The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 11, 1867, Image 2

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    alit bsteetr.
THURSDAY, AP ; F:L.L nvir, D 367
tar The most Lar: i ely circulated newspaper in
.11'. IV. Peninieernia, and the bat 44vesti
zing medium.
The sudden announceme;
at is received
from Europe of a probs'A E , bloody strife
between France and T :rtissiti. Each nation
is arming,h •
and t -P .r is a general expeets
tion .
throughr -
ut the old continent that
tear e t% ll:l°* . be avoided. The causes which
- have ' to the present threatening state
of '..fairs may be briefly recited as : Ist,
'The growing importance of Prussia, which
has excited the ,jealousy of the entire
French people; 2d, The interference, of
the former with France's plans to extend
-her boundaries furthei." west; and, 3d and
most immediate, The occupation by Pmts•
sian troops of the Duchy of Luxemburg,
. which France was endeavoring to par
chase from the King of Holland, and an
nex as a portion oilier territory. A:con
flict between these to riiiMotts will un
doubtedly lead to a general continental
war, in which Prussia will be sustained by
all the smaller German States, and France
by Italy and Austria.
- The Radicals everywhere are casting
about for excuses for their defeat in Con
necticut. Horace Greeley says it was
canned by the threat,. of fluntner
and Rt;t
. son to farce negro suffrage on 'the North
era States. Bingham deflates that it is a
warning to the party to let the impeach
ment soheme alone hereafter, while the
"conservative" Radicals insist that Grant
must be nominated in '6l' or else they
will fail to carry more than one or two
Northern States. The fact of it is, the par.
ty is,fearfully demoralized, their confident
-boasting and explanations of defeat to the
contrary notwithstanding. The Republi
can party, whether for good or for evil,
has accomplished its mission. It must
die with the issues that gave it birth and
have kept it in power. ' The nineteen
months which intervene between now and
the 'Presidential election will witness the
' decline and fall of a party which has done
'more mischief, Shed more blood, squan
dered more treasure, kindled More diabol
ical passions, and inflicted deeper wounds
on constitutional government, than 'any
• other political party that ever existed in
the world. -
of Whig and Know Nothing proclivities,
are getting tired of the system which has
grown into vogue in their ranks, of taking
up every prominent Democrat who kicks
our party traces, and running him far of
fice. In an editorial upon the Connecticut
election, the Dispatch thus ventilates it
self on. this portion of the party custom :
"And just as long . as it tries to steal
Democratic thunder by
,nominating Im
proper men, (that's cool, isn't it Y) or picks
up every stray Democrat and tries Us-send
him to Congress, so long they, ought to
lose by it. When they learn to do right
in these matters they may possibly win
snore victories. They, like fools, picked
up the Democrat Johnson in 1864, and are
reaping the bitter reward of •their folly.
The Whigs picked up the Democrat Tyler
in 1840, and he floored them. A few more
lessons may teach ail parties not to touch
political renegades."
We sympathize sincerely with our co
temporary in its affliction upon this sub
ject, znougn now is is u./ remeuir /tie mat
ter we cannot comprehend. The Radical
party is to-day completely under the con
trol of 'these renegades. Their recreancy
has been profitable, for they hold all the
beat offices and direct the policy of the
party. When they find they can nolongqr
manage it to suit their personal purposes,
they will speedily desert it, and "then fare
well to. all the dreams of Radical per:t
imes I
Now, that the- Radicals of Connecticut
have-been acriiagloriously beaten, the pa.
perrof that faction.have nearly all com
menced abusing them. The Dispatch, as
an example, says they "were of too poor
a quality to pass_with the rest of the coun
try." Seeing -that the Radicals of Con
necticut had the courage to do last year,
what those of Pennsylvania have never
yet dered, to attempt—sought to impose
negro suffrage upon the people of their,
Commonwealth,—it certainly looks rather
awkward — tb — see a paper in this locality
lecturing them for want of-fidelity to the
-party tenets. The Dispatch is none the
lees right, however, in pronouncing their
. of a "poor quality." Radical pol
itics is always of a very "poor quality," no
matter what the shade. -
TIIE extravagant appropriations of the
present Legislature bring the following
sarcastic remarks from "Horace," of the
Chambersburg Repository :
"It is understood that on the 10th of
April the Legislature will appoint a spe-
cial committee of experienced roosters to
call on the Treasurer and inquire whether
there' is any .money left, and if the fund
is entirely exhausted, the adjournment
will on the 11th. If, by any
means, a few hundred thousand should be
overlooked in any of the, stray corners of
the treasury, the resolution of adjourn
ment will probably be rescinded, and the
job finished up,"
Turn appears to belittle probability
that a quorum of Congress will meet in
July. Very few, members sre- left in
Washington, even those who,,dwell on the
thither aide of the Rocky mountains hav
ing departed to the bosom of their fami
lies, A general stampede of Senators is
expected efter,the close of the present ex
tra session, without regard to the July
session. There are some, of course, who
are hot for as speedy a meeting as possi
ble, especially the impeachment p'rty,
bat the general sentiment is said to over
rule them.
Tar. States of Mississippi and Georgia,
through their respective counsel, have
tiled motions in the Supreme Court to
trot the constitutionality of the Military
Reconstruction, law, which will come ,up
for argument in a short time. 'Charles
O'Conner, of New York, and. Judge Black,
of -Pennsylvania, are the attorneys em
ployed on the part of Georgia, ~id Judge
Sharkey and Robert J. Walker, oa th e
part of Mississippi.
Tag Se ate, on Tuesday, ratified the
treaty i n Russian America to the
Crt..7 i te d S tea for the sum of seven mil.
l i ons t ; 4 : dollars in gold, by the decisive
vote of t -yeas to two nays, Messrs.
