FOR THE HARVEST OF 1867. REAPER AND MOWER, SELF - RAKING HARVE-STER. OHIO' AND BUCKEYE COMBINED: WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEELS. FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, AND FOLDING • -- (CUTTING APPARATUS. This machine haP met with the most complAs rueeees ha every section ■hero It Ilse Leen introduced, It bai taken precedence over three machines whirl, Lave heretofore tanked as first Oars. We have endeavored to turn lsh the BEST REAPER AND MOWER IN THE MARKET With W. end In view we have !leen rea, by learn and purchue, the control of all the desirable and otandardpat onto now in one. among which we call attention to the Ohio and Buckeye Patents as combined in this mach ine. machine embraces ail thnse valuable features which have contributed to the great STICCOPI of the Ohio and Buckeye Machine., together with a number of entirety new, novel and valuable imprevesnents. In env:T.I,2)I.AS. Ilebtoein of draft excellence end *Wayne of workmadsblp and Swish, combined with vent et ten gtb and - adaptation to an kinN of work, it 'rill surpass any machine heretofore offered to the fanner. • 'The following points of eacellence ,bow the advantage' cf Dodge's Reaper and Mower over all others: Strehin• liar two .tri, log wberlft, niiiell.roppott the whole weight of the Frame, (wring and Day.; gi, w= it groat power anii facility of operation. ' , The finger- tar of Dodge's Machine is attached to the frame by a don hie hinge joint, which allow' It to foliose the surface of the ground, krithnut being affected bythe working of the frame. Over ridges and through hollool„the imtepeudent action of the Cutter I. perfect, euabllng either end to rise or fall withonta tfectiag the other. The most Impnrtant nett r.r a krowion Mn chine is its enttlnz apparatna. Cr all the nenneroera erperiments and inventions, the OPEN, WROCCHT IRODTGUAii - Ti:Tlea — with CAST BTEE4, u asesl in thin Machine, in the only gnu& that bite proves] eoreeeelul in 1111 place, TLe. advantages claimed forthe guards ate s They do not bend or break. They are all ireeraely alike. They do not clog., „„. The draft of this Mashie,. in heave gross or grain, is ravels lighter than ordinary plowing, and does not earned an artrs e m of awl pound, direet draft. A light ;air of bosses Can work tbesoseblaseas,ly all de.y. 14 any Had' of grass or grain, when tie machine is properly adjusted4nd operated. • The S. elf-Rake applied to this neckline has proved a perfect success. It a Revolving Rake. and does ifs own reeling, saving the ea p• rit • and trouble of it 1,4 , 1. end yet perfourier better in all kinds of gralalbso,a Peel and Hand 'Rake an. It makes a rerfeet separation with the rake bead, m all Moils of grain, whether tangled or lodged, long or short. he reason of th • rake revolting over forward, and striking into the anent grain, or before the sickle, ear/ling it along and over the platform, end delivering it in compact bindles. at the rear of the ma chine, entirely out of the way of the team and muhine on its next rom], and ar Oblast any littering whatavax.ll - - - - The double binge jr rat and two driving wbeels moire it the ONLY REAPER PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO UN EVEN OROCND. 'lb* over bar ging Reel is 'nye orts4 arena reel pest, fixed firmly In the dratbar 'octet, and mix' he readily adjusted. op 'or dow n. or backward or forward and all times fellows the movements of the plat form. The grain is resits delivered at the rear of the machine, entirely out of the way of the team on the next round, in good shaped burd'es for Tindirg. THE PLATFONN is readily adjusted to say required height. ..- jr Descriptive I" tryllo• it of the 3larYil3P VII: VP fninirhed as application to . W. W. PIERCE Br. CO., 880 State Street, Erie, Pa., Ger r mil Agents for Eris and Crawford Counties. , itorThe following are our duly accredited agents; James Phillips, North East; G. A. Hein, Waterford ; Sherwood Hoyt, Cambridge; G. J. Record, Conneaut, Ohio; J. E. Fish, St errettania ; W. W. Pierce & Co., Spartansburg; Wm. Morse, Richmond Tp. car Aras wanted in every towrehip to whom a liberal ec =mission will be allowed. . • NA, mime & Boons FOIL Tail MiILIAOI I I. Vlf • HYDE -& WRIGHT'S PATENT HORSE HOE OR CULTIVATOR PLOW GRIATLY IMPROTSJ) SINCE LAST YEAR. The above torah:able Implement bee sleeps received the first premium wherever exhibited, and ell who have used pronounce it farioperior to anything elm of the kind The following are some of the advat.tages this Cu Rival or has over every other Mud sow in use: 1. - tightest* and durability; being made of the best quality of steel, highly polished, and the whole Imple tu , .ut weighing from fifty to sixty pounds. 2. Adaptation to more kinds of work than any other euitiyatt r known; beings perfect and thorough Culti rotor when used with *ll the teeth on, leaving the ground even and level, sad working ,nearer the rows than •tly other Cultivator. By removing them:nail teeth and attaching the wings to the shovel, it is the most perfect Instrument for billing that , can be found. '4. it is the hat instrument for covering and digging' potatoes ever invented. At man and horse can cover po tatoes as fast, as a horse can walk, ands man and team ems dig from 800 to 600 bushels of potatoes in a day, hen the crop Les fair one. 2. it worts equally well In corn or any kind , of crop regal, tog cultivating, and in most cues hand hoeing can be dispensed with. 0. Its eheamteu, considering the Many kinds of 'Ark to whichlt can be applied—the farmer having In one implement all that is necessary for cultivation., and Idling any kind of crop, or covering andiligging pota toes. Nemberless certificates Yrdis - the most influential far. mere in the Halted Sta.'s' might be given of the cope siorlay of the above implement over all others designel for like purposea. We ehell he plieismitivreeelve a call f ona any one who . need' a Cultivator or Shovel Plow, end,explala to th em the merits of the above Home Hoe overisll other Impie. Meola of the kind. We warrant this Home Hoe to work an a Cultivator as well 11 coy Cultivator mule—an a Sherd Plow se well as any Shovel Plow—anias a Hone Hoe a Colonists' ituccens, or refund the gooney if it does not enent'thet warrantee ' - We ateo keep on hand in eonneetton w th our Hard ware, Stores, l'inwate ' and Homo Furniabing Goode, ' ttoreejetre aaeortraent o f Ilerre . Rakee, Hand haikvecti rain iltadlea„ Saythes, tinathes,Forks,lthea,Shoyelr,P.psdes, &c. Don't fail to givisil s • rail. - W. W. PIERCE & CO., Pew% .11Rorite for Porte Hoe to Erie Co., Pe., and I rb ..l.ula Co, Ohio, 21 door from the corner hoe and 9th S'a , Erie, Pa. - apt 1 I -rim Arartrs.