II Cirocoits, tirobuct, 4U, G. P. DAVIS Ziaeo., Dealers In all klneof GROCERIES, FRUITS; VEGETABLES, AND . PRQVIBIONS, Fifth Street; between State and Freneb, ERIE, PA t Having purchased our goods; before the late rise !Avec •ft. , we feel confident df being able id give edlialachon both in Price and quality, Country Produce, Of every sort. bought and sold. Farmers can always depen d on receivingthe highest market price for their articles. DIiALERBIN TAE AD.TOMMTO TOWNS, And on the Linen of Zinn:cod, SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT, VY.GIETABLES, &C Give lie a Call. Remember Nay & Jackson?s MarketiPepoi FIFTH STREET, TO THE PEOPLE OF ERIE AND VICINITY. IWIEEREAS. a statement has been made and circulated In this community calculated to mislead many of our citizens, the undersign ed would =cat respectfully beg leave to contra dict the same, anckhereby announce that at NO. 1321 PEACH STREET, South of the Union Depo choiceF. Decker's old stand) may be found a selection of qroceries, - : - Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Crockery and Glass Ware, Yankee notions, Tors, at.. In fact everything usually kept in a Family Grocery Ettore. Flour from the celebrated Girard 31UL-- warranted equal to the best in the country. Furthermore, we are not so distrustful of our f ellow citizens, that we are not willing to trust WE WILL GIVE REASONABLE 'CREDIT to all good-paying customers, and sell goals just as low as any one who claims to sell only for cash. If so unfortunate as to have any bad debts, we pledge ourselves to do as all honorable merchants ever have done— ket the loss our selves, and not ask our customers to make It up—as some claim ve done. Fcrr a confirmation of the above statement we ask only a fair trial. Good' delivered promptly to any part of the city. Itemember the place, 1321 Peach street, near the Union Depot. my2tC67-tf. f J. P. RP.XFORD tit CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. P. A. BEC_HER & CO., WHOLESALE ANH• RETAIL GROCERS, liortb-East Corner Park and French St., (cimarsinr,) • Would reapectfully call the attention of the COM munltylo their large stock of Groceries and Provisions, Which they ate - , desirous to sell at THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE mitts! Their al.y.sortrrient of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Is not surpassed in the ennui they are prepared to prove to all who give them a call. They also keep on hand a superior lot of • PURE LIQUORS, fOr the wholesale trade, to which 'they direct the attention of the public. Their motto I. "Quick sales; small profits and *hill equivalent for the money." ap11133-tf. IF. A: WPanFat. ik CO.. = Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, Tobaccii, Crockery Ware, l - Fruits, Nuts, &c., No. 814 State Street, West side, between Bth and 9th Streets, Erie, Pa Cash paid for country produce.: F. A. WEBER. my24-tt. W. ERHART JOHN 313ANNZA1113), DEALER -111 - FARLLY GROCERIES Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour Pork, _Fisk Hams, Provisions generally Coun try Produce , Bird Cages, Wood, Wi llow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, Tct, bacco and Began, Fishing Tackle, &c. 421Eittate Street, Erie. Pa. Private Families and Hotels supplied. Goods delivered. myl6'67-tf. Estugo anb Valuta. BARNUM, E:=E3 DREGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, Y, -TOILET SOAPS, H A _I R 0 I L :POWDER PUFFS, BRUSHES, I COLOGNE, EP AINTS, Linseed 011 s, Turpentines, Varnish.. Hydrome ters of all kinds, . PATENT Ilek samaras, - }DIM LIQUORS FORT MEDICAL PURPOSES, London Porter and Scotch Ale Prescriplions carefully dispensed. All articles sold by nte are warranted to be precisely as rep. resented. No trouble to show goods. Remem• bee the name and phtee, BARNUM, 1317 Peach Street, aprri'67-13 , IMPORTANT .I.TO BUILDERS AND PAINTERS 'The Lamest and Best Stock of Paints, 01ls, Tarnishes, Glass & Brushes, In Erte, may be found at HALL & WARFEL'S DRUG STORE, State St.. 'North of 7th. Having had long experience in the trade, we are enabled to supply parties with a superior quality of gobds at the lowest prices. Our stock embraces ageneral variety of every thing that Painters nee d, and those who give us their patronage can rely on not being disap pointed: Orders for furnishing buildings will be sans gletortly filled. I Call and examine our stock. angl6'g7-Iy, WHO MADE YOUR COAT ? WAGNER. It fiti so nice I guess I must go and get one; how are his charges 10: Why, don't you know, he setts . • CHEAPER' than any other iderchaneralkor in :town, has the BEST. ASSORTMENT OF . GOODS, AND ALWAYS WARRANTS HIS GARIIIENTS' TO fill sot Is that so? Of course it Is go to his Store, No. 626 State Stxeet, And give him a chance to make you a emit, and you will never buy anywhere else. jettr'C-tL • • MANN, CHRISTIAN is CRAIG, Dealers In CABLE ROPE, ROPE; PACRINO. REIIP CUMIN STAR= AMI ZOOM% anaZl-te. ERIE RAILWAY: Great Broad Gunge Double Track Route to - NEW YORK, BOSTON, and the New England Cities., This Railway extend, from Dunkirk to New York, 400 miles. Banal° to New York, 423milet. Salamanca to T HEork,.4ls miles ROUTE from 23 to 21 MILES SHORTEST All trains run directly through to New York, 400 MILES, without change of - coaches. From and after April MIL trains will leave, In connection with all the Western Line s as follows: From DUNKIRK and SALA3IANCA —by New York time—Crom Union Depots: 7:30 A.: M., Express Mail, from Dunkirk dual , (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca at 1000 A. M., and connects at liornellsville and Corning with the BA. M. Express Mail fro - mill:Ml° and arrives in Now York at 7 A. M. 235 R PiL t . Lightning ft - Mess ' from Salamanca daily texcept Sundays).lntersects at Hor nensvllle with Pr. M. Train from Banta. and arrives in New York at 7 A. N. 4:15 P. M.. New York Night E a rs, from Dan kirk daily lexwASurulays Stops at Sala manes at 05 P.M.., and yes in New York at 1230 .1 3 . M.. exnuurting with afternoon trains and stmmerti Ibr• Bost o n and New England Cities. From Rallhlo—ti New Ydrk time—from Depot corner and Michigan Sta.: &45 A. IL, New rit Express, dansrept Sundays). Arrives in New Yorkist P. bf Connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Wooden Railroad, and at Jersey City midnight express train for Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington. 