1111=M111211MIEMII szirwrofts STOVE WORKSir "TT PRESSES ) AND SUPERIOR V( N. XVEDIOVE.D. Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead 1 Z 64. (WHOLESALE . * RETAIL DEALERS,) Manufacturers of SerJrc):ViES EEO HOLLOW WARE ! HAVE REMOVED THEIR FOITNIIRT, SALESROOM AND OFFICE, To their rew and CommodiouA.Building CORNER Or• Twelfth and Sassafras Sts., Opixlst te ERIE- & prrrsßlmoll CAE WORKS Our increased facilities for Manufacturing will give us as large a variety of COAL - AND WOOD Cooking and Heating S'I'4D"ViES ; Aii • la to be found Weat of Albany We Manufacture for Coal Cooking Stoves, QM IRON GATE, IRON GATE SMOKE - BURN-ER, (both plidu and extension top,) WHEAT SHEAF, NEW ERA ANDJ ANERICIN ROSE, For Soft C.55.ti1, EREEM I= KING ,kND LEADER, For third Cons Low Oven Cook• Stovek. for Wood. IMPROVED FOREST OAK (phtin and rztensicip top., GOLD STAR, :517,117 FOREST OAK AND MENTOR Elevated Oven Stoves, ADVANCE, PRINCE__ & 3ITNNEBOTA. Parlor Cook Stores, ECLIPSE AND BLACK SWAN. '; Parlor Stoves for Wood. BELLE, FAME AND SIGNALS. Parlor and Office Reating-tirvegi- for Vaal ARIZONA; DWARF, GEM, / - BELLE (4 , THE : .: LAKE, SIGNAL, 1 PE 4 A111., KEYSTONE, FAME, .(YTT.AGE, C-SKET. GLOBE A 4 11 D SALA M tNTMR w e won respeetfully invite the attention_ or the nubile to an examination of our i._►ltGE ANI) VARIED Assortment of Stoves! / tieing p....hurea that with our extraordtuary tor manufacturing, we can offer ouch itelucetifeht , to the_purebeser ke.i will be entihr by . We alio have 111, Celebrated Base Burning Oriental Heating Stove ThP best ilk the World, for width we have exeltuttve gale In the cu 7. nor I -_ & W ERIE OBSERVER 0 1° North-West Corner ll 4 . State Street and the Park. Job Printing of Every Description } In a style of nrisurpasied neatnegs, and at prices to compete with any other office In the North ect. Our Pnwisut are of the _ Our TYPE all NEW. and of the N'EATF:ST STYLIN, and our Viotti:3m.y equal to any In the coun try. Wlth the Ilathlnery and 'Material we now pogm•As, we feel fully warranted la cialuilugtliat NO ol•FicE In the western Part of the State EXCELS. and • only one or twoeqttal. Oa. in (actinic.; for Muffing, out work lu a RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER La=2.BALAa=waamu=lLs..Ld Received, and tvni:lt warranted not to be luterlar to that done in the Etudern eitten Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statements, ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, Bce. We have made arrangements with the largest and hest establishment in Buffalo for prmnring any ssrt of Engraving that may he needed, in RA good aisle and at 11; 010 0 • W ' I T ; 11; thi 'Buildings, -Machinery, Seals Autograph - a, Maps, Portraits &c., By entrusting them to us will be assured of a good pleee of work in thawed, prompt and Wigton • tory manner. - Engravings furnished elthrr on Wood, Stone or ]fetal. 134361: :13indinw. In't his department we have facilities that are unsurpassed. Persons having printing to be done that requires Ruling or Binding in connection, will And it to their Interest to entrust it to um. We will guarantee that it shall be performed In a wort:manlike manner, and that the charge will • be us moderate re: can I , e afforded. . _ . The liberal patronage extended to thin office during the last two years haft encouraged to make every effort possible to deserve the favors of out 'friction, and we now take especial gratifi cation In Informing them and the public that we have succeeded In fitting up an establishment cquul to every requirement of the community. We are determined to compete with the best, and only ask a trial to satisfy any one that we claim no more than we are justly entitled to. TAEGrA...I. 131_4:A.N1E04. Lindy. uti hand II full supply of AttornWel, J ust lek.