds the influence of his ministeri
al calling to defend it, isrie leading Republi
can in the State of Virginia, and will probab
ly be the negro candidate for Governor under
the new Constitution..
'Fearful as Is the state of things already
described, the worst has not yet been told. It
is the duty of your correspondent not only
to record petty larcenies and heavy robberies,
unprecedented in number and audacity, but*
blood has also been shed. During the first
days of Christmas week several dark crimes
were committed. Of some of .these-the
World has already contained accounts.
In Southampton county a negro named
Williams attempted the brutal uturdernf Mr.
(John S. Edwards, a white man of-most se.
ispectable connections. The negro, aftershoot
"ing Mr... Edwards, beat him over the head in
I the most brutal manner, nor did he desist nn
;di be supposed his victim dead... -
At Manassal.the _n e gro°. had quie a, r•ow
and there were several bloody heads, bat the
_disturbance:was quelled by the prompt action
land' coolness of a white man, who braved the
rioters and drove them' away.
' In LYnchburg there is a deadly feud be
tween" the soldiers of the regular army there
fitationixl-and themegroes of the city. The
former have, become -,cotopletely disgusted
withthe blacks, and do not. hesitate on any
occasion td show "their feeling toward the
;race, which by the valor of their army " se
On Christmas evening a serious disturti•
pace occurred between the . soldiers and no
goes. = The Origin of the einedle is involved
in doubt, but it is certain thatseveral n eeggrrooeeaa
came to the assistance of a brother treedman
who was beating a soldier. .Other , soldiers
sallied to, the support of their, comrade ; a
large. crowd' gathered and a bloody riot
seemed imininent; when the timely arrival of
the citypolice and a squatter "armed soldiers
atom headquarters secured, quiet
On Thu rsday another disturbance occurred,
but the soldiers being i 5 the minority, were
forced to Lando precipitate retreat before a
negro. mob. The latter followed in force,
tinned with pistols and sticks; and rending
the air with tries of "Kill 'em—kill the.ti—d
blue coats!" ;
"A: third row occurred• last night, but was
soon over without bloodshed.
The following extract from the Richmond
Examiner fully sustains what has been pre
viously despatched of the reign of terror in
Virginia :
"The accounts which are coming up from
nearly.all quarters are enough to curdle the
blood of every humane man. The eairest
land under the sun lies in wretchedness and
ruin. A. domain which • has teemed with
abundance is now a region of universal pail
pertlom. Frightful destitution everywhere
prevails, and gaunt, grim starvation already
shows its horrid front, though the winter has
just begun. Tie labor of the multitude of
negmes eonsiwt in forages on the barns and
barnyards of the whites ; live stock are dis
appearing under the operations of the black
thieves and robbers, who are organizing in
bands too nunierous to be resisted by their
victims, and already formidable even to the
military. A war of white and black is im
minent, and it will be Invested with a com
plication of horrors. It will be a war of col
as, a war of castes, n war with robbers, a
war over bread. It will appeal to every con
sideration which can command the convic
tions and fire the passions."
The Coming Winter at the Sionth—Aare
• Distress Among the People.
W_e reproduce from the correspondence of
the Aew 1 ora iferatd of late date the follow
ing picture of distress, misery and rota or the
Southern States, and the heart-sickening
death struggle that there awaits the poor peo
ple of- all races and color the 'Work of fana
tics, fools and knaves of the fragmentary
Congress, and their fierce but cowardly Puri
tan backers, who have hissed them on in
their dianolical work of revolutionary "re
construction :"
"From several letters received here by a
prominent Republican Senator, it 'appears
that the prospect for the winter before the
white and colored people in Alabama and
Mississippi is terrible to contemplate. One
intelligent• planter estimates that there is
hardly enough provisions in the whole South
to last over four months. lie had himself
already given notice to one hundred of his
negro laborers that it would be necessary
for them to leave before Christmas, as his
supply of corn and bacon was nearly exhaust
ed, and he had no means of providing longer
for them. A number of planters bad served
a similar notice on their hands, and the re
sult is that thousands of negroes will be left
in a starving condition yew soon. Bread ri
ots are anticipated, and possibly bloodshed.
A planter in Alabama writes that not one in
a hundred of his class will be in a position to
continue the cultivation of cotton next year.
