FOR THE HARVEST' OF 1867. - ,DODGE'S PATENT REAPER AND MOWER, SELF - RAKING HARVESTER. OHIO AND BUCKEYE COMBINED. WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEELS, FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, AND FOLDING This nualine has met with the most complete 'access in *very section ahem it has bum IntrOdnovds It hint taken jorseadanee over those soutanes bleb have heretofore mated u drat class. We have endeavored to tarn ish the BEST REAPER AND MOWER IN THE MARKET With tbla end in view we bare enured, by Imre and purchase, the control of all the &Arable and idandard pat. ants now lo . nse, among vabinb we call attention to the Oblo and Boeing. Patent. as combined in this misehins. This machine embrace. all those valuable teem,. beve.contributsd With. groat enemas of the 01110 and Buckeye Machine., together with a number of enayely new. novel and valnabinimpromassots. in compartnose, lightness of draft. escyliorrie and e , ograces of gorimanahip and flabb, combined with great strength and adaptation to all Wines of work. if will surpass any machine betretoforre offend to the fanner. The following points of oacelMna_ahos-tba ad, Magas if Peeves Reaper and MOM over all °theist TWO DR VIRG WHEELS. This Machine has two driving wheels, which support the whole weight of this Fame. Gearing and Mint, eying It power and facility of operation. The flngerru of Xiodse's Machine Is attached to the Craws by a double hinge joint, which allows It to follow the surface of the ground, without being r ffeeted by the working f the ham* Over oldies andthrongb hollows, the Independent action of the Cutter le perfect, enabling either end to rise or fall without affecting the other. The most Impirtaot part of a Mowing Sio thine la Itanotting appiratri. Cf all the =mortal experiments and Inventions,. the On, waorcror box GCAII), heed with VAn @tut, u used In this Wachina, la the only gaud that has proved eureersiol in all places. the adrantaiea claimed for the guards ais c Vim dcolot bond .oebreslc. They are all I netsely alike. They do not clog. The draft of ml, Machine, In baser IMPS or train, is mach lighter than ordinary plowlog and doe, not nosed as overate of COtpravea direct draft. A light lair of horses use nork the machine fraLly all day, In any kind of arm or grain, arbors the maeblos is properly adjusted and operated. AS A SELF-RARER. --- - - . The Relf.Rake at plied to Ibis re &alto has proved • perfect rocerra. It is a Revolving Rake, and does lb own retries. raving the e - pp•nre end bottle of a reel, and jet entomb, better in all kinds of vale than a Reel and Rand Rake can. It makes a Perfect separation with the rake bud, in all ldeds of grain, whether tangled or lodged. long or abort. to. reason of lb • rake muftis; aver forerun!, and 'drains into the meant grain, or be the sickle , carrying it along end over the pi/Morro. and delivering it in convect bindles, at the real le th• ma. chine, entirely oat of the way of the team end scathing on Ito nest round, and without any littsting whatever. The double Wee j ar d too dr 'yip, wheals male it lb. ONLY MAP= PERVECTLY ADAPTED TO UN EVEN GROUND. lb. over banging Bell to wept oriel upona reel prat, Owed decay to the drarbar seeks; and tea he readily adjusted. ny or doom. or Who rod or forward and all Enna followy the toovernente of the plat. lore. The grain la easily delivered at the rear of the roathine, entirely out of the era, of the tam no the test room e, in rood shaped hurdle for binding. TEX PLATFORM la readily adlostd to asy reetdred height' jam - Descriptive ye wr We - , or the Earl in. oir tee furnished on suplkation to W. IY. PIERCE & CO. 880 State Street., Erie, Pa., Get oril An for Erie aad Crawford Coalition. glir The following are our duly accredited agents : James Phillips, North East; G. A. Hein, Waterford ; Sherwood Hoyt, Catabridge ; 0. J. Record, Conneaut, Ohio; J. S. Fish, Sfrrrettania ;W. W. Pierce & Co., Spartansbu rg; , Wm. Morse, Richmond 'l'p, or Agents vented In every towrahip to whom a li beral aeasadatiou wine allowed. Norricp, TO IMEIRS4ONS HAVING PRODUCE FOR SALE We are now running a Market Line from Erie to itenova, on the Phila. Erie Railroad, and wishing to secure all kinds of ITEGETWILES & COIIN'SBY pEpinrcz To carry It on, have established a depot, on -FIFTH_ STREET, In the rear of the Reed House, between State and French Streets, Where we will be at all times ready to receive and pay the •• ' RIMIEST MARKET PRICE for the same. All having produce for sale are requested to give us a call. Inquire for Mdrket Depot. Fifth street. tig10%.7.-tf. MAY 41: JACKSON GERMAN SAVINGS IIiSITITTION, Corner Eighth nrrd , State Sts., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Int:Midlon Is now open for the trans:id tion of business, OFFICE HOUfai: 9 A. !if. to 4 P. SATtratiAlf9: 9A. 11. to P. M. Six i`er Cent, Interest will be Given by thisi Institntiort to Berger DePostiorli. r (DIRECTORS: J. Eichenta . nb, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebel, F. Schneider, John Gensheirner. OFFICERS: John Genaheltier;...-... Matthew Schlaudecker, F. Schneider, - No. 6. Le.osoi - MisT.teAultfj[bisi:T.V:siejl litlMPHltEltr ZIONCEOP.&TIEIC OPE/DEUX Cis K ATZ PliOir . ED, FROM TIM MOST AIIPIS aspartame, anentior mew; Eautplo..Prompt—. =Nat, sad galiahha They are the only, Meads. partsealy adapted to popular 13443-110 simple that lair lake eausot mad* in culur Own; se barmlas as to batmen= danger, and so efficient as to be always rillablo. They ham ratted the highest eammandathas from ail, mod wUI always render sallatsetion. Nos. Cats 1. Dons • %revere. Cougestkm, Inflammation- Di 1. Iff r 4;11-limaigolio, or a Wana-flolis. ltf 11 . • C t Teething of tuna* !6 4 " Mart of ebildns Grads' _. DS ts.. .. ." Dysentery. Gilpin, Bi li ous COW. U - 8,• Chalerspllorbus. l eaugeoll ffi 1, Cessna, Colds, Nr•Dalli• ri " Nenreles. Toot/maw, Noma.