13115i11C55 13ittetorp C?. - Business .Cards Inserted in this depart men t for one year, nt n dollar per litre. WIT - OLE.-4ALE GROCFJts. ( ° atighey, Eurtzeqs & Walker,'. and N. Park Scott S 3illes,.e) and 502 French *t. Johnston dr BrevelliCt, at 3 French 4t. WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. Arbuckle ,t Clark, w North Park. • ' HOOTh AND SII - OF: 4 . 1.,. H. Clark, It Park Row. S. Z. Smith, 503 State street. C. Etutleltart .h Co., 19 North l'arkr. Gooree Zorn, 7a5 State st reet. F. Pfeffer, AIG State J. Evans. Jr., 83.t!1 State st. - BOOK 5T0rtr...... - . Climates' t- 31erreary.—North 0. sr- prom!,:e..N French Ft. F 1,61711 k FEED. TI. Ij. lltiver•ttt . k. Part: 110 w. Croneh fi Bro., 519 French FA. LIQUOR 5T0110 4 . 1 Stoic .6: Michael, 524 State st. Cleo. M. Stnith, 24 North Park. I )11:Sle • E. I?. Zier-tler.-s2l State !..t. Mni. Win. Willing. St-ti State st• SEWING MACHINE AGENCIES Wheeler & Witgon.4l.l stale st. Howe Sewing, Machine, or 2 Freh - ch .t. Singer Sewing Machine. is French st. Grover S: Baker, B'3fl State Ft., ERITITSM: TI. L. White, S South Park. CROCKERY & G CASSWA REL. Wm. IT. Glean}•. I?. Park Row. I...ane Rosenzweig. 51 t Stwo wATermsk & JEWELRY_ Mann/1: Fisher, '2 Park T tow. T. M. Austin, "2.11 North Park. • ' HATS AND CAl's.. - J. E. Wilson. 24 North Park. J. Kunz, Aret, 513 State street. Wm„Kendall, 527 1 4 Frenelt st, 3. 11. Smith, 52.5 Frnch st. CONFECTIONFAY STOIIF,.S.' rimier t Bargess, 431 " i d 70a State street DRUGS „VSI) mEint S. B. Barnum., 1317 Peach street, - Viers S Elliot, 429 State street. - Hall & Warfel, G 3 State St. Wilkins & 8011, 1312 Pem l li Sire: t. J. B. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. Wm. Nick k 5t021•4,702 State street. Pr. S. Dickinson & son, 711 State st reet. • 1111 V GOODS. Ninny)). Stephens Wi Hey. G. 11. Merrill. Decker, Kosler & Lehman, 11.11 Peach st - Morrison Bros. 711 State st. P. lionrichs. Thl State st. Edson. Churchill & Noble Block. • llosenzVoitt et Bro., 512 Stale st, Clark, Booth ,e Co., 5 Reed House Ilinef: DRY (7 4 1013• 4 .IND CARPE'N. Delfendorf, Gross l Foster. Warner Bro<, 53t3 State st. --GROCERIES. • Burton & Grllllth, 144 Peach st. It; .\. Field & Co.. 1321 F.J. Rexford & Co.. 13•21 " A. & .T. Brabender. 121 , 1 Henry Beckman. 564 State st. - Marshall. Christian k tram, 21 North Park: A. Goff, 511 French st. A_ Mining., Cot ner rtit e StAte st. P. A. 17ecker...0 331 French Bryan S McGiverin.l.4l Preneb st. William Mallory, 127 tench F. Schlandecker, 021 State st. IL V. Clam, 2(1 East Fifth .st. P. Saliaat, State st. PIT (YrOOTt A pIIS. 011141.11er* , , over la, Rosenzweig's Block_ - W..\. Loll. 1307 Peach st, Geo. C. Dunn. over 1124 State street. Dltpit Bros., Farrar Hail 17u itdfnß. S. D. Wager t (Xi.. over I t 2.1 Peach st. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. E. R. Welshman, 13114 Pe:Mit st. lloag .0 Ask tie. 70‘i' State st C. Deck. 703 Mate st. • M. W. Mehl, 517 Frehelt st: H. Y. Sterner, 401 State st. lIARDWAnE. slot Co., I:r.n Pearl st. W. W. Pierce .0 Co., 510 State st. McConkey et Shannon, 50f French st.. J. ('. Schlep, 821 French s.t. STOVES AND,TINWARE., Isaac Vantassel, It2l PeaiM tubliard Bros., 7111 State et. M. Mayer &Son, 1218 State st, Barr, Johnson .0 'O,, leis ntnt Ik'l State N. Murphy, 22 North Park. .0 Cn, 1:51 Nassatras st. (IF.N ER AI, :cm:lam:Errs. IL SIC State St. FITP.NITU RE WAREII.OOMs. .1. 11. Elblet S Co., MS State .1. CLOTIIING STORES. . John Clensheimer et Son, 1412 State St Stilz kTri State at. I'. Wagner, 1,211 State st. .1. M. Kuhn, 822 State s'. Marks Meyer', I Noble Block. B%'. L. ROss, No. 10 North Park. .I.7fORNEYS • J. Ross Thomp , on. 521 111101 st. James Sill. 51.5 Fremli Ft. 1,. W. Hutehinson, (.; Pi. 1. L. Stewart, '9i North Park, house 117 f 4 tate-4 3. Frn.,er, alorucepathi,tw, tr2 , ..1 Peach tit. MILLINERY A: STRAW GOIJF)S. • A. M. Blake. South Park. Mrs. M. ('urtta , South Park. The Muses McGrath, al; Ervin h W. I% Hawk - Eng, 1111/Peach M. BRASS Ft - MINI - kin ES. Jarecki & 1121 State m, MACHINISTS, FOT'NDERS MAKERS. • hoc,-rlen, A Co., id and P,- eh PLANING MILL' A. Jas. I'. Crook S. Sou, cor. 4th and Peach mg_ L. tl'hha & corner I Ith and French M. Thigh Jones, corner 11th and Holland st,.. Jacob Boolz, 1211 Peach .4. ‘ll la h . i s i i \s • _ . 4- ' / ,),( , . REFINED' • MOLD 3(1 ~;`',t ..--, -• CANDLES t! .''' '':':- -----, -4 . ChEMICAL N 9.1. G.ir:, yn . of_ 1v E Ck.EFASIVE ,:. if a". CA R 2. 0 AP. :!.'.:5 -- , „ . ..: • 2 ' ; ' , .: C;; " . ._,ISIVE c , N°.l '''??_ it - 7,- ..- z: CY i-; C.; SOAP ------- INME=I EMI BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit orders for n new Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. COMPLRTE IS ()SE VOLI'ME. • This Dictionary embodies the results of tie most recent s t oil e, research and investigation of about .1 xt ydive of the most eminent and ad. N:inced MA - WM Scholars nowth hag. Clergymen of alfdenommalitins approve it and regard it am the best work of 11 i kind In the English lan guage and one which ought to lie in the hand, of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating this work, a gents w e nt find b pleasant and protltaide employment., The nu merous objections which are usually cocoon. tered In selling ordinary works will not exist with this. But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendiy nI4I will attend t lie agent, muidnv useful and lucrative. - Ladies, retired riergyinen, school teachers farmers, students. and all others who possps‘ energy, Me «intl ed to assist in canvassing every town and ikmtnty m thk• country, to whom the most Il heral•inducemim is will be ()tiered. Fm particulars allay to, or address P.llOl ELEE BROTHERS, 722 Sanstm Street , Phltadelphln, ra. • at222.