important flotitto 4ir-tavertisententA inserted under this head ing at 15 cents per llnp nt 10 words for the newt ingertlon, n cents ter the second, and 10 re nts ier each cobstntletit insertion. CraveiCErie Oily Intelligence °racy?, No, 12.11 stale - JBIOT74I'. Igor Sole . ilitttlng:Top - Titiggy and Harness. a ta n nsr a e ' it a ell!:in t i.:tZ lea". at lb° earaentulttrltsth pan rtellable llanurantne of nil klniln apply to A. P. Russell, Agent, 'No.ZlNorth Park, Erie, Pn. j717'67-tr. For ITSIIIIIINCO 111 Welt ICIIOIIII abil man FP COTIIpai) npplp ta It. W. Bußgell. agent, 'pi State .treer- 1,1)21'6'-Iy. troy gale very cheap—A. small Foot I.athe, f.ylt hed, with senor teed and meets tor screw eatt•ne. Font stark sets to taper. „Address J. P. in: (AV Is:, Edinboro, Erte • For amt.—The Urilon Homo , , earner of 12th r „.l Beech Lime. The house Is very eon -14rn attached. Enquire of J. m lietAne House otl Ilutralo Rood, near the Pent). t Erie 11, it. Whops. Jy11137-tt. pumas I Pianos I S—.l. new stock of Planou reeeicrtt at Stuith'm Mute teltate: Now t% the times To hut - a good piano Wr a little money. state .treet, Pu. Notire.-1 wish to veil tar entire household terolture,'earpets, Chairs, tables, stores, twvi: 11.. W first-class piano, one new nr*- ..i v o.or g itti. Atgn, one new first-Masi intnit.V. ill verr low for cash. No.ttifitate s treet, Erie, r“. 1)71 - 141.) 7.. lAwrrst. enicval.—The Stnve sn.l Tin Ware !tore of Ihntroa Co., has been rennived te1.:Q.1364km. near the la 'Read, where will Irma a eninplete steel/ n( cent! In th d r Well the pniAie are Invited to ran The R,rle Lodge No. 211,1. 0, of (oM Tear: pI en nh.ets on every Tnee.lny evening, to the „ 1,1 [',.!)owe LOdge ROOM. On State street. over I .reekt's Jewelry store. Ftlenneer Templare via im the elty me enrAlnlly invited tobeny* , nrnt. KNlirarr, W. V. T. Fit tNK BEL. W. S I= Zirertorv. Id' Inqerted In this depart ment for one yenr, eta ,itdollar per 1111.•. WTIOLERALE aitricEns rhur.ta , y;itttrae , g. k. Walker, tr. And Park s,„,tt A ttile%. :WO and Ziat"! Frenell j o hn,,ton t Itrevelller, 513 Frenoz WHOLES:ALE ROOTS .‘ Arbuckle Jr North Park. • Ihnrna AND F.1(014. 1 LIT, nark, 14 Park Row, a. Z. Smith, :all Shute• t.treet. c.t.:aornart R fb., 14 Snrth Park. n.,,,pae urn. Tai State !street.. y . . 11,4,1, ',it; State et. le 0., Jr., •:!1?4 State st. ROOK RV - MPS% i'marher )IM•reary North Park. I. apatroel, French at: FLOUR It FRED. Itaven.tick•. Park Row. hra„•il9 French at. • I.IQITOR STORES. S Nflehael, ir2l State at. • has. 4. Smith, 24 North Park. . • CSIC STORES. 421 Stale at. )lea. V, Ming, AN State et. • SEWING ACIENCIE: 4 .I. V;ll.4ler Wllsott, 427 Slate at. IGree Sewing 3fachlne, 602 French at. .Meer seeing Machine, :lat French at. Baker. 4J) State at. .FRC/TBl & PRODUCE. It. L White, 8 South Park. ' CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. Wta. It. Glennv, 12 Park Row. 7. ta, 114).t0n x welly% 514 State at. WATCHES & JEWELRY. }Lem A Flatter, 2 Park. Row. T.'M. A tditt, 21 North Park. HATA AND CAPS. I. F. Wllaon. 24 North Park. • I. kanz„kul, 513 St fat. street. W th R i . endall. 527 1 4 snob at, t. 11. Smith, 525 Fren t xt. CONFECTI EltY STORES. 11ener & Ilaraess,t 421 awl 700 State atreci. T11t14114 . 4 It. hArrin in, 1517 Yench xtreet. Vleof A Elliot, 421 State xtreet. Hail A Warfel, WO State at. Wilkina k Doll. 1312 Peach atreet. J. h. Carver k Co., 21 North Park. Wm. Nick A SOllll. 702 State street. Pr. S. Blektnaon k 50n,711 State street. DRY (100115. )fonell.Stenttena A Willey. 4%. It. Merrill. 'halter, Koater Indunati, 1350 Peach at. Horrhein Rena, 714 State at. r 7(6 state at. • Edaon, t'hurchlll E ('... 3 Noble Block. Rosenzwehr k Bro.. :32 Stat e at. (lark, flootli A Co., 5 Reed House Mock. DRY "4104)D5l AND CARPETS. Poirendort. Groax A. Foster. Warner 11ia.... :ma State at. OItIIOEItIF.S. Dorton & Gri fllth. 1521 Peach at. I. A. Field k •• a.. A .1. 11rd:ender. 12a " * Henry Beckman, 51)1 State at. -• Marshall, Chrlatlan A Craig, 21 North Park, A. Gott 515 French at. Mltinitt. corner 4th and State at, I'. A. lhali:•.r A Q.a, fill French at. Prvan A ldeGlceriff.-5 11 7 - Frefteli at. Mallory. 527-Freneli at. sch iecker, 421 State at. 11. V. ('tans. 2‘. • East Fifth at. l' s _tachaaf. 701 State at. P/lOTOGItAPHS. °Waller's:, over Roxenzwelfra flinek. W.. 4. Lott, 1407 Belleh at. • Geo. C. Dann, over &l and 30 North Park. Polt.ll Itroa., Farrar Hall Ruildlna. S. D. Wat:er A Co._, over UM Peach at. T_OIIACCO AND CIGARS. E K Il'elaluttan, I.'l' Peach at. Thug A .I.alt lam. 70i State at. I'. Deck, 70T State at. M. NV, Mehl, 517 French at: 0. Y. Sterner, 401 State at. ARIAN' ARE. 1421 Peaclimat. W. W. Pierce A f'o., sTil State at. McronkeY A Shannon, :"017 French at. 2. s.i.Ven, 7,23 French at. t STOVES AN)) TINWARE. 1 , N'antrosel. 1221 Peach at. . Ikthlaird Bros., 701 State at. M. Mayer A Son, 1215 State at. Barr, Johnson A en., 1(114 and 103) State at N 22 North Park. r (((Oral .4 ('o , 1164 Sassafras It. (iENERAL rypr.itriticEits, ).11.3104k t 414 State at. F.I 7 R.NITttitE WARP:ROOMS. 1. 11. Itthlet & Co., ahl State at. _ I eI.OTTTING sTORIN. tohn (:ensheinter & Son, GU State at. Stna t 3telfek, I=l State st. F.Vacner, P.Y; State at. NI. Kuhn. att State at. Warka.t, Nobte Mow*. R'. I. Rosa, No. la North Park. ' Ant JITNEYS AT LAW. ','Roas Thompann, r,21 French at. hone. , Vtleit Ft. - ERYSIrtANS kit SURGEONS. i l .. '''t , wurt, 3o North Park, houae .117 State at 1 1 . .. 