—A W Green & Co, North_ East; 0 A Rein. Waterford; D W Howard, Wayne; R Pettit, Fairview ; G J Record, Cenneant ; Talcott & liodge, Genera, Ohio; W W Pierce & Co, 'Spartansburg; -Wm )lorse, Richmond Tp ; Sherwood & Hoyt, Cambridge. SHANNON az 00.; THE PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE! We have no expellee for Book•%eeper. Books. worthless accounts or collections. and can therefore MEM Blickinnithis will and everythfog In their Hoe ' At Marmon k C 0.41323 Pauli tit., &bora Railroad Depot. c;, gibe boot auortmeot of .Not!ons, At tibanoon & Co: e, L.M3 Peel St (Ibnreoal for Refrigerators and MARTIei" at Shannon &C0.'a,1323 reach SL Wosterholm Itorare erlebrat(d /XL COW). . at Sharman k Co.'s, 1828 Pauli St. and Patty Gan at Shannon &C0.'i,1:123 Peach St Celebrated 'Colon Apple Pearyr; gam goinit both .aye, At 'Shannon k Co.ii, 1323 Pesch St. Tar—garrotte North Carolina, &Vacuum* & C0.'41,123 Peach fa. Cc] thee, Saaths and Scythe Stony tJ at Shannon & Co:e; 1= Nadi St W Hails' Now Kota sad Fork PoHiker a tihirpooor at Skaamon &c0.'.,1a23 Poach St. T 3 rushes in variety -441r, Borne, Nang Scrub, Shim?, Whiteweah, Stove and Ceuta/ Ilinebre & Dusters at Shannon k Con, IFIS Pea& St., above the 'Solon RR Depot, Erie,Pa. rr Sole Agents to North westima Peron. for the rehrmidtan PatentAnles; also Herrings' Fire and War glar Proof Safes and Fairhank's Sealer. iyl9-tf TUN PIAVE TO GET To RONEY BACK QM E. COUGHLIN'S DOOT'AND SHOE STORE, State !treat. Nearly Oppositethe Post Ma, 8. Coughlin, Boot and Shoo Dealer, respectfully Worms the Public that he has remould Ids stand to Melton Room • en Stet* street, nearly *posits th. ORos, when he invites all bts old lirt sod Vigt ol2l " to El,* him a call. Partierato attest on Oran to • • REPAIItINGI Biala/ aapad woriszes, sad imperil:dal:inns all Lb biad seas blmcelf.te as cat give firgOOd tam sad sell at salsa rites" sa gym G u n " pitmen to tat atty. goad-Tits Wanastad. astrlreat.' 1r DODGE'S PATENT :AN D TWO 'DRIVING WHEELS DOUBLE-BEADED FINGER•BAI CUTTING APPARATUS DRAFT. AS A SELF-RARER AS A REAPER BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS Are now opening the largest and moat carefully selected. etoek of elegantly bet, nd and beautifully illustrated Ev'er hrregbt bi• market. Including a'andard works. new Enz.'nib and 'American Juvenile Hoek; Bible', Prayer BooU, and Churcli:Servieen, In fine atylec Also, Writing bests, Parley Ink Stands, Ladles' Toilet and Work Bolen, Portfolios. Stsrroscores and views.Praaes Card Pictures, the molt besot/to/ Slltylai School Cu,d to great variety, Port /Jonnalea. Card CUM bold Peas, Propelling Pencils, a large variety of Fancy Articles In Scotch Plaid, Photograph Albums from the beet mow facto - H.4 in the teat styles. ju2.1.60 tf CAUGHEY, IiaCREARY k CO. JOIIN 11. PENDIA2.O - 1 cossiinstaN MERCHANT, For the purchase fad 311/e of DOMESTIC FLEECE , AND PULLED W - 0 0 L , Cash /Assorts. Made. Consignments Foliated. Gans eral orgpeeial Market Reports Furnished at Request. REFER ENCTS.-11. F. Pall, Cashier National Bank of Commerce. New York; Messrs. J. Boorman, Johnson k Yesr York; Gordon, McMillan & Co.. Cleveland, Ohio;:W. P. Wastiall, Cashir First National Binh. Hiunespolls, Minn.; Thos Arthur. Cashier First Nat'l Baok, IZeuton. Iowa; Messrs. Ford, Diann & Co, St. Louis, Missouri, and to any Banker throughout the country having New Yorkporrespondents. rar2l4m• WIIKELICR & VIIILMON'S INPROTID SEWING SLACIIINES IN THE STANDARD IJACHINE We challenge the world to compete with' , us In any and all branches of Warty sewing. It makes the Lock Stitch. Warranted three years. Instructions free to pnrchasers. Odic* between 4th and dth Sts. 0. G. HGLT, Agent, my2.-3n2 kris, Pa.. STANDARD NTYLRS A. M. BLAKE'S STRAW SHOP, WEST PARK All klnde of Stock kept and made to The !Mid style of Bata and Bonnets. Also, ALTETING: BLEAcrqxa AND 81381%0 CCSTOM As tr w as an be wall dose. and I &PALM all caitomens that, with over 26 years eiperieme in manufacturing Straw Goods. they can s y now. at styles and weak bu done promptly din the O. Poesi We manner. Thanking ;my istro or put favors, J solicit !weer orders. Ira" No painx shall ba'apared to make It I thorough EnStent Straw :bop. .0r25-2m 523,000 3 000 * NEW .SIX PER CENT. STATE J.OAN, CLEAR OF ALL STATE, COUNTY AND CITY TAX. , . Harts g been awarded • portion of the above Loan. am Prepared to forresh It In large or swan wow ►t tta lowest manila rates. Orders by mail will receive sfedal attention. C. D. WMll'l', %ago. sprll-2m. 142 Booth BdSt , EX ECUTOWN NOTICE. ' ...-m- • Letter testamentary on the &ate of Yana/ &Con ner. awe, lati. of Rik Creek tp. Ikiti aninty. Fn., bar. fog Men motet to the andetaigned; Notice is lamb . elm% to ell{ nt'objed to the said estate to make tt ate payment. an Mose tube elaroseitainsi the sem will present thmo o dear methentletool. or settlement, ELLEN O'CONNEE, NumetrLs. E h Creek. illprO YI I, 18117-soor4r , . . .: . I CAUGI4Y, NIcCREARY & CO., NO. 11 NORTH PAR% ROW, n o 0 E 13 ! FOIE STATIONERY ARTICLES, No. 45 EtitOADVAY. - NIT YORIC IN STRAW GOODS 'WORN. A. V. 11T.1187 ,11867. .pmm a it-FIFS;;t El MEI GRAND O,PENIIia •Or CARPETS AND HOUSE) tigitishiiie MOO, FRIR CM DRY DODDS; CARPET 1:, AND: FURIcISTIINO FAIPORIUM DI EF EN DOTiF, (4 ROSS S FOSTER, No. 7 Ileel 'novo. a a lO Fifth St teat, E-10, PA Jost rw oira,lana now ntwnloq the larimat and moat rnmdet• •aanrtment nt r`►rpeta eTtr before offered In this markat.ennalathic nt Body Brnyaelr, Tapestry Inglmin,Th , a , Nya, Inarnh., Penh Wool. Sianntlia and Remo; Can ... ton, rolr and Co , rn Mattlnga or all Matto; 011 Cloths, We.. Rug. and Droggeta. NOTTINgRAM, TAMBOUR AND ECOTCH LACF. CURTAINS, MIAOW Shaeet, Shea Flt tore, Honeeds, enrollee and the jn■tly celebrated FRENCH ROLLEAUX SHADES! STAIR AND VESTIBULE RODS. Spring, Nair end Sas flrairs Mattraiaes eoostantli on hand and made to order: The best quality of - LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, lIJ tbo ioacd or noir Wiwi.. Curtain". Shaiel and Lembrequina made to order and hang In the mad othaietery manner. . Ve would reemeetfutly esti the et tent•on of Chore who 111 n filftlishinft. their /UMW Illteff. in POI Luce and earn plete areortment •f WATT. PAPER, nEcor.trioNs. BORDERS AHD Which ten will sell Lt In. Prices icol h gon abort no lice. in nor DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, - w....)4 Zit tboattrottolVot buyer. to 011 X Irer7 sops., riot ■tueE of Toilet Quilts, 'tit sizes, ' Table T.inen, by the yard or in the spread. Napkins, Doylies., emtonied and embroidered, Piano and Table Corers. • - Damask and Hunk Townla and Toweling Pillow and Sheet Linen and Skein, WA bare bait ri - reirect a large and beautiful &port moot of searouable • OR E S GOODS. CLOTHS, AND TANKER NOTIONS, P I EPR4DORP. aROS3 k FOSTER, - No. 7 Reed Rouse and 13 Frenen Street. • Erie, Pena's. N.B.