+; of the Peace end ()unstable's Blanks, ol the mod approved forms. Also, BLANK NMI'S of every kind unit RECEIPTS, single or In e,oon.c. FULL ANT) ,COMPLETE! FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Dress Goods, Dres4 Silks, Irish Poplins, FRENCH POPLINS, MERINOES. ALAPACAS; REPS, &C Also, a Great Variety of Cheap Dress Goods! IPTUEIN•I'S Good. Prints for 12.1.2 COI. per Yard...Wan't be Beat hi New "Korb. BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIMS, Of nil Qua Mien arid Priers. Good( 0..1s a Low 11,4 P . :I . :10-MR per Sans Blankets, all Qualities & I*.riees, White & Colors. RED, WHITE &- BLUE. ALSO, SHEETING FLANNELS. - Shawls, all WoO, Paisley,-,Broeha, &e v WILT. N (Yr HIFI rUNIVITJEC . Edson, Churchill & Co. IMO pepl.%-t r. Gl-11, - El.A.7r • A.,TrrYtAorri()lN DRY GOODS .A.ND FURS! P. 11,F : NAti.Cll'.S 1 EMPOR.IUM, N,sc l / 4 „,716' State Street. : - -- • -. 1911 1 My (loth Department is• IS with great bargains, from the late auction salea In :few York t comprising. everything in this line: Beavers, Chinchillas. Itrhan Cloth, Lad les' Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweed, Sheep's Grey, Kentucky Jean, and a full line of single and doubled Awed Wa terproofs. . ' - - " . , . Fla A. N . N .k. •' I. 1 1 .4 . - . . , _ • • This Depart Matt la complete in wrerything coining under the name. White Tlormet, Shaker, stereos, the best Goods mule In the country. TWilled Bixt , Blue, Gray, all Wool, and Union, eommeneing at SO cent* per yard upwards. Fancy plaids and Cheeks tor Shirting, All Wool Blankets fromWO to A15.0t). ' ....: .(11.1111.1iir;44 the fariaite liernliin 1.00111 Table Linen. contuse:lring at ki crabs per,y'ant up. g want., 10%1.0 i tram /2 1 ,4eea La upwant... ish Linen:Oman upwards. STapklna, Diaper Lin t, *NIA, VoNbek, eke., nll very elitv. •• - .r.Qdittezelit kinas_of blanket Shawls. from S.l upwards. .4. lifrge tutsbrtmeiit of Square Woolen unit bp who, /Hark oral Ited Center Puenly, from 313 t 0 .444. itnzk rant Shawls, Sctu,l Ks, or. Good l:Mimmol Skirts !min PI to p 2.2,1„ tool the liouretl Alpuett skirts, braided, for Si. - 'this part f• the :store is particular/3r 'attractive, eumprising &mas o n ' , ck xx i, dru m asit up to s,;„ fu the way of Plaid, l'oplin, Freneh Poplins, I.lllpm-A Cloths, Reps, , iif 1.1,1W440...UP214,11 .4 irlntl evnt% upwards, in Motif And culorea. . . ~. ', , - -,;.•''''. ~ c... ~ . i n Black tam. I defy ctirtvet Mau, price commencing at' Oa; riploll‘so per yard, warrant them pure slllc and not tp cut. ,tplored flake, every shade, color and tinallty,abio very low. • "- • - i .... ; -.: ...-.;', - ..,.:"''' • . , . ...„ ...... . 1 will not. tx. unibasaliTtp anythifig belonging to this lipe, dUell si Prints, Kiley:tiny, Mastitis, grogath's, Canton ilannel, (laliek and-Striped Shirting.: Wool Yarn from $1 a pan MI upwarda. Ho.w,,,fialf wool; from 3) sontaa pair upwards. Gloves, du. . s - • ~ • • Mink front 516 to NO& Oett,; ` lffet Mink from' firi . to tat sibettaia Squirrel, &A:. b u nl t ome , the 1.187, N4 , 4„.2110 Nitntge iftreet. -- . P. IFlT.O.linielrili3. ' . . ,1,N.i,10 -- vii : - .1 1 V.IFD3E, , . 308 PRINT/N .... 6' .., .- *tuff i , ...'N - _ . •47 44 -1 ) 6 , 4p -. • 11 1 =------- I'll , .=---. -.• _ . 1 . _ --.•- Having fitted up our office 1n the MOST COMPLETE MANNER, WO n re prepared to do MOST IMPROVED KIND thitUNIN Fotr, Special nttentton given to Ihn printing; of reIiMMRNWMP/fregririr wintin g , cut. or ___l_ (wit STOCK or 4 . 