-Shr. CHEAP *CASH STOKE. A. IC Clr Cm nor of Sth and ',State St.t BEISIEME G1r0c.44-1.4.5: :I:141 Provioai 111 l Wtkal,lluvr AnQ !;lone Ware 117. i ..veryt-Icing unit is nsnally kept In n Flr.t Class Family Grocery. %Ll. GOODS SOLD, CHEAP FOR CASH. Thr iso.l brand. ofr' Erie .(bnnl' Flour. • ( 'all andl,xitnilne !re" “oods delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. oc:Fl l. L. 11. C III7VALII:Ii, • DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST ! Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Painting West of New York City.. Parlors, /lolls, Ciliarylies, Jct.., Frescoed hi the neatest style of the art. Genera 1 Drafting , of 3fodels for the Patentn (Mice. mut every description of orrin mmani Pointing executed promptly. Rooms in Farrar Elan, 'So. 3, second tioor apll'67-tf. - - FALL at WINTER STYLES _BONNETS AM) itxTge. :Lisa, Altering, illeaehing, Dyeing Mark and Brown. and SUN ering lUmnetti, Wreathe., Se. in, the be,t po.Nible manner. Beavers and Felts FlnieheJ. • NEW BONNETS AND HATS Made to order at the Millinen' Fint.hinw done promptly at trade L. prices. Thanking my patron:. for pa.t favor,. I reApect fully sakit a coat in tut nee. A. M. 'MAXI:, seX-Ow. Next door to Park Clam'''. Erie. JOHN GENSFEEDIER & SON, I= Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods! CORNER CH.' SEVENTH STREET, v.rtirn, PA. w. • W. STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ! General Hardware, Table Cutlery, TA CP r r SIR . F iT 7 4 41 - - GI ! We call attention to the Littlefield Furnace with entire confidence that It in the hest Warm Air Furnace ever invented, and radically overcomes the faults and objections existing in other Furnaces; and we feel sure theta curetui examination of its sujxqrior merits In connection with the candid and unbiased statement of those who have had thin Furnace in use Attiring the past several winters, will convince all that what we say Is true. We respectfully refer- to the following among the trutny well known citizens wholutge-this Furnace to use: Capt. J. S. RICHARDS, W. S. MOWN; ISAAC MOORHEAD, EN.",' "MORNING-GLORYt" FOR 4 IFFICE AND SIIOP.Ush:. • A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVE er, KITCHEN FURNITURE. fall and evil - due our stg IV., warrant the beta goods awl l o W',t pricss, at any establish nwnt in this elty. %Iso, age•ntn for El le Colinty h,r the Ilt•U Improved Portable Bnekeyr - Cider Mill and Press ! The p. )luts of superiority posses:4 - Q by t his 31111 over all other+, ore as follows 1. Adjustable Throat, adapting the Sitil to the various sizes and mmllllolll 4 of fruit . . . 2. The Adjustable tlrinding Rollers for the same purpose. These two features are secured to us by LetierS Patent. Without them no Mill can possibly be a perfect grinding apparatus, as the different conditions or the trait imperative ly detnand this adJustabilfty. • A neat metallic box to hold the hearings of the gearing, preventing the same from getting out of order, trout the swelling of the wooden stile:4 and ends. 4. The strong compact. frame for Mill Pres., with well proportioned bearings for its support. A strong iron beam, with a.two inch screw, enables us to ghe the pomace a powerful pro - sure. G. the Grinding Apparatus IS Om most perfect In me t consisting of three horizontal rollers, - one above and two below; the upper one has straight thaws for the purpose of breaking the fruit against the adjustable rubber throat as it passes through. On one of the lower rollers the ribs are oblique or spiral and as it revolves - It presents to the straight ribs of the other a contin lons cutting edge, enabling us to cut the. pomace from the Nlthtm of the tipples, leaving them ire such size US to obviate, in mast eases, the necessity of list= straw, which is found to be deleteri ous to the quality of the eider. • 7. The Strainer Board, ander the tubs, be means of which we are enabled- to express the eider as completely from the bottom as from the top of the cheese, leaving it nearly dry in all parts. This vnlnnhlc feature is seemed to us Ity ,troliglAitern . 1 undouldediv tbe he,t yet invented. Call and see It. ..I.n inspection of the above named ar ticle, k slicited. They are the leading, ones in the market. and van be obtained in Erie only of % 1,1243 n, ' FIT I?. GRE AT ITNITED STATES TEA' WAREHOITSE' ! O . F T. Y. KELLEY. & CO.-, No 30 Vesey Street New York. Have opened In , emmection with their present extensive , Wholesale Flstablislithent, a large and elegant • - IE9L. " A_ I II I' V ' JON ! • • Nor the express purpose of retailing their goods to CO-3.VSITMERS AT IMPORTING PRICES ! And thus give theta the lament of the ii use profits which generally go to the middle-men and speculators. We guarantee our teas Mid coffees at all times to he fresh and pure, and war rant all gotsls sold from this house to give entire satisfaction; otherwise the gotels may be re turned and the money will be refunded. PRICY: LIST. (101,1 (N 44 filnekl 00,70 SO, 90, 51.00 per lb., hest. NI I.XED, (Green & Madrid°, 70, SO, 90, til.oo per yot'NG til - soN,CL;reent 90; 70, $O, 90, $l.OO, $l.lO, 91.:1 - 4 per lb., best. 13IPERIAL,_Vireen) 10, cl.oi, 51.5. 1.154 I. Bit EA "VAST, ftliaek] 70, SO, 90,01.00, ;- 1 1.10, $.1.431) per lb., best. .1 A PAN, 90, 91,0), per 91:2.1, $1.50 per lb. • GROUND Coi - PERS. Pl'ltE RM.:A 2.latai vent , nor pound. lIEST OLD 044VERNMENTJAVA,10 rents per pntel. ROYAL ra vents. We have appointed • _ S. 13. 