W. - I 3P, it CI & c O. No. 832 State Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS' IN STOVES, ROUSE FURNISHING GOODS ! General Hardware, Table Cutlery, Sole Agents In North-Western Pennsylvania for LITTLEFIELD'S BASE BURNING HOT A_ I_ It FU N . C ! We call attention to the Littlefield Furnace with entire confidence that it is the best Warm Air Furnace ever invented, and radically overcomes the faults and objections existing In other Furnaces; and we feel sure that a careful examination of its aupebor merits in connection with the candid and unbiased statement of those who have had this Furnace in use daring the past several winters, will convince all that what we say is true. We respectfully refer to the following among the many well knoWn citizens who have this Furnace in use: Capt..l. S. ItICIIARDS, W. S. BROWN, Esq., ISAAC MOORHEAD, Esq. "MORNING GLORY!" Stewart'a Oval Parlor, The Globe Stove, FOR OFFICF. AND SROP USE. A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVE & Exrcami . FURNITURE. Call and examine our stock. - We warrant the best goods and lowest prices of any establish meta In this city. _ • Also, sole agents for Erie County for the new • Improved Portable Buckeye Cider Mill and Piess The points of superiority possessed by this 31111 over all others, are as follows : 1. The Adjustable Throat, adapting the Mill to the various sizes and condlUons of fruit: 2. The Adjustable Grinding Rollers for the same purpose. These two features are secured to us by Letters Patent. Without them no Mill can possibly bapperfect grinding apparatus, as the different conditiogs of the fruit imperative ly demand this adjustability. 3. A neat metallic box to hold the bearings of the gearing, preventing the same from getting out of order, trom the swelling of thd wooden sides and ends. 4, The strong compact frame for :dill Press with well proportioned bearings for its support: ' 5. A strong iron beam, with a two inch screw, enables us to give the pomace a powerful pres sure. rhe Grinding Apparatus is the most perfect In use, consisting of three horizontal rollers, one above and two below; the upper one has straight flanges for the purpose of breaking the fruit against the adjustable rubber throat as it passes through. On one of the lower rollers the ribs are oblique or spiral and as it revolves it presents to the straight ribs of the other a contin uous cutting edge, enabling us to cut the pomace from the skins of the apples, leaving them in such size as to obviate' in most cases, the necessity of using straw, which is found to be deleteri ous to the quality of the cider. 7. The Strainer Board, under the. tubs, try means of which are enabled to express the cider as completely from the bottom as from the top of the cheese, leaving it nearly dry in all parts. This valuable feature is secured to us by strong Letters Patent. • TIM - 13 - ITCIKEICE CIDER MILL Is ar tindonbtet the best yet invented. Call and Bee IL An Inspection of the above named -tides is solicited. They are the leading ones In the market, and can be obtained in Erie only of sepl2-fin. W. W. VIF.,II.CV. it. CO.. 833 State,Mt. NEW rr "1( - JP 1E , NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR. WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER 0 11 e v. 470 North-West Corner of State Street and the Park. COINZPIAPIVIE MANNER, Job Printing of Evei7 Description ! . . Ina style of unaurparaed neatn&a, and at prices to compete with any other office to the North West. Our Masts are of the ' MOST IMPROVED KIND, Our TYPE all NEW, and of the NEAMaTSTYI.ES, and our Wolmams equal to any In the coon try. With the Machinery and Material we now possess, We feel fully warranted in claiming that NO OFFICE In the western Part of the State 'EXCELS, and only one or two equal us, in facilities for turning out work in a RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER U I : i . h UL a . a i a a M = k , k , A 1 U 1 . W I I Received, and work warranted not to be infe.itor to that done in the Eastern eittea Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statements, And all the kin& of work to use by Businesa Men ENGRAVING, LITHQGRAPHING, &c. We have Made arrangements with the largest and best establishment In Buffalo for proturing any sort of Engraving that may be needed, In as good style and at A. LESS PRICE THAN IF THE ORDER WAS SENT TO THEM DIRECT Buildings, Machinery, Seals, Autographs, Maps, Portraits, &e., By entrusting them to us will be assured of a good piece of work in the most prompt and satisfae Wrysnapper. LW:ravings furnished either on Wood, Stone or Book Binding, "'Luling, ace. In this department we have facilities that are uruairpassed. Persons having Printing to be done that requires Rulini or Binding in connection, will and it to their interest to entrust It to us. We will guarantee tbat t aball be performed inn workrannithe manner, and that tae charge wi ll be as moderate as can be alionled. • The liberal patronage extended to this office during tho last two years tuut 'encouraged us to make every effort possible to deserve the favors of our friends, and we now take especial A main. cation in informing them and the public that we have succeeded In fitting up , an establishment eqtml to every requirement of the coMmUnity. We are determined to compete with the best, and only ask a trial to satisfy any one that claim no more than we are Justly entitled to, EtaL.A.INCECS. Constantly on hand a full supply of Attorney' s, of the Peace and Constable's Blanks, of the most a pp rove d forum, dIso,*BLANK NUlka of every kind and KEMP" lan& or in hooka. AND 8,C., &ie., &C.. Also, sole Agents for the celebrated STEWART COOKING STOVE ! THE VERY BEST IN -USE. We have also; a tine assortment of other good Cooking and Parlor Stoves Among Which la tho popular 0B PRINTIN G , .1 - -...