The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 18, 1867, Image 2

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    kik tO SCI.
TEURSDAY, JULY 18ru, 1867
Hon. George Sharswood,
Fifty Ceuta for three Mouths I
Now• is the Time to Subscribe I
The politial campaign - upon which we
are about entering is one of the most impor
tant that has ever occurred'in the State.. It
virtually decides the Presidetitial contest of
next year, for `'as Pennsylvania goes, so goes
The Unioq' The indications on every side
point to a more encouraging. prospect for
the success of Democratic - principles than
we have had in a number of - year.: Thad
deui Stevens, the great Radical leader, says
Pennsylvania is likely to go against the
Radicals this fall, and he is, the last man who
would utter such a prediction unless the
signs of the times were so unmistakeably
clear as to allow of no other conclusion.
We can win the victory if we use the right
ful exertion, and if Democrats are one-half
as earnest in the cause as they profess, they
will not allow despondency and inaction
again to prevent the supremacy of our prim
Determined to do our share in the work,
we hate concluded to furnish the Observer
at th 6 following low rate :
One copi, three months
Five copies, "
Ten copies, ,
Twenty copies,"
These prices barely er,ver the Vltp,m,e to
us, and - we are only induc'ed to offer them in
the hope that by the wider circulation which
the paper may secure, We shall be enabled
still further to promote the cause lies
so near- to the hearts of all true Democrats.
:31ilmeribers ran enmmemy any time prerimrx to
the election, and nitty rely upon having the
paper prom_ tly awontintaal at the expjra4
tion of the period for whieTi they linye paid.
A.t these Moderate figures it ought not to
he a difficult task to secure a subscription of
two thousand extra copies for the Observer
between 110 W and'the day of election. We
hope our friends in every part of the dis
trict n ill see the importance of obtaining the
widest 'possible cireulathM for the paper, and
go to work at once to help on the move
ment. The emergencies of the crisis de
mand the individual . ett.rt of every man and
woman who feels an interest in Democratic
principles, .see that your neighbors are
supplied with sound doctrines, and let them
obtain an understanding of the issues in
volved in the contest. If there is a luke
warm Democrat near )ou, who does not
now receive his county paper, induce . him
will revive his zeal in the:' cause, and may
Make of hint an earnest andcftectivelvorker.
Furnish your Republican neighbor with a
copy, and let him lee what the measures of
his party leaders have done and are doing
to damage his interests. There are hosts of
Republicans who stand hesitating as to their
duty, and who only need to become thorough
ly acquainted with Democratic principles
and argument..., to become hearty adher
ents of our Cause. -
Who will be the ti rat to send us a club of
ten or twenty canipaigner-0, We intend do
ing our full duty in the campaign, awl look
to our friend., to perfortit
The impeachment party met with signal
defeat in the House last week. The ques
tion arose first on the consideration of a reso
lution for an October session to take up the
impeachment question. This was voted
down and another adopted in its place to
adjourn until the middle of November.
Thaddeus Stevens, indignant at this, pro.
posed that the. Judiciary Committee should
report at once, but the Rouse. refilsed to 're
ceive the re-solution. A motion was then
nit* that the impeachment evidence should
be laid before the members on the first (lay
of the next session, to which the Chairman
or the Judiciary Committee offered an
amendment, allowing the committee to re
port when it pleased. Enraged at the man
ifest temper of the House, Stevens moved to
lay- all the propositions on -the table, and
they were carried there by a vote, of about
four-falls of the members - present. This
practically ends the impeachment farce, for
the Senate will, of course, - readily agree to
adjOurn to . the middle of . - ember. The
Pittsburgh Post pertinently inquires Whetter
it is not time for this impeachment humbug
to be dropped entirely. The country has
been disturbed sufficiently by it, and the
men who persist in agitating the subject
should be driven out of power as conspirators
against the piosperity and happiness of the
- Nation. "The end proposed in raising it has
,been fully accomplished—the PreAdent has
surrendered to the usurpers—the impeach
ment bug-bear was too formidable—he has
shown the white feather—he has abandoned,
without an effort to protect them, the con
stitutional prerogatives of the Executive. to
the spoilers—he-has practically admitted the
claimed supremacy Of Congress; and as he
no longer assert, the authority conferred up
on his department, and has made an unc(m.
ditional surrender to the desmotic !: will of the
Legislative,_ there can be no further motive
for hi; impeachment."
The National Intelligeneer doe,. not -hesi
tate to charge, that,.emboldened by the si
lent acquiescence of the people of the North
in the unlawful Ikb:4r:teflon of the right of
representation front the Southern States, the
Radical rongre.oiional revolutioni.hs now
propose to take it away also front the pee.
plc of all the States, when they fail to elect
Congressmen such as the dominant party
wish to have chosen. In a clearly written
and eleeedingly forcible artble, 'it thus
sounds the mote of warning:
"The second stepin this programme—the
exclusion of Kentucky and Maryland from
repreientation in the National Legislature—
has been begun. It is being carried out
with a boldness and shameless effrontery
'that should make the people of other States
tremble for their own rights of represent*
don. Upon the same principle that the
members elected to Congress from Kentucky
and Maryland are excluded from' their seats
in Congress, any opposition member Yvon
any - other State may be likewise excluded.
Already menaces .are uttered against. Con
necticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and In
diana. It is the intention of these desperate
usurpers of political lamer to purge Congress
of every man who will dare to raise his voice
in opposition to the fearful outrages Upon
. the constitutional - rights of the people, eon
temptatEctbr the realms fittirm 'MK is de
terniliied to'•neltdri political 'power; if
lute ruin to the Republic shall inevitably en
sue? • • •
TUE political character of the Southern
States, under the "Reconstruction" bill.
which enfilimcliWiiii the blacks, and es
chules Itio-thirds of the - whites Tram voting,
may be judged by the following tele,grains :
• - ..tvernirrA, duly 10.—The registry -list
. in
this city closed to-day. . The total is 3,277
whites and 1,731 black&
&Own:MT,l - 31 . 1f10.=-The registration to,
daftrael.l6- whites end 80 blacks.
Itic&sunto,July -10 . — file majority of
. ber i o e s 'registered In - this city 'thus far Is
1480: Jitly . lB: l -The treeta r lion alike was
opened -agans-toslay.- 7 ' l ly 400 voters
were registered, of winationly aftecn were
Mennz o luly the Seventh Ward;
this week, 200 whites andblacks luive
The negroca registered. in Lifuisiona out-.
number the whites two to one. About two
thirds of the original white retire have been
JUDGE siAliswOoprn's
The Gazette of last 'Week contained's se
vere attack on Hon. GeOrge Sharswood, the
Democtittic- candidate for Supreme Judge,
the main points or . w hit•li ars• embodied in
the fullon ing sentences
"At the'very moment when the rebel. ar
mies menaced the National Capital, when
loyal men were suffering . disaster and death
in a thobsand terrible forms, Judge Sham ,
wood rendered a judicial decision to the ef
fect that the'national currency Was illegal and
worthless. He held in the case of 'Boric vs. -
Trott' that the Government had no power to
issue legal tenders, or eatablisly the national
Banking System."
