The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 14, 1867, Image 3

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    Emportant flotirto
E i-At ,erttsements inserted under thLs
-1114 at 15 cents per 11ne of 10 wonis for the first
ertln.l2 cents for the second, and 10 cents
fo;ench 4ubsequent Insertion.
_ - _ _
'l . F. Erb+ City Intents:enc. , . Office, Nri.
t reel • .11110'674f.
'For Reliable Insurance of all kinds apply
t ., A. D . it apowll, Agent, No. 2.1 North Park, Erie,
For Insurance In weil known • and most re-
Confonnles, apply to It, W. RUKSPII. al e nt,
1•1:11e Qtreet..
Private Leolllollll in German and Latin. chi
,mable tempt. will be given by. P. P. SET ,
ttelv editor of the Erie Journal. Ati
ro‘ lkoo e, a. of.:11-2w*
, ,
Removal.— Stove and Tin Wore nto of
A I 'O., luts been removed to No. 1364 re
treet nest the Iluffhlo Itoad, where will
Lord on hand a complete stock of goods in
w hi c h the public. are Invited to roll
n ,t.< and ne.
Tnr Lodge No. 211. 0. of G.xvi Tem
ojr. every Tuesday evt•olnit, In the
Room. on Stole street, over
few..lry store: SI rancer Ternpinrx
the ells are e.nliallv Invited to be present.
iiHrT.O. KNIGHT, W. f`. T.
C/11-1.. W. S.
%boat the I:itli ult., i package of pa
r,,.-,MI! I Item a Dee ,1 for pmpertv onStaten
„,1. Thy finder 011 returning them tont°
•" will he liberally rewarded.
1107-If. G. W. DECAMP.
co,mething New.—The greatest thin" .
...PI v, I - Just nut. It tells you everything.
teeateh fur-bearing arilmalsjish"tr. How
nose wiil.krn and mil the hair. Fifty"e “Tat
sent free for 2.1 rent.. Address
• F. 1.. WOOD, Box 5,9;7, N. Y. City.
1:10E. I'ENN'A, NOVEMBER 14, NV.
A \1,.:0 von foul,: METICUANTS.—It has
r , nr . :t popular proverb among prosperous
t,; mu-chase . the goods they wish
they can do the , het. That this Is
right ), , ,;11 in principle and practice no con
.llllll r will deny.. If Mir citizens cannot pro
thijr. ; ;00(1.4 :it as reasonable and cheap
r. 1 ! ,.; at home as they can buy them abroad,
v h.o.t• a perfect privilege to go el,ewhere
tleln•elt ; hot, if weimve dealers
.;ar mikl:t who are supplied with every
d,.., l o,..vririely of ware, and dispose of them
a, they can he atforded, then there
,:rcat 'gain for each one first to honor
:a-rchant , They thus retain money
it own circle, enable their fellow eiti-
;end and enlarge their area of busi
fit so doing aid in the improve
witbeautifying of their own commit-
We , otactimes hear percons say they
what they want here—that our
,lrektepent do° not keep tip a variety of
Such person 4 would suffer pain if
, r,a,ported to paradise. •We know what we
ant , lull we avow that the stores in Erie
11:11 ompare favorably with those of any
otissr Lake community, :and that they not
nh, hut do dispose of them _ low as
vaw be sold__Several of our merchants,
are among our best and most enterpris
cituens, have this year been improving
wd enlar..7ing their store spheres; and have
pane to .1 heavy expense to add to the gel-ler
311s mty of the place, while all the others,
II prverly•eneouraged, will imitate their ex-
Idle we proudly proclaim that for
polittme,:t, and all the r6quiremtints
ihieu contribute to gentlemanly - clerks,tf_A s ir
.41,, of employees will favorably coutpiX
Any in ihe country. We feel a local,
:hi, al pride 4n our own stores, a hether class
dry goods, groceries or provisions ; and
Hies e it to be not only the interest. lint the
, lot, of our people to patronize home. Other
towns do and they prosper by it. . Let
th in .z.ssi (lath and flush pockets imitate
thi it exaMple.
Tut. Republican in -peaking of the rela
tion".. o,i spied by the various paper, 4,r the
ity, refvr: to this journal ai_follow,::
" The Ob• , erver itself. from which we have
(detestable as are its general politics),
a lair example of a party organ. :It does
n,,t denounce Smith and exalt Jones, for no
talwr rv.v.on than that Smith and Jones ari.
tor the same office. Other papers
Unit might name are as g ood simcitnens
ut or,4ans of faction as the Observer ism('
park urpm,
In 011 • sal in g has it, Learn front your
enende , : if they ;ire frank, they will come
nearer the truth than the flatteries of your I
friend," We have reason to believe that
ths ,L.ti - mate of the Republican is that of the
r p.rtion of it, party, and this opinion
it I, that us titi , most confidence in ,
till ' , or:lid:p.=4 of the policy we have fidloe ed.
In .e:r management of the Observer we have
.trenu,u: , h sought to keep the interests of
tht:. hole party in view, and just •as stub•
hernlvredsted every attempt to divert it into
~nran of :faction or individuals, For do
r,: thi, we have been censured at times, and
see::-ed of Wanting " independence," but it
we, the plan at Welt conscience told us was
rl:ht, and in pursuing it we believe ;re have
im t the approval of ninety-tine out of every
Democrats In th'e city. The re
norkable Mutually of our party, the cuthu
-iem %%kit which it rallies to the support of
year titter ysar, reg.trilless of con-
11:1‘ , .1 dvotit, and the unexampled and in-
crk a-ing prosperity of the paper itself, are ea
intheatious of the soundness of our
n. any reasonable pett;:cm Could ask.
d.bardly add, that to the future as in
nie p.t , t, the Observer will set itself firmly
et ery di-organizing movement in the
!'"Y. :thd devote Its 'whole energy t(, the ad•
, a , Haat ~f the mullion cause.