---., Op,' 1111 1 4 , .., 4 . . . ..„......„ t l,-:4,.. 6 ....., .....„.....,,-.„. 0:41 -- T,l - - - -L... --- -, - .r .- 3-PP.- - --- , / Roving fitted up our °Mee in the Wo are prepared to do ORDERS FOR. Special attenthin given to the printing of Panes wanting Cute of Ora:tits, Unbar, DA Vi at CO., Dealers in all kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PROVISIONS, Flfth'Street, between State and French, ERIE, PA Having purchased our goods before the late rise to. prices, we feel confident of being able to give satisfaction both. In Price and quality. Country produce, Of every sort. bought and aold. Farmers can always depend on receiving the highest market price for their articles. DEALERS IN TAR ADJOINING TOWNS, Anil an the Linn at Railroad, - SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT, VEGETABLE 9, dke. Give us a Can. Remember May k Jackson's Market Depot Fl?rU ATREET. • • TO THE PEOPLE OF ERIE AIVIL) WHON,Hu ritatrli,aeoolotamsortP canTedoUrel to mislead many of our citizens, the undersign ed would most respectfully beg leave to contra dict the same, and hereby announce that at NO. 1331 PEACH STREET, South of the Union Depot, J. F. Decker's old stand,) may he found %choice selection of Groceries, Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Crockery and Glass Ware, Yankee tuitions, Toys, &e, In fact everything usually kept In a FamUy Grocery Store. Flour frora,the celebrated Girard Mills-- warranted equal to the best In the country. Furthermore, we are not so distrustful of our fellow citizens, that we are not willing to trust at all. WE WILL GIVE REASONABLE CREDIT to all good-paying customers, and sell goals Just as lowan any one who claims to sell only for cash. If so unfortunate as to have any bad debts, we pledge ourselves to do as all lamorable merchants ever have do-7pocket the loss our selves, and not ask our good customers to make it up—as some claim to have done. For a confirmation of the above statement we ask only a (air trial. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city.- Remember the place, 1321 reach street, near the Unioh Depot. my= a-tf. , -S. F. REXFORD & CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. P. A. BECKER ' l t CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-East Corner Park and French St., NEXAPSIDEJ Would respectfully call the attention of the Com munity to their large !dock of Groeeries and ProvisionS, Which they are desirous to sell at THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Their assortment of Sugars, Coffees. Teas. Syrups, TOBACCOS, FtSll; &C., In not aurpantted In the city, an they are prepared to prove to all who give them a call.! They also keep on hand a superior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which they direct the attention of the public. Their motto is, "Quick sales, small prollta and a full equivalent for the money," apli'd2-tf. V. A. I WIMIIISTi 6c CO.. ME= Country Produce, Grocer:les, Prortifong, Lrquon.s 6EGArt.9. Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Frultsi Nuts, - No. 814 tote Street, West able, between ath and 9th Streets, Erie, Pa, Cash pall for country produce F. A. WEBER. my2t-tt. W. ERHART, JCIIIN lI.A.NI7AittI, DEALER IY 'FAMILY GROCERIES! Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Mobilises, Flour, Pork., Flab, MUM, Provielonx . generally, Gbun try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery , Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco and Segura, }Wang Tackle, de. 421 State Street, Erie, Pa. Private Families and Hotels supplied. Goods delivered. 7ny16'67-tf. Drugs ant Paints: _ I:3ARNIIM 9 DEALER IN • DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, II A lII\ - OIL, POWDER PUFFS, BRUSHES, COLOGNE, Linseed Oils, Turpentines, Varnish; Hydrome ters of all kinds, PATENT MEDICINES, ' PURE Liquotts FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE/4, London Porter and Scotch Ale. Prescripticaus carefully dispensed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be precisely as rep resented. No trouble to show goods. ftemem ber the name and place, - - BARNUM, Mr Peach Street, South ofthe Depot. 1211P0i?orr4 NT , TO BUIX.DERE3 AND PAINTERS Tile Largestand Best Stock of Paints, Ohs, Varnishes, Glass 4 Brushes, -In Erie, zany be Sound et HALL & WARFEL'W DRUG STORE, tiltato t 3 t.. North of 7th. longaxperience in the trade, we are enabled to supply parties with a superior quality of goods at the lowest prices. . Our stock embraces a general variety clever) , thing that Painters need, and those who give us their patronage can rely on not being Wrap. pointed. - Orders for furnishing buildings will be antis factority filled. Air Call and examine our stock. ' WllO MADE YOUR COAT ? _FRANK WAGNER. It iits so nice I guess I must go and get one ; how are his charges": Why, don't-you know, he sells CHEAPER than any other Merchant Tailor In town, has the BERT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, AND ALWAYS • WARRANTS HIS GARMENTS TO FIT 'I zio, is that so ? Of eourset is: go to hls Store, No. 626 State Street, And give him a Oilman to make you a snit, and ye je2r ns w 67 ill never Misr anywhere else. -ti, }RAVI, CBUISTL&N & CRAIG, Dealers in CABLE ROPE,- ROPE, PACKING, =MP. omnrir, *MOPES AND MOW' itlig64l NEW PERFUME For the litindkerehief. 