He states that the utter ruin that prevails can
not be adequately conceived. The 'present
low price of cotton, the enhanced cost of its
cnltivation, the impost tax of two and a half
per cent., and the high rate of interest charg
ed on borrowed capital, have left five-sixths
of the planters in' Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Southern Georgia almost pen
niless: But it seems the burden of the mis
ery will fall on the unfortunate negroes, un
less the Freedmen's Bureau applies its large
surplus fund to their relief. A wail also
comes up from Virginia. In the Southern
section of that State destitution prevails
aitiong the farmers to an alarming extent.
On the Peninsula, unless relieved front some
source, a good many negroes will perish
through the whiter for want of food and
clothing." "
Robbery and Murder by a Negro to South.
amigos County, Virginia. .
A most diabolical attempt at murder and
successful robbery ivas perpetrated in South
ampton, on Sunday night last, by a brutal
negm, on the person of one of the clerks in
Mr. Pretlow's store. We get our Information
from the passengers by last night's train on
the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, from
which it appears that on Sunday night a ne
gro by the name of Henry Williams went to
Mr. Pretlow's store, and aroused the clerk,
who was asleep. On being admitted he
stated that he wanted some camphor for his
wife, who was sick. The clerk, unsuspicious
of anything, being wrong, put up the cam
phor, and the neero handed him n one dollar
bill; the clerk going to the cash drawer for
change was in a bending position, when Wil
liams drew n pistol and -,shot him, the ball
taking effect in the neck. ' The object of the
negro was robbery, as he immediately took
possession of the money-drawer, and carried
off a bag of money, containing about eighty
dollarsin gold, silver and currency, with
which he made off. The physician attending
the wounded young man pronounced the
. wound to be fatal. We understand that the
negro Williams made his appearance early
yesterday morning at the store of Mr. S. 11.
Marshall, at Ivor Depot, it is thought to car
ry out his murderous scheme there also, but
finding two young men present there lie was
frustrated. We are glad to be
_able to state
that this villain was arrested yesterday
'and lodged in jail. On his person was found
all the money, with the exception of about
five dollam—NorfolkDay Book, 24th uhf.
Negro Outrages In North Carolina.
The Raleigh (North Carolina) Sentinel of
the 24th of December calls the attention of
the military authorities to the condition of
affairs in that State, owing to the lawless
depredations and outrages -of the negroes.
The Sentinel ears :
"We beg respectfully and earnestly to ap
peal to the military authorities of the State
in behalf of our people in the counties of
Craven. Jones and Lenior, who, since the
termination of the war have been subjected
to the most wicked, lawless and violent out
ragesmurders in cold blood, and robberies
unequalled in any portion of our country.
Citizens, quietly at home, or pursuing their
lawful business, are shot down. and their
persons and premiSes robbed by lawless
Wads and arined =goes. Our white people
are not allowed to be armed, but negroes are
known to be fully armed.; and in that sec
tion of the State those outrages lyre been
renewed in the most aggravated manner re.
cently, The efforts of both the military and
civil officers of that section has been insuffi
cient to suppress the disorders. •
"We learn from reliable sources that gen
era! uneasiness and alarm exist in those
counties. White persons who are compelled
to travel the roads are mow obliged to• go in
gangs for self defense, No white man can
travel the roads after dark without immi
nent hazard of his life. Quiet families are
now almost every night disturbed by these
-lawless bands, and the slightest resistance
-to their plundering 14 met with -instant
A WIYE'S PRAYER.-If there is anything
that comes nearer to the invocation of Nao
mi than the subjoined, we have not seen it:
"Lord bless and protect that dear person
whom Thou bast chosen to be my husband ;
let his life be long and blmsetl, comfortable
and holy; and let me also become a great
blessing and conifort unto hint, a sharer in
all his sorrows, a meet helper in all the aeci
dents and changes in the world make me,
amiable forever in his eyes, and forever dear
to hint. Unite his heart to me in the dearest
love anti holiness, and mine to him in all
sweetness. charity and compliance. Keep
me from all ungertrivv.s., .ani.l—discantented
ness, and unreasonableness of passion and
humor, and make me humble and obedient,
useful and subservient, that we may delight
each other according to Thy blessed word,
and both of its may rejoice in Thee, having
tear portion in the loveand service of Gal
forever. Angie' •
rrenits or-ALt gos Ts.