Now, mark how plain a story will put
these falsehoods down. The Harrisburg Pa
triot, replying to a Similar attack on Judge
Sharswood, by a Radical paper in the South
ern portion of the State, gives the following
clear statement of the facts: •
A man held a ground rc'ut Mortgage,
given in. 173.1, in which it was stipulated that
the annual rent should be paid in •qpanish
milled dollars, by weight. After the passage of
the law making greenbacks a legal tender for
debt, the holder of the ground rent Mortgage
agreed to eVinguish the mortgage; for a con
sideration, and the purchaser (the owner of
the ground) tendered both the principal and
interest in greenbacks. The holder agreed to
accept greenbacks for the principal, but In
sisted that the contract demanded the pa
ment of Spanish milled dollars for the in
terest. The other party maintained that the
greenback law made greenbacks a legal ten
der for all debts, whether contracted since
the act was passed or before. The case was
taken into court and Judge Sharswood de
cided that the interest upon the ground rent
mortgage of 1732 would have to be paid ac
cording to the demands of the coatmet.
" The reasons adduced by the Judge were
deemed sufficient by all the legal minds of
-the country, at the time, and the soundness
of his conclusions have never been question
ed by any man of latellig,ence or legal attain
ments. No other view of the case would
have been in consonance with the fundamen
tal law, or in accordance with the true spirit
of the laws in general. The decision did not
pretend to vitiate greenbacks as a le - gal ten
der for all debts contracted since the enact
ment of the greenback law, nor in any case
of indebtedness contracted prior to the pas
sage of that law, except where there
was a special cant ratt Stipulating that payment
should lie made in a certain prwribed man
ner—such, for instance, as in Spanish milled
dollat, by weight.
"Understood and applied in any other way
than according to the _decision of Judge
Sharswood, the greenback law becomes ex post
facto, and, consequently, unconstitutional.
The act was clearly not intended to be retro
active; therefftre the decision in question WAS
exactly in aceontwith If, however,
the act is to be understood differently, then
it is in violation of a fundamental principle
or the Constitution."
50 Ct 9.
If our cotemporary mit Sathtied with
this explanation, Ile suggest that it had bet
ter secure the derision and publish the same
for the benefit of its readers. should it be
of the character pretended, it will be so much
the better campaign doetunent for that side,
and if not, it will enable our Migbbor to
show ,the fairness of its disposition, 4,11(1 its
willingness to - allow the public to judge of
the fats _for themselves. The- Gazette says
further of Judge Sharswood—_
" tie threw the wnow wer4nt
position, as well as of his personal influence,
in favor of the Rebellion. The people spurned
his counsel then, and saved the Republic."
The way in which the peophi :" spurned
his counsel" was by re-electing him utumi
monsly to serve as judge of the most :import
ant court in Philadelphia, at a time wir4 the
city gave from five to ten thousand Radical
majority, and in the midst• of the civil war.
Had he been the dangerous and unpatriotic
man claimed by the . Gazette, is it likely that
a Radical community would have given him
such a compliment ? Our eowmporary is apt
to run into loose charges, for party effect,
about election finks, and the attempt it is now
making to injure Tudge Sharswood's reputa
tion as a jurist and citizen is one of the most
absurd and scandalous that it has yet origi
Congro:g on Saturday compromised the
differences between the two houses on the
amended "Reconstruction " bill, and it pass
ed by lartrc majorities—in the Senate by a
vote of :t1 to 6, and in the House 111 to 2:1
The bill is now in the bands of the President,
A ho-- , e intended action is not yet authorita
tively announced. He will probably veto
the bill,—when it will be passed by u two
thirds vote over his head, and become a law
of the land—so far as its adoption by a Con
”resl- in which eleven States are excluded
from representation cammakeit such. The
amended bill contains the following new fea
That the military authority in the Rebel
States is paramount to all civil governments
therein, and that they shall not interfere in
any way with its authority.
' That the District Commanders have power,
subject to the approval of the General of the
army, to remove from office any civil officers
in their districts ' and to appoint to the vacan
cies officers of the army or civilians. That
the same powers - of removal or - appointment
are possessed by the General of the Army,
(but not by the President.)
That all the past acts of the District Com
manders in removal:Or appointthent are con
firmed. ' ;
That it is the duty;of. the Board of Regis
tration to ascertain and decide the qualifica
tions of applicants for registration, and that
the mere taking of the prescribed .oath shall
not la: conclusive proof of disqualification.
That the true intent of the oath prescribed
is that any person who has held executive or
judicial (Alice in- the Rebel States, ;old has
engaged in rebellion, shall not be entitled to
registration, Mid that all civil offices for the
administration of the general laws are in
tended by
,tlw uords " executive or judicial."
That the time tit.' completing registration
may be extended till October 1 ; that the
Boards have power to revise for a period of
five days the registration lists. and to strike
out the names of persons they lafficve to have
been improperly enrolled, and „to add - those
they believe impniperly omitteit - .
That no permm be entitled to he rezis-
Ivrea or to vote by reason of a aPresidential
)ardon of offense.; • wnieh would otherwiq.
That the district commander•i have the
power to remove and appoint Registers that
no person shall he disqualified from service
as Register on account or race I 11. color.
That the Reconstruction acts shall he con
stmt.(' literally, that their intent may he free
lv and perfectle curried out.
This net, like those preceding it, is based
upon the theory that Congress; us the su
preme power in the land by virtue of a revo
lution, has sole jurisdiction over- certain ter
ritory, which the people of- the. United States
conquered front themselves ; that Congress,
as the embodiment of the national will and
not as a legislative body deriving its authori
ty from the Constitution, has power to estab
lish military governments and maintain them
until the _people of,the conquered' territory
will give "reliable aind decisive" Radical ma
jorities : that Congress in the exercise of this
usurped power, is superior , to the Executive
anti Judicial branches of the Federal Gov
ernment, and will enforce its decrees irrespec
tive of President or Courts. This is the sum
and substance of the act above published,.
Which no one pretends has the slightest war
nint in the Constitution. - Congress has; we
think, made dear, - beyond all controversy, its
real intent and meaning; solhat there will be
no further misunderstanding,
Ml:tenni the part of the Generals Command
ing, the people of the South,the people of the
:Garth, or tile-President and his cabinet. •
Rev. G. R. Hepworth, in his Fourth of July
citation at Boston, said of the South: "Eve
ry Where G ehaiss, social anarchy, while our
ears are every moment greeted with the roar
of some brigand snub , or the cry of some half
murdered man or onuaged woman." About
the same time More crimes were eummitUal
in Boston 'audits vicinity than on any other
equal spice, probably in the talon. A. young
woman was' nTlerdered in Pnlchase street;
another iu Aithipthrldge street; a Mob °tem/4
in Kneeland street, and a MU eras stint; a
young man . ratarning to his home in Wet,'
Roxbury. willi.l4Alaters, was ultudered
midith.Catlle street was tired upen:hy
cers, - and an attempt was heads to rob Train-
Pe% hotel. Great is humbug
NEeiBo .011 VICE
The Radicaliare : pegliniing to awaken tO
the grtiee mistake they have made in sip- ,
posing.that the noires of the Southsouldbok
manufactured into contented cattle votep
Merely to elect White men to office. The
blacks of Richmond were scarcely reg
istered before they demanded a negro Mayor
and three-fifths oftim,eityoffices. The t i e-,
groin ofMobile In their first communication
to the military commander declared them
selves "wronged" In "having withheld from
them places and positions under the city
ernment,"and they demanded that, half of
the policemen should be negro appointees be
cause it would distribute .60,000 among that
class. Everywhere the Freedmen's Bureau
has inettleated the idea among the blacks
thatpolitical privileges mean profuse-dona
lions of unearned tnoney and opportunities to
pocket things generally—A belief, tY•the-by,
That obtains largely among - their Radical
preceptors. The 'Radical party has presumed
too much upon the indifferenCe, as well as
ignorance, of the negroes. To tell them that
they may vote for the distribulion of offices
and 'Toni among; the whites, is much like
showing to a cage full of hungry hyenas a
basket of hones and telling them they May
howl as cheerfully as they will while the lions
are eating their dinner.