'TALON'S , A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and-Fra grant Perfume, Distilled from tho Bare and Beautiful Piewer, from which .it takes its name. .. :daunt - act ure . tl only by PHA LON it SON. " 0 01 8:1 ro PITALON2I—TAICE NO WOE& Sn'.l by Drucert, Cmeally. CLIMAX ! CLIMAX!! Page's Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 2G cents. It heals without a scar., No family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Ertiptions of the Skin. For Sore. Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c., it makes a perfect cure. It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure, It has no parallel—baiing per lectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. It isa compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the same price than any other Vintmen t. Bad by Droggetti ceetyWbere. Vi'bite & Rowland, Proprietors, 121 Liberty titreet. New York. The Elastic Family 3faehine does ad kinds 0. Sewing, thick or thin, Without change of ten. Won, and does beautiful Embroidering The Lock Stitch Machlhes are used for light anti heavy tailoring, by harness and shoe maker- Simple in construction--quiet and easy in npr• ration. Sewing machines exchanges! and to rent,. the week or month. Silk, Cotton, Oil, Needle. &e., constantly on'hatL nort:Tri-tf. AGENCY, ie.l)State.Bt. PHILADELPHIA 5.; ERIE RAIL ROAD. KUMNIEE TIME TABLE. Through and Direct Route betweeit Itinunw, liartlsburg,ll , l)llanks• tmrt. and the GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSIYINANIA. rT:FGANT , SLEEPING CARS On nli Night Trull's. dAN and after 3101 , MAY, JULY ist, 1807, the V/ trains on ti* Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run tot follow*: 1 . • - Mail Train leaves Pitllmiciphla at 7:00 p. m. and arrives at Erie at 4:tti 13. m. Erie Express leave?s rhiludelphin in., and arrives at Erie at it:4s a. in. Warren Aecommodation leaves Warren at 3:3) p. Corry at 4:33 p. m., and arrives at Erie at 41, p. m. EASTWARD. - - Mal Train Leaves Eriwat 10:?-5a. in., and arrives at Philadelphia at 7:00 a, m. Erie Express leases Erie at rxo9 p. m., and ar rives at Philadelphia nt 1:00 Warren Aeeommodation leaves Erie at 7:10 a. at., Corry at 1i:30 a. in., and arrives at Warren - at 11:05 a. ' Mail and ExPresi connect with all tralas on the Warren Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philndel OM at 12.-00 m., arrive at Irvine ton at 0:50 a, in., and Oil City at a. /a. heaving Philadelphia at 7:00 p. nn., arrive at Oil City at 4:45 p, rn. , All trains on the Warren d: Franklin Railway make close connections ut Oil City with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. 13.tnuAGE CLIECICEDTIIIIOI7GIf. _ Jy181,74f. N3EIW V. 11131. • Having associated with the On the Ist otJanua ri Andrew Mayer, In the BOOT, & SHOE BUSINESS, The grin trill be known as C. if ngleltart S Co.„ and the business will be carried on us hereto fore at No. 19 Wt.ltt Park, Erie, lit.. C. ENGLEIIART. £3ometliing New. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A ntajority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes In a very few days; then the shoes nre soon worthims, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent this great waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sil ver tips. They never wear out at the-toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times us long ns without Tips. Leather taps hnve been worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Saver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to be found in the city, Including tine Sewed times, Balmorals, Youths' Boots, &c., which we oiler, together with aiarge and fashionable assortment - of Ladles' and Herds' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. mrlf67-tt. - C. ENGLEHART & CO. WATCHES, DIAMONDS , JEwEuiy, SILVER WARE, , An XII great rnflell or FANCY GOODS , AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 Park Place, Erie, Next door to Merchant's Union Express Co. A stock of $20,000 worth of elegant and fash ionable goods will be offered, for the next three months, at a very great reduction in price. The stock is all new and purchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determined toavold losses In Atter°, small moths and cash transac tions shall beneAt alike customer and dealer.