Vusintsfs 13tuttotp. Cads Inse i rnertit for one year, r at a dollar rted per li th ne.s depart, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Catighey, Burgess & Walker, 2.5 and 26 N. Park. Scott & Miles, 500 and 502 French st. Johnston & Rrevellier, 513 French st. WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. Arbuckle& Clark, North Park. BOOTS AND SHOES. L. H. Clark, 14 Park Row. ' - - S. Z. Smith, 505 State street. C. Englehart & Co., 19 North Park. George Zurn, 7ivi State street. E. Pfeffer, 816 State st. , .1. Eyar,s, Jr.; t 3 1 ,4 State st. 1300 K STORES. Caughey & 3TeCreary, North Park. 0. SpalTord..s. French st, ,- FLOUR & FEED. H. B. Haterstick. Park Row. Crouch Jwitro., 519 French st. . LIQUOR STORES' Stott & Michael, An State et. Geo. 31. Smith, 93 North Park. MUSIC STORES. E. D. Ziegler. 1139 State id. Mrs, 'Wm. Willing, SS State st. SEWING IMACIIINE AGENCIES. , Wheeler & Wilson, 427 State et. Howe Sewing Machine, (52 French st. Singer Sewing Machine, 523 French st. Grover & Baker, 8:3) State st. . FRUITS & PRODUCE. H. L. White, 8 South Park. CROQEERY & GLASSWARE. Win. H. Gleriny, 31 Park 'Row. Isaac RosenzWeig, 514 State st. WATCHES_ & JEWELRY. Mann & Fisher. 2 Park Row. T. M. Austlne,Z„North Park. HATS AND CAPS, .1. E. Wilson. 24 North Park. .1. Kunz, Ag't, 513 State street. Wm. Kendall, 327 1 -: French St. J. 11, Smith, 525 ErCnch st. CONFECTIONERY STORES. Bener & Burgess, 931 and 700 State street . DRUGS AND-MEDICINES. S. B. Barnum, 1117 Peach street. - Viers & Elliot, 420 State street. Hall & Warfel. 551 State St. Wilkins & Doll, 1312 Peach street. .1. B. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. - Wm, Nick a Sons, 702 State street. Dr. S. Dickinson & Finn, 711 State street. DRY GOODS. Monett. Stephens & Wililey. G. B. Merrill. Decker, Koster & Lehman, 1310 Peach st Morrison Bros. 714 State st. . P. Henrichs, 716 State st. Edson, Churchill & Co., 3 Noble Block. Rosenzweig & Bro., 512 State st. Clark, Booth & Co., 5 Reed House Block *DRY GOODS AND CARPETS Deifendorf, Gross & Foster. warner Bros., 506 State at. Burton & r GROCERIEs. ot Peach st. 11. A. Field & Co.. 1325 . . . F. J. Rexford & co-int " A. &J. Brabender, 1218 • Henry Beckman, 501 State • - .Marshall, Christiana rail2l North Park. A. Gotrsls st. A. 'small s% Corner Bth and State st. P. A. Becker & :',31 French st. Bryan & McGiverin. :711 French st. William Mallory. 327 French st. F. Schlaudecker, 021 state st. H. V, Claus, 2(1 Ea-st Fifth st. P. Schaaf, 704 State st. PHOTOGRAPHS. Ohlwiler's, over 19, Rosenzweig's Block: W. A. Lott, 1207 Peach st. , Geo. C. Dunn. over 628 State street. Dolph Bros., Farrar Hall Building. . S. D. Wager & over 13'21 Pc-nch st. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. E. R. Welshman. 1363 Peach st. Hoag & Askine. 709 Stale st. C. Deck. 703 State st. M. W. Mehl, 517 French st: IL Y. Sterner, 401 State st. HARDWARE. Shannon & Co., Int Peach st. W. W. Pierce & Co., A3O State st. 31eConkey & Shannon, 507 French st. J. C. Selden, 52 . 3 French at. STOVES AND TINWARE. Isaac Vantassel, 1224 Pencil st. - Hubbard Bros., 701 State st. M. Mayer & Son, 1215 State st. Barr Johnson e 1019 and 1020 State st. N. Murphy, 2'2 North Park. liimrod & Cti , 121.1 Sassafras st._ ; GENERAL UNDERTA - KERS. J. H. Riblet A- Co., 818 State St. FURNITURE WAREROOMS. - J. H. Riblet & Co., 81s State st. CLOTHING STORES. John Gensheimer & Son, 512 State at. - Stile & Meliek, 1 2 13 State st. F. Wagner, 6211 State st.' .1. M. Kuhn, te.l State st. Marks & Meyer, 4 Noble Block. - W. L. Ross, No. 10 North Park. , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S. Ross Thompson, 521 French st. James Sill, 510 French at. D. W. Hutchinson, Girard, Pa. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. .I. L. Stewart, 30 North Park, house4l7 State st. E. J. Fraser, (Hom(epathist), (t Peach st. MILLINERY &-STRAW GOODS. M. Blake, South Park, Mrs. M. Curtis, 8 South Park. The Misses McGrath. 607 French st. • W. C. Hawkins, 1310 Peach st. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Jarecki & Metz, 1123 State St. MACHINISTS, FOUNDEII.S AND BOILER MAKERS. Loyerien, Hall & Co., 3d. and Peach sts. PLANING MILLS. .Ifts. P. Crook & Son, con. 9th and Peach sts. L. White & Co., corner 11th and French st. Hugh Jones, corner Ilth and Holland ids. Jacob Bootz. 1214 Peach st. WATCHES • AMERICAN WATCHES, - SWISS WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, ` WHITE METAL WATCHES, AND SOME CLOCKS! Sold cheap for Ca..+ll, by MANN AL VISA-11E1R. • No. 2 Reed Block. CHEAP CASH STORE. 741LITVNIG-. I'Orner of Ath and ;State Sts.. IMESZEI Groceries and Provisions. Wood, Willow and stone Ware, And everything that 1t usually kept in a First , Class Family Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best brands of Erie Cutfuty Flour. Always n,n Rand; Call and examine prices /14- Goods delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. L. 13. C11V.VA.1;113,11. DESIG'NE'R & DECORATIVE ARTIST! Neatest, Cheapest. and Best Sign Painting West of New York City. Parlors, I-lalls, Churches, ace., . Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models far the Patent Office and every description of Orna mental Painting executed promptly. Rooms in Farrar Hall, No. 3, second floor apll'B7-t.f. FALL & WINTER STYLES BONNETS AND HATS! Also, Altering, Bleaching, Dyeing Black and Brown, Bronzing anti Silvering Bonnets, Hats, Wreathes, Be., in the best possible manner. Beavers and Felts Finished. • SEW BONNETS AND* HATS ata6 to order at the lowest prices. Benlent and Milliners' Finishing done promptly nt trade prices. Thanking my patrons for past.favors, respectfully solicit a continuance. A. M. BLAKE Next door to Park Church, Erie. - L‘r 'in l ." M ,lll Wri'T‘q! • DEALERS IN Clothing and Gent's Famishing Goods I CORNER OF SF:VENTII STREET, MUTE. PA. w. W. 1:" I IF: It CI lE. • No. 832 State Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS=, General Hardware, Table Cutlery, Sole Agents In tirth-Westent Penilsylviinits for LITTLEFIELD'S BASE BURNING II rr A._ I TIFURNAC E: We call attention to the Littlefield Furnace with entire cturifidence that 1t is the best Warm Air Furnace ever invented, and nolically overcomes the faults and objections existing in other Furnaeec and we feel sure that a careful examination of its superior merits in-connection with the candid and unbiased statement of those who have had - this Furnace in use during the past several winters, will convince all that what we say is true. ' We respectfully refer to the following among the ninny well known citizens - who have this Furnace inbge: 4...11.1011Ai11e-t, W. it BROWN, }Nil., 'ISAAC MOORHEAIt..F.eq. "MORNING GLORY!" Stewstet"K Oval Parlor, The Globe Stove. A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVE & KITCHEN FURNITURE. Call and exniniiit , our stuck. \V warrant the best go 4 -4,14 raid low ,4 prier of any estaitlitth ntritt in this eit.. Also, sole agents for Erie CottutY for the new Improved Portable Biiekeye Cider 11Ii11 and Press ! The points of superiority possessed by this 31111 over all others, are as follows: 1. The Adjustable Throat, adapting the Mlifto the various sizes and conditions of fruit. 2. The Adjustable Grinding Rollers for the same purpose. These two features are-secured to us by Letters Patent. Without them no Mill can pseud. bly be a perfect grinding apparatus, as the different conditions of the fruit imperative ly demand this adjustability. 3, A neat metallic box to bold the bearings of the gearing, preventing the same from getting out of order, from the swelling of the wooden sides and ends. . 4. The strong compact frame for Mill Press, with well proportioned bearings for Its support. 5. A strong iron beam, with a two inch screw, enables us to give the pomace a powerful.pres sure. O. The Grinding Apparatus is the most perfeet in use, consisting of three horizontal millers, one above and two below; the upper one has straight flanges for the purpose of breaking the fruit against the adjustable rubber throat as It passes through. On one of the lower rollers the ribs are oblique or spiral and as it revolves it presents to the straight ribs of the, other a contin uous cutting edge, enabling us to cut the pomace from the skins of the apples, leaving them In such size as to obviate, In most cases, the necessity of using straw, which Is found to be deleted -011t( to the quality of the cider. 7. The Strainer Board, under the tubs, by means of which we are enabled to express the cider as completely front the bottom as from the top of the cheese, leaving it nearly dry in all parts. This 'valuable feature is secured to us by strong Letters Patent. , . . 4yiLdo..aA.l22kxmusuallem=al Is undoubtedly the best yet Invented. Call and see it. An Inspection of the atiove named ar ticles is solicited. They are the leading ones In the market. and can be obtalvl in Erie only of W. W. VlErter. dr. CO.. 532 Mato t-it. Sl' pl2-:itn , • . • • THE G R . FA~r • = UNITED STATES - TEA WAREHOUSE ! OF T. Y. KELLEY-&. CO • • - • No 30 Vesey Street,f New York. Have opened hi connection with their pet rese extensive Wholesale Establishment, a large and elegant • RETAIL DEPAR.~r~IEN'i` For the expres.s purpose of retailing their goods to • CONSUMERS AT IMPORTING PRICES ! • And thus give them the benefit of the Immense profits which generally. go to the middle-men and speculators. We guarantee our teas and coffees at all times to be fresh and pore, and war rant all goods sold from this house to give entire satisfaction ;-otherwise the goods may be re turned anti the money will be refunded. . PRICE: LIST. . OOLONG, [Black) 60,'70 'A 00, $l.OO per best. MIXED. [Green Black] fa, 70 80, MI, sl.ot) per lA., best. Y0U.3..a1 HYSON, ciSeen] 60, 70, 80, 100, 81.00, $l.lO, fi1.2.; per ID., best. IMPERIAL, (Green) Na, •31.0 n, 81.25. ENG. BREA "AST, Maack) 70, 80, 90, $1.0), $l.lO, $1.20 per !h., best. JAPAN., 18), $l,OO, 01.2.5 per lb. GUNPOWDER, $1.25, $1.50 per GROUND COFFEES. • PURE RIO. and 30 cents per pound. BEST OLD GOVERNMF.NT JAVA,4O cents per pound. ROYAL CLUB—Extra Fine---3, vents. - We have appointed • • - - - 111]Ft. S. 13 . 1317 Peach Street, South of the Depot, For the sale of our Teas and Coffees, at ERIE, PA. All goods rim put np by ourselves In one pound packages, at our warehouse in New York, and retailed at Erle by Mr. Samuel 13. Bar num at the same prices at which they are to be hail over our counters in I's evr York. All goods put upby us bear the trade mark of • The Great United States Tea Warehouse of T. Y. Kelley & stamped on the package. None others are genuine. We solicit . • - A FAIR AND THOROUGH TRIAL Of our goods from all who are Interested In buying a article of Tea and Coffee, at the pos,lble rates. -1 ata,-.4m. GRFAT _A_Trrlt AcrricyN DRY GOODS AND FURS! P. RENRICH'S No. 716 State Street. • My Cloth Department is tilled with great bargains, from the late auction sales in New. York comprising everything In this line: Beavers, Chinchillas, Broadcloth , Ladies' Clothi,Casstmeres, Sat inettS, Tweed , Sheep's Grey, Kentucky Jean, and a full line of single and doubled faced Wa terproofs. FLANNELS. This Department A complete in everything coming under the name. White Dormet, Shaker, Stevens, the best Goods made in the country. Twilled Red, Blue, Gray, all Wool, and Union, commencing at ;10 cents per yard upwards. Fancy Plaids and Checks for Shirt tag , AU Wool Blankets from sloe to A full line of the favorite German Loom Table Linen, commencing at tts cents per yard up wards. Toweling from I 2 (*llls upwards. Irish Linen 50 cents upwards. Napkins, Diaper Lin ens, Towels, all, very ellen)). • Shawl's and ' 'Balmoral kiritn. 