The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 26, 1867, Image 2

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    the Ode(.l;ltiottrtr.
THURSDAY, JULY 25m, 1867
Hon.' George Sharswood,
Democratic Co. Committee.
A meeting of the Democratic County Com
mittee will b held at the Observer dike, in
the city of Erie, at 3 o'clock, p.
day, July 29th, to decide upon the day for
holding the next County Convention, and
to take measures for a more thorough omen
'ration of the party.
- BENtN WHITMAN, Chairman.
W. W. Lvm, Secretary.
President JohnsOn has done a great many
funny things-since he went into office, which
have given him a nation-wide reputation as
a "jokist," but he reached the climax by
sending, in the name Of Horabe Greeley as
Minister to Austria, on Saturday last. Horace
Es about as fit for the position as Jim Stewart
would be for chaplain -to Congress (though,
for that matter, we don't know but the "pro
fessor" could fill the place about es worthily
asithe present occupant) and the sule pre
sompticm which we can imagine for his se
lection is, that the President, getting tired of
the-repeated rejections of his nominees;-deter
mined to retaliate with an overwhelming
joke. The Senate was obtuse enough -to
take the thing in actual earnest, and—so the
telegrams say—"would have, confirmed
Greeley had not the single objection made
by Tiptim, of Nebraska, carried it over un
der the rule.tmfil_the next Session, which,in
this instance, is next November. Mr. Tipton
said he would consent to confirm no man
who Would go bail for Jeff. Davis. No ob- 3
jection came from any other nnarter."
poor Horace has to content himself with
staying at home, and all because he -made
such a bad boy of himself, and wouldn't let
Jefferson D. stay shut -up in Fortress Mon
roe "for the benefit of the party." We
doubt, though, if he will feel bad over the
The estimate of the Treasury Department
for the support of the United States army in
the South States during the prrNent year
is from $35,000, 000 to $40,000,000.—5. E
Trail no.
Only thirty-five to forty millions a year for
keeping the nation disunited and its business
prostrated !.
Only thirty-five to forty millions to be
spent in order that negroes may , become vo
ters and white men be disfranchised !
Only thirty-five to forty millions per-i-ear
is the cost of destroying Republican
lions and setting up a despotism more relent
less than that - of Austria in Hungary or
England in Ireland!
. Only thirty-five to forty millions for tear
ing the 'Constitution to atoms and placing
the will of a political party in its stead !
Only thirty-fivc. to "forty millions to be ex
pended, that the Radical party may live,
while the people suffer!
In Heaven's name, where is the need of
this lavish expendituste? For what purpose
is an immense standing army required in the
South at this time? Is there any armed op
position that they are required to encounter?
Is there danger of a revival of the rebellion?
Are the people less peacefhl or less obedient
to the law-than those of the North? Could
they not conduct their own governmental af
fairs with as much advantage tq themselves
and the nation in general its Congress,
though its bayonets, - can for them ?
How long will the:masses be blinded to
the self evident facts? Are they so duped
by faction, and frenzied by passion, that they
cannot see what all this must end in?
We publish to -day, to the exclusion of our
general variety, the bold and able Message
of President Johnson vetoing the supplemen
tary Military Reconstruction bill passed by
Congress at its late session . It is one of the
strongest documents which have yet ap
peared over his signature, and we are not
surprised that it should have aroused, as the
Washington dispatches tell us, a sensation
among the Radicals exceeding any of their
previous Manifestations. Its logic is unan
swerable, and, so fid as we have seen, no
Radical press or speaker has undertaken to
respond to it. Knowing the impregnability
of its position, they content themselves 'with
snarls and growls, and threaten impeach
ment louder than ever. The scenes upott its
introduction into Congress were character
istic, and as they furnish an interesting il
lustration of the temper awl tone of that
body, we copy a description of them from a
New York'daliy . :
"The reeding of the message was listened
to by well lied and a large attend
ance of members on the floor.. Tice Radicals
were full of wrath at its tone, for it flood of
invective 844 denunciation came from Thad.
Stevens, Boutwell, and Williams the moment
the Clerk concluded the fast paragraph. It
was followed by the imperative demand that
Congress should remain in session and at
once proceed with - the work of impeachment.
Boutwell was unusually excited, and voci
ft,ronily appealed to Radicals to coine up
anti displace the Pretrident, who, he said bed
defiantly told Congress that he would not
enforce the laws of Congress, Mr. !landfill
arose from the Democratic side and deliber
ately threw down the challenge, by stating
that the Radicals dare not impeach Mr.
Johnson. Butler followed by admitting that
Mr. Ratltill's remark was about true now,
but he hoped for a change. Mr, Boyer, of
Pennsylvania, replied in a brief but excel
lent speech, In which he said that the Radi•
cal. only wanted to remove the President in
order that they might obtain complete Radi
cal majorities In all departments of the key
eminent. Mr. Pruyn, of New York, iii the
rive minutes allotted to him hataLsomelk ar
raigned Thad: Stevens' conquered territorial
government. Williams, of Pennsylvania,
followed as, another of the impeachers in
violent harangue for impeachment. Thad.
Stevens then arose solemnly and said, he
looked upon the Impeachment movenient
aa dead, and sneeringly alluded to what he
called invisible influences operating on cer
tain Republican members.. This brought
Wilson, Chairman of the Judiciary Commit:
tee, to hisffeet, who proceeded to defend his
course. and intimated decidedly that he
would not be driven from. a console/rams dia.
charge of his duty, nor would he be hunted
down by he House. Although politically
differing from Andrew Johnson he declared'
that the President WI a right to be heard.
This brought 'down a round. of -applause.
The impeacherifFlaw the drift of the senti
ment of the majority and abandoned fbrther
attempts to ride impeachinentinto the House
over the eaeitement created by the veto: A
Vote was then taken and the bill passed, 'the
objections of' the President to she contrary
notwithstanding. The vote was a party one.
—lOO to 22. In the Senate there wait tio de
bate, and the bill was speedily' 'wade ibTo a
law hy a vote of 30 tog, there being less thaw
tWo-thirds of a lawfully minstituteti Senate
twesient. •
Tem following choosing item mammy Iron
the Waelaington correspnallent °CAA Phila
delphia Age. M the semi in sakld when *ha
hear& dot -her rapscallion' bnehand- *as
hung, " It's very ;pig* news hale:" •
I earn, that propinent Pennaylvenia
Radicals, jaQW7 pm city. cmwde that
tibursw.ood willrbe• elected Chief Justice-of
the iitiPreme Court 'of your . State. JUltices
have been =mitred hero fkont tar-liable source
in Ohio, to the effect that the Radicals expect
to lose the Legialatuse.oC-that State at the
approaching fall election.". _
WE hesterrl•to give thh Aid:teals in Coiit'
gresseMilacir cotie'tleeent thing-the More :
cottons:l;66lo -beeline it is the dist of the
session.- Thotedtuatly voted down Thad.
Stevens' roodeittmiposi*E to psithemielves
extra mileage! 'P`or this instazu4briChirildng
SCUM let hosannas :bTainif Whether it w.i
owing' to a utoteentay %lege of Oir cam
sciences or th e e igt rear,er . ihelileoxi;of
People, the .ileed I moue the ishe ;midi&
_ L.
The Senate last week by a vote of 25 to
passed Mr. Sumner's bill,giving negroas the
r i ght to h o ld o ffice in the Districtof Colum
bia. The bill was then sent .to the Rabe,'
where, on motion of Mr. Juad, of
the Radicals amended it by allowing uegroes
to serve as jurors in said District. The ques;
lion was about to be taken on its final pas
sage, but some of the Western and Middle
State Radicals, fearing its effect Mt - the party.
in their respective districts, .began to show
signs of nervousness, and whispered around
among each other. One of them finally sug
gested that the bill and amendments had
better be referred to the Judiciary Commit
tee for examination, and thereupon it was so
ordered. A number of Radical members,
anticipating a call of the roll on the final
passage of the bill, got up from their scats
and lett the hall.'
It appears, however, that the bill subse.;
quently passed the House, and was sent to•
the President. Failing to reach him untlinu
hour before the adjournment, he did not have
an opportunity to sign it, and the measure
did not become a law. Wendell Phillips will
have to issue an order for the Radical brigade
to wear crape the next thirty days in conse•
Is TirE House of Representatives last week,
during the series of harangues upon the veto
message (we will not,burlesque by culling it
a debate), Thud. Stevens gave utterance to
the 'following remarks:
"I agree precisely with the eloquent speech
of my amiable colleague across the way
(Randall) that we canrlbt impeach the Presi
dent of the United States. But I say to our
friends on this side who are urging that mea
sure that they are, urging it in vain. The re
sult of my motion the other day clearly dis
closed that, and, without attempting to make
disclosures, I undertake to say that there are
unseen agencies at work—there am invisible
powers at work in this country which will
prevent the impeachment of the President.
I have taken some pains to understand the
composition of the House and the composi
tion of the Senate, and I am 'quite certain
that there are enough of persons in the House
first, to prevent the presentation of articles of
impeachment ; and secondly, that there are
enough persons in the Senate, if articles of
impeachment were voted, to prevent the con
viction of the President. So that I repeat
any attempt to impeach the President will be
vain and futile. It is impossible to pierce
the -party which surrounds the 'White
SENATOR l'ArEs, who was serenaded in
Washington the other evening, said that
"the Republican party has declared that
equal suffrage shall exist in the - District of
Columbia and the Southern States, and now
they mast do for the North as they have
done for the South, and imposesuffrage upon
every Mte."
Tun New Orleans Crescent thinks there
are three sexes, the tastesex, the female sex,
and the sex to which Theodore Tilton, Hen
ry Ward Beecher,. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
and Susan B. Anthony belong.
Co:totes:A adjourned on Saturday, until
Nove,mber 21, and the nation hap reason to
be ditinkful once more for a. respite from agi
tation apd partisan excitement, even though
it be brief one. •
To the House of Repreaentatire* of .the United
!return herewith the bill, entitled "An act
supplementary to an act, entitled an act to
provide for the more efficient government of
the rebel States," passed on the 2d day of
March, 1867, and the act supplementary
thereto, passed on the 23d day of March, 1867,
and will state as briefly as possible some of
the reasons which prevent me from giving it
my approval. This is one of a series of meas
ures passed by Congress during the last•four
months on - the subject of reconstruction. The
Message returning - the act of the 2d of March
last, states at length my objections to the pas
sagt of that measure. They apply equally
well to the bill now before me, and I am con
tent merely to refer to them, and to reiterate
my conviction that they are sound and unan
swerable. There are some pot is peculiar to
this bill, which I will proceed atonce to con
sider:, The first seetton . par . ports to declare
the true intent and meaning in some particu
lars of the two prior acts upon this subject.
It is declared that the intent of those acts
was : " First, that the existing -governments
in the ten rebel States were not legal State
Governments," and, " second, that thereafter
said Governments to be continued subject in
all respects to the military donlmanders of
their respective districts, and to the para:
mount authority of Congress." Congress
may, by declaratory act, fix upon a prior act
a construction altogether at variance with its
apparent meaning, and front the time at least
when such construction islixed, the oriOruil
act will be construed to mean exactly what
-it is stated to mean by the declaratory statute.
There will be then, from the time' this bill
may become a law, no doubt, no question, as
to the relation which the existing Govern
meats in those States, called in the original
acts the Provisional Governments, stand to
ward the United States. As these relations
stood before the declaratory act, these gov
ernments, It is true, were made subject' to ab
solute military authority in many important
respects, but not in all the language of the
act, being subject to the military authority of
the United States as hereinafter prescribed by
the 6th section of the original act. These
governments were made in all respects sub
ject to the paramount authority of the United
States. • Now, by this declaratory act, it ap
pears that Congress did not by the original
act intend to ltmit the military authority to
any particulars or subjects therein prescribed,
but meant to make it universal. • Thus, all
over these ten States, this military govern
meat is now declared to have unlimited au
thority. It Is no longer confined to the pres
ervation of the public peace, the administra
tion of criminal laws, the registration of vot
ers, and the superintendence of elections ; but
in all respects is asserted to be paramount to
the existing civil governments. It is impo-s
-sible to conceive any state of society more
intolerable than this, and yet it is to this con- -
Mon that twelve millions of American citi
zens are reduced by the Congress of the Uni
ted States. Over every foot of the immense
territory occupied by these American citizens
the Constitution of the United States, theo
retically, is in full operation ; it hinds all the
people there, and should protect them. Yet
they are (toilette ery one of its sacred guar
antees. Of what avail will it be to any one
of thew Southern people, when, seized by a
file of soldiers, to ask for the cause of arrest,
or for the production of the .warraut ? Of
what avail to ask for the privilege of ban
when in military custody, which knows no
snchus ? Of what avail to demand
a trial bylury, process for witnesses, a copy
of the in current, the privilege of counsel,
or that greater privilege, the writ of habius
corpus? The veto Of the original bill of the
2d of March was based on two distinct
grounds---the interference of Congress
ters strictly appertaining to the reserved pow
ers of the States, and the establishment of
military tribunals for the, trial of citizens in
time of peace. The" impartial reader of that
message ' will nrulerstaiul that all , it contains
with respect to Military deipotism and mar
tial law, has reference especially to the fearful.
power et:inferred an the Ilistrict ComMandem:
to displace the criminal eourti aslitine
jurlsdiefion to-trY and pun - iri s by
Boards; that potentially the illsPeuSctiVa
the habeas corptis.was martial law and
tary despotism. The act now before um not.
Only Jet:tares thatilie intent was to confer
pitch military authority, but *also to confer
uniltuited authority over ail time other courts
of the State and over,.all the officers of the
State; cxeCutive and judicial, Nat
content: with the general giant of 'power,
Conggresss isthe second, section of this bill
sPeelderdlY giveS'tn Oach• millittry. Rotorua
der,the power to, ImVentl or remove from' of-.
fice,or form the performance of 0144141111 es
and the exercise of official poweri,anyollicer
or perao4 116E14 or exercising, orprofessing
to held or exercise au idn'•
or dutyTM' such tilitriet, - tinder.,any. power
v or authority derived
from, or granted by, or claltnetfunder any I
so-called State, or the Government th ereof, 1
ot any municipal or other - division thereof. - A
power that hitherto all the dcpartniepti .ef
the Federal Government, acting in Chart:4Di
separately, have not darmlto exercise, hare
attempted to be conferred - On. a. suberdlnite
lalilitnrY ellteel u TOl4M i ns a Military cialcer
of the Yellers! lip*itunent„ gli9? ! tla:piw-
Or, supported by a sufficient nqtary ttatei ha
remove every civil citllcee d f the . - United
States,What'neit ? - The District Coriwn•
der who lies thus displaced she civil Officers,
is authorized te, II t h eiaaincy, by the de
tail dart °nicer or a so oer, urge ..artay s or
llyttp appolnunent '9 some persoti.
