("xic4thtethig@bottiver. r•-: :RIE. PA., APRIL 18Tu, 1867. 7 ,, e• mast Largely circulated newspaper in • 11 - . pcnnsylvania, and the best Adverti - - - ,- 3 0trntion is calla(' to the ad ,,,:nont of Mr. J. W. Taylor, MAnufae ,, f Tobsoett, N 0. .: 42. Penn St., Pitts „.l, N., to bd found in anther column, . ke.ps a large stook of all brands, 'l. exceedingly low, BO 1110 parties who 41vor r.:m with their orders ‘ will he sure , A rcs e d,- Netlee hie card, and when wa nt - ntythinr in his line write him, or if Pitt/0391.0 call on him. , 1 crams Jrocta.—A movement is on foot -• ~ maoy of the men of the party ' .-. r etire the nomination of Col Berdatitin fiii in • ~f this city, as the next Democratic 0 . 4 I; i'r'efor Supreme Judge. The expression 14, ',nor appears to be general throughout te, and we learn .that at Harrisburg, ficAhe members of the Legislature, his ~ , --' was freely canvassed as the one most )1- to meet with the endorsement of the e c•ovention. Or the competency of Col. ii it f, fill the position, alike with credit to 5 4 re'f and benefit to the State, none who , c . i uninted with hini will deny. lie pos 0+ a mind eminently judicial in fie cheese -11.1 iS universally regarded by the_ pro, colon ao one of the best read, clearest and ail: c omprehessive lawyers in' the Common- - 140 h The refusal of Judge Woodward to 314. candidate for re-election, is understood Litte peremptory, and in that event we do not w of any gentleman who seems to fill up lig measure both of fitne.s and availability as wt a+ C al. grant. [le would enter the field inilogrzed by any of the prejudices which 'Va l e arisen during the war, and his record is 'eSs Illrougbout that cannot be successfully vital' , i We are firm in the conviction that ,ier•ler that the Democratic party shall Me -1 in Pennsylvania. it is imperative for it to - e op a new crass of men, who have not -4 _ n'pr-rtimoryly identified with the strugoles el- he past, and among all who have been z o4t ed for the Supreme Judgeship no one ~, to combine so many elements of success git 'll Grant . . .t.- .—The at pearauces are very de -I,s, if next fall's political campaign in our ;lc: does not - prove one of the most exl ..,. ..!i,,g erer'behl_ in this locality. A host of lhives ire in - the field for every office to 14 j ote,k f-t. and the admitted influence of the Radical County Convention upon the re gei of t he Congressionarcontest in 1868, will -,4 composition toi ts enpositiop and proceedings an in ', et qeidon_ attained It seems to be freely . t . e,ied that Il•i'e county will be given the _ ~ t ongres.man, and the consequence has to inflame the ambition of every person .1 ims ever thought of,' or been mentioned onceetion with, that position. Among the --..efous persons whom we hate heard named ike'y to he -candidates are Geo. H. Cutler, , , Rey J.-H. Whallon, Wra. Benson, Esq., V Decamp, Esq.; and James Sill, Esq. \Vballon has arnounced himself as cat , - to-be in the field, but es to the others we eno positiire iriformation . . It is now gen !ly understood that Mr. Lowry will not Ihe contest for Congress, it being more 34c , o.ennnce with he taste to secure a re sin •o the Senate. where he has already el tons terms. Ms friends profess to re d this ootinty as certain to give him its ref, and, counting upon the influence of Adze Derrickson and others of that class in (Aar ,I. they lookLupon victory there as a I , nreooilyeecured.i We anticipate,.ho ever, t in both counties they will meet* . -tr-rtger ~titon than they imagine, Th i lenemies gt9tlr .: Lowry, both there and here, e itniong intlqt active men of the organizatitiko.- . -,z apd aspiring, and zealous in their de aunvion to overthrow his dominance in tar :•cal poUtics. It their activity is but oral to one-third their hate of the itTepressi -4 F,,nat or, he will have more trouble in ob tsiamz a nomination than he has ever eine • 1 Miord hitherto. For the other Legislatiste ttmeatiens. there Is likely to he a wild i lir ral.,le, though the matter will, in all likeli d ho swallowed up to a considerable...de ee by the struggle for the higher positions. tme half a dozen persons in....tke city are ,ed. sod about the same number in the 'Aunts ,e , ary will probably present a man iti , he place, and if he comes strongly back lail b 5, the south-eastern townships, ne will 'hive little difficulty in procuring a mimics ...o4% „ As usual, we presume one of the X.- iipt.ymen will be conceded to the city,-and 'lke disposition at present appears to be in fa r r .1 tome active business man, who will la for the interests of the community, and *merely accept the position as a stepping tine to something better I,' ,TIII,DIATII PENALTY.—The late Legielse 4 14-e.iii very few acts that entitle it to con.- rleent, but among the half dozen good laws t it gave birth to, none more heartily - 4 Meet cur approval than the one permitting 1 r Governor to commute the fit:ointment of _ .sotts sentenced to the death penalty. p , 0 •1011 that in the case of A person convict ,.. w f 'wrier in the first degree, the hover ' or may, if he sees proper, change the pun terot to ,•ottfinentent in the penitentiary. for life or a fired number of years, as ...4 alip , 2-Ircuantances of the case seem to justify. le Pasqace of tai's law win do much towards altivine from our State a system of punish i l7o.rhich has alw %ys seemed to us a stigma r. the eivilizAtion of the 19th century. We Iv there are many good citizens who think the horrible crime of murder can only be. , l , ' l by t citing the o ,Tender's life; but, if, 4 e', they :had been e. ve-witness to sett executtons, and were p `sseeeed of eatis- Ple' ,,, S sr;l-nce that in two of-these eases parties were innocent, I re feel assured • . t tli,roul-d very materially' modify their i i , . vs upon the suhj.ot. Tha report of the Chief Eng. l noer of the I. o..?parTiaent gives s total of t nenty tree ring the year ending April let. The 'Wa t t . : 655 „ on whi sh the in- : .s is estimated at 100 ranee wan $42,875. The heavi eat fires here as folowe ; April 29th, 1866, b lock on' grach'treat, eolith of the depot, lose $10,476. lsurance .$1 9.975 ; August 2d, on Public et, loss $lO 300. insurance $BOO ; Aug. ie. Sterrett's ho'rrel ftotory, loss $18,000,. in tkran $1,;00; November rith,Skinner tt, lio 'n ii' refinery, lona $9,000, insurance $7,000; li c tich . l.3th, 1867,Wittick brook, loss SI6,IAXI. . - orsace $11,400; April 4th, King's brews Y. 4as -89,n00, insurance $.1,700. The enti re 'cost of the fire department to the oily, dooln :1 1' lug salaries, repairs, building engine houser, lc., ii'monnie to $7,000 for the year endin g -;i4 . ril lot. .-.1 Franklin and Jackson, the Man of Thought , fsti , l ;ha man of Action, with portraits3lark ~ r a,n, of London Punclic—Portraits of nine i,l i° , Klngs and gdeens of Sweden—Allie Ar .itoll, Netess,—A Cherokee Legend; The Or ' iM of the Human ItaCe, of Game and Indian il . ro, by E. G. Squier,—Phrenology in Schools '` —The Metric Systein—Tight Lacing, inns .,:tattd —Muscular Power—Effects of a Bad D recto—National Salutations—Shopping, by , MiF Wyllys,—Charity, by Hope Alington.,— ..,: Ta'Fil Depravity of Infants—the Active and . 'h° Pol.iire—Origin of Life—Pope's Essay on 14n— in May number Phrenological Journal. .... Yi c 1.5.., or $2 a year. . Address $. R.. Welts . - .1 E ' , `t)itto' , `t) Broadway, N. Y. A 1 D . \larks & Bro., frcen 256 Broadway, N, will open a first class Wholesale & Betai eobirig find cloth house in Noble's; Block , ti . .tut the first of May. • aplB-tf. A PIRTIAINT Sucartmolt.—The subjoined letter contains a suggestion which is par ticularly pertinent at this time. Evidence ac cumulates every day that , the most effective mode -of controlling public sentiment is by the judicious - distribution of really good news papers ; and we feel confident that, if the plan proposed by the writer of this letter was properly carried out, the result would be most gratifying to all who hold the Constitu tion in higher esteem then the whims of a 000- cress in which sixteen States are unrepresent ed, and care more for the restoration of ti e Union than the supremacy of a political par . 1 Dean FIR : Many rich men are pouring out their money on colleges, for libraries, for the heathen, and various institutions. Where is the rich man who will donate money to dis seminate Democratic reading broadcast over the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey,! and all nearly evenly balanced' States of the North. I do not meats cam paign papers to be circulated a few days be-, fere an election, hut good solid reading, to: be read and pondered over and digested ,months before an election. This is what makes unflinching Democrats, whom all the Republican campaign documents and frothy speeches in the world cannot change. In a !awn in Massachusetts, where there was bat one Democrat among the members of the lead— ing church, and where a man was spotted in trade, at the banks, in society, for Wog a Democrat, and where to read a Democratic newspaper was considered almost treason, the idea was considered, and resulted in placing seventy-five copies of a New England Demo cratic paper in the hands of the voters of that town. This kind of effort was kept up for a few years, until now that: town of about four thousand five hundred inhabitants is nearly equally divided in politics, having sent a number of Democratic representatives to the Legislature. A systematic effort in this di rection in this State would surely fix the State next autumn, and fi x it still more surely for the election of the next Governor. At present Democratic papers have no chance in many of the rural districts. Who will donate funds to be judiciously applied to the quiet but sure distribution in places where a Demo cratic journal does not now circulate? UNACOUNTABLY .Acztort OF A LANDLOIID.—•• The venerable Judge Peacock, of Mayville, Chautauqua county, N. Y., owes three stores in the Kremlin block at Buffalo, and rents them from year to year at the came rent that was placed upon them a dozen years ago. The owner utterly refuses to advance the rents upon the old tenants, though the stljoin ing stores have been renting for two or three times the sum he charges for his. He has been waited upon by disinterested agents and affectionately entreated to put the property into their hands, with the assurance teat his income from the stores should be double ; but be replies that his tenants are alreada pay ing all they can - afford and all the stores are worth, and their rents shell net be raised. Now we ehallenge any I pity in Uncle Satn'e domains to produce a match to this rataavis. The case must pass into history as the only one on record.— Weetfield Rep. • The above item has been going the rounds of our exchanges for some weeks, envied with complimentary allusions to the laidlord. It may be of interest for some of our readers to be informed that Judge Peacoac is a thorough Democrat, thus showing hat his bead is as sound as his heart. The bill passed by the last Legislature in relation to the extension of the Erie A Pitts burgh R. R. pormises to be one of grsa, in terest to our citizens. It authorizes the torn pony to continue their - road to Pittsburg by the way of Connoqueneesiog end Pine seeks, or to connect with any road now building or to he built in that section Au arra° gsment is said to have been made by which the Penna. R. R. Co. will extend its The into Butler county, and in that event the Ere Sr. Pittsburgh will only be required to brad a few miles of road to make a connection. The present terminus - of the latter road is atNew Castle, and from thence on the route to Fitts burgh is over other roads, owned by compa nies whose interests are not identicti with thote of the_ Erie & Pittsburgh. The new route will give it an advantage of ei&hteen miles in distance, besides having connections with more friendly lines than at present. The building of the proposed extension will open up a country rich in mineral wealth, tht nat ural consequence of which must be to add materially to the trade of our city. Were we called upon to decide - who Buena . _ the many advertisers in the Observer.urder stand with the greatest thoroughness tie se cret of putting their goods most advattage only before the attention of the publ.c, we should have no hesitation in yieldiag the palm to .Mears. W. W. Pierce & Co. They always advertise everything in its season. and do it in a conspicuous andliberal manner that cannot fail to attract the &nation of those they want to reach,—the only way to advertise properly, and the one that is sure to bring back an abundant reward. By dint of a judicious use of printer's ink, ands spirit of indomitable energy, these gentlemen have built up in a comparatively brief period a trade such as but few of our business men surpass. In another part of this week's ps, per will be found the advertisements of two of their leading articles, which only need to be read to convince all who are acquainted with the kind of implements described that - their merits are all that is claimed. The quarrel between the Pettis and Finney wings of the Radical party in Crawford coun ty has been revived, with a fair prospect of continuing until the close of next fall's Cam paign. Each faction has a county committee, and the chairman of each has issued a call for a meeting. ' The Finney committee, of which Mr. R. Lyle'White, Oysterly of this