1867: .ISPHINO TRAMS. INN • GR.S.NO OPENLVO OF CARPETS AND .. House Furnishing Goods, AT TIME ERIE CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET Trom and after N0w:15,L588. Trains will lava in tow neetion with all Western Gnu an follows : Prom DON JIBE and siIAMANCA—by New York, tine from Onion Deta: 600 A. rats ress Pori Hey Sorer. kom Balantanos, daily (sacapt Sunday'). Intarmets at Hornellavißs with the 5.20 A. 111 DST Express from Buffalo, and 1117111111 In New York at 10.141 v. N. 1.10 A. K. Kerma Moil, from 15:mkt*. daily (*ant Sundays). Stops :A Salamanea LIB a. u . and am. Deets at Hornal4rfila and Corning with Um LSO A. N. Express Ball from Buffalo, and arrives In New York at , 00 a. is. Ll 5 v. N. New York Niels Ergwas, from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca gib r. N. and arrtfag ialllew Yak at 1240 r. r, conaeding with afternoon train and stamen for Boston and New England Cities. Troarßailskr—bywayr Tort that. from DepotCornir En:hangs and Blade= Streets: 6:30 A. N. Rat York DST /14srme, (Boadays ezospted). Arrival In New' Tort at 10./0 P. R. CIIIIIMICIA st Great Band with Dela rare, Lehman= k Vattern Balked for Phlladal . phis, &Mime% Tashi , gton aad points Swath. tlao Szpro v • dily (esasptSu ß n e y). A re ns in n N d a B Yk a nw TAO A. N. Connects at Elmira with Williamsport k ram Railroad far Burk:burr. Philadalphia, Balti more, Washington and points South. 220 r. N Lie:Misr *Expos, Mauro excepted, stops for wood and 'star only and arrirsa la Yaw York 7.00, • N. Lie r N. Nee York bight, Emma, daily. Conneeta at Hornelisellle with the 4.15 p. in. train from Dan kirk, and arr,ves in New York at 1240 r. N. Also connects at Elmira for Harrisburg Philadelphia and the South. 11.20 P.l. Ciscianari Express, daily (escept Sundays). %mime in New York at 4.45 v. N. lout:sets atilt :Mrs with Williamsport & Elmira Rairoad: at Great Bend with Delaware. Lackawanna a Wadren Rail road, and at New York with after:Non Maim and steamers forßostrrn and New Englard Cities. Only One Train Rut on Sunday, lowing Buffalo at 6.10 r. N., and reaching New York at 12.53 In ad vance of all other routes. Boston and N.. England passengers w.th their bap gage, are transferred free if agree, In New York. The best Ventilated and most Lux:lents Sleeping Can IN THE WORLD accompany all night trains on this railway. Baggage checked through and fare always as low as by a y e lir t fOß TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, wh can be obtained at al printlyal ticket °Hoes in the Welt and South-west. H. BIDDLE. Wit. R. BARB, fien'l &Wt. • Betel Pus. Art ; fsbl6`BB WALL P A P..., DECORATIONS, BORDERS AND p ROMIG% MARKET. •NOULDINcs, MI HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM DIEFENDOEF, GROSS FOSTER No. 7 auk] Roots srd 19 Fifth Street, trio, Pa. lint renter!' and now opening , the - lamed sod meet complete wort:wet of Carpeta ever before offered in this marled, emmiettop of Body Brumes , musk, T&pcstry la flys. Ingriby Dstah Wool; itannills ana Romp; Can• tea; Corr And Cocos /MMUS or Oil Widths; Oil Cloths, Watt !tugs andlltruirgets. NOTTINGHAM, T ABOUR AND SCOTCH LACS CITRTAIM, Window Shades, Shade Fixture, liollauas, Cori:deem and the juatly eelebrated FRENCH ROLLEAUX SHADES! STAIR AND TESTIRIILE ROSS, 5 4 6 Ug. 8 tirand Sea Onus Matti-sow eonstantlT ott hand and made to order. 'MANS quality of " LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, By the pound or net Window Cortelr;e. Shatter and Lambrequin■ Mee to order and bong In the meet matiefintery manner. ... We would respectfully call entrap of thaw who to our large and cm am furnishing their house. - .id.. 9.nortment Vliieh we will mien at low Prices and hang on Ilion se ttee. In our_ . % DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, We would ask the attention or buyers to our very lupe rior stork of Toilet Quilts, all elms, Table Linen, by the rant or io the .prsml, :imolai:is. Doylies, embossed and embroidered. Plano and Table Covers, Dowark sod Ruck s Towels and Toweling Pillow and Sheet Linin sod Kaolin. We bave just reeemed a large and beautiful wort meat of seasonable DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS AND YANKEE NOTIONS. DIEFRIMORV, GROSS & FORT.ER, No. 7 Rood Hones *ad 19 Fronts Street. Rria,Poon'a N.B.—Particular attention paid to the furnishing of +Marches, Hotels sad Private Houses. mr2l-tf. XSITHOLOGY THE. WORLD ASTONISHED At the wondezful revslatlotto MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST MADAME H. A. PERBIGO She reveals secrete no mortal aver knew. She resorts an hernia.. those who, from doleful events, maestro pans.. commis in love, Ices of relations and friends, to of mouth, dot, have teems deepondent She bring" together Mose long separated, gives information con cerning 'bast Mends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property. tele you the business you are brit qualified to marine. ommenepeedy marriage. and tells you the very day you w iil marry, gives you the name, likeeem aid tharaebtristits Cl the pennon. film reate your very thought', and by kir almost supernatural powers un • veil the dark and Mahan myatetiea of the future. Prom - the stare we ese to the .11resement—the nallelle gars . that overcome or predominate In tn. condguration— f row the sspeeto and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the humus rs the Uwe of birth, a h e de. dunes the ntore destiny of man. Fell not to nonsult the greatest Astrologist on earth. at noes you but • trifle, and ion may never again have so r,,,,,rahle an op. nortrialliy. Consultation lee. with liken earn and all dee. sired imarmation, $l. Parties living at a tilduwe eau oonsalt4he Medame by mall with equal safety and Wis. faction to the...elves, se if in person. A full and en- Paoli chart, verities out, with all Inquiries answered and likeness eneloend, sent by mall' on receipt of price -above mentioned. rue atrimest seereer will be main tained, end all correspondence returned or deetroyed. References of the had:test order forniebed those d ee r.. log them. Write plainly the day of the month and year is which you were bornoniclosing a small look of hair. AddressifADA.ll2 A. A. P/inItIGO, ' feb21 . 67-17. T. %Drawer SO, BOUM, N. Y. A FFLICTIGD, SUFFER NO MORE When im the use of Dr. JOINVILLWB ELIXIR you cart be cored pen:moonily and at ■ trifling toot The 'atm:Lilac' , maces. which has attended this to ►alubis otedidae for phyaleal and nervous wesimeso. general debility and prostration. lots of muscular tn. eryy.impotennr or In y of the consequence, invent/Ifni fridiscretion, renders it the most ratmible preparation ere r d isowerred. It attires:icy' all nervous affections, depression, ex citement. incapacity to nutty or Duthie's, logs of meta. ronttudon, thought' of eett.destruetless, tau of in with ha It will rector* the appetite, renew the health of. thole who hare destroyed ft by "amid Plena or evil reclines. Young men, be butobn geed no more by °Quiet Doer tors" and Ignorant practitioners, but land without de lay for the Rad; and beat ones restored to health And happiaers. A perfect cure Is guaranteed to every In stance. Pries $l, or tout bottles to one eddreu_S3.- One bottle fa anteelent to street a cure In all ordinary ALI*, Dz. Joiamit's Fggoinc Pm .% tor the (Needy and permanent core of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Dis charges, Gravel, Strict:ire and all affections of the Kid neys and Bladder. Curve affected in from 'one to five days. They are erepared from vegetable ertraMs that are harmless on the system, and never -nauseate the stomach or impregnate the be rth. No change of diet is necessary while lasing them, nor does their action to any manner In•ertere with bralnoaa parraffe. $1 per Dow. ' Either of the above mentioned articles will to soot to say address, croilely sealed mid post raid. by mall or exphpu, 00 receipt of pries. address ill orders to BLUM, h CAL, cbmista. 6b11'07-77. No. MS ELITO? St, Troy, N. Y. REPARATOR CAPILLI. Throw away your false Mass, your twitches, your wig Destructive of consfort, and not worth a iltr; Come used, come yeolithfla, t 07226 tier and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. , REPARATOR cAriur For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever came it may have fallen oat) and forcing a growth of hair upon the faze, it hai no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smoothed fine In front fin to eight yeses. or heir upon bald heeds in from two to three moathe. • few Ignorant practitioners have a/p -eened that then la notang that win force or hasten the growth c f the hair or beard. Their auertions are Lin, as thaniands of living witnesses, froze their own experience. cab bear witting, Erdman, Will ash bow ate we to dittingoisti the genuine front the spurione It tenets], is difficult, sa nimegenths of the different prepuetions sCvertleed for the hair and beard are en tarsi., vanillin, and von may have - already thrown ewe/ largeadounta in their purehase. To such we would may, try the Repanetor it will met you nothing salsas it folly cones up to w remain:ditt o ., If your druggist does not keep it, Gond we -es dollar and we will forward it, poet-paid, together with a neaps tee the money, which will be relented yea on application, providing entire intiefaction is not given. Address W. L. CLARK & ca, Chemists, No. 3 West-rayine - nt.„ 3yractuut„N. Y. Thera oomsth glad tldlop of joy to all, To young and to old. ta great and to mall; Tha Want . , arbteh ones was so precious and rare, Is hos to all, and all snay be fair. BY THE USE OF cIiAsTsLL4.R.9 W E LIQUID ENAMEL For Improving and Beaurliping the Complexion The most valuable and perfect preparation in tral for giving the &lon a beautiful pearl like tint that only found in youth. It quickly remove* tan. freckles. pito. piss. blotches, moth patr.he, eallownen, eruutlons, and all bnpulities of the skin, kindly healing the same. leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its au cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being • yegetabl• preparation is perfectly hermit's. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parleys as indispensable to • perfect Lot tear,prds of ao,oco bottle§ sold during thapast y a as nielent gcuatzteil of Sta g e fficacy. Price only 75 mote Sent by mall. past -WA. on receipt of an or der, by BERGEN, SHMS k Ca•itti, feb2l'o7-Iy. ° 285 Hiver St., Troy, N. Y. ; MANHOOD—How Lose liorr Restored 41-4 . Just published. a new edition of Dr. co/samara celebrated essay on the radical !UM° 13:111r ) of losvoloydaPi NlClatirreg; ittiplientry YetirrA phypeal incapacity. Trepedhienti to l la ma eta; ehst, also Consumption, g env, and Pita lady:l4llV Self indulgence or o f Mr Pries, in a staled envelope. only cents. Thccelabrated who: in this admirable essay clearly damonetrates. from • thirty years' speccaltd practice, that the alarming CQl2xeqvernees of salf.abtuta may oik , radically cored without the dangerona ore of intern medicine or the application of the knife—pointing ou t t a mode of cure at once ample: certain and *Sixtus!, by mean. of which every antiwar, no matter what Ma con dition may be, limy core himself cheaply privately and radically. LOP Thts lecture abonid be in the hands of Army youth In the laud. Bent under seal, in a plain envslope, to ally addren post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two port stamps. Addzate the poi/Mho:I, C J. 12. SUN! Ir. CO., .48d104a, Borre/Z. rod ass noz Olt En ERIE RAILWAY I 111101P011Pktir GREAT BROAD GUAM DOUBLE TRAM ROUTE . TO NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE NEW - ENGLAND crilks. rbbi Railway extends from Dunkirk to Ha• York 480 miles. - buffalo to New York. 423 mites. Pat, ammo to New York 415 miles. AND II "Mt 22 TO rt imas TER SHORTEST ROI7TE. • AU Train/ rev &rattly through to Now York, 460 was, without change of Combos• - .. M. F. WORDEN & Would reepectfully announce that they have opened a don at NO. VA FRENCH • ST, sErwszx 4TH AND 6Th . DOSS!, rs., For the purchase and sale ALL KINDS OF COITNTRY P ODIJCE BUTTER, F'OOLTitY, MILE, die.. rir Orders from abroad 3;111 recelre preEpt atten tion at the Lowest Market Pt:lnes. or The hisbut price in Cult paid for Produce. . taa]6•tf NOTICE TO PERSONS HAVING PRODUCE EiMMIEI We are now running • 'Market Line from Erie to Re• nova, on the Philadelphia di Erie railroad, and wiehing secure all kinds of VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE To tarry it on, have established Depot on TIPTH STREET, In the rear of the old Reed Roue, BETWEEN STATE AND FRENCH STREETS. Where we will be at all times ready to receive and pay the gIGAEST IL/SZE? ?RIC). for the game. An baring Produce for male are reeved.' ed to &eta a call. Inqafre fox Market Depot, Pin Bt. 00.18854 f MAY & JA€11813,.. pir:XtiliMi ritTIONAL CLAIM AGENCY lace in Furth. Ball Building, Kris, Pt zOLDIERS BOUNTY • All claimant' for watts bounty allowed by late acts 01 Ccoa:reea, can hare •be "ante promptly collected by tending their distherv e to me, the receipt of which will be piomptly acknewwkdged and ottettnetions ra. tamed. INCRlcmst OP PEuttioNlil F 75 per month for total lose of am of eltber leg or arm, instead of td. $2 per month for each minor child of demented soldiers or seamen. Alan, other locreasea„ ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERi OF 17.3. A. 'three mouth' pay proper for all In service Ffirell-3d. and discharged after April 9th, ma. Clad= cubed, Claims for arreero of par, and nansfetia, efliklionnte proutotly collected. Unequalled berilltine Yoe closing and completing eases. Allowance nrisoners of war Canoes& 0z.17 Mousy In Ninth-Western Penneylva ohs where yeato of experience in the U. B. Tressury can be found. re Thera:Col fol the Ter/ liberal pebroeaSe bale. wed to the put. ere hope by tnerecul experience Intl 1113111- mating attention to pattooe to eeetali yvintilatted favor. Ofeee to Farrar 13a Boadlag. Adana, B. TODD ?nay, kab-tt Lock Box WI, Erre, Pa. pIPORTANT TO BUILDERS The Largest and But stook of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS And BRUSHES in Erie may be found at HALL Sc WARFEL'S DRUG STORE,, STALIT ST., Noy ovSrriwri Having had long experience in the trade.wa arsenahloti to supply parties with a superior quality of goods at the lowest prices. Our stock embraces a general variety of everything that Painters need, and those who give us their patronage can rely linnet being disappointed. P Orders for Furniahing bulfdlnaa will be olthitoo; torily CALL AND EXANINE O R 13TOCX, atil647 Tug ?LAUB TO GET YOUR YONEY BACK Uri E. GIEILINS BOOT AND CO S U HOE ' STORE, state Street. Nearly Oppoetta the Poet Olee. S. Conitdin Boot and Shoe Dealer, reueettntly arum' the Pahlle that he hu unloved hls stud to the Store Soon on State street, nearly oppo site the P eit mate, where he Invites Ids caa triandil and customize to glee him a ran. Partlerdar attention, jinn to REPAIRING! Having morel workmen, and saparkatanding al/ his badman himmlf headline he can glee as good 'atlas& Gen and sell at am low pekes ae any other person In the city. Good MU Warranted. _ au:WM N 6 IV P 1 1 M . Moving assoidatod with moon tho lot et January An drew Moyer, In the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, Tha firm *ill he known ea 0. Eailehart Co..&arid the ba Park. Lee. Pa.dness will t.e carried as as heretofore at No. 19 West 0. ENGLEHART. SOMETHING NEW Buy Mthe yer Tipped Shoes for your ehoelee. Ame or y It of children yam holm in the toes of their shoes in • mire bw dale; then the ahem, are soon worthless and a new pair most he bonght. The only way to pre sent this great of money la to buy shoe/ protected by 'liver tips . They never wear out at the toe. and make • 'pair of UM last three times as tong so without Tips. pro ved ape have been worn to some sklant o but they have worthless. Silver Tips have • neat and anhatantial appearance, and do tray entirely with the'dliegreeable sight of dirty atocklege and protruding toe.. We have constantly on ban the only assortment of slim Tipped Shoes to he bona la the city. ineludr due Sewed nines. Balmoral/. Tenths Beet% wbfa• we offer. together with a large and faahlosatile m/on. met of Ladles* and Gents' gins and ne t Am% the lowest cash prices. • C. ENG Cat mriffl-tf. FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! MANN & FISHER, NO. 2 REED BLOCK, ERIE,- PENN'A, Have a large stork of goods fa tbilr lins unable for bradsg gressati—oossirtlog of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JIMELRIT, BILTER AND PLATE) WARN, OPEDA GT AgtiZß , BPYOTACLIB, And a funanottnuat of all artialaa usaally knit 15 a flrat-alasa Jewelry Store. W. duiro to earl attautton to our u,w styles of CALENDF,R CLOCKS, Which we Wilms to be tha beet in the eeethet. Wed ding Tiny eonstanUr ea heed &ad wide to men& & iniuEß. . _ No. 2 Bead Meek. dsel3-tf ■ : EARN, CHRISTIAN 4; CRAIG, _Mutts for RAZARS SPORMiG AND MINING PORDIX Agents for LIMI AND MN% 4WD BLASTING OWDX/1 I,illlf fi sh _ • - •t•'":- * • 1 - 0 41 it , - . • iii. .... ..- ki .. . . y a. I 14 4atm -_, '-I TEIN nova 'MUNE CO.' SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS RE HOWE LOCK STITCH THESE WORLD-SENOWXMD SEW MACHINES Were awarded the Witted prersgato at the world•' Fair to Loadon,end six find 'mato= at the N. Y. Stets Tar of Isem and Are celebrated for defog the beat wort. mine II roach smaller needle for the wne thread then any other ma elan*, and by the Introduction of the most ayprond aaehln•ry we use now able to eopply the T e ri h u t us . chines to the world. These machines are ow made et our new and spa. *IOW Faotory at Bridgeport, Conn.. under the Immedi ate supervision of the F'restdent of the Company,RLlAs BOWE,Jr., the original inventor of the dewing It. chins. They are adapted t• all kinds of Family Searing, and to the lase of Sews' resale, Gres, Wakens. It a ncre,ligueL. &enters of My's. Collars. Shirt; Cloaks. Vantillas Clothing. Hats. Caps, Corsets. Soots, Shoes. %meas. Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas', Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen sod cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, tattier. hem, fell, toed, braid, bind and perform erery 'peers of sewing, making a tesotlrril and perfect stitch, alike on both Aides of the articles sewed. The Stitch Invented by Mr. HOWE, and made Go this 'Machine. is the most popular and durable, and all Sow ing machismo are subject to the • principle insetted by him. Send for Ctrrmlar. (THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, 609 flroadway, Cor. Fourth St, N. Y. Ecultr67-17. E xTziaonutriAttlt !xxCITEMMT IItIMENSE ATTRACTION Grand Ho-Opening or the NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT FACTORY Hoop tikitta alightly damaged by the late Are sold at SO per cent. belt:Wooer. -- • HOOP SKIRTS AT A BARGAIN ! ONELPRICE ESTABLISHMENT Timliropristors are determined not to be outwitted theiate dre, bat 081 to keep • Fleet Clan factory to Sete (or Ike pUrpOLO of ampplying Leone—either young Of old—with a. totem:A.lll mho e. • • - • • • Messrs. A; P. Cohen and Bro. bare just coal to New York city to purchase an matte stook at skew madam, and materials. nay will return and re-open their ne• to at the old 'tend. No 1001 State street, (just Beath of Teoth,) ..11 or about the 15th of •rril, where they will be happy to see their old friends and the public generally. As heretofore HOOP SR/RV; MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRRD. ♦ twiddles 'onus lady will be la *headlines, to take measores, ke. Ladles will please remember that oor Hoop Skirts are warranted ore year. ...v. P. wazu a ma., 1038 SWAP Mt...M*4ft. I=Zni p RILADELPID A & DRIB RAIL ROAM `tact ltnelnyerses the Written and Northing COlUttil. at Nominal' to the city of_ t Rrle• Maas toes lewd by the Palmy/sista kw two uee.y.o.y, and I. anerstad by them. TIXI OT eaestorozz ?Lame em mats Leave £Asterard. • Mail Traits —.—.- 100,..as Erie Expreu Train 5 80 p. as Watts* Lamm. ' 500 a. zs drrivo Westward. Mall Train 716 p. m Reit &Sprees Train....—..... ................. 10 00 la m Warren Aroma 6OO p. Passenger can run through on the Erie Mall and Ex press Mains without change both were between Phibefial• phis and Erse. New York connection t Leave New York at D 00 •. m" arrive at Erie 10 00 a. m. Lame New York at 600 p arrive at Eris 716 p. m. Leave Erie at 630 p m.; arrtv...t. New York 4 40p. m. Leave Erie at 10 26 a. arrive -t v". 4, 10 to • m. Elegant Sleeping Can on all night trains. For information respecting. Pearesseir business apply m corner of 50th and Market ste , Phu s, and for Peeled butintwv .0 the Company's &Puts. 8. B.ETHOSTON, .fin, corner Lath and, Market Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie W. BROWN, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Fieight Aseut, Phila. H. W. °WINNER, Oen. Ticks: Agt. Phila. A. I.,;TYLER, (tenant superintendent, Fria, Pa. NE W Flft James P. Crook, basing taken 1n bb son, James I, an a partmer.On the lit day otApril, 1564, under th• Era name otJAIIER P. CROOK & 80N deslresto bays in set Unseat of bis old amounts. AN persons knowing them sabres indebted to him are requested to sail and antis without delay. AND PAINTERS. JAMES P. CROOK Sr, SON, ROUGH & P LANED LUMBER - AND 11UXO7ADITRZ21 or Window Sash, Frames. Doors and Bands, Mouldings and ?last Pence Scroll Sawing. Matching and Planing done to order. Bhop on Peach St, Batsmen 4th and 6th Sta., ErlikPa. We respectfully call the attention of the public to ou facintlee for &Lair work to the beet of stele, y and on reasonable terms. Having fitted tip en br new ahem with 'evertor machinery , we feel coutelent o Osier entire astistestion. rigwOrders from abroad will receive prompt attention my2464—tt. JAMZS T. CROOK er HON OPENED IN A NEW PLACE CONRAD' DECK, - TOBACC.ONIST, ' Hu opened new store at NO. 703 STATE ST., BET. 7ni s Bra, EAST SIDE, Where he will keep on hand a large fuel well selected stock of the choicest Cigars, Sae. Pb. Cot aad Plug Tobaceo—all to be sold at the most rsaaocable prigs. Call and is. for yourselras. Hs sells at whole/de Or retail. and guarantees a satisfactory article. dscl3 tf D ISPATCH DINDICKY, ' BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, • We take pleutire la asmoundng to the public that.. lasi* Nees:ad-the services of MR. J. A. ASHBY, A moat eomplatt and ttawonsh workman, to tab charge otonr BINDERY AND SLANE BOON MANUFACTORY Yr. Aabby ham for mayoral years been 'amid In Pen field', Blank Book Zotablbhmont. to Badato , and bu no onnerlorto the boatmen Other valuable ambits/gm have beer engaged, so that work from the department WILL BE UNSURPASSED In an that portal= to rood dock, roparior forward lag and superb fLotah. EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH BT , ABOVE THE BUFFALO ROAD, ERTE, PA _HENRY, BRYANT .& ,CO., PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, Tut I SDI= IRON Wass, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW l ' AND ALL RINDS OP IRON CAMINO& lively Stops sold by as mamba to give aalialhation. Hottloußlsighmlicas, Bad tram, as, cra hand or um afacturad to min. Petrol tab PLOw Prim of impala, maim and dura bility always on hand. A call and a fair trial of oar rut tier is all we aak. HENRY, BRYANT la CO. mista-tr. BB A lIT'Y.! AUBURN, GoLDEiz, FLAXEN a PILSEN urns: PrOditeed by the ose of Prot Le WIXOM roma LS CIIEVEUX- One application warranted bawl the most rtraight and alubborn hair of sabayon into wary ring 1•114 or hoary, curer' earls. Eras been and by the faahionables cf Paris and London with the moat gratif ing molts. Does no Injwy to the hair- Prios by urn, salad and paidoodd. $l. Da•FiAnia• clreadars milad free. Addy.= BERGER. Scrums & CO, Cbendata. No. lian Wars atm" !lor e 114 Y. Ws waft for tb•Ersits ewe& haldll7-Iy. U 9 BZOADVAT, NW You. COSSLIS SOLD AT COST I AND 10 Rut Park, Erie, Pa. illb2llMU. An - OILD eotia Mir - TO - A min* sVitl. par 1 9 6 7 . ta win aposehis , "sad Ito p sahas WFres tbatrbelie seas oat Wass a b d lids In salts of tab. Gaily ddp shout. • 0 11 roa m ostatillshod to N.Y. City." .osolahwbzl roosollM team.' - "pros from Palmas." "Not diogtrou to the gum Pamfly:. waits omoo ant of thoir holm to am: ..COSTAIrr RAT, slava, ke.„ 21131411; m alt•radl a a fa. itat a t fLombsi. "OOSTAIM DID, BUG EMBIZATOR Is a liquid of oruidp—usod to doitivy, sod also a. preveatatkee for Bad Sip, as comma- sumac POWDER ton notscit If Um tris= p / Did ße. p. CIPPt t f Barth 111 • fall vintner Indbaions. , ildlr 9a that "Cortidr mama is on oath 805.1168' tie and Flu befor )0 bar. t dd4roaa, ItTNET ft. 04192111, 486 Broadwity. N. T. Sold In Itno, • 11 ' nulata, an4l denhuo orm when. "C O ST A x '.B" CELYBRA'rED BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cot; Bum. Endow, Wound; EGH6. Broken Rrauta. Ntpploo,. 10.8410 r. R& M = Mehl Woo, Piled and Ill•cotuntiosed Soma: Man, Mantling' Sunpthgs, grottos& Cabins. ou Allectioss. Einprono. M.. Corn aatoar. HMI • blaitts, &a; Chap pod Mods. Idp. , am; BIM ot ?pain, iosooto, Anion* to., &a Mar 26 amts. 60 amts sod $1 idiom Role 67 ui Druogtsta oirouirboro. Arab/ HENRY R. COSTAR, D.pot OK Brosiltay, N. Y. i"COSTAR'S" ': ~~latt+'<[~' CORN. SOLVENT; For Cons. ilsalcum, Wiit; ka. Bona. 4 ste.,io eta. sad ill etas. 130 , 0 by all ttreelelibllqoffub" "< end by HENRY R. cosTAR, Depot 484 Broadway N.,Y. "COSTAli's" • PREPARATION 0e- BITTER-SWEAT & ORANGE BLOSSOMS /OR BrAUTIrrING T8Z41:011/PIMLION. Used to eaten and be , nUW,thapkta.smose Trukbe, PI ewes, Erupt:ono, Re. Ladle, are now oiler It to plareseeto all ethos. Bottles $l. Sold by ell Unwed" nerywhers. Aod by HENRY R. COSTAit, Depot 454 Bioadway "CO - STAR'S PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY' For Coughs, Cade, Roarantees, goal Throat. Croup, Whooping Con Canaamption, Bronchia Affections, and all Cameo of the Throat and L amp. Bottles. 2b eta, 50 nta and it alma gold by ail Deo a, nteu And by ismer R. CO .ti grit, Depot ASA Dwadiray. N.Y. "COSTAR'S" \ 4 g ti 7 s 4•' BISHOP PILLS, A 172TIViRSAL lIIRNI2I PILL. I Tar piffTolll and lila Boadathe. Gastkaamoss, c=„= ta. ' Rib lld gastral darsaipmeal at M Organ& Bozo, to Ca. 60 es, and slalua. Bald by all • Dalalaw_laan. au' by WI R. vm alm .a, Depot OS aortas Air /011111412. • - EN THE MERCHANIS UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. - OAPITAL, = - $20,000,000. Owned and °vented by Our Merchantl'and Manufacturers; Clairias by litcpxtrig, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, - Over more then - • 13,000 miles 'of EZiteee Line, And to more than • I FOURTEEN HUNDRED _OFFICES, And through them to - More than 4,000 Cities and Towni, At Mist and Liberal Bates, - Based on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, ND vill soon exceed those run by both -the A American and 11. e, Enter Co's. Over $lOO,OOO per month Ate•acrw saved tC>IprISMS Map Pig% b this Com. parry, and ibis saTinit can be made permanent ,by continuing the sane literal patronage hitherto Or. en it. Fsperiectoe Mares our Wean, and conmnces ns that we rosy rely upon the public confidence and rapport, - which, we hope to merit always. ier 081allo. 30 West Park Rim tai4l-Clai 0: B. BARRES, Agent. JEWlie AMINES GEORGE ESTER, - - We &pat fot wordy fir thus celebrated Yr ad-lAN ban oa hand et Lytle h Cioaldiairx Tailor Atop, PPM attest, batsmen State' and Tarim , ambrastag all binds sad prices, w invites Um ',Mlle to call and mamba. r: . 011 cats eine Is enknoalsdred to be the but In an, doing all bleda of work, and befog wily kept In order. Pot pmettof these assertions, I staple sat • trial ante Mar 2wartanting tbsto to do all I promise. Lit all atli and maths* bean parabartog other Men Special attention pren to malting Yr shims of aorldad promptly repaired, at moderate char ma2ll-tf reRVISTASer Na'?/ICE. ' Lod 8a gar, 63i la for --.4 $lOO Bat Mato Cato, do., 6 lbs- • 100 Brows do., 9 lbo • 100 TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS Me boat too la tbo samba ..-.. 0..... ItZ 00 Obote• Ham Syrup., par collar. 140 nitro Old Jars Oath% pot ....... 110 SELF EALSINS FLOUR. No Amity should be vithoett it. Bese7body Is Suing it. To be bad of us, as vs an tho nada. Call and set ono of those PAUN? LAMP CIIIYItsY astarpts; The Weed thlag ant. 1,000 HI:ISCHIA CHOICE POTATOES Just received. MI of the &toys goods we will eat sh i rr than the cheapest. AU our goods are am lulorlAS ken rteettad• . 11re rite all to *amine for themes yea. soy ire -t! ELYMIN, CHIPTIaIt h CRAIG. WANT' TBB o rn Aritois TOBACCO AND CIGARS In the Market, go t? HENRY T. STERNER'S. 0011112 OP ETATS AND POCITII cruse& rill, TENVA waoLiaar.s AND sail*. mumßs. Siefytlslog to the Tolaso Ilas--431gara, Wad, Chew tag, Cleft cam. Yeersebaaet Pipes Seldom ke., won knit on band. Oar varlet, Is so large none es bat. be suited. - Cr' Pardo:du attention paid to orders Acid ail goods warrsatad to be what they are sold for. (atireil.l7) STOP. THIEF. ,THB GREAT WESTERN & AMERICAN HORSE INSURANCE & DETECTIVE COMPANY Tian caned six stolen homes within the put yeti. sodhave untold more horse thine, slam its organi sation than say ethos stonmany, or than all other east poles sad detectives combined It has a detective fora .stadia from Pittsburg. Pa.. to Coattail lowa. andtrom Giro to th e 1,0,u. It hu an actual cash capital or $187.610 09. and an autbortud capital of MAIM It has over 1000 paliciaais tom, and le the =stock insuranas Warpasy dolfg kidnap in Mats. VARNIIR & GERM% NO. I Park Row, VS , Par.. wit insureyour horns or cattle spinet death to , ali ens °Tao:ldea% and apron theft e or airman theft and death both, finless money,than I t would east to adror- Use your stolen horse. Re might nap the whole ger, per with mama of parties sae outlining at Whelan who hero reorirsd reanineration from this company tbr lost annals. bat one from the +ell known firm of Lough di Sterrett, of this place, will be reedwith tart, Wash shoes that tbe anspaap hict as well uin nuns nosl that not silly toe red bat pep them with promptirows and despatok We, the eadeniped, bomb, mai', that on the 25th I My of August ire rosared our eel» there stark con- Wing of 12 horses, with Nears. Warne & Genial!, in tie Great Western end American Rana Insurance Co.; that on the ld day' of September one of them died of Cholla, and on the 10th day of September we roortred • draft on New Tot* for the WI arena of the lam anea _ LOUGH & STLEtRILTIL Elie, Sept 11;1/6. Lumrozoos nn te &Mooted to Wats/lord sentdd_ Nowa Terry & Viumadan; in Waitabdrg of Wm. Vis o:des; in FAldboro et Esquire Barabssi. 'Very ? WARNER & GRIMM Genera Pim No. Pork Ro zias sad Hsis Issanukcs Wks, 1 w. Ids GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Barn. CAUGHEY, IdoCREARY & CO., Satin ilottraditod to MU* from thy Wall Atm. trod; nn moo Waning that =tiro stock, Including • . 01t111, IIAYLNII, DNCORATION AND CONNON WALL PAPERS- AND • BORDERS At ALIO6? ANT FRICZ. Ma la a Iwo omrtotatr for moon. Irishlag to ps per tarok it boom fall or, mt wing. to lay to ttudr stook Imo MAN mamma; MOW aze tomppollod, to doss out our wall paper [maw. dlatoly, to asks room for ao lactuaed of Books, Ilistkorry, plating% gators hussy =e. CAUGNEY, ItoCREART & CD. wink: ntaaoLuracm OP B: I O.PAILIVNEEWHIP Tbo 132 m berotoitrzo existing under th e - nuoe of CARTER & CARVER, Was dhoolood by =tog eoosool, doting km Jamas, .111tb, um. Mr. Carter Miring. The books of the old Ann any to bused a the old pleat. 81.~ mottlessoato requortod. 8. CARTER. J. a. awsk . Mr Caner Lea an Ws tan with Ma, and will antis:am the bunts" made the mama aad Am of J. B-. CABVSB r im . an and wall aelecd on of Dray s = edam, te Chatiala naratnented ten, Rare Patna; Pan Ankle*, ha, The apaineed entice of thfa hone an adatied and =ea aa rely ,epta bang madly Nand ;at all anteeeor ltr. J. 2. Carter hen atm tea Wards sad ai anad. an he at vat he . ham to Mien lb old matomm - 21 ,IU R0W,...11112 OLD STAlltu. ATE 12.14 ROBLEY da ateamio, 1141IIIPA1019ZOLO OP TIN, SWEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM NITTERAi t . - No. 331 &axe &., Cbrner of Fourth, Me, Pa. ' WOW. OP WM DIPIOIUPTION. Is iffluir atilt bon brandies sone#,d end promptly - meats& C. AVERT_ H. ROBLILT. N. MALANG non Weft& Coppers:eta. Cu & atoms Inca Csestl3-173 TALL, ar mamma 11111JA611.1111X 6101CIDS - - - MRS. B. H. HALL ?Mu opm st ima* to anammaing to th• pleaM that • lua eg • saw stare 12 2 9 Paull St, 1 spare North of Moss Depot, Wawa am wIU kwp amatistly • Urge vaatmy at MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Hedsay t Moths. mut • guest aomMoNt M imarkl:lll „I Impt oa Mod la • aloud Um Mag. _ ... ate& of ted• Aid assimil ata Ayer's Sarsapaiiti A compound remedy, designed •to be the most effectual Alteratire that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para thusaparills, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive - antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on. many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints:— • .SellOrlarar AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES. ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS,, SALT RHEUM, SCALD Hasp, STPUIZTS AND SYPHILITIC /1.1. -PECTIONS. MERCURIAL DISEASE. DROPSY, Nev. uswis on Tic DouLourteux, Deuthiri, Drs. PEPSIS •41VD DIDIOESTION, ERYSIPELAS 'Ross OR Sr. ANTIMONY'S FIRE, and indeed the ; whole class of complaints arising from IMPbRITY OP THZ BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester SEI the blood at that season of the year. By the time ' ly expulsion of, them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy. spare themselves from the endurance of fofil eruptions and ulcerous' sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you Sad its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob- . strutted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, far cleansing the blood. Eeep the blood heathy. and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be •no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, arid the great machinery of life is disc or overthrown. ;ll Sersaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by yrepenttions of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the Tuttle that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtuo.of Sarsaparilla. or any . thing else. - - Dunn late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sanaparfila for one dollar. Most of these have been trawls upon the sick, for they not only -contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter andpainful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is jtudly . despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for .believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend• ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy Should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. DR. J. C. AYER it CO. LOWELL, MASS.. • Prier, $1 per as, 84 Bottles . 8 Bottles. Foy $3. Prier, Cherry Pectoral has for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unn for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, w erever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout thin section, we need not do more than assure the people its (malty is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic ROB TEM CM= OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tdter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, !lout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. Tbey are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a toning physic. Pries 25 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $l.OO. - Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the Imparallteled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nishOUL AMELLICAN ALMANAC in which they arelpven: with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Attu's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. • All our remedies are for sale by. NEW FURNITURE AND thiDERTARING WARE-R..00'118-1 Oa State St., between Parenthand Eighth. The dabemibers have entered Into the Cabinet Diking aid FURNITURE TRADE, And propose malting to order and beeping constantlY on band all kinds of Furniture, Order, reeding prompt attention: Repairing done on short notice. < UNDERTAKING 1 • The imbsenbere will giro special attention to this de. pasta's:lt of their business. They will manothattir• and keep constantly on band a largo assortment of Yetellle Cases lead Coßtun and hold themselves in readiness to =et order" In Ude Uns,•promptly. Dons any part of the country. Determined to 111111111 no efforts to give salaams tient both In the qwellq. of their goods and prices, they hope to secure altheral share of patiMpatroaare. MOORE A REPLY!, essirdit-ti Bnoosasors to J. H. Runny • READY PAY STORE. Would 'respeettaly Worm t Th.he Pablle that tee has huthased SDOCK of GROCERIES of MARIO Or RUSSELL, Where ha intends to keep aa good mai snort:mint of P&MThT - GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD a WILLOW 'WANE, AND VARIETY GOODS BEST BRANDS OF ERIE/CO. FLOUR, WARRAGTED A GOOD IRTICLEI ar Thailiglesst Market Pna pall for all kir ds of ,oesuttri Produm• gr. Gooda dellyarid free oiclusreo to say put o , alt. Qty. daclP66-tf, BOORS FOR TUB MiILILIOI4I. CAUGHEY, IfeCREARY & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, No.ll Park ,Sow - I - Are env oreniug the la rgest and most carefully selected steak of elegantly bet , nd and beautifully illnatrated Ever hawed to ibis anarlat. Including standard west,. saw English and Ansuican Juvenile Books, Inas, Prayer Boots, sae Church Services, In due styles. Also, VINE STATIONERY ARTICLIE, Writing Mika, Fancy Ink Stand; Ladles' Toilet and Work Roue, Pori:logos. Stermacopea and Mews. Pruea Cud Pieta/sm. Um moat taantitni Panda, Saul Cards h. put misty, Port Wantlsa. Card Cana, Gold Pens, =g Pend% a lugs vadat, ot Panay Anklea Photomspb Albums from tha but ma ns. tketarbm, fn tha borisrtalta. JalVa tt CMIGKEY. NoCIULtiIY •.CO. A 1311:1°R14". D CAPITAL 6309,002. Sisk , Stair/ WIL 1 WY. .109. CM, W. B. BROWN, Alc i , B ßoralo , MO RlBroad. JOBS 0. BM of Bud of Comm. Cos* 4 Wholatola Groans. 0. IL 6110IICB, deem la cr 4 Crouth a Plow. Xaes. W. B. BABE i t &no of Barr. Johnson k Move assfoatoma. V. If. IntlolMia, 6 him. Whallatala @Axon. J. DILIISIG Groom Ida. Den t. E TOO WANT TO aliol l l/ A l LITTLE OF I ETTEITEDitt Pilsen& to tee human qMak male nod hum* the causes and treatment of diww; tho mambo esteems of Um vorld ; bon to soars men, and a thousand things nentr ed Infors. ad re vised and 'Clips otpublish OUZO.n lb alltni n =dam book ouriosa poop% and • good Wok for Sae. 400 nem 100 Ulustratiasn Pries 11 SO. Costsab table isittlos to soy Wrens, Hooks map be hid at the book stores, or win be int by mall. post pale. es teeigot el she plee. Atidsz t; X: D.. ireerbray. N. Tot. PREPABED B? A. MINNIg 001=3 OP BID ♦=u 8TA71.8141 as Is kept In Kris: - Zvi constantly on bud. NO. 11 NORTH:PARK ROW, II - 0. 0 K 8 1 •ItJY- 1 FOR TEM PIIRIFYTNG OF THE BLOOD. DR. J. IC POt AND'S Ii •Ul4Ol. DOCT,ORI ♦ Pc;slUva Itotoody for all kinds of Hoitlam 11l ERYSIPELAS, NETTLE RASO, SALT RREUM, BCROPIETLA, CARBUNCLES, BOILS AND PILES It U Tertlfrolifelot to say of this, or of Ant other mullein. wit Is Mk very best remedy known."' It is not drays so orgy to prove ft. It is, hoverer, erremedingly gratitylng to Um proprlotor of this. medicine, that, while he theciaree to the Dublin that this to a, molt won derful tea elhetirs ermine for Humors se steed shove ha hsa abundant proof at hand to rourlain his state! meat Vol sixteen yours the Humor Doctor has been mann • facto , eld and sold and every year has increared the val ue of its reputation, and the amount of it. To New iimopshire. when It originated. r o rented) for humors Is so blear trilled. An emineet physician (now an ar my patron) when practicing in New Hamel tr.. par dimwit steno illty and sixty 'along of it, during same ems or siert years, and need , t in his practice. Ns has Mites then ordered It for the hospital where he less stationed. Other phygitdatis have pnechatied it and IMMO iniita it in Practice with coat 'newts When the pro toietOr lived to Now Flempebir., at DMlrtawn Center. for the 'prom of thirty or forty miles aro.nd. and In Manchredar partlenlely, the Humor 'ortor wet well brown and highly vetted for the nunicrani and nonder- Meting which it effected. _Though ccianufactursd 'n lam. quantities the supple we.- froquentl. ezbanatal, and pnrehasers had to wait for more to be coed*. In the region some very severe esees of Erysipelas were treated with It—and trey were cored. Erysipelas cores, or car bane es, those ant., p Ingot CIIC.M. were entirely re moved where're this medicine was faithfully need. So It was witblicrofnla and Salt Ithenm. The. Humor DOC tor mood them For the mks of shoeing what is *bought of It, a few testimonial. are hem Inserted: MILTON GALE, ESQ.. BOSTON. f hereby certify that I vu morel • afflicted with twits for two years. deyeloolog themselves tin , n MY limbo and other parts of my body. The so4oringe which I endured from them are indescrlbanta. Suffice it to lay that I ?ADV.:illy tried several of the most Impulse hu mor remedies, but without removing the affliction. At leagth. by the garner: reqnest of an intimate friend, I wee induced totry Dr J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and am very happy to attest that all my boil, sere re• moved and my health was restored by uelog Dr Poland's aforesaid nearing. MILTON GALE. Boston: 1an.14. 1858. A. C. VALT.ACE, ESQ., MANCHESTER, N. Y. Dr. J. H. Potaxn—Dear Sir-1 very eheerfa ly give my teetimosy is favor of yOur Rumor Doctor as 'an ex .:POW MOO for hamar,. My numerous arc ualnlaamm in Idanektidar 'Mow bow severely I wee afilicted . with bolls and they know bow perfectly good toy bealtfi le at present. Yotr Humor Doctor Cored me Please refer to me for particular* in my rase. - A. C. WALLACE. Manchesten N. 11., June 11, 1858. WIRELIe.p„ - STONEHAM, MASS. • - . . I very confidently and earnestly - recommend Dr .1. W. Poland . " Honor Doctor as an excellent remedy for hu mors, baringluen wonderfully benefited be it myself. My own true was a very severe and otetinate one. For more than two years the akin upon the inside of both my bands, and even dowel or this wrist, wa• constantly cracked and broken up, to that I was arable to We My hands In any kind of wet work, and was obliged to wear gloves in /eerie; to avoid getting blood upon roy work. The humor which en &filleted me wee probably • eombi. nation of Ertaipelas and Halt Pheum My general health W 163 quite poor goon after I bosun to use the Rumor flochot I could perceive signs of healing. I con tinued to take the medicine till! was finally cured My band. are ttc• perfectly five from humor, and to all ap nearancesmy whole sestern is clear of it end hu been for &pyre*: mmatbe. I cued eight bottle. before I felt sate to rye Ana eat:rely, but they cured Me. FARM= WHEELER. Stonehatt, blase., July 6, 1666. In 9, PORTER, DOVER, N. H. Dort*, N. H., Suly 22, 1815. DE. PotasS--I received your letter Inquiring sato the effects of you MtPdICIM) oo lea sickness. I am happy to ear that I Ulna It la "the medic , oe" for hs t dreadfn I Maness. I teed various prescriptions but found none +hat settled Ile stomach and cleared the head like the Humor Doctot I felt as though I could hardly wait to get ashore to entreat you be Introduce it Into ship . ebaudiery stone, that It may find its way to those who suffer upon the mighty deep from OS sickness. If cap tains who take their families with them, or carry pee. angst., 'loon try It for once, they would never b wtl line to voyagewitbout it I have cod for my fami thine* Its introduction to The public, fot bilious habits, headache and brunors about my eilliren, and have always found It a sore 2am notrond of baring my name appear in public and would cot consent to tt on any other seconot eta to tellers the extfertne; but If the toreeoluit •ill be orally gentles to leo or the public, you can make use et It. - Toes. RABBLE? V. PORTER. Hach mon might be stated to relation to this midi ciao; as enonined to teottmontals, hot It to needles.. Auk Kezichieter druggists about it. eepecially E. W Blake, at %rem. Inquire of Henry ?Ismer. of lied/ord, whose wife m cored by tt of Salt Rheum. Ask stem% any paretic It.Goffatoten end they will Ceders its trains so s moody, no used in their own we, or by their friends. The linnosPoctor eru formerly sold •t efts cents per bottle; battle cost of 'Tarr fOgredient composing ft has gone Do so ertormonilf: that the price has been relied to anenty-Bre cents only, and that by comp:d ebars.. The Hum)? Doctor Se prowled et the Neu EtigYand Batonle Corot, for the proprietor, .1 C. Frond,. Sold by Wedlcir,Dtalers everylibere. BEIIAS BARNES dr CO., GerterslAirebia, New York. tarES•B7-torrlid.t. sumiti!oN .sc co., THE PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE We have oWorpowis for Book• Beeper. Book-a, worthies aceostts or collections, nodose therefor* MEM B luing:as will god srerytbioa to their lloe ' At Shanaorrlt Co.'s, 1323 Peach St., above Railroad Depot. The best amortment of .I.sotiotua At Shannon At Ce.'e,l3= Peach St Chi:noel for Refrigerators and Distil/era at Sb►nnon & Co.'s, 1223 Peach S rir Fall Information, with .the 1[1:11=11 J. also a Book on :penal Diseases, In a a‘c.e, sent tree. Er k sure and send for Lut, .4 no rift not regret it ; tor, as adremo uc phrccart generally In:Fasten,' without reference, un grato. should be trusted. ' Eneloee a .tamp for potte,:a. ai direct to OR. LAWRENCE, :4. 14 3.. N NEW YORK. 0t , 115V3-1! K .y.Ton. %YOH K+ T a.r._,...,..NortbajCstlinA C o . ' ~ iso Peach st. I Woxtettiern k Rogan' celebrat.d LYL Cutlery at Shannon k Co.'s, 182 S Pesch St. G lass and !city at Shannon 4hC,o.'s, 1323 Peach S Calebritid talent Artds Pearce pares going both irsm At ftannon .4 C0:5,1=3 Pesch St. Scythes, Swills and Serthe Storm - at Stonnon k Co.'s, 13=4 Peach St. licr Italia' New Rolfe and Fork Polisher &Sharperior at Shannon & Co.'s, 1323 Pesch St. Drashes in netrty—Hair, Horse, Mine, Scrub, Bboe, Whitinri,Stave tnd Counter lirustus!& Queen at Shannon is Co 's, 1323 Peach St., above the Union RR Depot, Erte, Pa. rir Sole Agents In North Westerns. Penna. for the A.rebtroldlan Paient Axles; also Herrings' Fire and Thar filar Proof Sates and Fairbank's Sages. jilt‘tt NVIIOILESALE ATM RETAIL GROCERY STORE; P. A. BECKER & CO, WHOLESALE & RETAIL; Str GROCERS ffortL et Esit Career Ike Pork Preach eit, fOniuratoz,) Woold respectftUr eaU the attention of the cocitonniti to him lane Stook GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he la destroy tilaall at the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. issortioent 43f SUGARS. COFFEIIS, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, - FISH, &C. Li cot surpaeasof to the city, se koi la prepared to trove ti all who give hlia a mil. He else Paean constantly on hand a superior lot 0, PURE LIQUORS, lbr the wholesale trade, to w_el;he erects the *tient% of the public. motto lir "Quick Salsa, Renall Pronto Rad ••tot Eclairs's:A for the Mom." amil'eatt, HEADWARTICas 808 CHEAP GDODSI WNOLESALS AND RETAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. WINES AND LIQUORS. F. & M. SCHLAITDECKER, ' Are now remising at their old stand, American /3 - loc. State strut, a large and superior stock of Groceries, Provisions, W.ne, Liquors, Willow Wooden, and Stone Wars, Fruits,Ras. to., Together with , :evevy thing found in • EOM of Mir kind, which they will sill as cheap u any other Mob Ilshment in this city for Cash or moat kinds of country produce. They have &leo on hand one of the largest and fittest Stock' of ?auto end Segare aver bro ught to Sri', to which they invite the attenuon of the public. ar Call and fee ea—• Mad& eitpenoe is bettor than • elOw . 1: aylollizimrson St secrtan il toCaah buyers will find groat tb GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, —AMERICAN BLOCK. STATE STREET.— Jam 11180-43 P. AY. 801TLAIIDAVITI. LIMB ifOlt TALE. We would' req.:U*l4 call the attention of BUILDERS k LIME DEALREW To aus NEW PERPETUAL LIME KILN, 81tuatad on the Canal, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND M., hlealleres Dock. _ haiV• are noir In hall operation — hay Mae on ad an prepared to Neon& It from the Siln, on the aborted notice. NEMER b SPOONER., TrOTEL REMOVED. =pled the Maaalea The Bubeerther who has Dam, Ind above the Depot, tar theptat (oar yeare. ham removed tato the NATIOAL HOTE L, CORM 07 MACH N 42W BUTFALO STEM litter* be will try to oAcominodAte twtee sa many gaol and as well, as he did in the old stand. He bolos ft , the patronage which was so liberally extended to him there, will to trended to Wm in hie us quarter,. His stabling in Mikient to mantmodate ail teanutm who Mor Us with their paironego 1aW2011.4t - JOBS BOYLL N Do I For the Handkerchief. ISMS A most Exquisite, Delicate, and Fre, grant Perfume, Distilled from elk+ 114 2 , and Beautiful .Flower from which .; takes its name. Manufactured only by PHALON ek 50 1. NEW YOEX " 8 ASK FOB PIIALONIS—TAKE tiO ()THEE. ,Sold by Dragglea generally. • / Viur s vAitsori, Dealers in i ALL KIYDR-OP'GROCERIF9, rRDITS, VE.IIF.TAA:.t. AND PROVISIONS, 'treat, between State and'Preeeb, Ede Flaying purchaneu our str...ck blor the late rl,e in pricirF, we teal conlidentrof Maltq able to givra Fein faction, both in . price and Ctiuntry Produce of every wart boueht sod unr.d, imuri can always depend cm receiving the higLet: ket price for their articles. , DEALKDS IN, TIIE ADJOINING TOWNn And on the Linea of Railroad, SUPPLIED ,WITU YBrnT, VE9ETAIO.I,, Give us a Cali'. ftESIESIBER MAY k JACKSON'S-MARI: 4 :T rj Ur . 11 Flrrir - Srs gkr IlMi W HISKERS AND HOID4TACHts - - FORCED to grow upon the amoothee. ix,. three to bee wveis, by using Dr. gESIONI: RATEUK CSPILLAIRE, the most wonderial , betrv. in modern entente, acting upon the Board bed iirr•r. moot miraculous mariner. It has been used b . 7 Ot Paris ond'L radon with the niost listtering ecexn Names of all purchasers will to registered, ILO: tt satisfaction I, not given to every instance, the will be cheerfully reloaded. Price by mail r.a.ed.o postoald. $l. Descriptive Circulars and testudrtai mailed free Address DERGER,SFIUTTS &CO ,Chrort, No vB5 River street, Troy, N. Y., Ell* egvits 'or's Culled States. lebll't -1r TiIN qua vING. BUSINESS, WEDDING AND (frEE CARDN Bill Boads,CertiSestof of Oil mul Other Stvcit STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, , BY J. 11, LAPHAB, PARAOON BEILDLIca, WEST PARR ftfi., ap21•115-it MMUM andumgc4 hr, Purchased the yell-known Livery , taod, occupied by Wm J. Stecrett, defores to i worm Lt 'L:•::, and the public that he contibus invites their patronage-. THE STUCK Will be largely tncretteed sod irnprove , .l—n• emcee lines been procured, and some of the ,I;LA - Horses In the country. /am de2raarn.-. r .e: the establuihment as to give satleigct , t, rant to obtain the nervices of .a go, 0... an, ready at nil tunes to accommodate prlcer- C....collect the place,. TERRETT'S OLD ST Fifth street, rear of the Reed House. =2I2Z!!MEI MEM= JUDSON" & WILDER, !Laneantarets and Whelan .le Des:en in TIN:JAPAN AND PRESSED WARE STOVE. • T E, STOVE TRIMMINGS, 3C Waterford, Erie Co., Pa cir ilrdir, f,y cull promptly attwod.,l REMEDIAL INSTITUTE PDX EIVRINAt C/82e. No. 14 CuND sTREET, NEW YORE TIBBALS, SHIRK ,i-, •, ILLIIVTACITREIII or STOVES AND HOLLOW NV liE Hans • 'arts and extentivi asiort - me-t S•ct , i Wholesale awl Retail TEE (IRON -G ATE first•eluo Coal Ifoot Stove, Intl or 'nth.% no voir,, for bard or loft e al, or wood, ar..! BETTER THAN ni.E. -STEWART Slot, We el-o manahetttre the WHEAT SHEAF AND NF:%7 ERA, Both low OTIII3 CO4l Ctibk w,g4 O 4 ter- C&li be aced either for coal or woo): THE FOREST-JAR. We are Mill MAn4factruing time ce ehreted ta. 0 , 11 Stove for wood—with or without rreervotr. THE MENTOR, A Low °Tea Store for Wood This is:a nee S.:01 beantlfel issign, and now for sale--.tosoLlet e large assortment of elevated Oven Core Parlor Cook for wood or coal, ind Pa: Lr and Ones Stoves, for wood or coal C. Id. TISRALS, D :SHIRR, W. H. WSIII.HLO Erie, Jan.l2. BANK • NOTlett. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BINH o NIUE CAPITAL, $250,000 • • ' DIRECTORS: - SELDEN MARVIN, ,JOHN SLlBUYeßVizt,Bsresit TO \i S. .0. NORLN. - • ORANGE NOBLE, Pre•iden JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. The above bent will be opened for the trar.rv: business, on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK. West side of State St.. bete•en Seventh an' !• Elatithetory paper dEscosnted. Money received on Deposit. - Collections Fate smd proceeds aceonnted promptness. Diana, Specie and Bank votes bonch!ae.! ♦ share of Peblie patronage is re.peef. it, GOVERNME.NT P,ROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE RITKIN & CO. &(r° new sad *mond-hand Team Rime. 100. 1 Brigiesand Cellars. 3,000 Saddles. all atyles—s ll- ' $l3. 1. 300 foot bones Goveroment Wason• t of; on ‘overi, all elses,new and woro. 5,0G0 Bleotro, Hama Covers. al.°, a large stock of Re on. ens Whips, bogey and amealnace Harness, Porn tds Feld. Clnlaug,Swlngletrees. Lead Bars, etc., etc.Wl.set Ten Barnesa—lntle wort--all`oak tanned I.nat 6 - er and U' feasible, Maned and oiled, $5 Od per bornr or re.;;•.J: a . el l ag Bndle, Lead do., $1 00. "VW. 8. ' 13 " lava $1 to ,$2, Extra bale Med arttliers 82 0 and $3.03. Double reins $1.": , to S 2 ' 2 ' s ' dlnea sl,4l4ltera $6 to $l2 per dos o . ffteet.. • new la°, VS wits plated bit bridle s2l; good an new 5.3. bride $l4; ratite Paddles for hope $5. Waznn 50 r, made to At as wagon. Deasy linen. $3 to $6; rap` cation tuck 14 to $8; 12 os. duck $ 0 to 611 i ' " isrt pltal teats, new and good am new. 12 es duck- 14 1 ,3 556 tat-830 tO $4O Officers' A tent, 7 feet equme. 3 l tO $B. 1&000433g5, from 12 os. duck, Int ,toslttf%; 6 10haL $9; 2)s bna..slo; 3 bus. $ll per dos ; •=2 $7 60 . 88.50 and s9so. Small orders tentby Exprese, C.O. D. prrilN - ..4 50. No. 33? and 330Nortb Front $t , Philadelphlt , ?h, No. a Park Place, New York, and, No. 453 145 t'S"" Washington. O. C. Price Slat rant on application. lifuN BY, • 1 1 111818 WATS:LK. --- u 1 1 400 Attlee Local feud TsaroWe .`, ;tut , : - . ' ee: Female, of= all axes, are wanted to solicit tra !e :a era: City, Tows, Village, Hamlet, Workrhop and Far' , .% , throughout the entire world, for the moat e aJeib:eao!, I, elites ever known. tOO her cent. profit and SX4 l :_ 1, , wirearreit °remit , . Hmaramon and own.. `'' tromSstorday, and no rietotioe a:t r. „ 't ipit.leiz. v it,.s2ot.llco_ti, l vr inTetedbe treater the profit. .ti o money re‘le , r . ; &drab ee—uetint wad the article. and receive pq Jr!. tr: ward. II you actually wish to make money ri? " tt, arid easily, write for fell paitieulare, and addroo. t, , ,,,, . .lIILNOR & CO, (From Peal ~, • ^IG Broadway, N. 1 1 . . CM' .. N•wspapars copying will be liberraiy &"tit -j i , Aelte- • I I/ 0 II ~:! N Li PSI IMO I,FNNoI, ECM mrl4-'1: 1