IMO=iSME xieOlvietvev. II THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21,-1867 ME Buffalo Commercial, which had the misfortune of turning .over to the Radical side just at the wrong time; endeavors to ex plain the defeat of its party in :Nov York upon the following hypothesis: "It was the result of a loosening of the 'strong cohesion of patriotism in the prese.nceof national &Mi. ger; a reversion of popular thought and ac tion from the necessary Unanimity of war, 16 the requirements Of peace." Thinking that this is not as clear us it might- be, we will endeavor to pat the' Commercial's argument in plainer language : "It was the eventuation of the cathartic etilict of the great hypothe neuse of the rhomboid, knoekedendways. by the concatenation of events falling upon the perpendicular of the , egccient of the Repub lican platform." Our readers will perceive that the explanation is perfectly lucid and eatisihetory. • Mits. LINCOLN'S PoWERTY.—The question in regard to 'Mrs. Lincoln's circumstances has been at length satisfactorily disposed of On Thuriday of week, llon. David Da vis, of - the 'Supreme Court, Mr. Lincoln's ex ecutor, made a final settlement of the estate at Springfield, 111. After paying all debts, Mr. Davis reports ,the sum of tlO `207 re maining; to be distributed among the heirs. Of this amount Mrs. Lincoln receive one third, $36,70.5.30, and Robert T. Lincoln and 'Thomas Lincoln,a the two surviving sons, each the same amount. The tlebWof Mr. LincOln, as filed in the County Clerk's office, amount to :%k,38.31. The position of Mrs. Lin coln, after this disclosure, is anything but honorable. Thirty-seven thousrmd dollars is a large sum in the eyes of most people, and it is certainirodd that Mrs. Lincoln should have made such piteous complaints of her poverty with the knowledge of that amount being due to her. The public have a very different opinion of the Lincoln funny now from what they had during the war. TUE FORT DEL.I.W.A.RE FRA.UO ' Our readers will remember that a -couple weeks . ago we - ETllblished a letter from the commanding officer at Fort Delaware, near Philadelphia, showing that the agent ap pointed hr Gov. Cleary to take the vott.s of the Pennsylvania soltlic , rsi fin the Fort, bad committed a gross and criminal fraud. -The Philadelphia Age has since given the matter a thrlitglfinvestigation, and last Week pub lished several columns of official documents, signed. and sworn to by officers of, every grade in the Fort, exposing the scheme in , its features. The following facts s It o clearly, proved that no Republican journal in Philadelphia has dared -to excuse, much less deny, them : Four persons only, three of them minors, and not one of them a resident in Pennsylvania, voted in company L The fabricated returns reinvented that .sixty persona voted: The poll book sets out the names of these sixty voters. Fifty-four of these aiIITIWS are fictliious. Twenty-eight -persons (only six of then enlisted In Penn sylvania) : voted in company K. The fabrica ted returns represent that sixty-three persons voted, fifty-four of which arc fictitious. It thus appears that only 32 soldiers voted in all, of whom but six-had ever been citizens of Pennsylvania. while GOY. Geary's agent re ported 12:1, all in favor of -the Radical ticket, The return of the fraudulent votes was duly accepted by the Radical majo.rity of election officers in Philadelphia, and counted by the , Secretary of the Commonwealth in making up his State table, and by Governor Geary in his proclamation of the result. If deducted, as it 'should be, from the total vote of the State, Judge Sharswood's majority would be about 1100. TILE LARGE CITIES ON THE SIDE OP ' A RESTORED UNION. One of the features of the late elections deserving of especial attention, is the signifi cant manner iri which Radicalism hits been rebuked in the . .geat business centres of the country. Last year the city of Boston gave a large Radical majority; this year it gave Joint Quincy Adams, the Democratic candi date for Governor; a majority of fifteen hun dred votes, New York city, always true to the principles of the Constitution, has in creased her heady Democratic majority of . - 64W:by about fourteen thousand. In Phila delphia the reaction was still more remark able, the, heavy Radical- preponderance of front six to ten thousand during the war, be iog changed this year to a Democratic excess of from three to four thousand. Baltimore shows a very large Conservative gain, even over its ordinary overwhelming Democratic majority, Similarresults are seen in the votes of Brooklyn, Albany, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Troy, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Chic:igo, • These are not chance results. The cities we have instanced are the great business cen tresl ofd le North; in them dwell the solid litlyn" (.4 the nation ; their population repre sents probably one-half the wealth of the Northern States; their verdict is too plain to be- anisinterpreted, The. business men of Amerk!a, those who keep in motion the blood 11f the nation and without whose energy we would stagnate, have conic tofully realize the trutit'that a longer continuance of the Radi cal party in power will be followed by the 'most disastrous conse l quences to the material interests of the whole c r in n try. i P.FPECT DEMOCRATIC VICTO- MM Ever since the D6mocruts began the victo btsineAs therirhas been a cteady decline in prices, which is so contrary to all the predictions made by Radical prophets before I.ltelectiotis that they stand amazed at the folly of their assertions. At the clothing houses in New York city suits arc sold, good and bad, almost as cheap as they were five years ago ; and in every business street piles .of dry goods are ticketed front 50 to 100 per cent, below the prices asked for the same goods in ISGS. Calicoes at 12 1-2 cents a yard ; muslins 10 to 18 cents ; 'delaines at 18 3-4 Cenis; dress goods from 25 to 50 cents, and all kinds of costlier. fabrics at prices that Indicate a heavy loss to some One. The de cline is severely felt by importers, jobbers and agents, and some of them are out of pocket to the tune of Irio,ooo to V 50,000 by it; but it is very advantageous to the work ing classes, thr it . enables them to make a idollar go as far in dress as twti went last Year, Groceries and rents are still high, but with these exceptions it is much cheailer liv ing everywhere than it lets been for tlirecor four years. Judging by the number of houses going Ill), there ought, also, to be a sharp de cline in rents very soon. If the Democrats continue the victory business next fall, we expect to see prices very near the old stand ard in a year or two. It may be hard on the speculators, bat as they are limit of grinding other people, it is only fair that their own faces shOuld feel a touch of the stone. GEN. CirItAXT is 111 C lUt. "What is it ?" of Islicheit will be renumbered, Barnum fur nislied the original. The' New Y . ork Herald. wants him to - be President he is a Cotmerratire; the Erie *publican and Ga zette, and most of the oilier pipers of their ( Ad s% in peunsylvauia, b'emise he is a cal, Metmwhflu, the question remains open for discussion. ,the enthusiastic Democrat of Lynn, )lass., whose salute of it 1/undreamt's fn honor of the I)ctitocrittic victories in Penn sylvaniasand Ohio in October, was stopped on the fifty-thirdly-third gun by the City. Marshal, Tired the remainder 'Wednesday evening, for the results of November in Massaclitisetts and New York. The city authorities didn't interf.ere. “THE PULPIT'S bi'PO/Vr UNr/erg” Among conetlerate imen the Orb?