8:03 A. EL, Express Mail. via. Avon and Mornells villa, daily (except Sunday). Arrives In New • York. amsportt 7:00 A. M. Connects at Elmira with' Willia & Elmira o - Harrls- burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore ßailro W a shington and points South; 2:20 P. 31., Lightninglaxpress, daily (except Su nday), connecting- with morning expresa' i trains for Boston. and New England cities, Arrives in New - Ttork at 70:1 A.ll. 410 P. IL, New York,Night Express, daily. "- fleets at Hornelisttille with the 4:15P.M. n from Dunkirk, ling arrives In New Yo at 12.30 P. M. r -1101 P. M., Cincinnati Express, 'daily s g i ee Sundays). - Arrisdit In-Ne •Y ork at • P. Connecta at Elmira with Northern Rallway,for Wtilhimsport,Harrisburg, adelphia, Baltimore and Washington; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & IVestem Railroad, and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New Englatuktities. Only one train - Easton Sunday, leaving Bath lo at 6:10 P. M., and leaching New York-at 12:30 P. M., In advance of all other routes. Boston and New England passengers, with their baggage, are trails:erred, free of charge, in New York. The best Ventilated and most Luznrionsa Sleeping Cars In the World accompany all night trains on this Railway. lowßaggage a checked thron mute.e' and fare always' as as by ny other ASK lOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY. which can be obtainea at all principal ticket of flees in the West and South-West IL RIDDLE. 7, • WM. IL BARB; Gen'l Supt. ' (teal Pass. Ag't. febls'6B. I®E V"ERFUNE PHLOX'S takes its • name. Manufactured only by PILMON * SON: NEW YORK. Bum OF rOWITERFEITI ABE Pox pnayoNS—TAKE NO °THY= 1 &d 4 1,7 Driggieti reetsp. CLIMAX ! CLIMAX Page's Climax Salve, a Fami blessing for 25 cents. I / It heals without a scar. o family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum ' ChUbhiins, -Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of the Skin. For Sore *east or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &e., it makes a perfect earth It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure. It has no parallel—having per fectly eradicated disease and healed alter all other remedies bad failed. It is a compound of Arnica with pally' other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the' same price than any ether Ointment. Bold b l Druserts irrorrolowe. Whit. & I:lowland. Proxistars, 121 Liberty Street. New York. South of the Depot., The Elastic Family Machine does all kinds o. Sewing, thick or thin, without change of ten. Eton, and does• beautiful Embroidering. The Lock Stitch Machines are used for light and heavy tailoring, by harness and shoe makers. Simple in construction—quiet and easy in opr. ration. • - - dewing tnacistnes exchanged and to rent. t) the week orumth. Stlk, Cotton, Oil, Needles. Se., constantly on hand. apr'Sl.7-t AGENCY, &V state St. Having arwoclated with me on the bit ofJanas -17 Andrew Mayer, in the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, The firm will be known as C. Englebart & Co.. and the business will be carried' on as hereto fore at No. 19 West Park, Erie, Pa. C. EIiGLEHAR.T. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes in every few days; then the shoes are soonght worthless, and a new pair must be . The only way to prevent this great w bou aste nf . money is tobuy shoes protected by sil ver tips . They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes Last three times as long as without Tips: , Leather Caps have been worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Sliver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly' on hand the only 'a partment of Silver Tipped Shoes to be found In the eity,hieluding fine Sewed Shoes, BaLmosals, YOuthsrnoota, de., which weoffer, together with a large and fashionable assortment - of ladles' and Gents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. mr14177-tf. C. ENGLEHAST d CO. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, And a great variety of . FANCY GOODS, Paragon Bading, 98 N. Park Place, arts, Next door to Merchant's Union Express Co. A stiwk of fACCI) worth of elegant and tub hmable goods will be offered, for the next three months, u a very great redaction In price. The stock Is all new and pyurchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determlaed toavold losses in Mture, small profits sad cash transact dons shall benefit alike customer and dealer. Thirty years estaldished in in the same tn;isintss. be some guarantee no great amocmt of amend will u n employed. that jest enough id Fop- and Tong Am erica spird to warrant warrant safe Munchen* and good bargai =VIM SPOONS OF =I MILVER, For ago dr made to order. Wotaes and all kinds of time keepers and Jewelry carefully re paired and WSllllllted.' Give roe a call. Trara-te. T. . AUSTIN. For the'HaidkerchieL NUW FIRM. Something Now. AT AUSTIN'S, _ NO. ewe • STATE AT.; ,)=E, PA. JOHN H. KUHN, Thwlns awned a new lty, yeranubuy Mee In the above Wal l= on ,91reel to the public that be fairsdec a l =m ot WV" t and Most me. geady-Made Conde', Cloths, Cassimeresi VESTING-el, • Ak".111,1320Mi1l FURNISHING GOODS, _ Eate n Caps, ite.,oer brought to this market—ili plumaged since , WI in pr ! and to be Sold at the mast reasonable figures. He has' one of the beat Cutters In the country, and will to make up Clothing in the most ltiehlonab and durable style. Matto* is complete..Noth. In the line of Ids trade has been neglected. Give hlm a call and see tar yourselves ge warrants the goodsans' to be as represented, andprices it d s low in the deal- 67-M city. J. M. KUHN. PEJEIJUEIr'S National Claim Agency. .1 OfficeAn Farrar Hall Huailag, ale, Pa. SOLDLIMP BOUNTY. . • All claimants for extra bounty allawalby Into WI of Con can have the tame promptly collected by sea their discharges to me, the receipt of Which be'promptly acknowledge ed and instructions returned. "- , INCREASE OF PENSIONS. IRS per Mouth far the brial taus (Anse of either legur am, instead of P. 12 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Alp, other increases. AIfiDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFIcotB of U.B. A. Three months pay proper for all in service Cla i ms cashed.and discharged alter April 9th, MOO. Claims for arrears of pay, and perish:ins, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled facill tilesforclosiaganQoomplettagclairaa.Al anbe to pdsoners4( war collect. Only agency. In North-'WesternTbrinsylvania where years of experience in the U. S. Treasury can be found. I or the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by . increased expe rience and'untemitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. Oftice in Farrar Ball Building. Address 8. TODD PERLEY, auT66-tf. Lock 'Box 101. Parte, Pa. NEW FIRM: James P. Crock, having taken in his son, Jas. F.,„ as a partner, on the lat dayof April. 11113,ran der the arm name of James I'. Crook & Bon, de-. sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persona knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. - - JAMES P. , ,CROOK. & SON; Dealers • in • ROUGH & PLANED LETBEEIER, And Manufacturers of WINDOW SASH, FRAMiIi, DOORS •t BLINDS. Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing, Watching and Planing done to order. Shop on Poach ISt.. / Between Fourth and Fifth SUL, Erle,Ta. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the best of style, promptly andon reasonable terms, Hav ing Oita' up entirely new shops, with superior machinem we feel confident of giving tion. Orders faun abroad will receive prompt attention: my/fB4-if. JAMES P. CROOK at SON. ; • NOTICE TO 1 1 M11.1301VE3 HAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE. We are now runnAg a Market Line from Erie to Renova, on the P h ila. & /We Railroad, and wishing to secure all kinds of VECIZTABLEEI & COVNTECT mom= To carry it, on, have established a depot, on FIFTH STREET, In the rear of the Reed House, between State and French:Streets, Where, we will be at all times ready to receive and pay the • 11.IGREST MARKET PRICE for the Lame. All having produce for sale are requested to give us a Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth street. aglo ' MAY & JACKSON. GEBININ SAVINGS INSTITUTION; Corner Eighth' and tiittite G 3 J ila M V+~ iI~Y ZY3li 9f CH This Institution is now open for the transac tion of brsliness. Orrtag HOURS: 9A.H.to4P.M. BArtransu . : ft A. DI.In 8 P. 11. 8i Per Cent Interest will be Given try this InstUntion to Berratar Depositors. IDMECTORB: J. Eichenktub, P. A. Becker, • F. P. Liebe', F. Schneider, John Gensheliner: OFFICERS: .. John Genabeimer President. Matthew Behlandeeker 'l'ressurer. P.-Schneider, Secretary. my767-Iy. , . rio. 15. M M nexammimmmo spmcmos, Ham n = om nom TuM mon mmrtal is mks sumo; Obolo-•= 1 ; IM al lealm Ito us Qs= = l"l masest i =Zs" _ .shms • se blefillll.lll SOU hie hem doier, wise ellisal as Ws elms lOW% Timm We Wed Os Mibsstse to sil. mg 1112 digs mill sansbahlss sr 1. Or 1141111154 ONAPIdea. hballinOC. 111 S. W wiewMormr. 111mrspOdia II A. S. • " ..slikrst SAM& is K kllde s• sidie.. a ..., II IN 111=r141 1 174,11, 'molar — : ri: it IP. likek-S=lrasep 11. it 10. . 11. I se Pitkilm,.. IR MO* 111 K . CEP Mama Its%; 1 I - , 0. er MktM co v e y Miser LS Sik -• .• - - . • ail maw t 31:110 P_ 11P. . • • mile wit dads, ... k lik - 1 ,1 1 ,' ' " 1.7°! lIILIMPIi si li. iimsz 1 • taPtseet —I. Ilk lass L..,_ Ar st :ESP I. ' '"m 'li .ir Vssimus le dkams Mattes& re Muni • 110 11.1 = 111 4 sa 47 611.111114 D1p- &•-• SAO llt • I siii 111;• * ri ii• INN • =WV sismsgratthe beeL Mb SI. • lipmsas... MI 14 . : sS elf Ilb LSI • Slams. Lirlsse Dsacs.lANl W I . • tkitiliell Bars litsm& le _PAN= CAm DSOS ine der ' &ad a lear lik " nig Slo_oo Seal* eta IM IratallPtsudDraveDMatsse ids. SS to SD • Sledges !bran Privet•Dieseemlxelh q° rti, sad fat Preventive - taistad, la vials sad posies cassasll to SS llrThoes EmiCsecin ea am at Oats bar. asset to sal put 'nag coantry, Ma albs pia is et obstio, ea mint el the prim_ Address., iisinphrey e Spee • V Ramscrpatblo Modietn n° Conpaan MOUS DMA X& in Moor" New ramit DLitt:seem is sosteitel 603 it Ids we. =nisi to hug% NW% 1111 Ono d yea ALL DSVGIGISTS, wzi.t. mac & SON and WILKINS & DOLL, &sesta Erie, Da JOILI m. PENDLJIToIq. Manzi= snow? Yet the pare-bar and ails di , DOMESTIC FLEECE •AND PULLED WOOL, U DBOADWIT. Nair TULL Calk Loteanen Made. Cossimatett Soltaltte. Ger lest or ftedal Wafts' leports Famished at RegaseL SITKUNICTS,-11. P. WI; Cutter iletlasal Mat of Conammee, Nee Test; berm J,Bionostl i c ww. bbesos &Co.'s" Tort: Ger IlealliZa h Co Olik;; T. P. Weettak r Pint NWesea Kies; Thos. i thubler Sisa l = Il a tt i ms ,7 " e•Un. lova; Mom !roo d, Mos Co., St. Longa. Illosari. _sat to say Rubor thseugheat the estuth7 having Tim York eemeposdests. au2Phoit LIVERY STABLE. rEIINDEFIRRINED having purchased the well known Livery Stand herelefore occu lt bY Wm. J. Steiyett t . desires to inform his mends and the public that he will continue the businem, and invites their THE MM. will be large y 7 audit*. proved—new conveyances have been and some Of the bmt livery horses in tCrouirri try. lam determined so to conduct the estab- Ushment as to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the services of a will find me ready atoll times to accommodago odteamte them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand, Filth street t rear of the Reed House. aril THOS. LENNON. 11.111. L & WIMILII. MILLIMMT 11001111 KB& 8. H. HALL Tato plumate todeo automata' to tho pates that dio ku spool • saw at 3229 Para A. I mon North of Mint ppm. Tam dm an keep asaatiatkr a law variatt at . ICTLLINBRY AND DRY GOMA itakart. MO; sad *pastel assartsaat ot sanyttdas urrlmpt as basil Is a dare at Um Natl. a an 'kids of 0 . 06 z Nested Ow tis Ja • Sni•Lain- --4/104, FT?!r , "' COTTAGE ORGANS. . Omar sad irumosai. No. Ort Itzcilidi . n%- Nov Tat. Ito Wile tho atiosiba ot MUM lad thopidAio Ova fl BM!! 01100118 0 wor o w n. n aid' skills baprovossits, onhoitvely sir amp voila LL M! IN THE ILEUM sur aad kiiitital dodo sod wietaiiiiki, Or. pat art aids boat ttis kit it statietat Takilt Oa dEt gri yet st ists.sal bi=tostb ptp,_ il 0 Aro Melebef to treasst sad Ram Wbad Ouse vita toes.dooklo blew pedal. lesso esm. AU beeoriss sem West tremolo et" orttli vatett Se mod IMMAlikt olloq sos bo psodosiE, violas at the WU et tk foram Wa dodo estg ri tith's teat la every =V: eirtlhasetra per disootats; muul fee pia 114 prig psatkothii. Adana . 1 1 . a. WiLLARD t gOa.. Xiiiitaigezna. ansones. 0. J. WILLARD & CO., Wholesale Agents tat, tha Cit tad iltato of New York, for pootoloUstad • i•VORE" .PIANO FORTES, stirtotly sosaldar ant atm.'s! Am oat bib a to twos the LEADWO ?Miff vtantsor fatradarrsd. Dealers will to sold at the lowest Arholseals rotas sad tuarastsed oratatloa. Largo Illastiated aria ttst els tag toned Ilks tali trahtrosa m iotographs. seat to say ad dews on applica : .0 1. WILLARD # 00 Wbolsails rAgauts. Na. 1 . 137 firoarinry.N. TEE MAIM* - NEW . PATENT PIANO STOOL, Actaimudged by Urs tilde 'ud Problem. to Is AU fisatssf sad most Watts Aloof insaatseturs& WO an Wholesale Ayala for Ms CU/ `sad arm VW MI1017111( the prfaclsal Masts Roams ffsw Tort with lbw stools, aad so irrupt is the &saarid.:Vrt • tarp fosurii his Omer used capoillo of taraurroat poi stools on mouth. Pealers Usd st Use Wasufastatars LOWEST WHOIJSALIA sad etargs. lead WO** Ilsi gmiag shpid fa lsoa a o d f comet Means. • pa. Imia 41 . ZIL I 81C. • Jat Pothaliod. oast to soy Woos es opeolipt of prim. Toothots iorptbd it tto wool dissonit. , ata. pt *boas o f t your ova-New song'aud elnr: ' ens. by Tacker,. -a. .13 I II new target 1.114464Har Huy-eons by 81att0p....40 - Ny bin spot JenstOr hil-emag by Haider._ -. Oh Lome some andantes by Tuuter....o6 Told to the twilighteiloug and chorus by ,Crililsy....llo Malt mom • macMr drinks-soar Pllatan7 no oast Ill„Se drinbt-mmly to the alannt..6o Doeutital foam of am dream (Lith.l-swg byDanks 60 Wheal wo smelted to the roll ot. tho Irlas7sein by Bishop 7 , • Oh eons to me who) daylight oats-log by ileastortL6ll Nearest and dear eel (lath )-.nag by S.'. B Thontae..6o CAM me honest tries& and tree-song by Tuelter....lo Do twit herdar_wasillag. reply to Clypdee waraing- - WOW bCrillik , Or 20 Jonas who line to tha dell-song by J. R. Thome. to tiottly Oa the Amami waters-root be J. R. T. erase with beauUtat Lithograph of the Bells in distant lande-aoog by Tualuer..... Ths light step Polka-be' hands H. BIOWIS Itandag light ethottiseh-by newton itanlight polka-bv MI% Padhurit 40 Paolo gulon,.by Nes. Parkhurst. so ilouotWmigretty.rka-by MIL Parkhurst AS swam Qoattotti-de Pretty loodise-emeg by B. Raman. 46 MI IDA istbses ........ • -... r .IIO Mollie% welcome to Pat IllatotA, Her heart is all my oitt-by Hum- TM cot beside the mill-dong by Colton N) Berioging round the thole. ' SO You naughty. rougatyswan-ong la ttierltteekerooktS3 Now I lay toe dons to oleo -sous elidebonta by Val- bridge Bine eyes or blaok-oong by P. Baba Stereo! the moo= algle-Quirtab . Modem ettwing. by aid to-song by OWiel 40 Tem go with Grant arsid-ouor wag and abonw by e Turku Hatt. boys, Mite -goes and ehonta by ifettaitSeS The nn Wm" sweet belie - song by MONK HI Lay mode published will be tent by remmaß, and pestles ownepaytag will meets their clangs with 1.10 mae br4T. Address ordeal O. J. wittagzo • CO, N 0.417 Ittoadmiy. N. T. 1867. ISPRINU TRAM 1867. GRAND OPENING of CARPETS AND House Furnishing Goods, II ERIE CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET AND • HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM OP DIEFENDORF, GROSS, it, FOSTER. • ' No. ? Rod Rom stl 19 91fti Strut, Edo. Po. 0 .111.1 rip *bred ud noir orator the Wird and mat simple% assarbweit or auras «in baton *bred t Otte gouty; Howl/tin a Rob Pramlo4, Tapriry Rrassala, Tapestry Impsln.Thsaa Tim beaks Dotab Wool, lianallla sad Noma: Ctn . toe, Mils sad C•eos Nattier of all Width■; Ott Claths.lWs, Rags and Drawls. NOTTINORAM, TAMBOUR AND OCOTON LACS CURTAIN,, Wildalir Shll4ll, tibM4 Fhtorr, IleMods. Coralitisad tb• putty eol•britkl FRENCH ROLLEAUX SHAM I STAIR ASM VEgTilitILE RODS, per. Rob owl Pa: arms lirittramo ant/stain, no sod •at to order. Meted quality of LIVE GEESE FEATHERS; By $• • poled or PA.- WllnAnnfr eArt•ln*. 'lash* aed Y unhreqpiDe vas& t, order and balm la The moat mtlidae.ary a sawn. R. wool? roroortfuTly eel tb. Altsab/ro of Ibroo arrloralibfor their holmium., to our Ism god en ,, rote mortakent af , - Intl Pan; bIICORATIOYS. BORDEP.9 /FT mortanwas "lir% v• vill MI aloes Priers aid bruins abort an tier. In oar . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, W. voted ask tbo sttsntion of buyers to not say sops tins stn•k of • Toilet llnUts, an Biwa Table Liam, iy Nue yard or to the spread, Nspldua, Doylies; embossed aid embroidered, Plasm 'natal, Comm Damask and Raab Towels and ToMelba, Pillow and Bisset Timm aid . Vahan Jut method a Imo aad besotlial assort. mast of asmortable DRESS 1300 DR, CLOTHp, AND YANKEE NOTIONS. • DIBPRwDOR►; theoSs a FOSTER, No. ? Rood Roam and 11141taca Eltrost. " Ms, ress'a. N. B.—Autism* attiatioa paid to the tarilabtag of Mardi% Hotels and bleats Boar& , • ,MANIIOOD—How Lostl - 14w Reitored . aMvwJad ouTrabeit. • aro 'Moo er Dr: 21 C =lr l ir a s e gr e lVat =1::) He l s r e ataartiora. or loostost ..s = 4 : 4 . PhllicalciarpcSanartill.PODrarato to Navvies% 4164 Mao . sad alto lailoootin WOr el * • 1111•111•=03111 , I coats. Ths rolatrabd utbw Is Ms adhaltalda may dearly dooonstratos. from a thirty part soesoisfal gosatios. that Do &Want" corooparatoo of oolfotraaa ram to radically eared wi th out tar daemon us of fatoraal males or Um at r o w af tto tafili—latattrir oat a food* of ono at row shop% ontaia dieted. by loom of obit sorry warm, ao loaners wlat Ids tor Mos mor br ► may qtars btrooll damply arm!and radio% Pritsutrabodd bis hada of nay yoa l 9rla the boa. Boot sob: ara3 Is o f plata roralool. to say Woos 543.1 an reap of do oak% of Soo poet Opp% :11.811 Palg t= J. 0. num Aco.. drog‘tio Porow. N. T. !oat Who Doi WR . PrWEEtara dt MirCONTI 1117/I:OVSD Lociowerrun FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! 1241 Peoeh SR. anat aide, two south of I.lth sWftt. Erie. al. spire-tr. E. A. HALL► Agent. pugs ussarrs Inure MID; , ky pranks' :pa tszler. awl yea id Iwo se ether. floyou , N 115417 ZIEGLER & MUM iniouisma me i sun it GUMS owns , Xi. SR Ifotti nitrd arasiMilis. rrigi ss - - NEM- TORE.' - --- HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, MOO' ST.ATESTRIIIIT, BMA PA. linektosDose iriUMatness "Enge l 4l ) very • mold French an -neigh styles. Otir HoopSkitt department contains all tile T various Wilda of oMele', Misses' andEhildreit's Hooplikirta Our Corset department embraces the follow= tag kinds: French, English, American and Madam Foy's Corset Wirt Supporter. Frepch Comets only " American Corsets only, tO cent.: English Corsets from .. ... 21 to $22 23 Corset Supporters.; from... 75 to $2 so Our Repairing department is superintended by a lady who is thoroughly unlined with the reZring of all kinds of H Wholesale department be surpas sed. Merchants supplied at New York prices. - Hoop Skirts warranted and made to order. A. F. COHEN 4 BRO., jys'B7.4l. , I . PrOnetorc NATIONAL TELEGRAPUINSTITUTE, cintsraf- ?Im; sad St Oak Btssas. PR: Slitlitl3ll, PA ml Im, wt. But ' ACTUAL''BUBINiIBB COLIEOR Dr tis mitts° STATES. During the pa,t, ten yew, upwards at FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS. Ropreac:tfing orery - StatiOn tbe Union. bay. gradasted I=2l A COLLEGE OF ACTUAL BVEINEBS. repelled axe Basks. storn. That OfBoo; Coannianon Bs °tam law. awn, Btounboat and ;Tidearapti Ofeees, As, comblaing =WRY AND PRACITIOS. Stoats*" are thotiaghly lautruatad In all tL. braaalka PRACTICAL DIRENESS ZDOCATION. inalailingßoot tar play Pinnsaniblo, Asitbuitic, Corn aciacial Law, Political lonitnny, Radium Corrairocrad tata.the Art or nitrating Cocarctislt Slowly, Railroad lwb ntsaintiating:. Toligraphing, Practical Basking ke, Stattonti ots man ot soY @Da - (=noes • tal soars• In from eight to tram nooks. ' - TWIT DOLLAIDI Pare:all adman for TaWA% Book; Masks rd Dl /01"*.• NO EVES, CYMRU:4 Tor 9 • Atotaboitist. Rabooding. Raids or Dlrtoma, is to onion Colby'. Tn• Lome day Pastasaldit to .0 amd•st, to tb• Cossakordal mat TOR OtRCULAR3, giving ball informatati t tad ••a tolaisg it,mp'•t• outline of on roam; of • - Batista Zdarilios. toptb•r lath ITTSONLUS ltom metleal Sulam Ws. Narehsist4 Book ***Par Bastin. Ike., addrue the piacipab. MUM is OUR LW. Plttifnush. ja2 s 414.65. • _ 914,4" 111 E HOPE MACHINE COM SEWING MACHINES Gll9 Bcoiiroar, Now You. FOR. FANIILIES AND MANUFACTUR 1' ESE WOELD•EENOWNED 811,110. IfACHINIL3 WON swaided the tifirbeet promisee at the werhra Fate to Landonond Ws bet premiums at nub N. T. Ste• Tar pf VISS, and Are coestorsted for debt the best wan. aster • =eh mann Needle for thieve tined thew any °Omens. ay. sod by the latrodnetlaw-el the eon a=pron d essobtorry ve us sow inle to suppl the eery test on chime hs she emend. - Three maihinas an nap nudist oar new aid Km dons nudity at &id t Cons., nadir ths ate nioaritaion of the voNldgt of the CompanyAlai , 110131.11., the original inventor if the dining il-* shine. They arc *Nita! 1* ell kinds of remit, Pewter, an d to the wee otlioarowisesee. Drees Ifidiona 'More, kens teetworni of Shhte. Cellars. Skirts. Ckalre. Weutillas Clotblog. Bets, Caps, Comte. Boots. Moak Humes, Saddle, Lines Geode. tlentrellw. Pareelea eta. Thry • orb wiliest!, well upon elk, ea. woolen sad tattoo goods with silk, tattoo or Pus thned. Thor will wan. cunt. gather • hew. felt, cord, braid, fa d and "onto nil every woke. at maim. wain, a beeopl'ol and perfect state alike os both elloo at the geisha sewed. Se Stitch toraoted h,Yr. BOWE, sod moots of this Itaohlsa Is tho =pular sad dharabla. sod 6U Sea, Imp ea are eat act to the tothrefpla lovsated by bin. &rod far ?BC HOWE 11..ACEUBTE OCKPANT. • 669 Ilroadvar. Car Youth lit, N. Y. Mire Sophie Jones; 602 Freed' it., agent for Frie county. - 261,57-Ir. • - National *Unto. - - • •113A.NIK • • Keystone - National Bank, • 01;• • CAPITAL $250,000.. • ' DIRECTORS; • Belden Marvin, . John W. Hall, Elihu Marvin, Beater Town, 0. Noble. ORANGE NOBLE, Prod. JNO. J. TOWN. Cash. • - The above bank is now doing business in its new building, CORNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH EVES. Satisfactory paper discounted. Hon . re ceived on deposit. Collections made and - pro ceeds accounted fo Notes promptnesa. DraftA, Swie and Bank bought Gila sold. A share of public patronage solicited. Authorized Capital $500,000 CAPITAL PAID , IN MOM. • THE SECOND ICATIONAL BANE opened for business on ' MONDAY, DECEMBER =lf, isoi, In the banking °Mee previously occupied by the 'Merchant's Bank, Brown's Building, north-east corner of State sired and public Park. WM. L. scam Pzest. WM. C, CURRY, Cash. DIRECTORS: WM. L. 8001 T, of firm of J. Hearn & Co., Ooal Dealers. JOB. hVCAHTER, of drm of Belden, Bile. & McCarter, Builders.. GM J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. B. BROWN, Agent...lll2=o & Erie R. R. JOHN C. BURGESS, affirm of CLemens,Caugh ey & Bunn& Wholesale G O . E, CROUCH, of firm of = & Bro,, Maur cats. M. R. BARR, of drm of Barr, Johnson & Sea man, Move Manufactorers. F. F. FARRAR, of firm of any & Farrar, Whatnots Grocers. J. DEMII3IGAICER. Grocer. jigNliarisoN, ItonniocUirerson4NnwhodeDadotoin TAACCO. 