Emportaitt flotiCro Advert Isentrigh inserted under thin head: t 1: rents per fine of 10 words for um first tine, 12 ,rots for the second, and 10 rents rh ,tll),etittent inqert loft. the Famous .\ fel le Soda. al Nekensoil v I h:rio t 111 U 1110•, No. .I.••tret.t. , . jaltrO-tf. In.urnnee i u tt 011 known and rnoM apply to /S, NV—Rumen, :went •Lto street. r0W21'67-Iy. use to Rent at .9100—Sunoble-for store twellinal No, Sl5 State street u Erie, Pa., Noble BIOCIr. . .4-- Z. _ 1;7-t C. • . • Rent.—The Union corner (if 12th and Beech Lane. The house is verV co:1- .10,-I:lrue barn attached. Enquire-of J. e1...h. McLane House onßuittlo Road, near Erie E. IL shops. jy111,7-11". moval.,—The Stove and Tin Warr store of ...1 has been removed. to No. Uttii Sas re, t, near the Dania° Road, where will ,tom hand a complete stork of goods In wlttelt the nubile are Invited to call •xanJar. e Lyle Lodge No. 211. I. 0. of Good Tent/ „ wet , . 0 , every Tuesday evening, 1n the 1 - 14otn, on State street, over v store. Stranzer Templar): vis ne• v are cordially invited to be present. ir.o. I:Nintrr, W. r. T. y-2-tf. Nis W.F.; :g. NVeigel, practical Matto forte tuner. I, , tt at the Grover I:l'll:er.`. 4 4wing State atrect, Eric. Pa., or by rvect re prompt nt tent ion. A firbt class t .m.cmployed to do repnlring of pianos Gentfethen's 'Furnishing Store.— n haq taken the .tore lately tcd Iry .711 , 4 lee, Gheen S Gallagher, and It tn. ,itist everything neee....ary to make gentlemen's furnishing e.tahlLsh ii of Cloth., Cacsimere. Mitt Veqt.• ;0 11 Ite:l4lY INlnde Clothing is superior to nu:: ever brought to this city. mid we defy ne to visit the .tore without fluting mulle t° lils bode. Mr. ROSS 1111 C heetivery in securing a Cutter who I , : hot. stir- I .11* o b. ie. tub sklllfulsupemittion ow. rn is turning out work equal to the .astern 4 , tablisinnent.. No person can an exen , e for going ahrhad for clothing afford , the convenience. that he ion to M. other aorwiq.holun.:algo .tior stock of Ills and Hosier', Col tavats,—in short, everything that a man in the clothing line can bc got hf n.I see for yours. Iv. .. j;r21'1.7-tf. Business ;Dirertorp pu , ine.% 'ardn infterted Li fhb: depart v.-nr, at n ,Inllar per \t I 101,Ei4.1.1.E eiROCF:II. 4 4. • I air.D. , ..t Par' , and :02 Prtnelt ht. ellier, 513 Frent'h \LE P.f I s TS A kirk, 42 North Park. ,4 trs AND SHOES. -,qj IR. It Park RCM. oh Sto t e street. • h ~! co„ 19 NOltth „ h or, State street. „ n „, ...re, state Ft. ni it 1K sToRF.s. ]„., A 11, ry, North Park. . 1 Fienelt st. PEED. I, II Park Row. „ A 1 , , Preach at. 11.1 - OR STORES A NI,.•11.1,1.'8:,1 State at. - >t h. 24 North Park. NTITSIC 'RTORES. %1.-J.ler. 59 0 State st. MS State st. , rtVl7 , :(; .. ATACITINE AGFSCIFs 11 , tker. S'2o State st, Wll , on. 41N st. Ittaelt I e, 60'2Frenett st. ' r na: ach Frettell FRUITS Wllito, S South Park. cROCK.F.ItY & t :Lk ssW. \.1t1 , .. If I ;lenity. 12 Park How. I: ~.•o/w.‘1.2. , .11 I State gt. ' W.kTI.:I I ES A: JEWEI.ItY. A Pi.her, 2 Park 1111 W. \1;-4111,' „ North P.lrk. HATS AND CAPS.. V.1.0n, 21 North Park. !,/. A u.'..t ,- - .13 State streil. 1:11.I.,11. I'7 , ; Flonelt et. , alith, ,T 2.1 FrZaleli et. CONFEmONEItY STO rt Es:. • & 'Burgess. 4 3 1 1111 , 1 7 4 .0 Stat. , st feet DP; r(fs .N.ND MEDWINEst. 14rnam, 1:17 Peach street. - E111,4,.-121 State street. . Warfel. tr» State st. as & Doll, 1112 l'eaeli'gtreet. 'arver 4- Co_ 21 North Parlf. - Niek, ,t sons, 7172 State Qtr. , 01. 1401;11i-on ..t- 50n,71 Stal , t.. street. 1 - 111 Y GO ifl4. ' ,r, st, 1,11. , n. & W11.1.y. Mel] ill. -r, Kost, , r ..0 Telineam. 1":11 p, a,•5_,...: t•otf Fir.,-.. 711 Shite st liriells, 71,1 st.tte st a, I:la:roll:11 .t I'o, 1141%19:: LC. 111.,....1' Wit: t ,t. DM' qui tIP4 AND P.121 . 1 , 7N. 1 ,1,01% ;rl,, Ha Pd.,. ;06 ,tate at. (Mt H•Eirjps. ai e. (;ralith. 1 ;'.2 , t Pen,h 132,1 " I:, I'o.. 1321 " !. ItE 121 , : Sa'nte - st. ,11. I 'hrktian Crahr,•2l Nor, h Park French talk% rortwr Stato 14 ,kor Froneh ,t. Yhalivorln. 3alFrotalt Rt. Fr , nelt I. 021 Shit, I I , FA - .1 Filth 701 1.11,1 rift at ANTS. iC .1. c • 1 mon. overr:igtinil North Part. I irrar over I t•2l Peneh TI tit Cti.l CND CI. , t . ..1 ; 7,1 ..q.l! • 1: 70.: ' , tat° 't. NI. hi. "il7 l'reneh :••I (Wl', 1111 \lal(' 11.11111 W. v 1.41 1:12:1 Peach 10: V. Ploroo A Co., VA) Stat.• qt. `41,1t11..11, 1. - 14.111 . 11 1.1.11,:;23 PIN lull at. S.DIVES AND TINw Vatitaaavl, Peat It at, hard N 0.., 7nl pante at. favor .. Son, 1213 Stat t• at. . lolinaon 1614 and 10•20 State M. \,nth Palk. I I iI:NER.II, t stair rvltNrr-r - itE ittioet S Cn., aIK State at. cryrryrrsr; t G. , ttsbt haer Son, (2 State at. a 4; Mvllrk, tIY 1 State at, • 'agner, r;.); State at. ka Mever. 4 Nolte . no, N o . to North Park. ATTi 1 /iNETS AT I.AW. Thom paon„ Fn , neh at. • a, 1 1,3111 , 1v1a h at. ' PHYSICIANS & Stewart. :la North Park, lintme-117 State at . Pram r, , ilataterithiat), (72 . ., Pearl' at. & \\l" f.:oof)al., Inakt ",nth Park. M. rat t ia, !I South Park. ' 'Mk., McGrath. Gal - htr. IFIWNDRI Nictz, 11 . 2.1 State Nt. POUNDEIL. 4 , AND UDILEIt NIAKE 21, 3.1 and Peach .4t.. PLANING MI '. I ith an:l Peach qts. Jlau Zitibrrtisrutrnts \ I, , •; ~,f). “ .211, , to ',veils, nded in by S o'clock on WAllnt•sd;ty after- II n,lvertisement, will b emitlnued nt \ n•.• nt lho nth ,rll,er, unless, E. M. CA oI.E fi SON., Inanlz Nl:inufavtur,r. .tono Nalvoi al I. DR. It. 1.. F.1;1.11.17, )tliee up .Lair , * State stre,t jy f. I ENTH STREET SE W NI 111 be rereh'ect up to July •2.M, 'r We eon•truetion of hewer under lOth I 11 , 111 teerlaau to the Mill itttee.near Hot •I rC , ' aq I". et long, it Melte, in diameter, eta. • ' • l , lamh for the same mayibe . seen at the a the rm Engineer. 11. e sHANNtiN, .L. ItAHTI.EII. I. .Lt„ A. BURTON, Street Committee. % I 1..112411eer. 4.4.1 , .1,110,1 Ter'ili next fr:, n 1 , Jahn , • I In llusCourt of Com •,, • ; mon £lvas. that l.liuir,l tu,n, v.. 1.; has hi-en appointed to tot. t, -t booby to be had on • by order of "rt, t,, rti lie't:ilcen on the nth g. 