The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 03, 1867, Image 3

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    finportant flotices.
-Advertlqelire nserted under this head
,l,lls CelltN per line of 10 words for the first
7,erlinn, 12
cents for the second. and 10 cents
.til,quent Itrgert/Ori.
J. F. i• Erie City intelligence OMce, No.
,;2,late street...
For Itellable Insurance of all kin" - arils
t.D. Bri , :sell, Agent, No. 7.llgorth Pa r k. Pite,
,lasaranee d ost re
couotniely apply to R. U. Russell, agent,
r ;nite.t rect Jell2l'o7-ly.
side Very Cheop..—A small Foot Lt.aathe,
Farm w ith ...crew feed and geers foe wei r
sieil; sets to taix.r. Address J.
a . ' l ,l7,s*Nee. , Edinboro, Eirle Co.,
~ Pianos new stock of Pianos
rialto •
..., mrll,l at Stulthlt Music Store. NOW's the
. , ~. ~ goat piano for a little money.
,f. r , '‘
.1',..t.1t,t stro,t, Erie, Pa. . auil-tf.
_ ___
s,ll n: entire household
carpets, flialm, tables, stoves, bed
, neAlco, o w tir.t-elass piano, one new first-
ne tow drat-class bulgy.
, w for ca.ll. No. 815Stnto street, E
1 , rie,
[Jyr -tl.l - 7. SXl7lf.
Stove and Tin Ware store of
10 , , c„ ha. 1)(4•11 removed to No. 138-11,1ini
;,2„....m.t. near the 'Buffalo Road, where will
o ,f oli hniet n romplete stock of irorxin in
which the public are invited* to call
be grle Lodge No. 211. 1. 0. of Good Tem
..very Tuesday evenine, In the
1,..1tp• Room. an State street, over
tewelry store. Stranger Teniplare vim
rttr at earl I ally Invited lobe present.
znft GF.O. KNTOIEr. W. Ct. T.
rny2-tf. .
tiltsilltss 70 irtrtorp
n,-imp-.,f ard , . In,erted In this depart
.tr, at a dollar per line.
NV'tt I ker. :nand 33 N. Park
a.l %f ",r) in , ' Tr! rr,ney, st.
hn(ta/11 Itre‘ el Iler, 51:-1 Ft...nett Kt.
ittaTtv. AND tiIIOP.;.I.
Ht. \,n th Partc.
11, Clark, 111'.trt: tw.
Ktattlt, .In, 'Mate ..treet.
pateltart Ce., it North Park.
~.I,Zun.7lllSt.ttt Kt reef.
pt,ttil.gltl,tlttte it.
Jr., 92t 9 State t.t. -
1100 K STORES.
znov& Mt9'reare. North Park.
,tpatlont. 52; Prellelt it.
- FM.Ol'll At FERD.
R. It ovr.diek. l'ark
,t lira.. 119 Fretteh Kt.
STORE- 4 .
Me1901.: 4 2t State Kt.
M Kutttll, 2i North Park.
p 7,,, 1 1..t.K215tate 't.
Win. Willing - , RS State
,EW!V; M.‘ell7, N r F. AGENCIES.
4.r.' State Kt.
aitt French xt.
zo Nl:tektite. 52t1 French at.
, t2.l.4intr st.
Fltt'n s i / F. PROIRICE.
Ltnlte. a. 4. 11th Park.
11,1;1..1111V, 12 l'ark Row.
,p,,,,,mvole..lllStato ft.
t FlO.r. '2 ,. l.nrit Row.
)1 Jahn,... ) North Park:
- It ITR AND eAPR 21 North Platt.
51314i:11e street.
:. Kendall. 127 1 .4 French St. '
H. Amin', 525 Fri•nett
nfr k Bums's. All and 700 State street
'armee. 1117 Peaeli street:
. 120 State street.
A Warfel. MOS:tete st.
~ 1;111I A 11.11.1%2 Poiteh .troet.
.nor ('u..21 North Park.
701Stntr. street.
.4 . p:,.k h Snn,7ll State street.
DUX (100114.
U. 5t , ' , 11..11A a: Wthley.
n. 34 , r,11:
,t Lohman, IMO Peach st
.m... , 1 Era. 714 State st.
fkireltc; 71.; State -st. -
k. 1 0..3 Noble Block.
fil2 State st. .
;t. !tenth k ('a., ti Reed Howie Block
•1 turf, Grew fi Foster.
r 11r. 170 State wt.
& Grath, t.2t Pewit at. _.;
I l'icl,l 132;1
Itoicford & 1121
Al. lical..•ll.ler. 1,211 " -
r : v 11,1:111:111, 70,4 State at.
fihri.itinn fi Cralg, 21 North P4ik.
rofi a; French at. •
Corner Sth and State at.
b. Becker R Co„ Slt French st.
French at. •
[lain Mallory. :41 French at.
(;21 State st.
V. Claus. 0; Ens% Fifth st.
' ha-14701 Stntr et. •
wiler's, over 11, Rosenzweig's Block.
I. Lott, 1397 Peach at.
r. Dann. over. al and 30 North Path.'
ph f, Farrar Hail Blding.
I , ..Wager IV3 P eac h at. _
1111 Peach at.
701 State It..
7no Fitnt. at. •
W. Mehl, 517 French at:
i f. Sterner, 401 State aL _
anon & Co.. VitiPertch -r , •
V. Pierre & Co., n 1 State
lidy &Shannon, Ng French rd.
ddert, t& French '
Vantacael, I=l Peach et. •
nr4 Bina, •701 State at.
arer & Son, 1215 State
Intingan & Co., 101 R nrid It State
maw, 22 North rtirk. - -
, 1:361 Sputtrns st. -
Bildt t k Co, 8114 State St.
1111.&t & Sig State et. _
_ .
(;enslielmer at. Son, =State at.
1211 State st.
CIN State Rt.
Rah% R 22 State kt.
&Meyer, I Nobje }thick.
. Rm.+, Ni. In North Park.
isinX , French ht. • •
_ -
•ttetrart,:lo North Park, hOuae4l7 Stag!
Frawr, (lotucepathtat)6l"3 Peach at.
Hake ttonth Park.
Curti Routh Park.
ii` , 6 l -MeGnttli. 607 French xt. • -
11:nrichts,.1310 Peach at. .
& Metz, 1123 State at, . • • '
.nra, Hall ,t Co., &1 a nd Peach MI:
P. Crook tSion,aor. 4th aud•Dhach 11ut2 - `
Co., corner Ilth and French:4B.
k Jane% corner 11th and Holland
Booty, 1214 Peach M.
WA~~CI~E~••, _.
D S 0M.E.94pc4
3 / 4-N - 1:10 - F 7 SiA* l;l6 . •
heap for Cub, by
It. Ostatraet 1p fired Ito giye
attention to the sale or boiardfrot of
Good horses mut_tW'rlaitellottawtkri on
moderate prices. lae respeettolly sone
4ae of Vitae tattronage.
ETTING , of every Jlir" An•lar6g OT.
Nionutttles, plain or c olored, done in
le, and ai.Molerate prices, at t4c,
ANICs! BLANIM—X" /templet° fismort.
it.ta ety every kind, of Blanks needed by
MeSA, Justices, Constables and Madness
to Kale at the Observer ,Mee.
PRINTING of eve y kirid, in large or
'an Rimutltles, plot!) I'W- colored. dons In
'4 l e. laid id mo4orkto Priem.
menar eve
BLANKS !—A comPlent,4=y
ry of _
n, Juattees, Ca Intel
tania:dm and
.11 Ines.
fareate at the oterrir„ctaller, •
ILIANMU—A Completeiamion
ntAr= otßlaaluis
geatVie. Co ax
eriftce •
BLANSLES cdinlikte
nt of Averyltlnd of Ranitts
'Ss, Justices, Constables sad Rainless
'We it the °Wen.; sittOr. „:„.4
. -
Priprrrso titers • kW, - Ili /NV* ti c
‘u Matinee,plain or oolong% dons in
‘tYle, ;Lod .ot otodorMo price% id the
Wiquantatles of
plain or cob:wet dontLIIII r P
t atYle, and at nun faratc4o:", at Uli P "
• OftiCe.
PRINTnio of everp kind. in larg e —
VI quantiti es w a i n or adored. uulle In
'We. end at moderate prices, at the
Selling at Reduced Rates. by
Removal of the Observer - Office.
The Editorial anti Business. Offices of this
paper have been removed to the second story
of Bmenzweles block, next door to the tele
graph office, where we shall be 'pleased to see
any of our friends. The entrance from the,
street is the same as before.
A Last Word.-
This is the last issue of the Observer tlett
will appear previousto the election, and we
again appeal to our friends to spare no effort
that will bring success to ourJeause. The
time is short, and the work to be done ad
mits.of no further delay. If we fail of mak
ing such a -reiutt as we would like Erie
coonty to present, the fault will -rest-with
those upon whose active exertions we have
a right to rely. We feelthat we have done
our full duty in endeavoring to point out the
means of victory, to rally oar forces to' the
battle, and to encourage them to the manful
perthrmance of their work, and if they fail
to respond as the occasion demands,' the
fat lt will not lie nt our door at least: Tim
issue henceforth rests with the Democrats in
the different districts. trona their fidelity,
energy and zeal &pea& the question of suc
cess or defeat We can win, if we choose,
and if we fail, our own inactivity- will be the
What to do on Election Day.
Mr &e Mgt rrery Des/wen:tie Met u
brought ought.
1:27" Have carriages; buggies, or tvazohs
at the polls to haul inAilatory voters. •
Oy - Witteh the Laic( box to gee, that there is
Ito fraud eowthitted. •
rg` Lu not /mite tinv in arguing. With op.
putouts; but WORK.
lf any °four men arci not at the polls by
4 i,'elock, .4011 , i for theni. sn l be sure that
they come.
Vote early, on} spelt 1 the. balance of the
(lay in Litroriiii ; ror the e LTA.
ITAve goal, cPlilble. active *llea to work
at the poll 4, an.l - tlo not permit A IMIAI.IIOO
111133 without some one of their number being
present. . '
Remember that a Rill Democratic vote - is
a certain victory. •
Sustain the whole ticket, from top to .bot
tom, and allow no one, under any • circum
stances, to neglect voting for the State can
Is Loins' Entitled to the Support or
On the week Of the- Republiauf County_
Convention, the Gazette, discussing the Man
ner in which Mr. Lowry' secured hgt
nation, presented the following tibia Of the.
.way the delegatei stood at the_ time of their'
erection: , . - - ) • ' •
Erie 2d Ward . 2
Erie 11 Ward • 2 1
Erie 4th Ward 2'
East Mill Creek 3
'West Mill Creek - 3
'Harbor Creek - 41
Greenfield 2'
Amity II
Union Tp.' • _ 3
:Union rforongh • -
Lelkeuf 3
Waterford- Tp, 3
Waterford Borough 2
Greene • 3
Summit 3
Springfield 41
Girard Township 31
Girard Borough 21
Erie let Ward
South Erie 1
North East Tp. .3
North East Borough :I
enango .3
Wattsburg "
Wayne 3
C - 4
ean - • 3
Middleboro - 1
Washington ' • 3
Edinboro 2
Franklin - • 2
Elk Creek 3
Conneaut 3
Albion - • 2
Lockport • • 3
Fairview' ' 8
On the strength of these 'figures the Ga
zette declared, "It was.thereferevparerit to r
all that the RepubatinntOot. r4e ccintity
had fairly and regularly made choltwof deo;
W. Colton as its candidate - in the conferee
Convention for the State Senate.", .. .
he manner In which the 'il - clottNe_ were
changed so as to eye Lowry,' a majoiitYls
the - Omri-enpion• not shown, b014th614-
preSsion is eleirly: left that ,16/n9,416ne-by
anything but fair-and inetibl littansr‘The
Gazette, after sumniiref up - the 'particulani,
concludes by saying:
"Having thus candidly posted.thej Repub.
Bean masses of Erie county as to the enodys
operandi by which' their expressedWishos
regard to thi Senatorial-candidate were set
atnaught through open fraud_ in the County
Convention, *c leave the matirtiefore them
for the balance of the pending • - campaign.
The exclusion of Greenfield township from
representation cannot be Justified: or ex
plained to the satisfaction of any . intelligent
and liar minded Republican, It was (mutt&
TY to all usage, all edent, and -all justice,
and the actors in the _fraud are meeting „that
Condemnation which their coarse deserves.'
• • Strange as it may appear, the Gazette, after
showing thus candidly and ths
way in which Mr. Coital 11111 M 61141601 out
a his nomination, isuppiarbi Lowiy,ns,the
regular 'party:H3Vci
cotemporary the justice to say that we-do
not believe its course in this respedt
led by any sincere motives, but!solely bc
cense its interests as the party orpt**Cal
require it to do so. •
the sober minded and tonnt intentioned,
Republicans Of the disiget - read'the: stab
statement from their party organ; Anil Ma
der it well. If itis trams rtoprgfkgs fmn
per to publicly den4j, how can they decide to
give Mr. Lowry their votes . ? , - ._,A..majnritz of
the Republican voters of. the county, we are
_told by-the Gazette, instructed their delegates
against his nomination, lidd 411 Q to defiance
if their wish, he has been placed In the field
atc the candidate of the party. Through 'what
mysterious influences were the delegates .
.cVrsen against him brought over to his sup
*ort 1' What right has a man to claim to be
the part Y -nominee When a majority of the
:party decided apinst hin! at the primary
elections ,noitinatloni. any
force upon .the party adherents, and can
-wholtate been cheated out of'thecan
they deilred, with any degree of sett
iltillir :concern
every ipoblican voter in the county, and if
tontpolitical orgaret will not present
it istime that /tome nteautt..9dlOUl4. be ,
found by which be brought to- the
notice of those ro t a eerneil The purity
of our poli t ical .99 5 i nie 'OI4 I P
of the _ nlority principle, the character 's
local representatbrott,td„thF , .rer!4tatiir
ore community , • all require that they
sligTd be met by the people in a manner
: that cannot be.misunderstood. • '
Tottitusville : ceittahur e:!'*o 4 o
oftt speech made 'by Mr. Lowry in that city
iak week, by, which . appeals that WijAt,eg'
his enemies may be disposed to - dO, he. has
no intention orletting the quartet . (lobe
Radical ranks subside for a while longer.
Was otiPanelfilt. are thisigelt!ott as- wllemeAr
kneed, bow-backed and SunkemeYed Repnb
tieing," the papers which armed thetas/Ives
Against him 'ire stigmatized , as the
' bsuchod prom: and4lo.' cu stomary
are matte by lain tiithe'symeatliy of f
pie. Like all of LowtY's, RfodueoCittailitr
speed' is a rare combination: of iztravastant
I _ , expiessions, gums WA. - overdrawn cm
! Parisonly and *taint voiclusious. 'AG
i tuctease the bitterness , othls enemies, "Rd,
cause many bf them ut_ sup Port the , Demo
cratic candidatAitheidght WOW* lisle
given Liar tlielr'rkealPo 3 l 2 % Prob*Pr-aoa"
tented tkfiPael,veavitil*l2h4ng quietly t►t
Wn will take It as a ameba : favor tt the,
Dernocratic ) Inspector . on election
board In the nounty, will 'end its by MAIL
immediately after the result is ascertalned, a
statement of the vote on. Supreme Judge and -
Senate, giving Republican as well as Demo
cratic. In order that the matter may not he
neglected, we would ask of the delegates, to
the late Pounty Convention that they give it
their personal attention. -
The friends' of Mr. Loiry held their first
public meeting in thC city to advance his in
terests, in the Court House, od'llonday even
ing.. We are not informed. Whither they
were required to pay ten dollars, as the Dem
ocratic County Convention was, for • the use
of the building, but presume that as the Jan
itor is so what disposed towards
them they poured it at a reduced rata:
The community had been told by the Dis
patch, which did not appear Lobe aware thit
it Was being used as a "catspaw" for Lowry,
that an old-fitsbionchl, grand and tremendous
ratty would take place. Everylxxly was ,on
the tip-MC of excitemeat in tonsequeftee,
and it was confidently- expected that a dem
onstration was certain to •oeettr that would
throw all the circus exhibitioni we have ever
had entirely into the shade.
The first thing on the programme was a
torch-light pr cession, which was announced
to be on a peculiarly brilliant scale. Accord
ingly all the little and big boys about the city,
who enjoy anything •that will contribute to
their love of variety, were prontptly'oit hand
at the Wet Park, where a bon-fire was lit to
give life to the occasion. A number of zeal
ous perinns strained themselves to collect the
torches, and a little before eight o'clock
enough boys were found willing to make an
exhibition of thentselires to get np a respect
able sized procession. Tlie line presented_a
formidable array of tall boys and short boys,
fat boys and lean boys, boys whose mothers
knew they were out, and others who didn't.
A. carefully compiled table, gathered by some
half. dozen celebrated mathematicians,speci•
ally . employed for the occasion, and carefully
posted at various points on the route, deyel
ops the fact that the procession was compos
ed as follows: Voters, 17; big boys, QS ;
tle boys, :i3; nigger, I—total MO.- This huge
pr cession, which was calculated to strike
terms into the hearts of wicked Copperheads,
paraded around several squares, and having
accomplished its patriotic mission, suddenly
struck a bee line for the court House, where
it arrived at a little after eight, One of our
irtists took a sketch of it while on the march,
which Is truly thrilling in its lifelike fidelity;
and is expected soon to appear in proper
. At the Court House, an audience had gath
ered, which, when swelled by the torch-light
crowd, just comfortably filled the hall, which
will hold perhaps fivelhundred persons. The
bar presented a motley collection of Radicals,
prominent among whom were seen the irre
pressible. gentleman , In whose interest the
meeting, was called, and his ,faithrul aid-de
;camp, the Chairman of the Radical County
Committee. The " weak-kneed, and bow
tricked, and sunken-eyed element of the
party wa* slimly represented, those who
*werejn attendance looking much like mour
ners at their: own Mineral. On motion of
Col. McCreary (Lowry) Maya!, Noble (Low
ry) wascalled upon to preSide,-; The princi
pal (dice having been secured,, the balance'
Was distributed around among the Germans
and Colton men, as a Wig fOr the 'slights and
wounds them at the late COhnty
.Conyention, They will undoubtedly , appall
elate •the favor at its full value.
The first speaker was Hon. B. H. Brewster,
Attorney General of the State. who said that
he had not made a political speech for many
years. and had only come to Erie at the ur
gent solicitation of Senator Lowry, between
whom and he there has been filoiig personal
friendship. He enlightened the atidience
with the information that he had been a Wm
ocmt until the opening of the war, when he.
became a red hot Radical. His speech was
a dry, illogical and uninteresting one, and
was mainly deYoted to urging the Radicals
present to accept of negro suffrage as a car
•dituti 'feature of •their breed; Which he said:
the t .party would have to do or die. We sim
-0137-4-1-024011"0111*110400.a1",., -who hetud •
him must aesmostedge, that;the'etfort of",Mr:
Brewster didinn i gnat 'ids reputation,. and:
showed that . Adler greatly out of.
plebe Itt,dise. - ,gii• does, riot ixte-
DIA the talent ".•t* -•:•
‘, 1 4111p. His allu
slops to the 1, • '7
between him
' mo t* 4 . !w4 ; ; • ; Os hear
eittiff*the•., . ; -tit' were
glad *Olt belfils#d.
The next hm*er ei ttolll4 Otiskis A.
prow,. betterteotvn Ob as
lillenoGrow,tfrottilasidesAlcaticinwith the
swindling sReenIIMOW - 'l.. ; ,Caller. lver. Like
Brewster, he had once - heetia - Democrat; and
like air renegad e s, his remarks against his
former political allies were Infused With more
faltiehood 'Amid Meanness than it wolild:be
.poisible for a consistent member of the Op
position to utter:Thi'ene_ritig'Of his 'speech
:yras .w:yophoitterlpst. stale calculated to
give one the impression-that he had just left
sonie,down.-- Mr: Grow's whole.
akft= t t=thePV4 lo . l4
-,ion the strength of the same. The greater
portion a*hia sPeecit war itecradettArnahs,
- plentng in, high wrought • the,hitter
ntets - tif tint War,
President Johnson. We do not wonder . ;
hearing Mr. Grow,, , that : he htislumbhvi••
dowalbioiti PiWitiOn
Rf ervordinary local polltieditE: Hg is, get`_
dently a man of small calibre, who Cast
have, teen:Plated 'bite notarietylby'o4lent.
Titeldent stined if:44116: 074'; 130 P
field was to follow Mr. Grow, but the hour
4teinglatilluthat,gentlentaa declined She Ael
ish takirif fletayfilethqickdiOW" ,id*rt:heY
Were:tireminuti!.tr decision whieb.'etildontlz
met life '
yniigitaousaiiproltsiiou ; of aft pies
ent4 ifll:ola.iinft6. by thel4ll
Whicittbey pmmeaced' tnaking-their exiU
--The blijeeVet lie meeting wile so " paipably
for the special itenefit,ttf,M . r.Lowry,that
were-thkeived,;indlhe.Coltan wing of the
party are'
bugged e by, spelii , Stiget*9 . e!a.`frat , ;•enteitlifting
-!:••, i
- SCENE AT A STREET CORNM—Mitee 211 % 1 ' .:
iiktovny Reputnuasces amset—csete. Wm. LAI
biOdirPridef, rlFF_• 9 l l ) llo YrigrAgi
in n votes—
" That wasliftiiiliktidivsimin'tlii i '
t4i 4 , it liA.—"YrN wW:acil°l l meant'
TLL"ttati 4 i yon6ll4orllf
Twi) children frozen in the street last night,
I was Pet getting !liatly..,tfAr *mut' the fun.
'era" • `. _ •
26 A. t±44lS4SUiftlakitc l
death is tliesClogt;Thlitliti:-:t ,totti;
ninaity. 4:110001 , 44. 11 , I :z . „. . 444 4 ,
• t.; ,4 t
bi t 4;t4f: sa4tot!
Thii'MfiiiifiD4t 4l : - -ir# - -,
nib hP eirO bl l e f#Rt_W:4„
mothers difiltoiloTirOlisf;iisiiitiiiK
their sad fatetll - 4g***#afl . ,_4l4oo*
they cannot
Ildt 2d iitta
.‘t• •ftialft—r l ini.rigs''''' -l o i nt'
'Mrs. Winslow's SoothitivityrnP" with a
r . iadtirtbitet** WOE% al/PrOlatiO 6
the,sathifietion its '
'condo - ad use. ,fords '
His Mends, however, think be 'should,
mani tb ittorerial natnithrnent, itrrOtti - db.
derstand that they intend to preseitt:him
with a tubber sing, on;th!.eth iturt.r74lapiff ,
Our eilthinporaty ii4thithiteaCttei 4 , 346 f
ii4sole oilleet .
tilow's:Soothin,g Syrnp is to cal - twigs it.
tend4n.l'B4 akebtily
peculiar Ills - that ifilletVterMs„Vilt*::Yfr
base beentold . thit it hats' polka* : thcd;
iitkt-uixth 4 1 46".. 0 04# 0 4 1 q•- 2 4 44 4
Gl* it oris*-solow‘,- - to !see him suffer*,
•when a remedy that iippeant so well adaPted
easy re,seiroithis niettds: -Mien !Argi l - they
"rubber, ring" re&tlied slab' inaiie'
haste to hand it over to our eatemporary, as
next to the Syrup, the best thing adapted to
one In his condition. •
A feta Ikraocratie rota ia a certain cktory.
AAU Elernotratie tote-is a remain riefory.
The Lowry Meeting.
- A fuu : A•mae f age rak w a xerta n 1 4 1*
full Demoeratie rote it a certain victory.
A fail Democratic rote is a certain rietory.
A fall Demaeratie Me t'.l a certain rietory.
"MEN and brethren, I battier:lt you test - anti
by your country."—Loury.
In plainer wads, stand by the !Wien]
nominee for Sente: , •
T.ILE 40-Lowly Republican; will have a
chance to show on Tuesday, whether or not
the story is true, that Lowry carries the Re
publican party of this districtin his breeches'
pocket. ,
LET every Anti-Lowry Republican in'the
county read his speed► at Titusville. It will
show them in what estimation beholds them,
and enable them to judge what his course is
likely to be in case he Is elected. •
FENATOII Lownv ,is free in announcing
that if he is returned to Harrisburg, he Will
spare no effort to'give negmes:the ballot in
Pennsylvania. The white working mete of
the district should beartlie feet in mind on
the day of election.
Tits Observer office will be open to receive
election returns until Midnight of Tuesday
nep, and all-out friends are invited to make'
it their headquarters upon 'that occasion.
Being next door to the' telegraph office, we
willhave unrivalled facilities for proedring
the news.
"Weak-kneed nod bow-backed and
sunken:eyed Republicans," referred to by Mr.
Lowry in his Titusville speech will hays a
chance to respond to him on Tuesday next.
WHIR be in his own mode, or ire they- such
good Christians that they will deem it their,
duty to reward his abuse of theni by helping
to tie-elect him to the Senate? •
THE twp German pvers in - the city, the
Ftie Press (independent) and Spectator (Re,
publican) both advocate, the, election of Mr.
Liebel, one of the Democratic - candidates for
the Assembly.. From what we can learn, it
bake as. if Mr: I:iebel will Secure nearly the
entire German vote of the county, regardless
of politics.
' •
- A NICE family are these Jainism's' that are
paid $25,000 a year to 'live at the While
•We- hope the Gazette hasn't. forgOtten
that it was its party who placed "these John
sons" where they are. ;If "these -Johnsons"
are the terrible fellows we are told they are,
The Republican party is responsible for put
ting_them in the position they occupy.
Ai rna opening of Court last week, but of
thirty-sir jurors drawn only twenty-one
mac a their appear a nce.. The Judge stated
after this jurors would be required Lobe
push tunny- in Attendance, and after fining
eat of the delinquents $lO, directed t rule
to Issued for then?: to thow cause why an
attachment shonld not he made for contempt
of Court. •
Qs. Tuesday, uponanotion of Jae. C. Mar
shall: ,sci.,3lr. IL A. faker, of Corry, was
atlenitted ta.practise, in the several courts of
this county. Mr. B. has taken an office in
Weight's block, Corry, with.the intention of
practising his professiOfi in that city. _fp is,
a gentleman of talent mad integrity, and we
heartily recommend him to the favor of our
friends in that vicinity who may need the
services of an attorney.
''WI AK7KNEED and how-hacked and sunk
en.eyed Repnb icau s j !.'Weak and sliort 7
sighted men," arc_
. the, pretty names which
Seatifor Lowry applies in ,his Titusville
speech to those in his own party who op
posed his nomination.: Of course, after such
complimentary allusions, every one of them
will be eager to give the silver-tongued Ben
mortis vote andentholaslif support. :.
THE Dispatch of Thursday': came out in
one of the ableaterrdorials me have ever seen
;In ha colurims, urging: the: Anti-Lowry Re
imblieunsio Vote and labOr for Mr, Recker's
election, as the only means of overthrowing
thci Lowry dynasty. It strongly arguei that
It. would be better liar
a ,th,g. Republicans
of this district to meet `ivitli a ' temporary de•
feat than to !rave . their_grrY:kroken fras
turints,4l4AiaFaly4r44-Witiii ealfitnKr
to ire controlled as at Itrtaseu.:.
ACCORDING to tlliferldi,%ei&Silemble
majority oft r atitiaiiitii Unto iii l itaiy
cast their-mottsragabst Mr: Lowry - tt:the - ,
Primalieiter:CATtirtAre ..of iiektlmYeek
as give, 0 .Vaa ,:t.: litft,'Art'etArg' "
men In itfl" = t i te r" Td r;',lo,orfrl°
Lowry. it'islaiimiMimAt'ireogrie 'alma* ,
inciuiro frefiv,ftra of hal oxen Witt? t
`delegatrsAiere zecrustillei . L'yin Ti.
once o DlAtitilkioll l 4'.. ' '' -- 'ffl' ittilril
what if ieof . ngna*lreat:l; 7s, • 1 "Act 42e-
Nisi itself in.,suitilaiijU ' ; intyt
notninii,;-iistfile loji! its - Visit, ' ". 1 1 hels
o ti -4Qua*t rioi ( flits:
votes c...,- ; ,i ,
r... . 41 'rtctd llit:IL -•
.. y_..,,./04,1 i ' ,
t ,' ~.., . 7 . ,;-, •• , - ficapt,- ,, Om
saliport : te' . •`" ' ' , clakAiierr: it'
is tiriff. rAirkii;ateitiaer ' " • "alf l Os the
-*Peci4il- O rAt4:V44, 92.,_,47i115e In - .
littggnattisnombwiel4-iswholjfernwl , at Ole
anis of 'doiCiarsi .. WidecitAt pro:
klatunAttif*thrgkiiiimlo. to:
i 4. r- txWisnTlitulelggld Ms:
W.iends inZecifirliticaliiirlirtir' i s ytiiiiirbst Way
- can if reekbilfliieleelerattims ailLa period
!tth itkligdve ulliffesl.o.P.ttiti4o4l l- :
date rot:Supreme .11f!igelblicratMftible 4 °"'
sistenokal our . cOirniiporisy, - b , m , matter:of:
I . pyllie nbiSrtety;lititiii Miyiarilifslte been
more inexcusAtilyA444,qo4,4ollWA.
I‘ / E ton this ins l sr ie; 1-;',Y ! ,.." 1 ',:-...' i': : :. ° ;1":11:72k 4
Presgrwrvic- ,l witelvowri /sower ;fe e tiits
friends selic it o. * *::-Mt g r i,d-dr - 4i4 4rait
gait IC-ls: °Wing io -them-•mainly-J - Mit :The
strong exertbkAvW,Wil:nifulklif OP**
-ty Or fik.Alifbat of- - cnr: State• tikem , REF'
of Our prinelpimiltnd will - leavono - ~,- , 1
tried to
i o tefeAat
f trefi-fi*?tEvkr.. iitl2 Irot.. lifil:pktii'f4icici'ui
4° " f itA i Agt l Fooo
n 'v s ° obm.wv. ia ..ola P44.% n
_' ',' Vaiii-hiAlif Itzli e Sik? RIPPOIZ
etectektheyrare ser anxious trearbtain . :votek'
firr Lorry. Offers-Win - be Midi to trade
: votes, with What object„ypu,
.09, faii* pp T ,
oferstand.,, itetneober that only Democratic
candhlates ate entitll4 a beriocratic votes.
....;.4 c,,,c E., 1 -c; -4 3.11
riumuluiTion,qui , d°4 4l q euPrn; *V
Morrow B. Liiwryli Skcrealry your *vita,
lie bill give you any, tliol&ORN the same?
Bear_ what hfrYtri, 19f Mr:Kw 4 "Weak.
kneed and bow-backed and-sunken-er'yea Re
eA11...-46W:Pie0 0 4 1 1: ytßß, twitiii , itie'
' iv Wetifirioslsp . Illtelrinlatec fr
t t Zoos z . try- ama -of commotran-,
telnifigi t * M , 4l4tie-iviMit ifiiiAhfuititf
ble area than ttorernis election, will only - .
afford him theiplAitt idly totiiteriis 'gape
rintprthswever, sad•woestbo iv. thoset In the
ReArciitAlituke '4 1 0; 14 '4 iiiodoit.,4ing
:widow vurpnivellefenf-him of Miirmit
be 4o a e with Irleri, OintiowhinitAMWriefir.
'fifetirou-tWeaufweur tde Wel '-* f
. c.;::";
, r,.. 1 4104 Aliapricinieri 'or ' ale Mid or; t .
A iit , ti li:1 1 h i t tuts kr limy.** re , ..!_
ers,Nro top the ailoir g f ww
We Weekitiewle dihe 1 7 10* 1 .-1 , 1,! ~ .'l'l
!If ' vbseglailiumriood, you voit'ti
it ydaq•=. itte thdi-
elate the wiffoi: , I , ,7" , ixesig,, -
L'llltu u lejle th fgo 3 4 l oW . ed: l6 : , ilu, l :1 0 444
..P.=,..o.9ag..—zin ~ ..‘:. 4 ~.- 4 ina.r
4 4 71. A4tt e l Li l t . .1 1 . . 11 .1 1 1
P • MG. , illurefe.
fr f i tiß f i c# . l # 6. Ptl ii t Wtigeek ,
la to say thiiiiiiiima exception thei iiir
totally baseless, and only circulated for po
litical effect How a man ofittrutch Intel*
germ as the editor of the Gazette can have
the presumption to palm such stuff off ,npost
his subscribers is, one of the mysteries we,
could never satiedbetorily explain to our
self: -
nirgr" rs e wry meeting on
Monday flight after' *electing one of their
friends for President, with. a liberality beyond
allppetAler% kindlyalloweti the Cotton men
and teirirtinas trillitthe vatimbie positions of
Vice Breittleinr:timillecreturksi VOT this
gene.,o o &WA . ; - vintionbtedly
IvellitZtrte 4 1` 1 00 , dee4 401.. tfitt.T* 8 417
going en masse and depositing their votes kir 1
Lowry's return mi. the Setrate.; :It must be
exceedinglyvateild. Men, eller
being denied stsingielirnmfyristirle„ .tolnow
that they will OM Ve 'granted the iii - stimable
privilege of serving as. honoring .officers at
public =mine trhe Germans. will have the
_i,ifknoWing, , too, that pone or
.their m iodber were deemed fit fore place on
the ticiteOtheiitket. timst not thought In
competebtttreeren Presidents, See -
reb .401 Pd' for.Lowry assemblages
and prod j3ueb bountifirt generosity
cannoffaitOtinetilth. Its just reward, in
securingthe 7 „egrstitudes, of the re
cipients; - •
- Tun oldhigs'anti r lririrlind `ltepublicans
of this county must feel especial gratification
overlbet . ,ttrai of Men are' em
ploYedla.tettelting-thein political duty. Eve
ry one of them is a renegade , Dernecrat,- and
it really knittsoks If there Was a concerted
plan to band the party;.over into the control
of 1 4 1 141 H aMhe 011 11-
ty during - the present campaign:
' Benin ilarriSßrewster, Renegade.
Galusha A. Grow, Renegade.
Glenni W. Scofield, Renegade.
, Morrow B. Lowry, Renegade. - .1
J: ii. Whallen,' Renegade.
Such mei as Mr: Walker, Mr: s3LLitt; Mr
'Kelso, and. their coadjutors, the " ortginaT
cheaplehns" of tlw OppoEdlion, 123118i'exiie.
rienee a iteculiat feeling in thus: seeing their
old enemies step in and secure the spoils and
honors,: " - , -
Tan..S.nti-Lowri Republicans who were
disposed to vote for Mtn on the.strength of
being the rggular party noruineei will not
ccive.4flw4t rncuuragetnent for doing so, in
his Titusville speech., It is evident f titat how
ever,they twig feel upon the subject, he et .
least is not disp,oied. to. give up the • fight.
Listen to the waykin which - he refeni to:- the
supporters of Mr. Colton :
"In my own county, the wealc-knee and
boWbuckcd, and sunkeri.eyed 'Republioatut
who are always against. me as a mad . dog
hates water, aided by a hireling press, organ
ized a terrible tight against me, and - still
threatetrtnischief ; but I_fear them not: They
have opposed me six years to so little pur
pose that ily2y cannot In the two weeks left
them steal away all of the fou thousand ma
jority or this district, Amon., ielt have a
right to rely." . • -
TOE Democratic ticket of Erie county
lies not a single soldier Candidate. No sol
dier could, we suppose, be fotold to send his
name to strengthen •
The Democratic ticket iniErie -4;outity has
for years past contained as ruany.soldiersup
on ,it as that of the opposil.ion. In (several
instincts we have run soldiers
" against - civil.
inns, with no more effect itilhey had,
never 'served in the army. The' Beata& of
this county care nothing #)r .the sohliere un
less they are willing to subserve their party
Sessunt,l 4 firv!it. ,saya....ln_ his -Titusville
speech : " I nui responslblatic,i great
for the election of Simon - Catatrop ;Aind I
glory in it"
,The public Will remember the
gross charges of corruption that were made
by the Curtin.papers et the time of Coiner
on's election, and the Indignant way in'
Which they spoke of .the disgrace said to.
haie been entailed upon the State. How caa
those who believed their stories to be true
give Mr. Lowry their support, after his frank
confession of havin g been the main Matrix-
Meat In securingsCateron's success ? ~ ,
LET every Republican who votes for Low
rY remember that in doing so he votes to
perpetuate that gentleman's' control of our.
told - 1 1 0 0 Ni 5 44 0 0 to ptece.hieri -Offitii
rofir.Protttotion ,to -s, t
he .U.B.
li:e ;lii,flogextibernatoihti chair, ash6;_y •
sect fit to Setect. Let the . Aoti-Lowry men rec
ollect that his defeat now will save them many
daYs — onfiril work in thi future.
*stern. those of our readers wishing to
puirehis6 - lliy‘goials hi tht. advertisement or
P. flergieh's, who has just - received a splen
dktvil4lteted stock front Xew York. •Eils
went of silks is - complete ; and intstir
..parseppy any ever brought to our city: Ike,
`ladies VII find it to their interest- to i i l at,
iffenrieles i store; add examine his giitids.
4 1 trin *frit who pieked.up the,theittelt
itif - dei° 6 t: after !*ilie4l.ll',4"blalP/PPO
the Word Ind ependent Oat its .
it ri 'Sad, " Bald , ite,
tin 143 pendent paper, Ishould IllteAt6t for
theatiiiiiaty of the thing,tor see wham real
. party i'4 3 10 is , •
;. .
i * 574.50E - P, , wligsg:m4lifitioipwAi„
;committed suicide by cuttingjthrthroat,7 , st r
s .knehOny's' hotel, on Tlittradai:niettoj;;
i .- Snoccitin ACCIDENT.--tone of the little
"politred sweepswho have lately made their
OPRearanfac , In the city -
was employed an
?Thursday, to ckatE the chimney; of Rosen
kweig's.bleelL .':While in - the eltimbekleti&
Ilitgi frotn the litarinellank -rootn,!a . tire . was
milt; In the stove by:a young man -employed
in the -Batik, wfio had not been informed of
e ‘ positiorr of the:. boy.. Tite r ijillek . fallow
:was nearly tit the top of the chimney when
:,..iite sttrokeltrpek antramothered him, andhe
' clitilOwntathe.plitee where the -pipe enter"
theighic; 4,414 it out; of place, and giving
' the:tierson *".,:ho bad started' the fire, the first
knowledge that he was in the cliinmey: , The
_ ,sto‘P had been filled with pape4and.tite,
nu° ascended the - chimney, to some
_hetet,: ' ' ' lidestiOying the. hey'e clothing,
antAburtitttglds,hodY to a fearktirtiktent, It ,
watt iir.onsidebilde period before he could be
:estricatinitictittingmay the lower portion.
I ' or
.khe 4pp te pd .when, She _ task was =bona
-1 PUshed life seemed nearly extinctd The ac
teldent•opcymil^ptil o'clocklei t* mein
.in,g4 lad the pc" o , .Mgeied . until night, wheii
ftialh puts end yilitsjuireiiike. ......' .
-.- '!":. iteinitiiiiife'Tlekits. -"
, .
e a Demootatic - ticitati/ for thit different
' di§ ~_',lttelltit.courtPl havaall been seat out.
The kaowirtg - - As vtlinit. of-tile gentlemen who
have,t4imt them, nt.„tp whose care th ey have
peetiiddieliedi ''" •• • -' '• - L ,
Amity ,' Viiiiiiii) , . WAUsimig 'aid Atillon
borinsiftownship 7 r.las. p . . , ?hillipa.
- 'a reelin 4 "4ll4 l ' .
'• ‘ ...,,r3". ~t P. OA CI- : • .• -- ,
.- waffle—m..lh Stewart. .• -n, -: •
• . ! ';..,ConmsnlH. , A:Haker. • ' . - ' "
f.. ,, Or l imi,Egnie,.;.-'44,am Netkisna, .•
„IP L ast Mill Creek—V. Shultz. 45t Bro.. - n
1 15West Mlll,Creek - -C.Thonias.
, arbar Creek—Wm- Saltstran. •
i ' , w' mei Bu t r f 4.. IL Davidsom ': , ' •
!!'- IlctsifiskW...T. Weikel.. • " '
aterfordVir. a White.
- ilnit:' —. • -- - '
l i li 1-Eisn_ri mgroc,a •
-- O-
) r s
~. Skate.,x "atCitlro—Wm:Wu. , •--
' - -
, ~,,,t4 . l 4....4 l lktratant, Ablest, Girard ,- Lack
prititr=D. . 'Hutchinson.
~- •=.: , 1,1 it, ~•,, •• •
• • , -
t i rkilidofflhira in wOliiih'idci well if thiii
:siotd(fe w ere unite with the Demonra
-01 , ~:,, .-imsed taxation , ,-, recidess ea
, ;,, . . - • , Which Ihey'aeoi • . dredmplain
}4 ,
, _
..,reAults of Radical_ rule. _Ai
:01'...thelr hard. - aarited wages is.
Itilritlf airby 'the lavish expen_ditare of
.Lbei 'e Bureau old kindred prelects,
got acre land oppressiciti: - ' Ph& "the
)Etc- Try ruled.the State and nation
Lae wkikingawn never deente&separate pa- •
1 ; - aetkaraserewur to: the xon)tebdint of.
1 ...... ,hts. The n - ecesidty nanie with 'the
It: n - rule: We &dm:Democratic. work-
to bear this fact in. mind. In uo
et their rights 'be so gealMed 'and
their Walsh eared for as by the return Of
the piety Of the people to power. -
24xtvelais Antl•Bilions Pills are fast be
coming *the dandiud medicine of the day.
No family should be without them,as they
are invaluable, hating often prevented' seri
ous illness by their timely use.
jlttD abbertisemento.
Washington Library Co'.;
Is chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and
- • Organised to aid of the
Fcir educating giatutiMndr‘
e4o".l3JMEked'• 412 d •141A4 140 11 S•
• • ; ORPHANS. •
IneorpOratk by the State of New Jetgey ,
APRIL 8, 181i7.
•., „ .
Subscription Quo Dollar ,
• •
• •
By virtue of their Charter, and in accordance
with Ha provisions, will distribute '1
fu Presents to the Ithareliolden,, on
-Wednesday, Janly 8, 1868,
Or at the
- RIVERSIDE, 4 14‘. ) 3. 1
• •
obns Pressed worth r 0: 000. •
Chao roma& worth 000.
One Present Worth 1 -.-
One Present worth f . ) M CI4 •
"Two Presents worth $.215b0 each. $5,000.
One Present worth $113,000.
2 Presents at 5L5,00 each, $10.000; I•Present• at •
410,000; 4 Presents at $5,000 each, it 20,00 ; 2 Pres
ante at MAW each, ..K000;, 3 Present+, at 61,060
leach, MOD; 20 Present+, at 8500 each, 21000; 10
rretents M each. MAO; 3 Presents at, - S2lO
• 20 Presentssl22s each, 64.600; fd Presents,
at s ' oo each, $1J,000; :JO Primate at sl7 each,
'llO Presents at MOO each, 11,000; 204'reeats at
each, 61,301; 10 Presents at 650 each. Oa.
The remaining Presents consist of articles of
isse and value appertaining to the diffusion of
Literature and the Fine Arts,
Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a
i ßegatta' Steel Plate aerating,
• - • ..{:i •.•
And also ensures to the hOlder a
, •
• .
Subscription' t One Dollar .!
• .
Any person sending us one dollar, or paying
the same to any of our load agents_, will receive
immediately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, at
choloarfrousthe (Mowing list, god ape cect,ll-.
cateof Meek; bemiring One present, In the great
distribution. • • . I - t. •
Nal—"My Child! My Child I” No. 2—i'They're
Sated Th thwall" Na. 0.—" Old Seventy"
Six; or, the early Days of the Reirelotiott.'
' Any person paylett,tifot dollars will receive
either of the following tine Idea Plittes,atchoice,
and two redingotes at stock,lhas becoming en
titied to two presents. • • - ..t-,
1—" Washington's Courtship." No. 2-
" WaBhl X l 'l / 43 # 4 ' in WY l tr' r i P 11.15 M.
Any person paying three dollars will receive
the beautthflosteelplatroof. .1 , o
. • .
and three certificates of stock; becoming enti
tled !co . . three presentS. , .
Any person paying fotir dollars shall .receive
the Imre and beautiful steel plate of .
and four certificates of !dock entitling them In •
,xnur presents.
Any persoif tottyPiAire ticillare'slidli 'receive
the large taltls~g td
ti plate ofi i .I • t.:
' 4 ;iorresixamteriotovaaosTAs; ,,
.And five certideatea of Stock, entitllngthent So
nee presents. • -
The engravivil certificates will be dell s=
ered to w.,h a url rat 'our Loral
or sent by OMR; mki:er . 4spreido:ino mar be
;Fiend orders tdi'uldi.yl_,:erecloiring from Si to
$2O, either by iPosi Office orders or in a registered
letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be
sent by dmit.oearprese., -
~ 1 0 shares ''. •••••L-11.,
25 sharestwi%-Eugravinewr --"•• rot ,
.!50 shares with Engravings 46 50
shares with Engravings 1.0 00
ICC shares with ,Engrayings...-..„.. 90 00
THE. UM 11,D sTA:
Situate at Riverside, Durlingtonfunty,, New
Jersey, ht 'blinded for the purpose Spataitous
.iy educating the so .. •• -. • Idlers and
Sailors of the UM
Th e B o ard of Trug r.7 - W7IS) • (lute consist
Of the failfirßig well-kn izons 2,r Feld!'
.sYlvanta and hew Jersey f• ".".•••
r..on.ilad WP.m.sit 21.Milkistrict Attorney,
- -Heal tirtetti Ili ) liapettat.v—Xx.chiefe.Ohiei:
Mt& Mint. and Recortiesotsreeroo,
fir tHt)y , Aims M. SCOVEL, New Jersey'.
Ifort.W. VistroskieesAsseffe• z.
r ph imungyooamor,,EasQ., AmentAdams' Express,
JAtis ER4I4 61 1 Pis Oss t ar;.
r .-oflice Internal Revenue :—Hav
ing sattsdleborF etddenew-drat the pew.
ceedit o the enteWndueted by the Waah-
Ington Liman", Y. Wia.bp,devoted to
tclutritable uses ,
Ki E to n salon la hereby granted to
condo:oam*ire , la renle Item ail *Me. , 1
whether from -or ewer duty, .
r , • : A....RaLLLEB. Commiankinex.•
• !
The Association have appointed as Receivers.
Messrs. Groncig A. Coiner & Co.; 33 South Third
street, Pliliadelphia,,whose well known integrt.
ty arid business experience will be a stalielent
be krniptly a PiP e O i t '2.Vi r er e l a l9 te f i •
TO . the 001 M r= n gl iT A 'atrs Ital; 1 4 7 •44 1 417;311
LlbraryC44, SecretarY .
Gentlemen—On receipt ofyour favor of the
15th inst., notifying us of, our appointment as
Receivers for,yonr Company we took the liber
ty to submit etipY of Vidir Charter, witlisi lan
of your enteoprise, to
.1.143 highest leant ork,
oftfidi SUM, Indira ek 'rt , teDred hit yore
ehle opinion in mood to its legality, and sym
pathizing with the beziesorbbent object Of your
Association, viz: the sdnmtion and mainte
nance' be the orphaWthibi*.n rif Millen and
sailors at the Riverside Institute, we have con
cluded to aceePttbetrosts and los uso,oursbeet
efforts to promote so worthy an object.
. ' Respectfully yotirs o te., • -
Address all letters and °edam .1 -
33 Sontit4itipigit Pe_
so.. Immo,.
I kr #F L 4 0 4 4 1 # 9 /*O rg i tl4t 4 t , O r. "
Agents at Erie; e.
. 4 HAYES, ft - ICEPUR,
• _ • .
I. I
A Farm of 131 acres; two miles from the village
of North East,fair buildings and orchard of 400
apple trees, and_ sl_4lape vines,,fau be bought
tub month for - ,
Farm for sale in Greene township, owned by
Geo. S. Wight; 100gereej one 'fere good bout*
and ono tenant hous e . Price MIA
Forty acre Fatal lutle IgtifalOTßO4l
, Harbor Creek, seven aoresseood;- small sou se
and barn. Price about $73.,00 per acre.
A number of dwellings on private terms.
l A"swo storry new Dwelling Retitle en East Tenth
N-atreet.- Price II,400.) Th etas -asy. Molise well
finished throughout.
A flnit-elant new two-story Frame DWelllng,
complete In every respect, Price 115,002. Terms
NtwO h
str ee kldr3A,,t. Iv err
anigheßi•akveilifii. e drl4l4
. int Price
Finedry building lots; cost from UV to - MI
. each,• 110 in hand, balance on 6 years time;
' about 80 rods from the Public Squilre. For
Osrther information call M. our office.- •
1 --
• kiLill.lrEltS 45A 11‘...E'
+..•-!-`,...; •
an 15•44 •+ • meat Estate direr, Heed muse. ,•
rims IS TO OltrE NOTICE that on Um list
4 day of August, A. D., -ISA, a Warrant in
halikrup7 t ion, isaues ix l egu lrt thpestateof
mat, Thp hi fhb •UPUniton
the county o Erie, State o Pennsylvania, who
has beenadjudged a bankrupt on • tax own pek
Mimi , / That the pernient of any debts 'and de
livery of any property belonging Wane!, bank
;runt to him, and for his use, and the transfer Of
any property by him, are forbidden by law; that
a meeting of the cr ed itors of said bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the oMceof S. E.
Woodruff, in the borough of Girard, Erie Co.,
Pa., before Samuel E. Woodruff.Begister, on the
12th day of October, A. D., VII, at 11 o'clock, A.
U. S. Marshal for said District.
Per G. P. DAVIS, Dept. U. B. Marshal.
. r
;,-.;.P,.F.:7.:T.::•.: X Fal., LET- &, 0 0 . ;',, -.
No 30 - Yewey Streel,-New York,
Rave opened In connection with their present extetudve Wholesale Establishment, a Invite
7 1J 1U let ele§a nt
RETAIL TlE3P'AiEtrir.3l-EN'T
For the express purpose of retailing their goods to
• -7" • r - r r
And thus fitted - theta bentintoribe liahmniiis profits whielVgenerally go - to 'the' Middle-mei",
and speculators. We guarantee our teas and eollbet at all times to be fresh and pure, and War-
rant all goods sold from this house to give entire satisfaction; otherwise the goods may be re.
turuedlu;sd the Noney,will bjrefunslest. .