—Particular altontiont paid to the famishing of Minims, Hotels and Prlv,ae }looses. mr2l-th A tl T 1t 0 I. 0 11 Y. THE WORLD ASTONISITF,D! At the wondarfnPrevelationt MADE BY THE GREAT ABTROLOGLI•CT IADAME IT. A: PERRIGO Ph. reveal. secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, Ass' doleful 'catastro ',Moe crosses In love, lose of relkttons and friends, lose of money, he., have become despondent. She brings together those long repainted, given information eon cerning absent friends or lorere, restores lost or stolen property. tells you the boatmen' you are 6-et qualified to come. causes speedy marrisgee and tells you the Tr ry day you will marry, gives you The name, likeness and charecteristars of the person. She roes your very thoughts, and by he , almost super sterol powers un• veils the dark and bidden mysferke of the future. Prom the stars we sea in the firmament—the malefic eters that overcome or predominate to the configaration from the aspects and positions of the planets end the geed stars In the heavens et the time of birth, she de. daces the f.tore destiny of man. Fall not to Consult the greatest Astrologist oe earth. It mats you bet • trifle. and on mar never again hove to favOrehle an sfie. portunity. Consultation see , with likeness and all de. sired inionnation, $l. Parties living at a distance can corissff ,the Madame bifa a l O'M ensile:llfeet end MAP' fiCti nl3 to themeelvtie, nit in parson. 1.;1411.11tui et -1 Pllnit chart, written not, with all inonliles 'answered and Menem enclosed, sent by mall on receipt of price above mentioned. The strieteet ',tenet/if will he main tatted, and al/ correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order tarnished those deer. log them. Write plainly the day of tee month ltd year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Addvele MADAME R. A. PRAM), feb21 . 87-Iy. P.O. Drawer 293, Buffelo,'N. Y. aptll-3m. AFFLICTED, SUFFER NO MORE 'hen to the use of Dr. JOINVILT.E'S ELIXIR you eaebe cured pertaimently and at a trilling ePst. The astonishing autumn, which bu attended this in. valuable medicine for physical and nervous weakliest, genera , debility and prostration, lose of muscular en. erminspoteney or any of the coneequenees of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation eve r d imenvered.. It will rrmove all normal affections, deoreenlnn, ex• eltement, incapacity to study or bonnets, lore of mem. my. confusion, *Mongols of ealf.dretrnetion, fount In. fealty, te It will restore the appetite; renew the health of there who have destroyed it by senenal Puttee or evil p sztte,s. Young men, be humbugged no more by ''Qtieek Doc tors" and ignorant praelltionere,' but send without de lay for the Elixir, and be atones restored to-I:teeth and beppleete. A perfect cure b puillateed fa every in. 'fence, Pries. SI, or four bottleito one •ddreulit. One bottle Is al Illelent to effect a cure in all ordinary came. Ana°, Ps. Jolawrnte's FPXCIPIC Pints, for the stwedY and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, 17rethrat Pk charge', Gravel, Stricture and all affections of the Kid neys and illiadthy. Cures affected in from one to five days. They are nrepared from veretable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or imorernate the breath. No change of diet Is neererary while using them, nor does their action in any banner interfere with business pursuits. $1 per bob. Either of the stove taentfooed amts er *III be lent to so• sqdrese, closely sealed sod post refit by. matt or express,:oo reeget or prier,. Address all orders to sEurTs & co., Chemists, • tob2 1'67-Iy. No. 235 River Ft., Troy, N. Y. REPARATOtt CAPII.Lt. Thmw any your false frizzes. your *witches, your wiz.. Dertroctiya Of comfort, aad not worth a lie; Come aged. coma youthful, come ngle and fair, • • And rejoice In your own, luxuriant hair. REPAR.ATOTt CAPILLT For restoring hair npon bald beads (from whatever estate it mar have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair neon the flee, It hu no equal. It wilt force the bird to grow neon the smoothest lace in from floe to eight roe , e. or lai r upon bald heads In from two to three month.. A fen ivners.,t practitioner. hove de serted that they. I. nothing that will force by hasten the growth f the lair or bitted. Their - assert ions are (aloe, as thriosende of living witneetes, from their own experience. can beutiVitreta, Buttuany will ar e how ale we to distinguish the genuine from, the spurious? It certainty is difficult, itc rdue-tenths of the different procuration* advertised for the hair and beard are en tirely worthless, and eon may have already thrown away 'seri amounts in their purchase. To loch we would say, try thecßeparator Capilli; it wiU cost you VI nthlog "nine It fully comes up to our representation". 11 year droggiit does not heap It, condos oat dollar and we will forward It, post.paid, together with 'receipt for the money, which will he return.d you on application, providing entire utisfaction la not given. Address V. L. CLARK dr. CO, Chemists , No. 3 West Fayette FL, Syracuse, N.Y. feb2lV-Iy. There-cornett' glad ti4lnirt of Joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small; Tbeterauty which ones was so precious and rare, Is free to all, and all mat be fair. . BY TUE FAA OF CRA•STBLLAR'S W HITE' LIQUID ENAMEL, Forlarproving and reatatifyinz the,Compf extoit. The most vibrant', and perfect preparation in nee for giving the skin a beantlini pearl•RM tint, that la only found in youth. It quickly remove/ tan, heckles. pim ples, blotches. moth patchy, sallowness, anotions, and all Impurities of the skin, - kindly beating the wine, leveing the skin whit* and clear u alabaster. Ita nee cannot be detect. d by the closest scentle-y, and being a 'trestle preparation - is perfectly bantam. It iv the only article of-the kind used by the French, end la con sidered by tberarlaisn as indisperwable to a perfect tot let. Upwards of 50,000 bottles were' cold daring the put year, a 'ancient guarantee of its Mosey., Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail. poet-paid, on receipt of an or der, by SEMEN, k 1 FRITS PD„ Chemist", • 255 River St, Ttoy, N. Y. MANHOOD—How Lost! How Restored • Jut published. s user 'Mtn of Dr. • Eulvervell'a eeiebrated . easy cut Up *?: radical cure (without medicine) of 13pernatotrboea. or Petubel Weekures. Inroluotary &miss! Losses. /ropoteuer, Mental sad Physical Isespecycopediutents to Ples, ete.; also Consumption, easy, " sad- fedo, SeLf- Indulgence Cr sex eatrarassone. , inir thrice, to • waled inrnlope.onl9 6 ruts,- - The celebrated. other to We airoirside essay clearly dricconatrates. from a thirty pate euecereitil practice, that the alartaier cossecusacre of self.abeee mar be radleally eared without the dangerous us of internal reed/ripe or tbeepplicatian of the kolle—polatiog out a abode of cure at ones simple, certain and effectual. by means of which-every sufferer, to mattes what his con dition rosy be, may cure hbusilf cheaplA printaly and ;:f il it it : t r ie lector land t e s rh, ould tbs to he , 1 4, ittia l nary ' Sant- under seal In • plain envelope, to anyadd;esi spat -paid. are receipt of sinneets, or too Orr stamps. I Address the puldiabere OK/ti. J. c. KLINE k CO, dec66-kin - harm/IL T. POMO** Bortia- EMMEI 1121. MOULDINGS, BARR, .JOHNSOS .Bc, CO.; I= S T .0,., PIONEER IRON WORKS, ERIE, PEN' or stack is the largest sad beat wet of coral., En: braelaw ovine' *there, the following well lksown varistiess THE MAGIC, A PARLOR. COAL ATOVE...7THO , 61809. Thus stove tepid the same In principle es the P P. Stewart. and Is In every reenact Its equal. W. after it for rale Wlth unlimited, cronederes In Its merit. The ifaile la gold by us at a much lower prize than that of the Stewart, and Is wadanted to be all we claim THE U. S. GRANT. This is beyoad doubt the finest operating Cookie` Stove for bard reel 12i the market. There is no trouble to either kindling the pre or mewing it afterwards. and It can be easily regulated to emirs loft such a hest es Is required. Fire eau be kept to it througlithe night without danger. No one who has ever won It in Opt ration would went to use mry other. THE ORIENTAL. .y P 11110721 wanting the Oriental, ems be supplied by at et Lew Figured, PARLOR STOVES We have the ezelasire right to Penney'rant_ for manufacturing the celebrated MORNING GLORY ! ADRITTEDLY BEST EPEE !INTRODUCED. Alio on band, the Model Parlor, Fayorit., CyHadar, Deese, Pearl, Mob* Raster, and Salle Cotrar;. COOKING STOVES Oar stack to vary larmaasalstlag ln part as follafra COVET, 3 OWITO9I not .006 • ECONOMIST. VICTOR, PROGRESSIVE, SIItELD, agruswc. TRIHMPH, CITA HARMONY, ALSO DIi,IALIIIS IN ERTEL RANGES OF ALL SIZES Including Van'i Improved—the bast In the World BUCK'S PATENT 6•HOL4 HOTEL MOVE! FILADGETT PASTRY HAERRS for Lfetsts,..Baardlag Finaser, to SHEET IRON , STOVES! TIIRNA'CRB> > ♦nd, in rut, everythbry known to the trod. /fir Tin PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOB. • KEEP TUE BALL ROLLING,. EDSON, CHIIECHILL d: CO., raviog removed to their NEW AND . SPACIOUS STORE, NO. 2 NOBLE BLOCK, Are now prepared to sell D R,Y C, 00 D S , Chezper than avor before The following los plies I t of some of the Goothi now sellieg M their store 4030 Yards flood Yeddor ?etas ....... ....10e 3000 do do lbe 3000 do • do 1110 4:00 d, 18e 'BROWN AND BLEACHED MIISLINS 4030 Yards 4-4 Brown Ide WOO do 4-4 oo' ' (Be MO do 4-4 do Lary. okt 8000 .do Flips Brown 4-4 16 and 16e MOO on do 4-4, - 200 3000 'Alo 3-1..... . .__. 12.4 e 80t0 do 11;oaets 4-4 ...... ......15e vino do do 7.1, -- 10* 4'oo do do T-4 200 1000 do do 3-4 1:04c Poor thoorand yards pedaloes ,at 23 mats. AII Wool Moines clomp ~. DOME:MB Ft Alin% MCP ART WXN T.—Red, WM* Blue, But, ke, Opera Fleeces, all eolOn. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT A fill line of Wirt, Mime And Clitidren'e note. n. gentlemen are also provided for in Vile depart. sent. D;RESS GOODS. A fall line at all lb. various styles and makes of Dam Goode, and wo endeavor to suit the moat tutidl• one in this line. We ibow oat goods with groat plea/. are without charge. • A lure lime of inmeh and Doro Olnehame, earl ekomp. Tweeds as /mita for Soya' set year, cheaper flea arty other parties. Call Sad tee them. HOOP SKIRTS IN ALL STYLES 8 SIZES• I'AMILEE NOTIONS.-4 IViIT nos of an kinds, sash as ?broad, IPins,lisediss, Buttoss,Titatsflag , , ie. BPECIALITIEL—Brown sad Bliaehed Man Prints sad Delakea. Vs sell below the market. cir Don't forget the places pORM OF lITATt AND =ME MEM Nut door to tbiPotet OM* Nob)* Block. aprll ho zasow,CRURCHILL h CO .7. EiTRAORDINARY"EXCITEMENT! IMM•ENBE ATTRACTION! ....!01 0 ..''''' NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT FACTORY, Hoop Skint slightly : dawitid by lb boa Emgoad ago per anat. low coal. HOOP SKIRTS . AT A. %MOMS ONE FILICE ESTADI.IgTIMENT! The proprietor! aref•Urennitnai not. to, be enttwitted be the let* ere, hot •till t.. kr4ig.* First Chum itattory to Edo. for .biipttrpnee nt itrapplving latltet—tdth., Yuan nr eld—with a tubatitalliti Attic r, War& A. F Cohen sod Bro. lave lent ram to He. York city to purchase •ti ent're stoat of new rearbtderr and material.. Thee will Warn end re-open their Fee. tare at the old stand. N 0.10 04 *tate greet, (Jolt Sooth of Teath,) ..n or *boot the 16th of Arril, whets thee wilhebsppytons their old Mends and the public general:tr. Al heretofore . . • Boor RIIIRTS ILADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. A.eteaBdinayoanT lady will 61111 attendance, to tate 13301111111", &e. Ladles will tanite remember that oar Hoop Skirts ire warranted ooe yeu. COHEN Ir BRO., 100$ State St., Erle,Pa. air2S-4t. Q7l/11-&/ - NATIONAL TEi;EG RAPTI INSTITUI E, ACTUAL BUSINESSI COLLEGE During the pavt * teny;eVa upwards of F 1 FTEE24 THOUSAND . ' STUDENTS, %prase tang every State to tho Unlba, have gradUated hers. A COT LE OF ACTUAL OUSINF,M. ampollael-with Banta, Store.. P.A ()Rim Cntnmlulon Droller*. heir- Lae.% Railroad, Sten...A.o sod' Tpl.avrapit Ofneemn bra. combining. TARORY KU Students aethoroughly instructed In all the branebes . el a PRACTICAL BUSINESS RIIRCAILI:C.4. Including Rook lre-plor Penmanship, Arilleinailo.Com martial Law. Political Rummy, lin.letim Correenond enciaehe Art or Detertlnc Ceetneerfeit Sinner, Railroad. leg, Staambesling, Telegraphing, 1 - ractlital Banking ke. Studente can dater at anr time and enmplete a hill eectree in from eight to Altair* meeke. PAY' all •rpeases for Tuition. Book", Black. and DI plocua. . , NO MICFRL CIJARTM For Pentnantido, Riesenboatlng, Railroading, Raking or Diploins, as In othu Colter.", Free Les.ana dilly in Penmanship to all atndenta to the Commercial Depart ment- god DINING ROOM Volt CIRCULAR% giving NIL Information, and con taining a eorop'ete outline of oar opt= of Practical anajoule Education. together with TEiTIVONIALS ' Min practical BUBIZINSI Won. lierehs, ts. ticell.ksspers Dayton. &c., address the principals, & CUSWLE.Y. • Ja24 1. 