IMl=l zir PA.; MAY OTT', I:ST,7 mr Tie most Largely eireuhvelnewspaper in 11'. Pennsylvania, and the best Adverti ,,,i vorrvt Or JULY. —The.members nf St. Pat- are already making orepa_ : 0 celebrate' the coming anniversary of ‘ . .,,cirnn Independence. The celebration is nrd,to he upon an extensive scale, and 0,, managers expect• to eclipse any demon orati:4l heretafOre made by the congregation in tn ,4 city. The various'encleties will parade in tl.e forenoon, through the principal streets. A number of elegant emblems will be carried :n the procession. After the parade is con ebried, the members of the congregation will r. , eer.l I Cochran's weeds, which have been „, : az. , l for the °emit:Oa, where a grand pic ric. will it • held during the balance of the day. ai:ernoon,,the Declaration will be read, •er,ral u-ationa delivered, and a number of •ung. The Temperance Deed ' inFtrumental music throughout , —o,lings. We are requested to say n ...I.e a general celebration i 9 got up, bib - Tent Catholic societies Rill participate; rwiso they will go on their "own hook." r.r.•;;' I,r , a burning stigml upon our native tu'r'n= if they suffer thern. , elves to ? 0 3 1. by Thnse of ME trlll-11 FLAG IlArLF:if "DaWN.-9.1 Sunday tr,,n, at 2 &clock. ai adman ,- rk; fr.,m Trr)ron. Iraq lyinz quietly at r, is (1;rr , 1..n1, Sri li n) ono on hair], 1., v 9 and an all I i t vr sti i. h•l' , ; hoarded by a ?Arty :thin; vlairnizr: o h . The “1-C;en aba , k" at 'he s gurrrNo party. and 4011 t•.•oidied wlien ;he plrtp•ordered Ho; •.; ;,; illen the British easizn, that flouted 11‘ ; ; row held. lie reftiqed to e-Triplv, .ha edof; were panel down in Tae party were rl•• , y gn.l cit.•(,"t:iro , igtl - 01 , ercir de.rion t^i-,n, let iv ow - T• qfter accompli.hinc vrty lets' as the „,! •ittr bncr.lrl t he Elk. ;temainecl in the I,,ek r .r o p m 1, tin the deck, as . spectators. AB (1 , 1 lb , 6ccr:rrena^ loCarne aYlisl. Tara e , role of the Fenian Broth nl in r"eveland. held 3 meeting, tili repudiating the lawless to h and dcnyinC that the n. , n, - red in it are tnembers of thteir (i'lr-Vi^, n Conperhend of the 4triel , tct has *ce'eti aprointed Post llaster. at and Wai confirmed Fir the Sena,e,be .-- in -. , ..?rson t il for r wi'h Senator--Cameron . a umber of Copperheads hale be.n ap- 1 , ) !iterative ell - ices in this State. 1-: t!,,c friendly aid ennicron., who dis o.; villei:11 favors es if en, , culatillg on h.- tv! tll ,, 'teller of h , wli partieg. This is, we , re , c, an cvidenc^ f 1114 Ridictlism which s r;nthnsinsfically by his ad ,. rpr.: nt the rim. of hts election.—.lfoolvdte r i "!• • cr--m very tinfiettinve in their • , ‘.eniei of n•r-0n4.0 fill thn high office 4 of !wino. Dec,i% 7, ,..1 in J.)hrl4 in, in S-war,i, ri brim, C,crtin, %nil now in unmeron, they darn t tr , vit to carry out their t. - crna' progrsmrn • : There io not a mon i•t oluat ry, poptfra- • n ',ugh to e'er:LA, wlplui they ftave sufficient eenfplcuce in to take un as their gin lidate for President If they ssleot Grant. or Colfax, or Thomas, they nre sure to be disappointed; if Butler, Wade. or Sumner is the nominee. defeat is equally' certain. The party is ;n a bad plight, and tgt wails cf anguish are frightful to hear. Crr: , 'Z'LA rE DEMOCRATIC PAPER:4.—We do not loaow of any way—and we speak entirely • regird to per.onat intere4 7 sin which Detycratc can do so much towards advancing the PUCCPS9 of their principles its by encour.: r,gin: in every manner thet citia devise Cie car est , t:iva ~f sound and vigorous journals. The more political experience we obtain the better • nri convinced that the key-note of ulti mate victory is to be found in this idea. It ha= long lavn a stigma upon the Democratic t: t h at it never gives its jfitircals allibecal a scrpor' Pur opponents, and . to this negli • scdrit may easi'v he traced the secret of n 4 roe , defeats. and rrostrated condition a' tr.-^r In the canvasses that have taken We were not met with dis eu-si,n—we were beaten by abuse. Such wacrami cou;tl net. have been sucessfully wac.el by our opponents had the circulation of s - und Democratic papers through the country been t nidied with all .possible vigor The pcsions of people cannot he made the founda itcn of political success, if the people are made to n i, , Cl3 to.argnment and reason. This can he effected other manner than by a woe diffusion of the Conservative press. The mel are threaferjnz. We krow not when the . F.ti)rta clouda may burst. The yeople edu^at!4 ffy the pr,,l - mbl. emergen cy. •We will anag - nteo that every arldition%l copy of a ,f lunch D'.mocrtetic parer (irculated . q ‘ anY neighlrorhomi, will bring in a harvest of iithnal freeman - to vote, or, if nece9.ary. ~ r . o‘iat to strikA ❑ the aide of law and Lot nur friends r , tlPet on this point,anti ff.ey 7c - 111 see 11,1 t it is well taken. tsts;•l‘.. - ; At ,•torccr horri ble at:macro recaritel on Thursday of last ja - rt b'ufftlo, knife r , et ory . In the worts sere arc •everiil huge g•-indstouei, turned by , :term, obov,-etch of which upon a ''horse." a .osti aod grinds knife blades About to:: t the stone revolves in a trough of wa t-r, which trou'gh' is let into the gronnd kl ,,, ut four inches space is left on each side he trough and the.stone. One of the rt'n, George Gilman, went to leave his 'seat, •tn i ir;-so do;ng liis foot slipped upon the damp, e!tliev grsonti, 'and slid into the trough in he stones were revolving. In this po -..t rust I,lly was jammed end mashed in a manner. VO:ien extricated his back WV a mas+ of grttty pulp; one arm woe torn rn shrs , ls, tho - inuso!es being literally pulled , u' I, y the toot.. Every time the fearful reviAved_ upon the writhing flesh it tired it with alit and grit, while the greater t.;rt of the clothing was stripped off. CAt •LN FOR TatAL.