• merit l'Astrber. oilW. itrat:ZMWAG4 s i ng le coolest, paid 511 n not paid until theend of 3 ix Flt •' roplex Sent to ono addrOlts , 10 Oil To, copics, • 39 00 • Ali ell...Hatton accounts must be settled an naly. No paper will be sent ta any person responlity is not.lfnonnriless the Pr i& to paid In advance. - APVF.ItTIRING RATF:A. • roe following aro our advertising rates, which hc ..ttletly adhered to. In reekonitui the den of advertisements, an inch is considered Anything lam than an Inch Is rated a full gotlitt..: No..nr_lttNertlong 1 tui.l2sq. FiC(.ll"4/. IC C. s.- 1.4)1 175 2.2?, 54 ' 1. 4.01 7.01. 12.00 '. l * :LW/ 4.114, 5.07 WD most poor 2.* 3.75 4. a 5ll On 10..10 11R 0 a W l Tws LT. 5.7 : 7.na KfililfMo,2s.ll . o WW a 012911 k .M.3 U2 1.0311. 0 rAiV ..... 12.00 5 1 . 0 a MAO Si,oo MOO 90.0 n Flet•Won • • and AdmintstAdministrator *' MAß. - Ps ,51 A‘jilitnite and Estray Notices 52 each: Notices, set in Leaded Nomparlel. and ~71:ertol before ltatrlngea and rk'atha. 2i per t , f ,,n1.1b t !onto reaular pe r Local Notlom be the part 1e5,13 cts line of Eight 'lll lll. ant., tor first Inxerttoo.l2rentapor Itne for see il amt ten Pent! for each Rl:M.:Portent Inger "Dm% }marls' NottOps 25 cents per line; Mar eeuts fklths 2.1 cents each. ;Over iteprted Peery other week, two-thirds ot to.. Persons handing In tulvertisements state the petits! they continued pith. o therwise. they wilt he until 4 „frred DM, at the flepense of the adverttsers. JOB Pnisrrsn. of the heat jabbing MTh,. In the end lre prepared to do any Itlnd of hrge or moan orders, at as mountable •rn , lsa ag good at} - le w: any establixlitnent , ,•,,tititry. linintinieatlonet altnitld lye addretated to WITITMAIC. Editor and PAlprietor. business flotices F. VAMPLIAINEN, of the Perm, Farrar iinll f. li-EORGE II . (TTLEfts %11,1” Mrrird. F.rit• (*minty'. P.A. and WI .r huodiltum It tended to with „11,11111,.. nll , l 41111.11,11. s. KELDEN ittAILVIN. ~ ..tie.•r Nfltry At twilovt: and Law. ()Mee PatraDst Rte.*. tiPar ort h Wext ~rner of thi. Pultllt• s:tinny , : Eric., Tht. TIOTE!., ' Waterforti, P. 110)ert Prnprletor. oand earetnl nttorit Inn ..t"Pn t“ thr entrirart of eitPottia. nu le: ea. IMUMMUZZI 1 , 0+,1 ,, T , In Pine, Wlxttrw.xxl.. ettorrv. &Mt, w m„ iit :ol d Oak T. her. Loth nod Stitn..ttnt. 4tate •trevt. North of R. R. ItWollot Erie, . , '11;2-tr. WIIII.I2PIN k pARTANG l'hystrian% and Surgeon& nine,. 17Y1 Pwu'h eorner of Sixth. fit 11,... open •ka,l nicht. Pr. Wl)llldin'a all rtli• hOweelt Ninth and Tent 11,4 roots. '-rr. wo. I ff: CitrITNISON. t f , ,rile% :it TAW, and Juattee of the Peaee. n.l Clain' -Agent, entWev,lllllPer and ,•„11,4•14,r, )ITh In nintlernecht's •rnf Fifth awl State street., Erie. Pa. _ _ M. COLE tt .50N, DIA 111n41 , NnivlithnIc Tinnk Mantic:let nrent, 6,-v.ton4. Nat tonal Mink. I OR. 0. L. r.i.r.rarT, - 14,,tt.t. on* xivs Rtatm, No. raa. %Imp %trwet, Eri.., ni.Yy fa-tr. . . i' l / 4 . KING M Brewer anti Drnler In - Ilow.llitrlfm. Malt, TALts.r,. Ace. Prnprlotor of Ate awl I Ilroworlpg awl Malt , Warehnußest. Erie, Jyl2'64-tr. W. VI. II:WILT, n t . t o titll , o In Ttnin.nzwigg'm 81,. k, north , t ,itt it.. tilt. Park, 11. Y. PICKERING, D. I). S., FrPrerh Ntrewt,-sprond store ...rrots. Moelt, tte.tr the eorner of the Iteed Itnn.•. • °dig. • 11 , o4TitS , 401q, WILLTAMK a: CO., • 4.....0rs to (leorge .1. *Rion, Colon'l.4oll tioroliant.. And Wholesale Drillers In COlll, .tern N.Y.& and Pedal o's Line or titenro. l'A•t• Ihtblle I)ock, Erie, Pa. Ja PRi FRANK' WINCIIELL & CO., Am.t lon and Cbmtnnonon t'erelninta, nun Rent o ite Attenta, ITt2 State street (corner Nlntlio 'ri.• • Advanee% inn& on ron.lgnnient r. country \retinue% altotale,l to In any part of c kNIK WINCTIELL. up 11;7-1y WM. MARKS, Tailor nn. ('lnthes Cleaner. Union illoek niswe Dr. Dennett's ()Mee. Clothes mule, clean amul•repalred on short notice. Terms ns rea sonnble .14 :4 ny. mr22. n,•••••.rt .11,x31A.V. spEscF:rt k RIFF:Rmwv:, Attornev. at Law, Franklin, Isr. ()Mee In K.•rr'g latll,llnz, Llbertv qtrr,t. Pithole CRY. pa.,--orfiro,lrer. Kemp'a Pent:, 1101111.1011 tatrei. volleettomi promptly mule in till parts of the nII reLtlong. Jal2. NOBLE, BROWN a; CO M.ll.ur•Ault• dealers in hard an.t Arlft. eonl. 1‘, 4 . IN% unt, .1bm0.,,N1 tR ,tur tto,k poll - N.llv t.) i• 111:Inte41 firm, We ni , el4.xurity rt.t ire (nun lllPtrade, reetantnNuting our iturt4.s.sorstas Pininuntly worthy of the ernitigtener. and patron nze of our old friends and the nulttle. Sf'OTT, & O. JA MKS LYTLE, * Pn.dilonahle Tallor,Pifth stresd, between State and Peach, Erie, Pa. Custom Work, Repairing and rutting attended to pminritly. LIVEitY AND BOARfl!N1 - ; STAIST,E, cr.nn , r of Prem.!) and Seventh pctreld , .. Erie, itiennvr Johromm proprietors, Good tion“.., and r•arrla.z...l alwnym nn hand nt moderate Jyl2-tf. D. P. ENSIGN, and dealer In Stntlon.•ry Wall Pa l.•r, Ntrtuatlev. NPSVPlpaperg. &e. Country de1a .4441.1 Starr under Ilene/Wet 11044. front the Parl:. Jal'Gr-tf. rilAriN & il.kititgrr I'h~.lrhmc and Sot-getup% 0111(4. No, 10 N&,l ()Mee ooPo dCR• niul ill2tlt. I'M Starr Pit's re , t , letsee, No. 331 We.. , t ith Ft. InFIGT7-I.y. BEN-NETT 1101 SE F.rto Pa., George Tabor, aeenfartiralatl(inst 111111 cal f. (1F(. t•, BENNETT', M. TX, Ylayilvinn and vurzr,ou. f)fflee. East Park Rt., 1 over llncerstlek'.. flour Ntore,—bonrcht nt the re“- ' ideflet. Ilf Kek0„.2.1 door mouth of the M. ( *howl). on wa.wdr•,e' street. Oftlee hours 1 trwn II a. tn. until 9p. in. rnylo'66-tf. If. V. (1..1M4 Ih.tl. r In kiiebi of Family Grocerieli and ro sl,lllO Wore, wlioleitnle deal in (iv:in, TIli).11,11, t Lit huh ••freet, Eric, pa. Ji4ilZ-tf. F.. 1. Fit.'t Sint, 111.. 11.. • • , 'pond • Phvgielan and Surgeon. t)ffiev ';'• he•odem , Peaeh St. , pp the Park Lour,. from ato /2A. m to:, P. ......11.1 . tio .2 rs MILLAR, , '.ll Engineer ~n,l Mu rvevor. Ite.lllenft , env , :ixth street and 1•:n+1 Avenne, East Erie, ct ry INTELLIGENCE GITICF . furalslied for girls of all Ale.erip. private faintlies.at short not lee. Claim- Nurses, Housekeepers, Semns.tresses, tv , it.r., sad Ifeehanies of nil kinds. Also, HO. mint; Houses and Private Families Ku p t).:.41 with servants of all kinds at short pollee. eit f. , 1 , 4nt to oat' iit thi4 °Mee No. 12.12 state Erie, Fa.. F. CROSS. • . NEW STORE , mettberger, at the new thick. Store. Vill.ere, has ott band V. Large tutsortirient Provisions - Wood and Willow -s Wake, Liquors, rie;rars, &.c., to which he ',N.'s:fully colts the attention of the public, '•" , •te I that he can btri , i as good bargains as any part or Erie county. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. NIANITPACTURE mat iona ry and Portable*Steam 1 : 0 11.1•3D;, »17. TANK! 4 . • • . . intent Pat. ut Enginc, I , :rect Actin g rircultir Saw 31111,4,111 m i -ell l'lretihir Katy 111-11., LAY raILLs AND maw, GEARING, sit.% TOOLS, PUMPING RIGS, =1 ;EOBCIF. SELDF:N, Pre...Man t F. LIDDELL, sun't, .1 4 111 N H. BLISS, F4‘ , 3 - and. Trt.a., TLS• Bradley Unglue, Manufactured by the ERIE CITY; IRON WORKS, twice. llax double the power of any other Engine of equal size. P[irtis who wish to increase their power he hoot changing their holler, can (lotto by using ilrautkY Engine, which works the Lxhatutt 4 `tmcn, and gives double the poorer from the mole boiler, thus saving half the fuel.. Janlol,7-tt. l ' ( )A l A.cecit 1•01 - 1,t_ecor J. W. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of 1 NAVY, SPUN ROLLS, Bs, 108, And all the other brands of No. CT PENN grarmr, aplM-y. PPITMLFSI3II. PA. '''''''''''''''''''"`"'"-' s "`" ,,,, c4Wazt - .. , ..x;240..5..1 , i - utaw«..arvotr.. ,, rolmmamourar•awantsaniglailO n a l eg o ? wol7.os,--- `' '".."'' --"'"‘"'"•::' '..- -- -'' ' - - - - . . • s , 'it '', • L'...il'i ,• , i...' 1 r " .1 ' ...f.y. ' , ~..,,, ..... „ ; , ,, r. ,, srp; :,.i l „ ~. . 4 1 ..,,, ct! 1 , 1 4 1; ~ ,, ,,:i„ I i, „ i- ...., .4, 4 ,., 11 ., ; ~.0 4 , . 4,ru, Id, , ki 1 .; r , ...11,. .( 1, • ~,r . . 1 ., ~,it , ~,.... .';:.:::• . '- . 1 : 1 4 `• , r; r :, , --.. ". : -;;;1 -1 1d .' 1 " ft ,"Li ; ... , , - '''' .- • : . ,1. `2,'''' --;' ,"'- -- , ,: : ,ff; r: i s f i, ffl,;„ . ; 0 % 4 . , - , :i ... :: '1 , , , 1 - , , r - . -.4: - ;•l 4 +q . :;*.: - 2;=.:2c - - - 1 ' . " ;A :.- L I . i t. 7.; , :11 4 :1 1 . 1 - ; ‘ ) - ,1, 4 : 3 ; ~ : d . 11 : , : : : . 1 1 ~ 1 - ,11.1 ` , :; ,i i ., : i ~:i ; , ....:,:.. ,:,i, • T !,..„...„ „, ~..„..,..,..,„,.....:,,,,,,: „„•,.„,..4.„, ~. .r,..,,„q . fr ; , w , ei'l;-,i 0 .1,- 4 1-nif.ft • 11 , " ' 4.11. *%. It 1 :'•."- : -.:, 0 - ;:T .i.,,::. ",-.: .1. t 7( 1 .i,' ;,... "..4, r cltil 'l4; ..-/-, ,eflyr " , a: r:l7. _ _ ''-f si: .11 . ',,, c.l" - ;,,, 1 . ' . ~..1 . 1 . . f - , • ---=4-- : :*/ i , ;., i ~--, , ...- :r*.ri,; - 4. '...",1 5, i(c ,: :, • t.- , -)11,11 - rlrt.:. • •rrtii 1 -Mtn 11. 10 ILI ~,: I it. i ",, , .1. ,:- I`!ii .t., ^ . ' 7O L'' "6. '''') 1 i ' i . ' •• ,''. ;! • a,7 .41-, ,f, ,, ,,' :,., V- I ld flies W,...- ,• ' .X T I. -7• I . T ' , 1..: ,- -1 •', '•' '. ' „1: 21 . 2! :'.llj .,:' :1 .. , i , , : •Erf ' ' ! 4. ' , ; .. t • t. , ~ s,. . 1 ,yr - ~,,, - - 01,0 "P 4 l) ' li . • , 11: .«.' .I.'o "11 111 .114'3% ,, Y, nf'l , ''''C' , "ft" '''•'' 1 ' 4. " . !;/ 1 ‘! ' 6' ' ' ,! , -•'' - R- ' .. - - " 1 - 7 - `•"...:1. l'i ) ,',.:.1 . 1 ., , !r..:.:..• i' , • , r :•'` , ' ''•' , l S . ' • ''' '- ' " ' ~.. ," . •z . •, -! • ~ , • r VOL. 3S. erottritS, Urob zr,, ,fruit, &t; GROCERY. VELUIT. f Confectionery , ,Depot t M.OO 30.00 45.011 arta) R 5.00 150.00 No. fl South Park Place, Erie. Pn. r 11OitASZ: I. Wliifi: Has purchased the Mock and lease of the above stand and in keep the most complete stock of goods n this line ever offered In Erie. The public can hereafter rely upon finding a full assortment of Groceries, Home and Foreign Fruits, VEGETABLYSS, EGGS, . AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, iNFEPTIONEItIEN, AA Give me a enll and SOO what I can do tar you aper..67-tr. FAMILY SUPPLY STORE, N!la. 23 & 24 West Park. (Emit ty'itElock,) HEARN. CHRISTIAN & CRAIG., C 1 R. () S COUNTRY PRODUCE, FLOUR, MD, PORK, DRIED AND KEA LED FRUITS. • WOO , lOll Nnd Willow' Ware,Tolutero, Scrams", 6:e. The beet qualltim oj PAINTS AND OILS RZFLP., 311.NING'I.ND BLAATING POWDER. A choice and frema Klock always kept on band, Which will beJuilit at the lowent figures. We pledge ourselves not to be undersold, and Invite all to glee us (veldt. Oat - The higlicsd price paid for country pro duce. molVat-tf. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC Grocerle*Retalled at WUlexale Prices! JOHNSTON & BREVILLIER, til e well known WholewalP Gropen4 of 513Fremth street, have opeapil RETAIL BRANCH STORE, AT wraa-E.. STREET, Three dodo' north from Eighth, where they will keep on Wind n large supply of CHOICE lAMILV GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, ETC., cusPco3lv.rts, WHOLESALE 'PRICES! Being ilnableit, tot Johheni, to buy our fisxxlis at much tower figures than retail dealers. we pro paw to give our customers the benefit of such advantage, and invite the attention of all those who wish to save money In buying groceries, to our large and well selected stock. Goods delivered, free of charge, to any part of the city. "" myl6-tf. EZEMZE New Groeery Store. THOMAS BRYAN. HENRY 3. NrOIYERIN BRYAN & MeGIYERIN, Have 17,4 ra74,W h e' t an d NO. re> FRENCH 2.ITIMET, WAYNF: BLOCK. (Next to :tfreonkey et Sliannon'A,l Where they will keep on hand a complete xfock of everything In their line of trade, include ing GROCERIES, PRODUCE, WOOR,AVILLOW 4: (MOCKERY WARE, &C., -rhe Lowc•at Murket Price. The public wry. Invited to call and examine our stock. We pledge ourselves not Lobe undersold by unylxxly; opr-Stn. CHEAP GOODS.! • Al1?olcaale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, SCEELAUDECKER, iMeeessorlto F. Lt. M. Seillaudeeker, is now re ceiving a splendid assortment of GROCERIF,S, PROVISIONS, WIND, ',bpiOrli Willow, Wooden and twine Warn Froibt, Nuts, &c. A large stock of - TOBACCO A.ND'CIO"ARB, Call and see UN, at the Grocery Itendquarteru, Amerlean !Stock, State St., Erte, Pa. lasio 67-tf. THAT A. MMTNIG, earner of Bth and !,fate fits., Is selling gootL so mnat cheaper than others? For the reason that he TLIESTO NO ONE, con sequently has no had debts. To convince peo ple that he tneans what he says, he offers a Reward of One Hundred Dolljtre To any man who can get goods at his store on credit, no difference whether he be rich or poor. - 10 Pounds Busar for One DolLar-10 Bass Chenslos Soap for Clos Dollar Antl otheeg9otle l In like proportion. • St - Read the bulletiu board In front of the store. my9'67-tf. S. & J: CUMMINS,9 QUO CEng,. •• And Dealers In FLOUR; PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, WOODEN, WILLOW, CROCKERY, - AND .GLASS WARE, icoN FRUI TS AND VEGETABLES, And, In fact, a general variety usually kept In a Grocery Store, and an low as any other house In the city. THE HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Country Produce of all kinds. Thank ful for past favors, we still solicit a share of public patronage. 710 'Eeitute e...4troots ault-Sra. - Ilbtween Bth and 9th. LIME FOR SALE ! We would respectfully call the attentlasof BUILDERS AND LIME DEALERS, • TO 01,12 . NEW PERPETUAL LIME KILN ! Situated on the Canal, . BiITiVEN FRONT AND SECOND STREETS, We are now In fall operation—have Ulna. on hand, and are prepared to furnish n front the gnu an the *honest nottee. • WEILER & SPOO . NEEL H. I. WHITE. ERIE PA Wholesale !% Retnil ln.l denim% in Agentm - lor the Cleveland 'Mach will be sold to AU of which will be spid at .. WINES AND LIQUORS, F.- KM I LA I.TDFXIMt. WRY IS IT A. MINNIO Near Accd's Dock. TJrn etrobil W It 707.11 . . 1 / 4 T, r: ) I )l39Xhi • WISIA TI P I I P' f.±±• - e -- - "ft • •)7 . 1.471 4 it' • tZt !MATE STRAW. Southard . & McCord, JOYIn MIN IN GOODS, NOTIONS, Rosuativ. GLOVES, SC Our stuck Is the, inrueutever brought to the city, mruilgtOur of PILINTS, DELAINES, SHIN CLOTHS, ' cAIiRemEREA-, BLEACHED Sc BROWN SHEBTINGS, A complete toutortment of Dress 011(44, every kind of ntt trio In the Notion Line, awl, In short, n gvnerni nunrtment of everything needed by Country dentent." TO HE SOLI) AT ; 14 - FIW 1.! (taunt*. Dealers ate invited togive us a gall. We do a strictly whales ale trade, and propose it such prices us will inake it to the ad vantage of merchants In this section to deal In Erie, instead of mentthug ran for their womb.. H. M. 1501.7THAH.D. ." J. XVollik nirlt-tf. TKO OLDEST ESTABLISHED Carpet & Dry Goods noose IN N. W-PENNIMVANIA A complete stuck of Sheeting'', Prints, 'Linens, Cloths, thickings. Flannels, Irish and French Poplins, Alpacas. Delahres,dte. Also, WITT• 1•11 GOODY. ricossimuir. GLOVES AND NOTIONS, ealrand get pritallt before pureluusing. NVA RNER BROS., uperta-ly. Nu. MG, Marble Fnmt, nate Rt Sl2 KIL" -1?..T1 , 1 -r. Dry Goods! Dry Goods! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! The largest anal best stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINOS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, LINENS, Cloths, Cloakings, Del./11nm Alpacas, ,Leons, Stobairs, Silks, Mock and Colossi_ Ciuditnere, Silk, !Insulin and Paisley Shawls, _White Goods, hosiery, Notions, de., Re. Goods marked down to meet the market. No trouble to show goods. Call and examine. mrtr67-Iy. ROMENZWE.IO ,f'urniture.6: Zinbettaking. J. 11. Itznixr. J. .NECE. Jo/ A. Sttmerrr. I. U. lUBLET & .120.; NO. 918 STATE STREET,T , '+ EWE, PA., " Manufacturers and deafen; In Furniture of Every DOscription! INczarDiNG Parlor, Plain"; Room and Red Room Sags, Wilco, tickoo and Hotel neva, and every article In the line. Mir located ital - Flatll - liffeet anu tne natal; and our Ware Rooms at idg State street. In the latter place we keep a larger sup ply of furniture than calf be found anywhere else In F.rie, all our Own manufacture, gotten up with particular care for custom trade, made of the ia•st material and after the most appnaved style and manner. Particular attention is di meted to our LTvHOIbTERET► Gootg 1 Of which we can make a better article than can be purehased at any of the attractive ware houses in the East, and which we guarantee to he First Class in every particular. Full sets gotten up in Walnut, Rose Wood or any other desirable material, covered with the best goods manufactured for the purpose. Ournssortmcnt of Furniture in this line is two complete that every customer can be suited at first examina tion, lIN IIVETITA.IC.ING. We have commenced the business of Under taking with the best equipment ever introduced in Erie and with two excellent hearses, one of which is as fine as any in the State, are enabled to attend to funeral orders with thiliattnast fa cility and satisfaction. Our stock of Collins and Burial Cases, Trimmings, &c., is full in every pirticular, and we are sathnm that we can till every order promptly and satisfactorily, in the city or county. iny2f67-tf. .1. H. HIBLET k (X). a Iry. A. IC Vilioleaale and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! llgclna purchn*ed the.cntlre stock of Furst'. Lure of Meseni. Moore & ftlblet, I respectfully M4l; my old rush:amen' and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand, NO. 71,7 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large assortment of Parlor, Chamber- and Bed Room Sets! AUTO, • BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS. TABLES, WARDROBBA. DESRS, And In fact everything' In the line of Furniture. I tun prepared to manufacture to order any atylP that may he called tor. Remember,- No; 7LI State street, east bide. between Seventh and Eighth at meta. *. a p2.767-t f. JOHN W. NOTICE:. .I[TAVING sold our entire stock of Furniture to J, W. Ayres, we hereby thank the cum niunity (or their liberal patronage to us, hoping they will extend the same to him We will de vote our time hereafter to the UNDERTAKING. BUSINESS! With the consent of .1. W. AyeeN we atill hold our °dice in the tame old Lam..., 715 State Ntreet, where will be found In all time,. ready to nittMd to the wauta of the community in our line of Heady "Made Coining Trimmed to order. Metallic and Iron Burial Cases, of all styles and adzes, on hand; nbto. Shroud and Coffin Trimmings. Undertakers will find it to their advantage to buy then, of us, a we cannot be undentold west of Itiew York. apc25137-Iy. MOORS. & RIBLET. COAL COAL THE PLACE TO BUY COAL CHEAP! IBM • • SALT MAN A:COAS COAL YARD, Corner of Twelfth and Peach streets, j rle Pa„ Who keep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pitts ton (Putnam) lump and prepared, Shamokin, Egg, Stoyeand Nut sizes; I.lltumlnons, forstrate and steam, and mos.qncinci, PITNBUTtfhI AND 'BEAVER, For Blacksmith Purposes. Our Coal is all received by rail, Is Itepton dry, plank floor, and WELL SCREENEDEEPOEE DELIVERY. We offer great Inducements to parties wishing to lay In, their winter supply. also to dealers purchasing by the car load. air (live us a call and we guarantee to give satisfaction. , July Ina-tf. SALTSMAN & CO. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE F . 0.14 O(WE of the most plettatint residences and de= . airable locattonn for a village house, in now offered for male in the beautiful BOROUGH OF MI:LARD, PENN'A The lot contains about one acre of land, has nay choice grafted fruit trees,with choice shrub bery on It a good well of water, a large and well arminged house with new cistern and cellar and a good barn and oat house. Theprop_ertyts sit uated on Main street, and adjoining the Acade my Park—is but live minutes' walk beta the post office and all the churches. Goal schools— and no more E i l i r place to reside and enjoy all the advan of them, exists on the lake Shore. The vil is located about two miles from the lake shore, and spc.luilf mile:tom the =limed station of the 1.1.3 E. and P. dc It. Rail roads. Terms easy. Parties desiring des i re t w o exchange, property thki cite. 1/' they to exchange, will find It of advantage to call ors& dress, for further Information mOD•en. S. TODD PEkLEY, Erie. Pa. ”IltflwA,Re " 71 "ryfri tt .I.W 'VA 2, i -7-7 te. i , . - At* tabbettistaitaiWw.! 1 , Aillag~ i .f . - I'4 ll. I ' .0! tat A' ~ ili., IV . .1P4111` , 1 4 0 if' z....pitrx>" * -- , 11v444 - , A, MI I srr r ,n 74.2 la %Fir / , -iip fir :--evri , Als-itzidetro. 1 ut 1 • ,r(---. 1 11,1:7$, 1 --,.- i ,s: -1 ` . ...,.. 7 :onir•M`4,,t,lll sr7 EffE ue.orumm - or RINAILISAIOR MeCON(EY, & SHASIION, ' No, 507 E‘rinittla t4t.• Artnounoe that theyjuxve Jug re-opened their And Invite the attention of all wanting Rerd. Their Meek le the Larva ever =6f in North-Western Ferituyvanla! Comae!ming a general amortment of all tha arti cles In their line. NAIIIII , IRn will and shed they want. 111:111:.DFRA will and what they want. TILACIIMIMIa will Tina what they want." WAGON 31AKEtta will and what they want. CARPENTER...I will and what they want. MASON/4 will find what they want. . PAINTERA will find what they want. - - GLAZIF.RB will SW what they want. • lACHIINIKII4 will and what they want. LUMBERIIIIM will And what they want. COAT. DEALERH will and what they want. In short every kind of hardware used by any cll►ss In the community, will always hit bond on hand and said at the most lemonade prices. Fairbank's Standard Scales! Hay, Onal,. Platform, Whet.llama. Grocers', Deuggbitav, Dutcher.', Paul lafilea •nd Counter. Croton Gbass 'Works ! All sizes of Mass constantly on hand aflowest _ chash picot. IltJ N, NAILS, CUTLERY, LOCKS, BINGES, AC., £C. The public are Invited to call and examine for then:melees. Remember the place. Wayne Block; opposite the Reed Rouse. ntr2l37-tf. Erie Commercial College, PIMP.. PA., KRECTED IS IRA fLIS State at., between 7th and Sth sta., Is the most complete Institution In the lakd, de signed to impart to young Men and Boys a THOROUGH PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION, In alfthe departments of active bualiteas We, a thorough knowledge of all the branches apper taining to a business education. .Book Keeping,. Pentnananip, Aiithmetic, Commercial Law, Business Practice, Finance, Commission and Banking. Of our method of inatruction le Unhesitatingly conceded by alt Who have examined i our mode of inatructlon. Time to complete a muse from eight to nine weeks. We have thoroughly reviewed our course and Instead orsl2 to IS weeks can warrant perfect success theight or nine weelu.