The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 21, 1867, Image 3

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    important ilottrts
inverted under this head
, at 15 cents per line of 10 words for the tlrst
ort nvt, iC eenta for the merond, and 10 (—nits
.üb,equent insert ion.
.•or 'tellable Insurance of all kinds apply
Agent, No. 2.lNorth Park, Erie,
• Jyl7't
•nr Imonraner In well known and mokt re
lop t'inn pnnlec, 1411111 Y to R. W. RAI q.ell, agent,
.treet. "feb211.7-Iy.
m ovial.—The Stove and Tin Wore More of
Lac been removed to No. 1.•i64 sac
rcot, near the Buffalo Road. where will
Wlll'llo a -complete stork of goods in
line, n loch the public aro invited to roll
, q 110 1( .. opi-tf...
Erie 'Lodge No. 211. 1. 0. of (lood Ten,
on every Tne.4,lav evonlint, in the
I"tize Room, nn gtat eitt reet, over
...welry store. fitrnncerT.'mplamclN
dly aro c.oratallv Invited to he nregent.
Gvo. IC:crotrr, W. C. T.
m} - -11.
.V117T.. NV: R.
{hoot the 15th nit., a packaze of pa:-
0,, a a Th , e.l for prapo•rty on Staten
I, V. }'. Th. , retnrnin¢ them tothe
,v,il 111.erally rownrd.l.
A ♦mart hing '.Yew.—The greatest thing
et. .lu.t out. It teil%- vou everything.
nt,hfur-hearinzanltnnis, How
,-- , to.iter•-. and earl the lint?... Fifty great
„•, ~it free for 25 rents.• Achirt.o.
F. 1.. WOODJInx.:O77, N. Y. City.
ill:. PENN'A, NOVEMBER 2r, 18E17
Important Notice.
kervcn pi.; date and the I , :t Of January.
onr int.'ntion to senirollt MIN arsairist
indehte , l to the office. We do
weoraauee with a lone •ziMtled rule to
ol to ...Mlle up our aceounk ti; nearly
at tit- termination of every year.
, of the ollire are very heavy:
r., ,t r A rr uvrrrt kern up a ,yr.r:em of
w • earni.stly urce anon
ivv " ! r iltereoimr little billet
s' t'1”1" 'will L'll%• hem a.: prompt at-
We will not object to
p T.ons• ply the :1111mMt 411 e
v. till!) , 10 he
NI.Ac P Cr . 14,“ i 1111. name_
Denmeratie journal (Ntablished at
tan , e,t% We. Cr,iNs ford county. the first
owr of %% liic l , j,:ljud on Friday last.
G the editor. and
'neatly written andlihrli
rc i rnahwtion. The nee‘l of qound Can
,. i,0 1 , 1 1 ,h,etrirle ill that - rezinn must he
alndtle(P: and -ch. , Crisis'' - cires prom
•,,. 1 , , in , ' a valuable auxiliary in the cause
0 ) - le our wishes eould aceptarlielli it,
.1 1 )- Field, uotild soon.liare . a large anti
11,--. Pratt, Gaßeiter & Scott, late pub
t- of the Union Mills Star, Laic re : -
aheir t.tahlisbment to Corn-, and
.mtenced there the publieation of a new
c 4 I called The 'orry Republican;' to he
~ ,e d every Saturday. As its name
it it to he the advocate of Radical
:•;,1p1e , ," and those of the most kinky
.olol ,trt. The Republican is a vig,a,rous
lo,,l and handsome paper,-antl, being in
lhat 1 , live men, cannot fail to obNin
trze p ltmnage. Personally, we wish the
11 , 11.11. every success politically, may
, the doz.: a , ftst possable:
~ i n hist weeh' , . 01Herver the
iirrangea by the Young
A— , iriation, and thi= week we are en
;. give tilt• lit of lecturers engaged by
..rizin tl literary iirtninization, the Young
Chri , thin As:riciatdtn. The course i.
~ ted‘a or ten be given in the
ordhr, commencing ou the with
rile.. Stilikrt—"the American
Nn argument for Permit. Sur-
Dr. J. 41 I.Vaubl S'tillject —"The N 5 .0-
in Quo AL!,llll , t F(.111:11t.
I{llpll . Wablo Emers o n. - .Subject to - be
4 ' '`.The
Dr E L Younian,. Suld(;ct—'
munie, of )find."
'John 11 Gough Subjcot—••T(•:nper
; T. T.t2,slor. Subject = - The Liters
t'Lettev-elot .trail; Letter , : Irktorical
: the Letter of Bu..;hte , v4. of
, 1 , 1-tiro. of Love."
;bua Ifenry Wikon. Subject :to be
• .I.lnic-: Ntiirklock. Sekvt Roadinzs.
