The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 18, 1867, Image 2
Cie bstrber. THURSDAY. APRIL 18m, MN 1;63• The most Largely circulated newspaper in X. TV, Pennsylvania, a n d' the best Adverti sing medium. ins nsasocnAnc_pALL silt. L. HOLLItill. Almost every day we receive fresh in telligence showing that the great reaction which began in Connecticut Isasiextended over; nearly. every part of the country. The focal elections in LNew York exhibit almost uniform Democratic gains. Albany,. the State capital, has gone for the Demo crate by 1,700 majority, a gain of nearly a thousand since last fall. The city of Lock-' port, which the Radicals carried in 1811 G by a majority of_lo7, this spring goes Democratic by 270, every candidate sl pen our ticket being successful. Ttis, village of Little Falls;llerkimer coo:uty,- gives - a Democratic majority of 87. Last year the Radicals had to. All our information_ points conclusively to the fact that at the next general election New York will vote to sustain Democratic principles. From New Jersey the return?, nearly without exception, are gratifying, and in dicate the redemption of that common. wealth- from the control of Radicalism. In E3sex county, which went opposition last year, the Democrat& have made itn portant.gains, the Radicals carrying but out of the 8• townships , . The city cf run Domocratic ',Jokes, for the first - time in many ye'.rs. New itrunswick, heretofore a reli•,bi e R a di c al stronghold, has chosen a DeMocratic mayor by 160 majority._ and 4 out of the G aldermen. The "Rsdiealsy •Rho have been in the habit of carrying'Davenport, lowa, by a majority of erom SOO to 1,000, were beaten at -the municipal election by 600 votes. 'The Chicago Tribune attributes the d efeat to the tact that the Radicals tu4de the Maine Law issue ! This result has a peculiar significance in thtit it oc curred at.the home of Congreksman Price, and - -in the very centre and hot-bed of lowa radicalism. It is the first victory over fanaticism which has been obtained in that locality in a decade and, if.prop erly followed np—as we have no doubt it will result in the redemption of tho.district and possibly of the entire State. A dispatch from Hagerstown, Maryland, says • "The Democratic-Conservative patty Of Hagerstown today covered themselves with glory. At the municipal election, for the first time since_ the incorporation of .the town, they elected their entire ticket, for Town Council, by an average majority of forty-seven, over the Loyal Leaguers anti Radical Disunionists." We" have received few returns from Michigan, but such as. Invi,e reached us, look extremely fivOrabla. The following is a comparison of the majorities in the towns named with the result in MO: ISG7. 186 G. T}em. Rep. Dem. Ran. St. Johns 40 ' 134 Westphaliq 1 37 - _z_. __ 111ston . - 5S 70 • Keene -15 - . I , ' ! singsb urg 4C7 '—— 'Niles . , —— 48 ' - ' 7. 7 Adi i a n -- 13 " .-- QlO Superirr 3 --- •1 , Sharon 5 —* 15: • • • \Pnvni count`', the Democracy. The - Democrat, in nt. tieing them, says: ' Old Wayne is good for six hundred Democratic majority neit fall." Last hill it oiily gave about seven ty-five majority. •MONSTIMUS ROIIBICRY FRUP4TUATBD. The , Pittsburgh Gazette, the leading Radical organ of Allegheny county, in a statement of the corrupt legislation n i t Harrisburg,. thus refers to one of the bold robberies -attempted at the last session, and denribeamode In which it was defeated : "Talking, a few years ago,-with a - noted lobbyist at Harrisburg, he frankly confess ed he and his kind had relieved the Com monwealth of pretty much all the proper. ty it had worth plundering. During the past session a systematic effort has been Made to gather up and carry off the frag ments that remained, . and this endeavor has been crowned with a largq messureof success. If:the accounts are truc k and we think they are,- the bottom ofthe ry has been cleanedlaud es sound de ticit left. Nor is this all. An attempt was made to rob the Sinking Fund of $BOO,OOO for preventing of which the . people seem to be indebted to Mr. Wallace, Chairman of the Democratic State Committee'. He raised the point that by the plain words of the Constitution, the revenues derived from certain sources were pledged to the liquidation of the public indebtedness, rind could not be applied to general pur poses. This compelled a cutting down of the financial budget, which looked to the expenditure of $1..000,000 more, than the estimated The course of :Sir. Wallace, in this id- will endear him still more strongly to the Democrats of the State, end should recommend him to the favor of men of nil verde?. "When a man can boldly stand up in the midst of the corruption which is ad. mitred by everybody to have prevailed at I Tarrisbure. and defend the interests of the people in sues, . manner as to alum forth an acknowledgment nxv cue above from a political enemy, it shows? that he possesses tra innate sentiment of honesty such as we all hope to find in our public officials, but, alas, are too often disappoint. ed in tAte expectation It mu s t to a matter of gratification to our partY frw.4s, that with the many de nunciations 0 ? Geir leaders in this State, no whisper of su,,nion has ever been ut tered against their t knracter for integrity. Duringld.r. Clymer'slkukcareer in the Senate, with the most in otts legislative debauchery surrounding he preserv ed an unstained reputation, 14 ..0 amid the heat of the canvass last year. Kith the hundreds of charges heaped upott 4. 4 ll, not one was coined alleging or even 1. 11 mating any doubts as to his personal purr 1 Y: After his retirement, Mr. Wallace be came the Democratic leader, and the act above recited ,afferds the best illustration Of his fitness for the position. His honesty . is freely conceded by those who would be most prompt to detect and expose even 4ike slightest step outside of the legltiu m t e ponduel, of a - publio official, and whatever assaults may be - made upon hie political course, none deny to him the loftiest at. tributes bf a faithful, vigilant and incor ruptible statesman, The time is coming when facts like these will be appreciated by the - people, and the men who have stood sternly by their duty, regardless of the * blandishments of public thieve?, or the clamors against their patiiotism raised 'by those who sought in that way to keep their own Tile deeds from being brought to.the light, will receive that reward which their Legislative and. private merits so richly entitle them tr. TUE ISSUES WIZ FUTURE. In their eagerness to maintain the integ rity of the Union, and to do away With the institution of slavery, the larger portion of the people, during the war, tonally die carded the consideration- of all questions of Constitutional and financial policy. The result has been, that; as the Radical lead ers were mere theorists, without precticral knowledge of statesmanship, the nation has been unnecessarily loaded• with a monstrous indebtedness, whioh will press upon the labor, and capital of the countl - 1 . with increasing severity every year of the lives of the present Ef t me T " .o3l '. Our debt to-day is double the anto p :at it would have been had a iudieicw 'am been imposed on the country the p rat two years of the war. The admiuleasticin. under the advice of Mr. Ch" - ..e, refused to impose such a tax. It' as afraid the measure would bring the 'party in power into d;.,srepute, and so the system of inflation arid of paying double prices for every article purchased was in dustrioualy Fanned. • The effect of such managemaii t is bean ning now to be severely felt, and as bssf nese than return fo natural and healthful channels, the eyes of the people will be opened to the fact w a t, in this, as well as in the general ler;slation of Congress since the cornmeuee_raent of the extra session of / 861 p Pa', interests of the countr7 have been aeo"..lficed to maintain the aseeniency of *KJ Radical party. - Heavy taxes and °":,enertd depression in business wEI pro voke inquiry into the causes producing them. r ' The Radieali - have got an idealhat quer , anus connected' with the settlement of slavery and the condition of the negroes are the only ones which the people will entertain. The late elections prvoe this to be a mistake. The people will listen to the .discussion, of principles involving the preservation of the, rights or States and the protection of individual liberties. They will listen noon to the discussion of financial questions, and will consider and set upon evidence proving gross profligacy and mismanagement in the expenditure of the public funds. The acceptance by the South of the military bill, and her re organization under it, will take from the Radicals the only issue upon which they now depend for success. They were beat en on that, and on that alone, in•C-onnecti cut, and the growing distrust of them will rapidly Increase at the proof shall be pressed on the people that their corrupt and partisan and impolitic legislation has doubled the amount of our national debt, and is the cause of the grieving burdens. which make the tax-payer sweat under their load. Out of this state of public sentiment wilt arise the new issues which the Demo ciatic party must accept and champion. The people look to that organization for relitf from the measures which 'are now divicing the States and ruining the nation.- They kesire that the finances of the coun try may be put upon a more satisfactory basis, ecfnomy, retrenchment and reform introduceninto all the branches of nation al and stategovernment, and a return to the Constituton as the supreme law of the land upon al questions. These issues cannot longer kt subordinated to that-of negro equality. .The affairs of the nation are in too disturbel and critical a -condi tion to warrant ths belief th't another general political campaign can in based upon the old issue of the negro. The in terests of white men will be the di - tiding rrte netwee.. k--ties hereafter, and Upon these issues the Democratic party must he - _The Jr TorrizenNce. PAICTS". party is becoming ~... •,u of the Ittdieal its'Ovtn'leaders begin to cont,,e ~ even The negro issue, upon which it sprung in toexistence,is dead, and tho "cohesive pour er of public plunder" whichmade it acona pact and victorious organization during the last few years,• has lost two-thiias of its influence with the close of the war. Having neither principles to stand upon, nor rich jobs to reward those who fawned upon its measures that thrift might fol low fawning, it has no 'other course left than to follow the example of its illustrious prgtotypes, the old Federal, Whig and Know Nothing parties, and quietly give up the ghost. This opinion k borne out by the following extract from a letter from Washington in the Anti•glarery Standard, writtentby Wendell Phillips, the great prophet and fore-runner of Radical- He says : 'The dissolution have sawn MTV: •Perhaps I should say that the party to.,nyrs con tained the elements of its own destruction, and that it only required the provocative circumstances to develop them.. At any rate the development is - visible to the common eye, us it has long been teen by those whose habits of close observation have given to their mental vision a clear insight. "The debate upon adjournment tnd im peachment was the forcing bed in which this seed sprouted. A clever poitician here, said to-day that the party would have split if Congress had remained here two weeks longer., The divisim I an nounce is only a questiob of time. . The struggle for the next few mouths ii really to be which Wing shall remain in poeegs. Mon of the Republican organizatior. liticians. naturally conclude that tie one retaining it will have a better stark,in that it•will have the prestige of slimes:. For my part, I believe it may fie more alvan ..gsmis. so fa. as purity of notion h con corned, to o , ,ganize anew and take c fresla ata . et. Success will, in al; probabiliv, to built up on a firmer basis, if the Rsticais begin without traditions or policy. The Connecticut election will widen the di vision. On the whole, it is conceded sere that the Republican defeat will help the Radical wing" The statements of Phillips are !Arne out by the following extract from the Washington correspondence of theSping• field Reputlicak. Writing about the But ler-Bingtiam fitral, the !otter writer of that 'paper sass: These men, Butler and 7Binglatn, are mortal enemies henceforth, and I think for the present Butler will let- the matter rest. The sentiment cf his political friends is very strong on the subject. The quarrels among Republicans must stop I believe if Congress were to remain in • -sision all summer that the Republicans 9 huld quarrel so that there would be two PaNte, Tho "impeachers". already stip ma ,, tl4 a large , ' class of their fellow-Re. P nwin Ns as little better than Copper heads, arm, the more cautious Republicans 100 kr ime of the extremists as be ing as c ii, werons John's - ins. Ash ley; Butler and Nat class look upon Bing etc end Senator wil son , an d spaiding, o et tter s 4 l ln u g t I T; qu: ri s tditms c a o b i l ,d y 10008 i k:U h pl a r ni n ., 4 3 1 n s a n d a l v e ) S y P d a a a n i n d dr a t a j . f '7, br a i r so f;:imson men. On the gerous men." . The Radicals la the hew Jet," y lature, like those of Pennsylvania, (Rd not have the courage to force upon their own people what those of Congress have forced upon the South. When - the question canoe up in the House to strike the word "white" dial of the Constitution, fhb.. teen Radicals went against the motion, and it was:defeated by the decisive rote of 20 to i 5. WWI Asti Tan pAnDoxlf. Among the niimerous complaints r ja d e by the Radicals against 'President J- J h as ea, they have harped upon none more vigor• only nor With more effect true hi s a ll eg ed_ Wholesale pardoning of need-handed trai tors:" It was freely charged that these pardons were obtained by the influence of leading Southern men, rebels themselves, or prominer.t Democrats. These coin plaints eeame so vociferous that some tr - er-realous Radical insisted that Congress should call for official information. In re sponse it appears, a6.lording to a statement in the New York Tribune, that from April 15, ISO, to -March 2, MG, pardons were granted at the request of the following officials : 263 at the request of William G. Brown. low. Radical Governor of Tennessee ! on advice of the Radical Governor Wells, of Louisiana I 125 on advice of the Radical Governor Murphy, of Arkansas!!! 