1: Fraa , r, I 1 onepatttist), tai Peal l st• NII`I.I.ISEItY MTRAW (loom. j A. M. Make. `With Park. Mr.. NI, Curtis, !I South Pnrk. ',I , Mr Mk.e. Mr(rnth, Or, Burtch wt. MUSS POUNDItIFIS. Jarerki& Metr, It?,.{ State %t. FOrtiDERS AND ROTLEU ( 4 ‘,%, ad and Peach mto• JSILLS. Ju. P. crook k Son, ear. ith and Pearh 1. wit„ .1; earner 11th and French mt. ,•orlo.r Ilth and Irollutill stx. •_ PRODUCE MARKET . 11, WOUTYEN Sic - CO.. ~ ,,,a cctnittc announce that they have_ • apPaN , l a store at I 10 .42 S French St., between 4th and stb, EIIIV, PA., For the purchase and sale of 111 KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, 'tut I Vl'. /Null try. 3111 k. &c.. "r4r3 Irmo abroad will reetilve proMpt 'ict ,•:42“4 at the lowest market Priem', 3 1 1 ". „, The higheAt price In eush paid for Pro-tf. AVATCPPES A k iERICAN WATCHES, SWISS WATCHES, illigEE= SILVER WATCHES, 3tETAL I . 4 ND SOME CLOCKS! "; ,I '' l l , 'l4 for Caul', by MIZS!IZEM!!!! No. 2 Reed Block I.'IV AND BOARDING. STABLE. Ili, seders ino baying pUrehmed the livery Osborne is prepared to give rufgotat attention to the sale or boarding Of ti ," 1 ", . aUggi horses and carriages always on modprate respeetfully sone a .lotn, of patine patronage. •41-.lm, BLENNP.R. VOX, ' ') R MUSK RA.T TRAPS! deol3, by th e dozen or single, for isle by - the J. C. BELDEN. R. FAIILKNER, M. D., .Ie.GEO N S ruma.opATuto puyniczAN. A tm French Street, Erie, Pl. 431 M-6110. WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENIVA, AVGUST 22, 1807 WARREN Co. NoUlNATtosit...—The Democ racy of Warren county met in Convention on Wednesday of but tveek, and seleetd the following ticket—one of the best ever jolt forward in the county. The mdidates are all men Of practical ability, personal worth and staunch party fidelity Assembly, E. B. Eldred, of Conewango ; Sheriff, Geo. Blair, of Columbus; Prottlonotary.ll. P. King. of Warren'; Commksioner, James Magill,. of Gm : field ; Auditor, W, If. Dewing. of Spring Ciet±; District Attorney, Charles Etinsmoor, of ,Warren ; Jury Conimbssioner, J.-T. Carrie, of Ycanagsville ; Trustee 4kf'-Warren Ae•ole my, L. W. Mimi. of NVarren. 111 - I.ks is Rsiskarmcv. The Official Rules and Regulations in Bankruptcy, adold ed-by the "United States-bistriet Court, and additiotral RegulationS pr'escribed by the Reg ister for the Ifitlt Congressional District, are for sale at this office, in neat pamphlet torn', at :10 cents a copy, or 9 copies for .V.OO. Our office is the only one, in the District at which they eau be obtained, the limited de mand not making it ifiesirable for more than one office to go th this expeirst of gettinecthe form up. Attorneyi l should send in their or ders at once, so that ve may be enabled to tell how large an edition to provide. 'Our en temporarie's In the different counties will con fer a favor by calling attention to the above. nul.l-tf, THE ',TAN TAMP.Iti4.—Mt. White, who was badly injured by the lion in the menagerieat nochester,"on the Vourth of July, paid his . first visit to his old pntagonist, op ThuNday, at Corning.. The liOn behaved very well;and readily yielded obedience to commands. It is only a' question of time when this brute will devour Mr. White. Mr. Lan worthy, attached to Porepaug,h's circus, recently had a narrow escape front death. He entered the cage of lions to perform with them us adver tised, wizen a large male lion sprang. upon him. Before the beast cmild be made let go his hold. Mr. - Latwworthy's ‘ side %IS injured badly, his shoulders unit linibs lacerated by the monster's pea's. The lieu KM beaten off with iron bars and sticks. lir. Langworthy was at once furnished with medkal aid, and . he will doubtless recover. THE Dis'patch calls loudly upon the Anti- Lowry men oldie county to Ur:maize, assur ing them that the "Lowry influence" only ."looks vast and' terrible at a distance, but approached, it dwindles into What it really_ is, a mockery of the reality. a scarecrow, which that faction cOntinually thrusts in the view of the peOple, witha, great: noise." "Battles" itsagaelously adds, "are not won nor triumphs gained by any such masterly What is worth winning is worth working for. There is strength„enmigh and Witten& enough in the ranks of the Lowry opposition, if rightly directed, to cast him into political oblivion, forever." We be lieve, with our neighbor, that there is strength enough in the Anti-Lowry wing to defeat hint, it' it were properly orgapized and mar shalled, Intl there, unfortunately, is the rub. The cowardice amd imbecility heretofdre dts played by theta has served to make them ridiculous, and constituted the basis on_which we have heretothre founded our predictions 'of his ultimate success. Should they at last go to work in a manner that would give con fidence that they really mean to make fight, they might give hint an ugly tussle, though we arc afraid it is too late to accomplish his defeat. COUNTY TICKET.