city, is the head, has propo*l as a compromise that the Pettis committee shall meet: with them. and ehare equally in their deliberations. This proposition the Pettis men do not choose to accept, and the probability is, tliai T the difficulty will end in the calling of separate county conventions, and the placing of two tickets in nomination. To all unprejudiced observers the foot seems clear that in this con troversy the friends of Mr. Pettis have the better of their rivals. By all tile rules of the party, they- were entitled to the Control of the . Cortvention last year, and if they now MC.. curab, it will look to outsiders as if they either did not have the moral courage or political adroitness to successfully compete with their opponents. I Howe COwrour:—This is the name of a new cooking stove; which Mr. W. G. Gardner, No. 1318 Peach street, is making a specialty in his trade. It is constructed of the very best material, and is pronounced by those who have used it the most ' durable, economi cal, convenient, handsomest and best in the market. As a baker it ismnsurpassed, the flues being arranged so that the draft can be easily regulated, giving either a slow or quick heat, as may be desired. We Would suggest to persons about _purchasing a cooking stove that it will be to their advantage to examine the Home Comfort:before milking a selection. In addition to his stove department, Mr. Gardner has a completo stock of gardware, House Furnishing Goode, Farmers' laple meats, and, - in brief, everything usually kept in a first class establishment of the kind On Thursday afternoon, Russell Johnson, Howard Johnson and J. Beardslee, of Le Aeon! township, charged with passing a $lOO com pound interest note Upon a Mr. Page, bad a bearing before 11. S. Commissioner Marshall. The parties are all "loyal'• men, and have given repeated proofs of their patriotism by patriotically crying "copperhead" and Kral-. tor" against their Democratic neighbors. They were bound over in the sum of $l,OOO each to appear before the - Commissioner again on Friday, the 19th hut. A change in the Time Table of the Lake Shore road will bejnade ou the 19th inst. The baste have been running on the South ern division of the • canal for a couple of weeks.- . - The Senate ha s rejected the appointment of Abner P. Durlin, formerly one cf the publish era of tho Observer, as Postmaster at Lyone, lowa. Thayer & Noyes' baby elephant, pathetic notices of whose death hare appeared fa sev eral of our local cotemporaries, was valued at $B.OOO and insured for $5,000. The attention of housekeepers it , directed to the advertisement of the large sale of fur niture to be made on Saturday peat by Fronk Winchell &. Co., auctioneer,. Horace' Greeley says that the darkest day in any man's earthly career is that wherein he first fancies that there is Boole easier way OF ,gaining a dollar than by, squarely earning it. The New York Bun shows that the aggre gated expenses of 0110 item eaoh in the list of necessary &viols , ' used in every family cost $78.94 In 1880 and $187.82 now, an increase of nearly ninety per cent. The entertainment of the East Ward school, Week before last, realized a net proceed of $80.20, which is to be applied to the relief of the suffering people of -th - e South. Ex-Major Scott has contributed SSO to the same fund. The mania for leaning newspapers in the quarto (or eight page) form, that has prevail. ed so largely for the put year or two, seems to _be rapidly subsiding, and many papers that ad4ted it's few months ago are.ehatts. log back, to the folio. The City Councils, on Monday evening, passed luo,ordinance providing that it shall not be lawful for "any person or iteraois, to erect, build, or move any wooden building into the fire limits of the city, without a vote of all the members present of both Councils." A DSMOCB.AT. The Dunkirk Journal has discovered the cause of the Republican defeat in Connecticut. "The vigilance of the Republicans," it : says, "proved insufficient at tho late election, and we (that is, the Rads.) lost the State by de fault." Entirely satisfactory, neighbor. On Saturday, John May and John Potter were each fined $lO and mad by Esquire Bennett,tor offering to sell veal in market 'not over nine or ten days old. To rash the mat ter None, while the pratieS were before the justice, a noted contraband stole a couple quarters of the veal. The joint re-filiation instructing our Sena tors and requesting _our Representatives in Conerese lo vote for ac: appropriation to open communication from Lida- Erie to the Ohio river, for the passage of gunboats,. &c., has passed both branches of the Legislature, and will be se , t on to Washington at the next ses sion of Congress. • In the Court of Quarter Sessions at Mead ville, on Tuesday, in the eve of Edward Miss and -John D. Nicholas, rate editors of the Crawford Journal, prosecuted for libel, on complaint of Clara O 'Roemer, the defendants appeared end plied "Guilty." The Conrt, sentenced them to pay a fine of $5 each and the costs. We presume the young ladies' in jured reputation is now fully repaired. An apt illustration of the changed temper of the times is seen its the coarse pursued by the perambulating indiyiduals who travel about the country under the title of "lectur ers." Almost without exception they have dropped political hobbies and taken to die , coursing upon subjects of a different nature, greatly to the relief of the . sensible among their audiences, and the general benefit of the public. A cotemporary remarks "if the public kneir one-half the trash that enters into the compo sition of what is commonly sold los ground cof fee, they would be struck with astonishment and disgust" To which another cotempora ry adds : ...The remark holds good not as to coffee alone ; for it is equally applicable to most of the prepared articles offered in* such perfection, alleged cheapness and abund ance." The fine new store of Metiers. Lien, .Churchill & Co , in Noble's block. is already y receiving a liberal ehar of public patronage. The proprietors are vidently gentlemen of enterprise, who tho ughly understand their business. Their stock of goods is one of the moot complete in the city, and we advise those in need of anything in their line 'to give them a call. Their advertisement, on the first page, is commended to the especial attention of our lady readers. The following story is old, lint good enough to be repeated at least twice a year: A gentleman visiting Oil City, went to a hotel to stop over night. gelid he, "give me the best rem you have in the house.' "Car tainly," said the landlord, "I'll give you the room Thurlow Weed occupied. Waiter, show this gentleman to parlor D." Traveler did as ordered found nine or ten cots, each with a carpet sack therein. He seized his carpet sack, swearing. "Landlord, I'd Tike to sleep in the ;dem Thurlow Weed occupied, but I'll be binned if I don't objrot to sleeping with the entire Black Republican party." One of the most suceessful institutions ever established in Erie has been the free evening school, held for some time past in Clark's block. It was started and maintained wholly by the generosity of one of oar most liberal minded citi Sens, and attained degree of pros perity that Must have been highly gratifying .to his feelings. The school has closed for the setups, but will be reopened on the first of October, in Noble's block. where a superior room has been -secured for-its aSoommodation. The following is published as, a correct ta ble. of distances by the Lake, from Erie to the points named 6,120 ft. 5,280 ft. To Buffalo, N. B. k B .69 • 80 To Grand River, 0., S. W. by W. kW. - 691 68 To Slick River, 0., S. W. by - W. 1 1 1„ 1114 120 To Sandusky Peninsula, W. S. W. b W.. 1241 144 To Miadifireland, W. S. W../ W. 121 140 To Point an Pellee, W. 8. 1114 129 To Long Point, C. W., N. E. 234 . 7 1 27 In addition to the name of Res..l. H. Lag? lot, we bear that of Geo. H. Cutler, Esq., mentioned in connection with - the Republican Congrendonil nomination. ft is stated that be bide fair to become rite a prominent candi date, the Republican leaders in the city gene rally preferring him to any one in our coun ty who is likely to enter the field. The Rm.. ressional contest will open in a few months, hot and heavy. Although the nomination is not to be made until 1888, it is felt to be all important that the next County Convention Shall be gemmed, and each of the candidates will bend all his energies to that point. The other counties of the distrist Tether concede the nominee to Erie *Minty,. The Warren Mail says of Judge-Scofield that he "seems to be a good deal more sun cessful than many of his colleagues in re taining true Union men in office in his die• (riot." The - term "true • Union men" here used is a misnomer, for it refers to Radicals! and the-only Way in which they are retained in office Is by the personal intercession of Judge Scofield with the President.. It strikes us that it must require a copious supply of cheelrfor a man who has traduced Mr.-John son as infamously im the Judge has done, to go to him begging for official favors ; and very much more forgiveness than moat mortals pos sess, for the President to grant them. What ever other qualities Mr. Johnson may plaints, he has certainly shown a considerable amount of that kind of Christian spirit which teaches us to "return good for evil." Items of Local Interest. Nautical Statute miles. miles. The income lists, as thus far returned to the Assessor of Internal Revenue, - show it mate rial falling off Since the last report. The number of large incomes is lose than that of 1866, and some who in that year reported heavy returns, will this year either have none or comparatively trifling ones. Among the heaviest given in to this date are these of Gen. Reed, Orange Noble, Prescott Metcalf, Charles Metcalf, J. D. Olarit, R. H. Stearns, Milton Courtrlght, Wm L. Scott, Henry Rawle and John Hearn. Very few return larger inomes than in 1868. while in the majority of eases, they are considerably smaller. The list for our city will exhibit an increased number of persons who return incomes, (owing partly to the enlarged population, and quite a; much to the efficiency of Mr. Lyon, Deputy Assessor.) but the total figures will not amount to more than two-thirds of what they were in 1866. The Whittier Literary Annotation have re ceived en sesurance from Bed. Sebnyter Col fax that he will. deliver his lecture, "Across the Continent." in our oily, on Wednesday evening next, the 24th inst. Mr. Colfax has the reputation of heing plea.% tug speaker.,and his position as Speaker of the House of Represen tatlvee for the two last sessions of Congress, has given him as wide a reputation as any person ,in .the„ country. He is universally looked upon as Welt - fo — be the next Republi can candidate for President, and this fact„ snide from his abilities as a *esker, and the merits of his lecture, will go a great ways to. wards attracting crowded houses wherever he may We are informed that Mr. Colfax sensibly omits anything of a partisan Charac ter in the lecture he fa announced to deliver. here. We trust the Observer hat no lady readers who are in the distressing situation described in this story, from an exchange: "A young woman had been converted at, camp meeting. The good minister told her that if 'she had faith in the Lord be would give her whatever she would ask in. prayer: Believing implicitly in his words, she one evening retired to a grove and fervently pray ed the Lord to give her.a man. It so happen. ed that an owl sat,gp in one of the treed near by, and being dilftbed, gave out a 'whoo—o —o She was overjoyed, and with the great est thankfulness of spirit answered back, 'Anybody, Lord, so it's a man !' " Our city readers, who' sometimes complain that we. do not devote enough attention to local matters, should recollece - that three fourths of our circulation is outside of Erie, 'and that our special aim is to make an accept &ale paper for country subscribers. eis • rule, what would be of most interest in the city would be of none whatever. in the country. and we are consequently compelled to confine our attention mostly to such topics of city, 00. . currenoe as msy seem toleve the widest gen eral interest.' There being same doubt whether Geo. Mc-. Creary can constitutionally exercise the duties of Adjutant General until his successor in the Legislature is chosen, the present Adjutant General will retain the office up to the October election, Gen. 3loCresry acting as his As sistant. After that date the latter will assume the position, and hie service as Assistant will esabhh i laim the more faithfully to perform its datitur The last Legislature raised the salary of the Office to $2,300 a year. The lake is clear of ice at this point, and a number of vessels have sailed for upper ports. Every harbor on the lake is free from obetruc tions, except Butfalo,where the ice is gorged to an extent that will delay navigation in that direction for some weeks. Should the pleasant weather continue, it will not be long. until trade at the doable will assume a lively char acter. • The canal will be opened either next week or.the week after. Messrs. C. Siegel (late of the firm of Siegel Et Scott) and G. L. Friday have.opened a now wholesale and retail grocery establishment in the room corn of State and Filth streets, which they awe fitted up tastily and supplied with a large stook of goods. The trade they are already doing is mating, considering the brief period that the store has been even, and speaks Welrfor the future prosperity of the concern. The Semieekly Petiolian is the name of anew journal started at Oil City, by our im pressible friend, W. R. Jahns, formerly of the Register. Brother .7. is .ane of the best edi tors in the State, and is man of taste and en, ergy besides, and we need scarcely say that the Petrolian, alike in matter and make up. is a very creditable publication : It our wish es will do him any. good; he will be s retired millionaire inside of five years; We every now and then hate a subscriber complain because.ere do not publish some doc ument he wishes to read. A little reflection will teach them that it is absolutely impaled ble for us to print even tenth of the inter esting matter we wish. Our room is newton - - rib! oircumsorihed, and we are never troubled for enough to insert—the great difficulty is to know what it is possible to keep out. A bottle of water was shown us last week, taken from the city pipes, which wets nearly one-eighth sediment and animal(' alm. Among the other interesting objects contained in it were a number of email snakes, several of theip so tiny they were hardly perceptible to the naked eye, end Would . pot bp nsticed is drinking. The beauty-of having water car ried in Wooden pipes needs no further inns tration. In addition to the sum elsewhere dated as having been contributed, in our city-for the relief of the Southern poor, $llO have been given by a number of gentlemen. The whole amount footed up $240, which was placed in the bands of Rev. Geo. P. Cain, of Park church, by whom It has been forwaidecl le Bev. Dr. Dickson, of Baltimore, for disburie ment. We are indebted to Mr. S. S. Cole, of North E,et, for some fine speoimeili of apples and grapes. - Mr. C. has invented a new process for preserving fruit during the winter, by which he is enabled' to take away such lots as may be needed from time to time without im pairing, the value of the remainder. If the samples he baa left with ne are a taif criteri on, his system is a perfect success. Thehtst Legislature enlargedthe,salaries - oi nearly all onr State officials. Among others who oome in for the benefits of the increase. is Mr. Gore, Deputy Secretary of the Com monwealth, who has had $5OO par year added to his pay, making it. now $2,300. Anna Dickinson, in her lecture on "Woman and Work," in Farrar Hall, on Tuesday,said : "The first money I ever earned sae two WI- Dugs for sweeping four ,roes-walks in Phila delphia, with-shieb I bought a ticket to hear Wendell Phillips lecture," Hard wet for poor pay. 'There is more truth than poetry, in the re mark of the Dogtown orator: "I penance, on mine eared honor, as some of dem fel. less his de greatest lernie is de piggeet fools i" The New Castle Gazette makes thie apt sug gestion; "When you bear any one :Wagging of his Democracy, ask him if he lakes his county paper, If he don't his feathers will drop is spite of him. Try it on," ' A sew Hook and Ladder company, to- be Sailed "union, No. 1," was formed at the Goodwill engine house on Saturday evening. It already numbers about forty members. Thayer & Noyes' Circus commences its sum mer campaign at Pittsburg, on Monday, the 25th Met, It is -Ozpeoted to visit our pity about the middle of Jima • " Travel upon the different . rellread lines is increasing. The Lite Shore and Phl%del phi* trains come in well loaded nearly every day, The people of this district, withoot regard to party. will rejoice to learn of the rejec tion of id. A. Frank's appointment as Attars ear of Internal Revenue. Frank is the iodi victual who claimed to r ip onoc . R ii di cs ti fm last fall, got his appointment in eonsecutence, and on tbf day of election "went hook to his vomit," 'agog end working.for Scofield. The Whittier Literary Association "are in correspondence with. Wendell. Phillips, with the object of securing s lecture from him nonsi, Prom enme cause,' Weededl beg always 'feared sits of Erie. anti itch" ,Whittler's.,.susseed In their endeavors to mows him they rein hive better look than others. „ Wm R IT4rris' the emineniend,uirivailed elter.r, is fitting up a ladies' lee cream saloon, in Rushes' Nook, above the room lately oe. copied by the Keystone National Bank, which be intends shall be the neatest thing of the sort ever started to £be city. A great and good man has been gatheroi io hie Father!. The Rt Rev. John Timon, Ro man Catholio Biehop of Botsln, died of ery sipelas at the Episcopal Residence in that city. after a brief ilium, at 8:40 o'clock on Toes day evening.. The Carver House; at Warren, closed be cause Judge, Johnson would not grant it a li cense, has been re-opened by Mr. J. B. Hsß. one of the former landlords. A city writer thinks Carl Roes, the husband of l!arepe, is "muehly married." Those who saw the two in thiicity•will agree with him. The number of pupils enrolled in the public eohoots during the month of March was 1,446, and the average attendance 1,169. In Venango county is a locality which re: joicee in the euphonious and- suggestive title of Tubb's End- A Paso oS ORGAN.—Which shall I buy ? Snit your taste, corieult your pocket, and also the sire of your room. For many years the piano has had the monopoly, _but -latterly Smith's American Organs hate been steadily growing in favor. We recently visited their immense factory, and explored it from the dry room, where the stock is seasoned in a teioperature of 125 degrees, to the finishing department and ware-rooms, where the instru ments are exhibited - by a skillful musician. Notwithstanding the facilities for finishing a hundred per weetr, , the demand has outrun the supply These organs may be purchased from $lOO to $1.600, according to size and style. Their action, tone, temperatneet, voicing and general workmanship, are such as constitute all that lovers of music can desire. Their compactness, portableness and beauty of fin ish make them -a desirable article in every home.—Quincey Patriot. Econour is EDUCATION.—Too much time is spent to no purpose, in what is properly celled obtaining an education, which, whet attained is of no practical Tatum as a prepare- . Lion for any' f the active duties of life. In- Meld of spending so ranch time in plodding thrrugh a course of mere book learning, let young man spend a few weeks or months at web as institution as .the Iron City College, Pittsburgh. Pa., where he will obtain a prac tical business education. and. will here ac quired something that will prove of immedi ate and permanent value to him. There is no doubt but the best. investment any young Man can 'make, would be to secure a scholar ship in this institution. WHO WOULD NOT BE 1311AUTITUG ?-All may possess a clear, unblemished skin. of alabss to whiteness. by- the use of Chastellar's White Liquid Enamel. It is the most perfect article in use, for removing all impurities of the skin, and unlike all other cosmetics, con.: tains nothing that will injure the cuticle ; be i'g vegetable, it is perfectly harmless. Far sale, wholesale and retail, by Berger, Shutte & On ., Chemists, Troy N. Y. See their ad vertisement in another column in this paper,. air J. F. Cross's Erie City Intelligence Once, No. 1.252 State et. ialo'6llf. M.A2IIXED. Lavin —JormsoN—ln this city. on the 24 inst., by the Rev. Oeo. F. Cain, Mr. Levi Levine, to Niles Ann Johnston. BAYS—Cocnatag—At the re?idenee of V.. M. Thompson, Beg., on the 11th inst., by the same, Mr Samuel Bsrr, of 'Battle Creek, Mich.,•to Miss Belle Cochran, of this city. Cnisn—Bssmt—At the Gir^rd Hones. on the 9th inst., by Beery Ball, 'Esq., Mr. A. A. Crstse,,to Miss L. A. Baker, both of 'Cranestrillet Ps: Hoestan—Bnitruam—At. Floyd's Hotel, See gertown, Crawford county, on " the 11th inst.. by Rai. D B. Ernest, Mr Frederick GORMSD, of Erie, to Misa Frederica C. Ber tram, of Cambridge tp., Crawford Co. BrTTIMIIILD—BILIAL—Monday, April 16th. 1867. at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Harvey Totman, Mr. J. A. Sutter field, of Norih East, Pa., to Miss Ltioina S.. dinghter of Mr. Lewis Beleal, of Stockton, Chautauqua county, N. T. V4Ol the above notice came a substantial remembrance of the printer, for which, he, as in duty bound, wishes them all possible hap piness and prosperity 4 DIED. • Yser—At tbo residence of her father-in-law, near North East, March 23d, 1887. Mre. Par melia Yost, wife of Wm. A. Yost; aged a years, 8 months and 9 days. Jossa—ln Corry, oi Wednesday, April 3d,_ Harry E ~only child of Charles and Nancy Jones, 'gad 7 weeks and 4 days. " . Swett—At Swanville, Paturday, April 18th, of bronchial pneamOnia. Adelaide M. Swan. • daughter of John J. Swan. Tn./wt.—ln the city of Philadelphia, on the evening of the 16th inst.. after a lingering illness, !tire. Susan Jane, wife of. John Q. Tracy, Esq., ip the 69th year of her age. , Coos-In this city, on Saturday the lath inst.; Jane Cook, aged 71 years. NEW PERFUME FOB THE EUNDRERANIEL PimlenPo "Plight Blooming Citraus.tt Pimleuhs "ritNght Blooming Cereus.l9 Plinicinfo “Niglit Blooming Cereus.” )1 Phalan'“Night IBllleallinj Careers.” Phalan's "Sight 1110/11111111, Cerellt.!6" A most exquisite. data*, and Fragrant Perfume, Ceti led from the rare and boanntal flower frog which It takes Its name. Manufactured only by PUALON & lON, 11'clw York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ABK IPOI4 VW-AMPS -TA= NO (MEP. New Advertisements. WINOWILIoo AIICTIoNicsm; SALE OP NEW 1; SECOND HIND FIID,NiTCRE! Oa Account of Parties Leaving the City. FRANK WINCHELL & CO., Will Sell, at their Auction Re 10714 Ca PATS BTRW, OORwsa or NINTH. OR MONT, APRIL 20,1 T 191. 11., • lam lot of Household Furniture, consisting of Black Wilnut and Cherry Iledstools. 2 flue °print Nat trams, Ninon, Borealis, Wostuitandi. Sofas, Table, look Case, Desk. Paver and Cooking hiss. Sea 01111. Cotten and-Hut Ilattrasses: Breve'. Ingratn and Three f9ynoshes Pillows. Wool Blekkets. a lot et Penland W ool Bare; also. 1000 Clime and 0 gross Pine C a t crh, w tog Tobacco, in Foil One Fine Circular Bat Constar Gas Pictures, 2,3 and 4 lights, and two elegant ill light Chandeliers At 19 o'clock, in front of the store, one Bsy IfOrlse. 7 /oz. old. Hugo. liArnloas Whip, Ac., a complete tom oat. 711ttlts cAtect, 11. 13..ParUsso having property of any d•scrlytion to dispose of eon b seccuunodated by sending it in P. (day evening. , arirl3-Iw. a A WSUNISTBATOWIS SALE. unlersigired Afirolnistrotor will atones for l on the the premier. on . IATURDLY„ MAY 25, 1857, 5 a the e following described real estate, to wit : All that natain ere of rouPd. saute in the township of MW Cr et, county, of Eris. oonadod and described as follows, to wit : .rioning at a poet stand." Inc on the wut Hu of out lot of the torn of Nee No. lt) bet nerthwartily from the southwest corner of pl.. UAW*. Mgt three path slog the vast . Has of Uat t ?aid lot GI• past; Mums out 'aloof te north line of era lot and wand with illu Lire liC Ur and 9 tubes to apart; trans south along the wentline of lot of Barbara ffehrrab 69 Ant to a post; theses went along the north Ilse of lot Vf Louis flatehlonanil also along Swarth Inwet lot of Jacob Beets 192 fist and 9 inches to the place of beginning, being a sub division part cute the art -west aartm of ant-'at lop 688. TCRUS—ow half down and balsam in oseyear, rind bf bead sad marten*. 411:0148! KrillFnetner, riON. SCLIDYLER coLvAX, Oman of the NATIONAL HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES telegrapQd the aerates emanates of the . WHITTIEIi' - Literary Association, Naming WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 24; 1867, ! For the delivery of Weems, _ • 46 /CROSS THE CONTINENT," In this city. SEW LOCAL COLUMNS. arrll3-In. 'l C. SIZOILL. NEW :GROCERY STORE SI ZGEL 4t • FRIDAY, Dealers la GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, COI:MIST PRODUCE, COVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, 1 BRUITS AND VEGETABLES, SHIP CHA:ND L E 602 STATE la, CORNER YITTR, PENN'A aprlB'6?-et. F OR AL Z. Two rtweitioes slid City Let, co West 11% strut. Pro• p,rty of John Perkins. Jetsi oat of the city Malts, attar,- boww wrotd piir. one-third of ID IMO of pognd; stout 100thoire bearing (nit tram. paps. Ike. Prta, $1,760. FOR BALD. Ite two dory coders style, twurphote finished dwelUng on Ninth draft. earner of Chestnut. A tine misty of shrubbery. Mgt, gm's, to. Clti tot on Ninth stmt, Ent lot out of Wm. Won's Vary dotitoblit. FOR-SALE Th. stem and ground eow occupied by Tibbs* Shift dr. Co In lots to snit tams. Will give long thus. One stary bows and 36 let on Bast' ISlArreath et.eet. house war. Pries $1,150. FOR SALE Vies to alit area. past of J. licClurs'a Taro, 4jj miles ,suotb.isaat of the city. Substantial 13i story bons*, barn.aad a variety of cholas fruit. Soil sandv loam, under a Ens state of cultivation. Price $1,900, allay tam& In lots to suit purchasers, the West lit) feet of the Ate acre lot of Bev. J. Pressley. in Sooth Erie. •e ins ' ;rounds salty In Pommyhunts. Price from $l5 to $l7 ow foot. Terms one•sizth d own, balance to six annual payments. 1 FOR SALE flie One new Gothlo store and lot, in fee simple. on Teach street, directly north of the Railroad. Price $S OW, renting for $ OOO per annum • Business IlitsAlrsetly north of Bur & Johnson's stores, property of P. Whittlcb. 12 miles sonib-eset of Erie, in Vornsnzo„lls Ives; 25 eerie cleared; b.nk barn, bone, fruit trees, &a. Price $25 pot +en. • • , pis acres land, 2 story Irma holm. tam frrove. seres t, of ebotee fruit. Pries $1,200.• Tiro miles south. on plank road. GICBEILIM 1.015 11 .—Wa are salling this Ta'nede ortipor ortnon "kW and fourth streets and German and Holland streets. t. lots to *mat buyers. Terms. one . sixth In band and balsam in sir &zinnia payments Silayors moat call soon tor • chola.. HAYES IL KBPLB,R, But Estate Agents, Hoed Rolm. .yrle•ff• Tag none 00:11VORT EN] COOKING STOVE Which now stands UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER 1 THE VERY BEST MATERIAL te used to tbe HOME COMFORT All the foists in doors and dampers ire fitted to the mast palest manse; making the Home Comfort, fa re. AIR 1! I G H. T n. ItTE3 in ilia HOME COMFORT , Are very large, giving a quick draft, which is of gnat importance to a Cooking Stows. No pales or lapels's me spared to mate toe HOME COMFORT THE MOST pORABLI3, * - .THE.IMER ECOROXRIAN: TEE YOST CONVENIENT. Tag Q7ICIEN3T BASER, 7116 ILAELIVIOIrr, AND TB UST WORZING STOVZ IN M &BIZET . VIE HOME COMFORT Ia Waircated to be as represented. Call and P.O the Roma Comfort, or mend fora circular, at the BOMB STOU of W. G. GARDNER,.sote Ageot, MM! A . GEIN'TEI WANTBD. Ve vast grata to all sections of tho States of PEEN- A SYLVNIA, MARYLAN, DELAWARE and the DIY. TRICT of COLOMBIA, to D sell wary sahiable piddles- Mon •Aellicc agents eon make Twenty Dollars par day, ot which we can tater an, one &airing the Informa tion. Parsons wishtng • solos will direct to BIION C. PETERS* CO. sprie-se 1 _ Belo, mulisbunr, Pa. s 0. L. 171041" SELF.- RAKING HikRV,,ESTER.: WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEM.D, CUTTING APPARATUS. LINGER ' BAR, AND FOLDING This machine has met with the most complete success. - In every section where It has been intr... taken precedence ever thole machines which have heretofore ranked as Bret clue. We have entleaverVi.t ish/tpe . BEST REAPER AND MOWER IN THE MARKET. • With this end in view we have ssenred, by lease and purchase. the control of all the disitable and standard pat enth!now in use, among which we call attention to the Ohio and Buckeye - Patents tui combined in this mach'ne. This machine embraces all those valuable features which have contributed to the great mucus . of the Ohio and Buckeye Machines, together with a number of entirely new, novel and valuable improvements. In compactness, lightness of draft, excellence and elegance of workmanship and finish, combined with great strength and adaptation to all kinds of work, it will surpass any machine heretofore offered to the farmer. The following points of excellence show the advantages of Dodge's Reaper and - Mower over all others: This Machine has two driving wheels, which support the whole weight of the Frame, Gearing and' Driver, giving It great power and facility of operation. The Linger-bits of Dodge's Machine to attached to the frame by sdooble blare joint, whir& ►lloae it to follow the surface of the ground, without being +fretted by the working of the frame Over ridge, end through hollows, the Independent aktion of the Cutter La perfect, enabling either end to tie* or (all withontaffecting the other. The most important part of a Movrins Machine it ita cutting apparatus. Cr all the numerous experiments and Inventloca, the Ora], WROUGHT IEO3 GrARD, faced with CAB? STEEL, ES uead lu thle Machine, la the only guard that has proved paceerarnl in all pierce. The advantages claimed forthegaards are: They do not bend or break. They are all treeirrly alike. They do not clog. • The draft of Ibis Machine, to heavy gran or grain, is much lighter than ordirui:y plowing, and dots not exceed an average of too poor& direct draft. A light f all. of horses can work the roadiino amly all day, 'in any kind ofipse or grain, when the machine is properly adjusted and operated. -. • -AS A SELF-RAKER. The S elf-Rake applied to thin machine has proved a perfect success. It is a Revolving Rake, and does its own reeling. saving the expense and trouble of a reel, end yet performing int_ter in all kinds of grain than. Rawl and Eland R eke tan. It makes a rerfeet separation with the rake head, in-all kinds of grain, whether tangled or lodged. long or short, by reason of th • rake revolving over forward, sad striking into the uncut grain, or before the sickle. carrying it along and over the platform, and delivering it in compact bundles, at the rear of the ma chine, entirely out of the way of the team and machine on its next round; and without any littering whatever. AS A REAPER. The double hinge joint and two driving wheels make it the ONLY REAPER PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO UN EVEN ORMIJNO Ihe over banging Reel is supportei upon steal p.at, axed Molly to the drag-bar socket, nod can be readily adjusted. up or down, or backward or forward and all times follows the movements of the Plat form. The grain Messily delivered at the rear of the meebrie. entirely out of the way of the team on the next round. to good ahaped bundmv for binding. THE PLATFOrtH in readily adjusted to any required height, Cr Descriptive pamphlets of the Machine will be famished on application to 1 VV. W. PURACE & CO., SBO State Street, Erfe, Pi., Geer& Agents for Erie and CrawforeComitiee. Er Agents IV nted to every toy/MIMI, to whom h liberal coma:4Bton *ill be allowed, - April-3m. -- I 11 1 W. PI SKOV. & CO. HYDE & .WRIGHT'9 PATENT HORSE HOE OR CULTIVATOR PLOW GREATLY IMPROVED SINCE LAST YEAR The aboie invaluable implement has always ,eeelved the drat premium wherever exhibited, and all who have used it pronounce it fir superior to anythieg else of the kind The following are sores of the advar taigas this - Cultivator has over every other kind now in use: 1. Lightneu and durability; being made -of the beat quality of steel, highly polished, and the whole tmple meat weighing from fifty to sixty pounds. 2. Adaptation to more kinds of work than any other I caltivat-r known; being a perfect and thorough Culti Titer when used with all the teeth on, learlog the ground even end level, and working nearer the rows then any other Cultivator. 3 By removing the small teeth and attaching the wings to the shovel, it is thelmost perfect Instrument for hitting that can be found. 4-It lithe bertiestrnment for covering and digging potatoes ever tweeted. • man end horse can cover pa tatoes ea feet its a horse can walk, end& man and teem can dig from 300 to 500brishele of potatoes in a day, when the crop is • gar one. 5. Itworks equally well in corn orany kind of crop requiring cultivating, and- in most cases hand hoeing b• &mewed with. • 6. Its cheapness, considering the many kinds of work to which It can be applied—the farmer having In one implement all that is necessary for el/Rivet lo s end hPling any kind of crop, or covering mad digging pota toes. Nemberless certitretes from th most influential far mer/ in the United Steel might/be given of the sups riority of the above implement ?Ter all others designed for like purposes. We shall he pleased to receiU a tell I om any one who nude a Cultivator or ShOvel Plow, end explain to them 'the merits of the above Horse Hoe over all other !Mole manta of the kind. We Tetrintlhis Horse Hoe to work orwtivator es well es any Cultivator made—u a Shovel Plow u well u mor Shovel Plow—endue Horse OW a complete =Wet% or refund the money if it does not newt the warrantee • We also keep on hand lieritineetton with our Hard ware, Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods, complete aseortment of Herseßakes, Hand Rekes.Grain Cradles, Snythes, Seethes, Forks, Hoes,Shovels,Spades, &c. Don't fall to give us a isalL W. W. PIERCE & CO., Sete Agent* for Horse Roe in Sr% Co., Pa., and Aeh• Wale Co, Ohto, 24 door from the corner State and Oth Ste., Srie..Pa. aprll4m. NO MODE BALD 118AD.4. NO MORE GRAY LOCKS DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC tIAIR RENEWER Is pronounced by all who have used It the very beat preparation for the Glair. fi is a positive care for bald , neas, eradicates' dandruff and humors, steps the hair from tamp, out, and speedil. restores gray lock. to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the asioretions and ails the elands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair atll always be brought beck. by a few applications, to tie youthful abundance, vitality and color. /t mike* the hair !soft, glossy, fragrant, Pl r atant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intract able locks heap, rola; pliant and dlspried to remain in any &sited prsiti a. At a Hafr Dressing It bait no equal. The sales are enormous and It Is a universal fa vorite with Id and young of both ~ s ea. Sold by Druggists throughout the Milted States. Ad dress all order. to ZIEGLER & SEIM Sole Proptietors. 137 North Third St. Philadelphia. GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, are yoo premed withantlety for your little ones? Are your slumbers and heart, broken by their ales? Do you awake to the morning enirefreshed and onnfolloolotve? If so. procure a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy, mei yen will have no mon weary hours of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY Has stood the teat et years, Thetuto?e of nurses and mothers bear 'Muses that It never fails to give relief if used p 'emelt. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy mire for Mille. Cramps and windy pains. sad is invaluable for all eompleinta incident to teething. Sold by Draegista throughout the United States. Ad. drese all order,' to Sole Prop ZIEGLER &SMITH, rietors, 131 North Third St, Philadelphia. • SILVER'S WASH. POWDER t ' Saves time. labor and roomy—warm Waal:dog a pas time and Manley* Festival. Sold everywhere. Try it Addreaa all orders to the Marmfacturera. ZIEGLER & SWIM Sole PlODristorr. deofl-17 IST North Ti ird Street, Phila. FINKLE & LYON'S - IZPILOTID LOCZ.-3Ma4 FAMILY SEWING MAQ/1 1 7,..; I " II Rooms I .. .2ll: h rsalkh ol lo s Rt . rsc itni t. l % : i as ga id et l / 2 - I ' two doors spelt-V. E. • EMIL. Agent. :3111 Peres iltreet. M. Paorosims wioenuo. 14a1eitpropeasate will be melted tuttll ;the TOIIRTH DIY OY, NAY fag building a Stone Calvert and STUN' np • Ravine: in Summit township, on the Old Tornplle, yew Oseez Dan's. Plane and epeelficationa eau be seen by applying to the undersign.. d. Coomils easter' of Summit towtuhlp. JOHN SM. A. 0. HILL. RN. SNIT& iptl6-?.W. FOR :THE HARVEST OP 1 S'67. - DODGE'S PATENT REAPER ANA► MO:WER, OHIO AND BUCKEYE-COMBINED. TWO DRIVING WHEELS DOUBLE-HEADED FINGER-RAll CUTTING APPARATUS AND DRAFT MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS- AND PHtmIN BITTERS. .The • Most Successful Medicines in the World. Established in 1835 by. one of our Host Eminent Physicians, and now used throughout North and South America, with more pleasing results than any otherliodiciae in cases of diseased Liver, BloOd or Skin, Indigestion, Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague. Thousands of certificates are ju our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect Cugs effected by these invaluable Medicines. They regulate the System and pat all ,the functions of the body in a healthy condition. Sola by all Pruggists. Whito S llolrktaa, .Propri, eons, Sumo-Dora to Dr. John Moffat =at Dr. W„ D. Nor York.. • I ,,ktE • "N'\ fc 4 rim) . t.OLIt tER/0 4 . FAMILY 4.9v,14p r Acru v. r. or , • - U AND Cpt'k Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, ~7RZE, PA. JOHN •m. PENDLETON, To: the pnrcbue and sale of DOMESTIC FLEECE AND PULLED No. 45 BROADWAY, Niw YOWL Cash Advances Made: Consignments Solieitei. Gon ers' or Special Market Reports Furnished at Bennett- REFERENCES.—H. F. Pall, Cashier National Bank of Commerce, New Tork; Messrs. J. Boorman, Johnson is Co., New York; Gordon, McMillan k Co., Cleveland, Ohio; W, Windfall. Cashi.r First National Bank. ilinnaspolis, Minn ; Thos Arthnr, Cuhier lint Nat'l Bank, Newton. Iowa; Messrs. Ford, Dixon At Co , St. Lomlh inuourt; and to any Banker throughout the country hiring New York correspondents. mr2l-flme • TOBACCO AND tiIGARIA The place to get a choice article of Tobacco. Banff and Claws le at E. R. WELSHMAN'S, 136SPEACH STREET, South of the Union DPpot Always on hand a good assortment of the 'bore un ess.-of every grads. Wholesale and Retap--Aleo Firm, Poaches, Boles, add Smokers' Artielpuf everrig gl To. that lion. Plena favor us with a cal 4. • lice, 1388 Peach street. it sor2l'6f-Iy. , sLEIGITI BELLS A Lars* Stock of ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, El= TIDE hrAsort & HAMLIN CABINET OftGL%-' • I forty different idyls% adapted to iv::: sk ; a yy made, tor $BO to $ 600 ._. 0141 : 7 tny -one gold or Aimee "'.mama &warded them. ..se. Address MASON et HAMLIN ~JNasurrans. goy Toyk. *dile -11" - eURE LIBERTY WHITE LLD . Preferred by All practical painter. Tr,y it ft And you will have no otber. liaaollaatnzed SMITH, by ZIEGLER £ WHOLESALE DRUG, PAIN? ts GLASS DEALERS Ho. LW North iithd Stmt, SPRING OPENING , OF mtia.impns --- MRS. nswoNs h..e op.ned, in the building torn. erly occupied by the Penny ?toot, Booth of Lintel De— pot, with a fall tine of - • .. 000 . D . 5! • Where she will remain until her new store in Man H o ". m oc k, te co mpleted, which wile be about Key l et . E ir Di co ehing and ping done l te athe meet approved idyls. .aprll7. z_•. - -" COMMISSION lIZACHAIIT, WOO L , For sale by J. C. EIItI.DEN