13.A.V.T1..1, - 1 7 31 - * 1317 Peach Street. South of the Depot, For the vile of our Teas anti (`ante's, at ERIE; PA. All j.74 - 10d9 are put up by ourselves, in one pound"packages, at our warehouse 'ln New York, and retailed at Erlebv-Mr. Samuel 13. Bar num 40 the same priers at whieh they are to le' had over our counters in :glow York. AU goods put up by us bear the trade Mark of The Great United States Tea Warehouse of T. Y. Keiley di; C 0... simure,i it. Ihe paekage. None others are genuine. We solicit - - A FAIR AND THOROUGH - TRIAL llf our goods from all Who are Iterested Imyjng a" first-class art tele of Tea and Coffee. at- the p05 , .11414; rates. au4s-14n. c C3N -,Vc) '" r,,cl DRY GOODS AND FURS! HENR ICH' S 'EMPORIUM, No. 716 State Street. My Cloth Departincsit.is tilled with great bargains, front the late auction sales In 'New York coutprisink everything in thisllne: Beavers, Chinchillas, Broad Cloth, Ladles' Cloths, Casslmeres, Satinetts, Tweed, Sheep's Grey, Kentucky Jean, anti a full line of single and doubled faced Wa terproofs. This Department is complete in everything coming under the name. White Dormet, Shaker, Stevens, the best Goods made in the country. Twilled Red, Blue, Gray, all Wool, tind Union, eornmeneum at MI rents per yard upwards. Fancy Plaids and Checks for Shirt lug, All Wool IllankerA.from =.5.00 to it 00. A full Line of the faN ni It.• German I,oom Talde Linen, cornto•neing at xi cents per pull up w•:ad.: Toweling !TAMIL!' upward,. I rl,ll Linen al eeuts upwards. Napkins, Diaper Lin enS, Towel. all very cheap. 1.10 different kinds of Blanket shawls, from s,lunwards. A large assortment of Square Woolen told Broeha. Black and Red Center Paeoly, fronrlllii to&Ai. Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, 4e. Good Balmoral Skirts loin 4 1.71 to V.:Z - 4 and the (loured Alpaca Skirts, braided, for $l, This part of the Store is particularly attractive, comprising Handsome goods from 25 cents a yam) up to ,53. Everything in the way of Plaid, Poplin, French Poplins Fkupress Cloths, Iteps, :Merino. from ci upwards, Alpacas from 2.5 cents upwards, In black and Poplins, • In Mack titlks I defy competition, pricoscommeneing at 1. 1 1.2; up to 84.50 per yard, warrant them pure alk and not to rut. l!olured Silks, every shde, color and quality, ulso very law. not Cantonld in anything belonging to this Hue, sneh a.s Prints, Sheetings, Muslins, Glnglauns, Flannel, Cheek and Striped Shirting. Wool Yarn from - a a pound uPwartis. 110 , e, half wool, frotn th) cents a pair upwards. Gloves, &e. Alen from id; to s9oa Sett. River Mink front . 87 to tto. Siberian Squirrel, Ike. Don't forget the pluee, No. 7141 Mtu to Mt - root. P. • I' IIE It G . ' 1E Air , CO No. 832 State Street, - . WHOLESALE AND 11E1 ; AlL• iIE r ILAIS IN • ' &C. soh. Agent. In North-\S tern Pennsylvania for Olblag2 . ll2 . 2 . ljla i ti l. iLd ‘lllOl/14" wide)) e. the D,tpular C.WII2•VP.: Oval Parlor. 'The Globe St.o-4-. rryru . 131 U CIDER 31E114: ! A_-_irrri A.CrrIC)N FLANNELS. Laind 13nlinortil 2.4lLirti4. DICES'S GOODS. DOMESTICS. MID Alm), ole Agentft for the celebrated STENVART COOKING STOVE ! THE VERY BEST IN USE We have UIS43 a flay assortment of other gocid Cooking and Parlor Stoves w. : PlVAlieri c CO.. SI:113 Sat - Lite. S4t: MI C 0" 'IL' S . •LINE. NS. S K . U" VI, S Qirocc'rico, 13tobuct, G. P.'IIA.VIS co:, GROCERIES, FRLTITS, VEGETABLES, AND PROVISIONS, Fifth Stiivt, between State and:Freueh, !laving purchased our goods before tho 'late rise In pricei. we feel eonfillent of tieing able to uiVe satisfaction both in Price and quality. Country Produce, Of every sort, bought, and sal. Fanners cnn alway's depend on receiving the 1001..0 market pried for their 1)3'110m DEALERS IN TAE Aliii)1141N(1 T(IWNSI, And on the Lines of itatirond, Stri"PLIED WITH . FRUIT, VF:GETA FILES, &C. Give us a Call. Remember May & Jackson's Market Depot Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS; North-Eautt Corner Park and FrAch St., (crazArsinE,) Would respect fully call the attention of the com munity to their large stock of Grroceriew and Provii4lonti, 'Which they are dextrous uisell at . - - THE VERY LOWEST 1'05.41 TILE PRIrES Sugars Co4fees, Teas, Syrups, TOB.CCO.S, FISH, &C., Is not surpassed in the elt y, as ther - are prepared to prove to all who give them a call. They also keep on hand a gape . rior lot of , PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which they direct the attention of the public. Their motto Is, "Quick shies, strait profits and a Mil equivalent for themoney." CAUGHEY, & FILKINS, GROCERIES, FRUITS &• PROVISIONS, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEE), SIII P . 011AND.LERY, SC 502 STATE BT. - , CORNER FEETEU: uu15%7 tf. V. A. AVT:111?..0 d: CO.. rmintry Product., Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS Tobareo, Croeiery Ware, Fruits, Nuts, de Nino. 414:1 6 .4tate 1.4 tree t. West side, between Rth and oth Streets, Erie, Pa. Cash paid for country produce F. A. WEBER. my2+4l. W. F:RII.I.ItT .141,111\ ILlCtilr Al DEALER -IN FAMILY GROCERIES I' Tea, Coffee, Sugar„ Syrup, Nlolasses, Pork, _Fish, Hams, Provisions generally, Coun try Produce, I.3tnt (Awes, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Ilaskeis, ham° and isetars, Fishing Tackle, &e. 421 ti4tate Street, Eric, Privato Families and Mick supplied. Gm& delivered. myttrir:-tt. BARNUM, MCA LEA IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY TOILET SOAPS, 11 A: I R 0 . I , • POWDER - • - PUFFS, - 7. - BRUTSIIES . z*.' • COLOGNE, - PAINTS, Linseed Oils, Turpentines, Varnish, Hydrome . lento( mi kinds, PATENT MEDICINES, prnE LIQUORS FOR 3IEDICAL Plldtp(eSES, London Porter and Scotch Ale, Prescrlpt lons carefully dispensed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be precisely p.