07ViiSting of all the new Colon, and strlem of IN GREAT VARIETY =EMI I 4 - ' l.42A_ .7 4 4 2.gei IE TA*. U. . L I 1%4" F. N 4.4 . 24lauw1Ia Iznik lialmoral Skirtai; llitkll.3S CiC)Ol3l4:. P 4 1 11 It 4 ' FLT lit . CO erot!tits i lib/tuck Gt. P. DAVIS Dada' all kluds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND pßovratars, Fifth Street, between State and French. Raving purchased ,our maxis ,before the late rise tn prices, we feel.confident of being able to give satlefacUon milt In /tire and quality. • • Pl`Odtletc Of every sort. bough t on.T sold. Fame's earl nlways depend on rsrelvlng the hlkbeßt market Price for thetr artle.lest;=.r . • . DBALERS IN T4f.: A INTO.I.NIN - 0 .1y1W104,. And nn tit@ Meg I;t7PLIED vroF.TABLRFI, AC. Give 1.111 a Call. Remember May &Jackson% Market Depot CAUGHEY & FIIXINS, GROCURIES, FRUITS & PROVISIONS, CLAN ER AND. 973roTiTY REED, H I.P -C ND LEH Y LV 602 STATE ST,, 00)1WEIS STPTII : ttul;~ 6~-t f. P. A. WFIIIV.IFI at CO.. (buntry Produce, Grocerrem, Proyintom, WIXI)4, r.utt•aes, :AEU .1 MR, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruits, Nuts, .tc. Zito. fill4,4titste Oit mot, West Ride, between min and .9i IL Nr terts, Erie. Pa Cowl paid for, country produce F. A. WEBER. tily2s-tr. W. ERHART aTOHN 13AN—WPAIVD, DEALER IN EMILY GROCERIES ! Tea, Cottbe_ Sugar; Hymn, Mamma, Flour, Pork Fish, Hams, Provisions generally, Coun try /trainee, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco and Segall!, Fishing Tackle, &c. 421 l@ittiltil Strorl, Erie. Pa. Private Families and Hotels supplied. Goods - delivered. - • 113.i;-tr. Mil BARNITM, DRUGS, REDMINES," FANCY GOODS, , PERFUMERY TOILET 80AP4, lIAIR . 0 I L -111M ;POWDER' 4i PUFFS, BRUSHES, • • , COLOGNE, P AINTS, Linseed 011 s, Turpentines, Vanash, 'Ryan:in:te tanal' all kinds, PATENT uceDiCINES, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PIJRPriRES, London Porter and Prescript ions carefully d I mpen:aat. All art Idea sold by me are warranted to he precisely arrep resented. No trouble to show goodc. ttemem her the name and .place, aprl WHO" MADE YOUR COAT t • ArA.6Nniir. It fits NO nice I gue,o4 1 Must go 011.1 get one; how ure his chimps I; Why, don't you know, lie tells CHEAPER than any other 3lerOw.ut Tailor In :town; lia4 the BEST AsSORTMENT 4)F (i001)S, WARRANTS 1114 CURRENTS TO FIT: • Nj.! In that 401 Of couriP;t I.: go to Ills: *tore, • No. 626 State Street, And give him • eh.toet• to make yon a suit, and you will never buy anywhere eine. Jet:T(l7-i • J. H. - .1. NE:cr. Jo+. .1. STERRETT J. H. RIBLET •A: CO., 'NO. 818 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA., Mantnitet ap.ltleaterisln • Furniture of, E v ery Deseripticinl Parlor, Inning Ron and 'Sect Room Set..;, Officv, schoolfpd hotel MON, and ♦vrry Our Manutaciray is located on Eighth street and the Canal, and our Ware Rooms at six State street. In the hitter-place. we keep a larger IS up p y of furniture than can be found anywhere else In Firie„itli our own manufacture, gotten up with particular care thr custom trade,-maile or the best material and after the most approved style and manner. Particular attention is di rected to our Of which we can make a better article than run be purchased at any of the attractive ware horwat In the Fast , and which' we guarantee to he First Class in every particular. sets gotten up In .Walnut, Itose Wood or any other desirable material, covered with the best good); manufactured for the-purpose. Ouriuwortment of Furniture In thltrllne ill MO complet! that every customer