--On Saturday, the 14th of September, the Democrats of Erie county will be called upon to elect delegates to the aimia.a Gnnventk n cif the pc,rir. • rp-m the character of the persons chosen will depend the character of the teen nominated. If re spectable eitiFens are sent to the nininating, (lon vention, the ticket will be such as to.large ly increase our strength at the polls: The business men of the country are ready for a ehange. They are tired of high taxes, in creasing debts and expenditures, and waning . trade, commence and manufactures. They desire a union of the States in order that the people of the South may - have an opportuni ty of building up the fortunes of that section, and thus becoming once more customers of the North. The Radical party are opposed to retrenchment and reform. They are in favor of bolding the States as conquered provinces, and expending the people's money in paying :01 army to tyrannize over white men. Itgwill men benominafedto antago nize these ideas of the Radical party . , they will run in largely upon the usual Radical vote. Let the Democrats remember this when they vote foedelegates, Trucumts' Evinuci!..nolcs.---The fall ex• animations of persons who &Aire to teach in the sehool4 of the county, are announced by Mr. L T. Fisk, the County Superintendent, to take place as tbllow4, eommencinq at 10 o'clock : For Springfield at -East Springfield, Sep tember 23d ; Elk Creek and Conneaut at Al bion, 24th ; Franklin - at Franklin' Corners, 215th, ; Fairview at Fairview, 90th ;.Gimrd at Girard, 27th ; Mill Creek, at Eagle Village, oth; Harborcreek at Elliott School House, 'October Ist; North East nt North East, 9d: Gres wield at Colt Shttion, 3d ; Amity and Venango at Wattsbnrg, 4th : Union at Union Mills, sth,: Concord and Wayne at Corry, I'M; Waterford at Waterford, 9th; Greene and Summit at Elbow School House, 10th ; McKean at Centre School House, 11th ; Washington at Edinboro, 12tb. •Special examinations will be held at the superintendent's residence, one mile Gist of Girard borough., the first, second and third Fridays of November. to provide fur contin gencies in the supply of teachers. In these examinations.eakh candidate must bring a written rennest,,'signell by at least three mew berg of the 8 0 461 of Directors in the district where they expect to be employed. Crtawsoun Courrv.—We find the follow ing gentlemen announced in the Meadville Democrat us candidates for the party nomi nation in that county: Senate—John G. Burlingham, of Spartans burg ; G. W. Recker, of 3feadville. .Assembly—l•. 31. Robinson, Conneantville; 11. -8. Mc.l.lll4er, Titusville t Dr. IJogan, Woodcock. Conitnissioner—Willium Porter, of Fair field. Jury Coututistiloaer—J. W. Douglas, of Meadville. The Primary elections will he held on Sat urday, the 31st inst., and the County Conven tion on Tuesday, Septenilter3d,at 11 o'clock. Of the candidatea named we have the pleas are of an acquaintance with only two., Messrs. Burlingham and Robinson, and we can sincerely say that if the rest are of equal ly good material the Convention cannot fail to select a ticket in every •way, worthy the support of the Dernittiats of the county. Iv WE did not favor the people of the Ter ritories against the Indians, and the people of this city •against the • derelictidn.s of the Railway Company, We should he at wlnss what to do in that as the Democratic party, consisting as it dues of few else than editors and hungry office seekers, does not at present present.a very broad front to shoot at. —Meadrille Jou mat. - The sarcasm of the Journal will be appa rent when it is remembered that the Demo cratic vote in . Pennsylvania alone, was last year nearly three hundred thousand; and still more when the tact ie,considered that every year the Radicals are obliged to resort to the most desperate measures to prevent them from losing the State. - • Tut Meadville papers all speak in very complimentary terms of the t3ten,gerfest held in that city last week, under direction of the Erie Liedertafel. The singing and Instru mental music, they say, were splendid, and the performances of 3lehrs Band are eulogized in a rapturous strain. The Observer on Thursday, in twaartieles insists that: the Distiatclt-has been mnd is "zealously supporting' the "Cameron candi date for- the Supreme Judgeship," meaning thereby Judge Williams. Will that paper give its dates and references? With the ex. eeption of a brief article on the Williams port nomination in the Dispatch ofJuly 29th, with a digest of the address of the Republi can State Committet, in which no stand in liivor of the nominee was taken, this paper has not mentioned -Judge William's name. Will the Observer say as mach In Its next issm.?