1 31DiARK. • • 11:116 1 • ,1 1 ` II" 3E3 - C • Na Fa:dial at, Allogheny • ThArd 63E4 fro* fiAmpi*its Bridge. Atarc-tr, - met the Big 'nab& ciamyjkluusixt. DE:6lol'a DiMORATIVE ARTIST! • Sterneat,Mipm,Naay Yarn cund Btu Pidniinig Fest • ' Par/ors, littabi k Clauroheas. d:0.15' 714eaeoe2 In go neadnd style of Oa an. Omni Dadolni. Drafting of Maids far Ins YAMS Mai. and may nSan al Ong. mental Pabsung anannad —Room In Farm MU. No. If # esoand - a draft Washington Library *Co:, A- 4 :a fll zbarteral by the State of Pennsylvania, and Organized in aid of tile iveriaiide Institute, For odnalUng getstoltously j.DIEWS° and MA.1.11...011,60 ORPHANS. Incorporated by the State of New Jerse7 • APRIL 8, 1867 Subscription One Dollar ! THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMrANYt By virtue of their Cluirter, and in accordance - with its provisions, will distribute THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLT4IIB " In Presenta to the Blutreholderg, on Wednesday, Sept. 25,1867, AT PIECULVELPitEIt,• PA., ;NfiTrrUTE, , RIVERSIDE, N. J. i t o I • ,One Present worth 0,000. • One Present wor ,000. One Preeent worth 10,1X10., pne Predent worth .000. _Two. Presents worth $9,600 each. " And many other %Large• presents, the, whole , , emount log to *300,600.. .For full schedule of presents see circulars, sent , free on appliattion. Fach Certificate of\ Btoelt Is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel Plate Engraving, WORTH MORE AT RETAIL THAN THE COST OF CERTIFICATE. . , And also ensure! to the holdei a 471:,:k:4..yytn1N7re):1:43,46)(*.#:1.:1•1•4(q.141 finbseyiption One Dollar ! Any person sending as one dollar; or paying the same to any of ouclocal agents, will receive immediately a flue Steel .Plate Engraying, at choice from the following list ; and one eertin este of stock', Insuring one present in the great distribution. ; ONZ DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS No. l—"My Child! My Child r' No. 2—" They're Raved ! They're Saved!" No. 3—" Old Seventy. Six; or, the Early Days of the Revolution." Any, person paying two dollars wilt receive either of the following fine Steel Plates,at choice, and two certificates of stock, thus becoming en titled to two presents. • TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVING& - No." 1-0. Washington's Courtship." • No. 2 "Washington's Last Interview with his Moth er." THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS • Any person living three dollars will receive the beautiful steel plate of • , "ROME FROXTRE WAR," and three certilicateg of stock, becoming enti tled to three presents. -FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Amy' person paying faor dollars shall receive the large and flutiful steel plate of • "THE PERILS 43F oral FoREFATHEits. ,. and four eeritheates of stock entitling them to four presents. • FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any lesson paying five dollars receive the large and splendid steel plate of "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAIIONTAS3," And five certificates of Stock, entitling them to five pretents. The engravings and certificates will be deliv ered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered. How to obtain Shares and EngraTinge. Semi oilers to as by mall, enclosing from Si to M. either by Post Office orders or In a registered letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be sent by draft or express. . 10 shares with Engravings • 8 050 25 shares with Engravings 21 50 60 shares.wlth Engravings 46 50 25 shares with. Engravings fa CO HO shares with Engravings - 90 CO , . LOCAL AGENTS WANTED THROUGHOUT - THE UNITED STATES. THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Sitaate at Riverside. Burlington county, New Jersey, Is founded for the purpose of gratuitous ly educating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Sailors of the United States. - The Board of Trustees of the Institute consists of the following well-known citizens of Penn• sylyanta and New Jersey : floN. WiLrasst A Its - sx, District Attorney. Philad'a. _ BRoOmAt.t., Ex-Chlef Coiner U. R. Mint; Sind Recorder of Deeds. PlAlad's. ifox..7A.WEs M. ScovEr., New Jersey. HON. W. W. WARE, New Jersey'. HENRY GORMAN. ESQ., Agent Adnms' Exprek P J. i E. COE. Esq., of Joy, Coo R Co. , Plinad'a. TIf.P.ILSLILY DEPARTXMT, WARICINGTDIC, D. C., April 18. DM—Office Internal Revenue :—Hav lug received satisfactory evidence that the pro ms:ls of 'the enterprise, conducted by the Wash ington Library Company, will be devoted to charitable uses, 'permission isherebygmnted to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. , The Association have appointed as Receivers. Messrs. GEORGIE A. Cools & Co., 83 South Third street, Philadelphia, whose well known integri ty 4nd business experience will be a suillcient guarantee that the money intrusted to them will be promptly applied to the purpose stated. PIIII.ADELPHIA, PA., May al, 18M. To the Officers and Members of the Waslaln,gton Library Oa., N. S. BEAD, Secretary . Gentlemen—On receipt of your favor of the e 15th inst., notifying us of our appointment as Receivers for your Company, we took the liber ty to submit a copy of ,your Charter, with a plan of your enterprise, to the highest 14a1 authorl ty of the State, and having recelv his favor alb,le opinion In regard to its legal , and Rpm p ndng with the benevolent object of your Association', via: the education and mainte nance of the orphan children of 'soldiers and sailors at the Riverside Institute, we have con cluded to.accept the trust, and to use our best effints to promote so worthy en object.' Respectitdly yours, rte, GEO. A. COOKE & CO. Address Whetters and orders to . GEO. A. COOKE & CO, RANKERS - , • 33 South 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Receivers for the Washington Library Co. ° May AL" Soll, 72213tatet3t.. 3 ati44m. Agents at Brie 11) • itit:. DI 34 roTZ) teso Having purchased the Interest Of the Messrs. Vincents In the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS - Of the late firm, would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house t lad the public in [general, pledging himself that he will at all times try to sell good and reliable * Flour, Feed and Grain: At the lowest price for cash In hand. . From my long experience In this bran dema n d trade, I trust I know what the public and that I SM . prepezed to meet that want. • fteturning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me In the past, ;hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to meri ture. t a continuance of their patronage lathe fu THE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, AND GRAIN BUSINESS, - t Will be continued, In all its depottments, of the ' ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, EAST PARS-ROW, Between Brown's Hoteland Reed House, Where the public will rind a kood stock always ter sale, 'with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. 