The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 08, 1867, Image 3

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    Emportant floticrg;
/re Advertisements inserted,under this hand
ing at I:1 eents per line of 10 words for the first.
insertion, 12 cents for the Ree(110, and 10 cents
for e:w11 snhke9nent
Try the FAMOUS Nrct le Sad a, at .I)lrkenNolt
A son. Perry Block.
F. eros.;'s Erie City Intelligi;110 - 1-tifive, ;No
12.-,2Stal e n'et • ja.l.ol•7-tf.
-Por Reliable Iskinarauge of all klnda apply
P. Humell; Agent,llo. Patic 4 Erie,
r... 13-17
For Irkriprance In well known and most re - -
liable Companies, apply' to R.W. Russell, agent,
50i state street: ,-.- - - •_ feb2l'67-4-„
• 111. .
For Rent.—The Utiton Hottae, corner of 12th
•tr , ct and Beech lane. The house Ix very con.
~„,ot.—htrize barn attached. Ernnfire• of .1.
M,MI, :Nlelgale House on llulTaloßon.l,nefir
ill.. Penn.& Erie U. 11. shops. 13'11'07-tr.
Pianos: Pianos ! I—A new stock of Pianos
lint revel veld at Smith's 'Music store. Now hi the
boy n gool - i Mono fora little money.
No, f 415 Stai r st reet, Erie, Pa. . atiß-t f.
Notice.—l wlsli to sell my entire household
furniture , carpets, chairs, tables, stoves, bet,-
ono now first-elnss piano, one flew (Ina
-Xlso, one new first-et:me: buggy.
II - ,erk low for eash. No. Sr? state Ntrret, V:rte,
liyl7-114 .Z. Sxrru,
ltrumval.—The glove and Tin W ore store at
luwriHl.ll'o., las been removed ta MI rtas
. Lfra% Mr.rt. near the Butrido nowt where wlll
in hand a complete stock of. good,: In
wideli the public are invited to call
0111 i'Calllllle. ap4—tf.
Th'e Erie Lodge No. 241. T. 0. of .oood Tem
10,1r, pipet, on every Tuesday eVenlhg, iu the
Id l'ellows . Lode. , Hoorn, on State street, over, StraltacrTeuiplaravls.
la: the eity are cordially invited to be present.
(Ivo. I:..muler, .C. T.
vK A nrr.. NV. S
2,1-A4l , ern Isenu•nts, t %ecrere Insertion, inntst
ht. littittleti In by B o'olock on Wetlncsdny Miet•-
tu ;m. All advertlu•mentk 1.1 renitimmir qt
of Illy advert lamer, tmlenu ordered
i.,r r .peelded Univ.
The Fall Terra veurruble iiixtittilton
TrEspAY, .11:1:1'ST W, liwtor
the ,11rvetion.of
C. E. WATERS, Principal, -
SABA A. GB.EEN, Preceptrese,
\r•o.l , a I,y eoltipetent. Timei
A f,aeher.' (la will be formed. ntul all de
annw have the benefit of the Ire :aliens' La
.! t 4. he held at Waterford In October next.
W.. sWacterniined In make th e com i ng frria a
one. For particulars address the
alI4-51W.. •
C ,
And 11' ter. iu
itcKERY, 'AND C 41.1144 .w.l.ltE;
c•itlNF , v..cTrcyN..r.rtN - .
Atid, in (act, a general: variety nsnally kept In
lirovery Store, and in.llow any other house
In ,•Ity.
Cotint ey Produce of all liinds. Thank
oil for past favors, we still not kit a .Ika re. of
pithily pat nonage.
710 lute titreet.
N I %%
aiik -Book Manufactory!
' woahl respect fully ammanee to the public
loft e have opened a
and are prepared to do wort: In ally branch of
the loottites,
(II :in k ude , ou bawl and made U order, and
rul,-.1 I. any pattertir,sired.
rt;imireel in tbit.l)est
SINL)11:11Y 0 1 7E12
Keystone National Dank. Corner State and
Bth Streets, Erie, Pa,
E. M. COLE .tr, SON
T 7 I E: •
Erie Commercial College,
IP2h State At., between ith and Bth sts.,
Nittned to Impart to y‘tintg - Atell letto tst., 5 al
i'ifUl P11.1("fIC:.1j,.
In all the departments of netive huslitems life, n
U1,11..111411 kipiwiedge of all the brutrelteg upper
t ain 'nu to n liusfiasai riluent ion,
Book Keeping:, Penmanship, Arithmetic, ti
MI , III , `SS Praetive, Ftuanee, 4
"ado NAliat and Banking.
of our method 14* loNtraction ix tintunduittligi.s. -
1.011(,111•11 by all WI11) !MVP .11111111 ml OUT 1110114
of itust rtlot 1011.
Turn to eom . plete K course from elgitt,..l9 ra
ueeks. We have thoroughly revlell our
cour,e and inhtrall of 12 to 111 weeks gall warrant
perfert sticet,..s In eight or nine weeks, saving
about ow• halt the time as before.
Teuum—Fora Life Scholarship, payable In
uctv ance, ;food throughout the chain, 131111. For
eOlnia , 4e course to Potillle Entry Book Kcep
A 11111 , 1 13... 1/, orili /1 , 41F1 t•Millet•il . .lAViiil
the I witcre ...tniti.ntpt Mid all the conxtuftm
%err low prlet,,
ad- For elirutar, countininii inn information
cud .pecinnai,
, talink..?,
COOK & 1101F.(i, Principal , .
T, I V ratl."
T HE „ilder.igne,l having purehased the Ilvery
.b.rk of M. I).k/shorn.. In prefare.l to give
)nrtfnl attention to the sole or boarding of
000.1 horses anti earring.. s uhrtirs on
Lana ..! ...Mende prices.. lie respealully say
• •liar.• robin! tettrtnint!....
" Beyond t . the Mississippi."
\ Ili,tor}• nr the New States and Ter,
' root from the Great River to the
Great (Mean.
