to - c tri to, Vrobucf i &c, G. P. DAVIS az, Deafen; in all kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, • • AND PROVISIONS, Plftb Street, between State awl French, ERIE, PA Having purchasecL Dar goods before the late rise, inpri_ces, we feel - confident of being able to giga-Oltafaction botli hi Price and quality. Country Produce, Of every Sort, bought and sold. Farmers can always depen.d on receiving the highest market price for their articles. DEALERS U TAE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad, [4s, S yS $ rd : Glve us a Oral. • • *Remember May & Jackson's Market Depot pvowoliAtilD o tA . TO THE PEOPLE OF ERIE 4ND - VICINITY. 'WHEREAS, a statement has been made and circulated in this community calculated to misiesamany of our citizens, the undersign ed would most respectfully beg leave to contra dict the same, and hereby announce that at NO. lac:11 PEACH STREET, South ndhme a Un b ion o u D n e d p choi c eoi F e Dk o e n r o'f old Groceries, Provisibns, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, ern r ckery and Glass Ware, Yankee notions, Toys, dis.;:4ln tart everything usually kept in, a Family Grocery Store. Flour from the celebrated Girard Stills— warranted equal to the best in the country. Furthermore, we are not so distrustful of our fellow citizens, that we are not willing to trust at all. WE WILL GIVE REASONABLE CREDIT to all good-paying customers, and sell goods Just as low as any one who claims to sell - only for cash. It so unfortunate as to have any 'had debts, we pledge ourselves todo as all honorable merchtutts ever have done—pocket tab loss our selves, and not ask oar good customers to make It up—as some claim to have done. For a confirmation of the aboye statement we ask only a fair trlaL Goods delivered promptly to any Part of the city. Remember tho place, I=l reach street, near the Union Depot. my=67-tf. J. Y. REXFORD & CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. P. A. BECKER & CO., WHOLESALE- AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-East Corner Park and nvnch St., fens*PSIDEJ • Would respectfully call the attention of the com munity to their large stock of ' 4G-roceries`and Provisions, Which they are desirous to sell at THE VERY ROWEST POSS' ISLE 'PRICES Their assortment of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, .Syrups, TOBACCOS, FISII, AC., • Is not surpassed In the city, as they are prepared to prove to all who glo them a call. They - also keep on hand a superior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which they direct the attention of the public. Their motto le, "Quick sales, small proateand a full equivalent for the money." aplll3-tf. F. A. vrmisrat & co.. Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINES, Liguorts, SOARS, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruits, Nuts, &c., No. 814 State Street, West side, between Bth and 9th Streets, Erie, Pa. Cash paid for country produce F. A. WEBER. my24-tt. W. ERHART aon - rf - is.A.-rryArtro, DEALER •IN FAMILY GROCERIES ! Tea, Coiree, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour, Pork ,Fish, Hants, ProvUlons generally, Coun try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco andZePPle Fishing Tackle; &C. 421 Stitt° Street, 3014 e, Ise. Private Families and Hotels supplied. Goods delivered. myl6'67-tf. Drugs anb tjainto. BARNUM, I 1 DRUGS, MEDICEVES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, H A I R . POWDER PUFFS , - *"-'2" COLOGNE, BRUSHES, P A I N T El, Linseed 01ls, Turpentines , Varnish, tlydrome tern of all kinds, PATENT XEDICENES, PITRr, - Prescriptions careful d 'spewed. All articles sold by me are warranted to be mvelselv as rep resented. No trouble to show goods. Remem• bey the name and place, SAW:I73I, 1317 Peach Street, spzll'67-17 IMPORTANT TO BUILD RS AND PAINTERS! The Largest and Best Stock of Paints, 01.144arnIshes, Glass & Brushes, , . Erie, may lie found at BALL & ARFEL'S DRUG STORE, -- - Stu St., North of 7th. • • Having long experience in the trade, we are enabled to supply parties with a superior quality of g at the lowest prices. Ourstock mbnlces ageneral variety of every - thing thaj c Znters need, and those who give us their -pa age can rely on not being disap• pointed. Orders for tarnishing buildings will be satis. faetorily *V- Call and examine our stock. WllO MADE YOUR COAT ? prilvArkt WAGNER. It fits so nice I guess I must go and get one ; Low are his charges? Why, don't you know, he sells CHEAPER than another Merchant Tailor :in :town, has e BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, AZT ALWAYS ' WORMS 111'0 IiARIENTS . TO FIT! • Not Is that so? • Of course it is: go to his Store. No. 626 State Street, And give him a chance to make you a suit, and you will never buy anywhere else. jarta-tf. BRUM CHBLSTIAS & CRAIG, Dealers In CABLE ROPE, ROPE, PACKING, B OA V 1 BLOOM AND MOMS. • =SS ERIE RAILWAY. Great Broad Gauge Double Track Route to NEW YORK, BOSTON, ' anti the New England Cities. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New York, 460 miles. Buffalo to New York, , i'M miles. Salamanca to New York, -115 miles. And is from 21 to MILES TRE SHORTEST ROUTE. All trains run directly through to New York, 010 3111, without change of coaches. From and after April 20, 1807, trains will leave, in connection with all the *extern Lines, as follows: From DUNEHIK and SALAMANCA -by New York thne—from Union Depots: g3O A. 31., Express Mall, from' Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Ralamancs at 10:00 A. M., and connects at Itornellsvallo and Corning with the 8 A. M. Express Mail from Uuflhln and' arrives in New York at 7 A. M. 2.7.1 P. M., Lightning Express front Salamanca daily (except Sundays). Intersects At Ifor nellsville with 23)P. M. Train from Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 7 A. M. 4:13 P. M. New York Night Express, from Run' kirk daily (except Sunday:O. Sto Att at Sala manca at (1:115 P. M., and arrives hiliew York at, 1230 P . connecting with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Prom Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sts. • • 