lerefaiel Plaindealetrlearus that about four
a L fo a terrible outrage was perpetrated
Ilion a female in Sharon, on the line of
lite Erie & l'itt•dmrgh It. It. A couple
‘st ‘nl,tin, one 4,f• n hum wad named Frank
Ward...-4zed a youtr.; girl, whilst walking in
t 4„ .”l:t•kirtg of the town, unprotected, and
drag:zed 'her into a neighboring piece of
They there " bucked" and gagged
her, sad then in turn violated her person.- It
pr, hlentially happened that the deed was
I a near the railroad, and a gravel train
" 10,1 )* pai , ing at the time, some of the per-
111 , 011 it saw What the men were doing
veqrdintrly veal of them jumped off, and
11111111 the villains, one of whom was
t , hat Ward escaped. Ward i. a ea
nal• r. and It won after transpired that he had to Akron on a canal heat. Officer Chit-
of Akron, was made acquainted, by tele
zraph, of this fast, and arrested Ward, but
the Intel got away. Mr. Chitty went to
tivvtl.oni on business, and chanced to see
1 1'm , ,1 on the street, although unobserved by
!Lat individual. He kept an eye on his where
ahohti, and attempted to - arrest hirn on a Ca
boat, near Hatnmond's coal dock. The
aprii e.vaped by jumping into the canal,
L.!: °T. preyvnt,al from getting out, and es-
spin;, by a hir4e crowd—which quickly iis
-enibled—cirrounding the canal basin. Alter
w.u!ing about in the cold water for some
tunP, he v. as compelled to surrender himself
to. the officer, who conveyed him to the Ceti-
Police Station.
THE Dispatch, commenting upon the late
1 . - ctions, consoles itself with this reflection :
"We don't grudge them their victory this
Leuttli,e-we know that a time Is coming
end not far off—when it will he so
thoroughly reversed that the very_ name of
Democracy will be burried beyond resurree
ttunt We respectfully remind our neigh
bor thaeit has been making predictions of
that sort for a good many Years, and that the
poor success which has attended them is not
likely to give its readers much confidence in
os gift, Of prophecy. It' is an unfortunate
period to talk of the burial of the Democrat-
IC pArty, when every' year slrou l s its strength
t" . b 4. increasing, and fill the indications
point to the probability that it will soon ob
tda control of two-thirds of the States in the
A MAJORITY of onr merchants haveagret4l
to close their places of business at 8 o'clock
in the evening, excepting . luys, until
March Ist, 1804.
ABOUT the same lime that the lladieals of
this City nominated Grant, the colored Union
League of Pittsburgh met and nominated
Chase. A split already.
HALL sips that for the period of two
months before marriage, the same period fol
lowing, and a month after death, men regard
the wives as angels.
PETE CONVER, of the Tionesta Press, says
in answer to • n polite note from a country
lass, that he is a white Indian, and never in
tends to marry or die, if he can help it.
THE Dispatch :did Gazette, since the Opp.
lions, are not so much for impeachment :Is
they "used to was." The Republican, front
the start, has been awainst impthlchment.
Tun editor, feeling that after the success
ful termination of the elections, he is entitled
to a brief resting spell, has been absent der:
lug the Week, on a recuperitivt• tour.
THE Dispatch and Gazette ha% e mustered
up eountge at last to run a tilt with the Re
publican, and soon thr "irrepressible et ka Hier
he opened in all its expeoc.l vigor. We
have only to say to each and all the contest
ing parties: " Lay on Maeda, and damned
be he who first cries hold, enough r
THING of beauty is a joy forever and
nothing can be found more beautiful than
the elegant assortment of watches, diamonds
and jewelry now to be seen at Mann & Fish
en.', No. 2 Reed IhMse. They have all the
new 5ty1e5.......,0ur-eitizens shouid altsee their
Japanese jewelry.
A YOUV woman passed, through this city
last Nveek t o mute for her home in Michigan,
who weighed seven hundred amlTwenty-five
pounds nvordupois. This damsel is only 19
years t 7,l age, and has hopes 44' making a stir
in the world when she shall have attained her
"A kiss," said young Cliarleq, "is a noun We
allow, •
Bid tell me, my dear, is It proper; or r , ll—
Lovely l'ilvra 1,111:11e,I deep, rintl exclaimed—
" Why,. I VOW,
I think that a kids is both pove and com
mon r
HE.U)EIt, yotir paper, : or does it be
long to the printer or 'your neighbor'? If the
first, go and pay tin it at once if the latter,
you should subieribe and not trouble oth , 'rs
for what belong to thew. Newspaper bor
rowers are a bore to their neighbors, besides
being very unpopular among printers.
ANNA DICK INSON'S lecture on " Idiots and
Woman," to be delivered in this city, is an
appeal for suffrage for the latter, founded im
the fact that they are classed with the former
in the statutory disqualification for that fran
chise, and that those whose misfortune it is
to belong to both classes at once desire to
PitonABLE I!qAtyricinE.—Last Sunday af
ternoon Coroner Sterrett was called to hold
an inquest on the body of a male infant,
which, was found by two boys in the pond of
water on Cascade street, near the Erie and
Pittsburgh railroad docks.. It was entirely
naked and had apparently lain in the water
several days.
WEsToN, the pedestrian, who is expected
here to-morrow evening, on his way to Chi
cago, has a rival. Mr. Seth Wilber Payne,
Who has engaged to walk from New York
to San Franciseo in 150 days,-and to ptali;lt
an account of what he sees, hears and does
on the way, left that city at 4 (
Monday' morning..
'Am - mom; to the Meath Republican
the first step has been t:tkeii toward the es
tablishment of a public library in that city.
The sum of $3,000 has already beet) assured
from responsible parties whenever the aggre
gate—of-good ,üb:criptions shay reach $5,000.
They_ think that, dish proper exertion, they_
can raise front $7,00 to $lO,OOO.
TILE publishers of the Phrenological Jour
nal, New York, hale i..ued a new edition of
Pope's "Essay on Man," printed in neat style,
containing fifteen illustrations, and copious
notes by S. It. Well;, 1 , ,,,1. The "price in
cloth corners is $1; in aper fifty cents. No
admirer 'of Pope, (am everybody who ap
preciate true poetical writ is such), 511(011d
he without this edition. .