—Dispote/c. _The Disr a aeli pnblislied the Address of the Radical State Committee emits,, in which the grossest assault was made on Judge Sharswood and Judge Williams heartily cow. mended to the support of the people. and accompanied it with au editorial endorse ment of the i strongest kiM, Itsesmese in that respect Ted to , the natural conclusion that it "Avalously" desired Judge Williams' election, and the presumption increases itt three from the fart that it failed to print the ThS»oeratie Address as it would undoubted ly have done ha& it wished to putsiiemn im partial. course. The .general tone of the paper, too, is so violently Radical, and so prejudiced aguhtmt Dewier:lcy, that po per son with ordinary reasoning fatalities could arrive at any other conviction than that its whole desire is to see the 'Radical entiditlat stweessfid, The slotfirth° sliovetract would seem tei he• to convey nn impri.ssion that the Dis patch is notxnlieliong fogey Judi , » Williams rlei•ted. Ilthis he the ' , tweet understanding, we gladly withdraw the charge of inconsisten cy made last week. It did appear strange to us, and to hosts daffier% that after denounc ing the Cartieron faction as it has done, - our eotemporary should be willing to lend its influence in favor of its continued tisrenden ey,and we shall hail a direct denial in the column:4 of tau• Dispatch, that such is not ifs position, as the•hest evidence it has yet en of the "independence" which it seems so anxious to secure a reputation for ioaintniu ing. DI:MOCHA - TIC CANDIDATEs.—The import ance of presenting tt good Democratic ticket this fall Is Impressing itself -very s(iongly Op ,nl the minds of friends. The be- lief is general that with a set of candidates combining' unimpeachable personal- worth with acknowledged fitness, we can bring ont it fuller vote than otherwise, and athl largely to the prospects of our Stale ticket. Dar ad vices from every porthitt of the 'county foul w to believe that all the distriets will be folly represented by delegates Of the very best character, and that they will be united In the determination to select no candidate who is not up to the standard desired. - Among the gentlemen whose names are mentioned in connection with the various poSitintls, we have heard the following . _ Senate— Conceded to Crawtbril.) • Assembly—Dr. P. Faulkner, John W. Shannon. David Shirk, F. F. Marshall; Eric DHVia Olin, Girard ; Isaac 11. Taylor, Wash ington; 31. W. Whitbeck, Corry; .n. L. Pin rn:y. Greene ; Gilbert third, Springfield. ' Clerk of the Courts—Thomas McConkey, J. P. Foulke, W. W. Dobbins, Eric ; Ceo. C. Gallowhnr, Girard; U. IL Arbuckle, Mill Creek •, G. W. Allen, Edinlyaro; W. C. White, Waterford. Slwritt—Amos Matto, Corn•; E. Dun emutie, Amit!,-; Ailing Stone, Fairview ; Al den Pomeroy, Conneaut : It. R. Brawley, Erie ; John Saltsman, Mill Creek. Commissioner—Henry Wolf, North-R:4: n. Easterbrooks. Crirtmh'E. Pitmey,3leKeon: C. Zinn, Albion, ' Jury Commissioner —1.1.11. Ihtvidsim. H. 11. Porter, North East ; P. G. Strati:ltem, Cubit : H. L. White, Erie. CAMPAION Onstatvr,n,—We are indebted to friends in different parts i)f the county for large clubs of campaign subscribers during the past week; for which they will please ae, cept our tletnl64, One of them, in his letter enclosing the names, writes: "The abovei:gentlemen are good, substan tial Democrats, hut have never takert_nuir valuable parrs% seeurtm thetrtiarties about an hour. I doubt not but what twenty more van be obtained within our borough limits." , This is but a sample of what can be done in every portion of the comity, and we trust the spirit it 'exhibits will be generally imita ted- It is the duty and should be no less the pride of Democrats to give their local jour= mil the widest possible circulation. We are now printing a paper which we believe to be fully worthy of support, and if we receive the necessary encouragement it is our deter- . initiation to still further improve it, until the Democracy of Erie county, even largely as they ,are in the minority, shall be able to boast of an organ that has no superior in the State. - Our books now contain about 2200 names, and we are - anxious to increase the number to 3poo before the campaign closes. If only half our present subscribers secure one campaigner each, it will more than in crease it to the size desired. We are en deavoring to perform our full share in the work ; may we not ask this slight favor at the hands of our political friends? ERIE CO. Scnoots.--The annual report of Superintendent Fisk shows that the whole number of school districts in the county is 31, of school houses 297, seltools 3f15, teachers 473, pupils 13,005, aud average attendance Of the latter 8,877. The averap salary-of made teachers is s4o.2o`, *r atid of female $25.01—a foolish and unjust discrimination which might to be removed before the lapse of the present year. The whole amount levied for school purposes was $02,214, and for build ing s97,ll4—making an average taxation upon property of 11 mills for the former and 7 for the latter, or nearly 1 cents in all. The snot total pall to teachers was a little over ClO,OOO, and the estimated value of the entire school 'property of the county is $150,118. The records exhibit a'greater number of pu pils, and a larger sum of money expended for building than in any pre' ions year, and the Superintendent draws the inl•rence there front that " there 1111.0 been some advancement in _the working of the schools," though he admits that "the progress is not so apparent as 'would seem desirable, Tint what we have gained_ will be itermanerd and lasting:' We hope the day is not fir in the distance when it can be announced in all truth that the pub Erie county mire not inferior, either in their acconnuodations, their teach ers, or in the progress of their pupils, to those of arrOpivrtlon thersttitrY. - It 'should be the unceasing effort of every persint . who takes an interest in the future of the Repub lic to bring about this consummation at the earliest practicable period. Tin rumor that G. IV. Colton lets been selected by the An ti-Lowry men a their can didate for the Senate, turns out M be correct. Mr. Colton's card anti/antein_ that he has coneluded to tali(' the field appears in tt%e Radical organs this week, and a determined effort is to be made to rally the opponents of Lowry o the forwcr's support,. The Anti- Towryites seem lortilini that if 31. li. is de feated ht this comity, it will settle his fate as ., a candidate, but in this we fear they are mistaken. The Crawford county delegates are all his immediate personal friends and wannest political supporters, and well in formed per-o:ns there tell us that they will not budge an ihth from litimptiort, no mat ter what the Eric Radicals may do. ShoUld such be the case, and, the enemies of Lowry carry the county, of which we have not the slightest hope, an interesting and exciting caucus contest may, be the result. Of the -probable issue of a squabble of this kind, we leave tint. readers to judge, being satisfied that their opinion will not vary widely from our own. The oil business is slowly picking up and nearly all engaged iu it are anticipating a better season before long. The article has been much too low in price to afford dealers a decent profit, and for the sake of our many friends who are engaged in the trade, and the general advantage of our section, we hope it may soon nttain,a profitable figure. LOCAL SIIEVITIEB, ~; SEVEN:Trg.'I4 titivates, of the United States Artillery, are ndtv under trial by matt iietrtial at Buffalo, fur attending a Fenian fi'itiVe in Fenhui unifonua. Is sus Buffido depot on Thursday, a well dre4 l 44 tainthrilt deltherStelyArrew himself .bekoni a train, three marline or which passed over his' Mad aOil &esti 004 14m inAtantr Tns faiittte of Sir AtortaitTeto, witctse cotteeetioa with the A It R R hes ' elicit hints Inca eelebrity,,iewietchim with 445,90 1 3,009:0f debtotsei- eisetiCothut half thridellertowieet iiveliest,dideuitiaei.`er modem time Et over*iittestieti-iih*ltittiiiiNitheeler Wition or 'Hole 'took', the+ first prize at the .Parts Exptlitityn. At litest ails ices side wes vigorously pressing its i claims, end the .tlistre , :tsed pehlie i nns' lintel doubt as'ever. .' Mn. Komi, th'e barber, on Satunlay • morn; ing, received an anonymous note contiining 42.30; the writer sayintlutO luta been over paid him in mOingehange,and that Iris con hcienee . would riot permit him to retain it. What it pity it is that 'utopia with such sciences are so rare! To sf.ttiE blackberry one or the ftrttts drinks ever producektakc twoinarts of ripe I)lokt:terries; a half Mince each of nutmeg and einflanlon, and a quarter of an ounce each of eloce:1, and allspice. Boil all together fora short time. When cold add one pint of French 12rattnly= Let it stand two or three days in a closed vessel._ then n tdrain and bottle. rt is hardly worth our while to piek up the misstatements which-garnish the columns of nearly every humber of the Observer re. speeting tins. paper, hut:when these state ments take the form of malicious falsehoods. we cannot avoid noticing them.--Dispatell. Will the Dispatch be kind enough to point out some of the " mis-statements" and "malicious falseimodsr We were under - the impression that ,the boot was on the other leg, Tim Union Mills Star having alleged that the successor at; Postmaster Frisbee,- of that place, WILS appointed previous to the letter's resignation. Mr. f .. tuffs published a c.wrol coffering to forfeit $lOO in ease be cannot prove that the appointment followed his res ignation. He Was formerly. a Republican, .and, having clucsen to desert the ranks of that party, has been minima with unrelenting malignity ever since. Hence the effort to create the impressionthat,he was removed: TIIEUX is an extraordinary dearth of police business in the city, the mwdie,i, fighting , men, thieve., wife whippers and drunks per-, sistentty refusing to do anything that will make them amenable to the courts. With, the exception of a trilling case, at tong inter vals, the Akers have nothing to do, and wander about as disconsolate looking as the last run of shad. Take .it altogether the present season is almost without a precedent, alike as regards the public health and the' Public months. A %low sensible writer says that the great cause of all the Misery in this world is, not that awn earn ttio'little, but that they spend their earnings Unwisely. Almost even• man spends as much for cigars, juleps, and other nonsense, as would pa,y,,his board and keep hint half the year in hilbneis; and 'what is true• of individual folly i equally true, of Mt tiothil. We are 4eading a million a Week in hunting down the Indians, that a pack ot white scoundrels on the frontier may make fortunes. Tae following paragraph, which is going the rounds of the papers, is well worth know ing, and should be carefully preserved in every fandir : ' . - -"-1414.rm -174 airy cum :OVUM!" t 1 anti degree of pateney, which has been swal lowed intentionally or by accident, may he rendered almost instantaneously barn:dew by atrallowinx two gills of nweet oil. An with" a strong constitution should take twice the quantity. This oil will neutralize every form of vegetable or animal poison with which physicians and chemists are ac quainted." - Tun Buffalo Courier is 11 - 0 to the had' that J. Wilkes Booth is still alive. It gives several reasons for the opinion, among which is the statement that a few weeks ago a gentle man of undoubted veracity, who has been wide traveler, called at the office, Mid after conversing' for some time about the authenti city of the'llootit'diary, brought iutti court at the trial of Surratt, dually said : " I know Wilkes Booth well, and have seen him with in six months." The expression was let slip in the heat of discussion, and its utterance seemed to annoy the gentleman so much, that he closed the conversation almost im mediately. THE well known Toni Quirk, who was con gicted of mayhem at -Cony, and whose re markable escape- from the penitentiary, at Allegheny city, gave, him an additional rioto riety, died in the far Nest, on Thursday, of last week. Afte'r escaping he traveled from one part of the States to the other, to elude the detectives, finally lighting in New York, whence lie sailed for New Orleans, to Which place he remained a' time, and then fearim s detection, started on a trntr to the extreme territories, where he was overtaken by dis ease. ' Tun fact that lifter advertising. a number of weeks for propitMis for the desired loan of fitly thousand - dollars, none ° were received, does not speak well for the'reputation of the city among c4ltalists, On Monday evening it 'was stated by Mr. Spencer, in Councils, that some of our local banks and a few wealthy residents were willing to invest in the loan, provided they could obtain it at the rate of eighty-five cents on the dollar, and a resolution to accept of their proffer was adopt ed, the city obligatingitself to pay all the tax that may be assessed on the bonds. At this rate, our Improvement; bid fair ti - cost More than twice the amount estimated, before they are paid for. Mit - PIERCE, Alm Titusville 110-er, who was ,nccusell at Pittsburgh by a witness nante&Delfaven with having attempted- to bribe hint with a shirt and five dollars to give false evidence, has published a statement in which he denies the storifmm beginning to end. Delfaven is portrayed by him as " a yinian with sonic conscience, to-day a tool, to-morrow repentant, and next the occupant of a convict's eel'," and, Perrin, a Pithole knight of the green bag, - - who substitiated the former's testimony, is styled "&villalnous i clownish, unprincipled scoundrel, a disgrace to the profession-and a mockery ormanhood," while be himself pctssesses a virtue like Jo- - seples, and has been the victim of a 'Shaw conspiracy." Those who know all the par ties will be bed able to judge of the merits of the case, though it looks to us, from what has thus far been published, as If Mr. Pierce had the best side of the "discussion." . 'WE conlha to some surprise at it'eeing "the name of Judge Williams at the head of the Spectator as . its candidate for the Supreme bench. It cannot be that friend Sturzneckle Is aware that Williams is almost the fae sim ile of Geary in political sentiment, and that if he is specessfal, the two are pledged to work in harmony for the passage of a more stringent license law than. the . present, and the abolishment of the entire license system if it can be accomplished. The manly ac knowledgment by.our neighbor that he, was betrayed by Geary leads us la believe that neither he nor the Gerluans':generally care about being instrumental, n electing another State officer of the same kind, and we sug gas t some inquirrinto Williams' record and present opinions on the topic which just now most immediately colleens them. It will not be creditable to them, If they again elect a man who, like our Illustrious Governor, will turn around on the very heel of victory and smite thelands that helped him. Tim Meatlyille Republican,• Iu coinmon with the 'Minting Herald and other Jouruah; of that party, is - growing sick of the nominat ing system so long in vogue hi that county. Ina recent editorlakalluding to the proposed adoption of the same.phm by the Radicals in Lancaster county, it says: 1 . • ' • "If they consult the hurwony of the party They will do no such thing. That system dbi tracted the Democracy in this county,no was one of the cttiet tames - of their over throw here: - It originated With theta.and its inbsequent adoption by the Republicans has not proved thrtunate. Indeed, ever since its adoption by our party our majorities have been decreasing. It has u tendency , to create faction, and foster a spirit of (Thwart In this respect it is open to more serious objections than the delegate - system, and the plea that it is more honest in its operations cannot be sustained , by fibeta. Tice clalnithst the mass es are tainettter thealbe . 7 saeleft- 01_ PAW . 