150 different kinds of Blanket Shawls, from 85 upward/4. A large assortment Of Square Woolen and 'Rocha, Black and Red Center Pacoly, front 815 to 845. lireaktuat Shawls, Sontags, 6/c. Good Buttnorat Skirts from •$1.:11) to 32415, and the Goured Atom= Skirt", braided, for 3,1. This part of - the Store is particularly attractive, comprising Handsome Goods from 25 cents a yasd up to S. Everything in the way of Plaid, Poplin, French Poplins, Ex' :Ipm:is Cloths, Reps, Merinos from n upwards, Alpacas front 35 cents upwards, in black and colored. In Black Bilk. I defy cotnpetition, price conimenclnwat SL2S up to &Lai per yard, warrant them pure Silk and not to cut. Colored links, every` shade, color and quality, also very low. I will not be undersold in anything belonging to this lin_ ,e nigh us Prints, tiheetiugs, Muslins, Gingharns, Canton Flannel, Cheek and striped shirting. Wool Yarn from 51 a pound upwards. Hose, half wool, from 20 cents a pair upwards. Gloves, &c. Mink from „t".:3 to eV a Sett. River Mink from 1,7 to pa. Siberlad Squirrel, dw. Don't forget the place, Ni.) 714$ minty 141 - reet. oe3-.1m.. ITEINRIC A N D Ace.. &c.. R.C. Ai - sn, snip Agents for the celebrated STEWART COOKING STOVE! THE VERY BEST IN USE. We have also u tme nou.rt went of other goat Cooking and Parlor Stoves %isiong which lx the pnpulai FOR OFFICE AND 8110 r USE 1321 BR C L Cr a' H S. LINENS. DRESS GOODS. SILKS. 130313ESTICS, FURS. eateries,-frollutravr.- I G. P. DAVIS 8L CO.. ; Dealers In all kinds o 1 GROCERIES, - FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PROVISIONS, Fifth Street, between State and F.reneb,' ERIE., PA Having purchnxell nor USXXiM before the late rime in prices, we feel confident of being able to' give watisfaction both in Price and quality. , Country Produce, Of every sort, bought and sold. Earn - tent can ', always depend on receiving the highest market , price for their articles. DEALERS IN TAE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Llnes of lioncond, SUPPLIED WITH FEU IT, V EGETABLFI 4 , &C. ' Give us a Call. • Remember May- 3 11; Jackson's Market Depot FIFTH STREET. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. P. A. BECKER & CO.; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS; North-PAtht Corner Park and . French St., ' (CM KA PSI Dr.,l Would respectfully rail the attention of the COM. inunltY to their large stock of Grroeeriet4 and Proybdomis, Which they are desimus to nen at TIIE VERY LOWFAT POSSIBLE PRICES! Their assinlinent of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, • Syrups, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Is not surpassed In the city, as they are prepared to prove to all who give them a call. They also keep on hand a superior lot of PURE LIQU'ORS, for the wholesale trade, to which they direct the attention of the public. Their motto 1,6"C/flick sales, small profits and a full equivalent for theruoney." CAITGREY & FILM-NS, 610CCID4S011.1 To C. rIKI(IRI.,) Dealers In GROCERIES, FRUITS A . PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE' CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED; V]GtHI.L, SHIP CHANDLERY, &C 502,,STATE ST., COANP.P. FIFTHI I=3 , A. 11. t¢ CO.: =II Country Produce, Groceriem, Prociulous, wrsk.)4, LIQUORS, SIWARri, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruits, Nuts, d:c Sl.43}tatt, West side, between Bth upd 9th Streets; Erie, Pa Cosh paid for country produce: F. A. WEBER. nty2Ptf. W. ERHART JOII I;ANI'AU U. DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES ! 'Tea, Cutree, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour, Pork, Ptah, Hams, Provisions generally, Coun try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco and Segues, Fishing Tackle, &c. 421 State Street, Erie, Private Families a n d Hotels supplied. Goods delivered. tnyltiV-tf. BARNII.II, -- ' • DEA LJZit IN • DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY TOILET SOAPS, • H A, I R 0 I - L , POWDER „Apr PUFFS. • BRUSHES, COLOGNE, P A. I N S Linseed 011 s, Turpentines, Varnish, Hydrome ters of all kinds, PATENT MZDICINES, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL. PURl i ar, ' London Porter and Scotch Ale. I'rewrlptlons carefully dispensed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be precisely as rep resented. No trouble to show goods. ftemetn ber the name and place, - • • B.ketNl73l, 1317 Peach Street, apriT67-Iy. South of the Depot. WHO HA,DE YOUR COAT ? FRANK WAGNER. It Slaw Wee I guess I must go and get one; how are his chafges 7: ' Why, don't you know, he sells . , C Ett AP R H than any other liferekant Tailor In ;town, has the • BEST ASSORTMENT Oki GOODS, AND ALWAYS , WARRANTS HIS GARMENTS TO FIT 4 No','. Is that sof - f Of eoarseVt is: go to his Store, •1. No. 626 State Street; And give him a chance to make you a suit, and you wLiknever buy anywhere else, 1e77'67-tt. • J. IL MaLET. J.IsTEcE. Jos. A. STERaerr