5:45 A. M., New York Day Express, daily ( except . Sundays). Arrives In New York at Maar. M. Connects at Great Bend with Delaware. Lackawanna d: Western liallromi, and at . Jersey City with midnight express train for Phliadelptila, Baltinfore and Washington. IMX) A.. 11., Express Mall,via. Avon and Ifornells villa, daily (except Sunday), _Arrives in New York at 7:00 A.llf. Connects at Elmira with Williamsport di Elmira Railroad for Barris .. burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington • and. points South. = P. BL, Lightning Express, daily (except Sun day), connecting with 'naming express trains for Easton and New England cities. Arrives in New York at 7:00 A. M. 6:10 P. 31., New York Night kiapreas,tially. Con nects at liornel tactile with the 4:15P.74. train from Dunkirk, and arriv&s in New York at 1230 P. M. II:20 P. M., Cincinnati Express, daily (except Sundays). Arrives in New York at3:ll5P. M. nannects at Elmira with Northern Central Itallway,for Willlamsport,Harrishurg,-Phil ndelphia, Baltimore and \Washington ; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna Western, Railroad, and at New York with afternoon' trains and steamers for Bostoh and New England cities. Only ono train East on Sunday, leaving Buffa lo at tkio P. M., and reaching New. York at 12:20 P. M., in advance of all other routes. Boston and New England passengers, :with their baggage, are trans* erred, free of charge, in New York. The hest Ventilansi and most Luxurious Sleeping Cara in the World accompany all night trains on this RailiCay. • Baggage checked througliand fare always as low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at all principal ticket of fices in the West and South-West. H. RIDDLE, IL'HARR, (Gen'! Mup't. Gen'i Pass. Ag't. febls'66. ~~~~;t~~ ~. ~~~►~~~ PHLOX'S gram. and Beautiful Flower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only by PHALON & SON .1: 01 8;1 8 AM FOR PIIALO3II3—TAKE KO OTEIEJL. Bold by Draattb jenorally. CLIMAX! CLIMAX!! Page's Climax 'Salve, a Family blessing for 25 cents: It heals without a sear.• No family should be without it. We warrant it to pure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and-all 'Eruptions oLthe Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c., it makes a perfect cure. -It has been used over fifteen, years, without one failure. It has no parallel—having per. redly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies bad failed. It is a compound of Arnica with, many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger .boxes for the same price thati any Ointment.other 0 1 L Bold by .Drug-gists everywhere. Whits & lloarbiro% Proprietors, 121 Lib !,.sty Sirmi. New York. /South of the Depot The Elastic Family Machine does all kinds o Sewing, thick or thin, without ehabge of ten. Mon, end does beautiful Embroidering. The Lock Stitch Machines are, used for light and heavy tailoring, by harness and shoe makers. Simple In coast ruction-411E0qt and easy In ON. ration. Sewing nuieltines exchanged and to rent, 1.4 the week or month. Milk, Cotton, Oft, Needtti &c., condantly on hand. aprZY674l. AGENCY, 820 State t. having associated with me on the Ist of .Izinna ry Andrew Mayer, in the BOOT &_2IIOE BUSINESS, The limn will 1111/known an C. Fingicluat & Co.. and the bnsinea will be carried on an hereto. , tore at No. 19 West Park, Erie, ra. C. ENGLEHART. augiT67-13 Boy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes in a very few days; then the shoes aro soon worthless, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent this great wasto of Money is to buy ahOes protected by sil ver tips, They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caps have been worn to some extent, but they -have proved worthless. Silver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away• entirely with the diaagree• able sight of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to be found in the city, Including line Sewed shoes, Baltnorals, Youths' Boats, &c., which we offer, together with a large and fashionable assortment - of ladies' and Gents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. mr14117-tf. - C. ENGLEHART & CO. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, And agrent,variety of FANCY GOODS, Paragon DuiMims, 28 N. Park Place, Debi, SCgt door to Merchant's Unton.Express Co. A stock of flO,OOO worth • of elegant and (ash hatable goods wilt ho offered, for the next three months, at a very great reduction in price. lextock is 6U new andpurchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determined toavold losses In future, small proftts and cash transac• dons shall benefit alike customer and dealer. Thirty years established in EU•le,'ln the same bastnex, may be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will be employed, but just enough Old Fogy and Young America Writ to warrant ante Araasactlona and good bargains. SILVEti sivows OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made to enter. Wattles and all kinds of time keepers and Jewelry carefuilY re paired and warnuded. Give me a call. norw-tt. • T.-31. &MN. For the Handkerchief. NEW YORK. NIW VIII 1.1". Something New. AT AITSTIF43, N flit ; NO. 1413:2 • ERIE, PA.. JOHN M. KUHN, Having owned a new store In the above local ity, respectMlly announces to ho public that he has on Italian:lle of the largest and most care. fully selected stacks of Ready-Node Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, VMSTI,7 I .irC.P4, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Rats, Capii,&c., ever brought to this market—all purchitsed since the fall in prices, Dud to be sold nt, the most reasonableH figures. e has one of the best Cutters in the country, and will - came to runko up. Clothing In the most fashionable and durable style. Ills stock is ccqete. Noth- In the line of his trade has been ected. Give him a call and see for yourselves. o warrants the goods to be as represented, and priced as low as any HS the city. decWW-Lf. • .7. M. /WEIN. .PETLIMY'S National Claim Agency ! , 01lice in Farrar Hall Building, Erie, Pa. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY: All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late arts of Congress, can have the same promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned. INCREASE OF PENSIONS. $l5 per month for the toed loss of use of either leg or arm, instead of :S . 52 per month for each minor child of demoted Imidient or seamen. Also; other increases. • ' ADDITIONAL FOR VOL:OFFICERS of U.S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service March al, and discharged after April %lb 18th Claims cashed. . . Claims for arrears of pay. and pensions. and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled twill, Wes for closing and complains claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years experience In the U.S. Treasury can be found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed In the past, we hope by increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. alike In Farrar Hall Building. Address S. TODD PERLEY aures-tf. Lock Box 101, Erie, Pa.. .Nk`AW FIRM. James P. Crook, having taken In his son Jas. as a partner, on the tel day of April, MI, un der the Mtn name of James P. Crook Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons Inowthg themselves Indebted to film are requested to call and settle without de lay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, Dealers In ROUGH & PLANTED LUMBER, And Manuffieturera of WINDOW BASH. FRAMES, Doon§d^DLINIA. Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Mataillnd and Planing done to order. hop on Pesto2i Elt.. . - Between Fourth and Fifth Sta., Erie, Pa. We respectfully cull thenttention of the pub- He to our facilities for doing . work in the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hay ing fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving sollsao. non. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. tuy?B'6l-tf. JAMES P. CROON di SON. NOTICE TO VEIISONS HAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE ' We are now running a Market Line from Erie to Renova, on the Phila. A: Erie Railroad, and wishing to secure all kinds of , VEGETABLES & COUISPZ;RE PRODUCE To mgrs.. It on, have established a depot, on FlM'll STREET, In the rear et the- Reed Hemp, between State • and FrenebT!,tmts, • Where we will be at all times ready to receive and pay the lIIGRINT MARKET PRICE for the same. All having produce for sale are requested to give us a call. Inquire for Market Depot, , Flfth street. ogle 6.7:4f. MAY S JACKSON. SAIMIPS DISTITIITION, - Carnfar .V.lgghtli and State, Sta., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE This Institution - Is now open for the transac tion of business. - OFFICE HOURS . : 9A.M. to 4P. lt. ' SATVEDATS: DA.M. toBP. JI. - 81z Per Cent. Intarest‘nrill,be CHireu by this institution to Esiralui• 'DIRECTORS : J. Elehenianti, P. A. Recker. -F. P. Liebe!, F. Schneider, John Genshelmer. OFFICERS: John Gensheimer, • President. Matthew Schlaudecker, Treasurer.- F. Schneider, liecneary. m)1137-Iy. Igo. S. ti - 4111 -- .is .81A EiTtii) r Y{9.4 gentEOPATHIC EM=fiell, EaMM, MY Till ItO$? Luna arimitseK *min savosei; saapidb—lteattT sad ROW% They're tio tell Haltom to molar vao—oe otooplo sir = 6lll7 ousnot ed t ea ctsdi In men ilium; so harm tote tee tram dew, and so ettiesst to tote stem tellsigo. Thy bao• Wood the lOglost amosundelee Dom 4 ea will arm tondo osuossenos. Itm - C4lllll I. Delvellieerro. Coigeetlon, hemasalltme.. SI 11. We Wano-Fenn Worss.Ogla MI a. . Teething cg Mull* -25 U. • Matt at &Una we adobe 51 5, • DroulLery. Qripiag„ Wens collo.. 115 ill, • ilino,llterbass. Vmaillog IS Coo d a L CoLla, thwtohltio se a.• a NsTootbaeba. Toothacho. Yamaha .. IL 'H • elejudiehoSertlp SS ilk ."- iiiiiii N LL. • ItsZ tee • em Weal l'atteda.... 111 pr a Puled& 111 A- • Cris gb, &Malt greathlst.:. 111 LI, • Salt Montae. aVp•br.EzEPlloal IS ID, • lakestmstfins. koerarai rani- 521 A • Favor do *raft Pal rem agitag Me It, " Mae. Wed or blokting. CO 11, • ceparkaboay. and ma or vast Eris ao 11, • - Ca 151114 scats or elm* Iliwn tk 10. : 1111eher rethiggsQlo a • , l'aiDi=lty;Plaridoal Wishner 511 1 : Ile= sad away If motto= IA datum nom Miss. ; __. • IlLidatirpoiseass. envoi Ire .` Nervous Debility. liaittined Emissions, Involuntary Dip • Lli. 1 1 .- • bor t iVoutb. Cabo RI Ilik • Dalauley Weskuess. violas ha att 5 4 , • Palm= Period*, with ammo— titi 101, ' • italrertsms at etwata of llb Le 551. “, /17. Spasm; tit Vitae Daaco.l.lo 5 4 ° D p ray ikehatad Sort Thal le Akar mums ~ a or semen Imago Vials, item moroOw cco .... tstadelate s ablit. -- sao, and a book ot lr dth no, PI 0 IRO Osaaborrsattlyand Tratellik• elm. t o l l oith SO to sa vials, nom ad apeden forall Private Ingesiee,both for Carhop and Mr Preironnes treatment, In 'Halo and poems tusk., to IS Itr • nusit Remeteeby the eau or gni* bom on sibt to lor Put area country. by at or les pen, bee ot dirge, on receipt of the peke. /Attire Humphrerye %motile 0 AP Homeopathic Medicine Company, macs =a Depot, No. ISO notuava, Nov Tatar tor. Ihninnars anisultsd daltrails atm =lll i fi tter,u abort. toe 6/1 Mau al you SA MS UN ALL DR1161011111% Vlll. NICK k 440 N and WILKINS & DOLL, Agents, Erie, Pa. JOUR 11. PitumicTON, COMMISSION MESCILL 2. If Vol the pareham ma irk et DOMESTIC FLEECE AND . PULLED W 9 0 L co. 4$ nadalorai. Nair You. .6..... CIA Admioeo Made. Comaposts &Hdbt. Gar oral Or Special Mark* lloportsTan464 ai lbw* 1111BRENCES.-.11. T. VsU, Csoblor Notlosol goaS of Cocomoroo. Now To* J. Soormyiobsolook Co..Voir York; Sorb% CAW= a Co w Coodosei Oblo; W. T. Watts& Cashlit Tint Natinsi But, Ithonogpahl. mm. Attlar. Cubist Tlret NaYi Bank /Judos. lon* Yews. bolo. Dina is Co . St. Loutotbetwet, sad to soy Bulk* tbroosboat thop coootry Living Now York nonsoposdosto. 