* has long been current - that the' greatestolintaele in the path ofireligiotk,in opr country, for the past si* otten seats; has been the nause ous practice of political preaching. The person must he little versed in practical ex perience who cannot see that it has been the pnalitletause pf infidelity not only outside ./af the ,elturela..but 11.5 ,pale,;, pot Aals, in the pews but in the pulpits.! At. first it was a curious novelty,' and pastors found their congregations increased l perhaps, a hundred fold.. Men- flocked to t the political churches 11.5 they went to the opera, the thea tre, or the circus, to he excited and amused. They could applaud and - they could laugh there at every smart political hl, freely and without rebuke. It was religion made easy, and, like virtue made easy, there was very little of it left when you came trylook for it . We are satisfied 'that the majority of these pastors who have mixed politics with their theology, in the proportion, of nine to one, for some years back, have done it against their hetter•judgmen't. They have yielded to the fashion of the times,to the example of powerful and suecessful preachers, to the real and supposed irresistable current of feeling in their eongreptions. We have al ways held them, as a class, tci be above the sordid aims of politicians. They haVe not preached politics for money, nor for vulgar applause; but because they had not sufficient moral strength to resist the tremendous pres sure which was brought to hear upon them by church conventions and assemblies, and hy active and influential occupants of the pews. In some instances the pressure from the pews was not real, but imaginary. The pastor, observing the tendency in other churches, sought to anticipate it in his own, and with unnecessary precipitation, put him self at the•head of his flock and led it into • polities. Satiety in the congregation soon followed excess in the preacher. The outside attendance fell, Off; ninny of the pew-holders who had liked the thing while it was new, got sick ()fit last, and these preachers finally found themselves in the condition of men, Nvlio, having take» a false Position, feel com pelled out of regard to consistency,,to main lain it at all hazzards. In this resolve they have been encouraged and sustainedby small but active knots of politicians, who give'the tone to many of our churches. There are clergymen we could name who have seen their flocks scattered beyond and their churches sold and turned into places of amusement before they would con sent to retrace their steps to religion pure and undefiled. , t We have referred to this subject before, and now return to it, because the„preseut seems an appropriate time for a concerted movement on the part of the true friends of the, church for rooting the practice out ofour system of religious worship. The political reaction, of whigh we see the signs all-around us, is no less - a protest against* political preaching than against the numerous other fallacies of Radicalism. The feeling facets all classes of society, in all their relations. We believe that; if a show of hands were called for in the churches next Sunday, a majority, of votes would he found in favor of exchtiling polities front the. pulpit front' this day on forever, let what circumstances mar come up in the career of the nation. Pastors would be surprised to discover how cheer fully their people would now follow their leader out of the miry paths of politics back to the ancient trodden ways. They must, by this time, be satisfied that it is impossible to get out of radical politics by going to the end [of it—for it has no end. The possible crotchets of the Radical mind are infinite. Political preachers never can say that . their work is done, and lay off their harness. "Ex celsior!" is still the eryond aln aye will be, of the frantic agitators who occupy the Vail of Radical movements, They care nothing for the church, except as,it aids them in their dangerous ventures. While they use it they despise it. This fitct is made very clear in the last number of Wendell Phillips organ, which says,:"Clturches and the elerity as formerly, for the most part but make weights or a positive drag where they should be foremost in leading the nation in the light of immutable, ftindamenntl Christian princi ples through its present diflieult and dan gerous pass." This is the gratitiule which the political clergy receive from those who have sdught to dictate their style of- preaCh ing for a number of years. How mitelt long er will ministers of the Go•;)pel submit to these hardest task-masters GRANT.IANA, The papers continue to 'be fall of para gtaphs about Gen. Grant, his acts, sayings and opinions. As in the Past, each writer claims Mai to endorse the particular views whicli.he himself holds, and. the much moot ed question of his political sttlniling remains in as niuch mystery as c% er. The Washing ion correspondent of the Boston Post says: " The debt between the friends of Judge •Chnqe aiul those of Gen. Grant, which has as its foundation the rich efpfme Made by your correspondent, is Intensifying. The Genere refuses to speak a word of consolation to Forney and his little clique, and the friends or Chase consider that Grant has damaged his own cause Judge Kelley, of Philadelphia, bas written a letter, in which lie says that Grant will not carry a State un less the platform he stands on will recognize manhood suffrage." The same writer states that the General was told last week - by Colonel Morphis, of Galveston, that his people wanted to run hits for President, and asked him what he should say to them? Ile replied, 'Nothing: Another tzentlmmtn, an intimate friend of The General, liken ise had an interview, and in replying to the remark that both parties seemed deter mined to run him, the General said: `I have everything I wish—T want nothing but to be let alone." It is further stated that Postmaster General Randall twitted Gen. Grant, the 'other day, - about Wade's complaint of his silence—that he (Grant) could talk nothing but "horse." Grant replied that he usually talked About matters that he understood, adding'. "And I knoW more, about horses than Wade does about polities—for he