9 IV S9N(9.t—"Thi•Lnn.l
• ,11,•
lo Wen lell
Skihket— .. Daniel
It aaill he perceived that Mr. Phillips has
, T1 . 12'3E101 by both Assoeia tions, and that
of his Imqures is announced to be of
p-11;ie.,1 character. We ,u-set, however,
n• 1 .11 Phillips will exercise the privilege
he usually assumes of selecting a sub
. • h. wit himself, and will be agreeably
• , Into lif he r loes not ev:iil himself of
~p portunity to devote at' least one eve,
toiords the ventilation of his peculiar
dap .al ideas. The committee appear to
iSi ipate something of this sort, fur in their
\ , rti,nint they say, "it is possible that
of these soilijects ot" the lecture
hi !,.. changed, but generally' they will be
als , ie stated." They further announce
XantiPpe Dickinson, who "1% as en
-1 for the Course, has found it impossible
I,c in Erie before the '2'2d of March—near
months after the intended closing of
Cwlrse. Her lecture will therefore be an
! , :j , Tident.,)ne, and at the time named
k 11.7. Is well known
The s; . .1011 Shore Wine Co. , at North
e ben:: bieen maturing their plans to
tile on the market which should
0. , anmend its way to the public fa
- wiq , of genuine character and in
nu•lit. The,company, have been
f.;7 a con:Mc:rabic period, but
e, , a g -tarte.l oot resolve to sell a
ti rile or they have not hereto
al.ol‘ attempt to give their wine a
i! Some ~ noples, how
, , %hieh have at times been sent to differ
-1 , ecared a wide reputation, and in
to uNtanees where the wine has come in
tizion with that from other sections, at
exhibitions, it ha, taken the first
'll inth. Mr. John E. Mottier, under whose
ry . l-i,,n the Company's operations are
i, known far and wide: as the
'` I III- King of America,' and his name
• Illici; , rrt guarantee of the value of
mumfactured. The public will be
I to knov, that the wine has now attained a
I ...waty . that arrants the Company in lilac
apoa the market, and we suggest to all.
a tine article that they can,be as
-11,1.0f such by procuring the South Shore
Dealers can be supplied by Messrs.
, rt"li w Gr : illith, of this city, who have ithe
pfiVkli•ge in that respect. The l '
...II 04ail, but arningements will anon
''t•' le \\ dealer , in the city for supply
. , ALo may wish tin buy in small quan-
'''! Nl.lll Cute —We are informed that
ti: „•
enploy.l by Col. James
•Inkin: , A shalt for ore or coal, on or
lho line of the Erie & Pittsburgh Ri j ito
liere , t county, lately struck n vein of rock
•t-r,Tgly intermixed with a substance at first
' l Pposed to he sulphur. Upon the examina
, nof the rock by Col. 1-lemphin and his
l'-'rintendent, Mr. Mills, and after severe 7
1 li"Y Pronounce it to be gold of a supe-
Pi qo dity, and capable of yielding tiVe
;' 14 4.4 , 1 dollars to
, the ton. The rock is
tht rVillle as that in which the Greene
:rola is said to have been found, and
"font one hundred feet below the coal
'.el In this basin. Should the results prove
4 ' l ' l ' l to the anticipation, we may sobnhave
," imp h excitement over gold in this section
'4+ once had about oil. We confe s s,
to being a little dubious as to the ex
:l/41 •ind richttess of the gold vein.
1t r
ar , indebted t.. 3lr, Israel Waidley, of
for a lot of fine uppleii—tlie largest
tie,t flavored We have seen t/ is l'eas°ll.
The Canal Enlargement.
We are informed by good anthority * that a
concerted attempt is to be made at, the next
session of the Legislature to secure the aid of
the State towards the desired enlargement
and extension of the canal. A. large amount
of bonds Whkit the State obtained from the
Pennsylvania li. It. Co., as payment for the
public works are now lying idle in the
Treasury, anti it is proposed that a suffitient
number of these shall be exchanged for bonds
of the Canal Company to enable it to make
the necessary enliirgeitunt. The State could
in no sense be a loser by this transaction, as
it would simply be giving one kind of secur
ity lbr another equally good, it being one of
the:intended stipulations in the canal bonds
that times- shall be a first mortgage on all the
property of the company. The canal. \then
thus enlarged, would be worth douple the
=omit of bonds needed, and the Suite ln•
lending them to the aid c r the company
Puultl •as;ure the completion of one of the
greatest improvements of the age, and help
to build up poi increase of population and
wealth in the Western counties that in ten
years time would more than double its reve
nues froth that source.
The eiremnstances attending the concep
tion of the enlargement project wJre of such
a (diameter as to gcvc it a Susideion4 appear
ance in the eyes Of many persons, and have
restrained some of our most enterprising and
influential citizens from giving it that hearty
co-operation they would otherwise have
done. It teas untbrumate that it should have
been broached on the eve of an intensely
exciting political con'est, and still . inure in
the fact that Its leading public- advocate
should Ica ve - dkussed it in his speech in the
Senate in a avower that enabled Ins person
al enemies to turn it to their advantage and
Make ira butt daring. the campaig - n. But
let the idea liave originated w here it may, it
is one that should commend itself to the
serious at tention of our citizens and of the
wind,. people of Western Pennsylvania. A -
movement. that promises so much good to
the entire community ought not to he twg
lertca because of outside motives that in no
way convert the project itself. We prefer
that- thing.) should hecn °them i.e, but mils
that they have passed, we do not intend that
personal or political hostilities shall divert
us from lending what slight nil we can to
the accomplishment of a measure . fraught
with more benefit to our citizens thiin all the
other public enterprises devised in this rt
gion. High
_scientific authority assures us
that the canal enlar).Tethent is entirely feasi
ble, and no person who sits down and calm
ly reflects over the subject can doubt that if
suede is the case its accomplishment ought to
be the subject of the !most energetic- efforts
on the part of our citizens. We Call upon
all who are in anyway, directly or indirectly,
interested in the prosperity of Erie-and the
Western tier of counties to give it at once
their earnest and active influence. It must
not be expected that the measure can:be se
cured without hard labor and determined,
harmonious action. The West has claims
upon the State that cannot justly be delayed,
and we feel convinced that if the press and
people, with one voice, and in the appropri
ate method, should make known our wishes
to the Legislature, it could not fail to grant
•the legislation sought.
m,',11 ff.
