important.notirto C`rt Isetnents Inserted tinder this head -0104 Per line of 10 u•ordls for the first P.: rents for the seeod, am t t 0 ~.eut. ~,,,•p s ubsequent insertion. t • Eriti city latc . , llll,r6nce Oft r en i, tio ~..131rstreot, Jatpv-tt. : f °r Reliable Insurance of all kind' , apply :A. p. Rusae Agent, No.tnliorth Park, Erie, yylral-tf. p o p Insurance In well known • and most ne table panics, apply to RE W, Rugsell. Arent, %t rev t Vor .;xle Very Cheap.—A Lathe, with kvrt.iv r. and germ' for grreir •Wpm:, nets to tap r. Andreas J. 11):i OKN, i !thorn, r, yer.ltent.--The Pnion Rouse, corner of 12th neeen Lune. The bong,. Is very barn nttnehed. Enquire of .I. ' W et,h, McLane Irons... on llnflith.) Road, nenr e & Erie It. IL chops. Jplt -tr. pinnorn Pianos t S—A now Ktoek- of Pianos , at Smith Movie:gore, son-j u n, hor a goo4l plan.) for a little mnapy, \:, Erli., nu -t f. %of w1.411t0 Fatt tny entire. h ou , w h o ht chnim, tables, stoves, bed . new first-class piano. nne new Ont. Also, one new first-elnFs buzz'. ior rBFh. No. SliState street, Erie, .Jyl7-11.) Arena , al.---The Strive and. Tin Ware lair of been removed to'So.l3iisa. • ~ pent the lintrain Red, - where will ~,, hand n complete stock of taxids in the public are Invited t 4 call •, . npi-tf. Tio• Eric Lodge No.lll. I. O. of flood Tern et.: on %er.• T4tNiitlV evening!, In the Mae Tionin, nil State id reef, Over 4•s\ re , ,toro. SO ranger Templar% vim !..• eti Aro e.irdiat Iv invited to he present. .K; KNinlIT, W. C. T. t )11V2 -If. lI}:x. liusintss Elirtrtorp. 11‘ , .. 1 1 ,4 1 In fhb/ deruvrt• ::;;• .1 I Ilik • yeftr, at !I por //. f. I.f: I:llol,,Ensx 25 and 2t; N. Pork ;41 mut rr..neh mt. .SI:11."1"nnell At. BOOTS AND SITOP.S. elark,:r2 North Plark. 11001 , 4 AND Snaps, It lark, It Park now. • r .1111th. WI %oat,. ,• y t , g tehari On,. 19 North P,rk. Stllt l• St re,t. •14 tit. r Bt a )FC Vel 'miry. North Park. 524 Pre•tt,h 1• 1 1.01'11. k PEED. Havnr..lielc, Park Row. cr, owl] W.-AN Frenell 1.10i . 0R STOTtES.„ Mtott Pt!! Stnto Ft. ,„ „ m vmtll, 24 North Park. • . Ntl - P.lO RTOIIFI. I 4, ', P. Slate At. Mr` Wnt Willing, RH State. At, N.( NIACFIF.SF: .1 ;,), , r A Wi1..171. 427 State .t. French st. r u inc Nia,•lll.l‘r..ri:N French .t I latz. , r, .M 1 State ,t. FRI'7TS PREMITI O .,. s'....tittt Park. It, a . 1 7 :F.FIN" CIT.A.SRAVATtt. ii..llllV. 12 Park •,•• 514 Ht:tte kTfIIES Fkh.•r.. Park Rnw. T M. tv'tin, 29 North Park. HATS AND CArs r Wikon. 21 North Park. t t„7. 1 ,,./..tet, 513 State street. it Kendall. err, Frenet' st. 521 ctiNFP.(TfONKRY STORES. • , t; r a Carew , , 431 and 7U) State street. DITI - nct ANTI It P.Araani, 1117 l'eneh street. & FHtot, 42a State .treet: tt Warfel, Ma State ct. rnal. & 1 Aral, 1312 Pearl' street. It irver & f‘`,4, '2l North Park. ,C•G kiv4, 7(r?State 4ttrot. • & Son, 711 State street, .1)1117 (loom L,4•1 I, stoning', Le WlLley, It. Merrill. Ko , ter & Lehman, 1350 Peaelt st. t , O-1.,.ik 14.4. 711 State st. • 7111 State St. M. at, I A: (to. , Nobb. 1113, , k, & Itro., Sl2 State Kt: t t trk, 110011 r & S Reed Ilotte Blork. DRY t;ta)l).S if, a,i,•rf. & Fotaer. r St , lte ..t. (;11,00ERIRs. urion Cll9llllll, 1121 . t. Pi..t.t& Co., 1:tr1 " '..1. Ilefor.l 1721 " J. ftral»•ndcr. 1 . 21 r ltvekritan, Stgt fltrixt inn & err az, 21 North Park . Gott 111 French st, ail Ofli;t, is,•rrwr Rth noel Stott. at, .A. Isis•ker Co„ iill French wvon .1; Metßverfn,:iai Frew.), Nl'. Mallory, yr Fr. , »ch • ` , ,htaii.teek. , r.62lState st, 1. Claw,. 91 East Fifth st, sell:tat% 704 State PTIOT111;11,0y1m. 1 1 ,1,..11.•r'9, over 19, Rosenzweig 's Block. 13.17 Peach r.t. I , On H. m•Pr ".0 and :WI North Park. Hr...., Farrar nail linildhtir.. I;. Nrog,q. A: flrfsr IT2.llN•aell T 4 41 . 1.,,crri - AND Clll IL. Weklionin,P , telt t. , .‘9l:llm.,7oi*Atate . • 7r21. 1 4t,t/e- /.t. \t. W._.N1.111, :47 Frew , . ll st: V.. 4 .1...raer, 101 State ht. lI.tRDWA RE, , 11.innoo S Co., 1:1231 , ..ach mt. W. W. Pierre ,t MO Ftntr st %.111;. , %* & Kluinnon, .5117 Frew , 1. t'..5.•1.1.en, 5'23 Frenela at. •, STIIVF- 4 4 AND TINWARE. V U. .0nta.(4.1, 1224 Peach 1:r„ Iflibi,.kr.l 701 State N1.11:“ - i•nt 5.71.121.) State st. trr. 101m.,m t ( ',,„•1111.S ao l 141 State xt Murpllv. 22 North Park. thmnwi k , 1:1(114::4.v.x..,1fras xt. tIENEitAT, UNDERTAKERS. I 11 1t11.1.1 k t'o,, /11A State t4t. 14'.1EE1201)NIS. 11.1111.1 et h ( 10 .. 1 k/g State I 't• . ( 1 1,0TittNrs STOItFI I 4. I.thn nsheitner Soti, ftraSkt:tle xt• , t,17 )1..11,1t. 1213 Stab' St. F. Wnner. stato I. M. Kriloi, W.n Stitte Pt. chit, Niever, 4 Noble Itlark. 1„ Itn o No. 10 Non)) Fite:, AITORNKYS AT LAW f Mom pqnn, 521 French mt. Xlll, 511 French Nt: , w. MI ehln , en, Mrartl, Pa. PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. /. 4 341 North l'aut, llorme 417 State it '.,- 3 1 , rn...,r, , linaltepittleiol).o2:4 reach mt. MII.I.INRItY Sc STRAW 430017 N. Bitskr, SAnttli Park, • 11. lirt!.. 9 Koti Ili Park., M,t4;ratit. Pretielt at. ELM V.itls, 1310 Peach st. BRASS FOUNDitIEm. I In. Metz, 11113 State Mt. k+ 'EI StslN, FOrNT)EItS Aglt fIoILIIM 3tAKERS. :id and Peneda vts. lITANING ra... 4..n.,1; 44t;on. car. 4414 uud Peael4 hts ,L, U . /ate .1: t'o.,sornet• and French st. "ugh Jam—, 11t14 and Holland sts, .1.4,1, 11.1 t 7, 1214 .I`4.aell WA_PCIIIES ! M It' A N 11 ATM ES, SWIE;S WATCIIES, ~,E fi WATCH-ES, SILVER WATCRESAI NV ITITH SI ETAI. %V ATOM% .L\ D S O.ME CLOCICS! itoup for rash, by 31 A NIN tic FIST-IV:I% No. 2 Reed Block BOARDING STABLE. nn•ier.lanesi httving pareltased the livery OttbOttle Ir prepare.] to give 0 r i" ,, 1 ,, t attention to the rale or boartUrm ( ;".4 hnrses a n d carriages always on rate priee%. Ile respectfully solte ',, , hare public patron:ant'. F". 'VP BOOK BINDERY Blank Book Manufactory! -•' ~ 0 hi respectfully atillotirler t. 4) the public . u.