has shown himself in that way to be the d—dent fool in America." Our readers can tielieve as much of these, and all other storki about Grnt that the pa per; give currency to, as they seeproper. We think nine-tenths of them are ••tirade out of the whole cloth," fin mere sensational pur poses. AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT. The Washington. correspondent of the Philadelphia Pre;s, under date of November I Ith, 'sends the following, interesting state- EIME There is an unmistakable tendency among public men now in Washington thor °midi' to revisemot only out system of taxa tion, but the. whole system of loans and cur rency. Little dimbt is entertained that the national banks will he _relieved of tha great power of making- their own notes, so that they will child:or only the United States currency • nor can it be denied that the pay ment of the ohole publie debt in gronbacks, eept trhere the honor if the Gocernmenf is ex plicitly pledgrd to pay in gnbi is gaining in fa =,u'. The liquidation of the bonds shortly due, at the option of the tiovernMent, is varne.tly adrocalea; and also the consolida tion of the whole national debt, so its to - give it the solitlity'and permanency of the English s. securitie" The source frtim which the above is copied gives it more than ordinary Significance. Tike leaders of the Rtuliati party have a peculiar faculty of inouhling'llfe popular current, and we have oodoubt that Forney has thrown out these suggestions at their Instance to test the tone of public sympathy. 'Unless something is done to revive the nationnl'prosperity, nothing is more certain than that the Radi cals will be ove ,- whelmingly defeated next year. To save themselves, they will adopt the policy . Of paying off the bonds in green backs, or any other that gifes promise -of temporary advantage. TIIE•,XIILEBIDENTIAL ELECTION., If all'i t ite Southern Static are admltted;the full elictoral vote will be ;317; absolute nsa jority-reyuired, i Ritiolutinsui never' backitfard, and the Present - one will progre§s steadily, bringing in under the Conservative Wither other States, and confirming by in; creased majorities those that have cut adrift from Radical ride. No, one, it tn . be' dettylVallbe fol/Zvit4.fttaits are absolutely andhontlniily lost to the Rad icals for the next PrAidential contest,, viz: California, Connecticut, fielaWare,KentueltY, Maryland, New'Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. They poll 119 votes, leaving 40 to insure an absolute majority. With pres ent prospeets, can there be any doubt but that they can be readily obtained? Indiana and Illinoisgiye twenty-nine votes. Will not both of these States wheel into line? When We see in one . year a change of 45,000 in the Radical majority in Mas.9chusetts, may we, not even Lope for that fossil State, and still more so for New Hampshire and Maine Then there are several ni the Northwestern States which undoubtedly will cut loose from Radical rule within the coming year, and it will be impossible, with all their hardihood of action and defiance of the Constitution, foi the extremists' to negroize all the Southern States, so that some of them will undoubted ly vote for the Conservative candidate. Though it will take some time to reform the. Senate, the Radical rule will be destroyed in the nest house, and, all power for further mischief taken from them. Let its then be thankthiTor the bright sties above. We have an abiding conviction that the Republic is OLA TILAD.'S "LAST `JOKE. The Wa:shington correspondents inform us that Thad. Stevens has under consideration the advisability of dividing the State of Tex as into.two or more States, and line ;announc ed his intention of-introducing a bill for that purpose daring the coming session. On Sat urday he was for a long time engaged in col lecting information , respecting the'popuhr lion, condition and interests of the different sections of the State, and requested a Texan editor to furnish hint with all the information obtainable bearing upon the question. The Buffalo Courier well remarks that "if great Thaddeus has settled it in his mind that Tex as must -be divided, Of course there is no more to he'said about if. He, and his party, have kept the country divided for nearly three years, and the partition of a State will be a small job in comparison." Of course the clause in the Constitution prohibitingthe division of a , State without the consent of its people, makes no difference, even though - Thaddeus and his fellow Congressmen have all taken a solemn oath to support that in- StrUlllent. GENERAL 141tCLELLAN. General McClellan; who had intended tit return to this country in th 6 steamer Scotia, has been compelled by private business of imporMnce to abandon that intention. After reaching Limtions on his way here be was re called to Paris, where he now is. Not only in France, but in Switzerland, in Germany, in Italy, in short, in every country which he has - visited during his prolonged foreign tour, Gen. McClellan has been received with an intelligent and respebtial consideration which should gratify not only his many personal and , politival friends, but nil right-minded and 'patriotic Americans. Enlightened f o reigners feel what domestic partisans are hut too apt to forget that the fame of a gifted and de voted soldier is part and parcel of his coun try's truest wealth, and in honoring him hon or the great-cause itt :which he drew his sword and the people whom he so loyally served. Tilt: New York Tribune copies and en dorses a declaration of (;en. Sherman that be , "has no fear that the scenes of our hard struggle will ever be repeated, or that the rebels, defeated in battle,anay, ' in the burly burly of time and polities, regain their lost calls,- mid * their lost pride.' Itistory, he Te-' minds us, rarely goes backward. The great moral revolution which resulted in the de struction of slavery can never lie reversed." We solicit ihe attention of that large class of tender-hearted people who are continually announcing their fears ,that the rebels will regain their infltience in the Govertintent if the Demoentey conic into power, to these significant admissions on the part Of. their leading organ. The Tribune itself will, in all likelihood, take the back track on them about election time next year, lint the fact that they are made at this period; when no immediate political object is to be effected, shows what its real opinions are. It cosrs more for the people of the North to sustain the present military rule in the South, than it cost the whole country to sus tain the administration of James Iluehanan. The military and bureau goiemments in the South are supported almost wliolly by the North. Of the $277,000,000 of revenue drawn from the people in 18.63, but $19,050,000 was paid by the South, and the ten expelled States will pay far less this year than last. • The ex tra cost to the people of the North of carry ing out the Radical plan Of, converting the South into a negro despotism, is now about equal to. $00,000,000 annually, over and aboVe all income from the States being thus reduced. . . TIM N. Y. Times. which supported Presi dent Johnson's ; policy as long as it thought it was•popular, and then deserted it to become the most Radical of the Radicals, presents the following picture of the race to whom its party has consigned the destinies of the Smithcru States. "The great mass of them (negroes) have been kept -in .the most stolid ignorance all their lives ; they can neither read nor write; they have heard nothing, of politics and know nothing of the - simplest filets of our history or government ; they have neither the capaci ty to form opinions nor tho material to form them from ; and as a matter of necessity, as well as of fact, they will be and are simply tools in the bands of party leaders and wire puileri on the one side or the other," LtnEttm. Rimunucxxs.