Famende ,h i..4l and `fates voting against the
1 , .nnot be consum
measure. The treaty ~.a
mated until -the House vote: the money
required. ffi;
The Detroit Free Frees says of Brown-
LOVA colorid'ooinpetitor for the Govern.
orsbip, that, 'unlike Browniow, be is-a
negro from .necessity, and not from
The Day.:, o f Radical F. :ticisrp
" Numbered!
"Mono, Biezo,l Tekol: lIPBOSsin."
The returns of the Connectio4 election
t i e
have grown even better, since 4the corn
plcte figures have been received, than the
first reports led us to expect. Full re.
ports from every part of the Sta - foot up
as follole
English, 45 787
Hawley 44 808
English maj. 979 H.awley'a
„The Democratic- majority is
upon the Congressional candi
ning up to the handsome'figuil
a gain of 2,337 in a 'single yi
Legislature, owing to the syete
the State has been districted,
atilt have a majority. but large'
from what it was in 1865-'66.
ate the vote will stand 11 RI
Democrats ; last year it was 11
8 Democrats, and in 1865 th
unanimous for the Radical
striking fact that the Senat
to the Radicals their majoi
chosen by a surplus of four'
present composition of the L
political standing in- 1866:6,
the following.
_ 127
Democrats 111
The Radicals crow over t
Wednesday in ,the little
Island, and claim that it
their rout in Connecticut
the, vote shows that they h
for rejoicing. The tidlowi .1
this year tta compared with
Thus it will be seen tha
tal of ten thousand vot;;
with the prestige qunint;
ha4-lost eight hundred
(825) while the Deniocr
th'ree hundred and sixt •
since last year, a net De . 1
eleven hundred and eigh!
The Senate will stand tw
eats and atx Democrats,
sixty-two Radicals. and
Last year they stood t I
eight Radicals to five De,
sixty-five Radicals to ear •
. The result in New
month, has - not receive.
attention its importlinc
Republican loss on the v
is over two thousand.
the vote for the differe
Congress more than do
The following is a table o
jorities in the several d'
Tbir 3
i. 957 in two years,
tre of New Eng
signs as these in
pshire and Rhode
;tamer', anti wm
manner that the
i intolerant Radi-
A similar ratio of
give us the Eve
t'ennisylvanis, New
6dian f i, and render
.ndidate for Pre:i.:
even though the
uded from voting.
Showing a decrease o
and that in the very ce
land fanaticism. Such
connecticut. New
mane( are not to be m
el:de in -a convincing
dap of foul mouthed a
Winn is near its close.
Democratic gains wit
States of New York,
Jersey, 'lllinois and t
the election of our el
dent in 1868 certain
South should be eac
These pleasant fig,
des to what is taking
of the country. Du
weeks local elections
almost every Norther
without exception, tl
Democratic gains. F
changes we clip the f
Onto„—At the chart
land, the Democrats
date far Mayor, Step
hundred majority, an'
bees of the city comae
tofore overwhelming
Democratic gain over
is about thirteen h
Stet election of a I,
six years. The Re
great stress on the el
of the Republican ca
a majority of 4,00:
gain of about 1,000;
polled was only four
the last election. T
titular not to call .
that the Democrats
oilmen, while the Re
fourteen, which pl,
large majority obtain
for Mayor was due
than merely his p.
Columbus, the Dem,
moat sanguine expec
ed the Mayor, Marsh
six out of nine noun.'
majority of GOO, lea
of Radicalism in t
aity and township., I
is 551 over the ele i
ward in the city w. •
ocratic majorities.
ocratic Marshal was
ity—a gain of 102 o .
The Democrats care
city by large major
the Democrats elect.
Mayor by about 75
their candidates for .
a majority of the
moot, tbe Democrat
city ticket, and a tn.
men. In Bucyrus
county, the Democr
gain of 65. *ln Crest
ford county. the Di
315—a- gain or 50
spring. In Crestli
Stohl, the Democrat
or, and the entire
elected by 14Q ranjo A
election last sprin
altiP,- Crawford con
cratk ticket is elect
gain of 200. Sand
a Democrati c M ayo
Canton, has "swan
The 'Democratic '
were elected by
Last fall the Repub
In Dayton, the -
nil are but an in.
! c.
lace in other parts
ring the past, few
have been held in
State, and, nearly
ey have exhibited
m one day's ex.
' flowing :
er election in Cleve
tented their candi
en Buhrer, by five
d gained two mem
il from wards here
y Republican, The
the vote of last fal
°tired. This - is the
emocratic Mayor in
'•ublican papers lay
ction in Cincinnati
didate for t Mayor by
ich is a Republican
but the total vote
ftha o( that cut at
ey, however, are par
: ttention to the fact
,lected fifteen cane
publicans elected but
inly_ Shows that the
d by the candidate
o some other cause
rty connection. In
rata exceeded their
ations. They elect
-1.1, City Solicitor, and
, ilmen, by an average
ing scarcely a trice
e city. In Newark
the Democratic gain
ion last fall. Every
carried by large Dam
n Chillicothe, a Dem-,
elected by 500 major
last spring's election.
d every ward in the
ties. In Zanesville,
d their candidate for
majority, as well as
Cher City officers, and
'euncilmen. In Fre
elected their entire
ority of the Council
-1 township, Crawford
tic majority is 151--a
lilline township, Craw.
mociatic majority is
n the election last
ne borough, Jacob
c candidate for May
emocratic ticket, is
f ty—a gainer SO on the
In Jackson town
ty, the entire Demo
by 440 majority--a.
.ky city has elected
by over 100 majority.