urn he stilted at ulna =amnia- ILIN Ei 1. IEI.N i. We have commenced the businesa of Under taking with the beat equipment ever lutruciuM4 In Erie, and krith,two excellent hearses, one of which hi as dna as any In the State, are enabled to attend to funeral orders with the utinoet fa cility and satisfaction. Ouratock of Conine and Burial Cane,', Trimmings, &c., Is full In every particular, and we are satisfied that we can an every order promptly and satisfactorily, In the city °ramify. Ins2r67-tt: 1i H. IUBL}7I a co. Authorized etipltsti 8800,000. CAPITAL. PAID IN SiXVIOO" THE SECOND NATIONAL 11A-WK owned for bruilnens on moNDAY, nEcF:strtErt 1:711, NH, In the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant's Bonk, Brown's Building, north-east corner of State street and public Park.. WM. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, audt. WIJ. I. MCOTT. of Arm of 3. Hearn & Dealers. JOB. M'eARTER, Of non of Keiden. & Meefirter, Diffident. GEO..f. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. D. BROWN; Agerit Buffalo & lisle R. R. 301IN'tt. EUROPA { of mere of Cleinetut,Eaught ey I Bums*, Whoteasie Grocer.,- 0. E. IMOl.Telf,offirin of Crouch & Bna o Flour Merchants.' 31. K Malt, of area of Garr, Johnson hea nutil. Stove Manufacturers. Fir. FARRAR. of •Illm of Gray * Farrar, 1. Wholesale Grocers. DREDIIOAREI4 Grooer. (tent T% ISACCO AND czoAms. The 'place to Eat 'x choler) article Cd Tobacco, nutter and Chaos la at, ' B. B. Brzuntiwits 1888 ?ILION ST., Month bf the always on hand a good assortment' of the anore &Melts of eves wiloktiole end re. tall. Ala ; 11110/6 Pouches, Boars and Htnokerse Articles of every description. Please favor toe with a call. Don't forget the place, gr Peach Asset. . anef-ly. ERIE, PA. ~y 1;r~e~+1~~ (strociesokes TO c. scram.,) Deiders 'in 00tTNTAt .PRODTTC7. V - EtA TIT A 73T.1704, ERIE. PENN A I= I=l BAIL:SIMI, MIT PeAril Street, Routh of the Depot. =ECM tNvi.triiNG a,rtit.l4 In ltie litir, uPinouyTERED Gomm! =EX! IFLWi kor the Hanffla:lhe. ILLOVS . A moat Exquisite, Delicate, awl Pm. r.,-raat Perfume, Distilled from th.titare •and Beautiful Flourow •from watch it takes its ruune.- •Stnimfactured.4b7PllALON & SON. WPM YORK. BEWiIE or foraßrErri ABE tOll PEIALONS-TAZZ NO.CITINE . Both 1n Thisairtagestrinn BANK Keystone National Bank, OF V.TtIM. CAPITAL $250,000. DIRECTOItti ; Belden Marvin, John W. Iran, tilihu '3lstnin, • - ilester Town. 0. Noble. ORANGE NOBLE, Prest..J.l“). J. TOWS, Co%II The above brollz hi now doing brivinep.r , in UK new building. CORNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH STN. tiattstactory paper discounted. Money- -re: calved on deposit. Collections made and prtr reeds ueeounted for With promptness. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold. A allure of public patronage solicited. Important FAIRVIEW STATION, Sept. IC„1157. The Subscriber Would respectfully Inform the Farmers of Fairview and vicinity - , that he Is prepared tunny 5 TIIE ILIGHEST 31411 ET PRICE for all kinds of Farm ' /duce delivered at Fairview Station. so, keeps on hand for sale DITD3IIINOLLB AND ANTlnt4cral COAL. ae chcop ae can be bad lacwhcre. A Ina, has the agency of Hussgood, Young & Co.'s superior (bet Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivatom Wanner & Jones' Self-Dumping Wheel Havihtl &c. And has a superior lot of full blood and griule SUFFOLK AND CIMSTER WHITE. PIGS! sepl9W-ly. A. STONE. Ivklw FIRM. Raving ttswelated with the (In the Ist of Janew. ry Andrew•Mnyer, In the BOOT & SHOE BUSIN7.3S, The arm pill be known w. C. Etatlehart dr Co.. and the business will be eurrled nn a hereto fore at No. 19 West Park, Erie, Pa. ' e. ENTi LEILA RT. Something- Now. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes in %very few dayst, t hen the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent thin great waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sil ver Ups. They never wear out at the toe, and 'Make a pair of shoes bud three times a% long as Without Tips. Leather Cups bare been worn to some extent, hat they' have proved Worthless. 'Silver Tips have a nest and substantial appear. auce.„and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protruding to We have constantly on baud the only as sortment of Sliver Tipped Shoes to be found in the city; Ineltaling tine Sewed Vatt)en, ilatttbratit, Youths' Boots, &c., which we rarer, together with ajtitire and fashionable assortment of.Ludies. - and tients* Fine and Heavy goals; nt the tovest Clash prices., nnicg-n. - C. ENfiLEILART & CO, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY; SILVER WARE, And a grPat -F G-000,R, AT AUSTIN'S,- . Pgragoa Building, •28 N. Park Place, Erie, Nest dour to Merchant's Union },Sprees t•u. A litoelt of *..n,iYn worth of elegant and fash ionable goods will Ir otlered,Tor the next three Months, at a very great rettn. don In price. The stock is all new sad purchased at lower rates of gold than now, and (fel-ermined tom :old louts In fan tire, small profits and cash transac tions shall benetil alike etedomer and dealer. Thirty years eclahlislied In Erie, in the Annie business, cosy he some guarantee that no great amount of InPireprioentatlon will heemployed, but lust enough i thi Fogy and Young Ainerien spirit ain It)s. AVlTrallt safe trau . lactlons and good barg SILVER Nl'utt.li OF COIN SILYEIt, For sale or made to order. Watches and all kinds of time keepers and Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted. (live me s, call. iny2M7-tf. T. M. AUSTIN. i;r:VAllvf:(o)#f*YAADtl;ll.lb7 l l:44Ati CROCKERY STORE, .41 STATI: STREET. ISAAC ROSENWEIG. SEN:, !las owned a nelk store of the above d,ecrip tloll4l4t Isl/i 0111 stand,nene the (south West c.nru< r of J.tate tareet and :he Park, lichen• he thvitem his old ectstoniers end the public. geoerolly to glee klut a call. ttittantly on hand e gene ral assortment of trockeryoPass, China and tillirr Were, ged /Worn Sern, ginner and Tea Seta, Kulres, Forks, Tea elpoons, .Looklng Glasses, Lana , Globes, ("blarneys, ' FANCY 600DS OF ALL KINDS! I:mimelog twine of the most beautiful ever brought to this market. Thew Who wt-•b to bay at it bargain will find It to their itllPteMt [0 call. He guarantee,' to sell 'X RER CENT. BEIAJW sny other hone in the city PHOTOGRAiIi i Just Opened Over 'II2S Stale St. uiu: C. I) F 'S . Having removed from 1 - ;11 forop.r Itoonot. over AOKllien Jewelry More, to ills new tool oonuao. dlotts Clattery, In Elin iritlatulis nets bonding, is now prepar ed to make pictur , s of all Kinds, from the fitnalleAl to a LIFE 4IhI PicruteEt Flnixbill ia•lad4t Ink, Water Colors or Oil /a- fiatlfitnetion given or money refunded No. 624 state street. ociTAtn. MINN. 1?UBNV1'1J1 I Reduced 30 Per tent. in Price: DEGRAIF & TAYLOR'S 87 and 89 Baerery,__6ls Christie Street., and 180 tad 139 Hester Street, - (En tnthce 7.Bowcry, WHOLESALE ' AND RETAIL. Our shock consists of all grades, styles and kinds of 1., - lIItIVITI.7ItE. and. HLIIUtNU, of our own ntnke, whirl* we guarantee. Our Stock is entirely too large for the season, anti sit:sr "BE HOLD, if we tam lind the buyers, even At .1 In's% oclo'B7-31n akINIf..INSON. , Manatariurern and Wholesale Leiden!' in TOBACCO, NU- . PIPEhi. 