Wu*2. is the difference between truth and
n'tittiLanshed 16: earth.,:will riao
agaii,”^Snt eggs won't.- -
rtssicsii . once said to Socrates': "You
cannot stand'on one leg as long as 'I can.'•
"True," replied the philosopher, "but &game
NO. -. 33.
' AN old lady announced in court, at Atlan-
ta, that she "bad no counsel," that "God was
her lawyer.". "3ly dear madam,7 replied the
Judge, 'be does not practice in this court."
LthltLanr: "Don't you think, Angelina, that
e,close of the sermon wati very fine r. An:
, line: "Qh, I was so taken with the clothes
cf Miss Goldwalthe that I - didn't , notice the
close of the sermon .°
*"1) ,
• tuntript," mid Aland ?mother, whom
the oil "Nwculation had made aristocratic.
!'l g as Mr. Brown proposed to'you r uyespar
ctelaimed the daughter. "he proposed 'that
We go out this evening and get soma raw oys
ters.' _ • _ _
. BEECHES 6513 people who think it wicked
black their boots' on' tifairday morning,
&all:skate to black their neighbor's reputa
tion on a week day. , •
•Cmuumr DICKENS, on 'good- authority,
lams to the position tiestthettratimpresdons
are usually correct, and also Says: "I &eve
known a vast quantity of nonsens e talked
about' bid men not looking you in the face,
Don't, trust to that conventional idea; Dis•
honesty will stare honesty out of countenance
any day in the week, if there A anything to
be got 3 y
'A nirrnESO3LE Connecticut editor saw, a
few days ago, a young girl - iskt seraph:4llre
tat :a t
beauty who had no teeth t Be cap . by
saying she was only aim months old. !
.• "Boy did ypu let off thatg.tan I" excl ' ed
an enraged schoolmaster. "Yes, sir." Well,
what do you think I ought to do with you V
"Why, let me off, too."
"I sitsta. die lumpy," said the expiring
husband to the wife who was weeping moat
dutifully by 'the bedside, "if you will only
promise not M marry that object of my un
ceasing jealousy, your cousin; olut." "Make
yourself quite easy," said the agonized wid
ow, "I am engaged to his brother."
"WIFE," said a broker a few days sftice,-
"do you think I shall ever be worth fifty
thousand dollars ?" "Ain't I worth • that to
you ?"- said the confiding :spouse. "Y• 10.
hesitatingly replied the other half, "but, I
can't put you out at interesi."
..Esop might have made a fable with a
moral out of an incident which happened in
California not long since. A rat.hnngering
for animal food squeezed through a cage In
which was a canary, seized and devoured
him. But he ate so greedily, and gorged him
self to such an extent, that ho could not get
out of the cage before the master of the house
appeared and punished the intruder with
A MODERN Amazon, on her way to con-
vention, asked for a seat in a crowded car.
An old gentleman' withineen eyes inquired ;
'Be you one of the women rightsers ?' "I am,"
answered the undaunted heroine. "Do you
believe that a woman has the same rights as
a man F' "I do !" Jemphatically.)"Well,then, _
stand up and enjoy 'eta like a man."
IN the little village of Pembroke, during
the progress of a protracted meeting, one
hopeful and exceedingly liberal convert,
prayed in behalfof the many who had ranged •
themselves on the "anxious seat," that the
Lord would convert them at once." "Come
down now, Lord—right off; right down
through the roof; I'll pay for the shingles 1"
A Totrrn who much desired to wear the
matrimonial yoke, had;not sufficient courage
to pop the question. On informing his fath
er- of the difficulty be labored under, the old
gentleman replied passionately, "Why you
great booby, how do you suppose I managed
when I got married ?" ".011, yeg, you married.
mother, but I have got to marry a strange
girl !"
A LAWYER who was somewhat. forgetful,
having been engaged to plead. the cause of
an offender, began by saying : know the
prisoner at the bar, and he bears the charac
ter of being a most consummate and impu
dent scoundrel." Here somebody whispered
to him that the prisoner was his client, when
he immediately continued : "But what great
and good man ever lived who was not cal
umniated by his contemporaries 1"
TnE following certificate was duly granted
to the parties therein named, and signed by
an embryo justice : "To all the -world greet
in, know ye John Smith and Peggy 31Yers is
hereby certified to go together and - do as
other folkes does anywhere in comporass
ptesinct, and when my Commission comes.l
am to marry 'em good, and date 'em back to
kiver accidents."