525 on advice of :lack Hamilton, of Texas, who is held up by the 'Gazette and Dispatch. as the beau ideal - of a Brit:Ahern Radical!!!! . 1169 on the reclmmendation of Radi• cals. '64 on request of Governor Bramlette, of Kentucky. 48 on request of Governor Fletcher, of. Missouri. 94 on recommendation of Governor Brad ford: of Maryland. non recommendation of GOvernor Mar vin, of Florida. - All of whom, although not Radicals, have always been regarded as sound and patriotic friends of the Union. 55 on recommendation of Hon. A. A. Ring, of Missouri. and 121 by the President, on Ms Mirl2 motion. The attempts of the Radicals to explain the cause of the great 'Democratic victory in Connecticut are comical. Every one of them has a different excuse, varying according to the disposition of the person and the locality ho bails from. Among all the reasons, though, none have yet hit upon the real one, viz : that the people are growing tired of Radical dominion, and have resolved upon ridding - them selves from it in the future. As it will interest our roadere to see the opinions of their opponents, we have been at great pains tO make a summary of the Radical's editorials on the subject which have reached us, and present it below as a reliable digest of the whole : anhtiveoverdPlrtnuotiptiorrqemW'toiamaprof cojtileobtlAareitn•Oopperheaia vitt:Lamm shium.taneertnta.iar4adnikifairmileVtiOnenCot Copperhead aNd Traitor utothilcivairtflturina ircattioahneoprititrio Copperhead sleepd2 ptcaolooqbqneongtollottctiptocolo-A-Traftors - 11Zuct000tgatifinfiefilq bc#ll926Au6tgatoSic4Z _ . übctd)grcuilldpultiont The Radicals, who last fall in this State denied that they were• in favor of negro suffrage, are frankly planting themselves upon that ptatform in all other parts of the country. = They lately held a State Convention in New York, at which the following resolution was unanimously adopted : _ Resolved, That the delegates to the com ing Constitutional Convention, this day appointed, be instructed to support by every honorable means an amendment to the Constitution giving to the black man tha same rights of ballot as the white man. The P.adie&ls of Pennsylvania are not a pari icle behind their brethren of other States in real sc - zntitnent. The reason, and the only reason, why they do not avow their belief in negro suffrage as boldly as those of New York and Diassachusetts is that they are afraid the rnaszes will not sustain thew. Among the items in the general appro priation bill passed by the last session of the Pennsylvania Legislature are the fol- Pru,... Prayers for ~..:vro use 0300 The sums here bamea $3OO ly ones appropriated by the late t itt / :? °- tuye which the people will not begrudge paying If ever there was a body that needed prayer, it was the corrupt and•ez travagant. assemblage that assumed to it self the privilege of making laws for. the people of Pennsylvania. Our sole regret is, that in selecting its- mediums for prayer it did not choose those whose offerings to the Throne of - Grace might might bave.been attended with better re sult F. The London Ttiz-.3 says Great Britain is now ready to pay r a fair arbiter decides are the just claims t..t the sufferers Dy captures. Mt, r. award has only to ask for a reasonable sum it will be at once handed over. This is undoubtedly the position of the British government to-day ; but what a contrast - does it present to the atitude of the same Dower, speaking through Earl Russell, less than two years since'. Then' it was denied that England could be held responsible, end the proposal to arbitrate was haught ily rejected. That power now sees that the precedpnt she set in the Alabama casein the .vent of a war in which she may be engaged, would sweep her com merce from the seas. In 18G5, Senator Sumner offered in Con gress it series of resolutions, of which the fallowing is one-: And be it further resolved, That a gov ernment founded on military power, or having its origin in military orders, cannot he a republican form of government, ac cording to the requirements of the Con stitution ; and that its recognition will be contrary, not only to the Constitution, but also to that essential principle of our Gov ernment, which. in the language of-Jef ferson, establishes (`the supremacy of the civil over the military authority." This was in the midst of the war, or rather near its end. Now, in _a time of peace, with his vote, ten States have been turned over to five Uilitary- Governors, an &martial law practically established for each.. What an illustration of Radical inconsistency In the:House of Representatives, a few weeks ago, during the debate upon Im peachment, Mr. Woodbridge, one of the memlierii of the Judiciary Committee. and a leading Republican, Made the following candid admissions: "The Committee desired that the ques tion should be settled one way or the other; It believed . that the country was situated by it. and that there was no sta. bility in the business oPthe country, and would not be until the question was set tled. Men of capital did not know whetlt• er cr how to .make investments: The country should be quieted on thii sub ject," - The opinions of the Observer on the question are thus confirmed by one of the Isstling Radicals intongress. "Toone pr:...-hold the late legislature has been faithful. It been consistent in defying the wishes of the PtTM-vle on every Important creation." So says the Ohara. bersburg Repository, one of the few 13ivit cal papers which hive the courage to speak- the truth. . . The adoption by the Wisconsin Legisla- . News Items. - cure of a resolution to so amend the State Constitution as to give the women the Artemns Ward left a fortune of about $OO,-• right of anffrage„.does not attract the at- VW ' tealn • The a F el ie eh mint "disloyally" refuted to ion from the advocates of "E ` qual medal commemorative of the late la- Rights" that it might be exrected to. monied Lincoln. Even the Tribune, which before the Con -An Indianian who lost four wives—two by l i neoticut campaign devoted energies t o death, one by elopement, and one by divorce chronicling the progreea -of the ju j st ff married again. • Rights Aasociatioui dismisses this imp or- Phl l t r ielphia De tt e n i n e Ouin e ce e s le th tt l e t e e t h e e e fi r a i s ee b d ee ie n tant item of news with a mere paragraph, blessed with anothe6 eon. lf, as is urged, the right of the negro to Bey. Mr. Woods, Methodist, and Bev. C. the elective franchise is based upon hie W. Biddle, Universalist, of Linn, Mass.. re cently exchanged pplpits: claims for intelligence, it would seem to be but fair that female suffrage should be u TF a o prisoners in the Bangor Jail bad a tight advocated on the same ground ;„ since, if on the"otrrey;with end eaureset of them cat off the me the intelligence of the colored roan is to It is stated that in some of the villages of be - the standard of voting, both gallantry Prutaii nne-third of the population will leave and - justice demand that women be par- for America this spring. takers of the same privilege or right, Sc- A women in Maroa, on the Central Rail cordin as one prefers to term the elec- road, south of Clinton . , 111., recently sold her g heir for two dollar& to purchase a set of brass tive franchise: It is noticable, however, jewelry , that women of thernselvea have made no The Democrat! elected their candidate for organized appeal for. this privilege, except- Treasurerin Merrimac county. N. H.,, by a, majority of 2 votes out of 328 polled, ing, of course, the few female advocates of yo A ri fo K rehear Dye the sate of babies in New women's rights who have been before the . p rofit able business, and almost pub public for many years. In Kansas, wo- holy m e rr e i P ed r on. men are permitted to vote and even to An lowklady has just recovered $lO,OOO hold certain-offices, but the number who damages for defamation of her character by a have exercised the,firat right is very small, man who told emendated' stories about her. and none, we believe, have been found to The chaplain. , of the New York Assembly perpetrated the following pun .in a prayer:— claim the'second. Still, it is not absolute- ..May men of principle be our principal men " ly certain that the women of every State The wages of the female operatives at the would be similarly indifferent to such ore Merriam: mills. in Lowell, Mass., have been portunities of distinguishing themselves reduced, and some of the girls are on a strike. end purifying the body politic- as those of Kansas seem to be. there never has been a iltur Muse 11,0 birth of the Republican party 'when the signs of its dscay were so apparent, or the prognostications of its tall so frequent froth its own organ.: These warnings are given, undoubtedly, with a view of induct. log the party to cover itself with sack cloth and'aahes, and flit on the stool ) of re pentance. But the time fur repentance has passed. The New Yorks World quotes to this point the remarks of a Western judge, that "Repentance at the eleventh hour may do ; . bul—a man that comes in at half-past twelve!" The truth is. as has been often-pointed out. that the Republican party is ephemeral, and the issues on-which it has flourished are dead. Its back-bone was the negro, and the ne gro is nearly, and will soon be quite out Of politics. By his assistance, and the animosities which the war engendered the Radicals have thus far . retained.their su premacy. Now from their own camp-the stroke of their doom is sounded, and it Will not be many years before the opposi tion to the-Democincy will be forced to take some'other name and shape than those under which it has won its victories during the last six years. A Smear, his speech to the negroea at Columbia, S. C., last month, General Wade Hampton gave those white people of the North who prate so much about equal rights, a stunning blow be tween the eyes. Speaking of the preju dice of Northerners against the colored people, be aaid : "A stronger prejudice has always existed at the North against your people than here, and it exists still. curious in stance of this prejudice came under my own observation some years ago in Philo dolphis. Passing through, I had with me two tier.i.nts. for whom full fare was charged on the railroads but the ',ticket agent told me that they would pot be allowed to ride in - the same car With myself; as the people there 'did not like to ride with negroes."But.' said I, 'you make me pay full price for them. and one of thorn sa flko nurse of my children.' 'That makes no difference, The replies ; 'you can't take them into the car.' I told him that I had paid their fare; that. I thought them good enough to ride with me, end, therefore quite good enough to ride with his fellow-citizens, and that, they should get into my cat. So I brought them in and kept them there." Th e cant in Connecticut, just before the late election. about the sympa v of Radiealism for labnring men, the Worm thinks, is charmingly moil canals. tently illustrated in the course of the Radical manufacturers at Rockville, who have discharged'eeventy men from their mills for voting the Democratic ticket. The quarry med _in Portland who via . ed the Democratic ticket hive been notified by - their Radical "masters" that I heir servi ces "will not be needed .for a year to come." The result of this movement won that a thousand men threw down their picks and drills, and refused to work till. their proacribe4 enrnrades were permitted to resume labs, uud at latest.accounts the quarry works in that , town had ceased.' Let us hear no more cant, even from the ''snne, about "free labor" and the "All. rieh05.0....," pyrtymbioh Wilson declares . is based upon nenciples of eternal, imperishable justice."' At a recent meeting of the pocial Sci. ence Congress in England. the Earl of Shaftsbury stated that upwards of two millions of children were laboring in mines - and at other employments, where hard work and wretched wages, with want of light and proper food reduce them to a condition bordering on idiocity. It fur ther seems that the announcement "stag gered the London Times," which paper declared that "something must be done" And these things are permitted in a land where millions are annually Subscribed to provide flannel jackets for the Hottentots and send moral pocket handkerchiefs to Feejee Islanders. The Lancaster Intelligencer believes the late Democratic victories "indicate that the people have learned that the Re- Publican party must die if liberty is to - • NOZTEIERN MEN IN TIM SOUTIL—In a leader alluding to the Northern men set tling in the South, the Wilmington (N. C.) Journal says : "Now we re -assert, what has frequently been said by every respect able paper in the South, that any North ern man coming among us for tbe - purpose of legitimate. business; and not with the deliberate intention of tusking himself hateful and dangerous to our people, will find welcome and encouragement - here, and with as many advantageous gelds for the successful employment of-capital and labor, as will be found in the world. And we aro - satisfied if it had not been tO the advantage of the politicians of the North to have basely slandered our section, the tide of emigration which 'is choking the channels of travel at .the West, would have turned Southward, and many, very many of our own teeming population would have found contented honael with PP The. right Rey. William H. Odenheimer, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Jer sey, he addressed the following letter to Ott Clergy and laity of his diocese : BELOVED BEETIIIIIN --.4llltheDßOstatementa assure us that a famine exists in large see. tions of the South, end that men, women and children are dying for want of food. 1 4 et qs, for Jesus'e sake, help our suffrring brethren, and let us do it promptly, cheerfully, and generously. I recommend that a collection, for the relief of , sufferers by &wine in the South be made in each church, chapel. and • The Indianapolis Herald of the 25th has the ). mhadon of the diocese of New Jewell% at the following : "A young lady of this city, A r a b i .' earliest day possible, and that the proceeds ble, intelligent and beautiful, was engaged to be Immediately forwarded to Jae. M. Brown, be married to a "respectable" young man. No. 61 Wall street, New-York. Treasurer church ocultuteaud a hypocrite, In an evil of tbo Southern Relief Commiasion. hour she became the 'lefts to the-wile. of this Affectionately, your Bishop, whited sepulchre, was seduced and deserted, Wit. sting ODE4liell ED Liar, A. D. 1887: her destroyer marrying another woman. , • • About ten days