— IS 8, Headaches, elekandsoltsVottigs ri 10, • s iZends. Bi li ous Stoma le 11, • Dissed. or_stinfol Parkas.... U 1 1 . teig, toe wmu Periods U. • Comp. Cant, dillicult 111 D. • Salt Skews, Dreesba. Doran+ 10 24 '' leasnntstifunD =trammel Palms_ .. SS le. C Weser .11 Ann ChM TIMM. *San 00 Mee blind or so le. Oyoht 7. sad swear weak Ryes Otl 21, Catarrhs smite or areo lames I/0 emplscre s,l=n. volleutCouyjn 60 11. Ear 1 torus! OD 11 1 . Bezerelse sulmysd Wands Bssliisp D. Genera! DM:My; Yhysioal Weakness 50 1115 . DrePsy. saileautty Besstlass 10 /e. Beevollekness, eolson from rtgUns. ea It, libbierDlasasey %STA U. PUITVOtiII Samlnal - - • Itmlialotti, intatintsty , BM. D. • Bo ci sMontb. Cantu - Se,• , llrfttan Wallinnn. venlig bet 10 • ratans' Periods, vith palms.. Mk • Minivan= al dents of lies 101 b. • • Epilepsy. Brows; *Altair Diguts.l.o3 84. • Diphtheria' tended Ben Throat RD rarizr QUIPS Otte large vials, motets* eoatalniag a spectate familysesis erdlnary disease a • abyeet.te, and a liesois or - di. tactic:ins, 010 00 dauber Family obtlTrlkvelint n arh with So to at vials, 4115 te Se totelflee for MI PrivetallieineeeoMat --for Curing and for (Preventive • treatment. to vials tad pocket 42801411 to $1 gp'Ttiess Remedies, bi tin moor goes be; aro soot to any part of the ecatatrt al manor Pa press, tree of cbargooro twerps of the prim AtAkeis Humphrey Smile C 'w• Homeopathic Medicine Company, Me obi Dirt, Re. Ika Biassirsr. Sew Tama, Bcereetrell eesseliad daily MEI' °MA =any ar by letter s se MOT% in an Amos al FOE SALE ET ALL WAViMiIIITS. MEAT ctFrrians, CM SAUSAGE STUFFERS Of the bed kind, et dcla'a-t f. IMAM, ,CIEBISTIAN & CRAIG, Dealers in CABLE ROPE, RAPE, PACKV.iG, lEMP, OAKUM, B LOC AND 1100/011. Inlo4 r. i AND CUTTING APPARATUS DOUBLE-HEADED FINGER-BAIL CUTTING APPARATUS DRAFT AS A • REAPER. LMl'LUilihjaakWial NO. Seg.?. STAPP. ST., Having opened a new store in the above local- Ity, respectfully announces; to the public that he has on and one of the largest .and most care fully selected stocks of f- • lleady•Xade Clothing, Cloths, Caushoeres, GENTLEMEN'S 'FAITLN/SHING GOOll4, Hats, Caps, &c., ever brought to this market—all purchased since the tall in prices, and to be sold at the nicer reasonable figures. He has one of the best Cutters in the country, and will engage to make up Clothing in the moat faahlortAble and - durable style. His stock is complete. Nona in the line of his trade hasbeen neglected. Give him a call and see for yourselves- Tie warrants the goods to be as represented, and prices as low as any in the city. deellYe7-tf. J. M. EIYBN. National Claim Agency ! Office in Farrar Hall Building, Erie, Pa. SOLDIERY' BOUNTY. Ajt elalm'antafor extra bounty allowed by laie acts of Congress, can have the same promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned. - INCREASE OF PENSIONS. --- .... - - • - - - 815 per month for the total loss of nse of either leg or arm, instead of SA per month-for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS of U,R. A. Three months pay proper for all In service March ad, and dischargedafter April 9th, 1869. Claims cashed. Maims for arrears of pay, and pensions, and bounty, promptly Collected. Unequalled it ies for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected: Only agency in North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience In the U. S. Treasury can he found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued Savor. Office in Farntr Hall Building. AddresX S. TODD PERLF.T au7'6G-t Lock Box /01. Erie, Pa. James P. Crook, having taken In his son, Jas. a, as a partner, on the Ist dal• of April, 1861, un der the tirm name of James P. Crook &Son, de sires to have a settlement of his °kV-accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and Settle without de lay. ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Manufacturers of WINDOW SASH, PAAMES,KM, 1 BLINDS Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing Matching and Planing done to order. P3hdp on INnich.Stly Between Fourth foul nth tfh., Erie, Pa. VreTespectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our futilities for doing work is the best 01 style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hay ing fitted up entirely Uew shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of .giving satisfat , tion. Orders from abroad will reeelye prompt attention. ilymt:tr. 3Ams P. CROOK .& SON j oint 'at. knurusTort, Pot tbs porcbu• and ads of • DOMESTIC FLEECE AND PULLED Cult Advances Yh. Cana ftrata Nollalia Gaa. orflpsolal arket a.port• too at &wit. REFERENCES...M. F. Pall, Caablai latiosariata caomatu. Nur Teat: Sum J. BOCfflin a t nitim, l•6lol ,311 • Cool/ Taft; Garbo, Nallillaa at CO Ohio; V.P.Caahlwr /WI Eattosai kik thaaaposa. Elao4 Them' art Lat. Cam iltetEatl 8.231,th0. Ne•ilthotsD r • 1. /Oa; Enna. Fa* Mos &Cot it. La mad to say Basket ttiroasbaat amain lusts Moir icatramtapcomints: 41/21.4ate riniz ustensiasED baying parchnaet the .1 well known Livery Stand heretofore occu pled by Wm. J. Sterrett, desires to inform his Mends and the public that he will continue the business, end Invites .their pedrotym e . THE STOCK will be largely inereasedandira• proved—new conveyances have been and some of the best livery horses in the coun try.. lam determined so to conduct the estab. Raiment sa to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the salvias of a good teturiwill find cis ready at all times to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett'a Old Stand, Fifth street, rear of the Reed Rouse. JeSlAf. • ;THOS. LENNON. J. C. SELDMCI3. - ERIE, -PA JOHN M. KUHN, N'ES"L'INGre, PERLag'Y'S3 MEW FIRM. JAMES . P. CROOK & SON, Dealers in coionssilN ILLTICHAAT ioo L, No. U BIOADNIT. 1 1 / 1 11, TOM LIVERY STABLE. _ . I§6i • ernsAa Tstiolko4 , r. 1867. GRAND oilcan GP CARPETS .AND House Thusishthg Goode, ERIR CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET HOUPE FURNISHING EMPORIUM DIRFENDORF, GROSS. & FOSTER, No. 7 Rood Noma d 19 Fifth Ptroal.l3ela, Pa. Jon .6 , rived sadomr,orpsfoi the Woe sod mast A,1120 1 0* osoortsoot nt ilsrpots toff Wars *frond Is tilts soarket.esosistfes of ltan Drwds . Tano•try tlensoolt, 1.44.5 t" I° Z exia . Ttino l lfo. firrait, Datil& Wool. Vanilla and Maw Can - ton, {loft and Often, Mattisonn of all Widths; Oil Cloth; Ven, Puna and Dreamt& NOTTINMIAM, TAN!DOIIa AND SCOTCH - LAM CURTALW, • Whif IBbli AO& Fhturo. ftolteeda, Camino sio et* jadly eslabratod FRENCH ROLLEAUX SHA-DESI STAIR AYD VETTISTME RODS, gpriag, Mar and Su Oran Madman asi hand and nosh to osdar. ?toted quality o constantlyf • LIVE GEESE FEATHERS; By V'. pound 07 -auk. Whidoo Curtsies. ftbsioo stoi 1 otobtotratoo undo to rdsr sad bong 1a tho most sottifictot7 manna. . , Vo wota." rolamPettnly eao tio sittoot,on of those wbo ar. !blabbing The, bonus sum, to oar largo and cam p'ots oesaulawat of WALL PAPISN; DECORATIONS. BORDERS AND Which cco will mil Prkor Owl hug on short so Um, To OOT DRY GCtODS DEPARTMENT; tfa rutd uk the etteettea or tt7mi to *wooly sop dor sto tt paid Quilts, alley's, , . • . Tad. Linon. - by the •ud or V tto spud. D.ylies, ward ;tad Piano andTardo Como; • Denial and Vast Towels and Tonoliso, !Mow and abut onSitorlta.. Vo bare just raedrad ' s Lip aid bourtinri pant of onoonablo D R ER 8 , GOODS. CLOTHS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS, DIEFRAIDORt. GROSS & FOSTER, No. T Reed Roam sad 19 Prima Stmt. IMh,Tseo'e. N. B.