—The National Intelligencer, in acknowledging the inde -pentlett and patriotic actions of the liberal Republicans in the late elections, predicts "that before the present great controversy is closed, the bitterest foes the Radicals have - to contend with will he found in the Repbblican ranks. Misled as much by,the force of party discipline, as by soecious ap 'peals to passions, inflamed by the deadly strifes of war, the great, high spirit of patri otism of the Republican party will rise up in the very majety of its power to condemn the whole scheme of reconstruction, which is exclusive negro government." AFRICANS IN TM,' MASSACIICSETTS Lto iSIATIIIIE.—The two Africans who were members of the lower House of the Massa- Oausetts LegQature last year have nqt been re-elected; but Mr. .1. J. Smith, a Colored man from one. of the richest anti blackest of the wards of -Roston, is chosen. The Springfield Republican says: "Re is an old lihrty'party negro, and has long . been 3 pa 'ideal laborer. Rut alas for the faith of, the extreptclq—he has prokreased in civiliz lion till he on':s,,tvith.the white nmn, for p license law;" • TIIF: official vote in 'the Chautauqua and Cattaraugus district of New York on State 'Senate is as follows: Rep. Indep. Sessions. Allen. . Morris. CLautauyun' 4,281 3469 3,882 Cattamagus 1,853 3,3711 3,143 Total • 6,114 • OJAI- • 7.021 • !Lorenzo 3lorris, Dem., elected over Welter L. Sessions. Rep., by 911 ; also, over .k F. /I.llm, Independent flepubliean, by 184 OM' Tice N. F. World-announces that Alexan der IL Stephens, of Georgia, lut.4 been invited, by'aeveml leading men of both political par-• ties to denier -n address oil the actual con dition of affairs in the South. We look upon this as a move in the right direction. Let leading Southern men of moderation and judgment be heard in this crisis. The pea 4dO of the Igor& «all eagerly listen to their ,views...—Theyare prepared r ason—cm she great issues of the day, and will read and carefully weigh the words of such men as Mr. Stephens. F Vrntv few persons 110 W call to examine Mrs. Lincoln's wardrobe, and none•with tide intent to purchase. The Subseription project has been practically abandoned fir want of eneourt4;entent, and the private I I eolfeetion sebetne bay been forgotten. There will be no Amino, and the goods will probably soon be removed. Tun Kansas Legiislature k atter the usual patterndwavily Republican. Rethrns nearly complete show for negru sutfritge, 7,591, against 10,114 ; for woman suffrage, 6,610, against 111A112; for tlisfr.xneltising hits. 11,360, against, 10,288. THE TAMEST!: OE ORANT. ..,...., ! . Greeley Talketh Pace Handy. - -.0....-- ! 'lt is not so very long since thelpopalarery in political contests used to be "measures, not men." 'Mr. Andrew Johnson was nomi nated for Vice-President of the United States in are/inhume with the false principle em bodied in that cry. The disfistnins resnit of the experiment seems to be driving some of am friends to the opposite extreme; and, with the equally dangerous watchword of "men, not - measures," they are bent upon intritsting our national destinic4) a general of whose political principles nothing what ev,w is known; and confiding the Most deli ; cate Tune' ions of statesmanship to a man who has thus Mr shown himself only as a resolute and successful soldier. - We have been 'at some paini to collect all the aCcessible evi dence as to General Grant's- opinions on the great questions which divide }he country, and the 'decision of which must shape -41 w good or for ill our course during the next Presidential term. We hove itt present a list of twenty "authoritative" explanations of the General's position. Nine. represent as an uncompromising Radical ; nine are positive that he is a rdraight up*-and-cinUlf DeMorwat ; nnd'two declare that he is noth ing at all, and will not accept is nomination for the Presidency from either Party. Colo nel Forney, for example. published the other day,-in his two papers, five mortal columns of most excellent Republican Sentiment, all of which lie asserts that he knew on most in dubitable testimony to be in Grant's head, if they had not actually come out of his Mouth.' The Boston Post next day hastened to in, form us that Grant repudiated every word of Forney's five columns, and the Philadelphia Press replied by'an "authorized" contradic tion of the Post. Tho Philadelphia Post learns that Grant has no sympathy with the Radicals. • The Springfield Republican is certain. that he is substantially in accord with the party of freedom, only is not so- fool ish as to accept Colonel Forney as his spokes-. man. The rebel Mobile Times accepts him as a Copperhead ; the Macon Telegniph nounces hint as a Radical; the Richmond Enquirer believes he is no friend to the nig ger, while General Rawlins 'vows on the faith of a soldier that he is the best friend the nigger ever had. More titan all this, the, Ron. E. B. Washburne, a thoroughly disM -terested statesman, whose mission in life is to get Grant elected President, has made a long speech to prove that his friend is 'everything the most exacting;toter can re quire. This Ought,to have settled the whole business; hut, alas for the - Uncertainty of human affairs ! Mr. Washburne has no soon er finishetLhis oration than tql gets that pes tiferous' Boston Post again, mid avers _ that Grant "detests" Mr. Washburne, doesn't know him, wants to get rid !of him, and is not responsible for any of his statements. The Washington Chronicle says this is a lie, and Mr. Wnshburne, we presume, i,t of the sante opinion. The New York Day Book thinks any man who doubts Grant to be in perfect accord 'with Congress, is "green enough to be eaten ter grass;" and right on the. heels of this comes a statement in anoth er Copperhead paper that the General has accepted a nomination front the Johnson Democracy. The Copperheads quote his ac ceptance of Mt... Stallion's place as a proof That he is a' Democrat ; Colonel Forney quotes itas a proof that he is a Radical. One gentleman heard him refer to the rprooe.l of Mliertdan as "more of the President's dirty work ;" and another gentleman learns that he has taken warning by Sheridan's "ludi crous fate" and gone over to the Conserva tive party: Now we have no relish for getting Presi dents out of it grab-bag.• We have no sym pathy with the "hurrah!" Movement which ' hopes to rush a candidate into °Mee, not is.; eause'lle is fit for the place, not because he holds to the principles which the party is created to support,-bitt beemise lie is a good man to shout ibr at the 'hustings. We light to secure eqbal rights for all,men, not to ob tain the election of any President who can merely be relied upon to distribute officers to the Radical party. The election by Radical votes of a President who was not at heart and soul identified with Radical principles would he a greater disaster for us than an open defeat in an open battle at the polls, whete the lines were sharply drawn, the standards boldly displayed, and the gener als resolutely committed to the cause' in which they engaged. It is better to be bea en than betrayed. IcomminteatcA.3 Jubilee at 'North' east. The jollification of the Democracy which e. roue off at North East On the afternoon and etening of November I:itle was a decided seicerk As early as 2p. in. the people Co mmenced to arrive from the adjacent country. They were greeted by their brother Demo chth, by National - salutes fired in the Public Square. At 8, p. m., Col. J. Ross Thompson and „G. W. Gunnison, Esq., arrived from Erie, and were met by a crimmittee. who se compan ied them to Dix's and Hillard's Hotels, preceded by the North East Brass Band. whin enlivened the occasion by some of their soul stirring music, which they so well know how to discourse. At 1-2 past Sp. between three and four hundred persons re paired to the dining-rooms of the above Ho tels, and replenished the Miler man with a splendid supper, consisting' of nn the _season able good things. After supper, the spacious hail in the Dix House was tilled to its ut most •capacity. Thomas 'Mellen, Esq., the noble veteran Democrat, Was elected Presi dent, with Captain Custard, Robert Marshall and Lathrop Finn, thr ,Vice Presidents; It 0. Hills was appointed Secretary and Treasurer. Col. J. Rods Thompson was then introduced to the meeting, who, in his usual forcible way, portrayed the iniquities of the party which is trying to reduce the whites of this nation, to a Condition of negro suffrage. Following the' Colonel, ;in that. 'happy style which entertains as well as in structs, G. W. Gunnison, Esq., elucidated in glowing terms that the only safe position for the country in its present crisis was to be found in strict adherence to the Constitution , 7 and the well settled principles- of the Gov ;ernmeut. The occasion was One of the must pleasant has eter Occurred in North East, Maus. TIM Philadelphia National Refreshment j Saloons, where the soldiers from every part of the Union were fed during the late war were an honor to Philadelphia, and there is a peculiar propriety in ; the circumstances that Philadelphia should inaugurate a plan for the endowment of a National Institute where the otTlianscffthese same heroes may 'have a home and-receive an education. This is what the Trustees of the Riverside Insti tute are aiming most suceemfully to accom dish. Acting under the charter of -the • Vashington Library Company, incorporated y the State of Pennsylvania, they are offer ing stock at the low rate of one dollar per ishare, and will give to each subscriber a 'beautiful and valuable steel engraving,worth at retail inore Than the price of the stock, and as an additional inducement will distri bute among the stockholders presents valued at $300,000. In the distribution every one has an equal chnnee td obtain large pres. ents ; one is worth $40,000, another $20,000, tte. Who can refuse to 'do a patriotic and beneyolent action. en these terms? . RETTIO: OF ,Tht. Lrsrem.—The numerous patrons of the celebratettOeulist and Aurist, Dr. Liston, will be'pleased to learn that lie will make his next , professional visit to Erie on Tuesday and WedneSday, the -10th and 11th days of Deceinber,l stopping 'for those two days only, at Brown's HoteL Dr. Lis ton's fame as a successful operator upon all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Catarrh, ,and Chronic Diseases generally, is not sur passed by the reputation of .any other Sur geon in the country, and his periodical visits are always looked for with anxiety and hope by the suffering ones. ThoSe who desire to -have their cases ',treated by a skillful and competent hand, should not- fail to 'call on him on his next visit to this place. - Union Pacific neterp, Divi • .lon. BANTA FE, iii 31Extca, - 89ptembor 18, 1887. f ;It will lithemembered that peneral accompanied by theciliwisiontrof WWI an ti E,icholz, left Fort Lyon on the 22d of July last to make a survey of the country along the -Purgatories and to thomughly examine the passes through , the !talon. mountains, list nt about tint} littnilred odd iwenty'udies• Slim found the ,el2tirdryAlong, the,Aver..c ceedingly fertile and capable of high culture, : while thivountry back from the line shita ble for irrigation, aboundpLin grass, which goes to corroborate the statement i made in a recent letter about the grazing advantages of CtiOrNda:T teaichinglitEf RitiOn; tilollll. tains thoz4lifficalties tipprehlindeir vanished, and General Wright discovered that the question wall not to lied a pass, but to choose one. Pour were examined, eat% having its peculiar tlitlicultic4 and advantages. The Hawn pass was tound perfectly feasible and I straight, with a rolling eonnlry extending six miles from its lower opening to. the South.' 'The Trenchnra jigs', at. its highest point, had an elevation of seven thousand one hundred and ninety-two feet ; a gradeof ninety-six feel, with a short tunnel would carry th.e road across,, but it was tleteradned to explore the passes th6roughly, and then see which was best. The Wancito del 13nro (lame donkey.) pass was found the most though the explorers-were well' repaid by finding in it a very tine vein of iiitunti nous. coal. Through' the eastern Ape of the mountain, Mr. Ecitifiz found a -line superior to the others. It could tai surmounted with a less grade, - and could be pissed tunnel. I have mentioned the elevation of the Trenchura, and in this connection wilt state that it is the highest point on the whole proposed line to be found.. betneen Wyan dotte and San Diego, Cal., the'eastern and western terminations of the Union Picifie Railway, eastern division. In the passes of the mountains were found groves of moun tain oak, well suited for tics, and in quanti 7 ties sufficient fur building hundreds of miles of road. The mountain was covered with pine to the summit, and ibis fact would be of great Import:mee to the road were it not that timber bi unlimited ,quantities be (*Mind on the whole mountain ranges. TUN RENTiIdVOU*. At Fort Craig the three divisions under General Wright will be 'joined by Colonel Greenwood's party, which is now hurrying South idler its successful survey of the line from Fort Wallace. to Denver. At Craig the whole engineer corps will be reorganized anti divided into two divisions—mth -- to take the line of 35th and the other the 30 paral lel through to the 'Nellie. That this• will be successfully accomplished there can be no Etibtliifin,addition to the able, corps of engineers and scientific gentlemen, the work ing parties are thoroughly traind and equal to their work. I take pleasure in staling that not one.of our party has been confined for a moment to his bed by sickness; and the winter's survey through Southern Ari zona prinnises to be an escape • from the snows and frosts of the northern . winter. It ,is said the Apaches are troublesome, but we have nothing to fear front this; as General Getty has promised to supply an escort suffi ciently strong to protect the camps and working parties... - = I 410 not intend that this khort paragraph shall exhaust New Mexico, I menthin it merely to state the agreeable disappointment all of us .have felt here. So very little is known of its latent wealth and undeveloped resource 4 in the East, that I hope to do some good by giving publicity to, all the reliable information I can obtain abont it. This I will do in the letters following this, and after I hate satisfied myself of the truthfulness !)1 . reports which, if correct, place New Mexico first mono the mining regions of the Repub lie. 1 must acknowledge tobeing prejudiced against this Territory, and this feeling was increased on• my first acquaintance with it. I entered it from Codejos and. on the West side of the Rio Grande. Our party, after cros.sing, the supposed line, found but one stream, in a long day's march though ihrests of gigantic pines line . d either side of the road. At 01e, Otlienic we found one of the most remarkable places I ever saw inhabited. As the name signifies, this place has a nom her of hot springs, which are resorted to by every claw.- of invalids in New Mexico, and RI.; said with good effect. The Charms river flows through this valley, and at one time it appears tOmve been con fined to hubs large enough arils for its limi ted waters. This has been very recent, too, as the large number of vacant adobe houses show. Now the stream has washed But all the arable land in the valley, and where once the plow was driven; white, glaring samtnow tires the eve, and opposes travel. Occasion ally a cotton wood that resisted the-flood rises from the wa , te, and offers a shelter to fin Mexican and his lotra The deSolhtion of this valley impresses otteounl the ruined vil lages add to the effect. Indeed, the whole region below the St. Luis valley, bordering on the Rio Grande, look' as if it had but jnst escaped from the Noachian deluge. One striking feature of the conntry referred to is its.aaekoior table lands,--They look as if their surface at one time marked the original r;le'- valiort of the country. The: average height of the mesas is.about three hundred feet, and in some eases they are many miles in circum ference andperfectly levid. It is curious to 'note that they arc covered with woof pals, the bouldee-shaped scoria, that denotes recent volcanic action. And looking down the steep Sides of the mesas. the observer can see the strange order displayed by a perfectly even deposit of trap rock, resting on alluvia. base and literally rooting the mesa.. =MEM and San Juan are two Mlobe Mexican villa ges 'on onnosite sides of the Rio Grande, Witty miles northwest of Santa Fe. I men tioned them to state that San Juan was built on the w•st bank of the Rio Grande. but owing`to the changes in the bed of the river it is noii three miles back, while Santa Cruz, on the t•ast side, which was originally four miles 'from the river, is now within three "quarters of a mile, and gradually getting nearer. Such changes only occur where the banks are low and clayey ; so that the Ito Grande. opposes no obstacle to bridging, where it naps through a rocky formation. • I= is the name applied to the •Indians who live in villages along the UM Grande„and who •are said to be civilized ; perhapli It would be better to Ray "they are tamed," for their man ners and mode of life are not elevated. These Indians are said to he the descendants of the Aztecs, who were driven north and after wards enslaved by the Spaniards.. 'I almost question the truth of this statement, for. the following reasons: There are some seven thousand Pueblo 'lndians scattered along MI Rio Grande for three hundred miles. They live in seventeen communities or villages, (Parbb.). and, with the exception of two vil lages, all speak,a different dialect, and can only understand each other by using the com mon langnage of the country ; still, these People, though supposed to be Christian., adhere to tht'.old sun worship of the Aztecs, and in each village the sacred tires arc kept burning though hidden from the white man's gaze. The name "..Ifinaterutim" is to them what :tfahomet is to the Arab and Turk And as the Christian looks for the second coming of Christ, so do these people Ivatelt for the reap ,pearance of the Aztec king. Each morning ass the sun rises they look to the East, and the old men stand on the chapel tower to an nounce his coming. A Catholic priest told the writer that "he - believed the Pueblos still adhered to human sacrifice. lie had known perso l is, to disappear without being inquired after, and he had every reason to believe that intim tieide was common." The pueb los dress like the other tribes that are .not civilized, and go armed with the bolt• and arrow. There is much that is tinteresting about these people, and after I have learned more I will acquaint you with the facts. Anc. PuEsENTATioN.—Our enterprising collec tor, Mr. Clients, with his accustomed good fortune:lms been the recipient of a gift of nice interest, His better-half, on Monday, present ed him with ft beautiful pair of twins, weigh ing together over 14 pounds. The boys in the office think Chellis hits "covered himself with glory." DIED. Ditmstumunt—On the morning of the 14th inst., at 1 o'clock, at the residence of .her parents, Louise, (laughter of Jacoh and Helen Drbisigaker, aged 14 years. Cri.umasos—ln MoOrheadville, on the 17th inst., Mrs. Anne' Culbertstm, in the 87th year of her age. - .pn.vrr---In East Springfield, on the 6th ult., of Plum Pneumonia, Mr. Wm. Pratt, aged 66 years, 9 nimitlis and 6 -days, GIICTTLEtt-r-411 this city, on the 31st ult.', Mrs. Christina -Grettler, wife of Mr. Andrew ' Grettler, of Girard, in the '2Bth year of her age. Guarrt.En—ln Girard, on the 4th inst., Char lie, son of Mr. Andrew Grettler, aged 7 years. • • jolt PIIIICTING of every kind ; in large or small quantities, plain or colored, done in the beat style, and at moderate, prices, at the .Observer office: .BLANKS! BLANKS! — A complete e xh ort- JUI inept of every kite! of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justbata, Constable's and Business )fen, for sate et the Observer office. ' 9211ARRIED.! Giatmt---WinTisEY—On Wednemlav Ripj - 20th hist, in 'Union Mills. atl the reside*, of, thebrido's uncle, by Rev. M. Ten nant, Mr. A.:10. Gillett to Miss Carrie W 44- . nein ell of Vision Mills. No cards. [The liberal remembrance 'of- the printer accompanying the above entitles the part t p ct bis , beaitiest good wishes. May all the "I,tles.4iigw,of this life and of the one heyond n tw orr—Dixoy--o*, fhe,l3th inst., nt the • residence Of the bride'a parent., by Rev. A. Hall, Mr. John Brecht, of Fairview, to Miss Maggie, E. Dixon, daughter of Mr. . HOrls Dixon, of Springfield. No funk Bus—flesh-3t the Methodist Eni.cupal Church, Waterford, on the !ith inst.; by Rev.. J. C. Barnhart, 'Prank A.' Ituy., S: A., to Miss L. Rinnie Bush, youngest daughter of K N. Rash, Esq., of N% titer ' font, Pa. (Chicago papers please copy,} Wry,r.r.t Ms —8.112 riErr-4 11 Waterford, on'the nth inst ,by li. 11. 'Whiintl , ev, E-q., Mr. Torch .3.. , Willistas, or Watorrottl. to - 15115. , 'ary E: Barrett, of Ventintro, ' CrawfOrd Co., Pa. r, BoAnDMAN—WAHDEN—On lin; 31st - ult., by Rev. .3. 31 Tenn:mt. - 31K M. BoArdinan pt 'Miss Nettie All'arden, all 9C IJninli. . • • et;zinitl)—StassEit-02 the 7th inst.. at the residenCe of the bride's father, by Bev, .Thonuii B. lluctson, Mr. Edwin C.l;ustartl to Miss Sant E. Skinner, all of North East. on the 7th inst., by ROY. ('. Z tehtt-t, Mr. Ulric Bliekeusderfer .to Miss Sos•in p. littrdipoth e ofiliatiplace. . I lATCII-31A RTIN-111 M iddlehoro,on the 14th inst., IJY,Ber, W. Sherwood, Mr. 0: B. . }bleb, of Oil Creek, to Miss .1.-E.,Martitt, of the thriller place. • - • 1 - • - coxsurt - PrioN CURABLE BY DB,. SCHENCB.'B To critz cossrurno. th, talvtb I prsv.trod re that the !trawl r. accomplia:l . th,e, the Hoer and awn tach town Run be oicanaed in - an apl2 to grealed .or good ulfu'efotue loud, which. tho e tuellell.l , ll. Trill to friesinfl pr.,PeW, nod good hes thr Wood tonic !ho.o kullaine up the counltullon. SCittld.rOK'S 31.tdi1tlIAlar: PILLS eleauee the stomach of bilked. or nuirans accumu lation,- awl. In u3:li: the Sn: Weed Tonic to con orclulk. the t.ll'Ct to Is rr.tored. SCHENCK'S rt.11.4.10.N1C BYDXP 4 netriodeux • ' as well an toed n.:eal. nod. ly wing the three reracdled, ail luipurales are expelled trout the system, and Food, n holegaine Mood, made, flinch n will repel a dln•ww. t t patent* will lone !h0..., medicines accord ing to 4.f:calque; ConAutop ger- trequently Ir. tie la 4 etale vitt& reartilv to 111,1 r naleff. Take the Ors Ire , to c 03 Jen 11.1.11, er and toonfarla, 4 1 7 •Acne not follow that hem to, 111, howele are not m itre the- . arc tic: re iutrefl. tor ,nicti.s/CA 112 a-err ing% ff•eg arc or.,ary. The ot . omoo h mug Lc p. apionue (seated to allow the roe , tneu.c yi rip to actuante re, plealuf orgnuo liff.perl; and allag au.. Then nil tlow to rc4olred tc per orui • a ?ergot:llMM IN to itre cot tak.itt co:d. Exercise atom tloc room. sa touch or I..rtotbia. s. t As 10.-1100d-4a meat, game,, to :sct anything the appetite innuee but be particutar ten elasticate well. (=a to. ea, use. • - cID ,abbcrttsemrnis D•ZrAdverti.etnents, to Serure handed In by 8 o'eloci: n F i NVedZWVia3" after -11011. AU Inivertisements will be continued at the expenso.of the advertther. unletts Ordered for a specified thee. Stray C9w. CAME to the premises of tiu• i,uhserlher, lii Harbor erect: tp., 1 Mlle east of WeNlev ville, about the INitlt of ttetober, a stray Cow. She I'. small hi edze, reel in color, and 2 or gyear l / 4 Ilas a white swami her forehead. The owner is requested to canny forward, prove pro perty, pay eharires and take heroway, otherwise she will he'disposed of giecordint: to law. na2l-3w. CHAS. BLILEY. Discharge in Bankruptcy. TN TUE DISTRICT CODRT of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsvi vania. Pardon Sennett, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2,1, 1567, having ap plied for a discharge from all ails debts, and oth er clangs provable under said net, by order of the 'mut, not fre Is /11.11.`1 ,, lin creditors who have pros ed their 'titids. and other persons interested, tdappear utt chi, ,nth day of Decem ber, INV, at 10 n elocle,,A, M., before. said Court. at eltamberg, at the /Tact. of S. E. Woodruff, E4.q., Register, in the city Of Erre, to show cause, if any they have, why a .li , eharge should not Ise granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice Is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of -aid bankrupt. required by the 27th and 2.5 t h -sections of said act, ss Ili lie held before the said Register, at the same time and plane: ' s'. C. 11,-t: Clerk of C. R, District Coort for sat,' District GEM . _ 1104 Skirts and Corsets ! MIMEO lICILID I( S! U C.: lA. 7ti !loop Skirt anti , Conet Annomireinent We respectfully call the attentloiP of the Ist dies to our Hoop Skirt and Corset Stock for the coining lioltdays. The senior partner of this popular establishment has lately returned from the Eastern cities with a large variety of Corsets and Skirt materials. Our styles em braces all the kinds Worn—both French and American. We have resolved to keep the New York Hoop Skirt Factory for the benetit of the public as well as for ourselves. • As heretofore, Iltiop Skirts made to order and, repaired. We guar:tract. liktrt,., to fit and war rant thern for one year CollF,N.rgWtti. no2l-tf. No, la , ,*. t.tate street, Frle, Pa, City Oidionnee. ti OftbINANCE for ennstruetnut it S4.wer /1 muter Seventh street ft tint Peaett to I.4ms:t -iff% street. t. fie it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common COuncils!of the city of Erie, and it Ss hereby ordained by theauthority of the same, that it sewer shall be ednslnndod lindertieventh Street, from Peach to Sassafras street, of such dimensions' and materials, mat in such manner as shall be-designated the City Engineer and approved by the Councils. 2. The cost of constructing such sewer shall be assessed upon and collected front the owners of real estate fronting on said street, between the points aforesaid, in the manner provld ed by nu Act of Assembly of this Courunfonwealth, ap proved the 17th of March, Dial, in relation there to as soon as the cost of the work can be ascer tained by the letting of the contract for Its eon struet lon in the manlier hereinafter provided ; turoviMM that if In the plan adopted for the Con struction of said sewer It shall exceed eighteen Inches In diameter, at ten feet In depth, then the amount which shall be assessed on the alio-e -s:od owners of real estate shall not exceed the cost of constructing a brickseWer IS inches in .diameter anti IU feet in dept n. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, under the direCtlon of the street Committee, to advertise one week in some paper of this city, Inviting scaled proposals for the eon sfinetion of mkt sewer and the furnishing of all materials therefor; and be shall simultaneous ly with said advertising, exhibit In his ottleeTull speei &talons of the dimensions and manner of constructing said sewer, and the kind and qual ity of the materials to he used, and, in eonjunc- Lion with the Street Committee, shall appoint a time when the proposals received shall be open ed. Ima joint meeting of the Councils; at which time, or at some other to which said meeting may adjourn, the Contract for, the construction of said sourer shall be given to the lowest bidder, pmv:ded he gives satisfactory, security for the performance of his offer; if not, then it shall be given to the next lowest bidder who will give . such security: the ronnens, • neverthelesq, re serving the right to decline the acceptance of nil said' premeds If the public interest shall seem to require it. -I.' The City Engineer shrill have the superin tendenee of the work during Its construction, and shall from time to thne repot t to the Coim eils estimates of the work done, and the con tractor shall he paid only on such estimates In humanner which shall lib provided the con tract; and at • the completion of the Work the Engineer shall report a Mull estimate, and his said reports shall be conclusive upon the city and the contractor. ' Ordained and enacted the 11th dm- of NiOV un bet', 151,7, by Select Cetmell. ; A. J. FOSTRIt, Clerk. Common Council. ; .P. B. IIONIWI:Fdt, Clerk Approved, Nov. I:I, 1447. n021'67.0. NOBLE, Mayor. • Warrant In •Bankrtiptcy. rilms IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 27th I. day of Oct., lea; a Warrant In Bankruptcy wits issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Western District of Penn'a, against the estate of,Rehry Keith, of Spring field, in the County OCErle, In said district, ad judged a bankrupt oh his ownpetition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro.' perty, belong/n„ to such bankrupt, to him or for his, and the transfer of any property I')Y him, are forbidden by law; and that a meeting of the ereditoA of said bankrupt, to Prov'e their debts, and to choose one or more 71. , tIgnres of his estate, will beheld at a Court of Bankrupt cy. tribe holden, at the office of R. F Woodnitr, In Girard, Erie Co.,' Pa., before Si, E. Woodruff, Esq., Register In Bankruptcy for said district, on the 13th day of December, A. D., Iso7, at .11 o'clock, P. 31. ' THOMAS, A. 13.0WI:EY, oc3l-Dr. U. 8. Marshal for said District. ItLARKS! BLANKS f— A complete assort ment of etery 'kind of Blanks needed by torneys, Justices, Constables and Bastnesa Men. for sale at the Observer °Bice._ ILANKS BLANKS I—A complete assort. •nient of every kind of illanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men, for Enle at lbw Otoserver °Mee. Acta Olintiortntnts. lIII=2=I A HANDSOME Opportunity for the Endlee_ of Erir and vdelnitj. to se - eure bargains at the Two Home Store of C;E:t). B. 31Eft/C/1.1, , k N 0.14 Itt:Fit 1101::41,. In Dry riocklei, Cluaklngs,TrluiroDlg.,,trul Pitney titxx to. A husband should may honratly to Ids WIFE , that fibecan rr ha so at the lowe4l prlefio, art Irtet; bought will b GUARANTEED no. represented, and to give ottisthetinn or mnn ey refunded. The fart fa wall known TO EVERY Lady amil Gentientin In thin olclnity that we keiep the heat nagorted Stock of I)Itfl.MS c;oor):4 faiiiWts, KID (ITA)VER, DRF.SRTII.I3III I N Ci 3 CLOAKS and CIAIAIi: CLOTHS, SILK'S, SAT- MS, GC. And all YOUNG U men about entering on Houneiteeplng will do well to give rut n call. We defy M A N =II ler direct his wife, daughter orottm to any store offering greater Indueementa than owl. Call and aee us, and be convinced that we sell good et lower prices than any house x" Iv. Western Pennsylvints, These are filets which we boldly =serf, and we salt the people of ERIE 'COUNTY to call and examine the quality and prices of our goods and then decide for thenutelvedi forl7-lti }.ND abbertistments.---' 1324. Peach Street. 1:0 4 • THE BLOCKADE, RAISV.h. BURTON & GRIFFITH Corner of ' , Not and In h st, Ar glad to Inform ch. , ir olruetion ea,441 to' tio 1,,• i.„ „ 4 ott ti sewer through Ntri arid thi , fr patroos And friend. tench thrir .hind with have been truprovitig t lo•jr ntary Iniortoide hy mon , renay large .:oelr. of Groveviem fluid Prol isloll4, n;,41 11“ W 114 Mr LARGEST AN!) BEST RETAIL 'T' MIT briniglit iltfoo flw , •itc of Crk call. no2l-1 r. "mummy cninuiruk,, "HAPPY NEW'y EAR CON 11ClucyN Eicl Toys,and Notions; El noun.ty TRiflE! Reduced Prices! WHO LESA LE & It ET AH. We manufacture our own Coryly ram It at LOWEST CASH nuas! SUGAR TOYS! FANCY CAN-1)1Es: CHRISTMAS. TOYS & NOTION, 1t1•11>174L'1..; I) Ik'lt (21-:••• its we aro .letermincl In r4 , r , out piLTDIOp.E OYSTEIN FAESH ‘'4 J V'EILY - DAY. Fruits. NIIII4, Cann( I Friiii,d American Iron Bolder , Something new:it - Mu...el - al r, 4a. Particular Attention aiven to arlr` 13.1 7 :NT.:11 /11:11,GE". oc3l-n COAL! COAL! COAL: The place to lay In your Waster's s, Conl Is at Saltsman & Co.'s yard . . At the Corner of Peach and lab corner of finsQatne4 and Coal of all kinds eorestantl.y • lacce4t figure+. Not, Bitominomi, from $2.50 to Large Lump, do., front s4.:io I.l*- Aull all other Coals in pr,,r,.rt, ma- Dealers supplied by the Itbera) reduction. Dexter's Best Time Beaten at LI, HATS, CAPS I\ol I'l JANET:fa - 4 f-aM 'OE Succemtor to F. Sniyth, No. 521 l'r."L lade of tho Pnrk. lIRY In store the largest %lock (erect in Erie. Will sell Furs Of ill' U‘' k . , facture, by the single set, u+ Maintanethrept will sell Abk also Furs of Eastern mann f.tet nro A: low as before the war, anoe..qh ,, • splendid stock of gciods, from Ow ("0. and Royal a int z l uw E e re , n t, ti ,,k n , e. Hata And Clips. Cull and he, Min ' for showing goody. • Executor's Notice. I EWERS TE4TAMENTARY “n th" Perkins. deed, late a ship, Erie eounty, Pa., Inv, ha;'. the undersigned ; Suttee. 4;'` . .",, indebted to the said estate to n, , layment, and those having , • I ‘ , "`' same will present theta on or t.ref ,, ' January next for settlement. A . sl‘l\ 1111kril• - EDWARD • • • The accounts will heat the l'erkins, wholu e hereby nutlmrl7•N I • all the husinhs in the name ot eg; W. Manufacturers and 111/0103W pay' TOUACCO, SiN.IIITVP, .pip.klri. No. 6 Federal St., AllegholyiltY, rk Third door from Suspemtlen Bridge, febl767-iy.. Sign of the BUr LANKs 111,ANKs ! A corn tnent of every, kind of Bow ; Attorneys, Justices, Constahio , Men, for solo ttt the Otiierver tittleel 101) PIINTINt: of 'every Itist.t. email qUltlit.ifiefi, trittin or rohdr• the best style, and at a n ,l, Obcorver off 100. Li P. (o*i • INTIMED A ritrge 1,9 t of =EMI L;.• suLl nt THE CELEISII.TI:I 441 and 7:+,"-'