„ saving about one half time as before. Tguxs.—For a Life Hcholarardp. payable in adeance, good throughout the chain. tale. For a complete course In Double Entry Book Keep ing, U - 1.00. A first class boarding house is connected with the College. where students tlnd all the comforts of home at. very low prlees. W For circular, containing full informathin and specimens of penmanshlKwidress (enclos ing six cents in stamps), OMB & HOEG, Principals. sub-eow-tf. Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. " I :niC r ni r grrn D t t in r j"Y as lB /1 lows: 112ertt. M., Pittsburgh Fittress, stops at all sta tions, anti arrives atA. & W.R. It. Trans fer at-2:10 p. m, at New Castle at a-I5 p. m., ' and at Pittsburgh at 6:45 p. tn. - sclo P. M., Accommodation, arrives at sbaron at 12 no. :coo A. M., Accommodation from Jamestown, arrives at A. dta. W. It. R. Transfer at &40 a. nt., at New Camille at 7:1:6 a. in., and !Pitts burgh at mop. tn. LEAVE PLITERVEGII-NOETLIWAED. 6.130 A. M., Erie ExpreM, leaves New Castle at A. &R. W. IL IL Truster at 10a1 a. tn., making close conflation with trains for Mural. and Niagara FalLs,and twrivettat Erie at 101 p. WO P. M. Accommodation, leaves NM, Castle at 6:10 p. tn., A. & 3. W. R. R. Transfer ALCM p. in., and arrive, at Jamestown at 210 p. m. Accommedation leaves Sharon at 4:00 p. m., arrives at Erie at p. rn.• Pittsburgh Exp'reas aouth connects at Jams. town at 210 p. in. with .1„ & P. Expreas, arriving at Franklin at 11...50 p. in., and Oil City at 4:10 p. m. Connects at Trapafer at 210 p, m., with A. S G. mr. Mall west, for Warrem Ravens and Cleveland. • ; Erie Enema north est:meets at A. & G. jiii% Transfer at hal a. tn., with Mall east for Heed. elite and Jamestown, and Al Jamestown with y, - & F. Express for Franklin, arriving at Frank lin at 2....511p. in., and 011 City at 4:10 p. Trains connect, at Rochester with trains for Wheeling and all points In West Yirginla. and at Pittsburgh Connections for oMadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, via Pennsylvania Central' Railroad. Erie Express north connects at Girard with Cleveland & Erie trains westward for Cleveland, Chicago and all points to the West; at Rile with Philadelphia & Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren, I rvineton, Tidlonte de and.with BuOlo& Erie Railroad for BMW*, ihniirdrk. N Falls 'and New York City. • . J. J. LA.Witedt' uk; Superintendent. weividuOr m asingainrram, ninium IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the itth day, I of August. A. D.. Be, a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued amniost the. estate of liorand T. Sterrett. of the city of Erie, in the county of Erie; and State of Pennsylvania. who has twen adjudged • bankrupt, on his own petition:lllM the payment of May debts and delivery of any prdperty, him' are forbidden by lair; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or.more Assignees of his estate, - will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden at the office of H. Brutterdeld, Clerk of the Courts, before R. E. Wolisdruff. Esq Regliter on the 11th day of September,_n• DOM:. at .4 o'clock, P. Y. THOS. A. ItOWLBT 3 _ _ll. A. Marshal. Per G.P. Drys , Dept. U. Marshal. - an1.3.1w. TOBACCO AND CIGIAAUfI. The place to _ nu get andoke article cif Totem. - Sffagars Is at OM always on batul aAroodwamtmeat of the above arta:tee at evert e, wholesale and re tail. Also, Pipes, es, Boast nail illatokiss' Articles or every desesiptioa. Mew favor nee with a call. Loa% target the place. l Pasch street. rtraif-ly. 52 . 23 . g 1 RETAIL. DEPARTMENT! ware to the name. Ao tails YOU = A General .Assortment of , PAINTS or "ALL RINDS, 507 FRENCH STREET, T IT 17. GREAT SUPERIORITY LEAVE ETUE-SOCTUWARD South of the Union Depot. .la-t tagfiltr. , ..? 011iMatiutava. , Irinrespaskilow 4,11111114.`ilie; f ,- p - 17 7. 1rilYn . f ; :kins,Blisrsiaiztlternis *lAA l4 Y hhi le r iVireal l a r grli* • • s itokt .V0T.3.40 P. are abed entettitta one 011ie Mod imPor , tent tluit luta ever occurred lu 'the .Btate. It virtu:air deckles the Prods:km*l nalltest'ot next vear,ftw Pennsylvania/ow. so goes nut, Tinfoil!' The Indloatinati on every she point to a . mere eneottragin,g prospect for the emcees of Democratic principles than we have lied in tr number .of yeses Thad ' deux Stevens', the great Radical' leader,'says Pennsylvania' to likely to go against the Wiest* *Mr fall, and be is, the last man who would utter such a prediction 'Mins the signs of the thee* were en unmistakeably 'clear .arr to allow of-no other. conclusion, - We eon Win the *tom if we use the right, ell exertion, and if Democrats are one-half as earnest . % the cause Is they (nitres& they will not 'allow. despondency and inaction aught to preterit the supremacy of our prin- Determined to do our share in' the work, we hive concluded to Amish , the Observei at the fbikiwing low late : • One copy, - three months - - • $ll5O -Five copies, " - • - 2.50 Ten copies, • " " - • rt.oo Twentveopies, " - 0.00 These prites barely cover the expense to ' us, and we are only Induced to offer them in the hOpe that by the wider eirculatimt which. thirpaper.ntay sets*, we .shall be enabled still thither to promote the cause which lies tieniar to' the hearts of all true Democrats. Ailoserares ean'eanamenee any lime predate.. In The election, and may 'rely .upon having the pape o r ateptly discontinued at the expira tion pmiod for which' they have paid. At these moderate figures it ought not to be a difficult task to secure a subscritition of two thousand extra copies for the Observer between now and the day .of election. We hope our friends In every part of the dis trict will see the importance of obtaining the widest possible circulation for the paper, and go to work at once to - help on the move-, merit. The emergencies of the crisis de - wand the individual effort of every man and woman who feels an interest in Democratic principles. See that year neighbors are supplied with sound doctrines, and let tltcm Obtain an underitan - ding - of the issues in volved in the contest. If there is a luke warm Democrat - near-you, who does. not now receive his county paper, induce him to subscribe for it three months at least. It will revive his mill In the cause, and may make of hint an earnestand effeethre worker. Furnish yotir Republican neighbor with a copy, and let him see what the measures of his party leaders have• done and are doing to damage his interests. ' There are hosts of Republicans who stand hesitating as to their duty, and who only need to become thorough ly acquainted' with Democratic principles and armaments, to become hearty adher ents of our cause. - • Who will be Abe first to send us a club of ten or twenty campaigners? We intend do ing our 11211 duty itithe campaign, and look to our friends to perform theirs. - - OM • Spuiit potiCtss: •.( A Card to Ike Ladles.