Revolutions never go backward, and negro
office-holding is atire to follow' negro toting.
To. be sure, the negroes, counting, theta at
850,000 votes in the North and South, are in
a minority, but it Is a minority that may
make the blacks the masters of the political
situation. It is absurd for, the Radical party
to count upon this vote as its own. It hi a vote
whiCh will alwdys hen in market to the highest
bidder, and Radicalism is even now' in danger
of losing this support at the South on account
of its 'reluctance to .share the offices and
spoils 'with the colored cohorts. Haw pow
erful minorities may become is seen in close
ly i. o nm b t e d towns, where out of a thousand
voters fifty may hold the balance of power.
These fifty, anti these only, may want an
eight hour law, or other special legislation,
and the candidate who will promise to sup
.port the projects of these men, if, he -can get
his share of votes on other issues, will be
eleetdt and will owe his election to 'the
minority. So with the negro vote. The
promise of police places and $1;0,000 Will
carry the entire negro vote of Mobile for a
Congressman or Governor of either party;
and so with 41 other offices in every section
of the south. The abolition of slavery, with
its inm liable sequences, was perhaps necessa
ry to show how Completely tie:trims can he
bought :aid sold.
The Prvsident, on nind:ty, sent into
Congress a brief Message, in response
to n request at that- body for all the in
formation in his' possession respecting the
milliary government of the South, and the
progress and expense of registering voters in
that section. . The following is the only
unnew to gructat tutureit, and we e0nmt,.,,,1
some of the points made in it to the special
attention of the tax Raying portion of the
community :
In answer to that portion of the resolution
which inquires whether the Runt of money
heretofore appropriated for carrying these
acts into effect is probably sufficient, refer
ence is made to the accompanying report of
the—Secretary of War. It will be weir from
that report that the appropriation of $600,-
000 made in _the act adopted March. 30,
1867, Cot the purpose of carrying into effect
the act to provide for the more efficient gov
ernment of the rebel States passed_Mareh 2,
1867, and the act suplementary, passed March
23, 1867, has' already been expended by the
coMmanders of the general military districts,
and that in addition the stun of $1,646,277 is
required for present purposes. It is exceed
ingly difficult at the present time to estimate
the probable expense of carrying, into full
effect the two acts of March last,' and the
bill which passed the. two Horses of Con
gress on the 13th instant. if the existing
governments of the ten States of the Union
are to be deposed, and their entire machin
ery. +o be placed under the exclusive control
and authority of the respective District Com
manders, all the expenditures incident to the
administration of such governments must
necessarily be, incurred by the federal gov
ernment. It is believed that in addition to
the $2,100,000, already expended, an - esti
mate for the sum which will be required for
this purpose would not be less than $14,000,-
000, the aggregate amount expended prior
to the rebellion in the administration of-their
respective governments by the ten States
embriced in the provisions of these acts.
The sum expended would, no doubt" be
considerably augmented, if the machinery- of
these States is to bq conducted by the Fiede
rad government, and would be largely. in
creased if the United States, by abolishing
the existing State governments, shouldLbe
come responsible for liabilities incurred by
them before the rebellion in laudable efforts
to deyeiorptlieir, resources, and in no wise
created for insurrectionary purposes. The
debt of these States thus le gitimately incur
red, when accurately ascertained, will, it s
believed, approximate a hundred millton f
dollars, and they are held not only by of r
own citizens, among whom are residents of
portions of the country which have ever re
mined loyal to the Lidion, but by Persons
who arc the subjects of foreign governments..
It is worthy the consideration of Congrt-p
and the country, whether if the Federal gar
ernment by action, were to assinne such obli-_
gations, so largean addition to our publie ex
penditureo would not seriously impair the
credit of die nation i. or, on the other hand,
whether the refusal of Cong,ress to guarantee
the paymentof the debts of those States, all
ter having displaced or abolished their State
c.overnments, would not be viewed as a vio
lation of good faith, 111111 a repudiation by the
National Legislature of liabilities which those
States had jnstly and legally incurred.
(Signed) • ' A.-sorow JOHNSON,
Washington, D. C., July 15.1 .
-THE Washington correspondent fif the
Phihfdelphia Age gives currency to 'the fol
lowing 'curious .tort', the worth of which
we permit our renderb tij. judge far them
sekes :
Mr. Robinwm, (Conservative,) of the
Brooklyn (N. V.) District, daring the course
of a very able and Interesting speech, an
nounced that the Conservative party of that
county would nominate General Grant for
the nest Presidency, and that in less than
three months after his inauguration, the Rad-.
kali would attempt to impeach him. The
first part of his statement agrees with a re
port now current here, to theelfect that Ilan.
S. S. Co; of New York -(fonnerly of Ohl%)
is in' town, for the pUrpose bf advising
Democrats and 'Conservatives to select Gen
eral Grant as their candidates regardless of
anything the other side may do. It is' also
we:11 known that tfie Radicals ore planning
to bring him out if they can 'satisfy them
selves that he is ()nitwit side of-the political
questions of the day,which it is confidently as
serted by those who know him best that he
is not. -.oit the contrary, be.'is said -to have
been always Inclined. to leniency toward , the
South, anti has never identified himself with
the dominant party, although frequently im
portUned so to dn. lam not able to ,Vouch
for the correctness of-this; brit sidgily give it
as part of the current gossip' afloat in politi
"cal curies of This city. .
FARMERS in Indiana arc complaining of
rust in the Wheat. In Illinois the potato bug
is ravishing - the " nuirphies." The wheat
weevil is at, work in Northern Indiana, while
in the Southern part of the State the harvest
has commenced. Another week Will make
the crop in Ohio,,and, so , the pmspeets
are generally. encouraging for 'a sitecessful
and profitable harvest.
