13usintss Dirtctorp. Businesa Cards inserted in this depart ment for one year, at a dollar per line. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Caughey, Burgess & Walker, 25 and 21 N. Park Scott & 3,111e5, 500 and 503 French at. Johnston & 519 French st. • WIIOLFi.;.tALE BOOTS AND SHOES. Arbuckle & Clark, 31 North Park. BOOTS AND SHOES. L. H. Clark, 14 Park Row. S. Z. Smith, 505 State street. C. Englehart & Co.,lii North Park. George Znrn 7115 State street. F. Pfeffer, 816 State at. J. Etna, Jr., 820% State at. BOOK STORES. Caughey & McCreary, North Park. 0. Spafford, 524 French at. FLOUR & FEED. EL B. Haveratick; Park Row. Crouch & Bro„ 516 French at. LIQUOR STORES. Stott & Michael, 4 State et. Geo. M. Smith, 24 North Park. MUSIC STORES. E. D. Ziegler. R2O State at. Mrs. Wm. Willing, 803 State at. - SEWING MACHINE AGENCIES. Wheeler & Wilson, 427 State st. Howe Sewing Machie, 602. French at. Singer Sewing Machine, 52; French at. , Grover & Baker,.B2o State at. • FRUITS & PRODUCE. H. White, 8 South Park. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. Wm. 11. Glenny, 12 Park Row. ramie Rosenzweig, 514 State at. WATCHES & JEWELRY. Mann & Fisher. 2 Park Row. T. M. Austin, 29 North Park. HATS AND CAPS. • 5. R. Wilson; 24 North Park. J. Kunz, Aiet, 513 State street. Wm. Kendall.-V734 French st. • J. 11. Smith; 525 French st. CONFECTIONERY STORES. Bener & Burgess, 431 and 750 State street 'DßUGS AND MEDICINES.S. B. Barnum, 1117 Peach street. Viers & Rho% 420 State tit Hall & Warfel..63o State st. Wilkins & Dolt. 1312 Peach str(ol. .T. B. Cafver & Co., 21 North Park. ' Win.. Nick & SOUS, 702 State street. • . Dr. S. Dickinson & Son, 711 State street. DRY GOOFS. Monell, Stephens ,IL:Wildev. G. 13. Merrill. , Decker, Koster & Lehman, 1110 Peach -at Morrison Bros. 714 State st. P. Henricha, 716 State at. Filson, Churchill & Co., 3 Noble Block. Reseenzwelg & 13r0.,"512 State at. Clark, Booth & Co., 5 Reed House Block DRY GOOll5 AN!) CARPETS Pettendorf, Grass & Foster. Warner Bros., 506 State at. • • ° GROCERIES. Burton & Griffith, hal Peach st. R. A. Field & Co.. 112.1 " F. J. Rexford & Co., lin A. & J. Brabenderl2l4 " Henry Beckman, 504 State at. Marshall, Christian & Craig, 21 North Park. A. Goff, 515 French at. A. Minnie. Corner Rth and State at. • P. A. Becker dr Co., 531 French at: . t_ Cryan .t.MeGiverin. 541 French ..t. William Mallory, 527 French st. , F. Sehlaudecker, G 24 State at. H. V. Clans, 20 EaSt Fifth P. Schaaf, 701 State at. PHOTOGRAPHS. Ohlwiler's, over 10, Rosenzweig's Block. W. A. Lott, 130; Peach at. Geo. C. Dunn. over G.3i State street. Dolph Bros., Farrar Hall Building. S. D. Wager& Co.. over 13Z3 Peach st. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. E. R. Welshman. 1588 Peach at. - Hoag & Aakine, 708 State at. C. Deok, 7113 State st. M. W...Mehl, 517 French at: H. Y. Sterner, 401 State at. HARDWARE. Shannon & Co., I= Peach at. W. W. Pierce tt: Co., R3O State at. McConkey & Shannon, 507 French at. J. C. Selden, 523 French at. STOVES AND TINWARE. Isaac Vantassel, 122 r Peach at. Hubbard Bros., 701 State at. . M. Mayer & Son, 1213 - State at. Barr, Johnson & Co., 1018 and 1011 State at - N. Murphy, 22 North Park. Hlmro.l , 1301 Sassafras at. GENERAL UNDERTAKERS. .T. 11. Riblet & Co.. 818 State at. FITRNITVRE WAREROOMS. .T. H. Millet & Co., 818 State at. . CLOTHING STORES. John Gensit rimer & Son,•6t.! state at. . Stllz .th Mellek, 1...n1 State at. F. Wagner, ex Stalest. .1. M. Kuhn, 826 State - at. Marks tt , Meyer, 4 Noble Block. W. L. Ross, No. 10 North Park. ATTORNEYS AT LAW - - :T. Rasa Thompson, 521 French st James Sill, 51a French st. D. W. Hutchinson, Girard, Pa. PHYSICIAN'S & SURGEONS J. L. Stewart, :30 North Park, house 417 State st. E. J. ,Fraser, (Honmpathist), 626 Peach st. - MILLINERY dr. STRAW GOODS. A. M. Blake, South Park. Mrs.-M. Curtis, 5 South Park. - - The Maims McGrath. 607 French at. W. C. Hawkins, 1310 Peach st. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Jareeki & Metz, 112:3 State st, MACHINISTS, FOUNDERS. AND BOILER MAKERS. Loverien, Fall & Co., 3d and Peach aLa. PLANING MILLS. Jas. P. Crook dc. Son, cor. 4th and Peach sts L. White & Co., corner nth and French st. Hugh Jones, corner 11th and Holland sts. Jacob Boot; 1214 Peach st. Yj • • PAM. SOA 04 ' NIANUFA(7I - ITfir.r. Ot; 10 4ND Clit c\ w nd and Sixth Streets, 1 - f;.3. WATCHES ! AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, WHITE NIETAL WATCFLES, AND SOME CLO-CKS! Sold cheap to fash, by MANN 80 FISHER, No. 2 Reed Block CHEAP CASH STORE. A. iviiriiwacri. Corner of Rh and Ntnte =EI Groceries and Pkovislona, Wood, Willow and Storm Ware, And everything that is usually kept in a First atm Family Grocery., AIL GOODS' SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best brands of Erie County Flour, Alwars on Hand. Cali and examine prices P Goods delivered free in any part, of the city or South Erie. 0r.3-tf. CIIEVA.LICFat. DESIGNER A 4ECORATIVE ARTIST ! Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Stan Painting West of New York City. 7, Parlors, Halls, Churches, acc.. -Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent °dine and every description' of Orna mental Painting executed promptly. o f in Farrar Hall : No. 3. second door_ apira-ti FAIL dr WINTER STYLES BONNETS AND RATS! Also, Altering. Bleaching, Dyeing Black and Brown, Bronzing and Silvering Bonnets, Bats. Wreathes, &e., in the best possible manner. Beavers and Felts Finished. NEW , BONNETS AM) HATS Made to order at the lowest prices. Dealers and Milliners' Finishing thine protnptly at trade prices. 