—The following cases are IWO for trial at th.• Court commencing on lha 5 - et M , inday in JOne : fiardeer ye Gardner, lliinnig & Headley YE( & Linsley, Greenfield tp vs Road Cora rlii...toners. II inson vs Erie County, Perkins e. Perkin., Loverien vs ?iletcalr. et !di uee 01- ' v " " Wing. Alderman vs Joslin, et al, Keith V 4 Keith, Davioson v. Keith, Tanner vs 0 C R ft Co. Landphere vs Zinn, Strong vs Stunt. et Snelinger vs Kerner, Lin-ley vs Roup, Kett hi. ye ShepardBOß, Henry vs Colby, Patterson lr.i Caldwell, Tarr & Northrup vs Severance, :wt . % et al, ye Janes. Farrar vs Cleveland, Tanner vs Lindsley. Turner, et al, vs Scott, Cutler & Hinds vs Wells & Sullivan, Halebead Mac!. vs Sawdy. Vannatta vs 0 It B. use Ra ser vs Ihyd, et al, use Vaughn vs same,Thomp. ` O O Oil Co vs Snow & Burgess, use'Raser vs Boyd, et al, (5 cases,) Tanner vs Kessler. Le - Ladies will please notice the cards of Mr. Henricha, Dry Goode dealer. lie is very modest in speaking of his business, but, we dare say, there is not a better stock nor goods enld cheaper then his. Give him call, at No. 716 Slate Street' my'Mf. The Bridgeport Shirt Co.'s shirts are the , es' • madeto order, and constantly on hand, at iiileon'e,•2B Park Row. When in the city don't fail to call on Wil 'on, the hatter, at 23 Park Row. • Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas, a Wilson's, 2,3 Park Roy. Heine of Local Interest. Blank receipts an4-recelpt :books for sale at his office. . Motion, Stophen4 - 1 adrertiseMeot -it speaks for itself! The rumor is current about thOeity that Mr. Lowri and his friends 'are soon to estab lish a near Radical daily paper. The population of Erie at various periods was as ftl'lOWR : Ia 1820. 63.5; in 1830, 1 329; 1840, 3,412; in 1850, 5,8-38: and in 1860, 9,419. The theatre in Farrar Hall closed on Satur day night. The manageri did not understand the secret of adrertisineand their audiences rresented a slim array. Mr. Amos Stone having resigned the . agency of the 'Merchant's Express Co , at Pairitiew, the appointment has been conferred upon Mr. R. Pettit. Mr. J. T. Chase, of Titusville, one of the members of the last Legislature from Crawford county, has announced himself es a candidate for re-election. Flowardk the celebrated violiniet, thouelii :ry. many not to be inferior to Ole Bull, is giving concerts in the adjacent towns, and will be in Erie same time during the pres ent month. • • It it should turn out, as now reported, that Charles Dickens will visit the United States, th e Whittier Literary Association will-use every effort to induce him to give series of readings in this city. The Pithole Pocord feelingly remarks "No little excitement exists among our hotel and saloon keepers front the fact that no licences are to be granted at this term of Court.'•' A Protestani laity was married to a Catho lic gentleman in Corry, a week err couple ago. Previous to the ceremony she formally nounced Protestantism and was received into the bosom of 'hi? Romish church. The organ of St. Paul's (Episcopal) Charch is now in c'mp'e'e order, and is pronratice.l by all our musical people the beet in the city . It will be order the special charge of Visa Kate ileebe, a performer of rare skill end mach erience. John 11 Gough. it is stnt.ed, has lectured on . temnertnee 5,000 time., and, the World sag zestisely remirk., still live• Fie pronounces the 'sst winter 'he hardest in al , his leetnre experience. lie lost fourteen- engsgem-nts swine• to storms and delays 0/1 1.1111.49(14 Tho Tribune thinks the old maxim about iten esty being the best pnliCy shouldbereplacedhy ill's legend: "Dishminsty is i the best rolicy if you steal half a millicn."; The Tribune's il , rty . has acted upo:i that theory eversince its er:nnization. The advertisement of Mr. O. agent j far the Wheeler & Wilson eewing machine, will fie fonnd in another column. These mg ' chine.+ havct at I aiiiled vtich a degree of popular ity in env ontinn that a hail' tln^n of them are sold for onef any other make._ Two Rtdical candidates for Senator are in the field in Crawford county—ll. L Richmond (def con li•late for JUdge last fall) and Col D C. McCoy. both of Meadville._ We do not learn wh•ather M. , 11.-L intends entering the contest there or not, by presume that he The Temperance band connected with St. Patrick's congregation, has been supplied with a romplete set of new silver instruments, at a cost of nearly a thousand dollars. The rapid improvement this band in the brief period of its organization warrants us in the prediction that it will eventually be one of the finest in the country. Av each party will elect a Jury Commission er next fall. it is necessary that the Democrats should nominate a man of well settled and unsuspected integrity—one who is generally 'acquainted over the county, nod a man of_ sound and discriminating judgment Out' candidate, in other words, ought' to• be chtir acteilzed by firmness, honesty and intern genet.. The supp'.y of fish in cur market now is abundant, and comprises every variety that can tempt the palate. Old fishermen tell us they have never seen a season when the fish were larger or more plenty. Every day we see Oarties with`baskets full, ranging from a foot to two feet. in length. If there is one thiur Erie can brag on more than another it is her fish supply. Madame Ristori, who expects to return to Enrope nh ant the middle of this, month, and who i 4 now playing a farewell engagement nt Boston, is sail to have already performed 180 nights in Ainerics. The groSs , receipts of they,. performane-s have been $450„000, of which Rislori's s' are was shout $270,000 She is probably satisfied that the Americans, with all their shrewdness., are about as easily gulled ns any people on the faCe of, the earth Erie city has a population of 17.131. In 1860 it was 11.100. stowing an increasc in seven years of 5,971. Warren Mail. Wrong, Mr. Mail. Erie city alone has a ponnlation of 10,058, with South Erie of 18, 000, and with the suburbs of very nearly 20,000. The population in 1. 1 360 was only 0,419, showing an increase of over 10,000 in seven years, which is somewhat mare credit able than the Mail's figures. • The old and well known Bennett House, at Union, has been taken by Mr. George Tabor, lately of Spartansburg,and is to be thoroughV fitted up under his direction. Mr."Tn o lese, is an experienced landlord. having kept a hotel in Erie 12, and one in Titusville 3 years, and tins always been popular with kis patrons. The Bennett House, with Mr. T. in charge, • cannot fail to become a favorite rc.gort for travelers. We wouldn't, for the life of U 9, have any,. 'body suppose that we have been dealing In that line, or expect to for some timelo come, but having learned the fact through those my.teiions means known only to editors, we a duty to inform our lady readers that the largest assortment of Hoop Skirts and Corsets in the city, may be found at the store of A. F. Cohen & Bro., 1008 State street. They manufacture their ewn goods, and are enabled to sell below the prices at other' stores. The season is remarkably backward, and unless steady pleasant weltber soon seta in we shall begin to despair of having any sum mer at all during the year A few of the ear liest trees have begun to leave, but - the major ity are not much further advanced than they were several weeks ago, The grass is well forward, but even that is behind more than usual. We are glad to be able to state that the heavy frost of last weak, did not, in the opinion of intelligent farmers, injure the fruit to any material extent, as was feared by many. The following incident affords the best com mentary upon the so-called "women' rights" ism that we have seen in many years. No true gentleman will hOsitite to concede to the ladles every right to which they are jugtly en titled, but when any of their number seek-to put themselvis on the same plane as the other sex they must no longer expect to rte treated with the same consideration as If they ap peared In the character nature has assigned to them : During the reeent session of the Equal Rights Convention,in one of the Eastern cities, a strong-minded female entered a crowded street railroad car. An old gentleman rose to give a seat, bat asked: "Be you one of those woman's righters?" "I be." "You believe a woman should liars all the tights of a man 1 2 ! "Yea I do." "Then stand up and enjoy them likes man," and stand she did. The advent of spring has brought with it the customary deficiency in the city treasury, and . the consequent atmoyanee to parties hav ing claims upon the corporation of being com pelled to wait en. indefinete period for their pay. A large number of % - arrants have been drawn, over the ability of the city to meet, and the persons obtaining them are put to the unpleasant necessity of selling them at a heavy discount, or keeping, them until the money is provided for their redemption. Among these are some who can poorly'afford to pursue eithrr alternative, and, as might be expected, there is a vast amount of com plaint on the subject. We have had occasion to call attention to this mode of conducting the city finances every year since our con nection with the °heartier, and, in doing so once more, embrace the opportunity-Tro ex press an earnest hope that it will be avoided in the future. To say that it is entirely in excusalde, and discreditable -to the city au thorities, is merely to utter the common opin ion of ail. who.are acquainted with the matter. The credit of the city certainly cannot be so low that it is unable to male arrangements for obtaining the money necessary to meet its present contingencies, and meantime, let those who are entrusted with the duty of levy ing the taxes hereafter to be collected see to 'it that enough is provided for to make the Treasury secure anima any future deficits. The publication of_ several bounty reports in our columns affords us an occasion for calling the attention of township auditors to the fact that the law requires these statements to be printed in the two county papers! having the largest circulation. In several instances, Radical auditors, in the excess of their parti zan malignity, have deliberately violated this clause of the act - and given the statements ex clusively to papers of their own faith, not withstanding it is generally known and ad mittod that the Observer has the most eaten sive'circulation of any journal in the county. The law affixes a heavy penalty for violation of its provisions, and it may be worth while for auditors to keep that feature in remem brance. It would seem that good faith alone. if nothing else, would induce the auditors to afford tax payers of both sides en opportunity to read these statements. Th. retention of Mr. ScoSeld'a friends in office in thin distri t, -Ind the removal of Democrat nt Girard ter make room far a Radi' cal, loads to the renewal of the rumor current just afb;r the Congressional campaign of last year, to the effect ihdt he had mad• a bar gain with the Administration by which he was to oppose the impeachment of the Pre i= dent on condition of retrining control of the appointments d..ring his stay in Congress. The story was generally behoved a' the time, ,and has received additional conii;mation in the course pursued by the Administration , in dis pesing of its offices in our district. Same of these days we may be tempted to give a chap ter of the secret history of this subject,, and if it doesn't crest' a howl amone, de Radical masses, we are vastly !mistaken A gentleman froin Girard, who is- intitnato ly arquaiated with the business of Colonel . Rice, info'rms us that the statement that he receives' a salary of twenty-six thousand dollars per year, so far from being an'exag= aeration, is really less than the truth. The actual pay that he gets is a., thousand dollars a week and all expenses paid, during the sea son, which usually lasts about thirty week.. and during the balance of the year he is ae liberty to do what he pleases. As he usually performs a couple of months in the large cities, aside from his regular engagements, this would give him an income of about $40,- 000 per annum,'and, we are told, that in 1865 he really received that amount of pay fcr his services. With such a salary 'it would seem an easy, matter for. Dan to soon become a millionaire, but the adage "come ,:etisy, go easy" holds good in his case, as in most others, and the end of the year often ,finds him - with,little ready cash remaining in his. pocket. . A correspondent of our daily cotemporary, writing from Kane, on the Philadelphia road, says : "The place is named in honor of Gen Tlaothas Kane, who resides here, and who owns about fourteen miles square of land in this county. Quite a snug little farm; that." Yes, but it detracts somewhat from the picture to know that the whole fourteen miles are hardly worth as much as an ordinary sized lake shore tract. The - same correspondent says a hotel is being built at Kane', which will cost not less than $lOO,OOO. Wouldn't he be willing to just take one 0 off, and' lei the story go at that ? • George D. Prentice, in a late number of hie 'paper, bears the following testimony to the merits of judicious advertising "We have been carrying on the Louisville Journal between thirty six and thirty-seven years. During all this time we have known no man of business' in the city to fail who ad vertised liberally—And we have known no one to suceeed in any conei•lereble, if even in a respectable, degree who didn't advertise lib erally :" A robber who was recently sentenced by Judo. Trunkey, at Franklin, was loud in his _comments upon the Pennsylvania ilea of jus tice. "In New York," he said, "they would sentence a man to only two years for burglary, but in this d—n State they give him' fight." He may thank his stars that he didn't get be fore our Court when Judge Derrickson was on the bench. The Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills of Mr. ilrigden are already doing an immense trade, and furnish articles equal to any of the Eto n establishments. The sugar coated coffee manufactured here has obtained a wido celeb rity. An advertisement of the concern will be found in another column. The members of the Y. M. C. Association are making another effort to secure a public library. They desire to obtain the sum of $lO,OOO, and have already received subscrip,- tions for over half the amount. We heartily wish them success in the movement. • Cleveland has had its tragedy, and the -lo cal papers are excited. On Monday morning Iveadore Ailringer was found dead-in his store, with a six-barrelled revolver by his side, and bis body pierced by two shots. The fact that he had been robbed leads to the suspicion- of murder. Buffalo harbor is still firmly blockaded with ice. Now and then a ,vessel more fortunate than the others happena to strike a channel and make-port, but each day adds to the num ber of luckless craft in sight of the harbor, unable to get in. The Presbyterian Church of Pranklin, on Sunday before last, reified a collection of $101.45 for the starving people of the South. The appeal for charity which comes up from that direction has not been met by the people of Brie with their accustomed promptness and liberality. The Tidioute Journal is after ..Gen." H. Ai. len, member of the Legislature for that district, (who is a candidate for re-election,) with a sharp stick. It says if he is renominated an independent ticket will be placed in the field. Of the &sea or more heavy dry goods deal ers in our city, we are informed that only one firm, reports an income tax. The tumble in prices last fall interfered seriously with the profits of this class of business men. _ The low priest, at which A. Minnig, corner of State and Eighth streets, is belling goods has created an immense trade at his store. Hs goes on the cash principle entirely, and offers heavy reward to .any..-one who-will emend in getting traded; • Every dedrable style of Hato tad Ceps. at Wilma% 88 Park Bow. . • 'he Dispatch heads the election returns from Kentucky, "Another (Probable) -Demo cratic Victory." - Tho probability consists in the fact that' we have carried the satire State ticket by increased proportional meje;rities, and every -one of the nine Cangresemeo, against fivo last year. If our cotemporary cannot be fair in discussing political issues, it should at least be correct in giiing return! after the conteat is decided. 'Capt. T. M. itistln, 28_ North Park 'Place. is offering his splendid !Kook of goods for sale, for the next three months, at reduced prices. The long experience of -the Captain, and his well established reputation as a busi ness man, are a guarantee that be will dis pose of no article that is not precisely what he represents IL Those wishing to purchase in his line, will find It of interest to read his advertisement. The Dunkirk Onion aye ae much - work is done at the dock. in that place on the Sabbath as upon any other day, and that "most of the saloons are open and in full blast." Our co temporary professes to be greatly shockid over the matter. The same paper says the population of Dunkirk increased from 4,754 in 1860 to 7,003 in• 1866, and thinks it will exceed by considerable the latter figures at present. Shabacker, Clark .4. Co. have opened a new dry goods store on Peaoh•etreet, south of the depot, where they. intend keeping a full assortment of a'l the staple and fancy articles in their line. The house is one of the most reliable in the city, and we_cordisily commend them to the favor of our readers. the firm of F. & Schlandecker, grocers, on State street, has been dissolved, the latter having accepted the position of Thasurer of the German Savings Institution, and the old business being continued by the former, who is well known as one of our shrewuest and fairest tradesmen. The largest eargo ever brought into our harbor by a sating vessel 'was received by the three masted schooner, Charles Wall, on. Tuesday afternoon, and coosieted of 1,160 lone of iron ore. The Wall drew thirteen feet of water, end was dowel in without lightinc. Brother Dickinson, of the Corry Democrat, tilled in upon us on W dnesdsy, looking as hearty and amiable as if he' were a New York aldermen. We are glad to leant that the Democrat is prospering finely, 'aml hAs an en couraging procpect before it 1 Bonnet strings ere no longer the Nehion in Pari..—Exchaq Good gr.ticious! What . lq•there left? They have reduced the bonnet's to almost nothing; and now they take the stringy off. The scarcity of laborers is a topic of com • coon complaint among our farmers. Those who barie large tracts of land find it d ffmult to procure the necessary amount of help. Messrs. Marks ik Msier hove opened a new clothinz-store in Noble's block: particulars of which will be found in our 'ne• advertise ment column.. . ThQ Union House, near the Phila. St Erie It. R. ehope, is offered for rent. The_ location is ailesirable one. A full stock of flats, Caps and Furnishing Goods, for city and country trade, at Wilson's, 23 Park Row. To Business Men. In a few weeks; the Observer will appear in a new dress throughout, and we shall be greatly obliged to those of our patrons who wish their . advertisements changed or discon tinued if they will inform us before that time. In selecting our new typo, we hove taken . special care to meet the wants of our friends. The nonpareil or body type will be the clear est that can be procured, and we shall rein troduce the pract ice of using 'nom) DIBPLAYD, g that it is the duty of a publisher to accommodatethe tastes and promote - the intereels of hie advertising patrons as much as possible. The superior advantages of the Observer as an advertising medium are now generally conceded, and we feel quite sure that in its new dress it will_ present induce ments in this line which cannot be_ excelled by any paper west of the Alleghenies. MARRIED. HtsKissoN—OrrtNaEß—On Titeqday even ing, at St. Church. by Rev. J. F: Spaulding. Rector, aq.iated by R.!. Chas. Grey, of Fredonia. N. T , Major T. J. Hos- Itinaon. to Miss Virginia W., daughter of . Capt. Douglas.. Ottenger, all ot Erie. IkfcrlLELLast—Poir—On April 28th, by Elder E C. Rogers, at his residence in'Edinboro, Mr. Fernando McClellan, to Miss Adella Port, both of Washington. ' SMITH—LADD—In Wattsburgh, on the 30th of April . , at the re.idence of the brides' brother, 11. E. Ladd,.Esq., by Rev, F V. Warren, Mr. Wm. Barry Smith, of Watta4 burgh. to Miss Kate 6. Ladd, of Dalton, New HampShire. Tarry—Woons—ln North East, May let, by Rev. Th ,, mas Hudson. Mr James Tripp. of Coldwater. Michigan, to Miss Words, of North East, Pa. Hata —STA FFORD--On the Bth- inst. at the Union Hotel, in Waterford, by C. W Ander son, Esq.. Mr. Elijah M. Holt .to Mi.s Eve ' lyn Stafford, both of Edinboro, Erie Conn- ty, Pa. SonLunAre—Brits—On April lith, by RPV. A. Dunn. at its residence in Fairview, Mr L. W. Sohlora, of West Mill Creek, to Miss Pollia A. Buys, of Summit. [For the hberal remembrance accompany ing the above, the printer returns his thanks. May all the felicity their - bearti can desire at tend our young friends throughout the voyage nflife.] DIED. .Brszcs—On the Bth inst . of Dropsy, at his father's residence, on We•t Seventh street, Alber Z Busick, on of Clemens Busick, nail 18 years and G months. Venango township, April 21st, Ida Estelle, only daughter of Henry M. and Sophia C. - Smith, aged 7 years, 2,.'months and 13 days. ' Moons—On May , 2d, 1867, at the residence of E W. Barclay, Waterford, Bertie, s'on of E. M. and A. T. Moore, aged 6 months and 6 days. Puy:teas—ln North East, April Ist.. 1867, Joseph Putnam. aged 71 years. The deceased emigrated to this county in the year 1815 from the State 'of New York. Having participated in the war of 1812. as a patriot soldier, it is not strange, that. he was, daring the remainder of his life, ardently at tached to the country his valor helped to save. Devoted to his family, a quiet. peacea ble citizen, esteemed and honored by thOse who knew him most Intimately, sustained in death. by a hope in Christ, surrounded by an affectionate family that watched over him with sleepless vigilance, during a severe and protracted sickness, he passed away, we humbly trust, to land where death is un known. His funeral services were attended by Rev. Thomas' Guy, Pastor of the M. E. Church in that place. where he bad been as to worship,for many years, and his remains were laid away in the beautiful cem etiy of North East to await the resurrection of the just. W 1" Messrs. Johnston & Brevillier, Whole sale Grocers: have opened a retail branch store at 728 State street, 8 doors North from Bth street, Where they are keeping on hand a large stook of choice Family Gioceries, Provisions, and, in shortoill such goods as are generally found in a first elate retail store. Having, through their extensive wholesale de: partment, st 518 French street, unusual tont ines for purchasing goods, they are enabled to sell them to Cull Customers at prices which defy competition. ' LAMS. PLEAS! Tess NOTIC7I.—Tbe heat stook of Dreg• Goods and Alike, without ex,. eeption. Js st. No. 716 Suite Street. • P. Hinumus. Old stud of label my94f. ort Remnant Prints 10 ants; Hose' from 2 0 wogs op; Oinking. front $1 nor yird Bleak Silk from $1.25 up ; No. - 716 Stator St: mo4' P. firommors. A NEW PERFUME FOR THE lIINDEEFICIDEL Phalan's Blooming, Plamlou'r "Nlgbt Blooming Cercus.” Phalan's "Night Bloocuing Cerens.” Phalan% "Night Blooming Comm', Phnlon'a "Night 13;oomingr Ceres..” A want exotalte. delicate, and Fragrant 'Perfume. Celled from the rare and beautiful flower frog• which It takes its name. Uartufactared only by • PIIALON dc SON, New Week. BENVIkE OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S—TAKE D 0 OTHER. F X - ECEPTOIIB , Letters testamentary on the estate of Gsrdner C. J.Phtlilan, dead, late of Le Melillo. Erie County, Pa , having teen granted to the undersigned; Notice is here by gtv.n to all Indebted to the estate to make imcardi, ail}paymt, sad those having claims sgalu e present them, duly authenticated, for sett l ement ‘V,. C. FORD, P. B. COLT. • Executors. Le Boat, Aprill 16,1f16i-25-6ww TT . S. TAX APPRALM. V. U.B. Assessor's Odle" Nineteenth Dist: Pa., 7 Curwensville, Clarrtield County, Ps. 5 Notice is aereby given that the assessment 1130,Isin • ationi and enumerations made andtakszt within the 19th Collection District ox Pa, by the aststaet Assessors., under the laws of the United States, wi.l -rem., in open to all persons concerned, for examination for the space of ten days from the flint day pf May, A. D, 1867, at the Asaenter's Office in the bornsith of Cunt eneville. At the time stated above the Assessor will rece7s, hear and determine all appeals relatifs to any ern/ae ons or excessive valuations og enumerations by the an• 'latent easareore. In regard to appeals, the law provide/4 "That the Tustin]: to by determined by the Assessor, OD an appeal respecting the valuation or enumeration of property or objects liable to duty or taxation, shall be whether the valuation complained of be or be not in just relation or proportion to other valuations in .the same easel/em-rat district, aria whether the enumerationbe or be not err rect. And al! appeals to the assessor aforesaid, shall be made in writing, and shall specify the particular muse, =attar or thing respecting which a decision is rsquestedi and shall, moreover, state the' ground or principle of equity or error complained of." DANIFL LIVINGSTON, ap2s-3w. Assessor nth Collection District. N OILII‘L ACADIVIIN tiE MUSIC 31 E A D. VILLE, N N A The eighth term of this Institution will commence July 21, and continue eight weeks, afforrilog unusual opportunities; to those desirous of preparing for Chorlatere nr teacher, Of Marie in all its branchere By the liberality of tee Hoard of Trustees the Prinmpel ws:l be able to present two Free Scholarship, to each cennty in Ohio end Penne •Iyanie, aid forty of the welt er. eoucttee of Nem York. For circulers giving full Inform al's!, Ai to abuse', term., location, route of tray el, lecture's end general particular. address,. up to Ju. ly lot, TfIR'‘DORP E. PgRRHINS, Principal, Caro Brown SE Perklne, . apr2S-Sw• 4111Bronme St., New York. No r 1U • - Herl•g mold oar entire clock of Furniture to .T. W. AZ rem, we hereby thank the commanitv for their Minna to no, hoping they will et tend the 8.71114 to him. We wilt devote our time hereafter to the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. . With the consent of J. W. Ayres we will still bold our office to the numeold place, 715 State Street, where we will be fond atilt times ready to atten t to tho wants of the commurd'y in our hue of trade. READY MADE COFFINS Trimmed to Order. Metallic art Iron Rutin] Caton of all style, ind sizes on bard: also, Shroud and Como Trimmings. Undertakers will tied I• to their advantage to bay them of us, an we cannot be undersold went of Few York. . MOORE h SIBLRT. New Grocery Store SIECEL & FRIDAY, EISMEZI Groceries, Fruits anti Provisions, COUNTRY PRODUCE, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, VEGETABLES, S 1 1 .11) CHANDLERY, 602,STATE ST., CORNER ITIMIT, - ERIE, PENIVA C. SIRDSIL, Late or the firm of Siegel . 5: Dena. G. L FRIDAY. eplf.,"(ll , tf rl G ROCERY, FRUIT, , AND , C . ONFECTIONERY DEPOT! No. 8, South Park P'neo, tail?, Pa HORACE L: WHITE Sax porch- sed the Stock and Imo or the almve stand and proposes to keep the most complete stock of ;cods to this line ever offered to Erie. The public can berEefter rely upon Anglin a full es'- ortment of GROCERIES, HOME AND • FOREIGN FRUITS,' VEGETABLE 3, EGGS, • AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, Cf NFECTIONERTES, '&C.,' GiVP 1130 a esll and tee what Tarn do for •o o. apr2s rt L WHITE SAMUEL 1.. E:03E1313 DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, • POWDER 4' PUFFS, ) - BRUSHES, • - 7s-- " i COLOGNE, " H A I- R P AINT'S,, LINSEED OILS, TURPENTINE,.VARNISH, lITDROILETER3 OF ALL KINDS PATENT MEDICINES, PURE* LIQUORS for Medical Purposes. LONDON, • - PORTSR AND Z._ _ PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Dispensed. rAu articles sold by me are warranted to be No trouble to show Food!. ; tame and place. BARNIJ WS, aprlll7-ly DIS.NTIIST1111: THE 'TEETH! THE TEETH! Teeth relitirrlY extracted without pin by the cue of the new Ay rP STRETIO PitE NITROUS OXIDEGes! Who will ro without teeth when Dr.Xnollb inaertieg twanichal seta of Artieetal Teeth on improved principles and at moderate rabic? For s guarantee of bls work; mumhip. all reaponrible persona wanting artificial teeth can get them on trial, and if entire satisfaction b. not given in regard St and workmanship, tbe' can Do re- Warned free of charge. Call and see me. if), work b warranted—i guarantee sattalketion. Rooms three doors South of Union- Depot, East side. apriAn. DR. J. C. KROLL. THE UNION BOMA Neu the PhUs tt Eris Shope, Ir-offired for rent, u the present proprietor is about to omit* , MoLANE Etousni On the MOM) Road. Parties rrishiog to keep hotel or boarding honor will find this s desirable plass. ?be hours la doing a good bastnees. Enotere of JO9. JOON groN.sen, or of Capt. WELSl2l,on'the ptemieee: toy2-df F.l N ELE & •L'I'COT!S lliflOT/D LOCX•IrnCZ FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! Booms 1,241 Bash Street. East Bids, two doors eolith ol lath..treat, Pe. sprl4l-41. - Z. 1 81t L, Agent. Oh, Yes ! Oh, Yes! NEW DRY GOODS STARE! ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE BANK, A COM.I'LET-E ASSORTMENT Staple and Fancy Dry Goods YANKEE NOTIONS, 4c AT VERY LOW. PRICES! re'' De sure you get the right piece—One Door South of Eliot k Goodwin's Dank. ap'.,—tor F 0 It 1.4 A 1. lt Two Dwellloooll,i City Lot,. on West Ilth 'street. Pro perty of John Perkins. loot out of the eitv entrap tonne it rood re pair. one-third of an acre of ground; atont 100ehoke tearing Trait trees, grape.. &o. Price, $1,1'50. - The two story mmiere style, complote aniabod clwelang on Ninth street , corner of Cbentnut. A line sat\tety of stinitibf ry, trait, grape, Ciro Lot oo Ninth street, first lot nut of Wm. Edeon'e Very desiraVe. Th• stores and ground now occupied by. Tibbsls, Shirk S: Co in lots to suit buyers. Will give long time. One story house and N lot on East Eleventh "tveet, house nsior. Price $1.150,. Five to air &meat:art of J. McClure e Farm, 4)* miles Funth.t.a.t o f the city. Scihrtanthil 131 store house, barn. lid a variety of choice fruit. Soil Randy loam, amler a fine !tate of cultivation. Price $14410, ea r term!. In iota to ,nit porehanera, the Went 400 feet of the tire sere lot of Rev. J. Proseley in South Erie. A. fine around, en lay In Pennaylrania. Price froto $l5 to $l7 per font. Term, one eixth down, balance To fix anneal payment,. • the title new Gothic 'tore and int, in fee pimple. on Peach itreet, directly north of the Railroad. Price $5lR'l, renting for $)(A1 per attourn. Eta/Innis Inha,direetle north irjßarr it Johnnie/ stores, property of F.::Whlttich• Farm 12 miles south-cart of Erie, in Venanzo.lls - nerea 25 acre. clewed; 13 , n4 barn, tonne, fruit Amity .k.e. Price $25 per aer•. Siz acres hod,: story frame house, barn, trove, varie. tv of ebo:ce fruit, Tilc4 $1,200. Two I:=liiee month, on plank road. BEUHLFR LOTS &reselling this valttiNet proper arty, on Third and. Fourth streets and German and Holland streeta. to lots to suit buyers. Terms. one" •irth in hand and balance in sir animal payments Slayers moat call Soon for a ahoie•. . HAVER di REPLICR. aprlB•tf• Heal paw. Aim.ts, Reed Hoare. $23,000,000. . • • - NEW SIX PER CENT. STATE LOAN, CLEAR OF .AIL STATE, COUNTY AND Haring been *warded a portion of the above Loan. I am prepared to furnish it In terra sr small sums at the lowest trket rates. Orders by mail will receive special attention. C: B. WRIGHT, Banker. sprl I-2m. 142 South Sd St Phita STANDARD STYLES A. M. BLAKE'S STRAW SHOP; WEST PARR All klatte Stook kept and made to the latest style of fists and Bonnets. Alen, . ALTEPING, BLEAC:I3IKB AlillF CUSTOM As low a, can 1.• well gone, and I anon all customers that, with over 23 years experience In tr.nafacturing Straw Goods. they can rely on newest styles and walk donn promptly and in the beet pow.ibTe manner. Thanking my patronVor pasystors, [solicit further Quiets. shall- tie No pain. spare alto make It a thorough Eastern Straw shop. aor2s-2m. A. M. BLAKE W lIEE LER .....!N!'ILSON'S mrsocal , SEWING :31A•CKINES THE STANDARD MACHINE. ' We challenge the world to compete with As in AZT end all branches of fatally sewing. It makes the Lock Stitch. , Warranted three seam. 'Detractions free to purchasers. Office between tth and 6th Ste. 0. G. HOLT, Agent, my2-3m Erie, Pa. 0. I L NEW CLOTHING' STORE GOTHIC HALL CLOTHING .STORE Raving opened a new Store in the above locality ir speetfully announces to the pnbile that be has on hand one of the lama* and most carefully selected stocks of Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, outings, Gentlemen's Funnelling Goods, Hats, Caps, &n., ever brought to this market—all purchased since the fall in prices and to be sold at the most reasonable figures. We hare one of the best cutters in the coun try, and will engage to make tip Clothing In the molt fashionable and durable dale. Ode stock le complete. Nothing in the line_of our true has been neglected. Give us snail and see for yoareelra• We warrant our goods to be as we represent them, and our prices u low u any in the city. - J. 11. KUHN. dec2o-tf South of the-Dopot. pROPOSALS FOR IRON OHLIIGH. . rogottals will be received by the Street Committee et the City Councils for three weeks from Monday, April itt, ISM for the bolding of en Iron Bridge across the canal at Eighth street, according to the speetScationi of the city engineer. Plans, An, can be seen at the engt lieu's office. J. BICHRNL AU% Jr., P. SHANNON, IL lIMPELEB, - A. BURTON. • mr.-2w. Street Committee. PROPOSALS FOR STONE CULVER'S& Proposals will be received by'the Myatt CaruntlfAse of the City Cannella, for three weeks from Monday, April Zth,1867, for the bulb:Vag of two stone culverts over Mill clerk, at the intaresotion of Seventh sue Tenth streeta.secordleg to the specifications of the city engi neer. Plias, &a.= be seen at the Sydney's Whoa. Jog. sum ENLAI7I3. Jr., " H. MAXIM& • H. HARTLEB, A BURTON, znyT-hr. 8 • Mee. Ct i IEDTOIO3 240T1CIG fastonwatary on the estate of via O'Con nor, deed, late of Llk Crook tp., Erie exnantzr, P 46, bat ing been granted to the onnoralignod; Notion is hereby gime to all indebted to the said estate to make isatnedi. ate payment, and thou having eking naiad the ume will present them, dolly ontbenuovoci. > eettieneent, ELI EN MONNE& Exec:Adz. Elk Civet, April 1857-ory2-de* TOBACCO MW it. Ow to pot a ch , o i toe art i t i ol a e t o! Totowa). Saw! arid E. R. WELSHMAN'S, 1368 PEACH STREET, South of llier Won Depot. Always so bard a good agiortmest. of tks ,ibeinarn eta of inon7 rad% Tholes/Is and Estill. Also Plpss, nods& Bows; add Smoking Arfacles of wrozi t lwer t it you. Blass favor as with a call. Don't *oh VW Pinch wind ' aft 42. Let jibe known that there le a NE.III TUE UNION DEPOT, Where you wilt always fled • L All to b. sold CALL BEFORE PURCIIASING SCITABACKER, CLAR!I_& CO FOIL' SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR, S.ILE CITY TAX LN STRAW GOODS, WORK, NO. 822 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA JOHN X. 4IIHN, Buy Your Dry MONELL, STEPHENS & CD 0 = r -23 1:2. CA SI) = (.4 CI 0 N W ° 1:5 C) - 1 CD L 2. O In tom u 2 0 - • 1-4 o cD o •< CD A) a c n E Xi a CD "S' Z cp sy N rn a I'‘) 'CI 7, 5 = IN) .1 0 0 t o CD M 2 r+ .o._, U) 23 EZI St 6) . :67 Ct -. = CD C - Cl)'. CD - 11 < CD (i) 0 O 0 O .I Z _ 0u) o 0 7 -s CD - z; - is.4* al 0 W CD omh ..... • 13 CD In CM tat a 9 El U) -- T - 74 , , = crq N No. 8 REED HOUSE Off` • I amt j 2 LJ tsoi = l .l ularso ~~ y es••• cr2 cl H i tt lIP .---Eatilb ERIE, 'PA