Over :20,CKSJ Copies fiobi in One Month
1.11.•:11111 adventures on Pralrie.,. Nfountains
" 1 the Pa.vit Cast. With - over LIM demeriptive
" 1 1 ,1 .0tographie view.< of the heenery, ettles,,
people and, eurlueiltlex °Lille new
• t :0 id Terri to ries. To prospeeti re emigrant. ,
cud .valets 11a . th e "Flu• West," Mb, Itistery of
t N. 0.1 f.-rt will laru se au 10V ab
KUPpliTtlg UN It dal, at want
telt of :t :tut wilily :11111 relLabli• guide
It, climate, t o il, proiluets,. Means of travel, 4e.
AGENTS WANTED.— Mead for eirefflatna And
our !eraxe. anal a full (1,41'11)1.1.ot of tile work.
507 Minor Mt., Piathulelpilla, PS.
Ild " .l., •rgli , her Iu IbeCourt of Com
oes-t iri.. l ,,i, ~,,, n Ilea,: of Erie Co.
1%. • No. si Nov. Term,
13 arn.on .1. Forgukon.
it. IL J. FERGUSON, defendant—You will
take notice Matt depoßltion willsbe taken
a.irt of libellant before S. S. Ilattukton(l,
J wale, of the Ptitco for the county of Erle, nt
onlee In the Borough 'jr North Emit. and
' . " 1 4 aforelinlii, on tho :Mb -kuntuit, A. L.
/W.". commencing at. 10 o'clock, n—ui" of Kuhl
ni , Y, when) on inay attend 41114 Crir 4 OVVUnine.'
JAs. &
Atty's for Platintift
NOTICE ix hereby given that application wilt
be made at the next Court of Quarter Sear
n', by iteray Campbell, proprietor of the
"nroad /louse," on Lith street, in the West
WAnt of the city of Erle tor a hotel Iteerole.
li.l3l37fEltk .
Clerk Quarter mea dow+. -
Have Just received a freAt lot of
By the dozen or single, for sale by
cv4-1.1. J. C. SEMEN.
PENN'A,•.AUGILTST 8, 181;7
Democratic Cu. Ciiitvehtion.
The Democratic voters of Erie county, and
nil others who believe -that the war was
waed to maintain the Union and not Ibr
its destruction : who arc opposed to the un
constitutional and tyrannical measures Of the
friction hi-power for preservipg its partizan
predominance; who regard with just alarm
the spirit oftrightful extravagance and Lut
rageous corruption which has prevailed: in
the toltnioktrattion of the Goverunwm during
Outlast Ox yang; and whoi desire a speedy
settlement of our civil difficulties, on .0 o:Nis
of justice, • fraternity: and true.Repuhlivan
equality; bringing with it a return of Nati on 7
al harmony, business prosperity and individ
ual happiness ;--pre requested to meet at
their accustomed places for holding primary
elections:on &tottyht,iy, &etonber 1411 t, 11 , 1 tit,
and - choose the number of persons to w hich
they are re:qtectivelv entitled, n. delegate,. to
a Convention tit be held in the Court Ilona:,
in the city tit Erie, ou MONDAY, SEPTE3I
BER 16TH; 186, at t 2 Weh,ek, p. 742., for the
selection of u county ticket to be supported
st the coming election. -
The seventh Election Distriets are entitled
to the Mllowing number of delegates :
lit District 23,eStruir
Erie, 2d. District 2 %Vilma/mit p.
Erin, :id Watertbrd Borough g
Erie, 4th District 2 Greene 11
South Erie Borough 2 Summit -
East Mill Creek 3,1-Iclivan - 3
llre - st 31 ill Creek— 3SI iddlehoro • 1
Ilartror Creek - 4 i Washington ..
North East 'fp. : 11l Edinboro. ,
North East liorottgli 2lFraoklin • 2
Greenfield 2 tElk Creek • 3
Ventuigo - t Conneaut- 3
IVattsborg 1 i Albion 2.
Amity ' a, Sprinafield 4
Wayne - Giriird Township 3
Concord . a Gifard Borough 2
Corry • 4 , Liick port . 0
Union Township a Fairview 3
Union Mills 2 - •
By order of the Counts', Conimittee.
W. W. LYLE. Seermam
Pnr:BrnollPOsT.—AlliOlig thelarge 11Wil
ber of dailies that help to make up our ex
change list, there are few that ludd as 11101 a
place in our esteem as. the Pittsburgit Pte t-
the old e , taldbda;tl organ of the Allegheny
comity democracy. It always presents aI r
nytrkably clean and neat appearnce. its tele
graphic and local departments betoken ntm:ll
enterprise, and of late it has been edited-with
more titan usual-industry and relent. We see
nu reason Wily Democrats in Western Penn
sylvania should find it neces•mry to take Itad
ie.ti dailies, ‘rheitiltey have in the Yost so
able and reliable an organ I.f their own prin
Wool, MA—The wool trade through
out the - country is duller. and the -pro - st wets
loot: less twortlde than at the same season
thr many years. Dealers in this city art
paying from, thirty to tiirtv cents, according
to quality. hut the supply came, in very
slowly, and comparatiffly little lilt : , been
purchased. The growers are not s:distied
with the figures offered, and most of them
atriqolding Nick Gtr letter prices: There
seisms to he no harmony of opinion among
the heavy dealers relative to the future mar
ket. A Cleveland firm. we notice, 'advises
holden. to sell now. while, on the other kiwi,
others. anticipate looter pried ,, . We •impl:,
record the tin ts• as they are reported to
and lea - ve oar readers who may he interested,
to judge for themselves as to what eotusus
will be best for their interest,:,.
day, rendered a decision iii the ease of a num
ber Of citizens re , siding on Sixth street, asking
fo; an injunction to prevent the proprietors
of the Canal Mills from using .bituminons
coal to produce steam, on account of its
offensive reflects upon their premises. The
application of the plaintiffs was fully sustain
ed, and an order issued to restrain defendants
from the Wilier use of the coal in the furn
ace of their engine until they had made such
improvements as in the judgment of the
Curt trill make its use irinoxious. The
opinion of Judge Johnson is an ably u ritten
document, and a , it c:wer , a number of points
that are of special interest to our citizens, e
shall ende.tvor to find room for it in (nuttiest
issue. The defendants, we undermand, pro
pose to carry the ease to the Supreme Court.
WILL 413 , MION.—The will of the'
late John Timon, Bishop of Bulfhlo, has just
been admitted to probate by time Suriogate of
Erie county. It was made more than thirty
Years ago. It Provides :
"All my property I consider tbeitra
perty of the Church, tbr though I acquired
most of it through longjourneys and.many
dangers. yet I only asked for help to buildup
the Church and her charitable institutions
in this diocese—never did i, ask for mystif.