'Thanking my patrons for past favors, respectfully solicit a continuance. A. M. BLAKE. se33-ay... - Nell, door to Park Church, Erie. JOHN GENSECEIMER &SON, DEALERS LN Clothing And Geit's Furnishing Goods ! cou:sEn'op sEvENTIisTnEET, MUM. PA. STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS_! HO'T AIR. 11; IN A. C "JE ! We call attention to the Littlefield Furnace with entire emtfitience that it is the best Warm Air Furnace ever invented, and radically overcomes the faults and objections existing in other Furnaces• and we feel sure that a careful examination of its superior merits in connection with the candid and unbiased statement of those who have butt this Furnace in use during the past several winters, will convince all that what we say is true. - We respectfully refer to the following among the many well known citizens who have this Furnace in use: Capt..l. S. RICHARIbt, W. $. BROWN, Esry., ISAAC MOORHEAD, Esq. "MORNING GLORY!" • FOR OFFICE AND SHOP ITSE. •. A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVE & ICITCEVEN FURNrITTAE. Call and examine our stork. We warrant the heat goods and lowest prices .ot any establish -meat fn nag city. , Also; sole agents for Erie County, for the new Improved Portable Buckeye Cider 'Mill and Press ! The points of superiority possessed by this Mill over all others, are as follows: ' I. The Adjustable Throat, adapting the Mill to the various sizes and conditions of fruit. 2. The Adjustable Grinding Rollers . for 'the same purpose. These two features are secured to us by Letters Patent. Without them no Mill can possibly be arfect grinding apparatus, as the different conditions of the fruit imperative ly demand this adjustability. t. A neat metallic box to hold the bearings of the gearing, preventing the same from getting out of order, from the swelling of the wooden sides and ends. 4. The strong compact frame for Mill Press. With well proportioned bearings for Its support: 5. A strong iron,heam, with a two inch screw, enables us to give the pomace a powerful pres sure. rho Grinding Apparatus is the most perfect in use, consisting of three horizontal rollers, one above and two below; the upper one has straight flanges for the purpose of breaking the fruit against the adjustable rubber throat as it passes through. On one of the lower rollers the ribs are oblique or spiral and as It revolves it presents to the straight ribs of the other a contin uous cutting edge, enabling us to cut the pomace front the skins of the apples, leaving them in such size as to obviate, mast cases, the necessitrof using straw, which is found to be deleteri ous to the quality of the eider. ' 7. Th - e Strainer Board, under the tubs, by menus of which we are enabled to express the elder as completely front the bottom as from the top of the cheese, leaving It nearly dry In all parts. This valuable feature is secured to us by strong Letters Patent. Ix undoubtedly the best yet invented. Call and see ft. An inspection of the above named ar ticles is solicitedd. They are the leading ones In the mnrket, and can be obtained In Erie only of 5 "qe1)12-3in • • THE •4GF-11FA_T - I.` UNITED STATES - TEA WAREHOUSE • ! OF T. Y. KELLEY -& C_O., • •• No 30 Vesey Street, New York, Have opened in connection with their present extensiee Wholesale Establishment, a large • and elegant • .1131 4 'VA.11 , T311E - N'T For the express purpose of retailing their growls to CONSUMERS AT IMPORTING PRICES ! And thusgive theni the benefit of the immense profits which generally go to the middle-men and speculators. We guarantee out teas and coffees at all times to be fresh and pure; and war rant all goods sold front this house to give entire satisfaction: otherwise the goods may be re turned and the money will be refunded. PreiC i. V.l OOLONG, [Black], Ott, _7O 60, On, 61.00 per lb., best: MIXED, preen & Blackl6o,_7o an, 90, Mai per lb., best. YOUNG HYSON, reenoo, - 0, SO. 00,11.00, $l.lO, $1..% per th., best. IMPERIAL, efireenl 90, $1.0), $1.25. ENG. BREAKFAST, (Black] 70, 80, , 90, $l.OO, $l.lO, $1.1) per best. .I,APA.N, , 90, 61,60, $1.21 perm. GUNPOWDER, $1.25, $1.5A1 per Ih. • • GROUND • COFFEES. • PURE RIO, 20, 25 and :10 cents per pun nil. BEAT fiLD GOVERNM ENT JAVA. 40 cents per pound. ROYAL CLUB—Extra Fine---Ti cents. We have appointed • I%IR . S. 13. RA_RN - ILT3I, A-dr- ent: pn. 1317 Peach Street, South - of the Depot,. For the male of our Tens and Coffees at ERIE, PA. All goods are put by Ournel,Yes, one pound packages.at our warehouse in view York, and retailed at Erie hy Mr. Samuel rs. Bar num fit the same prices at which they are to be had over our counters in New York. All goods put up by us hear the trade mark. of The Great United States Tea Warehouse Of T. Y. Kelley itiz Stamped on the package. None others are ,genuine. We solicit A FAIR AND THOROUGH TRIAL Of our goods from alkwho are intonate 4 in buying a first-class article of Tea and Coffee. at the lowest possible rates. au29-3m. SWISS WATCHES, DRY• GOODS AND FURS! My Cloth Department is filled with great bargains, from the late auction sales In New York comprising everything in this Line: Beavers, Chinchillas, Broad Cloth, Ladles' Cloths,Cassimeres, Sattnetts, Tweed, Sheep's Grey, Kentucky Jean, ands► full line of single and doubled faced We terprocein ' - • • . . , . PLANNEI:S. - This Department Is complete In everything coming under the name. White Dorraet, Shaker, Stevens, the beat Goods made the country. Twilled Red, Blue, Gray, all Wool, and Union, commencing at 5) cents per yard upwards. Fancy Plaids and Checks for Shirting, All Wool Blankets front