‘ tqletied 0 °lc 131NOVAVV, Are pfepared to du work In any branch of Le Luxl - - • BLANK It O , OK 81, ut aU kindx, hand stud made to order, stud rul,d ally pattern desired. )I A.GAZINES AM! OLD DOW% und repaired in the Lent BINDERY OYER - .l l floao National Beak, Cartier State sad 6th Streets, Buie, Psh. " 11 ':111 E. IL COLE et SON WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE. PENN'A, SEPTEMBER 3, 1867:- _ Democratic Co. Convention. The Democratic voters of Erie countY( l3 4 all others who believe that the war : was *aged to maintain the Union and not for its destruction; who are opposed to the un constitutional and tyrannical measens of the. 'faction in power for preserving its partizan giredmninanco; who regard with just alarm the spirit of trightful extravagance and out nigeous corruption which has prevailed in the administration of the Gore:rumen% during the lust six years ; and who desire a sia•etly settle :tient of our civil difficulties, on u basis of justice, fraternity and true Republitan equality, bringing with it a return at Nation al harmony, business prosperity and individ ual happiness;—are requested to. :meet ut their acenstotued : ffinees ffir holding primary elections, on Stlareloy, &printer 141.1 i, 1837, and choose the untidier (il' persons to which they are respectively entitled, us delegates to a Convention to be held in the Court Honse, in. the city of Erie, on MGNII.A.Y.,SEPTEM-, DER ICTII, MC, at 2 o'r/(4:, p, ut. , .for the selection of a county ticket to he supported at the coming election. The several Election Districts are entitled to thy following number of delegates : Erie, lit District 2ELellictuf • . 3 Erie, 2d District iWaterffird Tp. 3 Erie, 3tl District 4 , Waterford Borough 2 •:I ' l Erie, 4th District Greene South Erie Borough .2Sunintit East 'Mill Creek &McKean West Mill Creek 31 Middleboro - • Harbor Creek 4 , Washington • North -East Try - 3; Edinboro North East Borough 21Franklin - Greenfield 2:Elk Creek Venam,)•() 3iCmtneaut 'Wattstnlrtf Amity 3(Springlield %win. 73dirarii Township 3 Concord 3,Girard Borough Curry . 4: Lockport 3 Union Town.hip - 3iFairliew Union Mills - 4i Br order of the County Committer. I3ENJ'N WHITMAN, Chuirwan. W. W. LYLE. Secretary The Last Ha Impartial Appeal Friends of Colton ! Frientis of Lowry !! Rally! it %lAA RALLY But two days more remain to test your tate —slays big with crents on which hang the destiny of the nation. Two short days, mid all will be over, the eyes of one of your chieftains will he closed In political death, the last requfeth will he su ig,. the' funeral knelt sounded, the sod tbrown'lntek into the grave, and the proud banner of his faction trailing in the dust. Colton men, rally, rally, rally! A long pull, a strong pull; and a pull alto gether. The country calls, and 'lie yours 0) obey. Sound the tymbral, bring:suit the hurdy gurdy, tire:the cannon, dance upon the tree tops, - - Lowry men, rally, rally, rally! Dig into tile ctiempright. and left, pull his hair, scratch his eyes, make him knew that you are. in ;earnest. ~ • • Turn oat in. your Might, as mosquitoes till the forest. Push this way, push that way—smite hint on the Ilvk and on the rear—anywhere so you don't get smitten yourselves. Colton men, rally; rally., rally' " Who would he free, • must strike the blow."- Remember your irlongs., opprmions and ccTu tunwlies. • Reutenttx•r the overbearing manner of the eneiny.. Remember how he has deprived you of official bread and butter, until you scarcely , know any longer what it tastes like, ' Remember that be has sworn you shall never be supplied again if he can help it. Remember this is your last chance, and- if you rail it will be newt to risuagaln. "Lay the proud usurpers low! - , Tyrants fall in every foe! Liberty's in every blow! Forward! let us db, or die !" Lowry men, rally, rally, rally! Beat- in mind the old, relentless the you have so often met in battle array. , Recollect it &a life and death struggle. Do not forget that you now have control of the county, and will keep it if you win the day. •• Never give up the ship"—if you can help MO Itementher that "a bird in the hand is worth two in the binh." - "Now's the day, and note's the hemp! See the front of "[mule tower! See approach bold Colton's power! Colton. ! chains and staverie , Colton meal Lowry men ! Lowry men ! Colton men! One thore g-r-r-a-a-nd ratty ! Treason must be put down ! Traitor 4 must be purdshed. To the polls! To the polls! Vote early and vote often. Another liold:eltorrand the - catme is Won. -Death toCopperheada Pturibus Union! Sic &miter - Tyrannis,. One .I;ht., one atit,tl - :one eomitry, one bird of freedom, itnd the spodk.i.ororlive, fur )iiii.rykrifl:: cat{ gut Strikel,,till the. Lot arivaul fuel...afire:3! 13ttike'!• for yoih' :amts.:lnd , yofir Area r• Strike! for the green-graves of your sires! "Soup"—anti a ladle ,with it t, . , TM: Erie Gazette, on wdant4tlity, repeats itatuatrudi of the Weelt befiire,thatlir.How- t ry's Crawfo rc \v rd county ciular as clandei- finely - printed at this.oftice, and adds that "it wasi done with a semosy that, until - exposed 1 by the Gazette, was stcetticd liopenetrahh.." We referred- toihiseltirgr; in tnrr last issue in a way that we thought was as explicit as' any fair man email ask. We -now desire to reiterate what we then said, and "to add that the repetitiun'of the story, after it had been once proitoirdcettifage, convinces; tis that it was invented expressly for the putpose to which ulnas been put, -,aud Ilmt its f tithor . l gitfe - it'eiirrencY ivith - the Tuft rilowledge that it was, from beginning to end, a base, un scrupulous, preineditatid and malignant mg. Nuttily fal,seia,the impression.,soßW On,y . eyOtin`hatt dNien isiftelettii“,_ zette that in some way the Observer has fa= vored Mr. Lowry's interests. The readers of our paper know that from first Jo last we. have made no statement in connection with' the contest Which did not seem to be borne out by the facts as they existed at the time we wrote, into we challeng,e the production of a syllable, word or lino that will hear a. contrary Inference, • The managers of the Gazette 'are unmis takably firm believers in the "great moral `ilea" that " a lie well stuck to is as good as the truth." They originated these stories with no otherobject in the first place than to build up capital thr their faction, through the prejudice which prevails against the Obser ver with the more embittered Radicals, and now that they arc put they scent resolved to make the most use of them they can. Among pewersni they,wilk he, clearly, understood, and the side result will be to increase their contempt for a paper which, for the last few years, has been one of their meanest, and •ntost,firul mouthed foes, and in ` nOr ftiat it ,has li cit Into . a'cinartiel with its oivpartrii, adhe rents can deviseno better plan to aid Ili canoe than by seeking to revive 'the malice which it did so moth and so unjustly to 'create. Sera= Faut.-7-The Pennsylvania State Fair will be held nt Pittsburgh thin; Septem ber :Atli to the sitlt. The pretedutwoliered are very liberal, eatbracing live 'stock and all useful articles in husbandry, hotisewlihry,, manutitetures and faisniroducts,inal slo#lo In the aggregate, The principal railroads will issue exuttrslon tickets; and re turn all articles exhibited, - if they remain uti bold, freight free. We are informe4'tliat the Heydrick Steam Plow—lately patented—will be exhibited and operated during the fair. For premium lists, address A. D. LOnguker, Pittsburgh, Pa. See in this The C4:nlity . Convention. We would azala urge- upon our wrty friends opts importhnce thaithi++! 4110 &le r gation at tits county couch -don on the 10th inst. from every district to thecounty. It is not only essential that they should Aolla a full representation, hut 'that the delegates should be's:outpost:A la every butane!) of Vie 13F-si . . 1.1 ti!!:: tiiaf can be seeuectl. ' The . chitriteter of a party IS always measured by the' material that composm qs conventions ? apdtye &Are to show tin+ oppOsition thal, largely -as they Hit ineptaelenthiin numbers, in every other re`lx*el the Democratic party of Irrie comity are litelr'imtire it teals. finwt intclli gent- mcn of the .party• lake part in the pri mary caucuses, on the 14th inst., and see to it that tern Ma persons •of acknowletigo flOwv, ttprightut s and sfiwqe , 4 . devpilop to the tanse he selected it. 4 'delegates. Mid let mine of.this class ilvvline to" serve, heean-e it is not convenient thr them to do so. The country demands-of +every ch Izen that he shall perform , his whttle sittsre z of political duty, Mel no ren+fon, othtr limn the most exacting - nevi , hity, will excuse any one .for Infusing to act in any capacity that his fellow Demi terms may ask' of him. 'Mit; hate already referred 'fu ,the impor tance•orselectim, a ticket of.fir.t-el;lsstuitte riaT an It • 'MIR.. dia t 'eiery 'tkihlhiitttirill chine In the tSltiventiott impressed, with the deter mination to support the strongest.candidate that eau be presented, without mgard,to 'the considerations that Aistially govertt' matters. On this topic it is needless that we shouldpresent any argument, tier the force of the suggeatiOn-wirl .be apparent to every one. The contfetrffinv.and the ticket are for Li:tett:fiebeing the embodiments' of the whole organization, and their character will determine in the minds of the general public that tt;, the enuresparty. The cer tainty ortlefeai has made it frequently diffi cult to find the right hind of men who were willing to run, but we trit't that /I" sUch eapsideration will be allowed to inter tem with the form:di/in attar tickets' in tlw future. It is not it pleasant thing, Ste are aware, to lW put up merely to be If.poekeAt Butt it. But to keep np a party orgthiization Ave moat uur tickets regularly in the and it ought to be the pride of all that they be composed of the twst material attaina -616, beau, undei such. ekteMustanteS" as surround the Democratic party 01 Erie coun ty, is . ; eta disgrace. To be selected :LS the stamlard-bearer of four thousand men* 'twin) have stood firm for their principles through all the terrors of the past six year, is ,more* of an honor than to be the candidate (treaty party in a district where the nomination is equivalent to an election. We hope that no now who is brought forward for a place on the ticket will tleoline to serve, and that the convention will Wien free to make its choice for the various po,,litions to be filled; without the need of sulking the usual inquiry— Will he decept?" The dekgates should come prepared to peribren their dudes with deliberation, and, if necessity requires, be willing to remain over night for that .purpose.. A:custom has grown up Of hurrying business through,- in order that the delegates might return to their homes the sane c ventng. This is wrong, and has led in times past to some disagreeable blunders. Our annual tom en lions ought to be fooked upon mneb in the light of yearly experience meetings, to vhiich -each delegate should- come prepared to de scribe the situation in his own district. and anxious to hear and give . soggestions fur the iencral welfare. We cannot be toocarefal in making up our ticket and platform, and to do the Work right, it unlit be done delilvr ately. Let every delegate arrange late hasi ness so that he Can spire all the time nettled, and let -it be the aim of all to so ,natiltatielisirOurse as to be able to look hack upon the convention as one fruitful in good deeds for the party and country, RADICAL CAVE' rgEs, (AIN VIRNTtoN - AND CANDI DA1T....