'l , lt p, zit liln oltiee in time and glare you can nppenr N.ainine If you nee lit. ' .r. 11,0, , V4 l'Horp:74oN, - 1 Attorney for ishetk Repper by' No. —, Aug. Term fri. n 4 J. nil- Court Common I Plea,'of Erie county: Kept.u.r. I lit Divorce. II KITVER—Tako notice that r.luard C.onnbau.en, Lso., b-en an t.t.,l i s totititoNsioner to take testimony to be 1 nn the hearing of the above ease, by. order l'ourt, and that testimony will be taken on I :11i lay of July at 2 o'clock', p. ni., at his Erie, at which time you am appear and ''"attune if you see tit. .1. ROSS TIIO3.IPSON, L Attorney for W. MEN STRAY COLT. - CRANED from the prentities of the linbseri. i.r, In Weßlevrllle, on Thursdnr, June 2Dth, Flliey Colt, 3 year,: old with black tall and lea.. Any lemon giving Infor inon that' it - 111 Ivad to her re(I“TY ltl n•v,:inled Jons isf:NsKrr HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG, - 11:1,1; P. HT, EtCIiING, HEMP . LI,H_ES AZ.I) 1100 Es. • "(IC; U. WEEKLY..OBSERVER ERIE, PENri, JULY 11, 1867. Iferahl hoists. the /111111 C of Gen. (runt it? the neNt Itadiett candidate for Ptr-idcut • fly:only-1 41 yr of Its ela.:;; in this section u Melt fhts yet taken pozdthei on the subject. Mast of the other It:idle:11 jam nals setlu disposed to :trait ct•eat; ltt•fnre ncoutntitting theinselve4, thoitet it is apparent that as a general thing they prefer ,Anne can didate whose opinions am mere clearly set 31etniville liteputiliyan object., to :rant, and the tLllutt tug a< .1(1114' of h!: rt.:1.4111S • - . ./ " But Gen. Grant has never given evideuee of political ability.• We do not even know what Ids political opinions are. We do nut want for President a man who has been so retivent of his opinions that we -do not know on which side of thefence-he is loCated. We want a statesman' whose antecedents are us clear as sunlight.... • • , TIM intense bitterness of feeling exhibited by the Dispatch cif late, in treating political que , .tions, is beginning to excite a great deal of remark in the eommtmity. When ouico tentrary was - first established, -though iiE the height of the war, it was disposed to treat Democrats with some fairue;:,s, butits tone has gradually teen degenerating until now it is actually the most acrimonious and maliCions journal within our knowledge. The Harris': burg Telegraph has seeurt.xl a reputation as the meanest political paper in Pennsylvania, but it will not be long, at the present rate of progress, until the Dispatch Will be its ac knowledged 'equal, if not superior. We presume our cotemporary imagines itself 'to have reached a.point where the patronage of Democrats is no further needed, and has re: solved in future to give, full sway turns natu ral instincts. The Democrats who so eagerly stepped tbrward to give it a helping hand in the hour of its necessity, and who have eon: tinned from time to tittle to aid it by' their liberality, will please take a hint that their fn ON are not any longer solicited. - Dwriave Cot" wr.—The following ease, have been tried at the session of this court held in ottreity.during the past week and a l ludf, Judge McCandless; presiditez._ te , timony in welt in,tanix W;L, lengthy - 4.1.1 d. tedious, and somethaes quite contradictory; : George E. Zuver, ihdictcd _on thevharge of pa , ...iug a coudterfeit compound note. Verdict not Chilly, after the jury had been absent but a few minute,. District Nattrney Carnahan, or Pittsln,trgh, and Hon. C. B. Curtin• for the United States; Geo. W. DeCamp, of Erie; A. B. Richmond, of Meadville and Ira H. I'ietce, of Titusville, for the defence. Elm aril T. Johnson, Euuc•lt lleerl.tt•y and .TOllll , Oll. a Le „Theuf township, in dioed for pas Amt it counterfeit compound t rem stery note. .A hei•ge number of witnet...r. bore te , thronly to the quad character of the defen dant,. The jury, alter a'‘ cry:brief consulktt lion, decided on a verdict of not pi , - trim Attorney Card:than:A. 11. Richmond: I. 11. Pietee, G. W. Decamp find S. Zit ver,of tit City. for thr• rnited States: John 11. Walker, Benj. Grant, C. 8.-Curti, :mil A. :Mat Lyon; for defence. Charleo H. Johnson; of Pithole, (not re lated to the above parties), indicted for pass ing counterfeit fractional currency, and hay- Mg it in his posse , :sion with intent to pass. Distria At torney Carnahan for united States; Messrs. Richmond and Perrine for defence. The jury were unable to agree, and the Court discharged them. Johnson was held over in taco freehold securities of .$5OOO each -to ap t ar fur trial at Pittsburgh on the Ist Monday in August next. • , 'lle Court, on Thursday forenoon, ad journed, all the IntAiness• ready tbr trial haN ing b v( •, l di , ... po.f•d of. • A LIVELY Iluito:,ity has sprung up be tween the allopathic and homccopathicprac titioncers of the city. Sererlll' preliminary skinnkhe , hate taken place, and it seems probable that before long the war will break out in real earnest. The immediate cause of the present difficulty k the following set of resolutions offered by Dr. Stewart in the State Medical Association at Pittsburgh, and adopted by that body: . WIIiEUEA. It k alleged that the corpora of certain medical and surgical instifh lions, endowed by this State, arc about to give position and authority in the same to irregular practitioner; theretbre, That the mall ❑mount of truth stolen by hone eopathie and other irregular practitionflr , , fr.an the true science of medi= chic. i , o mingled to itlt a much greater anuuntof error a, to be. in our opinion, it great evil to tile whole people, and that we minor, in any degree, affiliate with, or re toznize such practitioner , . - I&•eelrtd, That when an- attempt is made by any institution endowed by the State to put the treatment (if the sick wholly or prac tically un the care of luiinceopathy, or other quackery, we advi , e the regular prac tith tier , of the State to u , e all their influence to induce the members of assembly of their ,everal counties to Vote for prohibiting -4.) dangerous a nil mi , clilevous ci practice, and to refuse all assistance of the State to such institution ondueted. The hoincropathic practitioner , very nat urally to I e_tieNeil our these etMstie ex pre.-ion,. anti declare their rt:trintion to - turn the table. - upon the allopathi , ts at the fir , t opportunit% et the disputt• has taken no More important publitt shape than a leiv printed eommunications in the daily paper, but it to be In tli`at the matter will not rest here. The people are interested in ktuiwintt what the preci,e 'ditrerences are be twt en the two systems, what the merit , of each are a , claimed by its friends, and what the faults a , plaitned by its enemies, how far each 111:1:6' a reliably ,trusted, and •to n hat extent the rv..pertive practitioncr- 11.1,• the it claims up . on the public confidence. dis= ca,,ion upon the , e dm : would be !tailed with pleasure by the greater portiou a the commuulty - ,; and might be of advantage alike to the cau , e t , f science and of, differing,. humanity. Norm. Suit-1 curious case has , been ,fltrouglif in the United States District Court, high will involve some nice legal points, and is, so far as our information goes, the first one of the kind e). -111!-titIlleti ill this country Some time ago, a handsome young. rirtrrieil lady had (;) number of 'copies pf her portrait taken by one of our photograph; flints, paying thr them the usual price. • The Athotokrapher• having secured a „far nes., placaone of the pictures in is`"' , their on side shoo case as sample, where it remain-. ell a considerable time. Neither the lady nor her husband wished the piettwelo be on, exhibition, and tlm latter requested the phatographerno remove it from the vier/ of the public. The photographers at -first re tbsed„ but being pressed on the subject, changed the piPthre. front theoutside' ease ..to their reception room, in which it still re-' mains. This did not satisfy the husband, who again solicited its supPression, and otTered a libend pike for the negative, on s conditiou that no further copies should be taken. Ills request was peremptorily de nied by tile photop:aphe,.and a suit has now been commenced to test -the question whether artists of this class have a right lo make such usp'ot their negatiyess as they see ''Hoar the law StatalS on — the subject we an not able to say, but it certainly scents no more than eqtiitable that there should be some restraint upon photographers in this respect. Very many persons titrongly °h&c to having their pictures placed on exhibP• that, and in ho instance should 'it 'be done without the coasitrat of th'g partibs Aireettt% interested. ' _ 1= I' DcrtiN4; the . performance of Thayer & Noyes, Circus, at Rochester, :!:: Y, on the evening of the sth inst., Chas.--Whito, the; "Lion King," entered a cage of -ferocioas lions. One of the males attacked )ilixt, fell ing him to 'the ilpor - oft.he den,"andlastening his paw' upon his shoulder, intliettkl'gui-Oe I wounds. Th'e circus men went to the-ies cue NN i itli iron bars, and succeeded in reNeu ing Mr. White from the cage, alive, but heverely. injured. The affair (mused great excitement in the audience. A fuller report of the occurrence, from a Rochester paper, mill be f•aind in another column Income 'Returns. 31 - e publish below •a complete list of the income returns for 1860, in Erie eounty t -ds. reprrte'tf tO the. Federal Assessors In this city.' The' amounts reported, it should be recollect ed, arc the net salmis over and above the legat exemption of 41. AM in each cane, and -utter deducting house !tut, taxes, interest paidiiiid the ordinary expenses tifbusiness. --Offi cers of the Government have their income Otx taken out of their salaries s at the time of reething Pay, and persons holding United State. bonds are exempted from Federal tax ation same. In many cases where. the sums reported do not come-up to public ex p eciiition, it Is #ikely that the parties hold, bonds'or are intere,ted in other investments which release,diem from the necessity of re porting thelr - fullineOnat•s. - ' The 'list • 'in• conies tiir 181it1 comprises more names than that for 18G.1 . , but the suit total Of fhe returns is only about half that thr the hitter year. Quito. it utimber of persons who gave in heavy 'return , in ism"; make no reports of any for thetas! ear. The alines's of trade dMing the I:resetit kason leailsys to believe that; the retal n. for 1807 will exhibit a falling off on the ar(lage, egttui, if not greater; than littoqe of the. last ye:tr. We lime never approl eil of the publication of tbt ineoine listu, Imowintr the 'amouniof unplcazant gossip - they create, and dm 'dis content excited among the less fortuUate_ classes, but the certainty that if we didinot print theni, 'one of our local cotemporaries would, ha., induced us to present the - list at the carlie4 possible (lay, and in Inure satis ilictory manner than it Las heretofore ap peared : Irext 11;trd . . P Arbuekle :3,106 Geo Lover •65' 'l' M Austin 1,6531 V E Magill 1,900 II II Bener 720 N MurPhy 935 J Banyat 0 911 M i 1 Moore - 17 Jos Becker :10,1 Moorhead . 195 S L Bacon . • . 100.Jos McCarter 1,949 Mtn S Brown - 1,203:(4 IV Mavis 110 ;David Burton 1,1:33.1 .1 MeCtamell 232 And'w Burton 1,117. P Metcalf - 17,560 A P Button 1.0:391301m MoArt 1,913 Win A Brown 8139 F F Marshall 1,278 E A.lhmuett 1,132:1 C Marshall 841 13 Baker • 2,403 C Metcalf 8,670 FP Bailey 2,190:NV W McKim 7939 H. Beckman - ' 3,417,G J Morton ijiri WM Bell Jr '2,355'0 Noble - 2,516 G Baserman 30;A Nicholson , 79 G 'l' Churchill 346 Wm Nick 7511 M Cinutright 1,600 It O'Brien - 2,923 11 L Crouch ' 711.'W Olds 1,000 114 Crouch B,T 11 Orlon ' ' 450 N J Cla: 2,270`.T01ut Oliver 200 J A.Carver . 798:W IV Pierce 500 J B Carver - .448 1 S Todd Perley - 691 J D Clark 10,0924' Pfeffer 639 G W Colton 1,08:1'.1 S Richards 825 Rev G F Cain 930!J II Riblet • ' 585 G K Davis ' 440 S W Rogers 272 G W De('amp 3,5 , (2 ; 5 am i n ett . 934 IV It Davi-nport 2,893'1 Rosenzweig Jr 320 G A Elliott 537;1 Rosenzweig 1,91;0 I) P Ensign 807'1-M Reed 38,100 Sus Foes' 597 1 C M Reed Jr 933 E .1 Frazer ,1,026,11 Rank! '10,311 S E Foote :166'13 IV Russell 52 F F Farrar 32GIW F Rindenat 1,522 C E Gunnison 2,424 N Seymore • 7•23 .J-I3 Gunnison 8371,1. W Schneider- 44 W A Galbraith -4,670 . 1' Spade 200 John Gable, 4734", IL Stearns ' 7,537 Wm Harlow. 30_J R. Sherwood 489 'T J 1141skinson 3,502 J IV Swalley 21)6 RR Haverstiek 1,613'11 IV Spooner 531 1) L Hoadley 12,044,0=C Shirk ' - 1,120 1 John hill 781 M Schlamleeker L 1 F Ilubbard 73 S Smyth . 449 11 11 Ilubbard '23•8 S Spencer 161 W Hoskinson 4,8901 S Z Smith 115 Jas Hoskinson ;2,279lDavid Shirk 4,580 John Ilearn 12,301 J C Selden 4,173 M ll:midi ;1,9631 Wm L -Scott, 14,758 Peter Hall 2,760 II A Spencer 50 Jos Ilarrmau • .87IJ J Toth 172 II Jarecki . 2,788111 11 Thayer - '139 A Jarecki . - 400 C Thayer 572 DJ Jones - IRA. W Yon Tassell 700 E A Johnson . -2191 J P Vincent 3,633 J Keller- 1341 J E Woods 377 L Koster 340 1 11 L Wilkins -, , , 9 Jas Kelso .- - 100 W S Warner 88 S P Kepler, 1,023-E J Wright 899 D G Landon - 114'M Warfel Jr 2,458 F P Liebe' • - :31 J.l Williams 3,532 Clayton Lytle• 138.1 II Walker 1,083 Rev C A Lyon 835 John - Young $Ol Raxt irzid. John Abell 8341 Hugh Jones 1,049 IV M .krtatekle 199 Chas Jarecki2,lKl (lets Brandt-, 437:G Jarecki - 548 IV Brew,ter 230 Geo Kellog.. , 49 Cl' Bret illicr 1,622 15 11 Kelsey 1,323 IV A Booth - 351 DII Kline. ' 125 (1 .1 Ball '1,10041 Kennedy . 23 H Butterfield 1,:161,9 Kennedy 38 A L Beckley 159 1 A It Kellogg 519 Geo Burton 564iA T Loomis 4,080 P A Becker .1,359iJ J Lawrence 2,090 John C Beebe 494,M B Lowry 9,400 IV A Baldwin 772'W IV Lyon 1,287 'II L Brown 3,8.134) B McCreary 090 Mrs E Blmser 444 C McCreary 1,403 Mrs B Boyer 2,033.1 W Mclntosh 519 Wm Benson 239:L A Morrison 2,124 - .,1 H Caughey ' 776 1 .1n0 'McCloskey 51 P Crouch 2,898;S J McKnight 1,407 () E Crouch 2,5784) McAllister 328 TAV Crowell -800 1 M IV Mehl 618 N Chapin 171,Peter Minn*: 12,290 A A Craig - 394,T L Mehafley 320 IV l' Curry . 4,538!.1 Noonan 174 II Catlin ' -343 H Neubauer - 458 Geo Carroll . 302 .1 Osthiemer 810 TIL Carroll • 30211) G Ormsby 1,700 It II Camp . - 20'.1 NV Ormsby 797 E M Cole 'i• 14211Ia1sey Pelton 87 F Curtze 1320'11.1 Pt•lton 2,468 Mrs M Curtis 244 W L-Ross .1,173 C F Dunbar :1,640'L Rosenzweig :306 NV W Densmore - 897 , W AV Ross 4.55 J F 'Downing 8,842 WIV Beet! ' 3,824 .1 .Eichettlaub Jr 1,991 1 11 C 11014-ens 507 01, Elliott, . -2481 E IV Reed - 315 Di P Faulkner 338!RevJF Spaulding 6881 W - N Fleming - 80 H U Shannon 902'; -.1 Fairborn 566,M Sanfiml . 1,427 It IV Flowers Jr 377'J A Slialtacker 569 .T A French 1,7324 L Stew .irt - 1,061 Beni Grant - 3,019 James Sill , . 1,021 .1 Gensheimer 1,503,.1 C Spencer 1,919 .4 A. Grn.liplmer 457. W C Silencer . 4,080 .1 11Gralnu. 481 A L Tyler 3,023 '.I Gunnison _1,2534 II Thompson 299 J S Goodwin 4369 F Thorn 179 UAV Gunnicon 626'e M Tibbals 6,332 Jacob (Libel 90;T B Vincent 1,035 IL Guthrie ' 259 E L Warner 79 (' II Gibbs 580 .1 F Walther I . 991' 1' C Hoyt 56 IV II Wallace . 3,015 P 11( 1 111.i - ells LONA A Whitler 19 .1 E lloustini 145'1, I' White lBB W P Hayes . 941,J IV Wetmore I :3:13 ell Harris . 108'llenj Whitman 2,870 T Jarecki 227 Adam Wild - 318 Hermann .Jarecki 123 E Yardley 430 11 L Jones 9 Smet Erie, Mill Creek, Summit, tin ewe, Wid e rfi,rd Tp. dart B'a and MeKran. A Aehtson 2.121 Ifrman Janeg 3012 M Barnett /e2l' M Wallneß 3.115 Wm Benson 's.ll'3fichael Liebe' ail R c Brothertnn 1431 Wm Loeseh 814 John Burton 15,1'.l I_ .731eKay 612 John Boyle • ' 310;L Met 0 - ma Il ctamphausen -3741 N W Russell 421 John rronenheiter -.12'46444 Russell - Ica lohn S V-orte . - - 13.10 V Schultz Geo Deekti • 2110 V Schultz - • F3i 'John Eliot- -, 017717 Sehltunit IRS ;ft F thiggin , .. 219,11 Minnie ' 170 B Goodrich -7 • ' 2912 S e Rtant , ,r4 . 12117 'A B Gtmnison -.HALM Warfel :gg .thllleq ithglleq rt: nos Wilkins :17 David Illmnod 1t0624 , Chester West . 5 -Christian Herrman 11S John Yount; GO Clint!' . girard- Tp. and -Bar° Springfield, Conneant, Albion, Franklin; IVaBhington and Edin Leta- A C Andrews Geo•B ilteDorinell, 419 N Ittickenzderfer ' 850‘Geo H Mclntyre (louvers,. Clark 100.Jaidah Neoe (:evil Cutler " 500 K, Pettit • 100 W C Culbertson 1310.0 F Rockwell- . 130, Wm ,Cross 500 samuel Sherman -4300 James Cross Aft Danl Seyre.-Jr, - -77 D Alfred odo 20a) Sam! Csturgeon '100". A 21::,L It Thompson 47 BMA J• Hall - • Isaac-R 'raying' ' Wm 10141 R Wilcox 307 John K.'sseli •t• 330,L 'A Wright "• - :700 Win A Lewis s ,2211 Ilarbar-Crak, North l Mat Tp. and -Borough,.' , Gr.rujicla VenanYa; il'attsbniv, - Wayne, Coneard, Corry, Uninii - -Tale ad, ip add Borough and. -Le Benny. " • 2 .1, - . W Archbold' • TaXII W9lnrd 77uall'ens •.7.. li lkiracit3sBl,Jno 31 :Merrill, 17:r2 N Barnes_ , :iIPA F Mesiienger_:' 511 it Relnap ' 43:0Thos 311thoney -- 110 latrockleha n k . OtiJas dictlattriet •J'W Mutters 00:E J Frrinisbee-, `•••• 19 214:F A-PhIllIps: - • - 101 Pliny Cass 162 U E Stubbs • •.30 H D Chapin _ _ _ 1100,W H L Smith , 7498 L Church 133 M Stark - 300 C H Church' ::uniwro ?IMMIX 0135 S Church '3l _ 103. S W- Stewart I-I.D Francis -300111 F Swee.lser --" - 1372 John Greer - ' kitisillester Town ' 259 Ilenj GrlnsliMit , • ..N,B C Town IN4 A W -Hecker: •• .1 0111.Darld Van Etitin /10_ flats Morton ; Mtge:tic - Wright Intli JAG Jack =, FE A Wolcott :Mt) 11Johnson 21;3L '077 Hollis King. 98'011ver Young . • 30n1 Home'. Kinney :7 30,11-WV:Y.)* ..`:;.111.01113 Chas Krevli 150: WE ire more than usciallygii tittbd to leriEi that'Gcir Rowley ITas iiiiiohit&l"Capt. G. P. Davis, of this city, Deputy Marshal for thy District of the North-West. The Captain was a gallant soldier in the late war, and, chilling, to Eiie directly utter • its close, has won the general esteem oroui• people,hoth as a citizen and as a business man. _ . LRCAL -BREVITIES. THE richer a s man makes his food, tht poorer he makes ilia appetite. wommr-hrought before tho Police Court of Cleveland, for drunketumis, wore five ihott , aull dollar,' worth of.fihlitioudq. A Num BEtz - of gjoeng . Creek Asvc. brought outi* * o;l: Ttrindle, of thottown, ship, ;LA a calyMate Citunty Comrtdrsiol THE Ibidietil CorAventioff for 'the ifrouoV , 'o29ers,isnottnfitoineot. Virtir re n bor9ugN - pla pidlty, the ~ 101. h. hat, at 9 o'clock, p. • . The suppression of, the sale 'ea. _ thin pr truckers on thhareFoeit)toUttly's la' mutat) . urged by i* - irois.: - 44. sclera:of the peinelpal , cities, and in some of iheti_the- prOltdatet , has been decreed; - , TUE 31eadville Republican, ttiterligbtltig, Lon l ry with all its powerrduring the last month Or two, has at length hoisted' his name at its editorial head. The . anti-Lowry" Radi cals of Crawford county are not a bit More courageous, it s 4 c4us, than their Erie county neighbors: DorunAs, Esq., gives notice that the income tax has become due, and that he will attend to receiving the same for Eric county, at his office in this eityon the 15th, 16th and 17th insts. Those witonegle.ct payment will be liable to pay five per cent. additional, with interest at the rate of one per centamt per niontli. • TUE New York papers are reducing their. expenses to suit the tight times, and nearly all have largely rat down their reportorial ,force lately. The presint — season has been as hard a one upon newspapers Is the first and second year of the war, and unless there is a revival- in business, most of the Weaker ones will be forced to the wall. Tin: Thibaut. Journal tells a story of a dying man at who.,e request a dance was held the night previous to tai, decease, in the building which he occupied, for the purpose of raising funds to pay for "a decant funer al." The receipt 4 were fifty dollars. ."Glory. be to God 1' saift , the 'dying man, "now I'll have a decent burying, and the children can ride in it lmck.•`' • Tut: Titusville Herald says with force and truth : "The burnt-cork-bogus-nigger -concert busi nozs is played out, in every devout communi ty, and able-bodiedinen ought to find more respectable occupation: • Grintung organs and monkeys are 'tolerable when compared with-most of the fourth class professionals MI6 are trying to sponge a living by retailing stab.; jokes and vulgar witticisms in the guise of counterfeit niggers." BusqiEgs of all kinds in the city is ex tremely dull. The farmers are hard- at work with their crops, and few leave home more than there is a posjtive need of. Old busi nt,s men say the dullness in trade just now is not remarkable, July cud August being in variably the dullest months 'of the year. With the abundant crops that now seem cer tain, we see no reason why the fall trade should'not be as active as usual. • IT is sometimes said•that " the people love to 'be• humbugged." If the Itepultheans of Crawford coupty, give Morrow B. Lowry a majority at their primary meetings it Will he a confirmation of this qssertion.—.lfrOrille Mr/Mimi, &pre the Primary Election. Well, the " Republicans of Crawford coun ty" hare given Mr. Lowry a tnajority,- and the inference is, according to our cotempont ry, that they do " lore to be - humbugged." AO the he4t jokekof Ala to see the Repair lican helping on the " humbug " by hoisting Mr. Lowry', name to its masthead. and urging his re-election Iti TIIE eastern portion of Crawford coup: ty, there Is great dissatisfaction over the Re publican nominations for Assembly. Mr. J.- T. Chase of Titusville, was the favorite can didate of that section, and, being pledged in Ilivor of a new county, he was overslatighed by the middle and western townships. The friends of Mr. Chase now threaten to bolt, and one of them,' writing to the Titusville Herald, say's "a strong effort will be made, unless the Republican nominees pledge them selves for a new et - utility, to unite on a Demo crat." We are greatly mistaken in the signs of the times, if the ruptures which are mutu ally taking place in the Republican ranks of 'Crawford county,do not, within the next five years, throw it back into the control of the Democrats, Quern a sensation has been created among the female portion of the eommunity'by the intelligence that a young German woman residing near Parade street, on Sunday night last became the mother of four children at one birth—two girls and two boys. The wo man has been 'Parried only • a little over a year, and apparently is not more than eigh teen Tears of age. Her wonderful success has given her a wide local notoriety, 'and during the week the house has been visited by hosts of women of all ages, classes and varieties. The feat, however, is not relished so well by the husband, Who receives his visitors with a disconsolate sort of an air, and is evidently ruminating over the prole'• bility. of Lis _future household_ expenses in case‘__ other attempts, shalt be of the same character as the first. LETrEns continue to pour in upon us, from all portions of the district, urging a straight party contest upon the local nominations, and tlu selection of a full Democratic ticket. The-writers generally take the ground that in the present state of extreme feeling on both sides, it is impossible for a People's move ment to be successful, and that. if. the anti- Lowry Republicans - of the district are as zealbul in their opposition. i to his re-election as they pretend, they Will not hesitate to place a 'third ticket in the field, which is the only way in which he canto defeated. As the readers of the Observerare well aware, our first impression was in faVor of a People's ticket, beliciing that to be the only means by which our important interests can obtain a proper representation at Harrisbrirg, but the general sentiment of our active party friends, and the timidity of the.dissatisfied Hepublicans, convinces usnow that the pros kcts for the , favorable result of such a dem onstration are not strong enough to make it .desirable for Democrats to-take . the matter into serious consideration. . 7 THE second session'.of their. S. _District Cof!r,t in - this eitYltes added'to"the faliorable itapressioti * imulebpim our -bar and. people by, Judge McCandless' Brit visit to _ Erie. His charieS to the:jury : pie - mo'delS- of clear ness, and-the dignified, yet conrteonionan merin which ho Presides over the-delibera, "tions.of the court, have wOn the. respect 4 of an who have' attended, its- sittings_ 'tteMiAi jurists .4. hits eminence and -ability, 4udge McCandless doeiltot seem to 'regard itasAccessary to preserve the majeslot 'the Coati that he -should exhibit:a constant peeitisliess . of manner, and embra6e etet oppOrtunity to 'snub :the lawyers and wit nesses—a feature of hisadministration which might be imitated with. piont in_ a' certain quarter, nameles - fOr obvioui reasons. Our people will be' Pleaiel' 'tb-leariiuthat the ludie-iSsiighlitialitle4 With his eiPerienee itie this community: 2 :lre speaks in the warm est terms of the ; • kindness which-has been extended to him by all classes, and of the Appearance and climate of the city. - Tits Dispatch l easetts:. That iiiltictelatid faboon keepers ,Of Me city "denounce" it for the Part it'llaa taken , in the - -brinpertmce movement, and, propose _to i their afroriage fre.mit,". The'fnetls itrange and .44 0 0 Incredible.; • .i.s• strionant - a thing to be called:thieves,7 =" - awitulleri t 7 "mrtr -41Crers,7_;',!pactoni6Z' artit:otler fir,•:e Pretty names, that we are. surprised the class refer red to do not beaten en muse- not only to shower upon our cotemporary all the patron age within their gift, but to present it besides some costly token of their hearty appreciation of the Complimentary manner in which it regard , : them. Tan long and anfgrfty 'disputed 'contest over the Twelfth street railroad has ht length come to a conclusion', so far, at least, as con cerns the legal issues involved, On-the 29th of June the Supreme - Conitsendered a ilea sion on the appleation of residenti upon the 'street, ,asking an injimction-to prtivent the railroad company from la;t - ingdown a track. The! application *as priettipterily relltsed, and theilourt ordered that the company-be directed to lay doWn their-Ina in the centre oU the street..' What trill he 'the- further re sult of this issue we tire ;Made at prettent to predidt - The - citizens of trie locality are greatly embittered. -over the decision, and some of them declare that the'roatl shall not go down, In* erne laW. It is to be Itoped, however, for their own interest and the cred it of the' community, that they will not-array themselves against 'the 'lege] eineertigtila State, ibttqlitel s'wlpdug• though;liiip*kuo ockttlitice to wluitAliey'iliutnot avoid. the "other hand, the Mends of the read' are * highly elated, and Confident in their asser tions of the benefitalltat will accrue from the; decision of the Court. It is stated that the track'will be put down at the earliest possi : : Me day, and the -parties interested hope to have the road in operation in time for the fall coal trade. AT ;mts lute• day, au ex tended report of the proceedings= the Fourth would hardly be of interest to our reatlars. TIM occasion was allowed to pass by without if general demon stration. A party of , sorne