— . nn DV'PONOOI GOLDEN PERIODICAL. PILLS, FOR FERAIMi In Correcting Irregularities, Removing Ob-1 etruetiorur of the Monthly Turns, from whatev-, er cause, and always successful as iipreventreq lice. ' ONE SOX IS SUFFICIENT In removing obstruction and nateaning nature to its proper channel, quieting the nerves an bringing ,hark the " vosreolor of health " to the cheek of the most delicate. Fall and azpllclt•dlrecttona accompany each Price Si per hos, six boxes II field hg nne druggist tui every town, village. city and hamlet throughout the world. Sold to Erie by S. R. CARVF:R A CO,' druggist% sale agents for the city. • . L4les by sending them to through the Net °glee, can hays the pills sent (eonfidentlally)hy mall to any part or the country . . tree of postage. D. HOWE, Pole Proprietor, New York. na)9lG'-17 To Corlsomptlows.—The adverflter. having been watered to health in a few weeks by every simple remedy, after hasinitu rat foraewttal years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disetweSlonsumption—la anxious to make known tett. fellow imfferera the means of care, To all who desire:it, be will send a copy of tfie prescription need (free of charge) with .the di- Met ions for preparing and using the =Me t which they will 'find a Rust erne for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertise.s in sending the prescription. Is to benefit the afilleted, and spread informatkes which he conceives to be valuable, and he hope' 'every andbret will try this remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pniscriptiolt razz, by return wail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, wintam,,burg, filings Oa., New York. rnyltre'-ly %EU PLUFENE FOR TUE UnDERLEIUEL Photos's .” Illireastagg C•resa.99 Ihialames "Aisles Bloom Cinitisa.sm Pimlea's . 4 Nlglat illoonaing Cerems.” "Nigh' iiitolunbuig Garires.Pr Phialtears P46bs+{ Uls*ming Ceres..“ A . iamoo esgai. tl. &awe. and Ptiormat Perri:um. 41.11 104 from lb. we fled beautiful glamor Mar wtt:eh It takm 11. ummt. %bumNetnr•d mly by PIL&LOX ac apii.-New BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS ASK. FOR PHATAN.O.-TAKE 2io OtTIER: Ilelsaboldts Fluid Estes/re Bitehtt:—ls a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kldne" Gravel,Dropsy,,Organle Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility and all &scram of the Griner,' organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to OM sumption or Insanity may mine. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the health' and happiness, and that of posterity, depends np!on prompt use of a. reliable remedy. Heimbold's Extract Buchu,establlshedupwards of Id years, prepared by IL T..IIELMBOLD, Druggist, .501 Broadway, `ew York, and 101 Booth 10th Street, Philadelphia. Elmore at Vent gentleman who suffer ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of 'youthful indtsere tion,•will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send tree to all who need it, the recipe and di rections for making thesimple remedyhy wkieh ho was cured. Eintarrers wishing to meth) , the adverttsers esperieneacan dosolbyaddreeßing, in perfect confidence, JOJECti Cedar EL New York. Difarriage lead Celibacy sad the Ilaypi. miss at True Illaiyhood.—An essay for young ?nen on the crime of Solitude, and the Physical Errors, Abuses and disease* wideli create. Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed letter .envelopes, free of charge. Address, fh. J. MULLIN ROUGH TON, Howard Association, Phliadelphia, Pa. dwit Wirtraiwilsekis and Improved Iloss Womb cares secret and denude disorders, In all their stages, at little expenie, little or no change In diet, on inconvenience and no expo. sore. It is pleasant , In taste and odor, Immedi ate in action and free from all hilarious proper ties. mrllll7-13r. Tate mourners unpleasant and' minds Bern elites tot unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Italmbold'a Extract-Menu and Improved Bose Wadi. , : inelte7-4y. The Okay et Man illtreagliw—Tbarefore the NalToloan4Debilltated shoal Immediate ly ago Extrad Bud= nalret-ly. Sikattartall Caraatttuttions reatoro by Helm boldli Extract nacho. mrlf67-Iy. RIM .-,::IAIJOtrST; - ,g2, .1867;: - -;" ,"':•:,,,'.-. -' • - : - atiltllaY,P, • • 1 . • ,• 010 it winteied rose:bad! -' •., , • • r.'' Iftt she ware Itin hei hair, ' • - i - - When the. In gkirkara beauty, . • • • Win lite that rotOnd - gait i - , . Unt, an the now'rcita wither , - • .' • ,"-• In dewy mottiNglllll3, • ' ' ' 0 • , •Willh all their tat round' It . aa - , ~ , So the falr • - dletlA,"' -- '-: 4 -,... Wkere the turretzeda . 1 4001 n . ' - Satffilh Int fragrant teardrops ..„ . . In sorrow o'er Iler tomb. - , Only an.old time ballad But the ggshp,used to sing ; • • ,Though perhaps, to others, TO me *sacred thing. .• • Ab, that grave, in it the musk ,; . Of my 6eatt lies buried deep • - Since that satiny summer morning - • When they bid her there to sleep. Oh, the long, 'icing years I've waited, Oh, the yeais *ballet may come, Ere I loin the sweekrolced singer lour Father's happy home! . In the days of the good colony of Virgin ia, the distinctions .between rich and poor were based upon laws which, like these agile Medea and Persians, _altered not. One of the most devout folloWers of this code was a weelthy"planter, living In what is known as the Northern Neck. He was in all respects a flank, open hearted. manly gentleman: bat his estimate of his fellow men was bounded upon the principles that governed the selec tion of his horses—blocaL l liirealth, too, was •by no means an unimportant teature silth idm. He had our human weakness, and, like all of us, was influenced more than be even . believed--by-Tetrads,. shillings and pence. This Mr. 0-- had quite a large fatally, and among them was a daughter whose beau ty was • the standing toast of the country. She was Justeighteen, and budding into love ly womanhood.. Not only was she beautiffil in person, but her amiable disposition and many dcwmplishmenta made her more than ordinarily attractive, and half the gentlemen of the Northern Neck were already sighing for her love. There was in the country at this time young man who was already rising high in the esteein of his neighbors. lie came of good family, but was,. as yet, a poor young surveyor, who had taught himself his pro fession, and who had spent much of his time in traversing. unknown rotes* with 'nothing but his comma for his guide, and his chain for his connialkion, locating lands and settling disputed titles. lie was a model of manly beauty, and excelled in the varied feats of strength in which the olden time Americams took such pride. Lie wascaim and reserved, and there was about him a dignified sweet. ness of demeanor that accorded well with his frank independence of character. lie was a great favorite with all who knew him, and there waswo gathering to which he was not asked. Mr. G— seemed especially to like the young man, and it was not long before he in sisted that the latter should abandon all eel.; emony in his visits to him, and come and - go when he pleased. The invitation was heart ily given, and its promptly accepted. - The young man liked the plantec and he found young of thd beautiful Mary G— a very strong attraction. The result was that he was frequently at the planter's residence: so fre quently, indeed, that Mrs. G— felt called upon to ask her husband if he did not think it wrong to permit him to enjoy such unre served intercourse with their daughter. The '& 4 ". ..vtir lanahedat the idea. _and said he hoped his daughter knew her position too well to allow anything like love fora poor sur veyor to blind her to her duty to' her family. Nevertheless Mary (3 was not so My impressed with this conviction of duty as was her father. She found more to admire in the poor surveyor than in all her wealthy and aristocratic suitors; and, almost before she knew it, her heart passed out of her keeping and was given to him. She loved him with nil the honesty and devotion of her pure heart ; and she would have thought it happi ness to.go out with him into the back woods and share his fatigues and troubles, no mat ter how much sorrow they might -bring -to her. OnlY‘a tbw old letters, ' Yellow and dint with years! But oft this faded writing Flath been baptized in taus; For she whose dear hand wrote them, Lies 'neath the ehruchyanf sod And up in the starry heavens ' • Her spirit ilves-with God.- - Oh that those gates would open, • And she with outstretched hand, Mould lead meta the glories • _ • Of that far off better land. NOT GOOD ENOVGU FOR HER. Nor did she love in vain. The young man, whose knowledge of the world• was after wards so great, bad not then learned to con sider as binding the distinctions which socie ty drew between his position and that of the lady. He knew that in all that makes a man, he was the equal of any, one. He believed that, except in wealth. lie stood upon a per fect equality with Mary G—, and he loved her honestly 'and manfully, and no sooner had be satisfied himself Amon the stale of his own" eelings than he.coufessed his devotion, simply and truthfully, and received from the lady's lips the assurance that she loved him very dearly. Scorning to occupy a doubtful position, or to cause the lady to conceal aught from her parents, the young man frankly and manful ly asked Mr. G— for his daughter's hand. Very ang,ry grew the planter as be listened to the audacious proposal. Re stormed and swore furiously, and 'denounced the young man as an ungrateful and insolent upstart. " My daughter has always been accustomed to riding in her own carriage," he said. "lVho are you, sir ?" " A gentleman, sir," replied the young man quietly ; and he left the house. - The lovers were parted. The-Lady married soon after a wealthy planter, and the young man went out again into the world to battle with his heart and conquer his'unhappy pas shin. lie subdued it; but although he after wards married a woman whom he loved honestly -and truthfully, mod was, orthy of his love, ho was never wholly dead to his . first love. Time passed on, and the young man began to reap the reward of his labors. He had never been to the hotise of Mr. Et— since 'his cruel repulse by the planter; but the lat ter could not forget him, as his • name soon became familiar in every Virginia household. Higher and higher he rose every year, until he gained a position from which he could look down upon the proud planter. Wealth cane to him, too. When the great struggle for independence dawned, he was in las prime, a happy husband, and one of the most distinguished men in America. The strug gle went on, and soon the "poor surveyor" held the highest and proudest position in the land. When the American army _passed in tri umph through the streets of Williamsburg, the ancient capital of Virginia, after the surren der of Cornwallis, the officer riding at the bead of the column chanced to glance up at one of the neiThborinT balconies which was crowded with ladies. Recognizing one of them he raised his bat end lowed-profound ly. There wain commotion In the balcony, and some one called tbr water, saying Mrs. Lee had fainted. ' Turning to a young man who rode 'near him • the officer said gravely— . Henry, I fear your mother has- fainted. You had better leave the' column and go to her." The speaker Was George l'iraehington, once the "poor surveyor," but then commander in-chief of the armies of the United Stales. The young man was ColOnel Henry Lee, the commander of the famous " Light Cavalry Legion ;" the lady was his mother, and form erly Miss G—, the belle of the 4 ' Northern Neck." TALE ABOUT • IT.--AII old, barrister was giving advice to his son, who was just en tering upon the practice of his father's pro• fmsion : "My son," said the counselor, "if you have a case, where the law is plainly on your side, but justice seems to 'he clearly against you, urge upon the jary the vast im portance, of sustaining the law. If, on the other hand,yon are in doubt about the law,but your clients-case is ibunded on jturtice,insist on the necessity of doing justice, though the heavens fall" "But,' asked the son, "how shall I. manage a case where law and justice are dead against me t" "In that case," re- , plied the old man,-"talk round it." . • AT a fancy dress . ball in Paris a young lady was seen in a very low-bodied . dress, While floating and waving an abundance of green gauze. She was .politely asked by a gentleman what she personated, ."The sea. monsieur." "At low tide, then, madam r' The young lady blushed and the gentleman smiled. MIMI 11E1=1 ZEE . A Fair Hit. ' of the New York itssenZly, , hexing observed the effects of the Excise law of that State upon tho taste.for strong drink, and being convinced by long study and deep research that as many persons In jure Ahem selves by over-eating as by over-aiinlang, and introduced hr.thcr legisia-: Apost r , towegniii.thoZ.. o' lug graphic itodures synomb °film 'most = of the NU, which will pa portent y. pent: salami may personally interest some of our readers; Whereas, Excessive' eating is as dangerous, demoralizing and disgusting as excessive drinking,as sad it is now the excellent lash. lon nn to cleVate and purify personal habits by State lairs, in. Imitation of that admirable statute which provides that NeW Yorker* can only drink between fixed hours and on cer fain days and at the highest prices. It is hereby enacted, that no man or wo man shall eat more than is good for him or her; that he or she shall take only three meals a day, and none after six o'clock in the evening until seven o'clock of the next morning ; that meat can only be used fmtr .times a, week ; . that deserts are. not to be al- Imited to consist of more than one article ; that the foolish and wicked habit prevailing Among-the wealthy of having many courses Is stricair prohibited; that vegetables and .fruits shall only be eaten in their season,and that no condiments or sauces shall be allow ed' to excite an unnatural appetite. To more clearly elucidate- he meaning and Intention of this: statute, it is declared theta' plain dinner shall consist of a single plate of thin broth, a simple joint of rnent,and a trifle of sweets—custard being strongly recommend ed as the most dig,estable ; that a set or for mal dinner shall not exceed five courses, in cluding flab, but not counting- raw oysters, which are recognized as aids to digestion ; bat that, in giving entertainments of respect to city and government otlichits, to the Senate and members of the Assembly, these rules shall not apply, but there shrill be no limit either to the amount of food or' -drink as has heretofore always been the law and custom. It is further enacted, that the people must eat cold dinners on Sundays; and must be satisfied with what they can pick up on washing days and house cleaning times ; thit they. must avoid certain kinds of food ; that gravy is only to be helped once at a meal ; that pork cannot be eaten more than once a week ; that mince Dies are only al lowed one day in every month, and plum puddingt are - forbidden altogether. Any man or woman offending against any of these enactments shall be fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the tout. • No eats h ouses shall be open alter six o'clock-at f; and if any person shall be come a lab h abitual gourmand—shall dull his faculties by overloading his stomach, shall encourage tits of indigestion, to the destruc tion of his temper—his family may take out a writ de endo inquinindo. and upon Jude ment.being rendered, may take poisession of all his Properly, and lock him up -in prise on, where he shall be kept on the-thinnest diet for the rest of his natural life. The hcanteopathic faculty may make furtherreg nlations to carry this enactment' into Wed, which regulations, when made and published, shall have • the same effect as laws, and be obeyed and respected accordingly. That if any person !shall be guilty of ex- , cessive eating, so as to be overcome and stu pified with a stron g . desire to sleep, any member of the community may forthwith take him to the nearest apothecary and have administered •to him an emetic strong enough for the emergency, without being liable to suit or persecution therefor; and _the guilty party may also be fined by any police magistrate In the sum of ten - dollars for each and every offence, or,irrease of non payment of the fine, may be condemned to the city prison for ten days ; and that, on every subsequent conviction, the fine or im prisonment may be ddubled Pnomnrrony LAw is Bosros.—An "Ala bamian," in a Mobile paper, who has been in soston, thus hits off the prohibitory law : :Boston seems to be growing worse every day in intolerance. They won't allow a dr -ens to have a horizontal 'bar,' or a band of .'tumblers.' Trance mediums' are forbidden to practice because they call in the aid of spirits. 'Opticians' are watched, because it is said that people get their glassithere. The London 'Punch' and Wilkes' Spirie are for bidden to be sold by the periodical dealers. Apothecaries are forbidden to sell 'liquorice.' People are not allowed to eat sour apples, and are liable to be arrested for being in high spirits, Children who complain of stomach ache are locked np for fear, it might be sham paign. Men are arrested on suspicion ofbeigg distillers. who are caught 'rectifying nits takes.' Hotels have had to take 'rum ome lets' and 'wine sauce' off their bill of fare. All bookstores selling histories coat:Anil:igen account of the 'Battle of Brandywine' are closed at once. Dead people cannot' be buried on a 'bier.' Vessels are not allowed to come into the harbor, because they have to pass a bar in doing so ; and sea-captains are not Allowed to make any 'port in a Storm—if they do they must tell 'where they got it. Enterprising men dare not show any public spirit ; and even- poor washerwomen can only dry two sheets at a time, as any one is liable to arrest who has 'three sheets in the wind.' " Tar. Swz.utEn Renoenn.—On a certain occasion, .General Washington invited a number of fellow officers to dine with him. While at the table, one of them uttered an oath. The General dropped his knife and fork in a moment and in his deep tone, and characteristic dignity and deliberation said —"I thought that rte all supposed ourselves gen tlemen." Re then resumed his knife and fork, and went on as before. The remark struck the officer like an electric shock, and, as was intended, did execution, as his remarks in .such cases were apt to do. No person swore at the table after that ; and after din- ner the officer referred to remarked to his companion, that irthe (lateral had struck him over the head-with his sword' he could have borne it, but the home thrust which he gave him was too much. It was too much for a gentleman. And it is Wiped that it will be too much for any one who.pretends to be a gentleman. . Tug Gnus TO TEM YOUNG MEN.—The lit erary department of the luka (Miss.) Mirror is edited by four young ladies. Their last number contains the following paragriph, which exhorts the young man to "depend on lainp,em" "Most young men consider it a misfortune to be born poor, or not to have capital enough to establish themselves at their.start in life in a good and comfortable business. This is a mistaken notion. So far from 'poverty being a misfortune to them, if we may judge from what we daily behold, it is aldessing ; the chances are more - than ten to one against him who starts with a fortune. Most rich men's sons die in poverty, while many poor men's sons come to wealth and honor. It is a blessing instead of a curse, to have to work out their own fortune." ONCE in church a youngster who carried the collecting plate, before starting to col lect; put his hand in his pocket as usual and laid a cent, as ho supposed, on. the plate, and then passed it around among the con gregation, which numbered many Niung and pretty girls. The girls, as they loored at the plate, seemed astonished and amused, and the young man, taking a glance at the plate, found that instead of a cent he laid put a conversation lozenge on it with the words, "Will you marry me r . in red leticrs, staring everybody in the face. None of the ladies, however, closed with the odor. • " AYELLA, for thee—yes, at tliy command, I'd tear this eternal firmament into a thousand fragments—l'd gather the stars one by -one as they . tumbled from the re g ions of etherial space and put them in my trowsers' pockets; 1 d pluck the sun—that oriental g od of day that traverses the blue arch of Heaven in such majestic splendor—l'd tear him from the sky and quench its bright effulgence in the fountain of my eternal love for timer' Amelia—" Don't, Henry,' it would be so very dark." FOILIMELLY, when negroes voted in New Jersey, a candidate sent an old nmrro preach .er two barrels of nice potatoes. Next meet ing day he o,Khorted his hearers on the duty of voting, sad the difference between Whigs and Democitta. He told the story of the re ceipt of, the potatoes, and added : " MyjFed ren, smile tell putt to vote for de Whigs, some telt you to vote for de Democrats, but I tell you to, vote where you get de taters !" A YOUNG lady po iag more vanity than personal charms, re ked, in a jesting tone, bet with lip earnest glance that` traveled on her good loots." A rejected lover being present, remarked that"he could now account for, the young lady never having been far from home." =I " NO 11 NW conitrzio. Jennie sighed, end Robin squeezed her Pretty U U I tieinilitins Lind Then, • --. -* *„. I .I°M, "Loose me I" hat he clasped her tighterr 441 Ativt i Ltori 0441004dna rip t en r t face grew mdch.btl , ghter, And shalt , am Wm They then clung each other fondly, Claim together as two bleb!, - • And they. Ema each other A:odb% And—l left them In that Bs I A nessastable'Ar!letelry Nark Twain. The mmiquiMea have blinded me beyond endurance. . I ha veal suffered ._moth its during the 'postale ditys,isinoe kFudign!Aeal from New M".. =Wilma= ti's, siblitinn for me. They serenade me in troupes, tend present their bills with - the promptness of a tax collec tor, and make. you pay on- the spot I couldn't locate all the spots they have visited on mo—l am in a state of eruption all , • over. I am constantly. committing assault and battery on myself In the