The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 13, 1867, Image 1

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    Ode' tt► , Ohittlft.
OTFICE ItAVirN2MI IO'S Ett,p ex, (cre stAins,y
, a
si•riscnrprzoit. —Single copies, paid in ad.
ranee, P2,30' If not pWd-until the end of the
year, 04 00. 04 00. FiVe copies sent to one address, $10;
ten eopies, $3O. ‘l.
a.- AU subserletton actottnts toast be Settled
annently. 2i , io twiner will be sent to any person
boserenponsithlay idattflegolnunirdnotithgs
price ig paid it - Ruh:Mee. ,
thing rates, which wilt lie striet4t ro tered to,
In roekoning.the length nf,tilkee '
considemd.ok r actuaciaelAxt 4641 Fr
boltaor inch 14 r4hptj tic VAisagnairo:
2.51 1
No. ku•ertiotitt,22l. IL teldn., :5..7.14 ' sr
use week I thol 1.75 2.2.5 •.t.7. fr..tXl 7.W p • ,
-Tw, , ,,v,,ek5....4 .41,a1 az, ,A* , , iv., 20 „c o
Three weeks,L2,ol:l) 3J'AI 1 6.00 MO max no o
Four 110(4;5.1 9 ...1tT5 4.50 •
~,' , 1,1 ? 1...
Tu ~ m0n0... 7_l:rs, 501) 7.01: Vet &ro 1,4
m r ,emonthl iygl e gilMia. ‘ 41ST E4 sum
4t:i; 111011tIth— ..9 1 ~ ..uvarki mg, sue
ono vcer.-.—... 12 . 011 .204 30 • 3 0a0.u0 moo 1,73.00
r.,,,, arm - ..mmintstrsatlre , , iN o t i ces „t 3
~ „h : .tuditors' anti Estrotr• Notices 03 each •
. 5 .,,,,.i„1- Notices, set In Leaked Nonparlel, and
iu.,,.rtcLi before 3farriages and Deaths,_ Z per
wet. Ina 'lda ion to regular rates; Local Notices,
li md , het VS" the Perheklocetitit per line, of ten
1,,,,..., for first insertion, neents perilne rot See.
„., 1 . ...1.,t ten cents ter each atignent Sumer.
~,,.. Dikoriat Notices tli .. e.ents per line • Mar.
no •.,.. '0 01l t 6 Z' Deaths ...)er0.104..i1r))4,41a
~.;.leatt in'terted irrerPOtlicsit; t
roil rate , . Persom handing hi advertisements
..hool , l state the period they wish the:rupiah.
i i.. 10,1 ; otherwise ther will he eontitmed until
~,,1,., .s, lout. at the expense of the advertisers.
J,,,, ihttN - ruco.—We have ono of the beat job.,
la tlg . tutees to the country, and ars prepared to
do an r kind of work, in largeorantadordate, at
as re,ou Ina hie prices, and In as gooki style, as any.
r..l,ll,llMent In the Wintry. • -
xtr, ommunieatlons should be addroused to
Editor and Proprietor.
81151nt65 gotiro.
crooked , trefq, , ffnfifit le;eorfttfy, , l4l:`,:
1:..1;. Ward, Proprietor. tf.
E. eIt. I MPRAUSE".q,- - L
- Justice of the Pence, Farrar Rail Bantling,
le, PI , . octlr6.l-tt.
(.11 - .A.marg CUTI•k..II, „
Att,,rtwy at TAW,. fitranl # Erlo Cinntyv
cz e ojons and oilier business attended to with
prempole.: nod t1.1.5p0,201,
. 71
! , ,nenror ?A:lrvin:Attorneys mu! MYnfoglnig
At Law. Office l'aragonrte,ar North West
..f the !Square, Erle, Pa.
I•:: PHIL° nExicEIT;
.iti=th , of the Peace. °Mee, otecond floor,
Wayne Mut., Frenehxtrirt,between FUth and
E.1,(1 - ROTEL; • •
NVaterfara, Pa., nobert Leslie,' Trtinitetor.
*aeonnawilatton* and '!careful attention
gl% ea to tile ewnfort of guests:
Dealers hi Pine, Whitewmod, Marry - .Agh,
NVMnut rind ihtk Lumber, 7 att'am7l47llndles:
I ifltee, Stnte street, worth or K K- Depot, Erie,
1.:.,. , , , -,
' 'y .r.- ~ .-7nY2-11'.
vlirslehuks and Surgeons; °tee; 'odd Pgii•h
reet. southwest Corner Of 'sixth. Onion open
und night. Dr. Arlal regitlettee 014
'1 vrtle street, between ..NlntAnrul Teatth,strocts.
Inyt!df. . .• .
ittorizry at Law, and JuiLico of the lidlateli
Claim Agent, Clinveyancer and
...Holm. °frier In iiindernecht'ainaelr, south
wt,st, ,orn or of Fifth and State.atreeta,
M.' D. 053D0D10.".8.
Livery and Sale le, on Eighth street, be
tween Ptah. and French, Pinto homes and Mr*
dart , . to lot on rennonable tetras..
Brewer and Denier in' rfop& Earley%
:11;(1t, 11Vr, dc. Proprietor of Ale and
1.1.7er lirewerieg and malt Warehotutea t Erie,
Rt. • . jy1.2:46711
- AV. P.. 3LAPILL,
Dentist. 0111ce in Rosenzweig s Block, -north
,i.10..01 - thr Park, Eric; Pa.
DeTitixt.' Mee, Prencih street,, seishild 4tor:4-
Itcrrett'v Block, near the corner of the need
itg,nsp. nett& • •
lIOSKINSON, "Arl.L.t.l.kW IS: CO..
:.5,..:•...0rs to George J. ?Horton, Cot:nods:4on
Men•hants, "and Wbolestde Dealers In Coal.
.teen t e farN. Y.AE. and. Peoples Line of Steam
er., L'ast Public Dock, Erre, -Ps. jaftri.
NINCIIRp. & co
- .
uet lon and Con milks lon 3.(ereliants, and /teal
K.tato Agents, /L 2 titate street (corner :NTlnth,)
Erie, Pa. Advances made on consignments.
a p
Tailor and Clothes Cleaner. Union Block,
above 1)r. ltennotra °Mee. Clothes snaile, clean
.•l and repaired nn short'notlee. Terms as rea..
sonable to. ant - . •
Attorneys at I.ntv, Franltn, Pa. (Mee In
K.Tr.; inflicting, Liberty- street. rttkole City,
over Kenap's Bank, Hamden street.
Collections promptly made in - all parts of the
all regians.• , ^:* Jaur
dealers in hard and soft coal,Erie,
ra. Having disposed of onr dock properlY 11
01, • above named firm, we nevem: ll ' ll s'TM Ire in'in
11 ,, OW trade, recommending our sucemcors ns
, worth), of the confidence Awl patron
3ge of our o/d friends and the puhlle.
14.^,17-11. SCOTT, RANIIN & CO.
FW•Altontl.ble'Pailoryttlla ttttret,betveen State
am! Pearl), Elle, Pa. etuatoln Work. Repairing
n; ,, 1 Cutting , attended to promptly. aplll'W-t.f.
coritcr of French and Seventli streets, Erie,
Limner 4: Johnson proprietors. Good tiOrSea
and carriages always- on hand fit moderate
CEIAPtN rannerr,
viiv.fehm, anti Surgoans: Office 'tin.7o Notiie
Mork. ()Mee open (lay and night. hr. riazTett's
.r. , pleziee, 1o.:11 IVegt .StICSt. tnytn'67-Ir.
Bi.x.Ntrr ,
rnio, N 1.111.4, Eric Co.: George Tuber,
propritor, Good accommodations and mode
t charges.. WytlV;-;11.
F.O. v. r,EN - , , a. -- rr, M. D„
Phy , 4felan and Surgeon. Office, East Park St.,
over I la vprstlrles flour store,—bourchet the res
ilience; of C. W . Kelp", IM door south of the M.
F. Church. on Sassafras. street. Office hours
from 11 a. sn. until': p. in. myiteca-tt
Dealer in all kinds At Family Groceries and
Prm isiona, stone Ware, 4:4%, and wholesale deal
',l. in Wines,Ebillorc Cigars, Tobacco, &c.,No. 26,
I:aq Filth , streei, Eric, ra. Je6'C7-tt.
E. J. FRASEIt, M. D.,
llotituipitili le Me:Octal] and Surgeon. °filen
mid Itesi.lenee lei hermit St., opposite the Park
4 itilee hours front 10 to 12 n. in., to sp.
mei 7148 p. tn. .
Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Iteiddenee
r WiNth , trey.l and East Avenue, I:avt
situation.: turntshNt for girls of nil deserlp
nous, far prt ride throttles, at short notice. f9ukni
-I,,ratabl., Yurstut. lionstdzelirtt, SOnnistreWs,
Wltitem and Idechanles of all gluds. Also, Ho
-1,, ilmusss and Private Farntllos sap
t.l:,4l with servants of all Itlnds at short notice.
, rt I fi , n4el ( . 411 at this, office, No. 1t.:32 Stale
••.t real. PAde, Pa. • t .T. P. crimot-
Vronenberger, at the new brick :tore,
F..;;Je Village, has on
hand a largo assortment
'4l Gre , erli-i, Provisions, Wood and -Willow
ar,, Wines, Liquors, Sag. ara,tffc., to winch he
..11118 the attention of the ;public,
that he can offer as good bargains as
an be had in any part of Ernrrounty.
rartirsl, „ '
It E.-11, ESTATE,•
Life & Fire .Insurance !
No. Si State street„ Erie, Pa.
z. tt - 41rprir, Agent.
Evfq.y In‘trement warranted• for live year&
Z. worm 816 State Street,
, - Erfe, Pa.
. •
wS /41,7-11.
"'lerNiguml hag ceitablialuxl nua_niatitctory
for the .
acting and Grinding:of Cgffee,
.0V • f3PICMS.•
kul * furaLsii these articles to grocers end
others, both ut .
I c 4 er prices than-eon be" obtained at any
establidnuesit in Nee, and give a better
lie also keeps on band forsale at retail,
aud sw an r articles in the line of . eO .
tan, at 1211 Paatch:o4l::Wet.
• Betwecti 12th and Mt kis.. Rae. Pa. -
31-3tra. .
Gazo agi ni v: Lniwe rrir.
0014batielterrn ,Depet
No. a South Park Phut, Erie, Pa. -
FiCtMAFP. , • Y 9[EN.I . ; I! ! r
Has pnrehasedthe'sfoCkana ; feriae of the atioiv
stand and proposes to keep the most exunMe
stior/s oflcopehtinAhls Una eyetorerad
Tne•pubno van hereafter' rely 'npon'ilndlng n
tilt Imo:lnstant of
Groceries . ,' • se - Feirelgn 'Fruits,
• • ; ,,,, 1.T.Y .G1 40: 1 44.414 60 4-.!,-,.,-,'i -
St'f 4,l4o tn e ..ltekc,P dAPI Aop.
,n, 2. yurrn, ,
;iOll. - 4
• Nvikotegftle tthd !iepitt
And &Worn In
Wooden and Wllline Witie,TiAittee*Regni*, &CI;
-fic Tbo t i t uai itY° 41- ,
FT f 3 db'eDtokt~e~ir~s~glau~,
1 % 11 11F , *;•;*Pi.. ,81 57 b
A choice suatl fresh 00444;7'3n: kept op
11 1 , " } ! I P/, at. I le •!Prl t '
• ..
p invite iedge,ourselveti riot to be. di diritold:ibtV
loglventro call. _
IMPORT - ART To, Tilt rumba.
Groceries Retailetl at Wholesale Prices
The well knownwholmle GroCers of haft - rack
• f 9 ) "!tt . l
Wir'; ATE-STrIV•F-47'
Three doors north from Eighth, where they will
keep Oh Land A large "uppty, or - •
CHOICE FAMILY (=CUM:01;1%0'71810NA
- Which will be sold to
Being enabled, as Jobbers , to buy our Goods nt
much :over um* tizturtvtah dealers, re ,pro
pose to give our customers The benefit of such
advantage, and invite the attention of all those
who wish to save molter 41 httYlotres, to
our J.lll'ir,ct and lWell &Medea stock.
Goods tylti:efed.lree of c.tunlge, to anninft Of
the city.
. . .
• • Dealers In •
10 lONS,
502 STATE ST., COMES Fr T$ ,
,Late of the thin of Siegel kficott..,
G. F. FRIDAY. aprl3'67-tf.
New Grroery Store-.
nro3fAs tatA
Have opened a nese Gmeery'fitore,nt the stand
lately (relapsed by J. Evans, Jr.,
_ (Next in
Where they will keepn a Cinnplet
stock of everything in theirline of trade, inelud?
• • , .
- All bt s rhlch be sold*
4•he :itiaritot
The peddle ggtottiVl I 0 OM arid examitfe our
stock. We pi eagQ ourselvmi not tube undersold
by anybody. ' • • '- • appl7drd.,'
• : Whole ale nnQ . •
A. 1113
) - ;-
F, scataurecnom,
SCiec4fiai Fo F. a sr. ' , Aehiiiiiiieckis,• u noarl re;
calving a splendid assortment of
oiquOrs_, Wooden and Stone Clinre,
- ' Bee 11;, at tho •
G-rioery IMesiciquititerst,
Anierasin ,A:t7it;
inyirei • . • F:l46llArnkilLea.
- G
. .r.otnenf ittet*Ati4eifite.,
. ...yell:exam= MOD. VISA am.
seqDpt.b.• bee no Ddebtee, TO,ooAtitite Deo•
ple mectileuesail ebeg2lo").ll,ll6oneri
. ,
, • ~ . , .
• Reiraidof thifolliaidreiZaUgra--; •
- • • • , .•
TO any man whecan get , . goalie at Die afore 011
eredts, dlekneee ',Daher be. De, rich or
roundellkerer.ODD tioibile *ere
44: .4co4",fiiilleth4 los iDl4itteloo`.the
1410406 :". '
EAP FAXlLY74ltßsS(4,itlipt
d ot !? en Tat um% - A m*
Rim Blab • PEtt i rill
l a b leni v lVnlt il ltearg ita Xia
dlnee, ev allains. Plates. Oman and, In
nunsuottagr belonitna to it Pink
- atWAHZ
CI -
.14 1 ,I.k
..'rY •)[.
fionthard. -& McCord,
~.:.1 1 141.10Alki, .
rOrtle GOODS
•A " !:"
ciur stock Is the tamest ever' brought to the city,
consisting of
i,; ' • *,•
PunkirA, ,, DELUiliffi; ,- Stak tfains,
nttAcirED 1311EXIiNGS;
' A complete assortment of Dress Goods, every
kind of article In the Notion Line, and, in
it general assortment of everything needed by
Country dealers. I
•, . .1 - 1, *1 •it itx
1:i a • .ff ' '3
Counixititlois kit s WilttoAlV 610
tWo do o. strictir , 0 1 010119 inumolvd.
gelling:At 'Stela prigtrniumpo ,it
votitage of meretuinut in tblis'itectlen Sr&
£.lle, Instead of sending East for their gocubs.
11"1.24UT * 44 4 6 . ; . • 3CCORD.
.114:344 • " "'-
• •
Clarpet, & Dry Goods House
. ,
A. complete stack of Meetings, Prluts,
Ualpar, Mane ,Iriaa r and }Yen*
wurrw. Giaonsi,
Call and get prices before purebtudng.
aprallf-Iy. No. 506, Marble Front, State St
isi2,t3rA.r.v. FITIVEJOT.
!y Good.;
The largest mtl•best stock of
Cloths,' ClOhltings, DeLathes, Alpaeas, .Loons,
Molmirsilillks, Black anti Cotom_ Thiblt,
Cashmere, Silk, Mocha -11114 PiaSiff
• Shawls. White Goods. Hosiery,
Notions. &c., &e.
- ;
Goods morked down to meet the market. No
trWbje to thole gm& Call an&extirrilne..
Narlet,i , atadidrenlAttlis and Panay •
Ladles' Ready-Stade Underclothing. A variety
of Gents' Furnishing Goods:
All of which will be kept on hand, and also
made to order. Our goods ore alt manufactured
by ourselves.
Stomping, Stitching, Fintliffstr ifa i Braiding
gone'at the shorten nonce. a r " Ul "
ety of the latest' Style Patterns rind es' tout
children's cameras. All orders will be prompt
/3" attendedto., ..10FiN FERRIER. •
apiel-13". • • French 134, between 4th und sth.
Itituttittic & Unluttating.
;y. NtdJodLsszßni
J. H. MIXT & CO.,
10. 618 ere= sTBZET, EBIE, PA.,
'''Shititilitetnien:idacrttestletti In
Furniture of, EntrY: Description!
Parlor, Dining Roan; and Bed Boom Seta, 011 lee,
Schaal andifotel Seta,.ans) , ..rwiery - •
aeticle thy ~
• Our Manufactory Ja heated on Elghtli street
And the *fttial, and:Our ,Ware Rooms at MS State
street In the - latter place stre keep a Linter sup
ply of furniture than can be found anywhere
else in Erie, all our own nuintiftieture; gotten np
, the
particalar.eare ,for custom trade, made of
, the best Material , and- sifter the most approved
style and manner. Particalay attention is di
rected to our -• • ,
Of which we can make a better article than
'can be purchased at wow of the attractive ware
louse* in the - Fa/4am' which we guarantee to
Ix, First, climb in every particular. Full sets
=in Waluatatose Wood or :any other
l ovens pur d with the goods
_manufactured tor Oursasortrat
of +Vulture la, Itae p ose,
so' complete th en
' everxowitemer coo bo salted at drat exam hub
tlem, •• •
We have ecetunenced the business of Under
taking with the bestequipment over Introduced
in Erie, and witiLtwo ev,ylient hearses, one of
which le as tine as anyln the State, are enabled
to attend to fpneral orders with the utmost fa
entire:ad satisfaction. - (thirstock atheism and
Burial' Cases, Trirrindraer, &c., is ltdi In every
particular, and we are rationed that we can till
every orderpromptly and satisfactorily, in the
city or county.
myfX67-tf. J. U. RITILET & CO.
N" •
Wholesale and Ketail
• 1.1-avinginintbased•thaealre Mock .or Furni
ture Mentsa.- Moore tit Riblet, Irespectfaly
nag my old mutton - ten; and the public generally
To give sue l pal at ;he old stand; • ,
Before perebasingreimearbere.• / Wive n• large
ti of
•'1 ' 1 %
- I*mr,,7 - 4Amber! and 110 limn Nets !
Is4lSt i tit4, "CFIAIRs, TABLES,
And, In Met everything in the lit:tent Furniture.
...Isun,prepared.tenuutufactoretoorder any style
that pay be caned' .Rentemher, lin. 115
r a f tau ttettreet, ta. ' etuit aide, bOttreen Sevent.b.„ and
all2Str7l.l. ~ • sottKix. 4,41.•
tit 4•V/ITG sold oar entire Meg*, of Furniture
n W. agree , are= a w pools the cam
manity for their Übmal to 1:1WEIJ
tbeY alit extend the same to We
vote our time hereafter to the „ . •
With : the consent of .1. W. Ayres trestlil hold
our office in the same old ranee, 115 State street,
whertalsill maga at atittmes may to attend
to the watan of the cOnnorndty In one lino of
Untie. • .
litervily Maid° Coffins T.
Teiniined to order. Metallic and Iron Burial
Cases, of all styles and sizes, on hand ; also;
Shroud and Collin Trimming. 'Undertakers
will fled, it to their advantage to buy them of
as, Ili vs eicanotte undersold OßE weldor NBIBLE:T.ew
g1z9P, 1 7 ( *.A 2 W4,. ,gT•
.31. F. WORDEN 41g. CO.,
Would respectfully' ruthotutee- that they- have
opened a store at
No. 4'28 Fiend! St., between 4th and It,
EttLE, i'A.,
~ : 1 7 (On - f If
Far the purch ase and sale of
zeutictis Potatter,Millit. &c.,
.•• • • T
Orders from abroad will receive prompt at
tention at the lowest market Prices.;
-11011 he '
11 )Mc in in pish , pultlkor Pro
1t ; l4 lOft
1611412,4 rAteir ymk a g 2 4 ll4;d
;:thiaiti tuaawaritsikakiw.adri..
Foncoedin 41petteaketorle of We OM
Geo* Des*lbit, Dti - dthai - tit !Meat tor she*
taatratansiVx=i at Oros-
Mug /lAA giocus4 at41117-tf.
. •
• ' •.„.
~ _ . - _
7 ........ ____ ...... -_,:
„si , ,:l
Id 1 --lidi 471 cilt xi :0 - I'.; :s - 1 - i1t.3,1.,el ../.. 1' ' e 1. , - -.- ,
91r1-1 rand i rIF • I:.i- - 11-.1 l'Ai•s::::;l4 . i lb ..I_, . Ix, '.. •- , .:::' ! ''.. ; •-• •%. .',Af
,• •' . • --, - •
, •••••'+' , :tE • . LSI 4. : , '.. f. , ( 1 7,4 „3 p ri. ,, ii b .4, .
, '..-Ssc • 7.:,:i LE ev. - 4.; 1 c '.:- c1......",ai,Zri1-,, --•— • - " 'ii .
a .. • ..._. ,
l'i.. . •
9! I a 4,,a ,_21 , ,,,,f ?.....,th ..zra_v: t .„ L r -4. : -
' ' e
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T .•
- 77 - -..141 .. .7.71..''.-!'/V,-i- Y: 4, ?'iTfiir;:.. - '- f-1 : ' :: ; /:{ 1.:1 : 11 i '7;74. : :''-' , 7 .. : - L . '-:: : :!; 7- '';''- . -1-:: 00 • 0 .-1 ::: :'4r- 1, ,----.-:
:01 I
1. -
1 ,
r- '
, ~• ~$o ''.. •
......-.. • . ,
% ,*:- ii.n:'' '•• . i ' :
.il r r
ovo nftrioAlcomum
1 1 4:4 6 ' a i L
. 791
' , .4:711 "aide& eiffeWitlrp'".ll,,t,ll,ril
I . •
. "nA ) • orIP t.),u 4.4.4 • OprIERIEVILFRIMINVNIBtri - ,
11 01(041 Weniki
Huh* Maimed ourgands heft/m*l. late.
rise ta,M sreleet connannt pf being atdectd
gli,•ess maboth In Prise and qualllY• ..
.... .
Country •Prodtiee.. - •
~... .••,.. • .
ar Ovta, NM bought and , said. Farmers eon
alwa,” nepena nn receiving, the highest market
• ', y
Brim for the!rartlefes. • •
pkALgns IN TAE ATIJOIELtG..-T0W . 141,
, . .
Ahclon tho Lines of Railroad;
• . G.tve ca can. • ;
Itemensper Mayl JacksOn's Market Depot
, - rwrit siittET,
ERIE ,AND vwxwrint.
WIIVIREAft, a statement has been made scut
j d eilutdaterbinithis criturutilly ululated .
47041r...L.t,'"uttityk i tizgUt-ein Ztr.
a id and hereby unnounde (gn i t.
.wO, 2„I ; RE4.(311 STRP.,F,T,
tbe anion frepot, (S. P.' Deckers . obi
struad,) tray helium(' a rßolce selection Of
Grammies,.. Provisions,
Foreign and: Donuatie. Fruits, Crockery and
inurui Ware, 'Yankee notiens,,,Tows, &e, In fact
bverything usually kept , In; o Perrilly (Inver/
Storm i Flour from the celebrated Gland ?tints.-
Warranted equal tq the best lathe country. ,
Furthermore; we aro not ao distrustful of our
at fell - ow citizens, that tre are not willing to trust
' all. • • . • •
SPILL GYVE 33E4so:symum enicrar •
to oU aptsi.paying eutdorners. and sell goo Last
nit /await any one who datums to aell - only for
p e u d n g f e o Axor n s a l e t aatso
o o
, A have
iauntyon •
maretdulds eller hoye done—panket the loss our
selym„ and not. ask sun soog ou l domera to Pkial ce
it up.-as some claim to hate done.
flora onattrmatlim of the above statement we
ailaVY a talrulal. , - •
is delivered promptly to any tart of the
city. Remember the place, 1327 Fmeh . street;
umthe J
Union DePet _
tay=67-tr. J .
F. stE/XFORD d• CO.
Whole sale and Itelitl Grocery Store.
- 4 : l rner , Otrk and.Frri? . ch 8 !” .
(cetiearsum,) .
Would regpectfully cull the attention of the cora
, monitrtothoty largo stock of '
GrirOcortes 'find Tizzcrvipions,
- , Which they tire desirous to sell at
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups,
TR not surnamed In the eltg,astheyare prepared
to prOVe to all who give them a call.
They also keep on.hand a troperior lot of •
PIIItE LiqUOßg, •
for the wholesale trade, to which they direct
the attention of thn public.
Their motto Is, "Quick gales mmall profits and
a fall equivalent for thernoney," ap111:141..
V'. A. .17V.V.33-IEIII dr, CO..
Country Produce, birecerles, Prodsfoul,
Tobacco, Crockaty—Ware...Frulta, Note, &c.,
West stile, between Bth awl Oth Streete, Erie, Pa.
Cosh paid tar country produce: .
F. A. WEttkß... my2t-tr. W. EItIIART
Tea, Coffee, Nagar, Syrup, Molasses, 'Flour,
Pork', Fish; /lams, Provisions 'generally', (bun
try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood,. Willow, and
Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To.
bocce and mars, Fislitng Tackle, de.
421,Stato teStreet,
- Private Families and !totes supplied. Goods
delivered. urplGtT-tt.
A• I -R • " OIL,
Linseed Oils, To t r a r s lgif t i l e i s k i n Vajzilsh, Ilydrome.-
Precerfptions carefully 4lePerlselt An artkqes
geld by me are warranted to he precisely as rep.
Mental. No trouble to show goods. nelneln"
bee the name
Patrits,BßS, Timbals, *Bass & Brushes,
Stat 4.4 SC, 'North or 7th.
FlavinViad long experience in the trade, we
at. enaMed to suppb , " partial with a superior
quality of goods at Ma k oes =priees. . •
Otmstoelt embraces a variety of ever
. thing tbat Painters n , and those tete eve us
,their patronage can rely on not being clisalr
printed. •
• Orders tor tririlistillig buildings will be Batis
ta tO AY Oiled. •
. PM and etamine our stock.
ziatvittiirithrotaz. - Mizi .
Revointlon In the Boot and Shoe Trade !
Iloticei is hereby given that after April sth, lfi 1,
the entire stock of
TOOTS; EWES, °Arms, itc.,
Manufactured by and instate at the establish
meta of J. Eichenlanb & Co.„o2Bl3tate street, and
which for naliand finiah e surpassed
in this w in be sold by u
tter to individ
ual customers at wholesale. This plan of, opt..
rationale to be permanent, and the manufactory
*to ba still !thither eralarged_by* the addition of buildings and improved machinery.
Elob.renlatzb ilk, Co.. Igtats3
Not being coontenaneed by me retail dealers
in this section, :because they will not abandon
their extensive retail trade, _have resolved to
hereafter sell their stock by
1 - REr h kiINGLE 401, , •
To all who choose to patronize them.. Every
patrol Boots, Shoes, flaltenti /kr, of, their im
mense asaortment will be omred at
wrcpx.ogitlazay. Preacgiii,
Thvi to 'thee retail 4astomer the entire
parat *
establin he Win be L>ents. liged, as heretofore, to
We DIM( tht i = us ttbetal oh*. Impales to
h the amen.- The ae
tenleitolit7 or our rwids, mana t ee.
tared our sepeehd - wwey wiu he =Wein•
w!t, awl Ire aver ppepeelnylaree addltlcake WNW
InantaketUringil We Invite an 'Wipe&
thawed aatweerewoug wariteek. and Wish all
tO hearth Intallehrhei Uwe wrebi4m of
ts they ileTh e r n = t t =de by tassels!' , wo.
sor4w-te • . • =Mate Bt.* Mere.
'ERIE, Pd.
P. A. IVECh.tiR & CO.,
Their assortment of
Ni.r. 414 t4tEite' Ktree
JOLT N 111A.14-YAIEL-b,
Drugs anb "Paints.
London Porter and geotch.Ale
SARNIfir, ISit Peach Street,
i3Cluth or the Depot.
The Laziest and Beat Stock of
In EtriO, may be found at
- - 4 0 1 N
' Ittlilf a Viral(
E . l" ''' "
•: , :rf - :- . F ~:
init. t. .
• •
"!. 4 '. .".
ion PEmAtAn.
~, . .... ,
In 06 :Tema; irregularities, Removing Ott.
istrnetionn of Um' Monthly Tinos; from whatev
er entwei nbil always oneeesnita ns a meirntri
livO. ..' 1., i
o:ill i at4 IS SUFFICIENT
• In rentovingalutruction'and restoring nature
tans tiniper annel, quieting the nerves and,
bringing bac e grosy color of health "to the
clic**. nr tne4ost r tieltcate. .
Full and e9ditit directions accompany each
box.. ' ' . - .•
i Nee Ed per box, six boxes tki. Sold by one
druggidt In crery town, village, city and hanilet
throughout ,the World ., Bold in Erie :by J. 13.
CARVER 4 CO., druggists, sole agents for the
1 Ladies bisending them II through the Post
Mee, tint ve the pills sent (cent:hien tinily) 14;
man to nti 'part of - the coqn try, free of postage.
- 8. D. ROWE, Sole Proprietor,
New York. •
To Ceipieunilliv*l6—The advertiser, having
been reilbrodto health in anew weeks by every
simple, remedy, after having stifibred for several
years 'frith a Severe' lung affection, and that
drcul dt mow,ronsumptkm--Istinzions to make
known tohts fellow eufferers the means of core.
.To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
preierfption aged (tme of :charge) 'with the -d
ret#lons tor preparing/m/1 using the same, which
they will find a arum. even far Conn/minion,
Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds and en
throat and Ltin•AtTeetions. The only object of
the Advertiser im sending the prescription is to
toonerlt Atm nintetedi 'and spread' information'
which lescoacelves to be valuable,and IM hopes
every-sofferer will try this remedy, as T it will
Lest them nothing, and may prove a Mewing.
rartieeivistiliti the presc44ption - rugr, by return
mail, wUI please address
, Wlillrungttrg, Kings Co.,
New York.
1n)16 67-ly
Preprseed,oll of Pala► and blare--
'For preparing, restoring and beautifying the
Hair, and is the most dellgidfni:and wedelerful
article the world ever produced:
Ladies wilt dud it not only a certain remedy ,
to restore, darken and beautify the hair, lad at*
so a desirable article for the toilet, as it Ix Wet
ly perfumed with a rich and delicate perfume,
independent of the fragrant odor of the 0114 of
palm and - mace.
A new and heautind perfunae,Whlch In deli
cacy of went; and tile tenacity with which it
clings to the handkerchief and person is tine-
Vaned. ~ • ,
' ?be Above art teteg are for sale bynf drugibsts
'arsll parts:inters at 6t per botge pleb. bent by
express to any address by Ole proprietors.
T. W. MUG= & CO., 100 Merry St.,
octl 2y. . Nev York.
lielailbold , a 'Fluid Extract Buchn—ls
certain ante for diseases of the 'Madder, Kidneys,
amt el,Drtipsy,Organio Weakness, Female Qma.
plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or
fetnale, from whatever cause originating, and
no matter of how tong standing.
P/tames of these organarequiro the use of a
diuretic: If no treatment is submitted to eon ,
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh
and Blood are Imp - ported from these s(bureas;and
the health and happiness, and that of posterity,
depends upoh prompt use of a reliable remedy:
.Kelmbokrs Extractiluchu, established upwards
of IS years, prepared by
11. T.ZIELMBOLD, Druggist,
Ltd Broadway, New York, and 101 South 10th
Street, Philadelphia, ntri-W--/Y4
Errors or Youtts. , —A gentleman who suffer
ed for years from Nervous Debility,-Premature
Decay end eli the effects of youthfiti intliscre
tics), will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
rections for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertiser's experience,eon dose by addressing,
in perfect confidence, JOUN it 09DEN,
my16•67-Iy. 42 Cedar St., New York.
Ifearriai a aptd Cell4aey au& the nappl.
neap of Trie essay for young
men on Ilvierltne of 8611tade t and the PhYalcal
'Eaton., Abuses end diseases which create
Impediments to 3IARR!AGE, with sure means
of relief. Boat In sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge'. - Addres3, Dr.!. SKILLDI 'ROUGH
TON, llowardAssociaLlon, Malladell)11 in. Pa ,
lielnabold's Extract Dacha and Improved
Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders,
in all their stages, at Little expense, little or no
change In diet, no Inconvenience rind no expo
sure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immedi
ate in action and free from all Injurious proper
Take no more on/pleasant and unsafe Rem
edies for unpleasant and dangerous diseases.
Use IfelmboliPs Extract Daci' and allprOVed
11080 'Wash. tart-PM-Iy.
'Vim Glory of mut h ! fitiength.—Therc;fore
the Xeni:is and Debilitated should Immediate
ly uso ileimbold's Extract Buchn. m-r14'07-Iy.
Shattered Centetttattens resitored by Helm
bohl'is Extract Buchu. ' turIVG7-Iy.,
Pats, Caps, s.7c.
A. Frightful Outrage I
Has been committed upon people who, in
good faith, have paid their money for what they ,
supposed was an equivalent, But the
1,001 izwiNitsowsi !
Who have beer*
. .
.. . .
bldn't buy their HAT; and CAE% of -
End they. done so, they would have hail no
occasion to complai n; as he guarantees to tarn
ish as Gool3_ goods as, the raarketaffents, at
prices with wh which none compete. All
Among - the
Number ! !
f t=
Of his friends and patrons are cordially invited
to give him a call as aftenas their needs justify,
where they w il l bq kindly receivedimd well
treated by
At the "Big Hat" Store, ^.3 park How, Erie, I'd.
And a great variety of
GOOD, C 3,
Paradan Ptdhlimr, 28 N. Park Place, Erie,
:Sex' door to Merchant's Union ExpreesCo.
stock of ki1,009 worth of elegant and faith
humble goods still be offered, for the next three
months, at a very_ great redaction in price.
,The stock to all new and parehased at lower
rates of gold than nowould determined Loavold
losses in future, small profits and cash trainee
dons Mall benefit alike customer and dealer.
' TWO' years established , in Eric In the same
business, may be same tee that no great
amount oflrdsreismsesi adon will be employed,
bilPinolenough Old Fogy and Young America
spirit to variant wife tnuthactions and good
Vol. sale or made to , order. Watches and all
kinds of time keepers And Jewelry carefully re .
palled and warranted. Give me a call.
myrai-tf. T. At. AUSTIN.
cit,Eo*. C. Diu,wx,
k. Formerly of
Art4auCtintul . nub
the public generany SIM he has purchased
Paragon 1361IdIng, over Austin's Jewelry Store,
where be is prepswed to mate all kinds and
styes of pictures in the most approved
Priem layers reasonable. aprs-tin,
Ease Just received from New York
• • • Abe received. from New Yogic
ne hxmdnd bits No. 1 Shore Femur* DiegkereJ,
ang234t. fiwkthe gamine 1:3od
i __ . ,_v
.' , 0011.:11,114C1IS TWA: :
sAreetty*lt titaire
5 ropti thetu., .:tiOrt,'•• • •.• • ' •
i ; tics
i)hrt • . .
—•— • •
• •
' In - breathing out "Owl Mess you.""
"cod .bimq you r. Oh ! feir weeb . ago .
I heard the mournful plirasc,
When one'whorn I from childhood loved,
Went frnm My weary gaze ; •
Noir blinding tears fiat thick and fast,
mourn tuy llfe-lost treasure; ,
eehots of the heart bring hack
'Mc - farewell prayer" God Ulm you.
The mother sending.fOrth her boy
To"szenes untried and netr,
LL' not 8 stutlleil; stntely speech,
Nor 'murmurs out "adien." -
ShE trembling says between her sobs,
Whene'er misfortunes press you,
Come to thy mother—bov, come hack
Then sadly sighs, `,`Goci
. 11INs you?'
"Clod bless you!" more of loie expregses,
The volumes
,without number:
Iles - cal we thus or trust
Whose eyelids never slumber.
I ask in parting no long speech,
Drawled out in studied measure:
I only ask the dear old words,
Si sweet—so sad-.-" God bless you." •
SO= tile'en icara'ago ,fa 'lady of my ac
_rented from an agent, for the
summer mopths, on,very easy terms, a large
country house in the mountains of Virginia.
Thither-she repaired With her famllytand a
party of friends; and,'efter taklngpossession,
learned the secret of the .:'very moderate
terms," of the agent. • Two years previous,
an'Old man had been found dead in the tittle,
under circumstances' which 'justified snspi
dowel foal jday. The houie was of course
said to be
_haunted r and when its ownefs left
the country, and offered It for sale or to rent
no one would take it; until Mrs. —. at
tracted by the pleasant situation and the low
'rent; engaged it for the summer. The lady,
a sensible and strong minded, woman, treat
ed this story with :contempt, yet was care
fulnf its corning to the ears of the other in
The party hail not been a week 7n the
house, when , a gentleman, complained at
tweakfaSt that he had passed, a sleepless
night, in consequence of noise in the attic
above his room. On'the following day there
was the complaint from an,other of the house
hold. '
Mrs. suggested that one of the Servants
had probably been searching for .something
among the lumber contained- in the attic ;
but it should not occur again—she would
lock the door anti take away the key, - which
was done.
• A. night. passed quietly; and then as in
the noise was heard, this time by Mrs.
Iterself—strange, muffled sourtas,, followed by
the dull fall of some heavy but mit very hard
body. What could it be Mrs. thought.
And that day she hid the attic door nailed
up, as additional security. She began to
feel nervous. On this day the gentlemen Of
the party, four in number, went ian a hunt=
ing exclusion, leaving the ladies . alone, In
the evening a storm arose, which preVented
their return at the usual hour. tt nine
o'clock the household retired ; but scarcely
had Mrs: closed•her eyes in sleep, when
she was aroused by two of the family
_in a
state of great excitement. , •
"There are such strange noises. Did she
`not hear them?" Yes she heard them dis,
tinctly now—odd, unearthly sounds, such as
none of the party could account for. Others
of the family also heard, and soon the whole
househOld was gathred in the room of Mrs.
They clung together,. pale and trembling.
The mysterious sound Continued—a muffled
voice, a sharp, shrill, suffocating - ,cry or
shriek ; and then again the frill .of d heavy
body, and two or three sharp knocks on the
floor with a stick, followed by a sound as of
some body dragged with difficulty over the
, floor. Thin they distinctly heard the quick,
'sharp knocking repeated again and again, at
the doornt the head n 1 the attic stairs, which
we .have said Mrs. had caused to be
nailed up. • •
The whole party were now in a state of
speechless horror. But how much more was
this increased when they heard those strange
gurgliog, suffocating cries on the attic stairs,
opposite tbe•door of the room in which they
were, and then a step coming down, as of
some one walking with a cane, and strag
gling with another who endeavored to detain
lure Suddenly there was a-rush, a fall, and
then a sharp knock-at the door of Mrs. —;-'s
room, and one -gild shriek arose . from The
terrified wonten, as they huddled in the re
motest corner, clinging to each other as with
a death grasp.
At this moment the tramp of horses-was
heard without. Thank God I the gentlemen
had returned; and throwing up the window
they all screamed for help.
The next moment the gentlemen were in
the room, and the boldest of them seizing a
lamp; advanced to the door •at which the
knocking still continued, and Cautiously
opened it.
There was'something there, lying on the
floor, and moving in strange, writhin.. e' con
tortions. The gentleman lowered the lamp.
What could it be--a shapeless, headless mass,
without form or outline? He looked still
closer : ho touched it with a cane, and im
mediately fell back in a chair in a convulsion
of laughter.
The objects of mystery and terror were
two immense cats, who had got both their
heads thrust together into a large • gourd
full of grease, which the servants had used
in cleaning' the house, and had loft in the
Mrs. now 'remembered that the door
which she had nailed up bad a square hole
at the bottom sufficiently, large to admit of
two animals struggling through it with their
unique attachment. • It seemed probable
that upon the discovery , of the gourd both
had greedily thrust in their heads and been
unable to withdraw them. In Some manner,
also; the gourd, which stood en a shelf had
become entangled with a bundle of old car
penter's tools which were wrapped in apiece
of carpet, and this, it was subsequently as
certained, the animals had with difficulty
dragged across the floor, and finally got rid
of itr staking exit through the aperture in the
-attic door.. -
The cats, it seemed, had been accustomed
to visit the attic, at different times, and in
their pranks made the noises heard.
So much for the ghost of the . haunted
house ; and, had, not this mysterious occur
rence been unravelled, - what - a thrilling
story might have been Odd' by each mem
ber of that household, "persons of the
highest respectability and of undoubted ve
racity." •
SsysUAL years ago a pOlitical Convention
in a neighboring State nominated; a quiet,
well-to-do flamer for the office of Lieutenant
Governor. The nominee graciously received
the Committee appointedle. widt- upon him
at his residence, and AO: expressing his
Wink% for the honorconfeired npcai him, in
-tbrauxl them that ho had peculiar qualities.
*ma for Lieutenant Governor, " for, . gentle
war said he, " that is just the office I have
held in my house for the past twenty-five
To 1:11C.* the iropaallah a IV* ek•
tiaits' from' a IptterOf:Pitfrkt Bea? Ythc
, c h ristlatt to
Ms only datigilter.
that our lady readers will be
Icy the perusal
3.1 r .13te'sn a:tut:ureic :—Y6u havesjusf
tered-Into that state which is replete with
happiness and misery. The issue depends
upon the prudent, amiable, uniform conduct,
which wisdom and virtue so:strimgly retkom
mend;O the one luirvi, or on that impqrt
iinee which a want of reflection or passion
may Prompt on the other.
• ton are allied to a man of honor, of tal
ents and of an open, generous disposition.
You have, therefore, in your power all the
essential ingredients of domestic happiness;
it cannot be marred, if you now reflect upon
that system of conduct which you - ought in
variably to, pursue..; if you now WO clearly
the path from which you will resolve never
to deviate. Our conduct is often the result
of whim or caprice, often such as will give us
many a pang, unless we see beforehand what
Ls always most praiseworthy, and the most
essential to happiness.
The first maxim you should follow-is never
to attempt to control your husband by oppo
sition, by displeasure, or any other mark of
anger. A. man of sense, of' prudence, of
warm feelings cannot, and will not, bear an
opposition of any kind, which is attended by
no angry look or exp
.ression. The current
of his affection is suddenly stopped ; his at
tachment is weakened ; he begins to feel a
mortification the most-pungent; he is belit
tled even in his own eyes, and be assured'
the wife who once excites those Sentiments
in- the breast of the husband, will never re
the high ground which she might and
ought to have retained. When he marries
her, if he is a good man, he expects to find iu
her one who is not to- control hum—not to
take froui him the freedom of acting as his
own judgment shall direct, but one who will
place such confidence in him, as to believe
that his prudence is his ,best guide. Little
things, what are in reality mere trifles in
themselves, often produce -bickerings and
even'quarreis. Never permit , them to be a
subject of dispute, yield them with pleasure.
and with a smile of affection. Be assured
that one difference outweighs them all a
thousand or ten thousand times. A difference
with your husband ought to be considered as
the greatest calamity—es one that is to be'
studiously guarded against; it is a demon
which mist never, be permitted to enter a
habitation where all should be peace, unim
paired confidence, and heartfelt affection.
Besides, what can a woman gain by opposi
tion or iridifferenee? Nothing. Butshe loses
everything; site loses her husband's respect
for her virtues ; she Vises his love, and, with
that, all - prospects of future happiness. She
creates her own misery, and then utters idle
and silly complaints, but,titters them in vain.
The love of a husband can be retained only
by the high opinion which he entertains of
his wife's goodness of heart, of her amiable
disposition, of the sweetness 'of her teraper,of
her prudence, of her devotion to him. Let
nothing, upon any occasion, ever lessen that
opinion. On the contrary, it should augment
every day; he should have much more reason
to admire her for those excellent qualities
which will cast a lustre over a virtunos
woman when her personal attnictions are no
Has your husband staid out longer than
you expected? When he returns,teceive him
as the partner of your heart. Has he disap
pointed you in something you expected,
whether of ornament, or of furniture, or of
any convenience? Never evince discontent;
receive his apology with cheerfulness. Does
he, when you arc house-keeper, invite com
pany without informing you of it, or bring
home with him a friend? Whatever may he
your repast, however scanty it may be, or
110 W impracticable it may he to add to it, re
-Ceive them with a plea ing countenance,
adorn your table with cheerfulness, mire to
your husband and to your Company a'hearty
welcome; it will more than compensate for
every other deficiency ; it will evince love for
your husband, good sense in yourself, and
that politeness of manners which acts as the
most powerful charm! It will give to the
plainest fare a zest superior. to all that luxury
can boast. Never be discontented on any
occasion of this nature. * * *
In the next place, as your litisband's,suc
ems in his profession will depend upon his
popularity, and as the manners of a wife
have no little influence in extending or less
ening the respect and esteem of others for
her husband, you should take care to be af
fable and polite to the poorest ea well as the
richest, - A reserved. haughtiness is - a - sure
indication of a weak mind and an unfeeling
I will only add, that matrimonial hap
pi does not depend upon wealth ; no, it is
not to be found in wealth; but in minds pro
perly tempered and united to our respective
situations. Competency is necessary ; all be
yond that point ideal.not suppose, how
everrthat I would not dvise your husband
to augment his propeute• by all honest and
commendable means. I would wish to - see,
him actively engaged in such a pursuit, be
cause engagement, a sedulous employment,
in obtaining some laudable end, is essential to
happiness. In the attainment of a fortune,
by honorable means, amen derives satisfac
tion in self applause, as well as from the in
creasing estimation in which he is held by
those around him.
BLACK' Asom.s.-41, Short time before the
French Revolution the mania for liberty was
manifested many timeslby the excessive pro
tection given to negroei Among the favor
ites of this colOr, there/ was a young fellow
who enjoyed the reputation of being a good
artist, Bonaparte bepag First Consul, th
negro came one day to ask his protection in
regard to a picture which he wished to place
before the public, but it had been criticised
so much, that he did not dare to with
out the favor and sanction of the Consol.
Bonaparte manifested a desire to see it, and
it was accordingly brought into his presence.
The painting represented the Eternal FathiF;
the Virgin and the Son of God, surrounded
by angels, but all were black I -At seeing it
Bonaparte was unable to contain himselfand
burst into a loud laugh: The artist vindicat
ed himself, saying: "The whites believe-that
a black skin is a mark of infamy by which
the descendants of Cain are condemned; we
on the contrary believe that the while skin
was given to men as a curse. You believe
that God_and the angels are white, and why
should we not believe that they are black?
"You have an indisputable right to make
them so, and to .paint as many black angels
as you choose," replied the Consul; "but
when they are completed, the best bee you
can make of them is to send them to the
&laud of St. Domingo,"
WHAT SOMEBODY Saw.—The following ex-
tract from an exchange will apply, we are
afraid, to more places than the one in which
the Scene is located " I have seen a. woman,
professing to love Christ more than tbe world,
clad in. a silk dress costing $75 ; Inaking up
and-the trimmings of "atfte, 00; bonnet,
..$35 ; velvet mantle, - $120; diamond ring,
$5OO ; watch chain, pin and other trappings,
$300; total, sl,loo—all hung on one frail,
dying woman., I have seen her at a meeting
in behalf of homeless wanderers In New York,
wipe her eyes with an expensive embroidered
handkerchief at the story of their sufferings,
and when the contribution box came - round,
take,from a well filled portemonnaie, of cost
ly workmanship, twenty fire cents, to aid the
society formed to promote their welfare.
!' thought I, 'dollars for ribbons and
pennies for Christ."'
RF;LAtION OF tEAIt,D AND Evss.—There
is an intimate connectionberween the nerves
and muscles of the face and eyes, and allow
ing the beard to grow strengthens the eye. It
is said that surgeons in the French -army
have proved by -experiment in Africa, that
soldiers wearing their beardp are Much less
liable to diseases of the eye, and it is gener
ally conceded that if the, custom is to wear
the beard the eye retains ita lustre and
much longer.
Sosissonv advertises for sgents to retail a
work entitled, "Bymenisl instinctPr A
eotemporary adds, " the 'best. hynternat , . • in
structor we know of is young widow.
What sho_dret know there is no use learn-
- The Evils, ofLasd lifosopory, ' • •
The eitimi ipmbleb, the had is nrcmcgo.
lized by a few date great' farailles in England, '
Scotland and Ireland, Isibreibly Illustrated
by the following facts: Mr-Emerson rode on
the higirkb7 twenty-three miles on the es
tate of the Dthria — of -Myeloid. The Mar
einis of liroadalhand rides ant of bh Imre
one hundred miles in a hided tine to the
sea on his own properly. - The :
Sutherland owns the :conga of ifoltihriand • •
siretcbing manse Scotland from sea %ma.
Soddes bis other Inge •eatateklies rtakeng ,
Devotlshire owns 06t006 senor in ths,ermstjr..
Deity - and the Iyaire of lilehmorid 410000
41004 wOOdsozokAkilhf4519.4911T 1
• Cia - stk.; tint) the'park ot. Adieu: :Nne,.V:
folk in Sussex. Is Miami miles hi
The Earl of isansdale's possemima - vtrtnally
give him a fee simple of eight 'seats in the""
house of Conundns; tor no . one amen .
tenants would dare oppose-his nominees..
And, all rho - while, these immense domains
are growing larger and more valuable. .
Enke of Bedford'i London - Property,-
which•itsed tabu chleilytelds and farmsand
common lands, now occupies a mile square
in one of the most densely -populated parts
of the metropolis. The Marquis of West
minster built a cnv years ago splendidstreets
and squares on a lot of waste ground, trans
forming a wildcraCsa of marsh into what. is
called Belgravia—the most fashionable quar
ter of the West Eud—and himself into the
richest nun in rurope. In Ireland the land
monopoly is carried on to the stnrke.extreine,
, and is productive of still greater. evils: The :
late Lord Palmerston was reported to hold
twenty Irish estates, and where the Fenian
were lately in force in 'lie county of .Tipper
ary, the country is mostly- the proptsiy of
England's present 3Premier, the Earl of
Derby. _
NO. 3.
The way to get crtalit is, to tie punctual/
The way to preserve it, is not to use it ninth,:
,Settle often ; have short accounts. Trust to
no man's appearance—they are deceptive—
perhaps assumed for the purpose of obtain
ing credit. _ Beware of a gaudy exterior.
Rogues usually dress welL The rich are plain
men. Trust him, if any one, who carries but
littleon his back. Never trust him who files'
into a passion on being dunned ; make him
pay quickly, if there be any virtue in the law. ,
Be satisfied before you give a credit that those
you give it to are rc men to be trusted. Bell
at a small advanceiand never misrepresent
them, or those whoni you °nee deceive will
beware of you the second time. Deal up
rightly with all men, and they will repose
confidence in you, and soon become your
permanent customers. Beware of him who
is an office-seeker. Men do not Usually wOnt
an office where there is anything to do.
man's affairs are rather low when he seeks
office for support. Trust no stranger. Your
goods are better than doubtful charges. What
is character worth, if you make it cheap'
crediting all alike? Agree beforehand with
every man'about to do a job, and, if large,
put it into writing. If any decline then, quit
—or be cheated. Though you want a job
ever so much, make all sure at the outset ;
and in cases at all doubtful, make sure of a
guarantee. Be not afraid to ask it, it is the
best of responsibility ; for, if offence be taken,
you have escaped a loss. ,
Givixo ,Tor To A Clam—Blessed be the '
hand that prepares a pleasure for ti child, for '
there is no saying when and where it may
again bloom forth. Does not almost every
body remember one idnd-hearted - man who -
showed a kindness in the dulcet days of his
childhood" The"writer of this recollects him
self at this moment, as a barefooted lad,
standing at the wooden fence of a poor little
garden in his native village, 4hile with long
ing eyes he gazed on the flowerswhich,W
blooming there quietly in the brightness of
Sunday morning. The possessor cameforth
froth - his little cottage ; he was a wood-cutter
by trade, -and spent the whole week is the
woods. He had - come into the garden to
gather flowers to stick into his coat when be
went to church. He saw the boy, and-break
ing off the most beautiful of his carnations--it
was streaked with red and white—he gave-it
to him. Neither the giver nor the receiver
spoke a word, and with bounding steps the
boy ran home. And now here, at a vast dis
tance from that home; after so many events
of so many years, the feeling of gratitude
which agitated the breast of the boy express
es itself on paper. The carnation has long
since withered, but now it blooms afresh.=
DouOtes Jerrold.
ilsortim—A nieo little story 33 told of Gen.
Washington, which will be fresh to many of
our headers, and will embalm him in the
memory of all good - wives as a model hus
band : -
The General---says the'biOgrapher--und
his wife lived happily together, but it is evi
dent that, like most heiresses, she was a little
exacting, and it is highly probable that the
great Washington was soutanes berated with
a curtain lecture. The celebrateill authoress,
Miss Bremer, relates , that a geW'- eman once
slept at Mount Vernon, in a room next to
that occupied by the master and mistress 'of
the mansion; and when all the inmates were
in bed, and the house was still; he overheard
through the partition; the :voice of Mrs.
Washington. He could not but listeni and
it was a curtain lecture which she was giving
her lord. He • had done something during
the day which she thought ought to have
been aorta differently, and she was giving
him her opinions in somewhat animated and
quite decided tones. The grwitrnanlistened
in silence till she had done, and then, with
out a remark upon the subject in hand, 841(4-
' Now, good steeple you, my dear.' It is
plain that the General believed that it takei
two to quarrel."
Oruan¢ o> PLANTS :UM is an item which
will be of general interest to our readers:--
Celery originated in Germany.. The chest
nut came from Italy. The onion originated
In Eapt. Tobacco is a native of Virginia:
The nettle is a native Of Europe. " The citron
is a native of Greece. The pine is a native
of America. The poppy originated in North
Africa. Rye originally came from Siberia.
Parsley-was first known in Sardinia. The
pear and apple are from Europe. Spinach
was first cultivated in Arabia: The =flow
er was brought from Peru.. The mulberry
originated in Persia. The gourd is probably
,an Eastern plant. The walnut and peach
came from Persia. The horse chestnut is a
native of Thibet. The quince, came from the
island-of Crete, The cucumber came from
the East Indies. The radish is a native of
China andlapan. Peas are supposed to be
of Egyptian origin.
Tau= CourLEs• —A funny matrimonial af
fair occurred near Salt Lake, Iffinnesots.
green Justice married three couples in one
batch, and about four weeks afterwards dis
covered that a license from the Clerk: of the
Court waszecessary to make the ceremony
legal, and he lost no time , is informing the
parties that they were still single though they _
had lived together the intervening time. The
first couple were willing to risk the conse
quences; the second consented to be re-mar
tied, while the third, having discovered in
each other diverse and sundry shortcomings,
refused to have the knOt re-tied—being satis
fied with one month of matrimony and glad
to revert to single blessedness.
Warm) Truz.—" Bozo, I want twenty
five cents," said a Jour printer to his employ—
er. "Twenty-five cent du-yon
want it, Jake r " . Next !Tuesday." As
soon as that to You can't get it. I harktold
You so often tbat-wizea you were la want. Of
00 largo a sum .of nioney you must give me
at least ftalltireeks mike r.
• A. inmate:Ma Idamachusetts,
while ccmduciiii- int elimination, eked
among other ciaestions the following: "Why
is the pone= 4 . she' applied to a ship r Td
which one of the boys rendered the follow
ing answer: "Because the rigging costs more
than the haft" .
Mercantile MlXlin*.