since, the unfortunate girl • gave birth to lip illegitimate -child and died ' Persons about procuring a Piano can last Friday - lien physician says she died of purchase a new, first elites instrument; of any sshame and grief„ What -must have been the kind desired, at molt lees than the .inentifac.! t•elings of that young man u the funeral cortege of hie victimfiled slowly put his re g. tuner'. price, by calling at Ace, deuce r fabld-tf, • A cake use given to a Baptist fettles! in Burlington, Vt.; to be given at a vote of ten cents each to the handsomest lady in the room. A colored lady got it. Jeff. Thompson. the es-r'onfederate General, made a spe«ch, and omitted in singing the "Star Spangled Banner," at a reoent banquet in St Louis:: • The Dunkards of our State voted to receive colored persoas into the church. bnt object to " sa k i tin e them with the holy kite," A woman in New York entered 41.8 treet car, and depositing upon one of the seats a small child left as quietly as she entered. tier excuse was, that the conductor of the car was its father. - The Wisconsin Journal - publishes'a list of confirmations and rejections by the United *hives Senate under the caption, "Muir - are called, but few chosen." • A man in Ohio walked on ice twelve miles, obtained a marriage license, went back "by the same conveyance" the same day and was married in the evening. It is stated that Mr. George Peabody has provided for every relation of his now Hying, the most distant receiving 550 000 and those nearer $150,000 each. It must be pleasant to have 6 ch 7 relativos. " The newly amended Maine Uglier law, pro 'hibits the sale of intoxicating liquors, except cider, on penalty of thirty day's inuirieon.Z meat for theirat offence, and sixty for the second. - A Gertnan,coubt is under arrest in Louie ville, Kentucky, for marrying three women there, two in Baltimore, and an entire brigade of ladies in Now York. The papers say that he had "wits on the brain." A freedman, from Kentucky, shot Samuel Fergus, stear_Lebanoti, Illinois, to obtain pos.. session of a rabbit the boy bed killed. The farmers wanted to lynch the negro, but the father of the boy insisted that he should be surrendered to the authorities. Mrs. Sallie Jones, of Petersburg, Ye., (a colored lady) presented the freadmea's,bureau last Tuesday. with three bouncing babies at one birth, all of whom were a shade lighter that; their mother. The coming season is evidently to be talive ly one among tent exhibitions. The New York Clipper contains notices of 29 circuses and menaseries—mostly the former—that are to travel through the country this spring. and the tooling summer: A gentleman in Portland lost an envelope on tte street containing $3OO. Several peo ple passing, supposing it to be en, April fool joie, kicked it and poked it, but no one lifted it up Datil a boy came along, took it up and developed its contents, which were returned to the owner. A snit Was tried at Binghamrton, New York, wutun 26 lady brougnt an action for assaolt and battery against a young, man, the scontation being that be kissed her while occupying the same seat in a railroid car, she bents asleep at the time, her head resting upon his ihoulder. The jury failed to agree, In Kentucky lives a Man; the head eta very respectable and intelligent family, who, during One leek in each month, shoat the first quer• ter of the moon, imagines himself a woman, dons the hoOns and balmoral and sits in his mite waiting for his bean ! This strange eondsct was first noticed in him when he was about seventeen years ,of age. He is now fifty-one. . Ger.. Joseph E. Johnston, in a late letter upon toe subject of the first battle of Rail Ran, lays the victory was retarded by the Sonfedzrats. troops as having decided the question of, Southern independence. and ended the Vitr, and thousands of them left the army and went home. The Union army, be says, "tratt.esa disorganized by defeat than the Confelerate army by its triumph." Astons to ARKAIIOAII. , A letter from Lit tle Rink, Arkanaae. to the Sprinifield Repot) licsn, dated Starch 22, says: J , Thie is, with , ou: exception, one of the met peaceful and ' quiet of the Southern States" T hove traveled throngt at lewd half a dozen different corm. ties, unarmed, both by dor and night, and never bare been moleLted in any way. And so far as drunkenness is concerned, it ,ia not half embed as Massachusetts." Sum CHILD'S:IN 111DRISILD TO DRATTI.....A fire broke out yesterday morning at Accrington, in a seei-dettler's shop, over whiCh wee an in- Tant's school. The rapidity of tbS flames prevented the escape of the obildreo—sixty in number—and it is feared that the majori ty ".- nerisbed. Twelve dead bridles bad been taken when the reportwas despatch ed.--Lieerpoo/ On the night of the 12 , n Ina., four men went to the house of the County. Treasurer in Jefferson, Illineis,who was absent front home, boldly mug for admittance, kneeled senseless the servant who opened the door, and going to the bed of the Treasurer'is wife. presented a pistol nt her bead and demanded the keys of the safe. Receiving the key they took the contents of the safe, from $B.OOO to $lO.OOO, and after ransacking the house from cellar to attic in search of more plunder, - left undis turbed ,• Emma Ponces Is. iftELAND.-11 is COM• pitted that England, a' last accounts, had in Ireland 25,000 regular troops, Composed of Infantry, "cavalry, artillery and engineers ; the constabulary, numbering 11,000 men; the Dublin Iletropolitin constables, 1,089, and the local force of town., 500—ia addition to which may he computed 150 detectives; making a total force of 88.839, esolusiVe of special constables, marines and loyalist proms teetion corp. Mamma as VD:monis—ln Judge Spence's court, at Lynchburg, Va., a few days ago, Captain Doe. P: Halsey, in behalf of certain negro clients of his who had been sentenced to imprisonment in Jail for various petty of. femme, moved that the sentence of the court, be commuted to public whipping. Two of the negroes were men whose families depended upon their labor, and were suffering while they were kept in durance. These persons, therefore, desired to be flogged and set at large. he court refused the motion, on the ground that there was no' legal authirity or precedent to juetifytruch•an action, CONSUMPTION C - aILIBLE BY DR. SCIEENCIE'S MEDICINES. TO CUBE CONSUMPTION, the system mud he prepared to that lbolungs will beat. To accomplish Lbw, thi flier andstomach must first be cleansed and an appielts created for good wholesome food, which, by theme medielnen will be Wrested properly, and good tealttly blood 'made; Sins bulldina op the eacmanglort. • SCHENCK'S HANDILAICE PILLS' cleanse the etoxeseh of all hlllown or mucous accumu lations; and, by WNW: the lies Wee I Tonle in con nection. the appetite is centered. PULMONIC tIYIIIUP is In:trick:. as well se medicinal; and, by usinz the three Ceased:es ICupuritica aro expelled trent the system, and "mod; wholesome blood naldP, which will repel all disunite. II patients will take these medlehmeaccord tiO directirms. Consumption very tmauently in Its bin loge rtta4 moony to their action. Take tie phis irequently, to cleanse the Its crawl stomach. It doe:snot follow that Jaz:wee the bowels are not ear ths khey aro not required, for sometimes in -diarn hcca they are necessary . . The ,too ..4): mast he kept healthy. and an appetite created to allow thy Pm- MOMe Syrup to Acton the re-pi eatery oromn properly and Oar any Imitation. Then all that I. raittiret to Portent , a Permanent cure IN to prevrylt talon cold. Exercise shoat the rooms an much ponclie cat ell the richest food—tat mixt, game. and, in tart. anything the appetite crate, balls: part:ether ut masticate well. L.nad w. ea. me. I : A COi . Cl/4 A COLD, OA ♦ Boas Tnesae requires llAlDA ttlataattestion,ana should be else:lied. If allowed to continue Irritation or the Ltutzr, a permanent Th est -Disease. or Consumption, Is often the result.- BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRICHEB, hatiog a direct latlatote to the party eve immediate relLef. For BRONCHITIS, A.3THM A, CAT ARBIL, CONSUMPTIVE and Throat inesszwo. Trochee are need with %leave Rood wanness Singers end Public speakers rill Cod Troche% toseful In clearing the volee when taken before .Itaging or ipeaktug. and relieving the throat after en naneuel exertion of the mill organs The Mich!, are reeornmended and prescrihed by ph •siciana, and have had teetimoulals from eminent throoghont the country. dieing -an article or Vas merit and having proved their eilc•or by a tee: .11-• Teiro. each yeu (Inds Ahem in new in merlons part% of the wuridocid the Troches are p ononrced bet ter than other artiedvs. • Obten on y 'Brown', Bronebie traehea.^ and de not tete ear of t 22, w 2rOl'eto lentatioom Viet my be offered. Sold everrwhere. 2?-ern rnwpArrso r`ti. or PALE AND_ VACC, For prepsting, restoring snd Apantifyinglhe Hair, and Is the mat eol:ghtful r.0f.1 wonderful the world ever prodated LIMPS WM 11124tt DO . 01117 a certain remedy to re store, darken and beautify the hair, Dot alio %desirable article for t e ea it le lalehly perfumed with a rich and de' icste pw r foote, fildepealent of the fragrant o'or of Or% of Nam vai ce THE iihRWSL OF PERU A now tad beautVul perfume, 'hien In &limey of scent, and th., tacit with which tt clings to the handkernble , and person is unequalled. The .14,re artelles foriOe by all droegists and per rimers, at $1 per bottle each. Bent by exeresf . to any clarees by the proptletore, T. W. lirlaiGar & CO, lOU Liberty Street, Neer York octlEt-ly Meow Tar Ourrisv.—liadtme E. F. Thornton, the great English AatrOlogiSt„ Clair voyeat and sycho me • triCien, who has utoo 'shad the scientific crawls of the 9 . 14 World, Lu now located herself at Hudson, X Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second eight, as to enable her- to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sec. While in a state of trance, she delineates the eery features of the parson you atte-to•-marry, • • by:the aid of an instrument of intense power, known aa the'ruchentotrope, guarantees to produce a life like picture of the future husband or eri , e of the applicant, together with We of marriage, puition in life, larding traits of character, &e. This is no humbug sa thousands of testimonial' can wart. She will and when desired a antlited certifies**, or written guarantee, that the picture t what it patients to lie. By' snickering fifty cents and Warped envelope addressed .to ventral?, you will ranter the pittore and desired information by is turn mall. All commtmicatione escrldly confidential. Address In cenldenee. MIDAM I S. fi TUORTON, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N.Y. feb2F6T-ly. k Yomeo LADT—R tartans to he, country, at tar a solemm of a few months in the city, seas hard], recognized by her friends. lo place of a cosne, matte, dashed fees, she had a soft, rob, comelezion t f Limost marble smoothness, and instead of teenty-three the re ally appeased but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the nue of so great a change.ehe plainly told them that she used the CIRCA•t3IIO.I BALI, and consider/ et it so lOVlOuatno scyWdtloa to Aar Lea - t Oust- try Its Use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal ap- Nominee an hundred fold. It la erupts in la combine, Men as Nature herself is elms's, yet amosepazied in Its efficacy la drookor imparitiesfrotn; ate., heating.eleene liik and beautifying the skin and completion. By its direct action - on the vatic!• it dews from it all its fiat- Purities, kindly heeling the game. and tearing 'the Bor. fete as nature intended it to be, clear soft, smooth and leMintifet Price $l, sent be mall or express., 0.. receipt of to order, be R. L CLARK fi ^O., Chemists, No. S West Fayette St., Syracuse. N The only American Agents fur the exie of the same feb2l'B7-Iy. HALL'S PICIESA ILI j SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Ras preyed 'teal to h the meet perfect preparation [or the hair ever presented to:the publin. It will restore gra• - hair to its original Color. It will keep the hair frost failing out. It cleanses the scalp. It makes the hair lust , ous and silken. • It lea splendid hair dressing. No person; old or young, shonid fail to 111111 I. Re eery particular to uk foe Mars Vegetable Sicilian !sir Renewer, u there Is • vorthlen Imitation in the market Price $1 per bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Nuhas, N. H., Proprietors aptlB 67 flaufsoLn's FLrin Exynacr Brmyrr—ls a oertain cur. for dlecaßes of the Wedge-, Kidneys, Oranl , p re p..; Organic Pi f elkness, Female Complaints. decimal Deb:M il and alt , liseases of the Urinary Organs, hetber es- Wins in male or female, from whatever canoe origiaat• ins and IV; matter of how long standing. Diseas,s of these Organs require the use of a diuretic. if no treatment ti anbmltted to Consumption or insani ty may ensue. Octrllesh -ad Blood aro milPPorled frets them looms, and the Health and Happiness, and that of postmitl, depends upin prompt tie of a ratable 'remedy. Relmbold'a Extract Bimii, established up. 'verde of 18 years, prepared by H. T. 11F,411110LD, Druggist, t NI Broadway, New York, and 101 South 10th Sired Philadelybia, Pa. mr14.61.-Iy.. Wormsurct. err Tatra.—lfedame Remington, the world ?summed Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant. while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features or the person you are to tamer.' and by the aid t or an instrument of intense power, known as tits Psy lchozootrope. guarantees to produce a perfect and We l like picture of the future husband or wife of the spell , cent, with Gate of marriage; occupation, loading traits of character, he. This is no imposition, im testi montale without number can inert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of hate and eyes, and ,enclosing fifty cents, and damped envelope addreseel to ',ourself, you will Tocsin the picture by ',.tarn mall, together with dowtrwl information. rir Address In confider/oh MADArser ozorrsotra Rut 13011; P. 0. Rcz or,. West Troy, N. Y. feb2ll7-4. - FR= TO EraBVRODT•—A large e pp. Cites!Ur, Mint information of the greatest haporMate to the young of both seem . It teaches bow the homely may became listentilhl, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. Ito yowls. lady or gm:Damao 4honid fat to send their Many, sod rosette ► eopy. postpaid, by ratans matt. Address P. O. Drawer IL tablr67-Iy.' Troy, New York: Useatsas Aso Ccuessre rats sus HAPPLUIS aslant iurnooly,-.A n mks !or Jong man on uie crime oi &U -tah{ and the luelnd itriors, Abases aid Musses which create inspodlutents to ILARRIAGE, with sue. mane of relief. Sent In 'salad /atter enroja l as, frree o f charge. Address, Dr. J.sKILLIN tiOtrepToZt.Ftenrazd guogition nalidelph/N Ps. Sizarc-IJ. triLIIZOLWIS Striae.? Braid and Improve.) Ras Wash cares eemet and detests dtsordets ia , all their stases, at little menu, little or a° &sande in dist, no ineonrenteneo and no ensurer% It Is plesult la taste and odor; Inuellitien action end free from all 1014- mm properties. mrl4'67-ty. Tams no woo trorolemant ssd Claude Itemeddes for topleaszat end dam/mous Women Tee 11Mmeold Extsset nuet: and Improved Ilote Weak. ?ER GLORY or UAW Is ST•uora-Thenfo» the Xenon• and nebilltated should Immediately nee Helm: hold'sExt:rset 3tiehn.l,4'67-jy. Rairrzaza Coxerrersioaa traitore4 by Hebabold'i Extract !Inaba. - tarlalrMy. F RANK WI ?WEI ELT. - AOCTION And Rao Ede [oe+. 