0n214' #1 W. al WAVY 4':1:4 A i TELE IThiIIiaISIGNED having purchased the well known Livery Maud herebtkfre °cm!, pled by Wm . J. Sterret tdesires to inform ids friends and the public t hat ho will continue the business, and invites their patronage. THE KWIC will be largely kicreswed and im. proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the best livery horses in the coun try, /am determined so to conduct the esker. w U an m t n o o batsai n to h gv r v e i n c t eso c a o z n o . o dTm who will and me ready at all times to accommodate them -at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand. Fifth street, rear of the ;teed House. je9'6B-tf. THOS. LittJNON. TALI. WINTER litlLLltikttll Goose MEB. B. H. BALL Tato plasma is aasoaseing to the pablio that Ow tow weld a um rion 1229 Peseli &., 1 spews North. of Mos Dcoot, mum sla will bop asaatawily a large misty at ItILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Hairtrytelatb; aa4 a paws! iusartotwit at avareldas M$ ow bawl la dors oFilla kiwi • low - A row rood of OE* Aid meshed tans II•• 0; WILEAKIr a 'OO4 . Wanotistungs of COTTAGE ORGANS. Meal fad Irareroese, No. 17 Itreetteer, Itrre Tat. Nre hallo the eltestire of DEALERS sad the pads to OV NEW StillS corrAn mum, With raw and vstaaNle hapammiestr, exchretreir car ewe the masi are the LAR6III7 IN ?RN DAUM use and beantlhtt to design and eerkenteable. On Or ow Are mak from the but atintatertel. Voiced RD& mat we, healer map% plop atift ValltY 111- ,440 m and asellim ilt• Ashton la alabl/ Patiln steak Walast awl Roaellaed Caaae with deem, hal low., devils frier nasals knee P.O. ie. All Om 0-5 * new West tremolo stop with which the most Ileseittil t amers be predated. etryteg at the will of the per... . - W. eedre tee poet ad!.. rn *and to WrirJetisathoba wiU metre our Ineerit dl ard Aar tlhuarated rise Wavle as tall psi ties s. Address' n. J. WILLARD & CO , Ilisnulattenut. CT Broadway, D. Y. 0. J. yi'IL,LARD & CO., Wham,* A'avata tar tha City aid Matt of Sew 'kak i for the cole'nated "NOSE" PIANO FORTES, are "bristly welder first awry sag Lees mg Pam ag Naomi the LEADING 2/AND wherever letrecluead. Naha, will be sold at the towed wholseele 'atm end enersatsei protretkrza Lipp illustrated prise lllley leg eorrect Them. tress photographs. mat to lay et dem oo applies. leo. Address - 0 t. WILLARD Ai CO, Wholesale Amts. NQ. 107 Drvedwer. y; • - THE BRIGGS NEW PATENT PIANO SPOOL, Arknowlodged by tato trod* and peolktales to be the Ire/art and gout Salable Stool auraufactarat IN an Whoheels Ayala to, this OUT, and are aleav noplylos the principal Soria Roam:Um New York With tNne Maati and so trial is the daniond. th t a large ,factory 'has bear • arac'ed espial* ot Uvulae oat 1,000 stools pm swath Testers sop lied at th e trazulacturen LOW'S? 'BOLTS aLlt rarca—batid and shipped free of diary. road for piss lid Frlng full particulars sod cease Maws.. :IN EA Z a I.7SoIi niolm• AiO4 OD;was.7Y NEW Just Published. sent to nay scbtross CD motet of price. Tentlieri an-pth dat Dm usual diaconal eta: Girls. gat a Lou. of year own Stn song and silo. Nis. by Tusks, . 30 I II sever forget thee dear Nary--roeh, b 2 Bishop...AO My blue eyed Jennie Bell-eams by Holder so Oh Agate some back-song ano chorus by Tu0ter....15 Told In the twilight-seine and chorus by Cr111ey....30 Don't marry • man Utile drinks--eong . 130 Plimarry no men If be drinles-m , y to Use abomp..3o 13eautlfal form of say dreams (1.1 th.- s DC h 1 Dunked) when we marolud to the roll at the r rue- mg I y Bishop... SO Oh some to me whale daylight ads-song by Itaastord-so Nearest and dearest (11th )-snag by .1 8 flonme..6o OM Na honsat friends and tra•-wang by Turker.....llll Do not herd her warning, rep'y to 07 Foist Winslow eons be Tooter • JO Drools who Um to the dal-ring by J. 8. Thomas. 35 3cdUy o'er the rippling watera-sang b. ./. IL If, atm with beautital lAlhograph of the Author so Bette in diatom Imula-nag by Tuaker....* so the tight step Polka--b• Francis N. Brown 35 looting light WltOtthwaby itindas..... - • 00 Ilunlighttalles-by IPA Parthiusk.— 40 note Ca100..0 Nra. Partbarit. 60 Botiwthlee pretty. Itasurka-by.Nrs. Parkhurst 30 ReWlLTll , rlasuistett—vordis as L00gee110w.............81 Pretty Imoillns-eorte by E. Holtman4s I'm glad lattices song... ... ..311 Nollies welcome toPat lifsiony:.-..... .......... 40 Re heist la all my cm-by Hess_ -SO The sot head s intll--song by Calton ..... 30 Swinging tivoircle. so Yon naughty. naughty 11011h..11 , 011 loth, Slash Crook ID Now !ley me &mu to /Imp -tong and cloorsio by Val. bridge .. ... . ........-. ......... ..30 filse eyes or black-song by F. Baker.-- .... 35 Stare of the summer sieb.--quutietbr . 60 Coming. sotslos;by sod by- song by Gabriel 40 V.ll go with Grant asaln-new long and Chem by zo Tudor. Daft, tem halt.-song and sham by NeNail Ic r ai-liS The new home, sweet holm-song hp Madam 50 Any mule plblribed will be fent 11 re.tirn ma / and pulteaewsr.paying will metes their er sage with no made. Addreso ordm 0.1. 1011.1.41iD h Co. WPM ' N 0.027 Broadway, N. Y. 867. 1867. GBAND OrZNOIG or CARPETS AND House Furnishing Goode, as TAN ERIE CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET BM HOUSE FURNISHING EMPOBIUM DIEFENDORF, GROSS & FOSTER, Rt. I Revd Mute std It PUth Ptrest, Erb, Pt. Jo.t. es siva sad now osoisinst 16a lamest and toast sassObt. assortment of fhtrpsts *Tar hence oriard io this marks; tooshdlns of nod, timuute,Tapgetry Brossids, ?spirt." foirrsio.Thtee Ply, Torah, Dash Waal. Winning sod Ems; tan• ion, C-oir sod.Cnein Walter , at all Widths; Oil Mate., Wei. flogs aadOrttt•'• NOTTINIMAII. TAMBOUR AND SCOTCH • • LACE CISTETAINA. Wisdav Mesa. ne, mew', Aeriands, Condone and tits .0.1E7 ealabrata... " - FRENCH HOLLEAI3X SHADES! STAIR AND VESTIBULE Rnro, *prim, Rate sad .flaa alias Ilfattflato conataatly no fund =4l midi to order. ?hobos! quality of • Llir! GEESE FEATHERQ, 87 Po *mad or aself. o,oos rantrartory 'rumor WO 1/01lbr respectfully tall Ilia attest nu of tiro► elm -ar► funlshlog the& bootee Ham, I. our Wire sod este.. islets assarttoieutcf WALL PAPA; DECORATIONS, BORDERS AND MOULDINGS!, Which we will fell el low Pecos art hug Ole short mo tion la oar - DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, , Vs would irk 11111attstalanrof burin% oat worry ow.. - an, dog kof • I'dlet Quilt", all alai* Lines, by the yard at la the spread, Napkins. MOW etalumed aed effsarolidned. Piano annable Cows Down end Huh Tomah' and_ Twai n , • Pil/ow out Shod Liam and Putts. ari, hare Dia iro;ived a large and toaeitrarabort. went et enuenithle DR ESB G00D8,.0 LOTUS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS. DIEPENDOItt 011083 it MUM • No. I Mad Boum sad IVtooth Stmt. 'Rettchatea, N. B.—Particular atttotiOs paid to thy tilaidttog ofotr2l Cbsselsok Hot to WI Myatt Homo& tt. M ANHOOD—How Lost! How Restored rot pabliebs& • new =Ma ot Dr. - A Calrerretre eelebrated ST the r radial sere' (witboat m s) - of • Ilmmitet rb sr helm! • faro mataz i s Lamm Impoleam ireat im a Yareleat eue , t estrategasoe arpoitimata be Itantero feu todrft atm Dammam e=r • sart The bftedt7 or . tlsiF Dr - PA= is sited ennlope. salt t matt. The sateinated athar is thle admhabliamay aleuty demoartrabm, Dom . thirty years' eaceesehd podia. that the alarm= comememeste of eelembeas map Is -radically eared without the &alarm as. of Waned medial= or the applbattea oftbe kaLle-qadating tart • modest =Malaise =op% orrtala aadattecteel. by mow of erhteli may evitessr, so what I= cos dittos may, Is, inay ran himself cheaply privately sad "ea ts Imbue . akoald be la the heads of may po l tria the had. peat nadir t To V ii i i s at p;ta ormelelmo to arty edema perstarga tet eta mato, or Is o port stmapt: 11. KU= At ClO.. der9o.2M peva% V. Y. Pest - Olim DospAIL r im irirtimtar, tArowsi IX/PHOVEM LOCE4TITCII FAMILY SEWING MACHINE nu Pesch east aide s MD south of Llth spltra-tf. E. A. TR4.1.. Agent. Etn: LIUNISITY muse ILIUM .. 1 7 AU Prctial e IS• and yos WI , • barna Nap. zuMa a sma - DMUS Xo. trnforik Wed 845141904. . 111547 N3:nV e 'YOTVIZ 1:01040: 11 ;;#11 ,, k 4/-I[oll lioB STATE EITTIEPT, EWE, PA. lisceighur I:kma with'NesAross & 'Dispatch. * 3 o= Messrs. Cohen &. Bro, are in co-pardnership with an extensive firm in Manchester, England, HMS mailbag them, to bavo the very latest o f French anileit.nallsh styles. Our Hoop Skirt department contains all the •Tarions kinds of Ladles', Misses' and Ctilldren's Hoop Skirts. Our Corset department embraces the follow ing kinds: French, English, American and Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporter. French Corsets ' American Caries . , 93 cents. English Corsets from,al to t 42 Corset Supporters num.: —.. 75 to tg s r Our Repairing department I's superintended by a lady whole thoroughly amnainted wit o h . the repairing of all kinds of !loop Skirts. Our Wholesale department cannot be surpas sed. Merchants supplied at New York prices. Arka. Sloop Skirts warranted and made to order. A. F. CiOHEN. & BRO., Jy(C-tf. Proprietors. (4, t'/ NATIONACTELEGRAPII fI ISTITUI E, Corner of rano sod St. Car Stmt.. • PR. sairnan, PA. Tb. Lift.4.—"-M;sMwte Bat ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLUGH T"lt UNITED StATICA berth the put ten you; spent& of FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS, Ikepreenting *my State In the Union, have freadasted hero. A am t,Eff: Or ACTUAL. DCSINFSS; ropersa artth balm Slime, Peat (IMO, Commiutma Maley; lasar. Inc.. Unread. Steamboat and Taleirapti office% jiffy bttqaerilltOßY AND PRA7,7IOIt. Stadente are tbotomibly rattra ... eted In all the braach!re eta PRICIICAL MINIM KEVATIoN. lAAInd Ins Soak t• plug Pannandtls, Asittiost Com isettial At , ,' rem:tom. Baalrim Comm:M. or*, tb• Art of flobotleig C.oootorfolt Wolter. Railroad Ist, Stooosb - & ling. Tel•grAphlse. Hsattal Baskin', &a, Ms • iltuietta eattooinat say time and comptotO a -tali warn lo (root 41414 to Wain wake. k TWIT DOLLARS - Pays all •:panes for Taltl?a, Boots, Wank. and DI ;lama. NO ESTOA CHARGES Per rotonssoblls, IltssabsitOrt, Itallroadhst. 13v Max or Diploma. so to .that College,. Frey Lams& daily Is. Poinnonohlp to all students to lb. eorotooretal Depart wont roa CIRCUL 4R I. giving fall Lotbratation, and cos tatolog ia. p oto canna* of oar ogrtra of Practkat Walnut Education. togottuer with TICITIVONIALS From method %Cam Yon. llarekur.ts. Book-Iwpm Bastes. &e n Wrap the priadpols, vs= & COWLEY. ja2417-do. , Pittsburgh, N. , e, mu! 41,1 TUB HOWE lUOEL(E b 0.% SE.WI-N.Cr MACHINES, ' U 9 BaaavirAs, %sir You.. FOR .FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS I' ESE WCALP-RENOWKED IMIIIII3 ItACEURIC4 Ware award.d th. blilvat proclaim at Ow World's. Fur la Latalateotad dtc ant ptelatuata at the N. T. StiVa Fair of ltek sad Aro &anted for dolsg MO bort wail, adze snob mailer stern* for the moo thread thr a soy otbor wi eldier, and by th• Introductlos of the roost Ayprowd Atzebtar try VI ere any able to sepal qte very tut tea. china In the sold. .There outdoes are saw mats at oar new ,ao4 ape gloat Vastory at Whipped.. Cram, sadar the tonoedt. ate reaerrialos of the rartaleat of the Coirpay,fetlaS f10W13,11. the orfaloal loveutor of the dewing They &is adapted to family flawing, and to the see et Sewer gm*, DM. liehore t Tellare, Moo terciurns of Fhb% Collura f C'oaks. Itautnlne Clotblug. Bata, Caps, Cornet.. Boot,, Shoes. Varner, /addles. Linen Goods. -Vdator.llio, Pomo% rte. Tb.y auk squally ir.ll upon elk. IL cm woolen and cotton gouda with atl, cotton or lls.o thread. They will info r mllt, 'steer, heal, eard, braid, hl 4 and Sad rent otPuli elliks , on both sari tst the aril** used. ?be Ettltat Invented by Mr. 1101 r 8, and !We oath!, YaaDlne le the otovt i. peyobiz and dariebte, and va r u t- Itßmiehloe! ar 'eDDe es ect to the rosdTay. atri.hriLtput:t:atit., • Alive Sophie Jonet, 602 French et..lngent for Frio coati. • mr7B'67-14. EAGLE' FOUNDRY. PEACH ST. 00171 TV it 1111/7/ALO ItO D. ERN" Pi HENRY, BRYA NT A CO., ' anirmanram PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, Tyr a Bun Ins Wass, • ..THE .CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW S AND ALI: KINDS Or MON CASTING& Ivory Stop sold by or sarnatW to Oro tatiotoottom Ensibbilltalso Bad Imes, so., am bud or roan albotsrod to order; Puma An PxoTir Pawn of model Wk. i d darn wily alum ou bind. a rail and • Olt War am du b all we u.k. HUM 'BRYAN! O CO. inart3-4t. r N YOU WAT TUB BIM ABTICLO as TOBACCO AND CIGARS to tha Unto; io to HENRY T. fITETINEtt)B. 0011/1111 