But though I consider and ever considet the
property held in my' name in this light, to be
administered by my successors, yet to com
ply with the sprit of this laws,-as much tbt is
really and leolly.tnine, and held under my
.bssoleath to the right Bev. John
Turk, all Illy real and personal estatc,Aint
With conditian that (nit of Iltc proceeds lie
11:11, - me just debts.
also name the most Rev. John Meelns
ky, and the right Bev. John J. Conroy, Bish
op of 'Albany, executors orthi4 my last %%ill
and testament. idotiN
Di-Imp of Buffalo."
TILE squabble between tit!, Pettis and Fin- '
ney faetion4 of Ihnlicathan in Crawfbrdcoun
ty promises to keep up w ithont abatement
until the next Congres.htal eampahrn. Fiat.
wing: is hotly en aged in :tine-ing the other,
and the preparations for the contest in 1868
indicate that there will be a inure bitter tight
upon that occasion than ever. Both Pettis
and Finney Will undoubtedly 1,)o , upon the
ettur,se tbrnnminatiort, and the Pettis men
feel confident of their ability tai prevent the lat
ter from retnruing taCongress. We published
last week some extracts from the Greenville
Argus. - going to show tliat Pettis. tias !nem:pi
ing, in popular favor, and that his-support of
Lowry gave to the latter his enormous pia
jority in Crawford county. The correctness
6,t* this position is denied by Finney's organ,
the 1 31eadville Republican. • whieb thus tilts
back at the Argus : •
-The Clarion. Banner and Co-N.11%111e Ar- ,
r - gus attribute Cot McCoy's defeat fur the t3etr- 1
atori:tl nomination to his support of Mr. Fin
l i
lust year, and on this silly issumptiou
aver that Mr. Pettis is growing in popular fit-
von Nothing is truer than that hundreds of
Mr. Finney',; friends supportga Ltiwry,-and
would have done so against any other candi
date. ~ But they are just - as strongly as'ever
the friends of Mr. Finney, and it' Palls builds
on the expectation of getting their support
he will miss his mark. With his gunboarca
nal and new county hobby, combined with
his greenback., Lowry would have beaten;
any possible. candidate in the county... , pettio
and his supporters are already having their 1
plans for the next Congressionalcontest. The
Banner and the Argus, are already blowing;
for him just as they did months before the
last canvass. Because Lowry won, and be
cause Pettis by a trick was*
L Minted m
a me
herof-the State Committee, they , imagine
. that he can go ti, Congrms next year. , They
should remember' that_ being on the State
Committee formerly, did 'not help • his 'case, -
,and that their puffery monthg. in advance did
not send bhu to Congress. After hi. 4 conduct
last year, he milt not fusd it an easy 'matter
to get the nomination, even if ! Clarion cOun•
ty has no eannldate' :1.411e - was earnestly as-
sured by a recent visitor from that loqlity."
Tice; unfairness displayed by the Dispatch;
its treatment of the President, and 'of po:
Harm} questions generally, has culled forth the
(Aiming chic paragraph from- the Ridg
way Advecat: . .- • - -
The FAQ. Dispatch claimsrto be art-frale
pendent paper. It also claims to be an en
terprising concern. We have yet te see Mach
independence exhibited in its - cortutths.
seems latis, .hoverer, that-both enterprise
and ii desire to deal fairly, would demand
that -a message eming from the Chief gag
istrate of-the nation should have a publica
tion in an eight-paged daily. Op the other
hand, when the Chairman of the Radical-
Disunion party in this State gets a parcel of
insane smatterings strung together, the Dis
patch gives them a prominent place in its
columns, with a spread-eagle editorial en.
• SuEitinea.l 4 t,tiva.,:-..SlteritT Brown adver
tise:, to sell at-poblle sale,al.llke pctort llnu e,
on 31OntlayCtlie.01v,ipti'envtuttimeifig at 10
debteh, the followitg tleseritall prolyrties.
The list is do& largest evet.publi,lotil since
0111. Ip.thienutkin' the county t
. , ..‘
- Fifty aerea in Concord, 'Waxwing to John
liobltitis t at -suit of F., Coot(:4
One tract iriZaion .laoratigh and two in
Corry, belonging to I). A. Davis, at s t ilt of .T:
T. Ely. --- . ..a
One hundred :tall thirteen arreti-' in Green
field, belonging to the heirs of Geo. W. Ga
s-it, deed, - nt -alit of •Fldridge itaymonar;
Adm. tta , lant-,. am, - af.:Karati; Itaynionl,, - ...
dee'd. . . - .
Y Tnn frank welling Louses one grocery,.
nittl - nne jrtTi r esT 1'4,111'1441c; property . .
of Peter Semen. of suit •nr John Anrnn, use,
of H. T. Sterrett. , -
• firielnlirellintr house on Eleventh tdreet
lot on the same street, and lap. acre:. in Mill
Creek...properly of 31iles -.Boyles, at F,nit of
-John Ililla.'
ono hundred acres in Greene, property of
tianinel at 'suit. of /*mad
—_ . .
Musa and lot ip Corry. pruherty of Mary
A. Pitts, at suit, of -Joseph Whitely, use of
Soseptt flatlet-sm.
Two tracts in Concord, belonging. to A. J.
Grimes, at suit of Boil Wise, use of P.
gotathwlek. - -
Dwellin, house of Lyman Smith, in Erie,
ut quit of L. me:ter of Mt g. L.
Merrill, now for use of Utter.
One hundred and :,ixtren acres in Water
font tp.; and twenty acres, with -steam saw
mill, m the Name townqiip,,Limperly of It. P.
Smiley. Mahan S Co., at stunt of J. Elc•hen
laub, Jr. • •
„Frake dwelling lions° of ILliarieg 3 1-
Keep, in Erie, at stilt of Erie City , Iron
Five arms in Girard tp., ,proprrly of Da
vid Sullivan, at suit of Cutler It
Lot of Froleriek in Corry, at suit of
G. B. Webber: two mitts of fitly acres in
Union tp., and two lots in Union borough,
property of F. G. Irvin, at suit of Erie City .