5p2517-I.y. H. B. HAVEBBTICK. . dc7914. MUSIC STORE Prices• Reduced Plot Class Seven Octave Iron Frame Oven Wong AT Rosewood Pianos $250 $250 S * Octave Plano Cased Renewood Melodeons al SR& Omuta from SW to 1290. • SRO. Sib W A LTZ ISEner, SIMS, ivory immeament warranted A r five mix • 411104 t. S. SKITS. Or the Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed . to be the most effectual Alterative that can ,be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para" Sanspuilla so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to efford - ezi effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense ' 1 service to this large clan of our afflicted fellow. citizens. Dow completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of.the following complaints Scitortru AND ficaortrrova Cocruaners, Eaurriona AND EILUTITVI DDIAUIES, 'ULCERS, Prurcia., BLOTCHES, TUNONS, SALT RHEUM. SCALD HEAD. STPIIILTO AND SIMMS= Ai.. PECTIONO. Muc UILIAL DISEASE. DILOTIM Nav suwiA ou Doomuszer.. Dasturr, Drs.. TEMA AND 'INDIGESTION, ETITOTIMIAJ. 110111 011. Sr. Aursioirr's nun, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Iscrtrarrr or THE BLOOD. • This compound will be founds great pro. meter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. 110.4 can, by the aid of. this remedy. spare themselves from .the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of Corruptions, if not assisted to do this'through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder. is felt, people-enjoy better health, and live longer ' for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting • health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of It, partly because the drug' alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat Still we ca ll this compound Sarsaparilla, Mid intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name - from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary rune( the diseases it is intend• ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judicuslioy takeiraccording to directions on the bottles PREPARED DT D 11.4. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. IJh! ri*T'l Ir!ri • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won fur itself such • renown for the cure of every variety of Throat mid Lung Complaint, that it Is entirely unnecessary for us to 'recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em. ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its nudity is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all It has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, 7011. THE CMS OP costiveness, Immdier Dyspepsia Indigestio n. Dysentery, Foul Stomach. Erysipelas, Beadaehe, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skits Diseases , Liver Comptaint, Dropsy, Totter, Tumors and Sall Rheum, Worms. Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, anti for Prni:fying the Blood. They are sugarcoated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per lin ; Five belie for $l.OO. Greatnumbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish rads our datlaucew ALMANAC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that sbobld be fol lowed for their cure.. • • Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more Fat on. Demand Man's. and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by THE MERCHANTS MO N EXPRESS COMPANY. • .\ • •)I ' , •• • • CAPITAL, - $20,000,000. Owned and Operated by Our Merchants and Manufacturers, Carries by Express, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, Oyer more than . 13,000 miles of Express Line, And to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, - And through them to More than 4,000 Cities and Towns, At Just and Liberal notes, Based on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines arc constantly Extending, A ND Till soon exceed tbwe run by both the Anierican and U. 8. Express Co's. Over $lOO,OOO per month Are now saved to Express Shipper' by this Com pany, and this seeing can be made permanent by continuing the same liberal patronage hitherto giv en it. Experience assures our Iniezer,s, and convinces N that we may rely upon the pul.he confidence and rt suppo, winch we hope to merit always. car Offle• No. a) Wait Perk Row. 112.71.4502 C. B. HARBI 4 , Agent L. H. CL.A.13,73 . ,, DEAL.= IN BOOTS Bz . SHOES ! Is now opening and Will . keep conirtantl, on hand a large and fashionable stock of • • , Boots and Shoes, at his ELEGANTLY FURNISHED STORE, No. 14 Park Row, (Brawn's Hotel.) - . His stock embraces everything in the Boot and Shoe line, Including a large line of FINE KID AND COMION SLIPPERS. Sole agent for the city for the 41N 46 Problo Patent lEtoOt :" A very desirable article for ladles' wear. my3o-3m.. "Beyond the Mississippi. " A Complete History of the New States and Ter ritories, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. - BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. Ova 20,000 Copies Sold in One Xantb. Life and adventures on Prairies, Mountains and tho Pacific Coast. With over MO descriptive and photographic views of the scenery, cities, lands. mines , people and curiosities of the new Mates and Territories. Te prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Par Wert;' this history of that vast and Grille region will prove an inset. nobleassistanne, supplying as it does a want long s felt of a Mil authentic and reliable guide to ell ie nlasoll,ireillOcts. means of travel, de. AG —Send for circulars and see our terms and shall description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, BB Minor St.. rhuadetzglio. Fa. aul-tir. RE Vit t , -4`4,k 4EFUIED MOLD ,CAIMLE: 1 ni. c. eCIERASIVE SOAR OLIVE BOAF! ry — f6 s.' CN.ERASI N! 14a SOAP./ SOAP. SOAP.I - MAICLIPAtrrUni L " (9°llP O A ND C" Corner of Holland and Sixth Strek r4LIAN NON -. 