11,111 POClttli RUM. tilw,. * rasa's. trOOiAIeLLI AND BILTAIL • DELLO& fig lsarythlag Utetoo Plag Chew l'ar gam. thinalo Plass. golden* dos.. wan hot we Ma& Oar misty Is as large wawa Ma Fall to be slts/. IraPiTartteselar athosehen Dad to .seed ul tams) u nurrested to be what tbq an sold tor. sa Mors mos* plod Wins of joy to oti. To poxes and to old. Volt awl to mai; - Tbs beauty orkish ono" mosso prose aad racy Who to W i rt! all mkt Os Wt. BY. AMU VDU •OY CHAIITELL B'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, Poe lasyrerlapsd BeastLOW the OpsipleSigs, . - The Brost Wattle sad pttle4rup ttat, ention C»C» far O r e rkia be/MO p _that It only trod ta th youth. It quickly ttmatriattatCpsolle— Pis- ploy Morelos, matt patrite. sattowtoo• otabtfoos. sad latruitlos of the atty. all Itiellag the am., Um Ala visits sad eistess alatostar., Its us =Os itetsatoil by the dead serstley. sad kV 4= l"li ertierOr ieu te that rwl%* Zreeab. brew 'adored by tb•Pottittala tadtapatombl• to • soribittat. Cpandsd skowbuttus eta sold dale, Vapid ynr etlaohatt ireenztee of Its slatcy. C Prim ally TS der by It e:ab. Test by_mgb wbajkala. as reelleit a or flaM, MOM flddltay. US Rim Sly „• ; SAUSAGE B T_UFEERS Of I.he pesi kind, at .‘ a-ct - • . 7. C..IIELDENS. bioutueor ea:outsmosts, , woman =mum • - • FLOUR, -PM, -BEEF, 8 / 1 1i1 + , c IN, CLOT" 121101517 MD. aa. NOS. 601 AND Gm nu= 4= BT, Soisailithaidiftlinata t Eft THE. MERCHANTS UNION EXP cSS tOMPINE t : . ~, . . - t t" % • N gl Q ~ ~ , CAPITAL, - . $20,000,000. Owled and Overrated b 7 Oar bieraliaata and Manufactuters, %dablee, Freight & Parcels, over more tin . 13,000 miles of Express Line, And to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And tbragb them to Mare thin 4,000 Cities and Towns, At :tut and Liberal Rates, eased on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, DTI mill spoil mead those tun b 7 both the jet /mai= and, V. S. Sams* Cds.. Over $lOO.OOO per month Are a_trw easel to Express- Shtwors by this Com tsietolzt pi be made pe=eu e t by ea it. NSperWlaeo sesurcrour soacest, tad cowman we that we guy rely upera the public cardblenee and support, which we bope to went always. Mille, No. X:0 lirssi, 1 art Pow. 1et11.60 ' C. B. fIaRRI 1 . Agee. VIPONTA 1111,rice. Loaf term, 6.4 its for. $lOO Seat ‘9 tlt• cotrso. 445,6 its 103 Brow■ do., 9 its - ....... . ' 100 AT ONE DOLLAR 11W DPW AAA The brat tes la ce. n.iiirt 5t.............. ...... •Wao Cbola Honig Astral, pa pica ... 1 40 prima Old lava Cab% per lb ....... 110 X 0 family ationld b littlont it. grimbody lr %gas L to be bad or us, so •a are the nuts. Cin sad pt on of Mass PATIPIT La I SIN/LY CLIANLEP. , • TM Moot tibias oat lA* BPllligLi CllOlOll PAT 4TO EA duet secrived. st Ow above goods we sill sell *beeper liras the cheapest. • rr Al oar-goods are we. blobs Jest am received. •e Limit* all to ausala• tot tbanmana. lay 21'64-tt 81141101. CII3IIITIAN io 011/119. j° 31.N."-"Er , °F‘ ' ' l l ° AND CO 4: 0 to 10OA Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, BARR JOHNSON & CO., , . STOVES: PIONEER IRON WORKS, hi steel hi the I►r*aat and best wit of Buffalo, aa• bail:tag among otb►n, the following well known whales TilE A PARLOR COAL SIOVS-TWO sizsa • Thu stove laJnetthe tfune , he tunnel& at tb. P P. Strome. sad Is Iu evia7 reapet Ita 'goal. We offer It for oda link onllmibed emefiderne I Ite - nterib. The sottl by no at s areeb brew lutee than that of the Stewart, and le warranted to be aft ere claim for It. THE. U. S. GRANT. Tbls to Woad doubt- tb• fined opeatlig Cookiel Steve for hoed eoil la the loartat. -name le 1111 trouble Ina atm oe mow revustia to Neon. Po t suet a kart esti reqebid. Pin ere be kept to tt Omagh the night iltbost dater. WO one who tote seer mut It le alte rative would Tout to use say °Met... TITE:ORIENTAL PMIIIIII2 Irsallng the Oetea•aL eta be sayolled by ea at Low Figures. PARLOR STOVES Vie ham the crehialve right to Poona,Want :or ursuliirtartneth• Web:rated .11DMITTEDLT Till. - 111:13T EVER INTRODUCED. -Also es band, the Bodel Parlor, Pa;narite, Cylinder. Belle. Pearl, Globe Heat; end Bale Cottage. Our dock is nry biz" ansisUng in poi es foll.ava COMET. MONITOR (for wood ECONOIWT • VICTOR, , rROGILESS. ' SYPVBLTO, .M 7113011, CRAXPION, 431.11.1t0N1N HOTEL RANOt3 OF ALL SIZES laelodies Von% Isolwarod—thobort Ulm worth IMOLE EOM STOVE BLOUrgrr, PASTET BAKERS SHEET . IRON STOVES Ant. inn titter known laths trade., 'Tai Pim=a murlavnio To CALL AND Enints on Goons.' • - 1.. 11. CIIEVAXAMIII, tiE4ICTER &DECOIWITVE ARTIST Magee; Cheitpeat, and Beet FIWn Palntlng.West • of New York city. Parlor*, Halls, Churches. ado., Frericotel in the neatest style of the art.' amend mown& DeaflUng of Models for the Patent /Mee, end event Saran of Om mantel manzuoirezeented y. ao rime Mau, mend - apir mm gmt. • carries by Espreas, sici.r ammiqcs !LOUR. ‘3 E bulti ERIE, PENtfA MORNING GLORY ! COOKING STOVES. mud 1611 KING ZOOM. , ateo alAitati 1 foe &kb. Bondlag Rouser. as ressaoss, Ayer's sarsaparilla Ateompound remedy. designed to ho the mod effectual Akens‘ics that. can _be made. It is - a concentrated extract , of Pars Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an - effec- • tire antidote for tho diseases Sarispanila is' reputed to cure. It is believed that snob remedy is wanted by time who suffer from Strtnnous complaints, and that ono which will accomplish their cure magi prove of immense, service to this large class of our afflicted fellow. citizens. how completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : -_- SeUOVULa AND' SCLIOVULDICS ' CONPLAINVIo SIIIIRTION3 AND SIOPTITE DISEASZA ULCZAS, Iltorcums, Tomas, SALT Razes. SCALD HUD. SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AP. rr.ertoxs. Ilmtoutuar.Duassa. DeorsT, NEL . ° natota ouTio Doutounsux, Denn,rrr, Drs- PEPSZA AND iNDIGEITION'. SALIMPIZANI ROAN on Sr. Arrnosv's Pas, and.indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Ismunriw OP TUE SLOCD. This compound will be found a great pro. meter of health, when taken. in the opting, to expel the foul humors which, fester vii the blood at that season of the year. By the time. ly eximlsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. 