, Oar Mate Otissorber. arnen itanarinratals RuXlr. (vitt ARAM) N. W. comma STATE Cr.-61,1= • single copies, paid in advance,........ 10 If not paid until the end of the a ta Fire copies sent to °waddles... lOW T en myna,...... ••••*ll/0••••••••••••••••••*•• MI subscription onwards mast be settled an auepf. 1.70 paper will be sent -to teal PSIS= whose responsibility Is not known, unless the price is . Wd in advance. 7 • • ADVERTISING'ItATER. The following are onr advertising' lain which wilt be strictly adhered • t& In reckon rue the •fruath of advertisements, an Inch ts considered • milare. Artilldlag.Y l ,9l than an i lnci,is i ntted cs s square. -- - ;TT. inscrilercey 0 . I t sq. Sim: 144.4mq. ii; c.) c. 1.74 3.2 it 2.7: A. 7 12.03 I 7 n Ig.. *X - 1n.171111. IWO 3.77 5.r 7.* R. 511,16.40 25.09, 4WD 1 R. t 12.0ain00 1 Mula, nun 8.0)112.0)118.0041.00,10.00b0.00; AIM MOD 70.00.30.(1031.00 41.00 90.110 150.0) ilneWeek.••••••• IVO Irtwk•_..., Three ireekl.... l Four Week N-.... tworith..— Thr , on ''''' tha -41 x Tnnntim—, onr. year., ...= Kzemitors . and Administrators' Noces C 3 Auditone and Estray Notices t 4 each: .speelst" Notices. set In Leaded tionparlel. end inseruxt before Marriage@ stud DmMs. Zit per ce nt. In addition to retzular rates ; meal Notices, furnblied by the parties, Lids. per line of Eight for first itutertion.l2centa per line for sec sud ten cents for each subsequent Inser tion • Editorial Notices 21 rents per line; Mar riages :il cents; Deaths 23 cents each. Adver tisements Inserted every other week, two-thirds fail rate+, Persons handing In advertisements ho od state the period they wish them pub * otherwise they will be continued until out, at the expense of the advertisers. JOT/ PRINTING. Ire h..ve One of the best. Jobbing Oftlees In the :11,4 ore prepared to do any kind of .../1.. In large or small orders, at ax reasonable and In a. good style as any establlshment ; n the eoUntry. All onninnnleations should IA addressed to BENPICWIIITM. N, Editor and Proprietor. 13uointos ptoticts. E. C.k3IPHAUSEN, ju■ftrr of the Pelee, Farrar Hall Bulbllng, Frio, P.a. TwortGE H. CrTLER, Attorney at, IA %, Girard, Erie County, Pa. collection and other hominess attended to with promptn and dispatch. a, S. SPENCER. SELDEN MARVIN. ‘4,eneer Ma rvin..tttornevs and Counsellor* .1 I Asc.. Porocon hear North West rortwr of the Puhlie Square, Erie, Pa. _ E. PIIILO EVN'NETT, 111.1)4, of the. Pence. Office, seennd floor, W:Witi. Bine French street, between Fifth nn4 - p„tCILF. Ramr, Wat,rfor , l, N.. Robert Leslie. Pniprietor. flood nerommodattong and e.turvfnl at tention given to tlir comfort of guests. nnCKri BRA\VLEY ct BALL Delleri in Pine, \VhltewnM. ("harry, Ash, W•ilrini and Oak Immher, Lath and Shlngiaa. n(11‘..•, `qtate street, North or R. R. Tkla3t, Erie, my2-tr. WITIT.T.DIN k DARLING, PLc~lrl:ma and Seureennn. irkt Peneh turner ot. RIM. Mika open 4:.‘• awl ;Mir. Dr.' Teshienee 914 Myrtle treen Ninth and Tenth street 1.w2-tf. GEO. W. GUNNISON. Inn, and Justine at the Penee, prnabm and Claim Anent, CN)nvevaneer and 0.11.,•t0r. ()Me In Rlntlerneeht's tkloek.nnutli iv..t ,ornor of Pitth and State ntreetn, Fate, Pn. E. MS COLE & SON, n,,,k Binders and Blank Bonk Mannfaeturers, "v.r Keystone National Banks PR. O. L. ELLTOII,I. Dentist. Office up atairs, No. ZOS State at reel'. Erb.. At. 3-4°67-t f. A. X ING, salter. Brewer and Dealer in Mom Barley. Malt, Ales, Lager, Proprietor of Ale and sneer Breweries and Malt Warehouses, Erie, jyL2Tert f. W. E. ItjAGILL, nentio. (inn. in Rdetenzweisg's Bloch, north itr of the Park, Erie, Pa. 4.. H. Y. PICKERING, D. WS., lk-nti.t. Qffire, Freneh Kfreet, w on.t story nelr the corner of the Heed . °OK tostKINSON, WILLIAMS , ez .04tors to George J. Morton. Vonnnisslnn lien•hants, and Wholesale Dealers In Coal. %emits+ for N.Y. & t•. and Peonle•s Line of Steam- E•t:t Public. Dock, Erie, Pn. ' int' FRANK' WINCHF:LL & co., net lon and Commission Iferettants, a tat Real Edate Agents, Ft',2 State street (enrnt?r Ninth.) Erie, Pa. Advances , mnde on eonsigntrients. onntry \'ender+• attended to In any part of the enant V. VI! \ VIC IV I NCII ELL. rip I'l7-1y WM. MARKS. Tanori an.l fTlothes Cleaner, union Moen. above Di: Bennetra olnee. Clothea made, clean ed and repaired on nliort notice. Tenn.+ rea vmablena any. rair2.2. C. HPENCER. . ROGER, Wit ERMAN. SPENCER .S! fiIIEILMAN, Attorneys at - Lrysr, Franklin, Pa. Office in Kerr's buildlna, I.lberty street. Pitliole City, N.,—oftlee over Kemp's Rank, Holmdien street. Coll.slfons promptly made in all parts of the on regions. • NOBLE, BROWN ‘t eC, Wholewle dealer's In hard and aorignal,, Erie, Tx. Having diapoaed of our dark property' to use above named firm, we neeeasundly retire from the coal trade, recommending' our imeeesanm els eminently worthy of the confidence and patron age of oar old friend's and the_Public. paTtri-tf. SCOTT, RANKIN et.,, CO, JAMES LYTLE, F A s.mable Tellor,Fltth ittreet, between 'Mate 1111. i Pearb. Erie, Pri. etpdoin Work, Repairing and Cutting attended to promptly. api9'fift-tf. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE, Corner of French and Seventh streets, Erie; Blenner k Johnson proprietors. Good horses 7 , 1 earrlages always on hand at. moderate prte.s. Jyl2-tf.. D. P. EN4IGN. IW,kw•l[cr and dealer In Stationery, Wall Pa per, Matti - Mines. Newgpapers, Qc. Country ilenl eni,upplled. stare tinder Brown's Hotel, front lag the Park. Jitl'67-tf. CHAPIN & HAHRFIT, l'hystelana and Surgeona. Office No. 10 Noble 111 , ..k. °Mee nnen day and night. Dr. Darret ri , l4lence, No. =I Wed Igh St. my16117-Iy* BENNETT HOME, - Union Mill'., Erie Co.. Pa.. George Tabor, proprietor. Good neeommodattona and mode rate charge._ _ my9'67-tf. OEO. C. BESINETT, M. D.. Plmilelon and Survon, Office. F.ast.Park St.. ~ver flavprstlek'g flour store.—boards atlhe rest lienro of (7. W. Kelso, 2d floor south of the M.' Chnrell, on Sassafras street. Offlee holm from II a. nt. until 2 p. to. mylne-tf. 13M= Dealer In all Icinda of Family flmeerles and prin. I.a,m‘, Stone Ware, tte., and wlinlesao deaf er in Wlneq,Lla non% Cigara, Tobacco, &c.. No. al Fred Fifth Onset, Erie, Pa. Je6'47-tf. E. .1. FRASER. M. D.. ftonuepathlc PhysiCian and Surgeon. Ones Rn d itesidenee f'ol Peach St., opposite the Park lintme. 001,e imam from 10 to 12 a. in.. to sp. ra., and 7 to g p. m. JOHN' .!11. AR, • f9vtl Englnear and Rurveynr. Renblenee enr : Tu.!. Rlxth xtrret and Rant Avenue, Va.t Erie. poor. , ERIF: CITY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. - iitiuntions furnished for Orbs of all deacrip t tont for pri vtite families, at short notice, Chant isomaids, Nurses, Housekeepers, Seamstresses, , Waiters and Mechanics of all kinds. Also, Ho- Boarding Houses and Priv:Apr=llles sup. plleil with servants of all kinds at short notice. , fort to nt this of ice No. 1252 Fitata J . 4 street, Erie, Pa. J. F. CROSS. • • NEW STORE. Nu, Pronenherger, nt the new brick store, KazlP Village, has on hand large assortment of iimeerlex, Provisions, Wood and Willow Mar', Willf,t,l,l , iors, which he . • rtueetally entlg the atten on of the public, that he can offer its good bargains WI earl bP 1110 in any part of Erie county. COFFEE AND ' SPICE MILL The updentriled has eitablbilied ft tanaufactorY for the Roasting and Grinding of Coffee. and the GRINDING OF E4PICV.I4. And will furnish these articles to grocers and others, both at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At lower.. t prices than can be obtained at any other establishment in Erie, and give a better article. lie also keeps on band for sale at retail. N'ery cheap, CHOCOLATE, TEA, MUSTARD, and most other articles in the •line of condi meats anti ganef'. Factory at 1911 Poach Street. Between 12th end 18th BBL, F:Me, ° 'gym• - J. W. BRIODEN MUSIC STORE! Prices Itedneed: First tams Seven Octave Iron Frame Overstating Basswood Planes - 4250 TO 113550 at Oetave Plano Cased Rosewood Melodeons st SM. Organs from SW to WO. O. 815 swan STREIT. =MI, ie. Lie F Every Instrument warranted for five enn, t e3)-tf.. SMITE."_ - .... . - . ~..__ . _!,:l ~...... ,•,..0.. .i... i s . I - ,`..--.'''' -• E.! -: • , :i ~1 : -:'•.. , . . . B , , • . , .. . 4 F : '.: , i .11: 0 I . 1 I i_. . ' - ' • I '• f 14)) '•I: L ...,:.: A 1 ` t ', .I' .' .7 ::, ' ' - .... ' .. 0 5 'n. it r', • f......). , P . T. - "..7 -"'.•"::1• - T ~ ;., ..fi'll .. • . 1 :• .. , , - ,• u . ~:......- I; : -:. :T. :: ',,,.-: • ' .:. - , , :.,i: t t ~ .ii..!.... - i:0.....!! ,i ••! - ' , t 7-...;- - . - • ,i 4:v -7.,. VOL 38. areettiii, VIELI:TIP, • lOTA "11/.1 f Confectionery Depot ! No. k South Park Place, Erie, Pc. ItiOnb.e.V. T. WlEirlrlili Ra purchased the stock soul lease of the above Maud and to keep the moat complete stock of goods n this fine ever offered In Erie. The public can hereafter roly npon finding a full assortment of Groceries, Home and Foreign Fruita, VFAETABLES, EGaS, %ND PRODUCE GENERALLY, CONFECTIONERIES, &.C., &C Give uie• u cull anti see what I can do for you npratG-tf. H. I. wzrrrE. FAMILY SUPPLY STORE, Nog.. 23 & 21 West Park. (llentty'm Mx-kJ :,,,Av• o i IFt 400 ,4C JE IR„ fa 4 COUNTRir PRODUCE, FLOUR, FISH, PORK, DRIED AND SEALED FRUITS- W'nnden and Nlllntr Nam, Tobacco, Regan, &e., fie. The best qualities of P'_ili.X.l7llT.2l4 - AND OILM !: Agents for the elevehml . FUME, tND BLARTING POWDER. A eliniee and from stock always kept on hand, which will be sold at the lolrest figures. We pledge onmelvept not to he undencold, and nvite all to glverm a cull. air Thr Idgheld price paid for country pro duce. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC Groceries Retailed at Wholesale Prices JOHNSTON & BREVILIZER, The well known Wholemnle Onwrs of 513 French tamer, have opened a RETAIL BRANCH STORE, AT 're& STATE STREET, Three doom north from Eighth - , where they will keep on hand a large supply of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIFA, PRZNISIONI4, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, ETC., CIUS'rCIIVIERk3, W lIOT.ESALE PRICES! Being enabled, as Jot/bets, to buy our Goods at much lower figures than retail dealers, we pro. pose to give our customers the benefit of such advantage, and invite the attention of all those who wish to save money In buying groceries, to our large and well selected stock. GIIO3/4 delivered, free of charge, to any part of the city. myle,tr. I= NEW GROCERY STORE ! NJ FIG El/. & F1C1111.A.37. GROCERIES, FRUITS & PROVISIONS, CLOVER AND . TIMOTHY SEIM,- VIE.C.MTA.:IIII.E/0. SHIP CHANDLERY, &C., 502 STATE ST., COENEE METE; C. SIEUEL, Late of the firm of Siegel A. Scott. G. F. FRIDAY New Grocery Store. THOMAS BRYAN. HENRY J. SVGYVERIN BRYAN & McGITRRIN, Have opened a new Grocery Store, at the stand lately occupied by J. Evans, Jr., NO. ErS FRENCH STREET, WAY'S BLOCK, (Next to 3teeentey et Shannon's? Where they will keep on hand a complete etock of everything in their Line of trade, includ ing r. GROCERIES, PRODUCE, WOOD, WILLOW & CROCKERY WARE, &C., Tlie T.owest Market Tkrtoe. The public are invited to call and examine our stook. We pledge ourselves not to be undersold by anybody. apri-3m. CHEAP GOODS ! Wholesale and B&W/ GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, F. 13CIECLAUDECKER, Suceo&or to F. & 2L t3ehlandeeker, Is now to. Mr Mg n splendid assortment of 01U)M,IES, PROVISIONS, WMEFI, Liquor's, Willow, Waxlin and atone. Ware Fruits, ante, At. A large stock. of • TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Li and see too, at Ibtt _ Grocery Headquarters, American Block, kite St., Erie, Ps.' mytY67-u. NVI-Ilr IR IT THAT A. • Corner of Stb and State-Ste., Is selling goods so mutt cheaper than others? For the reason that he TRUSTS NO ONE, con sequently has no bad debts. To convince pee pie that he means what he says, be offers a • Reward et Ose - Hundred 'Whn ! • I To any man who can get goods at his store on credit, no difference whether he be rich or poor. 10 Paurtit=6. tar One liallar , -10 Bare Soap Orr One Dollar And other goods In like proportion. Air Read the bulletin baud in trout of the store. 'r atyWadf. A. 1111M111. ZMN aIintISTIAN& CRAIG, .The Place to bay CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES! c zett u zvo . ..... WA ' . “ - ' • WeaTh . Uidni ' Fr " Nawder. Maria Tartu_ Split Cranked Peaa, Capota, lah mleas. Self Mau Foanny Flow Conk Meal. oat Meal, kin& or saw), sar: dines. Batmen; Fielded, Ourranbi, ga, sual, In t 311111 4 Ixdonsftql to a Fini Fl al.' Yam aug23-U. .. n ~ __ ~,~_-- ERIE, PA. & CRAIG, Wholesale and Ttetall Anil dente: to Which will be Kohl to 1=2313 COUNTRY PRODUCE, ERIE, PENIrA. aprl3'67-tt. All of which will be sold at WINES AND LIQUORS. F. EICHLMIDECKER. Dm floats. - f. IntfttsODSVPOIV; KTATE STICN:I - 7T. 8811.1. Sout a hard . McCord, JOUDEIN Es 114:Te (4-011000 IDS NOTIONS, HOSIERY. GLOVES. &C Our Muck le the targoet ever brought to the eikr, 'candid lug of PRINTS, DELAINEti t 'fiILXS, CLOTHS, : - CASHISIERES v BL} ACRED & BROWN BBRETINGS, A complete assortment of Dress Goode, every' kind of article in the Notion Line, and, In shmt Timm! assortment of everything 'needed b; Country dealers. TO BE SOLD AT NII4IW V - 01F2IC Pitlelk*l Country Dealers :ire invltiNi to give UK /1 We do a strictly wholesale trade, and propose selling at such prices as will make It lathe ad vantage of merchants In this section to deal in Erie; Instead of sending East for their goods. It. a. SOCTHA tt'ennn. my2t4f. &war ZSTABMO:an) Carpet & Dry Goods House IN N. W. lIINNsYLVANIA. A complete stock of Sheetings, Prints, Linens. Cloths., Sacking; Flannels, Irlab and Freneh Poplins, Slohalra, Alpwas, Detainee, de. Also, WRITE 413K)131),..1. liCißrErttV, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, I.4lllittutl get prices before pureluutlug WARNER AWN., apr3ll7-Iy. N'o, MI, Marble Front, Mate Ett 312 E 1 rA7 • 11STIII:M71". Dry Goods z Dry Goods WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! • The largest and best stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, PRINTS, FLANNEL'S, LINFAXI4, Cloths, Makings. DeLoinesi, blehaffs,B4llmack and (blotted, . Cashmere,, Bl Breslin and l'alcleY Shawls, White Goods, Hosiery. Notions, &c.., &e. • Goods marked down to meet the market.. No trouble to show goods.. Call and examine. ROSENZWF.IO & Into. STORE ! FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. A variety of Children's Plain and Foot". READY - MADE CLOTHING ! Ladles' Iteadv-Made Underelothluz A variety of Gelds' Furnlattlnir Bootle I All of which will he kept on hand, and also made to order. Our goods are all manufactured by ourselves. 14tamping, Stitching, Plating and Ilmiding done at the shortest notice. Also, a large vari ety a the latest style Patterns for ladles , and children's =merits. All orders will be prompt ly attended to. JOHN- PERRIER, anlo-1x... -. French tit„ between .4th and sth. irurniturt &.tinbtrtattino M=fflWPMlM=l7l o Wey J. a. BIBLET 4; CO., NO. 818 ST.&TE STREET, NEON, PA., Manufacturers and dealera In Furniture of Every Description! Piirlor, Dining Rciom and Bed Room Seta, Odle°, School and Hotel Sete and every article In the line. Our 3lanufactory is located on Eighth street and the Oinal, and our Ware Rooms at 818 State street. In the latter place we keep a larger sup ply of furniture than can be found anywhere else in Erie, all oar own manunicture, gotten up with particular care for custom trade, made of the best material and after the most approved style ou and'inanner.- Particular attention Is di rected to r UPHOLSTERED GOODS! Of which we can make a better article than can be purchased at any of the attractive ware houses in the East, and which we guarantee to be First Class in every particular. Full sets gotten up In Walnut, Rose- Wixsi or any other desirable material, covered with the best goods manufactured for the purpose. Ourassortment of Furniture in this line is so complete that ever) , customer can be suited at first examina tion. trivtowarrA. - wriva. We have commenced the business of Under taking with the best equipment aver Introduced in Erie, and with two excellent hearses, one of which is as tine as any in the State, are enabled to attend to funeral orders with the utmost fa• ditty and satisfaction. Otirstoek of Coflins and Burial Cases, Trimmings, dc., is full in every particular, and we are satlafled that we can till every order promptly and satisfactorily, in the city or county. my/Sir-If. J. H. MILLET tit CO. - J. W. • Wholesale andltetall Dealer in Furniture ! 4 Baying purchased the entire- stock of Furni ture of Meassw. Moore a' Bible., I respectfully milt my old cuatomern and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have'a large assortment of Parlor, Chamber and . Bed Room Seta ! - • ALSO, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, - - WARDROBEa, DESKS, And, in fact everything in the line of Furniture. I am prepared to manufacture toorder ally styie that may be called for. E.erwember, 71.5 State street, mat side, between Seventh and Eighth 'streets. ap25'67-tt. JOHN W. AYREN. NOTICE:. HAVING sold our entity, stock of Furniture to J. W. Ayres, we hereby thank thosont mutiny for their liberal patronage to us. hoping they will extend the same to him. - We wilt de vote our time hereafter to the UNDESTAE;EN4 BUBLNESS t With the c ons enton of 3. W. Ayres we still hold our (ace in the same old place, 715 State street, where will be found at aU times ready toattend trade.tWthe wants of the community In oar line of Ready Made Coffins • Trimmed to order. Metallic and Iron Noital Cases, of all styles and shwa, on hand • aLso, Shroud and Coffin Trimmings. Undertakers will and it to their advantage to bn.V them of us, as we cannot be undersold west of New York. ape/W-Iy. MOORE & RIBLET. 00A-1L ! COAL TILE PLACE TO BIN COAL CHEAP Dal SAURIAN & CO.'S COAL YARD, (rnr ot constant Peach streets. Szie, Pa., who keep constantlyn halal Lehigh and Pitts. ton (Ftumaise) andlamp and prepared, Shamokin, Sag, S tove . and Sashes ; Bituminous, tor grate Endeam BLOSSIIIMG, PITTSBIIRCiII A.NI4IIE2O7Eft, For Blacksmith Panama. cmar coal is all Te p eeived keptl on ffy A vp We offer great inducements to parties wishing to lay In Wads sluttr u mpfdv, ribio to dealers fouadng try the car satisftion. Sir G acive us a call and we guarantee to give juiy . . EIdISSMAN &OM HEARN, CHRIMAN & CRAIG, HoroJwsi received from New York • FRESH LOT OF COFFEE AND SPICE Also received from New York Orw bandned Mb N 0.2 Rare Tangly Mackerel imes-tr and the Igentdne Cod Flan. 7•1, .!-:! • 4: • ! t•! ! •• t Et 441 .; ,•• s • GOLDEN'PREIGOICAI; FAR FKIWALEK: In Correcting breirularttlek" Aternating Ob. et:ructions of the MorstblY Tarok Itbolllbiairr er canoe, and always anrxeratul ate IMIVentIO tire, , ONE BOX IS SUFFICIENT In removing OtstructiOn and rem nature to Its proper ebannel; quieting Uua menu end bringing back the . " rosy color of health " to the *cheek of the moatdelicate. Poll and explielt directions tcootnpiini aft box. Price taper box, six boxes $5. Sold by one druggist In every town: village; city and hamlet throughout the world. Held In Pie-by .1. It. CARVER & CO., drtnarlida, sole agents Am the city. Ladled by mending them II through the . Pact Offit*, can have the pills sent (eonlidelitialdr)by nod! to any part of the eountrn free of pottage, A. D. 110 WE, Dole Proprietor, mykler-ly. - New York. Ts Coareaispdivsse—The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few wieksby sem simple remedy, after havlngsoffered 63 rarveral years with a severe Irdist affection,. and that dreaddisease,CoMinmption—.b atudous to nuke known to his fellowenfferem the means of cm. To nil who desire it, he will send © of the prescription used (bee of charge) with the di. factions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sung cm= for Consumption, Asthrim, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Atibetiong. The only objector the advertiser in gentling the proscription is to benefit the ailllcteX, and spread information which he conceives to he valuable, and be hopes every sneerer will try this remedy, as it will east them nathing,and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription gums, by return mall, win please address REV. EDWARD A. WITEON, ' Williamsburg, Zings Co., mylora-19. New York. Prepared On of Pod= and Idsce.— For preparing, restoring and beautifying the flair, and LA the moat delightfuland wanderhtt. article the world ever produced. Ladles will find It not only a ,certain remedy to restore, darken and beautify the hair, but al so a desirable article for the toilet, as it is high ly perfumed with a rich anti dellade 'perfume, Independent of the fragrant odor of the oils of palm and mace. THE MARVEL OF PERU A new and beautiful perfume, which in deli cacy of went, and the tenacity with which it clings to the handkerchief and person is une qtudled. The above articles are for sale by all drnart/Ris and peril:num at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address by the proprietors. - T. W. WRIGHT & CO., 100 LlbertTßL. octlB-Iy. New York.. li:II.PEREILII . E WU THE HABIDECUMUL Vimleg'. "Night illiasealug CorfealLit Pimiento Illosamias Corma.” . 6 Nial.i lileenaime ilVereu..” Mallon , * aqsalelo3 •• Night Ulsossisa Cerrsa.•' Yheies•• "Night Ulomaing Cereiss:n •nM detie4l/.. ILEA Pracnint Perfutn. dbm led inms Ilk rato and Deal:Saul d.urrr Ir•,u irr:l it 4•• e. Its same. Maunfisenr.d noly by PILILLON & ■ON, ?few tork. .11,':W AUK' uF efltlNTtiltrk:lrs. Ault MaR f•HAU»'*—TAEE NO OTHER Hekabala's. Fluid Katrait Ituehrs—ls a cert 4." l2 et lnS9o l Mtsiikthalm l l l 9r.l.l4dneYs. plaints, General Debility and nU diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever eaus6.originating, and - no matter of hOw long standing. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. if uo treatment is submitted to Con sumpthin or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Mood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of posterity, depends upon-prompt use of a reliable remedy. Heirnhold's Extract Buchu, established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T. HELM - BOLD, Druggist, 501 Broadway, New York, and 101 South 10th Street, Philadelphia. mrl4'67-Iy. Errors of Youth.—A gentleman who suf fe r ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful Indiscre tion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di rectionsfor making the simple remedy by which he was Cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ezperlence,can demo by addressing, In perfect cOnfidertee, JOHN B. OGDEN, myl6'67-Iy. Cl Cedar Bt., New York.. illarriage and Celibacy and the Ilappl. nese or True ilaahood.—An essay far Mini men on the crime of Solitude, and the Physical Emirs, Abuses and Mamma which create impediments to HASHIAGE, with mire means of relief. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. MULLIN HOUGH. TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Janfra47. Helsbold's Extract Botha and Improved nose Wash cum secret and delicate disorders, In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet; no Inconvenience and no expo sure. It Is plenaant In taste and odor, Immedi ate in action and free from all Injurious proper ties. tarlf67-Iy. Take no more unpleasant and unsafe Hem riles for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Infproved Moe Wash. carl4'67-Iy. The Wary of Nan Is boreastb..-Therefore the Nervous sad Debilitated should banier ly use Helmbold's Extract Dacha. 5ar141374y. _ Shatters& Coartitatteas tea_ W_ byHelai bidd'a Extract Ettcha. aultl7-Iy. National Wanks. BANK NOTICE. Keystone National Bank, OF ERIE. • . CAPITAL $250,000: DIREXTORB ; Belden Marvin e n John W. Nall. Mho Marvin , Rester T own , 0. Noble. - ORANGE NOBLE. Pron.. JNO. J. TOWN, ISO. The above hank is now doing business in its COOS= OP STATE ARD EIGHTH ST& • Blithghatorp' paper dim:suited. Money re ceived on deposit. Collections made .and pro ceeds accounted for with promptness.. Dyads, Spade and Bank Notes bought and sold. A abate of public patronage Solicited. Authorised Capital 0500,000. CAPITAL PAID IR MAC THE SECOND RATIONAL HAM -. Opened for baldness on MONDAY, DECEMBER lITU. IS 4, In the tanking office previously occupied by the Merehantm Ban ItrownrAlta dhsg, north-erst corner of State street and peddle Park. WM. L. SCOTT. Prost. , Wlll. C. CURRY. Coati. • 'DtIII6CIO7I2 Dealers. wm. L. BOUM of firm of J. Rohn Oro,„Coel Jos. rtee, krcsizrze, of Ann of flehSen. Riles at MeCe Ream OEO. J. MO Coal Dealer. W. 8. BRO___ „Arent DM& Erie R. R. .10H111 C. DOROERN affirm of Clernematugh ey d ßorneer. Wholende Omens. O. E. csoucti.of Arm of Crouch! Bro., Flour Mercts. W .R te . RABA of Arm of Darr. Johnson s a Sea- F.. , lers& Stave limmArturers. F. FARRAR. of dna of Orsr it Farrar, Groner'. J. DREJSIOAKIM Grocer. R. & W. SON, and IThatesela Dialers in MAO" IMAM. 9NI7ZIP r PIPER, &C.* Fro. 0 Federal Eit.; Allegheny city, 1%4 Tialrd door &ore Ouspeaskatadday. b1i12117-Iy. of the)* Indian. .4 : o l l4 l l4AHil l iiilic - ti i ii* "MOP - Ai r -6 " -OfilFloll,4liltigiOrialealrAlleSeribe . ,(I 714-0 4, " 4410,(1-4/- Vnt:4l7 fin'ttalw - wirniatime t ikos . _ - Press rovirsird . t4o•Coi*ga. The political campaign •upw.latldth we are about enhattng is Me of Makialt Impor tant that has ens seemed la the State., It virtmdiy.detidesitst,Pred&lntial fastest of next year, fm "am Pettimyhinda gem topes the 'Jahns."' 'Theindicatkum ma 'every side point to a morn encouraging far the success of Democratic eutri we have lust) in a number Thad -demi Stevens, the great Rildical leader; says Penhsylvarda Is likely to go against the Radicals this fall. - and he is the last man who would utter such a prediction. =less the signs of the times were so wunistskshly clear as to allow -of no other conclusion. We con win the slam,- if we use the right nil exertion, and if Democrats are one-half as earnest in the cause as they rubor, they will not ,allow despondency and inaction Again to prevent the supremacy of oar ratio otplee. Determined to do our share in the wort, We have concluded *tarnish the Observer • at the.following low rate : One copy, - three months -- • $0.50 Five copies, . . 9.50 Ten copies, " . . . 5.00, Twenty copies," " • - 0.00 These prices barely cover the expense to us, and we are only induced to offer them In the hope that by the wider circulation which the paper may secure, We shall be enabled, 'still further to promote the cause which lies so near to the hearts of all true Democrats. Sutiue&ers can commence any time previous to th 4 elation, and May rely upon having the paper promptly discontinued at the expira tion of the period for which they have paid. At these moderate figures it ought not to be a ditliciiit task to secure a subscri ptio n of two thousand extra 'copies for the Oblenrer between now sad the day of election. -We hope our friends in every part of the dis trict will see the importance of obtaining the widest possible circulation for the paper, Mut go to work at once to help on the Move ment. The emergencies of the crisis de mand the individual effort of every man and woman who feels an interest in Democratic principles. See that your neighbors are supplied with sound•doctrines, and let them obtain an !understanding of the Issues in volved in i the contest. If there is a luke warm Detiocrat near you, who does not now reet44 his county -PaPer, induce hint to subscribe for it three months at least .It will revive his. zeal in the cause, and may make of hint an earnest and effective worker. Furnish your Republican neighbor with a copy, and let him see what the measures of his party leaders have done and are doing to damage his interests: There are hosts of Republicans who stand hesitating as to their duty, and who 01117 need to become thorough ly acquainted with Democratic principles and arguments, to become hearty adher ents of our cause. - Who will be the first to send ns a club of ten or twenty campaigners? We intend do bag our full duty in the campaign, and look to our friends to nerform theirs. 33usintoo Dirtctotil. Air Business Cann; Inserted In this depart ment for one year, at a dollar per line. - WIIOLERALE ORGICErtat. Qiughey. Iturge*a & Walker, and 28 N. Park. Scott & Sllleg, 500 and 502 French at. Johnston & !Unveil, or, 413 French at. •A'IIOLFSALE ROOTS AND 14110} I Arbuckle .t Clark, X! North park. - BOOTS AND SHOI•04 H. Clark, 14 Park Row, S. Z. Smith, =State street. C. Fzetlehart & Co., 19 North Park. George Barn, 7G3 State street. F. Pfeffer, 1115 State et- Jr., CO% State at. . BOOK Frronfti. Canahev & McCreary, North Park. 0. Spofford,MN Frl4oench st. 13:11.46... FMF-11: H. e na . nro., 519 French st. Liiivion STORM. AWN. k Mlehnel. i.l fitato At. Oco. M. Smith, 1 , 1 North Park. MUSIC STORES. F. I). Voider. am State at. Mrs. Wm. Willing, SA State at. - SEWING MAMINE AGroiCIES.I Wheeler it Wilson. 