—Pattlenlar attention paid to the itunisbing of Chavehav„ - Botels and Moats Roam. ' mr2l-tr. A 811.110L901r• THE WORLD ASTONISHED! ==!M!MI MADC . BY THE ORCAT ASTROLOGIST MADAME -H. A. PERIM°. Pb.- mule marts oo mortal seer knew. the rector.. to happiness those who, ions doleful erre to. eatastro lthlos, MOW to lam; loss of Walkout sod Meade. lora of mousy. in. her. become dimpoodeut. 13he beep together those hog esparated. giv.. laformattea cat. engine 'bust Moods or lams, meteors lost or etolan property. tell you the betehneeyou are bat qualified to rums. moms needy manisges sod tolls you the tre re day you worry. Ores you the name, Ilkeeeee and obstesteristun Of the peon. ribs nes's your my thoughts, aed by he armed somewatoral powers on veils the , drab abd htddea mysteries of tha future. Tram the Mare we ese in the hrookutent—the unlace stars that overcome or yredoorinste la the &maturation— from the upsets sod position• of ths_planots and tbs Pled stare In the heavens st the thne,of ittrth. she dr dstretthel ten &slimy of matt. Fill root to consult the greatert Astrologist op earth. It coats COO but a trifle, and on note osier agate have sea favorable an ale portunity. Cottsollation es. with Dime are and all do. tired PartMe livlug at a Abeam m uo conseltihe Madame b e sith s'qual safety sad Wis. faction to thenzeeiree, ea If In person. A Aril sad ex plicit chart, written oat, with ill 'Notelet , oeswared sod likeness ezieltmot. gent by mail an receipt of prim shove mentioned. The strictest team wilt be mein- Mined. sod all earreaponeence Warmed or dintrored. Relsrences of the highest order fninlabst thin desir ing them. Write plaialYthe day of the month gad rear Is which you sere barn, suelosting a small lock of heir. add.wes VADAYB IL A PRERIGO, feb2P6T-Iy. P.O. Drawer POO, Wahl°. N. T. .mu-sm. A FFGE:C.TED, SUFFER NO MORE, When b. the us et Dr. JOINIVILI.rft ItIAXIR pen win be cared nermanently and at teeing sent. The astonishing mew which has attended this I. valuable wedloine fir physical and Bermes weakners. general debility and proefratiow, hug of nntscular 41111* sfirvjuiliabity crr vof the aourequenees of pouthibl indiscretion. P o aders it the mast Testable preparation ever d Wavered. It Will I , wire all nerwasrosfootiosti, deprOmotion, ex citement, inetracity to mtody or bosisawm, loos of mem. ory„ Amato/ion, lbouswis of self•dostmedlosu, tau of fe wlta.lke It will Tasman the sertito. mars the health of those wka hare destroyed it by roma exams or evil ptsalleaa. Youngman. be bnintoarsed to mon by ° Quack Doc tors" sad Ignorant practitioners, but send altbont de lay for the Ellair, sae twat ones motored to hunk sad happiness. A perbet care It guaranteed la *Tory Is otopes Write 11. or four hi:Atlas to one oddress ' One bottle Is sofflelant to effect a ears la all ordinary =NIL ALIO. Dit..7olllllll.lelf ellll7/117 Piw. fbrlexed) end permumfat ours et Ganerrtssa. Gloat. tt h charge,. Arai-d, !Stricture and all affectless at the Kid neys and Bledd.r. Cares Wrested In horn on* fe Qv. dare. They are orepared from suntan* extracts that are harmless ott the gala's, sod omr neessate the stomach or Wpm/ea& the Itreatb. Po slimly et dist a nearsury while wive them, nor loss their settou to any manner In•erfere vino boslners pursuits. $1 per to:. . Either of ths stove tosstiosed sine's* grill to lost to as? address. elptey waled and post I std. by lost] or sapr►as, on mole of on Address all orders to BERBER, ssurra k CO. Ctmasts. •fet3l'67-Iy. No. 7116 Nam St.„ Troy. N. I . R 11 : P A it • i" cia,cArtLLi; `throw sway your Isla Miss,, your ilettches, your els— Destructlve st eototon. sad est 'Forth a Bur; Coto aged, cove yontbfal, eon* ugly and tair t , And njote• in youtown Nutrias! hair. REPARATOR CAPRI! Tor restoring bat, upon bald heeds (from abate'sr s e w . tt may hav e Moo out) and furring a growth of bait noon the tan II has no equal. It will fora the bard to crow epos the entoolltnt face in from en to eight w.. , a. or heir opa bald heads In from two to thr.e moult. , A fow lenstra4 practitioner. have so sorted that ti r.. in nothing that will forts "or batten the growth t it Ilse hair or bord. Their lanorilons an tem. og mans/Ode of living vitamin. from their ova imparionne. can bar wt imam Bat many will say. bow wit to distinguish the rains from the spurious, It anoints Is &Malt al edne-teothe Or the difkrent pripustione advertind for ti. hair and beard are iris Wyly worthless, aid row may tarot already thrown away tar g inmost* in their pnrchamt. To snob we woe 'd ay. try the Repenter Captlll; it will Ceet you nothing unless It halls caw up to oar repraentatione. .1.1 anti, drorgiat dam not keep It, wind as owl dollarand w. wIR forward tt, postpaid. toast's., with a receipt for the saner. ehlth will be nitana.d you oa application. providing entire satlefietlon la not elves Ad&sist W. L. CLARK 4k CO, Chemists. No. 3 West Valetta fit., Byrom'', N. T. TUN ealadli Fled Whir of /07 to all. To maws rod to old, to gm! sod to roadi; T 66 toasty Web meg um so mew) and ran. Is tree to all. and all ma, be tab. BY Till OSP OP • • OBASTIILLAR'S• • WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, Par hirpronrigriaa itaaalLtriag the Couplralas. The roost nalusole mad whet reourittos fa um for Livia' the ibis a beautiful pearl-Qs tint that is oily and la youth. It quietly seluurestaa. brain Oar pit; blot that, moth latch,. as Iterruesh oluotloao, sad Nl hayaritisa of the akin. kludif saalta the moss - leasing %outs aline and attar aa aid Ito is enact be Eleteetrd by the ebraett eatutirynd labs a wa e l b per ft e h am & h a u l h i, I : a l: :dyad tipartiolas at tuit l io na ► l tit a POW Ilk! lot. Upwards 01 30,11 u/ bottles ulna sold delay thelbort punt a sallictaut isimaab• of ID ,Maley. Nat aalv anti. Nutby mail. yud-aafrl. * fist g I • 838,0118, RAMIS • 916 St. Trey, if. 7. M ANHOOD—How Loan How Heatored Just ratlmbed a atm olitiao of Ds. CsitaroolTo oalsbeatal ragy _ea the t tarro rathost im ,, 00) of MOM. ot BMW Ifositora fairaslog St= llll ,rom Mosta sod MIMI_ mom= to Itsniato. *to; aho comaraloo. ond Ilia istatotty fIOP. war l'alaaato a asola=oalt S rata: • no ollokahol• Whoa lo thla adodtablo any e10g 2 17 danoutestsi. bon itdrty yara ratairal proollso, that the Moray amotraceo of ilialltorao My 6* neatly cora irttioot tit daratra et Wood mollethe the appltottles of tbo olat • moods of oars at is.. allaylat Outdo tadiattillOW raw of oltith rar, mulatto what kW ear sayollloolltoy be; hraalf diaally. pivotal: MI Foltatitl4ll ladzra aboolif lop la thy Undo of 57V7 them load. Pod=ant aura WI .o cops to , IV mom Of Ms woo. aril; post obwqm Our o ..J. 0. - 11;LISO b Oak_ ' Woorwrdf. Y. Pod Olio Maw" AT TUX EEO uouLotwas; 0 . a. WILLAUD 4c. CO" COTTAGE t ORGANS. Oda Led Wiumeeet.. No. .12t Dream New yob; Ito blotto the attention of DSALEBS bed the pabge to CUB Mt WTI B COMGII mean, WlLlrsew sad valeable totproomests. ezeleslrely nor own ?be ewes are the um:mil , IN YPE MARILIrr, oar aced erudite is &Miro and verkeueeble.• Oer Or , pm are mod, tram the Mat at utatertsl, Voiced with post are. hate r smoothpre aril Atts Ity of to yet deep sod mellow. ere tutored to highly pollsbed watt Walnut tool Mem Weed taw itto double beL. loom. &Mite blow petals, time Betel. be. ,t 1 helm ear net poilmt tremolo OAF wi th older th e sled btratltol ea mO coo be produced, smiles at the will albs pre. feur. • W. desire moo good, active .rat le 'Jury emody.oho will reran" oar Mr. 151 tllmemab; mud Air Watrated Woo Ust goring ralreas Oculars. eddrete ,•• o. J. WILLARD Itsaufacrums, atf Broedwab 10. 0. J. WILLARD . 8c CO., Whalen:lo Agents for the City sad State of Now York. - far the estshosted "VOSE" PIANO FORTES,- Ars strictly spealdng hist eterq and hare not felled to bemuse lid LEADING PIANO wheresar Introduced. Dealers will be veld at the lowest "wholesale rate& arid idiarantaed aroteetice. Lipp illestestel prim list ft , tag coded llama. hem j gdpha. mat to any ad dress on application. 0. 1. WILLARD R CO, Wh'idirsale Avails, litt. 112 d Broadway.N. Y. TEM 11100GS' ' .. NEW PATENT PIANO STOOL; Atimonledirsd by tie trade and mobrsion to ha the Nested and most naisiate Stool eaundictorsd. We are Wholeole Agents for tbla Citt : sad an now easplying the principal Naga Rouse New York with War stools, and so grad is the demand. %it a hip . factory Mabee , eroded rsspable of taming oat 1,000 moots pm moath. Dealers sapplhd at the llannfactarars LOWNST WBOLINALP PRICS/J—lromel and shipped free of eoas duds e . u rzd e lor pate. list p•Ting fill par ticalan and O. J. WILLARD h do.. ' Pole Wholesale Agent; at Broadday. N. Y. NEW MUSIC. Jut Potandood. coot to any address oo receipt of pri m , t o mobo o s moped MAW, nasal discount. Girl; pt • borne of your, own-New song and she. by Tsetse AG I 11 otter forget thee dear Wary-eon & by Blahop._4o Geblus eyed Jlllll2lll 1:40-.1014, by Bolder 30 Oh Anat. emus bast-song and chorus by Suelter.-.36 Told In Um twillgbt-eons and thorn' by Crilley..-30 pool many a can If int drinks-song SO PO marry no man U he drinks-reply to the above.. 32 Reinitifo term or my deems (Litta-emg by Banks 60 whoa we marelied to the roll of the dram-song by inehop SO Oh eons to ms whoa daylight ente-aging by Banderd.3o Nearest and dearest (Lith ).-eong by J. R Thornu..6o Gies me basest Mende and true-song by tneter.....Bo Do not tew sone Dete 4 her Ilingsg. reply to Gypsies' Tullius- Do ster Jennie wbo UT. in thedell 4 .4ang by J.S. morns: ab Softly o'er the rippling waters-son be J. L T. own with beautilid Lithograph of the Author VI Belle in distant lands--san e` _ by tucker.-- 30 The light Mee Pal t•-be hsneis El. Brown 35 Warning light ashottiAsh-by fiesdoo " 30 Blullght polka-bw lift. Parkhurst 40 Kra Rut/ant- . $0 mg pretty. Ilmarta-byPutters% 30 Boyars, QuetrAth-words be Lontallo-. 60 Pretty Ronline-tong by R. Pato= --, 44 Pm glad Whale earee-son. 30 lifollies edam, tors! 1fti00y......... .......... -.40 Bee heart is all my owa-by BM« $3 The rotted& the ant-soag by Ca1t0n....:. 30 Swinging ad the circle. Y 92 naugh m tj, naughty men-song in the Sleek Croat 33 33 New lay um down to sleep -song sadoborua by. Wat. Mi Blue eyes cm black-son g by P. Baker 36 Iltaxtet the summer edgh•-Quartatts 60 Cloming, weasfror, by sad by- wag by Gabriel. 40 We'll go with Great egsin--saw song and chores by Tucker. 30 RAN boys, halt.-sons and shout. by XeN lenia a m...l3 Th. new hone, swat h ose-sang by Madam AM Any sonsis published will be sent br rettmk and DlTtle9 overlomisg will melee their obsess with tle made. address orders ' 0. J. WILLARD it CO., . MM. N 0.027 Ileimilinky. N. P. KU , TUB BILL ROLLING. EDSON, CHURCHILL & CO, Hanoi removed to tin& NEW AND SPACIOUS STORE, NO. 2 NOBLE - BLOCS, At. sow pupated to uU DRY GOODS, Cheaper than over talon. ?hi follsvilag la a pritelbt atiame of ths Goods nos sollirg it their done 4000 felts Good Igaddar Prlista, ' lOts &MO do do no WV do do 100 4000 do do ..160 DROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN au) Birds 4-4 Brown ' 16e MOO do 4-4 dolk • IBMXI d 4-4 do Wiry. OM d o o Brine Brown 44.. 16 and 160 ' aOOO do - do 4-4, 20e al M 30 00 do 3.4 e 1000 do Masao! 44 16e 3000'. do do 7414 e - • 4.00 do do 7-4 Me tOOO do do • 1-4 12668 rout theamad yards Dobbs' at 26 awn% £ll Wool Dslaloor alma DOMESTIC FLANNEL. DEPART it*? —Red, "bits, Mut, DA Ike. Opus Irlseult. all ealors. • EMMERT DEPARTMENT ' A taII ttae of Loilte. - Intase lad Chttanner VON. the rtatleman are also providod tar la els &put. sum DRESS GOODS. A, fail ' this of fa the various d7►aand mikes of Dna Good.. and anda►eor to Full the mot tuttdi• osuo Ia tblieltoo. lrethow our too& with east, lobar aro utthoot sharp. A largo line at !mash sad Dostastis Giaslssaa easy. 'braids sad haw. far Bar VW, damper ears say other asitiss. Cal and ma Es. HOOP SKIRTS IN ALL HTIVESA SIZES • . _ TAMIL NOTIONS.—A lbw of all 13324", ANA as Thiesd, MAN d . NiodlakSattesLA TrimAin A lb& 14PiiCULITIICL—Broina sad npuitirdYseiai.iri3to sadDelgua. Ifesillbsbwito mark*. IT Deal forget rs Si a k 7 COMM or MT!. AND RIMS MUM lint don to the Post Mak Pak 11140. - swop, CEEMICUILL CO & aptal.en. ,1.•••=m1••••••••=inomi 111 :. A. , - • istssaftio icor-stack FAMILY Sk WOr MACHINE . ...; 1241 Petteh St, east slde,.tlsa south of lathstreet, Erle, Ps. aplS'B:Ttf. E. A. 121,A1+, Agent: HOUSE nr.A.Nrwirs.:" Selling at Reduced Rates. by J. C. MIMES. NEW 911,3 X, g HOOP SKIRT IttANUPACTORY, 1,008 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA. uspoiri t ng Dons with Nasinedue & Dispatch. 6;;1 Notice Messrs. Cohen & Bro. are hi co•partnership with an extensive firm in Manchester, England; thus enabling them to have the very luta:l, of French and English styles. Our Hoop Skirt department cantatas all the various Rkirts. kinds of Ladies', Misses' and Children's !loop Our Corset department embraces the follow ing kinds: French, English, American and Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporter. French Corsets only 81 10 American Corsets .. : ... in cents - . English Corsets from.... gl 52 Ts Corset Supporters.. .- . .. -SI 75 to gg td Our Repairing; department is superintended by a lady who is thcA s otahlr oop acciudnteti with the re' l l etr i W 2 llol.4lt ll ledepartment cannot 'be surPaP sod. Merchants supplied at New York prices. AN-Mop Skirts warranted and made to order. A. F. COHEN tt BEO., - jyr67-tf. Proprietors. ,~r~ • S. un NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITH I Ei Cornar of ham and Bt. Clair Strata, PIT:8BITRBEI, PA The Largest, Murat, Vitt • ACTUAL BUEINESU COLLEGE IV TEM LIMED BfATZS. burioi the poet ten years, opwazds of FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS, itivoesottog .rip State. to Oa Upton, hays graloatad A INALICOR or ACTUAL DUSIUFSS, impolial with Basks, tittirsa, f" ,, ilOfficit. Committee Drokenh hoar sum Railroad, Steamboat. AM Tallatraph °Ake% ke. coil:Mob:1 TEDLOHY AND PRAOT/Cle. Students an thoroughly Instructed to ill the branches PRACTICAL DUSMESS INICATION, seladlar Book te• plug Penmaustdo.Afithmatlo,Com. made I an. Political Re nom, Business Correspond. sac" rlos Art of fist, cling' Counterfeit Money, Railroad• the, titamolanatlng, Telagraphing. I rutin! Butklar. 80, te. Rladeateeueateratany thoe and complete • toll course In from eight to tvelrs walks. F I IIY Dr.I.LARS - lbya 111 exponfts for ?talon, Books. Dlaek. and DI ?loam. NO ESTRA OBARODI Tor Penesenakte,,fitemobesting. itattraettimr , By king op Diploma, ea io!otbot Collages. Pros Lessons daily to Penmanship to sp students in the Commercial 'Depart. mstit ion =cut. Mt, (islets fall Information. and eoa. tainies a eonsp *to outline of oar spehom of PrectiCal Bualneas itdscation. topther with 371 MONIA LS Proem praciteal'llnelooes Bin. Wm:4 ts, Book-korpen, Bookers. to., address the principals, SMITH & COWLICY, jaken-6m. Pittstmrit, Ps. !atilt! co, , f 0 . tle •z i a , 4• 90 9 " .-- to * • " n9 e • to g• .. 1. , 1.7 . v " fa g .`;.. IS 'ea IN,e 4 4t 5 THS HOWE - MACHINE COM 13.EWIN4 . 14A . CIIINES, I 9 DioADwAy,'Frw Yozz. FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS 1 .A 6.- , ' 7 r"w"....."1 ,5 . 7 . ... o c, FlOm - AOCK ST iTuH ......,......,gi...'' ........ - ES WaLD-RENOWNED SEV.DCO MACEIISEi Were awarded the ilish•st pmenta at,tha ivories Fair In London,and aim first inerninmaattha N. Y. Ste** Fair of Pea, and ♦m ee'abrated for doing the beet mod, ulna , a mash smaller addle for Modem thread then any other ma chine, and by the introdnetLes of the mod ayprodd machicory no are now abl, to aepp'y the very teat am ateaa to the a orld. These meet's.' we Cl2l was at our new end 'ye slow' Factory at Bridgeport, Com., under the tmlDedl ete supervision of the President of the ColoyenyALlAS BO WE, Jit. the wielnal inventor of the grecs 11.. They ars adaptati to all kinds of ramity F and to thains itszalicrenes. Drees Ratan, tailors, factrurars of Fhleta. Collars. Slarts, Maks. Hantillse Clothing; Hata, Capa, Corn*, Boots. linos", Harness, Noddles, Wow Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, eta. They sort 'finally wall awn clk, lif an, sfoolffn and cotton goods with alike cotton or lints tbutad. nay will seam, quilt, gatbor, hem, fell, cord, braid, tdod and perform sun, woks of truing, mating • beautiful son ritrut stitch, alibi on both sidles of the articles Moved. The Stitch invented by Mt. ilOwE, and node ee this Machine. Is the most popular and durably and ell tem inganichtnen anit to the principle latanted by Mtn. Send for Circular. . Utz BOWS ercelvz cowers', • • e'n Broadway. Coo fourth et, It Y. Mies Sophie Jones, 602, French et., ogent for Erie eooniy. inr2lll4-Iy. pHILADELPIIIA & EMS BAIL ROAD 'HIS mat Mks imams the Nottheen and Northses eonnties of Pentaylvenia to the city of Kribo I take Erie. It buboes blued by the Peosellsexio /11241 !sad Compitn, and to operated by tins. . ft= or ItAINI4IOIII2/111111 at MTh Loan Eutvard. Itsit ?m . in 10.1.6i.m Zee Exprear Train , ..• 6 00 p. a %Tv tea Aecsaa tOJ 1413 • ,irrite Westward. Milt Testa 408 p.m Erie Express Train 1000 a m Warren ammo 6 48 p. Pamanger cars run through on the Eris NMI and Ea press trains without change both ways tetween Philadal phis and Erie. New York ocrnneetios : Leave New York a' 0 00k. m, arrive at Erie 10 00 a in. tense Neer York et 600 p. m.; arrive at Eve 408 p.m. Leave Erie at 600 p. sit.; arrive at New York 3160. M. Leave Erie at 10 23 a. tn.; antra t New York 10 10 a m. 11Inuit ellemtlog Coro - on - All night trans. for lotnrtuatios , rorpoetttig Pagrazger Istuttneso V ft ot toe 13.11 'at arth sod Ilarkat.sts ,PI:V., and for boattoto of the Compaßro spots, Pitt 8. 8 fatiesfOßdolphla. , ]t.,oomor 'nth in 4 Rartit Stmts. lis 3. W. REYNOLDS, Eric W. BROWN, Apot R. C. R R. Rattltooto. ff, ROCATON. Gonoral Freight Aunt, Philp. If. W. OWIRRICR, Goo. 'helot AO:Phila. A tlfl.lL% St.osorgit abotintontlottt. F rio Pa. EXIIRCRIOW ! Xeff.ll NlllOll 1 - , CHASTELLAR'S HAIR EXTRR t:INATOR, Tor Removing Sopereaous Belt. To the ladies espettally, thle taTetnetde deenaitay rsecumninubp itorT as hung an almost Indlonsala Ott • els to female beauty, to easily emptied. does -not bums or ! A N N th.-atio. bat sets directly .11 the roots. It ti ~minted to moon sops:loons ball true low torn heads, or Oda any rag 01 the Iv dy. immolate's. totally too radteally.ortlipsting Om use, LaMar sWk, Ada soft. smooth sad natural. This is tU oaty azUoleau d by tbolesook. and to the oils real afeetsal depilatory is Moon eats Per Avkitto. flat 3441114 t o soy addssas b on ntaalst U, 811 at =l3 an ardor, al by M On, Moods* tetlfd7-Iy. 2p6 St.v at.. Troy. Lt: Y. ?ha - D s Mead s? oloy bulimia as and A.lY.Shaistioal la Varela dr Common Plea&No McConkey & Saaartoa. 21.1aseTerm.1%111 22 Torairs stitch The iliokeutraw Illompaay. &eat In Amapa April 31713674adipstart by default tail xn • on tha Trotionotary to men damage& Materna** of radial& claim Alod foislll6 Rp. lota eat great tab. 10. ISO, sea 'impost, To the above awed dereadaat.