OOLONcidliinekl GO 'lO 111). 00. $l.OO per MI Green & alacklqo7o 90ALOO per lb.,
best: YOTR , TO HYSON 00;70; 8 0 ILO° WO, per lb., best. HUFF: DIAL, Mreent-911„
1 8L00, ' ENG. BREA. FAKt. (Mac} Tookad, sixo;s ur, 51.2) per lb., bent. JAPAN, so, PA,.
'Pm per lb. atr.s. - PowDER. SIM, $1.50 per Th. „ „ ,• . •
• •
. , • . • GROVIVD - COFFEES. '
• .
I'ITRE R 10,1, 25 mut nti rent 14 per pound. 'HINT OLD ciovEnN3l F.NT JA VA, 410 ren I s prr pniind
ROTA'. ClATll—Extru'Elne-35 eentti.
• We have appointed
3111 IE3
t . ; • • • 1317 peach Street, Mirth:of the Depot, •
!Yr: A I '
For the sale of Our Teas and Coffees. nt ERIE, PA. Ail goods are Vein lis f inisteiciM,Ve
-one pound packages, at our warehouse In New York, and Mailed rtt.iirlel Mr. karate' B.- B6r.
num at the same prices at which they nre to _ he had over 9rii - rioUrkter t yjn • Y or k , .
,Aa go q4 A
put up by us hear the trade mark or
The - Great United States Tea Warehonse:OPT:i6iieneY &
, •1- • • -
,Stamped on the package. None others are igitit , itn!. Weihitelt- ,
A . FAIR AND THOROUGH ttritta4r.
Of our goods from nit who are interested in buying a first-clang arttele . of Sward
lowest possible :sates.
, ,
CoOslsting of all the lIPM COIOre and Styli e of
-,---... . -. . -;.--...:--- ,
DfOnifferoods . • Dress Silks, . .
I__- , ...;,-.:;-.-...::: ,
,-; , -.l o p ß uar - if.opia Ne,, - X ERINOES, ALAPACAS, REPS, &C,
e.5,C,t - - - -'----- - • - k • . . v.. , .. . , ~
( ,', .
AlS1) refit , Variety of Cheap - Dives Goode!
_ til:t ',. i: , ~,.; -, --, • _____ . .
1, INOT—i..A..iiNTII' AN]) 1-4.:11f711 - rrK
•.: 1 04j .I, - - . ,1 : -. .t ii ;.: .. .
* • , - 1 - 1- - ;- ,... . , .•, 1 •• IN 9GREAT VARIETY. - . : .. '.
:GgHlifllOl7/I.olllllier Yard—can't ke Beat In New York.
, ... ~.,... • . -
13 - LEA -' 6EiED MU SLINS,
Of all Qiialitleialul Prices. • Good Goods as Lou• as'l2 l ,' Cents per Ydrd
Blanketiodiituttities & Prie s t's, White & Colors.
Shwis.y-all-Wool,raisleY4rocha, &c., &C.
WF WILL NOT 1:1/t1
k t:6on, & CO.
We have received our Fall Stock, aftd are: pftilAftettr tortrin*h who favor, us with a call with
allYthint 4n,t1ie—
.4... - .
" ; PrieL:tolthit I tice tiht6s
Bltiek and Colored . Dress . Silks, and - Dress . Goods !
t I lin gritavudetr: IV. D' ")..-
1 noitcrritya , 3o: : tt‘s7p9pog2 , lo4o .31:11 - 1. - : 11. 4 . 7 -.: ;
A.. ..,ILarg-e, Lot of Flanneltg, ,
At . astonbthingly_loE_Etc_es._ _
• . v:114 aaT! 1(11f.T.
White and Colored
_Wool Blankets, Balmoral Skirts,
Wlueeys; Duplex Elliptic ;Hoop:Skirts, Bleached cud Brown Cottons.
A Large- - Lot - of - Cloths. Cheap.
Monell, Stephens &
• - -- A. 1 ,
^ • \ •}3• • .- - . - P ,
No. ' 716 State, Street.: _,
. ......
~.- -
.....„: tt
. - . --,-
c L 43 T H_S-. , _
,„ „.,.., ~,,- ~ , - . 1 • , • ,^ l. -
• , - 1 ;••••h .' 7 . • .•• is .- , :• - • -1, •'•• •••k • • ' '
_. • 7 7 •1 6, ..•
~•• . . . • . .
My Cloth Department IS illhil with great bargains, from the late auetiun unhurt ' orli
comprising everything In [big . ; line: Wavers, Chinchillas, ibmad Cloth, Ladles' Cloths. t • erelts
Satinetts. Tweed. liheep's Grey °Kentucky Jean, aild a full line of single lat•l,Atoubleilloced Wa
terproofs. . .
V. 1-. S ~ - •
TO • ,
a 'IL •
I. A.
nix Department Is complete In eve • ^ v
Stevens, the best fkxxis made In the • /
!commencing at 30 cent/v . /per yard ti
BLaniteta from eats
• -
"le • • 44'
• '4l
A tun' Chid nt the
wsnts:,- TowSitnttn
ins, Towels*, at-Anil'
Shawl*: and -13a1inoral Skifts.
150 different kinds of Blanket Shawl% from s.upwards. LirgemaaortmentolSouare Woolen
nod Bkoitha. Black and Boa Center Paeol.l% fromsls. to Su% Ilmilrfast.Shasia, Bantam &c. Good
Balmoral nalrta from $1.50 to $240, and °oared Aliaiwakirts, Itralded, for 115; •
•—•- -
•This part of the Store Is particularly attractive, cortiprising Handsome 000t1.4 from 'Xi cents a
yasd up to $3. .)..'verythlng In the way of Plaid, Poplin, French Poplins, Empress Cloths, Reps,
Merinos front Si upwards, Alpacas from Si cents upwards, In black and colored.
.•' a ,
. .
_ .
~ , . 1 . . , •
i • XnXilackfiliks L
eompetitlo ' ettdlaltatil.Tran to 11i.50 - mr y,arkwariant the*.
pure Birk and not to rut. tsolored i S, c , or and quality. obo very IoW.
-- r •
I will not be undersold In anything lielongi ' • lln
__,e such as Prints, Sheetings, Muslim,
' Ginghams, Clinton Flannel , C heck and Striped I glif. Wool Yarn' from $ 1 a Pouno , tiPxyardli.
[ Hose, half wool, from 2/ cents a pair upwards. GilMsroke• - , .
• .
= ' ./.• IT 11. S .1 . .
. ..
. .
• . -
Mink hum Sp a to 00a Sett. River Mink from in to M. filherian Squirrel, &c. Don't forget the
place, No. 710 Situte leitypet.
nel-31n. P.. IMNRICIEIN. '
. .
Irs "I. •L
oun Frocx oP
Jug ondeerkename. White Dormet, Shaker,
allied Red, Blue, dray, all Wool, an t Union
Mu? tot. Natlog, Ail Wool •
_ talWl Linen, mminestelng at 85 cents per yard np
„aitrafeovercLN. Linea 40 crate upwards : •Napkins, Diaper Lino
imp. •
frikh Poplins,
a itmE.l3 LICAU*I3O.
Ak- .1.
. , i'