TILE Republican wishes people to" realize
that the old Democratic party, Which they
imagined was dead and buried years ago, is
still alive and manifesting much of its pristine
vigor." Ah, yes, neighlxw ; but what a dif
ferent tune this Is from the orte the organs of
your party were singing up to a few mouths
TnE Warren Mail intimates thal the nest
Radical Congressional nomination anty. not
be as freely granted to Erie county 'as our
local politicians anticipate, and adds that
"the frieto; of Gen. John Patton, of clear
field, are looking. to his chances• ft,iy a second
term in case a new man is taken tip."
TELE tbllowing applications for license have
been filed in office of the Clerk of Quarter '
Sessions, and Will be presented to said Court
on. the 4th Monday of November,
Robert Cramer, Girard borough, eating
house license. 31. Kneib & Son, East Ward,
Erie, for same. John Ruh, West Ward, Eric,
for same, J. F. Lander, West Ward, Erie,
for same_ Wtn. 11. Harris, East Ward, Erie,
fur same. Philip Slasmger, Corry, fur same.
Tuts is the way to mend torn greenbacks
and currency: Smooth out, the edges with
the finger tip * after wetting it on a sponge.
Then lay the bill on a piece of writing paper
carefully drawing' the edges together,and lay
another piece of writing paper over it. A
few seconds rubbing n ith the finger over the
seam will make it adhere, and a little adroit
ness; When it is dry, twill enable you to lift
the bill froin the paper without tearing it.
The seam will then be invisible and the
strongest part of the' bilL
ADVERTISE your business. Do not hide
your light under a bushel. Whatever ydur
occupation or calling maybe, if it needs sup
port front the publics, advertise it thoroughly
and efficiently in some shape or other that
will arrest public attention. Men-in busirats
will sometimes tell you that they tried adver
tising, and that it did not pay. This is only
when advertising is done sparingly and
grudgingly. Homeopathic doses of adver
tising will not pay perhaps,--it is like half a
portion of physic, making the patient sick,
hut effecting nothing. Administer liberally,
and the cure will hosure and,pqmanent."
zens will be glad to learn that R T. Barnum,
the great showman, is to deliver the opening
lecture, under the ausPices of the Young
Men's Aswciation, at Farrar Hall, to-morrow
evening. Subject—" The Art of Money-Get-
ting, or Success in Lite." As Mr. Barnum
undoubtedly 'knows something' about the
"Art," in which everybody is interested, he
will certainly have a full and'appreciative
audience. Moreover, his reputation as a hu
morous and entertaining lecturer is second
to none, and every one that heats him will go
away neither swindled nor huMbugged, but
well pleased. - •
sensible member of the New l'ork'Con
stitutional Convention deservef t. ! ) be placed
,at the head of a society for the prevention of
cruelty to humati beings. This distinction
be has earned by submitting a, 'plan for the
protection of the people against the .unmiti
gated evils of quackery. -lie proposes the
appointment of a' board . cominissioners,
consisting of eminent physicians, with
power to examine all candidates for the
practice of medicine, and that no one who
fails to pass the test satisfactorily shall med
dle with drugs without being amenable to se
vere penalty. an excellent suggestion,
and if acted upon by lawmakers everywhere
Would save much suffering and many lives.
Wno ever gained anything by drawing
down the corners - of his mouth whena cloud
came over thesmi, or letting his healt drop
like n'weight into his shoes when misfortune
came upon him? Why, man, -if the world
knocks you .sown and jostles lust you in its
great me, don't set Whining tinder the peo
ple's feet, but - get up; rub your elbows and
begin again. •
Tits Corry Tekgrapli lia the following
Railroads item : •
"We hear rumors of a Railway movement.
width will be very advantveotts to Corry,und
more than trebly counterbalance the loss of
the Atlantic Shops. It is the - completion Of
the laying of a third rail on the Cros Cut
Road to Summit, and the !fading of an in
dependent Road front thence to Buffalo, of
- the wide gaugtr; giving a direct wide Gauge
Railroad route from Buffalo to St. Louis and
thence acro., the Centinent. There is great
competition !Or the California overland
TnE Lecture Cattric ar
rangoi he the Yonne. Men 't, Association of
this city :
P. T. iltrown, Noy. I , ll.ll.—Subject, "Tin
Art ~i'Money•t, e tting, or Succem in Lire."
Pretleriek'l)ought.s. Nov. 2:lnit.—Subject,
Clara Barton, tante not tletinite4
tixed.)—Snhket, "New Enfr,lancl."
Hoburt , Dalt" Oiren, ((bite not tlefinit4:ly
turd t—Subject, "Abraham Lincoln."
Wendell ISGS.-4tiltjetl
"The 1t.0.t Arts."
Edwin P. Whipple, Feb. 1:1114-6nhjeet,
cAtiEs tlot Tut I. t..—The following eatt.e.t.
are set down for trial at the civil Court,etnn
mencing on the first Monday in December:
Greenfield tp. vs Road Connnissioners ;
Loverin vs. Metcalf, et al ; Bnikley •a Evans;
Robinson vs Spires; Kilpatrick vs Irayt, et
al; Scott vs Marshal Let al; Use Fleming vs
Crane ; Keith vs Keith ; Davison vs Keith
Carr vs Craig, et al ; &ritualise vet &E. R.
R. Co.; Erie County vs Evans ; Henry vs
Colby; Patterson vs Caldwell . ; Farrar vs
Cleveland ; Erie -City vs .MeMurry's Heirs ;
Santo vs Iltighe,; Golden vs Smith, et al ;
Turner, et al, vs Scott ; Cutler vs Wells; et al;
Use Raser vs Boyd, et ar; Use Vaughn vs
same; Use Raser vs same, (5 cases); Tanner
vs Kessler; Anderson Pet. Co. vs Pa. R. R.
Co.; Gtoth vs Tracy, et al; McConkey A:
Shannon.. vs Am. Ex.; Shannon vs Finn
Steartyli Sutor vs Dreisigaker; Goblin vs
Nmith, ct nil; Northrup vs Burdick.