'Multitudes eau, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sere; through which the system will strive to rid itself of Corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative • medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever y ou find its iropetrstie bursting through the shin . piMpies, erup tions; or sores; cleanse it when you fi nd it is ob atructed and sltig-„.ish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer.. for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy; and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no Luting health. Sooner or later sauteeing must go wrong. and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations Of it. partly because theArug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many prepitratilms, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. During late years the public have been 'Mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon-the sick,. for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, b,ut often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter andpainful disappointment followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which Sood tha -market, until the name itself is justly despised. and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsapara/a, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name front the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by - the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend: ed to cure. In order fo secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be-judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. lißtl'AltED BY DB. J. C. ATER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pricer Sl per Bottle 1 Six Bottles for $5. Ayer ' s Cherry Pectoral has Iron for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessaryfor us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its mistily is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has me been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TU Cl= 07 Costirentaa, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, IncligeWass, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism ' Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Totter, Tremors and Salt Mown, Warms, Rout, Neuralgia, as. a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They areripgar-coated, so that the most sensi tive 'can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of s family physic. Pritio 25 cents per Box; Faye boxes for $l.OO. Greatnumbers of Clergymen,.Physicituas, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the cmparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AusiticAN ALNIANAC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol ; lowed for their cure. Do not bo,put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make mom profit on. Demand ATEn's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should LINT it. ' All our remedies are for sale by COOK dc flows DII.qNK33 AND TELEDISAPDIC COLLEGE, 1118 State St , between Oth mid 7tb. trim. Pa. The best. cheeped, actual blights' college of any in the state. Business men say ft is a college of reel merit, which clod not en the Re to the oablic by giving diplomas to lbws who do not merit them. A College of PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING, Combining TheorT ierd Practice,. ttopplied with bank, emporium, ingurszeo, commbulon, ratiroad, storks and telegiaphie departments. FIFTY DOLLARS Pays 01 expenses for .nitlon, blank books, &a Tien revii d hors 8 to 14 we , bp. resiceetunr.—Ws tare the bet t penman la tb. West- Send fore realer mitt stamp. Con & BORG, mrT6T. Prieeipale. NEW COAL YARD MERCER COAL AND IRON CO. YARD, S tftSATRAS STREIT, ONE-HAW SQUARE ISORSQ OV,UNION DEPOT, Felling. tbs timer Coat eliespor than Es eheai•est— other CUSI. 14 DracantOlL I. trial Is el , that is sects• ury to comities sal out of their superior quality. dsoltdat EVERY MAN Ao d the printing material areompen ring It, every toss can do hie own printing neatly, quickly and e They an no simple in romatructiou, theta boy ten Tears old can wily teenage the' largeet rise. Printed incrurtlons are lent with HIS each care, enabling the purchaser to qa - to work without a previous knowledge of printing. A c tents , containing hall description, prices. t.stimontale, he.. sent hie to all . Our Specimen Sheets of OWN Typo ' , Casts. Are... ten cents. PRINTER. torm-ly. AUCTIONS. IVEDNE3DIT 8 k S \TURDATB, From 9tolo a. South NI Row e American Block Sign of_tbebd Fbig. About MO neer *tee bell seat. curved bask. and other dttats room, p r o pi t g el n olier eta: a rs e. .ad • great quaattty of spring beds. tuelneter the Mateo lebtllng Spins Bed Ilattrue. ahead of all cabers for ap rirength and dtuabtlttr, and the Brat ever s. ped extension to bett althea car y for sato. et anpAlso. a etherd variety of looting strews. *semits a 'Faddy of other forttlare. and about SOO lanna yards cane reattmovarranted to last for seers.. The whole will be tfessed - 01l on auction days, and other dare at print* sale at auction prim. ins9-tr. Cl. W. ELLSEY, auctioneer. 1011 S BUNTER, - , FIATS, CAPS AND P 17 RS, fro. I.= Pesch Thatch Ton &ors Soath al Yhannon*CoN Heenan Staff. II atone • vary ewe Una of the shoo golea. sloth will ba sold at vary low price. Persona vanthog anything the atone imo. wilt and it advantageoaa to can USW fan altered a•d made ant. dead tf D f!BIT/194 0 11 . 111 TIitISZTEF Tag ?ZETA! Teeth plainly extraidg e t e ttrt pain by the nee of `ANRCUELIMa MRS lil2lolrB OXIDE ow • liran win no without both whoa Dr.lCsoltla twartlat bnintifal tata of Artitatal Teeth oa *nomad principles and at moderate ratan! Per • gnarantoa bia work • inanaltip. alt rorpondtde parsons motto,: utlllotal teeth cannot tam on trial,nad It antis ottlantotton is not aims la mord to at and workmanship tam own to no tonsedfraa at thaw. Cali sod a»ton. My work to onnintad—t too utlatiettan. Boon! erne dons Booth of 0 a Depot. last Oda, apra4nt. D8,.