E5.0:1 to 313.00. A full Line of the favorite German Loom Table Linen, commencing' at $1 cents per yard up wards. Toweling from 1214 cents upwards. Irish Linen 5Q cents; upwards. Napkins, Diaper Lin ens, Towels, lte., all very cheap. - • - Lie different kinds of Blanket Shawls, from 8 upwards. A large assortment of Square Woolen and birocha, Black and Red Center Pao:4, from fd.l to 545, Breakfast Shawls, &intuits, &e. Good Balmoral Skins from !lAA to $2.25, and the loured Alpaca braided, for $5. • This part of tho Store Is particularly attractive, comprising Handsotne Goods fnun 5 cents a vivid up to :11. Everything In the way of Plaid, Poplin, French Poplins, Empress eloths„lteps, terinos from tlupwards, Alpacas from.ss, cents upwards, in black and colored. • , In Black £4111,t0 I defy econPeUtion, price commencing nt up to 64.50 per yard. warrant them pure SUk and lint to cnt. C , Tlored Mika, every shade, color and qballty, also very iti*. I will not Le undersold In any thing belonging to this line, such as YrlgSiwiebeettngs, Musaust Ginghams, Canton Flannel, Check and Striped Shirting. Wool Yarn freiriaTl a pound upwards. Hose, half wool, from 20 cents a pair upwards. Gloves, &e. - _ . ]Link from trt to !Wu Melt. River Itflek from $7 to M. 'Siberian Squirrecete. -- Deal forget the Pi ace_ , Ng). 710 state Street. ocal-3m. . 1.. .moNurchw. ... , W. W. FbllElit*CE dSr No. 832 State Street, WHOLESALE • AND RETAIL - DEALERS ; IN General Hardware, Table Cutlery, Sole Agents In North-Western Pennsylvania for O m tiUl i ja .. 2 .. ,lWL:Mavii.RmlLd !..iiitewsteeet Oval Parlor, 'rho Globe Stove, THE BUCKEYE CIDER MILT, GREAT i N P. ItENRICH'S_EM.PORIUM, - No. 716 State Street. Shawls and Buliyorni Skit -tad. AND ;&C., Also, sol Agentx for the relehrate.l STEWART COOKING STOVE ! THE VERY BEST-IN USI, We have also a tine amortment of other g... 1 Cooking and Parlor Stoves Amon.; which is the popular W. W. PIERCi: dit; CO.. 532 State LS t. EBB FM C L O T H 3. LINE NS. DRESS a4DOps. *- • 13 IC. S- DOMESTICS. V 1U l?. 8 . erocfrins, 4/rebuff, &c. G. P. 1DA.17119 A; CO., i Dealers In all kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PBOVINCONS, Fifth Street, between State and French, PRIE, PA Racing purchased oar coots berate the late rise in petrel', we feel confident of being able to give satisfaction both in Price and quality. Country Produce, Of every sort, bought and sold. Farmers can always depend on receiving the highest market price for their articles. DEALEIIit IN TAN ADJOINING TOWNI4. - And on the Lines of Railroad, ' SUPPLIER WITH FRUIT, N,EGETARLEN, Sf (ilre ux a CzII. Remember Ray & Jackomes Dirket Depot FIFTH STREET. Wholesale and Befall Grocery Store. P. A. BECKER A: CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-Aunt Corner Park and French St., (cErEamtnz,) Wonld respect fully call the attention of the earn homily to their- large stock of C4roeeries nud Provisions}. Which they arr deniroug to sell at THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICFN! their n.sortmeilt of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups, ' TOBACCOM, FISH, IN not gurpassed in the My, as they are prepared to prove to all who give them a They also keep on hand a superior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the - wholesale Ural°, to wpteh they direct the attention of the mildly. Their motto is, "Quick sales, small profits and a full equlvatentior the money. - atpll'a4t. CAUGHEY & FILKINS, v.,4,17eCi.5. 0 ,01L.1 m V. 14F:1f;F.1.,) Dealers In GROCERIES. FRUITS & PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY .SEED, vv. p. • - r A.131.1F.5. P CHANDLERY, &C., 502 STATE ST., CORN= FIFTH: auls 67-tr. F. A. Wl7. TIFITt. 44,t =I Country Produce, Groeerieii, Provlutons, WINES, LIQUORS, sEchutis, Tobacco, Crocgery Ware, Fralta, Nuts, 04c., No. Sl47 1 3tate Street. West side, between Bth and Bth Streets, Erie, l'a. Chin paid for country produce F. A. WEBER. mytn-tf. W. ERHART .74311\ 11A.riTY"A1t I), DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES! Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour, Pork, Fisb, Hams, Provisions generally, Coun try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling lkwkets, To bacco and Segura, Fishing Tackle, We. 421 state !Street, Mrle, I'u. Private Families awl llotela Fupplled. Goods delivered. . ntylovt-tf. BARNUM, =I DRUGS, NEDIOINES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY Tyl LET SOAPS, II A IR\ . .0 I L - •'11M"; POWDER PUFFS, T - , j , BRUSHES, COLOGNE, P A I I ST' T S Linsrol Oilq:Tiuventlnes, Varnish, Ilyttroiiie-- tc , r4 of RII kinds, • PATENT MEDICINES, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSFA Lonlon Porter and Scotch Ale Prescriptions carefully dispensed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be precisely as rep resented. No trouble to show goods. Remem ber the name and place, ItAllNilM, 1317 Street, nprl 1'67-13 WHO MADE YOUR. COAT •• F 1 ANH ` AV:_ik.aNE.ll. It Ilia so ;Ice I guess I must go and get One; how are hts,chargest Why, drnit you know, he sells C HE A 1 3 ;E R thartany other Merchant Tailor In town, has the BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, AND ALWAYS WARRANTS HIS GARKENTS TO FIT No 7 Is that se? - Of coarsKllt is: go to Me Store, No. 626. State Street, And give hint a chance to make you a Nutt, and you w67-tf ill never buy anywhere else, Je27.. - J. NECK:; Jan, A. Snauturr J.U.BIBLE?. i. 11. MIXT & CO., O. 818 STATE ISTIMET, ERIE, PA. I.lanufactarera and dealers In Fuxniture of Every Description INCLIIDING Parlor, Dining Room and Bed Boom Seta, Office School and Hotel Seta, and every article In the line: Our Manufactory is located on Eighth street and the Canal, and our Ware Rooms at 818 State street. In the latter place we keep a larger cup; ply of furniture than can be found anywhere else in Erie, all our own nuinufaeture, gotten up with particular Care for. custom trade, made or the beet material and after the most approved style and manner. Particular attention is di rected to our - - UPHOLSTERED GOODS! Of which wee= make a betkiarticie than can be purchased at any of the attractive ware. houses in the East, and which we guarantee to be First Climb;in e,very 'partleulani, Pull bets gotten up in Walnut, Rose Wood-or any other desirable material, coyered:with the bast goods manufaetttred for the purpose., Ontassortment of Furniture In this line Is-so complete that every customer can be suited at first examin :uNromwrAircirN - 4. We have commenced the lmsintas of Under. taking with the best equipment everintraluced in Erie and with two excellent. hearties, one of which Ls as aneas any In the Wale, are enabled to attend to ftmeral orders with the • utmost fu tility and satisfaction. Our stock of Collins and Sorb.' Cases, Trimmings, he., is full in every particular, stadium are satisfied tlgitose am fill every order promptly and satisfactorily, In the city or county. mr4V-tf. J. IL LET'& CO. . LANKB! BLANKS l—A complete assort,. B meet of every - kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constable* and Btistness Men, for sale at the Clispiervur face. NEW p ER FInEE NEW Crr • % . STORE !' : N . .E.' W. •. 1 . „....._. 'BOOK ,B-INDERY !or the Handkerchief. , . , - NO. Seth' ST., i ~....,,,_ . . „.1._111 . 11.0111 1 .JOHN 3St . KTJ-11-N. • Having opened a ne,la store In the above toes 1.. I • , . yi . e !v . ! rid . res , r i -et . f l u i tly sti a nounee to the public • Ivy, respectfully annottnees tacit'. public that he ~u ” " s " ''''' e- 'P . 1" ' it u at t r m. t ir ee n t ll4, ,, n t e m oLtti; largest and most care- I, j Readpaindo Clothing, Cloths, CasiimereN, rnf-erENC4I. I ., GENTI4:S4:N'ri i'l I RNIMIII NGt Its 11)8, J. Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Fra c" sant Perfumer Distilled from the Bare acid Beautiful Plower. from which it takes its name. L,lntinctured ottly by PIIALLON dr SON. i Ew ai BEWARE Onutha A 2/: FOR PHALONS-TAXS NO OTHER. • . " -fi& --siTh.,:if".• '... 7)l n ‘• ?I' „, , % ', • ./ ' :.1 - --, '' f..7T: -.4i r ,l .‘, i. : X Ag.'----'n I---lo .A. ' 0.. . *,.- ' '',7:-."5.. . -4.5. •• '. . :e ', .7 --- i : r. ; -7- i . :41.- ' .. : - .‘ ,. .*... - ,1:- , `s:, TA . „1: v.'1 1 t .1 %, :1i-l f 6E4) \- t , ... 1 7 II 111 .. ----:: 1":,1 17 ,;V -- AT - 1,4u f v -; ; .... / 4 ,- i.,:,, - -.,..5.' e. 41frC V( ilt o --- - _ -:- • ..: ~,-_,-. - The Elastic Family „Machine does all kinds o Sewing, thick or thin, withoUt change of ten. pion, and does beautiful Embroidering. Tai Lock Stitch Machines arc used for fight and heavyratioring, by harries,' and shoe flintier, Simple in construction—quiet and easy ope• ration. - Sewing machines exchanged and to rent the week or month. Silk, Cotton, ' Oil, Needle~ &c., roma:m[ly on hand. aintt767-tf. AGENCY, r,:.1) State St. • lIA.NK. NOTICE. • • Keystone National Bank, VF ERIE. • CAPITAL, $250 , 000. -. • DIRECTORS; SeWen Marvin, John W. Hall lanai Marvin, - dester.Town, 0. Noble. ORANGE NOBLE, Prest. JNO. J. TOWN, Chsh. The above bank is now doing business in Its new building, • -CORNER OF STATE AND STS. Satisfactory paper discounted. Money 're ceived on deposit. Collections made and -pro ceeds accounted for with promptness. Drafts, Spege and Bank Notes bought and sold. A share of public patronage sone ERIE, PENN'A The Subscriber would respectfully inform the Farmers of Fairview and vicinity, that tie Is prtpared to pay TILE fOr ull kinds of Curio Produce delivered ut Falrview Station; Also, lieepl me Julio! for sale 111TU.SIINOUS A.ND ANTIIItACITE COAL, ax clunfp as can be lout elsewhere. Also, has the ageney of Ilassgood, Young & perior Cast Steel Plows, Mulkey Cultivators, Wallace di Jones' Self-Dumplng - Wheel line Rake, &c. And has a superior lot of full blood and grade SUFFOLK AND CIIE4T.KR WHITE PIGS! sepl9'67-ly . Having associated with me on the Ist col Japan. ry Andrew Mayer, in the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, The firm will be known as C. Englehart & Co.. and the baldness will be curled on as hereto tore at No. le \Vet Park, Erie, Pa. C. ENGLEHAItT. • Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their slaows in a very few days; then the shoes are goon Arorthless, and a. new pair must be bought. The only way to. prevent this great waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sil ver tips.,They never wear out at the toe, and make a air of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caps have been worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Sliver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree. able sight of dirty stockings oral protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to he found in the city, Including tine Sewed shoes, Italmorals, YOnths'lloots,&.c., which we offer, together with a large find fashionable assortment of Ladles' and Heats' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. tririfb7-tf. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, South of the Depot And a great variety of PA - NC'Y GrOCIDS, AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 N: Park Place, Erie, Next door to Merchant's Union Express Co. A stock of $20,000 worth of elegant and fash ionable goods will be offered, for the next three months, at a very great reduction to price. The stock is all new and purchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determined to avoid losses in fettire, small profits and cash transac tions shall benefit allkegustomer and dealer. Thirty years established in Erie, in the same business, may be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will be employed, but Just enough Old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant sate transactions and good bargains. a - SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order. Watches and all kinds of Gina keepers and Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted. Give me a call. myTe7-tf. T. 1L AUSTIN. HEW witoTazq T.V AkD RETAIL CROCKERY STORE, Has owned a new store of the above-descrlp tlon,atals oldstand,nearfhe South *rod corner of state street and the Park, 'Where he invites his old ctustomenr and the public generally to give him a call. Constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of Crockery, Glass, China and Silver Ware, Bed Room Irkts, Dinner. and Tea Seth, Knives Forks, Tea Bpoons, Looking (names, Lamps GioNA ChLtnneyer, F,ANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS! Embracing some of the most beauttful ever brought to this market. Those whowish to guy at a bargain will find it to their Interest to call. He guarantees to sell . oily other house to thielly Jost Opened , Over 62S State St Having removed from his former Ittwxuus, over Austin's Jewelry Store, iota% new and C111,1)1110. Motu; Gallery, in ElehentaulVtt ritrw building, is now prepared to make pictures, °Coll Muds, froorthe smallest to a. tnk,Vaiercololi! or OIL Iljr.flatbdactlon Wien of =lonely refunded. No. tC`i &ate Streeti oel7-ho • LIVERY • AND BOARDING- STABLE: trim undersed haying inirohased the livery I Mock of ign OSIXII,26 Is prepared to give pullet:dor attention to the sikle or boarding of horses. Good hones add earrhiges always on hatulat modgrate prices. • He respectfully Rolle- Its • share of publievattonage. sui4m. - ; • • 'B. BL'ENNEH. bold by Drunk:is {meat), important Noti ce. FAIRVIEW STATION, Sept. 113, 1N67 NEW- Koin'thin= iS-ow. C. ENOLERART az CO. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, 511 STATE STREET. ISAAC ROSEN'4VEIG, - SEN 20 PER CENT. BELOW NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS! 1L111J:NN. :LIFE MIZE PICTURE! GEb. c..' nna~ Huts, cam ,te., ever brought to this Mark et—ail purelituwd since the fall in prlees,and to be Rohl at the most reasonable flguws. 'one of the hest Cutters in the country, and will engage to make up Clothing in the most fashianable and durable style. Ills st 4 sk. 1/211pletv. Not it- In [Letitia of his trade Inu.been neglected. Gl% a him a call and iwe for yourselves. lie warrants the goods to be as reptesented, and prices aglow as any In the city decar67-tf. • [...r.:;.-1,141n. -- r4 National Claim Agency Oflltv In F'nrr:tr Hall 111111,1111 g. Frla, Pa noUNTS, All claimants for extra boutityallowed by bite acts of Congress ( can have the same promptly collected by gen:lliac their discharges in in.', the receipt of which Will be promptly tickle.% ledg ed and instructions returned. INCREASE Oh PENSIONS. $1.5 per month for t he. toml lottm of use of either leg or arm, Instead of fB. IC per month or rsrh minor child of deem/44 k , oltlierm or women. Also, other inerenxes. ADDITIONAL WOD. vol.. OFFIC`FIts of r. S. A. - Three months pay proper for all in service March and diseharged after April, tlth, PoOt: . Claims eiudasi. Claims for arrears of pay, and pensions, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled forth ltles for closing/it'd complet log claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only nge - ney In North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience in the U. S. Treasury can be found. Thankful for the, very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by Increased expe rience and unremltt ing attention to patrons, to spear* their continued favor. Office in Farrar Han Building. Address s. Torn) PELMET • aunift-tf. • Lod: Box 101. Erie, ra. 1\14.1 NV Vail M. James P. Crtxtk, having taken IJI his N.Oll, Jns. K, as 41. partner, on the Ist day of April, .ISC;3, nn der the tiro, mune of Jollies P. ('rook d Son, de. sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons •knowinu• theimelVeg iflavbrefl to him are requested to call and ...et tle without de lay. JAMES P. (:11001i: 4; St )N, • lii ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER. And \iunuG u •furera or WINDOW SAKI!, RA Id ES, DOORS al: ;I, IN IN 3[o'll,llllgs and I'hd;,4 Four, Scroll savi lug Iklntelllog and Ina done to order. f.ihurp elm F'4.-will . Between Fourth and Milli Stn., 'Erie, Pu. 'We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the best of' style, promptly and on rmsonable terms. Hay ing fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of gi% int; luttbsfac lion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. JAMES P. r ellOOK & SON. TV(VrICEI •Ft) Praiti4ONE4 IA VINO PRODECE FOTSALV, . We are now ru nnlpg n Market Lin.• from Erie• toßenotin,onthePhila. t Erto Ilan o nul, and wishing to secure all kinds of , VEGETABLES & COUNTJW PRODUCE • To carry It on, have ehtablitan4l a depot, cat FIFTH STREET, n the rear of the need !louse, between Stat. and Frew+lt Street++, • Where we will he at all times ready to r'eeelve and pay the HIGIIF.ST 31.1IZKET PItICF for the xatne. All having produce for sale are requested to give us a call. Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth street. MAY JACKSON. GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION; Ca►riae•r 3,115ch44 and IhState OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Institution 1.4,16 w open for the'tran , w , lion of lnAness. 9 A. M. to I P. M. SATURDAYst : 9A.M. to P. M. • Si* Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution-to Regular Depositors.. DI RP,C.TORS: • J. tilellelahlxib, P. A. Ileeker t F. P. Liebe!, F. John Gem:110111er. OFFICE:IN: John Ilenmheinier Matthew Schlaude,ker, F. Schneider, mi2137-V. IMCMEII9 1e,`,6601/.l4lpLoseleU:ltispir.i:pvill HONCEOPATIIIO Plikoll3ll3l. tun PROVED, 14011•TEIE MOST MI PIA H uparteneohaa satirist:meow; inctipti—Pra_lPPl"" Ittbefoot. sod ' They ar e tho only Ithilleisto =slaptoi to molar liteo atm* that istitr not bo made Is them; lie hamlets to- Whams from dap; sad so enfant se lobe draft toliebla Thee hero Weed the highest eommoOdattea troop A sod will always nada satigraciloa. Era, _ Casts 1, Qum Fevers, Congestlon, Inflammations.. 65 1, Wo Warrn•Forer Worm•Colla El S. 0, or Teething el lauds. 95 S. !Mart ma or children or adult' ID 11, Dysentery. Griping. Bilious Collo.. 16 8, Choleraelliorbas, Vomiting 5, Coughs, Oolds, Bronchitis U a Neuralgia, Toothache, Ireceachs... 55 0, Headache% 81ek•Hesdechs,Veztige ZS 10, Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach S 5 11, Suppressed. or parafal Periods.... 65 11, Wadies, too problem Periods 25 15, Oresp, Cough, difficult Breathing... 25 14 Salt abenns, Irnipsha Errptlou 0 15. ' IthennsaUssn, Rheumatic Pains.. 65 14-. Fever a Ague, Chill Parer, Agnes 60 17, PUor, blind or Weedier 50 18. Ophtlialiny, and erne or weak Eyes 50 It. Catarrh, sans or chant's. lemma 60 0 0. Whoopring-Cotials,eullestCeughs 50 11, Asthma, opmmed Breathing 50 D. Ear Discharges, impaired lleanng 60 14 Serollatlea. enlarged Glands, Sualliop 50 114 . Gentiral Debility. Physical Weakness...6o 1 5, Dropsy, sae scanty demotions 60 D. Sesmaickness, echoers from riding. 60 iri, EC Idneputsease, Gravel 05 Si, -Nervous Debility, Seminal Emissions, involuntary Dip charm ...... ....... .. ...... MD lii. ' Sore liiiintis, Cank e r • CO 80, " Urinary Wesktieen. 'miller bed. 50 SI, • Painnil Periods, CU. Spume... 50 11, * bulTerings at duo of MS 1.01 $2 o ' Epilepsy, Spasms, Mabee Dasts.l.oo Lk • Diphtheria, ulcerated 66re Thrall 50 Of $5 leers 'slate," morocco ease, liontainia a specific for evert g ordinary disease a tonally is subject to, and a book of dle netters, 010 00. lmaller Family and Traveling eases, with hi to ki sham, /rola OS toll Specifies for all private anew, both' for Curing and tor Preventive -treatment, in vials and pocket cosea.s2- to 01 lir There Remedies. by the case or single hoz, are sent to 'any part of the country, by Mail or Mt press, tree of charge, on receipt of the prim Address Humphreys' Specific C Homeopathic Medicine Company, Mei and Depot, No. (di Ilsoinwar, Mrs Toni De: Htrarmtlys b ow:malted dilly at his nark =any orb; letter, as abets, for all to= al Frog SALE tifY ALL navikours: WM. NICK & SON and WILT/D:l4 & DOLL: Agents,, Erie, Pa, ' FINKLE & LYON IMR-RTITCH SEWING MACHINES! The only, Machine FO perfected that entire 'and, isfection is guaranteed or the purehasv money refunded. "Where I hove no agentn sample biss. chine will be . sold eta very low price, and &Lo cal Agent appointed on - the most favorable terms.. . B.—Send for a circular. Traveling4genta wanted. Salary liberal. Address. myZl*67-Iy. E.• A.-~ HALE, (lenernl Agent for the Flokle & Lyon ti. .3L Co., isle Peach at, Erie Pe. ault)-tf. 'EVERY: STABLE THE tr" ..'ORRSIGtiED having purchased the Itnown•Liveryfibunt' heretofore occu pied by Wm./. Sterrett. desires to inform his friends and the rubric that !anvil& continue tha brisinfta,ontLinvites thelr,patrotutae. TEE STOCK will be Latgelylncreased and lin proved—hew nonveyancea have been.procuted and same of the besi livery haws In the coun try'. I ahi detenulnetinn. td eonduet the mtab- Waimea. as to give satisfaction.,LThasewho want to ohtnin the Services of a 0041 ream.*lll Cad me ready at all ilmes to accommodate theta at reasonable prices, Recollect the place, Fltetrett's Old Stand, Fifth street t rear of the Reed Rouse. . jeBlb-tf. • TOB PRlNViski of every kind, large or 0 - amallAntintities, plain. or colored, dont, In the bestatyle, and at moderate pricres, at the Ohaerver ERIE, PA .1. 11. Iit•IIN .1 3 11. (digit ,tecretary. No. S. 11IIMPIIRET/0 ,FAXILY CARES ED Blank Book Manufactory! 13 0001‘.. 111 N 1 - 11.31C1" Y. and Etre prepared to do troll. In ally brat. h of t ho htt4Ln•n+. BLANK' BOOKS! kinds, On band nit,l intuit. to no kV. Mid cufill to nn}• pattern dcntrr•d. • MAGAZINES AND OLD DOGES, PAillll , l and re . i.lifl'el in Ih.• 1,..t ,tyli iiirsTinittY i Al.:li, Keystone National Dank, Corner State Bth Streets, Erie, Pa. E. M. I My A ,1.4.- :tti t: .1)1:1-{P4I Having purrhi,oil Ihr Inten,l ..I 111, 31.•.ni• Vlu...•ntr In the Fl.otilt .1N1) IWSINESS or tI late firm, wOlll.l re,peet •ohelt . eontlzattanye of fßvor ( the tririplN and pa trom_gf the how, awl he 1.111,:i.• in go•ot•nil, pledfzlint himself ilmt !If' will at all time,, try to sell guts' anti rellahle Fl anti :t in At the lowest prkii for ca‘li In hand. Frimi my how experletier to lira oCii of the I .trust I know what the rutin,. and that I ion preparell to in. that waist. 1/Ctltrlltlig nay ihitok , to Cie public 10. their prittotoo.i tilt . I , :tUt, I h. ju• tly strict attctitliiti tor,* asol thrir %:iotts; 14i.littirlt a coot tothile, ot tie it the future. THE MILLING. FLOt•R. FEED NIMEI WIII Iw enstlinntsl, In all Its tlt•Etltrt to.