fifieen hundred took an'escursion to Port Dover, Canada, On the steamer North West, and -report having, had a kod , time. The member* of St. Pat rick's. Catholic congregation held a pie-nie in Cochran's woods; the German goeieties in Ging,t4eleti woods; the United Presbyteri ans in .Eicouller's woods; and a itamberof smaller pie-nics were held in other loealitie.t. The Irish and Germans marel , d in proces sion np - State street, making a good display. Their passed were mattunoth Affairs, and both passed off %cry pleasantly. At each orations were delfrered—that to the Irish be- lug by the eloquent, Father Finnumme, of Meadville; that to t beGermartm by Rev. Wm. Sender, of this city', a speaker of rare talent. The day was attended by very tew unpleasant incidents, amyl mist of our citizens enjoyed, themselves better than if we had gone into a more demonstrative celebration : Through out the county the Fourth' was duty observed in nearly every locality. Pic-nitre were the: the general order of tlui day, bnit, in Corti', Girard, Miles Grove, North East, and one or two other places, the festivitieS took it more extensive and imposing shape: - ' WE ARE gratified in being able to aunounce that the Reed House has advanced to a stage of progrfa.s which ensures its opening to the public accommoda . s9n-lbsi;:le of a. few days. No expense has been spared snaking ikone. of the finest hotels hi the- country, and we feel convinced that with.lialf a dogen"excep dons, and those in the very largest cities, it , will be widmt - aeupertor. 'Everything about the house has been arranged wills an. o eto convenience, beauty and durability. The rooms ore fitted up,- in the r neatest poisible manner, the furniture is of the riehpit and most fashionable kind, and the whole is so arranged as to give the visitor . a feeling of home-like comfort which we have never ex.- perieneed iii any other establishment of the kind. The public have built up exalted ex pectations of the character of the hou,e, and we can assure them that in no re-peel will they be doomed to disappointment. - It is all that hag been promhed, "1,m41 more too." A. FE NI; evenings ago a wedding took place in Marvintown, and the men and boys of the locality, as is customary in small. places, treated the party to a nocturnal serenade with such sweet. musical instruments as tin pans and kettles, horse fiddles, gongs, &c. The bridegroom took the matter in high dudgeon and had the leading serenaders ar= rested, and placed in jail, from Whic:h they hate • since been released. His course aroused the , ire of the females in the •neigh borhoal, v. an gathered in large force, and proceeding to the.residence of the bridal par ty, administered to them a dose of ralathum pianism in Comparison with which the first effort was a mere trifle. The `groOtn, though 'indignant beyond expression, Came to the conclusion that further legal measures would not be advisable, and the women have been allowed to gloat over their spree without molestation. TILE fine appearance presented hyi.he Tem perance Band of St. Patriek's.congregation, and the proficiency they have attained in the Use of their u nents, was the cause of I ti ) t a little complimentary comment on thb Fourth. Thk band .was organized only about a year mien, the members' mostly being mere amateurs in the musical busine44. By patient and persevering elTort they have at tained a degree of progress which is more than usually creditable, and a little more practice will render them equal to the best bands on the Lake Shore. A Junior .Tem perance Band has lately — been orgimized among the members of-the congregation, which gives pmmise of attaining a high stan dard. TYE rtsh of Radical office seekers in War ren purity still continues, and every, week brings out new candidates willing to serve the dear people—for a consideration: If no body else is benefitted, it is a petfect Godsend to friend Cowakof the Mail,whose announce ment column - is filled to the bihm with that kind of "tat matter" which maketh the pub lisher's heart rejoice. The following is the - latest batch of aspirants, and more are ex pected: . ' Assembly—James L. Lott;-Frechold. Sheriff—R. C. Scott,, Deerfield ; Griffin - Brown; Tidioute borough. ' m , Prothonotary—W. 11. Mu-r.r.v,,Columbus. Jury Commissioner—W. W. Connelly, Deerfield. A CIRCE:LAIC to the editor from a Phil:idyl phiaogrieultural 'warehouse contains a state-. ment - Which may interest our farmer readers. We give it for what it is Worth : • "Turnip seed is one of the best and cheap est fertilizers known. Sown as soon as the oat or wheat stubble can be plowed. Sow one or two pounds to:the acre. It grows quick and shades the ground in a few weeks. To be ploWed under as smin f fts the time arrives for sowineof - wheat. It is' equal and more: certain to pfodoce a. cron'than-, iowink one of two hundred pounds of Guano to the. acre." - • Axoso the announcements as candidates.' for Sheriff, on the Republican , ticket, we no• lice the name of J. W. Swalley, of this city. Mr. S. has acted as Deputy Sheriff for the last two terms, and by the efficiency With which-Ate Junt-iterformeti the: duties -of that position has won the esteem of the public, regardless of party. We by no tnean. wish , bq , See's_Aepulilitittii elected" to . any , ofitee" - .lht tlme county, but if the . fates. have decreed that the contest must artigainif its,"as usual, we Ithow of no man whom we had rather see our next Sheriff than 31r:"Sirtilliy. - A cOtrLE young men have engaged the fidnous Jim Stewart to- deliver a lecture - in Fish-aril:ill, (a:Monday evening next. We informed that the engagement is b bona . fide one, and that Jim will poo4vely "speak his piece,' is r u inarlieft character hi the ciitundmity, and the import-' mien , : of his views on the issueskof the day Rill tindouptedly ; . drivv-,lk crowded midience.. - - ; Ittkcompetition-between the - New York reilrpad companies is bringing as hack again' to the days'Of &cap traveling. The rates on the 'Erierdea irefe — fedtie &Von 'the Bth inst.- to the follb*ing low figures Dalai) to 'New Tork - , - Dunkirk to do Salatoknra to do., WE call attoilion to the nor Declaration of Independence, on our second page: it is enough like the old one to be its twin broth er, and in its statement of the wrongs .which have been inflicted upon the people is not a particle less truthlbl. • Warren Mail natter; with the Obiei• ver expreasin. g its gratification over the probability that the Reed - Rouge' will soon be opened to thei pultliq aceotumOatiop, and add,4 : " - '" With sueOthintlous neiemmodations as they (the manager 4 can afford, in a_ locality always hrealthy . find =ref visited bYthe. pest , tilenct,"iidded 4 to the 'splendid sailing and fishing on thii bay and the social refinements of-the people, we don't see what is to hinder Erie from becoming a fine place:; of resort diving the summer months: 'The railway trains are arriving at all hours and jcleparting in all directions; so that no place is more ac cessible. The surrounding country abounds 'with' the rarest and: richest fruit, the upper Lakes and Niagar.l arc very accessible if change and sanety are desired, while the hunting and trouting along the P. & E. rail road are always inviting,to the lovers of that sport." Tut; Titusville dferaTd severely criticises the custom which has grown up among the 4tatliutl papers in that county of supporting Certain candidates and denouncing others, -previOus to the Primary elections, It also shows up the inconsistency of the late Radi cal County Convention, which censured the Mead villeliepubliean for opposing Mr. Low ry, while it entirely Ignored the - animosity of the Conneaut - vine Record against Mr. Chase. It makes a great deal of difference wig) .some people, Mr. iferald,whosp ox is gored. - Din. JAHEs -Mcerittatty,of Fairview, has been selected as agent for the sale of Gen. Bakres."liistory of the 6rcret Service." The 46triet over which his agency extends com prises Erie city, Corry,- M ll Creek; Fairview and Wayne. The price of the book dollars in cloth and six dollars in leather.- 1041;41 only by subscription, and -persons living in any of the localities named, who wish to procure a copy, should give Mr. Mc- . Creary their names at once. itrlD abbtrtiscinent.s Elizubeth Kipper. by 1 No. Aueuxt Term, her next friend,J. Fur nem, -In the court of Com ex. . __. moo Plem of Erie Co. o let,_ Christopher Kopper. 1 ULE on Llnistoplier. Kepper, defendant, try appear on the 4th Monday of August next, to show rause, if any, why decree of said Court, incominglllll . Palzabeth KePper (Min hint, the said iltristopher Keppet. should not be granted. je27-3w. 11. L. llROWR.filierilit 34 :1V ifAVO 60 FAI 0 MI OTRAYED from the premises of the subsea al her; on the Wattaburg & Union rand, four !Wit% from Union, on Thursday, June 1:1211, a M Small Bright Bay are, about 10 or 11 years old, with both hind feet nearly white, and atuall white ',addle mark baek of the left shoulder. A liberal reward will be given (or her return, or Information that will lead to her reenverv. jet-gwo E.ll. BROWER. RARDWARE! EL-OPENING OF THE RETAIL TRADE I HeCONKEY - & SHANNON, No. :507 Prelieh knnounee that they have Just re-opened their RETAIL DEPARTMENT! - Ind ini,ito the attention of tilt wanting Hard - - ware to the sane. - Their Stock Is the Largest ever held ,in North• Western Pennsyvania! ' ComprlAng a general axsortment of all the arts eles In their line. FARMERS will find what they want. BUILDERS will find what they want. BLACKSMITHS will find what they want. WAGON MAKERS will find what they want CARPENTERS will find what they want. MASONS will Thud what they want. PAINTERS will find what they want. GLAZIERS will flail what they want. MACHINISTS will find what they want. LUMBERMEN wilt find what they want. COAL DEALERS will find what therwant. In short every kind of Hardware used by any class In the enniintinlty, will always be found on hand and gold at the moat reasonabloprlces. Ail I:NTS FOR Fairbank's Standard Scales Hay, Cnal, Platforth, Wbeelharrow. Grocers ' Drnaglath% Butebent', Post Office - HMI Counter.; llM== Croton GlaSs Works All SIZPS of Mass constantly on hand at lowest ehash prices A e:eneralAssoitOient of _ w.A.nr_ds, PAINTS OF ALT; RINDS, CUTLERY, LOCKS, RISGES, &C., &C The pnhlle•are Invited to call and exatn Inc for thennzelvev, Remember the place, 407 FRENCH STREET, Wayne Block, °ppm lb? the Ref_ IIVW"'?: ray2V-tf. 1867. -"XiCUIIf4II?".Nt4 THE SUMMER OF 1867 Tie annul Trunk Railwayand noy e itt "Mail atSteamers, with their connection itr the, States ill -• • : • Ex.CtrxeSitor, nriCirpreits Titan Nittintra Falls via. Lake Ontitrio or, Giniul Trunk Railway and its connections, (prating the " Thousand Islands" an&the " liapithof the St. Lawrence" by daylientalo NeW York, Bee. ton, 'Sandi:oa, Portland, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Providence, Newport, - -• • WHITE. MOUNTAINS; LAKE 'GEORGE, CIIAMPLAIN, &C. at. •, ' These routes; by the Laker , the, st . Lasyrenee. through the Calisidas. the Eastern and Middle Metes, are arnong - the Inostaltaaan settee a reeled% abaradina•ln beardlltd errowith4 rtt i reetiing sitellnitigaratlng-atampliere. `Ttek e cfgoad until =Nov.- tat, available bg -ran' ar steamer: Retell Uttte mare than ' - • ' HALF THE USUAL PASE. Included bettreen. Toronto and •Montreal. - • • • 43r. Fortteteti or. niVAlrofitkat!°ll6neern -1".--111712 "14 "MA:it ell-41MM VerifthCP Vocir.*tie..Pa. "NaIIACCA ANDFIGVAIRS. .The - idaeo td get a choice article of Tobwo. -- • - • - Snuff and. I.3Kant brat - .13t311 - 312Af*,02., ...13onthnf tho Union 'Depot. - .t on hand - ti .good . *ortment,-.ot the above artkles of every grade, wholesale said re tail. Also, Pipes, Poaches, Boxes and Smokers' Articles of every description. Please favor me with a call. Don't forget the place. Peach street. mrare7-Iy. 46 13 8 00 EEI MORSE 131....A.M5.MT5: Selling at Reduced Mies, by J. C. SELDEN deel3-tf. WM. H. GLENNY, No. 12 Park Row, between BrowaN Hotel & Reed Honse,' Croalcinti , •,,2ttltaina,' Grinsia , Ware, Tin -- Woillet Ware, SIL ',VEI::: : ,YLA:TE D' - :::IV ARE.! rilE - oiOLE#74,l4 4 i:!'ql*Q-- I GriAMES; I= Parian,: China and Glasi.s . *asps and Ornaine:nia 1 Merchants.; !s upplied at . Ic•rcbc than'. - New York PrieoM. NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE! No. 4 Noble's Block, Erie, Pa., MEN'S, :BOY'S & CHILDREN'S IN ENDLESS VARIETY. THE RICHEST SELECTION OF ELEGANT CLOTHS, CASSDIEHES AND TESTINGS FOR THE CUSTOM TRAM ALL NOVELTIES IN Gentlemen's - Furnishing- Goods, At Prices Satisfactdry to All; An examination of our Stock and Price , is respe . ctfully solicited niN 941 in ERIE RAILWAY. Great Broad Gauge DouldeTrtck Route to voun, uoscrciri, and the New England This Railway - extends from Ihmkirk to New York, 460 miles. Buffalo to New York, Salamanca to New York, 415 miles. And is from 22 to 17.' MILES THEM - WRYEST ROUTE. All trains- ran directly Through to New York, 460 MILES, without change of coaches. From and after April X, 1867, trains will leave, in connection with all the 'Western Lines . , as follows: From DUN .