6% THE PLACE To BU,Y We hi,. 111•Npren • for Pog-k-K.-1., _ - stronat• ,"" • BEl_4. C HAP. '- B i s: k sn otko .111 end •yr.rjrth :,1 Irr In tLoi r 1.4 1 . ... , , At Shantou& & Ch'.. 1122 c 0 , t ,.., ,: ahow• PA11 N4... `• ;• • • Tee brit astortiostit I' Not one, At Bhanwro At Co • tharspal for Pstrlftrttors tied 06,111.,„ at ftbanano h • oft..rh^l.3 al tP,,gir ..n Le n ., i. Glass•nd Petty . ..3).,2 ri• ra:..d Union AltSbasooo l It t ato Imp North Carolina. st h.cooa k Cf. p Se !kris, No.tbs sad Berth. Sten. , at libaenoti k Co •., I7b pe. . Nvw Kolb arid York Pnii.be at &bastion & Co.. f=fp,,,, Casaba to witilety—fialr. Wm se Vste..cru . , k . D Whitewall. Stop lad Counter it.artnt n 4, at Shantou !ti Co 'r, 131 Pearl St ' .'.41 store thr L'a" , on Iffk P0p.,1,N, ~,, tr Pala meats la North wes'ent P..r...1. ',.. A rebtarAlse Patent AV..; also Hamar' Far it.4 -, ' ear Proof Safes and ralltanles Onlaa. j!',l, Bows' Fon Tfl MILLIW4. • CIUGHEY, MaCHEARt SCHMSELLERS AND 4TATIOr4 [ N. II NoRTFi PARICROW, Ado sow , Le 'writ oc4 avot earefob,„; dock of elegantly boleod sod beautifully it ye.; -B 0 0 H 8 Ever ihr as t.. m.rlr.t. including etaba,H,.,-;!:: near Bac 11,13 and American Juvenile tknin, Prayer Books, and Chu leb Settit*S. is fne stpii..,• FOR STATIONERY ARTICIAS Writing De, ha. Pansy Ink Slaw's; Ladles' Trig( Work Bosse. P.• Wolin'. Stereoscopes and titer /. 4 :-:„ Carl Pictures, the most beautiful Bandar in great ve riots, Port MOOD/W. Card Curs, Gwvi , .l Propelling Pencils. a lugs variety of Autry eechi Scotch Plaid, Photograph Album. from for beer,. : factorl•s, in the bast striae. tf CATIOREY. VCCREAIT tits MONEY, VIIRS AS WATER.. - - 10000 Active Local od Traveling Apo:., Vea temple, of all area, are wanted to aoliclt trade u 7 City, Town, Village. Hamlet. Wert hop and lei throughout the entire world. for themost miwteo eines ever known. WO tet cent. prod! and as. Lib. 017. RAD. Smart men and women tern from lin to $5O per day, and no net of loss oaPital required t firm $2O to 1100-th. tore Invested the midair the profit. No money regri. advaime— we ant wed the ankles and melee iv ward: It yen actually wish to male wing and easily, write for roll particulari, and 'dame kiILNOR & CO. (From 210 Eircidwat. S. T.Cdi Newepapen copilot will be liberally 4eall - 2 :carts , • NEW COAL YARD. MERCER COAL AND IRON.CO.7A; skzisayeAs suss?, ; ims-nAir vomits it OiTll OF 1:111103' the Viieer Cont. ehespet thm , other Coale In proportkei. A trial Ii le: the ii gory to encortnee_ry on. of their superior quhl de aa3.• =I EVERY , COTTAGE PRESS, , • ed thepawing material stela.- ALA it,overy man can do Um owe neatly, quickly and el apl.. 111.! so simple In conotrnetioa, tbats le Penn t.ld ran *wily trump the also. Printed Inermtlent an * NV - nlJsash °the, enabling the yarcbuct. to votk with'ilat a proviCtio ken • of renting. A c raga ,•• contals description. pricer. tAttlo. ll i 4 sent tree to all. Our Spechnat $1,13 , Type, Ctits,&a.. ton canto OWN _ AflASiB P rtESS CO. PRINTER. 01 T 67-17 WEDICEADAYS &Stra:w 4 From 9to 10 • to. 4 00th Park Row, Audits: l e :Mg& of the Red Flag. About 103 ow. atria belt seat. marred bort, sat eat eon., parlor, oak, dialog room, rooltiog laud admen Black walnut. gotta... ????? 1 lad aad °that bt tmd•greatquatotityof martin bads Ineladlar tufo folding Soria. gad Wattrami. ahead of all anent appearosea, athaugth sad durability, and the hog g-ipped to this Mt • for gots. Also. • vanety of 1021 , gloom, teatanglon tablu. comet and other togatort a earl. ty of other foraltark and 'boot CO PM. , math mg, warrastad to lest for team MI vb./ I ' 6 ' l Oland od ea anOtton days, sad other dare at W at *nation prices. aoy2-tf. 6 W. .ELLSEY. iattare RS HUNTER, Ai,. • I)7! HATS, CAPS AND FUR No. IM7 Ptiek Wed, Two doors :loath of r hansom &Co:. tistdrow ite le ode tug very flee line of the labor ro which will Darold at • rry lo• Persons wanting anything In the alr.v• advantageons to eon Udine tars nursed .it s ,. OTOT. NOSAVINO". &MINES.% WEDDING AND 015, CARDS nm Riede, CoAideatine or Oil and Other Stab STAMPING. EMBOSSING, SEALS, 8-- 1 BY J. L A PH• , PARAGON BUILDING, WILiT PARR tot - Fin J UDSON & WILDER, Manufacturers iustt A Dol., .1. Dvil.r. TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED W stays BT•OVS TRIMMINGS, IC Waurford, Eris Co., Pa - _ ar 44tdmr. byjictsfrprearp tb atton4.l i kvsigto BIIBLar & lionAnu, TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER 161.14 AND OAS AND STEAM FITTERS No. 331 &WA: St., Owner of FourtA, Erie, /I womi 'of !runty I. dthoz of dm I pis bransbra toliclud SD P esseatet Q. AVERT._ B. 81181C.114, O. WOO Tin pat• Warty. Capp.. smit h. G . ji st ,,,s [..rasa,] PI.AtE TO GET TOUR kONEY BILE • to A? F. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND SHOE STOI. sta. Simt..Ntritly Oppoalts the Port a. E. Conshlin. Boot and Shoe Dealer, isspeatrally tahmos tho Pablis that It/ tqak removed Ida stand to the Store Room on State drat; eary oppndt• the rest„ Ofloo, when ha tunas all hls old Mande 11 27, to ales him • 0111. Partlealss attsatnal II”' - REPAIR IN 01 , girds! vednisgs. amd upgriaisd_ll..4, hipbonsires ht ean ere V' 5* Um ell at am tow pews as say other Po: r ig tti. Good lite Watesated. R EARM 11.1sKISSiSX (Saab t„ OS. U AND Si MK ROC Oleo Jut neeved itt TWENTY OILFSTO OF CI10!CE •Idelli we 10 all Closi• 71 Q El 'T en pit pOBl rill 2d Ann SL,Nov Ls 12=1 ^~<,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers