The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 01, 1867, Image 2

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THUEI.S.D.A Y. AVOUST ist. wet
• \ '
1100.! ROOtg i o .Sharsl44od,
IT men he the•next Thing to Paradise to,
live in Kentucky. In more than half the
counties of that State the Nmocratie candi
dates for Legislature have no Oppoition.
Tim election in Kentucky for Governor
and other State officers, memberaor the 14'7'
islature, and chanty officers, will be held an
Monday next.: That, of Tennessee will be
held today (Thurndey, Aug.rlst.) There are .
fears of serious outbreaks, and troops - are be
ing stationed at all the lending joints.
Tar. Radicals of N,CNY Jersey held an "brof
partial Suffrage Convention," at Trenton, on
the 22d, 11.11 d committed the party in that State
fully and sqnarely to the principle of negro
suffrage and 'equality. Resolutions approv
ing the execution of Maximilian, and nomi
nating Gen. Grant for President, were offered
and laid upon the table.
TarE Ilmilshurg Patriot, in a scathing 'aril
ele exposing the corruption, winch prevails
alxiut the State buildings in that city, relates
the following curious incident:
" Nd one can forget what occurred With the
valuable mourning material used at the Lin
coln funeral obsequies in this city, whlch'cost
the State over $5,000. It was but a day or
two after the corpse of the lamented mar
tyr' had left the city, that a prominent official
was observed wearing an exceedingly stylish
outfit, cut from the mourning cloth which
had covered the ashes of a dead President."
Tan late State - Convention adopted one
resolution which ought to entitle it to the
everlasting gratitude of the Democratic press
at Pennsylvania. We give it below, and
commend It to the special attention of every
member of our party who may" read this pa
"That the power and success of the Dem
ocratic party greatly depends on the charac
ter and efficiency of its newspaper press, said
that to give due force to irs usefulness, this
Convention earnestly request that in evere
county all the members 'of the Democratic
party should make a vigorous effort to increase
its circulation by giving it individual patron
age and support."
We hail this resolution as an encouraging
sign that the Democratic leaders have at
length waked up tq a fact never leore recog
nized by them, that the great party lever con
sists in a prosperous and widely circulated
press. Had one-half the - labor been devoted
to building up and strengthening Democratic
papers that has been expended in the fuss and
fustion of our campaigns, we feel assured that
a very different state of allitirs would be wit
THE Germans are beginning to discover
the huge cheat that was imposed upon
them . in securing their support for the
Radicals. A number of the leading men
and papers have lately withdrawn their err
operation from that party, and it seems inev
itable that before long, the great nms of Ger
man voters in the country will be among the
most hearty denouncers, of the faction which
has done so much to prostrate the liberties,
happiness and prosperity of the people. In
Boston, we notice that Carl Heinzer, editor
of the most ultra German Radical paper in
the North—the Pioneer—gives notice that he
will no longer act with* the party of Sumner,
Stevens & Co. The Pittsburgh Volksblatt,
an influential Radical daily paper, -says that
The German Republicans must form an alli
ance with the Democracy, in order to defeat
the puritanical spirit which is gradually tak-
Radical papers of lowa declare in the came
Spirit, and even Carl Schurz urges, in his St.
Louis Westliche Post, the German Radicals
to vote for Democratic candidates for
lative and municipal offices. The facts show
that the Germans intend no longer to be made
the dupes of Radical demagogues, who have
so long used them for the accomplishment of
their selfish pnrfxisrs.
THE Washington National Inteffigeneer
claims to have secured reliable information
of the character of the impeachment testi
mony-. It says the evidence of all the most
respectable witnesses, such as Gens. Grant,
Thomakand others is strongly in favor of the
President, while the only sort which tends to
damage him is that of the detectives, office
seekers and rapscallions generally who hang
.nbont WieshingtOn, picking up their bread at
the mercy of those in power,and who have fail
ed to receive that recognition from the Presi
dent which they demanded.- The Intelligen
eer.alleges of the general character of the
testimony that—
"lt-is haidlY necessary to say - Thai it was
conceded to be'exenlpatdry rather titan im
• plieating the President in any impeachable
offense, and that others rather than he were
interested in its suppression, although sought
to be entirely one-sided. In this way, also,
it appeared that the evidence disclosed very
important facts,. showing
. eonclusively- that
his 'policy,' however sneeringly derided now
by the Radical wire-pullers, was cordially ac
quiesced' in and approved by the high-toned
and popular soldier whom they are this
moment endeavoring to cajole into becoming
their candidate fur the Presidency in 1868. h
was, also, in like manner disclosed that the
testimony clearly established the fact that the
reconstruction policy of President Johnson,
us developed in his North Carolina procla
mation (which has been carried out in his sub
sequent proclamations and other acts), was
not only' substan4lly, but identically the
same as that which had been determined up
on by his predecessor as his own; in short,
that the original draft of that proclamation
was that of the identical one intended to be
issued by Mr. Lincoln himself. As to the
President's course in 'pardoning rebels,' it
!lather appears that it - wits sustained by the
same great name to the extent of a recom
mendation for the pardon of Robert E. Lee,
the commanding general of the Confederate
forces. For manifest reasons it is unfortunate,
in a partisan point of view, that the Conser
vative members of the Committee could not
conscientiously Vote for the immediate pub
lication of the whole of the testimony taken,
.though but partially completed, end wholly
ex parte." .
THE action of Congress, in taking out of
the hands of the President the power of re.
moral and appointment; is fitly illustrated
in the following, from the Tribune's Wash
ington correspondent:
"Some Weeks ago a special 'agent of the
Post-Office Department reported to the Post
master-General that he lied detected frauds
perpetrated by the Postmaster ,at Greens
burg, Indiana, and that the Postmaster had
admitted that his book-entries had been
changed, &c. Upon thitishirwing the Post
master was suspended. When Congress met,
the facts were certified to the Senate, and a
new Postmaster niuninated.l The Senate re
jected the nomination, and under the Tenure
of Office law the old Postmastex is reinstated
in office. The PostmasteiGeneral to-day
notified the reinstated office
_ri of.the action of
the Senate, and added : "You are respect
fully requested, as a'favortolhe department,
to use as little of themoney of the Govern
tient and make as few false entries an VOW- I
Tits number of prominent, Radicals who
committed. suicide dnring the last year
leads to suggestive 'reit 'ections. :Dm Lane
was first on the list, Preston Ring MlloWed,
and now we have another, id Daniel Mace,
of Indiana. Ho was tomerly a Republican
member of Con_greil, Was a delegate to the
Baltimore Convention 44 11304 rauramited
Mr. Johnson for the Vice Presidency,mader
the belief that he was amore thorough 'Rad
ical than Mr.-Hamlin, and afterwards receiv
ed from Mr. uspAii, the appointment of Post
'mater at Lafayette, , his place of red
deuce. Venly, the stings of conscience. are
bard to bear.
TT; -4. t '.AI. :
A doe nt is k ndy going villas
of the Ha ; Press, Av*Ncilit its wii.l7
is one of dig inost re xtraord ry .*ciruens
of po , litical.,ytera dermige, d con
ditioni)r—ac timM4hts giWiittrthle:ll Pun
ports to be an address from the Republican
Statc-Committerithougtwtrere it ant ttstritim
fact thatitis signed in due official , form by
the ChiireMn and Secretaries of that body,
Pq41)'..9PCW9414,be, in 4 00 0 t P . 404X to re
ceive it as 9 burlesque, ar as the emanation
of some madm&n, gone crazed thro(igh tee
ardent relicetitufiaver the nest nary means
for perpetuating Radical dorninnne:ii
Aught - Certainly no honorable
minded Radical :can. read it erlthout:feeling
.a blush oitshanii that his paitylitiderideem
it rieceisailto resort -to such. • int ob.
taininif suecess; nnd andwe ate not purl - wised to
seellainmanken papers like the N. ;I'. • tri-,
bane dad i'ittsburili C>iioniclr wnsii. their
hands of anyparticipatiott suits eighiritnent.
It is expected that Addresses from prominent
and bifinential Wiles like the Stalg Co - mat
Of either party, wilt; be =dignifiiif, and
high toned arguments Mann the principles in
Wine, but this one attempts nothing of the,
'kind. Occupying about keep:min of ourpa ,
per in length, it does hot undertake to' grasp
a single one of the subjeCts which divide po
litical parties, but proceeds thaw beginning to
end in a style of ranting demmciation of the
Democratic party, and of indeceut vitupera
tion of, its candidate for :Supreme Judge,
which 'would be a dim . ..milli to the' trimmest
and most vindictive partizan journal in the
country. '
The author of " Address," or
at least the person :whose signature to it makeg
hint responsible for its publication, is "Col."
Frank Jordan, whmnow holds the position
of Secretary of State in . Geary's Caifirlet We
had always suppoied this individualaperson
of some character, but the emanation to
which we refer stamps hint as ft-mere politi
cian, with ideas noloftier tltam the common
bar-room sort. " Col." Jordan. may 'deem it
necessary to his party salvation to circulate
such stuff at the present time, but We Mire
greatly mistaken if the day is not near wit&
he will repent it as much as the mass of in
telligent Radicals everywhere have beensur
prised and mortified to see a document of its
Lind put forth in their party' name. . Aa the
Dispatch and Gazette, with their usual zeal
to endorse everything that bears maliciously
upon the Demociatio party, ha-re taken pains
to commend and bring the "Address" prom
inently to notice,we quote the following, from
the Pittsburgh Chronicle, to show what re
spectable journals of the same party think of
" Col." Jordan's effusion :
"It is insulting to the intelligence or the
people of Pennsylvania to say that in this
judicial contest the Democratic party has se
cession Inscribed on its banner. We warmly
support Judge Williams in this contest, but
we will not even by silence lend our indorse
ment to so utterly shameful and unwarranted
a charge as the one above quoted. It is a
sign of bad party demoralization when such
means are adopted to achieve success. It is
utterly wrong and utterly unnecessary. Such
things recoil against the men•who practice
them, and cloud even an honest cause with
suspicion. Whatever may have been the views
of Judge &Inwood thirty-three years ago, it
is both absurd and criminal to say that the
right of secession will be an issue in the ap
proaching elections The Republican party
can go into a canvass upon its own merits and
upon actual issues, without compromising
itself by these shabby devices, and we trust
no respectable journal in the party will lend
itself to such a style of warfare. It is a veri
table Mexican buoinesq "
Just previous to the meeting of the last
Congress, the N. T. Tribune contained an
able editorial laying down clearly and con
cisely the work which the people expect
ed it to do, and which It was necessary
should be done for the Welfare of the
country. __LThe....Vrtie'tsvfirt — Witli the 'Tri
bune that it attracted wide attention, and
was regarded by most intelligent persons as
having emanated front some wiser train than
the one which usually gives tone to the pa
per. It demanded of Congress that it
should tell "each unreconstructed State pre
cisely how it may resume its relations with
the Federal Government." "It does not suf
fice, said the Tribune, "that Coligress stands
ready to recognize any State which• shall in
good faith reconstruct herself after the pat-
tern of Tennessee ; the fact must be placed
beyond the reach of misrepresentation or
cavil. The Copperhead calumny that the
Republicans do not mean to restore the
Southern States—do not want them restored
on any terms—has been allowed to work
mischief quite long enough. There mtist be
no unseemly haste—no reckless neglect or
disregard of appropriate guaranties—but the
subdued States and their people must be told
exactly what is required of them, what will
be the consequences of raising to do it, and
what the rewards of obedience and a return
to loyalty. It. is not enough to tell them
what to do, and leave in doubt the conse
quences of obstinacy, the advantages of CQUl
pliance. Let everything be made clear as
the noonday sun, and let the people of the
South see and feel that we heartily wish
their restoration to 'self-rule: Let them
know precisely what they forfeit by further
mulishness, what they gain by hearty ac
quiescence, and let no State be shut out of
the ne.g..t choice of President unless through
its own fault. So shall the July session,
though brief, be rendered one of the most
fruitful and beneficent."
Had Congress followed the advice of the
Tribune, the result would have been . "most
fruitful and ltenetieent." Bet we look in
vain, throughout its entire proceedings, for a
single tndication of a real hOnest dusitr„td
harmonize oar national troubles. Iti whole
object seemed to be to perfect the plan for
delaying the restoration of tite titiciu, and
making still more remote the prospects of a
permanent settlement. It failed to give the
down-trodden South a single even remote
assurance that by punning, any course it
might adopt, ,it would ag,:titt be admitted to
its rights under the Constitution. The busi
ness of the country and the happiness - of the
people are kept suspended in the balance,.
for the one purpose, and that only. of per
perpetuating the dominance of- the Radical
party. ,
According to the reports in the . Canadianpress,
press, ,Tellbrson Davis must he enjoying a
"high old time" in that "Dominion." lie is
treated with gm , most distiuguishediumor.4,
and lionized ilterever he appears in public.
As an instance, we clip the following - from
the Toronto Leader of the 19th :
.",A. 'benefit'was 1, •
riven in the theatre last
1 night for the sufferers of. the South. Every
part of the building was crowded. Ex•Pres
'dent Davis wits present in a retired part alf
the dress elide, but.45.-soon ea he was my.
treed the whole inunease audience rose:and
cheered and cheered over -and over again,
the ladies 'waving huts and handkerchiefs.
"Dixie" was then called fur, which', brought
down the lame. Mr. Davis modestly an
knowledged this compliment. De was dress
ed in black and acixoptudedby three ladies.
lie remained to the end of Meperformance
In the dress circle with the - ladies., The
-whore audience rose and mtve o round of
cli6ers for him, and "Dixie" was called for
sympathi& of the Colutdiazis daring
our late struggle weft - manifestly with the
&Mash:mists, and such - oceuerenees as the
shore Show that the sueeet4 'of the'llarth
has not materially altered them.
Tim New York World last week appeared
In ,a complete new dress, making it .the
handsomest, AR it has long ,been the - ablest
daily in the Metrowlis. The- World, in all
its departments, is a first-class paper, and de
serves the prosperity thatisevidentlyettend
ing It.
1 . Jh '' .---- .5 5 0 1rsetw r ithi
- Gaz l; I f t t r i - - d
ha "pu et 0 is eon atv
eljticrt . ls of tht4asiti 'Prof. arel , ion the
~:.. ' 0," • and Tad Stave: ' in . _
i t h lei•
Ls - the Neva_ Tad
%.0- " .rt— '1.3 r
and though ocues' er% wo o o . ar
ticles has been pronounced utterly false and
c:dumzdozat hy tha-Zw6rdistiatt.tbirtefTie7ntli
men slandered by their pnbliemirit pas
not given a word. of retraction` ' j griAlt eon
in the estrume.:inntatttinwa lack of trait'
which; Nrill surprinerev . en_ thoielwhonre . lie,
quainted .with: 'the :*1114,1"-*tici '4 the
Democratic -organ' here'. ' ",.. '
We respectfully remind' the Gazette that it - '
wine title ern:l44l_oola* abont.-"diagiace
ful conduca riradl ratk '4 "ttutliw ‘ltpn it
proemthat 4diiit'N=o donisiiiiii li., a4CuAes us
of doing. The ietitarics 'of Prof Agas4
which we (puked were alum frobin,lvirbal•
int coprof his ieettire,'aitil l r . *.e`'haVd: yet le
- i.dilhatOti - jtkq either 'a nti or rch'aeq:"
them. 'llle believe that partisan pressum
hat indudedithn Lately tp tiomewhatiiiodify:
his original views but he lias7 not.'-tint da,. -,
imi, lilitiouf finibithiglits'repiitation for ve.:.
rarity, 4491 VA the_ orrectitesti of thePfirst re!
Port. .. . .
Of "Steirenetttervievi `With the N. Y. ticia'
aid ceire.4pontient,q . We printed only the por-'
tion relating to Pennsylvania politics, and
we challenge the Gazette to show by any
thing: the Uld MiSeblef"miiker bas,' ; paid ink'
written that he ilienis it "false . and ealpurd
rms." He dal Inalte a sort of half way disa
vowal of that part of the • Herald's eurrinc.
pondetwe ftfi(eli we did Ind print) Wherein,
he wruiicititite",tl,44Ying some
. yeq SO
sere things of a numberof the Gazette's idols
in Congress, but the reliability of the rep6lrt
has since been so' completely substantiated
by the testimony of- a Lancaster gentleman.
Who was present during - the interview, that
we searpeet Mr:Stevens will not win the
riAof discussing the matter further.
So much for these two terrible "ennservav
tive eanartls," And mi. mi. “ftzetteit;
ty. We vvinttld stigge4t tO'llidt paper that It
may he joAariollu ii futfirgjo become ac
quainted with the. filets, before dealing too
Hliesll~ ° !n I tit 4 eiti , latfon# of and
calumny Against its eotemporaties.
TUE .CONTNG ll99tre.
The King of the 'Radicals, Wendell Phil
lips, has brined another proclamation, of
which it will be well for his obedient follow
en; to take thhely notice. ' "Th a letter td the
Anti-Slavery Standard, he says he is "Very
glad to observe an increasing inclination
among the colored Men of the South to claim
a share in the future Management ofpublie af
fairsrandadds,!`thisis usitshould be; we trust
they will be elected." He also hopes where
ever the blacks will be in a majority "to see
ere long the offices in their keeping." "This,"
says Phillips, "is the logical sequence of their
emancipation and enfranchisentent." lie
then flogs the editor of the Tribune and
- other lagging Radicals into the ranks in the
following paragraph :
"Whether voluntary or not, the Repnblican
party, or a more worthy successor, must, av
en early period, throw wide open the doors
of official station to the blacks upon equal
terms with-the whites in both State and na
tional governments, despite the protestations
of the Tribune, and the weak-kneed and
blindly selfish politicians. Two colored men
have served" livssfutehusetts in the capacity
of legislators with credit to the State and
honor to themselves. We shall not object
to an 'arm-in-arm' spectacle, when it shall
consist of a Massachusetts President and a
South Carolina Vice-President, white and
colored respectively, to be dnly inaugurated
in official position in, the National Capitol.
To this goal we are tending. We shall leave
no stone unturned to hasten the -day."
Tux. new issue has already been met with
favor by the madmen in Congress. In a de
bate In the Senate, last week, Mr. Sumner,
whom Mr. Fessenden characterized lately as
the self-constituted majority- of the bcaly.,sta
t9dAhV,ltlnlitdd welcome colored Senators
on the floor of that body.
The New YOrk Express aptly remarks that
the recert appropriation bill to aid in the ex
ecution of the so-called Reconstruction acts
ought to be styled " A bill making appropri
ations fir the support of five monarchs and
to aid in the formation of a Radical party in
the late rebellious States." The first general
.appropriation for this object was .11500,000,
which was distributed as follows: - '
First Military District
Second 3Mitarr District
Third Military District
Fourth Military District
Fifth Military bistrict
This is the amount that has been already
spent. The additional appropriations, vote,
at the late extra session, are
First District,' -
Second District,
Third District, -
Fourth District,
Fifth District,
Total, • - - - $ 1 P 68 , 542
.The Secretary of War shows that if the
time far registration in the Monarchies is ex
tended beyond the first of Augusta half mil
lion more, will be needed. 411 that -this
((2,000,000,'and more, will pay forts the reg
istration of votes. The cost of the army,
which is estimated-at $35,000,000 bore; is to
be added"; the expenses of the late and other
extraordinary sessions of ()engross 4s to be
counted. . Commissioner Carlin's circular
shows that the whole fund of the Freedmen's
Bureau may be devoted to the support of idle
negroes who will vote the Radical ticket, so
that the twelve or thirteen millions appro.
priation'thr that concerti goe4 towArds . what
Radicalism. mils "reconstruction"--zwhich
means "decisive and-trustworthy majorities"
for the Radical party. These must he seemed
in rho Southern Stoic", if Northern. tax pay
ers are bled to the bone.
TttCut appears no' longer to be any doubt
of, the President's Intention to relieve Gen.
NhEridan fmnt the' -command of the nth
Military District, and appoint either Gen.
Hancock or Gen. Meade in his place. parties
interested in the Louisianat levee question
have been Informed by the President to that
effect, within the last twenty-tour Lamm. The
-removal will doubtless' be - d iseuistPd in the
Cabinet - to:Morrow, and the trecessaryofficial
order issued in the, course ot a, few days.—
.71 , tornua. ' • •
As a matter of justice there can be no mis
:Mite as to the propriety- of Bheridan's retno
vat; ak one of policy we have serioult dOtibts
upon thO subject. It will delight the Medi
c-451/10re, than the President's friends, for it
ill afihni them another hobby en which to
excite Northern prejudice,oid assistpern in
educating the public mind up to the Impeach-
Meet point. The President may as well rec
ognize the factatondeillmt.he is utterly pow
ericsa to relieve the Conritry of the, chains
,WhiCh the Radical; have ',fastened upon it,
and leave tbinit W take the , responsibility for
what may ensile. The remedy will 'come
;some time r In the outlive! coqrse, of events ;
but it tintst be evident to all who have close
ly watched thq , political dial, that any in
terference now will only k tend to make things'
- Worse, alike for the President, his_ supporters
like people oratetiimih:: - •'.• •
Wm:ls:Sennett Sninher pthytied - his favor
ite scheme . for striking the word "white" out
of the 'several State Constitution.% Meson
Ctonemn r , one of-Pennsylvenia's Senators,
voted with hint thus to degrade asoyereign
State We were. told ht the time`,of; etuner
oies election that Wwits n ClunservatiVe in
sentiment, hut since' taking his rest.% the
Senate he has nnifiarmly acted, with 'tire ez
treime tof the = •
Tilr• ebntlanoogit Unkin (motes nerrichent
as selling lbst place Abe one &alai and
- Ilk cents per bdibet. • In tome parfe of Cen-
Alabama It la said to , have sold foci one
edam -
. _
nblkion Pagoneollow of to ettoo.
[lAintiki New iilrk 'Mos, of j 23th.j
*hat "governinent in Tennes•
see amounts to ianinly shown in the
• which Ilra ow is -employing to in-
Isure success forldniself and Ws friends in the
epting election. • Titer:A .4F. pificitit
hem Ir'be has ihstitutotilrei 'enbsrlustett
t ibit *bl it te er - Iv eri lie q iett• Ciire i
thbfc is Aano~a Brown
low defeat. In tome counties the white vo
:tess, are; awes lea:amber than the MB"
meted. In offing the Governor is av og
' altire Which of. alp l l : l:meted his crea in
si Ile is ens wered, at
_pleasure to-set.isa e the registration po where it
to iiptelnea new Reg
istrar with the vreiv of making matters more
Agmeatde.i - Thttiadversernajorities are over
come by a short and simple procesa, entail ilsti
the Govern en' to disfranchise all who tin
letittlitntr.hhir Ed - putt: This ealmordinary
powertalsatri nlztrf g to an extent that rent
tiers the - holding of nivel& tion a • farce I the
registtatloa the law '.beigg set
aside; arid m -near- regiitration. made antler
thedireatitm •of Brownlow's agents. , Even
the: canal:lo4e in saute places officiate as
mittens and prepare the lists of those %chi
shall .trete-.--a shameless sabstiltte fur the
ald.metlual of ballot•stuffing. Where the
a9initiea of .the citizen-are not known, the
certifteateaf a regular Brownlow man it re-
Attired, and the resultis the wholesale.ezelti ,
ston of loyalists, Wetland - true 'as wall 'as of
fonder, rebels.- ~ N try.,.. the latter. sometimes
fare better than the former,as a circumstance
mentioned by our correspondent breves. An,
anti-Brownlow 'Unionist, who re d as a
Sederai.officer during- the ttrar,has in - one
mantel:teen required Yo; procure the indorstiz
lion of a rebel colonel who hapnens now to
'be on Brownlow's side!
The effect of. this condition of affairs tipon
the white people of the - State may bri. con
ceived. We have hut to suppose ourselieis iri
the position of four-fifths of the white Ten
nesseeans—inelnding a majority of original
and steadfast Unionists—to judge of the an
'ger and indignation which the course of the
Brotvnlow faction is everywherg
is not surprising that fears or extended trou
ble are entertained, or that conflicts on a small
selle Continually occurduring the progressof
the canvass. Infinitely more, astonishing
wonklit be if the outrages perpetrated by
the'party of extremists. who seek to intrench
themselves permanently in power, were per
mittsd to pass wholly nnresented. The pre
tericesAmder which they are perpetrated add
to their enormity. A band of outlaws holding
thardlities of the - State, and trying by force
and fraud to keep themovonld be a spectacle
sad enough in all conscience. Here, howev
er, we have =upsilon, • tyranny, injustice
and crime carried on in the , name of loyalty
and Union,' and former rebels, now in the
Brotvnlow interest, helping to commit them,
and 'thousands of faithful Unionists among
the victims.
Tevmaketuatters yet worse, the same dis
regard of principle which marks the condect
' of the ruling faction in regard to registration
and disfranchisement, governs their appeals
to the negr, o element. The four-fifths of the
whites who Worship not Brownlow are held
up to the blacks as enemies who must be
kept down—as possessors of property which
the blacks may righteously appropriate. The
bitterness of a partisan contest is, therefore,
intensified by the passions incident to an an
tagonism of races. The two causes, com
bined, are • rapidly reducing the. State to ti"
condition compared with which that of the
people of Georgia or Mississippi is superlative
bliss. Instead of wondering at the bad blood,
of which all accounts from Tennesseospeak,
rather let us wonder at the patience that pre
vails and the respect for order which the lead
-ma opposed-to lb ow !dew enjoin =upon-their
supporters. . .
Defence of llomceopathy.
Mn. Eorron:—About a mon* ago, it be-
came known to a tew in'this city, that, a sett
of resolutions were passed at a meeting of
the Mate Medical Society at Pittsburgh,
whicit,according to the testimony ofone of ou r
leading allopathic physicians, originated in
the Eric Connty Medical Association in this
city. The resolutions were as follows:
'Dr. Stewart, of Erie, offered the following
resolutions, which were received' and read :
"WlitutEim, It is alleged that the corpora
tors of certain medical and surgical institu
tions endowed by this State, are about to
give position and authority in the same to
irregular practitioners, therefore,
"Rewired, That the small amount of truth,
pllictitioners sei=s ; :legull4r_
eine, is so mingled with a much greater
amount of error, as to be, in our opinion ; a
great evil to the whole people; and that we
cannot in any degree affiliate with or recog
nize such practitioners,
”Re.eolred, That when an attempt is made
by any-ituLtitution endowed by the State, to
put the treatment of the sick *holly or par
tially under the Aare- of hommopathy or
other quackery, we advise the regular practi
tioners of the State to use all their influence
to induce the members of Assembly of their
several counties
. to vote for prohibiting so
dangerous and mischievous a practice, and to
refuse all assistance of the State tosuch .
stitution while so conducted.
"The resolution offered at Laic morning
session by Dr. Stewart wag then called up,
and passed, and copies ordered:to be trans
mitted to the Governor, State Secretary and
members of the State Senate." 4
The-first impulse was to treat a think so
supremely ridiculous with silent contempt,
then with. ridicule, but upon reflection, the
end sought to be attained by them is of too
grave a nature, and upon it hangs the inter
ests, health and even lives of too many thous
ands °four best citizens, to be treated tight"-
ly, especially, when so learned and dignified
a body of medical gentlemen as compose the
State Medical Society deliberately and with
out a word of oppositionccall upon the Leg
islature for aid to compel the people to take
their drugs whether it is their wish or, not.
The facts in the case are simply as follows :
In the United States alone, there arc now en
gaged in active and remunerative practice,
four thousand houttropethic physicians, who
are graduates from regularly authorized and
legally constituted medical colleges, and are
regular doctors of medicine According to law . :
Upon what principle the allopathists style
themselves "regular", and•the boinceopatbists
"irregular" has never yet been explained.
It is estimated that at least one-third
of the entire population of the United
States are firm - believers in, or regular
employers of the homeopathic, sys
tem of medication in all cases where its
skilled administration can possibly be ob
tained. Owing to the scarcity of hornceopa
tide physicians, in many of the villages and
small towns,the people are compelled to de
pend upon their oWit skill by the direction of
some domestic treatise. The calls are re
peated, strong and urghnt, from every - part
of the country, for Itonuropathie physicians
to come and locate, but the want, cannot be
more than half supplied. The people arc
becoming converted- faster than competent
physicians, can: be. found to supply their
urgent necessities. : ,
$ 89,444
Those :who: advocate most -strongly. the
honiceopatlite system. are uniformly of the
very best class of society, and einbody, peo
ple far. above , dia. average in wealth and
intelligence. - • . .
Not onty In the United States, but in every
civilized country - en the globe, homceopathy
has taken a deep, hold. and' has as strong
supporters as here. Monarchs,,Goverpora,
Legislators, Doom of Law
_and Divinity,
Clergymen of every detiOniination Capital
ists, and the best of people -everyw;here,:re
ceive its gentle but potent blessinip..
Capitalists and Alirectora of Life Insurance
Companies, with a view of profit, 'dis
criminate In its
,favot • 'The. London
Life InsuranceCotapapp, of London;
England, was the first to adopt a special rate
.for ; hompopathic people, of ten per cent.
below ordinary rate& ;Other companies are
following tlieg crAmplemitk ilia most grati
fying results. The officers .and • directors of
Life - Insurance eempattlestave no sympathy
with any abstract Ism ; their object is solely
to make money:, They base their emu:M
eal in ormation.-
42 1 Pen 'the
best and most reliable stattstk
. Such hag beets" the p ,rintess orthis"seidan
gemus andpiselderpas a practice " !within
the laskWrears. that In the Milted fitatea
alone - wel4nd at least tea tanlioas of-
and compydorefttly,Sof rears, the merits
and Officals ,orthe venous systems of medi-
Citte:as daily .praettsed aide by side, have
come to a deliberate conclusion, from its uni
form success,that the Hotiteppathie System is
,GtoPPly o one ishleksis founded au the eternal
laws of
the Great Creator, and a large pro.
portion of theta wouitlo rather die *without
medical nid.than to etude) , anything else. It
is at the liberties of these people NA not at
the ititerests ,of a few devoted hoteceopathic
physiciana that gig ahoy .repolutjgas..most
directly Strike; tdid the PliyslelairS would cer
tainly he blind to the Interests of their patinas
and friends,. if nutter' was let to pass
white - at even a 'word of wainint. , -
The sad experience during the late war no
-friend of lumanity,deslrtv to 'see ,mpeated.
By the arrOgantiorreillance of the Surgeon
.in-Chie4 who was so.shopathist, no homceo
pathist was allosnsd &position as so in
the. arniy,"no matter what his qualificati onss
mightalse.. dia thine Jot no ritherAgray. of as
certaining their medical proclivities , the ques
tion was asked directly, whether the candi
d* had any sympathy with homeopathy.
If helonfessetihat hedyild, he has abruptly
pushed oho side,
In the tdany, - ,the soldlos often pPferted to
pay fur hemotopathic Medicine at: theit Own
expeise, wheacy could get itjban ke
the olikr for jug.
_Yea. mai inls lit
people still believe that if liomceopathic med
ication had been afforded our soldiers during
the late war many niteart would have been
saved a life of sadness, and many a desolate
l e te rt ar sir be 4tholiered by the gratertil
ce Of atrofher. httsUnd or other.
' ". " 'finteffeetird`
by the , the • kespitals, which de
rive a Tergelotirter diefratipport from taxes
paid by homecopathic people. Attempts have
also been madeWthenitotavett State Board
of Medical F "miners, before whom all phy
sicians must be examined, and receive
beinro they entt Melee In the State.
Any one can see what kind of a chanedit
homceopatldWWould Mend, no matter what
his qualifications might be, before such a dig
nified body even as the State Medical Society
of Pent*lvenis:- - '
-Suds beltertieshaVt3been liegttently devised
end. persistently folloWed by them for its sup
pression and forcible overthrow, besides the
litduprivate:essaults iihich they have Con : '.
aktntly =Mein general practice, ever since
the:slays of klaimennum—but still the little
giant continues to grow. -:4 • •
Such conduct: however. does not seem ,to
lattruuntise:whit that...ns. and , dignity'
of character which people generally accord
to profeasionalgentlemen having the lives of
the commonalty in their hands.•
- Honueopathy„ oa the other band, has no
secrets. Its-precious truths' can be the pro
perty of all who bare die industry to learh
them, E4 - en out 4Wojtatttic compeers may.
use it Deeplyin alleviating human .suffering
without tite-tear of, tieing accused of " steal-
Its acts ate per to the public, and It
Sparta investigation and comparison. 'lt
might, with equalpropriety, claim Millie hos
pitals and:pnblief patronage; but ifpre - TerS, to
net the liberal part, and leave the people free
to choose for themselves. It-does not object
to-have allopathytilde by sidawith It, so that
the public May be the better able to fudge of
their comparative merits.. '
Towards medical gentlemen, of whatever
school, we cherish feelings of the greatastre
spect, and desire at all times to maintain with
them a fraternal relation ;4 but we -mist at
the MIMIC time, respeetnilly decline to Accept
as. fit and beComing titles the - manes,
"quacks,'" ' 4 humbug," " irregular prate don
era," "galled jades,' charlatans," or "duo-
'Nonni truly,
—" e2mlke .Nickleby" is the fourth volume
iu `Messrs. Tiekrior.& Fields Diamond edition
of Dickens' works, the peculiarities and Mer
-10 of which by. this time are so generally
undcrstntal by the public that it is only nec
essary to announce the appearance or the
suceeAve volumes. The illustrutious - by Mr.
Eytinge are as characteristic as ever, and
carry out very well the popular conception
of the different actors. The Cheeryble
Brothers, and Mr. and Mad.zune Mantalini,
and Mr. and Mrs. &peen; and Wackford,
are among the best of the Hem' tleAigui in
"Nicholas Nicklebv."
The Illustrated Edition, in green morocco
cloth, with a gold medallion portrait of the
author, costs $1.50 per volume. edition
precisely similar in respect to printing and
paper, but without the plates and bound in
crimson morocco cloth, is sold .at $1.25 per
volume. The books are ele"nnt„ enough for
the richest, and cheap enough for the poor
est. •"The'Diamond Dickens” should find a
place in every house in the land. The peo
ple ,who read *he great English humorist
and moralist'cun hardly fail to grow wker
and better. '
tha introduction of this noble instrument, a
higher -standard of Organ music has been the public, and every Wednes
day and Saturday noon, people from different
portions of the- eonntry who - happen to be
journeying through the city, gather to listen
to the tones of the grand-Aing'of instruments,
and thus the taste for a purer style of Organ
music hits, in •a degree, been created.. Even
those who have long studied the Piano, are
beginning to desire a class of Music with
sustained chords and suspended harmonies,
and many are introducing into their homes
the American Organs. manufactured by S. D.
11.' W. Smith, .or Dostonovith which the
excellent Organ pieces may be so finely ren
dered and enjoyed in the parlor. These in
struments have also greatly assisted in ele
vating the taste toward abetter class of music,
and have been very efficient in developing
the latent talent In the home circle.—noston
" WITH four metallic qualifications a man
may be pretty sure of earthly success. These
are Gold in his pocket, 'Silver in "hisAongue,
Brass in his faceond Iron in his heart."
But fora tonic appetizer, and as a,entle
stimulant, there is reliable virtue in Planta
tion Bitters. No article has ever been sn
popular or done half so much good. Let all
who have not alreasly tried this great stom
achic, at once test its quality. We under
stand that the druggists and grocers of this
section alit selling vast quantities, and that
scarcely a family is without it.
MAGNOI.IA WATER.-A delightful toilet
article—muperior to Cologne and itt half the
prier. ant-2t.
TiIE.OLD GUARD FOR Artwevr.—The Old
Guard for Augitst has 'arrived. Besides the
story of Mr. Simms and John Eaten Cooke's
battle sketch, we have a variety of articles.
One, entitled "The South and Her Faltering
Men," by the editor, will attract general at
tention. "The Bask of American Civiliza
tion, by Dr. Van -Eyrie, k one of the heat
from his pen. Subscribers to the Old Guard
,fer the. rest of thc•year get a Steel plate por
trait of Jackson or Lee. Price 25 cents. By
mail three dollars per year. Van Eyrie,
Horton et Co., New York, publishers.
TEM . /MANCE ry Cosunins.—" Ten Min
ute Speeches" by Hong. Schuyler Colfax,
Henry Wilson, Prichard. Yates, William E.
Dodge, Hiram Price, Samuel McKee, P. E.
Woodbrid! , e, „1. 1 13. Grinnell and J. W. Pat
terson, delivered at thd first meeting of the
CotrPres_ sionttl Temperance Society ,Wasliing :
ton, D. C., with a list of pledged members.
New York: S. R. Wells, publisher, 3891Iroad
way, R. Y. Price 25 cents.
Tim MEAN'S should be raised forsuel an
object as educating the orphans of our gal
lant soldiers and sailors within one month.
Let all who are able respond; and it might be
done in a week. Let all who have no dispo
sition for charity, hut .simply want pictures
and want to purchase where they can be had
for the least money, buy of the they
Library Company of Philadelphia, and more
than enough - may be,realized m a short time.
Read advertisement.
The system of Practlearflanking taught at
the Iron City College embraces all the late
itnprovementki s . pad is eminently : well calen
latedid giVe the iMulent tI complete knowl
edge both of the theory and practice of Bank
j L
ails D. SCULY,
: - Clashier Ist Nat. Bank, PitEstaire, ea.
LEGAL Br..9.lcka.—l'Ve remind Mow in need
of blanks that our ns.sortment is the most
comphito in-the City, comprising crap sort
keiteinltkin use by Justices; Attorneys, ton
stables, Property Owners and Business men.
They are all prepared by 'experienced men,
~got up itt.the beat style, and sold at the most
reasonabliprices. A liberal- deduction will'
be made to dealers or others purchnsink in
large quantities. jy2s—tf.
• 'n.; 4 1 BOILINCOVII
Ws awe faidldie mad Dr. J. 11. Scud es, the
Pripriatiarog riarmarr Ceasaraption. whoa It tied
armored Wood Oareaklatrie airamea, and *tea apeedr
lath appeared to be larritab:a. Hb plink:Sans pro.
nearbeed bb are Mora:alga urban, b.
flee daipti` bat `paersrltd , r emedy. tt
boahla was asstorod ha • rev 'papro was, sod no
ratans of the dlrimis h boo
_:or an
' iad big tvawot
might la assos sh.a twy bpadrid pounds.
glace labsearrer Ai b buy darars Ids artrouso
. thehauteitti.te the thre al Draseetettes bed •he
didlasui ahloi ara asaani oarapliaitad with It. tee
the met email to kb meadow ben tole 'ten ,
soasarias :they, srmisrral. Dr. ikaaa..l
mates piebeetaeal tithe liierseral of the tin t er mum
waskir, NW* ho kips lams estmentree et *theta.
ad 11 to trot, astaulablog Is sea poor ostoarsperrai
• MO MM. be WhatOssi er ads *Aso* and •In
a Dv tenth. h.ayhs. rpbald Pivotal. Ida..
10118NCICII . TUUdadlIC sour; 'isgxwAßD
scßuc._ioe monaurx PILLS art gesendls
all notdrad.da asahar Osoessapldaa. PsII , polo,
61111111111110Mitatkus say Oaf as Mire teem
embed thew Dr. &VIA ilso but whoa IL Is Gad
- veatest n b tea to tai tu, B. glyee4ertee trig‘
wfth hls Basplromillar
_ Ida Om Is thaw dollars. • •; - • -
nor down ; wboa strelhistut. the Ow two
titanam at the Doeter—ane wben to lb. tag state
00 111 /0 111 1 1 W 1 b0340.00e0:111 Wane %la
polka beabb—are an the Germ otontetelnia
eNa 'all Mule& and Malaya Priest VIA
per tottie, SU& the bail Leasers tor
advice eboald Arno be directed fe — *pawky
• peraaparOffice, 15 itortb lab St,; Phnadelph a. Pa.
Gataanl Wlbetaile &PM , : DoolCo.,
Mice &Co
N. Y.. S.*. tae. alatiasta
Pa*, clixiaagl. OttlE-.Wanter ITerlK. Gbicime.
III:: Who 4a.111L loft Ya. Lid w.
cM abbertionfiepto.:
• - -`-; •rtiy:
For hull se hedule of pretunns see eln.ulnrs, Kent
free on application. Each Certlfienle of
fSlpel: ix neeMnpfililed
Reliutiral „ •
gtee - I- #16 . 1e Vairrairin-q,
----..' q 2 •:ridiviebai fizi4h. , A to ttai; Val &ALY.':
ri:b4l:4:Y.lnlvr7.):lffAt..Fo 4:v 4:4* 4elo 4 (.)
cbArterol, by nut Stbdtt of , petint,ylv;tn ta, anti
t t., . " Organbcitti in ald
Riverside Institute,
RtIa."IITIMUS 4 ' and
laeorpoKated by. the mate of New Jerre;,
The Board of Trustees of the Institute eorisisto
of the following well-known citizens of Penn
sylvania and New Jersey-:
tins. 11. NIANS, Di•trietAttonleY.
PUllnd' r.
-HON. Lewis IL. Ilitoom.u.T., Ex-eltlef Coiner
Mint; and Iteeorder of Deed, Plillaern.
IfoN. JAMES M. SCOVET., New .Tersey. '
W.' W. WART New Jersey.
ffiecnVflortirAN, Agent rxpresx.
PI:II:urn. I
.1. F".. Pot, 1 , : t444., of .Toy, Cue A ro.,lllurn. '
E. J. Pit.ksErt
The Worthington 'Llirtary Company,
Iu t •
odder that their Tx ttev4,lent object may he
• mu) , acomapttshiritt, have Nsuud live MC
rtes of
which are put on Pubscrlpt lon itt priers much
below their retail value. • •
will be firmed, stamped with the seal of the
Company: and XigMil by the 14mtntarY. I None
others genuine.)
Any person sending lei one dollar, or paying
the same 4s any of (inert:min:rents. will reeeivo
Int - Mediately a fine i.tteel Plate - Engraving, at
chOlec from the following list, and one refill'.
eate of stock, Insuring one present In our pub
lished schedule.
No.l—"idy Child! Child!" \o.2—''They're
Raved! 'They're Saved!" Ni. it—POM Seventy
six ; or, the Early Days of the Revolution."
Any personpaying two dollars will receive
either of the following line Steel Plates,at choice,
and two certificates of stock, thus becoming en
titled to two present'.
No. I—`• Washington's Courtship." No. 2
"Washington's Last Interview with his Moth-
'An . y penuni paying three dollars will reetlve
the beautiful steel plate of
and three certllleatog of stock, Issranilng entl
led to three presents.
Any person paying font dollars , shall receive
the large and beautiful steel plate of
and tour certificates or sto,ik entitling them to
four presents.
- lerYtl DOLLAR F.VI:R tG To
Any person paying five lolls - int shall reeelye
the large and splendid steel ptale of
"THE MARRIAGE OF 1.0t1.1110NT.V.i,"
And flee certificates of Stock, entitling them to
five presents.
The engravings and certificates will he deliv
ered to each subserlher nt tun* Local A geneles,
or sent by mail, post paid, or ex preis,m, mnv be
ordered. • ,
Thr Washingtou Library Company,
I'mler the provlgions of their
In rroment9 to the. Shareholders., on
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1867,
April la , 1M7.--oMee Internal Revfmue:—llav
lug received satisfwtory evidence that the pro
ceeds of the enterprise, conducted by the Wash
ington Library Company, will be devoted to
charitable uses, permission is hereby granted to
mininet such enterprise exempt from all charge,
whether from special tax or other duty.
E. A. ROLLINS, rommlictloner.
The Afewwlat Mu have appointed as Rlceiverm,
Mess". EottOK A. CooKE & X; South Third
'Street, Philadelphia, whose well known Integri
ty mut hutliner: eXperlenee Will he a sufficient
gunrantee that the money intrusted to them will
he promptly applied to Ihe purpose stated.
PHILADELPHIA, PA., May ."20, 15117.
To the Officers and Members of the Washington
Library Co. N. S. READ, s,cretapy .
Gentlemen--On receipt of your favor of the
15th inst.; notifying us of our appointment as
Receivers for your Company, we took the lilwr
ty to submit a copy of youiCharter, with a plan
of your ehterprise, to the highest legal authori
ty of the State, and having received his favor
able opinion In regard to Its legality, and sym
pathizing with the benevolent. object of your
Association, -viz: the education and mainte
nance of the orphan children of soldiers and
sailors at the Riverside Institute, we have con
cluded to accept the trust, and to use our best
efforts to promote so worthy an object.
, Respectfully* yours, &c.,
Address all letters and oniers to
Ztt South 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tteeelvers for the Washington Library Co.
:mray dc 1 64 011, 722 state P•it
nul Sul. Agent n at. Erie.
Throne* . and Direct Route between 'naiadsl
phia, ikattnctre, Harrisburg,
" port, and the
n...q and after MONDAY, JULY Ist, 1387. the
Insina on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad
will run as follows :
31101'rrain leaves Philadelphia at 7:00 p. m. and
arrives at Erie at 4:011 p. az.
Erie Express leave. Philadelphia at, T.... 41) m., and
arrives at Erie at oki.l a. al.
Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at. :tat
at atidni. t Carry at, t. 71 p. m. , and arrives at, Erie
Mall Trani Leaves Erie atlP Yn. m., and arrives
• at Philadelphia at 700a.'m.
Erie Express leaves Erie at &00 p. tn., and ar
rives at Philadelphia at Leo p. m.
Warren Accommodation leaves Erie at 7:40 a.
M., Corry at 9:30 a m., and arrives at Warren
at 11:05 a. m.
Mall and Express connect with all trains ou
the Warren Franklin Rahway._Passengers
leavinkPbUshielphts at 1200 trt.,arrie at I rvi ne
ton at a. m., and Oil Oily at 9:45 a. en.
• Istairinit Philadelphia at 7:0) p. m.,, arrive at
Oil City at. tap. in.
All trainson the Warren* Franklin Railway
make close connections at. 011 City with trains
for Franklin anti Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE
Pind Moss Seven Octavi Iron Frame iivilrsiriallg
Rosewood Pianos
Saao esitto
ElLt Octave Piano Eased Rose Wood Melodeons
PO 5 . j • • i.
Organs from SSG to NW. •
11 Every Instrument warranted for lire
For ot twat IN; grit tiAtottt-lv
APRIL 8, 1887
Or nt the
On all Night Trains
Geril Huperinterident
1 3 Acess Reduced!
n. 1K: 1"
The BalrßoUing
Having removed to their
?O - b.
Are HOW preretrod to sell
4A-4114) I IS' 3
The following is n wire list list of some of tf
(1tx) , 14 timr nrllln^ n:t thrlt ,tor.
1,10) Vara,. Gimol Maddd r Prlid..
!MEG ' do do
3.0.10 do d
4,1100 %%kids 4-4 Brown 160
3,4XM do 4-4 1110 hl./IVY .. ..... ....Ile
3,1 W do Fhie Brown 4-1... . ...... .........Iti iiiitl'lM
3.03 0 * do sin do 4.1.............. trr
3,000 do do do .. , ,i ... . ...... .: .... . 12' G•
3/09 do 1111.11c11.41 4-1 Ile
3,495 110 .lO T 1 .. ..... -. • ••• .....14e
4,00) ti o' do 7 .:, ......,........ ............ ...10.
i... 1 2 1,10
4,900" i o :De1:it0rq........ V•r•
AU Wfiol DoSaint: rheall
White, 'Sim., Duff, k te. Oprni FlutinelA,
A full line of 144.111{0 , % mitsei; mid (thiLdren's
Ifow•. Th.• gent !omen are also provided for In
thl4 depArtlui.-111.
13111±1t4P4 C_, 1)S .
A full line of all the various style.. and makas
or Dress Goods. and we endeavor to suit thn
most. thsUdious in this line. We show our goods
with great pleasure without charge.
.t large hoe of Freneh and Domestic Gins
haws very edema, Tweeds and Jeans, for boys'
wear, cheaper than any other parties, Call and
see them. •
Hoop Skirt. 4 in a❑ St)l49. and Sizes.
A full line of all kiwis, such n Thread, Pins,
Needles. Buttons. Trimmings, Ace.
Brown and Blearlssl Slu.•llnr, Prints Szi.l rte :
!nines. We sell below the market,
Jra- .1)01.1 forget the
Mtate and Llgbtd Mtieetg,
Next dour to ttu• Poq i Uticr. Noble
T. now opening and will k.r p fon,lantly on
hand A large and tashionablistark of
Boots and fiboe, at his
No. 14 Pork Row, (Brown's Hotel.)
HN stock embrnee■ everything In.the Boot and
Shoe line, ineltuling a large line of
sole agent for the city for the
" Prel,le Pittent Boot : "
very desirable , article (or ladies' wear.
Ti -IF.
Having purehani,l tha interest of the MeKara:
Of the late Arm, would respectfully solicit u
continuance of favor from the friends and pa
trons of the hOuse and the 'public in general,
pledntior himself that he will at all times try to
good and reliable
Flour, Feed stud Groin!
At the lowest prlee for cosh In Laud. From my
long experience In tills branch of the trade, I
trust I know what the public ‘lentatid, and that
I urn prepared to meet that want.
ReturuMg my thanks to the public for their
liberal patronage to me in the past, I lame by
et del Attention to say business and their wants,
to tiierita continuance of their pattsruage to the
AND Git-VIN lirslNEss,
Will be entitittued, In MI its departments, at the
S 'l' PARK now-,
Between Brown's Hotel and Heed House,
Where the public will find a good stock always
for sale, with competent and polite men on
hand to simply their wants.
apaGr-Iy. 11. B. lI.A.VIMS:TICK.
In every style of Binding, mnd nt the
-Book, Magazine, Music,
And other Binding done In the best style and ,
very cheap. at
• CA.U6RET & 111 9 CREARTIS,
. -
fs.IIE FIRM of IL tt. Irish & Son, doing bust:
nes, at Lundy's Lane, Erie Co.. Pa., is t his
"lidissolved by mutual consent. The business
/ be continued by the undersigned, who will
settle the accounts of the late firm,
- .. • H. 3f.:IRISH.
Lundy's Law, ! July 10, 17—jy18-3t. ' .-
And !Bit Ware Establishment
Call at Nimrod
131148aaaanas street, near the Earalo Road
Erie, Pa. , raylon-tt
i. ._..
and the Store,
,_ETc., Ewe, t
230. 11 North. Ptak - Row
.0./b) abbationnnus—.
Stationary and 'Portable Sinai
' n0ri,):31,14, oil. STILLS a
Taierit t?igine,
DI Oct Acting Circular Haw
circular Rail \ •
inriaor MLLE, AND NM. azja 4
W.I. V. 1.11./LIELL, Sups,
jun.% IL BLISS,R.•dy ethi Tr.
'XIIt. I Ira
SS All antique/al by tiv
ERIE CITY .Ill.oti
t. 41. n,
other Engin, ~f /vim! mtr, .
rut hts rho 111'hiil to 113E71:14f nor
without chttiwit: ittplr holler, elm
the Wadley I..tagthe, which wort. th.l' l '
steam, mid gives& ..lieubiy tile. p . m,' 1 ;,,
mutte hoitor, thur tutting httlf the Mot
would tomiltretfully rnll ttir
I.I)EItS A NI) 1.113 f g IbEA
situute,l ou tlAt. Cans!
No , Ar net-4',4 Dock IwW in full operation—lour
Land, and are prepared to furnish It fi; . :
Kiln on the shortest notice.
NEILEn & sprx,N,
INDoli, ("IA
IV r: uttb.• /mat pleasant residriires
1 pAruble Imnatioils fur la village le,li,
ittiered for 4nle In the ltenntlfnl
'rile lot eantains al Ott one arr.. r,( h!
tiny choler grafted fruit trees,witti
hery on it, a good well of Water, a
larninged house with n e w cistern and ept,
gotsi-bans Dint out house. The properl •,
ttute‘l on Main bt rret, and adjoining
toy Park—is but Ilve• Intrudes' watt t r 4
post office and all the churelleu.
and no more plea aant place to r..nie
all the tulvantages of theta. elkt...r,
Shore. The village is located about t w ,
from the lake shoro, and one-itlf
rallmad station of the C. &.F.: and P.
roads. Terms easy. Parties de.lring r,
having property in this city, it tn.,. ,+,„
exchange, will fled it of tulvantlig. t...
dress, for further information,
ray.4o-Sin. Y. Tubb rEiti,Ey.
"Mantirmeturers of
Haven large and extensive assi etment
at Wholesale and itetad.
Iva flat class Coal Cook iiltove, with few._
Reservoir, for hard or soft c , 41,
• or wood, and is
Wo,Etho Manufacture Oa.
-Boot low oven Cool Cook Stoves-4U,
grates--can be used either for wood • ..
We still uninufacture this cel..hrated lor •
Stove fur wood—with orwitheat rro•ry:
• A low oven Stove for wood. This to A ins,
:of beautiful design, and now for snip-dcr.
with a large alisortruent of Elevated Oea
Parlor Cook, for wood or coal, and l'rAr "
Office stic. es, for wood or coal.
C. Y. TIDISALM. D. 0111Uli. W. U. winitm;
Blank Book Manufactor
10 Mast Park. Erie. P.r.
We take pleasure In annonneing to the
that we lutve secured thegert ices of
. zooid complete atarthorough wortl.l.
take charge of our
Bindery and Blank Boot• 31anufatu
Mr. Aohby law for several veal, Left. e.
In Pent!cid% Blank Book
Buffalo, and has no, superior i■ the La.:
Other valuable asaixtanta hay, h, ”:1 Hlor.
that work from this department
In all that pertains to good .dark, sup.- •
warding and superb finish. fetid C-
Peach Street, above the Buffalo Is.
.7.4:11.17., TiIi'VANT at CV.;
And all kinds of Iron Casuals.
Every Stove sold. by us is warmatelti
*attsfitetion. Kettles, Sleigh Shoot. Sul:
ou hand and manufactured to order ?
and Plow Points of superior make anddr.
ty always on hand. A call 'and a fall
our articles is all we ask.
tnr'6l-tf. HENRY, WIT:10710
Real Estate Age)*
01111 at our office to learn_ the partiey
terms auti price of a flue two sterr.rct4 , .
furnished dwelling, lj city lot, well kce , ..•
the city. Also, of six acres Improve•
with dwelling, shrubbery, fruit, gritps
ten minutes ride from the Heed 1i0413t.
.4t about SO feet front, on a larrniev ,
the eity,' with a frame dwelling.
Sixty acres tlnely Improved
frame dwelling with l rooms.
Lenient, barn and other outbu I hirer*:
of choice fruit ; every requisite fora dew?, borne. All within tau minutes' wftlirof.-,
t h o u v sei.l l o age b un
ldn eLake
at oat‘.-
It cnn be bought for cash for $5,010.
Fine dry building lots, cost fruru Sije
- &lain hand, balance on 6 ” ,
about MO rods front the Public squsr
further information call at our Who.
Two Houses and 8854x1t5 feet lot, large
of fruit —.formerly the eunningliss
-osraernbotit going West, will sell ehesP.
Lot g.llittloo feet, on one of the hest 11 1 4 :l
corners in the city fur an elegantrestio:-
Real Estate Agls, lied f1,,v1
NEW wliotzamx. AND WO.
CROCKERY 61016 . -!
• ;
Ras opened a new store of the above
'Sonja his old stand,near the South Wee
of State 'street and the Park, Where be!: •
Ma old customers and the public rel; , :
to give him a call. Constantly on hand ;
rat assortment of
Crockery, Glass, China and Silver
Red Rootft Seta Dinner and Tea -Sets, - I 'll:
Forks, Ten Sp oon,, Looking OW",
Moho', Chimneys, &e.
Embracin Rome of the most
brought to g
this market. Those wbosisb,
at a bargain will find it to thetr-iunro t
ireurantees to sill'
4s - tt'o'
any other house In the city. ,m,"'
stansr ditksammEß.& so' .
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing " 7 :
CORNEn OF stwEN-rti sTiass ,
-E r•t•
• •
• ----
w,_• TAYLOR •
Manufacturer of
And all theotheibrands of -
T 0 II A, C
apll'l7-y. 9
, *