Tut: Ob4erver ignores—unintentionally
perhaps—the tat' c that Erie comity can now
boast of pos , essing the firm aced we believ"
the finest, monument to the Memon; of our
heroic dead, the one erected bv toll. Dan
Rice in this place, and dedicated by Govern
or Curtin, November Ist,lBos.—Gerard
No, Mr. Spectator, ire did not ignore it,
either intentionally or unintentionally. - BY
referif,r,f fo our article you will see that we
gp 9 k e of - a monument, to be erected
-by the grateful people, told it by an individ
ual. We resp:-ct, as much as any one t.'" l :
the generdus motives which impelled Col.
Rice to build a monument at his own expense,
but the, act of one noble hearted man does
not relieve the people
_from the obligation
they owe to their fitilendefendem What we
desire to see is a structure erected in sonic
central locality by, the contributions of the
whole'county, which shall serve no merely
as a monument to our heroic - dcail-Jatt be at
I.the same time an evidence or the warm
' hearted appreciation, patrhit
of .the
Sheriff's Sales
Sheriff Brown advertise:: to sell. at the
Court House, on 3tOntlay, November 25111, at
10 o'clock, thz following properties. The
money must be-paid immediately after the
property is struck off, or it will be put up
:Main and sold, and the original pi relee•er
held responsible fir the los., :
Seventy-two and one-half acres in Girard
tp., belonging to Augugt us Collin' , at -.nit of
Lam! A. Curtis.
Same at suit olJas. L. Lee.
t3event}•-two acres and seventeen perches
in Fairview tp., belonging to Moses Hood
and Christian Leoptild : also one and a-half
acres .pdjoining, with buildings and mill
privileges belonging to at suit of S.
E.iWoodrittr..A . thnilistrator. of WM. ittl , Stil,
Frame dwelling house and three-fourths
acres of land in Lockport, ludonging to G.
D. Smith anll .1. D. Alcxandcr, at suit of .1.
W. Cook. --
Fifty-eight aerest and seventy-two' perches
in Waterford tp., belonging to henry Flnttt,
at suit of Tho;. A. Trimble, use of Wm. llem
One hundred acres in Union tp., belonging
to A. L: Proctor, at suit of The Ld District of
thu borough bf Oil City. •
. Lot No. ain block E, Drexel's subdivision,
belonging to Johd S. Brown, at suit of Arnos
Stolle. •
Frame dwelling house on Ridge road in
Mill Creek tp. ; also, 26 acres in same tp.,
adjoining Charles Wilson ; also, 14 1-2 acres
adjoining Conrad Brown ; also, 13 acres ad
joining John McKee, belonging to Christian
Mai. at suit of henry Schneider, Administra
tor of the estate . ofSinion Schneider, dee'd.
Interest of E. A. Brock in tracts 1105 and
606 in Conneaut tp., at suit of N.E. Ransom,
L. F. S. Burghs, and J. B. Kilburn,
Twenty-tive . heres in Winthington bcl
loug,ing to S. 31. Yore°, at suit or Wm.
One.fourth acre. with improvements, in
Lockport, belonging to F. A. Hopkins, at
suit of Patrick Grace, use of 'James Dunlap.
Fifty acres in Waterford tp:, belonging to
R. .P. Smiley, and sixty-three acres
Jr.,n sante
tp, belonging to Samuel Mahan, ,at suit
id . E. Cooper. t —." - - - -
One 'Mildred and eight and one half acres
in )Vmshington tp., belonging to Wm. T..
Boot), at suit of Muses Gleeton.
Fifty acres in Union tp., belonging to Da
vid 13. Chapin ; also, 75 acres In same tp., at
suit of E. Cooper.
Lot hi Centre st., Corry, belonging to R.
Morgan, at suit of Foot A-, LintisleY. •
One-fourth acres in McKean 4, belonging
to Henry M. Robinson ; also, rine-half acre
in same tp., at suit of Elias Jewi:ll, use of A.
Williams. ,i'
One acre it Corry, belonging to Wm. C.
ft Edwin H. Nevin, et suit of Wm. B. Pier .3::
Olive H. Johnson, Administrator of A. S.
Johnson, deed.
TWO lots in Corry, belonging to W. W.Du
Four, at suit 'of E. F. Oakley, use of D. S.
Five acres In North East tp., belonging to
J. B. Ingram, at snit of H. C. Skellie. -
Three acres, with saw mill and dwelling
house, in Franklin tp., belonging to Lee &
Baldwin; at suit of Lovcrein, Hall & Co.
Lot in Erie, belonging to Lyman BMith,
atsult of L, B. Flagg, Trustee of Met.L. P.
Merrill, now for use of latter. ' •
8:250 square feet in Curry, belonging to P.
1 Maplestone, at suit,of L. D. Sly.
Lot and house. in Corry, belonging to W.
I W. Follett, at suit of Wm. B. Sterling.
Ilalf acre and dwellin',. home in Union,
held by Ellen Kilroy unit Thos. Horan, Ad
ministrator of Michael Kilroy, at suit of S.
F. Drusy, use of A. L. Hazleton..
House, stdre, A.c., of Wm. H. Anustrong,
in Woltsburg, at suit of L. D: (leer, use of IL
McLean. ' - ' '
Dwelling house in Curry, belonging to 11.
A. tt S. A. Ounce, at suit of Samuel O. Cur
tis. , , .
100 acres in Mill' Creek tp., belonging to
Wilson Laird, at suit of the Trustees of Uni
versalist Church.
Twenty 8,2-100 acres in Greenfield tp., be
longing to Alden Maynard, at suit - of Leary
31. Dolph, use of John S. Palmer.
160 rods iu Wayne tp., belonging to Sam
uel & Catharine Ahea, at suit of H. C. Fran
Two acres and seventy-seven rods in Corry,
belonging to D. Miller, at suit of Philander
Sprague, use of Thos. Bristol, now use of 11.
C. Francis.
Lot on Sixth at., in Erie, help naing to Jer
ry Driscoll, at suit of John. Cualding ; also,
another lot on Fifth St., saw parties.
Rouse and lot in Corr?, belonging to
Thos. Finch and Jas. W .Guemsey, at salt of
Bobt. Lumberton, use of A, M. Watson.