AN old bachelor, who had become melati,
choly and poetical, wrote-some verses for the
village paper, in which he expressed the hope
that the time would soon come when he
—"rest calmly within a shroud,
With a weeping willow by my side,'
but to his inexpressible horroreit came out in
"When I shall rest calmly within a shawl,
With a weeping widow by my side."
THE Journal of the Telegraph tells the
story of an old telegraphic blunder "A mer
chant, Who was absent from his home, re
ceived a telegram informing him of his wife's
safe delivery of a little girl; at the same time
a letter fronthis partner advised him that a
draft had been presented for 0,000. and the
signature seemed rather doubtfuL The mer
chant replied to both,
but misdirected them.
The astonishment of the wife may be imag
ined when she read : 'I know nothing about
it; it's a swindle." The partner received
hearty congratfilations upon his safe deliver
Too ThrE.—The world is crazy for show.
There is not one person in a thousand who
dares fall back on his real, simple self for
power to get through the world and exact en
joyment as he goes along. There is too much
living in the eyes of other people. There is
no end to the aping, the mimicry, the false
airs, and the superficial arts. It requires rare
courage, we admit, to live according to one's
enlightened convictions in these days. Un
less yon consent to join in the general cheat,
you are jostled out of reach, there is no room
for you among the great mob of pretenders.
If a man dares to live within his means, and is
resolute in his purpose not to appear more
than he really is, let hide be applauded.
There is something fresh in such an exam
ple. • •
"WILL rr WASH ?"—This is a question the
ladies often ask concerning dry goods. The
query may be 'extended to men, women and
society. Of how many may it be said that
they would not wash—wash in manners,
morals, speech, heart, and soul. Filth and
corruption abound more than is known at an
ordinary glance. As the world goes some
people are much better, and some worse than
they appear. The really clear-through good
ban be counted on the early numerals. The
many .won't wash. It wouldn't be safe to
ablute. Nothing personal is intended to the
reader: •
Is Bridgeport, Conn., a young lady called
into the store of a young gentleman for the
purpose of being escorted up the street by
him. .Of course the young man was all ex
cited and confused, especially as he was at
•that montentjust going to the revenue office
to procure a store license. He picked up his
hat and hastily starting tiny the door,remarked
to the young lady as follows: "Just wait a
few minutes until I go to the revenue office
for a license; I will not be gone long." The
lady called him back, and a§tonished him by
saying: "Hold on, lam not ready for a li
cense yet. Wait• a few* days." The young
man is still waiting, but the probability is he
will not have to remain in doubt much long
"WHEN women become as bad as they can
be, they are called prostitutes. When young
men, in like manner, become as bad ,as they
can be, they are too often excused by short
sighted people, on some foolish pretext, and
readily admitted into the'tirst society." This,
too, when their habits are notorious, and it
is even said that some girls regard them in a
romantic light on account of tlieif adventures.
For this latter tact, if a fact, novel reading of
the baser sort will probably account;"but
what will account for the contradiction which
those are guilty of who, a% bile they readily
excuse young men, whose power ot restraint
is generally stronger than that of women,
show no mercy to a woman who may be
purely unfortunate; and who smile with ap
proval- upon young men who commit acts
whielvshould banish them fraai• the society
of the moral and virtubus."
A PAIR of those entertaining ladiei who
seem to - carry on so large ft business in the
way of procuring subscriptions for new works
and who are so delightfully importunate, so
sweetly "boreus," called a short time since at
the (Ace of a young lawyer, for the purpose
of getting' him to subscribe. "Indeed, ladies,"
said he, "the partnership of .which I am but
an humble member, has lately been so im
prudent as to issue a new work of their own,
which, in consequence of the enormous ex
pense attending its illustrations, unbellish
merits, &T., has completely crippled us."
"Then, perhaps," replied the angelic canvass
ers, "we could procure you some subscribers_
Whatdo you call your work I.Y' "Well, we•
have not fully determined as yet, but-I guess
I'll let my wife hive her own way, and call it
after me—Charles Henry."