—Taka sotto that I *hall ammo the damagia la thla aiiehxdartee Alt& dam etatad tale, at by office he Warm, ea tha nth do et JIM* sast.stl Valve* p. 112. bbtb t d~e laad ISM -ead tee rant al add Omagh this of April , myl6-6w. UAL& 8. BUIS% Tea moustiaorlik imismoics, 111101MAL1 BLOW is , noua, PORK. BE SALT. GRAIN. ' cWvD, ?MOTH? MA MIL NOS. 601 -AND 603. PRENCR STREET, itstwitia IthAusd ftb Stmts. boo. 4. moral) FALL & WIRTZ& 1121ILLIN KRT 1300 1 / 8 MRS: 8. B. am • IHMEEZUMMiI 1229 Peach &.,1 igigart Nord of Mon Dget, vUI top amudzatly a tarps at 711 Ile LI I.IIIBY AND DRY (ICKIDS, goieseyat LaaA %gra Tratedevogillos I VA sow do & of Gsbets lea Weetvaltes GO THE MERCHANTS ONION EXPRESS COMPANY. _ \ 'T 7. i r - • , ,ow : * i . '• ~ 1 ~ i • •,, .• ~ , \::, . ^ f",• . ;••,•,...„ 1 I ' ': •:• . ‘i ..: i• • CAPITAL, - - $20.000,000. Owned and Operated by Our Merchants and Manufacturers, Carries by Entrilss, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, Over more than 13,000 miles of Express . Line, And to wore thou - FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFfIDES, !aid tlitimgh them to More than' 4,000 Citierand Towns, At Just and Litieral Rates, Based on 'DISTANCE'ind COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, A ND will soon Inwood those run by both du A American end U. 8. Exyroto Do Over $lOO,OOO per month Are war meal. to Express tluppera by Ibis Com pany, and thia ravunt mu be made perniOnent by coating:in the eetne liberal patronage hitherto Me— an It. Exponeme won our suoccer, mot martnces W that we may rely upon the public uoulldemo and Support, which we hope to ,suerit aloe), IVOR°, No. LO Watt flirt Row. lat9l•tim Q. B. BMW% Ageat. , IMPOUTAYr NOTICE. Loaf Pups, 614 114 for $lOO Bed Irtate Cone, do., 6 • 100 Borers. do., 9 lbs..-- 7 00 TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND UPW EDS. 'Ms beet tie>a th• ambit at II 00 Chokes Bossy Syr*, per pilau.... 1 Ss Prime 014 1111/11 C• p•r m Si Rlbt. aILsINO FLOUR No Wally should be without it. SverybAy la ludas To b hiLd of as.. as we are tha agents. . Call asd rotas* diked* PATINT LAMP CidIMMIX CLIUNZZI. The Moat thins oat km amnia CHOICE POT aTOES. Just reerh , ed. All ol the above goods re srlll silt assayer than tb. clusspsst. nir All our goods ars usw.tussiog just bean russets's!. Igo legit* all Wataugaa tar thsmselvas. ray 13416-tt lIRARN, CHRISTIAN tk CRAIG. IF YOU WANT TOO BEA% ARTICLE - op • TOBACCO AN!) CIGARS • In the Marta% go u. liENRY T..I3TERNER'S, mama or man om room anima ms. 11131'a. WROL %PALE AND MAIL DEALERS. Everything In the Tobago° line--Cigars, Plug, Cb.w lag, Cigar team Ifeersohaaro Piper • Flolders, Ate., a. mays kept ea hand. Our variety ie eat large none e‘r. be ealtad. gaffPartlenbs attention paid to orders sad all narrentad to be what they are sold for. toasid6.lly) C 0 31 • . Calf; I' R. nb I she ess.beentitni sod fair , ' With starry eyes. and radiant hair., Who.. earns • tendrils soft, entwined. Inshained the very heart and mind. • CRISPER COMA, For Cortina the heir of either Pax Into Wavy and • Glossy Misstate or Heavy, Massive Curls. By Wog this artiste Ladies and ilestieemis no bean. tdiy thenselm a thonund fold. It is the only article in the world that will rarl etrarght hair,vtd at the same time give ft a toeatiful, Om, appearance. The Crimper Cents not only earl* the hair. but invigorates, beentifb • sad deems It; is highly and delightfolly perfumed, end Is the meet complete article of the "kind ever it trued to the„Aateritan Willa. The Crisper Coma rill be sent to sny *Miss, ssaledand post-yard for $l. Address ell ol del s to - W. L CLARK! CO.; Chemists, Mo. 3 West Fayette St.. Syracuse, II T. rite/IV-Iy. N EW COAL YARD. MERCER COAL AND IRON CO. YARD sLAPArRas Ernizrr, ONZ-EIALV SWAZI IMO 01 lIIIION D*7o7. Felling the Verner Coal &taper thao hweheapert.— other Coale in proportion. ♦ trial le 'al the in neeer nary to tontines nor on. or their superior guilty. derande. EVERY With the COTTAGE PRESS, MAN And the printing roaterist arconituneeleg itoserty man ati do his owqprinttot neetly..quickly. and e' wryly. They are , so shnple in eonetroction. that a boy ten - years old our easily erenege tbe largest else. Printed lostrartions are Seat with . 73 H each aloe. enabling the portliest to go to work without • previous knowledge of printing. A c reale., mandolin fall description. prime. Ustletonlabi, lent tree to all. Oar Specimen Sheets of OWN Type, Cats; ire, tan cents • ADAMS -t'ttESS CO., PRINTER. area-iy. AUCTIONNI, winniE3DayB k 8 tTURDAYB. From 9to 10 a. m.. Rooth Park Row. amarletzi Block =ll=l2Ml About Moder ateie bell emit, carrel bark and other Ming, pular. oak dlolog room, rocking and other chairs BM& walnut, mimeo. Jenny unit and, other W. toads. mid a groat quantity of spring bedlorinthng the Upton folding 89riag Red litattraaa abs ed of an other. for APpliteigere, (Smith and durability; and - tho Ant wrier *Lipped to thla alt. for sale. Alto, a wit ) of foohluit thine% estetudou tabbies. carpet and other Inungsa.ultk • garb ty of other furniture; and about tal Vora, ens limatbrig. warranted to hat for years. The whets will he geared off on auction days, and other dots at piton ale at auction priers. 0. W. HUSSY. 4ciatioann R s,, MINTER, • sum , HAT. CAPS Aif D FURS, Re. 1= Pisa Street, too door s i Rooth of bbialula &Co.'s Etudirato Stoat. omloo. o wry lbw Ilse of the .hen golds, 'blob inn I* sold at tern tow Fiat. PRIMO woolly( oftylblorta otrovo liteirlll tbal It odvsotagooss to WI Why' taty altars& awl 104311 ova:a dete•tt ELL: gouraulT. . • Placa BT, ABOVZ sse aurrAw sow; latnrs PA HENRY. BRYANT & CO., • cards orvam UP- PANICE, 0)011C AND OFFICE S TOVES, Tnr itilain Los Wiwi, TOE CELEI3RATED. CURTIS - PLOW t AND JILL INDS or MON CANIIIML tiny Oboe sold tor os vansatod to ent B Li t to Ma. tho, Olatertilkoot, Sad km, 10 . Ca 61 4 er saa 00l 'Unman Pure Ruins °impala ciao and dam Wilar always of band. WI stir trial awe Er* •ve um EXTANT I CO: pv*l LIBIEWPY MIME byAllorietheil Neater. 'try on sod sem ern o h o other. 'ftwdiMiod Indy by ZIEGLER & SMITH. witormata Darta.-hire a sum MUM so. DT Yes* Root. Mb. 1,047 HAMM tallUtalart as CRAM Ca. s* raz _aus j aim WW I ut rusitia TWISTY' CUM OP. 01101011. 'TPA ‘lloi ta eta amp. Waif Ayer's Sarsaparilla A. compound remedy. designed to be the most effectual Afteratire that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Pars SarsepailL so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford en effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla tis reputed to cure; It is believed that such r a r remedy is. wanted by those who Suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will aceinnplish their cure Must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow. eitiiens: lion; completely this compound will I: do it has been proven by experiment on many. of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS. Ent:moss AND Erosive Disrasas, ULCERS. Points. SLorcHLS, Twines. SALT Rarest, SCALD READ, SYPHILIS AND SYPILILMC TECTio!es, MescURIAL DURAS& DROPSY, Nam: *suits on Tic Donovan:. Dawns:. Drs. neSia AND. INDIOSSTION MITSUI:LAS. Rots on Sr. Aarnoxv's and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Inman or In BLOOD. • This compound will be found a great pro. motor of health. when taken in the spring. to expel the foul inifriors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders' are nipped in the bid. 'Multitudes can. by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sore+, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by en alterative Medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live -longer ' for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is Well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no b lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. !Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been ,egregiously deceived by prepsrations of it. partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that-is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. During late years the public hare been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a vast of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these bars been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa: rills, but often no curative properties whater- • or. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which good the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a- 'remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground fur believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PUPA/ICD AY DB. J. C. AYER CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Stz Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such it renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Long Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for as to tycoons the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been ens. ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its ouality is kept up to the best it ever has been. and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, loft THI anus of anlimes; Jaundice, Dyspepsia, lin:figs:lion, Dysentery. Foul..9notach, Errupelas, Headache, Piles, Rlieuinalistn, Eruptions and Stitt Diseases, Liter Complaint, Dropsy, Tesler, ; Tuovois a n d Salt Mown, Warms, Gout, Neuralgia! as a Dinner Pill, euutfor Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the roost sensi tise can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 23 emits per Bor.; .Fin bozos for SLOO. Great numbers of Clergyinen, Physieiags, States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space hero .will not permit the insertion of them; The Agents below named fur nish !stasis our AVEHICAN Atu Art AC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put DX. by unprincipled dealers with other preparations- they make more profit on. Demand AYER'S. and take nb others. The siek want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. dl! our remedies are for sale by. COOK & HOEG'S : -1 , 1 • DIISINICSS AND TILEGRAPE9 COLLEGE, 61111 State St , between 611 and It h. Este, Pa: The beet, &esprit, actual badness college o f ny to the State. Badness men say It to a college of al merit, which does not gin the Ile to the pabge by Wet diplomas to those who do not merit than. A C liege of , PRACTICAL BUSINESS RAINING, Combining Theory and Nieto,. _S pplied with bank empostsan, inearanee, eommiselon , trued, stocks and telegraph) departs:mutt. • FIFTY DOLLARS Pay. all mamma for halos, blank books. &a Tim* reqotrtd from 8 to 14 wao kJ. knxicaxsair.—Wa ham ea boot penman In Qv Watt. Band for annular with stamp: COOK & HOE% rarT67. Principal& STEAD' DYECIZIO KEITABLISIMIINT. No. 83 east ToOth St, SILK, WOOL AND COTTON GOODS, - Done (n the but style, at the •Aotteet notler, 'ma ►t reasonable prices. IMP' All goods vitt be pr-exed end refisiehed befnrf Wray - corr 67 as. to IKA ILIT Ir. Auburn. ........ 11 Goldev., Plata , aid •r•files CURLS proiulrl . 4 • by the aro rr Pro'. OE ' aftECTIVA PPlS.ifot LS ' a ri Crisvicux 00. 'optic , - , - - don warranted to curl the • N' a ti - 4 ll.oli etratabt and •tub Una bah. of alther ern into wavy ringlet., or heavy. mantra earls. Is. been axed br the fashionable. ct Pads and Landoll 'Nth the mat gratifying re. milts. Does ea lojtry to the het*. erica by ov - tt, mated and postpaid. $l. Deveriotive 1 'radars matted thee. Address BERGER, N GOVAN A CO., chemist". No. 235 Elm street. Troy. N. Y. ACM* neat" for the United States. tebtrat-ly. 26 Mtn St., Nom l'ark. t-witinr.r:tzl forted to sum upon toe it smoothest fare to from IP three to ST wea it.- n. by los Dr BETIO:YR rt BEV ?aI:MATEO 1 4 Ca P 11.1.411- RE. the most wonderful discovery to =dent eel. ewe, soling upon the Board_ and Bait in a moat miraculous wiener. it has boon seed by the elite iv Paris end Loodon with the most flattering sucasse• Nimes of all patahesers will Laregtelered. motif eight estlefaction is sot emu to scary fastest*. the mossy will be shserhal, refunded. Pates by mall eluded and postoidd.lll. Direrfatle• Circulars and testitoonish =Pod Me. Address BERGER.BI3I7III3 it CO,,Chensists. No. MI Eta attes t , Troy, N. iir, tow spate for the United Status. rib24ll-le. •N ciaaitz. ate.tpanY tip 111t7alC MEADVILLE, PENNA. Tho.ishth tam of ULU Xi:slit:Mon will eamemillede July 24. sad eontlane slot weeks. affording sauna oypertsolUas to those dolmas of organs' ttwassetres for ebortsttrior WSW' of Mole is all Its *analog By the liberality ill tats Beard of Trastios the Prbiespl will be Wet* present two lass lkhotanddps to sash mull' in Otto sad finutelesste, sad forty of the wed. era counties of Wow York." troy atrenlars glebe tall Inforurstlos Ss to olsassr. tweawdoestiss r roots et tray el, lin:tares and gents' peititeibeele address. up to Ja. ly Ist. -THIADOIIir magma. Priv:dye. Caro Brown • Totter. apr2s4w• ,COBroenst. St, New York. LieStitt] TEE Tat% extrigt =haat lv the us of AlikSl2l7lo PURE Pirritol73 cams ess t Ind ariU go without teeth whys Dr.Xaoll lasiatt.d tiesatiOd ate of Arfletlal Toth ea taaaresied pdativial sad at asoilarate fates? Toth platsatie ems work tuanaldp. an reapoludble pains aaatiaJodthhdal teeth as gat thou as teat, and it tattles attlalhatlos is Mt gra tarlat 1 , at and arsetaaantdp, th y as be r mad tree atawls. Call and mum - Ili Ira* b raniated-.2 sweats. lathathattoa. Soma