'ilisuratipotarellitialinlitle count) , Ertraftfteilieert titre 'fresofiktiOtt glaring under the preseettheauraloAknawinethed, or hominating. -. SO ntrioriti can Ime has been the ,e pther comities that -have adopted thit system, and we hareyet,to learn of asingtacounty where it hasproved advantageous for any length of time. Tim letter of ; Mr. Suirineckle, editor of the Gerntan Speetlnor," in last week's Obser ver, has Attracted wrdikintention, as much oh account arthe developinenni Itmaktm,as front the acknowledged fact that ititteaks the sen timents of nine-tenths of the Gerinans In our community. This class of our citizen 4 Teel highly incensed over the deception that was practised- upon them in Ittikt, and express their contempt for Gov. Geary in terms more vigorous than polite., When we told them, last year, that Geary's election' would' be n blow at their welfltre, they preferred - . to fol low party lead and take the consequences. "The - result is before then a and we- trust they have learned wisdont enough front the ex pc.riment ti not allow themselves to be 4- celved again in this fall's campaign. Judge liadical candidate, is one of the saute clique to which ,Geary is a representative of the sunlit principles— and stands pledged to carry them out if lie is elected. cotemporaries In the..-oil region are struggling hard to, see which can tell the most ifimmbable snake story. The Pithole and Fmnktiv papers have had their say, and now comes the Oil City Petrollen "On yesterday a party of gentlemen at Complainer were duly notified of the dis covery of a den of rattlesnakes on Caboose 11111. Arming themselves with they sought the spot. Upon an twense tlat rock they saw a huge mass Of rattlesnakes writh ing and hissing iu hideous concert. A volley front the titles of the party scattered them somewhat. A charge was then made by the party4erined with sticks, and the battle retsidted iii the killing of 'nineteen arltl the capture of six. The snakes were all front 4 to 5 feet in -length, and vicious. A grand hunt is being organized to exterminate these . • - pens." 3tn. qoassoN, of the firm of Johnson tk; lirev Mier, a few days ago, rode alone on horseback. front Miller Farm. to Pithole, having about 000 in his possession, be sides a valuable gold watch. While . passing through a dark woods, a sprang out and attempted to seize • tho +riffle. The movement frightened the horse, who darted to one side, and then dashed off at a rapid pace, leaving the would-be robber behind to mourn ids luck. Mr. Johnson had no wea pon:but he *•ill hardly be likely to Mogi through the oil region at night hereafter without one. - To THE kindness of one of the staunchest young Democrats in Girard, we were indebt: ed, a lati". days aio:for otteobf the pleasantest trips we have ever made, from that borough to COnneauttille boa. Moat of the. route was new to us, and we were both sur prised and gratified at lite - fine appearance of the country, and the prosperous character of the towns through which we passed. The hospitality with which we were entertained, during the whole period of our absence, has e upon our memory which years will not efface. Tikm following comes to us Witho s ut an au thentic signature, but its suggestions arc so good that we feel willing to forego our custo mary requirement in that respect: Mu. &Omit :—:Almost daily, on our streets, may he seen " old Ben Flemming," begging his bread. Where um the men who erected a monument to Commodore Perry, and got old "Ben" to help them do the ".spread eagle" (M the occasion of its dedication ? A little of the money expended on dead heroes had much better be applied to the support of the tying. D you not think so? Yours, MEss. • Tun 'Democratic Convention of Clinton coumty adopted the following resolution, which is no less applimble to every other portion of the State than to the one for which it was specially intended : ResolVed, That we urge upon our party friends everywhere- the great necessity of cir culating local Democratic newspapers iu eve-. ry neighborhood, and if possible, in every household, as the surest means of disseminat ing correct principles and guarding against Gilschood •nd imposition. Ora City Fathers have just had en inter esting experience of what it costs to indUlge in Metropolitan luxuries. Wiihing to adver tise the city bonds in New York, they sent to the Herald office asking what would be the cost of publishing a. notice two squares In length (less than two inches) for the space of one month. The reply was, " $384, cash in advance," whereat our city colons opened their eyes considerably, and immediately, re solved 'that "this establishment does not ad vertise M the New York Herald." PROBAIIIN the oldest lady in the North West counties of the State is Mrs. Rebecca Porter, of Athens township, CrawfOrd coun ty. She has survived all her children, and is in the ninety-ninth year of her age. A couple weeks ago ",the old lady walked one and a half miles:obtained a pair of hand cards and from the, fleece carded, spun and twisted `nun'eight of- woZieri yarn, witidn a space of time•which many a younger damsel might be proud of:" Mn. Joussox's idea of appointing Gcn. Steadman Secretary of 'War, could he imprOved" only, by pbstituting George U. McClellan, formerly ft New Jersey—Ga tette. • The Gazette pmbably namni the above for a joke, but it uninttntionally printed more good sense thanits columns larva con- tamed for many months. We are rejoiced tti see that it is progresing. " Itownvzsaps La; becoming a chronic complaint in Greenville, according to the Argus, and the younger portion of society . lake Utah delight in gettingdrunk and in• dnlging in vociferous obscenity." Greenville is not the only place in this vicinity where Young America is making the same encour aging p ,ro,Tro. Tin: first session of the Erie County Tenth. era' Institute, tinder the Act approved• April 9,1887, will be belt) at Waterford, beginning October 21st, and continuing throe* the ek. • . 