41r.0 Oleederal tit., Allegheny City, Pa., • Third door from riuspettalon Bridge, - rehtrB7-IY.- Sian of the Big Indian, Bivr - Wglrt=ica I tOf kind Attorneys. Jtuitim, Constables and Business- Bien:for sale at the O bs erver Ogee. , - MINK; PDX,' 0 R ''3l V:8 K R A'T T A P 'Bl • By the dozen ar Mae., for safe by decli4l. • * • •3. C. F.ELDEN. • - - Toll' Illth - Tn4o of every kind In fares' or sp small quantities, plain or colored. done In the beet style, and at moderate pricey at the Otaerver °Moe. SEM euvrwit grfORE 1 NO. 5'41%.1t STATE JOHN M. KUHN, lino;lug oileited ano store In the ahoYe local ity, regpectitilly nnntainces loth° public t bat be lute on hand one of the largest and ino.~t ea re- Mai' selected stwks of ' Beady•Vade Clothing., Vintlik, CasNluneres, (3 ENTII:3IIIN'S wxwia, Bats, Cats, aze., ever t dought to thlaniarket—till pureleased sleeve 1 lw fall lit Prices. and to be sold tit the most reel:401111Mo figures. ite lots OOP Of the best I letters in the counts'. and will engage to limbo up Clothing - lu the mostlamblonieble and durable style. Ills stock be complete. Nottes In the tine of Ids trade lins been neglected. (live him s call and see for ionneelves.. itt• warrants the goods to be UM represented, end prices sallow as any In the city. • • • • denS)l7•4l. , • , . • el. If. KUHN. National Claim - Agency . !, Office iu Farrar Erie, Pa. SOLDIERS' ROUNTI 11l elainuint ajar extra bounty allowed by lisle arta of•Congreag can have the tame promptly eolleated by , sendlog thelr.dlgehargea to ma, the receipt of which tellbbe promptly . .neknowitog. ed and tnatructions returned. INCREASE OF PVssIONs. Alo per month for the total loss of use of either Ica or arm: instead of N. A: per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seame n. Also, other increases. • ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS; of r. 8. A. Three nionttut pny proper for nil in *erviee March 1.1. and 41.e1i0r:41.41 after .Ipril 901, Claittio enslted. . Claims for arrears of pay. stntl isetifflonft, and lamtity, promptly collerted. 61CIli. it leS for clotting anti complet Ing elation+. A flow ftUrP to prls.oners of war collected. only agency In North-Westelon Pennsylvania Where years of experlence In ihr. I% M. Treassu.ry can Ise round. Thankful for the very liberal patronage Ice- stowed in the past; we hope Iry t Increased expe rience and unremitting at tendon to patrons, to seettre their contlnued favor. Office In Farrar Hall BulltUng. Addresa S. TOM, PFITLFT. unTa6-11. • . _Lock Box 101. Erie. l'u. _ N1.:11" F. 11131. Inmea thmek, having taken In his son, .Iw'. r, • , as a partner, on the INt (taro( April, an tler the nrnt MUM. or JainPX P. t'rook S son, do shoes to have a settlement of Llri old Het-mint& All pvrsons knowim; tlretuselvex Indebted to him are regln to call and settle without JAMES P. CROOK & SON Dealers in - Nrn " WISIIO3V I , llAmEs,Douns ,t 7 fit,lNDs. Mouldings and l'lrket Fence, P.41:0 ISH wl ng, 3ln mud Pinning ilone loonier. r•tlaop (U tw4t., Between. Pourtli caul Fifth Si.., Erk, Pa We respectfully call the attention of the Pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the beta of style, promptly and on' reasonable tenon, nay tug fitted up entirely* new shops, with superior Machinery, we feel confident of giving satinfac lion. artlerm* fhom itimq.l trill receive prompt nttentton. =2= NOVTICTI TC) 1.1 7 :1111.40.NP4 PRODUCE POR SALE Wv. etre-weer rettsvlg.; a. "tante' blue front Erie to Itenova, on the Pblln..L Erie Railroad, and wishing to twvore all kinds of VEGETABLES & COUNTRY PROW= To carry it