This military appointee, whether an 'Meer
or a soldier, or gone otlUir person; is Atti
perform'. the. duties of such officer or
person w'suspcnded or removed. In other
words, an officer or. soldier of the army h
transformed into Jaclyn officer. Ile may he
made a governor, ti legislator, or trjud.. •
however unfit lie may deennhimself for such
civil duties, he must obey the order. The of
of the arniy must, if detailed, go upon
the Supreme bench of the State with the
same prompt obedience as If he were detailed
to go upen a court_niartiaL „The soldier, it;
detailed to act as a justice a the penee, must
obey as quickly' as if.ho were detailed for
picket duty. 'What is the character of such
a military civil officer ? This bill declares
thatlie alialiperform the duties of the civil
office to which he is detailed.. It is clear,
however, that he does not lose is position in
the military service—he is still an officer of
the anny—he is still subject to the rules and
regulations which govern it, and must yield
due preference, respect and obedience toward
his superiors. The clear intent of this section
is that the officer or soldier detailed to fill a
civil office must execute its duties according
to the laws of the State. If he is appointed
a Governor of a State, be is to execute the
duties as provided by the laws of that State,
and, for the time being, his military character
. is to be suspended in his new civil capacity.
If he is appointed a State Treasurer; he must
at once assume the custody and disbursement,
of the funds according_ to the laws" of the
State, for he is entrusted with no other Mil;
cial duty or other official power. Holding the
office of Treasurer, and entrusted with funds,
it happens that he is required by the State
laws to enter into bond with security and to
take an oath of office; yet, from the begin
ning of the bill to the end, there is no provi
sion for any bond or oath of office, or (brainy
single qualification required under the State
law, such as residence, citizenship or any
thing else. • The only oath is that provided
for in the 9th section, by the terms of which
every oue detailed or appointed to any civil
office in the State is required to take and silt,-
scribe to the oath of office prescribed by law
for officers of the United 'States. ' Thue; an
officer of the army of the United States, &-
tailed to fill a civil office in one of those States,
gives no official bond, and takes no official
oath for the performance of' his new duties,
but, as a civil officer of the State, only takes
the same oath which lie had already taken as
a military officer of the United States. He is
at least a military officer performing civil dit
ties, and the authority under. which he acts is
Federal authority only, and the inevitable re
sult is that the federal Government by the
agency of its own sworn officers, in effect, as
sumes the civil gov2niment of the State. A
singular contradiction is apparent here. Con
gress declares tlisse local State Governments
to be illegal Governments, and then provides
that these illegal Governments shall be car
ried on by Federal officers, who are to per
form the very duties Imposed on its own offi
cers by this illegal State, authority. It cer
tanily would be.a novel spectacle it' Congress
should -attempt to carry on a legal State
Government by, the agency of its own officers.
It is yet more strange that Congress attempts
to sustain or carry on an illegal State Govern
ment by the same Federal agency. in this con
connection I must call attention the 10th and ,
11th sections of the bill, which provides deft
"none of the officers or appointees of these
military commanders shall be bound in his
:action by any opinion of any civil officer of
- the United States, and that all the provisions
of the act shall be construed liberally to the
end that all the intents thereof may be fully
and perfectly carried out." . It seems Con
gress supposed that this bill might require
construction, and they fix, therefore, the rule
to be applied. But where is the construction
to come from ? Certainly no one can be more
in want of inatruetion than a soldier or an of
ficer of the army detailed for a civil service—
perhaps the most Important in a State—with.
the duties of which he is altogether unfamil-,
hr. This billsays lie shall not be bound in
his action by the opinion of any civil officer
of the _United States. The duties of the office
are altogether civil, but when he Wes for an
opinion lie can only ask the opinion of an
other military officer, who, perham, under
stands as little of his duties as he does him
sell% and as to his action he is answerable to
the military authority and to the military au
thority alone. Strictly, no opinion of any
civil officer, other than a judge,has a binding
force, - but these military
appointees would
not be bound even by a judicial opinion.
They might very well say, even when their
action is in conflict witikthe Supreme Court
of the United States, " tifat court is composed
of civil officers of the United States, and we
are not bound to conform our notion to any
'opinion of any such authority." This bill
and the acts to which it is supplemental are
all founded upon the assumption that these
ten commanities are not States, and that
their existing. goverriments arc not legal.
Throughout the legislation upon this subject
they are called " rebel States.' and in this
particular they arc denominated "so-called
States," and the vice of illegality is declared
to pervade all of them. The obligations of
consistency bind a legislative body as well as
the individuals who compose It. It is now
too late to say that these ten communities are
not States of this Union. Declarations to the
contrary, made in these three acts, arecon
tradicted again and again by repeated acts of
legislation enacted by Congress, from the year
1801 to the year 1807. During that period,
while the States were in actual rebellion, and
after that rebellion was brought to a chise,
they have been again and again recognized
as States of the Union. Representatives have
been apportioned to these States; they have
been divided into judicial districts for the
holding of District and Circuit Courts of the
United States, as States of the Union only
can be districted. The last act on this sub
ject was passed-July 23,1868, by which every
one of the ten States was arranged into dis
tricts and circuits. They have been called
on by Congress to act through their Legishi
tam uporrat least two amendments to the
Constitution of the United States. As States
they have ratified one amendment which re
quired the vote of 27 States of the 06 then
composing the Union. When the requisite
27 votes weregiven In favor of that amend
ment—seven of which votes were given by
seven of these ten States—it was proclaimed
to be a part of the Constitution
,of the Uni
ted States, and slavery:was declared no longer
to exist - within the Unite& States, or
any place subject to their jurisdiction.—
If these seven .States were not legal States
of the Union, it follows as an inevitable con
sequence that In some of the States slavery
vet exists. It does not exist in these seven
hates, for they have abolished it also in their
own State Constitutions; but Kentucky not
having done so, it woulitstill remain in that
State. But in truth, if this assumption—that
these States have no legal State governments
—be true, then the abolition of Slaiery by
these illegal governments binds no one, for
Congress now denies to these States the
power to abolish slavery by denying to them
the power to elect a Legal State Legislature
or to frame a Constitution for any purpose,
even for such a purpose as the abolition of
slavery. As to the other Constitutional
amendment, having reference to suffrage,
it happens that these States have not accept
ed it. The consequence is that it has never
been, proclaimed or understood, even by Con
gram, to be a part of the Constitution of the
United. States. The Senate of the United
States has repeatedly given Its sanction to
the appointment of judges, district attorneys,
and marshals for every one of these States ;
and yet, if they are not legal States, not one
of the judges is authorized to hold a court.
So, too, both Houses of Congress have pass
ed apprepriation bills to pay all these judges,
attorneys, and officers of the United States,
for exercising their functions in flume States.
Again,An the machinery of the Internal Rev..
enuo laws, all these States are described not
as Territories, but as States. So much for
continuous legislative • recognition. The in
stances cited. however, fall far short- of all
that might be enumerated: Executive re
cognition, as is well known, has been fro
fluent and unwavering. The same inay be
said as to Judicial recognition through the'
Supremo Cmrt of the 'United States. 'That
august tribuhal, front first to hit, its the ad
ministration of its dutiesitt bunco, and upon
the circuit, lies never failed to recognize
these ten communities as legul-Statea of the
Holm -Theca-au depending ' that court
Ursa - appeal and writ of error front: these
Stahl; when the Rebellion began, Wombat
icendismilsed on any idea otcessation of
jurisdiction. They Were carefillly-continued
from tertu to term until the Rebellion Was
entirely subdued and peace established, awl
then they were called foriargunient find eon
sideration. as - if tminsnretictjWt had - inter:
New.cases occurring duce-Alm Rers
hellion havreome from these η -before
that eourtty Writ oterror and appeal, and
eventhyoriginal sift. These cent are-an
tertakedby that tribunal in exercise of
ocknottlodged jurindletkin, Which could not
attack tathera Abey-loni itomafratn any
politicarbfidy other:than:a Mae affthaUnkin.
Finally, in , the 'allotment -of their dream;
made by The judges at. the December WM,'
1865,=0ne album Slates is pet - on the'
same of legality t sttitti all the other
pares offle - I.lbleme. , Virginia: wad North
Cartaina, 104 l artaf the Fount Micah;
are aliened tattle Chief-Jusilee. • • Month Car.
nUns, Otaugia, - Florldi„:Ahdeimal..mis..
sissippi constitnte the Fifth Cireiiik and were'
allotted the. late Mr. itistlea Wayne. Unita-
Lana,: Arkanitasi.suid Nene are. allotted to
the Sixth Jadkial Cirenit, as to*Whigh there
is a vacancy on the bench. The Chiefsttup
tice, in the exercisentitia-Chnuit, duties, has
recently held a Circuit Court in -the i titate-of
north Carolina. If North Carolina. Is , not a,
State of thialjulou, the CldifsAnfilei bid 'no
authority to hold a.coort there, and every
order, judgment and 'demo rendered by hint
in at coot, were carom:bon *fee and void.
Anothergtimmitm whirl these reconstruc
tiou ante are ettertiiited to be sustained is
dila: - That these'ten States are conquere d
dun the Conatitutiottel relation in
.which they ittaid-asStatea toward. tiutTed
enil Government prior to the Rebellion Juts
given place to a new relation ; that is, the
territory is conquered territory, and their cit
izens a conquered people, and that. in, this
, new relationCteigress can govern - Amu by
rAilitzuy power.A.title by Congress stands:
'Bli - clear ground' - It twit new - title acquired
by-war. It applies only to territory, or for
goods or movable things regularly captured
in war, called "booty," or, if taken by indi
vidual solBiets , "plunder?' There is not a
foot of land in any of these ten Stoles which
the United States holds by conquest, save
only such land as did not belong to either of
these States, or to any individual owner. I
mean-such land as did belong to the pretend
ed Government called the Confederate States.
These lands we may claim to; hold by con
quest ; as to all others, lands or territory;
whether belkinging to the States or individu
als, the Federal -Government has now no
more titlo'or right to it than it had before the
Rebellion. Our own forts, arsenals, navy
yards, custom-horses, and t other Federal
property situated In those Stales we now bold,
not by the title of Congress, but by an' old
title, acquired by purchase orcondemitatiois,
for public Otte, with compensation to former
owners. We have not conquered these
places, but simply "repossessed" them. If
we- require mere cites for forts, custom
houses, and other public uses, we must ac
quire the title Of them by purchase or appro.
priation in the regular mode. At this mo
ment the United States, in. the acquisition of
bites fur national cemeteries in those States,
acquires title in the same way. The Federal
courts sit in court houses owned or leased by
the United States, not in the court houses of
the States. The United States pays each of
these States fur the use of its jails ; finally,
the United States levies its direct taxes and
its internal revenue upon the property. of
these States, including the productions of the
lands' within their territorial limits, not by
way of a levy and contribution in the char
acter of a conqueror, but in the regular way
of taxation, under the same laws which ap
plied to all the other states of the Union, froni
first to last, during the Rebellion; and since,
the title of each of these States to the lands
and public buildings owned by them has
.never been disturbed, and not a foot of it has
ever been acquired by the United States,
even under a title of confiscation, and not a
foot of it has ever been - taxed under Feder
ailaw. In conclusion, I must respectffilly
ask the attention of Congress to the consid
eration of one more question arising under
this bill. It vests in the Military Comman
ders, subject 'only to the approval of the
General of the Army of the United States, an
unlimited power to remove from office any
civil or military officer in each of- these ten
States, and the further, pewer, subject - to the
same approval, to detail or appoint any mili
tary officer or soldier of the United States to
perform the duties of the officer so removed,
and to fill all vacancies occurring in those-
States by death, resignation, or otherwise.
The military appointee thus required to per
form the duties of acivil officer, according to
the laws of the State, and as such, required
to take an oath, is, far the time being, a civil
officer. What is his Character? Is he a civil
officer of the State. or a civil officer of the
United States ? If he is a civil officer of the
State, where is the Federal power, under our
Constitution, which authorizes his appoint
ment by any- Federal officer? If , however,
he is to be considered a civil officer of the
United States, as his appointment and oath
would seem to indicate, where is the author
ity for his appointment vested by the Consti
tution? The power of aptiointment of. all
officers of the United States, civil or military,
where not provided for in the Constitution,
is vested in, the President, by and with the
Advice and consent of the Senate, with this
exception, that Congress may by law vest
the appointment of such inferior officers as
they think proper in the President alone, in
the courts of law, or in the heads of depart
ments. But this bill, if these are to be con
sidered inferior officers, within the meaning
of the Constitution, does nOt provide for their
appointment by the President alone, or by
the courts of law; or by the heeds of depart
ments. but vests the appointment in one sub
ordinate executive-officer, so that, if we put
this question and fix' the character of the
military appointee either way, this provision
of the bill is equally opposedlo the Consti
tution. Take the case of a soldier or officer
appointed to perform the office of Judge in
one of these States, and as such to adminis
ter the proper laws of the state. Where is
the authority to be found in the Constitution
for vesting in a military or. executive officer
strict judicial functions to be exercised under
the State laws. It has been again and again
decided by the Supreme Court of the United
States that Acts of Congress which have at
tempted ti) vest executive powers in the Ju
dicial Courts, or Judges of the United States,
are not warranted by the Constitution. If
Congress cannot clothe a judge with merely,
executive duties, how can they clothe an
officer or soldier of the army • with, judicial
duties over citizens of the United States who
are not in the military or naval service? So,
too, it has been repeatedly decided that Con
gress cannot require a State officer, executive
or judicial, to ratribnu any duty enjoined np
' 7iiTn by a law of the United States. Now,
the can Congress confer power upon an
executive officer of the United States to per
form such duties in a State? If Congress
could not vest in a Judge of one of these
States any judicial _authority under the Uni
ted States by direct- enactment, bow can it
accomplish the same thing indirectly by re
moving the State Judge and putting an offi
cer of the United States in his place? To me
these-'considerations are conclusive of the
I unconstitutionality of this part of the bill
now before me, and I. earnestly commend
their consideration to the- deliberate Judg
ment of Congress. Within a period less
than a year the legislation of Congress has
ottempted to strip the executive department
of the Government of some' of its essential
powers. The Constitution, and the oath
provided in it, devolve upon the President
the power and the duty to see that the laws
are faithfully -executed. - The Constitution,
in order to carry out this power, gives him
the choice of the agents, and makes them
subject to his control and supervision; but
in the execution of these laws the Constitu
tional obligation npon the President re
mains, but the power to exercise that -Con
stitutional duty is effectually taken away.
The military commander is, as to the power
of appointment, made to take the place of
the President, and the General.:of the Army
the place of the Senate, and any attempt on
the part of the President to assert his own
_constitutional powers, may ' under pretence
or law, he met by official insubordination.
It is to lie feared that these military efficers i
looking to the , authority given by these laws,
rather than to the letter of the Constitution,
will recognize ho authority hut the Com
mander of the iatrict and the General of
the Army. If there were naother objections
than this to this proposed legislation it
would be sufficient. While I hold the chief
executive authority of-the' United Slates ;-
while the obligation rests- upon me to see
that all the laws. are faithfully executed, I
can never willingly surrender that trust or
the powers given for its execution. I can
never give my assent to be made responsible
for the faithful execution of laws, anti at the
same time surrender that trust aad -the
powers that accompany it to any other exe
cutive officer, high or)ow, or to arty. num . -
her of executive-officers. If this executive
trust, vested by the Constitution in the Pixel
dent, is to be taken from him and vested in
a subordinate officer, the responsibility will
be with Congress; in clothing the subordi
nates with-unconstitutional power, and with,
the - officer-Who assumes , Ite exercise. This
interference with.theComfitutional authori
ty of the Executive 'Department is an evil
that will Inetiltably Asp thOtaindations of our
federal system, but it is not the worst-evil 'IX
this legtalation, it is a great public- wrong
to, take-front thi - Preaident powers icinfqmd.
on him alone - hi the Cbtistittition ; 'but the
wrong is more flagrant and_more ' danreus
when the powers - so. taken from: the Trmzi
dent are conferredtpoit -setberdinate
Live officers, and especially upon military
Officers. Over nearly sae-third.of the. States -
Otthe Unfolv,mllitary - ixnyer, regulated bysto
fixed law rules su tine: -Each of the tive
District Ckrmisiti . cis, though not chosen - by
the people, op risible to thetn,texeroistis
-at tfinb . executive . power,
military and-di/11, than- thapeople have. Boer'
he4sail retiber
Execntivp,PlVT ll*Mminst
trttnaut, though-chosen by
and resfonslble to themaelyer 'The remedy
niiist &kik froth -"fhb petiple theMselves.
'gluey koow what It is - , - aml Jtow, it. Is to, he
applied. — At"the' present. time they Cannot,
nceafrdillit.l9 14. 19ravo
repeal the „Whey Aumot irmove or
tong this military 44=SPOtli341. -41113-reMe
dtiai nevirth4lass, their bands; itls to be
fottnd -kit= are; Itriot
contiolleitby fraud and lira by Vitntary
irif - m-thwrnspattry - on - their part- - Too
nr r olayedr Evitht abikihiff etatiftrefift) - - - In
lbw patriotisp4.wiadtlitiand . igtegrity -1, am,
still hopeitil 41:Ur 11 14 the
OlfdAtut MetitatlattlithedlC4teria,h ,
armed heel cof,powep llQedi from the necks of
tho_PeoPies4Pithn prbhcipiCs of A- violated
Confetti* preserved.
-2• -- -: '
1111 44 kit oil; t e Jaly 10, 1efr • •
• •
HOlmisniettaaaftMllll4,-EIMIIIIIr -•
and dwe • Na t 814 mate OreekEri, a. Pa
near Noble 'oelt. Hare~as',~ '
Risidy to the Dispatch.
de in your issue of the 13th Jnat., containa
sonic stutetnents of en flagrantly uniugru
perative andlaise a character:ea to be rYs
tag of more - Ann a pasidrig notice. Weiihonld
long before this have given It our at tention,but
that we were in the hope that your own
sense of magnanlinity and honor would have
compelled4OU to make it correction •of its
numerousfislsehoods, ?and .apologize to the
-larselastist,our, conimmilty whom it not
Only misrepresents but Insults, and many-of
whom have been among the hugest support
ters of your establishment. Yon have seen
proper to dO neither, although several of our
most prominent citizens have taken the pains
to inform you of the errors contained in the
article, andlou acknowledged to them your
regret at its pppearancea• and we have no
other recourse left than to answer your as
persions in our own way, leaving it for the
public to decide upon the character of a man
who will first grossly outrage a large portion
of his most liberal patrons, -and then refuse
to retract his odious statements,"anan editor
possessing a tithe of manliness ought always
to be willing to do when he finds himself in
the wrong.
Your article says that-the traffic in 'liquor.
"In all its concomitants is utterly vicious and •
demoralizing." This we totally deny. That
there are establishments in which liquor is
sold, in the large cities, where vicious occur
rences take place, we are willing to admit,
but that they apply to more than half a doz
en concerns at the most in this city, is untrue.
, The police records show that no community
of the same population in the country is freer
from unlawhil behavior than ours, and. we
make the assertion -With confidence that the
wholesale liquor sellers and hotel and saloon
keepernot. the city will compare favorably
with any other class in the community. Your
allegation that " the fraud and cheater) , that
is carried on by the manufacturer has never
been half exposed'," is equally false.' There
is no' branch of trade upon which the Gov
ernment places such severe restraints as the
manufacture of liquor, and it is 'almost im
possible, to commit fraud without detection.
The few arrests made for ".cheatery" in this
depaNineut, compared with the business
done, and the vigilance of the officials, is fact
enough of itself to convict you of, nth-state
ment—not to put a harsher phrase upon it.
You say further: .-
"The deleteriousness of the stuff sold 'for
pure liquors can never be over estimated ;
wines that sell for four to ten dollars a gallon
are made at a cost of twenty-five cents a quart.
The finest champagne is made for a Shilling a
bottle. Port wine, generally used as a medi
cine, is made of sugar-of-lead,, logwood, co
chineal anal whiskey. Not one gallon in a
thousand has a drop of grape juice in it, and
'of 'coursO the profit Is immense. Mr. 'Crosby,
of Chicago, made his half-Million in an in
credible short time. Trull, lately deceased in
Boston, made his million. The house of M.
N. Williams & Co. piled up an immense sum,
but vengeance overtook them at last."
Now, sir, wild and math:ions as are your
Statements generally, in discussing matters
that do not meet your: approval, you never
penned a paragraph more:full of atrocious
falsehoods than the above. In the first place;
it is untrue that any " stuff" is " sold for pure
liquors" that is not really what It purports.
Every quart of liquor sold is obliged to be
submitted to-Government inspection, and the
strict regulations on the subject make it im
possible to sell an article for anything but
what it really is. You may not be aware
that in liquors, as in nearly everything else,
there are various grades, and that the custo
mer purchases such as he sees fit. Each
quality is marked with the Governmetit
brand, and if men buy the cheaper and poor
er kinds the fault is with themselves, and not
with those who sell In the next place, itiS
equally false that " wines that sell for $4 to
$lO a gallen are made at a cost of 25 cents a
quart:" or that "the finest champagne is
made for a shilling a bottle ;" or that "port
wine, generally used as a medidun, is matte
of sugar-of-lead,cochineal and whiskey." The
same roles that apply to other beverages LlP
ply as well to the articles mentioned. ' The
sale-of wittes is surrounded many re
strictions, is so carefully guarded, by official
regulations, is a matter of such active com
petition, as nearly totally'to precluile the idea
of fraud. Your very statement bears upon
its Ice the impress of its absurdity. If You
think you can compotind any of the wines
mentioned as you say they can be made, we
would suggest that you had better try the ex
periment, and utter you have done, compare
the result of the same, with the wiues we sell,
to satisfy yourself as to the matter. The
enormous profits alleged' to be made in the
liquor business are all " in -- your eye." The
trade is not particle more profitable than
hosts of others, and in comparison with the
money invested, the time expended and the
risks rim, it falls behind many of which less
is said. A few persons, by lucky ventures,
have made huge fortunes, but so they have
in other enterprises. In this city, ihere is
not one dealer who during the last year has
much more than made a living, and the ma
jority have not even done that. A glance at
the list of income reports may satisfy you of
this. The Government taxes us beyond what
it does any other branch of trade, and the
profits, after deducting the tax, are so small
that the majority , of persons would he sur
prised if they took the trouble to investigate
the subject.
But, not content with misrepresenting our
business, you take the pains to fling a gratu
itous and most unmanly assault at ourselves
and those depending on us. You say: '
"The rumsellers and their families may in
dul4e in luxuries and gaities on money sto
len in this way from their neighbors. 'l'hey
can ride in coaches, dress in silks and tuna,
drive blooded horses, sport gold chains and
rings,' but they are all stained With blood.
Every jewel reflects only a curse, and every
diamond will turn to ashes in the crucible
of eternal 4 justice. The business is fraught
with criminality, and the women who shine
by its profits, need pity from God and num,
as much as the Tictims that die for their com
Had more been needed to show!tlie mettle
you are made of, this paragraph could stamp
you as too mean and cowardly to deserve
the name of a man. It is bad enough for
you to show your ingratitude by hying about
our business, by- classing ns with pitnps,
knaves, ththves and counterfeiters, by hold
ing us up ma elassi to the scorn of our fel
low citizens; it is the quintessence of-de
pravity to drag in the character of those
who are in no wise responsible for our errors,
if any we have committed, and whose char
acteris as dear to us as life. The heart that
could dictate such a coarse and the pen that
- could place such sentiments tin' paper are
none other than the heart of a villain and
the pen of a knave. We have some respect
for the man who in an honest advocacy of
total abstinence unintentionally makes errors
of statement,' which he frankly disavows
when convinced of their incorrectness; but
none Whatever for him, who, a daily user of
strong drink himself, for the sake of a little
teinfmary popularity, deliberately proceeds
to - falsify facts, neglects or refuses to contra
diet his foliehootbs,3vhen told orthem..makes
use of his position to gratify private spite,
andoot contentavith - even this, adds insult
to injury by holding up to public reproach
the helpless wives and children of those
whose suspected pro Verity has made them
the object of his malice. Language has no
word to fitly express the consummate base
nesi,ofouch a mind.. A slanderer, tutderany•
circumstances, is to be despised ; but' the
ruthless defamer Whn invades the sanctity of
the private eircle,and proceeds to rob of their
happiness those who are gathered within; is
a creature . I ton.far lost to manly, character to
be even iminietlin the same categeiry with e
fiend. Those wholnyou have besliwed with
your scandal need no defence from us. Their
reputation will only be the parer as they are
contrasted with the villainy of him who can
descend - to depths ifYniewOess Which stamp
him as worse- thin- a be4sl.-: :Protected by
the conciou.mess of 114 virtue, they have
nothing-but contempt,foo - , the being whose,
highest .gratification. be to drag
down his tat i same,..filthy, level
went:deal* hirraelf.! • '" ' • - -
Your article contiins ! ,tny, other state
ments no less ,, deserving f notice—intlied
thete IS scarcely a line 14 it -whiplt is not
equallYve-s 'false nail deserving 4 of iDellVlre as
those we hive titteteti,- - ifitt the letwth to
Which this communication airs alreally et
tended ibiritnaling' that time !--
In tO tuld wtfew words
Of advice, which it vcill-he well _for you_to
heed; ; '• • I ,
• It will for- you, .13,ditor; to sup
metltait.bilttz 'seyeu publish- - the only daily
wr it tide
over llds ' community.' -' -Your late .conritek
seems to. hitlicate - that you thinkyOu can; Tait
you Will ilot proceed' lunch thither until yeti'
discover the mistake. Oaq . citizens qre all
ensigns to kustsin a daily paper, but 'they_
want . it to Alva fair. lumetrableArtalitinthfni
one, or they prefer none at NfAdlertiftf
you cleor yograildtbk -; With* Has WOO
for °Tel:Olive' artielliti:nponAlitio w lis in vita
etnnloy. A publisher la isseponiible ---for the
mutter inlititttliititts; and if he elidosesi :to
ticketlt eutillt - ,pri*Citertf who have neither
Judgment nor Knowledge ofivliat theywrite,
thelibitni ft* ,theit rainfall upon
his own shoulders. ; -The utltleyeigned • bittl'
bein.smon,g-yout here._
tq lllwrifintaftgrkepebritive yam d l 4o. lllo llOrr,
that unless you display a difFerent spifit than
has been exhThited oflatti.,you mast not ex
pect to receiver Uy IMMO AMMO from Mem
o; ,thostoirhowtheyeas futinence.
Allow ,n 4 to udd.,-that, we, do not wish to
ho understood akellitekllii in . any form the
motives or actions of these Who' are sincere
MOMS Itu tare Omer of temperance. That
Cause 'has in many of its features, our sin•
cerest respectand shall always have .ourco-
operation. - -- Tice taste for strong drink- Ma
ever been inherent in men, and will be un
til tbejudgment, day, and the truest friend
of reform is he vlw succeeds in regulating
to such an extent that while men can law
fully gratify their desires, they will not carry
them to excess. We contend that the dealer
who-takes pains that 'his stock shall be of
_the!' pgrest attainable kind, and tvlio preserves
a personal reputation which ensures -that
What he "deltas is - the truth, does more to
restrain drunkenness and preserve the pub
lic morals, titan all other instruntentalitiK4
which can be employed. Let it be under
stood that we make no enloplaillt of your
temperance advocacy ; what we object to is
th 9 unlicensed mode in which you ammo to
allow,youx columns to be used- Yon have
a perfect right to entertain such' opinions as
you choose, hut you Ittive_no right to make
your paper_ a Vehicle of personal spite, of
falsehood; or fiendish misstatement, of com
mon gossip, or to slander the reputations of
women anti children
Respectfully, -
- 7" -'•• G. 3,t: SMITLI & Co.
.1. B. CARVER it. Co., Druggi4s
P. A. BECKER & Co.
• - IVir_ NICK SON, Drugglik.
- _ BALL& Ar.truckm. •
3 Won STOTT.. -
po:iwz[4:isi;C•i:4l: , , , T.*:4 0 (411.p:,:z1
TO CURE CONSUMPTION, lb. system mud be
prepared so that the 'tutor will heal. To accompiish
this, the liver and stomach mint first be cleansed and
ask smuts created tor good wbolfgazwetood, 'WV*
by theme medicines will be digested properly, and
good healthy blood made: thus building up the
cleanse thestomach of all bilious or unworn =um*
Wow; and, by ming the Bea Weed Tonic in con
nection, the appetite is restored. •
w a su medicinal, and, by using the three rentedleu,
an Impurities are expelled from the system, end
good, wholesome blood mode, which will repel all
diwww. II patients will take those medicines accord
ing to direction,, ConsumptiOb . very frequently In
;Its fast stage yields readily to their action. Take the
pUis frequently, to cleanse the Its Brand stomach. It
does not Milow that bemuse the bowels are not 1:0ss
live they are not required, for sometimes diarr
buss they are neeestary. The stomach mod be kept
healthy, and an appetite emend to allow the Pal
monk Sync, to scion the nmplimary organs properly
and allay any irritation. Thcuall shot linmedred to
gwrtorm a permanent cure Is: to prevent taking
cold. Exercise about the rooms LI much at possible,
act all the rkhest fend—fat meal, game, and, in lad
mollies the appetite am e. . but be particular and
nmetleal• wall. ' - Ltad w. ea ma. 1 yr.
Arlo abbtrtistmento
lii E 1E 1 3
The Ball Roiling !
liming removed - to their
N(). 2 .N.40131.E.
Ire now prepa.rea to bell _
The following hi a price 114 list-of some of the.
Goods now *ening tit their Ktore
4,000 Yards Good Madder i'rluts ,10c
3,0.10 do • do 15c
3,000 do do lac
4,000 ' do do -
4,000 Yards 4-4 . 8r0wn.. ........ ....... We
3,1.100 do 4-1 do Pic
3,000 do 4-4 do heavy • ^oc
;COO - do Floc Brown 4-4 'lO and 18c
3,000 do do do 4-4 • -20 c.
3,110) do do do•X - ..... . Eric
3,1100 do Bleached 4-4kvc
3,001/ do do 7,... • ISc
4,11(10, , do 110 • 3k.
3,40 do do Y 4 • ' ~
IV ie.
LW) do Maillt.i . he
All Wool Didalnt, (limp.
Beil, 'White, Blue, Buff, &e. Opern FlannLls,
ull colors.
A full line of taitllPS Ifile‘ex* ail Ciilldreh;s
Have. The gentlemen lee also providesl for In
this department.
1311.1i1SS GOODS.
A full line of all the various styles and wakes
of Dress Goods, and 'we endeavor to NIIIR the
most fastidious in this line. We show our goods
with great pleasure without charge.
A large line of French and Domeetle Ghia
limas very cheap. 'Tweeds and Jean, for brwe'
weer, cheaperthan and• other parties, ('all and
see them.
Hoop Skirts in all Styles awl Mao/.
A full line of all kinds, such as Threnil, Pin;
Needles, Buttons, Trinan
Brown aud Bleached lsltudlng, Prints and De
tainee: We twit belay the market.
Sia- Don•t fOrget the place,
Corner of State and Eighth Streets,
Ni , :ct door to th6Voit'OlTlet l ,l 4 .:Oble Block
pJu t: *l ~i ;i.f
Through and Direct' Route between Phlhuleie
phis, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams—
• port, r and the
eI : MAT
- OP;' , I'BI:NBTXX.A.III.,ti • • .
'4 o t l 1 1 U . Med -Train":
O N trv a :rtln aine on rbe M P: % lll : ll Y l' j i
tv a h ‘ ?
Nrill run a a)
AItD. -
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7:00 p. zn. and
. rirrives at-khlo at 4W p. row -
14rigtOreaslerotes Philadelplhant
arrives at Erie at 9:45 a. in.
Warren Accommodation leaves Warren nt 3:1)
• P•wrapt,ifi{z,nl., aptl,a}rtyp.= at Erie
][alt LettVeg gide tit WM ei. m dO'artorre
Vidloaelphhr at 7410*. --• •
rale:Extpreas leaves Eden% &Wm. Ith • slat WI
• gives at Philadelphia at rOo. nu T
Warren Accommodation leaves Erie. at 7N50
JA;A:A s rI7 at th3Q th. andtullvek at Wart'en,
•atiMall and Expreakeßtinectlrith alLtralna on
the Warren & *a)•: , Passengers
letnlng Philadelphia at IL - 00 tn.. arrive at
to&-gt W , a; find Olt OWy_nt Via a. Leaving Philcidethin at ww it in., arrive at
&-rninklin - alralkif
rouge close connections at Oil City with
noTrinklin laid PetAlleithi Ventre. r RwaseE,
A:lA+lllii WIT - LIET4
• • - fitirpgrident4.
JFIB'BY tt • ~.T,
itia`- M;V:VhiA, ' Rai
4 cidwmPT `CW:III6V4RS
Af.W41 1 31 1 4Z 3141.41%
, Cali u t t, Mt_ zuroAl r 4r., C0.'.,.
latile,t Sassafras Ht 'street, 'Rear the' RaMdo ll Read
. myl674t,
Orb) abb!itiotiOtnto,
THOS. MAGUIRE„ - Lessee and Director
Wonders of a Life-Time !
3T A Ci
Imperial Japanese
r r It T1 1 '14: !
JULY •ASI). 11..047.
this Troupe consists of the most unique and
wonderful Juggler., Italaneers, Magielanis,t Ath
letes, Acrobat", Gymnast" and 31usieboutarom
Jeddo, japan, (being the first prlvate citizens
ever pmnltted to leave the Empire), will appear
each night in their marvelous and nstotolding
feats, such as ha. 11P% er before been witnessed
outside of the I sant:dons of Ills Iliglinepts
• ,
The l'yeoon of astpil.
Man-Ke-Cliee, 1.00• Kn-Mat,.,,
. Sing-K..04 liee,
Stru-Ktv , t 'her, e,
The Originld
" Little All Right !"
nave been engaged and lima%lit to tills coun
try under a contract with theJapnnese Govern
inent, at an expense and risk snrlms•lnu all
belief, and wherever they have appeared, hun
dreds have been nightly tut ned away.
The Press of this round} pmnounee their en
tertainments 2,0 years In advance of anything
ewer seen, and
In the II ktory of Nations!
Tula being an entire •
Japanese Entertainment,
The mtuge will he conducted In preelwely the
ham° 1111.113110 r /1X in J/IPIIII.
Will iamttively appear at eaelt entertainateaL
50 Ctoi. lieefierved 'South' 75 Cie.
Children 25 Cie.
Box. office, for the sale of Reserved Seats, open
daily. Doors open 7 o'clock ; Japanese appear
at 8 o'clock precisely.
aier• Ftemember that those who wish seats
must secure them in advance for either even
jyl.3-2w. Agent..
L. Cl_4l%,Ttli,
IA now opvillni: and will Li•rp con.tantly nn
Itand a large null fashionable %Wel: of
• ~ •_v
No.-14 Purk now, (13rown'm Ilotel.)
Ills stock embrice. everything In the Boot and
Shoe line, Including n large line of
Sole agent for the city for the
"Prebie Patent Loot :'•
A very desirable article for ladles' wear.
TIIL U.N131-4; -111411.GrISTE113,
Having purchzo:o the Interest of the Messrs
Vlneents In the ' •
Of the late tlrm, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of favor from the friends and pa
trons of the house, and theublic In general,
pledging himself that he willa p t all times try to
sell good and reliable
Flour, Feed and Grain
At the lowest price fur c.u411 in luwd. Front my
long experience In this brunch of the trade, I
:Trust I know what the•pubLie demand, and that
.1 am prepared to meet that want.
- lieturving my thanks to the public for their
liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by
strict attention to my business and their wants,
- to merit a continuance of their patronage in the
inture. - -
THM D I,LTNSr, Fugra,-Frvo,
Will Le continued, In all its departments, at the
E 4 S T PARK Rpm-,
Retween - Brown's Road and Reed House,
Where the hublio will fled a good stoek always
for sale, with competent and polite men on
hand to supply their wants.
rAsn - BefilEK REeilltust, DOMETR,
In-overy style of 11Indlng, and it the
- _ _ LSO ,
' •, 7 Book,' Magazine, Music, *
Ant other Binding dant, in the best style and
very cheap, ut
• CIITOWEY 3 !mitt:l2l*i
3m. • • :North Park aim:
rrillE Filial of 41. M. Irish fi Hon, doing bust.
nessabiltunlytolastit, Meta", Pat, 'this
day dissolved by mutual consent. The business
16111-betetandlaulod by Ws Undersigned, wlea will
settle the accounts of the-lte firm.
H. M. IRIS „ H.
Ltmarilaile, July 16, '6l—jyl6-3t.
Rime Jtla'reideived Iliad& lot of
.114R111,D G 9. BODE') LlNStiliQji.,
141114 M.
CFR M :17 ECK it A. It ir !
By the dozen "lasi., for sale 67:
deelitt. J. C. RELDEN.
!I• II 1.1
I I F-%4 ItT I SI'S
Boats and Sliovs, at his
and the Store,
rre., ETC.,
Stationary and Portable Steam Eartb,\-
Ilradl Patent ht
prrcil Acting Circular Sit w
Circular Haw 31111.. ".
DItII.I.ING T9oLs, POI 1/1,,
W..t. F. I.
.I(iliN H. 111.15.4,:..... % . : , 11,1 ft
TI& I3rncllc•y I.llltrisio,
Manufactured by' t li.
Uses strain tiviee; Ifas 1111111,1 e I iii• 1.1.•
other Engin.. of e+imil :,177;
Parties who wish to lucre:o.e I lien Nr,
without changing thf•ir ,‘,
the Bradley Engine, which %%orb• t h..
Steam, and gives double the r tr,„,
same boiler, thus saving bait the ful.
v.oild n-peetfully tall '111.• :111.ra
Situated on tiLe
11.7nvi.:EN FitoNT s.EoiNti
Near Reed'm bock
IVe ttrenow in full 01,er:thou—lull,
hand, unit tire prrparell to runtish it rooc•
Kiln on the shortest notlee.
NEILEIt. .31 Slttot:Ci,i,
N 1•':44 most pleasant r,,id.11••• • tol.!
Ik . y lax•.atk u ax for a clllag.• 11•• t:•• •
alfrn•d for xale In tla• lw•autlful
The lot rontains about one acre Ith I.
tiny elude, gritftettl fruit t r reel{,Wilr...ll..r •
lwry on It, n good well of water, a
urnmg.4l lima, with new cistern .111 r r
a good bunt and tint house. The prve rly ,„
uated on Main street, and adjoining the
my Park—ls. tuft live minute' , widk Ironu
post office find all the cliurche, t it.. rat
and no inure pleasant place to resat.• htt
all the advantages of them, ex Ms
Shore. The village Is Irwated skint
(ruin the lake shore, and nne-hal r •
railroad station of the I'. fi K and P. ,t
roads. Tempt easy. P.t.rties tlesittitit t., t,.. ,
having property In tills city, if
exchange, will tlnd It of mlvantage r.•
dress for further information,
tuyti}o gm . TODD-PEICI,EY,
TIBI3ALS, SMIRK A: wirina k
. Manufacturers of
Have a large :dal exteunlyetumortineilt wst
at \l'hulrralt• mid Retail.
Is a first elass Coal Cook Stove, w/th.or u
Reservoir, for hard or soft 'coal,
or wood, and Is
We also 3111311111tellITV tlu•
Roth low oven Coal era& Stove.—u LL
• grate.--ran be used either for wood or
We still lannufneture this eelehraied lon m
Stove for WOoll—wittli or without re.erv.iir
A low oven Stove for wood. This ne,
of beautiful design, and now for mil.--ter-th
with a large assortment of Elevated ON t•Il
Parlor Cook, for woodlor coal, and Parlor
Office Stoves, for wood or coal.
e. )I. Tum.kt.s. U. SItIRK. li. Will rl-4!ki.
nisPA-reyt 13IIMERY
Blank Book Monofictory
10 East Park. Erie. Pa-.
\►'e take plettAnre In anittantente to the put,
that we have .eeureil the .1.11 let , of .61,
311 t. k%;1111)
ta l e inx a t rg e( , ) , Tit
( 1 ) e u t:: find I I
Bindery and Blank Book Mandartor!!
Mr. Ashbv him for Aeveral tear• be, n rant.
In Pentield'a Blank Book F:•tbh.lun, nt.
Buffalo, and No no •up. , rlor in t h e• b a sic-,
Other valuable asalstants have been , nGnm.•
that work front this department
In all that pertains to goal sti,vl;,,apt
warding and A uperb
Peach Street, above the Buffalo Rog
- 1111 . 17 AN tV. co
Anti all kinds of iron Casting,
Every Stove sold by us is warrani,.4 tot ,
satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, :Mid Ir
Se., on hand and manufactured to ord..;
and Plow Points of superior make and d
ty always on hand. A call and a fsir
our articles Is all we ask.
tnr.s'63-tf. HENRY, BRYANT
Real Estate Agents!
if Olt r_4A.L.I.:
call at utir °Mee to learn the parhoul
terms ittal price of a tine too story. eeisi? , ' , i
furnished d tilling , j city lot, -
the Also, of six acres Ito pre\ ed
with dwelling, shrubbery, fruit, ,
ten minutes ride from.the Reed House
of about SO feet front,
on a Inc.ine.. •dre
the city, with a frame dwelling.
sixty acres finely improved land, , flib•. l )'''
frame dwelling with 12 looms, an'''
venient, barn and ut her outbu blaiT• :
of choice fruit; every requisite for a . 1, 1' 4
home. M Within ten minutes' walk oh.
ing village on the Lake Shore, st.
house, - ontbullilings and grounds nt our
It can be lxiught for cash for e.. 1,000.
Fine dry building lots, cost from f.vfl
each; Soo in hand, balance on 6 ran
about 10 rods from the Public Sttahre
further informatio call at our (Alice. !
Two Houses and 86?ix.165 feet lot, large ar' •
of fruit—formerly the Cunningham i
Dover about going West, will sell
1.0:4 82!, , A.100 feet, on one of the best
corners In tile city for an elegant re 56 6 . 11,
nplB-tf: - Real Estate Ais, RPM
Has olynetl h new store of the al+++t
tlon,nt old stand,rwor the South Webt
of State street and the Park, whet, be
blx old CUSLOttlerB and the nubile gea , " r
to give him treall. Constantly on hand •
ral tocsortment of
Crockery, Glass, ('hina awl Silver Vie.
Bed Room Beta. Dinner and Tea Seb,
Yorks, Tea Appalls, Looklag
Globes, Chimneys, de.
Eliibraclng some of the 111...4 beanutui
brought tti this market, no.) who Irt.ti to °":
at a bargain will MO it to their latent
He glititant4zes to sell
any other house in the ell y
Clothing and Gent's• Furnishing
j3 A.cco
J. YLO lt,
Manufacturer of
• And all the other brands of
• • 'Cr .13 A CC 0
tu): t: 1.