-jThe interval between this and, the next issue of the Observer is a period big, with events for the Radical party of this vitality and district. It will virtually settle the question whether Senator Lowry into lie the "big injun" any longer, and may be no less' decisive of the- Radical organization it~Tf - Nothing of ,itimortatice has occurred to change our view of the situation as-ex pressed last week, and up to the time at which we write It is impossible to predict which of the furiously contending parties is most likely to win the victory. Each side is equally energetic and confident, and each has sworn not to yield until ''the last armed foe expires." The Senatorial contest swal lows up and overawes -every other question, and upon its result will depend the fate of all the minor eanditlates. In most instances the different aspirants , have linked interests with oneor the other of the Senatorial con testants, and the consequence will be that in nearly all the districts there will be adireet issue for either Lowry or Colton. The pri mary elections „are' to be held on Saturday next, the 7th the townships between 'the lames of 3 anti 6 o'cletk, p. and' in: the wards and boroughs, between .7aud m. The county conyention will be held at the Court House on the succeeding Monday, nt . 2 o'clock. Below is a complete list of the caudidate4 who liavu been antuninetsl in ac cordance with the part} mice: Senate—M, M. - Lowry, city; Georg W. Colton, city. • Assembly—G. W. Starr, G. W. lie Camp, A. R. Relle,T, efts; Simnel Reeder'•Wnsh ingion; Wuterfortti - Chatles a Bowman, Corey ; Stmhahaa, Le Ilequf • ' • She - MIL:4-J. 'W. 'Smalley, city ;;C.ot is F. Swan, Fairviciv.; Col.; H. S. - - Cempbell, Wat erford.,-,COMntisfonei---G, W. Brindle, - Mill Creek; JameaChtimbers,liarbor Creek: OreiL Reed, ttc Wa.4u:noon ; Was. B. Veed, Greene. - tile Courts—Capt. elms. L. Pierce, Venangil; Lieut. James P. Crawford, North "ti CA.Ptt A.,ll. o li{dsort.lirsterfoi, ^ 'Surf cribfricitOdbasi 2 -Liherty• IltiaaharY, .Conaesot..„. -. Poor Director-,,JacobAlan*oft, city. . TffE Qt. - memo Ramem.s.—The following, jyo:biliere: l 4 A ciiikt the, candidates to jepresent the .etteteittling ftietkme in the conyentionori \~ontTay s. . Letwjey. • 'est Irti4trtctait s .l. 'Dehim: !WAY 'l3t tter field. • 4th District—L. L. Lamh, Richard Butter field. coLTox Ist District—O. E.-Crouch. —Q— . 2,4 District—John Shenfield, 3. J. Rich schiedt. • , 3tl District—M. Daniel), 3. M. Bryant. 4th DistriclQ 2 -31 lienrif L. W MY. South Eric—Merrick tow. MDEPt'SDENT. 2d District— F. Giugepbach, Theobolti Hirt. DlstrietP. D. lloneeker, Vulentine Ilekit. South Erie—Wm. 3. tutje. APhettiee tilLoiv:ryineW 34 . 416 Sects as hopelessly against than, or why it is that they have not placed regular candidates in the Geld, we tun not informal • AItItANi3EmENTI 4 are on - foot for .ritah -lishinA.B new i tl y nkly piles within a short titne,tit ! intitirsolniciiia ducted with a spirit of thirness towards an sides. The new concern is to be started with suiliclent tapfeal 2 to*:eAtaliflah'6iftlot the most complete newspaper. and jobbing, offices in the country, and will be under the charge of gentleman awl Monahan usual • StinCeg, iii busine4. It !Untended to have the atoek talon by Democrats and Ilepublie.tuts, so as to gtlal?ttff'L>su IMPEtrtill)lgrwPrlPoe4 Ylicen/. •We ate informedAluit up ito. • Ili7ednuaday .open about $15,000 hank been secutid;aid the projectors express confidence lin obtaiii ing'the full tuuountdesirN. Buiw TOM bus returned to New York from Europe, and will soon begin a nuiiital tour. Seim of pm' city 11441esgs nppear to be in sure, distress over the importmt coca:ion tvhdtherther Obseti - ef pteli s the nowditlition of Mr: Lowry orMr. Colom teethe Sonde. We us , icave to Miltly intinu4 to thesesen 'fiemen that the less trouble they' give them selves on the subject the better for tlsTif cred it, The 01 . 00110 nm noutilliation with their pir itir t citaabitatOn nin yonty, shape or m art gitt* v si*lktinibitir i iStaitir means to haite:J.A4l.**Vziktpziarbotly in' Eritit 014* AS lame - II I#llii time, Kin* ViA.o;4;tl4/13411i-hiti*Detnoerat, geWif InAtiktirli:ig,Thiplocratie 141 — 41140; a* a:Like - 07 tote the interalsott itikigtikasitroOuidfiln;cting 114 cO a l ri ff 44. l 4 -111 relleAMPOIXP 38 0119 1 thzit at l 4:ll,rifi - VieK Alt ItAnngentent throll ottt ept tiiiiptistifileen con dttedeti**llif'atilithgliy 0144.9i)11,1!Te, and if, In pursuing tlm coarsOs• 41T1:the toes of any particular faction have been tread up on, they may charge if tirtlie general account' current in tin - or of the Democratic panic, The Democratic masses, on general wine': pies, care very little whethei -Xi. Lowry or :Vt. Colton wins in'the light how going on. Like most people they have their preferences, but over and beyond all perimml , ympatitie , i, they are looking - to the pro spective chanves in favor of their own irrih eiples, and if their hopes etstv be: entitled they will be abundantly satistied with the re sult, regardless of,whlch of dm ltadicbl tte- ' dons become master in the county.? Monte of the gentlemen who are now giving them at:Wei an Unnecessary degree of trout* in regard to mfr phititm will endeavor , to hetbr these facts In otholv..tire,y May :Lvoid eratile vocation orviritin fututi„ ' BritToN & GRIFYITIL—We Caii aftentigli, to the :ukertisetnent. oC Burt 9 Griffith, Bnecv,4in4 to Ilartlel), in thegrnpry trade, at the enrnt:r of Peach and Sixteenth streets. :Many per.ons'in the city and comity n ill re inQiiher Mt Geo. Burton as nn old re.ident, fornicrly engu.gcd. ut the drug businetss in the Reed House, a one of the firm. of John 11. Burton & and Hurtful & 'Herron. For the last two yetfes he bas - been engaged in the whale:4oo grocery trade ht XONS; York. His experience there giives dm house unstop: wed fiieilities for pnrchaaing stock, and enables them to sell at fignres below the average tales. Mr. Griffith ix . 41itta1ly well known, having been eonneetedwith the (observer°Mee pre vious to the war, and shier then been engag ed in official and professional duties which secured hint a wide acquaintance. lie is one; of the Most intelligent andrtherprisingynm4 , Mei in the eity,and one iilitiheartity deserVes success, and will ;pare no honorable means to attain It. The firm Is a strong one in every respeet, and we cordially reetnumend it to the favor of our rjaderi. TUE license law non - in limp prohibit, the Veiling of liquor on Sunday and the I;eeping . Opell of taverns and drinking saloons :Olen 12 o'clock at night, or opening before sunrise on any -day. ..l violation of any provisions of the art wOrk , .the fikreeiture and . annul-' meiat of license; the license fee not to be re tnrned, a punishment for MiLl-ieuteattur. of a tine.not less than twenty 6billars,i)r in default 1"4 that iinprisonment, for five days. .tinge Pearson, of Dauphin county, in defining the 1:1W lately, i aitl . 