Iron Work:4.
Dwelling howw. of J. Jefferson, in. Union
borough, at suit of Johnson 6: Wynins:
Store of lli6m-Young, in Union borough,
at suit of Early- 6: Lane.
Lot of Doliihits S. & Dennis A. Davis in
Union borough, and two dwelling houses in
Corry, at suit of Ezra Cooper.
Dwelling lion 4, of Item' Cadwell in Erie.
at suit of John Farnham & Co., use of S. L.
'fvsent3r acres in Colon tp., property of
Chn.. IL Gray, nt of T. J. IlentirY, ttce
E. Cooper.
1)1N chin;; house of J. Jefferson ill Union
bon ough. at milt of E. Cooper. '
Time.-folirtle; of an nere in Greene, pro
perty of .1. P. ern's, at suit of Thos. O'Con
ner. •
- Lot in Wattsburg, property of Wm. P.
Campliol, at snit - of J. Eiehenhtub & Co.,
One-dwelling house and one lot in Erie,
property of - P. B. Hon - Niter, at suit of Cough
lin, nitwit(' & Co.
Tra•t M North East tp., property of Mrq.
V. llateh, at suit of W. 11. House.
Property of Miles- 'Boyles in Erie and Mill
Creek. at snit of English. llelnie & Dixon.
Thirty-live arms in Franklin, steam saw
milt in R.-onn -ton nship, awl , kty items in
Wahltinztotr,p - roperty of Putnam Sisson. at
suit of 'Wm: a Andrews:-
Frame dwelling house In Union borough,
'and hit in Edinboro, property of A.J. Clark,
it suit of J. B. Clark t use of J. B. ('lark &
Barrel (hewn- of' Cliat. It. Brown, in ,Cor
ry, at suit of Win. Levin.'
•Tract of Warren Bills in Corry, at suit of
Leonanl Barton.
Dwelling house of John Steirner in Corry,
at -all Of Boyer & Fue.s.
W Ali% clang I.lou,vs of I; Ely
.in Girard, at ,hit, o 1 Pa \ id Olin, u'Sc (1 A. t;,,
Ely. .
i)willing of J. L. Buitimi.-: in • Corr , at
()f 31..11utliniin and S. 'l'.
One dwelling house and onepiree of land
in tnion property or V. Webber, at
suit I. J . E. G. Strait:than.
Dwelling, house of Julius .@ ('harlottr De:;-
nn it in Erie, at suit of .1. W. Douglas:.
Sante at snit of J. 1). ('lark & Char. 3144-
valf,nse of eve: and Hannah Towner.
Lot in Waterford borough, prolierty of
Liaika & Daniel S. Bacon, at suit of Jos. L.
. - One hundred and one acres in Mill Creek,
property of Silas & Olivia W. Simmons, at
suit of G. W. Decamp.
Lot of L. C.-&, Elizabeth Roberts in Corry.
at , nit of John Martin..
TEIMS.--If the nioney is not Paid
diateiy after the property is struck off, Ruin
be put up again and sold, and the original held respon.ible fin. any 10-N.
tin readers Will remember that during the
Hanyass last fall, a rather lively disenasion
sprung up between the Observer and Gazette,
respecting the hill disfranchising deserters.
We claimed that the feature of the net which
authorizes inspertom of election to examine
papers anti testimony, and decide whether
men were deserters or not, was elearlymn
conctitutional, and ridiculous at the best, and
that those deserters only could he disfran
chised who had been duly tried and convict
ed by the proper courts. The Gazette as
strenuously contended,in favor of the uct, al
leging_that inspectors of election were - at-4c-,
gaily qualified to judge whether a man wasa
deserter as whether he was ot lawful .. age, a
resident of the district, Sc. Cutbrtemately
tear the purity of our elective system, the
• sultject has not been submitted to a judicial
test, but the.recent action of the New York
Constitutional Convention shows What the
ablest men of That State think about it. A
conlailmon'autimprpng 7pernym %vv . !! 'had
served in the rebelliiin from voting, .was met
by Judge Harris, late Republican 13. S. Sen
ator, with the objection that -when "Such
had been legally convicted, they were al
ready disfranchised," and that " only such as
had been legally convicted could be disfran
ehised in any event: It is absurd," be said,
"'to trust Inspectors of Election with power
to try for treason on election day." 'Judge-
Parker, an - eminent Democratic nwiiilwr of
the Convention, moved to strike the .provi-:
sion out, and the motion was supported by
Hr. Evans, the leading . Republican lawyer of
INew York city, " in a'few plain, strong sen
tences," after which it was carried by a heavy
l vote, " the foremost Republicans voting- with
the majority:' We cannot help thinking that
,the " foremost Republicans" - could not have
read. the Gazette's ponderou,artieles, last
or they would certainly have voted to
:CtillgitUte. Lan' Judges out of -Inspectori of
Election. "
Tur. ad6ntaze of the Nicholson paysoleta
is resocct to tsmitbrt is admitted by
:tll, hut iliac: are many who &old it.;
In connection With this feature, filo
following cuunnunicititnt to tax World will
be read with intere4: • •
• • Aug . . I.
Stu: In your issue of to-day, and on the
article "Nicholson pavement," permit me ta
,71y, of My own knowledge, and according to
the sworn tesfituotty 'Orlin Reuben Cleve
land, Superintendent of Public Work .N,
'cago, before the United States Circuit Court,
the. •bloOks constituting Nieliolsou's pave
ment, after year's. wear, had 'only , been
worn down one-eighth of an inch per annum-,
that after toes nine year's heavy wear and
general exposure, they were free from rot, and
were otherwise •LIS stnuid - as when first laid
down. I take, the liberty to do this for the
'sake ant in the 'spirit of fairtilay, and beg to
be, sir, yours respectfully, _
E. CAVDEN Plum -
In comteethm _with the above; we may WIT ,
that we have just read a report of the
mince sent Oir*un Pittshurgli to expnjinff
the Nicholson paving- in t'hicago and St,
Louis, and decide upon tho .polley of intro
ducing it into that city. The Committee
made alhorougli r invgstigation into the dif
ferent Sorts of pavement in use in the West
ern citiet(and-linte come batik tMitusiustic
ally in &tor of the Maids - on, .They ftte
instances whereitsharahilifit fine had tat:in
comparison with the common stone paring,
and the result was greatly on the side of the
former. It is Claiined Audit costs
less for rePairg t lists longet, and is the sinOotb
-egt and most-comfortahle,pnrlnk vier intro
duced. 2 : :
• .31n.; ll'A. , ttArw.tury n-letttleman.7)of el
ialigica and ability, }soon . lo start new
weekly paper In North. East bobatigh: It is
to he neutral in politics, and devoted especial
ly to the local interests of that part of the
county. The people of North .Eautt are de
lighted with the Woof having a home organ,
and nearly every man in the vicinity has en
rallied his name as a sulneriher.