- Thirty years established in Erie In tho same business, 'nay be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will be employed, but Just enough old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe transactions and good bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order. Watches and all kinds of time keepers and .10Welry carefully re paired and warranted. (five nie a call. my/W-0. , 1 T. M. AUSTIN. ingl6'67.4y NEW WBOT•Tectikr.r. AND' REV= CROCIc.ERY: ST6RE, Su STATE .STREET. • ISAAC; ROSENWEIG, SEN., • Bas opened a new store of the above descrip- Bon,at Ms old starid,near the son tifWest corner of State attest and the Park, where he invites his old customers and tfie public generally to give him a call. ConstattUy on hand a geae :al-assortment:of Crockery-, einse, China and Silver - I'fare, Bed Room Seta, Dinner and Tea Sets, Knives, Forks, - Tea Spoons, . Looking Glasses, Lamps, Globes, Chimneys, &c. FANCY GOODS OF, ALL KIWIS ! Embracing some of the Most bearitlial ever brought to this market, .Those who Wish to bny at a bemire will Anil it to their interest to call. He guarantees to sell • 20 I PER C'Etri.!IIELOW any other hor4e thitelty. myvar-Iy. NEW YORK. wEsiw.4.ito. 'ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'l Superintendent NEW CLOTHING STORE ! No. s.t - z.O. STATE tgrr., -ERIE, PA. 'JOHN M. lIKUPIN, Having opened a new stint, In the above local fly, respectfully announces to the pultyc that he has on•band one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks of - Ready•Mtide Clothlnntioths, Cassimeres, GEN4LEMEYS runsisinNo 000ft4, Rats, ('ups, &e,, ever brought to this market—all purchased since the fall in prices amt to be sold at the most reasonable fig I ures.. le has ono of the best Cutters in the country, and will engage to nmke np Clothing In the most fashionable and durable style. 11h4 meek 14 complete. Isroth. In the line of his trade has been neglected, (live him a call and sea for you Ives. He warrants the goods to be as represented, anti prices aglow as any in the city. dee:VG-tr. J. M. KUHN. PEII,L.I."S Natipnpl Claiin Agency:. Wilco 111 Pamir Hall Building, Erie, Pa BOLbl ERN .1101r:NTY. All claimants for txtm bounty allowed by Into acts of Omit:rows, can have the mime promptly collected by sentliiiii their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed anti Instructions returned. - INCREASE OF FENRIONS. MI per month for the tond Jogs of use of either leg or arm, instead of sA~ n per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. t3l , FitlFAtta of V.S. A. Three moot !ix pay proper (,r all In xervice March :id, and 111xcharged after -April 'DM, 18K Clahns cashed, Claims for arrears of pay. and perolons, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled fact \l ath% for closing and completing claims. Allen , - twee to prisoners of war coil...lied. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years Of experience in the U. S. Treasury can he found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage" be in the 'gist, we hop!, Icy increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor, ()Mee' in Farrar Hall Building. Address S. TOM) PERLET ' at:l7'664r • Lock liox 101, Erie, Pa. NEW FIUME. JaniesV. Crook, having taken in 1 I son, Jas. 141,, as a partner, on the lit Qnv or Apra, IStri, tin der the brat mane of Jauu•s Croak A. Son, d,•- plrestoltavea set t htnient of his old aemunt.‘ Ai! persons knowing tbethseives indebted to hint are requested to call and settle ri•ltiutut de lay. JAMES P. CROOK ,& SON, 13ralerp. in . ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, tntt Illunuffietureiti of - WINDOW - HASH, FRAMES, I,ooltB & II L I ;.+:1)54. Jlouldingx and I'iticet FencP, Scroll Sawing', Matching and Plantlig done to order. ' 0.411c,I) on I..equllx Between Fourth and Fifth Sta., Erie, Pa. We respectfully (gal the attention of the pub lie to our facilities for doing work In the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hay- Ing tilted up entirely new shops, with r;uperior Machinery, we reel eonndent of giving Witisfac non. Orders (ruin abroad will receive prompt attention. ray.W a JAME*. P. 0100 X, 5:: SON N (IT rex:: To. rLlst~o r. RAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE We are now ritnnlng a Market Line from Erie to Remra, on ay:Phila. S Erie italirmd, and whaling to see - tqe all kinds of VEGETABLES & COUNTRY TMODUCE To entry It on, have establklied a depit, on FIFTH STREET, In the rear or the fired Hon4e, between State French.Strems, Where'we will be at all times ready to receive 'and pay the HIGHEST :MARKET PRICE for the same. All lowing Produce for kale are requested to give uk a 'eall. Inquire for _Market Deppt, street. aglolVrtf. • - MAY & JACKSON. VERMIN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, • Corner V.lghtn and State Ist's., • OPPOSITE MUST OFF/CE. This Institution in now open for the trup‘se lion of business. tlyytes Mess: 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. SATURDAYS: i A. M. tots P.. 51. Six Per Cent. Interest will be - Given bq this Institution to Regular Depositors. iIintECTOILS : I. Elelioninub„ P. A. Beeker, F. P. I.lels - si F. Sehneliter, Sohn uensheymer. OFFICEIS: - Sohn Cienshellner, President. Jfat tlrew Seldaudeeker , TreuFairer F. Schneider, .Neerettuy xny21.17-Iy. =I Lit :16A 1.1 i) c 7, IA 11)1 nvanmiutry _ SOECCEOPATiIfe SPECUTICSD RAVI ?EOM 78011 SRI YOST 1111.1.1 los Wan snotoso; fitaiplo-11= ralltd=r elotablo, Tboy moo the ooly to popular uo—oo oblige thatosio• =tooot ai Vatodo to Wag Um; so kormlos tot* trot from aupr , sod as olßdost as to ho abroys 'OW& Thy hove ratiol tho Mood omootondattoa Qom on. and via Mows nadir oottifootka , Boa Conti %Ogre fever% 00 iignid 012 . ishcilintion.