THE Philadelphia Ledger, a piper which
displays more care in making up its news-it&
par;ment than any 'other in the country, A
few days :Igo published the following Curious
'paragraph. It seems hardly possible that
Mis , Dickinson, with :dl her spit efulpess and
bravado, could he guilty of such indelicate
and discreditable conduct, and we shall be
glad to learn that the story is incorrect. If
she was guilty of the course charged upon
her, the plan of rebuke adopted by Captain
Matthews must be generally acknowledged
to have been the Most Appropriate that he
could have devised.:
" A 130- , ton paper relates that Miss Anna
Dickinson, while on board the school-ship in
Boston Harbor, on Sunday, after writing her
own name in the visitors' autograph book,
turned to ; the signature of President John
son and deliberately erased it. Captain Mat
thew,., on returning on board and learning
the tact, added opposite to the erased John
son's name, that it had been done In• Anna
Since the above was in type. we tind an
extract going the rounds of the press, from
.716 s D.'s harangue in Boston, in which she
attempts to explain her conduct as follows :
"That going down to the school-ship and
having a pleasant morning there, a little
while before I left it, the teacher of the ship
handed me an autograph book exactly like
thousands of others in which I have written,
and supposing it to he a private autograph
book belonging to him, I wrote my name
therein. Turning over the pages, I came to
one soiled by the name of 'Andrew Johnson,
and holding my dry pen in the air, made a
little playful flourish over it, when he (whom I
supposed to be the owner of the book) said
to me: 'lf you will mark your pen across
that with ink, it will - add greatly to the val
ue of the Book and I doing what I suppOsed
would gratify the man, supposed to be the
owner or book, did to Andrew .Johnson's
name whiif the w hole loyal nation would
gladly de with his infamous record and him
-self—blot it out. [Applause.] So much for
that. I wish the man was as easily ended as
his name was in that disc ; and I believe,
nay. I know, that the great tnas,s of the loyal
people in, the country say amen to any such
We canuot perceive that Miss Dickinson
helps her case by this extraordinary story.
The plea that she believed the autograph
book was private property is no excuse fur
her unladylike demeanor. The act was one
of those indications of petty malice of which
Miss Dickinspn's_ clover has furnished so
many examples, and will,. bring her into
more discreditable reputiftbm than ever.
And :is for the teacher whom she seeks .to
s.tddle wiikd part of the odium, the sooner
the service is rid of such creatures the better.
" Piti's•rott Sult..”—Mr. r lt. L. Perkins,
or the Manchester paper mill, communicates
to the Dispatch a long account of the myste
rious light which has been seen upon the
L o,le in that vicinity at various periods. lie
says it makes its "appearance generally, if
not ahvays, in the fall of the year, and usu
ally in the month of November, and almost
always during or immediately after a heavy
blow from the southwest. The most brilliant
exhibition of the light was during The night
of the 24th or 25th of November, 1852.'; The
light bears a resembhince to a burning vessel,
and has frequently been taken for-such by
persons who are not acquainted with the phe
nomena. It appears to be some 200 feet in
length, and as high as the upper cabin of a
steamer, and irradiates the sky and water for
some distance. Flames seem to leap up and
sway front side to side, the same as in a fierce
'conflagration. The light was seen by
mariners as long as 50 years ago, and the
! matter has often been one of speculation, but
no perstln has heretofore given a plausible
theory to explain it:_ Mr. Perkins Presumes
that the "shifting of the sands cansed by the
continued and heavy winds' of the autumn,
has opened some' crevices or seats .in the
, rock of the Lake bottom, thrOgh which a
gas escapes, and that this gas, owing to some
peculiar condition of the atmosphere with
which it comes in contact, becomes lumin
i ous, or, perhaps, ignited and burning with a
positive • flame. That there are what are
called 'gas springs' in the water all along this
portion of the lake shore- is a well known
fact, and that - a highly inflammable gas in
large quantities exists at a comparatively shal
-1 low depth on the shore, has been sufficiently
proved by 'the boring of wells at different
'points, as ut Eric, Walnut Creek and Lock
1 Daven, and by the natural springs at West
field and Fredonia." We feel a natural ell
qiosity to obtain further particulars of this
Phenomena, and will thank any of our read
ers who may have witnessed it to furnish us
with such particulars as they may possess. appear at any other point than the
one named, and, if so, what is the character
of the manifestation.?
WErroN says he is •w•niking for money to
pap oft his debts. Ho is not the first man
who has taken to bls legs to escape
TILE first ice of the season thrilled in our
city on' Monday, The winter king is rapidly
stealing a march upon is, and we have prob
ably had our last expel knee of real pleasant
weather thr the-year_lBGi...
THE Orlin, of the Oh.erver should keep
the fact in remetnbranee that our business
room has been removed to the beeond floor,
adjoining the telegraph take, and immedi
ately in the rear of the stair. leading to the
old location.
'Pots large circulation of the ObserVer, and
the inerea,ing impularity of it. prineiplt•s,
renders it the hest advertising medium in
the tumniy. An advertisement in our col
umn, reamhe, doable the number of people
Medium' by one in ;my other paperpubliAlt!'d
in the city.