„.1. O. ENOLT. = WAAL UMW' paktu, OfjLtAND St Pai, ROll, TWENTY CHES T CHOICE TEA' 12 .tadk vs via ma mom 0444 With the COTTAGE PRES, ADAMS PAES co., 28 Ana SL,Nevi York DLUXI4 11 _la. ' W. PIIIIICE dg co TV • HYDE k WfiIOHT'S PATENT HORSE HOE OR CULTIVATOR Pul flarATIAr DIPROVRD KlNct Luz nit ebo,• v:I2 b.* lettp4••• 2 t .fi•.. h • . and It prat ' :upotin, tn rt,e 00l *I. • 41r , .1 t.; 'Iltd•■•• r ...ter • r•rs ott rr b•C I,w " 1 i h tstrte-• •col durs.i.ity; tlekt ! tty of Might, r be.), •ti tt• •E; at•ot welt:Mott fa to C'ty tua ity pouch 4 1. • Aappttth a a.. or 11 , d. of .. tto, 4t01 . 1 ,5 1 , t it Nliv • pee. et ••• ' .1„ saf.r sted Irk!. .It IL* •••tt, o h , • iirmh d .2a bawl, ittal taatth2 I 4 ei tb• as; othrr roporm , • 2 B. Jr•motitox lbw •to•li ••• 'Vital VI 'nal! t . t. 51, is c two t , • tko Opp/ !tali esti he toutoi • lits•b• 1.1,4 tottrutut nt fat t...rttlnr .5 rotator. tee/ ' ♦ Ina° and ao foot go ni an walk, • can inilifore r•etfato....!. of po nt h ,. is hen tb• crap to a fa. 4 5 I. rots. tripoli, 1F.:14a torn or ma 1!!., "apt Inc etrtleatil a aud o toort can o. dletwnu.Q north • It. tbeepseta„ e. tatiorme Ito rah. ~ +nal, to throb It eau to akatod—the op. Popt•totat all tko.t Is teetto•ty few, ulf,t hi Hag any Wed of erop; or o.oatr : lrg t..• N• taterlti. e,rter • (inv. u•! r. • er. to t'oy'ed Ste to m , gb , j,r•o riarit • I the abut•lmplotoont o. et .11 . 011 •I. • * e I:t•parpo•e• War 'bell .• p e• '-.! to rec. Le .call ton at• , wod• • Voltitator or 81uor.111n., cd •st ~ •, the twenty of the at nee 1!n• so lino olio; L.. " 'Beata of Ilse stud WP - 114.1ftlIt 11,1. fi,io or o'tleat.•r 111 arej a■ shy CAtitatur Shasta Plait to art!: a. in 86 eel 1 ow-4N &le • comnlrte mato Fa, or tefat d a etoft moot Th. wstr•nte• st•t• *etrit .e tt• Is PErnteetio* with F. ware. Steve.. tide's e..t d tlrtus• entatilt astwirttoirtit of Horr • Itakint, kat it. PAY Cmdltdt. &etb•a Snatlkea, frolts.atdit,Phote:o4, &e. hoof tAA to give es a all. w; w PIERCE y.o I Paw ti p at. ray Ilene Boa Inge* t•bala ro,littlo, t door from the earner s.e., TM*. Ps. AGgiTs —A W Gr. vet & Co, A,r•6 E,, 0 A Rein. Watetatd ; U W licaerd,'- H. Pettit, Fairview ; 0 J Record Cle,;,, Toloott & Hodge, Genera; Ohio; W K p l . & Co, Spartatteborg; Wm 31,,r ; . e . Tp ; Sherwood & llor, Cambridg e _ _ . W EEECErl.etlt is WiL-Sw's I.IIIPItOT/ la S E N 0 31 A CU/ THE 'STANDARD. We shallows* the world to romprte .nth •od aH branelles of family sewing h Stitt* Warranted Ors* years. lostrootlons bee to parebuirs. Oftior and sth Sta. 0. 0. 111.1 I. in tos2.-.3m QllANritss 4: co., TUE PLACE TO BUY liAliDiVi W. bay* so ozperme Int Book•Eiwper Et o ,ni kA , 86Cetaati or SELL coll.ellou C P . wad um SThrefon EAP. Tlllarkonitin Win end evaryttdo? to that,. bu At Intaanon & Cola, 1123 hid &boar liadroat:. The brat aaaorttnent orNoVonn. At &unarm it Co cosmos' for Rattigeratora and insli , hts - at Shannon & Co.'l,l2:lhto. ,- vi r °stet holm & Ftopte erlebrand LIL Wry at Shannon it Co.'s, mil. - lass arid - Patty at Shannon &Co.'s:I:JP,. Celobtated Union Antlbt Peszyr; tam rag V11)11. At `Shannon! Co.' 1= ?Kt T arireautoe North Carolina, at -Lannon & I Pow. e • that, So AL. and Sesthe Stec■ 0 . 1 at Sl:tart:ion 4, Co.'s, Ira ?ha V[le N. Knit" sod Fork PolLbor &Wm. 7 : IL', at ;haul:ion C0.',.Ca.,,13/3 Nar. IDD rnah In rattetv—flair, flm ee, Vace. Sort D Wittteireeb. Store and Counter Ittnehee k at Shannon & Co 3:3l'nel St afore the CtOon RR Depot:Ll, re Polo yAgenta lo North Western Perry b Areltforldlata Patent Axton also Herrings' ftze or!h glu Proof Safes and Pairbsolea ettitles. BOOfitt FO THE MILLION. CAUQUEr; McCREARY St CO, BOOKSELLERS AND STATION, NO. II NORTIT FARR Row, A» new opening. the Ist gest and retort °are a... stock of elegantly hared sad boanttfullyitem It 0 O K 8 *: Ever biretta' to him market; paladin ttanhel WSW &knish and Mania:9 Jugnil• Ea 3416 Payer Coati, and Church SMUG% tale. atilt IMl==l Writing Mots. Farley Ink Stands. Ladmenco fork Boxes; Pr rtfolias. itireosca es and vian'a Card Pietarea, the moat beaatiful Sunday &be :r in great variety, Port lionsuilet, Card Caw, Gait P"Po_UIDS Piaci% • large variety of Fury dam` tleou.b Plata, Photograph Albums from for Mu, factories, to the beet style& jaSlNta tf MUSEUM tiOCERART MONEY, FRAM ALS WATS& Itlooo Aetirs LOCI( ad Travelog Meat', h' Female, of On OP% are wanted to solicit trate or Cl , y, Town, Village, Hamlet, Wort, hop eta throughout the entire world, for the most 1.1.01 eittukeete known. 100 ter cent. profit and Wll' iruzzarrat aryl Lao. Smart men acid tame eu from $0 to $OO perday, *ad no riot of low . 14 . capital required .1 trrin V.l) to gig° -th , LT" lueested the treater the profit. No money uro 4o &armee— we ant ea ad the articles sod retain pug ward. if rot, Gallia kr wish to ma* moth end easily, writs lay particulars, tad Lena RICO. (From ft% , SIG Broadway. N. T. O Newspaper. copying irpl he hherally dealt Ira • wrusAv! - Niv.• - 1?SINIISS, WEDDING' AND 05 CARDS Bill Ready Certificates of Oil aad Oth.r AO; STARTING, - EMBOSSING, sgALs, BY J. 11. 4,APH•III. PAI4OOS Witt lulu' am ap21112..ft J UDSON k WILDER. Ilizatietarrt a and WhoilisAs 0.41. n er TIN,' JAPAN AND MESSED STOVE TITS, STOVE TRIMMINGS, IC Waterford, Erie Co., Po Ur 4176" b Y Min PrOmPal ittma dod 1 VERY, 13110111 AT do .11oeuite). aniusetervezee op TIN, BIIEET IRON .& COPPER W 0 1 .5 AND OAS ANDST.EANI FITTERS' No. 3 . 31 State St., Corner of Fourth, EF` 4 'out Or BYERY DESGSIPfIOS. to either et the ton toanebabollcltti sal POO ezuea C. istrettli s B nays; B TM Plats Works:. Copps: Smith. Gas &Stoa t " - C05:413-1A rig MAUS -- TO OTT TOUR komir o NAT • E. COUGHLINs tro OT AND Ern OE oroo state Stmt. Wady Opposite the Pert NW Canddln, Baas sat Bheme rapacially Intoraas the Paella that be as atalmed Wart:and Wheat* Room Oder.ts east. aearly °wan' the Post 4 team be Latta all IL aid Man U. I , to str gall. Partbalar attotkatis l -- REPAIRING! op II uar areal sariuma - and nawillteaoo esidassaktdmielf.b• Waal ha an girl ad than and sell at as for prier aa any sae . ea Al., Goad Ate Warranted. CI 3 U 1