Lot in Corry, R. L. Tunner,John G. Webb
and Andtow Callahan, at suit of C. Hall and
R. E. Wetznore, Administrators of C. C. Wet
In-lot 2729 in Erie, Gco. W. Barr, reported
owner', at suit of City of Erie; also, in-lots
1,314, 1,315 and 1,318--=same parties.
Fifty-five acres and 80 perches in Harbor
Creek, belonging to J. A. Sawtell, at suit of
Chas. Bliley.
Part of lots 10 and 11, Jayne's division, in
South Erie, belonging to B. B. Gifford. at
suit 'of Jas. T. Herrman. •
One-half acre in Union Mills, owned by F.
H. Franz, at suit of E. Cooper.
House and 1-2 acre in Concord, owned by
John :Robins, at suit of E. Cooper. -
_ _Part of tract ,;•2 in Corry, owned by . Wtu.
Oakley; also, lot 75 same city, at suit of
Walker & Raze.
Six and one-half acres in Wayne, owned
by James Hussey, at suit of Jane Ann Silver
nail: . •
Twenty-five acres in Waterford tp., Owned
by Stilbuk . P. Dailey, at suit of Albert Bish
mp, use of S. C. Stanford.
- AVAIf Mixt:D.—Mere I
are few of our citY'readers who were not
(painted Nwith the
character of Totn:Quirk.
either- by lidsanal knowledge or through
reputation. nu death Is a matter of gener
al knowledge, but,punie curiosity has been
etineed ofrk ! wcv file tanner-in which it ; o
The editoi of the Titusville
has lately met a citizen of Julesburg,
do, who gives . the following statement :
".lulesburg appears to have become ; the
resort of Minn:irons `hard cases' from the'oil
region, as Well as other sections of the coun
try, and amongthem was the notorious Tom
Centre. He escaped
Irma Allegheny Penitentiary, and atter'
reaching Julesburg and setting his slakes for
busidess, he. visited Chicago, and procured
eight jezebels; with whom he returned to
Jnieshurg and:established a concert saloon.
or s irs other, words; a !Tree and Easy."
Nsitongilie members of this bat eresting house
hold WO a womanicnown as Margaret Sny
der, ;who because attached to a Julesburg
hotel-keeper named Chanfrau, formerly of
Pit Hole, -The - woman deserted Quirk or
Clark, as he 'untslhere'called, and went over
to, Chanfran's. - gin* called upon the Litter,
and declared that he -"must give her up, or
reimburse him (Quirk) ,for having paid her
lure from Chicago. This Chaufrau consent
ed In do; but upon the following day, when
Quirk demanded the money, Chanfrau re
timd to pay. Quirk then declared that he
would tight' flint for 'the . amount. Chanfrau
replied that Quirk was the better man, , and
he would.ouly tight, bins with revolvers at
foal-teen pacts (filly-otte feet.) The bargain
sytsitt:citice clused.. A man named Jame s
I [ayes, formerly of West 'Hickory, was select
ed, as Quirk's second, and another named
McCarty, front Salt Lake City;-performed;
the sam e service tor Chanfrau, tvidle Tadao I
Dillon was elected referee. The partiCs im
mediately weld to the suburbs of the town,
where the distane.• was measured oil; IThe
principals the 6 ta cot to their po4itions,, and
each was allowed . to take deliberate ' :um.
Dillon then %it-tipped the handkerchief, both
men tired and both feH simultaneously,
Chanfrau was instantly killed, being ;shot
through the head. Quirk was shot thritugh
the busty and lived only twenty-four hour.
The tragedy created no particular sensation
in Julesburg, where such affairs are of fret
quoit occurrence, and are , reganlektts
Git.mat —Wurrricit-In this city on the
7111 in,L. at the residence of the bride's
Lather, by -Rev. Dr. Lyon, Dr. 11. Gilbert,
of Warsaw, Ind., to Miss Wittiell, of
this city.
jittn abbertiormrnts.
tit-Advertisements Jo secure Insertlon,!must
be Landed in by s o'eloelt. on Weilne..dny niter
noon. XII advertisements will be continued nt.
the expense or. the Advertiser, unless ordered
fora speetned time. • .
States, for the Western District of Fetal.
7ulvania. John S. Foster, a baakrupt under the
A rt of t%.tigrrkt of March at, 1? , 4a, having applbsl
for n front his debts, and ;other
claims provable unaCr sub - I
r:rtler of the
Court, notice Is hereby given to all creditors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
Interested, tourpear on the sth day of Decem
ber, Na l% at Id n clock, n. in:, before said Court, at
Chambers, at the mile, of S. E. WocslrulT,l Esq.,
Register, at Erie,-Fa., to show cause, if any they
have, why a discharge should not be granted to
said bankrupt. And farther, notice is hereby
given, that the second and Ihi.l meetings of
credidors of the said bankrupt, ,ollired by the
'7th and 2•Sth Sections of said Act, will he had
before S. E. WoodrUtf, Esq.. Register, upon the
same day, at his Miley, at F:rle.
S. C. WC.% N DUNS,
Clerk of 17. R - District Court for said District.
• 001-1-2 w.
.1)E IT ORDAINED, and ii Is herehy Or
-1,1 dalned and Enacted by the Mayor and se
lect and Common Council of the city of Erie.
That any person wishing to connect a prlvatt.
drain with an public or private sewer now built
or to be built in any public street or alley lu the
city of Erie, must lied obtain a permit from the
City Engineer for that purpose, and the appl Ica
t ion tor such permit must be itt writing and he
aec. mpanled by a bond eondit loned on the pal, -
ment of the penal sum of $5OO, to be Paid to the
city of Erie, In ease such persons applying or
those in their employ, slung In any way damage
or permanently hiJun , the sewer etlllneeteil with
or shall fail to replace paving or earth Lt good
condition, or s.hall in any way render the city
liable for hamage for any aechlent which may
occur through their negligenee,,l or so ninth of
said penal bond as may be necessary to indent-
Abe city of Erie (or all damages and costs
growing out of the permit so obtained as before
mentioned. i
And. the until work shall be done naulerthe
tsrvlsion of tin- City Engineer.