. •
• MERE are now ht operation in, the World
95,727.?, miles of - railroad, of which the tni
ted•Stateb has 35,393.3; Great Britain and
Itelatxi 13486; - France 8,9&15; Prussia 5,-
7048 ; Austria 3,8130; all of Europe 50,11'7.5;
North America 33,414.9 ; Asia 3,650.3 ; South
Amerlc 1,049.1 ;Africa 375 Austrldia 607.7 ;
Welt Indies 410.3. . • -
* .:ttlE Mayor of Utica, Nevi 'toth; has issued ,1
a - prOciamation declaring that "it is nearly
impossible forladica to walk. in the 'eye ing
without finding their dreises: besmeared ,by
filth ejected (tom the foullnonth dame one
who. usetatibaceor and he instracta the po
lice to be vigilant `.'so the portrators'of thin
anstr,practice ism/ be apprehended and sum
manly punished.
A Ran in Brooklyn- having reason to sus
pect that Ida wife wattlcrintinally• . intimate
with a male friend, bored some holes. in the
ceilingotherapartment,and,stationing him
self In the room above,. awned with a bottle
at vitriol. awaited the cOunt-of.ertnta. lie
aawconelnive evidenco'of_Wkondosed the
vitriol *Oh o& tirrilski Weil that both eYOI
ctihe Woman were:destroyed and her visitor
it eat:awned so badly that boon:1'14ot• he re:
taanyed ham the Pnictiott, :Alcatititaa.
. . .
' I:WM= tlr• Ceranterlerr - 1 -"The' debate leas lanaleettneede4 Mindeette Colleges'
• in the
b __ecti Lesislature oilhetivorce is a system of inignietioti that. ithalltinewer
t uzerrig p o ta m - " 1 4 - 41 , 01.1 Chidl , t thatduring the mt., thetl in dent in Abe twanecateaddtag hel
A,: ear, • • • quuo_ris or 111,m4niage heeds - his Rib thepillett-of the - radat
Janice .Woodward MD Deattottle,tanar.7 :11041“.erua stattclind that during A nd mo o , Add
• date' for Congtcatioindltipletient4live to Vete Atlre tkistte as ,111110•4 ifititioistisradoli that- We itert say
*lake ,Ctuu44i umottet 9 ir g. tam. pas In 'the this *ant lisarbeentillfirret , lll 'the admira..
• • - ' 'debhttt 418 Una&
Meiji to ., he " ' a added matter that : Judger - run& three ble 4 rteeaetleal ofaal Maguey* trian
• - reee tbr one vdtrtio). beata Odes- ing adop tedand• anemsafally carried out
Woodwanl will be the Democratiplcandi- go, and Chioago beattt--" well,' any other by the Iron City College of this city. _Rita-
I place this side of Mules. I burgh Put,
" A COPPIptHEAR #1.18E011:I
A good joke, the, Harrisburg : Patriot says,
WILY perpetrated - at the . 4tit of Julj .- celebni.
tion at Carlisle. S'youpg man from ,onc of
the rural districts, Pdhq hatl,.itieeras; given
more attention M.politles than ho had to the
history - of his country', stood • near :Prot Gil
lelen as he read the Heclartition of Independ
ence. After-.listening attentively for some'
time; he tamed away hi disgrist, and said to
an acquaintance--"‘do you know who that
man is who hr‘ntalting Atm copperhead
speech r His friend,tonvrthed with laughter,
told,hlin it was tot a slitiechho - t - thepeclara:
lion of-Independence ho , tunl been Ibltening
to. _Tie reraVitiditml walked off witbott
mutat, a lyorOltt i•pp,br; bnt hls &none:mix
inakated:itintle'Neneribt at ail with
Thainiijeffejann's ts .1 -
r ,
ifinifilttF., •
fp Abyssinia;: As is !ery si - rttll known; :the
engaged Ktitg, tat)tont queen Viktoria rased
for a husband, hhs in retaliation; made pris
-00105 a British Consul and several other
Englishmen, whom he has held for about
year. The English Government at a lois:
how to procure . the release ti!thee•lerisitners:'
!tithe Honsevf- Lords reetotly,-hrunnwerta
a question from Lord Redefine, the Earl of
Derby stated that. no reply had yet been re
ceived to the last !Mein of the English Gov
ernment urging the immediate release of the
prisoners; that, therefore, the presents which
had , been sent, and thi artisans who - had
engaged to visit the country as to condition
of the release of the prisoners, had not heen
forwarded; - , but that it was not prudent to
state «hat farther measures the Government
intended to adopt. The English Govern
ment is afraid of Using force; awl knows of
no other means to. effect the release, of the
The llnnocratie State Convention ,of lowa
adopted the following resolution:
Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate
of the rights of the States, and especially the
right of each State to, order and control its
own, domestic institutions according to its
judgment, exclusively, is essential to thathal
anee of power on which the perfection and
endurance of our political fithrie depends.
This resolution drew out an outcry of ae
etiqatitin and obloquy.. " Copperhead," " Se
cessionist," " Rebel,:'..."ltl_Fogy," were the
mildest epithets let but it turns out that
.the resolution is copied literally from the
platform adoptki by the Republican Ntitional
Convention which nominated Lincoln for the
Presidency in 1860.
York TituiN calls attention 10 ,!* :the, notable
elreTzpltance that all the candidates spoken
of for the next Presidency are Western men.'
('hale, Wade l Colfax., Grant, all hail front
the other side:Of the Afleilianfes, thotigh;on
the other hand, all these except Grant were
Win ih the Eastern States. In the last
Presidential election the Western Lincoln
was opposed by McClellan, who was also of
Wc.%tern origin, and in the election of 1860
Lincoln ran against Douglas and Brecken
ridge, who both belomzed to the West.
Tut: cry of distress that recently came up
from nearly all the Southern States. is now
alleviateji by the gathering of the early crops.
Thc.absolute necessaries of life are now with
in the reach of all, although the poorer class-,
es of the population have experienced severe
hardships in: the last few months. The
erh newspapers are much cheered at the
prospects,.and at the same time snake grate
ful of the valuable assist
ance given their section Trom the North,
without which, they say, many persons must
have perished.
Tnr. 111,11..4, r coMMetwllig costs
one million - per week; and Gen. Grant says
it. will cost five millions, or the small sum of
two hundred and sixty millions per anutim.
Uncle Sam is rich and don't mind expenses.
. I)lyritoiT had three cases opope in one
(lay reeently.
THE Federal C'apitol police force •is to be
composed of titirkies_ ,
THIRTY rung lulu of color are studying
for the ministry at cichtuoml.
Tui: proprietors
__4)f the Tremont House,
Chicago, have reduced their board onitdollar
per day.
THERE died in Maine last week a lady of
eighty-one, who left as a legacy to her coun
try fourteen children.
Mississippi sent; :5,000 men into the rebel
army, 5,000 more - than her white vote, and
lost 29,000 of them.
A Vous(' Wifeln'lndiana, aged sixteen, has
just presented her husband, aged eighteen,
with three bouncing boys. L
The Smith family in New• York i•ity num
bered 1,830, showing un accession of ten over
the number of last year.
AN Indianapolis carpenter fell a hundred
feet from a Church steeple the other day, and
strunae to say wit+ not killed.
A PirrsllELD, Massaehusetb, woman
wore $30,000 worth of .diamonds at a wed
ding party lately.
THE Hatfield street commissioner of New
Orleans has dikharged all the Irish employ
ees, and employed negroes.
Mits. - Yorso, of Paris; Ky.; reeently'shut
dead a negro, for insulting.her. Her house
husljust been burned down by his friends
A sr..NYIIILE Virginian suggests that marble
monuments to the Confederate dead will not
feed the starving Confederate Widows and'
-Tut Home Journal, organ of - fashionable
society, says the handsomest lady in Ameri
ca is Miss Emily Sehomberg t of Philadel
phia. -
A tau:AT many Northern soldiers have
been captured by ladies in the South, and will
not be "exchanged: They -are too much
b Staunton, Va., a kW days :•ince, a gen
tlenntn had his nose cut the eareles
ness of mann who wat4 carrying a scythe blade
along the street.
A YouNo German in Terre Haute, Ind:,
committed suicide on Thursday by hanging.
On person were tnund $2,000 and a,lettel
explaining that an unhappy marriage as the
cause of his death.
QUITE a number of persons out W r est have
lost large sums of money by holding .their
wheat after it had reached very high figures.
One man in Wisconsin lost 0,000 on 5,000
A rnourscyr physician iu Cleveland was,
about a 'week sinte, assaulted and stabbed in
hig own room. His son has been arresttql,
and circumstances point strongly to his guilt
in attempting to murder his father to obtain
his money.
A. Sr. Lotus horse' that had become tired of
life, walked to a pond near the stable, laid
down, and deliberately thrusting his head
under the water, held it there until he died of
strangulation. lie had probably been driven
to this extremity by starvation. -
SECIIETARY Seward's Saturday evening
speech, as reported in the Boston pipers,
contained a laughable error. Re was made
to say that when the President has served
four years the people "can tarn hint out and
putin a sauce-pan they like better." Sauce
pan (timed out to be a mis-print for "suc
cessor." -
BORN lk 'A *Mei Oan.-:-The linw Or.'
leans Picayuno4elatet the folkowing :''''Diir.:
tug the rain storm att Tuesda
afternoon, ii'
young Geimiin woman, wl ritliEW in its
bryndes streetcar, was sud " -Belted will(
the premonitory pains of labor. 'Pie car
was•crowded, but when a knowledge of the
fact was fully received-by the passengers a
scatternation ensued as if a lighted bomb had
fallen' itt 'their,inidst. l t*ssrs. B. and M.,
two 'Caitlin:ad "'bachelors, however,' held
"thill liiSidfliiiiiraiallallintly - offered - their
services in any way that they could be made
available. Giving the approaching mother
into. the charge of some ladies_who happily
came to the rescue; the,irnproirlsed practi
tioners hurriedly procnred tote services of a
female &voucher, and the result was, in a
short time, the exhibition" to- the attendants
of a fine boy, who, by the way, seemed to
take no particular notice of his Own rather
unusual and abrupt appearance upon the
stage or life. The event created considera
ble eiritement in the nelghborttod, and the
ladies, `whose. natural sympathies were
aroused - by' Ile occurrence, "win provided
temporary accommodations for the little
stranger and his mother, both of Wll6lll - , NV('
are happy, to intbrm our readers, arc doing
as -well- as could be expected. Our two
haehelort,considering their limited experi
ence in such affairs, acquitted themselves in
a creditable manner." _ - • ' •
Toomns and Iverson were senators from
Georgia - when the' rebellion broke' out. Of
ToombA we learn from the correspondent of
the Cincinnati Commercial, that he has.set,
tied down into peacefld pursuits of private
lifti at his home in Washington, Georgia.
He came out of the' war tolerably_ well, con
sidering the share he took hi liringingit
He'lost nothing but his slact property, He
has large landed estates in Georgia, Aiabannt
. and Mississippi, and he is 4w dilizently-cul
tivating theta with rice labor., Those who
knowhim, arid have receritiV seen him, say
no inducement could get - aim' Into politics
again. He accepts the Aittattion,' will obey
tic laws and - behave hinCelf. Iverson is
living in Macan-broken dilirn in fortune,
and bad in health. He mat iged to lose all
his property by the way, aga non supports
himselt by keeping a lati:e fvood yard. The
Georgians laugh a good deal ''at his fortunes,
and when you ask them what he is doing,
they will tell you that be is sawing cont
Easton:Free Eress says: "We were a specta
tor of anal scene several days ago, ing
a lack of gratitude for a poor old father. An
old gentleman, who is nearly blind, and con
sequently unable to provide for himself, ac
companied by his son, a strong, healthy
low, mute to the office of Justice Of the
Peace in this borough, and requested 'an or
der fur admission ID the County Poor
House. The worthy Justice intimated to,the
on that it Was his ditty to provide - and ere
for his father in the days of his helplessness,
but the ungrateful son answered boldly that
he would not do it and that the -old man
must go to the poor house. Thus, while the
ebild is abundantly able to render happy the
last days of his aged parent, he thrnsts hint
Aside to seek shelter at the public etrlense.
Such scenes are among the saddcst eyes can
Cinema) has a fresh morsel of delicious
scandal. In the divorce ease of Groendyke
•vs. Gromalyke,which has been dragging Ps
stow length along, Mrs. G. charged Mr. G.
with faithlessness to his Illarriaae vows.
Pending the decision of the ease, Mr. 0. put
some police on the track of Mrs. G. On Sat
brdaynight the police made focible entry in '
the bedroom of Mrs. Groendyke and caught
her in flagrante delieto with a atti
owner. '
yolk lady,bought-a -new basket. at SI
hpui„, the other evening. for pie-nie purposes
the next day. .11eliqi• she left the store the
basket,with a bard hearing:her name attached
was stolen The next morning the basket
with a babf Stift "was found al the door of .a
respectable citizen with the card still append,
ed, and the yoUng holy was called upon for
an eplanation, whkh she readily gave, and
was dismissed-from the awkward position'.
3lntt. Luc!' &wiz BLAcKwr.m.has been hi
Washington for Keverail' tlaysobtaining sigua
tures'to a declaration favoring equal political
rights for women: it has been signed -so far
by Senators Wade, Anthony, Sprague, Nye;
Pomeroy and Ross, and Representatives In
ban, Trowbridge, Broomall, Longbridge and
some others. - Mrs. S. is also.ob
ming signatures for the same canse.
kur.ruco eeems to have heroine nn ep
idemic among county Treasurers in India:
na. The accounts of the Tipton county
Treasurer fell short $lO,OOO ; tho ,, e of the
Treasurer of Washington county $20,000,
and the Treasurer of Allen county Lis
- a de
ficit Of $30,000. The next defaulting treasur
er *ill probably exhibit a balance due the
county of at least $40,090, as these defidca
lions increase in the ratio of $10,0002
THE alldmportaut question, at least up
stockholders, whether the Atlantic Cable
would pay, has been satisfactorily answered
by Captain Sherard Osborn, who, in a com
munication to the London Times; states that
the estimated receipts for the • first year will
reach .£450,000, or %.1:150,000 of
,the original
cost of the fast laid cable.