. around the code:"
yo - r
and city officers
atosome . majorities.
leans ernsied the city,
l 'rnocrats gained two
3ficnican.—ln D
vote's largely inc
Republicans falls
elected_ one Regent
one. The Deal
County Superiuten]
troit, the Democratic
.ed, while that of the
loft The Democrats
and the Republicans
ratio- candidate for
ent wes chosen, and
also the entire list of delegates to the Con
stitutional Convention. This is a substan
tial triumph, and one that will produce
good results in - the future. ' The Detroit
Free Pry says-, "It is evident that a re
action has set in in the old Penh=ler
State, that will ere long enable us, once
' figain,.na in the gallant State of Connecti
cut, to chronicle a complete victory ;
Everywhere the prospect brightens. Large
gains have been made throughout the
State, and the official returns will show a
very large 'the heavy Repub
lican majority of last fail."
WISCONSIN.—The Milwaukee News says
of the late election in that city : "It was
the most hilly contested election held in
the city for many years. Encouraged by
their partial , success last-November, the
Republicans went into the conflict with a
desperate determination. to conquer, and
hesitated at no unscrupulous means in ac
complish their purpose. The result is
. a
complete and overwhelming victory for
the Democracy. The entire Democratic
city ticket - , and:nearly all the Democratic
ward candidatei were elected, and the re
sult ibows a Democratic majority in the
city of nearly two thousand votes—a gain
of more'than one thousand votes •since
last November. Milwaukee accordingly
resumes her former proud position ns"tbe
Democratic--...banner city of the Union."
.In MadisetiV, the Democrats elected their
cardidate for Mayor by 240 majority, and
nine out of the twelve Aldermen claosen
-a heavy gain
' NEBILISKA.—Amaba city elected a- ma
jority of the Republican nomineea at the
Charter . e'ection last spring. At the
election this spring 1,530 votes were poll
ed, and:tie Democrats elected their en
tire ticket by an average majority of 406.
NEW Yoga.—The city of Rome, which
gave 301 majority for Hoffman last No
vember, has just elected s Democratic
President 4 . 500 majority,
,and six Out of
nine town trustees.
Marivt.s.ND.--•:The xatinacipa e lection in
Annapolis resulted in the success of the
whole Conservative' ticket. De. Abram
Claude waft elected Mayor over Richard'
Swann, the present Radical incumbent
• The Republicans carried Indianapoli',
Indiana, by only 424 Majority,. which is a
Democratic gain over the election last
spring of 783, and, the dispatch adds ;
"The returns from the State are meagre.
"out indicate Democratic gains in all the
"localities heard from." St. Paul, Minn,,
according to a brief dispatch, was carried
by - the Democrats by a majority- of about
1,030—a gain since list fall of f 39.0 'Tint
the unkindest cut of all to the Republican
party is the result of the election in the
home and final resting-place of Lincoln,
Springfield, 111., where, on Tuesday last.
the Democrats elected their entire ticket
by a handsome majority, and this in Lace
of the fact that the city was earned by the
Radicals last fall by a majority of 130. On
the Bth inst., a municipal election was
held in Hartford, Conn. The Democrats
swept the city by six hundredlmajority—
a gain of one 'hundred and thirty since
last week. We see not how any unpreju
diced person can peruse these returns and
not are in them the turning of the tide
against Radicalism.
18i. 537
ill larger
latee n run
of I,Boo—
In the
a by which
e Radteals
y decreased
the Sen
dicals to 10
Radicabi to
body was
IL is a
r who gives
ity was only
votes. The
I use, with its
is shown in
aw 66 . . 1415.
141 161
95 76
.o election. on
ate of Rhode
I is an offset to
A glance at
ve small cause
I .
g is a table for
ISO 6.
372 8.197
178 2.816
1 194 5,381
in a small to
;the• Radicals,
pted victory.
nd . twenty-Sve,
to have gained
two (362) votes
• ocratic gain of
y-seven (1,187;)
nty•sevett Radi
and the noose
ten Democrats.
:nate, twenty
.ocrats ; House,
ampshire, last
that degree of
deserves. The
.te for Governor
at their loss on
t candidates for
hies that Sktire.
' the Radical ma
;riots in 1865 and
1W.63. ISM.
3.250 1.201
3,020 750
2,598 1,000
• SENATOR WILSON, et . - blase has been
down to Richmond. made a speech, and
returned safe to Wasbington, tickled with
his success. He was not mobbe'a, scalped
or harmed, but treate'l "tenderly," not.
witha tandink his repeated asseverations
thatno NOrttlein an was sate amour
secessionists. His own experience-refutes
his own calumnies and proves his Remiss•
tions slander.
Be:: Burcsafs statement that two bun.-
dred deserters bad been pardoned last fall
on condition that they would vote the
DAmocratio ticket, has, upon investiga
tion, proven to be false. Stanton gave the
order far -their pardon after (not beforr)
the election, because there was posi
tive proof that they hid been wrongly
marketing deserters.
Connecticut politics make strange bed
fellows. The Irish there all went for Erg-
Ugh. -
There is some discussion en the best
mode of ventilating the National Capitol.
We would suggest whether it cannot be
better done by - the people at the polle,than
in any other way.
'Fbe Montgomery Mail estimates that if
the number of whites disqualified in Ala
bama average three hundred in each coun
ty, the negroes will have a majority of five
thousand in the State, if they all vote to
The National Democratic Convention,
called by Kentucky, to meet at Louisville,
on May 71h, has been postponed to the 4th
of July. It had better be postponed in
definitely. • •
Brownlovr has found one colored man
so degraded by servitude as to accept a
captaincy in his Tennessee militia ; but a
colonel's commission which he offered to
a Nashville barber, was returned
Turoamscs OF A Von:—Tho New Ha
ven Register says that Mr. Logan, the
Democratic candidate in theiSiiteenth
Senatorial District of, Connect-cut, is de
feated by four votes ; and .this gives the
Senate to the Republicans by ono major
. The Radicals are already abusing the
negroes whom they cannot use. Beverly
Nash, who spoke suchgood sense at the
Columbia, S. C., meeting,. is already ca
lumniated by Forney as the mere tool of
•party, not representing his race. Ire may
be superior to most of his race, but he
does not misrepresent them—in both
which points be does not resemble the man
who wrote the Jamieson letter.
Ex-Admiral Semmes says in his saluta
tory in the Memphis Bulletin: 'Since
we laid down our arms at Appomattox
Court Souse, the whole United States has
become our country. The Confederal:
flag having been rolled up in honor, and
consigned, along with the brave men who
perished beneath its folds, to the kpping
of history, the old' flag has become our
flag; but' along with the old flag we clam
the old Constitutlon."
Too GOOD TO DI LOST.—A. •day or two
since, two Radical members of the Weal
Virginia Legislature were engaged in a
conversation on the Lord's prayer, when
-one offered to bet the other five dollars
that he did not know it. The bet was -ac
cepted, and by agreement, th•+ Legislator
was to repeat it. He commenced as fol
"Nov I lay me down to sleep. -
I pray the Lord toyeoul to keep, -
If I should die before-1 wake.
I pray the Lord my /out to take."
"Well, I declare," replied the astonish
ed member, "I did not think yeti knew
it," whereat he banded him the five &d
Political Brevltiea.
While the Tribune; with its usual adroit
ness, is trying to put as fair a - face aszpos-,
sibleon the falling off of the Radical rite
jority in New El ampshire,the Sun (neutral)
says: "The fact of the Democrats having
gained a little in the local elections held
this spring, is the evidence that thought
ful and free-minded men are disinclined
to follow the Radie,als through all their
ultra windings. * * * Never
since the Radical party was organized has
it been so open to attack' and ultimate de
feat as it ie at the
- present time. It is full
of disaffection; it has lost the confidence
of non-partiecin supporters, and the only
requirement to give it a damaging blow is
a vigorou., liberal and -enlightened policy
on the part of the Democrats. '
The Richmond-Enquirer makes the fol
lowing remarkable statement: "It will
give some idea . of the enormous taxes lev
ied by the United States government to
state that the, single town of Danville,
Va , pays we understand, a tax of three
millions of dollars on the manufacture of
tobacco—the tax being forty cents per
pound: Yet this same people, who are so
liberally contributing to the coffers of the
National Treasury, are denied representa
tion in Congress.
A writer in the Independent (Radical)
in speaking of Butler says: "Make the
best you can of it, it's a terrible face, that
of Butler's ; it looks like a nirate's—a
strong, unscrupulous, cruel face. The low
wide forehead, the crossed eyes, the hatch
ety Roman nose, the thin lips, making a
combination powerful and pitiless. An a
politician, Butler is overreaching, self-seek.
ing, and will be content with no las% than
the high<st place in the political game."
At a caucus of the Republican members
of both branches of the New Jersey Leg
islature, held on Wednesday evening of
last weeky'a resolution was adopted that
those present should support the proposi
tion to strike the word "white" from the
State Constitution, it being understood
that • the vote by which it was adopted
should not be binding.
T/IE PLY-19MM or Fikc."—General B. F.
Butler gotinto the Pennsylvania Avenue
cars in Nyasbington a few days since. The
car was quite full and as atomise he entered
one of the passengers stood up and said:
"Ladies, and gentlemen, put your hands
upon your pocket books', Ben. Butler isin
the car." _Butler got out at the nal ekes
A Washington correspondent says: "The
most painful fact which is impressed upon
an obborver of tLe tao Ilvuema lo tbo &la
tent to which drunkenness and blear eyed
debauchery are visible in the faces of the
members. One-third of the members of
both Houses appear to be the living wrecks
of men whom alcohol .has partially de
Gen. Sickles, in South Carolina, has tor
the present prohibited elections, announc
ing that he will soon been to appoint
Sheriffs. In Alabama, Gen. Swayne simi
larly declares that all local elections are
disallowed, and summons all lately elect
ecl persons to report the fact to headquar
Negroes in Tennessee may vote and do
anytt.t.,,t.i.batd office. The white Rad
icals are smart enough to office.
bolding for their own benefit. When the
South shall be properly "reconstructed,"
the same sort of thing will be apparent.:—
Radicals holding the offices and negroes
'McPherson. clerk of the House of Rep-
resentatives of the United Stater, is col
lecting the'materials for, and . has Com
menced to write the life of old Thad. Ste.
yens.. A. cot representing Thad. gettine
out of the back window, of the Capitol
at Harriabure, Deceinber, 183 S, •would
make an excellent frontispiece.
A SiNarcAn cdn.—A negro recently re
fused to take the oath as po.tmaster at
Forest Depot, Virginia, because he "Byrn
patbized". with the south during the rebel
lion. A majority of the Southern blacks
sympathized with the rebellion, and we
presume many of them will be honest
enough to confess the fact.
Thurlow Weed, in his salutatory, says:
"The work of impeachment, if it is to be
beneficially prosecuted, should include the
members of Congress who are leading the
country, through reckless expenditure, to
inevitable repudiation."
The Mayor of • G Texas. on bear
ing of the passage of the Reconstruction
bill, caused the public square of that place
to he draped in mourning. •
, Letter from the south.
Nourmt. Horn, Lynehharr, Vs„
March 3lot, 1867. j
Fetetto WHITMAN: —A'hen. I left Richmond
my intention wato go direct to Georgia, but
I concluded to see this place. and gather what
- information I could here. Leaving Richmond
on Thursday morning, the 28th lost., I should
have arrived in Lynchburg, on the same even
iug, 124 miles, but 40 miles from Richmond
we came into the wrack of an exploded loco
motive.' The wreck was most complete ; the
locomotive was literally blown to atoms, and
the fireman and engineer minus their heads.
This. detaioed•us, and we were compelled, to
lie over at Burkeille Junction, arriving here
at 4 o'clOck Friday. Thursday night was . 0
cold at Barkville that on Friday morning
there was half an inch_ of ice. The coun
try for 30, miles . out of Richmond is broken
the land is thinlylimbeted with small oak and
pines. Occasionally there is a poorly culti
vated plantation. Thirteen Miles from Rich
mond we pass coal mines. The veins of the
Virginia coal basin dip at an angle of about
40 degrees, to a depth of 200 to 400 feat, the
veins being from flee to twenty feet in vise.
Amelia C. if ,',116 miles out, is the:first station
that can boast i ‘of being a village. It bag 300
or 400 population. From Burkville to Lynch
burg the country is better improvekaud is a
-fine tobscoo country. The peantation build
ings are fine. Twelve miles from Barkville
we arose Appomattox river, on a bridge 2,300
feet loog aqd 130 feet high. Fromeville, four
,miles from the high bridge,, is a place of
about 1000 population—a very nest looking
town. Any quantity of negroes'are seen here.
Appomattox Station 24 mile, from Lynchlourg
and four miles from the Station, is the Court
House made bit torical by. the memorable sur
render of the 9th of April, 1865. The soil is
now more of a red clay nature. and is en ex
cellent wheat country from here to theAis
tante) of 200 miles south df LyuchbUrg. •Four
miles east of.Lynohburg we croserthe Jamey,
and follow up the river through the narrows,
to this place. This is emphatically the unity
of Hine." I should say a mountain oily,
for it is built on the side and top of s moun
tain. The streets are veryiteep and narrow,
and but few are paved. The sidewalks are
narrow and paved with huge flat stoat The
railroads ire accessible by only one or two
streets, the other streets being ea steep that
they have never been opened dawn to the
river. On some of the cross streets you are
higher than the roofs of the bones one square
below. The oily hu a population of 15,000,
and is a good business point. Thai is a very
large tobacco trade done here, it being the
furthest point month on the James river. The
eoll is good for miles back. On top of the
tills are fine farms and good buildings. At
least - one-half of ifte populatten ta'negroee—
"quite mart of them," feontjet to so -near s
white, ore . eartlecuitely distinguish bet Ween
the mixed and the, pure Gautiesiart: Pere I
'kayo had the • good fortune -to meet ta Mr:
Fisher, of Pottsville. Per, who, with Philadel
phia parties, is building a telling milt .our
miles above this city. . Mr. F. has traveled
through the mountain region of this State, •
and through the coat fields. liis party have
Bemired large tracts of coal
-and Iron ore lanai
on the James and Great Kanawha rivers,
Iron ere lands 20 to 40 mile, from this chi'
ban be purchased at $lO to $2O per sore,
yielding 40 to 45 per cent. of hist. Thirty—
eight mi'es op the James is a very fine cement,
and 130 miles south, on the Virginia dr. Ten
nessee R. R , is a fine plaster bed and salt_
mince. It seem, tome thin State hue
kagyral 'even-that "relic of
barbarisni" is somewhere found in these
mountains. in passing throurh this State I
find the people seem to know their mineral
wealth, yet they seldom can tell you anything
about it, not even its locality. One feature is
worthy of notice _whenever I accosted a citi
zen for any information, whether upon the
cars, upon the streets, orat his place of busi
nest, I was never. insulted, but always it
seemed a pleasure for them to give all 'infer
motion possible. and almost universally they
arepleased tnbave Northerners come amongst
theta. A very Intelligent gentleman remarked
a-few days since on the cars that he wished
the State of Virginia would give to- some
Northern =Breed men its stook in the differ ,
ent roads, and let them take the roads and
run them, for the Railroad men of Virginia
didn't know how to railroad. Good wheat,
corn and tobacco lands three to five milea off
the railroad (which is better than that upon
the Him) can be purchased at $5 to $lO per
acre, such as sold
,before the war at $2O to ,
$4O per acre. The people have - the soil but
no money. This city before the war was
remarkable for -its wealth. Money stow is
worth two to three cents per month. Before
I left home I frequently read of the hostility
of these people towards Northerners, and their
guerrilla warfare upon negroea 'and Union
men. What little I have seen, and through
my conversations with them, I fail to per;
beive any hostility either towards Republi-
Cans, DeMocrats, negroes, Union men, Gov
ernment men, or anything, or any party.. ex
cept the cursed Radicals, and they are going
to work in earnest to reconstruct and assist
Conservative Republicans and Democrats in
saving this Republic. The talk about these
people repudiating the National debt is pll
bosh. Whe n you see a people in as straight-
cued ataairaistoeeee as they are in - Virginia, I
throne' their Legislature agreeing to be taxed
to pay two per cent.
,annually cf the heavy;
State debt, with one-third of their State stoletti
from them, it is anything else than an indica
f repudiation. There is a time coming)
when circumstances beyond human control,
will require, and by common consent tho pooj,
pie, North and South, will be forced , to allow,)
she Nationaldebt to assume a changed aspect)
These people, with few exceptions, will send
representatives to Congress, unexceptionable
as to the oath. They yid elect many North
ern men, whom they much prefer to their
original Secessionists who are now exceasive
"Loyalists " These-representatives will from
interest vote to repeal the unrighteous tax on
cotton and tobsooo.buttbe tax trams recuper
ation of enterprise end business, commercially
and agriculturally, will be ten fold greater to
the Government than what it loses directly.
- I have yet to bear vi'lent denunciations of any
• party, cr Government, even of the Radiate,
The people are honorable, and I have repeat , '
edly beard them slay they never want another
war.ram.gnonttp&NW." in MUM or tne
' Northern soldiers—of different. ones treating
' them kindly while prisoners. Yesterday the
• weather was a little cool bat plessanit.ta-dey
It is rearm and cheerful; to-night ithas to rain
Wonder if you had as delightfully
warm a day is old Erie as I have bad here to
day? I will leave to-morrow or Tuesday for
Atlanta, Ga., E.SO miles south of this, via
rail. Yours, B. E. N. _
WHAT FASHION Doer.-Fashion rules the
world, and a most tyrannical mistress she j la
—compelling people to submit to the most in.
convenient things imaginable, for her sake:
She pinches feet with tight shoes, or chokes
us with tight neckerchiefs, or -squeezes the
breath out of our bodieti by tight lacing.
She makes people sit up by night, when
they ought to be in bed; end keeps them ';in
bed in the morning when they ought to be ,p
and doing
She causes hosts of apparently sensible per
sons in other. respeota to pay exhorbitant
prices'for the privilege of seeing some for
eign 'operatic or dramatie performers, paged
into notoriety by hired newspaper writers, and
to call the exhibition "splendid," when they
don't revile uoderstand a word that is said,
or evjoy tho thing as well as SD ordinary min
strel show.
She mates It vulgar to waft upon one's self,
and genteel to live idle and useless. •
She requires people to visit ,when they
had rather stay at borne. eat when they are
not hungry, and drink when they are not
She invades our pleasure and interrupts our
She compels People to dress gaily, whether
upon their own, property or that of another,
whether agreeable to the word of God or the
dictates of pride.
She mine health, and produces sickness :
destroys life, and ocoastetis premature death.
She makes tools of parents, invalids of
children, and servants of all.
She 'is a despot of the highest grade, full
orintriene and cunning, and yet husbands,
wives, fathers, mothers, eons, danghters and
servant", black and white,,have
become her.obedient eubjecte anti slaves, and
vie with one another to. eee who shall bo most
_The 'Easton Argils records .an instance of
liberality on the part of one of its subscribers,
such as we wish were more common among
newspaper patrons. The' eiecoplesehould Lot
tke lost upon Demacrats of 'wealth in Erie
"One of our subscribers at Freemansburg,
Mr. Christian F. llogb, called at. our office one
day fast week and . renewed Ms subscription
tor another year. lie then ordered a copy of
the Argue to be sent to each of his two broth
ers and to one of his work men, and paid for
them a year in advance, remarking that 'these
were tinier when men ought to read the truth.'
IV's recordAtits example of an humble but
earnest Democrat with' pleasure. It worthy
to be followed by others. Let the people read
- sound papers , and understand folly the objects
of the Jaeobin leader's, and there will be a
change in punt, opinion. Old men should
encourage the men to take - and read
Democratic, papers. Let them grow up !with
correct principles "
. ,
The "gay deceiver" who runs the local
department of the New Albany Ledger,
tells of a new invention, of which be haa
t patent, gotten up for the purpose of de
ter/Mining whether or not a lady Wears
patent calves. It is a cane with a - fine
needle in the end of it. As a lady passes,
with her beautifully turned pedal extrem
ities exposed to view by the "tiller," the
calves' are slightly punctured With the
cane. If the lady kicks, the calves are
genuine ; if not they are false.
NOTICE.-MP. W. L. Chenille the regularly
authorized agent of this office to collect
counts, solicit subscriptions and mate con
tracts for job work. , Any agreements entered
into by-him, or receipts given, will be consid
ered as binding as if made by the proprietor.
WOOD LARD rou tract of wood
Ind in Le Neuf township is offered for sale
neap. It contains 107 acres, • which will be
sold altogether or id panels. A good 'stone
quarry is on the 'premises. Address Jams
Munson, Waterford, Pa. mrl4-tf.
This met abaci, invented by Dr. J. U. fleannor,
of phitadephia, to Intended to dissolre the food and
puke It We chyme, the first rmteet of digestion. BY
: •"edeanslnal the stomach With Schenk'. Mandrake
.=l, the "route coon restores the ttYpetlte, wd tood
that could pot be eaten Worn wing It will be eueltr
:* digested.
CourgeiptiOn cannot be cured by Schenck's Pat
mortle Syrup lintels the stomach and user Is made
healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic
„: and PUls are required In nearly every case of con.
!enuptlon. A half dozen Co:Age," of the IitAAVEED
ToN IC and three or four boxes of the MAMMA/LE
111.1,8 will cure any ordinary ease of dripepais.
• Dr. Benakcs makes professkrakl visas hi New
York, ilcetoa, and at his ptinelpal Otlleo hy Philadel
phia every week. See daily papers of each Vice. or
Ms pamphlet an masumptlon for his days for Ylrita
- don.
Plraee observe, when :purchasing, that the tivOltko
:leases of the Doctor, one when in the Last etaze of
Comamptlen, and the other as he now hi, In perfect
health, anon the Government stamp.
Sold by on Druggist:l and Dealers, price 8L 44 per
bottle., or SZSO the hall dozen. -ABietters tar advice
should be addremed to Dr. Eecurnoe's Principal
Oillec, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
General Wholesme Meat!: Demos Barnes &
N. Y.: S. -S. Kano% Baltimore, Md.t John D.
Pluto, Cincinnati, Ohio: Walker 4h. Taylor, Cht.
macs : Colltua litoe.. St Lank, No.
• VA w. ca. mo. I yr.
A Cocas, a Coto, on a famtl Tama? moires t mute
attentfon.and should be ehezked. If allowed to
continue Irritation of the Lungs,' penaanent 'M. oft
Disease, or Consumpttop, Is often the result.
basing a direct 120113012C0 to Vas parts, eve, Immediate
oast. Fos_
and Throat Difelllo4. Trochee are need with always
good sneeses. ' filnigers and Public Speakers will fled
Troches medal in clearing the voice :hen taken blfori,
lib:ging or Spanking. and relieving tie thrust after an
atonenal esertion or tbe toast orgene. .The Tenches ►re
recommended sad prescribed by ph ralchene, and have
Led testirecosista from eminent ono throughotet the
4:l6notry. Tieing att'artiele or true merit, and biting
proved their Mercy by a telt pt ewe • yews, each yeti
dada thorn In new loceltiqa In various peels of 'the
eiorld, and the Trechee sr+ asiverosily p-onounced bet
ter this other articles.
Obtain 00 . 7 'Brown'. Bronchial Trochee,". and do
not take soy of the w7rth'ets imitations that may be
eflarad. Sold everywhere. 5e22.61a
TOT preparing,:tatuding and beautifying this Halt, and
Is the most delightful and •onderlal artltle the world
sver produced:
Ladtea dud it not only "a
certain remedy to re•
store, darken and beautify the. hair, but also a &arable
&riles for the toilet, as It le highly perfumed with a
rfeb and do:feito rp , fame, Ihdependentof the trams
odor of the ols of palm and =ace.
A new and belutitut perfoine, whlan In delicacy of
went, and the tenacity with which it cling. to the
handlerchlet and person is unequalled
Th. above arteiles for sale br atl deccests an per
timers, al $1 yer bottle each. Sent by asystar to en
address by the prorrtetors,
T. LC.n RIGHT & CO ,
SOO Liberty Street, Sew York
Know Tar DiBT.2ll%—listisme R. F. Thornton, the
great EngILA Astro:ogist, Ciairoyent acid inychoms,
Video, who hu astonished' the scientific assess of the
014 Warta, Les now located herself at landau, N. Y.
Umlaute Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of
second eight, u to enable her, to impart knowledge of
the greatest importance to the an:::e or 'marred of
either eat. While In a Eat of trance, .he delineetes
the very batons* , the pereor, you era to mairy, lad
by the aid of an Instrument of intense power, known as
the ruchomotrope, guarantees to produce a life like
picture of the future hooked' r wile of the applicant,
together with Woof mintage, petition In life, le.dint
trate of charseter, are. Thiele no humbug u thosusandi
of testimonials can as ert. She will stud when derived
a collided earthiest's, or Italian guarantee, that the
picture Ls Oust it purports to be.- By eueloast fifty
emta and atempadenvelose ad-domed. to 'ourself, eon
will remiss the pilture and desired information by re
tarn mail. All emennunteations sacredly confidential.
Addresi in censdeece, Mauve B. F.. Tirowros, P.
Box 223, Hudson, K . 4. feb2l4lT—ty.
A Yonne Lanz—R turuinz to her eenetry hone, at.
ter • sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly
recognised by hat friends. In place of • wane, Turtle.
flushed face, ohs jid a soft, ruby comelexion cf almost
Roe re
ally appeared butt eighteen. Upon Inourtry ea to the
cause of so great a ehatigeolue plaioly told them that
she ksed thi CIRCA•SIAN BALM, and Considersi it en
invaldlible acquisition to any Lulys Toilet. By Its use
any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal ap•
penance an hundred fold. It is simple in its econhins
tion as Nature herself Is simple, yet nalorpsssed to Its
eiresey to drawing !ramifies from, also bealing,eleane
ing and beautifying the akin. and complexion. By Its
direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its im
purities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the sur
face as nature Tended It to be, clear , soft, smooth and
Pri $l, sent by mall or express, on receipt
den order, by .W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists,
No. 3 West Payette St, Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for the mile of the same.
- feb2l•B7-Iy.
.ffstarsowis Furth Exreser Bccnc—ls a certain cure
for diseases of the Stadler, Kidneys, Grand, Dropsy,
Organic Weakness, Feaute Complaints, General Debili
ty and all climate - of the Urinary Organs, • lather ex
isting to male or female, from whatever cause original
tog and no matter of how long itendlng.
Diseases of these Organs require the use of a diuretic.
It no treatment Is admitted to Coninmption or inani
ty may ensue. Our Flesh end Blood are supported from
these sources. and the Health and' Happiness. and . that
of posterity, depends qua prompt use of a re'iable
remedy. fielsrdsolrfs Vaasa Buctro, established up
wards of 18 years, prepared by
A. If. DEMEROL% Drogglat, '
591 Broadway, New York, and 10.1 South 10th Street,
Ph Ilatelpbis, Pa. mr11•67-Iy.
IreOIDEB7CI. BUT Tstil.—biadsme Remington, the
world renowned Astrologist arid Setonamintlistio Clair
voyant. while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very
(estates of the person jou are to marry, and by the aid
or an instrument of intense power, known as the Puy
chomotrope.gaarantees to produce a perfect mkt life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the appli
cant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading belts
of character. dm. This is or imposition, ma testimonials
without number can assert. By stating piece of birth,
age, diepoeition, color of heir and eyes, and enclosing
witty cents, mid stamped envelope addressed to yourself,
you receiie the picture by r, tarn mail. together
with desired information.