Nov. 4, !sir:, ordained and enacted by tin; Com
mon P. B. llongarEit, Clerk.
Marne day golert Council concur.
A. J. Fos - rmt, Clerk.
1111M=ili 1 llEME
etti.DIN.INCE: fur CollstructiNg dewier trn-
ALF der Nuttli strPft front Sas , flints to Myltle
I. Be. it ordained and enacted by the,Select
and 'olionon Outwits of the city of Erie,and It
Is het thy oidainod by I.lw autin ty of the Sme,
that a sewer shall be constructed iunler Ninth
street, from liassafrass street westward to Myrtle
street, of such dimensions and materials, and
in such, manner as shalt he designated (u isplan
thereof to be made by the ('it y Engineer and
approved by the Connell,
2. The cost of construetum such sewer shall
be assessed Upoll and collected front the owners
Wren' estate fronting on Ninth street, between
the points aforesaid, in the manner directed by
an Act of Assembly 0: this Commonwealt 11, ap
proved the 17th of Mandl, Kis, in relatiohthere
to. Provith.d that if such sewer shall exeeed IS ,
Inches in lii diameter of the inside Opening, or
shall exceed la Wet in depth, then the coat of
comdructing a sewer is inches in diameter and
to feet in depth, and no luore, shall be assessed
upon tie real estate alloresaid.
3. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer,
under the direction of the Street Committee, to
advertise at least three weeks in two patient of
this city, inviting sealed proposals for the con
struction of said sewer and the furnishing of all
materials therefor, and the City Engineer shall
draw up, and sintnitancously with such adver
tising, exhibit In his othee• full specifications of
the materials tat bo usal In the construction of
said sewer, the manner of its construction, and
the size thereof; And . said Engineer and Com.
mittee shall appoint a tune at which the propo
sals received shall he opened in at JURA meeting
of the Councils, and then, or at some other thne
to which said me eting may adjottrn, a ventrai'd
for the construction of said sewer shall bi.given
to the lowest bidder, provided he gives satisfac
tory security for the perform:owe Of his bid, if
not, then the contract shall he given to the next
lowest bidder WhO will give such seenrity ;..t he
Councils nevertheless reserving the right of re
jecting all the bids, if the public interest shall
scent to require It.
4. The City Engineer-shall have the superlie;
tendence of the work and shall see that it 14
done•in a skilltul and workman-like , Manner,
and in went - dance with contract; and that the
materials are all such aw the contract requires;
nod front time to time repot t estimates. to the
comicils of the amount of work done and ma
terials furnished; end the contractor shall be
paid only on sulsestiniat. At the completion
of the work he shall report a final estinutte, and
the estimates of the Engineer shall:he conclusive
on the contractor and the ,Councils. Ordained
and outcast. the 17th day of October, DM
Attest, A. .1. FosTiat, Clerk of Select Council.
. P. It. HONECKER, Clerk of Common Council.
Approved, Nov. 4,
n011%7. 0. NOBLE, Mayor.
- C I.C. 0 L. -
- Is still malting those elastic. ILilr Chains, ILtir
Jets-elry, filling Latdes! Pius and Lockets to or
der only, and gunrantees them lobe made of the
hair you send in.
Our Watt.ll Chains, made live years ,arous
gotsd as ever.
Wiwi, Curls, Hands, Switches Nome one yard
lime hair) made and nn hand. 'Old Switches
made over and hair added to it If wantetL Cash
paid for raw hair at my Hair Pressing Saloon,
under Browit's Hotel. noll-6w.
For the- Holidays
. ,
Silver* Plated Ware
The largest assottnivnt In town, at prices that
not fail to call on
No.. 2 Reed :Block.
Two doors East of main entrance.
, 2.zpoiv*R
Can have thelrbalr restored to Its natural col
or, and If It has fallen out, create a new growth
by its' use.
It is the best lIAIR DRESSING in the world,
Making lifeless, stiff, brushy hair healthy * soft
and glossy.
Price $l. For sale by all druggists.
R. P. HALL Li; CO., Nashua, N. Proprietori
'Yelp Abbtrtionnento:
The most elewiut selection forMeti:s, Boys' nod
No.l Noble Block
The domple . test Atoek of
Coating, ..Cassimeres, &e
4.1J0h10 Block.
ClOthing Made to Order,
In n style superior to nny heretofore inntle ih
Ma vicinity, at the
NEw song et.ometo mov4:.
'So. 4 Noble Black
Full Lines ni
Men's Furnislthi,g GOods,
Front a Paper Collar to the. ftneat Sltk Under.
wear, at &:10 per sett, at the -
No. /Noble Block
An hutp. , ction of our really beautiful Stork of
Fall and Winter Go ds !
WS p6etfully kollelted.
P. S.—AAVholosale Department 4 connected
with I him How.e. . oclo-3m:
Prepare In haste,
• Viiur billy and paste;
, • .
Proetaint to all rreation;
Thosi• then are wise
Who advertise; -
every nenenttlon.
505 French Street,
Folly realize the truth of the above, when the
~bleet Of the al verthcer Is not to mislead Woolf
advert l.einen tm, but to fairly lay before the pub
• ie the advantages wide!' he otkrs.. lip expert
011C0 we Um! that purchasing for cash Ix an
Having Rol i n a large and well -seltileg
Purehttsted for Citmh:
Awn:Wing resolved to make our 1111yilleSS,
much nx pcnsible. a CArili ONE, we are prrpur
&l to otter to Faintllem, and
Pitiehaserf4 for Cash,
Advantages rarely otr•red In our line.- Parties
who have not vet favored tut with a mill, will
thud this a reality by calling and examining for
l'oFFEig4 •
'.- t • .
Daily Stipplte4 of .
541 French St., Erie, Pn.
not-t f.
Aimignee'in Bankraptcy.
N THE DIATRICT.COURT of the United States
L for the Weisterai District of PennsylVankt,
In the matter of John A. 'Salsintry, bankrtipt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment us assignee of John A. Salsbury, of
thee I ty of Cotvv,ErBe county and State of Penn'a
within the said district, who has been %diced&
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the ••
trict Court of said district, dated at Eric, Oct.
11, A. IX, 1807.
HENRY M:RItiLfIT, Assignee,
No. J.UI Pdach:St.,. Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Ifsiniiruptey. -
THE DISTRICT COURT of theDnited States
~for the Wostent District of Pennsylvania,
Mr' the matter 'of Hamer -J. Clark, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby givers notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of Tinnier .1. Clark, of Gi
rard tp., Erie Co., and State of Pennsylvania,
within wild district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District
Court or said district, dated at Erie, Nov. 5, A.
D., 1867. •• HENRI N. RIBLET, Assignee. •
no7-iw. So. 1323 Peach St., Erie, pa.
Amsiinee in lilankru.pley. -
Ts THE DISTRICT COURT of the 'United 'Andes
for the Western District of Penn'tt. In the
matter of the bankruptcy of Lyman Thomas.
The undersigned hereby gives 130 tier• of his ap
pointment as ructitnee of Lyman Thomas, of
Union.Millif, Erie Co., and State of Pennsylva
nia, within said District, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dis
trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, pet.
ITh, A.. D., 1861. • • , •
no7-3so. H. L. TTITHCIT, As.signee-
Reduced d 0 Per,Geut.. in Price!
87 and 89 'bowery, 65 Christie Street, ana
130 and 132 Hester Street,
• (Entrniwe 57 Bowery.)
Our Stock consists of all grades, styles and
kinds of FITIICITILTRE and BEDDING, of our
own make, which we guarantee,
' Our Stock is entiridv too large. for the season,
and amtr as row, It we can find the buyers,
evert AT A W. - ocltYB7-ant
.13.A.CC0 A . :NEO CIGAIII3.
The place to get a choice article of Tohar , o,
Snuff and Clgamia at - •
South of the Union Depot.
always on hand a good assortment .of the
Mime articles of every grade, wholesale and re
tail. Also, l'ipes. Pouches, - Boxes and Smokers'
Articles of every description. Please favor me
with a call. Don't forget the place, PM Peach
street. . r2IIV-Iy.
Tibbals, Shirk& Whitehead
kwil(!T.mttx,t RETAIL ORALERK,)
-, Mopufsieturt‘rs of
- . srricvv-si4
imvE T/lEllt
To theie New and Ckannamllous Building
Twelfth and Sassafras Sts.,
(nu Itierciuwil facilitieit for Manufacturing will
• - give um as 'argon variety , of
Cooking ; and Heating
srrcirvlos •
As fx to be found West of Albany.
Coal Cooking Stoves,
(both plain and extension top,)
Low Oien Coo - Stovf.s, for Wood,
Parlor and Office Heating Stows,
We would respectfully invite the attention of
the public - to all examination Of Our,
Assortment of Stoves!
Being assumd that with our est:nonillion
fuel/Ines for manufacturing, We can offer such
inducements to the purchaser at will be eutln
ly satisfactory.
Celebrated Base Burning
Oriental Heating Stove !
The hest in the Wortst, for whloh w•e hlxe tho
exclusive sale in the- city
) -
We Manufacture for
For Soft Coral,
For Hard COW:,
(plain and extension top,)
Elevated Oien ';tones,
Parlor Cook• Stoves,
Pallor Stoves for Wood,
for Coal,
We taso have the
Great Reduction in 3)ry Goods !
Good Prints, Fast Colorpoo cents per yard:
11 St Prints. Fast Colors, 12 1-2 cents per yard,
Brown Sheeting's Yard Wide, 12 1-2 cents per yard,
Tlympson's Patent (.love Fittin; Corsets-,
SOGQRUN—CnttWd made On an enPrely n.•n prinemle, "which obvintes the only ohJectlott
hitherto Made tot e'cre , :i corsets, they nre , not only tic.. mo,t perfect tilt lug, but the most durable
Corset overproduced- '
13uplex ' Elliptic• Hoop Skirts !
Sold at Jtanufael amt.;
Dress Goods, Dress Silks,
Also, a Great Variety of Cheap Diess qoods
irIir.4,I_4II.AENIES4 V' it 91`
Good Prints for 12 1-2 Cis. per Yard—Can't be Beat in New York.
Of all Qualities and Prices. Good Goods• as ,Low as 13 , ..; Cents perYanl
Blankets, all Qualities & Prices, White & Colors.
Shawls, all Wool, Paisky, Brocha, &c., Sc.
WILL. • NOT 13k.: IIINTI)1tYRSOL;13.
Edson, Churoliill & Ca. .
sel- Lt f.
Washington Library Co.,
Is chartered by the State of Penns!:lvatua, and
Organized in old of the
Riverside Institute,
For eiliwating gratuitously
6301T.13 - 11 , 111S* and. L.4..41:170.11k-49
IneorpcWated by the. State of New• Jersey,
APRIL s, 1567
Subscription One Dollar !
fly virtue or their Charter, nod In acenrdrinee
with I[4 provisions, will dl,tribute
THREE: iir:smrtED TtiorsAND noLLARs:
In Presents In the I9otrehohlers, on
Wednesday,- jan'y S, 1868 5
One Present worth ,000.
One Present worth 20,000. -
One Present worth 10 000.
One Present worth 5.000. -
Two Presents worth $2 500 each. $5,000.
One Present valued at $lB 000.
2 Presents at 515,01 a elteh, tk,":3,000; 1 Prevent at
Ste an; 4 Presents al S - 0)1) eneh, S2l),onn ; 2 'pres
ents :tt &1,000 each, ttn,(100; 3 Presents at S'l,eoo
:each, 53,00 n• ..N Preaentv nt S.llO ezteh, S,I0,000•, 111
Presents at tiaaisteli, iiil,noo; 3 Presents at V„ - ,0
,lip; ....o Pretien t s at. t. 2.2 each, S-1,500; ,2 Presents
at $2llO each, $11,0(.0; al Presents at 8175 cacti,
1,111 Presentsnt t,'lna ritel*, !lima:. 2) Presents at
$75 each, ;?1,500; 10 Presents at 5.511 each, t 1,500.
The remaining Presents consist of articles of
use and value, appertaining to the diffusion of
Literature and the Fine Arts, 512,000.
' . $300,.000.
Each Certificate of Stock Is accompanied Ncl th a
Beau Ufa Steel Plate EuF,rallitv...
• ilffi s eal.o ensures to the holder a
Subscription One Dollar !
Any person sending Os one dollar, or paying
the same to any of our local agents, will receive
immediately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, at,
choice from the following list, and one • certill
cate of stock, insuring one present in the great
No.l—"My Child! lilv No. I.'—"They're
Roved! They're Saved:" N0..".—"01d Seventy
; or,lhe Early llnya of the Revolution."
Any porron paying two dollars Will twelve ,
either of the following tine SWel Plati.ot choice,
and two certificates of st 4 t beeominge -
titled 10 two presents.
No. I—" Washington's Court...hip." No. 2
“Washlngton'm Lost Interview.with his Moth
Any person imylng three dollars will receive
the beautiful steel 'late of
Ond threecertittente4 of stock, becoming enti
tled to three presents.
Any parson paintonr dolrs shall remtva
the,l,lrge and beautiful steel p la late of
and four earth:lanes of stock entitling them to
four presents.
Any person paying live &aim shall receive.
the large and splendid steel Plato of
- And live certificates of Stock, entitling than to
rive present*.
The engravings and certificates will bede
ered to each subscriber at our Local Agenc,
or sent by mall, post paid, or capress, MR maybe
T. L 4 N%
6 . 1E1,301E1 IIOITS4IO.
Good Batting IS cents per ponied.
lICOS H-1-.
N c)TIQN S. &.•.
v;E:siTs Poi;
31F0rw..., SteithenStephenslVildey, a Reed 'louse.
I ' l In:A . 4llll'g of all the tiett - Colon. arid St le !eV of
T i 117
Or nt the
_lrisl Poplins, .
Bow to obtain Shares and Engravings.
Send order: to us be mail, enclosing from SI to
either by Post Otrice orders or In a registered
letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be
sent by draft or express.
In shares with Engravings.
shares with Engravings.
, bares with, Engravings.
75 shares with Engravings,
100 shares with Engrayings.
Situate at Riverside, Burlington county, New
.lerseY. 1 founded for the purpose of grratuftous
eduen tine the sons of deceased Soldiers and
SiiUnrc of the United States. '
The tioarit of Trustee' of the I listitntoconsists
of the tollowina citizen's of Penn
sylvania and New Jersey : • .
• IfoN. WILLIAM it. M.V.Nis, District Attorney,
Dux. I.tiwts It. ItnoomAtt., Ex-Chief Coiner
U. S. Mint, and Recorder 01 -fleetly, Philad'a.
' 11. N. JA M M. Scovrr.. New Jergey.
Dos. 'W. W. 'WARP.. New Jersey.
lit:N . OV AgentAdams'Express.
.1. E. ( of Joy, Coe l'hilad'n.
April Is, IM,;.—Onlee Internal Revenue ;—Hav-
Mg received satisfactory evidence that the pro:
seeds of the enterprise, conducted by the Wash
incton Library C ornmny, win be devoted to
Charitable rises, perml , sion Is hereby granted to
coati twt such enterprise:exempt from all charge,
whether from special tax or otherduty.
11.OLLiNS. Commissioner.
The Ai)eiltt lon have appointed as Receivers.
Messrs. GEolmn COOICE h Co., XI South Third'
street, Philadelphia, whose Well known integri
ty and business experience will he a sufficient
guarantee thatt he money intrusted to them will
be promptly applied to the purpose stated.
To the Officers mut Members of the Washington
Library Co., N. S. READ, Secretary .
Gentlemen—fin receipt of your favor of the
13th inst., notifying us of our appointment as
Receivers for your Company, we took the liber
ty to submit a copy of your Charter, with aplan
01 your enterprise, to the highest legal authori
ty of the State, and having received his favor
able opinion in regard to Its legrty. and win
pathizing, with the benevolent ,bject, of your
A,sociation, viz: the. Orient 10111 and mainte
nance of. the orphan children tif soldiers and
sailors at the Riverside Institute, we , have con
e:tided to accept the trust, and to use our beat
etibris to promote so worthy an object.
Respectfully yours. de., ",
Address all letters and orders to
33 South 3d AL, Philadelphia, Pa.
Receivers for the Washington Library Co.
:kitty as 1 , 4011. 722 State ISt..
and-3m, Agents at Erie.
Page's Climax Salve, a 'Family
blessing - for VI cents.
7t' heals' wlthont a sear. No
family should be wiibout it.
We warrant it to cure Scrofula
Sores, Salt llheam,
Teller, PimpieS. and all Eruptions
of the Skin. For Sore Breast or
Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises„
- Burns, Scalds, Chapped Bands;
it Makes a perfect cure. -
It has been used over fifteen
years, without one failure.
It has no parallel—having per
fectly eradicated disease and
healed after all other - remedies had
i failed. It is a compound of Arnim
- with many other Extracts' ant.
Balsams, and put up in - larger
boles for tin same price than uuy
other Ointivilt.
• 801,1 by . DruVio , errn v. H.. al
Propriotorr,l2.ll.o.orr Turk.
To solicit orders for a new illustrated
This Dictionary emixxlies the results of the
most recent study, research nial investigation,'
of about sixty-live of the most eminent and ad.
vaneed Ili blical Sellalars now living. Clergymen
of hit denominatilkll6 approve it and regard it Di
the best work of its kind In the English lan
guage and one which ought to he In the hands •
of every Inlay reader in the land.
In circulating this work, a gents will find a J
pleasant and profitable employment. The no,
memos ottb,-tions which- are usually encomb.
tered in selling ordinary works will not exist
lwith this. But, on the contrary, encountgement
and friendly aid will attend the agent, making
' his illliOrS agrOnble, useful and lucrative,
Ladies, r,dired CiergYlTlell, school teachers,
1 farmers, students, and all others who porawaili
1 energy, are assist in eanvmsing every
itown and county in the country. to whom the
most liberal inducements will be offered, For
, particulars apply to, or address . ' /
722 ,
Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
au=-43w. - • 1
s 9 in
. 50
. a,
. 69 oo
..90 00