I 1 Ao NO s, REED TIOITKE. . 1 VERRILL'S No Old Goods! No High Prices! MI Goods Bought_Cheap, & Paid for in Hard A. DRESS GOODS FROM AUCTION 3-4 - Black Alpacas, very fine goods, at 3-4 Colored Alpacas, "cc Brocade Poplins, cc " One case Silk Stripe Poplins, dirt cheap, 1-2 ease Black and White Checks, 6C 20 Pieces Ceded Alpacas, all colors, 1 yard wide Bleached Muslin, at 1 yard wide Fine Brown Muslin, at 50 dozen Towels, - very cheap, lara" We -have all the goods advertised on hand; and will he happy to show them at the prices advertised, and pledge our honor not to deceive the people with statements we cannot sustain. FOR THE HARVEST OF 1867. REAPER AND MOWER, SELF - RAKING, HARVESTER. OHIO AND BUCKEYE COMBINED WITS DOUBLE DRIVING WHEELS, - FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, AND FOLDING. CUTTING APPARATUS. , . This melba has met with :Nomad conVete NUMMI. /a every (action where it hu bens icktroductd, it bu talus precedence owrtho►e Mathieu which have heretofore ranked event due. We have endeavored to furn ish the - BEST REAPER AND MOWER IN TI 1E MARKET. With this end In view we have remind, br Iwo and pnrchue, the control of all the duimble and standard pat ents now in Me, among which we call attention to the Ohio and Buckeye Patents an combined in this math ne. This deachimeembrues all thou valuable features which have contributed to the great muss of the Ohio sad itnekkya Ifaehines, together with Cawaibers of entirely new, novel and valuable impromommts. - = - In compactness, lightness of dratt,,excellans and &exam:ea workmanship and finish, combined with great strength and adaptation to all binds of work, it will surpass any machine heretofore offered to the farmer. The following points of excellence show the advantage. c f Dodgem Reaper and Bower over all othete ghiallgeehlee hu two driving wheels, which support the whale weight of the Frame, Gearing and Meer, giving It-great power and facility of operation. The finger•rat of Dodges Machin* Ls attached to the frame by a denbie hinge joint, which-allows It to follow the mutate' ot the ground, withontletng Meted by the working of the trams. Over ridges and throng hollows, the Independent action of the Cotter heparin; enabling either end to rise or tall without steeling the other. 111. mut important out of a liowia• lisehina Ls its trotting sopantse. Of an tbsDnEDsrons osperfrossts said LevantLoral, the Oran, Winnows Ikon Gbain, field with CAS? STKL, u Used In Ws Mathtan, la the only rand that has smoVilet snotersiol an;platee._ The advantagea claimed forth* guards ate t They do not bend or •reia. Thity are all trashily alike. They do not clog . The draft of this Machine in heavy grata or rota , is ranch liyhierlhan ordirier7 Plowing. sod does net exceed age average of 21:0 pounds direct draft. A light stir of horse. can work the marline oral, 01 day, in any kind of gran or grate,wben the machine is properly adjusted and operated. : • •AB A SELF-RAKER. ' - • the Bel !- Rata applied toY his machine hu proved a perfect mass& his a Revolving Rake, and does its own reeling, raring the expeand tacuble of • reel, and yet performing better In all kinds of grata than a Rae] ar d Hand Rake ean. It toakts a perfect separation with the rake bend, - in all Ueda of grain, wldstbu tangled or Wage& 'engem abort ; br reason ot the nks .sandover tbrward, lid Milking into rho anent grain, or Were gr....... ate ,. tary . thri i g air wi oft , A m ibie l k i e d o n wysw ttie comma handles, at the sear of the sow l i ii. . , Zay e l... ca t of The lay of ea tea= mad Matilfra lb mit mod, and wi th out any littering whataew. • - . atelte..'. The double binge joint and two driving wheels soak* it the ONLY RRAPICR PRRNRCTLT &DAM') TO lI.N. BYRN GROUND. the ovu hanging Reel la anp:ortel epees reel Iv et dud firmly to the drag-bar socket. suid ma be readily adJerbad, op or down, or backward or forward nod al/ times follows the movements of the plat. tom. The grain la MS, dellured at the rear of the machine, entirely out of the way of the team oa the nest „ ma g. l a g ood 'ha pod biaftader Nadia,. twskiarrog sr Igitidilf adjust ed to any requ hid basght Cr Descelptlve rUghiate at the Rankine betatnithedara application to W. W. pnitca A TO. 830 State Street, Erie, Ts.. - fkorril Amt. for Ida and Crawford Coaatloa . cr Arabi vralasd is win firm:l4U whoa • liberal towordsdas lOU allowad. . ,deli-d,. B 4 U B-I ! .w.••••••1•W,N. ALSO, DODGE'S PATENT AND TWO DRIVING WHEELS DOUBLE-HEADED FINGER-BA il CUTTING APPARATUS. DRAFT. EMI 38cts 31cts 31cts 7.scts 40ets 35ets 16et 19cts $3,75 doz EMP 1867. II PRI MO THAI DK. lOUS . GRAND OPBNING Or CARPETS AND House Furnishing Goods, AT THE ERIE CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET CM HOUSE FURNISFIING,EMPORIUM DIEFENDORF, GROSS & FOSTER, No. 7 Reed Rook. and 10 Fifth Street, RAN Pa Jurt To •eived sad now opening the largest and meet complete aisortznoot nf Carpets ever before offered in thin market, ronalstint of Rod, Flrnasalr; Tapestry Drawl., • - Tapestry Ingrain, Thf OP Ingrait., Datin Vanntlla and Ilemo: Can tent Cdr and owes Matting. of all Mahe; Ott Cloth; Ifaf s, gaga and Des:grits. NOTTINGHAM. TAMBOUR AND FCQTCH LACE CURTAIN 3, Itludas Shade'. Shed* Pietism, frolleede, Conker aed the puny celebrated FRENCII ROLLEATTX SHADES! STAIR AND VESTIBULE RODS, Poetic, Hair eta So. (kw Wattronso rotatanlly on Lead sod wade to order. Tbo test (malt, of LAVE GEESE FEATHERS, BY Po pound or sack. _ Militat/ Cattalo.. Shades and I.t.cabtvgians made' to oreor)tod boat la the moot satlabotory trimmer. , , IR. 'mute reeneettnny tall the attent•no of then who sr , fatotohine their home. newer, , n nut lara.and anon p'ete avenrimpue WALL PAPER, DECORATIONS, BORDERS ,AND 11OULDING.9 . ar Web are wilt salt at low Priam an haat on abort rro• Um To our ' DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, We would ask the attention of bolos.* to our very 'repo- =EMI Toile Will, all aloe, Table Linen, by the yard or in lba spread. Napkins, Doylies, neatened and embroidered, -Plano and Table Cams, Panisok and Rack Ponta and Pointing, Pillow and Sbrat Mon sad W s base just aweeired a large sad beautiful assort wont of assronable , DR ES S GOO-DS, C LOTHS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS nlEFFlkrormr. ORES q k PORTER, No. 7 Ned Rouse and 19 Trench Rtreid. NON ,onna'a N. B.—Part!eviler sittotioo raid to the totniablog oT Charebet, note!. arid Private Rouses. A N T U 0 1. O`U Y. THE WORLD _ASTONISHED! At the wooderfal revelattoti MADE BY THE (MCAT ASTROLOGIST MADAME 11. A. PERRIGO She reveals notate no mortai ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from dole hil evens, catutro obis; crosses to love, tom of relations and friends, loss of money. du. bare booms despondent. ,13he brings together those long separated, gives information con tenting absent Meads or lours. resters' lost or atoben property. tells you the tot :minus yea ere best gullible:l to pursue, causing speedy manfiges and tells Yon thee, ry day yon will marry. glees you the name, likenese *ad characteriehes of the rayon. She reset your very thoughts, sod by her almost newest:real ismer' on• veils the dark and bidden mysteries of theft:Mere. Prom the stare we me to the armament—the midene stare that overcome or 'predominate In the tordistuation— trom the impede and.poeitione of the planets end the deed stare in the heavens et the time of birth. she de duces the More destiny of men. Pell -not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It coats you but a las. and no mar clever again have en favorable so op portunity. Compilation et. with likeness and all de sired lotormetion, SI. Parties living at a dietence tan waren ibe Kaduna by mall with 'quid safety and mails beton toe themselves, Ca lt in person. A fall and et plieir chart, written our, with all inquiries answered and likeness etrelmed„ not by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The Widest 'emir will to main tained, and all eorreepondence returned or dletrered- - References of the highest order furnished atom desir ing them. Write plainly the divot the month end year in which non were born. enclosing a pull loth of heir. Add•rout RADAVE H. A ?SRAM • feb2P6r-ly. P. O. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. T. A.FFLICTBD, SUFFER NO MORE When bt the use of Dr. TOINCILT.Itit YUMA you can be claret, peentavootla anti et ► teltllnie a at. The eitoptableg morn... which Est effete:lW Wel In• •doable medirioe for plareePl and acetone wakes's. gapers' tlehllitt ■rd prottratlon. loam of toutwalar ptev le:Potency or so 1 nr the eilni , mll.Derm of yoothfal fediarrellon. reui•ere It the moat rail:lM* preparation .1•r (11/IPOPp•kl, It will r to-re all anyone, aiDetinne. deo/cecina ex. eltetnnit. ir,t‘patity to 'tad/ or linitteits, `on of mein. ory• e , efiniino, th urn*, of self-d.stmetim:i. t n nini , in. ite It will treote the ..petit... renew tbe bealth nt thnee who hen ?tett...yeti it by f enanal *ICOee or evil aetien Vnong men, be biDabooted no more by' goad, Doc tor..• and iroorint page•itinoere, brit nod without de l., for 0 0 Flier, •re beat once restated to health and hept.ifters. A rarfert en.• le entanotred in ever. In stant. P.iew 1, nr (nor bnl.les to nor dill**. VI One bottle is nineteen to edict • tura In all oricioary 011.1 A LAO hr, foinvittn.e critrirto Pitt*, for th• eteeely and penmen at mire of Gnnorbea. Meet. Urethral file thaegeo. dray.% Qtrieture and all affeetinoe of th• Sid neva end Rladd• r (urn *dotted lo from Co. to 41P dare Ther are "Terraria' , from tweeted , . eettacte .bat are h a w.. ou th. pyntwr. . and never oaoseate the etnnoach or itatireiroate the breath• afil change of diet le n while tieing then* nor loe* their actin„ to any mincer lo•ertere with baelorra purnilts. $1 per Ellbff of the aloe trrntlnryd sytleles will be Not to soy sddress.elowely sealed sod post aid. by =if or tspress on rely , ipi rf nrteo. s ddreu all orders to BERG R. lifiUrrB 4 Ca, Ch•mista. feb2ll7-Iy. No. 255 River Bt, Troy, N. Y. R EPA RATON CAP IL 1.. I. Throw sway jour fain MZUN, your iriitebee,sonr Duties etive of comfort. and sot worth a fig; Mom axed, toms isottifol. coma net and fair, And Moles is roar ova Inztarlaist hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI • For restoring hair upon bald hes& (from whatever ewe It may have Wan out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard lo grow upon the smootheet fees In from five to eight wee* a, or hatt upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few Ignorant practitioners have sr sorted that there Is nothing that will Amur or hattea the growth sf the hair or baud. Their abortions are War, as thousands of living witeesses, from their own asurience„ can hear witness. Rut many will say, bow SI a we to dlitinseoish the genuine from the sputum( Ii eertalnly is diMmilt, as nine•tentbs of the eiffentot preparations bdirertimei for tag hair and beard are en tireiy worthless, and von may have already thrown away Isegausounta in their marches . To inch we would way, try the Regulator Carlini; It will coat you nothing unless it fully emus no to oar representations. It your Groggiet Goes not keep It, send up nee dollarend we will forward it, postpaid, together with a rvesipt for the money,sehlah will be retuned you on application, providing entire satiefactiou is not given. Address W. L. CLARK & CO , Chemists. No, 3 West Fayette Bt.,ll,yracuse,N .4. feb2rit-ly. _ There etoneth Glad tSdlar of joy to in* ' To yonalt and to old, to great sad to maul The beauty whleh once wu so melon. and rue, L free to all, and all may be Wt. BY TO t OF OriASTELLAB*3 WRITE LIQUID'E.NAMEL, For Improving and Beantifyinn the Camplesion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in nee far giving the akin a beautiful gee tint that le only round in youth. It quickly - remorse tan, heckles • pita. plea, blot au, moth patch,, eellownesil, eruptions, and all Impurities of the Inil2, kindly healing • the mon. leering the Ain whit* and COW Y ekahoter. Its nee cannot be detected by the elasest Ilecitiay, and being vegetable preparation le ;errantly harrnhat Jill the only article of the kind cued by the Fretuth, and tattoo-. 'addend by the Perielan as indlepenaebie to a perfect toi let. Upward.. of 30,000 bottles WWl♦ mid dozing the gad rear, a sorketent guarantee of Its IMICSey. Price only 7'6 cants. Sent by mall, pee-paid, no - »dila of an or der. by SHOITA & CO.. Chat:caste, feb2Cht-ty. 286 Rim St., Troy, N.Y. ANHOOD—How Lost! How Restored ass Just published. a tow edition of Dr. Cit Warrant celebrated essay On the radical - mire (without medicine) of Smirmatonhotie. or 13snalsal kesimem. Introlantag Seminal tore, Imp*tenor, Mental and FlosfeM Incapacity. Impedinsente to Manta etc.: also Consumption, Itplieser, tied PM by e t c..; also fir eintual estriorasanni. 11/r PrielCia a seal/4 etimoope, oak 6 cents. The osiebnitied utlior to this admirable nay clearly asmuratrates, from a thirty yea& smicessful mactine. that the alarming , compeclueasese of ealtsbase may be radically cored without the dangerous use of Es tenni Toemeises or the application of the knife... pointing but a mode of for, at once &bilge, certain and effeetual. by • means of which erery s inffeuir, no matter what Me eon. dillon inky be, may cure armed cheaply privately and radically. E r This -lecture *build be in the hands of seery south in the land. tient under amil, in a plain envelope, to any akttroca paibpaid, on recent aids mita or tan post strospu "(Mu the Pt S. 0. nark k CO., W lowory,L T. Tina Oleo SaalhAW ERIE RAILWAY I CI REA? MAD otrAGI, DOURLR TRAM ROM to NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE NEW ENGLAND CITIES Fhb Railway *Meads from Dunkirk te New York 460 - tulles. buffalo to New York, 423 Pallas. Pair • mann to New York 413 tau. awn 11 now 49 TO V 1111 4 63 Tap 813ORTIBT U Trains run directly through to Nits York, 40 0 biILBS. without change or Roaches. From sad after Nor. 19. Mit ?Ulna will letei in O°D Halloo with all Wastarn liana' follows: From DON -IIRK and 3AL &BANDA—by Ni, York time from Foto* Depots: 6 00 A. re. /Few Ihrd /*rem, from Bahimanese dafir (except Soudan). Intorearts at floruslirrille with . the SSO A. X Dar Nwpreis from Buffalo, and arrives tallest York at 10.10 T. sr. 7.10 A. 31. Erptin aria from Dunkirk, daily (rreept irandays). Btu* atitalamaata 9.40 a. ki . and eon. seta at Hornellerilla and Corning with the 6.30 a. et. Nora= Mail from Rodeo, and arrives ID New York ate 00 A. x. as 6r. x. Nis 1 1 1414;Fsmesit, trawl Duakidr. daily (ezuwid Buup). 'tope at Salamanca mu and anises toWSW York at 12A0 T. N. comereWolf with aftemoon bolas and autumn for Boston and New Ragland Cities. From Buffalo—by New York time. from Depot DorMir Nashua and 131 , hiun Streets: .241 A. IA New Fri 1111 , (Suadaye excelled). Arrives to lees York *at 70 70 r. N. Connecta at great Rend with Dela ears, Lackawanna k Western Railroad few Philadalphik.lialtitnore.Washi, stoo sad notate Routh. ' 430 A. W. Itmosos Neil, via. sec* sod Roreellsvills, daily (except Sunday). . arrives in Ni, York at 7.40' A. it. Conntets at Elmira with Williamsport mire BaUroad tat Danisburs Pkiladelphia, R&M. more, Waehimetoo And potateiScraeh. 230 r. r iiii3llll4l Pope's, Bazaars ezeepted. dope for wood and water only and arrive* in litrw York 7.00.4 11.10 P. N. New Jerk /Val Marne. daily. Castled, at flontellorille with the 4-15 p. m. train biln D°E kirk. and armee is New York at 1130 T. 11. Alp eouseta at Muds* for lianisburg, sad the South. 11.10 r. o. &Adana{ Risyrrim, daily (twayt Sandals). trifles In New York st 3.113 T. gr. Conaeeta at 11. ultra with IfflUlainsport lEhnira Railroad: at Dina Bead with Delaware. Lackawanna & Weston Rail - road.and at New York with afternoos Oleos aid stumerra for Boston and New Ragland Cale* OneTrea Rut on Sudsy, luring sank it 0.10 r. 3r,, sad miehing'New Yorkst 12.30 a. to sd now old! other routs* Boston and Few England Diseruggre with their bar gam are transferred free ercitorge, in New York. The best Ventilated and most Lusurions Bleeping Can IN ?as WORLD anecitopanv aIl night Sulu o* tata railway. Baggage checked through sad fore always se lowa* by anher route. W" ASK FOR TWRILTS VIA. RAM RAILWAY. skink MO be obtained at it principal ticket oflices In the West and South.west. H. RIDDLE, Wll. N. BARR, Ben't e up' t. (Isn't Put. Ain. WAWA pIiODUCH MARKET. M. F. WORDEN & CO.. Wm:Lid ralpeetfally maroons* that they have opened • 'Moro •t NO. 428 FRENCH 81, BETWEEN 4?B AND 625, sm, Tor th. purchase and sae of ALL KINDS DP COUNTRY PRODII6E, BtITER, PariNRY, YILB , &e. Coo at re Orders Lorrart from Muta abroad Prwiill nadirs presapi attar the t am. Cr no kill:test price lo Cash pea for Prodoes. taulll4l NOTICE TO •PRUBONM ItIAVINO PRODUVE FOR SALE We are now mooing I Ifor'cot Line from Erie to Er no►a, on the Philadelphia & Rife railroad, and wietrog seelyrall Hada of VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE To etry it on v han eitablithed a Depot on rzyrn EITSEZT, to the Tear of tho old Reed Boor, BETWEEN IMISE AND PUNCH frrlttrig, Where we will bait all tel ready to receive and pay the REMO? T. YANK ST PRIM for the Name. All barlpg Produce for gala are roguat ai to Oro on a call Inquire for Marto, Drpot. Fifth Bt. 110.5865-tr lair A JAMT.I3O,I. paILLEY O 3 NOTIONAL CLAIM AGENCY. OZes Is Farrar Hall Bail,Jing o rria, Pa. SOLDIER'S BOUNTY All ilaboanto for 'Fitts bounty glowed by late sett of Corkercts, can bees ttlie-gente promptly collected by rending their diaebergen to me, the owlet of which will be promptly selmewlldged . end melodious re turned INCRICASB ft" ?VISIONS. $l6 pm. month for total ion of no* of either lan or arm, Initiad of U. $.l per month for each minor child of deesaaad soldier@ or 6.11331111. Alio:other 1nt21111014 ADDITIONAL 708 rot:. opirceß4 OR U. S. A. 1 brae month■ pay proper for ail in e•raioe Nareb.B,l, and diacharmrd after April Ath. 188$. earbol. Claims for arrest. of pay. aad aan.taae, aad bounty promptly collected. Unequalled battles for closing and completing case*. Allowance to prisoners of war collected. Only errancy in nortb-diestern Pennsylva nia where years of erperionee In the U. 8. Treasury am be found. Tbankftiltet the very liberal *ravage beatosnad In the put, we bop, by ineraued eturienee and tour rnitting attention to patron, to imenre tbolr toothinee! favor. Oinea in Farrar flail Aladdin,. Address, an 94/ 4. Toff PERLIr V, Lnc Ant 1f Z. Pa.*, Pa IMPOUTANT TO VOILDECIIS The Larwe■t and Rept .took of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISII}S, mass. - A ad BRIM? EP is Etta may be found at lIALL & WARFEL'S MIX! STORE, SUP' 5T..11011,11 or SKTI7III Raving hid L.nr toy.. .ones to tbs. trade we sr•anahlod torraprif parties with a superior cushy at goodast . sea lowest prices. nor stook erobrates a femoral variety of worrythinif thst Potato,. mad, aom *qr. who give vs Oirtr patronage earl rely on not - bolos' disappoint...l. ° Ordors for Faratahlog buildlogs vi4l b. aatldee• tartly BID& CALL AND - EXAMINE OUR STOCK, aol6-if rim mime, ro GET Yon WHEY BACK CM E. COUGHLIN'S - - B4OOT AND 8110 E STORE, gtato Street. Nearly Opposite the Peet Ogee. 1:14 11, R. Coaehlle, Beet sad Shoe Beale; reeyeettally tafornm the Pattie tbat he Aar reteemed his etand to the Store Boors on State stmt. nearly °wefts the Past Ofiley where he invitee all hie old Mends and enatenters to Elm him a call. Parttenla attastion rim to REPAIRING! Raving weal worloom, and aapartataadtnrsll MB trydnoto Idmaolfbobolionoto Ito can giro as rood ostlofoo. Goss sad esll at Ea tow prices u any other woos to th► city. Good FM Warranted. ootG64tf. Nisw.'plitat. Illlaving woriatad with ma on the lit wfliatnaly do drew Mayer, is the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, the 13t , ! al be/warp ai C. Eagiehatt k it'd the baidatea will la carried an as heretofore at Na la west Put, trio. Pa. .SOMETIIII46 ' Boy Sitter Tipped Shoeifor your ebiblren. • enjoy ity of the childrso seat holes in the toes of their shoes In a very is. &VI; then the alias are wen worthless 'and * new pair most be bought The only way to pm• tent this great waste of money IN to buy &bon protected by silver tips. They never war out at the toe. and mate a hair of ;loos last three times ariong Iss without Tips. Leather Cape have been worn to some extentbui they time proved worthlem. Mira? Tips hare• e we t and substantial appaaraece, and do away entirely the &vireo:WO sight of dirty etoctions mid Protrudleff toes. W. here eonstantly on ban the only assoliment of BUnr Tipped Thoth to be hued to the tit; including goo Resod Shoo. Balmorais, Youth& Boots, to., which we offer, together with Liana and fashionable assort• want of Ladies' sod Sento' Fine end Boods, at the lowed cub pricer. C. ENGLEH &CO. rorierf-tf. FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 -MANN & FISHER, NO. 2 REED BLOCK, ERIE, PENN'A, Ran a iaras sthet of goods to their 112;11 for holiday priments—eonatlesi of WATCHES. MAXIM JICWELEY. anmall AND PLATED WARE. OPERA GLASSES, SPECTACLES, And a hat soort li tnent o ff { J s f oil Arti*, many kopt to a na4.lwain , Stem We desire to all sttnntion to oar new stiles of CALENDIM CLOCKS, • %kb - WI belles to be the Wet in the await. V. 4 ding rings nonelantly on land ud suds to order. MUNN 17811rit. Ito. t Rad Block. WARM, CIUUMW/ dlc CRAW • Baal LIMAIr s i :N e ff MING PORN& LAYELAND kat Alig f alanlia pow= EXTRAoitnINAsY 371.011 , 1111RNT tbIDIENBE ATTRACTION! NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT FACTORY. Hoop Slab aphfiy the tato gig ao'd at 30 pr mit tow cost. 000 P SKIRTS 'AT A BARGAIN ONE PRICE-ESTABLISHMENT! • The proPrietors ses'erniinsd not to be antirttted hhy~ the late are. but still to keep a First Class Psetory to .ks purpose of etrprJ, Ina .I.odlor—either Foos/ or old—with a snbetaatial arta e. ICUs!. Ai Y. Cohen and 800. have jest gone ~ to New York My to purchase an entire stook of saw amehtuerr and niatarials. They will return and Tropes their rib. tore at the old stand. No /004 State attest. (Jolt Math of Tooth.) or about the 16th of Attiy whore they will be happy to we that, old friends and the publle varrally. As heretotars .poop REIMS MADE TO ORDER AND 'REPAIRED A 4:adding young lady 99111 D 9 la ottandknea, to ton meow:lrm o ke. Loan will plow Tomnstor OM ow Soap Skirts us warranted ono year. A F. OOFIEN k BRO., tc l 4B- I r4 1008 Btota 139...18494, Ps. RON CITY COLLEGE, I, NATIONAL TELEGAAPH INSTITUIF,, Corner of Rao and St. Clair Strata, The Lariest.Chespest„ Butt . ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE During the put tan year; spirants of FIFTEEN' THOUSAND STUDENTS, Itepreaanting ovary Stati In the Upton, ha , e vaults(' A COLLEGE OF ACTITAL BUSINF6S, gni:lotted with Ranks. P.st 001e44 Conaniaaion Waive% Inane. am" Railroad. Steamboat and Telorrapb Oftleas, easatdaing TFIKORY AND PRACTICE. Stndeoin are thoroughly In f atrnatad In ell the t•runthes PRACTICAL arsrsEss RIK/CATION, !scimitar Boot to•plos penmanship, Arithmetic, Com osretsi I ow. Polities' ge , moros, assize= Corrossored • sees. the Art of Retreting Coloterfsit hone!, Railtoad• hg, Stasmbratiot, Tsisttsphing, rrsetisal Dastior, Re., ke. fltaleufs e•n outer •t •nt time •nd complete" • full come to from villa to Wire woots. , FIFTY DOLLARS . Pat' . all 'spews far Ultima, Root; Blank. sad TA puma. , 7*? Pitilatansblp, Steasaboating, Railroading, I3a• king or Diploma, es in other Colleges: Tree Lessons daily in Pstonsoship to ►ll students in the Common Depart ment TOR MIMI, 4R-‘, giving tall Inforroatiors, and cos- Wain" a eemp'ste outline of our system of Practical Bastam Edsestion, together with 2113TISIONIALS . From' praatied Business Yen. Marthints, Book-koopers, Bankers, &e.., address the priudpals, Mani k COWLIY, jeg4l3l.sra. Pittsburgh, Pa. OPENED IN A NEW PLACE. CONRAD DECK, T .0 B A C C 0 'N I S T Bu opined • new uteri it. NO. 203 STA,TB BT., .err. ritz & Sti r LIST BIDS, *hare be will keep on band a large andsell selected stock of the &Went. Cigars. Fooff, •.aal,Piaa Cot lead Plug Tobacco—all to be sold at the roost reasonable rtes. Cott And ors for youtoolvor.- He rolls et wbtilenlo or retail. and ignoroleteco a aottotoctory oracle. dool3 tl DIMPATELI BINDERY, BLANK LOOK MANUFACTORY, We tats ;Nagar* is aenoneeing to the publie th.t we bate seemed the genital of - A meet eamplete and there nett ',Aerie, to tato cloargi of our • AVD PATNT'R.a. BINDERY AND BLARE DOOR MANUFACTORY Vr A...1.6y Lea forees , ral years teen 'Wird is Pro. bald'. Klass Rook Betablkihmeat, to *offal°, and boa no snoertnria the batten,. Other saitahla eaetatasta to es bear engaged, so that work tram this department; WILL BB UNSURPASSED Is an that pertains to food Plot?. superior (*mud lag sod superb finish . ExcELstott ! Excleurtsort I CHASTELLAR'S HAIR. EXTER)IINATOR, For riontoelnirtioperflaous Rate. To the ladies especially, Nile lemiloable depilatory rieonnnitnds itarif aa Immng en almost todiapeoelphe aid els to fetordst beauty, is easily spelled. does not burn or Injure the skin. but ante directly on the toot,. ft is wrr•nted to miens enpareumrs hair fr , to low tom. head•, or from an► pot of the b dy, completely. totally and radlcallyoutirrottlag the same, leaving the skin ioft. smooth and natural. This is the only article ma 4 by the French. and fifth* only reel eiemttud depilatory hresistenee. Priest% mints per packers, sett postpaid, to soy address, on recolet of an order, by BICROSEI, SHUTS k Mends* feb14 . 47-Iy. 2Se Itivet,BLifiroy, N. T. WOVEN, Jo DAKAR'S • SEWING IL A.CIII NE•S! ALL RINDS O' sgwitra, THICK ON THIN, Without shunts of tession, and does BEAUTIFUL 'EMBROIDERING ! Tb.•Loek Stitch Ilisehtnaa an wad fat 110 ITTA HEAVY TAILORING, C• SNGULEIAST ample to Construction-101st and Barg in Operation rr stirring , Nubloos ezebrayrd and to rant. by the week or mootb. Bilk, Cotton, ca, Needles, lbs, am. 'tooth. oo hand. 8P ,26 4 AORNOY, 820 Stata Bt. LIMN . FOR ',ALE. we would rupeetttel, can eat ottootto° of strums k pas •DEAUCRS NEW PERPETUAL LIME KILN, earweart FRONT AND SECOND S 1 .4 .w. >r ua v tia hn operation—lain 'Sirs* on ha, sad are prepared to tarnish it from the Eno, on ttarhortastnotfa. , k BPOONtd. Tomicco, TOBACCO, Too*cm:- J. W. TAY - LOR, Nassafsearer NAVY, SPUN ROLL, 88, 108, lad ail the other blind/ of T'OBA:C001 NO. 421 row MINT, • aplreT•ly. - P 1221381711011, 14.4 L B. COSTA LIM!, DEMON= 11; DECeRATIVZ ARM, NeATZST, aND BEST SIGN MIRING. Iraq of Nov York en". - PARLORS, HALLSICHURCRES, AO., Preedoed fa the eery neatest stile et tb. art. General DreleWor. Deafen of Valeta for tb. Patent Oa* and rimy 4segtettea et Otimmental Ptinttni eseeste4 prolleptly. See= La Tartar Hall, NINA Pia. and fber. sfin4t. • Grand Ite-Opeann a the CaRSLIS SOLD AT COST PUISBIIItea. PA lq TOE UNITED STATES E=l NO EXTRA CHARIIIVA I= 10 East Par*, Erie, Ps MR. J. A. ASHBY, wAoNrs It G-E4F \o. I 'Park Pow, Pr-.. Pa, emit ir/IDIV :oar hone* or EAU!. against death b di e _ PM or tecident, end against theft. o r . s .ont the, and death both, for ICU money then it would colt to &dear thr your stolen horse. m ght 11l op the whole ra per with names of pattlee en.' cettliteafes of Indiriduala who hay* received remuneration from this trompazor far loet animate, but one from the . ell known firm of ,tomielt & Sterrett. of this pia: a, wit] be read with In terest, whieb'ehowe that lb* company lea nonlimnfid fact ea well as in NM., and that they not only pay lor ries. but p.y them w th proututueu and deopatab We, the ond , rsiesed, hereby certify Met on the 28th day of Auntie we !named our ent,ro_ijsery amok, con sisting of 12 bonen, with - Menus Warier,* Garrielt, fG the Great Muter& and American flares Inennince Co.; that on the dd.dy of September ona of them died icif -Cholla, and on the, loth day of September vra received e draft on New York for the full amount of the lona feb2l42l-tf._ I,anec . _ _ LOESCH lk SPERR6TT, Lt4litlO aSP LOCI OtITCII Tbs Elsstaa Iramity Ilse.ld' dou BY HARNESS & S{UOE•MAKEBS To oar hit load ee the Cunt. Near Roots Dock. THE MEfiCHAN iS UNION EXPRESS 1411 PINY, ir‘: 1... i• ~.. - .\ .. . : ..:•-: -* ..:..r " •-ff ' CAPITAL, -- - $20,000,000 Owned and Opernied by Our Merchants and Manufacturers, Carries by. E=Preas, Money, Valuables; Freight t, Parcels,- Over more than 13,000 miles of Express Line, • • And to Inure than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And through them to _ More than 4,000 Cities and ?owns, At dust and Liberal Rates, Based on DI S TANCE and -COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, AND mil soon . ozreest tai., run Lc Lath the .Arnt.rinan and U. S. 1-:zi re.b Ovei• $lOO,OOO per month Are now saved to Express Shippers by this COM.. pony, and this sacirni can be Insdc priraneut bye carituming the same liberal p.ittenage hitherto nix en it. Esperience 11M111 . C.3 our Nucess, amt Cirtyl tie that we may. rely upon the public tonthli.n. c support, which ire hope to meat rromeexoJ O Wait rarlt Row. fel 21-e. II D. HAREM. Agent. PEORk - -- - ~ ,------ -J1 1 .41,106 ' .. - ,-------, ~,,-.,. , zi wr , SEWING,' 4 ass ~ < FeArap„ , , ..‘,, . ta "---------..e .. , :„..-et. I7 IACHiNt 4 ..,...,,. k ~..-7. . ., , . ---- ---- OEOBOF: E.-TER. Pole scent for leris county fi.r these celebrated 11a obities,ha• on bead .1. Lytle ic Graidinee Tailor shop, Fifth street, between ' , tate and reach. a large variety, embneing all kinds and prices, which he rimpeetfully invites the public to mill and examine The Howe ma. chine Is setonwledged In be the beat In cm doing all kinds of week, and being easily kept in order. For proof of these assertions, 1 sicupl- ask 11,111 of the ma. chine, werrantien them to do all I promise. rir Let all call and en mine be pu•ehufog other marlinee. zipecial attention given to repairing Ma chine. of any kind prompt y repaired, ►t moderete char an. n.:4-tf Itt.•O•:TtNT riarrse,E. • Lvif Apgar, eK Ito for 9 100 13.61 Whit • Co.,.ff 00., 6 fbo 100 Brews do-, 9 lb* 1 011 TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND VPW RD3 The best to in the no.rket et $lOO Choice Honey Syrup, per piton -_-ss 1 40 Puma Old Jews Coffee, per lb s -, 111 SELF ReIAING FLOUR No family ithouhl withoot It. )3terybody Is taloa It. To to hied of 0,. U •• 51 . 11 the agenU. Call and '•tone of tkose - PATtNI LAUF' CIIIYNLY CI.LANZRI3. The nicest Ming out 1,(O arsaELi CHOICE POTATOES Just 'waived. All of the above goods we will 101 l eltesper tb% the cheapest. . All oar goods we new. biting Jut been received. We Write all to examine for themselves. Car wats-u HRARN, CHRISTLIN dt CRAIG. TOV•TIrANT TIIII 0 :3ERII ARTICLE TOBACCO, AND 'CIGA:I2B In th• Viritot, go to DESIST" T. STERNEJOS, CORSUI, OF STAFII iorgra Irturra, Ffit, rue& Wl7oto SALE AND NXTATL DKALERS Evert tbinp la tb• Tobacco Pao—Cigar& "lac, Meer Ing, • Cigar cases, Ilentsebenten PIK/ Fioldett, kte., sl ways kept 01 bend. Oar variety if SO lugs COOS fail to be saitsd. Er- Particular attention paid 'to orders and s 1 goods warranted to be what they are sold for. ' STOP THIEF../ THE GREAT WESTERN & AM ERICAN HORSE INSURANCE & DETECTIVE CIMINI flue canght MX stolen horses within the put week, find have capt=red more horse thieves since its organi sation than any othor company, or than all other com paabs deteetivea combined It hu a detective form utandin: from Pittabar g. Pa., to Coonci BMA lowa, and from Cairo to the Lakes. It ham an actual cub capital of $1 1 1.610 09.. cod en anthorizad: capital of $lOO 0139. It ha. over 18,600 policies in form, and is the only lice stock tosuriatee Cocarnay doing hnsionali in this State, Erie, Sept: 21, 1461. Insursnee'ean be effeeted in Waterford by calling on Wenn. Terry k Vinandent is Wattebdrrg or WM, VIM% indent In Edinboro of-Esquire Bambara. Very, Sairpettrulty, WARN k OESSISW, General jr.,* Life, Marine and Bone !entrance Office, No. I *ark Ron. Erie. Pt. GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Papers CLUGHEY, IicCREARY & CO,, Haring determined to retire from the Wall Paper trade, are cow offering their satire stock, iaclading. GILTS, SATINS, DECORATION AND COMMON WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS AT ALMOST ANT This is a ran opportunity far persons sisbb;r to Ps- Per their houses thL tali or next spring, to lay to their stock at MS THAN .11/HO4BALE PRICSS We ate compelled to close out on, mall paws home. distely, to make room for an Increased stook of Becks, Stationery, p lett:tree, picture triunes. Ike. CAIIOdRY, MoCREARY k CD oetil• tf I)issoLvTiort OF Co-PARTrisestur The Orm heretofore existing ander the name of CARTE-R & CARVER, Was diasolsed by Mutual ear:sant, dating from January letb, MN ler. Carter retiring. The books of the old Arm may be fort od at the old place. Prompt settlements requested. 8. CARTER - - J. u. cAuVER, Mr. Carver tus Ansocittai his on with him, end will continue the valuta landar the name and firm of J:l3. CARVER & CO., Rapine a new and well selactsd stock of Driga, Medi dun, Pisa Mornings, new Pharmseentient Pram, *qui, Ray* Parlsawa naiST Tire expetienord ninth of this house are retained and alms= an rely noon being tensely saved at all titans. Novc2.—The Preto' of Yr. I. B. Carter Man also tom neared, sad ha sill br happy to aunt hat old Mends and elastomers at , arall-tf 21 PAR M ROW,—TRI2 01. D BTADu. &TRIM, 1111BLICTI do !lettAßO, it AiryAcivaine OP TIN, SHEET IRON do COPPER WORK, , AND GAS AND STEAWFITTERS Aro. .331 State St., arrtei of Fourth, Erie, Pa wont oar EVERY DESCRIPTION, la eltberpftkte-ibove b:rahr m eo_ll : etted and plomptil C. 41.VBRY. B atrium 9 KoRARO Mato Worker. Copper &pia Oss k Steam Ann - ' timptl3-14 F ALL & WINTER ISILLISSILY GOODS ---- MRS. S. H. HALL Talmo plums In annonoolog to the public that du baa opened a tow atom at • 122) PeaehSt, 1 &guard North of Uniosbepoi, When she via keep eonstaxll7 ilemartet, of MILLINERY/ AND DRY GOODS, goi serh mow, etel sauna aseostment of everything um&(11 b7t es head la stone et Meths& err stook at anti 100 tooteed the the Ayer siSarsapartilla NEW A compound remedy, designed to loal the most effectual Aftemtire that ran be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is n anted by those 'who suffer from Strumons complaint+iand that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense ,rr I ice to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. flow completely this compound will do it has born proven by experiment ow many of the worst cases to be foUnd of the following complaints: seuort.r,s san Senoeurmus Cogiu.stsys, EU!! P r/oN4 AND ERUPTIVE Disnsses, Uterus; l'iurr.ts. BLOTCHES, TUHOILS. SALT IfliErsl, SCA /.11 1/EAD. SYPHILIS AND SSP/111. 1 / 1 C AI , vac rioNs, EILCUIIIAL DISCASE. DEOrSirg Nay tto IA On Tee DOCIOUREUX, Danzr.tre, DYB PP.PRIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE on. Sr. ANTHONY'S Prue, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from iMPUBSIT OP ?Ur' Ittoon. - . . This compound will ; be found a great pro- . muter of health, when - taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester ha the blond at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through thd, natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptioni, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins • cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when, Even where nopartieular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health„ and live longer, for cleansing the blobd. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no g health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. nut the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed " for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During-late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain 'little, if any, Sarsapa. rills, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly_deapised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still" we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the dicpsses it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete, eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions On' the bottle. J. C. AYER. & CO. • . LOWELL, MASS. Price, 81 per Bottle ; Six Bottles for V. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure or every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has "on been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its ouality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever beers found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB TIED arlit2 OF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, rndigest ion, DY.TeiderY, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Licer Complaint, Dropsy, Teeter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Seurallia,* as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. , They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the hest aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five bezel' for $1.00.. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, S ta t es men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the-unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMERICAN ALMANAC in - which they arc given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other ilteparat lon% they make more profit on. Demand Ayruk, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should hare it. An our remedies are for sale by COOK dr. ROF.G24 Bll^l NESS AVG TELE:GI/APING COLLEGE, 648 State st between &hand 7th. Trio, Pa. The beet, cheapest, nettlel barites. college of any in the State. Basins,. men my it to a college of real Merit, which does not give the lie to th- pab•sc by giving diplomas to tho e who do not merit t hem. A College of PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING, . • Combinink Theory-and Practice. Supplied with hack. emporium, insurance, el - =l4am', railroad, stoeka and teleutaptde dopartmauta FIFTX DOLLARS pay, an axpeasea for f canon, btonk books, ,te Time ?ego tr d !rota 8 to 14 Itot kr• rautatancr —We have the brat penman is lb, West Send fur e reultY with stamp. COOS & 110E0, tarro7. Pritelpal STEAM DYRING ESTABLISII3IENT No. 83 EJit 'Tooth St.. PLAIN AND FANCY DYEING. SILK, WOOL AND COTTON GOODS, RIBBONS, YARNS & FEATHERS. Done In the beet style, at the shortest notiee; and at reasonable prices. 1:7" All golds will ba prueil and riseisishecl bears dolltery I 1114'NT EARLS FOUNDRY, PRAM BT, ABOVE TEE BUFFALO ROAD, ERIE, RBNRY, BRYANT /r. co., PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN a SltZit IRON WART., TILE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW AND ALL KINDS OF IRON ceznsos. Rvary Store lied by as warranted to girt satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh-slioes, Sad Irons, &e, on hand or wan Jfactared to order. PLows 15D PLOW Pomo of =parlor =aim and dorn DlRt► always on band. A call and a fair trial door arts etas is att va alt. HV.NRY, BRYANT & CO. innr63—tr. No. 11 'Pork Roo BEAUTY. Auburn. G01d, , , Pave.; and . _ - 4iliten (TRW produeal • by the tie t Pro'. DE . • eßtcrni enst:R. Ls "- CHEVIKUX, One implies* ' y o• Don warranted to earl the • • most straight and slab• - • hero hair of either see into vary ringlets,-or bossy, maestro curls. Hu been used by the fashionable' cf Parts and London with the 1110 et gratifying re sults. Does no lejory to the heir. l'rice by nt sealed and postpaid. Et. DeYeriptlre t Deniers "nailed free. Address BERGER. S morns to CO., Chemists. No. 245 River street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United Etatee. febl4ll-Iy. sitto• wumitlitigt.7. c All forced to grow upon the smoothest face to from , throe to dve weeks, by nee tog Dr. SETIGNE'S HES TACRATEUR CAPILLAI EC, thi most wonderful discovery ia modern soi ree% acting upon the Beard azd Hair to a-most mlracralons manner. • It hu been ruled by the elite of Paris and London with the most Uttering success Names of. all pi:robust' will be registered. and it entire satisfaction is not given to every instance, the money will Price t i *bestially refunded. Pri by mall sealed and post d, $l.- Descriptive Cirrolua and testainonlial mall free Adderes ISERGEB.SHITTTS &CO.,Chemists, No. 5 River street, Troy, N. Y., sole agents for tie Ifni Stated. fsbl4l7-Is. D S HUNTER, . JLIL• • tiltAtAill IN HATS, CAPS AND FURS, no. In 7 Peach ffirtel, - - Two doots South of ehannon h Co.'s Hardware Store, Is ofresti a very doe alas Of thtilttlt. go Yds tam will be sod at ury low prima, Pomona was anything is the l above line will dud it advantagemu to alit Ladies' tars altered and mad* over. dsoliktf M ORRISON dc DINSMORE, 1/11011IALI MUSA IS FLOUR, PORE, BEEF, SALT, GRAIN, CLOVES, 'MOSEY SEED, &C. NOS: 601 AND 603, FRENCH STREET, Wow 6th and at& Stamoss. Eno, a. saufratt run= fly JOS. EOl/I.IIILLER rie, :Pe r. Ott kinds of C,LOTRES CLEANED ILASC7AOTOREIPM OP For -the Handkeralet PRIM o s, , A Most Exquisite, Delicate t c i ' grant Perfuthe, Distilled from ap i and Beautiful Plower .frog st!,: takes its name. m,,, u f ac t ur o only by 1011 ALCM& y YORK. - BEWARE OF ,COUNTEpIiz ABl -OE PILVLON'S—TAKE Sp rjrz Q Eota Li Drtl7.7lfie D Vim4 4S: 4%.111!!!)N, MEM .LLI, Fr 1,L4 OK 41ROCEAft"..i, fr;f:Trz, vEr,l% AND Plt , ) F I oy,a, F'tftb 'tree, Letween St&te ar.o. Frents, EN ariCQ purebaseu our •ltt Ole late rice rp,p, v.. !feel eent'Llent able to Klee Stu faelon, - botla, pHr l e ar..! L; oo ntry Prodt.ee of «eery enrtbT4ht at?. 1 1 can alwaym depend on eete.ving let pti-..e for ttpir artltle, EALI:P.ii IV 7iIE: A6.1 1 )0:1Se, VA!, And ou t'ob Liner. of Y0z:;.m..1, WITII FRUIT, VEGT.T.QLD Give ve • C.:l fo. Si i.ll 11:::t IIAY k JACKSIYN'S FIFTH ST'ticr MEM FNURACING. . . BUSINESS, WEDDING AND CARD' Bill Reads, Certificates v. 011 cs STAMPING, ENIUGS.:MSG, BY I. LiP li, PARAGON 80114.11N0, ivEzr Naz sp2VU.ft f _ IVEKT STABLE. hiret upd th.• we!!—known tatPrr ocLupied by Wm J. Ster,tl, desire. and the pualle that he •e:1 continue Writes their patronare THE STOCIi Will be iartely increased and improl.:—. ,aces have been procured, and e,rrie .n. flors.er in the oulintry. tau O tot the establinbinsiit as b , give satir e .-.: want to obtain the terriers of a ready at ill time. to aee , .mmod,t• , price. 'lseoll.et the plane, • TRRFZETT'S 1.1,7) Fifth street, relr of the Flced.',4l. • I =l2 j UDSON & WILDE' :sianufactorers en•? Wh , -JAPAN AND 11-:Es•Ei) STOVE fIF 7: STOVE TRIMMINGS. Waterford, Erie Ca., Pa , m.O prcr,,pti • a•tan R EMEDIAL INSTITi••I'E • sox SP2CIAL CI,Ux No. 1 : 1 bun, aSECW.F.T, NEW Y, F,31 , Full information, with the Ate la: also s Book on 'Veda! Ilueaset, 1c a oC:Lri sent tree. j Ye sure and tend je- ttes, trill aot regret it ; tor, no ;tie generally imposters, without rrfrressn t• should la trusted. Earluie s &relit to Vit., LA.WRY,NCF, • NEW YORK. K itirsToNE STOVE '''/01:Zi** TIBtALS, SIIIRK s ' xAszr•crccxellE STOVE-3 .AND n0bL0 , ,, 0-r 8. , e a targ, azd extonxire io.••• • ' Wholeige:t. an; TF E ; — 2 F. ta a Br at class Co a l co,. 4tor, • • soi f.,r hard or Yet t • , kr' • BETTER THAN THE sT.F.wAR7 w. W !TEAT :UTE Both low r you Ceal Cook F - • • .1.2 be need •lther for TFiE FOR ES .AL We are ebli mannteetartng tt.,4 cc .1 , 71 . . • Stove for wood—rettS or snot.. Ti3E 3I E N 1R , A Low Oven Stove fqr ICO.I beautiful eeeign, and now fc , :. ca a large ateortzsent rf 1.1,1tt: OW C.' , Flrlrr ConY for no 0- ceel...r..fc 11113 Off , CO StoTeo. C. H. TIBRAI: 4 *. P sil; w .14 Erce, lan. 12. 1865-1,. BANK IVOTICI: KEYSTONE- NATIONAL B MIES CAPITAL, 25j,i1C.C. - DIRECTORS saLDRN IdARviN, 0:1:: , KL1111; MAR.VI2 2 , O, SOni.6 ORANGE ' JOHN J. TOWS, ?be above bank ail! opt ;101 tc• I_, bv.s:r.e.s , n • DEC. 5, 1865, 11c Weal Tide of State St, betnron • Paty‘factory paper disentrit.,l 110110/ TOCeired op DiToolt • Colleettotis made and pro,v,'• promptness. Drafts, Speeteanad Rank e.g., A - atare of Public Patronage P 7° , l"^ , " GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT: PRIVATE SAL: 6,020 new and reound-has T •'“". 1 BriefesamleoVere: 2,000 Sad.: e. +I: $3.00. 3.1 k) four horse Gorernmsn: P•aroa , • no CO , ro". 311 sises,new and ,worr• Rem Corers. al.u, a largest, el 1 , WhiTs;baiggy and ambulance 1 , , Chalna,Swingletrees, Lead Bar‹, Rarness—little iroeu—all oak tsnrs „. . ,s iceable, cleaned sad shed, I. 1•11 Made/ Bridle, Lead. do., file , tta.ro Cofer. 34 to $2. Extra hatr $::50 - artel $311), rune lines $l, halters $ l 6 to /12 per • ••'; $lB. witliplated bit brid'e $21:.;.•‘ 1 .•' " raat bridle $l4; valise 'addles tor lair 1' made to it any wagon, bear, liter.