148iC grocery has been, opened-At Gll French street, by 3lesprs. T. St. Hanlon. They. intend keeping-up a hill stock, - and selling at the lowest market prices. • 1161 term of the Court will ebm mence on 3fonthey nett, Judge - Johnson pm stem. • DitWols——On the 20th inst., by Rev. ',Dr. Whallon, Mr. Ezra DeWolf to Miss Anna -Elizabeth Kelso, of Writ Mill 'Creek. • .. . Witot=LEtros-at . the iesillence of the bride's father, in Edinboro, Pa., Aug. 2bit, 18117, bylos;D: Woven, V. D. M., inn.. T. - Wade; to Hiss Ida L Lewis, both of Edin - • DIED. Iforcatascnir*At Girard; on' tbe.lsth inst., Lydia Eliza, daughter of D. W: and May Hutchinson, aged years, 4 months and 8 days. Guunn,-On the Bth inst., at her residence in East Mill Creek, Miss Armtleld M. Grubb, aged 68 yeant Jotrfisolc—ltr Union 3fills, on the 15th inst. Mr. James Johnson, father-in-law of L. B agvd 75 yeari and 9 months. taorsurrumminj Jimmcm,.--Dr. It M Purloin% the re nowned Lung PhysiCian, will visit Erie on Friday, Nugust 23d, and remain ohe week at Brown's hotel. Dr. Purinton, who has crea ted so much attention With his wonderful power of diseriminatink the nature of an in ternal disease from the 'respiration of the Intigstand beating of the,heart, without your being required to give your symptoms, and who, also, has the.nbility to treat the same with a degree. of success altogether unparal leled, by rejectin g the use of all poisonous drugs and.ritinerals, using nothing but Medi= clues prepared from vegetable remedies, so licits your attention to an esamirtation of your ease, wfach will be most cheeriblly given, free of eltaive. It Is not eipected that all out of the,. many " whom be examines can be cured, although, there are lint, few, compara tively speaking, but what may be bertellted, To such it is ever-his privilege to give advide free, and whenever reason' stands -to judge that a cure can tie performed, you will be put under treatment from one week to three months:. • - Tun Washington :Library Company of Pigladelphin gains credit arid support ,every 'Atty. The sales bf 'stoat surpass all expecta tions, and the prospect is, that the fluids for the noble object will be secured even in ad vance of the time anticipated. The reason is obvious. The design is worthy, and cred , Rabic to the patriotic hearts who are labor ing to reward a too ranch neglected class. The funds go into responsible hands, and the public have no fears that they will be mis directed.: - The' plan 'adopted satistims the scruples of the most conscientious, and has • the endorsement of eminent legal authority. It is by its distinctive features entirely re moved front the taint ofcatch-penny schemes which have so often been the means of int ' posing on the public. It gives to purchasers of its stock a full equivatent for the consider liana paid. 3.11 its transactions are open and above board. It has no. ' , concealments, and the reputation of the managers is such that they cannot afford to be dishonest in thisirmisaetion. Read advertisement. lifustcst Ituvrttottirr.—The Piano Forte has long been the popular home and concert instrument, yet in point of swelling and sits taining- the tones it is extremely defective. On account of this - deficiency, music written in chords, or m a connected style, cannot be satisfactotity'executed, tet the long notes re sultin diminuendos where they should be sustained. Tiie taste for the Organ and or clum, tral style lot music is being rapidly de veloped and widely diffused—and the time is, approaching Wheir the demand for this sus tained style of ntitsic will :amerce& the pre sent piano compositions. There are no in stniments capable of such fine expression in this style of MIMIC mi the American Organs t manufactured by- Messrs. S. I), & fl. W. Smith, of Boston. Their delicacy and varie ty in the voicing renders them susceptible of. beautiful orchestral effects, by the skillful use of the tremolo and the improved knee swell, while the deep manual sub-bass which is ad= ded to the new styles, gives - the choicest re semblance to a pipe organ.—Boston Journal. Goon STORIES.—Messrs. Ticknor & Fields have issued - the initial number of Good Stor ies, trader which titte'theY propose to pub lislijn cheap and attractive form, a valuable collection of short stories, tales, and sketches, The need of such-a collection has long been felt; for while numerous collections of poe try have been made, no general repertory of good stories exists. It Is not intended to limit this collection to English literature. It will embrace, by competent translations, the best and most characteristic short stories of all languages. • Each number Isis small quar to, appropriately illustrated, and easy to the hand; the - stories are choice, and demand not too continuous attention; the type is large and can be easily rend, and the price, Fifty Cents per. number, will place Good Stories within the reach of al/ No 2 will be issued in August. Ticknor .5:; Fields, Pub- Ushers, Boston. Ariz bbertisiments. airAdverthienients. to semis. insertion, must he handed In by 11