2 A 22 D t C a O a M M s U tr N ee I t O , NM on NI e N 6 N 4 M Erie. Pa Advaaeu made on enaalrataanta. 22a322. wi2c11214.. Capre6Y-1y 3 • W. a. avows. TORN 11 , MILLA R , e rtaq, Esonrcia AND 8 r Ray yn ft Residence comer Sixth Street andikent Avenve,-R J4:441" IRON CITY COLUMN, NATIONAL T r ELMRAPH INVITIJIE, Corner of rinstmd tit.C.2Cr Streets, PiTNIVRag, PA The Lanai, Cheapest, Ike ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE iN THE rsrtnn SrAT7,9 • During She past 'en pear►, upward' of FIFTEEN *THOVSAND STUDENTS, Representing every Statein the Union. have greduatei - ben. • A COLLEGE OF AOI7/11. arstrmess, supoliwt Irati Stnrea. Mfg, Comminfon Tertm anee. la/Orem& Stestekbakt Volortspb Offices, ho effiabitingTFlßOßY DPR (TILE. Students are thoronghl , leatrmetipd to all the I , runehem et a PRACTICAL BUSINESS ZDIICAVION nein' log Pool: Mr ping Penmanship, A rlth Pow. turrets! t OM Polttiesl t et•nomy„ nosiness Cnrr•.oond epee, lte Mt o• notrotior Coanterfeit littes, Rsihoad• titqamb sting, Telegraphing,. rrsetinal Ustilriart 'he to. eitnelit.r at any time alri entriple.o a fall mine fn fr. - ma right to helve +Poeta. FITTY IVNIAARS Pays, all .apeorea for Tuition, Books. Rlenk• and rd ploma. tir) EXTRA CITAMES For neranansbits. Stestrbatitina, Railroading. B. king or in (Ohm Cnllpre. Pre• Lessons daily In Penrhauship to all student! In the . Commercial Depart ment iFORCTRCIIL /MI, riving frill Inform stioo. eud ems— tafolog onoro rote ootlioo of oar erptear or Practical Bastnes. Edeentl ,, n. toc.ther with TE 4 TII•O c LIU? . . Tram pritelcal Pusloft' Merl Merrhs to. 11,nt,terpers, Molars, be , address tha rrfactost., .IIITH ts C) , SCI.rY. • _ }.24'87-8n $1 60 * A V It - ON A PIANO FORTE! 125 to S5O ON A 1414.0DE0N OR ORGAN ! R. nnreviottor, of Z. SMITH. OF ERIE, melee' of sending olden to New York PIANO FORTFA AND HPLODKONS Fernub•d from tte folio:foe eelobratod Vancfsolgrors k New Yo rk W. linnba d Wm. B. Brivlbury, New Ynylr. Grovtatem3 Ar. Co., New York, Sbardstan k Gray. Albsay, N. Y Goo. A. Prince A Co , Butrale, N.Y., IT. Smog, Syracuse, K. Y J•—eC k Goodman, Metelaska r 0. coor o rvro& Gabler, New York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOI7IIT 4ELO NIASTFACTCRERS' PRICES! Pismo, from $250 to 51,600 er A Ilponon desiring a Ant rate Plumler Melode on are Invited to eall and examine our Instruments be tore pa:chasing elsewhere. Erni Instrument warranted for dye years. No. 615 .tite Street, rne, Pa rio3OTStt C OAL. VOA THE PLACE TO BUY COAL CHEAP IS AT SALTSMAN & -• Coal Yard, comer c f Twelfth and Pearl Streets, Erie wbo keep sonqtantly on hand Lehigh and Pittston (Pura aro; lump and prepared, Shamokin, Egg Store, and Nut sizes; Sttorainou • for grate and steam, and BLOSSBUEG, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, For Blacksmith Purposes Our Coal le all received by rail, is kept oa dry plaza ' WELL FCRKM , iED BEFORE DEUCE iT We oiler great lodaesetursta to parties veal:foe to lay in their 'apply, also to dealers purehaaing by the ear Ina& moss and ve goarep tee to give satiable. tioo jolyl9lol—tf NEW CLOTHING STORE GOTHIC HALL CLOTHING STORE! so. 1269 PEACH STRUT, Three sfoors North of the Railroad Track ' ICRIE PA WAGNER S: KUHN, .flavl opened a now Store in the above locality re spectfully annonore to the publle that ti , ey have on hand one of the lures* and moot manfully seieeted stock. of Really-Dade Clothing, Cloths. Carsimeres, Vutings, Gent'emen's Formatting Goode, flats, Caps, Ike., ever brought to this market—all pure:wed since the fall In pekes and to he gold at the moat revs mieble figures. We have one of the beef utters in the CM3O. try. and will engage to make up Clothing in the most tuitional:4e and durable .tLle. Our stock In complete. Nothing to the lira of our trio. has been neglected. Give us &call and see for yo al selves t►'e warrant our goods be uwe represent them. and our price, sr low as any In the city. WAGNER, di Kt'RN. dec2o tf • X 23,000,000 , • • NEW SIX PER CENT. STATE LGAN, CLEAR OF ALL STATE, COUNTY .1D ' CITY TAX. Flaring been awarded a ptYrtfon of the shore , Lem L am prepared to-larnish It in lame .:%r small sumo it tht lowest m , rket rates. Orders by etsi l wOlreeeire /twirl att•nti on C. B. WRIgHT, basket, aprll-2m. 142 tilonth 3,1 , Phlla • COTTAGE PRESS, ILe n. EVERY With the Aid the printing material accompanying MA .174 it, every man can do lib ova printing neatly, quickie and c't empty. They ars en simple in comitrnetion:thets boy ten year" old can easily wastage the largest else. Printed instructions are sent with B! S each office, enabling the purchaser to go to work without a previous knowledge • of printing. A emu% ,• containing tall description, prices, testimonials. An., sent free to a ll. ._Our Specimen Sheets o: OWN Type, Cuts, kis, ten cents. ADAMS VAESS PRINTER. Ceb 67-17 A uENTS WANTED Tor tireeiers History Complete. Extriordltuter 1 Moe:unity t Unparalleled Success This histm7 eollis vent:Lab of about one hundred battles not generally f Bona In the 'triter works on the Rebellion. even In those most widely circulated., Now that Greeley'm liirtst7 is completed. its popularity is Meter then ever berme, and sells with a utadtty which =tee it the most viluable work.for Canyassers - ever published. address O. D. OAtiF, t: ,, Hartford, Conn mrl4-4w STEAM Dylan ESTABLISHMENT. JOS. E9IILNIkLLER, No. 83 Rut Tenth Se., PLAIN AND FANCY DYEING, Of all kinds of SILK; WOOL AND COTTON GOODS;, RIBBONS, YARNS & rEATEErts, Done in the beat mile, at the "'hottest settee, and at reasonable prices. cLorns CLEANED W' Ali goods U 1 be preyed sod retle ‘ itsbed before delivery curet 3m.' BOUOUGIUae MOVER BRIE; do Ordinance trobibition interments between tertia n atreela w the borough of South &la Sea 1. Be it ordained *Ed enacted that from and af t*r the lat day Or lane, A. D. 1861, interments of dead human bodies shall be prohibited between Peach am Chettsatatroet* ta said borough of South Erie See-S. TWO any person. acidity or corporation vio lating the tint section of Ode ordinance Olin bop pan. lobed by*tine of fifty dollar , . fot the fret offence and one hoodrod doff aro for eyery initunrent offence. Wm. Low-re. Cart. WK. EVRT, Serum. • T O coriTßAcTons. Ne~e• Jed propmao. will be received by the Street Corn. =Moe of Councils of the city of Rrie, +=tit Monday, April 221, for Evading and oaring with SieDolton We meat the ativieta around the Parka Plans end eoecid cations can be eon by applying to the City Rnifintsf. .104EPIr IfoCAßittit s 4BTLEI3, - 3. FNEIRn.OOI3, A. BURTON, Street Committee, meZI-ty Excimmicia t EXcELstou I I ..—,.. CrIASTELL4WB HAIR •EXTBRUIINATOR, Per Rumoring Superrttoolis Mgr. To the ladies arpeclally, Vita Invaluable depilatory recommends Itself as being an almost Indispeassibls aril el e to rmale beauty. Is easily applied, does not born or fajta* the skin. but acts dine*" en the root+. It is wrrrautiod to restore suporfluous bar (r•m low fore heads. or from ao• tof the dy, eoni r detelr. totally one radically. extirpating the 1111 DO, leaving the skin soft smooth and natural. This ls the only article ua.4 by Lb. French and is the only real eflictual depilatory Sa , listatine Prlotabrauste per package. sent postpaid, to any Address, on esesiot of an order, by EAGER, SIMIT3 Cbeinlets, _ 260 filter tt, Troy, N. Y. =le' blf67-ly SA"P. B. 11/11011:1114 DRUGS, MEDICINE, : FANCY fiCioDs. PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, O -L k I R 11 - • f c0L,0,0.1. POW DER 13RUSii ES, LINSEED OILS. TURPENTINE VARNMI • riTOROVE'Ev. OF ALL LIM+, PURE I :t1U0.9 for" VetVcsl Porprmeor. 170MTIGEI Nt errIVI ALE. ' P trPC , IPT!! I•I4 Parefallv 111•15.n5.4. 141 jni4 by en. aro warr•ntPd to t nrrolirety ,Nn cronWe to oFow eons. Rem•mhyr 0 cc.„, and plaire aprl re 7 ly D 13 N, T 1 M T R. 1 THE TEETH-'. 'Teeth positively extra,t t s i i:l , wi'll , ut pin by lb, a l . of AN.C3TIRTI' NITaOC,S f•STGE lei, will go yahoo - teeth .JJ.Jo Dr. RooO. lefe-ti• K traa•lal ....a of Artme.11 . ...11, no imornr.l v;re, " and at m d.rate rates' Fort gott•nt•ft of )it w'rrk m•nship al persons wanting artifkial to"!. ran goo the, on trial, and if entire eatioroetit tt Jo pct giren in r.gard t orcrinaltabip, they can ,be re toned tr.• nr ebarg. , Rai 'and fuer me. lay work is warrsote4—' aatietartfon. Rooms thra• dents ',Tooth of Colon Dat a de. apr4-3m. DR. .L C. KNOLL. 'ltt•horrh. P► C tiOK. ac 110ECIM 1 1 BE PrEil AND Tr.i.v.c.axpatc-tfiLurAE, r i els tote t , todut en 6th nod'alt.Erie?ro Ste m%, 1 ebeapeot, Retool buote.fte college of any In the 4 tate I ..I 81111114/ . . 61 % Rae It lir a colter of real morit, el„ r t,. t ' „toes not giro 'ho I , e to the tiatelo by riving dlplor.r 3 ( .4 to tho e teho do not morit atom. A College ..f ,' 1 i PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING Combinlor Theore and , racties. Supplied art.l, sick, emporium. inaarimercornmiasion, railroad, st . glirjscc telegraphic departments!. FIFTY DOLLARS, - p, ? . AII extent es for tnitton, blank books, !se 7,zr mrir d from 9 to 14 *e• km. raaszaussig —We have the Dort prno:an to IL. li r e_ Send for mrcular with stamp. • COOK & FOE:. P ralvps • tnr7 . B7 N x kenanno Oil & T Co, too / Crawford Comm.. eu, of 4 Church,. 297. Azirot T. Mien. Forrign attachmer..- James Mellen,. The defendant wit! take, notice that affi lava of p',l - 2111th July, 1666, for $3,00 and from the 29th of May. linti And ro;_e entered for the Prothonotary to luxe.; tie damage■ io this mac at hue NBC*. in Meadville, on tie 10th day of April, dal° o clock a. ro. .1 0 f. F. CIIAI:F.4 T. ' mr7.6w. - Pmtbo,atar._ M OItIiISON DE'y93IOKR, .wHOLsitt,LE DIALERS IE _ FLOUR :PORK, BEEF, SALT, GRAIN CLOVEI2,4I3IOTITY SEED, &C NOS. 501 ANO 503,' FRENCH STREET, Betwean 6th and Bth Stream are. a. " 1 / 2 74 . I Inas 9'63t1 R .ti w. JENKINSON, * Manufacturers and RI-otesstts Dealere 1 TOBACCO, Third Dorm 'ram Stuipension Bridge, feb2l'67-1, , ‘ - 'DEA UT Y. Aubarn. it , I) G01d.... esed Fiala , . and ` s - , " 17/ - . .. , ' , Wren t Ma prodn ' , 7 by the We el' Prof. DZ ' - L ,. ' BREUX'.4 FNISER. LE ' -mr fIFIRVq. One applies- • tion s nted to curl the • ‘ 4 4 most t sight — and siab• ' ... I born Bair of either BOX into very ringlet", or Lett! manatee earls. His been reedbr the fashloraf4; el Paris and London arith the moat re "Sul.s Does , o injury to the hate.. Fries t, m il, seared and postpaid. $l. Ile•sriptive , frontal . , mart' tree. Address BERGER. 5T1L17.4 & CO., 'Ther-bes. Na 2$ Myer street, Trot . , N. Y. Sole agents for the Vr . l . r. States, feblre7-ly SILLTb‘c 41,T UTTIII B KETLIS A D it YOU TAC vs 'creed to fr.w upon the emoothes. Ws in fr. lo throe to Mg 11l SET/OVE "' •'''. VELA/F.on CAPILI,AI- • /IL, the most wonderful • discovery In modern mi en-e. acting upon the 89/1 . 4 ILA Ha, • taut rallaCtl MOB manner. It has been re.,: I', e of Paris mad L odon with the most dattnrius menew luumse of all purchasers will to regultered, sod if so satfsfmtlon 1e not given bu every mutate., the crest will 11° cheerfully rytunded. Prim, by min; ma rA sod postnald, SJ. Descriptive Circular.. and fss* , -1 , lamina fees addr,us DERGER,SITCTt3 k ,rbev , M. Nn 85 Rive attest, Troy, K. Y., sole &usu.. or Coiled .tateu. febl 4'07-1y gArgst CaKkPiar BSS,' 'm's West! Of Xes Tort City. - PARLORS, HALL% CHURCHES, "sC... Frescoed in the very oeateit style of the .s.t, atlas- el Dealentng. Drafting of lindsla for the nave; 'Odle, hod deeetiptien nt Ornercentsi Print:4 execeedpromptly. Rooms in Farrar Silt, No nod Floor. E. E Jong. . J ONES & BROTHER, Ann St.,:iew York. CHOICE BRIE COUNTY FLorR : BRAN, SHORTS, MILL STUFFS. I..tC . 42i Mtce.7 St, third ...4sor-steuth of P. 0.. ERZ, PA, Deilivei7 Irv, 10 th• eity, , I. or- , ) 3,1)" . rh ussoLoTior+ OF CO- PARTNERS II I P' he Co Partnership heretofore existint t 0 . ," "; tlnn name of Wain.; & Bnha , L this day .-lieeoirc4 )f tetanal consent. The clothing businessw d lbecore , ts ned tij J. 11 - , }Kuhn, at the old gab 1 , NO. 1269 reach three doors north of the Railroad, who &maws .2 la bilitiee. and is anthorlsoato collect ail debt.; duo to late firm. F. waGVER. inrl4-et. J. It, Brie, Pona'a GEO. C. CtiN7 4 . 4 Formerly otertn of Cbasoit k Dam would Inform Ms old enetomfra and tb . Dr , ‘e ly that he hu purchased • PRATT'S PROTOGRAPII GALL E s q. Paragon Building, over Austin's - Jewelry - Stop., it UN be In prepared to maks all kinds and sivut of in the unit approv.d sty e., 131" rrtsits always reasonable, CALI. AT For anything you may want in the GROCERY AND PROVISION .LINE General assortment of °rotaries, Proandocs, Liquors, Clears, Tobacco, Fruits, Crockery Wirt , Yo kes Notiona, Ske. - 3 doors cr. Dotes North ot fiord ßailroad Brides. the plass...l2dr state st., East 0, 6prsl,-21r J BICSERN3LL k Rio TOBACCO, TOBACCO, TOBACCO: W TAYL-OR. x.oorootorer or "? NAVY, SPUN ROLL, IQ s And all tite outer T O BACCOI NO. 427 PENN • TREAT. 'to rt7-Iy. S K AT E S I LADIES', GENTS' & BOYS' SKATES d0.e13 tf R e S HUNTER, it T.s CAPS .},Np No. IY-1 Peact nrca, Swoiaoora South or .tukouon & Co.. tiirdsar. !IN" 1. ofTeitog a very nee jpe of the abov eo 4s whion will be a0t..1 $ very , Perrone na-tin( aorthlucto the abuvel-o"• 11 '"%i. advantageous to Ladies' rue stared , act. over. EITZEIEI P A I'N- T .5 PATENT MEDICIN VS, BARNI7NI'?, 1317 Peach Street, Rottth of the Dep.'''. THE TEETI3, c tc SEGA.RS, SNUFF, N 0.6 Federal St., Allegheny City, Sign 3f the Sig iglu DESIGNER & DECORATIVE. AIITIST. Manufacturers and Nranbeatte &ad IPZ=EA O& , CORN, CORN .11ZAL, AICSMUNISLL.t .BP.Os Pin: 4 1 . 1 - tan, ri. • Vory a Ike lA. at PF,V. ECLECE3 P.I; F F -Le l ' . \ • ,- . i Et:., M. Et Jogs 12213