114,1. V.&• eonstableg. and poliel3- men the tight to thltsg tap any drink in (Nutt). !Niftiest t tottpitoioraterlil.n'eleek at night, and it,resiated keeper thereof. to ar re,t hiEn In eattette•tif riotous or tikerderly eeinlitet in any of, thlise Owes the law tnake it ineumbent.upCit policelnen :to elo.e them up, and keep theta _closed 'ttntil t h e riotous demenstiation shall have been suppre•sed and tinier restored. Hotels may keep open during the night for the reception of travel ers, but the sale of liquor is prohibited he tWeen the hours of midnight arid sunrise. coutthsrosnEsT of the Dispatch, sign ing himself "Waterford township," %Yates to inform the enraptured public that "the tleCamp;D4, - fitAlle : - ,city atit3 mat' tiro destrxuoi`re 'trading him ror the ;ch .- 1664'176111W ghttrred the tnicin cause during the past eventful yearA of tht: war," and " will, theietiire, pre sent his mune to the Union Repnlilican'Co' n "Vention for Is.senthly, represent the county at Darrishurg with hon or and credit. to.himself." We team fmnt an 44 authentic source that our friend George ,has, after solicitation, iind very much against his will, yielded -a reluctant consent to be 4 candidate, and that the Prtivelpts look encouraging. for WA nomination, previd, eil he eau get votes enough. We do not I know bon' lib way ol2 *, that 4ervices like those-lie rendered-like - Radical" cause, deserve something bkie'rthan 4 petty nomination for Assembly ; atur It does not even get that it will betoken a' lack of appreciation suggestive-of the most pain ful reflections. defiliates frottV the German Singing *iciciits 9c Wpstern 'Pennsylvania, Westein--Now- taster'', Ohio, West Alrgiuta and Canada West—eomprislnisome I 50. in ail—will be held hi this 3 eity ma:4l46th I ..and-101.4insts.,-tutnr"'" or eentralartlzation, shnilar to those East and West. — Then " tunds" base been Cs tablisheg in "lipentleirts of tlic Union, hut the inconvenience of attentilie; any _now in operation, has led to this movement for a u out', Its neconiquidate. the localities, mention- c'oricert is To I,e given in- Farrar ilall,4ni I. 3limilaV 'esiminkr, at which will be represented some of the best musical ' 41419 in the ",ctrutl," i tif , jef i w.Kelt our Ger ?Ain' CitFiens mill rrtinc-the ---menitieri of the Association to a supper at Uncle Stun't Garden. On Tuesday,thetv will ben ride on' the 4114eorith other enjoyments calculated to give the visiturS a good iwpression of Our title anti the hospitallty , of its German 'rest dents. _ I 1 November, 1t 6 F , in an editorial Ili `;4iikringklie :Witt& site, Wit Pflieed`tltia journal squarely in favor of the .ptompt_itm peachment of Piesident Johnson.4Gioette,, ' The Gazette ' is* niidouldedlY Mgt advanced" on the party , ladder - notc: But *c should like to know how much , otits rainpant , ltatliealEatt heart4l4 , .nitd" , itow notch mere pretense? fait Mile or is -it not thnt.. its !.tatrf toe, loneis cody:a fkintat i ‘o ., keep up its party standing, and . prevent a new Radical organ: from being • started? Heir loavynce is it that its int9agernemt teas of ' to a knouta airti'Ltoroug 11:-goiag bentiNtivit itiof by ftiot.frefloca ?) Who are' the owners of the I concern, and front what source does'it get 'ilie•means sof support? •sheet * Which is so - free in imputing Elise motives neigh boys must put object to -the nattiral censer Qugags:, ,Per 4p9 When if { I,Trs answ-eTtlie above questions :t1 }ere may be a fOw more to ask.. • '\ ' . i . ' ' Huth - Lawny vs."l,_witv.—The , Oath; Con ' • talon ot Crawtbrd eduiity- - Met at Meadville, 'cm Monday, and nominated Hon. T. J. Lon 4. ficittintleitialigilet,TM bridher , 6f 3loitigir B.'itY,na w candidate for the' Senate, - , M, that county is entitled - to the uottihee, it may be iodluad upon ihisetildd that JralgiaLchrey will be our party:candidata, tulloweircutustance's I should %least:tat. a iltapeits.tolrenderip,nei , cettestywanqiite opinion of the ()Daft:runt, to hoose a - mare available man.-, In ease of hits broths actmihifilid" Rttaltat bomtnation in Ahialdittnty. , Volirlittillibhve til Moe, tlmh t ai , ping 11.41 x, as to be Aare .4.. SP.If porting the•right-howry.-Tice balance of the brircdiiri/ 'er f ilv ft f ake f i ftf,Ml L tinntfiff ,PaiPtlY;* 1 8 .. t• '0 3 .1 14 0t:0,7 11 t 1 ;i 7 . 1 .1 1 S D • .tok,;an, 'FfLicided' ck.l , gamin isaittir4= .13. i .. tuik,Jutk eiviiitai4ii •%,tllo:gag thur; Treasury, William McLaughlin ; Au ditor, William Heaney. ' , EMERSON says : " poor are only they 'alto feel poor, and poverty Consists only in feeling poor." - • . MACAU 11,111311.1TIESs. 0 ; exelmitAC tlitscrif)es a bachelor us will' vole - aliused and ,a, 1 4 much .envied :by taw .:geese aitx the-la:int yaFtl." • . • • I • ?Mt letierot 'orir Mend at 'North F l tkst, on the'Sury CoininT446ner question; reached-us too late fur thix Wan!, and-tnnit- be laid over nntii next weet. ' • ' Any: nveßteil .tp *tate ,that- Itt 4 t. ; Dr. you will return Aortic fmni Belford Springs uttle4te services will Ile held lit the 118110 hour.,.. • A Ilvii.F/lo ivttitiiv took imulatunn;on Fri tiv, because sin!,ftultin't find empin - yment or 8 bus/Anil. She staniereit and is BOW open fot "atrimontal propositions. 3tit. :tits:Kim!, ore* through.= ,adver -418114 Itekittink 2ttjek of &OegrktichiAist, for Out turspirktrgaiN: A CluutOe to dtititin cheap gtia3s is itjTonl gd. • • 2 VeniiiigoSpeetatoi.lat4B - _ these " inuett . enthusinsm . :ln the b.te Itadi• en, meeting, hi Franklin, nil isgencrally et- Whited at :a meeting of jniigniilit ereditan, where ilieretire Ito tissets." IttentitAtm F.• ritrElt:Aler, a termer resident of Erie,'diutUiri :11entiville, on Tues.- day morning , of I:t4l,lrtpt..ialred ,trus a man of generous qualities and irainnt);: - esteernektiV the etti?..ens of 3fea41.0.11g. " BALI. is tO bogiten at the Itelajnett Ittnist, rtittn,"ofi ttte niglif :b . f . the 19tli inst. Mr. Taber, I .. ,roprietcir', O' house, is ii..getillt- inti`wltiArilf;Hpare ito 'ticatts to r rridie a mit.: 'c . ras of anyiltitutitit, undertakes: :• - . - • Tun !lido Trapenreontaltt an account of a theetiniriniglressed by • our Cones/I.l+- man; the teen tett " Glerth:i W., in. th,at State. avhen! (tag hearer at the hod trf the int). CC.,NIOII. W/13.8. coal black Cdngi) Mrlintn. Tor: Warren County Agrietultural Fait.: at Yining nu the Isl3l, 1913) and ;intit is expected to'lie the best 'in the conuty.lgc Johnson is to deliver the an: nunl iiiiiltess at :3, p. ro., nn Thntsdity,, the 19th. . . . Tug Frunkliu SpeCtittor describes a cab speaker hi that place who .!' has a great dislike to rebels, and •tinting The war would Ititve,gonr to help ultip them if hit.coultllaiye left his bushiriss.'! •We lutc a number'ofthe same sort in this neighttorhomi. ' - 31A.7.-E. W. MArramws, late Commercial editor of the -Di;palch, has; left this city to take the positioh of Prinripal of the 'Titus-. Mlle liigit tic Boob. While a resident of Erie he nettle many warm friends., who will extend him a kind welcome.wheneyer he may ehtiose to visit our Litt.- ' , I,ET every Ihlnoerni look :round him, and see irthere sonic person entitled lona tninlization, who is likely, •In lCise hi Oppor tunity: ti) vote unless some one posts hint up on the unit ter: - Have all.Stielin - pplit for ilndr paper 4 la once, nail- sec that - itJ.4, not neg.: SANSES bk, - .4Ktt, of Cassew..ago .township, Crawford county, is now is the'l-05t11 ye it of his ttgr . . For nearly' 60 years he : has been a resident Of ensile wago. "gels still quite hearty and able to walk around his farm. and Occa sionally be walks - two or time milk; to a • ' . ..,Tp) , .." Neademy opened fur the Nil tern) on 3fonday, under the charge 'of; Prof. Titzet. n,..b.tect by 31..6.4 ELIIIII9. Ditto, Both are couuntuulvd to us a' esuperior teacher*: and 44 , 4i116. .that - ' 7 lllllllei . '4ltarge the A.taolvinx nut ' pKet )yith a dcgree of st4l t iss 't.ietmlut ON Saturd Elijah Owens, a resident of 118014 Creek, aged ovetkr sixty, who hita been making, ... , atne -purelo qes of B . ryan tk . , erin, on French Si, suddenly dropped upon the thar cif ice store,,and expired almost in stantly.- lie leaves a vif& and three child ren: ' • : Tot: widow McClintock', or Steele Farm, once, flunotts in the oil regions, remains whol ly idle. Not a single well is being operated. Il is now the property of Mrs. Steele. The 'FittsAlMe fle tld thinks that "Johnny, 'her wayward infant, who has spent two tril lions or dollars, don't like to o to Work agztin." . - • • . : • Tut: Democratic Cominitfee 61..• Venailgo county hove stthstituted lion. Arnold Plumer as the eandtdate of our party for 'Assembly, :it.t place of Judge Lamberton, who declined on account of ill health. Plumer ilia vet ezpowar horse in the pentocratic cause., and his name Will lie a, "tuner 'of strength" to ourlfriends in Venango. Mry. were honored %yid' :t visit OW:Monday frim) Mr. William Hunter, of Lelliettf town ship, imi• of the 'oldest. beim : xi:lts in the county, Mr. H. is over 12 ,ye;:war of age, and as hearty and active 3.2 Many ; a young man of .21—a fact which is no doubt largely attribut able to his baving always been a consiAent voter of the Democratic ticket, Oen friends in the different townships win) liar c leech ealrlataiza, :atig citlee,arc requested to finish up the work :i s ,signedvd i etn ns pashible. %Vt wish to make our. reports by tile Utter part of nest week. Those who emMot get through betbre the day of the flouuty. Cotrreution, should by - tio means neglect to Plifeci the in . Our Inlaid 4 Apozi that oecasirM.. • _ Tits: pleasures of offirk seeking are wtsll illustrateti,by an incident:related in, the patch. It states that two of tbellidivaleiti dhlates t3w,elerk of the Courki. .p...,tientl,3,- met to compare notes, and were ehagrinetl to tied that nearly n third of the districts had been promised to both of thein by the same men! We suppose this is a sample of .Ibe "great moral ideti" of which the Radical partfpro fesses to be the speciarexponetit. Xur..econd,..lnytunf r, air Ofllie'Erie Driv ing Park Asoodation will be held at this grounds of, the Count .I.grieultund,SocietV, below the city, on Priday •E:kwurday,the And lfith days of the month. 3 number of the best homes in the or:any are _t rom-. isi.4l to be, present, and the premiums to be awartkd aineunt to sl.,2ls,:being the largest ever offered in NortkliVestern Pennsylvania. The lovers of good horses are looldrtg , fot ward to the Pair With the 'tintielli4ilon that it will furnish them a 'rare degree of en joyment-, . Fuller puthiulars•willibe fogad pver the SEcret dry E Signature, atuoneour new advertisements. -• • -THE impression- Which generntlf prevails that wtunk the Jury gystaniioes.hito. et,thet It trill result ity , scrring an 9rtal dirol , tion 'of the jurors arikobigluenthers of both partte.:i is 'rnifeorreet: Thp, PINT prqklesiliatpresideMl jottges shallnaet, •with_jury commissionent in. sclec 'anti' 4)14014: thett iiania in the Inty.,seheel,lll4 that the, tithtting.t)f the lrantoti from ale-11;w! Alan be performet - 1 by ,tha Skey)lT.apil consequence will be, that,whateverpatty may t> iloruii ant Xte yuitc likely lutvon Fiajotity of the jaroiA, as at poised:: anil -the tagyssdrautage inlhaving the commissioners will he that their presence rltivereriMrselrettfirtfolifeftwiliand thaiedratlngfrOnalaikliteli .- ; Tnv Whittier Literary ,Association = are AirrOgemettht.l4 3 O f i4lec lureslures io'he-lellve're.4l4aring the coming yiin ter.'' It *tile, int entirrd , ,if posOle, td st;pure ' Ihrc lectm•ers,from each of tyF t•wo i lys#iag aicitmt! ? , so I:l.4 . l(he:=.Leb a r itn I#l7 course. iVendell Phillips, Fred. , 3,„Ftwl View W. Vtlrtits brie litxu#4- (CISII 1 41 . 4 1 g 1 ‘1441. 1 -t4arbP is ~ttint ► rtfurt ', us Ittiking to stt t,„:l2llP4 4t114F?:-9f'.Ote' • oe......n.g.cirriiti, , fute eminent tional lawyer, and S. S. eof& Geo. IftPettllleton. The members Of the Whittier AssoCiation; althougli composed mainly of ' Republicans, seem disposed to pursue a fair course, and arc entitled to the credit of the same. • APOPrI T MO 6 1 r.fofttirre4. 4 * Sutgliit itiiina the lloyA Farm, the certnums of the OW Creek railroad, (loitroying! the oil and tailp- Pl 4 yard,;er U. Brown 4 7 5m?s,tk i tv., Cook ,5: 1 `t0., aiul Tibhetts d Gilbert, and, , • twenty passenger, 'truck and tank ears:, owned by the Oil Creek Railroad and the Empire Pim. The sstitualea.l9ss is $ 75 , 1 )(54', which is pmbribly em-ertsakfttiguranee. Thd : _ fire originated . fromnleaking, tank canning. ilk from a auLtci ivitie.ti an agent Wltti -iitgit ing,eansing stieam'a 111 e to' he :sent to the yoU P - •t , - cotmen ,in, Yuan? Halt, on Tuesday etTtibig was attended by au umeitialtiappre thole° ainh'enee, rind is represented to havirg beeti obe pf tbe am*. ever giVen here. A general:desire 'was eTpresred fee: itirCpcti-; lieu ; and the manage,r3 hem: to be allie test, annotmee a second entertainment befort. tong, „.. SIARIIIED DowNlEl—CAAttmEt.t.-011 the 2:lth ult., at the Railroad Hnu9c, Columbus, b.,- Iles-. IL • W. Scot;, Mr: \VAL DmenN birth' af 'Con*. ' • Fittunittcus- , :-11,tttpain—tfit Stnutar, Hie Ist inst. in St..l , ncilit's Church, Smith Eric, , .by die officiating pricif, Mr. ,Pclcr.Frio.l-' richs 16 - 11115.4 .Marg•aret liarklelx• ~Alku. K ta.stze--On•Fridtty. month*: .11ke . Hattie Francis, ,y9attgvat chile! of t. P and Itelsey,lod I.year datlX?,:tlity;.• MC V An: 11 -1 n Philatlelphin; nd thq.nftiult„ . NtrVppil);, of co'rby iweit .)torritut—ln Nara) Ea4t, au ilic ,311th 61t, . Mrs. Saha E. Monier, of age tl about Crayearg. •!•-• - • • " .o,tp,•filibtrttu;rAto. - , • STRAY COW. lAME to the_ premises of the stile,eritie'r, C Fairview' township, adjoining the M Preek line, on Aattiplay,-Angust 10th, a Rm w lied Vow; ahrynt three years old, with a white. ~.pot on her forahrti. Thu oNvner is ream... Med, to 1 . 01110 forward, Prove ProPertY. pay ehargrs and take her away, Otherwise she wUI be dts p(kled oriseenrdlng to law, , antt-Sts. ' WU. SAWDY: Adrriinistrator's Sale. 11r EXINCLKE TO RALE to the hlghost and best I)hhter, cat the pretUISCS In Greene township. ori tiatut l / 4 1,ny; Sept. 14th Itiu7, the farm of John P. Endlleltluto of stdd Greene tp.. de yeasvit, eoptuttlita72 iteres. of laud uuti, ulLow „ttlee, mote Oniam. tmvlug eree.tedthefermauto story frame dwidlitut, Immo barn and other out buildings. •1,. PINIIET. _ .. U. Adminlßtrrifors: MEM BOOK 'AGENTt. To a:Atoll, orders for a ilea , Illutdrated • II B L.E., DICTIONARY CO3IPLETE,IN ONE YOU:Mt This .Dictionary embodies the restiltl.of the most recent'stuily. research and Mvestigetlon, of about sixty-11m of the mostemitteetrustl cartei.,t Ilibileal Scholars now living. Clergymen of nll denominations approve It and regard St es the belt, Work. ntits.ktrul.tri She: Knallsli lan guage and one Which ought to is' itt tin:thaw:is Of every Bible reader in the Lund. • In circulating this work, a gents will find ,pleasant entl , prailtable employment. The nti- Morous iihJetitions which are usually encoun tered in selling ordinary works wilt. not. exist with this. nut. on the contrary...encouragement adertriendly /atrial( attend theogentc-making his labors agreeable useful wnd lucrative. • Ladles, 'retired clertcymen, school teachere, farmers, students. and all others who possi3s energy, are•RlintNttn assist In canvassing every town and county in the coutry. to whom the moil liter a l Inducements will lie oirerett. For port leular,4 apply to, or address PAILMELER BRaTitEllg. Tll.Satt,ota Street, Phi ladelphla; Pa. w2.1-41w, 0•P AlairNimits SIP. Lime l .Plasiter , and Cement. The undendw.hetl haying' purnhaitd• the `kll►i business, &v., of the Erie Lime ana'C'etttent tut formerly etrottltuted, have organized n tletV rims under the seine mune, - " ERTE LIMY, &. exm..ENT Cdp.,n cim:lit thel Ce';gl"l=lftusinesp.g me' Irerck Liar . STUCCO 'PLASTER, WATER iLIME; AND FIELD PLASTER, Potr;tnntty on hand aid of the best quality v-1 R. t•iA'AltrEt.. REA, Jit. S. 1.1 NEILEII. `rttliy.kitr 1, fiur=lit-c-tw. vrAnsourstRIP344OPEUPTCY• V 'MS 18 TOWN - 17 NOT'IcP:t hat on the Stlt ,i4rAztastottz ftsVOZ.u. ,. Warairtr - , ln ltank ruptey was boated aunluNt tlte estate of Samuel 3%-kiterrett, of, the oity tit-Ettet,in 4.1w-F 4l anty at Erte;utul bLute of lecusy bob Ic e 4144 4 , 4 l l4ggrLa bOagrAlil 4711 /44 oink PVII WM that tlitt tioyuwat t olituw delA4 mut deltcory of any twope - !Ay zugouglnipto NuelLbinkiiropt (abbe or ler,bia use. sad the I polder 01. inky prop erty -by hick. ape dorbidrieu by low thud a meeting -..1f the creditors of Um ourild .ixtrilaupt , t 4 prove their debt.. 1110 to chotro• tote or more ;lif,nett; of. hitt e,stuto p Wiltdeuh..4ll4._ 14 Olurt iir llatirr,to only,. tit 11 Thit . tettliil Clerk •Of, iwttwe 44. ft Womirif 44,,,Reitiaterchla Itiih day of e:rptiskilier. 1661,01.• l'.-ttt. • - Tifir,t‘g'4o 1' fA. Marshal. ' Pept. , Sfaishet. . • no I.7ibr. •rpait.A.o:l6 ; ' The place( 'Cm cio....sorhoieuret dit of ToliCeeo, r ~ .>:.startr aud. - eigedUle AC . 4.1 " 'r 53 41 131 44 " PC tbg..*A:C• ll'43 T4 fixiThtiiiii:Depot. • • .. „ . " 7-.1111111y14 4I" * l 2,tlOiniticiittrttlit 14 the PIUtN aou P t e ttF • ate:4 6fVrettleitefJe awl re. It. - 1140,rtli. . Smokers' rttelefept * lrefaviir me rat_ .P s TOXtlr&l'Atft- . Waeb • - /Lin& AlintiEnt z t. .. ... " Fr--Eittedia'akentS .•• - -• • • .11;14rn; DS laractrita;llFo matte *kiln Me itillnue of North Eattly,laWll3l.l4lm,and orchard of 409 n pine t melt; rain entise'vittes, enNhe bought this trolltittotOPVlAXV. al' sirsnx .1 4a , • _ : Farm M. itAiroftt Oraertnvesiartatyalhed by ststdick ff:ntlitht ant rtinaterelemfiti loom .1 hoti.c te te house.