• • 1 S % 1613orni._ .lover Wenn.Cale. 03 a. ID 5 at Tostidasp of Jena. Silt 4 Dim et .hies waddle ..... $54 Dysentery. Griping. BUJoso Coils.. gi 4 Claolerse.giorbna, Vetalting•--. 0 1. Conine, Golds, Bronchitis 55 14 Necialscla. Tootbselo, laciatbs, SS I 4 gleadaellei, inek-Beadash4Vedde 26 10. Dyspopsaa. Waits Stomach. .. ... ; 45 31, il_uppresond, yr liifttol Portals.... Sil 1 1 . ABileme, too polsa. ?clods $5 U. Crone% Ono, Meth Breathing... Sit 1 4 . Balt illtasnas. Brilipolas, Bronchial 45 • 1 5 . 1511111B5natlanap Blistunstio Pains,. eie is. Fever* Aim Chili Yam, egos nir 3% M I % ili i ma nal.or 60 a- 34 awl ornoor wink Bus CO. a - Patierrh, orals at dunk, laicism 60 le, ligpoopioirde prog 2h,onbtatCoaghe.6o 1% U. denim% op 60 ' Ear l'llstehangsals= 01•148 40 10. Semi ale, enlarged Quids. tilwallnp 60 N. Giseterial Debility. Ph ail Wssluisia UV 15. A Dropsy, Gag weary ....,. 60 Bevideirdese, Sickness trona riding. 60 liidsorgeDisenne, Gravel 60 S. Bermes. ins, Debility, 114131111 O 0 41 fealselo Involuntary Dia. 10. •• Solerrßoritb, Canker . 60 04 ' Vriresrg. Weakness. lietthig boil go si. •• Tellallard Periods, yob Spam.— 60 114, ' • Budbrlagns st slurs 0( itts.. . 1.00 Ss• Spirt. erounsti r inis' lienne.Uo 114 • lik ght eris, tileeratki fiere Threat 00 74.711XL1 CAMS OS MIMS vials, summer, mu dosstaispecido forever& ii l, ll ll =o, and &took eidiv OS 00 Smaller Family IMT:striding oases, vita 10 to es vials, from di tole epseldm for all PrivateDiseeees, botb for Carina and for Preventive treatment, in vials and pocket cues,.ll to di obese Semediss, by the else or ova box, o any part of the country, by Mali or Zs press, fres of charge, on receipt of the price. Altos' HturiPhreys' Speoilo ca Homeopathic Medicine Company, Ones and Itmt, No. Nth Hamra" New Tats. ilmnimers is eonnited dap at Ide dick =sally or by litter, u above, los all forms of IVOR SALE UN ALL DRUGGISTS. W3l. NICK & FAN and 'WILKINS 4:„..pOLL, Agents, Erie, Pa. joter, az. ezzamirros. COKIUSSION -11ESCIUNT rot the parchrua mid ale of DOMESTIC FLEECE AND PULLED WOOL, No. 45 BROADWAY, NNW YOKE Cult Adeneite NUL Cuelgutouts Pollens.]: Gu ami or apvial Ilarket ReporteTurolshed at Request. SITE NCRS.-.H.1. VW, Cashew National But of Coromeres, New Tort; 1111811711. J. Boorman, Johnson Co„lfew York; Gordon, kleillllas k Co, Clarebtad, Ohio; W. P. Wotan, Cashier First National Bulk, 111nuaspolls, Klan.; ?boa. Artlar, Cutter Plret Nat'l Rank, Nrotou. Iowa; News. Pori, Dixon k Co, et. Loots, illasotul sod to any Rinker throughout the couritl, haring - New York oorrespoagests. turTi.got• p • 1e• 3 4 WIWI illu) 0 4 frlIE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the I well known Livery Stand heretofore occu pied by Wm. J. Sterrett desires to inform his friends and the public that he will continue the butane* and invites-their patronage. THE STOCK will be largely increased and un proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the best livery horses in the coun try. lam determined so to conduct the estab lishment as to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the services of a good team will had me ready atoll that's to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand, Filth street, rear of the Reed House. jeB'6s-tf. THOS. LENNON. F ALL & WIDTH& DIILLIDDRY GOODS MREI. 8. H. HALL Takes plasma In announcing to eta public that 'ha has opaaad • ant atom at 1229 Peach 81., 1 spare North of Mon Depot, When Oa vitt Imp *militantly • lam ',MAT of MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Bouers.cllo4, cid paaral anortioaat ol waythiag ussAy tops on howl la a atom of the kiad. -' stack of Goods Just casslood bon the soL NEW BOOK BINDERY AND Blank. Book Manufactory! We would Nsix.'vtluily tuulounee to the public that we have opened a 1101C1Ii. 131N131,111:1-,, and are prepared to do work in miy hrnni•h'of the huskies:4. ' BLANK. BOOKS! Or all kindq r on hand and made to and ruled to any pattern dratted. MAGAZINES AND OLD 1100 IN, timid and repalreel In the Lent style. BINDERY OvER. , ire yirto no National B Pa ank, Corner St and 8 Streets, Erie, . • auX4ln • F Cord:.. sow. '"l".l=l.V. N laying purLimsed tho Interest of the Sti,hfb Vincent:4ln the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the Into drat, wauld respectfully selicit continuance of arorfront-the friend, and pa troll,4 of the house, and the piddle in general. pledging himself that he will at all times' try to sell iaxst and tellable Flour, Ifecul and flr ' At the heNe.t price cc.r trash. In hand, Fronk my' lung CXperiellt, In tnist brao.li of the trade, I trust I Imow what the dernand,land that I tun prepared to meet that want. I Iteturnlm: my thanks to tlw their liberal patronage to me in the plo.t, I hope by strict atom tun to my business and tlanr Wants, to merit a emit Manuel , or their patronage In the future. . THE MILLING. FLOUR:FEED, I.ND 111.;:i1NESS" Will he continued, in all It> departments, at the ERIE MILLS, PAILVDE STREET, Ind t 1 gtore, A. fg 'l' 1 2 rtIC It 0 "%V , Ikqween Itrilwu'm ffiltel and !tool 111.)ww, Where the. publ le will find a gond I.tmk alwat.s - m for sale,• with competent nt polite men, on hand to xttpply their want' dint 's. optY67-Iy. 11. 