JOHN W. BOND, who . married a wife in
Greene county, a second in Howard, and a
third in Morgan, Indiana, plead guilty the
other day, and Was sentenced to two metes
in the penitentiary, at the term of the Circuit
'Court held at Fayette. John was only
about nineteen when hu begun the matrimo
nial business,and is not yet twenty-tburyears
THE fastest time by a - running hors•, (m
record, AV:IS latch' -made at Geneva, 111., a
quarter of a Mile m 19 .econtlw.
A rni•:rre Cincinnati girl ha; eloped aide
a negro man servant.
31n, Aston, of New York, owns real e,t•,ete
valued-at $65.000,000, and with the interest of
hiy wealth is continually buying more.
- Job Printing.
The public will do Well to bear iu mind
that the Ob , erver Job Office is one of the
best ill the cOuntry, and daily turning out
work that, cannot be surpassed. Our material
is all NEW, and of the latest• and most ap
proved patterns. We have fivit presses in
Antoci constant operation, and are firepared
to 'meet orders for any kind of work That may
be wanted. The public will find hto their
interest to give ng a trial.
Gout;STrrts—On the 4th inst., :it the resi
, &nee of the bride, by,Rev. W. L. Reno,
Mr. John Wesley Cook, of Lockport, to
Miss Imam% 31. Stitt, of Elk Creek. .
Bit tootsii—ltAPPOLT-011 the 20th ult., by
• the halm, 31r. I.leury W. Bratitlish, to Miss
Louisa liappolt,,both of Girakl.
lay Henry Ball, Esq., 31r. 0. B. Kirkland
'to Miss C. L. Woodworth,liotli of Conne
aut, Pa. , '
CANl—lvim---Ort the same city ; by the same,
Mr. Thomas Cash, of Newburgh, Ohio, to
Miss Cordelialve:k, of. Bedford, Ohio.
'Cianx——:On the Ltd Rt•c. 0.
L. Mead, Mr. Ira I). Clark, of Meadville to
Miss Laura A. West; of Union..
FRALICR-3111MLETON—On the. 4th inst., by
-the sane, Mr. E. Fritliek, of Concord, to
Miss:E. C. Middleton, of Waterford.
SCIIIMER—TArr—In Weslevvillr, July Gth,
by Reir. T. D. Blinn, lir. Ch,irlm IL
ri.lnicker, of. Royaltown, N. Y., - to 741iss
Almins .4. Taft, girbor Creek, Pa.
Jost s—On • the 11th inSt, t , in. West Mill
Creek, Mr. Wm K. Janes; tiged'sl years.
01111TERil thel2th inst., Mr. Win. Carter,
• f!ge! l r 4 Years. .- •
PorrE;t—On the 29, th ult., ht Vinton,
• lowa,
from' a paralytic stroke, Mrs. Polly P. Pot- -
ler, Fed 72 years.
GLAZTEiII ther.lotl
deuce of her son, in
illness, Alraira.Glazi
- , .
A Of - Mardi; at the resi-
Fairview, after a short
ier, in her 8.9 d yeaf.
1-2a15 14.;
Wheat, A., 3 rA a GO
Wheat, $., 330 ,
Bran -
Corn, 93a95
Oats; • - .75a78
Potatoea, . 75
IBatter, lb., 18
Lard, lb., 12a14
Cheese, lb., 12 1.2
Tallow:Ob.; 2310
Eggs; 1101 . 25
Ilams, lb., 14a15
Shoulders,lb., 10111
Dr'd App., lb., 10
'Peaches, imp. , 17a19
Omen Peas,- _ 100
Stmarberrles, qt., 00
Wool, 35a40
Veal, 1. w.,evo.,
Nr1;;) -
This agedlelage. Invented by Dr. J. Li. 8
of pills6ll6l4;*lntendod to dissolve the Skid sad
.! =gait Into chyttie, the diet proem of MOM& D
&Sumba the *wet with Behattern - AillidrUbr.
Ping. the Tonle soot rectors the appetite, aid teed
that could mot be eaten before using it will be mill
Coogrooption awed bo ' eared by Sabena% Pat
mottle Syrup ening the Mamba and Ilya is made
beekhy and the apatite reamed. Moist the Tonle
sad Pil4.delf mainscla aferT GM.Af dell*
gumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED
TONIC Led three la fairbsees gibe MANI/BAB E
PILLS win cure any ordinary ease of drarliels•
- Dr. Senesce makes proMeirmal visits hi New
Tart, LlastOu s and 111 his prinelpal oomph% llama
phis every week. See dally•piperaef with place, Sr
hL {chub lei on etutSumptlon far his days for visit* ,
lien. • • -c -
- Please observe, when pareksiiiii that the arable*.
susses of the Doeter, one when to the lad dap of
• Cotonunptlers, and the other se ho aow Is, in perfect
twaltb, ure_ou the Government Same.
Sold by ell Dainties and Des'ors, price OUP par
Wale, ar el 74'0 the halt-dosee. AU lettere for Wake
should be addressed to Dr. Sommers Principal
Othre. No. LI North all Street, Pht::sl .', .a. . Pa,•
Wiaileiaa tidada Batadiadt
N..Y.: B. k. . thiace. [Whitton. lid.: John b.
Parka Chatielooti, Ohio: IrVolior.h Tatar.
me% 111, Colima Brat, St 1 4 04115. Ito.
(14 w. ca. Ina. 1 yr.
litto abbutistmtnts.
ia..k(ivertiKetnetint, to 'wenn• insertion, mina
he handed in by K o'elovic on Wednepulny afh•r
noon. All'advertisements will 1/1. 4•011tilllled at
the expetnie of the ativertisi.r, ordered,
ftir n xpeeilled time.
FlB3l or H. 31. sou, doing bus'•
netts at Luntly's Lane, Erie l 4.N . o., Pa. IN 'Ulla
day dissolved hY ututual enta
entrant. The business
will la euntinued.ily the undersigned, who will
settle the accounts of the late thin.
• 11. XL
Lundy's Lane, July 111, '47-1y la-.:it.
Through and'trek Route betwer.ii Phila , h4
4Mia, Baltimore, Harrisburg,
port, nno tho
=mi3-A.l , yr SLEEPiNti CARS
On all Night Traitth
will rtth mtifollows :
W}ISTW Altb.
Midt Truitt li;aci.4 :II 7:0 p, m.:mg
40:t1lvem Erie lit 4:os v. In. •
Etie F.:tyre:4s leaves pi. itudelplii;iut
arrivel at Erie at 9: 15 a. in.
Warren ,texonancstation leaves %Varren at
p. tn. . Corry at l: p. hi., unit arriviN at Ed. ,
at p.
Mail Train TAVIVP4 Erie at l0:21n. In., and arrlve , v
at Philadelphia at 7:110 a. ta.
Erie Express leaves Erie at :nen p.' in., and ar
rives at Philadelphia at 1:00 p. m.
Warren Acconnamdation leaves. Erie at 7:50 n.
in., Corry at 9:19 ta. 111., 1111.1 arrive , . at Warren
at 11:05a. tn.
Mail and Express eouneet with alt trains :on
the Warren .V Vranktin Railway. P.tssetiaeis
leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 in., arrive at Irvine
ton at (00 n. m. , and 011 City at 9:1; a. na.
Leaving' Philadelphia at p. in., arri‘ e
(lit City at 4:15p. M.
All trains on the Waraen Franklin Railway
make dose connections at oil 4 'ity wit li trains
for Fr.mkUrt and Petroleum Centre. Btra l WE
• jyltro7-tri, . Gen't Superintendent.'
The Ball Rolling !
iiikv)ngreittov,hl to their
NAUk. rid 7,11116.1:1 137,0[:
Are flow I.ropttn.4l to sell
11).11:5C • CI (It >II 14 7.
The (0110WiLIK, id a.prlee Ikt 11.4 of mane of tin
Goals now veinng tit 14101 r vt,,rt
4.000 Yarde ii.eact3latider Prints
1,0110 Yards 1-1 Ilro*n. Id,•
.3.001 do 1-4 do. .11e
.3,1141 (to 4-2 do heavy........,_..... . . 20e
3,034 do Pine Mown 1-1 . -16 and 1.3 e
3,001 do do do 4-1
31131 do t,, 3fs r . 12' ie
3,00 Ito 131Paelted 4-1
3,30 do do .
4,00 110 ti() w ...•.
3,,lXid do do
4,01/ do Debdues t.
All Wool Ilelninez• Cheap.
lted..Whlte,.lllhe, 4e. Opera Ilith
all colon,
,_A. full line of and 11111droW%
/loge. The gentleinvil tire zabo prnvided for In
thll depart munt.
A full line of all the variousstyles and makes
of Dress Goods, and we endeavor to suit tilt
Most fastidious In this line. We ',how our goods
with great pleasure without charge.
A large line of French and flouts tie
llama very cheap. Tweed,. and Jeans, for boy,.'
Wear, cheaper than any other parties. Call and
see them.
Huop Skirts In all Styles and Sizes.
A full Hue cif all kinds, mai] as Thread, Pins,
Nerdis , , Buttons, Trimmings, dm.
ileown rind Blenched ;tinkling, Drinte and De
/41. 4es• 'sell below tho ltiarket.
414- rian't erirget the place,
..earner of -State gild Eighth Streets.
Next door to the Post Office, Noblf..Block
,EDfsas; . vffu . ncirtortF().
worm IrA, , gcs kg,
A,AD: Et 0 NM: OIC !
Sold e4wap_ for Casl, r by
11r.4444 . - N r
, No. 2-Itedd.liloct.
fl:„:,:crippgrpfar & CRAIG,
Ast rolehfed O Jima , lot of
• • aPERM AND LAltli OIL.
TFIOB. DLAGTYI7IE, Leasaa and Director
Wonders of a Life-Time !
Jf Ur liErP4
Imperial Japanese
This Tmtipe ....11.i•t% a the tiv.t. unique and
wonderful. Juggl..rg, BalaismiA, .14114erisius, At
Aerabata, ataasta 1111.1 31.. a. Man', trout
.lapati, theing t 1 tlrxt private clll/
I.VVr frralittetl to leave t Eatinrei, will appear
eat!). ulght 11. 111.4 r Jaarvelou. , and a.4l..titalitag
feat', such tea hat latver Wit 111-,}.1,1
OUtNi.ii. Of the INuulllloii. (11 111.. 111g1tialo.,
!The 'rye. of
Sing-Kee-Clieo, Eyr-In•Kre,
Ko•-tia- lit MI,
AND Tut: cELEBRATED woxiint
" Little All Right!"
Ilave liven entrage,l and brmatht tr. MI , e"un
try uvular u rain root with the .lap:uu t it:vern•
ment, at an expen.a. an,l 64; imrpa , , , :ng all
NAlefointl wherever they have iippe;irea,
dn.l.llare L.rn nightly
The Press of tIIN eonntr;,pronounce their eh
tortalninents ) ears in a , I) nltee llf :11* !lung
ever seen, and
Tnis being :tn cnttro
Japanese Entertainment,
The stage will be con•lncted In precisely tic;
s • ni.niner as hi
WIII p.)4lliVrly appear at .•at•li rut.•rtutntn.•tit
SO Ct.. Itemir.r• - ed cll tpi 7S C't”.
• tlillelren 2S Vtmi.
lint office, for the uale of tteqervetl opeh
doily. boors open 7 o'el.Jek hips nese app.htr
at 3 o'clock precisely.
id• itOrnenilier that those wh.• wr•h'r.•ut ,
Intlnt seenre theni m n..lvinn,
L. 11. C1_4,111 Li.
2I,AV anti Ulll
Utsstock etfla
Stmt. line, Including a large line iif
•' Pretolt- r)it tent Boot
veil - desirable art. jolt. for lad
no :to-atiz
TN-1314:R 11.:1).
111,• itltere.t
g the late ti FM, tvun I t resit, rtf u ttalicit
votitilluantte at favor from the irittmlt. amt
trans of the house. mitt the public in yttaterut
plNtghig himself that he will at all that•+ in Itt
sell goad and. reliable
lreett stud Graffiti
4t are Loweat price for eaili in hand. Front iny
long extterlence in thl, branch of the trade, 1
truat.l know what the public dentinal, and that
I nal prepared to meet. that want.
Returning my' thank. to the . public fur thelr
Itherul pint mange to me in fhe pa.t, I Imp_ Inc
strict intent tilt to tee bta.ine.. :111 , 1 their
to merit a continuance of their patronage in the
Will be continued, In all its departments, nt the
'and the st,,re,
Ja A. :§4P PARK Clo
Between Brown's hotel anA Beet] Rome,
Where the public will thuln gotlest.ick ;Aiwa,. 7.
for sale, with competent and polite nrca
hand to supply their wants.
tipStr-ly. It. 11. HAVERSTICI:.
Corner of Twelfth and Peach xtreets, Erie, Pa.,
who keep constantly on hand TAdiigh and Pitts
ton (Pummel Lump and prepared, Shamokin,
St9sto and Nut sizes; Bituminous, for grate
'and glearri, - and• ' - •
stA)s*lnlTßo, PrITSBLTROIt A!...:1) BEAVIM,
Our Coal is all received by tail, is kept on dry,
plank Boor, and
We offer great inducements to routles wishing
to lay In their winter supply, also , to dealers
purchasing by the car load.
art Give us a call and we guarantee to g v 4.•
July /84641. _ tIALII3IIIN d:
The' place to Ret a choice article of Tobacco,
Snuff and Cigar% Is at
AUTIDA'a-on:hand a good asstrtment of the
above articles of every grade, wholesale Mid re
tail. Also, Pipes, Ponehen, Boxes and Flmukere
AeUeleskof every description. Please , favor me
With a call. Don't forget the place, 1388 Peach
glee: ; tar2lll7-Iy.
Rave Just, received tram , New Nark a
Abe° received from New York '
One hundred kite No:1 shore Family Mackerel,
ang If.and the genuine Cad Fish.
Pato .abbirttsemcnto-.
ar iI 1.1
'TILIALYI3 Vl4l !,
.I1I.:1" t. 21), 1,1407.
rEt c:41 , ; AitTlBl^..
In t IL.t ,, r poi I's allori;%!