- rep; resented. No trouble to show goods. iternent ber the name and place, . ' 11ARNITNI, 1317 Peach Street, 'Month of the Depot.. WHO MADE YOUR COAT ? FRANK WAGNKR. It fits so nice I guess I must go and get one; bow are his charges?: • Why, don't you lMw,he sells CHEAPER than any other :Merl:data. Tailor in loWn, has the . REST ASSORTMENT OF GooDS, , , 1 • AND ALWAYS - WARRANTS HIS GARMENTS TO FIT / No! Is that so? Of ormrse:lt is: 'go to ids glore - No. 626 State Street, And give him A ehance to make you a suit, and you will never buy anywhere else. - jerer-tr. J. H. RIBIJKT. J. ;NECK. Ja9,../CIiTERRETT J; H. RIBLET 45.• NO. 818 STATE STREET, *BM', PA., Manufacturers and dealers In Furniture' of Every Description! EscurDnick - L . Parlor, Dining Room and Bed Roo Sets, (Mica, School and Ilona Sets and! every . article ln the line. Our Manufactory is located on Eighth street and the Canal, and our Ware Roor is at alti State street. In the latter place we hern a larger sup ply of furniture than min be found anywhere 1 .24 else in Erie, all our own manufact re, gotten up with particular care for custom t ie, made m the best material and after the ii ost approved style and manner. Particular attention 'ls di• reeled to our UPtIO/ATERED GOODS; • Of which we can make abetter article than Can be purclutsed tit any of the attractive ware. houses in the East, and which ire ~ 'uttarantee to be First Class. in every particular. Full sets gotten up In Walnut, Robe Wood or any other desirable material, covered with the best gotsis manufactured for the purpose. Ourassortment of Furniture in lids line is so complete that every customer can be suited at first examina tion. UNnoP..avrAn.l.ria. 4. We have commenced the basins of Undei taking with the beid equipment ev r Introduced in Erie and with two excellent be rses, one 01 which is as fine as any in the Write, are enabled; to attend to fitneral orders with the utmost fir.J chilly and satisfaction. Ou r stock of Callus and. Burial Calles r Trimmings, &c., is fall In every' particular, and we are satisfied that we can nil every order promptly and satisfactorily, in the city or county. my=ll7-tf. 7. M RIBLEi & co. IIippLANRFI! BLANKI4!—A complete assort melt of every kind, ofllinnaa needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men, for Rale at the Observer , Defilers In fill kinds of P.IIIE, P k FIETIE STREET P. A. BECKER & Co.; Their n,...artinept or (11'CCF. ,4 10101 TO Dealer% In COUNTRY PRODUrF: V 1E: Oa TA 73LT•.~I; ERIE, PENN'A. I= :Jew PERFUME o_• the Handkerchief. um, s „ 44. A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Fra , r-' ant Perfume, Distilled from the Bare a- 'l Beautiful Plower 'from which it takes its name. .nttiartnreti onlyby PHALON & SON NEW TOUK. BEWARE or 01MTEUE111,1 ASI: FOR PIIALONS—TAKE NO MOM 40:a b.F.Esnlinfilea sezterall.r. nANIE NOTICE. • Keystnne National . Bank, (iv CAPITAL $250,000. DlREFryits; 'S,lden Marvin, .John 51arvin, "...3ester Town, O. Noble. MANGE NOBLE, Pr&d. JlO. J. TOWN, Cash. The above bank is now doing business In its . new building, CORNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH STS. itatistaetory paper • discounte‘l. Money re .ceived on deposit, Collections made and pro ceeds accounted for with promptness. Drafts, Specie and Rank -Votes bought and sold. A share of public patronage solicited. 'lmportant Notiee. STATI ,, N, Sept. 1f 1!;,67 The Sub.serther would r•hspect fully inform the Farmers of Flileview and vlel!tity, that lu• hi prepared to pay TilE HIGHEST MAIIKET PRICE for /dr/dints of Farni Prattle,. delivered at Fairview Station. Al-o, Iteenq on bond fur Kale BITUMINoUS AND ANTHRACITE COAL, as cheap US can be laid elsewhere. Also, las the agency of lia.ssgood, Young & Co.'s Superior cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivators, Wallace dz. Jones' kelf-Duinplng Wheel Hot• Rake, Sze. And has a superior lot of full - bh - xxl and grade.. SUFFOLK WHITL•PIGSI sepl9'67-Iy. A. STONE. 1211 li. Having :moelated with me on the INt tit' &num ry Andrew Mayer, In the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS: ,The firm will he known am C. Etiklehart ik Co.. and the bushiesm will be curried on as hereto fore at No. 19 Weht Park, Erie, Pat. • C. ENGLE/lA.IM/ Something New. . Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their . hoes in a very few days; then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair must he bought. The only way to, Iwevent this great waste of money Is to buy shoes proteettst by sli ver this. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caps have been wont to smite extent, but tl a Moe proved worthless. Silver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings anti protruding toes, -We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tiptssi Shoes to be found in the clty,. Including fine Sewed shoes, flaintorals, Youths' Boots, de., which we oiler, together wit h a large and fashionable assortment of Ladles' and Gents Fine and Heavy gtxxis, at the lowest cash prices. mr14 . 67-tf. ENGLEHART & CO. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER .W AR E, Anil it great Variety of IP A: •N C :17 GOODS , AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 N. Park Place, Erie, Next door to Men-thug's linlon Express Co, A stock of .t ,, ,,0100 worth of elegant and lash, ionahle goods will be offered, for the next three months, at a very great roltot lon lii price. The slovit Is all new andpurchstsol at lower rates of gold than note, and determined toavoid losses In future, small profits and - caSh transac tions shall benefit alike etistorner and dealer. Thirty pearl established In Erie, in the same business, may be NOM(' guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentat ion will be employed, but Just enough Old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe transactions and ghod bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order. , Watehes and alI kinds of time keepers and Jewelry earerully re paired and warranted. Glee me a call.. - my2117-tf.. . T. M. AUSTIN. NEW WHOLEq A T. 7 0 AND DETAIL CROCKERY STORE, 314 STATE sTra:ET ISAAC- ROSENWEIG, SEST., Has opened a new store of the nhove deserin tion,at hid old stand,near the South West corner of State street and the Park, where he invites his old customers and the public generally to give him a call. Constantly on hand a gem-- rul assortment of Crockery, Glass, Ckbia cud Silver Ware, Bed Room Nets, Dinner nail Tea SeLs, Knives, Forks, Tea Sixmos, Looking Glassu;, Lamps, Globes, Chimneys, ,te. FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS! Embracing some of the-most beautiful' ever brought to this market. Those who wish to buy at a bargain will find ILA° their interest to•nall. Ife guarantees to sell a.) PER CENT. BELOW tiny other house In the city NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS! Just Opened Over 638 State St. fu3::4).. C. Txrx, flaring removed front Ids forruerlitoonts, over Austin's Jewelry Store, to his new and COIIIIIIO - thine* * , In Eichenlattb's new building, is tow prepared to nutke pictures of all kinds, - from the smallest to a LIFE . tirzi..l PICTURE! Finkhed fu India Ink, Water colour or Oil • Air' Satisfaction given or money refunded No. lit 4 Slate Streets ocl7-3m. - GE:O. C. DUNN. I.IVMIiY AND BOARDING STABLE. r I ilLI; undersigned having purchased thelivery stock of M. 1). Osborne Is prepared to give particular attention to the wile or beardftig of horses. (tood homes and carriages always on hand at moderate prices. He respectrylly solic its a share of public patronage. • ant Im 11. BLENNEIt. NEW L(YERINO STORE ! SIL:9 STA."I"p; JOHN 'M. KUHN, Nav in g -npelio a new stori• In the above local- Hy, respectfully announces ta the public that he Mix on hand one of the largest and most care •rtaty selected Ktotits of Heady -Made Clothing, Clothw, Camsimereg, GENTLENIFIVS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, ,te., et yr brought to this market—all purchased since the fall In prices turd to Is• sold at the most reasonable figures. Ile Las tine of the best ('utters In the country, and will engage to make up Clothing in the most faSIIIMISIbIe and durable style. His stack is complete. loth- In the line of his trade has been neglected. Glee him a call and sm for yourgeh es. W. warrnnts the goods to he up represented, and prices a, low as any-in the city. ' decZnrt-t J. 31. KUHN. PJERI,I 7 .I . I"S National Clain' Agene3 • ! Office In Farrar Hall 'painting, Eric, Fa. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY. All claimants (or extra bounty allowed by late acts of Congress, eau have the saine promptly collected by sending their discharges to tied, the receipt of which will he promptly acknowledg- - ed and instruetions returned. INCREASE OF: PENSIONS. $l5 1:00' month for the fool loss of use of either leg or min Instead of sit. rl per month for each minor child-of deceased soldier; or seamen. ;Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICEits of U. S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service • March rid, and discharged after April bib, laati. Claims eashed. Claims for arrears of PaY. 'and Is'llsions, abed bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled faeill itles for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western Penteolvania where years of experience in the It. S. Treasury can he found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be glowed In the past, we hope by Nerewwsi eXPe rienee and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. Otlice in Farrar I#dl Building . Address S. TODD PERLEY, auT66-tf. lock flax 101, Erie, Pa. AV 1 4 " II-? "VI. James I'. Crook, having taken in hie. pion. Jas. E., ns a partner, on the INt tlav - ot April, ISIA, un der the• arm tinJite of James P. Crook it Son, de sires to have a settlermint of his Mil itecount.4. All person:, knowing ;theiuselve4 Indebted ti him are retine.,ted to rill and Nettle without de la•. JAMES P. ,VROOK Deiderm Ui• ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER And.\lnnit fnvt ti nil+ of WINDOW FIVM ES, j)0011g 6: RUNT* ‘310111(lina% and Pivlcet Vonve. Semi( SaWing .s.l4ltchliat unit Planli u done to order. t 6 4lkcpit, Vent.h Between Fourth awl Fifth Sts, Erie, Pa We respectfully call thenttention of the pub lic our Wenn les tortioing work in the best of style!, promptly-11nd on reasonable terms. Hay ing fitted up entirely new shop., with ~uperlor machinery, we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Onto (iota abroad NI Illreecive prompt attention. JAMES I'. CROOK & SON. Ntyri ex: u'iol RAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE We are now riinning a Market Line from Eri Renova, on the Phila. S Erie Railroad, an wishing, to secure nil kinds of VEGETABLES &. COUNTRY PRODUCE To carry It on, have establlshed a depot, on I • FIFTH STREET, I n the rear of the need -House, between State • and French Streets,. 'Where we will be ;it all times' ready to receive and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE • for the ...nine. All having produce (or Nate are requeste,l to give win cotl. Inquire for Market )epot, Fifth Ntroet. itg,lo'6s-tr. MAY ,t .7ACKSO&. GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, EAGLE FOUNDRY, (- . "Pna•r I C l&l i t l aand '`e"tate St"-•" 1 - Peach Sli;el, abide the Buffalo Road, - OPPOSITE: rcAT orrlcE. EntE, PA. This Institution Is now open for Ihe transac tion of Inisintms. Ovrict: Horns: 9 A. ,31. to 4 P. M. SATrunAvs: 8 A. H. to 8 P. M. Six Per Cent. Interest twin be Given brthie truititution to liegiilar Depositors. 