-nts. at tin ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREEI 0141 till' St ,r, IN A' 'l' 1' Alt IC I: 0 W . I{4.t . val I Wilt.l.• tilo U II tI, I U 140011,401.1: aI i M for Nale, with v.onix-tilit "mid politi• 1114'11 on hand to NO !twit* want. ap?:0;7-tv. it. It. MUSIC STORE! Itt.eliact4.tl ovtuc4• ibi , l , trug 11(newo.A1 Pian,"; • 4A1=..;"! g... ;1. - ' 4 . ........,,'Z.•g•4•1'' • rz • • 'FS• J e' I t 1 "1;7 .4 , • V - T •` 1 - • '- - ' g r‘ .l. • - ''l'' -. • • Z7;''raO•w.;P' ' - - *250 TO t1:550 Six Octave Piano Cased Itosewood :Ntelottcons at $12.1. • Organs from t". 4.1.5 NO. Sib STATE STREET, ERIE, PA. EvoT Instrument wart anted for dye years. 1e29-tt. s3llTli. EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peaelt Street, above the Buffalo Road, PIM., P. lIL•'NItV, =1 PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES TIN AND SIIEFT IRON AVAILE, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW ! Ind nll kind:. of Iron r.t•ting. E. cry Stove sold by us Is warranted to Natisfuetion. -Kettles, Ntioe., nud 111)112., &C., Ott 11:111& matiiitact tired. Ili on Inn Pb ors arid Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty aiWilYl/ tin baud, A call and a lair trial o: our articles Is all we ask. mr-Wai-tf. HENRY, BRYANT NIEW HOOP SKIRT DIAN.UFACTORY: 1,0 , 'N STATE STItEET. ERIE, P.l. Repairing Done with Neatness & Dispatch. .i' - --" " Efixop Skirts Made to Order . on the Shortest Notice. Notice. Messrs. ("Oben Bro. are in Co-partnersl with an extensive firm in Manchester, Englan, thus enabling them to have the liery latest of French and English styles. Our Hoop Shirt department contains all the various kinds of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hoop Shirty. Our Corset department embraces the folloW- Mg kinds: French, English, American and Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporter. French Corsets only .1 i American Corsets only cents. English Comets mum. ;1 *25 to .t. 1::! Comet Supporters from 1 4 t s!`2 ;11) Our Repairing department in superintended by at lady who is thoroughly acquainted with the repairing of all Muds of Hoop Skirts. Our Wholesale department cannot be surpas sed. Merchants supplied at New York prices.' 4s.l . loopSkirts witrranted and mule to order. A. F. ('ORES S BRO.. jy-1117-tf. Proprietors .T . NV . AI 7 Ft 'EI •S 3 . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! Having purchinAl the entire ~tock. of Fuint tnre of Mes.sN. Moore A: !Uhler, I revectfullY ask my ohl customers and the public generally to give men cult at the old stand, . NO. 715' STATE STREET, Before purchasing ch,c3h*here. I have a large E=M=l Parlor, Chamber. and Bed Boom Sets ffE3 BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WAltintußEs, I)Kkg,s, Aud, in fact everything in the line at Fern nave. -I am prepared to manufacture to order ally style that may be called for. Remember, No. 715 State street, east stile, between Seventh and tight h streets. JOIE , : W. AYRES, CLOTHING ! CAS'` ! UM .Gents' Furnishing Goods ! I=l FALL AND WINTER STILES •‘ ,JUST OPENED. JONE*& LYTLE, No. 10 ,PARK ROW. mepl2-tf. Executrii'm Notice. T EWERS To,dranentary. on tke estatc of Ab r., hey Holloway, di...ALl:fie of Vetoing° tp., Erie county Penn'a, haying been gran led io the undersigned; Notice is hereby gh en to all h&c , fild)ted to salt' oda to to nutko nomedinto pay ment, and those 'laving claims" against the same will present them for settlement. .F.LIMEETH HOLLOWAY; Executrix. Venting°, Oct. 21, '67-oe2t-Mr• ERIE RAlLvir - A $ Great Brorul Gauge Doublel' .kNwt. NEW 170111 C, and the New England (ill . • Thin Railway extends from Dunkin, York, 4I miler. Buffalo to New y o „ Salamanca to :kietYYrirk,•lll;rail, 22 to 27 MILES; THE t4litiltTEKE.ittl"^rn4v/IN:t trains TIM direr tly through to N.. ) ,„ - • :. 5411,1.).,%eit1i0ut change or eety rm., From and Misr !NZ, traits. alp M, In ronnectton with all the follows: Front lil'N ft K not s• Ai . N4.IV York Ilm..—tuaiti . 1 1011 7:30 A. M., Expres'.• Mull. from latuft'i.'. (except. Sunday., stop., I,t ric Ittan A. 31.. illlll i.iy .ii .atoa„, r and l'ol Wan: It 111, 111, Iron' Bultilin 151.51 Si, u•.,.1 n • is 1 1 11; 1 41fi -; 71 , lift% Olt 1911', .M. Trani ria.; , and watt, ill New 'f:trl: at 7 \ I'. 3 1. N.., 1'0111.: N 11411: I:.%Lart., kirk iexeept • mattea at I'. 3i.. an:i arrh. , -11; I " at 12:.W I'. M.. ethitteellitit trains atoll tat:taw:TM for ! England CH:: .r. I 9:50 P. M. Clln•lnna:. It' ~8 ,5111.1.131 V, 4.X. • pf 41 , 11:51. I'. 11.. i 1111•1 is .1 ~t 11. with the 11:'_8' it. 31. t•1i 27r,r 0 elm: to New I'ol •: m . , Nt tv '14.0; ti t .,, corner Exrlia tigi• and 24., Nett '.."0;1" I lay I:Niara , .11rt:t. au N. r 01111 1 .1 4, 1:11 It/ WI .1.1! Letts tt an itti it IV, t 1 II ,1 Cit., 11 It!! • 11.1111 . 1P101 1 . Rid? MVP,' ,1:11 , " 31. Exprel.n vi.,. k t , 4'Neertt SUM!, ", a . r You la at 7:00 NI. 1 'non, 'Ti Williamsport & Ella,. I:attlaoalr,..' Lure, Pltandelpillat, Itult•a1010 :nut pond. Svuth. 4L. .1.• LiGhtiaing ' Wit ettatite(tiug with at. , 1110, I n dus Stir Illmtott owl N•w IE-, _kr] 1:1 New Yearli .•:7 .• ti )r) p . 3t.. New York Ntnld ittaan.alllortat•llNv•ilt 551 I. il, 1.,,a from and iri s 11:10 I'. M. /I.?) P. NI.. Clue:lwatt 1 • 1••• .lalf Ye, ail N: Connect.. at 11101ta with V.,r11„..„_ . 11all440,(tar WtaladattNpad:,ll.o;.•: nal: dram,. N:1•1 I 4 I pod 4 WI„1- 11 Itailrogil, nlid ),, I - train , Nest' r,111..1:1%.1 I MIN' 0114• twin Vast On St telao 143 :it 16 11 31., and .71 alit1111:: 31., In eilvimet• of all 4.1114.1 :Ind Nov: Ellghtliti their :ire trims I t•.i. , N, tc York. 1.,-, ”1.,t : - .11•••jr111 rat , :TI i!rf• Wl/r111:111151,1,,, , ,, Will:, tilt iv,ay. I:.lgvau rig c1:•-a1 :0041_11 and low env ~ :her made. AslC 1;:a1/ 'K 1. - 15 I'M I • ntr ht. eAt .1 :It all 1 , 1 - 111$ :T.,' Het , Itt the ‘Ve..11111.1:-..i.ib-1,V.,t. 11. P.11,111,E, Buhr ft-1,151AL Erie & Pittsburgh RailN, AND AFTEII , 11. 1J t mi., win run on n EEO I.E EILIL—% ,, CIIII, 1011 A. PittslAirgh Ex rrel ,, , ,t °OIL,. mid cr. it \V. IL 1 WI 111 2:111 at Ni•w ~t 211111 at I'lltslttirtth at tt: p. m. 31., Aeettuttwelat tt.n, .1111, - at I*.tnta h. nt. 5:0.1 A. 31.. .leetininettlatlttn I,uw .t, .tt rives at & 1.. W. IL IL IT. nt.. 1 11 New VIDA It . 111 Ittm.tl:tt le:ett a. rir,,,,,,;11—N.1: TIM t.(1)..\. F:rie len% N... %: & 4 IL It. pl., 111111(11114 elim , (' inr BIWA" And Nittuar“ I Erie at P.m p. Tn. 1;3) I'. 31., Aconntst..l.tl Pm, ar p. in., A. A. G. W. It. l:, Try • p. in., and Jaukt..:. , • p. conumulat ion lent arm. at Erie at II:41p. in. Pitt•azrull •' t•neli n 1 12:15. p.m. wt.! h at 1 , 1:m1:Int at •J:i.". p. :a., au , : I Cnnneet. at Trasi.P.r. :.1 w .17 G. NV. .M.all weat, int Warr, t.: Erie Exprt , .. north Ponin Tiati , ner at 11 1 ::1 1 1 a. 1114 aII I3l'nl ~; • vitt,. :Ind Jana-down. ann. :1 J. Az I'. for Franltha. arm ,112.0 i lin at 2::;:r t). In., :nal Lt ,r. u „ Tntinn loon, l i t at It° , hi r 'Ann tr., Whecluilv: :Ind all point. in W at l'itt.tairnli C.,lllllerti..l, i'llll, Harrisburg. Baltimore and 'cntral I 1.‘11p , ...1. Erie Expr. • north I. at I - Cleveland S En.- train, a rt.t,drti ' . . Chicago atid allpoint , in 1:n - • Erii. for V, Irvitodon, Tidiotit....tel. and „all liar. Railroad fOr Burial.. Dunkirk. Nix,. :Lll.l Nrlr 1 - "rk 1 lIN. `1'a...4 pg. r. In.!" "II tin. plita;d: Erfo It. R. OH. Ern wlitt•la 41 , 1111ert , al • Pil t.litirgh, t Itt•I 11737 -,, M14— . 1 ion and A. A: G. W. It. It. I. 3.1..1W1.: MI/5.67-1f - - PIIIIADELPUR & ERIE RAIL Through un•l !tout.• ph iu, Ilarrkturnz, R r :du Land, Ow • GREAT OIL REGIO ELEGANT SLEEPING. C -011-iiit Night 'Erni', O N t will run as follows : NVE - F4TW AEI) Mall Train leave. , Pliiladelpills r arrives at Erie at Si:4s p. w. Erie Exprt ss leaves Iplu 1.0 1101 artivvs at Erii. at 11:45 a. U. Warrvn cornmodfit lon p. tit.. Corry at '2121 p. ur., and al r.u. at 4:05 p. Ili. I. , ..If 4 TWARD. • Mall Traln Leave: Eriwat sq, at l'hiholi.lphia at A:1.1 a. ta. Erie Express Lmvo, Ert.. at 1:.1". p.;, rives at Philadelphia ai 1:00 I , :a. War:pa Accammodation in., t'orry at 0:1'1 a. m.. ant a: -v. • at 11a.t5 ]fait and Ellice,. 011111.4 t ,‘ ;::/ 1 • the tVarren Franklin. 1t.111.,,0 I leaving Philatielphiaut ; tun at 6:50 a. in., and Oil at • : Leaving Pldhulelphia at .:„{YI p :a (al City at 4:15p. In. All tiains nit the Warren Franidmr connecti,m, at VII 1 - 11 \ for Franklin and Petroleum C. uto . elincxnprnitomat. • A I,Fliplit 1.. 11 - oen'l Super:am • KEYSTONE STOVE 17,,,07. T 11111.11.5. SHIRK W 1111:Eli STOVES AND HOLLOW liAty! /lave a large and exten.t% two.. .rt n❑ U! t• at Witole,ttle and It, t.e ' TIIE IRON G.\`t•E. Lt a first elms Coal Cook Stove. v, Reservoir, for laud or N••ft . ,, ' , • or wood, awl 1. BETTER THAN THE STEWAV.T . We al.o Manutat tore tie. . WHITE SHEAF AND .r.11'1:1;.1 &Al, low oven Coal Ston.,•- , .' , • ;.;rutes—ean be übed either f,a. ntE FOREST We 14111 manufarture eeleht: Store for wood—with or Avlthou ty 7 TILE MENTOR, low oven stove for wood.' Tills is 3 beautiful design, and now f..r • with it large assortment of F,IeN ;lied Parlor took, for woint nr ergot, am: Mee Stove,, for wood pr C. M. TIMIALS. W. I+7l Jal2W-tf. _Authorized Ca pit al 51500.0, THE SECOND NATIONAL BP , opened fur bonnie.. N.84-NDAY, DECEMBER L7tll, In tht• hint:king (Alive .Merrhunt'sßnnk, Brown'm Bundnet, corner uf State ntreet ittthl!k• W3I. L. Set mr, Trent. WM. C. 4.1'1:1:1 untErrons • WM• I« SCOW. of lirot of J. Ile.trn S t - llettient. • JUS. M'CAHTEH, of thin la ;--tii• , -. - 31eCurter, Butltlent. CEO. J. MOUTON, Coat 1).•ttl, r. W. ts. BROWN. Agent. Buffalo ...1...7 JOHN C. BlilttifitiS.of firm.' C..•ln. n•.' • ey & Burge->s, Wholes:lle On - wet, ; .0. E. CROUCH, of tirrn of Crotteli.t 'Merchant K. M. R. BABA, of Um of Barr, in,,,, Stove Manufacturer. • , FARRAR, of firm of ono - Wholettale Grocurg. J. DREISMAKER. ('rower. Warrant in BankrupleY . fiIIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE th.d I day of October, A. W•fr''' liankruptcv was -issued 11.g.1111-t :%1. Arbuckle, of the el* the enmity of Erie, State of yenu•yn... , 'tuts beelt adJudged a bankrupt on • Mimi; That the payment of any deo , livery of any property belonging rapt toJtlin. and tor hi w.e, and thi any propertY byare forbiddenLollr I , " a meeting of the eredittalt of t.a1.1 prove their debts and to Ouse , ~o ; Av.ltztires of his e•tate, 0 ill he 1,..1. 1 of Ititukruptey, to be holden at ,* ry Butterfield, Clerk of The Couit , .. House, in the city of Erie, w I hi; • anti State of Pettu'it, before S. E. Ister, on the tali day of Oceemi.er , A at 10 o'clock, A. - .0 • 111t1.11.1S A. In LT. K. 51:tr-dial f‘q. MEM Assignee In Ilanlirta , y TI" DISTItI(T t nt ,01. .. " , ' .11. for the 'Western Du.iria matter of the hankrtiptev of Pardon I Tito untlernigned hereby appointment a, Assignee nt Parklon . the city and county of rile, and statro,":l:., u Man said ilLstrtet, who ha , bon 1 umkrupt mum h OWn 110( i 4 lint. by b. wort ot said Mgt riet, at Erie, twto!"; t lp, 14467. s.tAf 1' EL J. 81 I oc2t4lW. 11 :11. 1:. n't I Nt' Nfl.l TINI 1: ALI of , PENNSYI:VANIA Manufat•turt r 4 ~t CAPITAL PAID i• }: