The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 08, 1867, Image 1

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    Mir ateekip Otarbtr.
Qinele copies, pahl in advance, SS .71
It not paid until theend of the year, ...... 3 00
pi, e ro les sent to ono address, 10 Vl'
fen copies,. 00
II N ubscription accounts must be settled an-
No paper will be sent to any person
who ,. responsibility .13 not kikown, unless the
nrlgg , Iv paid In advance.
The following are our advertislng lutes. which
ho strictly adhered to. In recttonind the
I..lR:tit of Raved turnouts, an inch is considered
s ,
I plare. Anything less than an Inch Is rated
0: Millnre:
SO. inqertiOnPliaq,
4 ::. 1 sti.rqii e. '4 e. le.
iiii;:it 7 ;•TC- —Di: - Lt. Eli: 2.. i: Ti 7 32416
Two wa•trokel i 10 Itfr 4.14 7.0 n I *At
Vireo creoke_ 7. Ale 4.01,1 RA 15.03 2100
river. 11 , 0 k...... 25:14 71.75 4.501 8.0(011.CA 14.00 *0.00 . r .,,,, ~,,,,,thq_i a.n i 5.50 7.111) , R.50;10.00 , 2.1.00 4100
Th r , , tliontll4..; 5.0 a, R. 1110 ,1401.1.00,21.0:011.00 MA)
41 , , i „, ii t1 1 4.....1 , AM 12.011,18.00'21.00,30.00 50.001 RICO
o n ,. rear.. ......12 0 0 31.03 313.00 3 5 / 1 0 50.00 90.00 230.00
Fxo,•titors' and Altnilnistrators' Notices $3
it.l 'tom' and Estray Notices $2
.„tat" Notices. set , in Leaded Nonpariel. ' aial
tri..erted before Marriages and' Denths. 25 per
rent. 3 , 1 d t to regular rates; Local Notice;
furnished liv the rartie;l:ets. per lineal Eight
words, for first insertion.l2 cents per llne tor sec.
iina ten cents for each subsequent Inger
rditorhil Notices 21 cents per line: Mar
-10 cents: Deaths 21 cents each. Adver
n•rment. Inserted every other week, two-thirds
full ri b,. Persons bantling hi advertisements
„1,,, 0 1d ...Lite the period they wish them pub
-110,,„t: otherwise they Will be continued until
orderol wit, at the expense of nu' tuivet Users.
e one of the heat Jabbing Offices In lII* ,
...,• tol are prepared to do any hind of
Loge or small ()Men , at as 4 re:mumble
„ 311 , 1 iu 8.4 good style ns any establbdiment.
"1 the oato try'.
111 4.onlinunirattona Nhotild toblreAceil to
Editor and Pttprietor.
.thisintos jlotirts
ti... Fart-. 0 Mill Building,
F.,. I', oeir6ll.f.
i; F. 0 .1 t , il E U. e TTLER,
‘nana., at Law, Girard. la County,
Vet te le. : Olt other hit' I t it . , attoluliA to With
,k1,,T101 31111 ti eli.
S. s, svr..NrcEn. f4I.IOIEN 1F.F11 . 4V1
Marvin. At toruerx find Poungellnrot
:t r ,„... o m„ poem. u Mork. near North Writ
...mar of the Pthlle square, ErIP, Pa.
ht.tlee of the Pence: 41M Cis. gP( . 011.1 floor
Wavna 111.01,7.; Freneh ,tr.set, tr•heren Fifth an,
SI.F: 1741TF.1
W.terford, Pa., Robert Leslie, Pnnprietor
- ;t eeontintslatlons and careful atioinitt
et‘ett to tir eoinfort of attests.
1311 twryv BALI
in pine. Whitrwao.l. Clierrv:
an.t, TAth and SliMlcfini
Hill, st.ite ..tri•et, North Of R. It. Depot. F . :HP(I
Il1i"2-tf. .11
:411.1 Rorgoony. OfTim, init_roaeli
corner of Sixth. Office open
,i ) npzlir. Dr. Wlit residence all
•treo, 1).4u - cot Ninth nod Tentii.treets.
(0 , .41, W. GI,YSZISON,
17 , ..r1i0% at Law. and Joslice of the. 1 1 / 4 .arr,
P, ~1,1 Philo °teem, Fonverao....r. and
intim. ill Rinttortu•ehr.: 'Awl:, Rooth
,,,rirvr of Fifth and State Intr , i‘tm. £rlo.
E. M. COUP. & SON,
ft i lidera and Blank lin7ak - Nt3nnfnetatora,
owr K. Vstanf' Nat tonal Bank. _jv I ri:7-t f.
Dlt. 0. I. ELLIOTT,
Offit, up stairs, No. .144 state .treet,
r P.n. ivrez—tr.
A. 1:1257G
\fal7.•r, Br.•n•er and In flop., Barley,
\ le.. fileer, l'ronrlelor of Ale And
avol Nfalt
W. F. 31.4.G11.L. intter In ito4fnzwela's Itloviz, north
I hmtio. Frotieh r:trei•t, 'tomtit! claim•
.e.rn•tt', Block, near the earner of the need
Goorgo .T. Morton, Comnthslon
Wo•hont.r. and Wllroleqnie Denl - Pr.4 In
.(144121,4 forN.l. i E. and Peonle'A Line of fat ernn
eN. Fit Public rklek, Erie. PA. 1'415.
Auction and Covntalssion Merchants, and Real
Flstate AlzentA, St 2 State street (canter Nlntho
Ede, Pa. Advances inrole .m enn4lgnments.
country A'endttex attended to In any part of
nl.• vaunts'.
Tanor 'and Clothe" (leaner: l'ninn Mork,
xhove sr, Itennetra offke. ('!other matte, clean
.l and repalmt on short notice. Terms as
waahle as any. mr2l.
rif SP,ENCEI::. 11.0111:1:
Itt"rnov. at TAW, Franklin, Pa. (Mee In
rr 1.111.11tw. Lilwrtv street. Pitlinle City,
.--otiee over Kemp'. flank, Holmdel' street.
Coneetiong promptly timule In nll part. of the
relzion.. jal2.
nnowN .c co.
dealene In hard :Ind qoft coal, Erie,
Haring ilkno.,•:l of our Ilork property to
the h,,re named flrtlt, aP neees.sarllvret Ire fmni
recommendin_ our eneeresorst
e•ainently worths - of the eontidenee mei patron
s:, ‘,t nnratt l frlendg met the public.. _ _
§:tr,ot. hotween State.
.1.1 M 1... Pa. 1 Custom Work, Repairing.
Ark.i %It I i 11Z attelple , l to prompttv. npI4TA-t(.
LIVERY AND - snAtinin - : STABLE.
r”ra..t. ~f French and Seventh ' , divots. F.rle, -
11:,aner .tnhngnn Iroprletorq. Grind horses
~orittzo+c alverty. cm hand at moderato
P. P.
1t , ” , k.,•110r and dewier In Slat Innory.
NlaTtzlries N'o‘r.aqpots, dr, C'ninitry cleat.
«r , .aralled. Sinn. tln,lrr ftrr)crreg Hotel. front
th.• Pirk. Jal'G7-tf.
Pio - gel:lw+ and Stne;Nniq, Office No. 10 Noble.
npen ohm and nlttitt. Dr. r 4 trn' tt. "
rk , +l.l.•Tioe, N We ?1,.t :Ali St. my 16'67-ty"
Erie Cit.,- Pn .. Goorze Tabor,
;roprirt-Ir. Uiwi.l neentumodatintrc and mode
raPchitrge%. Iny9'67-t f.
(in). c. F:NNETT,. M. D.,
Phr.lelan and Sun:eon. Oflhr. East Park St..
year Ttay. ,, r.tlek'4 fluor •tore,-I)oard¢ at there!:.
1 , 1,11 Vt. oil'. W. Kelso. .2d door south of the M.
l'hur,h, nn Sa. , ..airn. street. °fare hours
rums II a. in. until p. in. roylolo,tf.
H. V. rr.An.;
Dealer fn all kind.; of Fatittiv Grooork% and
proatiloaa, stone Wiire,-ite„. and wholeaale deal
r WI Cierirx, Totzweo,
Fait Fifth street, Erie, I'a. jetrtkl-tt.
I; FRA.SF.R. M. I).
Phystrian and Surgeon. Office.
andnronstte the Par k
11012. w. nth, bourn front 10 tat:: n. to sp.
and : p. La.
JOHN If. M1T.1..1.1t.
En{in..•r and Surveyor. lir.filenre
.tiaa.t and Kist AVenue, I•Sud Erie.
•Lltuation. furnialed for atria of all tiPacrlp
,) t: , ,ipr; for private families, at short notice. Cta to
t':hi:l9inre l t
% I ::tes:nMrtdotriclkluda. Ao, Ho:
g l ir ' Llt g rer?:
I ' 4l t f•tn:rt to call at this office. No. Pre.l State
qret , t. Erie, Pit. .1. F. eItOSS,
'! , IM STOItr.
Ja , ln Pnmenherger. at, the new brick stare,
_FAzle Vlllhae, has on hand R lAMB assortment
Pena - Istate'. Wood and Willow
War,. 1A.0,11..1, FAVIDR &c., to Which he
calls the attention of the public,
•.: I, llAlthlt he can offer RA good hamains as
hat in any part of Erie county.
Ile uwl..r.te,nol linos established n inanufnztory
Roasting and Grinding of Coffee.
11 and the
1,41 iriff funuNh thesio articles to grocers and
other; both at
Itt lower prtees than ran be obtained at any
4ther establbdiment In Elie and give a better
ankle. Re law keep.. cat 116 a for sale 3t
IrrY Cheap.
.44 mast other cuticles In the line of condi
tient+ and ssoce.., -
.Privtory at 1211 'Peach Street,
Between 12th and IMh Sts, Erie, ra.
10 Pore un ftes tar thas Doglar-10 Ban
Seep ihr Dona:
And other goods In Meyroportlau. •
Xir Read the bafietin ;card to ttent of the
Prteess Reduced I sTrinC-ts • A. BlIO•
First class Seven Octave. Iron Frame dye:strung
Rosewood Pianos
AT 8230 T 9 85301
six octave Pianoliensbd Rosewood idelisleoriss
at RZ.
ortaxo Groin $B5 to OM.
ream Every lau4ratmest waanated (Cr Svc
law &
VOL. 38,
Groceries:l36lmi. Scutt, tin.
4GtB4::HDEMIIir s
Confectionery Depot !
No. 8 Staab Park Place, Erie, Pa.
/It:MACE 1.. NViTIVP-1;1.
/1013 purchased the stock and lease of the above
stand and proposal to keep the mast complete
stock of goods In this line ever offered in Erie,
fullublim c can liereafter rely upon finding a
a p ssortent of
Groceries, Rome and Foreign Fruits,
(I) NrECTIONEI:II.Iti....t(%. Ace.
(;tv au• a call and Rev what I run (In far you,
a pr:,1137-t f.
Num. 23 t 2 Wcwt nirk, (Iklitty'K Block.)
G- lit CD IC T4l Tit M !
WIIOIICII /111,1 Willow Witre,Tolitwen. Smuts, Ar.,
Ae. The best linttlit Les oil
tIFLE, NIININ'ci uqn nr..wrEqG pownEn.
A choke and fresti btoek always kept on hand
Well will he sold at the low6it tlgureA.
We pledge ourselves not to he undersold, and
, Ivite all to glee us a eall.
The highest price paid fi,r Country pro
21,5er.c.) ,-4 Ammatapi:e3euts:Jec.)
' oeerlei Retailed .at Wholesale Prices I
I r wellknown Nlltelettale Grocers of till French
street, have opened a , •
. ,
Three doors north from Eighth, where they will
keep on hand a lame supply of .
Being enabled, a' Jobbers, to buy our Goods at
touch lower figures than retail .dealers, we pro
pose to give our customers the benefit of such
advantage, and invite the attention of all those
who wish to save money in buying gnweeles, to
our large and well iselected stock.
Goods delivered, free of charge, to any part of
the city. myl6-tf.
GUOCERIEs, FRurrs & iiROVLgIoNs,
502 STATE ST., COSNER. suers;
New Groeery Store.
HAW opened iiriew Grocer*, Store, at the etnnd
lately otrupied by J. Evans, Jr.,
(Next to McConkey & Shannon's: ,
Where they will keep on hand a complete
vtock of everything in their line of Vrade, Melts&
All of which will be sold at
The I...owesst Market
The public. are invited to Call and examlneour
stock., We pledge ourselvet not to be undersold
by anybody. aprl-Bm.
• Wholes a le and 'WWI
I VIVI* ; i fflkep 0 :ate;
Successor to F. it M. Schinudecker, Is now re
c elvinif a splendid assortment of
Liquo=l7 n , ts. W . g . klex and Sto k n: f Wore
Call and see U at the ,
( •
Grodery. Efe,adquarters,
-• American Block, Stele St., Erie, Pa.
Coiner of Bth and State Sts.,
la telling goods so much elms pec than others?
.For the realm that he TRUSTS NO 024}7., can
sequesally bus no bad debts. _To convinix, geo,
pie that be means what be says, he otters a
Reward of O Reasdref'Dellars I
Ititiziff In= Who can get goods at bit store on
credit, no difference whether. he be rich et
=AIM 611211162/214a CUM,
its Place to buy -
S TOlMl"Mr& skiz alattlYtOß.
011,2 tarcN Farina Peasi Bst
ley. Wes nom Ittoe, Povillisr. Cream
Tartlrr, Sralt i M a ned P.f._Capc4s, Som.
ish Ouvea, Maw ram 417 Flour.
Ooze Wel. Oat Meat. soma at Roam 8111%
WM/APPAPialtACurnin mad, la
t t iore waang bdoctstostos Tsar
. • . . • - -___ . - _ .
..•.. , , .. .
• .
, .
: .;- ' . 4 ,
. t , , 1,, . . .
. . .
. .
- . '••` - • - : - . ,i
. 4 4- - .
• ' 1 ' ' , ERIE :;
: ':. ,z. -..._ *,,,.. ::,-:
.V A
F Rai
. .
•' • ' 471. - , . .. E 1 .
4-;' , - '-
1 . . 111.
Wholevilp unit Retail
tall dealers In
Vzent. for the Cleveland
Which will be sold to
Dealer. In
v Et; EPtut.Ei,
aprl3'47-t t.
WILY 10 ' IT
Dm Soots.