- 141144 i. and SALAMANCA' —by New York time—from Union Depots: 7:30 A. M., Express Mall. from Dunkirk tinily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca at ham A. M., and connects at Homellsville and Corning with the BA. M. Express 4tdl from Buffalo anti arrives in New York at 7 A. M. 2.15 P. M., Lightning Express front I.:Wain:lima daily (except Sundays). Intersects at Hot ' nellsvi Ile with '&2O P: M. Train from Buffalo, and arrives in New York nt 7 A. M. 9:151'. M., New York Night Express, from Dun kirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Sala manca at 6::» P. 51., and arrives in New York at 12:11 P. M., connecting with afternoon intim and summers fur Boston and New England Cities. Front Buffalo—by New York tizne—from Depot corner-Exchange and Michigan Sts.: 5:45 A. M., New York Pay Express daily (except Sundays). Arrives in New York at 10:30 P.M. Connects at Great- Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna t Western Ilailrestd,‘and nt • Jersey City with midnight express train fur • Philadelphia, Baltimore anti Washington. MO A. M. Express Mair, v la. Avon and Hornells daily (except Sunday). Arrives in New 1 York at 7:611 A. M. Connects at Elmira with Williamsport S Elmira Railroad for Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and points South. P. M., Lightning Express, dally(exnept Sun day), connecting with Morning express train. 4 for Boston and New. England Arrives in New York at 7000 A. M. - • 6:10 P. ci., New York Night Express, daily. Con nects atliornollsv Me with the l:15P. M. train from Dunkirk, and arrives in New York nt law P. M. II:33 P. M., Cincinnati Express. daily (except Sundays). Arrives in ;sew York at 11.5 P. Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway,for Willitimaport,Harrisbum, Phil adelphia, Baltimore awl Washington; at Greatßend with Dchisare, Lackawanna d: Western Railroad, will at New York with afternoon trains and ste.: •rn for Beaton and New England cities. Only one frain,Ekult on Sunday, leaving lid Mi..' lo at Ccla P. M., and reselling New York at P. 31.. in advance of all other routes. licsdon and New England passenger', with their ha=age, are trans:erred, free of charge,ln New York. The best Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping Cara in the World accompanyall night trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and;fare always as low as by any other route. ASK VOR tICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at all principal ticket of fices in the West and South-West. H. RIDDLE, - WIL R. BARR, Gera &Wt.- 'Oen'l Pass. AWL - 114)1760. ' NIOW - Frum. Having associated with me on the let of i.unna ry Andrew Mayer, he the - : 3 • :10.-i II The firm will be known as C. Fan;lehnrt anti the business will be carried on as hereto fore at Itio. 19 West Park, Erie, Pa; I C. ENGLEHART: • • M. goinertilisag New. Buy fltivivTipped Shoes foe your children. A. majority of the children wear . holes in the toes of their shoes in a very few days; -then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair must be bought; The • only way to prevent this great waste of money is to buy shoes protected by ail= ver tips. They pever wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last thtee times as long as Without Tips: Leather taps have been worts to some extent, but they have proved worthless. 'Silver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance. and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protradiag toes. We have eanstantly Shove s n the onlY as sortment of Silver Tipped to is. found in the city, including flue Sewed shoes, nahnoralm, Torahs' Boots, ice., which we offer, together with a large and fashionable assortment of Ladies' and (lents' Fine and ljeayy goods. at the lowest casltprices. , , 11ir14,117-tf. • C, ENOLEBART k. CO, WATCHES,: DIA,3!OPS, JEWELRYS SILVER WARE, _ IF A. N C Y Cr I> OA) S AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Staling. 28 Park Place, Erie, Nest door to Merchant's Union Express Co. stock of latooo woith of elegant and fash tunable goods will be offered, fur the next three Months, at t very great reduction In price. The stock is all new and purchased at lower rates of gold than. now, and determined toavold losses in future, small profits and cash trawl:ie. tions shall benefit alike customer and dealer. - Thirty years established In Erie In the Rune business, may be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will be employed. but just enough (Jul Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe transactions and good bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER. For sale or made to order- Watches and all kinds of time keepers and Jewelry carefully re. paired anti warranted. cave ate a all. nty2.67-tf. T. M c . At'sTlN. IMPORTER, AND, DEALER IN OAS Ol[i ,uummtuirts AND LAlijoi, MIMI 4ice.; GREAT VARIETY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NOW OPEN AT Two Doors South of the New goat Offic CL®T:HIIN( ALSO, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS. &c., MARKS A: MEYER 10131 , 104DfaalitADI Fbr the liandkerehief. PULON'S - - - • A Most Exquisite, Delicate, mid a grant,rerftune, Distilled from thR Bare and Beautiful,_ Plower from Isatiali it takes its name. . Mautifactured only by PIiA_LON dr SON • - • NEW TOILE, - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ASK FOK 'PITMANS—TAKE NO OTHER. • gam hr Druggieti sa+lly. CLIMAX !. CLIMAX!! Page's Climax Salve, a Family blessing, rot' , 25 - eentS. It heals without a scar. No family should be %theft it. We warrant it to cure .Scrofula Sores, Salt • Rheum ' Chilblains. Tetter, Pim ples,• - •andall - Eruptioas of the Skis. - For .Sore Breast-or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, &lilacs, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, fi:c., it makes a perfect cure. It has been used - over fifteen Years, without one failure. It has. no parallel—having per. fectl - eradicated - - dißeaa slid healed afterall other rolliedies had failed: ' • It is ti - colnpoiind of Arnica 'with. -many- Other Extiracts and put ni) in larger boxes for the s.lnie•priee than apy other Ointment. • Sold by Druggi.tr. cv..ry-r:herr. White &Ilowlaza. Frolrlyttm. t^2 lybory sir.'vti Noe York. - - The Elastic Family I%fachlne.iloes all kinds o. Sewing, thick or thin, without change of ten. ston, and does beautiful Embroidering. The Lock Stitch 31achines are used for light and heavy tailoring, by harness and shoe makers. Simple in construction--quiet and easy in ope ration. sewing machines exchanged and to rent, by the week or month. Silk, Cotton, Oil, Needle"► &c., constaiitiy on hand. upa.11,7-tf. AGENCY, ir.3.) State St. 0 A, R. H A . FAULKNER, D.1. ,, D., ( SZ2Frenclvtitt*et, Erie k Pri. - myWG-Gru. IN