1.31.1101iS J. Fiehenhtub, T. A. Becker, F. I'. Liebel, F. Schneider, John (lensheimer. John Gensixenner,, :Matthew Sehhtudeeker, F. Schneider, - mr2.171-Iy. , je ,ll KLW4# 7,ll *l_aitig TVs k111_: 111171XPIITIENV 710211440PATM0 SPECIFIC% HAVE PRO. VED . most TUE MOST. AMPLE expeziencq an entire success; NI In pis—Prom p t Ethrient, and Reliable. They are th• only Medicines perfectly *LOW to popular use—so simple that we. takes eiumt b• made in ming them; em harmless es_ to be fees from danger, and so efficient as to be always *reliable. They bays raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nes, • ' Cents. 1, Cann Fevers. Cannelton, Itithrinnations.. 25 1. . ' SPO L T O Worrn.Faser, Worm - Colin. 25 S. • Cry Us or Toothing of tents. 23 • Mare en of children or ednits 23 lk " Dysentery. Griping. Bilious Colic.. 25 I, ' Cholera.inerbus. Vonaung 15 T, " Comets, Colds, Bronchitis ,—.13 -. I. ,' Neuralgia, Toothache. fumble— 25- 11, • Headaches. Bick.HeadeeheilreiFigo 25 1 0 .'' Dyspepsia, Blue,, Btouisch , 43 11. . Suppressedor painful Periods ... 25 11, " , Whites, loo . profun Periods 25 1. 5 . ''' , Croats. Cough, difficult Breethlng... 23 13 • Salt Rheum, 6.ryalpolso. Eruptions 25 1 5 . ' . libeumatlorn, l.liennantio Paths.. SS t 6, Fever dc ague, Chill Isser, Agnes 10 ' IT, -Piles. blind or bleeding 50 IS • Oploloalusy, and more or weak Eyes 00 12. Catarrhs scot* or chronic, InOrienin 00 20, WhopplurCongh,,rollenteouglis 50 SI. Alabama, or,pred Breething Ea 13 .. Ear Discharges, Impaired [tearing 00 • 13 Scrofula. enlarged Glatids.,sl centrum 50 2 4 . General Debility, Physical Weaknesa 50 U. Dropsy, and acuity emotions 60 13 If.eawsickncoo, eleltness from riding. 50 Di It Idnertilsease, Gravel co 13 Nervous Detillityv Sentinel cherltitiloolons . loiolocitory Die. 19, - Sure' Mouth. Canker 100 00 55 , . Crtclary Welliktle4l. wetting bed. 50 11, . Painful Periods, with Spasms... 50 U, • &El Wrringe at charvo of 1ife........ 1.00 sa, • Epilepsy. Slams. ot.Viins' Dance.Loo N. ' iletphilleor in, nicerato.l Sore Tiirnet. 00 rA.MLLS CASES , Of 85 large vials, morocco ease, Containing a specific forever., •rdinary disease a family is subject to, and a book of di. 'actions, • $lO 00 %slier Family and Tirol cling ewes, ' with at to;2- state Truro $5 to 0 Specifics for al; prt auger DI. ,both for Curinz, and tor Preventive tzeatracut; in Tulle and pocket unien,S2 farTheme,llemelee, by the am or ;Iglu box, are tent to am part of the calvary, by Mali or $Z preen, free of thaw, 011 receipt of the tams. Address Humphreys' Spee.to rll , Homeopathic Medicine Company, Oftice and Depot, No. 662 DaoADwax, Near Tony Dr. Thrum/re-re le annotated daily atlla race, erroDally or b) :Moroi) ilwlN tor 111L1 Avila 01 vOlt SALE &I ALL DILIVGGISTS, Wit. NICK ASO and WILKINS & 1)0'4 . Agents, bale, Pa. FINKLE & LYON LOCK-gmcii SEWING MACHINES! The only Machine so perfected that entire sat isfaetion is guarantied or the purchase money refunded. Where I have no agent a sample Ma chine will be sold at a very low price; and &Lo cal Agent appointed, on the most favorable terms. r. ll.—Mend for a circular. Traveling .I,gelita wanted-. Salary liberal. Aildrelei iny2:l;67-13 E. A. ILALI4 General Agent for the Finkie . & Lyon S. M. t'o., 1318 Peach Bt., Erie, Pa. I= LIVERY STABLE.. UNDF.RSIONED having purchased the well known Livery Stand heretofore occo pied by Wm. J. Sterrett, desires to inform his triendsand the public that he will continue the businefet, and invites their patronage. THE STOCK will be largely increased and im proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the best livery horses in the coun try. I tun determined so to conduct the (snail lishment as to give satisfaction. Those who want toobtalu the services of a good team will find me ready atoll tines to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand, Fifth street; rear of the Reed House. jet tL THOS. tanrsox. TOU:ritINTI.Nii of every kind, In large or small quantities, Walla or colored, done In the best style, and at moderato prices, at the Observer °Meet ERIE, PA' .Prc—Atient .Tre Lmirer .Seeretary- No. 5. IV' I W BOOK BINDERY En Blank Book Manufactory! .ItVe would respectfully announce to the public. that we have opened n tS 0 Colc.. 111 N 1314:12,`47, lid in prepared to (14) Work In'riu.• branch of Iwbusinep4s. BLANK BOOKS! Of all knolq, on nand andmade 10 onler. nod ruled to ailly pattern desired: MAGAZINES AND OLD 11001C4. lound and repaired In the best style• BINDIatY OVER eygtOue National Bank E , Corner Stato and Sth Streets, rie, rs. E. M. C(Qi• s4,*; MEM `UN1314.1"1251.(;',N1.:1), ittivitu; purehat•tett the httere.t l lf lIW M.. 10•1. Vineeitt• In the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS O( the late than, utlltl testwettelly sollelt a continuance or tat or trot r i th e pa trons of the , net the ',elate in gelteral, pledging itaittst It that he tt 111 at all times try to sell ':INK! 111111 ll'Ii111111• sista Crain At the lowest price for climb In hand. Front my long experience in this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public dent:nut, and that I ton prepared to meet' that %cant. Return mg lay thank, to the 1,10 , 1 i, fu: their liberal patronage to Me In the pa .t, I hope by strlet attention to toy hasn't., alai their Wit to mint a Milt - tall:MN. of I laqr patronage in the future, THE MILLING-. FLOUJ..