11. IL\ VEILSTICK. MUSIC STORE! PrlocK Uetluccd _ First (lam, Seven Octave Iron Frame Iver,l rung, Itosesvoi l'lnnos AT S2:10 To 8:150, Six Orta‘e YinJiu C.iNea JCg. wood I.lt, lod Pzi at .SPZI. Orgark's front i 4.11 to .S.NO. NO. 815 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA. ire livery luKtrunu•ut warranted for the years. 4e2U-tf. EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, obovi% the Buffalo Road, , ERIE, P. I I.IU N,lt 11,11:VA NT' 11::: 'CI., =9 PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES. • TIN ANII SHEET IRON WARE,. THE CELEBRATED CURTIS ' PLOW ! • And all kinds of Iron t:ist Every Stove sold by IN is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettle., Sleigh Slim', Sad leans, &e., on hand and manufaet tired to order. Plows and Plow points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand: A call and a fair trial of -out article; is all We ask. MrtN'al-tf. HENRY. BRYANT ' v,114t 6.4 , 4 , • 0 . ete 1 4• 0 I° ' r -: v4t se! 4 _41 '''' • • s • an 0 ei '. t , ., • ... .... •.. \ 5 .- m THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEWING 619 BZOADWAT, Ntvr YORK. FOR FAMILIES AND 31ANUFACTURERS ESE WORLD•RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest pramhtes at the World's Fair le Loisdoe,enci six first premiums at the N. Y. Ste!e Fair of MS, end Are celebrated for doing the best wort. pains • much smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma. chiue, and by the Introduction of the most acproved machinery. as are now able to suppty the vary test ma. chines la the world, These machines are 11311 Made at cam nev and spa alone Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the inunedi. ate supervision of the ?resident of the Company,ELlAS the origtiud Inventor of the Seising Ma. shine. They are adapted to all kinds of ramify Sevrlag, and to the use of Seiunstmses, Dreis Hakim Tenors, Sans. features or Start". Collars, Skirts. Gloats, bientillaa. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Soots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umblellu. Persson; etc. They work 'Tally well upon lilt, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will Nam 41014 o th er, hem, fell, cord, braid, Mod and perform every specie. of se lig, melting a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on h bides of the artialte The Stitch Invented by Mr. H Wit, and mule OR this Stathine, is the mostpopuhir and durable, and all Sew. itur madams ate subject to the principle invented by hint. Send for Circular. Tat HONE MACHINE COMPANY, eIOO Broadway, Cot. Fourth 0t.,.N. Y. Mies Sophie Jones, 61:12 French et., ogen for Erie county. tearer-Iy. NSW "Srt HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY it STATE STREET, ERIE, l'A Bepdriinir Done with Neatapai & Dispatch. SoopSkirts'MadetoOrder on the Shortest Notice. 'essrs'. Cohen & Bro. are in Co-partnership with an extensive firm in Manchc.:ter. England, thus enabling them to have the very latest of French and English styles. ' Our bloop Skirt department contains all the various kinds of Ladies', M Isses' and Children's Hoop Skirts. Our Corset departinent embraces the follow ing kinds: , French, English, American. and Madam Foy's Cornet Skirt supporter. French Corsets only' - Si .10 American-Corsets only pi cents. English Coniets from M 25 to S 2 Comet Supporters (ruin Qi 7' to 82 to Our Repairing department is superintended by a lady whole thoroughly nequaintedwith the repairing of kinds of atop Skirts. Our Wholesale department cannot be surpas sed. Merchants supplied at New York prices. Kip Hoop Skirts wurranted and made to order. .A. F. COHEN dr lIRO., Jr4'B7-t4 Proprietors LtLANKS!' Ili ANKS!— A complete ussort ment of every kind of Blanks needed by . l torneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men, for sale at the Observer office. Ayefsgarsaparilla, A compound remedy, designed to be the moat effectual Alirrafica that can be made. It i% a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined With other substances of still greateraltcrative power - as to afford an effec tive antidote for the discmcs Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It i, believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints; and that one which V, ill accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow.; citizens: How completely this compound will do it - has been proven by experiment,on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints ; SCDOYCLA AND SCILOITLOCS ConrtaiNrs, Micelle:4s AND EIGUPTIVE Thsasiss, ITterais, Ptnezzs, Ilr.orertes, Towns, SALT RIIEV3I, . SCALD HEAD, SYVItILIS AND SYMLITIC Av rneviOss, llettountst.HlSCASE, DROPSY. NEC. DALGIA OIL Tie Dour.ourtzez, Deurzarv, Drs. PEPATA AND INDIOETrION, EnTSIrELAS, RosS on Sr. Aavrttustv's FIDE, and indecd.the whole class of complaints arising from Lamm= or TOIL i3r.000. - This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By thetime ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by. the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from ,the endurance of .foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tlii; through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you fad it is oh, strutted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you whin. Even where noparticular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the. blood. Keep the blood, healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or ]ater something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has; and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived -by. 'preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but .more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. During late years 1110 public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most • of these have been frauds upon the sick, fur they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointMent has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised; and has become synonymous with imposition and-cheat. Still_ we call this compound Sarsaparilla. and intend - to supply such a remedy as shall, rescue the name from the load of oblOquy which rests • upon it. And we think we have 'ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend• ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle.' PREPARED BY DU. J. C. AVEIt ft Co LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; 'Six fotel,s -for 8.3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won fur itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtitei, wherever it his been em ployed. As it has long been in constant ti,e throughout this section, we need wadi) more than assure the people its (nudity is kept sip to the be,t it ever has been, ant! that it may he relied - MI to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Z. SMITH FOIL TICE .Ctrl 07 - Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, indiy,tion,i Dyscatri y, Paid Stomach, I;)ripelas, aduchc,i Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Sau Diseases t i Liver Complaint, Dtopty, Tater, Tumors m u [ Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Newralgia, as rtj Dinner and' for Purifying the ' They are sugar-coated, on that the most tire can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in tile world for all the purpo,e , of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.60. • Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, S ta te men, and eminent personages, bare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of Chest remedies, hut our space hero will not permit the insertion of therii. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AatEntcmo ALM tier in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the alake complaints, and the treatment that should he fol. leaved tot their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more pr4t on. Demand ATEtt's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there i. for them, and they should have it. All bur remedies are fur sale by, THE ivILL;/-_-..-‘, UNION EXPRESN . CAPITAL, - - $20,000,000 Owned and Operated I , y A Our Merchants and Manufacturers, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, Over tnore than 13,000 miles of Express Line, And to more than .. FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And through them to More than 4,000 Cities and Towns, At Just and Liberal Bates, Based on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, AND .in boon exCeCti tilObl, run huth American and S. Est re. , Over $lOO,OOO per month Are now rare,' to Expre.• tu pai7y, and thus saving mu be tu - tde perm turut Oarttlialling saltne Itlx•tAl I....troual;zu Illthur: • Elperielloe assort. out ~ • iti ttt. v. LIS ULM we moy rely upon the putt , on!, e support, which we Lope to *Litt olwe3• riromee N 0.30 West Fork flow. • f5i.21•6131 • V. S. (It' I'l , D BOOTS. & SHOES ! Is now opening and will keep constantly •on hand - a large and fashionable stovk of Boots Mal Shoes, at his ELEGANTLY FURNISHED STORE, So. iyark Row, (nrown's 'Hotel.) . i . 'His stock embraces everything in the Boot and Shoe line, Including a large line of FINE KID AND COMMON SLIPPERS. Sole agent tbr the city for the rThmeble Patent 1.300 t A very desirable article for ladles' wear, myat-3nt. " Beyond - the .M.ississippi." - A. Complete history' of the New States and Ter ritories, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. BY ALBERT a nictiAnDsoN. Over 20,000 Copies Sold in Ono month. Life Owl adventures on Prairies, Mountains and the Pacific Coast, With over 110 descriptive and photographic views of the scenery, cities, lands, Inlays, people and curiosities of the new States and TerritorieS. Toprospeetive emigrants and settlers in the "Far West" this histort-of that vast and. fertile riigieu will prove on indite assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, anthentlt and reliable guide to climate, soil, products, moans of travel, &e.. AGENTS WANTED.--Send for circulars and ace our terms and ufnll description of the.work, Address NATIONAL PUBLIMUNG CO., 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. aul a, Carries by F.xpr.s=, • .V; 4l ly• 0' -..- 4 , 4 REFINED l'iii r ui,`;" IMPLD 7 - 4 1 4 r, . • , i r - -1, iv.— 1 __.„-,1, .-, "0 -- ; , e....t. , fv...t . 1 -...-. ; .