427 State et. Howe Sewing Machine, 802 French at. Singer Revving Machine, & French et. Grover it Baker; glO State et. FRUITH & PRODUCE. • L. White, R south Park. rnocicEnY & GLASSWARE. Wm. H. Glenny, 12 Park Row. Isaac Rosenzweig, 611 State at. WATCHES & JEWELRY. Mann & Fisher, 2 Park Row. T. M. Austin, 2) North Park. HATS AND CAPS. J. R Wilson, 24 North Park. J. Kunz, Ag't, 518 State street. Wm. Kendall, _527% French et. J. H. Smith, 525 French st. • . cONFECTIONERY . STORM . Bener & Burgess, 431 and =State street, DRUM AND MEDICINES. S. B. Barnum, 1.517 Peach street. Viers & 427 State street. , Hall & Warfel, 630 State st, Wilkins & Dull, 1512 Peach street. 3.11. CUrver & Co., 21 North Park. - Wm. Nick& Sons, 702 State street. ' Dr. S. Dickinson & 50n,711 State street. DRY BOOM. krone Blenheim & Wildey. G. a Merrill, Decker, Koster & Lehman, 1310 Peach st Morrison Bros, 714 State it.. P. Heruiehs;7lB State st. Edson. Churchill & t Noble Mock. Rosenzweig & 8r0.,M2 State It. Warner Bros., 508 State it. DRY GOODS AND CARPE s. Dellendorf, Gross & Poster. GRAMMA Burton & Griffith. 1324 Peach at. R. A. Field & C0..13 25 •• • F. J. Rexford & Co., 1121 •.' A.* J. Brabender, 121 a Henry Beckman, Gll State at. Marshall, Christian & Craig, 24 Barth Park. A.-Gott„ 515 French at • A. Minnie., Corner fah- and State at. P. A. Becker A Co., Nu French at. them, & MeGlveri IZ 5C6 French at. Withal:lt Mallory,French st. F. Schlandecker. 524 State st. H. V. Clank 211 East Fifth at. - P. Schaaf. 704 State at. PHOTOGRAPHS. Ohlwilefa, over 19, Rasensareig's Block. W. A. Lott, 1307 Peach at. Geo. C. Dunn. over SO and 30 North Park. Dolph Brom., Farrar Hall Building. S. D. Wager & Co., Over 1333 Peach st. TOBACCA CIGARR FL B. Welshman. UMPeach at. Haag & Aakine, 708 State at, C. Deck. 703 State at. M. W. Meld, 517 French at: H. Y. Sterner, 401 State at. • • HARDWARE. Shannon & Co., 1323 Peach at. - W. W. Pierce & Co., MO State at. McConkey & Shannon, 507 French at. .1. C. Belden, .AM French at. STOVIN AND TINWARE. - lame !Tantalise/1, 12. N Peach at. Hubbard Brow., lel State at. M. Mayer & Son, 1215 State at. Barr Johnson & Co., 1018 and 1020 State at N. Morally. 21 North Park. 11'mead & 0a,1351 Samattaa 4.7 GENERAL UNDERTAXKRS. Z. R. Mkt & Lb.. 818 State et. FURNITURE. WABEEOCGIB. J. H. giblet *Co., 818 State it. CLOTHE'S° STO RM John Genahelmer it Son, &CI State it. MOJA &Me 1238 State it. F. Wagner, I State st. • J. 74. Kuhn, SZI State at. Marts & Meyer, 4 Noble Black. , V. L. Rom kro. le North Pitt. AMMAN% AT JAW. J. Roes Thopllpon. 521 French A. James 114111.ue Frehch et. • ' PHYSICIANS & STEGEONS. J. L. Stewart, an North Park, house 417 State At. E. J. Fraser. (llonuepathlat), =Peach at. MILLINETTF a STRAW GOODS. A. M. Blake, South Park. Mrs. M. Curtis, 9 South Park. The Mimes McGrath. trn French er. BRAIN FOUNDFUI23. Jarechi & Me t:, U 23 State at. • MACHIND3II3, FOUNDERS AND BOILER MAKER& Li:merino, HaU & Co.. 33 and Peach sta. PLANING HILLS: Jas. P. Crook & Son. oor. 4th and' Peach sta. Ho &Jon &C a co . r c n o e rn l er t U a th d ar H n2 o P l r aennda s h a • L. 23. t.:ii.r.4v DEMON ER & DECORATIVE ARTIST! Neatest, etaitHrt r gry Y ork %Painting West Parlors, Hans, Churcheso &0., . Shimmed to the neatest style et the art. General Dedgultqc. Drafting of Models lur the /Went O. and array dotertpllop of Onta mental Painting executed promptly Itoomain Fame Hall. No. 2. second Boor .aplll7-4 TOBACCO A.ND CIGARS. The place to get s choke 'Attie eret of Tobacco, Sluff ilipui Is at, E. B. 101111131Wril MS mum IT.. South of the Unlock Depot. deft •ntenys an hand a hood meortinent of the snore wades of every grade. wholesale and re tell. Atee, Pipes, Pnneries, Boxes and Ankles at wow Oineelptkos. Please tame with t catl. Don't Ibrget the Wee% Ugg Paleh smt. , • nudre-ly. HORSE ElLANlEtirril!! saws at Rednbed Rates. bY deeLia. r 1.C.8E41407. .-k VG 1367.1 atutieneunrs 101. 1 - Semebodeasnt was eat last nig* ' : 1 = team . ; • ]And 1111 sto...belyattigbt-7 : -1 13gbtalit ,7/frothrvakent, --;1 • V .1— • , 1-704.1 I knave kon't enbidiksaistooraljvotitli, . • Above suipiclon..bet that k no 'reason, to tell the truth. He bad "a kick in Ma hat." ' . . • Daylight morality often takes Strange fancies Into hbfbead, And "play the.d—l" or lump tip =hear When the publiveyels in bed. "Hymn emet dance," somebody' said, "For never a leaven took he ;" But be danced last night when yon were in 'bed. And twilight was there to see. - - . You may mil it dancing-or not, as you feel, Though for half an hour or more, Be danced or "jigged" a "single-foot reel," In front of my ogee door. "My son can't sing;' somebody swears, But he sung lasenight, I know, As rough as a demon dam To sing in the regions below: "Mv son dori't imbibe," somebody thinks, Well, may be he don't, but then, That he acts very much like one who drinks, Can be proven by a hundred men. • Yes. something was • tight—yes, drunk last night, So drunk it could hardly crawl ; Perhaps 'twas the brim of a crownless hat Ths I. found by my garden wall. So, foil I fear I am wrong and somebody's • i r k.h t, My words I recall, And say the thing I saw last night Waft nobody's son—that's all ! • COURTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. Katie Blake was the only daughter of Ja cob Blake, the - old miser of West Brook. She was more than uncommonly pretty, and herikesh. engaging manners, enhanced the charms of her golden hair, pretty teeth, and eyes like the skies of summer. At her father's death she would be. heiress to the nice:4lWe sum of seventy thousand dollars, and though men generally pretend not to be influenced by pecuniary matters in affairs of ion, it is to be reasonably supposed that this prospective wealth by no means lessened the number of her adorers. Among the most ardent, and perhaps the most sincere, was Will Dartmouth, with a heart larger than his purse, and very little thought or care ibr consequences. Fortunately,. old Jacob never suspected the wdality of his-daughter for Will ; he would have put her on bread and water before he would have consented to the slightest degree of intimacy with Will Dartmouth. Jacob Blake Will; not in _favor of marriage. Those who knew his circumstances were not surprised at this, for to use a pheasemore ex pressive than elegant, Mrs. Blake was a • reg ular Tartar, with temper enough for two Tartars. . Old Jacob had to "walk Spanish" for the most part, or suffer the consequences, which usually descended on his headan the shape of any domestic utensils which happened to be lying around handy. A maiden sister of Mr.. Blake resided in the family,Whose principal business seemed to be to be to act as a sort of echo to her broth er and his wife. Whatever they thought she thought too. She regarded it as a primary sin for Katie to associate with the young men. and this doctrine was preseveringly. drilled into her niece, who, though she never dissented, had her own ideas on the subject . - One day Mr. Blake and his wife went to Debham to attend a fair, and Bibs Peggy be ing at a friends', Katie was left alone, Will Dartmouth in some way learned' the condi tion of affairs; and early in the afternoon he came over s to keep Katie company. nniii ihOlientitiy, .m 4 etr6„/XPeCted home in the evening, Will felt perfectly seelirk - ti stopping awhile after supper; , and he and Katie were having a jolly time popping corn in the old fashioned frying pan, over the huge wood fire, when there was a sound of voices at the door. "Good gracious" cried Katie, turning white with alarm, "that is Aunt Pews % Oh, Will, what shall we do? She will scold me to death ; and father will be furious. Get un der the lounge, quick ! Oh, Will, do for my sake Will could not withstand the pleading in Katie's eyes, and lie deposited himself in the designated spot. Katie put out the light, and darting Into an adjacent bed room, in a moment was ap parently asleep. Peggy's voice was heard speaking softly in the entry. "Be careful, Mr. Pike. There's a loose board there. I • don't want to disturb my niece. Softly—it may creak." "Peggy, dear, where are you r responded the squealing voice of Esquire Pike, a wid ower of a year. "I can't tell which way you've gone." "There, Daniel, be easy. Good Heavens! Daniel Pike, well, I never l" and a report burst on the air like uncorking a champagne bottle. "Oh, my.!" cried aunt Peggy, "what would brother Jacob say . ? I declare, I hain't been kissed by a man since_—" "Let Jake mind his own business!" retort ed the squire. "You and I can take care of our's without his help;" and there followed a report something similar to • the first, only more of it. "DO•be quiet, Daniel, and let nieget a light. Set right down there afore the tire an, make yourself to home." A light was soon procured, Peggy divest ed herself of her wrappings, and blushing like a girl In her teens sat down opposite the Squire. . • "It's a fine evening," said Peggy, by the way - of oßening the conversation. "Very,' replied the Squire, drawing his chaleclose to hers, and laying his arm over the back. "Oh, good gracious ! Daniel, don't set quite so nigh me, I—that is, I don't consider it strictly proper. Mercy ! what was that 1" Both listened attentively. "It was the wind rattling_ the window, I guess," said the Squire. "Don't you go to getting so nervous, Peggy." "I thought it was our Kate waking up. And ifthe should. I never would hear the last of it." "Hark There ie.a noise—l—" "Ontelouti airth its bells. Its Jake and warm coming bark! What shall Ido We are done for !Oh, Squire. 'tetra right for us to he nothing to 'tother. What shall we do?" "Tell me where' to go Peggy say the 'word, ill any where for your sake, if It's up the chimney." "Under the lounge quick! It's wide and will hold you well enough. Quick! don't de lay a minute." The Squire obeyed, but the space 'was al ready so well fillot that it was with difficulty he could squeeze himself into so small a compass. And just as he had succeeded, Mr. Blake and his wife entered the room, floun dering along in the dark, for PT had deemed it best to extinguish the 1 t. Jake made for the fi re, which still glow red with coals, stumbled over a cricket, and fell head long against Peggy, who was standing bolt upright ; trying to collect her scattered senses. "The deuce," cried. Jake.- Looking, there, old- woman, or you'll be down over me. It's dark as a pocket here, and I've fell over the rocking c slr,or the churn, Lean% tell which. Hullo C what's this?" reaching Out his hand to feel his situation, and coming in contact with the bearded face of the Squhe. "BY George ! its got "whiskers I Peg ! where are you ? and where is Sate ? and what's all this mean!" The Squire did not relish the assault made on his hirsute appendages, and by way of retaliation, he gave a series of vig.orotts kicks, -which hit Will Dastruouth in the region of the stomach, and stirred his bile. "Look here, old chap!" exclaimed_ he, "I am perfectly willing to share my quarters with you, seeing we're both in for it; but yon had better not undertake to play that again." "Heavens!" 'ejaculated Peggy ; 'voice is that r "Who in the deuce is here? that's what I want to know!" vied Jake, s w trugglingfor an uraN s rdtion. "Bellow t MI over my • " let you know who's down and who's up r said Mts. Blake ; and the oldlady scrambled 110, only to go Instantly down again over a chair. "Jake, where are you ? get tip this instant and get a light, or I'll shake your breath out, when I get my feet again." Jake started to obey, and just then Tiger the watch dog, who, hearing the uproar, had managed to break loose froth' ebata, red upon the scene, and let 'tip' bbi bear how 3v0w... • -- TIM Squire had a mortal horror of flogs, l a n a p eithe r fez* ntleknitlinTaldrrs — ir *mei to - hint quiescent - inn!: Wir'srtng to bin feet with:a yell; Will itolloottMacicalls WI dawn for her latret, &toped aid of WA_ and appeared with a flaming tallow- dipa Pew , flung her arras around the Squir e's neek; with a cry of terror. and Jake, was si lent with arnazement." Mrs. !Blake was the only one • who .possessed her wits. She seized the corn popper, and laid about her 'with vigor. Her aim was not always correct, and in comsequenft, she smashed the ktokitig-o , „lass into* tiumsand amneurs, 'knocking drown &W the clack from the and demolishing two bowls and a pitcher that were quietly repos ing on the mate). The Squire broke from Peggeti embrace, and flashed out of the window. Will follow .ed him, and Mrs. Blake would have pursued him by the same outlet, but she was a little too large to get through with ease. A dreadful cotmsel was held ; Jake storm ed. Mrs. Blake threatened ; - and at last Peg b, and Kate confessed. And Juke and his wife were so rejoiced at the 'prospect of get ting rid of Peep , that they forgave their daughter, and - took William • Dartmouth home at the end of the year. And In due time, Peggy and the Squire were made one flesh. Not Bad. About forty years ago, there lived in West tern Pennsylvania two farmers, named Wood and Osborne respectively. They were near neighbors but Inveterate enemies ; and it is said they lived almost in sight of each other for fourteen years without speaking to each other. Wood went out one day with a mat tock, to dig up half a dozen stumps that had never been `removed from his meadow; but finding it pretty hard work, and moreover, not being very fond of work, he gave it up and returned to the house. On the: way- it occurred to him that, by a cunning ilevice,he might Induce his unfriendly neighbor to up root the little annoyances. Acting on a bright idea that •occurred to him, he entered his house, got his writing materials, and, in a dis guised hand, wrote : - "Mn. Woos—l am an old man; fast ap proaching my end, and ainnotgo to my grave without revealing to you a secret. When I was a young man I helped to rob your grand: father of a laTe amount of money. I and my partner in crime buried five thousand dol lars of it under the roots of a tree in the meadow that now belongs to you. No doubt -these trees have been cut down by this time, but the stumps may still remain. Ile was soon after hanged for a murder that be com mitted, and I wos sent to prison for highway robbery. I was but lately released, and I wish to do sill can to atone for past misdeeds. I send this letter by n person who says he knows where you live, and will throw it into your house. " A RErgsviirr thusuziAL." 'Mr. Wood sealed this bit of fiction; ad-. dressed it to himself, and, when night came, crept stealthily to Osborne's door, opened it a little way, tossed it in, and ran away•as if Satan were after him. On reaching home ho retired to rest, and reposed sweetly till morning. When he arose he cast a glance towards his meadow, and to his satisfaction discovered that every stump In his meadow had been dug up during the night and pulled out by the roots. After breakfast he went coolly to work and rolled them together in a pile, m order to burn them. And imagine Osborne's bitterness of heart, as he passed by on his way to the village that morning, and knew he had been duped by them. New Version of an Old Store-. .A young man of Detroit who did not, up to a day or two since, have much faith in the supernatural, has become thlly persuaded that there are ghosts in existence. He is married, and himself and wife occupy rooms in the second story of aboardin&• house. The young man is in the habit of being out late of nights occasionally, and amusing himself about town, leaving Mrs. to her own eontnanv. He came in the other night quite paid no attention to the ben, anu inter nosing the window fronting on tha street, half un dressed himself and sat down in the dark room placidly smoking, watching the passers Lc", and thinking as we suppose on his hap piness as a married man, well to do, and lo cated on a pleasant street. An hour or two slipped by, and he-was just about going to bed, when a white object, between Ave and six feet high flashed by him, disappeared through the window with an exclamation that sounded like vulgar English, and lit on the sidewalk with an audible thud." It dis appeared in the darkness, and was heard pat tering down the street with its garments flap ping in the wind. A search was instituted in the dim light, and the wife was awakened and told of the circumstances. She couldn't explain, of course, but the inquisitive young man struck a light arid hunted the room over and over without finding anything to lead to the discovery of his unceremonious visitor. The belief begun to take possession of him that he lived in a haunted house. Suddenly he espied on a chair in a dark corner, a suit of men's clothes that he knew never belonged to him. A further search revealed a pair of boots, a handsome necktie, and other little trifles he hadn't seen before. He can't believe that some mysterioni spirit has made him, a present, and don't think burglars are inclined to leave valuable' dry goods and sail out of windows like white bats, and would, there fore, like to know " Whos'd peen here since ish peen gone r Will some warn a tell him what it was! Barran rums Durum-A husband in Clyde, Wayne county, N. Y., has for a wife the daughter of most respectable parents, who was amply provided with earthly neces saries and luxuries. The business occupation of the husband demanded his frequent ab sence from the village, and for several days at a time. Of late, several mysterious move ments of his wife, coupled with the assur ances of a friend that she was acting indisi erectly, induced him to give out thatte was again going away. He did not do so, but at a late hour of the night he gained ingress to his house, to the bed room of his wife, whom be found in the arms of an intimate friend 9 . What did this injured husband do? ho send a bullet through their wicked hearts ? No. Drawing a pistol (he was a determined man, and the guilty ones knew it); he de-. minded of his wife if she loved her paramour sufficiently well to live with him. With ter ror, perhaps mingled with truth, she answer ed that she did. The same question addressed to the roue extorted the same admission. t Then," said the husband, with pistol in hand, "on your knees, sir ; swear by the God above and who is witness, that you will support her well and always provide for her; that you will never misuse or abandon her ; that-you will not marry another during her lifetime." The guilty libertine took the oath when the husband commanded them to get up and dress themselves. When this was accomplished he again addressed them:— "Now, go! Go out of the horse you both came in, through the front door— ut don't either of you ever cross my threshol or my path in life." And they went gut in the mid night gloom and the gloom of their own guilty consciences. Whither they went is not known, and the husband is quite indiffer ent about the matter. "Joni, my son." said a doating . father who was about taking his son into business, "what shall be the style of the new firm " Well, Governor," said the one-and-twenty youth, loOking into the heavens to find an answer, "I don't know—but suppose we have John H. lE= ling & Father." The old gentleman was i at the originality of the idea, but could not adopt It ReciatTLT, in St. Louis, a crowd had gath ered on a corner, and an excited individual, panting with heat, rushed up to the scene, exclaiming, "What's the matter r "Only- a man idlled," was the reply. "Oh !is that all? I thought it was a dog fight." A "mamma) marrum" writes to the Al lentown (P&) Democrat for advice, which she gets, thusly : "The only way to cure your son of staying out late o' nights' is to break his legs, or else get the 'calico' he rims after to do your house work." "whase %Tzars men were recently convicted of murder In Texas and sentenced to be b within month, unless the alleged= turned up alive within that time. Fortunate ly he appeared, and they were set free. A BACKWOODSMAN raw a lady at a t a n nl it and sung out, "Jim jis come here. eon if here ain't a woman pulling music out of a chlafr Win? kind of essence does a young man like when he pops the question? Acquies cence. Few little poems have been more widely circulated limn that we give below, written mural years since by' Anson - G. Chester, Esq., of this city, Abort mtze s y ear the rotas- of the press, each t with new tine. Just now it le travelling under the aosthriguel of "My With and L" We re print it tinder lb original, title.—Burato Courier. N0..10. She who sleeps at( my heart Was the first to win it; She who dreams upon my breast, ltver reigns within it She who thew oft my gyps Wakes their wannest blowing ; She' tithd Vim* within my antra PeebtAbetreloseetrtaing. lithaillays then these ishall *fame,' - Days that may be dreary; • Other hours 4641 greet us '• 3Wt, Roars that may be weary ,• Still this heart shall be thy home, Still this breast thy pillow, • Still these lips meet ibice as oft Billow meeteth billow. Sleep, then,:on' my happy heart, Since thy love has won it; bream, then, on my loyal intast,—_- None but thou haat done it And when age our. bloom shall change, With its wintry weather, May we in the self same grave Sleep and dream .together. THE body of a man partially devoured by bogs was found in tne street in St. Louis the other day. AT TUE time of the recent dirthsnake in Missouri, an acre of ground near Carthage, Ohio sunk ten feet: • Tn total loss of the Austrian army in the war with the Prussians, was 84,041 officers and men, or more than one -fifth of the men put into the field. Tam ex - berms of the Indian war are now one million dollars per week, and, up to the present time, every- red skin killed has cost a million dollars and ten white nien's lives. ' TIrE Chattanimp Union (motes new wheat as selling in - that place for one dollar and fifty cents per bushel. In some parts of Cen tral Alabama it is said to have sold for one' dollar. , TnE Cole-Iliseock tragedy was re-enacted at ,Washington-on the 20th inst., a butcher named Jahnson shooting another knight of the clearer named Smoot, for being too inti mate with his wife. RaptEnen, N. Y., has an organization of widowers. One of them made up his mind to get married again, and the rest of them, to the number of eighteen, met to present him with a silver tea set and their well wishes. A LADY, a resident of this city,-milled • e $n one of our dentists this morning, and • d twenty-one teeth e•xttacted, without having chloroform or anything else administered to produce an unconscious condition.—Zanes rale Signal.. espy:T. Mt.'s was killed in Greenville, Lowndes county, Alabama, on the 9th inst., by Mr. Renfroe, his partner. The wives of the two men had quarreled about some chick ens, which led to an affray between the hus bands. Lv cleaning out a reservoir at St Louis, used for supplying the city with water, the bodies of thtrty-three children were- found. These varied in size, from a 'span to thirty inches in length', and were in all stages of de composition. A Soya Carolina negro was -struck by a locomotive and thrown fifteen feet into the air, falling back on the boiler. When the train was stopped, he merely complained that the boiler was uncomfortably hot, descended and walked off. , A FREEDMAN in. Texas proved a claim of $l5O for wages against his master, but a ne- Igro jury would allow him only $llO, on the Iground that they knew him to be "a trifling, lazy scoundrel,' and not worth what his em ployer agreed to give him: SAstayrirs PrtocTon is seeing Ira G. Munn, one of the leading grain warehousemen of Chicago, for 1100,000 damages, because he didn't marry her as he promised to do, and will conduct the case herself. She is indiffer ent about a husband but the money she is bound to have. Join - NELSON was convicted in Brooklyn of abandoning his wife. He proposed mar-. riage to a young woman, repres4ding him self to be single, and was accepted. When es..et. - SM . / Aieres aver consumptive, died. I - Tax proprietors of a hotel at Richmond, Indiana, advertise, under the head of "Per sonal" the dates, names and residences of parties who have left their establishment leaving small amounts due. It is a novel way of collecting "unsettled hotel bills" but we believe in advertising all the time. Two citizens of Galena, Illinois, were ar rested during the war for treMonable utter ances, and. confined in Fort Lafayette by military authority. They h, ye sued the United States Marshal for ....ages tO the amount of one hundred tho d dollars for false imprisonment, and the Snifreme Court of the State has - decided in favotof the plain tiffs. The case will go to the baited States Court. HORACE STRICKLAND, son of Dr. Horace Strickland, of Cleveland, 0., is under $5,000 bonds for trial, fora recent attempt to murder his father by the application of chloroform. and a hatchet. The, evidencepi• - eiveitittir merms threats by the son to take his father's life because he reamed him money and con sent to his marriage. The family is wealthy, of high social position, and the affair creates considerable excitement. A Drrnorr burglar, after lately rummag ing through a house occupied only b alady and her daughter , entered their e tuber, frightened them with a display of Ids pistol into keeping quiet, and at the request of one of them; brought a glass of water to her bed side. He then sat down by the, window, lighted his cigar, and engaging the ladies in a very civil and polite but on their part, most unwilling conversation until daylight was breaking, when he 'departed quietly with his plunder. AN awful tragedy was circtuivented at Fulton, Oswego Co., N. Y., a few days since. Some fiend tired the public school bouse,tak- - ing the opportunity perpetrate the atro cious' deed while the school was in session and setting the fire under the front stairs, with the view, apparently, of cutting off the egress of the scholars from the upper floor, and so causing a wholesale destruction of life. Owing to the admirable. coolness and pres ence of mind of the Principal, assisted by two other teachers, the children were all got_ out in safety. BREAM or PROMISE AND SEDUCTION.- We learn that Miss Esther Payne has entered suit, through her counsel, _Messrs. Goldsbor ough Griswold , against Mr. John L. Wright son for breach of_promise and seductionlay ing her damages at $25,000. The case will be tried at the fall term of theCirenit Court. The counsel fur Mr. Wrightaon aro Wallace &-Milbourne. The victim is a pretty yormg girl, said to be quite intelligent, and of as good a family as there Is in the county. The author of her ruin is a man abOnt fifty years of age, quite handsomelbr one who has seen so many winters, and possessed dY sufficient wealth to pay the full amount of damages claimed and then have some to spare.—Cam bridge (Md.) Intel. TRE Kingston East Tennesketn says that some days ago two tintifill daughters of Roane county, being tired of their step-mother, en ticed her into an out-house and attempted to choke her to death with a rope; falling in this, they poured melted lead, into her ear, and then, to make assurance doubly sure, struck the dying woman several blows on the head with an axe: Supposing the old lad3r dead, the Christian daughters left their moth er weltering in her blood and went to— church. Some .of the - neighbors soon after . corning in, found Mrs. Flicks in the condition the daughters had leg her, administered re storatives, and revived her sufficiently to re late the above detailed facts., Mrs. Hicks has since died of her injuries, and the murderers are still at large, having secreted themselves so as to prevent the officers of the law from' arresting them. - . Tonon STonx.—ln Clinton, EL, a young, woman over two years ago, after washipg windows,waa replacing them when she stuck her hand through the glass, running several long pieces into her harel:! After several days a physician was called, and, as was sup posed, the glass all extracted. But it appears not to have been the case, as a large quanti ty was left in the hand, which soon made its appearance under the skin on her arm, and was cut out by her surgeon. It continued spreading until it has extended to all parts of her body.. It has been extracted from her eyes, head, arms and feet, and in fact, .from all parts of her body. 81x months ago it caused the lock Jaw, with which she was af flicted tbr about six weeks, except that she could drink between her clenched teeth. At present she is a raving maniac more than half -the time, and in such now as words will n ot describe, and teo incredible to tell. At in tervals she Is rational, and able to sit up and do some work. Up to the 14th Instant over 1,200 pieces of glass had been cut out of her flesh. &LOMB SOX0; _ NEWS ITEMS.