=',. FEED, AND 1:11.11N cunt all its departments, at the ERIE 111 1.1.., 1).1 RA DE STREET, I=l A :44 I'A it IC Ii , 11•-tww•u Itrowie-llotelltlati 144,41 110114 Wlit•re I lir publa. will Ilti.lll ••"'Mi ,tirelt. always fur .ale, with ,ouipetout 011 indite men (at haul to supply their wait'. ap2137-Iy, IL 11. 11.VVERSTICK. MUSIC STORE! • Priee.t4 1.' , 16• L t I 'll,, 110••••wf d nob", • . 4 ;74,-4 , ;`;' • • • ' '• ^2.-" - iT $250 "co WS:SO : Sid octave Piano Cased Rosewood Meloileons ()mails from :iii to :••'.! , k). NO. 815 STATE STP I mT, ERIE, PA. Sir. Every Instrument warranted for five 5 earn. Z. SMITH. irE:Nity, try.A.Nrr & cip.. =il PARLOR, COOK AND OFF ICE sco y ES TIN AND snEET IRON WARE, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW 110 an kltitl of Iron thaw. Every Sto‘t. , obi by 11, S., •q arrtuttt•d to satisfaction, Sliewq, Sad irilaN. lte„ OU hand and rnauut.u•t meg to order. nom. s and Plow Points of •ups rior niakv and durabili ty always on Intnil. A •all and a lair trial ta our articles is all we tisk. tur-Wti:3-tf. HENRY. /1111 t ANT 41 CU. \l: NV voitic HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, I,olls STATE STREI7, ERIE, PA Repairing Done with Neatness:& Dispatch. =SI Hoop Skirts Made to Order on the Shortest Notice Messrs. Cohen t Bro. are in co-partnenthlp with an extensh e firm In Manchester. England, thus enabling them to have the very latest of French and English style.. ()Ur 'Hoop Skirt deptirtment eontains all the various. kind , of !wiles', Misses.' untll'hildren's Hoop Skirts. . . 4 hsr Comet department embraees the follow- - ing kind , : French.. Engl kit, A merietut and Mtulant roy's rorm.t Skirt Supporter. ....A French Corsets mil", 01 10, ' . AnMrienn corsets only 00 cents.. English Corsets front ~.......s-1 2.1 to $2 :!.1 l'orset Supporter. , ,trom 4 1 75 to llt•2 i 0 oar Repairing department k .uperiiitended by a lady who is thoroughly aequainti.dwith the repairing of all kinds of hoop skirts. Our Wholesale department ea n not be surpas sed. Vert-pants supplied at New York prices. ah - iloopSktrts warranted and made to order. .4. F. (MIEN s BRO., jy4't7-t f. Proprietors . . A_ I - It . 'Wholesale ond IR€toll Dealer in. Furniture ! Having, purchased the entire ,took of Furni ture• of Messrs• Moore S Itiblet, I respeetlully wig fay old customers and the public generally to give me a dill at the old stand, NO. 715 ST.ITF, STREET, Before pluvial:sing elsewlien = Parlor, Chamber and Red ROOM Sets I MEI BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, RIntolIES, DE.SKS,^ And, in fact, everything in the line ot Furniture. 1 ant prepared to manufacture to order any sty le that zany he called for. Remember,_ No, 715 State street, east side, between tseventh and Eighth streets. apti'd7-tf. JOHN NV. AYHEN: CLOTHING ! HATS & CAPS I 833 Gents' Furnishing Goods ! roni , Wiand Nee our FALL AND WINTER STYLY:S JUST OPENED. JONES & LYTLE, No. 10 PARK ROW. se pV2-.t r, Executrix's Notice. r ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Al.- I bey Holloway, doe'd late of Veiing° t p.. Erie county,. Penn'a, having been granted to the undersigned; Notice is hereby given to all In debted to said estate to make intmedialu Pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present I bent for settlement. ELIZABETH HOLLOWAY; Executrix. Vettangct, Oct. 21, '67—0e21-14. . -- ERIE RAILW AY (Arent Broad Gauge bonlle Tracy Route to NEW .YOUIC, 130SeroN, and the New lEngland CHIN. This Rallwur extends Irmo bola:irk York, 4ho Buffalo tn NPW York . kninmanen to New York, 411 to 21 to iff 31.11.1:34 /411011.TEisT s r , ctr, In d" run dire c tly thruugi, to M 11.114. without ehallgt• of e01i0,..,,. lerota and after Aug.:lr, 151,7, r,rk In connection with all the W.,terh follows: Front DUNKIRK aril r•A I A it ' ‘ Nl`l.o York tilltl•-flora I aloe, 7,30 A., M., ExpreAs Mall, (nit' lainkfrk (except isorulayro. Stop, at Fallia-:;;• iitoo A. NI ., 1114 eraltwelK at and ri)rillth: with till. HA. M. I.N pre tr . 41 front Bulfolo and anise, N, y , jai Y. 3f ., Z./Wan/Mr I. daily lexeept. n p with t.tti 1%. Tr , i „ 1:. nd urns., in New Vor.ti-at 7 A M. " L6il'. M. New York Night rApro kirk ;billy ,xeept Satal,Ert • taattett tit 1'::i, P. Si., atilt arm, a t 12;:i0 I'. M., eorrneeting tralre. :ire! stentael• tor Englund t 10:50 p. 31. Our i ou . It FXlore.•... (Suntlaytt rAtoepti 'lope al 11:%n,1'. atal eto ilt with the 11;1311'. M. Trii.ir room o ,lr ving in York P. M. • 1111111110-Isy NeN deli in,, E - xelatage and oat ' . 1. m .. New York 1;1.".xi.r.." ,s.„s, sundaysi. Arrt% PM it. N... - Yuri::,! - -t Conneent at thsuitt Pend NS illi ~,z I.lteltatranna S %It't stern Rani - nap Sepsis City N ith tuttinight • r Phlittele/plant, Paltdattre zadi • O:41.1 EXpresS . Siftil, Vl.i..AVrtn .1 ;pi' VA/1.011 , 4i> 'vx.evot Sunday. ysirk a6.;:06 31Connect,. :d illianiwort fAinira Pa t , ad hurt:, Philadelphia,. naltintort , as/ ' and points South. th2lo P. M., Lightning Expleott,il„dt .t ettititerting At till train , for lloottdclunt New Ewa. r,! Arrive, 'in New Ycak at 7:10A. • 11:1.11'. M.. Neil' York Night nectnat IforneliNviliC V. 11111111 1:111.,3j,„' from Dunkirk, and arrives in Now 12:;.0 P. M. 11:')1'. M., Cincinnati F.Npre,—., d.o;‘• ..„ Sundays). Arrives N. a' , rk al Coma-eta n it' Elmira %rill, Not tla ni Ilatiway,,for s ' illielphia, Halt /11104.• :slid 1555•5.11, 4 1., Great flood with Wes•tern Railroad, :tad at >kw yet, afternoon train , and sic:duel.. and 'Neu - Ltiglatal (din -. Only ont• train Pak oo tsitilalst3lessoir s ,f . to at 1711) I'. M., and read/lag New I'. M., In Wl\llllol. of all other rout,., pooton find New England their latt.azaue, are tram. erred, Irt e Nen' The liessi Ventilated unit isisss,s I ",, Sissi ping I 'sir , in the World at, iiiii u,, ,1„ • : train., Ini thou it:O}V. fly. • • 01.4 . /Cl , l thr(PUgh Sind lar . s•sth low an 1.7. nt,v sillier route. ,NSK I lit TWEETS VIA. Eitil•: oidained at all prilienssillstk dells it. the Weot and Sold-it-NV.ld, 'RIDDLE, Supl Erie &Pittsburgh‘Railroafl ME • LEAVE Mt! W A I:11. M., rittsburzli Express, • Guns, awl arrives at t, W. 4 ter at 210 p. In, at New t'avtle r • and at Pittsburgh at bat - , p. ul. t .1:la I'. Nl_ Aeroinnaxlat at 1431 p. 111. 5:111i St., Aee...ntp.lat (1,111 J. arrives at A. tt: tl. W. It. it..Trati , f,t 4' at Nev.' Cantle :Lt a. me!: hurnit. at 10:00 a. tn. IP: M., Erie .Expiess, leu . s.es N.,1 1+:15 arnt. , .1. ttt ti. W. It. It. Tr.ta.a.r ' a. llt.. Making elt.se emit. 1 11,11 1„ r hi, can, and Niagara ralls,atirl.wt,... Era. at 1:r - n p. tn. ACe0111111.1:li 15.:11•••• t p. tu., A. A 6. W. I{.lt, 7 rata.t.t... p. tn., and tames at Jatilestima p. Tu. Arr. antantlatinn leaves I.,:haroit.al 100 • arrive'. at Erie at 11:5.1p. lit. Pittsburgh EXpreips sollth ~.tua 1 , 4 1 :,- town at 12:.15 p.m with J. 4. F. hit Frauklni at 27:41 p. lit., and (111 I its ~:•, m. rontwets a; Transfer at 2,i,111. A 11. \V. Mail west, Is: Warts 5, 1L,t.:... (let elattil. Eri , ESN!". north codne,t• 4 amfer at 11:20 a. ut. , with Mail .4d '..r rule and JameNtown, and 42'.1,m5...2,4kr) J. & F. Exprts,. for Franklin, 4rming.d lin at p. tn.. and (111 City ai : Train , ei,llllt,t /It 1101 . h, •tr 2 a /tip /24:2. Wlit,ling and all point, 11, . at Pitt.hurgli 41 . 1.11111t,t I, al , 1 r Harm:burg. Ilaltimon• and W.a4mign.l2 I'man , ylvania Erm Expre.s 11orlli crmri r at Mc - ark Cleviland- 4: Erie train , Weqa ard P4' I'l,, 1it,640 1111ir all point. 111 Um ; at It;rir Philadelphia S Erie ltallrood r 0112.11, - IrN melon. T1411..111,, and 22 rth It11:1W, nadroda for llidndo. and Se-A; York cm 1%....5t0utvt% ncm all point , . on the h. !int t Eric IL IL for shi,„ lu• Erie ENlirt. , -, aI ie!' connect, at F• t.ittirgh. thcroncing no connection \\". It. It. .1. J. I.AWltht nitIVG7-t 1. tiula•rnc•_ 11111.ApELPIIIA iz ERIE RAIL Rli "chrougla awl Chart laquevla phia, Balt 'law :qa-t. tilt. GREAT OIL REGIE 01: rEN:c-I'LvANIA. • Ff.VGANT SLEEFING Cl- 1 3 . oil all Night Trail,. CiN and after 310:s:DAV, 1.. J trains on ttw Eti..l . Will nth a. follow , : WI , _ , TW 3.1:01 Trani leave: , Philadelphia hi 1: 1,1 , arrives at Erie :it N:11 p. trl Erie Express leit VeS Piliktdoil,lo,i o,_. arm., at Erie at ft. II a. 111. Warren ACellllllllodal iOll Ica lea+r. Wan, p. in.. Corry at 2:21 p. nt., an» arrp..- at .hiti p . rn. EAsTw.thp. Mail Train Leaves Erie at Itto.,ta at BiAlladelphla at I Vi a. la. Erie E.N.pre,s leave. Erie at , rfees at l'hil:11/(Aphi3 at I•a” n: Warren Armnntivalatten let», I rt in. Com: at 0 :45 a. »L. :mg arrh,- at 11:0.1 a. In. Mail and Expre.. ,entel I a . e the Warren ,t Franklth leaving Philadelphia at I.::ent.,,arui , .t: ton at a:5O a. in., and I tit CM 'Leaving Philadelphia at p. ta . QII City at drip. All train.; on the Warren S Fr:ml.::^F make close oannectian. at (ILI c: , for FrAnklin and Petroleum rentry Ct etixelacnTllttOr,:ll. .kI.FREI) 1.. TV! i Sukterma: Authorized Capital SSOOP s•j k l,,ot. CAPITAL. I'llU TILE SECOND N.IIIONAL Bi' opened for .MONDAY, DECIn1111:11 1:711, lit the hatthing iitliee MerelitineN Mink, Brown • ilull. 11 !;:;•;. - currier of State streerand WM. L. srOTT, Pre:4. W I. t 1 it:? WM. 1.. t,corr, of Una of .1. 11,ail lk.ftlers. JOS. M'CA.ItTER, of rlllll to tills Mel airier, Builder,. liEit J. 31ORTON, Coal NV. S,BRoNV,N. Agent " 11 ' 1 " C.BURGE....s.ot tu ey Burge.s, ir,•; , U. E. l"ROVCII, of Brut ull 0 ,0ut.0 Mervlzatils, - o f mutt, ~love \ittnufueturt r<. F. N. F.{, of- firm ,d lini! Grocerg. J. DREISIG.NK.ER, Griwer. Warrant is Itankruple). T"NIs TO taVE day of Oetober, .t.. 1 ,. Banlcruptev teas is.ned William M. .N.rbilekle, ot th? the comity of Erie, lids been adjudged a I,ankrapt gat !r titian; That the payment of .111 1 11% ery of any propert 14 1. ut . ,, rupt ht him, and 101 hts any property by 111111. Sr, rt a meeting 01 the erisludr , ~ 1 prove their dela, .1111.1 Ito Yhr. , of his estate, of BankrUptey, to be holden ry Butterfield, Clerl; of House, 111 the city of Erie,th mid State of l'enn'a, before W isler. On thi• 12th tlav of 'et D, l ,r. .* ai 10 Welilfk, 31. oc2l-4W. {Kr • TlloNt \i.l 1. S: Marsh.d I have a large PrivNiTt -111, Reduced 30 PerVelo. in • AT • DEGRAAF, fi TASLUIP• 87 and 89 Bowery, 65 Christie Stre 6 130 end 132 Beater Street, (Entralice 47 Dol.*, I ii HOLES .(LE B NP lit-111, 11, • Our f•itoek 0011 , 0%t, of an gnr t '" kind?, FuitNiTtla: and • own make, which me guar:tuft. , Our stork is tUttirel too 1.0 ge tc; nett Musy BE ,Not.u, if Nit` Vall1111'• even AT A Llitt..r. . 71 , LIACCO , AI'S t, t'1 (0 • I' ' .-- ',.• 5 The ',hem to get It ellolt, :121C:i snuir and Ch;tmts. ,, ~, B. R. ViTELSEXAN'S 1368 PF.W south of flit. l'ithai 1 , 0 ,4 , A • ~, ~ .., 1 „ 1 ", N t a l , N r •h t u. till tes l , l , t r O l e t , t „ l i t y I.tgtr,lo:itl .: ., 4 , , : . ; , : ,, , " 1 ,, L, .7,.. ..:: . tan, .Attitt, i t tpeS, I t Ottoll , , 1 4. ‘' ‘ " .. .', , Art Ides of every tleserlet 1011. Pi,..,,„ with n eall. .Don't forget the. Pe': '...,, ht reel. ....,,.„ - ------ , - 0 R 31 CS K It .1 T T - Bc the dozen or mingle, f,r..-`';,,t -i13:e134f. (' ' lOU 1.11.1NT1N%; onery .mall gnuntitlr., pl.nn tin' hen, styli", and at moderate Pr" Observer o m e ,.. . ---" f lOU PittikiriNt: sntall quanntle., plain or eo:, the bent and at nlodant e f Otagervvy °Mee. \V M. It. H.11:11 Gen': wisTbat TIME 1'.U:1.1