•11,41 ti prIoNS for Harper's Monthly, I tar
per', Weekly Itazant of Fle:ltion, Harper',
Illustrated Weekly, Godey's and Peterson'.
mtazine4, Rural New Yorker and New York
Weekly- Tribune, can he had upon very fa
vorable term. from Jmiep ft Sterrett, at the
Pu-t °Mee.
'NE Meadville Journal says the "Cm wford
county (Radical) system of nominating can
didates is a preventive of the sl:lection of had
men. - The Meadville Democrat retorts that
"in view of the history Of the p•tst tw•o years,
the Journal's idea would he worthy of Mts.
THE Democracy of Titusville, North East
and Spartansburg each held demonstrations
of rejoicing l.•tst week in honor of the late
Democratic - victories. We have received no
rvport - frotn Titusville and Sparnmshug. but
feel assnred that they were bulb pleasant and
well timed atraint.
Now, as 'the evenings are getting longer,
we w.:ggest to our young men the propriety
of forming debating clubs, to meet one or
two evenings a week during the winter. We
have plenty of material here front wide!) to
form tx o or three societit, and the eseicises
c•ouhi he made of suc•lt a character as to prove
hi•fhlv : in.tructive ami etitel
Tifv..evening rme ender the control
of Capt. Wells, ix m.eeting with even mom
snece,t.than was an'ticipai&l for it. The :Iv
erage attendance is a hundred and ten, and
the school Lid; fair to grow still larger. The
generosite which prompted the establishment
of this useful enterprise will be rewarded by
the gratitude of those who secure its bene
Tut: Meadville Republican thinks " there
is really nothing to discourage Republicans
in the elections that have transpired." Well,
if there isn't anything to discourage, there is
certainly not a great deal to encourage them.
This whistling to keep one's courage up is a
tough business, isn't it, brother White 9 We
tried it during six long years, but with all,
our experience could never get thoroughly
reconciled to it. •
TILE application of Mrs.. Mary Prestley for
a divorce fromher husband, Rev. James T.
Prestley, has been granted by the court at
Pittsburgh. The parties are well knawn in
Erie, and; as usual in such eases, - each side
has its friends, who declare that the Other
i, to blame. The reverend gentleman is a
person of extremely tine oratorical talents,
who made-himself somewhat notorious dur
ing the war by his violent Radicalism.
WE observe that our friend Clark En ing,T
Esq., of Titusville, has by stimetmean.i., !linen
into the -bad graces Of the -,Herald of that
city, and that it seizes every convenient ON
casion to give him a "dig." We take the
liberty to remindille Herald that it will find
Ewing a fireman worthy of.its'Steel. He is
lull - able to take care of himself, aoel if he
doesn't jive u " tit" for every " tat" he re
ceives, he-k not the man we take him to he. k
THE Meadville Democrat takes us to task
for speaking of ex-Congressman Culver as
the CraWtbrd county financier." It thinks
that as " the great bulk - of his pecuniary in
terests were located inyenango county," and
as that -was "the place of hi: residence,"
" whatever credit, or vice versa, attaches to
the abiding place of the 'notorious financier
belongs to Venango- rather than Crawford."
The public, who generally know the whole
circumstances as well as we do, can decide
thit question:to suit themselves. - .
A taIIIETER and milder set of men were
never seen than oar Erieltadicals mince the
late elections. Like the man who was turn
bled.over by an unexpected whack on llie
ear, they have ever since been inquiring
"Who struck Billy Patterson ?" The wicked
Copped eads are not half as mean men as
they were when in at . apparently hopeless
minority. The elections of '67 were a good
deportment teacher—they have converted a
number of rampant individuals who could
scarcely speak of a Democrat respectfully
into sober minded and decently behaved
TUE "Republican S Democrat," published
at Greensburg, Westmoreland county, comes
to us With the following at its mast head:
"For President in 1868, Col. Dan Rice, or
Pennsylvania." It appear; as if a genuine
movement were being made to bring flu; dis
tinguished showman into the field as a can
didate for the Chief Executiie chair in -the
next campaign. The Girard Spectator, pub
lished at• Col. Rice's home, says clubs are be
ing: fotmed for this purpose, in different parts
of the country:A great many curious things
liappen on this mundane sphere of ours,and it
would not surprise us in the slightest td see
a large and formidable party organized in the
Colonel's behalf. • •
JOHN B. Gotmu and Wendell Phillip:6n :
fess that they have never got over their first
timidity on rising to address an audience.
The hardest thing for public speakers to over
come, as a general thing, is this nervousness
nt the commencement of their efforts. Could
every man arise before an audience as. com
posedly as he would converse : in his office,
there are few persons of average intelligence,
possessing the necessary power of voice,who
could not become as favorite speakers as a
majority of those who now attract the popu
lar attention. Want of confidence has ru
ined more amateur orators than want of
TUE 'Democratic candidate for Senate, Mr.
Morris, of Fredonia, is elected in the adjoin
ing district of New York, composed of Chau
tauqua and Cattaraugus counties. •The dis
trict is one of the blackest in the State, and'
Mr. Morris is the first Democrat, elected in it
for many years. The regular Radical candb
date wag a notorious public plounderer,und
the honest men of the party got up an inde
pendent candidate, who divided the party
vote sufficiently to give the above-result. If
the dissatisfied element of Radicalism in our
county had equal boldness with their Clum
tauqua county brethren,. they might long ago
have rid themselves of the fetters which set
upon them so disagreeably,
Ortt frlend Benson, editor of the German
Free Press, is not Inclined to permit himself
* to be made a cats-paw in the hands of the
Radical politicians, In the last issue of his
paper be discusses at length the organization,
object and probable results of the two Grant
Clubs in this city, and thus pointedly de
clines the position to which one Of them
chose to elect hhq :
"The editor of this paper feels it devolving
upon himself - to resign the honorable place
of a Reconling Secretary, for the following
reason Unconditional Surrender Grant,
United States Grant, and us the balance of
the sycophantical terms may be called, has,
indeed, rendarad considerable service to the
country as a military man, and has thereby
merited the respect and admiration of poesy
patriot. Nevertheless, he has done nothing
but his duty. According to our opinion, no
one but a thorough statesman hasi any claim
to the Presidential chair."
WE have good authorityfor the statement
that the common idef4revailing among our
liolitlelaits That Mr. Scofield has - decided to
keep off the track as 'a candidate for - Con
gress, is a mistake. It Is Stated that he be
lieFes himself able to secure a renomination,
and is actually scheming to accomplish that
mutt. In this tolmty he will have the co
-1 operation of a number of very active and in
fluential gentlemen, and we understand that
some lime .since one , of these premised him
the endorsement of the next Radical Con
vention. The appearance; of Scofield upon
I . the arena will be apt to disconcert the plans
of our local politician's, and we shall not be
surprised to sec some curiouaresults giow
out of *Wu same. Our announcement, sever.
al weeks 'ago, that Mayor Noble will be pre
sented Luta candidate has been fully verified.
his friends are preparing to make strong ran
va-s for him, and are confident 'of same.,
'The othereandidatesiviU be Messrs. Walker
and Wiudion, each or whom will receive a
liberal snit - port, but the chances are decided
ly best for theformer. The hatred exist
ing between the several faCtious in the coun
ty can he readily understood, wheh we say
that it is not long sinCe We heard a promi
nent gentleman of thq '' , .traight-out" wing
declare that it' Mr.,Walker becomes the nom- -
hive, lit nnt.t be th at any and * every
hazard. The "bow-backs" cordially recip
rocate this feeling, nut' between the two fac
tions This not improbable that Scofield may
again.obudn ' nomination, or, if not him,
some gentlemen from (utt.; l ot the other coun-
THE N. V. Times inclined 'to look upon
the Weston furore as ja gOod deal of a nui
sance—in which, strange as it may appear, a
great many . eit izeits of matilly sound. judge
ment agree with it. In one of its issues of
last week, it gave way to its feelings in the
following ghastly manner :
'We hope soon to announce that 'Weston
the pedestrian,' has leither got through to
Chibago or has brokeh down hopelessly- in
the attempt. He has already occupied so
large a share otpublie, and particularly tele
graphic attention, that we shall be pleased
some morning to take up any paper withoin
'Weston the pedestrian', first striking our
eyes in its columns. We say we wish him
speedy success—that he may do it -or him
self be done—we don't care which. Let him
gallantly win the, or else promptly
drop 1w the wayside. ' It is worse than 'an
other Fenian raid on Canada.' The walking
time was to he thirty days—a telegrant r each
.night and morning !- Ten days more,, per
haps, for reception in Chicago. We hope, at
least, that nobody will tempt him, on t wa
ger, to walk back to Portland."
Tin: editor of the North East Herald says
he "had hardly time to get out to see" the
Democratic jubilee at that place,. and, we
presume, thin extraordinary rush'of businmi
will account for the meagreness of the re
port which the Herald publishes, He seems,
liiiwever, to' have given the MN' . enough
thought to "believe". certain things occurred,
and "probably'' Some others of a mysterious
nature. We sincerely hope that when our
friends at North East attempt another dem
onstration they will take pains to arrange it
so,that the Herald editor may find "time to
get out and see," or, what would be better
still, hold it in some location where' it will
come before his august-presence in so direct
a way as to-save him the trouble of walking
a few yards to afford him the-honor of seeing.
It may be that hy such means they can in
duce him to thrdw off his peculiar ideas of
"neutrality" long enough to enable him tit
give a respectable report of the proceedings.
Tme Curry Republican intimates to the
gentlemen who are engaged in bringing out ,
Radical candidates for Congress, that it
would he as well to drop the 'subject until a
more appropriate sea.stin. "The party," it
says, "has already suffered enough in the
way of discussion ; and the time of these in
tensely patriotic Congressional aspirants
might he employed to good advantage in pour
ing oil on the gaping wounds of local broils,
b' ^akin peaCe to the many troubled
publican household." The
mbliean might be better a'p
not well known ' that all of
'hat o f its friends ,will be
nliw and the time for nom
ination, to the support of one of the candi
dates who is already, in the field.
ON - Wednesday of last week, as the pro :
peller Equator was, oa her way front Buffalo
to Cleveland, and when about ,fifteen
from Fort Stanley, and some four miles from
shore, a large heel: Was gliseovered swimming
in the lake. The Captain lowered a - boat
and sent a crew in. pursuit. After dodging'
around for about an hour, his antlered high
ness was captured and taken on board the
propeller, alive. But he was not contented
in his new and unfamiliar quarters, and made
it so lively for those on board that they were
obliged to kill hint, as the Irishman says, "to
save his lire." The buck had been probably
closely pursued by hunters in Canada, and
had taken to the.lake to escape his pursuers,
119 it is well known lid; animal will do. -
TITE ladies of the Episcopal denomination
are pfeparing to hold a festival in Fttrrar
hall, on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridas
evenings of next week, for the benefit of the
new church estalpshed in the Southern por
tion of the city, of which Rev. J. H. Black is
pastor. The entertainments will he 'varied
each evening, the ever popular pantomime of
"Cinderilla," being given on Wednesday,
in which Miss Dobbins, of Buffaloot general
favorite here, will take the leading character.
The Festivals given by the Episcopal ladies
have always been of the mast attractive na
ture, and the object on this occasion is one
that cimmends itself to thexeneral favor of
the public.
A WASiIINOTON correspondent of the
Ronester (N. Y.) Express says that Judge
Williams or Senator'Lowry, of the Erie and
Crawford District, will probably be the
choice of the Pennsylvania Legislature, as
the successor •of Buckalew, in the U. S. Sen
• Would it not be well for our Radical-co
temporaries to wait a little while before fix
ing up their slate for the succession to Mr.
Beckalew ? Judging by present indications,
the Democracy may have something to say
on that subject.
FIEtEIA DouotAss, the noted-colored ora
tor, is to deliver the second lecture of the
Young Men's Association course, in Farrar
Hall, on Friday evening, the 22d inst.' His
theme is " Self Made Men," a topicn itself
no wise partizan, but which Mr. D. will hard
fail to turn to the advantage of his politi
cal creed.
Tuz-Conneautville Crisis commences its
career with a new idea—the publication of
births. Its first issue contains four notices
of these interesting occurrences. That sec
tion has long been famous for its marrying'
propensities, and it 1- would seem that-it is
none. the less prolific in , those peculiar events
which usually follow. '
THE Meadville Republican asserts that
one-half of those who voted for Mr. Lowry
in that county did so under protest, and only
because they thought any Radical better than
ft "Copperhead." The Copperheads can
stand his election, !nit how will it be with
the poor "bow-backs?"
CIIBNOE In tlodltne tOle- of the Phila.
& Erie R. R. will Like place on Monday,
when trains will leave as follows: Warren
Accommodation iit,non.,•Through Mail 10.2.1
a. nt., Express 4.25 P. m.
THE south end of the Peach street sewer
is finished, and the street is again open to the
public. Clur cconitly friendg, coming into
the city from the south, will find Peach street
in excellent condition.
Mn. C. Komi reminds the - public , that
Christmasis•no4 fur distant, and that he has
an elegant assortment of articles suitable for
presMits. •
Tips lie,sty. ( I P4Pn, hpfip *let inanyisp,
lavers, are oat 10111 their holiday advertise:
nient, to Which we direct the special attention
of the
web3 - abbrrtiomnitis.
The in..4t elegant selection for 3ten's, floy.' awl
No. 4 Noble Block
'Mc entnpletest stock of
Coatings, Cassimeres,
No. 4 Noble Mork
C 14111112: Made to Order,
In a style superior to any, heretofore mule In
this vletnityott the
No, 4 NOble Block
Lines In
Men's Furnishing, Goods,
Prom pi Paper Collar to the finest Sitli Under.
wear, at $lO per nett, at the
No. 4 Noble Block.
An Inspection of our reall}• hmmt Ifni Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods !
IM res.l,ertfully
P. S.—.V Wholcsnle Department is connected
with thlx Troupe.. .oclo-31n..
Prepare in haste.
Your bulb. and paste;
Proclaim to all creation
Those loon are wise
Who fulvertise,
In every generation.
403 French Street.
Frilly realize the truth of the above. when the
object of the advertiser is not to mislead by Puff
advert kements, but to fairly lay before the pub
lic the advantages which he offers. ' By experi
ence we find that purchasing for cash is an
Having got In a large and well selected
Purelinsisjel - for Cat►h
And•havlng resolved to make nor business, nm
much ns possible, n C. 10411 ONF., we are prepar
ed to offer to Families, and
All Purchasers for Cash,
advantages rarely ()dved In our line. Births;
who have not yet favored tut with 'a call, will,
find this a reality by calling and examining for
Daily KappHem of
_ SR; French St, Frie,
C. TIE 43 IE3
Is still making those e! ,tic Hair Chains, Hair
Jewelry, filling Laiden' Nun and Lockets to or
der only, and guarantees them to be made of the
hair you send in.
Our Watch Chains, mule live years ago,nre as
good at ever.
Wigs, Curls, Bands Switches (some one yard
lons hair) made and on hand. Old Switches
made over and hair added to It if wanted. Quill
paid for raw hair nt my Hair Dressing Saloon,
under Brown's Hotel. noi4-dw.
Apislgnee In Bankruptcy.
T N - THE TIIKTRICT COURT of the United States
for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
In the matter of Homer T. ('lark, bankrupt.
The. undersigned hereby gives notice of his at.
paintment as assignee of Homer..l. Clark, oF Hl=
rord tp„ Erie Co„ and State of Pennsylvania,
within said district, who hag been adjudged a
bankrupt upon_ his own petition, by the District
t' in of said district, dated at Erie, Nov. 5, A.
17,;1867, HENRI M. RIBLET, Assignee
' No. tarn reachSt„ Erie, Fa,
AlasigneC In Bankruptcy.
N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States
for the 'Western District of Penn'a. In the
matter of the bankruptcy of Lyman Thomas.
The undersigned hereby glees notice of his ap
pointment ns assignee of 'Lyman Thonino, of
Union Mills, Erie Co. and State of Denns,ylva:
Ma, within said District, who has heart &Mugged
a imnitrupt npon,litio..own petition by the Die•
tract Court of said district dated at Erie,. Oct.
no7-3w•. If: L CHURCH, Assignee.
7 t 7"*l .ZWA T AWR • •
Can have their lutlr re,tored to Ita natural col,
or, and If it has fallen out, create a new growth,
by ita use.
It Is the best IT AIR DRESSING In the world,
making' lifeless, stiff, b,riethy hair heolthF, soft
Wier. SI : lqr sate Liir druggtwts„
'lt, P. IjALL do CO., Nashua, N. IL, Prnprletorw
nor 67,
Tibbals. Shirk & Whitebeal
if If•ESA 141;
To their New and Cpmmodlouwltnilding
Twelfth and Sassafras Sts„
Our inereaxed fuctllUes l rot. Manufacturing will
. give ux to; large a variety of •
Cooking and Heating
As Is to - be found West of Albany
- Coal Cooking Stoves,
Low Oven took;Stoves,'for Wood,
Parlor and Office Healing Stoves.
We would remwetfully invite the attention of
the public to an examination of ouT
Assortment. or Stowe!
Rettig assured that with our ottmorillnarc
facilities for manufacturing, we can offer such
inducements to the purchaser as will be entlie
ly satisfactory.
Oriental 'Heating stove LI
Tile %mit in the World, for which we hove the
VXCillfliNT tittle in the city,
i I elp-itbbtriisentento.
!Ilititilfi;w(nrcqi of
. i
• I
We.ManiiNfrietrtre for irr:
(both plain and extension top,)
For Soft Coal, • • I
For Hard Coal
tplain and nztension'top,)
Eleysted OvenSteri.x,
Parlor Cook Stores,
Parlor Stoves for Wood,
We 41,41.4 hare the
celebrated Bine Burning
Great Reduction in Dry Goods I -
Good Prints, Fos( Coltirit. 10 cents per yard.
Hest Prints, Maas( Colors, 12 1.2 cents per yard,
Brown Sheeting. Yard Wide.l2 1-2 centairei yard,
Thompson's Patent Glove - Fitting' Corsets,
NO GORES—Cut and made nn nn entirely new' prinelple, which obviates the only objectioit
hitherto made to sewed corsets, they are not only the most perfect fitting,' hut the most durably
Corset ever produced.
Duplex 'Elliptic. I3ooli ! '
Sold at Manufacturers' Pricks
Dress Goods, Dress Silks, Irish Poplins,
Also, a Great Variety of Cheap Dress Goods !
111:4:1.4_AAL1i1 4 ;114 _&X_:\ 1-3';IYITr11:14,
Good Print% for 12 1.2 Cis. per Yard--Can't he Beat in New York.
Of all Quail:it s'and Prices. Good goods :ts Low as Colts per Yard
Blankets, all Qualities & Prices, White & Colors.
Shawls, all Wool, Paisley, Broeha, &c., &e.
NOT 13E TINE0EES01.1:10.
Edson, Churchill & Co.
Washing:toil Library Co.,
Is chartered by the State of Pennkylvandn, anti
- Organized !Wald of the
Riverside .Institute,
For educating gratultowily
Incorporated ty the State of New Jersey,
Subscription One' Dollar
By virtue of their Charter, and in neeordnuve
• with its provisions, will distribute
In Presents to the. Shareholder 4, on
Wednesday, Jan'y S, 1868,
• Dr at the •
One Present worth $ 40,000
One Present worth 20,000
One Present worth 810 000.
One Present worth $5.000.
Two Presents worth $2 500 each. $5,000.
One Present valued at $lB,OOO.
2 Presents at i 15,000 earl}, SWAP: 1 Present at
S 10,000; I Presents at 55,000 each. "roan) ; 2 Pres
ents at $4,000 each, 00,000; 3 Presents at '31,00
each, $3,000; 20 Presents nt $5llO earl}, SI0,0i); In
Presents nt 8:00 each. 53,010; 3 Presents at *"...2111
STin; 20 Presents at eneli. F 1,500; 55 Presents
at kfili eneh, 0II,a0a; 50 Present , nt 973 each,
I-10 Presents at Slaa each, 11,000; 20 Preselits nt
enefi. 51.500; 10 Presents nt $5O each, 0.00).
The remaining Presents consist of articles of
use and value, appertaining to the intrusion itt
Literature and the Fine Arts, $82.000.
Each Certificate of iitoeli 16 accompanied with a
. Beautiful Steel Plate Engraving,
And also ematres to the holder
Subscription One Dollar !
-Any person sending us one dollar, -or paying
the same to any of.onr local agents, will receive
Mimi. lately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, at
ehole• from the following list, and one certifi
cate f stork, instiring fine present in. the great
No.l—"NlyCliil,l! Mind!" Nc 3—"Thc , y're
! They'roSaved!" No. 3-,"01,1 Seventy.
Six: or, the Early Days of the Devolution,"
Any person paying two dollars will receive
el tbfr of thf following tine Steel Plat,..,at choice,
and two certificates a smelt, Dins lict'olnlng en
titled to two presents,
—lvo. I-0 washington's Courtship." No. 2
;`Washington's Last Interview with him Monk--
Any person paying three dollars will reeelve
the b. untl;ttt steel plate of
Ind three certificates of stock, becoming enti
tled to three presents. '
Any piiiskin Toying four clollnjm.shall' - receive
the larggand-utlitil steel plate of
and four eertltlentel of stock entitang them to
. four presents. •
Any person paying five dollars:Shell recelyu
the large and ii il it endlid steel plate of
And five certificates of Stock, entitling them to
five presents.
Theongenvinfis and certificates will be deliv
ered to each subscriber nt our Loral Atraueles,
or Rent by mall, {god paid, or express, as may be
I-101[3. 4 47E.'
Good Batting 15 cents per pound.
Mouell. Stephenm S Wilde3', 6 Reed 1101114 e.
nun ov
'ollsiulitig 01 uII C'olon. and Vl, of
APRIL 8, 1867
Now to obtain Shares and F,ngraTings.
Send orders to us be mail. enclosing from $1 t,l
,il3). either by Post Office orders or in aregistere4
letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should b.,
sent by draft or express.
, 10 shares with Engravings.
1 7 , shares with Engravings,
.70 shares with Engravings,
75 shares with Engravings,
1M shares with Engravings.
Situate at Riverside, Burlington county. N,';
Jersey, is founded for the purl - am. , of avatutton,.
13 - educating the sor; of deceased Soldierc and
Sailors of the United State,,
The Board Of Trustees of the Instituteemtststs
of the followirm well-known citizens of Penn.
sylvania nin . l Ni:W Jersey:
HON. D. MANN, District Attorney,
HoN. LEWIti IL. 13nn0w.u.1., Ex-Clnef Coiner
U. S. Mint, and Heronler of Ileed , ,
IION. JAMJ M. ScorEr,, New .Terhey.
HON. W. W. WAICC, New Jersey.
TIEN /CY GORMAN,1 4 :844., Agent Adamq.Expro,K,
Plifind'a, •
J. E. ron, of Joy, Coe& Co„1.1111na'n."
April IS, 19r.--Oilice Internal - Revenue
ing received sat ihractory evidence that the pro
ceeds of the enterprise, conducted by the Wash
ington Library ton s ty - , bodes oted to
charitable uses, pertnlssion Is hereby granted to
conduct such enterprise exempt from all eliarg , ,,
whether from special tax or other duty.
• E. A. ROLLINS, Commissionet -
The Association have appointed a., Iteeei‘ ets,
Mes.srs. GEORGE A. COOKE ,S: Co., 33 South Thii,l
street,Philadelphin, whose well known integri
ty ail business experience will be a sufficient
1 ,
guarantee that the money intrusted to theta twit
be promptly applied to the•purpose stated—
To the Officers and Members of the Wash ingtott
Library Co., N. S. READ, Secretary .
Gentlemen—On receipt of your favor of the
Vith had., notifying vs of our appointment al
lteoeivers for your Company, we took the liber
ty to submit a ropy of your Charter, with a pluck
of your enterprise, to the highest legal author'.
ty of the State. and having reecived his favor
able opinion In regaisi to its legality , and scot.
patbizing with the benevolent object of your
Assoelat lon, viz: tho education and unlink,
name- of the orphan -children of soldiers and.
sailors at the Riverside Institute, see have con.
eluded to. accept the trust, and to use our best
elinsto to promote no worthy an object.
Respectfully yours,
• _ GF.O. A. COOKE "t CO,
Address all letters anti orders to
MSouth 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Receivers for the Washington Library Co.
313- 1 3 - , 5 , L1.4 , 1,11. 722 !State tit.. -
Agents at Erie.
CLIMAX 1 CI.II/ A X 1 . ! ,
Page's Clime..,: tialve, a Family"
blessing,- fn' 25 cents.
It heals wltbottt td- sear. ::0
family shout] be Wiiltout it.
We warrant it to cure Serof,niii.
Sores, S: %Putt), Chilblaius.,
Tetter, Pimples. :Aid all"Eruptio
of the Sfiin. For Sore lireal..L
Nipples, Cuts, Sti7<vits. li,;•tlis
Burns, Scalds, :-napped - lint'.
Re., it makes a pr. - feet cure.
It has (pea, oT!'l.* Itcen
years, without -
It Ms
fectly- 0.1
hauled after all ;,:;:c. - .?
failed. It is a coat r
with may other
Balsams. 4.1 tip :cr
boxes en -. s.ou y
other ad.ll'..
said by 1 - 0 - 70-
TN THE DISTRICT corm! id — the Enitikli
I States, for the Wc*tent District of rellll.
??ylvanla. John S. roster, a bankrupt under tho
Act of Congress of March:2l, IsO.hav ngappo ed
for a discharge from all his debts, and other
claims provable under saki net, by order of the
Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested, to appear on tta , ith day of Decena.
her, ISi7, at 10 o'clock, a. tit., before said Court, at
Chambers, at the office of'...Woodruff, Esq,„
Registrx, at Erie, Pa., to show cause, if any they
have,why 'aAlischante should not be granted to
anld bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby
given. that the second and third meetings of
creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the
2;th mid 2Sth Sections of said Act, will bo hail
before S. E..Woodrulf, Esq., Register; upon the
!IMO they, at his ()Mee, at Erie.
Clerk of IT. F4...litstrict Court fur sabl Dist net.
Selling nt Reduced antes, by
. 46