• --
'NS: fall tent of tite-Vaterford Acmh;tuy'
will open, on the 24th..inst. 4 ,eXeklient
corps of teckiiens has been etriPtOyed o 444.
the schogl,pininiies to 'become very popular, -
_TM! 4# A oin ,
.trliettry- Vincent,. theug
1 2 0 1 1*!;itlikbelnia*144 in the infortna
-4:file.K4Olitirghibje.4other setiei of
1 °9 1 . 11-1 01 -4 *Ofer . . - 4414.: the "einadill.
• ,
-•- i*..10" coon ty : hot
itileeti7arresteit forrolOig*,inttils. Roblib3o
ttceiiittles of her /ex,'
-aiiitivitt - 4,!theNritligtiitout for On . :
14,1niettr.2 •
070, - Att mans, , on
iitiita4reet4sinan'Otikin.:*tipi l the Cu). A
oniphs.e.itotortineni,X.4l4l4l-` :goods in 4%94..
line is kept - On band, at kill at prices:A*
will compete with any. -
Jrnot Thrimpsos is on a visit to .
Springs. 'the Gazette, of. that plane, chi -
icling his arrival, says be . " is ait'ornatnitAl
to the bench, and shank] be kept it - Pon it (br
ink, his lifetime."
Cu..N WINTON, a prisoner tindpisentente
of death in the .Teffersoo county jall, when
his death warrant was read to Lim, replied,
"'MITI:At; theycau hang
-me awl
Before he hang, that sort Of courage ma's , fall
• IT WILL 110 well for the couple Rad
ical candidates in this county to remember
that the highest achievement of.a politician is
the J:hlleious• kissing of babes..
.It goes
straight to the mother's heart and ' makes her
a zealous canvasser for the halance of the
. - _
A arm: who recently left dam county, fur
the West, &ilea to call and settle his account
at the Ohmerver °Mee. Information has just
reached us that u few weeks after arriving at
his destinati3l► he met with a mysterious
death. - It is awful to he followed with the
printer's anathemas,
THE piddle should not fail taket,p in Mind
tlint the Aare to get Sob printing done cheap.
est nnd best is at (he Observer office. With
new preases and type, mid workmen "that
cannot be excelled, we are prepares to com
pete with tiny eNtahlishment here or
'Cu,, Observer may be found for sale; at the
following plats, directly after publication
each week i etinghey; Mcertsity- t , -Moor
head's h9ok store ; May & news stand;
Paden & Johnson's book store, North, East:
News agent's throughout the eintnty will" be
supplied with the paper to 'tell, onirasonnble
Tut edittir of an exellange,very truly saya:
" In the course of a tolerably long experience
hi matters antl things, in general, we nevyr
knew a Man to get any advantage in a guar
nl with blip., old women or neWspapers.
These three 'classes are very dangerous to
meddle with, and discreet men generally let.
them alone." • . •
, Orn exchanges tell us of "a young man
of.preposseSming appearance, living In 011
City, who reeently took a large dose of arsen
ic. It was too large to produce the desired
Lot Made him terribly sick for a tinie.
Cause, two women Loth claiming him 4is
husband," No.-Wonder : That the poor tellow
should saint to
- -
Tau. lh incicratle Printery meetings in
Crawford t'ounty s tire to he held on Saturday,
the tilst ca . A:Vguktri and 1110
_County Conven
tion will mulct it - the Court House, in Mead:
ville, on the 'Tuesday following, Septemb4
3d, at it o'clock, a. m. A full county ticket
is to he nominated, and Conferees chosen to
tnect those of Erie; fur the selection of n
Senatorial candidate.
Tut: city Councils have authorized aloan
of fifty thousand - dollars, payable- twenty
years from date, for which coupon bonds in
Mims of 'nut hundred dollars eachlbettring in
terest at 7 per seat.; payable semi-anntutlly i Frotiosals forthopuichaseof
the 'whole, or any portion of said loan, will
be received by .T. C. Speneer,'Dig.,Chaimtan
of the FirT 4 nce Committer, until the 151.11
in 4., at the First istationatEtrusk:
TuF. -- Vatholies of the city have purchased
of Wilson Laird, Esq., twenty-five acres of
his farm, on the Lake road-, which they intend
using as a cemetery. The tract ties on the
south side of the road,, and Cost nearly ten
thousand doilars. It is the desig , n;to have it
laid out and planted with trees as- soon n,3
possible; and no pains will be glared to ren
der it one - of the most. beautiful cemeteries In
the country.
A. Nlllllll , Zit of the young men -connected,
with St. gatrick's church gave an entertain
ment on Thursday evening lastfot the benefit
of the Emmett brass band, a junior o
lion lately started. The entertainment was
realiv. a 'milt excellent one. an.(l,4evelrVed a
would surprise many. We understand That
it is contemplated to repeat the performance
soon in Farrar Ilall,,,and hope shell may be
the Case. -- •
Trent: of of our readers who 'have Seen
Charlie White, the, lion- tamer _of Thayer
Noyes'circiis, gO through leis, bold perform
ances, will regret to leant that he is recover
ing very slowly fromthe injuries received , is
his encounter with of the heAsti at
Roehester-on the Fourth. His wortuds give
him so much suffering that ite is unable eith
er to lie or kit comfortably, and the physieian
prohibits him from undertaking a journey
home et present Doubts -nre expressed
whether lid ever fully recovers.:
Tut: Government has evidently got Wind
of the new Fenian moVement, and! is deter :
mined to place a summary check upon it. The
following circular has beenissned to the U.