• ' A7';:l CANDLES, CHEMICAL N°l. C. OLIVE 'iCHSPAS I7 €' poAp , SOAP. t FAWLY oCH.ERASIVE, , Sre SOAP. SOAP. • SOAP. 4p AND CAW''' Corner-of Holland and Sixth Str,,, `r, i-YTF PA II AN NON S ('41., THE PLACE To . I.l'Y HA RDIVA We bwri ao expeule for gook-Rteper tecoouta or callrettotr, aryi est, tb•r;f,,, SELL 131sekawlihs silt Hod everything. i n At Stations) tt Co •., I=3 abgre The beet aoeortroept of Not oar, -, At Shawano A c.3.,,,inp • Shawano k Itounnal. for Refitserators and Moll", at Shannon & Co e d,1241.,,,, 'Wostertiolo k Rogore' c.lebraltd !XI c ut ', at Simone .t Co ', at tibaot.t, I ['Hare lass and Putty ' Celehiated Union Apple Tearer; pan, ways, At Shannon F f r ix— getialte North Carona+, at rqoansoo k Co ?tut. C. thee', :in.!). and Seithe Slcurt at bt.annoo it Knlf i e t 4 . it t 0 :. .F t o t l•olg,.;ek ix !..: i . D rushes in 'safety—flair, Roue. Mane, So n y, D Wbitewash, Stove and Counter Brushes k t at Sbeution & Co'., 13 a P , above the L'nfon RR Depo,i , .. Irir Side Agents to North Westin. Perna A rehimidian Patent Axles. ohm lierrloge Fire Lt. 4. ear Proof Situ sod iratrhlnk's Steles. BOOKS FOR TOM MILLION. . --,-- _ -4UOIIEY, MeCREARY & CI) BOOKSELLERS AND STATIoN NO. 11 NORSE! PARK NOW, Are nor opining the laigest and moot tarefulli w ,, ■totk of elegantly hound and beautifully Ink,. BOOK S! Ever brr eta bt t, Lim market, including slender' f new English and American Juvenile Bout, Prayer Books, and Churib &widow, in fine cty.es VINE B . TATIONEAY ARTICLK3 Writing Derite, Taney lok Stuida, ! work Roses, Portfolloe. iltersosent es and views. hs Card Pietorea, the most beautiful Sunday Sacs. in great variety, POrt Yozocales, Cara Cases, os;?.. Propelling Pencils, a large variety of Fancy Arto, Scotch Plaid, Photograph Album% from tha factoriesla tbe beat style,. jti21 . 66 . tf CAUGHEY, AIcCREARY ONS Y r VItEll; AS ...‘VATRIt. WWI Active Local : Ed Traveling .firvnt., 6.1 Female, of all 'gem, are wanted to sofint trace C,a City, Town, Villas., Hamlet, (pork( top wit Y.:- throughout the entire world, for the mom palest,- sities ever kuown. E9O ler cent. profit and nut' L. WIILIIIYIN ors. 5)6. Smart von and •otE,E from S to $6O per day, and no ritk of lon t capital required d' from fil.lo 'to slo9—the sere invested the gtester lime profit. 'to money rriE., advance—we first send the articles and rennfefil wards. If yan setuatiy wnsh to make money n:. sad eartly, write for 101 l bartindars, sod adiuu If ILLNOR & CO, (From Pun 210 Broad:rat, N S. L'. Newspapers copying - will beltherally dean with k NEW COAL YARD. ... MERCER COAL AND IRON CO. 'it SA3SAFEAS STRICILT, ONE-OkLP BoIIARE . ri031.70 O■ ONION lar. :Felling the fiercer Coal cheaper than E. cla, 4 other Coal► is proportton. A trial ie alit:al on. .ary to convince any one of their auperior dec2o3ca With th e EVERY COTTAGE PREz4, And the printing materlat azc.lnyir it, every man ears do gill 0.0 r neatly, quickly and 0 eaply. so simple in COPI4IIIOIOII, tbr,a SO • years old can easily zacapv.al MAN size Printed insirnettens an ev., HIS eneh office, enabling the purth;r: to pork without a preiluns V.:l of printing. A c rcclar. c‘. 4 4 ,, i' . description, price., tesommu. gent tree to *ll. Our Speslmr:: , !.. OWN -Tyr., Cute, kn., ten mitt • ADAMS PAESS PRINTER. m;ro-7-ii AUCTIONS • WEDNESDAYS k Int; Fro , / 9to 10 a. at., south Park Boa', Amain: Biga of the Ned Fut. • eaboopWti nes style bell seat, tarred bact.sti tans, parlor, oak, dining room, rock. ng a. d Black eraltint, cottage, 4eriag Lind tad nen' iro I `end a great quantity-of spring Leda inelnduactli;i j Folding Spriac Aed klattrass. ahead of a'i ✓ appear/ones, atrOtigth and durability, and tYre shipped to this city for sale. A'io, a V. tr el glasses, extension tables. Carpet and other forma , a ?Aria ty of other furniture. ' and about to. 1 patting, warranted Co last tor years. The rho.so, c'eared off on auction days, and other Us. sir , I sale at suction vices esyff-tf.. --- I S HUNTER, -LN• W =I HATS, CAPS •AND FUR 1327 ?caw! Stred, I Two doors South of Shamrock k blan.!* olreting a very dot hoe o the abet^ golds, etueb will be told a: :try lo•F Pertoot wet:tie:l anything In the above bct advantageous to call Ladies' tots ademi : 0 = eV!, F G IL .11. BUSINESS, WEDDING AND t CARDS Rill Reads, Certificate. of Oil aad Other P 7 O I STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, r.' Y J. LAPHAN, - PARAGON DIIILDIIf6, WLBP PARR ET ap2l'66-ft 1 =RON. rr:A 143i)SON WILDER, itcaus,,ctanpra aad wheits.tio Dolan tt TrN, JAPAN AND PRESSED W gros's TIPS: S TOPE . TRIMMINGS , Waterford, Erie Co. c ra tr. Ordrn by mall promptly Ottem3rd ' A . V BI / 1 1 9 nUBILEY 434; l!etlAitti IrAlt7AoTexise o► TIN, SIIEET IRAN & COPPER C' AND GAS AND STEAM FITTEIti No. 331 Skate St., Corner of FourtA,Er4 WORE OP EVERS•DESCRIPTIA In dthv of Si* boy, br►nehee Le P s ' etscuted. . , C. AVERY, B. WOBLEY. U. i1c?0,.. Tie mite Worker. Copper Smith. Gre kt''''' reeetl3-Iy3 1 1111 i PINTO GET ,YOLTR MONEY BACK ZS AT E. COUGHLIN'S S i BOOT AND SHOE STo stat• Stzeet, Nearly. Opposite the Pot 00 E...Conehlin,, Hoot and Shoe HOW , Il li respeathilly infolma the Public that he k +u removed bimetal:id to tneStors B oost .., on State street, nearly opreite the Post ' , ~... • Office, where he invites all We old Moll al ",, to give him ball. Partienlar attention IV ° REP KIENO ! , t ___,* Having cards' workmen, and 1 511P..."' -eEl l W ,it baalneartdmeelf, hal:aliens he On s„.'" Unit and sell at an loir prices as soy nw ei ''.sM,l Hy. Good Rita Werranted. H EARN. coatterruare,6l CHAO' OS. CI AND 44 PARS RON, Nam pit ricertd. TWENTY CELESTB OF CEIO/v nigh vUI fl cam► :6 Ana St.,Nrr 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers