The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 06, 1867, Image 3

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    fmpottart notices:
sii..tayertisenteitts inserted under this head.
i n' : at 15 cents per line of 10 words for the first
12 cents for tfie second, and 10 cents
1,11 . CllOl hol.efitient Insertion.
Erie City -Intelligence (Hike, Nu
-stliteMreet. jnlo'6l-tf.
F o r Insurance In well known and most re
'on) pnik.., apply to IL. W. Rusni•ll, agent,
, -feb21117.-ty.
Lady eannOf get in :t safer place to boy a
dry goods than at No. "ilit Wave htreet:
00 .4 tf. , Old Puna of (label A: Ifearielai.
Ledlearlease Take yQolleer—Tiwbest stock
re...s.GOCON and Silks, without excption, is
; Tle; tit a 1, , %tree!. liEsintelesi,
Ohl stand of Gable ,k
lt,utnnat Prints 10 renis ; Trona ets.
, • 11, .:11: ta 116 State gs front per yastrd r np;
up Nu. eet.
I,*V-It• P. TErgniens.
E 3 e and ar, Catarrh and all diseases of
the Taroat a E nd Chest suixesautly t rea ud iarrir.
pliiladelphla, atßrowsestllitii ;every
• I, v Has five hundred testimonials. • -
Vo • •
10 7i-ff.
ItemovaL—Dr. Chapin tumretnoved his
11.0 to the corner of State street and
~~~,,p.,,g,1,,ver the Marl ne Rank,) where hp wil3 any who nuw need ht profes.
r% Je4-.2w•
Tomo% sl.—The Stove and Tin Ware store of
Main tt CO.. bas been removed to No. 136.1&u.,..
.Troct, neuritic Buffalo Road, Where will
g,•pt on hand t complete stock of goods
I P, 1r 111 w, Ishidt-tite public aro invited to ',oil
am:.A3111014.. 11131-tf.
The Eric Lodge No. 211. I. 0. of Good Tom
„„.,.a. on every Tuesday evening, In the
- Lridgo Room, on State street. over
ch 1 ••• lel% el ry st St rangcr Tempi:its vb.,
Il~tlitd•it are cordially invited to ho present.
En. 'KNIGHT, W. C. T.
fii .t mg.. W. S. -. mr2-tf.
Ludic. V. 141 ideas* notice the eardm of lir,
11,11rwli',., Dry Goods Heahrr. He ix very mod
,„ of his business, but, wed:lees:ay,
nel a better s toe': uor goods sold cheap
, r 11.3, Ili., Give himeall, at No. 716 State
.:rt, I.
M. Ice/gel, praetletil pHallo forte tuner.
inter , hit to the Grover &Baker Sewing-Mx
street, Erie, Pa. or by
ddne :%tate
St lit 1,,t•IVI• f.r,lllllit latent ton . A first t
orkliun eitiplloyed to .10 repairing of platans
.40 111,1“,11.1i,.
ntirmen'it , Furnbibing Store.—
Mr. W.kri en L. Itse.s has taken the, store lately
bv Justice, lateen dc unit
;g:, , t it up with everything neves:me, - to titalte
complete gentlemen's furnishing estahlish
awn t. )1 I, stork of Cloths, rasslinen% and Vest
,tais and heady Made Clothing is superior to
vt lung ever brought to this city, and we defy
sill to visit the store without finding some.
thing to suit his taste. Mr. ROSH has been vory
In serarhtg n Cutter who is nut sur
-1..,,,,1 an}-where. Under his skillful supervision
1111 . concern is turning it work• equal to the
best Fastern establishments. No person can
have ant exett:e for going abroad fur clothing
white no.. :firm& the 1.011V0111•11eOS that he
I 5... In ude II lon to his other ;vs/dm. helms also
•ti perior stock of Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Col.
I .rs, e TavatZi,Lin short, everything that. a man
11 tilt, in the Nothing line can be got of Ross.
dl and see yhurseh es. Ja2M-tf.
Oily 3bbertigtmnits
\ ott ' kt•ment<, t secure insertion, wrist,
1,11,41 hi by d o'elot;); on Wednesday after.
Al/ advertlseinenti will he eoirtintiedak..
1i,.• ,•xpen..e nf the advertiser;nnless orl
H. V. (L.\l7s,
1+,1,101'1111111 kinds of Family Groceries and
Prove MIK Stone Ware, Sc., and wholesale deal
er in Wides,Liquors, Cnrani, Tobacco, &c., No.
Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. jeGV-tf.
lf F: u. file premises of the•snhseriber, In
Nl,ll creek, on Suaday,MayZth, two calves
011 P nh tail off. The owner is req uest ed to
C OM , fis-ward, prove property, pay eharges and
take theta away ; otherwise they will be dispos
-41 of aeeerdiug to law.
rte.- WABI'EL.
i a,athan Nlarble.,) In the Court . of Common
It ~ ',Max of Erie County, a.
....a10: Marble. ) - No. 8 Feb, Term, 15,11.5.
.r . rill: unden.hmed, aptioluted Commissioner to
I take testimony In the aboye entitled ease,
t` , ill ~t t, tot to the duties of his aupOlntutent, at
,! a. oilier in the borough of North East, county
g : Erie, on the 21st clay of Jane, 11367, at 11 o'clock.
ni., at Which time and place nil parties inter.
1.0 ean attend., :4. S. lIALISONIJ,
j ..1,--\‘. l'omillission..T.
Snd all 11111414 of
ke.tlers tarnished at I(ave:d. rates. Exitilatlons
,•! up at short not lee. Send In ordem early. -
Halt, Nut., Figs, Prunes, Oranges,
'alllll,t CIIICkt•TS, Fbw
GrOcerieS, Yankee Norton*. Toys
and Fahey
,011 KaetsC9iwwing Gum, 50 loom; I.4.liionx,
i)rangPs, 20. bases Fire Cracker', .Im,Wi
:o) ix)xes Gum Drops, 40a
lIENEIt A; IIVIZCi1:.:00,0,
431 State Street
' • Ilavinl; opened In the
We are 11.0% . (..lx ang a splendid stoel: fit
Flotrers, Slag, ertipeY, Frathi* tte.,&e
r ,,, ,ived and nrriving daily
Abu), a line aLortinent of
Ladtes'- Funtisking Goode, &c.
14 'oiv0- a call and examine Goads and
1 :4) A e ! or co
. 1 . W. TAYLOR, •
Manufacturer of
SPUN,ILOLLS...- 10s,
And all the other brawls of -
.4.• C C
so. 42; PENN SVIEET,
“1,11. m-s
- -
TO/21.A.CC0 A.N31:1-C/45i4.1W..
Thy Place to get a choice ankle of Tobacco,
snuff and Cigars 1s at --
E. B. WELEartiers 1388 MACS
*Mtn of the Union. -
.1..1u aytt on hand a good assortment of the
articles of every grade, wholesale and re.
"u 4 Also, Pipes, Poaches, Boxes and gmokera'
Arttelem of every description. Please favor ine
with call. Don't forget the place, rag Peach
ERIE, PEliasi 4 ,1, JUNE. 0,
' Job Printing., •
The public will - do welt to--bear - in mind
that the Otr-eir,c'T Job - Office - 1s mie of-the
best country, and daily turning, Out work
that cannot be surpassed anywhere. Every-,
thing hilt IS SEW, and of thwlatmt and most.
approved patterns, We have fire presses In
almost constant operation, and are prcpared,
t meet orders for any - kindof work tbat may,
be Wanted. The public - trill hind 'lt to their
interest to 'give u a trial.
FounTn 0? JtiLY.—The "ever glorious
' Fourth" is' nigh nt hand, and whether the
Ileople celebrate or not, pener St; Burgess in
to be prepared to supply them with sound
liatriotic Fire Works.
.-.Their shad: consists
-of about everything . in the, line ; from the
largest and handsomest piece' to the emn
mon'are-cracker. Committees in neighbor . -
ing towns need not send abroad. for Fire
Worki, as they eau be supplied by Bener low as they can procure- them in
the East.
LICENSEA GRA-WM—The Ulm:slog licen
ses were granted by the Court on Monday,
Judge Johnson pieaiding„ IV session of
Court is to he held on the 17th hat, ut which•
time the balance of the applications iyill be
disposed of:
..Van Tas;;ell, Jacobßreckner r
Wm. Kelley, A. Wagner, John Anthony, IL •
Ackerman, Wm. Richter, Henry Jordan;
Adam Schlentwein, E. 11.1loyt, Peter Roff-'
Chrry.-11.,11. Lockw&id, 3f. E.
Gillson, Andrew Seise, K. Stoll, S, B. Foster,
John B. Patterson. B. Roliloge, James Fox,
John Williams, Edward Lyons,-John
ner and John Stine,.
Union-31iIty.—WellA Palmer, FL M. Waters,
Jacob Haywaug, Eli Etter, George Taber,G.
W. Browning.
Springfield.--A. C.
bekport.—Wm. P. Andrews.
Previous to.annotmeing the list of favored
applicants, the Court requested - that tnem
hers of the bar or citizens who knew of vio
lations of the liquor law, by any ortheahrwe
parties, should make . known the same, hut
per on no peon volunteered to. give any informa
CRUEL .lola o s COI:STAMM:7A young
man atoned Frank' Ward, who livesia- this
citY, and was engaged in'canalling, while at
Sharon, lately, stole a set of harness and :ui
overcoat belonging to a 31r. Porter of that
place. While being taken to the 3lerect.
jail for the crime, he escaped front the officer,
and returned to thiS city, where-he 'was ar
rested on the dock. , Word was at once Sent
Ito the authorities at Sharon, and, soon dim
a constable arrived, and' took him back to
the place where the offence was committed.
' Front Sharon, he es , nyed to take Ward over
to Mercer in his buggy. Tint prisoner had
handcuffs on and shackles upon his legs.
When about Jinn-miles front Sharan,n (Ing, was
seen killing sheep. The: constable, thinking
hisprisoner perfectly safe, stepped out of the
bitgay to get a sure the dog, when hi;;
consternation may be imagined- ut seeing
Ward pick up the reins with_ his manacled
hands, and drive away at a rate that bid de
fiance to pursnit . The• rascal drove seven
miles to a creek, where the buggy was tbund
tipped over, and the horse, hitched to it,
drowned. Ile had succcded in getting his
sitar-ties off, and made good hiS escape. The
next time that •constable gets a .prisoner,,
we'll bet he won't leave himalorte in his bug
gy. The mare drowned by liTard was a
very valuable animal, which had- taken the
first premium at the 3fereer county Fair, and
the seeond premium' at the Ashtabula.
is estimated in have been worth #.BOO or
TEE indignation of the "loyal: . (so-caned)
portion of our population tigninat Horace
Greeley, for hisfsaurse in' the' Davislmatter,
appears Io increase rather than diminish.
"Words cannot express" the feelings of this
class of our community at what they arc
pleased to style the apcistacy of their once
honored oracle. By many he Is considered a
traitor as bad as Davis hiniself, and 'hosts de
clare Unit they It ill never put trust in him
in future. The circulation of the Tribune,
which has been immensely large throughout
the county, is rapidly flitting off, not a few
subscribers who have paid for it in advance
relltsing tit take it out 61 tile post office. We
do not think it likely that the paper can ever
regain its;former popularity. —As a sample of
the spirit of outraged Radicalism ; we copy
the following letter, signed by fifty-two citi
zens of one .1 - - the neighboring villages:
MR. 110EkCE QM:ETA'S—Dear
whose names are hereunto subscribed,
all Union Republicans—over haVe been, and
many of us are and have been. your patrons,
wish to inform you that your amnesty prin
ciples can never be rubbed in. by that little,
big Jett Davis daub of yours nit RiehmOnd.
You may le a great moralist, or politician, or
what not, we propose no have our own opin
ion on snub shatters, and you may be assured
that we shall beitow patronage si•here we
think palmnage is due, in. future. -
TRE. - The enterprising town of Ntra•
!cum Centre, in the oil region, seems
to have been singled" out by the Fire
King as the object of his special malig
nity. Another conflagration broke out there,
about 2 o'clock - on Sundtiy morning, and be- ,
fore its progress could be stayed, had caused
a loss of *35,000, including-40 house. The
fire-was first diseoirered in the Taylor House,
which watt unoccupied at the time. On the
whole loss, theittsurance is only ahmttci,ooo.
The towttililte Joust others-With seCtiore e ls
unprovided with proper_ facilities for e*lftV
guisliino Bees, There is.aely ontt
gine, and tbat Is without hOse;•wlrile , thetiti# 7
ply of Nittt l e.Fis inconvenient. Will . :hot, (Sur
people`litaig, before - long that, the--katniliar
sottinrent- 7 -" In -time of
war,"--;applies as well to either stibjects - Afif
public weltittc, - , - as to that which catiod its
enunciation ?. •
Will TILE lictMirr SlOriElr Doti Icor
—The monr . soldiers . in this - sectioncog*
to additiontff : bounty, arc naturally pmettliat
impatient pt the delay-In the reeehicof.-.1140: 1
ehtints. In Obedience'to the; -reimest *Of soy.:
eral of them, we , have made inquiry_
Id the maiter,.and.litid that thetime for pay,
Mg them soineehatiridefirdie. Mr.
PerleY,..the bounty- agent, ltrith' - 4a,*l - al.
courui w oias - iituyog !vs •hi . . ,
its -6 of ttie-
foll Owing letter addressed to hini - try - Col,'A..
D. Robinson, Paymaster for :New -.York Vol
unteers, in reply tai a request • ratiKi
be informed when certain .claims would be
"It takes froth two to threii moritivaolet
the evidence, and I have over six thou
sand N. Y. cases awaiting for - the same from
the - various departments. :foor cases will be
paid soOnas it is: received' :01 - etittise'yon.
knoiv theycannot be,Paid beftife, --MY Dirt : sion (the additional-bointty) "Las _over
thousand clainia awaiting ...evidenee frOnt the_
. .
different denartnienta?' ';.
" Tut :WEATitia7 7 -31 1 :i
!ward a great deatiwoitt.o - #::siathek' lately,
but none v:ho tame' 'even' their opinions'
upon the subject either prliately or publicly,
have acquitted theinselvc;a half so'peitinenf
ly and , settiibly as the author orate Calming.
PnT . SRITR9II, ra
•,•' ,( lqiivr..siatiOnov,l l o4
— Like ilitfatid
lii* 1 a -writ bir, '
A voyno , marred- couple leaving Cleve
land on a bridalionr were so happy that
they forgot their baggage.
Then 14 1dleg - dgtati, -
What does the weather mean
It.,laughs kw doubt,_ ,
Wltdtisiling mists
„ ep s -pins or shines, - •
And soinenines altogether.”
Our city readers will recollect that : some
aletaba ago, a Mini stipli °tit
streets, appareatipticelling proliniely* the
lungs iindia thhlasiAage - ofexisteatie:
was taken to a lintel; and stxm after disap
peared, without-hat:4 excited much atten
tion. It now torment:that he is a most in-,
genlotts scounthret:- - Who uses .the bleeding
dodge to -work open the
rous-hearted people, tile better to enabl& him
to swindle them afterwards. The fluid taken
for ideal is someeheialcal prepitration,which
he places in his month and uses as a favor
able opportunity- is atfonled: During' - the
session of - the Convention in Pitts
burgh, last-fall, he visited tharcity Under the
assumed title ef where'hi fist
'intruded himself upon public notice by tak
ing a stroll frem''the St.:Charles Hotel to
the village of Oakland,and getting (or pretend
ing to get)himself imockeddownctnd,rohhed
of *ll,OOO. By a profuse 'show of 1 iteeding( l .i)
he led the good people of Oakland - to - believe
that he was injured abitieit unto death. _ He
was taken in by. some of the:best families
and kindly cared Abr..
.The sight
„of the in
teresting young` 'officer,.. who had been so
cruelly - dealt with hy , ruffians, ,moved the
hearts of the iiinguishhig Oakland maidens,
and a spirit ef rivalry arose among them,eich
endeavoring to Cathie the others. in their ef
forts to attract the stades of the veteran,whp,
according to his story, -had .taken ; part in.
many a bloody battle' for the old flag-had
been wounded nine times, and carried a-bui
letin his heart.. The ." Major," as'soon us he
had reiorered so as to be able to converse,
told his Oakland friends that he was of no
tile birth—was descended from a high and
;'noble family in Scotland—had in his posses
sion 44,000 with which he was on his way to
-the land of.lisTorrtlithers, to secure a goodly
- ,inheritance, the older members of the family
having ail" kicked the bucket" and . left the
lands, tenements, and a million or so of ready
cash to-hint. He said he had been taking a
friendly glass with a party at his,hotel, and
had incautiously exposed to view a large roll
of greenbacks, which he - . supposed" had ex
citett the cupidity of some of his associates,
who had followed him - to Oakhind and rob
bed him. This mightunder some eircumstm
' ces,ltave led to the inquiry: " How canto the
young man to be associated with thieves and
robbers 'r" But he were shoulder straps, and
there was a Soldiers' Convention in town;
therefore whatever he said was reliable; no
one for a moment doubted hint. His sympa
thizing friend's raised him some two , or'three
hundred dollars,-which was freely Contribut
ed by several - prominent citizens of Oakland,
Mr. Charles J. Clarkireing very active. in as
sisting to make up the amount, going one
hundred .dollars "blind," we understand,
towards Making tip tlid " relief 'fund." The
." Major," 'after suffering for 'several weeks on
-milk toast, chicken broth, and other light diet,
finally rtrovered and took his departure for
parts unknown. What became of him after
wards can be iseertainedby reading the Rd , .
lowing from°, part Wayne correspondent
of the Cincinnati Gazette':
A young gentleman, with alkali military,
air, made his appearance and stopped at the
Artline, and, like all strangers,took a stroll to
view our beautiful city. Before a private res
idence of goodly proportions, where two
yoimg ladies were sitting at the window, he
was seized with hemorrhage. The
'fioWed from his mouth over -his immaculate
front ; then he lay rigid and insensible, The
sub beaming in, his face. , All hearts were
moved with compassion. Aermid assembled.
There was a hurrying to and fro.- He was
carried into the house,,, physicians ealled,who
administered proper remedies, - ,and in rtinie
thc.pale, interesting specimen recovered soffl
ciently to give sotne account Ohl mse 1 E 'From
la silver pin on his coat his-name was disoov
ered to be Major - Lewis, and -from- his story
his father was Gen. "Jowls, killed. at Chteint
-mangi. He himself hail been in the army,
was wounded nine times, and now carried a
bullet in his' heart, which was truth . ; he had
been confined in'Libbj Prison, and his one's'
giving out his death, lorded ted his property,
so from affluence he is now poor: . he had
been to town on business, and though subject
to such attacks he had dismissed his servant
for stealing; and was now deTendeot on the
tender mercies of humanity. His family were
Scotch; he hoped - to go to them to die. Were
there any Scotch here?
"So Col. Humphrey, of the 130th Indiana
regiment, was sent for, and was ready to aid
a Scotehman to the last extremity ; would
take him to his house, but the-gentleman was
sufficiently pleased with present quarters.
Can malty he hecanie much better; was ready
to entertain and be entertaina ; Ile.had a
picture which he exhibited; himself on one
side, a very stylish young lady tan the other.
- The lady,, he said, was Miss Dix. "It was
'taken in Paris; . a former Mend," with a sigh.
So he ran on Making a fine story, until a let--
ter Came ; and on the shoulders of honest men
-he was &Tried to the hotel, where every wain
was supplied, his bills paid ; every one feeling
lie cOuld not do hitt much for nn old soldier
-far from home-and sick. But be recovered
rapidly. Suspicion crept in—a rumor of the
hemorrhage game practiced in other placel,
It soon became apparent that the fellow wifs
an imposter, and he suddenly•decamped. At
Defiance he seems to have been as successful
as here,but at Toledo he was confronted with
Fort Wayne papers and left, we understood,
,for CinmnnalL So Queen City belles let not
your hearts - be moved .too suddenly at the
sight of a bleeding stranger before your &Mrs;
at least until you have sent for a chemist and
had the blood analyzed."
. .
The heroic 51ajor will do well not tovisit
thi's city again, or onr.people may take it into
their heads to give him his• just deserts. by
making him bleed in a portion of the body
usually selected as the receptacle of hoot tip
applications. - -
Coact Proceedings.
The (ollowingleases were 46Desea . of Atter
onrrepoi: elthe4l,ltot.'week , - - -
ii'eorge-Allen, charged the'jiairrnity
,of an illegi4inate.,Ohild The jury being on-
Able to:agree; were illschaige(l,-uxulza new
trial ordetta. - - • - -
-- - 'Patrick Maguire. ' Larceny. - Vettliet of
guilty, and senteucedm pay. $lO and costs - ,
and to be imprisoned in the county jail for
two month&
- Jacob Derrninieur. Fornication. Verdict
not guilty, and the prosecutor' to pay: the
ousts of prosecution.
Charles Fabeiski, Violation of the 'Honor
law. P/ead-guiky, but, idler the impannel
ling. of the jury, asked permission to with
draw his, plea und•throw _himself , on the
,nterey of the. consideration Of a
good war:record, the Court Axed the"..gai.
_the raittlanun amanntof))3o and the costs of
,the prosecution..
Johukluird. - Araanit and battery. Not 'a
Jamea4kddsnilth;=' . tarceity.
once of *Amain and of hia surety tittleited
in open court.
E.- Camphabsen. Assault and battery.-
'Loire granted the District Attorney to enter
proacqui upon payment, iftetatta'by tfte
I; Z. Caldwell. Larceny: - 'Not a true
bill. „ . - .
,IVlWank Mickey, Nit n
_ ,
w. *ewer .Purnisblng liquor
to a udnor. -- :Neln.. l MtelkkilinkAaProNeett=
tor to.titilthe &ink _
John Marshall; selling. liquor - Maui&
license. Defendant-plead guilty apOentenc
ell to pay a line of 45 and Cbstg of trusecig
battery. RitOgnizatictt of deGittdant, foOcitf
ed for non-appvrance.atouckut.„
Wnt; , ,-, JontenUt.
and the county to pa y thexasts, -
A: P. Fassett _And - (Mitre, IruKett.' lar
.ceny. Wale Overtki tliterixt;viti*Ciaapisent
of the costs by.l:llo4liOnbint& - -
:G, Aelliti,liqgor, t ete. .Plead
and- aontenend toz :pay a-.11a&
and' the coats or ppm:potion. ..
Peter. - .101tn,. l atreetHly„ beta ,,
tented. to - pay allne l of 4W and the and
to bo.imprUoned in the county
E. K. Bltestw-:
false preen":Tßle ' llcilPl44.df.Wfteneo
to pay aline ttf4W-anti; e amid- - ui
pnppsonntent.*:Atie:reenntt- A lidt-lor` roar
inotttfai, l ----=
• 4442 . 34 ePh Hor settee - 01iiiinfilkn't
Apr false, pretences. - bet. Mend
to pay oneotlfAßF944ofttr.°M,.
an to pay thilettferle —
Jeny °Wen? 4lity*.;isititont
licenw.ra*W****462Meutor *AP"
r P t t rsittanatgrii "said'hauery:
Itecomilzatums forfeited.
Dennis MUUirtff - Belling liquor, etc. Plead
guilty. =4lwatt:wed to pay a tine of ips
and the coat% _
A. Ryan. Saplg liquor. NolZ4 prompt.
entere.d,wp Aftwmcnt~of costs by the de-
D. c. S. Slatting. &Ain liquur on Sum
:day. Not& proatqui entered upon.pilynient
of costs by defendant. • Same defendant.
Sang liquor to a minor. _Notl!-proiefitii en
tend !mon payment of casts.
A. Deerfield...64We ; liquor, etc. Pleut
% ,gqilty. nd :sentenced to pay a fine of s.s., and cos and
Snoni and Thomas Garnett.- LareenY.
Nye do not print the true Lilts found by
the Grand Jury, for.the reasoa7;lltorihe, tee
simony before-that body*AArriAciii4dikit
and furnishes no rellablef:procif`eitifiti.gullk.
of partieS. The Otsia***
,9i;,,tittiiii*:;:atia 'OP* Ude . - -
bills only in caset:***thirkii
gmunci for artion:4_Xift**mt.reigsllV._,;t4l..),'
the testimony foe:waiter crtrlPPer.i.T
ties that given bifOre:..oom4:.!ittt.:
.. The Vourt
noon, after =s 'v : iatge amount
of business.
with petty easeet:* l **: she* iterer : !tate
.beetralltiwcd to-'app*if,Onigill;.the'jtistices
Mikes. The cesinpilint on : :this subject is
general throughout - the State, that it seems
likely-the Legislature, before long; will enact
a law authorizing justices to dispose of all
suits of a minor grade—a consummation de.
vontly to be wished.
. THE Crawford- Democrat gives currency
to a- rumor that either Col. Richmond or
Col. McCoy will be withdrawn as Radical
candidates for, Senator in that
supposition being that it will be the former.
This• Would seem - to indirxtte a row that if
both reinitin in the Bele/Awl* will win the
day, and a disposition_ on the, part of the
..ibulical opponents to concentrate
their Mites upon one mart. The fact that
Lowry h i m no competitor in this county nar
rows the contest down to Crawford entirely,
and renders it certain that if he carries that
county at the primary elections to be held
on Friday, the 21st inst., he will be the regu
lar'Radleal nominee. -
—Since .the above was in type, Colonel
Richmond has withdrawn from the canvass,
leaving the contest between McCoy and
Lowry.. Richmond and his :friends-are said
to have declared thatLowry must be defeat
ed if by any possibility it can be done, and
are hard at work endeavoring to advance
McCoy's interests., Among shrewd politi
cians in Crawford, it is, thought that the
anti-Lowry element have made a mistake in
not withdrawing McCoy and tearing Rich
mond to fight out the battle nith Lowry.
The fact that McCoy served four years In
the army seems to be the main inducement
for malting him the anti-Lowry champion, it
being supposed - that the soldiers will sup
port him nearly unatihnottsly. But, on the.
other hand, he was the leader of the Finney
forces last fall, and In that capacity created
many enemies, who will lose-no opportunity
'to secure his defeat. Richmond, onithe
contrary, is exceedingly popular, and as a
eandillute for Associate Law Judge last year,
defeated David Derriekson by a handsome
majority. We are compelled to the convic
tion; as a disinterested observer, that the
prospect looks much as if Lowry • was likely
to win the day. The Radicals of Crawford
seem to be astlestitute of flt - matori al-to make
Senators out of as those of Erie, and if-Low
ry succeeds U will not be as much due to his
particular shrewdness or talent, as to the
fact that no 'Competitor has appeared able to
compete with _him. We would again call
the attention of the anti-Lowry Radicals of
Erie to the important diet, fiat; If they are
in earnest in wishing him defeated, they
- must rally to the support of their friends in
Crawford, at once.. That county, and the
prittaitry elections to beheld Mt the 91st Inst.;
. arilltho key to the political situation. If he
whisletere, it is Impossible' by any chain of
eireumstances to avoid the mortification of
having him as otir Senator for three years
longer, unless some diversion can be effected
—of which we have but little hope—that
will accomplish his defeit at the polls in
October. -
tn. Ou.-Iterkn:—Dear as a
public Journalist, are supposed to know all
that is transpiring in our locality of a public
character. Presuutiwg upon this supposed
knowledge, can you-give any information as
to the progress made in erecting the • large
water works?" Has the.contract -been made
for the " pipes ?" Has the digging of trenches
been commenced? has the "big engine'
been pnrclutsed,? - , Has the system of emit
plete works been adopted r Has the money
been provided for the payment of all the ex
penses connected with the entire enterprise ?
Perhaps you May fenietnber that considerable
was said about " water works "—" Kg" water
works—just before and on the Sel Friday of
March last. . QtEntsr.
We are sorry that we are .unable to furnish
our facetious corresPondent with the infor
mation desired. Ile will .prohably find the
gentlemen who are directly concerned in the
pro4pective improvement at any time
to give him specific personalatist*ers to such
questions as he nay" !we
.fit to propose to
.41 311:curx 31AMISINO MA7C - Curious
matrimonial incidents are gettinglo be plenty
of late in the newspapers. Among the latest
l thi: following from the Conneautville Rees'
E. Shed, Esq., the veteran Justice of the
Peace, of Hayfield, wads us the following list
of marriages recorded on his docket, The
bridegroom` seema-to have a decided prefer
ence for CrawAird - iivfity ladles, and to like
'Squire-fikeeffi-metluid , Of 'doing business :—HtninEDecentber3lst.,lB4o:
by-E. Skeel, Esq., Mr. Charles Williams, of
Stnitnierhilt and MIAs Prudenee-Rtindell,
' of Mayfield, Pa. ,
Wiu.l.o[l—Castr--June .12th, 1853; by the
same, Mr. Charles Williams ar Wisconsin,
. and Miss Christina Camp, of Hayfield, Pa.
22c1,1807, by the
— and Miss Emily A; Lindsay% otCarnbridge,
Oen renders will i'velMeret 'that some time
ago considerable was said in the press about
a new process for making paper outof wood.
will interest Manrof them, and the print
ing fraternity Animateflier; to knew that the
exPeritttent . has been entirely stiecessftd .
'Two manufactories are using -the process at
pitient—both b this-State. -There is - U
Pat ,
.ent upon It, and the exuct,mmns employed
.aretnot generally known, the manufacturers
keeping -it a secret and:allowing...no_ visitors
'in their estuldisliments.' Any k 44 of wood'
may be used, and neither rigs .nor smite are
r#1114.0 to Ile. Mixed with.h.
_The, present
Issue of the Pt/Server Is printed on this wood
paper, procured frotu,Thilatlelphia, and in
whiteness and texture it is -impeder to most
Strisw Made, andbiti little inferior
1 1`21ieitw - *tfottieilail,' in the ticog
ti: Noblest: bled 4, aPPraaallh4l
einutitgiou,' It `will ottst c orilia'.=lr
inpsteleiti#A-irr the tioiintrit • credit 'to
the; ltfarid4o..th6 rteti/6 etrdeeforarhase age
it is intended. - e • wane' tottl ceilitiP are
,being linelytriveCefed,,teittee the 'ittpervittipet z
of Mr. Chevatler, tittr hometti*tovhoseekill
in rili4 l ineilia 4 loo l )dblalt Thaw n
detli*ktolte,:* with impressive ettietat.
r!tra!ralilaia***h kaat, (Br. alifueeday,)
as , 00 mat - imply -a - 1110 li aer, tif pro**
-Atm* tVonVolitited will- be paiset, -It •ix
eiiweted tbstßobt.4., tamberuip..FAity.
thelt*eridiy tys p ?Awe,- end mammal , of
'ultesual will be isecui t ediieAkilFrrAe
'Undress. - -
i ~
htening orgabd - beadth Mai be
joyed by nearly..evtObeily-Af.litmatill only
obsietre — . l4l lo4 l odifolkdditkciOdae:rolfl 3 :
Tdrst, lrefp,ltioditiAtikidWeaCregab*ood
ni.riegnlie bOdib'
roarikAatort 7 :egitinislooltht
supper!. Fifth, km) a clean skin. &.Ih,
get plenty of'sleep at night Seventh. keep
cheerful and ft:amiable company. Eighth,
keep out of delit. Math, don't set your nail
on !Mimi you don't need."
- Tim kiii*ottheiliiitiiiiiiiiulasOliiihiew7
set just ticeo is about fourteen bolus- •;.
. >
. Tat friends of John Van Daniker. . say
there is no ;foal in thereports that he intends
eating the railroad conipani,fot thunage2.
Bitter let well enough alone.
Fon a wonder,* it told h at tlic last seriSipn
of the Criminal Conrt, no person was een-
Ticted of an offence aulnelently heinous to
entitle hint to be sentenced" to the-Penitenti
- .
As se RELY as the robins' betoken .the ad
ieu% of spring do the organ grinders that of
"an rimer. The first of the season "made his
appearance upon our streets on Tuesiby—a
'Certain sign that pleasant weather will not he
delayed long.
- -T7f,liin staunch old Democratic friend, Capt.
*es Dunlap, has been re-elected Harbor
: iiister for the ensuing year, The- Captain
~ lituvlield the position for a long time, and
,every . year seems to increase in favor among
the dock men.
The editor of the Olrse'rier will he absent
next week,on a visit to the Southern portion
of the State. The business of the office will
be left in charge of Mr. Foulke, our obliging
foreman, who will - be happy to attend to any
orders that our friends ropy etionew to leave.
MA Pie Nic of the Irish American Renee
olentAssociation 'will be held in Cochran's
woods, on Thursday next, the 13th inst. AM
enormous attendance is expected, and the
Managers are making, every preparation. in
their power to ensure a pleasant affair.
Tine Connettiftville Record inei been in:
creased four columns, in, size.„ making it the
largest paper in Crawford county. It Is con.
ducted with rare vigor, and few more wel
come journals come in our exchange list.
We congratulate the Messrs. Rupert on the
prosperity that that'la evidently attending their
Com. was never cheaper in gold than it- is
now in currency. People who have perm*
vent homes would do well to lay in their.
winter's stock during the_ warm weather.
-Mining coal is unprofitable at present prices,
and the value of "black tlitintonds"-must ad
vance before winter. -
THE Democratic Central Committl'e of
Crawford county have selected •Pearson
Church as 'Senatorial, and (1. W. Heeker
and B. P. McAllister as Representative dele
kates to . the State COnventititi,'with instruc
tions to support Hon: Gaylord` Church for
Supreme Judge.
' IT ta not what we eat, but What we digest,
that tnakes ii strong. It is not what we
earn, but what we save, that makes us rich.
It Is not what jive read, but what we remetn
bet, that makes us learn. It is not what we
profess, but what we practice, that makes tits
Thy: weather is at length beginning 19 as
sume a decidedly summer aspect lt looks as
tlf s after Idl,Junerwas g - 2ing to display the char
acteristles which properly belo4. Wit. ?go
ple will presently be comphtlning as much
,about the heat as they have been about the
'cold and rain. We can't imagine hob- half
of Mau and woman kind could exist if they
didn't have the weather to grumble about.
WE wonder if Greeley intended to hit
any of the Radical newspaper men in. this
section, when, in his letter to the anion
League, he spoke of 'the "little creatures
whom God, thr shine inscrutable purpose,
permits to edit a majority of, our minor
journals I° From the sudden cesqation of
their attacks upon him, it , would appear as
If Greeley's shot hid taken effect.
lowa is safe. The Rer. Henry Clay Dean
one of lbe most resolute copperheads of,that
State roffistai to run for Governor ;of the
State on the Democratic ticket. Thereannst
be light breaking somewhere when a bitter
copperhead 'declines a nomination for office.
—Drapetteh. . -
A likely story- indeed. 11 "bitter Copper
heads" wanted office as badly as the Dis
patch makes it appear, how long would they
remairi "hitter Copperheads t"
TnE ease of Rev. Julius Degmeir, charged
with embezzling large sums of money and
stamps from the Internal Revenue office in
this city, witich"was to have been heard be
fore-Commissioner Marshall on l'nesday, has
been postponed to the 15th inst., the V. S.
District Attomey having sent word that it
Will be impossible for him to attend before
that date. Tithi suit.has matted an infinite
amount of gossip, and the evidence in con
nection with it will be awaited with much
interest- • -
Tim long struggle over the selection of a
city police force for the ensuing year W. 114
closed on Monday evening, the two Coun
cils meeting in joint - session, tind selecting
the following persons: Daniel Kendig,Adam
Schneider, Adam Scherlein, T. D. Chellis,
Jacob Sandusky, George P. Henry, John
Murray, and, Jacob D. Beasley. -Thirmas
Crowley was, some time ago, re-chosen
Chief of in which capacity he has
served, with general t4tlisfaction, for several
years. -. • .
Tnc.interest on our public debt' is $ll,-
600,000 every month. There are people,
strange as it may seem, who believe* that a
national debt is a public blessing.—Go:elte.
"Strange as it may seem," we have a very
distinct recollection of a dine not far distant
when the Gazette and all the ,papem . , of its
creed, were very industriously at' work en
deavoring to convince their readers that
what it nowyegards as an absurdity was ono
of the profoundek philosophical truths. --
. SaxoFt E WoomtursriEsq., of Girard, has
been appointed by Chief Justice Chase, Reg
ister in Bankruptcy_ undor .the
. late act of
Congress, fur this Congressional district.
It is ,understood.-that the Chief Justice-left
the selection of these officers to the several
Republican Congressmen,- and that Mr.
Woodruff obtaine — d . Judge .Seofieid's recede
mendadon.., We trete mistaken last week in
announcing- the appoliitanetif of Judge Pettis
to the same - Position hi the CraWford.dht 7 ,
tract. • Colonel L. - I): Rogers, of Franklin,
yenalim counth tire forturiaUt , man.
Tffelast Legislature pissed an set author
izing the several courts of the Common-
wealth to appoint phonographers to report
the proceedings, when, in their judgnent; it
•may •be deemed.. advisable. We, disagree
with our esteemed 'eotemporary„,the craw;
, ibrd Democrat, in pronouncing -this a useless
law. it will certainly tend greatly towards
expediting business, whetevei adopted, and
add much to the convenience of all who
hpve eleit*tiliairpi. we
„acts passed by the Same body
were Squatty sensible.. „ °-
THE Secretary of the Lake Erie Press As
sociation publishes the fallowing notice. We
hdipe there will be a full attendance.atAhe
Meeting, and that its proceedings will not be
inferior to the laSt in bantiony and Pleiisant
TlMAteitt reht,, areettv,:of tlthrl_Associsi.
'don , wllo4:bigd-tri VaiftlernaoW:PlL3
012 Thursday tune 13tI080t, 'at 2.
m. Capt Jesse IL Lord. of the 'Scientific
AmeriCan,'llebt York ; ofll-.lktihtei .:theLlid
&CM Mt' the•oemiskric gr,Mertniei* .itf the
Assoetatioo, and- editors; liahreilieri; arid re- -
portiri; who desire to become members. are
cordially invited to attend. witiumt thither
Tug Cone ladle Record proposes, after
,ftfiftt'ef4nne,l6 Pffitit. list a thee' subi
serihers to whom the publishers have re
petttot*, sent .billsousti received tut answer.
if cotenaporlifyinipbouilty this'eninso ou
Awns Witt tiamt.fte. krflOtht.l 4 oo. llei r
,Ohts, grfeVo-46: stmns-a..lessort : &idiot
trona air personal experience, Hutt its labors
will be fruitless. Of all mei the Wini‘f
the: neitiiiiiieivssibitititli*r 'tidbit*" trail&
: 11 5teziowtad9T1staktalk 4.ollgre:.
mkt,:Autirtoted.,„TherO is 'some
immolation, hoiveitei,lnlitowiag that Itttet,
_Washers caq't vas them pay ;Mir honest
lndebtedriess, we can at least spread the bet
of *dr, rascality before • a discriminating
Tiro Corry Telegraph says a child about a
inctintritht - mS B 1 41 41110 'EmPire 4 311 se+ 4 1 k
that city, on Monday of last week. "It ap
pears the inntler cattle :thert-teitirl4
and after a, little while asked to lektve it in
charge of the mistress : of the Uot The
kind hearted lady consented; and the result
was, the . mother has not returned, but left
the 'child to, the cold thitifies lie. t, world.
On investigation_ it was discovered that the
child was illegithaite another hae
been working at some hotel in Meadville.
Her present location has not yet been fonntl."
In fitting up his new-boot and shoe store,
in Brown's Hotel, Mr. Clark' has made a
decided hit. It is the neatest in the city,
and cannot fail to be admired by all who
possess good taste.. The floor is nicely car
peted, the painting of an especially pleasing
character, the shelves of admirable design,
and everything about the establiihment har
monizes with beautiful effect. 'Unless we
ate moth mistaken, dirk is bound to have
a big trade. The people of Erie appreciate
enterprise too well to permit such as he itaS
displayed to gri witheut its just reward,
Nov inane moons hence the Dispatch will
be bidding for Demneratic" support the title
is that way now.—Warnoi Ledger.
However good' our neighbor „may be at
prophesy ho never went wider the mark
than when he wrote the forCgoing pant
We assure our neighbor that it does not
require any peculiar gifts of priiphasyto fore
• tell the Ledger's prediction. The experience
of the Past Ls a very fair the results
iif the Atittre.
•Mt.slsra F. J. '& Co: wish i t 'to be
understood that they . are not so , distrtistful
of their customer:Las to insist' upon cash
. doWn in all cases, and announce, that they
any willing to giVe a ieasonable credit to re
liable parties, at the - satim time Aelling goods
Just as low as those who deal only for cash.
At their store, 14). 1f321 Beach street, may be
found as full a stock of groceries, fruits
and other articles in theirline as is kept on
hind at any stand in the city.:
Among the nuMemus new stored south of
the depot, few are more creditable than the
millinery establishment of Mr..ilawkins, in
the improved - Mansion Molise building. Mr.
IT. has recently opened with a stock of goods
unsurossed by any Store in the city, and if
enterprise -and conrtenus dealing are any
warrant to success, cannot fail to tio'a heavy
trade. TIW ladies ill tiny tit . e store well
worth visiting.
THE HepCriuttedelpt of Lake - harbors has
directed the channel ' at this t ort to be dredg
ed a foot deeper,sp that a depth of from thin.:
teen to fifteen 'and one-half feet on the bar
may 'always be relied upon. The completion
of the inipmvements contemplated at the
harbor will render it - accessible*to the largest
vessels upon the: Lakes at all seasons of the
Lest some misapprehension might 'ensue
from an error itt the small bills circulated for
M. F. Wordena& Co„ We take occasion to wp .
that their store is at No. 428 French street;
instead of 4..V1, as there printed. They make
a'speciality of Butter, Milk, Cream, Eggs and
Produce, and those desiring a fresh article
can always rely upon getting it of theth.
We have tested some of Brigden's Sugar
Coated Coffee, manufactured at the Pioneer
- Coffee and Spice Mills, on Peach street, and
do not hesitate to say that it:ranks with the
very best article of the sort we ever tasted.
The sugaring-process imparts a delicious lin
vor to the composition, which renders it pe
culiarly agreeable to the taste.
Gyatsul Iltmocee, for many- years editor
of the New York Journal of Commerce, -a
wealthy- and benevolent man, once acid--:
"From my boarboced •-I have - Observed that
every man grew covetous in• proportion as
he grew rich, if he did not keep giving."
Alas, for poor human nature. Mr. Flalloek's
observation is only too true!
THE straw hat season has comtnenced,and
Is progressing in all ita glory at Wilson's, 23
Park Row. :Any one can learn what a
glorious thing it is to keep cool. by trying
one of Wilson's fine Panamas, or even, just
for the trial, a palm leaf. Give him a call.
31r..1. C. 3larshall has ptirettased the inter
est of J. Hearn in the grocery house 24 North
Park; and the firm title will hereafter be Mar
shall, Christian ik Craig. • We commend the
firm as one of the best iu Ate city. •
Skwimi.—Witli the great variety of Sew
ing Machines in!the market, and. the intense
competition which prevails in their Sale, it
Must be a mutter of some difficulty for per,
sons to deckle which' to select. Each ma
chine lumits merits, but among them all, we
have seen none that We like better than the
Finkle & Lyon, of which Mr. E. A. Hail is
the.agent for our. city. - Works easily and
noiselessly, seldoM gets out of repair, is read
ily adjusted, and possesses the merit of being
adapted to every, kind of material, which is
so essential a matter iu machines for family
use. We - do not wish to say anything tluit
will discriminate apinst others., but sugmt
us our readers that in making their exinuina-
Hans of inabhines before purchasing, it will
be .well for them to remember the Finkle .L
Lyon among the number. -
31. r. Hall is taw agent for the Empire Ma
chine for heavy . work, to which he calls the
attention of tailors, shoe makers, harness ma
kers and others requiring aivartiele of strong
er capacity than is generally used.
PEnsoNat..-4:or:Liston. the renowied Sur
geon for the Eye, Ear, Throat and Chronic
IDiseases, will be at Brown's Hotel; in this
city, again, on next Tuesday and Wednesday,
11th and 12th days. of June, stopping for
-those two days only. All in any way afflict
ed should call on hint without delay and
avail themelves of his great and well'known
skill and experience. Remember he remains
but two days, therefore it would bewail to be
on hand early. ' *
SONB,CIP LlllltitTY.ATTXNTaulote—i•Meet
ing of the Sons of Liberty will be held a
Beltlaudeeker's - Hall, on ThuntAlay evening
the 13th inv., for theinwpose. of organizing.
. .
No humbug! a.spleridid Hair Net, elastic
cord, all complete, for 5 cents, at Merrill's,
No. 8 Reed:House.
LIiDTEIS; jnBt think' ! you can buy : a good
fot 5 etas, at
CALL Rua get one of those 5 cent Nets be
fore they are gone, at
Evutty lady should 'hare one of those 5
cent Nevi, at menus.,
_ Ato; for one of those 5 cent - Nets nt Mer
LADIES . Hair ',lets, only 5 cent - 4, at crier
Coon—Wiarrr—On the 4th inst., at the resi ,
dance tor- the -bride's mother, Mrs. M. H.
Plaiii, by Ileir.`J. K. Spaulding, Mr. James
Cock aridlilas Anna W. 'Wight, both, of
.- this city. No cards.
Mcdssiiis*—:o:natt th e residene6 , of
the 'bride, ow: Thu . i . I mlay, May, 23d, by the
• Rev. Wur. • Grasiie,:air. 8: W. Meeaslin,
of F!4III,II9ViA, - Ohio, to Miss Lena Comp
tcai, of gdinlioro,,l'a.
- Enscy. • - •
figotrit• his -nisidtace• *or* Fan,
„ on ffn3.3d - inst.i ;John
Hactngaxwoeliitiil with and oh theist of-Jowls
, sy.Anikm,w 3,10 es inthe
SU= .-1X31297013,. ',-
The Ann Wilthe kiimi•isait C.
anti the Miasma wilibe earned ull lit hereto.
Amer West Purt.-Eriei • -
r • 44
itrarfflOpiedaShwas card shildren.. A
m Wes ha -the tom
of t et saMeolmoysterfrotstaffs:-then flambee*
juw. - salen - worradef*, -*tali - anew gestrwlestlw - .
tieught,:-" The , thairwror ta-preveiittlaii
4snutterNrinoimity as UAW, aboalkinvimtakl47.l4l-..:
of- -They twee ereseeet - 114 “s o:
mage opalr of - sham last three Omen as lough*
, wl*coMpi, -14ealliec °lmhoff* Issawiworit to
some extent, hut they have proved'.
811fferitrealuIve aweatmld,arOwtanthit Nome
au me addittio slow *MINIth Abit:.d.loupow
hbte at ht of dirly_tdoc NINIIII-V41 1 9 1 00 1 41
toes. Wirhavis - aOWA_ _WWI r b i t a v w
.lortmfait*VllMlae.TWOeff Omiwterlet
the elty, Itteltuthig fine Mewed ahoes.
Youths' Boots, &c., which we offer, together with
slam! , wad fashlotuable ammtment- ot Ladies'
and Gents' Fine and Heavy Weds, at the lowest
math Priem
1411742. , C. MIL/WART. I co.
WIE ' ' H - - G L-7x. ---y ;
No. 12 , Puri Row, between Brown's Hotel he Reed House,
Crockery, Ckiiita, Glasse Wore, Tin Poilet Ware,
Parfait, 'China and - Glass Vases and Ornaments
. •
Merehants.; s4sappllecl at, leses than Ntr-w - York _Prices.
, No. 4 Noble's Block, Erie, Pa.,
Two Dooti South of the Prow Post Office,
C 31 - _, C.) 'l7. lET 17C41- !
4611-o..ntlemon's 'Furnishing; 461.0c0d5,
At Prices Satisfactory to All.
In examination of out Stock and Price, 6 respectfully solicited
Great Broad Gunge Double Track Route to
New York, Boston and the New England
C, I 'F I E .
This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New
York, el miles. Buffalo to New York, et miles.
Salamanca to New York, 415 miles. And L• 4 from
trains run directly through to New York, 4W
MILES, without change of conches,
From and after April T. 11 67. trains will leave,
in connection with all the Western. Lines, as
follows: From DUNKIRK and SALAMANCA
—by New York time—from Unlon Depots:
1t•35 P. M., Lightning Express from Sahli/lama
daily (except Sundays% Intersects at Rot:
neliscille with ftffl P. M. Train from. Buffalo,
and arrives in New York at 7 A. M.
7:30 A. M., Express Mail, from Dunkirk daily
' (except' Sundays). 'Stops at Salamanca at
MOO A. M., and connects at Hornellsville
and Corning with the $ A. M. Express Mail
front . Buffalo and arrives in New York at 7
A. M.
4:15 P. M., New YOrk_Night Express ; from Dun
kirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Sala
manca at asa P.M:, and arrives in New York
at 12:30 R 11., connecting with afternoon
trains and steamers for Boston and New
From Buffala—bv New York tlme—from Depot
corner Exchange and Michigan Sts.:
0:45A. M., New York Day Express, daily (except
Sundays). Arrives In New York at 10:30 P. M.
Connects ut Great Bend with Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western Railroad for -plata-
dolphin, Baltimore, Washington and points
ik4o A. M Express Mall, via. A/and Boinena
vine,daily (except Sunday). Arrives to New
York at 7 . .430 A. M. Connects at Elmira with
Williamsport & Elmira Railroad for Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington
and points South.
WO P. M., Lightning Express, (tally (eseeptfirra
day). Stops fur wood and water only, and
arrives in . New York at taa A. M.
6:10 P.M.; New York Night Express. daily. Don
neetaat liomellsvilie with that:l7)P.M. train
from Thinkirk, and arrives in New York at
1290 - P:M. Abuieenriectsat Elmira for Har
risburg,Phlitidelphla and the'South.
1131 P,, M., Cincinnati Express. daily (except
Sundays). Arrives in New - Yorlcat &roP. M.
Connects at Elmira with Williamsport& El
mira Railroad; at Great Bead With Delaware,
Laekawanna & Western Railroad, and at
New York with afternoon trains and steam-
ere for Boston and New England cities.
Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Buffa
lo at *lO P. X., and reaching New York at 190
A. M. In advance of all other routes.
Wilton and - New England passengers, witly
their baggage, are transferred, free of charge, In
New York. •
'the best Ventilated And. most ; taiturious
Shieping Crws in tho World accompany ail night
trains on this Railway. - -
Ilat , gage-checked throligh and 'Zara always as by any other mute. • .
-which can be obtained at - airnirlacipalpeket of
flees in the West and south-west:: •
Oen . / dupl. Ven'l Pass. AWL
febls'66. -
G. P. L1A.7V1A0",,-&
Dealers Si all kinds of
Fifth Sti'tit; Indween'State and French,
Having pnrehrord our goods before the tate
rune In prlees, we feel confident of being able to
give talittinetion both in Price and quality,
Country Produce,
Of every sort, boniht and said. Fanners can
always depend on "relying the idebestraark et
price for their articles. •
DFAI.4IIB IN ME AI) or:limo TowNs,
And ou the Lines of "Railroad,
Give us:a Coll
Iteimeriberisyreinelisott's litiirtiet Depot
.T - . .
Wholesale and Retail _
Dealer ...In- .FurnitureA
• flaying purclote4 littirit of Forel
tior of Mesert.' ; &toore - 1 / 1 10ei. I rimPecitair
Mk, noveki etvtontiT and public ge.peto y
to give gioikeelit eg eoltlti at. ' I
tik 4 11.7-STAIt STItEgT,'
'Before vereisotinit elsawhow. -I.hate.i WM .
tutsotittoeut..eF, -
4g4 _BO
,Ball". *if
• - • •
13EDS'rEADS, iettitiaB, TAINES,
-••• • • ---VARDIOIII% pIISKS,
„•• ,•• , • - •-
And, hi fact everything int he line ‘ aPurniture.
I am prepared tonuumfactxtretonnier am-style
dud WV be mined for. Hemember, '73.3
state street, east side, between seventh and
Eight b are ts,
&C.. &C.:. &C.
. A Most Exquisite, Delicate, end Pre
grant Perfume, Distilled from the Sax•
and BeaUtiful Plower from which is
takes its. name.
Manufactnied only by PHALON d -.!§,loti
Bold br Onaul. eta faxasitr.
The Host Successful Medicines
In the World.
Established in 1835 by one of
our Bost Eminent - Physicians,and
110 W used throughout North .and -
South Amer* with more pleasing
results that-any other Medicine in
cases of diseased liver l Blood or
Skin, Indigestion, Costiveness,
Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism
and Fever and Ague.
Thowiands of
,certificates are in
our possession ; giving -detailed
accounts of perfect MtEs effected
by these invaluable liediciPes.
They regulate the SyStein end put . ,
all .the innetions of the body
in a healthy condition. -
SA byau tea.--Init. a llowlowl. Prop*
otonOlincessors to Dr. John West , and Dr. V. a
Itofet. lieu York. -
Fielting,thielfor-talur. without elmage Of ten.
pion, and - does beautiful Embroidering The -
Isself Stitch Usellines are used for Ug4 - and
heavy tailoring, by harness and atiognt
SimNe ist eonatrueilon—quiet and ray In Ogle.
' - Sewing machines exchanged -and ;Wren__ Ay
the week or month. Slik,,CottOp, _puixammes, baud.' • . •
For the Handkerchief.
NEW roar,
" R. H. FAULKNER; M. D.,
iktinoras A2tnIIO3ICSVATIIIb
=French Street, Erie, Row