J. if. RIB= & CO., NO. 818. STATE STREET, ERIE, PA., Manufacturers and dealers In Furniture • of Every Description! -124pLtrairro Parlor, Dining Room and Bed Roma Bets, Mee, School andilotel Seta and every article in th e line. Our Manufactory is located on Eighth street and the Canal, and our Wade Rooms at Sill State street. In the latter place we keep a larger sup ply of furniture than can be found anywhere else in Erie, all our own manufacture, gotten up with particular care for custom trade, made m the best material and after the Most approved style and manner. Particular attention Is di rected to our UPROISTERED GOODS! Of which we can .make a better article - than ban be purchased ut any of the attractive ware houses In the East, and which wo guarantee to be' First Class in every particular. Full sets gotten up in Walnut, Bose Wood or airy other desirable material covered with the beat goods manufactured for the pu . Ouraasortment of Furniture in this line so complete that every customer can be a at lint examina tion: A.IFEINGL, - We have comment the business of Under taking with the best equipmentever introduced In, rie, and with two excellent hearses, one of which bias fine as any in the State, are enabled to attend to funeral orders with the utmost fa cility and satisfaction. Ouratock of Coffins and Burial Cases, Trimmings, Sc., is full in every particular, and we are satisfied that we can fill every order promptly and satisfactorily, in the city or county. my23'67-If. J. H. RIBLET & BLANKS! , BLANKS t—A complete assort ment otevery kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men, for sale at the Observer °Mee, '1 PERFUNE the Handkerchief. E .A 1 ~ cA A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Pra. -ant Perfume Distilled from thq Bare and B6autiful 'flower from which it takes its name. tired only by PITALON &SON. ".1 0 H X : rca PHALOWS—TAKN NO MIER. Bold by Drage* ree2o7. . N: • The Elastic nuttily Machine does all kinds o Sewing, thick or thin, without change of ten. Mon, and thx-s beautiful Embroiderin The Lock Stitch Machines are need for light *, and heavy tailoring, by harness .and shoe makers. Himple in construction—quiet and easy in ope ration. Kewlng inachlnes'exchunvd and to runt, the week or month. Silk, Lotion, 011, Needle,. &e., constantly on hand. aprao7-tf t AGENCY, no state t4t.4 BANK NOTICE. • • • Keystone National Bank, (Iv- 30 • CAPITAL $250,000. DIRECTORS; , Belden Marvin; John W. Hall EliliuMarvin, Beater Town, O. Noble. ORANGE NOBLE, Prest. JNO. J. TOWN, Caih. The above bank is now doing libminess in its new building, CORNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH STS. Satisfactory paper discounted. Money re ceived on deposit. Collections mule • and pro ceeds accounted for-with promptness. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes bought, and sold. A share bf public patronage solicited. ERIE,.PENITA - The Subscriber would respectfully inform the Farmers of Fnlryiew and vicinity, that he Is prepared to pay , THE Illplla4T MARKET' PRICE for all kinds of Farm Produce delivered at Fairview station. Also keeps on hand for mule BITUMINOUS AND ANTHRACITE COAL, n* cheap as can be had ehiewhere.• Also, has the agency of llassitood, Young dr CO.'S Superior Cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivators, Wallace & Jones' Self-Dumping Wheel Hay . Rake, - &-e. And has a superior lot of full blood and grade SUFFOLK AND CHESTER WHITE PIGS! xepl9W-iy. A. STONE. Haying niesociattyl with me on the Ist of.lnnun ry Andrew Mayer, in the FOOT &- SHOE BUSINESS, The arm will be knoWn as C. Englehart & Co.. and the business will be carried on as hereto fore at No. 19 West Park, Erie,Pa. C.ENGLEILIRT. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the'ehildren wear holes in the toes of their Shoes In a very few days; then the shoes are soon worthlots, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent this great Waite of money is to buy shoes protected by All ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caret have been worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Sliver Tips have a neat and substantial appear-, ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings andprotruding tees. We have constant Iv on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to he found in the city, including line Sewed shock, Belmont's, Youths' Boots, ac., which we otter, together with a leave and fashionable assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices.'-• C. EisiGLI;IIAB.T dr. CO. WATCHES, DIA.HONDS, - JEWELRY, SILVER, WARE. - - And n great variety. of IF A N C=OO DS, AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 N. Park Place, 'Erie, Next door to Merehunrx Union Express Co. t A stock of $20,1100 worth of elegant and fash ionable goods will lie offered, for the next three months, at a very great reduvtion The Stock in all new and purchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determined to avoid losses in future, small profits and cash transac tions shall benefit alike customer and dealer. - Thirty years established In Erle, , ln the same business, - may be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will he employed, but Just enough Old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe transactions and good baq alas, SILVER SPOONS Cr COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order. Wiitches and all kinds of time keepers a nd Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted. Give men call. myrffl-tf. T. M. AUSTIN. - NEW