7.0m. - - ' Pittsburgh, Pa. R-11 GOING 2 C Gents' Firnishlog Goods ew22.ft Tb•Stoelt of 14 immer Hats is tataplete, and at prices that defy competition. Alxo, a large.aceoemeat of 11 - IP,TtELT.ASS, 'GENTS' TRAVELING 'RAGS, ETC Silk & Cassimere Hats trade to order on the coatonnater r and guaranteed to dt the head. • T. RENE, Agept, 613 !Rata Strut, wylC-tf. 11 town's Efotel.Blocki Eris, Pa. SEWI N, . lIACIIINES, 619 BIOADWAT, Kaw,YORE. FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS • . ''HCi LOCk STItCH - T ESE WORLP-RENO WNED - SE WI ZVI MACHINE.] 'Fere awarded the hiatust premiu m et the world*, Fair in Londoo,and viz Met premix:meat the N. Y. ate.. Fair of Mil% ►ad Are ee'.ebrets,l for e !Meg the best wort, using et inteeh amaller needle far the same thread the n any other ma• chine, and• by 'the Introduction of the most alprovrd =schist. ry. tee ate tam ebb to sappy the very test ma. chloes to the ft a rid. Theme machines are niw wade at onr new and spa. sous Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under the imettedi. ate esinerviaion of the President of the Company,BLlAS BO E, Jr., the original ineector of the dewing Wt. shine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family ?eying, and to the use or ia eanunreases, Drees Waste, Tailors, Manu facturers of flirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks. &Notifies. Clothing. Bats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Ilhoes: Harness, Beadles. Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, liven, woolen and cotton goods with slit, cotton or linen thread. -They will seem, quilt, gstber, hem, fell,. curd, braid, hind and perform every 'notelet of sewing, , =sate; a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both aides of the articles. sewed. The Stitch Invented by Mr. ROWS, and mid@ on ibis Machine. Lathe most popular and durable, and all Sew. lug maclithee are subject to %a principle Invented b 7 lam. Send for Circular. THE Bow E VACPINE COMPANY. 8P Broadway, Car. Fourth St, N. I'. mr2B'o7-Ir. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR 1 , - CIIASTELLAR'S HAIR. EXTERMINATOR, For Removing Superfluous Flair. - To the lodise eepatially k Ode Invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensible arti cle to female beauty, is easily applakdoes not ban or Iniure the skin, but sots directly on the note. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fora. heads, or from an, part of the bc dy, completely, totally and radically, extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and nateral. This le the only a/lb:dense d by the French: and is the only real effectual depilatory in irsistenoe. Price T 5 nets per package. mat postpaid, to any addreas, on receipt of an order, by BERBER, SKITTS k CO., Chemist", fabledfcly,. „TM River St., Troy, N. V. Thos.McCaniey andJ.V.l3hannoil In Mamie Co Dols' business as Common Plea; No McConkey lk Saannos, 21 Jane Tam, Midg , * vs t Tomlin attach ••- Tba Beelamstraw 011 Company. c meat Ina sansopsit April 1641667,indgmeetty default and ra • on the Probonatarylo cusses damages. Statemett of plaintiffs claim dlod for $735 V. War. est from Teh. IC, 11366, at 8 pair sent. To the shore named defendant—Take notion" that I shall YOUR the damages in this ease, in aearnianes with* above stated rule; at soy affleein Warms, on the 26th day of lane next,at 2 o'clock p. in. Witness soy -taad end the mat of said borough this 80th apr11,1561. royld-dm. , ISAAC 0. BILLER, Pro. mORRISON & DINSMORE, RIRR.EIAIS maim& vs- FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, GRAIN, morn, MOTET SEED, &O. NOS. 601 AND 608, FRENCH STREET, Nstaus ith and ObStnets.l/ne, a. - =Wag arias Rr•apeoloe O . tit* OEIBEI3 MPLIt AT COST) Comer of fono sod' St. Clair 8 tre•te, PITT }3 3URG A, PA The Laroet, 'Cheeped, 'Red IN Tat: UNITED :ITATL4 FIFTY DOIS.A,ILS The Irelsmail/ 'tea of HATS, CAPE, AND Itat reeelred •t SEI , STATE STREET 4o ey A M lia etr 1 Lis 4:' ..tro' -‘ lit - i. tos I * *4 '• to . en is oi v " s. .... • 0* 4 a ~... G=k 404 0, , 4. • 46 444 a .. ..., , rn .4, ••' J ....„.......--- .-. . THE UOWE MACHINE CO,'S THE MERCHANTS UNION EXPRESS COMMIT. - -: ' ..; \•,. - ..., 4 A ..,,`; \ - ~. • Y I %.- 1 ' ".‘Ri, 3..... ' it .: : ,4 ~ CAPITAL, - -' $20,000,000. Cosin:ted and Operated. by Our MeAunts bud Manufacturers, Carries by ExPress, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, Over more tlinn 13,000 Mites, of Eipress Line, Aud to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And through them to More than 4,000 Cities and Towne, At Just and Liberal Rates, Based on DISTANCE" and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, AND will soon exceed thaw run try both the American nu 3 U. 8. Expretx Ws, • Over :$lOO,OOO per month Aro now sar , il to Express Shippers by this Com pany, and this saving can be trade permanent by continuing the same liberal patronage hitherto giv en it. Experience assures our sumo.% and consumes us that we may rely upon the public tonedence aml support, which fu hope to merit steer. ril 4 oo3es No. 20 West lark Row. fst.2l4as C. B. BaRBP, agent. IMPORTANT Loaf Saw, 6 i lba for Boit Whits Cares; do., 8 Iba Brown do., 9 tbs.,,_ TEA AT ONR DOLLAR AND 1:1217 RIM !Da beet tea In the m+ra/ri at Choke Honey Syria, per ga110n.... PrimaOld Jaya Cable, per IQ ..... Mr RAIAINfI FLOUR No family alioul.ttle without U. to aetng t. To be had of 01, as we are the Agent.. Call sod Fatone of Cho i% ,t PATEN? LAIIP CHIMNEY cLzesuts. no Mead thiag colt I,ono SCSLIELS CHOWS POT ATOM Just recolsod. All rd the bore goods wo will wit ebtapor tbao the shoo, st, f2r All ore quads sestet., luring Jost bows Trailed, we Invite all to Outline for thstraelsos. ray :1'664f , It ", TT *N & CRAIG: IN YOU WANT TOE ISE , VI ARTICLE ' Or • TOBACCO AND CIGARS In the Locket, to to ST E it. tit'lt'B, i{•E NRY T r!rMi n IIMMIRCMI/TTIMVIWI WHOLVIALE AND RRTAIL DRAL,ENS Ever/Wog In the 'tobacco lino . --Cigsrs, Plug, Chew log, Cigar cues. Meerachatins Pipes . Holders, etc.. Si was kept en hand. tar variety I• so large. none atl to be salted. 1:17 - Particular attention paid to orde.e and s:I node warranted to be what they its sold for. 1ma316-1y) ‘3i:tE V//,41 tipmANumeTurtEn OP cf C as AND 0 Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, ERIE, CHZISPER COMA. frh I she wuleattUftil and fair, 'With starry eyeti. zed nadisnt hair. When curling tendril.' soft, entwined, ' tnelmined the von heart and mind. • : • CRISPER COMA. . I. roe Carling. the - hair of either Per into Wavy and Glossy Ilinglem or Heavy, Manias Curls. nr using tide &Male Ladortand gentlemen tan beau tify themselves a thousand fold. It fa the only article in the world that will earl stralgat hair, And at the same time give it a beautiful, glassy appmszies. Th e Mister Genoa riot only awls the hair, bet invigorates, beset eta and cleaners it; is highly and delightfully regained * and id the moat complete article of the kind ever r ffered to the Ameriamptiblin. The Glister Coma will be sent to any address, ,nealed and post - paid for $l, Address all coders to . W. L .CL tltK & Co), CbomisiL No. 3 West Fayette St„ Ss noise, abiror-IT. NEW 'COAL YARD MERCER COAL AND IRON CO. YARD SAISAFRAS STREET, ONE-/LtiLP SQUAR NOIIIR OP UNION DENY! Selling the Mercer Coal cheaper than he cheapest other Coals In proportion.. a trial is al) that L Deers tory to convince any one of their superior quality. d ce303,9a EVERY With the COTTAGE PRESS, MAN AtIII the printing material accompsnylog it, every man am do hls own printing neatly, quiehly and ct . eapit. They are so simple in construction, that • boy len years old can easily manage the largest else. Printed Instructions are rent with II I 5 each °Mee, enabling, the purchaeer to to work without a precious knowledge , of printing. -A c'rculse„ containing fall description, prices, teetimonials, sent free to all. Our Specimen Sheets of OWN type r ents„ he., ten eents. ADAM PtIESS CO., PRINTER. (1,..-67.1y AUCTIONS, EDNEADays k s ttIJEWAYS, Fro. 9 to 10 a. m, South Park Roar, A meriein n lock sign of the Bed Flag. , About fOll new stele bell seat, curved back; and other cane, parlor, oak, dining room. rocking ro , d otherchaira Black Walnut cottage. Jeans I Ind and other he& toads. end • great quatlty of spring beds lesladtel the Union Folding S.prfog Red liattrass. ahead of 80 others for anpearance, strength and durability, and the first ever 'Lipped to-this city for sale. Mao, a variety of-looking glasses, eatenalon tables, carpet and other lonnges,with a variety of other furniture, and about 500 yards cane matting. warranted to last for years. The whole will be cleared off on auction days, Lad other days' at Private sate at auction prices. .J2-tf. GI. W. FLIMSY, kuctioneer. S BIINTEIt, 1=4:1 HATS, CAPS',AND FURS, Po. IM7 . Peed' Street, Two doors South of i•bannonlCo:s Hardware Store, • fs offering a very.ens Noe of she ebee. - go,en which will be sold at my low - prime. Perrone wetting anything In the above line will gag It advantageous to call `Lake tars altered and wade altar. deati•tt'- E AGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH BT, ABOVE THE BUFFALO ROAD, ERTL PA HENRY, BRYANT - ft CO., ZANIMPAAMMUUM,OP PARLOR, COOK AND.OFFICE STOVES, TIN *Sum IRON WARS, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW - AND ALL KINDS or IRON camas. Mors" Bton sold by as warranted to gin satidartion. RettleaOlalgb-aboar, Bad Iron; Ro., on band or man. sheared to order. - Puma AND Purr Porno of superior rosin and dank - bfilty 'bray. an kind. A ash and a tair trial of oar artl ess is all we ask. BERNEY. BRYANT A CO. rorars3—tt. • puns LIBEETT WHITE LEAD.' Pr Swot by allpraetleal painter: Tr7 it. IAS You oil Lave to ether._ on}, by ZIEGLER & SMITH ' WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT & &LAS; DEALERS • No. ID North Third Mies% rldla. JWII.I, RISAISN. esseutsnarg MUSS' , 03. S 3 AND SA PARK DOIS, Bus Jut rscogired • 1 . W11141 1 Y CHESTS OF 01101011 TEA , 4 31 , 61 vikkos iriNAMap. 'ASV Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy. designed to be the most effectual Al:Alike that can be made. It is -à concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substancei of still greater alterative power as to afford en effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is 'reputed to cure. It is' believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumoui complaints, end that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service - to this large classed our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it MU beenproven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints Seunrutt ANA Scnaretoce Coitimamers, Etturrtosri AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES. ULCERS, PIMPLES, ELOTCRY.S, Texons, SALT- MIME. SCALD iIk:AD, SITIDLtS AND SYPHILITIC A.T. vecraoes, Msnconise Dummy., Del:lM, Nee , UAW! On TIC Domounevx, Demurs', Drs. PEP 141.%. AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE on Sr. ANTUONeS nun, and Indeed the whole c!nssof complaints arising from breezurr or TIME lif.ouD. This compound will be found-a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel . the foul humors which fester In the blood at that gems= of the year. By the time , ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions' and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted - to do this - hrough the natural channels of the body by 'an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you lindit is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell - you when. Even where no particular dieroder is felt, people enjoy better health, and Unger for cleansing the blood. Keep 'the bloofhealthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no g' health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis - led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart - of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon - the sick, for 'they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Bence, bitter and painful-disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the niarket,tintil the game itself is justly despised, end lull become synonymous with impositien and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend " to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. Aid we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their eon:Pieta eradication from the :system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on • the bottle. • .. $lOO _ 100 _ IOU $2OO 1 40 111 EMBED DT DB. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. - Pelee, 81 par Bottle . 1911 z Bottler for 83 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em. ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this' section, we need not do more than assure the people its crudity is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, pop Tzte on= OP Cost mess, .7aundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ysentery, Foul .Stonmeh, Erysipelas, lkadache, Piles, Rheumatism, Entptions and Skirt Disease; . Liter CoMPlaint, Popsy, Tetter, TIMM and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purffying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the trorld for all the purposed of a family physic. Prier! 25 cents per Boz ; Five boxes for SLOO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicial i g, States. men, and eminent personages, - hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our ANIZIXICAN Amu roue In which they are given; with also fell descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off hp unprincipled dealers with other preparations they • make more profit on. Demand Ana's. and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should hire it. All our remedies are for sale by •- CUOK & 110130.6 lIIPIVE33 AVD TEL COLLEd%, dig state rt, between Bth and 7th. Erie, Pa. The beat, cheapest, actual boldness college of any In the state. Butiloss. men uy it la ■ colter of real merit, which don not give the lie to the pablio by plying diploma* to tho...e who do not merit them. - A College of PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING, Combining Theory and Practice. Supplied with bank. emporium. tantrum*. commbution, railroad, stocks and telegraphic departments. • FIFTY. DOLLARS Pays all expenses for tuition, blink books, .ho Time reqeir .d from 8 to IS ilkll9ll.3srat —We have the best penman In the West. Sind for c !miler with stamp. COOK k 80E43, Pace:pen me; CI STEAM DYEING ESTAIILISEIMECNT. No. 83 fine! Tenth St.. SILI, WOOL AND COTTON GOODS, hone In the beet style. at the IS attest notice;'aneet reuonable prices. IMP All roods will be primed and refinished before delivery •mer• 7 3.a.' T 3 ItACT Y. —Auburn, i t ‘'''• . no Golden. //aloe. "Ad • - ;„ Silken CURL . ; prodo.l.l , by tha us* rf Prof. , DE ' • , BEECIA'A PPISEt LE ,r . CHEVEUX. One aPPlie" ~ ' s, ' tioo warranted totem( the 4 most straight, and stub 28 Ann St.,New York born hair of either set into gravy rioeleta. or.neary, massive earl& liu been •sed by the fasblonables cf Paris and London with the most gratifying re. Yalta. Does no lojory to the hal , . tries by ro - 11, sealed and postpaid. El. fle.rrintire 4 trenlare,saailad tree. ddrerr BERGER. SUITS. &CO., CheaLiate..tio. 265 Hirer Attest. Troy. N. V. 1304 orate for thernfted States. febl44l,f-Iy. V . , ....- , ivnisKEns AND 1101+TaCuRS forced to grow atm" the t smoothest face in from -,.. three to lire weeks, by or. Log D. SETIGNE et REM . TA fIRATECrit CAIILLAI * RR, thi most wonderful . discovery in modern ed. epee, acting upon the Heard and Hair in a most miraculous manner. It has been need by *sate of Paris. and London with the most flattering mama Names of all purabasen will be registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in even instance. the money will be otkeerfnity Wooded. Primp by mall seated and postnald,lll. .ftnwiptivet Circoisme and terstiatorWs mailed tree. Address BERGERXIIITTS A CO„Chemista, No. i 55 River strut, Troy. N. T., sole agents for the United State, feb14137-Iv. N °Ova. ACADEMY OF MUNI C MEADVILLE, PENNA The otghth term of this Institution will commence July 21. and continue shot weeks, allordiag unmet opportunities to thole desirous of preparing themselves for Choristers or teachers of Basic in all Its branches By the ilberallty of the Board of Treeless the Prinerpal will be able to present two Free Scholarships - foSach county in Ohio and Penne•lusis, sad forty of the west. ern counties of New York. For circulars giving tall information u to classes, terms. location, route of trey" et, lectures and general particulars address. op to Jo. ly let, THE - CDOR6 B. PERRIEIN'3. Principal. Cars Brown & Perkin.. CO Brooms St, New York. MEIMiI D . UNTISTIZ ?JIB TESTS! Teeth positively extraeted vithont pain by the we of the new. AN,R3THITIO PIIRS NITROUS OXIDE Gal Who will ro without Seth when Dr.Hooll Is Watts, Santiftil seta of Artillelal Tooth on Imprerred p ri nciples andot sodomite rata ? For a inarantos at la/ work • manship. all reeponeiblo persona wantlaz artificial tooth can got thou on WS, and U entire malefaction 13 not estirned free In mud tit and workmanship, they can be it. tu cd chary. ' Call and sone. JO work Is warranted —lgnararass solletketton.• Rama thins does Soothe Delon Depot. rat Oda. spr44m. DR. 1. C. KNOLL. JOS. KOREMILLVt, PLAIN AND FANCY DYEING,!•;:„, Of all kinds of RIBBON?, YARNS rg..errrEio, CLOTHES CLEANED ?U TEETH! O . J. WILLARD & CO., Masoffittotots of COTTAGE ORGANS Ofßee sod Warefoom, No. 657 Nroodway, N.. yon We to et tei tho iitenUos of DBILEDS and the potato to OCR RIM Stiff IC CCMAGIC ORGANS, Witham Lod valuable improvement', ezeloef Icy ear own The Wei we the LAROEIT IN TFIE WOW sad beautiful ',design and waren , atel,l game aes made from the Bost if tnAtoritt. Vetoed v,tu peat cue, hiving swath pipe ergiin nos or o f yet deeD axed 47.110 W. Aro Itotahod to hi ‘ io, •Itack Walnut and mem. eir ,, o4 Caro. , lot I 1/o.lbi• be lows. doubli blow paws. tow , • • a'. 4•t hsro onr aswpa •o! tremolo st o p with *bier th• most tftstir,.. eSN:4esti beprodocisii. wsrylag at tbwwill of %b- sv. OfUler _ self •ne glumh salvo , %gefr matity,s , will rerolve bar :•rmit 4fret,ard ; 1.10 for illne•it.l peke Itrt iti , r;rtz toll pal tten'aro. tv I 1,1 Alcfr k Cn, Blacttar , ort. , s, Oroadfr.y, h 1: Wholesale Apatt for am t if? ab:r 41 . tit. 0 , .4.,„ %., rt, . T "VOBE" PIANO FORTES, An strictly inaaklag Snit ...lava, and home not I eonain tba LEADING I !AN." valogiver int rodn u d. m00..a Brill M mid at the lowed whottaaic nit.. nr „i goarantire.l nyoUction La,v illattrated price 1.. t r.r lag correct Hatt:l.'l4(o= pbotc gni; ha teat to aal a , dress on application. addrein 0 .1. WILI.A.III. t Wholesale Apata, No Or Br. adwas,N ; y. TRY .Ithi;Gs . NEW PATENT PIANO s root' • mbao.i.a i et by tire trade sod yr, to r' s , th . Neste:et and most galrabie Stool taxaslactured tre ste Wholiesls gents for this City, sod arc at • re,: tle.til the principal Music Nooses is Nies , York ...ill Theo, stools. sod so mat b the &mend, tb t s largo Lewy bag bet toresgelosprible cf turning cat I,WO stee'r g o ir roootb. Pealsra supplbdatthe /4 wnlaotuiers L9WE3T WHOLlnithii PRWES—bosed so ! skipped tree t` airings. flood for price list g.tlos fall particulars at! correct nears, 0. J. WILLARD A: ' Sols . WDolesale Atents, 627 Droadway,'N.Y ?SSW MUSIC, • Joßt PoldirFed, a.nt to any addrtoi nn rmeptpt at rHce. Teselars ea• pli• dat the usual edeoloat . Girls, get a home of your uwo—New song and cho re", by Tucker 1 11 . forgot thee dear liaty—loo, by Bishop„...o) My bine eyed Jennie Belt—song by Holder Oh Apale come back—song and thorns by Tuceer....23 Told In the twilight—loaf and thorn" by Cri11ey....3) toilet msrry a man if he drinks—wag I'll marry no nen if he drinks—reply to the above-33 Beautiful form of my dreams (Llthl—e .nir by Daoksin .14 , hop we marched to the roll of the trot —shag ty Blahop Ob tome to it. *bee daylight seta—wig by itaaelerthi Neaten* and dearcit (11th )—tong by .7 EY ?baba• Dire me bones: friend* and Una—sang by Tii.ker...4o Do tint he, ti her rarniag, trp'y to flyp•faw' leantlat— snot by Tucker :erde who Bees in the deli—song by J. R. Thomas 55 deftly e'ee the rippling waters—son be J. It 7 0...5s ' with beautiful Lithograph of the Anth0r........4 , Bell. in distant lands—song by Tacker__ to Th. light stew Yolk.—be Frauds N. Brown ',15 Storolog light subottiseh—by Readout to Sunlight yolks—he VI'S. Parkhurst 415 Paolo galop.. by Mee. Parkhurst Se Something pretty, Nasurks—by Kra. Parkhurst td Beware. Quar'ett—words by tolgfellow St Pretty Ressline-•tong by E. Follcsan 45 I'm glad fence! tome—tong •J Botha'. we , come to Pat Simony G Her heart is all mj own-,by Bess .u) The cot beside 'the mill—song by Calton kt Swinging round th• circle. ' 55 'Too naughty, naughty man—et ng in the Wain Creek SS Now 1 ley me down to sleep -song and chorus by Wal bridge 30 Blue eye. or black—song by P. Baker ... tS Stars of the summer night—Quartette So Corning, coming, by and by—song by Gabriel 44 We'll go with Gyar.t again—new song and chorus by Tucker St Milt, boys, halt,—song and chorus by The new home, sweet home—song by Baden Parepa.VP Any music published will be rant by return midi, and parties over-paying will rect.'s. their cc sage with the mut+, Address orders -.0. J. WILL sRD & CO., fehi't7. No-621 Broadway, N. V. P NUYS BAIL ItOnD • ----- T 131,1 anal line traverses the Northern andhrorthwes counties of Pennsylvania •to ths city of Erie.. Labe Erie. It has been Istised by ths Pussy/soma Ran rya Company. and is opersted by tletn. VMS OP PASIUMOZIt ?SAITO AT NITS Lnn Eastward. Mall Train Kee Fizpreu Train • WIV re a dceorn Arrive Weatvard Ilan Train,..._ Eris Express Traln,:. Warren Ancona,. :Paseo nyer cant ran tkraagit aa the Via MAD and Fr prvaa traits without change both ways between Phi :44.! phis and Erte. New York eonteetiou : Leave New York Yt 9 00 a in, Erie 10 (S) a us. Lille New Ytirli at 5 1.4) p. m.: arrive at Erie 408 b. es. Lean: Site at btOp m; arrive at New York 31t r. tn, Leave Erie at It 25 a. re; arrive t New York 1010 ams. ; , Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night trains. For information respecting Pamlonger banner apply et cot net of dOth and Market eta and for Fregki business , et the Company's agents, R RIyO3TON, Jn., comer 13th and Market knelt,. Fhtladiaphln.' 2, . aSYNOLDS. Rote. V. BROWN, agent N. C. R R.. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Arent, ?tale. H. W. GWINNER, Gen. Ticket Art Phila. • A. L. TYLER, cleemeiltrnterintsndent F rie Pa OVERNMENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE ( 41PITKIN R, CO. 6,000 new and second-hand Team Earner,. 1818 a Br) dhas and Collars. 3.000 Saddles. all ate lee—sl 10 to $B.OO. WO four horse Goren:men% Wagons. 21.00 mar Oct Qoveri, all elses,new and worn. 5.0A1 BlBoketa and 110118 CoYert. - At.), a large stock of lie a., Las WhiFo. harry and ambulance Harness. 'Portable Fero: Ssinglctreea, Lead Bars etc.; etc. Wheel Tram Harness—little Worn--all oak tinned leather . sod.err. inrable, cleaned sad Si 00 per horse or mrle. eluding Bridle, Lead do., $4 00 _Wagon Bridles V 0. , .S 1 to $2. Lairs. hair lined 'artillery clues, $' sod OM. Dottb , e Tait. $1.75 to $2.21 105' U. halters $6 to $l2 per doa Officers' new sad:. r• $7B, ith plated bis bridle $2l; good u new 5:1, •Alli Widt $l4; wallsnanddies far boya.sB. Wson coml. wade to fit any wagon, heave linen. $3 to $0: •olwrlrl cetton Cock $6 to $8; 12 ca. duck $9 to $l2 - 1 8( 0 hce pits) tents, new and good as new, 12 os duek-14 tees equiv.—s:lo to UR Clearers' A. tent, 7 feet ocasre, non $.l to $5. 10,000 hap, from 12 oa. dark, lot 6= l M. 3 - *Tithe% 39; 11,4 boa. $10; 3 but. $ll per dos ; 2.l.,tfir $7 $O. $8.1.0 and $9 00 email orders smithy Ewan, C. o`. 1). • PITAIV & Cu, Erte n ?ena•s No. Z.IT and 3:9 North Fort St , ra, N 0.6 Park Place, New York, and No. 453 Washington, D. C. Pries list cant on application MOSSY, FRES AS WATS& /0000 Active Local r.nd Traveling Agents, thirst Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade is etc• City, Town, V illsge, fiamiet, Workshop and iMetol throughout the enure world, for the most aalasble co . eities ever known. fOO Isr cent. profit and RIADT tut , tortusumusi out aaa. Smart men and women est oils from $5 to SOO per day, add no risk of Lou- A rud capital required •,f form $2O to sloo—the more moil invented the sreater the profit. No molter required , ' advance— we first mad the articles and receive pay am ward.. If yea actually wish to make money »PO and easily, write for fell reirtieulars, tad addrea lIILN OR kCO (From Arts./ :IC Booed we,. N. Y. Car Newspaper, copying will be liberally dealt intl. ‘,.." ~ ... ~ 7 - "/",- , lir . ~.. .. 1 , E N It AVIN t. BUSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER nat nettle; Certificate. of 011.10 Other ewe., STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, zle , BY J. Y. LAPHAIL, PARAGON DVILDING, IMP PARK Now, ap21115-ft* PM, Ft CIE= UDSON & WILDER, Manufsetarers asid Wholes ,le Dogrr. In TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED WARE. STOVE TRIMMINGS, &C Waterford, Erie Co,, Pa Ord.?. by mstryromptly itt•nd.l A . VEII%, LimMEV 41e,aleuAR0 TIN, SHEET IRON &„ COPPER WORN, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS: No. 331 State St.,,Corner of Fourth, Erie, Pt WORE Of EVERY DRSCRIefIoN, to eittutx of the Do?, brioches soltetted end pcicut:! executed. C. AVERY. B. RUBLES% U MAURO Ho rinte Worker. Copper Smith Gas & Steam fa?. teeptl3-113 F A I. I; &KW, 6000 31118. 8. H. HALL Takes pleurae In announcing to the pliblle that' has opened a new store at 1229 Peach Bt., 1 equare - North of Union Perr,! Where she will keep constantly • large varietY MILLINERY AND DR Y GOOD 3 ' Holasrp, Clothe, tad a general assortment of e r•rythig usnalty kept oa hand-in a store of the end- do cro new stook of Goods jest wend from toot H EARN, IMUISTLIN & CitAlai, . 4gra - Is for IiAZAWS BPOBnliG AND MINING TO Also. Alma& tot" LZVELAND MINING AND BLASTING TOO- til r for the celebrated -10 21 a. m b 09 p. OU a. et 4 (14 p a 1000 a in 6{S p n . mrl4-2c Cg.IRDS ISM= STOVE rIF X, 1=0:1310EI