Southard • & AlloCorci,
IDIRICIr. G - 4:30 - JDS 1
Our stock is the largest ever brought to the eity,
consisting of
complete. nesortraerg of DrPNA Goode. every
kind of article In the Notion Llate, and, in
a uenend nsuorttnent of everything needed by
Country deaden'.
TO BC 1401.11 AT ,
NIEIW VCIME nssiri.ii
country Dealers are invitad to give us a call.
We do n strictly wholesala tents, and propoia
selling at such Prit+s as will make it to the ad
vantage of merchants in this section to deal In
Erie, Instead of sending East for their goods.
11. A. MO Mil All D. - S. st'conn.
Carpet & Dry Goods louse
A - complete stacL: of Sheeting's, Prints, Linens,
Cloths, swklints, Flannels, Trish and French
poplins, Motrairs, Alpacas, DeLaines,ap. Alm;
WII cifoo .Arinti4liony„
Conked get priers before purchasing
npr3'G-ly. No. WE, Marble Front, Stott• St
Dry Goods !
laiwest and lx•st stock of
MINTS, FLAYNEI.S, r.r.s - Ess.
(Icahn, Makings, Derednes„ Mixteas. lasons,
Mohan; Milks, Black and Colored, Tidbit, -
Caahinere, Silk, Broeha and '
• Shawls. White trimal.,-Hosiery,
:slalom% are., at..
Goods marked down to tueet the tuarket. :No
trouble to show goods. (nil and examine. '
A variety of Children's Plain and Pam,
radicle Reslity-MadttFaderelothiti 2t variety
of dents' Furnishing di;o - 11"A !
All of which will be kept on hand, and alma
made to order. Our goods are all munanwtured
by ourselves.
s Stamping, Snitching, Fluting and Jim[ding
done at the shortest notice. Also, a large vari
ety of the latest style Patterns forladier and
children's garments. All orders wilt tie prompt
ly attended to. JOHN FARRIER,
aplo-ly„ French St., between 4th and sth.
* furniture & einteetating
J. B. Ibuirr. J. Nrcr. •'J. A. frrEaurrr
Manufacturers wad dealers In
Furniture of Every Description!
Parlor, Dining Room and Red Room - Seta, Ottlea,
Sclioo and Hotel Sets. and every
article in the line.
Our Manufactory ls located on Eighth street
and the Canal, and our Ware Rooms at 818 State
street. fn the bitter place we keep a larger sup
ply of furniture than can be found anywhere
else in Erie, all our own manufacture, gotten up
with particular care for cuslornr trade, made of
the best material and after the most approved
style and manner. Particular attention Is di.
recte‘i to our
Of which we can make a better article Wan
can be purchased at any of the attractive ware
houses in the East, and which we guarantee to
be First 'Class In every particular. Full sets
gotten up in 'Walnut, Rose Wrial or any other
desirable material, covered with the teat goods
manufactured for the porprae. Ourassortment
of Furniture in this .11ne is so complete that
every customer atzt _be _satteLLar-aest
We have commenced the business of Under
taking with the best equipment yver introduced
lw Erie and with two excellent hearses, one of
which sas fine as any in the State, are enabled
to attend to funeral orders with the utmost fa
cility and satisfaction. Our stock of Collgns and
Burial Cases, Trimmings, ix, is full in every
particular, and we arc satisfied that we can fil l
every order promptly and satisfactorily, In the
city or county.
li. Ann= & co
J. W. A.YrLF.S.
Wboleaale and Beall
Dealer in Farniture. !
Having purchnAed the,entire ,dock of Furni
ture of 3,lmirric Monte & Elblet. I respectfully
ask my fad eustntnert and the public generally
to Give me a call at the old Maud,
Before 1 - Ameba:dug •elsechefe: I hare a lane
Parlor, Chamber and Bed Room Seta!
And, In fact 'everything In tile Ilttrot Furniture.
I ant prepared to manufacturentorder any style
that may be called for. Retnetnher, No. 713
State street, east side, between Seventh and
Eighth streets.
npaiG7-t4 JOIE.: W. AYRFX
LTWM; void mar - entire Mock of Furniture
.11. to J. W. Ayres, we hereby thank tho °mu
t:nanny for their liberal patronage to as, hoping
they will extend the same to him. •We will de
vote onr time hereafter to the
With the cousent of J. W Ayres We still hold
our office In the same old place, 715 State street,
where will bo foondsa all Shoes readY to attend
to thewants of the community to one linc• of
Ready Made Coffins
Trimmed to order. Metallic - and Iron Burial
Case* of all. styles and sizes. on hand • also.
Shroud and Collin Trimmings. Undertakers
will find It to their advantage to buy them of
us, as we cannot be undersold west of New York.
apgib"gMy. MOORE & rinnzr.
CcaneroS Twelittrand Peach .Erie Pa..
who keep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pitts
ton (FMnace) lump and prepared, Shamokin,
Eas, Stove and nazism; Ilitntahums..for grate
and steam. and
For 11!Arkin:deb Purposes.
Onr Coal la an received by ran, is kept on dry.
plank door, out
We ottetrualimitormaits to partiesirtabing
t p c:A e l lare n ids
the winte I
I /apply. who to dealer'
by ear m
li` Eilve cosi:all and we ettarantes to eve
satisfaction. . -.
July li fee -ti. - ' SALZMAN Ai cio.
Haveinst amelved from' Naar York a
' Also nweivedtrom New York
One lunkdred lite Na 1 Stuns fandly Mackerel.
end the genuine OA Mb.
ERIEOIPAI:II43/46AY , :iikl i tAWOON, AUGUST :8:4867.\,.
Slyttiat Angus. •
, , - DVINOMYs
(brroctlng Irregular/ilk Removing Ob
structions of the Monthly Tarns. ftyszt 'Matey.
er cause, and ahvoye nneeeeiful tin 1 / 4 1 preventa
tive. .
In removing obstruction and reit*gt natnn
to ite properehanned, quieting the herves and
bringing bock the " rosy color of health to the
cheek or the mast tlelleate.
Fall and explicit.directions. e 4.4.11
Price El per box, six boxei4i.S P4tytiy lone
druantlat, in every town, vilba , city 44 habart
throne:lout the world. Bold 'in Erie by 4. 11.
CARYEE & CO., druggists, sole agent* fot the
Ladles by sending them SI through the Pad
°Mee, can hare the pills sent (contidentialls)bY
malt to any part of the country, freeof postage,
H. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor,
my.9lC-Iy. New York.
Ta Conssuniptlees.—The advertiser, having
been restored to health hi a thw weeks by avert'
simple remedy, after having swireriedlor seveml
years with a severe long atrection, .an that
dread dtsease,Consnmption—is anxious tomake
known to his fellow serener, the means of
. .
To all who desire it, he will sag lumpy of the
prescription used (free or charge) with the di
rections torprepwring and rising thosatne.'which
they will and a scan emir; for Cemstunptian,
Asthma, llronehltis, Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung; Affections. The only ohlect of
The advertiser in sending the prescription Is to
benefit the •ritglided, andApresd Information
which he conceives to be valuable, and lie hopes
*vary sailivrer will try this remedy, as It will
cost them nothine, and may pecive a blessing.
Parties wishing theprescription rawr,ty return
mall. will please address
Williamsburg, Elam Co.,
New York.
Prepared OIL of Pbaa gad Mace.—
For preparing, regtariniFatui beautifying the
Hair, and l the most delightful:and weriderial
article the world ever prmlneed.
Ladles will find it not only a certain remedy
to restore, darken and beautify the hair, but al
so a desinthie article for the toilet, as it Is high
ly perfumed with a rich and delicate '
independent of the fragrant-odor of the oils of
India and mace.
A new and beautiful perfume, which in deli
cacy of scent, and the tenacity with which It
clings to the handkerchief and person is une
The above articles are for sale by all tirlicalsta
and perfttmers at Si per. bottle each. Sent by
express to any address b 3 the proprietors.
T. W. WItIGIty R CO., 100 Liberty St., -
mita-Iy. New York.
Dry Goods!
l•Yrlopti • " Meat Illerimisis emus."
Pimlobe. ...Vista' Ulesutias Ceress.g.
Phsktef+• • ••Niarbe Utieseiatis Commit
Pliotute• .• Night Olaseallag eareasikli
I•l4l**** " Night nio•aahlis Verfou.n
A .1,4 .•+: delicate, and Yraniant P.►fuc»,
fr... die Tale and beautiful gutter kap
lab DJ nano.
*al 9l.uaur•J by
o Vit.& LON & SON. N. Vest.
IlelsabehiPs Maid Sztraart Haboba—l• •
certain cure for diseases of the Bladder,Vddrigps,
Gravel,Dropiy,Organic Weakness, Female Gibs.
plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the
OrlnerY Organs, Whether existing, in male ar
female, from whatever came originating, and
no matter of how long standing.
Diseases of these organs require the ma of la
diuretic. If no treatment Is submitted to Con
sumpUon or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh
and Blood are supported from theaesoureat, and
the health and happiness, and that of posterity,
depends upon prompt we of a reliable remedy.
Helinhold'a Extract Buchu,adablished upwards
of 18 years, prepared by
504 Broadway. New York, and 101 South 10th
Street, Philadelphia,
Error* of Youth.—A gentleman tabnalltret ,
ed for years from Nen-Ous Debility, Premature
Decay and all the erects of youthful Indiscre
tion, will, far the Late of suffering humanity,
send free to all who need It, the recipe and dl.
actions for tanking the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertiser's experienceman dose by addressing,
in perfect confidence, JOHN B. 01115",
mylC'ta-ly. 4S Cedar St., New 'York. '
Marriage and Celibacy au& the Magpie
sees al' True Matabeed..—An may fin* Youllit
111476afialit, fo mAltlttlint. - wlCriatilltta
of relict Sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree
of ebarge, Address, Dr. J. :imam: noupg-
TON, Howard Association. Plillodelphisi, I.
ifelmilidirs Extract Bache and Improved
Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders,
in-all their stages, at.little expense, little or no
change in diet, no inconvenience and no expo-
sure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immedl
ate in action and tree from all injurious proper
ties. tari4V-ly.
Take sue more unpleasant and unsafe nem=
ether for unpleasant and dangerous dLseases.
Use llehubold's Extract Baehu and inspnired
Rose Wash. , tarlra4y.
Tae Ctery of Mats la ittanniiini.--Theeetece
the Neccelle and Debi:UMW should Immedlete•
ly use Ilelmbold's Extract Etpchtt. mrIfIG-ty.
Stuttered Cousin wttetsts restored by Helm•
bold's Extract Roche. , • mrlira-ly.
Keystone National *Bank,
CAPITAL $250,000.
Belden Marvin. John W. Hall. Manta.
Resler Town, O.
The atote bar& Is now slaw tautness hi Its
. • now talllttlng.
4Xll6o3l3)7lllnriitrialilitt STS.
deggsgeshori paper Cotter
Xoney ra.
tetrad on depingt. Collections and pro.
~• ••4 111da kuu ll4ll l l 6lAt Wi Wie l e th and *ln
snare of puddle patronage aottatted.
A.utharlssed Capital 300,000.
• CAPITAL PI - 6M irkeJlß.
hpetted for business cm
Ili boiddal o g ee aelmlibidtrr the
Merchant's Es*. lktnrit's nartb.esst
eorneroMate street and
fc &OM Rest. - C. CCIIRT.Cash.
IrAL L. 8001 T. ot arm at J. Ileka/SOs.CNI
Ass. SNCAUTICS. of Strni of Belden, Ulu &
Steosetee, &elder&
(1.4101. J. MORTON. OM MON. - •
8. ROMANI'S Ilanblo& Rtia IL
40/124 - C. BOSOM, oteralo
ey & ReAgeg4 Wholesale Mows & '
O. E.* OSIOUCR,Nerm Otgaeh& Besr:.7kar
& fies-
Mal"aTt temiNterets. 4". aanAariliesg.
PAM" ert Ann • of Orgy * rum.
NSI II 7L Omens. •
J. DREISMULII2.I3rotes. •- deft
R. & sr. ariatuorSoN,
.usiusbetwer: ano Wholtaile Dealeis ta
1 1 6BLOP). SWAM
191‘1117.1PW, PilL l P£3. A.
Federal 14., AlWow (lety,Pa.,
MIS Italia Pis USW
apt ~a' r
Nalio n a I tints.
FTlrwr-•m7;.'s -- z.wmil
A", 1141GZJUOsp PON/1.
e r.i7 sot watzwirsootr. -
'•••• •
The 4:44 wag o'er. Now britutn len; wine
In lordly cup was scan to shine
Belbre each eager guest ;
And silence filled the crowded toll,
As deep as - when the herald's call
• Thrills in the loyal breast
Then up arose the noble host,"
And smiling, cried; " toast !' sloast
To all our lady's
Here, heihre all, I riledge the name
Of Stanton's proud and beauteous dame—
The Lady C,undamere."
Quick to his Get each villain - sprang,
And joyous was the shout that rang,
As Stanley, gave the word ;
And every cup was raised on high,
Nor ceased the loud and gladsome cry
'Till Stanley's voice was beard.
"Enough.'enoUgh." he smiling said, -
And lowly bent his hauhty head,
"That all may have t heir due,
Nov each hi turn must play his part,
And pledge the Wye of his heart,
Like gallant knight and true."
Then one by one eaeh guest sprang up,
And drained in turn the brimming cup,
And named the loved one's name ;
And each, as hand on high he raised,
Uls ladyes grace and beauty praised,
.....2.11er constancy and fame.
eNolTbsnow $t • Own to rile—
On Lim are 8 ‘. fleas eyes—
' A, gallant kid& •
Envied by some, a..• !red by all,
Far famed in ladye's bower and ball—
!Me flower of chivalry.
St. Leim raised his kindling eye,
And held the sparkling cup on high- 7 -
"I drink to one," he said, -
"Whose image never may depart,
Deep graven on this grateful heart,
'Till memory be dead ;
To one whose love for the shlll last
When lighter passions long have past.,
So deep it is, and pure;
Whoso love hath longer dwelt. I ween.
Than any yet that pledge l bath been
By these brave knights before."
Each guest ulastarted at the wool,
And laid a hand upon his sword,
With - fury-flashlng_ eye ; '
And Stanley said, We crave the name, -
Proud knight, of this molt peerless dame,
Whose, love you count so high."
Si. Leon paused, as it he Would
Not breathe her name in careless mood,
Thus lightly to another;
Then bent his noble head, as tho'
To, give , thai word the reverence due, -
And gently said, "My Mother."
Defence of HosoccopathY.
Mn. Eorron:— , About a month ago, it be
came known to a few in this city, that a sett
of resolutions were passed at a meeting of
the State Medical Society at Pittsburgh ;
whieh,according to the testimony ofone ofonr
leading allopathic physicians, originated in
the Erie County Medical Association in this'
'city. The resolutions were as follows:
"Dr. Stewart, of Erie, offered the following
resolutions, which were received and read :
"WIIEREAR, It is alleged that the corpora
tors of Certain medical and surgical institn
lions endowed by this State, ate about to
give position and. authority in the same, to
irregular practitioners, therefore,
"Awaked, That the small amount of truth,
stolen by bamteopathic and other irregular
practitioners from the true science of medi
cine, is so mingled with a much greater
amount of error, as to be, in our qpinion, a
great evil to the whole people: and that we
cannot in any degree aspirate with or recog
nize Eqpt practitioners,
"iiesalred, That when an attempt is made
by any institution endowed by the State, to
put the treatnient of the sick wholly or par
tinily under the care of homeopathy or
quaeirturv. coo. Aul.riao Oro irrigates ploca
tkmers of the state to use all their influence
to induce the members of Assembly of their
several counties to vote for Feint:dr:the so
dangerous and mischievous a practice, and to
refuse all assistance of the State to such in
stitution while so condtteted.
"The resobition Offered at the morning
session by Dr. Stewart was then called up,
and passed, and copies ordered to be trans
mitted to the Governor, State Secretary' and
members of the State Senate." •
The first impulse VMS to treat a thing so
supremely ridiculous with silent contempt;
then with ridicule, but upon reflection, the
end sought to be attained by them Is of too
grave a nature. and upon it hangs the inter
ests, health and even livesof too many thous
ands of our beat citizens, to be treated light
ly, especially, when so learned and dignified
a body of medical gentlemen as compose the
State Medical Society deliberately and with
out a word of opposition,-call upon the Leg
%lature for aid to compel the people to take
their drugs whether It is their wish 'or not.
The facts in the case are simply as follows :
In The United States alone, there are now en
gaged in attire and remunerative practice,
four thousand hormeopathic physicians, who
.A..w.i-orlorecnttasSiramshosi l y.l and_
Upon what principle the allopathista style
themselves "regular", and the homeopathists
"irregular", has never yet been explained.
It is estimated that at least one-third
of the - entire population the United
States are fi rm" believers 'ln, or regular
employers - of the • himceopathte gys
tem of medication in all cases where its
skilled adednistration can possibly" be oh ,
mined. Owing to the scarcity of hotaceolia
thic physicians, in many of the villages and
small towns,the people are compelled to de
pendnpon their own skill by the direction of
some domestic treatise. The calls are re
peated, strong and 'urgent, from every part
of the countr y, for harticeopathic physicians
to come and locate, but the want cannot be
more than half supplied. ,The people are
becoming converted faster than competent
physicians can be found to supply their
urgent necesAitleit
Those who advocate most strongly the
homeopathic system : are unilbrmly of the
very best class of - society, and embody peo
pie far above the average in wealth and
Not only in the United States, but in every
civilized country on the globe, hommopatby
has taken a deep hold, and has as strong
supporters as here. Monarchs, Governors,
tors, Doctors of Law and Divinity.,
Clergymen of every denomination, Capital
ists, and the best of people everywhere, re
ceive its gentle but potent blessinp..
Capitalists and directors of Life Insurance
Companies, with a view of profit, dis
esiminate in its favor. The London
Life Insurance Compare of Ldadon,
England, was the first- to adop t a special rate
for homeopathic people, ten per cent.
below ordinary rates. • Other companies are
following their example with the moat grati
Life results. Thcome oM,Mpa nies have no sympath ra and directors of
with any abstract inn t their object is solely
to make money. They base thtir araclu-*
-Om upon the best and most reliable statisti
cal inmatitm.
Such has been the program of this "so dan
gerous and miseldelrous a practice "within
the last filly years,-tat in the United States
alone we find at least ten millions of intern
vanpeople who,afteshavingobsemelckeely,
and compared carefitilyr for years, the merits
and demerits of the various systems of medi
cine, as deny ractbsed side by side._ have
come to a tee conchision, from Its Ma
gnet euccess,that the Hommopatble vault is
the may case-whkik is founded on the Cereal
laws of the Great Creator, and a Ism pro
portion of them would rather die without
medical aid than to employ anything else. It
is at the liberties of these people and not at
die interests of a few -devoted hoeueopathi
physicians th at this abo resolutions mos t
directly strike, and the physicians would cer
ntinly be blind to the imerests of their patents
and irieads, if this matter was ht to pass
without men a word of warning.
...Zest experience during the late war no
Mee& ei bamtaMty. desires to see repeated.
4-the arrogant anryelliante of the Surgeon
in-Chief, who was an alle u tl a t
as in
itti no ammo'
pathist was allowed u = ai
the teeny, no matter his
might be. As therlywas no abler way. et se
tettOning their
don was asked : whether the curil-,
date bad way t with - hoe=
If he cenfleast be had, he win
pushed one Me
hl the anny, the aoldierts often preferred-to
pay for immaxgathle medicine at their own
expente, when u c ti andd get it, than totake
puttother thr Very many irdelftgeat
still believe if betreof need
had teen afforded our a s daring
the late War many - a heart would have been
ea* e. life 44 per, way s ,deeoliite
thet.: ol ./ ' • dui. Sn'All
'this lame k i - 7 —. 7*;
by the alb:Maths the haspitals, which de
rive a lame part of their suppoft Dom tax
paid by honumpathic people. Attempts ha
also been made by them to have a Slate :
of Medical Examiners, before whom all Phy
sicians must be examined, and receivccertlfi
cats, before they can practice In the State.
Any one can see what kind of a chance
Immumpathist would stand, no matter wits
his quallficatioms might be, before such a dig
attlettlobd even as the State 3Terlical Social
of is.
Such schemes harebeenfrequently devise
ahezupersistently followed by them for Its sup ,
and forcible overthrow, besides th
l r ittle private mamba• which they harp eon
stantly made in genera practice, ever s
the days of Hahnemann—but still the li 4
giant continues to grow.
Such conduct, however, does not seem •
harmonize with that nobleness find dignity
of character which people generally acct
to professional gentlemen having, the tires
the community in their Inurds.
Frommopathy, co the other hand,• has n
secrets. Its precious truths can be the pro
perty of all who have the industry, to I • •
them. Even our Idiopathic compeers Ma
use it openly, in alleviating human rid ibring
without the lime of-being accused of " steal
ing." Its nets are open to the public, and it
courts Investigation and comparison. I
in er t,, with equal propriety,claim all the h •
pi and public patronage, but it prelim •
act the libecalyart, and teal* the people the
to choose the .t..selres_ It does not old. •
to have allopathy side by side with it, so tha
the public may be the better able to judge o
their comparative merits.
Towards medical gentlemen, of whatever
school, wecherish feelings of the greatest re
spect, and desire at all times to maintain with
them a fraternal relation; but we must at
the same time, respectfully decline to accept
as fit and becoming titles the names "
quacks," " humbugs," " irregular praction
ers," "galled jades, " " charlatans," or "irregularpraction
ers, mo
nomaniacs!"• •
Fonts truly, E. J. FRASER.
A-Novel Crime.
On Saturday last, Mr. Samuel Strong, who
lives on Maryland avenue, nine First street,
Washington, complained to Senators Harlan
and Nye and Judge Fh.her, of the workmen
engaged in laying the pavement near his
house, for talking against Congress and using
abusive language. He particularized one In
dividual, whom be atlenvanis identified as
Charles Sorrell, a laborer, and was thereup
on advised to have hint arrested. This was
done by the detectives, Mr. Strong accom
panying. them. The Washington Sunday
Herald contains the fbllowing account of
what then occurred :
At the police headquarters, Mr. Sorrell
statedt before Justice Walter that' before the
day's work had commenced Mr. Strong was
sweeping the Sidewalk` in front of his resi
dence, which bad ,been. recently paved, and
remarked to the workmen assembled that
Congress had finished their labors, haviag
passed the military reconstruction - bill, and
would adjourn at three o'clock. Mr. Sorrell
remarked that "Congress and the Capitol
ought to have been blown up before they
passed it;" whereupon Mr. Strong exclaim
ed, "You are a d—d rebel I will have yon
arrested right away. The Dry Tortugas - is
the place for you, sir." He thought noth
ing more of the language he had used, and
proceeded with his week.
Mr, Strong being sworn, stated that he had
often heard the workmen talk. against COn
gresst and they were engaged at this time in
using abusive language. He also said he
heard the prisoner say, "I wish I could place
fifty barrels of gunpowder under the Capitol,
and. blow them all toh—L" "naked Stemma
who said It his name, but be would net tell
me. I then asked a number of mechanics
what the man's name was who made that re:
mark, but could not get soy of them to an
swer me. I came to the city and met Sena
tor Harlan, and told him the .conversation I
had heard, and remarked_that li was a habit
- of these secessionists to abase and threaten
Con He told me to go with-him to the
Malta LA> sm. ;Anon* Itt.
Sergeant-at-Arms was notified of the threat
ening language that had been used; and he
sent the lieutenant of the Capitol police to
make the complaint.
I spoke to Senators Harlan and Nye, and
also to Judge Fisher, and they, all said I was
perfectly right about it.
The next witness sworn was John E. Rob
erts, connected with the Capitol police, and
formerly an attache of General• Baker's de
tective-force, who told a story about the man
pointing at the Capitol, &e., which - was de
nied by the prisoner. •
Justice Walter, to the prisoner—You will
know to talk, and not to be so
free in speaking youffeelings.
Prisoner—Yes, sir; I did not know that it
was any halm to my what I did.
The Justice announced that ho should
hold the prisoner in WO for his appearance
hereafter, whenever he may be wanted, and
also for his good behavior for six months.
Mr. W. T; Walker offered the item:miry se
curity, and Mr. Sorrell was permitted to have
his liberty.
Mr. Charles Sorrell is a poor laboring man,
about thirty-five years of age, and is a peace
able citizen residing on the Wand. He
wevell in .the Union nail` during the late
plau amduct.
A Fable.•. Not from &sop.
Once upon a time theie lived two broth
els upon adjoining farms. The one was a
large, stout, muscular man who looked 'as
though he could whip his weight in wild
cats, and "didn't much deceive his looks."
The other was small in stature, but his sin
ews were tough and Wik r and his eyes shot
forth a glance of fire. many years The
two brothers lived side by able, in.great har
mony. Their substance ineresied, large fam
ines grew up around them, and thee were
really wryprosperous - and happy. In the
course of time. however, there came to the
farm of the big brother, a mischief-making
fellow, sent by the mother of the two broth
ers,who owned an island on the other side
of the great deep, and wile, for some reason
or other, never did have much - affection for
her wax Ibis emissary hastened to tell the
big IS:rotifer, that - the little fellow managed
his firm very improperly, that he treated his
laborers imdly, and that it was a disgrace to
the brother that he permitted such con
duct in his neighbor. The result was that
when the two brothers met, the subject was
introduced by the big brother, ands dispute
arose between them The dispute soon be
tamea serious quarrel and the quarrel, in
due time, curled in blows. 'Both parties
were engaged and fought like tigers. The
little fellow was tough and spunky, but the
weight and rankle of the big brother con
quered in the end. 'nevertheless, the fight
lasted oath the big brother. was seriously
crippled, whilst the little fellow was left for
' dead. The survivor at once took possession
of his brother's estates, set over them his own
dependents, sad was aboirt to premed to
mine than bait own way,alten, happen- •
hag to look toward the prostrate brother, he
imagined that he perceived a faint glimmer
• of light in the dead man's eyes. Fearthilest
the latter might revive, and claim again the
estates which he once reasesoted, the big
brother put his heel upon his prostrate broth
er's neck and onshal the life out of him for
Ttle name of the big brother was North,
that of the little one &ndh.—Batfortt Gazette.
Tao following is how they do things in
" MeV. ding Will, of New Mahar,
on th e Niger ver, ass established a ccmsti-"
ankmil government. The opening of the
parliament Is thus described by a French offi
eel.: The President armed, to the members,
who bad been driven to the door of-the ball
by his andesits servants, armed with *sticks,
ands i Are you all devoted to your migh
ty The delegates, rubbing - their shoul
ders, eagerly mid they were. Then, said the
President, you know that, if you chow; you
can get_op an 4m position to oar monarch's
wid Only it Is his Intention to cat off the
bead of Usseryonewhoisnothlsblend. Now
let the opposition stand• on the lett and the
others an Vas right - General rush to the
right" • - • • •
Government on the Niger is not greatly
difdrent - froot a certain other government on
the Niges—spelled with taro " ire •
tram. eot>nnsndp at the UMW
nes, lima in gnat. dam at Cheriestara Be
wears cm the streets an
in s earriage,ildving =tra is
imam with vie& diver mountings. generally
with his 4anghter beside Sim. as a servant
in livery behind. This spiendid establish
matt attracts the earandasni af the negro
lieUertirosi Wa..Griilith, Est,
• EntrOß OasspyivePser lie: -4 am
tatieh 4 4 4 tIiZZSECOVINPOnIbIit tits
rice** ay - Vogt Wm,' behalf,
in relation to a certain action of the Cincin
nati Horticultural Society, tuning reference
to a patent lately granted me, for propagating
grape vines from buds, or short cutfts.
I was early Informed of these proceedings,
ai also of Its publication In your paper, but,
being - fully apprised of the fact that the Soci
ety were influenced by, and were acting up
on, information- throbbed them byan parer- -
thy meraber,Aosf residing Its this vicinity,
who, to avoid prosecution for Infringement
upon my rights, had sought the aid of this
honorable body, and procured the passage of
a resolution hostile to my interest, by State
ments and representations 'entirely false and
ridiculously absurd.
This same individual,Mr. John E. Monier,
had opposed iny claim at the Patent Office,
by a similarly false and ilielish - communica
tion, as also by the presentment of other Pa
per- , steed by several individuals interested
In defeating my application fora patent, equal
ly false and malicious.
Perhaps, in justice to myself . I ought to
have replied to this attack, and informed the
readers of the Observer of these facts at an
earlier day, but feeling quite certain that the
Cincinnati Horticultural Society would, on
learning the true state of the case, and the
imposition practised upon them by Mr. Met
tler, rescind their action and fatly exhonorate
me from the aspersions they had thus been
induced to cast upon me, r have chosen to
abide my time.
And now, being furnished by the Secretary
of the Society with the minutes of their lam
meeting, I send you for publication so much
as relates to their former action recording my
patent. Wu. Oitivyrrit:
SATURDAY, July 20.186:.
The Society met as usual—Vice•Ymsident
Sterns in the chair. The reading of the min
utes of the last meeting was postponed. The
following paper was read. by Mr. John A.
Stn. PaEsmErr—ln the resolutions passed
by this Society,- a few weeks ago, We may
have been too hasty, and therefore I beg leave
to present a few remarks to you and to my
fellow members. We then acted under.tbe
representations' that had been made to us
that the Patent Office had granted letters for
the use of mulch in horticulture, which, of
course, appeared very preposterous to us,
and justified our action, and the determina
tion to defend ourselves from any restriction
In the use of mulching Material in our ope
rations. .
It appears that the whole matter was mis
understood,-and now that the merits of the
claim are truly represented and understood,
the matter assumes quite another aspect, and
in justice to ourselves and to the patentee
we should be willing to consider the maiwr
Mr. Griffith claims nothing new of mulch
ing except in its mode and time of applica
tion, and in the manner of its operation on
the cuttings upon which be uses it. „Here he
does seem to have made a discovery, and he
certainlycertainlyp appears to have been eminently
succcssfull in growing grape vines from short
cuttings, even of refractory sorts, which are
planted at once In the open soil, without the
labor and expense of sand beds, flow-pipes,
furnaces, glass, watering, patting, shifting,
hardening off, transplanting and ail the cost
of propagating houses and , their apparanis
and apphances.
If this be true, and no one doubts the suc
cess that has attended his efforts, he ha. 4 cer
tainly made a great advance in the practice of
horticulture, and has a right to protect him
self by .patent, which he has done, after a
thorough investigation of the matter by the
examiners. Of the propriety or good taste
in this proceeding, every horticulturist must
be left to draw his own conclusions and to
have his own opinions; but no good reason
can be advanced why he should not thus pro
tect himself in the use of his discovery.
He writes that he is wiling to submit to
our society to say whether his improvement
is not new and important when we fully un
derstand it He does not wish to interfere
with, nor to ask any special rights guaranteed
claims that Joe method has not been practised
in Cincinnati, nor in any other place, either
in this country or in t nrope, and this, he
hopes will in due time, be recognized by eve
ry member of the society: Ile is anxious
to have an opportunity of proving this to
the society, of showing 'that it is new and
In brief, the cuttings are short, generally of
a stn le joint, with one eye or bud. These
are p lunged into the soil to their full length,
andcovered with three inches of mulch,
which, he claims, retards the starting of the
buds until after the foimation of the callus
- '-and rootlets, by which time the mulch will
hate admitted sufficient heat and some influ
ence to start the buds, which never drop off
. for want of nourishment, as this is abundant
ly ftuaished by the roots that have now
formed a connection with the moist soil.
In presenting this matter, I feel as though
I was performing simply an act of justice to
a worthy man, whose energy, enterprise and
success challenges our admiration.
It was moved by Mr.- Anderson that the
paper be incorporated in the minutes, and
that a committee - of three, of which Dr.
:Warder be chairman, be appointed to fully
iiarlll6nisuDdlmrt tam the subject. Car-
R. T. Thornton.
Our Taxes and Who Pay Them.
From the New York World.'
_'Fite following exhibit of the financial di
lemma of the State and the country, and of
the Influence of-the preSent system of taxa
tion, was recently presented by a Republi
can member of the New York State Assem
bly :
' Can it do any harm to remember that our
national debt is twenty-seven thousand mil
lions of dollars t Of this, at least one-sixth,
or four hundred and fifty millions, must be
paid by this State. The State is now paying
to the national government not less than sev
enty or eighty millions of i dollars a year in
direct taxes. The State-debt is over seventy
tiVe millions more. In view of our.share of
the national debt, the State debt fails to im
press us as it ointht. Years ago, a State debt
of forty millions startled the people ; and the
watchword went ,forth, stop and pay. On
this very day New York is bonded tor five
hundred and seventy-six millions of dollars
of debt; more than one-third of the whole
a • - ssazsed valuation. Our people mast pay off
the interest on this amount, and must provide
for the redemption of the principal- The
debt is wholly by reason of the cause for
which it was Incurred, and the people accept
it as a debt of honor in the highest sense.
But It is still a debt. The interest comes out
of their earnings and their savings, and the
principal must one day Increase their labors
or diminish their comforts. This Is no dis
tant danger. The fact stares us In the face
that we have entered upon the era of reduc
don of values. The gold dollar is worth $1.35
in paper, or rather the paper dollar is worth
seventy-four cents in gold. The margin of
difference—twenty-six per cent —is oozing
away out of every fortune, out of-values gen
erally. It may be in a few months, it may be
in a couple of years, bat sooner or later, a
share of the values in this State, estimated in
money, not far front that margin, Is to—
" Fold its tent like the Arab,
"And is silently steal away."
"I am ao alarmist. My picture includes
no, dark finings of the ruin to be caused by
contraction. Count every man solvent. Be
lieve that every mechanic and laborer shall
have steady employment. Omit from the
cakulatlonall considerations of the stringen
cy of the market. Forget, if you can, how
In 1837 and 1837 many works commenced
were forced to st op, Tram failure to obtain
mosey on their securities Pronounce, if,
pomade, that with &ate aid these projects
wilt be lifted into the white light of success,
above the clouds of financial storms, above
the refractions which saw all commerce and
all business. Yet we cannot slut oureyes to
the .contingency. To destroy. bridges • arid
burn boats to prevent retreat, is soldierly
courage ,• it is not business prudence. The
chance, I will not call it the danger, that a
panic may overtake tie on the way to the re
sumption of specie payments, ought to ren
der all men wan , and • Id to compel those
Who have a solo in .1 taxation to
Make it as light as poesib and beyond. all,
elm=equal. The lesso n is - apt, that we
temper the rind to the iihora
Thelvilst of-
as a depreefaied aireenei and an
balherhulaatl %atilt wlOl4 Mar are sorely
felt, are not half understood by thousands of
those who surer most from them. Dam the
American labeler reflect that he is called up
on to pay form twenty . .. Ace to dam-three
per mat. hit average. cartage in direct
taxation t The Increased cost In dollars of his
firing Ls due, not alone to-the fact
that his paper dollar will not purchase hint
a dollar's worth, but also to the fact that a
dollar's worth of many articles that he buys
is doubled, and in many cases nearly trebled
bi,priCeby s series of subtle taxes that he,
the consumer, really has to meet Per in
stance, let us calculate for him the taxes he
is obliged to pay on tho article of ten alone.
Gold being at $1.40, a pound of tea may be
reckoned on as ibliows, from the .time it Is
&livered to the importer until it reaches the
tattle of the family who drink it: ,
Original cost of tea. imported - $ .50
Mama on Currency to pay for it,. .20
Doty hi gold , - - - - - 25
Discount on currency to make up gold, • .15 •
. 01111 3 11 1Pul00,
Profit of *likelier, ot i jj. ,
Profit &jobber, ~ .:- , l'^: -. • lir'
Profit of country tnerchl, 25 pes eL, .38_
Total. - • 1 - $1 :83
Before the war the cost of the same article
would have been as follows : -
NO. 11.
Original cost, importe4
Ten per cent. for contingencies,
Profit of importer, - -
Profit of jobber, - -
Profit of country merchant,
- Total, - - $ -80
This estimate will hold good concerning
nearly all foreign articles imported ; and in
the.relative prices of nuuiy of them before
and since the war, the discrepancy is still
greater. .
A Model 6‘l4oYollsl.'!
John A. Loden, of Illinois, is one of the
vilest defamers of the Democratic party -in
,Ccingress, and one of the bitterest of the
Radio:ilk He led off in the exclusion of the
Kentucky Ilepresentatives on the charge
of disloyalty during the. war. The Illinois
papers are publishing the following upon
Slak.of Illinois,County of Gallatin, as: '
Wm. M. Dav i s, of the town of Equality, in
the county anti State aforesaid, being sworn,
says that on the 25th day of May, A:D.,1861,
I left Williamson county, under Captain D.
Brooks, for the army of the Confederate
States, and did join that army and was badly
wounded at the battle of Shtloh ; and furth
er state that I went to that army by and Un
der the -advice and influence of . Jolin A. Lo
gan and his brother-in-law, H. B. Cunning
ham, who told me-that Logan would join us
in two or three months, or In a short period ,
of time. - ' W. 11 DAVIS.
Subscribed and sword to this 2d day of
October, A. D., 1800, beforo me.
11. B. PEARCE, J. P.
When Logan spoke •at Carbondal , last
week, his mother and sisters were nt.
In the course of his speech he den - that he
had ever given any one money to enter the,
rebel service: whereupon his sister, Mrs.
Blanchard, remarked, " That's a lie, John ;
you gave money to my husband to go into
the rebel army." A- little later Logan de
nied that he ever was inlavor of the rebels ;
to which his mother replied, "That's a lie.
John !"
The lifgaldngton correspondent of the Cin
cinnati Commercial (Republican) tells how
Logan became an enemy of the President's :
"Philosophers have in all ages been puz
zled to account for the remarkable changes
that have taken place in men's' minds and
opinions on great and . betpatant questions.
Every now and then, smeh - Bab.l was tripped
upon his way to Damascus, a case of sudden
conversion in religion or politics has startled
the world and staggered the theory that con
victions are born with babies. The present
Congress affonts many illustrations of this
character. One of the most insatiate Radi
cals in the House is a member from Illinois.
A little over a year ago he was, as he had
been all his life, a conservatiVe person. He
was the first man to implore the President to
veto the Freedmen's'Bureau Bill. He called
twice at the White House for that purpose,
and being taken sick before the veto was
written, sent a message from his sick bed at
Willard's, repeating his solicitude in this im
portant matter. Soon after this, this same
worthy statesman became the attorney in a
cotton claim amounting to $90,000. (He was
-not then a member of Congress, but he had
been one before and is now.) He had a fee
of $30,000 in thetnatter. He called on the
President at least twenty_ times to get the
claim allowed. ThiPresident examined the
matter and . concluded he had no right to in
terfere in it. It mast be settled by the Secreta
ry of the Treasury, and if he said the demand
ought to be paid, well and good. The con
servative gentleman got Mad at this, and the
result of his distemper was a change of his
political convictions.
"He became a Radical. He went further. A
President, thought he, who . won't let me
make $30,000 is not fit to hold office in this
great Republic, and henceforth I am for isu;
burden of hie, song ever since. Now this
would appear to be a fair subject for the Ju
diciary Committee to inquire into. It comes
legitimately within the general • scope of the
charge that the President stands in the way
of reconstruction, and ought to be removed
as an obstacle. He certainly was an obstacle
to this $30,000 fee, and to prevent a loyal
man from pocketing $30,000 is a -grave' of
Several days-ago a Republican and a Dem
ocrat got into conversation on the subject of
making voters out of negroes. The Repub
lican contended that the negroes should be
allowed as a matter of right. "But,"
replied the Democrat, "that will lead to sociaj
equality." "Let it,"rejoined the Republican,
"the only difference between the negroes and
the whites is in the color of the skin and in
the hair." "Then you think." said the De
mocrat. "that the negroes should have the same
social us well as the same political privilege ,
the whites enjoy." "Certainly," replied the
Republican. "Now, .suppose a negro and
your daughter should conclude to contract
marriage, what would you do in regard to
that ?" asked the Democrat. "Why, I should
queried trio beri - Lk - Vspalali,
not do that. - If my daughter married a ne
gro, I should discard her." replied the Re
publican with spirit. -"What," asked the
Democrat, "discard your daughter for be
lieving and practising the doctrines you
teach? Come, neighbor, don't you think you
are carrying this ne,gra , business too far ? If
there is no difference really between a ne,gro
and a white man, excepting the color . of his
skin and in the matter of hair;:why would
you discard your daughter for marrying %ne
gro instead of a white man?" The Republi
can hung his head thoughtfully..
The elephant can, with its trunk. pick up
a cambric needle or rend the stately oak of
the forest. The military commanders A;lf the
"Five Districts of the South"can not Only re
vise a constitution but can abrogate the sim
plest local laws and usages atpleasure. ' One
of our exchanges tells - a story of Commander
Sickles, which ought to make our friend
Pierson grateful that he is not within the
Sickles bailiwick. In Charleston,- as here,
smoking is prohibited in street cars. Gener
al Sickles does not always go abroad in his
four-horse write, and recently he conde
scended to ride with ordinary folks in the
street cars, but he for - ro t to observe the rule,
"no smoking allowed." The conductor call
ed his attention to the fact,
"What did you observe?" said the Gen
"I merely desired to inform you," said the
min, in the blandest manner possible, "that
passengers are not allowed to smoke in the
cars. It is edhtrary to the rules." •
"Alt ! indeed," replied the great man, tak
ing out his watch with the utmost nonchal
ance. "Indeed! Then you shall consider the
rules suspended for the next half hour."
.This is a capital joke, no doubt, though
old-fashioned Republicans may not "see it."
,—Brooklyn Eagle. •
" Wirn four metallic qualifications a man
may be pretty sure of earthly success. These
are Gold in hi,s pocket,• Silver in his tongue,
Brass in his face, and Iron in his heart."
But for a tonic appetizer, and as a_gentle
stimulant, there is reliable virtue in Planta
tion Bitters. No` article hes ever been so
popular or done half so much good. Let all
who have not already tried this great atom
aeldc, at once test its quality. We under
stand that the druggists and grocers of this
section are selling vast quantities, and that
scarcely a family is without it.
KiG3OLII WATEn--A 4elig.htfal toilet
artlele—superior to (Zolo2n, e and at half the
price,• • aul-721.
, .
Et&;Arou Wrisox answered an anxious
Vlrginian that confiscation is to be feared
only as the cot7encc of persistent folly.
If persistent foll 'be cause for eolith/Wien,
the Radicals w on td soon lose their !Nantes.
—Bostosi Past" - . .
Tarrtell of one of, the untenified at
Bridnenort, Conn., who was especially eager
to see — die Presidential pant!, exciatatbig, as
be rushed up tothedon'tcare shu
shout Johnson; Parson "iiasby thu gs
want to see."
Tram Simnists sneers at the Setiate - of
the Vpited States, because, to use • his own
elegant language, "the fragment of the old
shattered Cimantation stuck in the kidneys
of some Senators and troubled them at
Making the AgplicatiOn.
A Grim Joke.
$ m
.o 5