C. .‘NI“ItY Itlt.l'cl...
11:11111 1314.• uud faslll,,nalple at,.. ‘,l
1/0 41 1ti 1111.1 Itt
No, 14 l'Ark 14. v. •Browll'h /i 016.1
Sole ageut for the elty tor tl.e
For BlackerOlth .Purposex
South of the Union Depot.
tetn Rbinthsemrnis
Stationary and Porfallle Stearn NIL,
Romp:its, sTrus
Bra t e t t ( ir t re rlr:[ r i l
:., 174::• ,.. 1 : 1 tau l : tii i:: 1 3:11; ;:,1
,4i[.~rrlN(:, rrr.Ln u
AEI) bll I Nr.
Mr.(1111i1•: SELDEN:p r ., , ,
I,V. J. r. MODELL, Nl, l , , •
JOHN 11. MISS, 'ef
'ri T3r►►dl(•' 1.•
~M atliufitelitri d 1.:. tl,,-
trp.t.g steal!' Mice. Hap ilinit,l4-th,.,,, ,
l i i..r 1.:111.,nzi,. of , •qual .1,,
Partly% is lii to Incr.,. t ,
without elr glitg their tultlerow, ,i,,,„„ ',
the Itnellev +:nytt he, whieh xert, It ,;:‘ ,
steam, an' s& OAF,* 111110111' 1111. 1,11....; : '
tattle boiler. Um.. Ihi' lug half i 11... f..t .
We would reNpectlully 4.01 . 1 h. "
Situnteti cut,,,i
Near irs 1
We are now In till
hand, and nro prepared to furnit.ti a
Min on the shortrst
NEILEIt ,t...sPouv
FO It r::\7,
)NE of t h , uto.t N ,
tirahl , !Walton': 1 , ,r
orfi•red for note In the betit,fut
Boiloroll OF OFIIARI)
The lot emitttins Ithotit
flay choice graftel fruit tree4,mi!:,
hely on it, a It ell ~r
arr.inged n0w.... with new . 1 , t4 r n
a icexsl harp and out h0n....
tutted on Main street, and 11,1 ; , .. r.4nr.f,
lay Park.-1.4 but five MIL , / t ,- 1
poit oth..e ancl.all the churvio
and lin More pit.:lNalit 1111,4.
all the aflynntrigcli of thetn, ,
Nitore. The village is loeate , l
from the lake shore, and one-nrslf 101,
railmtfl station of the 4'..1: p
Toluth. 'refill, easy. Par.l., 41, :
lusting properly t
Wili MO it f'd ault:uer.•s.• .•
flrosn, 17r further inform:it ion,
nly:l4-4411. s; T(11)1) P EIII.ET. I
T 11311.11.5. SHIRK S: WIIITEII
\LmuGtt•htrrr ,
rgi Mid eatt• , l.l% t •..
At UThole...nle r i u•l net al',
Li a Or..t. elaNs.Coul Cook Stove, with
He,ervoir, for hard or hem
or %001, anti D.
We also Manufacture tt •
Both low ov'n Coal C4;olt
graten—van he used either for , t -
We ,t Iri ittanufattlure this •••
Stove fur . - trod—With or v. in, ,, ut
A lon oven Store for wot , tl.. Thl. A a
oflx•uutlftu deign, anti now thr
with a lam , - avvort men t of Eh-valet ~ t ,+
Parlt r Coult, for wood or coal, tort h• •
()met stovett, fir NVOixi or coal.
3f. 1.11131A114.
111.41 1 °A.'17 , 1L
Rook )1:11111 factor;
10 East P=...
NV. 1.14:•• pl. a..tin. In !pen/. 1,11
that wr lan ..evt r..! ht n
M .1 .1
A 11111 t 101 . 01.! :h.
tak, cl.arV of r
liiivier,y and I3lxuL lt , rok Manufe,'
Mr +.v,lr has 1",.r
Buil .t)o. an ha% liti ktip . r! , r 10 Zl,
Otbtor Vltillai • k as% 'sta , ll , :ll2iN 1,1 It Lt:
that \t utl: true: atatoll
11'11 I. lIE
1111‘111}.;L: 1,t . T'.1311S
warding antl,t“ tird,l
EIs.GLE FCT.74 2.
Peach Stif4te above the itu
ll1:7"iltlj. 11121' I.Ni' lV
ll I.Nl'} •
PA 1:;. 11 ll. l ( 1()11.N1).trIT1.E.
knob. of
, 1.1 u , ts
...At,: 1 , tw. t t St.:lg!)
on 171,11.1 :7 71 1 runaufactured 77. - f
uto 7 I'l •"• Poluns sup.-tior null , .7 - 7 . ;
ty al a•;0 or, '2. , 71 , 1. L ":11/ and .•
our Art .11 .7.7.• usk
117:1ft7 , 7-11. If 7 -7--;1 7 ,11N - f 1 1 7 1 7: L.
Real Estate Age:
trOft, s.l L 1
/It •ttr 1.,d11
101 luh and , rico of .t tine Ixn
fne nt•thed •
tho elt .kho, sh acres ouprs , ..
wit!, durilinfr , shrubt , ory, fro!,
1,11 trifttuto , nit' from tli;. Iff ol
Olon I slt foot front • mi a Iqmr.t+ ,
timrit.y. 1% a 11 .1 frazto• dtt • MD:
t me ,Ivt ruing with 12 r , u.l” , •"'•
relent, barn and ot ILl`f
al 010 re ; ever:. reque , le
home. .111 within ten 'nlnute..... 11 :`
nig Illlnze on the Lake Shen
I,llSe, tontillliblin* and I•a"i n ' l"..'
It eau to lmanillt for r•te.ll
Fine dry tnilliling loa, t Qs!
'ltch; ,I'da to lutaid, balitan ,
nboid rods front the
tut tlivr information cull at ~ur
Two 114 iiii•••• :111(1 V,t.c lni fre t
rf fruit --tortilerl;' I t
"wit. r itiuttaf going it Li,
Lot S:2'icl , o feet, on one Of th ,
the e lty f , u• r 1 ,4." •: ."
Real Esu,t,
NEW Nntor.zsitx Asps',
Mi STATE STioxr.
°Wiled a new r•b,re a the
tiono,t 111.4 I.qaTlli,lll . llr tilt. '"th ~ 1
Of tiutte Insect and the Park,
b'a (phi euxbnuets au& the
tom e bun a call. 0 b..utntl
rat amiorunent of
Crockery, Glass, China awl
Tied nee HI seta, .1)12)71.r sud
Forks, Ten Spoons, Looking H.I.
lobes,G Vliiinueys. 4(
klintontelrag none of the most bo
0f c :,!,,..
brought to thi.ntarket. Thom' 6. , .•, 4 4.• . .
at a bargain will tind it to their
lie guarantees to sell •
any other house In the city
Clothing and Gent's FUrnisbilfe
- • 1:11117
R. w fray KO'
-' , .7 1 / 4 111ftucactiliers .Zltl whowate
T011..4. 0 'O, sEtltlt..4.
IV „ . p p - }IP 4
Na 0 Federnl AlieghenY''
Fa ac)or from Sal tension Brlstr,
040 of 044.
Erie. Pa