S. District Attorneys and Marshals:
• - • Alp 'SO; 1867. ;
By direction of the President of the - United
States, yon are-hereby InStineted fo observe
with vigilance allVersant whoa you may
have reasonable cause - to suspect of combining
- uniawilally, for eitleclitiotis into the territory
of any torcigtt nation, andpromptly Interpose'
the authority of the United States when row
have, probability Pf.helieving any peam has
the neutrality laws' efitho rititcd
States. ionic M. BANCKLEY,
Assistant 'Attorney General:
Trutt. therels " netbittg-new In the worlit'
is proven by the, .fellowink Aiertiseuient
which our daily eotemporary
in an old copy" of the Olkst4Ver, hearing date'
January- 21st, 1864; • -
"Cow WANTED.-4 good new Witch cow
11111 probably' 'find a'purbluiserif the terms
are not too hard, by the owner ,enquiring at
this Office: .Shemitst bellitelle ;414 filling to
confetti to city tnannent."
The teui2irlkiii.peillxiatli made tinit - i "fOr
11 COW 4.0 be üble tetonfornt to cityntanne:rs,' .
.lei generally pnaerstotatio_retptire ability: to
4et her etwsi i llying. Off !lip 4011'6
and from gardens.. tharour pair, owners
1614 'a chiqn to anlilutibiioP4ihillitarilge
' • • - - .
Tun Spectator, the Germauitepublicatior
gafii aid this city, iB' Ott i itletmely :,
denunciation of Gov. Geary and Senator,'
.I.wry—the former for.h4-reeent tem rail
SPeechecarid ihelatteif4 tis ginulayFars!
speech. Refeedngliktleary's allegation that:
he bees tio!, tasted intoxicating drink fir many;
years, it gives him Melia direct; and save tba
during his; 141, !he
visited theitedurtalkladi r is this city,where
be nnt,titdVsphlte:alreirgirin
rights:of ,liqatrr-.lnAleri,Ant4lrank freely i of
dpan dier4cia.
siotO trifdrithlitdfie4haittat the tune
the Governor's speech first applind it .
has never been denied
.by any of his organs
in this section. Our German Bcpublictms
acknowledge themselves tolutve been badly
swindled in voting for Geary, but they do
not propose to have the same game repeated
this thlL
Trrk strangtia who have visited our city
during, the present summer universally speak
in glowing terms of the delightfulneSs of the
We hiveitosi Pitiseil through one
sif the hottest periods of the jiar;and, there
Atari.' been eiceetlingly 'few days when the
haili€ 'sultry- eirottgli to 'be un-,
etrinfortuble. But:even VAten the heatef the
claywaS ezetSsive, the deliciously' clear and
cool evenings have been an abtmdirit rerom
pilkie: We have had but: one night this stun
mer, so far as our experience goes, xlicn the :
lie - tU.nrris Inconvenient, and most of the time
a stout blanket wits art Indispensable Mitch:
to Sllllnttiitr . . The ireople of Erie, and
the Lake Shore cotintry generally,we ter:U*olo
not sufficiently appreciate the luxury of Mr
sutuoter cllputte, If tbcreonld have the ez.
perie*pr o:llkiey:tet*Mdilatee in 'some
e interior;
!# ~iiwiticaitipt "
mm¢y~?ib with theii
:Vaute, t.,( - it 4 6 l '.4Y sytppa.
with Aetsoni-v4O-are downed to live in
less &voted _ '
t* N .„ -
VltiplfoC.9 MOVMenti94oa.iiirbe toady
to secure the transfer of the Erie Academy
to the eity 4 for the purpose .of establishing a
Jl4lll.Scilttol• . The Acadouy. /MS' imperly
amounting. to a considerable sUm, 'which
biings in•ti yearly income'br'td,2oo, and the
let of Legislaturtf Its -eelEveY4tim
to the Board of School Directors, by 11A-obi
of two4hirds of the Trhawt . x. , It- is chained
by,_ the frierids, of the pmject "that 'a high
School would be of more. general benefit iu
the public tLati tho Acadeniy, and that „the
change is dentandaby the irderests•of rite
publie, • The net authorizing the_ transfer re;
quireri pupils to be. ndminid , il/14) the flag
School from distrieht - entiaed to the benefits
of tho Aeademy,.the same as Those, from the
city, each district: to pay its proportionate
sham of the cost. We sec' no rtsison' wily
the change should not be desirable, and hope
that in the selection of Trustees this fall, the
people' will give their preference to. those
who may he in favor of 'the niettsure.
PREPAIIATIONi are malting • to. retailer. the
WarrettCounty-Fair, at - iroungentille, on 'the
18th, 19th and 20th pf tptetnher, one of the•
hest ever held is 7 thol pardon of the Stat;..
An entirely new track is'heing laid-nut,capa
btu i)r . admitting four sulkeys side. by side;-
and the accommodations generally are • to he
Made as good as the means of the , SOciety
and the lovility eau Afford. ' 'We. are regnest
cd to say that competition is open to our
.counv, and thin managers hope to see anum
her of the best trio nags on hind.. The fact
that our energetic friend, Papt. Whitney, of
Youngaville; is Piesident of the Soclety,is an
assurance that' too pains will be :Tared to ren
der the Fair n rret.litiible one, and to prir
vide for the' .comfort. of those who may at- -
lease of Brown's Hotel, held by
Loomis Si, Tyler, hits been purchased by 31i.
Samuel S. Griswold; a gentleman who has
liattemAderuble enierience us- a Jandlon3„.
and Vt possessed of a wide popularity: " The
lhouse, under his itinuagetnenif -be en
tirely renovated and remodeted,making it
as neat and comfortable as any of its class in
the country, Among' other improvements,
the office is to be placed on • the first floor,
leading to a change in the mode of admis
sion to the upper stork's, by which the stairs
will be near the eentre'of the building, lit
stead of useentling directly front the entrance.
The billiard room is also to be removed:from
the present place to one in the ba s sentent, in
the rear of Mr. tioodwin's saloon.
Tut: Library • Committee of the Y. 31. C.
AssOciatiOn . • is. pourtpoged: of the. - foro!riug
iehtletaMil tiingliey, W. IL:iliven
port, Edmund Tartly, W. A. Galbraith,..;
J. F. Liddell, 11. F. Gaggin, Isaac Moor
head, and AL Sanford. ' To lids committee
is entrusted 'the important" task of selecting
the. books for the new public library, enough,
or nearly enough, subscriptions to purchase
which have been secured. The character of
the gentlemen named assures us that the
books selected will be of a high standard,
afill‘that none of the partisan or rptemend .
literature. which has deluged the country,
since the beginning of the war will receive
any encouragement at their hands.
THE Meadville Republican Li decidedly
"fernenst " the nomination of Gen. Gtnnt•by
.the Radicals as their candidate for President.
('ontruenting upon his diiputed political opin
ions, it has the foilbsviotr to say:
"There seems to be a Ede advantage in
fat or Qf the Republicans, but not titan& to
AWL over.
_Gen. Grant is undoubtedly &
military man, a conservative man,.vet we be-,
Here a. cautious and safe man. Prominent,
as a Presidential candidate now, he can se
cure the noinination of the Rep6lican party.
if he desires. We are in danger of getting.
a Worse man than Gmnt for President, yet the.
country would ire safer with him at the head
of the army."
U.Z.CocunAN,T,Sq.; late of the - Veitiingo
Spectator; seeps to be one of the few priti
ters whom fortune has bikini into her special
Vraciaark , ClT
notice, that he has also been chosen Cashier
of the ,First National Bank, in the same
place. For a printer to become a cash►rr of
one Bank is something remarkable, but to
become, cashier of two is. taithing less than
astounding. We know of uo man, however,
whose good fortune gives ns more gratilicaf._
tion than that of Mr. Cochran. .
molvo the many new establishments in the
city, sae do tint know of any which:We; can
commend more heartily to the patronage of
ournaders than the ary goods store of EtTson,
Churchill 'Co., in Noble's block. Thcii
stock is very large, their assortment varied,
and full, their prices
. reasonable, anti the
obliging disposition Altus' exhibit, makes e
plesure to 41(11 with thda. If there are any
patrons of the Observer who,-have not yet
given them a trial, weitdvise them to do so
when therniaketheir next
Vitt Observe that Wane pithe
_ . nesvapapera
of this section are still publis4ing . the adrr*
tisentents sent tliercf 1 C. P.
of Troy, N. I For their advantage we wig
atate that , information of the most reliable
- kind ifigoirti its that Ilk' concern is a tam
plete, swialo, and neither desires to pay, nor
has the ability to do so-if it did.
speculation" dodge was a "big thing."
, A NEir 'YORK -bachelor niuned
Mara elaPa4, A kw weeks ago, whirs& *ife
oP ChntlecCulverkri, of Scrill*r,,Pitc They
- , .
iv= round by the injure& innittind in Bun
bist7:eek. The:sunderectsismill'S .
to each other's arms-131re children alter asbort
vacation; tbe:liachelei for the opin
lehnlek, oak ilia re4nited*ppir. left:on •ibe.
lfirst-tracer - tor
.41.1treiclutoge haithig seat Aims #o a:nit - Taber
of its &limp:tint f!ubseritiev, :without rc
ceivingiCresponge, conies to tiVemFachution
thatthey Mind be dead, and: mritamictis, drat
If willamost 'commence publishing their a;titi;
- aeries. IC that dOestet, bring tliMiOtabrierit
A Pawn:4mm laborer at, the -Pittsburgh
Frklai. 7, $s 'wan Iv:Achim/ :the' !refit ap
proach him, and us it drew__ near undertook
to stegyit the friey;lnti not in time t4avidd
tieing- stroCi. • - - • ;';
etam. T 3. eAmpintactit.Witc, is pi, I
no*ea hatnaidate soliteci to
the llt!..*ti the! 'Republican • Co. Conven-_
Waif inc' otiier Iti:iheeratite
_• _ _
1111 9‘1 11 ,9 4..W!;§. 11 .45Y. , _A1tE r 12114 4 .: c01.
A. r. StFan,ofyairilew, •
°4'•4o4 s 42ir'f.V . i.7 ol,6a * c i r c atvra=
lug to alouommontmtiot.,.The to
fare commends the trip to the general favor
of the community, and present indications
give *promise of a large *owd.
TIM Democrat; of Girard borough have
organized a campaign dub, being the ,first
in the county for The present year. Their
example is worthy of general Imitation.
Wu- are indebted to our -young friend,
Geo. Arbuckle, Esq., of Girard, - fora
largelst of campaign • subscribers. If every
eledtion diAtriet in the county contained a
half dozen as zealous and energetic ,Dento
erats as Mr. A., a different state of political
sentitneat would soon 'prevail in this section.
WE have no ; eothgt to bestow upon the
Observ6--but we . propose to drag it out of
its hok, every. ti me.-aaarge„
The misfortune 1.4 with our cotemporary,
tbstrin its attempts to ant; Miters out of the
hole, it Owen etntobla; in itself.
= Tax large tieritand for the Observer last
week, containing Dr. Finger's communion
,lion on Honuetipathy has itul.l us to se
print it on the first cage this trek: A cont-
Allmicatloll from Wtn. Grit Esq., also.op
pears On Vie Same fear :.
, .
-; rnetedirleipsplayjislnillar, though
on is snuffler seale, to thd on, -Of last year
which agrad yit:somqh notice, is espeeted
by tile astroiorriers to take place. this
. - Milritlayrtuaßritlay orValngs.-
. .
Fpn '11,gt.i.t...;,-The follo w ing .mosse s
are set down • for - trial at the CIO( Conti
commencing On the first 3lodday in Septem
• Dartlizer.vsJlardner..3finnig & Itoadley
vs Foote afc Landsley, Young vs Drake, Lov
nicht vs .14Inten .etPerkins vS ,Perkins,
noughtsling. vs ihiughialing„. Hazleton va
Taylor et 41, Thayeisileus. vs Borough of
South Erie, Nieltotion•Vs same, }hint vs Ed
am, "Stranahatt vs P. E. It. IL CO Erie
, CouutY,v3 Fivtal‘iatines vs 4). C, It IL C 0.,:
Lautitihere vs Zinn, Use -Hazleton vs Kilroy
et sl, Henry -vs Colby,: Knoll v k r Rlnderle,
Tanner vs Lujtlslcy, doldirt.vs Smith it'll!,
,Liddell et al vs Elliott - et al, Tanner vs Kees ,
ler, Miller - vs Dalton, Anderson Pet. Co. vs
Pa. R. R. Co:, O. C. L. & T. 'M. &.T; :Co. vs
Johnson, Phelps, fill, Blank, MeCrav: lean
drath,(o eases) Use Veitysiiinkler,Metonkey
& Shannon vs American ExpremCo.,Slumnon
vs Finn 4; Stearns, 'Fritts vs Yournn, Rog is
V 6 "Wilkins, Moore vs Cardat.
ACID abbirlionnents.
. .
Now to the scasork far thaw huge libick
Warill,9 of Meg, that no torment man and heant.
will make a clean *weep of them—every' sheet
wtU kill a quart. Mtwara- of bogus 'lmhof tom,
which some rnayrsay tut nR goal.". There
le nothing Sian emdpumble with it. Mold eve-
ITWheires Price.als ceutfl.•
No: 507 --k7rotteht4t.,,
Announce that they have Just re-4eneAthely
Aud invnelhe attention of all .Vantlng Hard
waft, to the same. -
Their Mach hi the Larnvst,ever held in
• :-Notth•Westerni!ennsytiinint,
Comprising a general assortment' at 101 the•artl
ctrg thrir line, • •
FAIWERR wIA find what they-want. •
BUILDERS will find what they want.
lII.AVICSILITHs wilt find what they want.
WAGON. MAKERRWIII find what they want
UNRPEICTBRS. WWI (hid what they want. ,
MANONAmILI-find what thtar Want."
PAlN'Tfats what they- want.:
GLA.zikats will ihul what they want.
ACHINIsTs will find what they want.,
ixiMßFat3TENwiltfitittwhat they want.
COAL DEALERS will find what they want.
In short evemkind ofalardware used by any
class in the community, will always - be found
on hand and -sold at the moat reasonable priec.
• Ikcis-rS
Staiidird Scalesl
coal; nation* Vtieertiarrow, GrCot*ee
.Drug Etutcher6 'Post Onlee _
. . • ' and.CounterZ' . •
trotop. "Glass . Viro4IES
All slzec of Glasg cowitanily on bvid qt loweqt
°hash' prior&
Alietterar isidilmctrit of
axici . n? . ;
• „ .
The tofhliolwe luvtleil.. to I'Ml rind examine for
I,,berristelveg,„ Iteltembet the place,
- ,
. -
Wayne flock, opposite the Reed House
Would respectfully annoupce that they have
optragdWatare at
N0e428 beset betweew4th wad bth;
- .
ForWie prirehmietp.nd age'
. . ,
Kma..orcptirriti , invgiinfen,
- nutter tiefirtry-..vtai,
Orden front nbron • reixtye promptpat
,, ernion at the lowegt - znarket Prlces.„
.• • . , - r-
/Violin highest pried. in tlasb ionic! rev Pro
dnee. , , atac.4l-tf.
AMEttICAX IkrAtOft3,
4 8AVISS WATctlf..S;
kdoutc..wATtin -
. • ;
- -AklitTif-SIETATiIariTOHO3,
MANN as. - k - 7sx-M.13.;
No. 2 - Reed Block.
SCSGEON & powtorArnic PuTmciAri.
, =French Strzet, Ede, IN, ..
my9117-arn. . '
No. 12 Park Rai . ' betareen 111lawa'alietel& Reed Manse,
Crockery, Chinn, Glow* ZVca•ee,
'':'tg_l).: •lir,4-,R...1
- - •
. . •
.Cliina and (lass 'Vases - and Qrnantents I
erjelutirfA lewea than New "York .Ptrieem.
- ter.
iti'- - --.llt-lToble's Block, Erie, Pa:,
El 1
Gentlemen's Goods,
At Prices-Satisfactory to All.
do esaininathin 9r our Stock and Prig•. I; n•.pi•ctfidly
A 1004- N-13)
North-Wekt' Corner or State. Street- and the - Park:
job - lYilii4ng :of Every beseription.
In a style of iinsunKts.sftille — ntiless, and at prices to compete with any other mike itt the Nprili
West, Our Puts.sr_4' tire of the
Our 'POPE all NEW:and of the NEATE.sT Kryi,ns, and our tt'ortic3fEN equal to any In the &mu
tiv... With. the 3htehinery tutibliatetiai WO now PO.Selig, we feel fully warnuneil in
claiming that. NO °AWE in , -the _we,k•rn Part of the State EN.C7E1...4, ani,
only one or two equal us,lll faellit les" for turning out work in a , . .
111 Mil
R4celvetl, nud work warranted not to be inferior to that tioneln the Eastern eittei
klards . . Utter iaid. . Bill Reads, Cirettlars, Statements,
- - _ •
NITo line matte arranttonents With the larielst and teat eAtilliitsltritenf iti Burrito for pitreuring
1 . , any %art of Engravin% that may 6e nkeded, in ns g.ood stylo awl nt_ _
:111diugo, listelittu,Ary„ .orils, Autographs, Mum, Piirtralts,
M .
By entrustfist Igen.' Yu t:: o vitt be : 1 .4-MII or ii.gckvildirieni nibat idompt anif - catt , fae
tory mintier. Erarraclal.p. tarnislaA Other nn Wood, stone or Metal.
-, - . ..
-lElook lErincling, - Ruling, Are. .
kr i i thlti detinrtritent wo hailiTitifilltiC4 tlint - trC ininuipaitsed. Persons having yrlntlng to he done
t*res Raltnig Or sl44lptgluguinettlint, will fi nd it to thelrltitermt to entrqgt It toin3. Wv
I tee litat,lt obalThe_pertonnotkto it wo;fintattltke me suer, and that therhatie sit in he
tti to teal can be Worded. - •
. ~ .
- . . .. • • , . _
. .
. „
. Theliberal patronage ei tended to this °thee during the hog 'two years has eneotinigel,l us to
ruaimeeerY ellbrtrittauttbleito deter:oollW raeort of tote friends, And We 110* take especial grattti
eating/ inicittionntngthe= and Ilan pllbUodlint we.batastmeeedett in fitting up la establishment
• - ' "
eettutl to every - rennimment of the cominunity. .
diVenretletternilned to compete ivltb *l* best, and only ask 0 trial to sati , fy any one that we
ileitis no more than we are justly entitled to. ,
- a 4..
. .
i . A
LAVGrik:I.A 1E31.4A-INTITS. -
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