on, lure established a depot, an Fl FT' I STREET, In the rear ref the /teed ll(ruse, between 4tnte 'and French Streetm. Where we will ho at nil times ready to receive and pay the : RIMIEST MARKET PRICE for the same. All having produce for sale are requested to give ns a call. Inquire for Market Depot : Fifth 4treet. rszlt) fTktr. MAY A-. JACKSON. GE - R3LIN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner Inigtatla stud totittc, OPPOSITE POS1! t 1: 'Thts Institution Is now open for the transac tion of business. OFFIcr.IIOUItS: 0 A. M. to I P. M. HiVriltitaYB : 9 to H P. M. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Given bythis Institution to Regular Depositors. IDlREcrorts: J. Elebcnlaub, P. A. Seeker, F. P. ].libel F. Kellnelller„ Jan Gensheitner: • . OFFICERS: John Genshelmer, .. ........ Atottheer, fiehloudeeker, Treasurer F. Schneider, -Secretary. my2-67-Iy. ItIMPEUETIP UOIREOPATUIC SPEOUIFICI6 HATI PitOVID, 7EOII TUN morr Altera empetismee, mstimmeems; SMMI*--111:071•• IltdSdiat. sad They an the only 1140 ass =y edapted te melte am—do steeple Gal mite. sad be mede to ad ay them; le hamlets le to be bee tram danger, mad ee odteinnt as tot" always MAW& They ham rabid the highest commeadatiodi Item all, sad CU deem nada eattsetetlos. Ms. Cu& 1. Eau li/over; Gospellos, hilhansilissa.. 23 2. ' IPOrup o Worm4sser, Worm-Golle. 23 11. CV,lia ilet. Of Tastkleg of lalksis. 25 6. Illarr era of &Whin or adults,— 22 E Dputlialrp. Grfplag, EWEN Cale.. 95 6, Cholers•Blorbus, VcroilUng. 03 T. Coughs, Colds, Inoriehltts....-.1 93 I. Neuralgia, Tootbaebo Faeasebe.:. ES 5. Usadiselasivalek,lleadacte.Vartlso U 10, • Dyspepsia, El/loos Stomach 33 11. florprossoll. ot pataful^Periodiv .1. El W. Whits; too profess Peri0d......... a U. croup, aftorla, diflleolt Breathing— li U. gals Rheum, liryslrodn. Lyonnais El 1E r. RhOUEGithm, Ilhenmatla Pains.. .4. it, - Fever & Agusi, Chili Fen; Epee 00 4 It. Pllos, blind or blanker,. ' El 15, • Ophilhalmr, sad gore or weak Eyes 00 19, " Catarrh, saute or Gnarl; Infferiess EA 20, • whooplng.coughooileattlouslas 50 It. • Asthma, oppresee4 Breathlor 20 El • Ear Dlneharges,lmpaind ifearlag 00 26 • Scrotal; ordarsed Glum* Swellings 50 31. " Germinal Uebility. Pbysieal Weakness 00 23, "` . Uroper, and scanty tNeretlons 00 26, • 1 1oa•allckvaess,sitkonohnuridtng.150 P. " II Idney•llalseasa. Gravel' 00 111, • Nervous Debility. Seminal Enatoolons, tovolostary Lb. • abuses 1 02 1/, • wore 3loutb, Canker' Id 62, ' Crlegary Weak uens. wetting bikr. 00 11. ." Painful Periods, with Bparnes::-.. 50 I& ` ?auO'er' no. at cluauge of Ufa LSO Si, 0 Eptlepay. Spun; Ot.lfltaa'_Dioce.l:oo 116. • Iti Eylvanor. a, ulcerated eon Truett. 60 FA atzur CARES Of id faros trial. , mnroeeo ease Containing a aroettle 10 y ordinary disease a fondly is subject to, and a' book. of di. Teetion*, $l . O 00 Irnaller Forn . l , *dTratellngreses, w!th ... from $5 to . Eseette.b ,,, l,Pr : lvate Di. . .botb ' for t'urloc U.1..111411 . 0 Ltrillinent, tb Iv .115 finil t.% Vet ueee , jts lOU EN .. .Three Lb m. 410. by .Le rt.e or a ogle box, ',re sett to nbr rt of the tountry, h• blno or Eis pros. free of r'erge.. on rete.pl_of 11.8.141,0. 