desperate hope of smashing the little wretches. The • amount ofpuniahmost. , . I have dealt out to myself would have been sallicimt to have secured me the championship of the light weights in the prize ring. Bat you don't gain any credit with such antagonists: they always manage to get first bloW, then.leave you alone to come up to the; scratch. Do yon know any remedy for Tansqui toes? I have tiled ' al. The musquitoea don't mind It. - • . They say if yon close pp the windows and doors of your bedroom and . then burn sul phur, it will kill every mosquito in theapart ment—also, any other man. • If youitto yourself from head to foot with kerosene oil, they say mosquitoes won't bite you. I haven't tried this—my landlady objected on account of the bed clothes. The man who discovers an In=We pro tection from mosquitoes. deserves to be decorated with the ribbon of the Legion of Honor. Everybody would bless hitu l as everybody is afflicted just now by musmutoes. - • O'Tard Is the only man I know who is not. He says the mosquitoes don't trouble him. This can be accounted for. Mosquitoes are sanguinary, but tempeiato insect& They will dsink_blood, but they don't touch whiskey. Which Half? Here is an English story of the times, a bank incident, which must not be lost: In the_midst of the lattiezeitement, and at the moment when everybody thought all the banks were going to the d together,;ones rushed into the bank of wh ich he was t< Stock holder, and thrusting a certificate into the clerk's face he said in baste : " Here, p lease transfer half of that to James P. Smith." The Berk looked at it and asked: "Which half, Mr: Jones?" "I don't care which half," re: plied Jones, puzzled at the inquiry. "Yon had better go to the courts; . l can't make the transfer without legal decision. If you really wish to trawler your other half tour. Smith we cannot do it here." Jones was con founded. He-knew the banks were all in a. muddle, but this was too deep for him. He took his certificate from the bands of the , smiling clerk, and on looking at it, to ! it wa4 his marriage certificate! Being a printed form on flue paper, and put away among Lis :private papers, it was the first thing Mr. Jone 4 laid hands on when he went to the secretary for bank stock script. He went home, ki44ed his wife, glad to find she hadn't been trans ferred to Mr. Smith, and taking the right pa pers this time hastened down town in time to get it all straight. EDUCATION is a Companion which no mis fortune can depress, no clime destroy, no en emy alienate, no despotism enslave. At home a friend, abroad an Introduction, in solitude a solace, in society an ornament. It chastens vice, it guides virtue, it give grace and gov ernment to genius. Without it what is man! A splendid, slave; vacillating - between the dignity of ' an intelligence _derived from God, and the degradation of brutal passions. Patti-rims .—ln a sermon delivered last Sunday, Rev. henry Ward Beecher is said to have remarked that mord_public men -of em inence have started from tbelmineermit type setting than probably. from any other oimupa tion. We know not how true this is, but it is pretty certain that there are few public men that have not been made eminent by the type-setters—a . class which, if not always great in themselves, are often the eause Of greatness in others. New HAssestrats bachelor, atlei several unsuccessful attempts to enter the Benedic- tine ranks, finally persuaded an old .inaid to marry him, the consideration being a fifteen dollar watch. The ceremony over, he urged an-immediate return home. "home r ex claimed the bride, who had been married ip her father's house, " home! this is my home, and you had better go to your'''. I agreed to marry you for the watch, but I wouldn't live with you for the town clock r A GENTLE m "Nt was always Complainin: to' . his father-in-I w of his wife's temper. 'At last papa-in-law, becoming very tired of these endleis grumblings, an•l boing a bit of a wag, replied my lear fellow, if I hear of her tormenting-you again, I shalldis; inherit her." The husband n !v,•r again corn- - dainetl. TnE Boston Post says 3 lady passed through that city the other day for the moon. Mains, with sixteen trunks, four poodles, three maid servants, an Irishman and a husband. NEIVS • ITEMS. A Warri. Rartrinacax.—The True Amer ican, published at Newark, Ohio, has refused to go the negro suffrage plank. Tim man who never tolls uu editor how he could better his pSper, has gone out West to marry a woman who never into a looking-glass. - Tux Radical stump orators. say the papers in North Carolina, are making a good thing by peddling cheap jewelry• to their audiences atter the meeting is over. - A. MOIIILE paper is somewh me ,ere upon Raymond when it speaks of as "that soft spoken and mild-mannered ils.lical sav age." • . A 31ississirri paper thinks General Ord was omitted from the vote of thanks because he waa the only commander who had failed to get up a riot. A lifratruts correspondent of time Cincin nati Enquirer says - that Brjownluw used to say that "negroes _were tailless monkeys." Re is a fair sample of the Radiils who Claim to be the exclusive friends of the negro. A coop many people have been puzzled of late to know what "the Interests - of God and humanity" art The military bills have explained. They are the :election of Radi cals to office by "nigger" votes.—Clritago Tinto. O1 -Tuesday last the Republican General Committee - of New York, -nominated Gen. Grant for President.- They are the-Conser vative_ wing. The same day the Mongrel State Convention of New Jersey, voted down the same nomination. Wu. IL Sew&un commenced kiwi - political life as an Anti-mason. He denotowed that "secret society as being dangerous to the lib erties of the country. His last :IA- %%IS to make a pilgrimage to Boston, in company with the President, to dedicate them --Ma sonic Temple lately erected in. that city. Thus he implicitly admits the error of his youth. Tim Radical method of "ReconAructing" the South is a pretty expensive affair, g2,- 175,090 have sire tdy been appropriated by Congress to carry out the - despotic law of Congress, and much more will be required. This is in addition to keeping a large stand ing 'army in the South. Rio on the taxes,' Rads I You have made the people slaves, and they have no right to complain. Ir is stated of the late Charles Deni-on; of Pennsylvania, that just before the adjourn; ment of the late Congress he called on the President in relation to home - appointments for his district. Mr. Denison was a Demo crat and the Senate had rejected his friends as fast as they had been sent in. "It's no use sending m any more names," said he ; '"if you sent in the names of the twelve apos tles they wouldn't confirm but one of them." It is not difficult to vein the one ho meant. IN New York city, _during the last six mouths, there was s off in tho inter nal revenue collections of nearly 47,000,000. There is a proportionate falling off every where. The only thing in which there is not a ailing off is the expenditures of the government. We are pt ymg 122,000,000 of useless interest per annum. We are pursu ing a useless Indian war_ that will cost us more than 11200:000,000 per annum. When, a nation constantly • increases its e and its receipts become as coastal less ened, the final result is not a matter of doubt. 1. MI