• • Prlen 7 - "• . fristliv4ii4nrm f+n• ritiffile, Itotnl. In HnrlfitrC /wan Itotidl, 'OrninflArnusp preliti 3 - PYlttis!itricit '675.014rrar10 41. nneibarof Itcronlngs itstfate ferivist .I . l,ioi,ittoll6 , 4•4lWattiv". 03W:evil *tiieren t statkl . _,Sll4o..%,Tortatt'Cingy. 'Mott well A0.13,4411013141W1L15M16 ,-- ,:.; :1:1•-fa *-* , s4'tlikicratall 4 /11Wittivti'444 - F% Pim t ng, ~4,04,0,k1C-4!Ww3fAcAkittVtii!ri•RiM,ATertni, LuyikAtgry, Irv)] Applied t ,DWelllnesoff`jSVost •...141131W street larinfritl,fif - 2 Flue dry bufldloK lots, coot from $550 toSlai each % timid, balance nu 0 years time: ' about SO rods from The Public Square. For further InforritattarreskUlteertr (Jake; • t . a•s ..••ILA~YT~ R.l 1 I U. nuti-tf. w.. ,•: Fotate Att.. Wed 311) EAGLE tr tTN ti RN' , • Peach Street, -tl3iovo the Buffalo Itoad, • • - _ •". nws.-A:rier C 0,., , . • , 21.7.V.tiArtanza.g or • 1 1 4/10/1, poor, A.NV aiTlvr ,sTovt* , ItLf A:sln :metr IRO!: wAttn, , .1104•61) . kinds of Iron Enstingit; Every Stove sobl by us is WarrantOa to gh l e wattatactllSA mottled, 141eigh;Sboes, End Irons, a 0.,,'nuel luanufaetared tb Plown owl now points of Nupovior wake-and dara4lll - always, ophlintal. tes4ll.o4id a tale:irt.V . of bar artioleA , , =ITANT WV* ICZYSTONE 'TO I 7"E' WOES vtnuaA stung •wilrmiLEAl), 41- Itnrltirinters'ot ' • , 40,17.4 A,N11119,1,PW - WAM3I, ''3'!'”irgrtivat=ittroP4"-- d•• Tint tIIVAN .t t' la a unit class Coal COok Ntovc with or wittioat Resdaiiir. liantilesott coal, , •vt , or F.00d..4011.0k , • IWTTEIt. THAN TUPPBTRATATCPI3T‘TVIC: , Wr4boo Miholtadture tlas, sWitaFoSilEkkEl AND NM& ERA, 1 1 0414, 1 1 0 t orl:agtilicook ?4FoVeltr-Wikh; 'woo& Arati 4 s7-chlt ,rhtet e r ltht;r,or trood - or , criit Fdarth.DiKi ' • w i ,,,, it pxi r i an dro t tiwiithAt*F e b tlit ,fl a x yen Stove for wood—with or without rese THE MENTOR, A low oven rltove for wood. Thbi to n um, I.tove o f beatonol deAgn, and now for sale.-rogernor with a largo assortment of Elevated Merl Cook Parlor Oa*, for wood or ecal and Parlor and Office StoAV.% fur Wood or coal, ,- ---' ' --,, - - 7• Te,. - - ' r.. . :;„ . ~ , _ ; ., 1,; :LTV , • , ! -1, , NAL .. ........ .-', 11 . G.L.E.IsTN y 9 t' '. ' . • 7 ' ' • 1 1 10 . 1 Park loW, betireeti-Brown's , Notel & Reed House, 51;4 EMI MI lIPORTE Dlt AN DEALF.II INr T I=ll . . Craileary" , CT A u, O (in.' a Av.; "PM • To! I t Vrtsre. .. . , GOAL DII4 I 4IANIMe.LIERS AND LAMPS, E ELM I ,PLATEI) WARE! • ~ • .., 'l-„4 f- A 5 ' r fAELE - CkFTLERY LOOKING GLASSES, _ A - • - • =Si ec , ,a, ratrali i :,Cleitut h ant Glass .7 ; • } IBM EMIIIK=iII ,f: /... ME I= • It•w. 1 - lin N '1" . 0 I`4{ . gr. - ' • '-• l3' "t pa Lee, - EW YOUR . .CLOTHING ROUSE! MEZ WHOLESIALE AND RETAIL = MN 11=1 liM No, 4 Noble's Blook,-Erie,-fia.e. Two Doora South of the Neel . Post Oflie =I BOY'Ss&r, • CHILDREN'S c rr: IFI I IN “- lld striir,Ess VAATTY., 7'111; JUCILE*T Si.'I, ' ECTION OF ELEWM' fLOTHS, C.-SDIERES AND YESTINGS FOR THE CUSTOM TRADE. ALL NOVELTIES IN Gren - tlernen's,ibTurniF•thirig• .ALSG, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, &c., At Prices Satisfactory to All. An examination of our titck and Price , k r(l , ,iLtfully solicited in a 9-0 m w . NEW, - PRESSES, AND SITPERIOIt 'WOREXEN. ERI To OBS - E R " 4 IMI North-West Corner of State Street - and the Park. cpittrLob:rry. Job Printing of Every Description ! In a style of unsurisisSeit neatness, and at priecs to millien , with any other office In the North West. Our l'Es.%-ex_s are (Rabe -'. , • .„ MOST IMPROVE D KIND, \ • - _ . Out TYPE all NEW, and of the NRATENT stryi.Es, and our Wm:sun,: equal to any In the noun • try. With the'litaalltinery am! Material we now possess,,w,e feel fully warranted ln• . claiming that NO OFFICE lu , the weftferh fltreof the nate Excers, halt • • only'one or two equal us, in twilit ieh fur turtling out work, in a, RAPID AND SATISPAOTORYt MANNER . • , uvrairk- Qv, PRINTING. Received and Work wirrutted not tube interiot to 00,1 stone in the Eastern cittek el= , •' he'' rintirx or titrds, Letter itntl Bill 'Meatt, , Anil till tlio kind, of work ill 11 , w. to s - . ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, Svc. Minimax° zusiie arrangements with the hirgwat and best odunitNirnient in lintralo for procuring tu4 - bort of Engraving that many be needort,rlu tar mt94l tlYii , liyidm.t . • LESS PRICE TITAN IP THE ORDRII WAS SENT TO THEM liIRE6T •< ' c;: r =HI _ . , PartfcN wolfing Cut, of Idingit, - , 'Well, Spits, Autographs - , Maps, Portraits, &e., By entrusting diem to us wilt to; smuoNt ~r 'piece of work lu tile most pr o mpt and satistaa - • tort manner. Engravittgr, elder on Wood, Stone or metal.. i t}t .!.t ,:t;1 ; :;!; ;i 11:3 co 'l344l4linlpag., Ace. 'l2.ff .liii , • •••:;. 1 in this department we have radiates that arp uusurpn.s,edientont ha 7ng ,krihti. ll V ite_yone thattequireakinling or alluding' conaoctiohi !Vet tontrtv4 e`. We atilt twins:Me that 'ban boppt formai In ti woriOnntetteli n nnt,r, , e the' charge - win bo as moderate as tau be atlbrdod... , " ' ,•"! ;I Mil 1 . 444 1 talPnlagnage‘eAtundett to,itthiettee } clttritutthe last two Tearx bag enconymednt to fAorST elfori llowililliakodoworw the flozoili opatltliOldllund WWI quo owTfalritia cation to Informing themand the Inbllo that tve nave succec, ett in fitting up an eats, I ment equal to every requirement of the community; ore dele Mine .tgcomputowtththebet,Atalonl}'sinks trial to satiety dtvy ono. that we claim no more than we are juatly entitled to. • • 11- 4-I E I V I f..A. I . Constantly On hand a mu supply of todtees of the Peace .find Consktutar's of the most npproved forms, Also, IIL.IN K •NUT.F.ti of every kind and RECEIPII4, single or In hooks. /CC: Arikg, awl .J aLt I , a' . • ;, ani4f--r:ittrerl. .f. I IME ,•,, ~.. NOW.iOVEIN A 11" • sOB PRINTIN , . 0 * 4 • 1111 (4) • to. llaclnry fitted'urk our' othee •fii'ti We are prepitrediO 10 0111)}:l54 VOlt 7 ol MI ~~. EN MEM Ornainenis ! ':~~J . MARKS S: MEYER =BM