WHOLESALE ~fM'D RETAIL CROCKERY STORE, Has opened a new store of the abovertlescrip tion,at his old stand,neacthe South West corner of State street and the Yark,•where he invites bts old - customers and the public generally to give him a call. , Constantly on hand a gene ral amaortment of Crockery, Glass, China and Silrir Ware, Bed Room Sets, Dinner and Tea Seth, Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons; Looking. Glasses, Lamps, "Globes, Chimneys, &c. FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS! Embracing some of the most beautiful ever brought to this market. Those who wish to buy at a bargain will find it to their interest to call. Ile guarantees to sell • any other bonen in the city NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS-! Just Opened Over 82S State St. . . /laving removed from his former Rooms, over Amitin's Jewelry Store, to his new and commo- dious Gallery, in Eichenlaub's new building, is now prepared to make pictures of all kinds, from the smallest to a Finished in India Ink, WaterTeolors or 011. Si" Satisfaction given or money refunded No. 82:4 State Street. Deli 3m. OEO. C. DUNN. AND BOARDING STABLE 'PRE undersigned having purchased thelivery stock cr_XD. Osborne isprepared to give particular attention to the sale or boarding of horses. Good horses and carriages always on hand at nuidentte priers.— He respect fully solic its a share of public patronage. anl4rn.' B. BLBMIEB. NEW TORN, Iniportunt -Notice. FAIRVIEW STATION, Sept. 113, ISM NEW FlItM. Something New. 614 STATE STREET. ISAAC ROSENWEIG, SEN., 33' PER CENT. BELOW my - 21%7-1y GEIO. I3UNN. LIFE SIZE PICTURE! :LIVE IVY NEW CLOTHING STORE ! NO. t. - 12,..11 STATJ ST., ERIE, PA JOHN M. KUHN. Hving opened a new stole In Ike obovel , kn. I-. Hy, a respect fully ahnounces tot he public !hal Ike has on hand one of the largest and mmL eare fully selected stocks of Really :Made-Clothing, Cloths, Ca ssl meres, - • 6ENTI,E3II.IICB FITRNISIII NG GoOps, Hats, Caps, eke., ever brought to thismarket--all purchased since the MU in prices. and to be sold at the most reasonable figures. Ile 1111$ one of the best Cutters in the country, and will engage to make up Clothing , in the most fashionable and durable style. Ills stock is complete. Not it- In the line of his trade has been neglected. Give him call and SCC tot Yourselves. Ile warrants the goods to be as repr~nted, and prices as low as any In the city. slec:V67-t t. • J. M. KUHN. National Claim Agency ! °nice In I , 'iirmi• Hall Building, Erie, Pu SOLDIER& BOIItiTY All claimants for'ex tra !gaudy n I lowed by late acts of Congress, can have the smite promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly tick tonyledg ed andinatructionm returned. INCIIF..‘SE OF PENSIon 4 . 815 per month for the total los,, of ose of eltid.r leg or arm instead of 'SS. 4 ;2 per month for each Minor child, of deceased "soldiers or seamen. Also, other Increases. , • ADDITIONAI, FOE VOL.OFFITEMSofVOL U.S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service March Bd, and discharged after April lith, is a;. Claims crislasi, Claims for arrears of pay, and pensions, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled Mein- Mot for closing and completing clainis. Allo‘‘ - once to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience in the U. s:Trealwry can be found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope. by Increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to ',secure their continued favor. (Wire in Farrar Hall Building. Address TOM) PERLEV. atireki-t f. , Lock Box 101, Erie, Pa. NJUW lalt3l. James I'. Crook, having taken in his son, jape K, as a partner, on the bit day of April, Lsal, un der the 'inn name of Jana-m.l'. Crook & Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old aecounis All persons knowing themselves indebted t, him are requested to eall and settle without de lay. . _ ' .___.' . ' • JAMES P. CRO :L__ OK.A: sO\. 1 . ikmlerm in ' • - 'II knil :tiailurneton.rx of WINDOW SASH, FRA 3I ES, DOORS & DI.INDs. Iktoulilings awl Picket Fend', Scroll Salting Matching nnil 'Planing dolio to order. • t•+luip on 'Pencil 00., Between Fourth and Filth Sts., Erie, Pa . We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work In the best of style, promptly 'nlon reasonable terms. Hav ing tined up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving satisfac tion, Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. nry9r64-tr. 3A.2.1U4 P. CROOK t HON. NOTICE TO "Pr. , ItSCENS HAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE We are now running a Market Line from Erie to - ftenova, on the Phila. & F:rio and wishing to secure all kinds of VEGETABLES & COITNTBY P./lOW:ME To care• It an, have established a depot, on FIFTH STREET, In the rear of the need lioust, between state and French-Streets, Where we will be at all Maya ready to receive and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE • for the came. All having produee for sale are requested to give ns - a call. Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth street. MAYS JACKSON. - - GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Corner F.luhth and Mitate OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Inmtltution Is now Open for the tintv+ite t lon of bumlnelui. OFFICE Ilous.q: A. It. to 4 I'. 31. BA.TCH.DAXI4: . 9 A. 31. to S P. 31. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. • .11)11tECT011.4: .1 • J. Elehenlaub, P. A. iterker, F, P. Liebel, Kehuehler, John Gensheimer.• OFFICM‘t John Geushohner, President Matthew Schlaudecker , Treasurer P. Schneider • Secretary iny2'67-Iy. No. 5. 11113CIPTIRETV - noatccoranzio arsorriap, 'TM PROVED, FROM TOE MOST .11.11PES so entire mess; Simple-44=pp.. Elibis="l4Boliable. P ars—eaThe perfectly adapted to popular imple that mis .nkas eassotM made in awing them; so hermits as to berm from danger, and so efficient as to be always fellable. They hare Weed the highest commendation tram all, andwill always ruder satisfaction. - MIL Catena 1, Corse revere. Cousetion, Inflammations.. 13 I. , We i :r ir ? o Werm•Ferer Worm•Colle. 15 I. Orr /14 or Teething of Inlets. 45 Sr 'D =a .S.Mildres or adults 15 11, Dysenter7. Griping, Bilious Colle..' 1:5 $. Cholessoiliorbss, Vomiting 15 T. . Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 45 I. Neuralgia, Toothache, Yacasebs... 15 11. Iteadaehea. elek-Hosisehe,Varago In 10, Dyspepsia. Bilious Sternlieb 15 11. Suppressed. sr painful Periods.... 15 11, Manes, too profuse Periods 15 1141. Croup, Cough, difficalt Breathing— 15 , Salt absum. Erysipelas, Emptioas 15 15, Itheumatlem, Rheumatis Pains.. 15 IS, Fever & Aga% Chili ITater,disass 00 it. Mee, blind or Needles. 00 111, " optobalsoy, and sore or weak Eyes 50 111,, . catarrh, scan or Mande, inflames 10 1 1 1 Wboopinig-Conabordlenteceigba 60 111. Asthma, °premed Breathing_ 60 RR Ear Discharlies.lMPeired Elialait 60 15_, ' Serofnia, enlarged Glenda Swellings 60 Hi Genirai Debility, Physical Weans, 60 D. Dropsy, and scanty accretions to Ilik Seaenlekness, Maws from riding. 00 Et. atictseyeDlecaes, Gruel NI Ili, , Nervous Debility. Seminal Embullons, involuntary tile d:um' I CO W. '' sore Slouch, Canker iso 00, " Granary Weakness, wetting bed. 10 at . Painful Periods, with Spasms... 60 11 14 " • ' Bulbs rings at chance of lila. —LOY 1, Epilepsy. Spasms, at-Vitus' Shace.l.oo 61. • Diphtheria, ulcerated Bare Threat 50 • P.A3IIZY CASE'! - Of as large vials, m ease. • containing a spec Me for every ordinary dleeluse a family le Milijiset to, and et book of 41. Mellott% 010 00 huller Family and Traveling caeca. , with Sto 43 .2:, vials from 1;18 to SS Biocides fOr all private Disease's, both for Curing and tor Preventive treatment, in Male and pocket casee,s2 to $5 EllrThese Remedies, by the ens& or single box, are sent to any !Art of the country, by bailor /4x press, tree of charge, on receipt of the price. A ddreu Humphreys' Speo;flo • . C r = , nonaeopathio Medicine; Company, Obis and Depot, ReeteSil Baoanwett. Nair Ton& ' Dr. Emumr.cre is 'consulted daily at his office, rsottallyer by letter, a. &boo, fdt all toms at VOA SALE EY ALL DEUGGLITS. W.M. 'NICK & SON and WILKINS J.: DOLL, Agents, Erie, Pa. FINKLE & LYON - LOCK-STITCR SEWING MACHINES! The only :Machine so perfected that entire sat isfaction M guaranteed or the purchase money refunded. Where I have no agent a sample Ma chine Will be sold-at_ a very low price, and a Lo cal Agent appointed on the most favorable term's. - N. 8.--44 end for a circular. Traveling Agents wanted. Salary liberal. Address E. A. General Agent for the Finkle & Lyon S. M. Co., 1316 Peach St., Prie r Pa. nu`.4f. L . l'•1 MHE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the T- well known Livery Stand heretofore occu pied by Wm. J. Sterrett, desires to inform his friends and the public that he will continue the business and invites their patronage. THE STOOK will be largely increased and im proved,-new conveyances have been procured and some of the Ilkst livery horses In the coml. try. lam determined so trreonduct the estab lishment. as to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the services of a-good team will find me ready at all times to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand, Fifth street. rear of the Reed House. e-81134 f. THOS. LENNON. TOR PRINTING of every kind, In large or el small qthmtities, plain or colored; done In the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer °Mee , • 1 - BOOK • BINDERY EMI Blank Book Manufatetory! wimiloi n•alartfully unun n uu•e to t lie 111.11 e that W. 113 '.• opened 3 HI IN 11.14 a CA' , an d are• prquirod to do woil; In any brnnell of the. - BLANK ,BOOrtS: Of tin MIDIS, 011 halia and ill °rat r, nu(' tult4l to any pattern demlrett. MAGAZINES'AND OLD BOOK''. sound nud repali ell In_the bes(l,l3 is BINDER Y OVER NeyStone National Bank, Corner State and Sth Streets, Erie, Pa. E. M. cr & :••• 4).:%; MS= TTNi1114:1251C*.7 4 41.:13, ii/IV I,llllllllwil juiterp.4 of Virive.lll, 111 I 1,1• FLOCH AND PEED lit'SlNEss - of the late firm, ma,1.l I...rtl.trtilty emithinance of las in . !Iran the Irlends Dti,l pa trons or IkV 1101,4 . , alt! the 11111,111 . In t. plolging bilioq If titan 111 In all lino , try to ,ell good :Ind reitnl.l4• lee4_.(l_lond Grain At the !owe,. tpt lee for creth in halal. Front by long experilgae In this. branch of the Uncle, I truMt I ktiow what the public demand, anti that preiuiretl to tttc•et that w a nt. Returning my timid:. to the publie'for their liberal patron:lr. , L. ine in the part.] by strict attention to toy hu,ine.. and 110•11 . to merit a c0i1it1111.111,... of their putzonage Ili the future. THE MILLING. FLOUR. FEED. lNI)1;ItAIN Will Ix. continuo), In all Its Il4•partmcnt ,, , the ERIE 3111.1,5, .PARADE STREET, und the Store, JO' A. IS ris PA RK - it W, Iletwiwn natal and Reed t h.• publi.• tei 11 floil a go 4 •tock ahrliY" , for sale, with conit , ottmt and VOW(' uu•u nu hand 111 supply tl u wont,. n1,2.71;7-15'. 11. It. lIAVERS'I'IrI:. MUSIC STORE! Prieem Viedut!eti: fla,s - Seven letrlve I I "II Fra Overutrung HAJNewood AT $2:50 'PQ 131.50 .: -its Oetave Piano Ca.sett Rasewood 3lebaleon at $125. Organs from StVi to Si.ti NO. 815 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA. JU - - Every Tuntrument warranted for th• years. EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peary Street, abide the Buffalo Road, Eltll', P.\ ILE:Nrty, IsvAN'y =3 PARLOR, COOK AND OFFI( SToVES TIN AND SI[I?I•T mu:: WARE, THE CELEBRATEH ('URTIS PLOW 111,141111;1'Hk 01 Innt Ca•ting, Every Store soil by us Is warranted to gis itiitisfaettn. Kettles, F.ll, Igl, Sad 11,1,4 4tc., on liand and nuitinfavtitrist to <4 der. Plow and Plow Points of !..uperlor make and dural,lli ty always on hand. .1 can and a fair trial o our articles is all we ask. ' met/1'634f. lIENRY. BRYANT INT - JEIW HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY LOOS STATE STREET, EIZIE, P.\ B.epairing Done with Neatness at Dispatch MEIN Hoop Skirts Tirade to Order on the Shortest Notice Messrs. Cohen & rho. are in en -partnership with an extensive firm in Manchester, England, thus' entkhling them to have the very latest of French and English styles. Our Hoop Skirt depai Oni•nt contains all the %%Irian.; kinds of Ladles', NINNes" and Children's Hann skirts. Our Corset department embraces the follow ing kinds: French, English, American and 'Madam Foy's Onset Skirt Supporter. French ('onsets only ii 51 American ('onsets only 90 eilitS. Enultsli Corsets Iron .31 r.ll to 32 2.1 al Corset Supporter?. from . . . ...........fl Ti to cue lair Repairing department lqiperinf Prided by u lady who le thoroughly acquainted with the repairing of all kinds of Hoop Skutt, Our Wholesale department eannot be ',Mita...S tied. Merchants kuppltt,l et Now York prier', As?- warranted and modem order. A. F. COHEN St HILO., jyri;7 7 tr. Proprwtort. .7. W. A. li 11 . 1 4 1 S , Vihole , ale Retail Dealer in Furniture ! Having purchased the entire stook of nun:- tore of Messrs. Moore & Riblet, I respectfully ask toy old bustomets and the public generally to give me- a eall at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET, Berme purchasing elsewhere. I have a large assortment of Parlor ► dtainber and Bed Roon► Sejs ! ALSO, 'BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, DESKS And, in fact everything in the flue or Furniture. I am prepared to manufacture Monier am' stvie that may be elated for. Remember, \0. '715 State street, east side, between Seventh and Eighth streets. apw'b7-tL JOHN W. AYRES. CLOTHING ! HATS Ar, CAT'S IMEI Gents' Foriiishing Goods ! Collie and SP(' ciur FALL AND WINTER s'rx - r.i , _:ti.; JUST OPENED. JONES & LYTLE. No. 10 PARK ROW. sepl2-tf. Executrix's Notice. lETTERS Testamentary On the estate /bey Holloway, ttec'd, late of Venango t p., Elie county Peun'a, having been the undersigned; Not lee Is hereby given to all in debted to said estate to make lmtnedlate pay ment, and those 11AVing claims against the same will present them for settlement. ELIZABETH ,UOLLOWAY, Executrix. Venting°, Oct. 21, 't37—oc'2l-6w* ERIE .RAILW AY Great Broad Gaage Dmible Truk Itbuto.,, Niviw s."Colltlt , 110SiTcyv and the New England 'nip. Railway extonsik froth Ilunk sr k - Ystrli,l2," fit Y l l i r a k tiu l tTe l s ' t! l o " "41 1 : i ls i l k " , A 22 to i 4 IIOII.TEST Itru.l l "r (minx run rlireidly through tu y• 1, From [lll,l 11fter Aug . y , 14r., IntiflN t, ; ;. In (101111121•11,111 with all ths , follows: From lit'NK I Fir an , t SAI, \ —by !...:ew York time—irons tops!, . 7,351 A. M., Expo,. Istil s Nuns is,surs.s,i, sexes•lst Sundays, I,tssis, .st A. xt s , tout 143111,11 T% 111 1101110 and eurning with t nA.M. I Apr, from Itnitnio nint A. M. - M., Lightning 1..x1,1,.. It'xt - tpt Stou'or.s. Ir,', , with 2 . , 2 4 $ P. M. Traits and nrri6, Ist Valk at 7 A. ti, 4:15r, i , Z,u l'oi k Sight kirk sext•sist ssusslat. V,„, To t owa stt M., soul aril,. at. I'. m. ~,th I - trains mid , iciknwrs for ' England 11::,111i. 11. rho ii.linti Ex 1,11.,, (inn, 1,„ :I1 P. M.. :Ivo with the M. Tr.i.n fn,ni v nig IT New'Yoti: i , P. fit. , From 1111111,1”--loy New York tttl.. -t, 1, eurtaer mid .It, r 415 NeW V", k Dl* ris et, IkeNrev. )0, Connects :it t;teut I:eis,l %sill, haeksiwnwna 4 "."4...;• it•Pst•y MI 1111.1Ilight %111. johiindelirhia. Italtirnote µ : 01, 111,, Exiires% vm..l ji,. \ill,. daily reXt 01,1 1 ,- ;,,rti nt 74X) 4 Wjlfhlrnsphri A 1. i; •„ ; , allil 2;2111 0 . Sl., Ligl.tnin:.;•Expr4 fiat,, (011 Th ing tl tfli tra'lnx for IN, um ;Ind Artitu.ln N. II York ;it I,:p, I'. `•I.. New Ybri: Ni g ht Ex pr, ilerti. at 1101 - 1101,VIIii Gobs au!! al ri hi. z 12::10 I'. M. P. siv;;A:t Arrives 111 Nf :it Elwin: will, North, tielphta, W:1.11:11v,., • (treat Betel Vl It 11 11011,l W., stern Itailro.,a, Itivi at alleincx.m 'truing and . - I.ltthers • I, r. and No•xv Eliglautl 14 111.• train I , ..hst on i•••111•11“..h.:1\ •41 4 ,. IVot l'. M., and reaching \••,i tots tin, of :in other roilt• s 4lt•ston N. England , plim 1,, their hougutze, ore traps, erte•l4 fen ••1 • New York. _. • . The 1.4.5 t Venl.llateil a n d 1.1. 44 sl,•, ping qnr-. in the Wnrl,l:n et.nn 1 n • traln4 ItallUny. • t na.„.114 , ulterked 110 otigii I.' lOW n.• 113 . 011 V 011,er AS TIVICETS VIA. wlll,ll van 1... at all flee% in She and l•g•ntilli-Wist, • 11. ItlinDLE, W.SI. It. Erie & Pittsburgh Railro a d, ANI) MONDAY, :•-t1.191 1 , 4,7, trains will run tin 0 11 , 1 1 .;rr,. ,- , ' 111:65,1. Pittshorgil Ex it 1,4,, and tort v 4.-. at A. 44 ‘t, P, ft.r at 2:10 p. in., at Nt•lr ya.t" mitt at Pittsburgh at in. 5:10 P. Isi...‘cetannita!ation., • at p. ;i:oo.\. M., Acconinatattlitai it.• 111 at A, & tt. W. R. It. Tith-t. r n. 111., at CaNtit. tit 7: 0 : . / a. Ja, :tat j burgh at II :ao a. tn. . LEAVE W Pill's,l:a ft—Not:l , 14110 .X. XL, Erie nave, xa.i a. riL, A, t G. W. It. it. Trikli , f:r a. M., InakLiligelin , calm. , ti.sli Niagatti Ern. at 1:30 p. In. I'. A.ciationtoiliition, , at atiii p. 111.. A. it. G. W. It.•ii.,..• p. arrl es at Jant,tiail i p. Avila:it:iodation it'll Sharon al arrivi, at ii.. Pitt , littn.:ll Expritso gout It i town at P27.1. - Ip.ra..tvlth J. F. at Frank . Franklin at p. In., and at. nt Transfer at ti:in 1f ni ., u, 4• .1: U. \V. Mail we.,t, for \Varr , is, 1:,,,,1„„. Ink•vt•hold. Erte Exlir,. north ( . 0111111 rt. .It _N. Transfcr nt Ur,3t a. ut., n it h 31.01 vlllO and J:IIIIC , 14)WII, and :IV J. Si F. EY.pras,. for aria tin at it. to., anti 011 :it :it. ontiol at Math. ‘ti ith Wheeling and all points to . at Pitt , 1tur....11 vonttect ton , ;tad Parin•yls anal r rill 1ta.1,00. EMEIM lair:l•:.kpr.,‘ north eonto-t t l'lt•vt•lttnd Env tv...tlk .1111:4 or 414 •4: eliten f zi, and all point, In tlo•\‘'4 , l; at 3.111414.11.1113 & Erie Itttilt 0.11 1 411 t orn. Irvito-tott,Tlfllont,•..t....:ilol DIP Itttllroati for Buttalo. and New Yprl: city. - • . • l'a..enger, ;01 phut 6. Exit. IL IL Pit tOnin4b: All,l the Erie ts al 4 . Plll.l.targh, t hen•heitla au C. , 11111, li ,, n and A. & IL W. IL IL - .1. 1-I.NVLII. .1105'1;7-4f. PRILIDELPIIIA & ERIE RAIL Li Throil , zb an , 1 Monte y rrhia, halt Iniore. p. :..m4l the GREAT OIL REGION ELEGANT SLEEPING CAT, On fill - :` , :nzlit Train, ON and after 110:s:DA1, , icr. train. MI the Philudelphi.k Win run ns,fiAlows : Mail 'lnn n leave. VIOLA litqat 11• I; p,:, 4 -arrive. at Era. at 5:45 nt. Erie ExpreAs. lea.ves Phil:a elpina „t ..!a : _ arrives /it F.rie at 9:15 a. ni. Warren Acentntandattna leave , Wan , a a: .:: p. a 1.,. Corry at •,..":•21 p. in., a n d :itm ,, ,. L IU 4:11, p.. an.. , rr -' = EASTWARD. Mail Train Lea<, - es Erie at •at Philadelphia at g:.1.1 - 11. m. - , Erie Expre:ss leav r., Erie at p. rivem at Philadelphia at 1:1. p. Warren Acenannedation lea Ne. in., Corry at !t: 1.5 a. in., and arm at II:05a. tn,. Mail and Expre,‘ eonlawt with..oll: the Warren & Franklin ten:.. leaving Philadelphia at 12.:a0 ton al_ti:.lo a. in.. and Oil CO Leaving Philadelphia at ..:1111 p. nh, art 011 City at -1:4.)p. .111 train, on the Warren d: Frankllr, Make close connections in lid "It t. for Finnklin and Petroteutii en ECK EDT!? NO UGH: KEYSTONE StOVE 'WORE TIBBAL4. SHIRK & "WIIITEMA . STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE! Ilave a large:tint extenst% vaqsortnmd •••• nt Wholecale and Mall. THE IRON (ATE, . ig a tint class ( 4 oal Cook Stove, witli ui Reservoir, for lutril or soft or wood, and I. BETTER THAN THE sTEwAirr Ninnufacture the . WHITE SHEAF AND NEW Ell. Both 'low oven Coal Cook SUrve , —v. 10% , grates—van he used either for At o. 1.. r • THE FOREST OAK R'e Mill nulnuftteture this ee1e1.r.d..11. , Stove for wood—with or without res,s,. , THE MENTOR, , low oven :stove for wood. This is a 11, • of beautiful design, and now for so with a lari:te assortment of Elevated •non'' Parlor Cook, for wood or coal, and P.trl • t Office Stoves, for wood or root. V. 31. TIFIDALs. D. SHIRK. W, 11. wit i tIU jaltl:67-tf. Antltoi•ized Caspitatil $500,011L THE SECOND NATIONAL sltANh opened for buvinetis on • MONIMY, DECENIIII - 31.• izni. 1 , 01 In the banking uttlee previcpusly Mereigint's Ik uk, Itrown corner of State street rugl public Park. WM. 1., SCOTT, Prest DI RECTORS : \V M. L. Sro, TT, of firm of .1" Hcai 0 Donlers. - JOS. M'C.ARTER, of firm of : 4 .eldca, McCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer: W. S. BROWN, Agent Mini., 1:1.,‘ IL I:. JOHN C:BURGESS, of Brut of Cle‘rucic..t ey J.: Burgess, Wholesale GioCers: (1. F. CROUCH, of firm of Crouch ,t ltro r, Merchants. . M. It: FtAnn, of firm of Barr, Johnson ,t tun. 1.40Ve Mutolfacturers. F. F. FAIIItA It, of firm ofGray - t Farr.' loitesa le Grocers. .1. 1.11tE1810.11:Elt, Grocer. Watrrant iu Bankritptei. qinig IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on ow t. day of oetober. A. 11., Istr.% W.,r7r.t Bankruptcy was Waled twaite.t th.• William M. .trbuckle, of the cit the county - of Erie, State of Penn. bon , ' •" hum been. adjudged a bankrupt on hl. r, Mum; 'Chat the payment ot ally debt. livery of any prxqa.rty la-longing to •-"'h rupt to him, and tor lib. use, and the any property by hits, are forbidden . b‘ a meeting Of the rretiltdrs of mild km l,lol ' o ', ' prove their deign and to .11100,0 Of him estate, will, Ta. hell at 3 of Bankruptcy, to be holden at theoda e ry Butternad, to of the Court., tole 0, llouse, in thelclty of Erie, In the vount , ef 17 ainl State of Penn'a, before S. E. W o o,iruff. later, on the 12th day of Deeemb..r. \ • l'• at 10 o'clock, A. M. TIRMAS oe2l-Iw. tr, S. marshal for Assignee in Bankrupte). TN TII E DISTRICT COURT Mille Unlit , lC 1 for the Western District of P41111:1, ID t matter of the Isankruptev of Pardon sss nn. f t The mulymigned hereby stns. , . nonce appointment as Assignee of Pardon salon. the city ;mil county or Erio,n,lo:,t. , 1 , 4 1 trlthin said Mgt net, who has been adjisJP .. . ha nkrupt upon Isis own petition, I•) the Court of sushi district, at Erns t whiner COE istri. s.xmura. J. lierrtiltF lELD , oe:21-thir. sslgnsc• rourk;vt. nt Eltic WINTER TIME T.11:1.F 1.1 , PENNSYLVANIA = N.I.FREI) 1.. T1'1.1.1, Gett'l Suiwrini,tl Mantlfilettiret , CAPITAL. PAIL) 11): sat. C. critl".(:,