4 Attro3r. EtiMp'lreye Flomeopathic I:iodic:ins Company, .:noes slid Detx.t.. , :7o. ton Iltbrarmay, Nay Toss. in: 23 77-ly Dr. riarmerry rmirattrs: (tally at bra ~Itea. torronnally or by al awl e, for aafotrao of 111111=11. SALE tri ILL 0111. - GtiWEB. WNT. NW): fi NON and WILKINs.t. hol.f, Agents, Erie, 1.4. CHEAP CASH STORE. A. IN. Ge (:onlerof Nth and Mate Ala.. DEALER 11. i Grocerk,M aud...l 3 roVisions. Wood; Willow andikone Ware. And everything that fa usually- kept In a Find Muss Family Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CREAP FOR CARR. The beat brands of Erie County Flour, Always on Hand. •Call and examine priers. Altie Goods delivered tree In any part of the city or South actdf. LIVERY STABLE UNDEIL4IONED having purchased the 1. well known Livery Stand heretofore twee. pied by Sterrett, desires to inform his -friend+ and the public thad he will continue the business, and invites tin i a patronage. THE STOCK wilt be ely inemsed and hu proved—new: conveyait have been procured and lament' the beat livery horses in the coon. t i r h , nen u t n • adse temgnved at o t hcoe t nduc . t Th hstab. who ward to obtain the services of a good team will find me ready at ail tintexto tmompx?datethein at reasonable prices. . Recollect the place. ligetrett's Old Stand,lrlfth streeksear,of the Reed lion " se. • JeW55-14 • THOS. LENNON. . ItoII'PRINTING of every kind, In large or 0 *mall quantities, I:lain or• colored, done In the beat style, and at moderate prle&l, at the Observer oftleet TOB'PRIIiTING of every torke'Or ,simtlgmWtities. plain or colored. done In the treatatyle. and at moderate) prtoes,-at.the Obasnrarodltee.' ERIE, PA lorinwrx ti 4, And 'Manufacturer; of No. 6. toog 4014iits' -and ,Cors,tta 1 ror nit 014 s 41GriAl i bil, • Hoop Skirt and Comet. Wo respectfully call the attention of the In-• dies to our Hoop Skirt and ror , et htoek for the coming Ilolnlays, TM Xf . nior partner of this popular cmablisliment hs., lately returned from the Eastern cities with a large variety of Con.ets•and ftkirt materials, Our stylist em braces all the kinds worn—txdli French and Amerkui. We have resolved to 'keep the New York Hoop - skirt Factory for the benefit of the public tut well Its for ourselves. As heretofore, Hoop Warta made to order and repaired. We guarantee Skirts to fit and war rant them for one year. A. F. COHtti t tato_. L nr4l-tf. ' , Ho. lOW State street, Erie, ea. N E AV BOOK BINDERY Blank Book Manufactory! Arould aan.alia... to the,. public. tbat WP 1/:llll . apetml a 1300.1{ .11INDPAC-1". endure prepared to do Work In nhibrnneh of the ku.lnems. BLANK BOOKS! Of all 1:111.1,., tel hand and lanete Bn.l ruled to ally pattern (1.4.1 refl. MAGAZINES ANI► OLD BOOKS. Bound and repaired In the best ptYle lII\DERY OVRK Keystone Sth National treets, rie Bank_, Corner State and S E, Pa. COLE sioN tiltB-43ni .CTA'I3FIII S C= 'N a " I " P""l '"l,?n=t,V,l7, l ‘,l FLOUR AND FEED 13USINESS Of the late firm, would respectfully solicit a contilmance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house, and the puldlc in general, pledging himself that hu is 111 - at hll times try• to sell good and reliable Feed and Grain At the lowest price for cash In hand. From my long experience in this branch of the trade, I trust' I know what the nubile demand, and that lam prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me in the plod, I hope by strict attention to my Mist:let, and their want'', to merit n omit Intim let s of their pa tronime In the future. Tt‘h: MILLING. FLOUR. 'FEED 1N1) C;F:ATN. Rr4ltiFi44, 1V ill he continued, In all Its depart ment4, at the ERIE MILLS. PARADE STREET, and the Store, I±l A. NA A_ it IC a 0 W Between 'Brown's Hotel and Reed House, Where the public will find a good stock always for sale, win; competent and jgatte men on hand to supply their agdiTii:" ap5;S7-Iy. 11. 11. YIAVEUSTICK. MUSIF STORE! Torict.ore Fir‘l t la •••,•• ! 4 e•rt-n. Octave It on Prlutt.• t hoer.; rtiht: li.m•Pirruxi Milo, e'-":"4: 1 . , :: '• : -'...-.• -.. ~..• .