QM data' esatltot Cal= Dipole mixt Wet. spri-110. D. J. O. =OM .70S. KOFILI(IILLER, PLAIN AND FANCY DYEING, Of sli binds of Rumors, Tartsd & riAnnukt. CLOTHES CLEANED w. PIANOS it CO. VI • BIDE & WRIGHT'S PATENr HORSE HOE OR CULTIVATOR PLow ORTNI'LY 111PROVIM SINCZ LA:iT TIAR. t o . o ;Adam an• to esty pounds , i AdaptaUea to on. se hit& of soft new ••• wi n , Immo; tele, • Puha and they eogn Cola nit., obeli wed with all tb• oc lento g ti • re 4,440 even .lid inn!. and •of lag seater tb • ion tins say ether Coin...tee ay tetatneing the .ma!! tooth &PA littirbibr ty o w ls t o see tt to too t poyteet Won't's% for Wintry; that gas be fotod 4. itta the toot twine wenn for condor ••• dot : potatoes ewer invested A onto end bone can ten., p : thdra as tart al e bon* coo walk, and a toss and •••,. GM dig (rose ite to SOU bushel. et po steer la a eats the crop tea hilt • n!... 6 It works equally ...nip ears or .at MSC tr n melt cuss band tali., caw na diep.naad with . or. Ita .chrorparso. cansldorise th. sally Pads of work to ',bleb It can tla appifad=the famor harlot I. Dow loplazoost an that ta coraorrary for ealti , sili 1 214 111 Ilag say kind at crop, or cavort at aid digest to.g. N: valveless porNeest•e from the most lola oils) ru, stub,' tb. trotted Stares infibt b ai••s or ttok rape desire of the about's*lrmiat our all otters d•slew for Ilk. purpose* V. shall be pleased to flreAre a eall 1 om u 7 nos et. moods • Cultivator or Shovel Plow, nd •sp'►la totkrs the mutts or the above Berm Hoe omen otter h o g,. meats of the kind. We unrest this Horse-Hoe to Mot us etiltlestor es will, ill anf C•tltivator 111141.111$ Shovel Pies as well a sat Eat vet Pion—se !us Rum doe • eomol•te soee•n, or talked tl • mom If It don not soot theererrentoe Wp elm keep en heed ,annort ion with oar Rid. ware, Stoma, Tinware. land House Vanishler Creoe.r, tromol.te emortment of Bone Rehm. Heed Rakm.Grda Cretin. 13 , 7tbea. Soothes, forte, nom, Phordr.lpeaps, ta. Don't fad to do on.n era w.ler PIERCE hco hole Arita for Horis floe to Cris Co.. Pa., gad ad. tabula Co., Ohio, 24 door from the corner Pete see gib We., Die. Pa. I artl.3s. Angara —A WI Or. t & Co, limb Best; 0 A. Hein. Waterford ; D W Howard, Wart,; B Pettit, FaireieW ; 0 J Record. Ccnoesot Tanen & Hodge, Geneva; Ohio; R W Pierce & Co, Spartansburg; War Morn, Richmond Tp ; Sherwood & Hoyt, Cambridge. W HISNI.6II. & WIVON'M 111.1101 r cl SEWING 'MA'CHINES TOR STANDARD BACHINE. We eballeue• the world to comets witb se Is •ae ead all branches of family Itawluir. It makes the Lark Stitch. Warrsatad thrs• ream lastructleuta Cm to purchasers. 05e between 4th and 51b G. G. BGLT. attar. ialfs-ack - Pa. suAr• ?too & co., THE PLACE NO BHY HARDWARE! W. ha,. Do expeelitat Book•Zooper. Boots liertkly accounts or cell•etiOns. &aP.d ass thimifor -BELL CIYEA Blerkszdtke will find everything le their line .111litionson di C 0.% MU Pena St, above Railroad DWI. r. best wort:neat of Not!oio, At libosaosi iCo:NI:SS Paubit cameral tor,Rahlier i: s tars a s u o d o px o.. ,i.ine23 P.sA SL 7Wrostatholm k Boyne eilibratta IXL Catlnt at Shuman h Co:s.ll2S-Nati St. Giza and Petty . .. at tlhances at Cea, ISIS Pied h. nalebrated L'nlon APO, rarer; pu.l tOftit Goth At SbanAon t Ces. 1F22 Pasch St. 11 1 10—ginnins North Carolina, at •bannoa kCo • IZS Ntek St Sc) them. tfavittui and fleathe Stases - at Sbasuott k Co.'., INa Posab tlt W RAW Nen KW* and Fork Polisher a P:Anson at Stump°, di P 0.% 1= Pearl St ritrAtshos in Tarl.ty—tfair, Bat re. Vase, Saab, num, Whitowasb, Stns sad Coaster limber k Dustin at Stumm' k Co 'a, 131.3 NHS St., • abcrro the Valos RR twpot, irle, lk cr. Sole Arras to North Waits= Peru for ths Arehlmiettarg Parant Ail's; also Houton' Firs And Ru filer Proof &fa sad Fairtuales Scar. 1719-V B OOKS POO THE MILLION. CAUGHEY, MeCREARY & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND' STATIONERS, NO. 11 NORTH PARK ROW, Aro a•• olsontns th• larval and most earstali7 sew n! steak of alogantly Woad sad blealifialy itiostrpst BOOK 8! 5 Em tow sight to .14 a:Lariat. including standard wear. new English. arid Amarican Jarmile Boats. SW" Prayer Boobs, and Church %Meaq la eat ellll. Mit STATIONEItY AMMO. CAL*, PODS% thins Darks. Fancy Int Staudt. Ladies' Toilet is Work ileres, Wolk*. Shrrarocores and views. rnet. Card Pictures, the moat beautital Sunday School cob to great variety. Port Voonafa. Card Cam. Gold No, Propelling Pencils, a Lugs variety of Tansy Artist's tr Scotch Plaid, Photograph Albums bolo the but slur baggier, in the but styles. Wile If cauatisir. VaCRIZARY & CO. ONillf, FREE_ Me WATRB. Attlee Limit i‘nd hoisting *put!, Veto Teumle, of an aces., are wanted to solicit trade Merw? City, Town, Village. Hamlet. Warta bop lad Jung throughout the entire world, for the samttinfe , taeror• eltiee over term'. tOO ter cent. profit sad LUDT tits wnsaavia ors. atm. Smart men and amnia ma rah from .11S to $5O Tor day, sod no risk of lon A mail MOM! required f Iran st) to $lOO —the more mote luntated the d rater the prone Pie meas. hazeirod advs. es— are Brit la ad the articleraud nett.. pay en ward. It Jaa adnally wish to mate mousy mardl and sully, write ter toil martirulate. Auld eddraa MIL,NOR & CO. (From tins,) • RIC Broadway: N. Y. CIO _Newspaper: ettpliorwill be banally deft Irina feblVT•t! p 1111LittA,1/1141. MTSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER Bin Bodo. CorOnto, of Oil .ad Other Stocks STAMPING, EMBUSSING, SEALS, By J. M. LAA+i*Y, PaRAOO3I 11113ILDI9G„ MOT PAWN tow, ap21'66.1% J UDSON Sc WILDER, Ilhouttottozors sod Whet!ea.!, Dilators to TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED WARY. STOVE TRIMMINOt, Waterford, Erie Co., Fa ar 014ets by oath Promptly tttgd.4 A . Valtir, &MILKY k XlaUAILti, TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WORK. AND OAS AND STEM FITTERS! No. 331 &ate Cbrner of Fant:, Erie, 14. WORC or trzaT DISCIIIPTIOL la tither of ths bog* brink's iolletted apt' inwitli C. AVICRY. B. nununr. B. VORMia tYa Mita W abr.. Capper dmiti. Gas it Stow fltia. [..pew-L3 r US PhAU TO O? TOUR kORILY RACY E. COUGHLIN'S 110.0 T AND BHOE BTORS , rut, sued. Neatly opposite th e Paws*. 4falill Boot aid nee Wow the Petals Sotto ae reamed its deed to theaters item' ea State stew; sooty iipondto tholes , Oles. erhesette Mites all Ids ela Mesas sad Om to stye Ida e sell. Parlicelsa ettsetios Om to Inztasia. via insdatfadinwto Wins be eel airs ss rod_ t bj uctsatt 4611 as as les prism ea IST Awl tty. Gest Pita lissenaled. CARDS =I STOVE I'll'lt. sueutiL CM