.77r Aidrers confidence, NabAxx GIRTRCDI RrX
mcrox, P. 0. Box '29; West Trey, N. Y. '
f b21'67-I;
Vegetsbte Sicilian Hair Renewer renews the
Hair, restores Gray Hair to Its original color, prevent,
Its falling oU, makes the Bair enseoth and glossy, it does
not 'tat% the akin, It has proved itself the beet prepara
tion ever presented to the public. Give it a trial. Price
$lOO. For sale by all druggists.
' •B. P. HALL CO„
N alms, N. U, Proprietor*
Fats TO ErlaraooT.—. l l large 8 pp. rlirectlaT, giving
Information of the greatest Impottaries to . thejonoit of
both saw.
It teaches how the homely mey became beautiful, the
despised retreated, and the forsakes loved.
;No young lade or gmatismas should ftU to send-their
address, and receive a copy, postpaid, by return mill.
Address P. 0. Drawer 21,
Tioy; New York.
Iftwarra AID CILIBALOT £3D Tall iILIPPIIT.B3 0.711171
Xurtroon —An many Or you, men on the aim of Soli
tude, aad the - !mini Errors, Abuses and Disease'
which crate irepedimeafi to EARRIAGEorith sure
means of relief. Sent la sealed letter envelopes, free el
charge. Address, Dr. J. MMUS Etol7oBToll, Reward
Aesociatioo Philadelphia,
atLXBOLD'iI 221%.6t7 /UMW and Improved' fthe
Wash =Me secret and delicate disorders in -all their
stays. at little erpenee, little or no change in diet, no
inconvenience and no exposure. It la pleasant In tut*
and odor ,' immediate 'n action and free from alt lajarl-•
one propertimi,
Taiga tnaa Thrileasant and Unsafe Rossini** to?
unpleasant and dangerous disuses. Use Rembold
Rama Ruhr' and linprored Vain Wish.
Tam GLOIT Or Us. s Srossoss—Therstars the
Nereoas and Debilitated eboald immediately ale Delia
bold'aEltreat Stusba. • =14'67-Iy.
2AATM2D CONNIZTIMOKS Habifred by Efelmbold's
ratzsat Bub . 14 ,4 =AM-Iy.
blAiii II
No. i 327 Pesci Strict,
Two doors Booth of shatutoo k Co.'s Idardwara Store,
- Le offering • vvrry One Use of
the abov toads. elush will bo sold at very lore pries&
Persons - Tootle, an►tbtet to the above Los will dad It
advantageous to salt Wks' tars altered and toads
over. dettl
Comer of non and St.calr Streets,
PPM' 8 Ei 111111431 PA
Thu Largest, Mealiest, not
IN THE rNrrED §rATes
During the pant ten years, uproot% of
Representing every State In the Vain. have graduated
Danis. Stores. Pmrt Odle*. Cessaession loser
saes. It &lima. Pease:Nett se4 Tatierrspla °Meet. ite.
Students are thoroughly Instructed In ill the hrshehee
its .
laclodlog Book Imreleg Penrauelife, Arithmetic, Con:l'
smell.' aw, Political Ecenomy, lleeinese Ceerwoood
ear, the Art of Ilettectlng Coent ;Idea Moser, Rall•ftsd
lag, Steam:Ow:Wm& Telegraphing, Practical Bankloy,
Stollsota eat eater at any time and complete a fall
Conde In trout sight to twelve weeks.
Psyi all impatsea for Tuition, Books, Blank*. and DI
Foe Peum►aehtD, Ateareboatine. Railroading, Bovelnn
or Diploma. as lo other Coßare. Free Luanne dally In
Peomenehip to all students In the Commercial Depart
r o n cram/AR% R iling roil information, and con
taining a consn'ate outline of our system of Practical
tinniness Edscation, together with
From prsetlesl Rations Ken. Merehs 4. Book-keepers,
Bakers, he., tddnuthe principal*,
3024'67-6ta. Pittsbalib, Ps. "
$lOO 111 A VECO
SU to Iso
By parebaning of
Instead of undies orders to New York.
Parsuhed from the following eelebratid lt►nnfaetnren
Stenos/ & Son., N.. York,
Wm. SC paha & Co., Rattimoro,
Wm. B. Brailmry, New York,
Grtivostoen & Co., New-York,
➢oaedman k Gray, Alban/. N. 7
Ow. ♦. MOOD & CO., Buffalo, N.
A. Stung, Rirseunt, V. Y
Jewett k Goodrum, Cleveland, 0
Cbamtersk fhbler, New York
Pianos from .1.250 en '1,600
"Eir All persontilesiring • Pre. rate Piano
o are invited to eel and extmlro nnn Instruments be
fore en:chasing eleewbere
Every Irrtroment warranted for lire years
Ng, 515 Stat. Street, Fre, Ps
Coal Yard, comer T,welfth and Nut Streets, Erie
Pa., Who keep sosistantly oa hand Lehigh and Pittston
(Van air) lamp and prepared, Shamokin, Egg Store.
• d Not slug; Ilitosainou - for grate sod steam, and
For Blacksmith Purposes
Our Coal la all received by rail, Is kept on dry plant
door. and
We ogler great iodleernenta to parties V idling to 14,
hit (nun telisolat supply, lee." 4o doulera purchasing by the
ear Pad.
tar OW* la adl and se guarantee to giro 'West--
j0171761-tf SALTSMAN it CO.
Three doors North of the Railroad Track
Baring opened a new Store in the' above locality re
spectfully announce- to the public that they hare on
band 0119 of the Urges* and most overall, seaected
docks of Readritede Clothing, Clothe, Cassimeres,
Veiniest, Gentlemen's turnuhing Goods, Rats, Caps,
dm...ever brought to this market—all purchased since
the fall to prices, and to be told at the most reasonable
figures. We have ono of the bat gutters in the clun
try, and wilt engage to nuke up Clothing to the most
fashionable and durable stile. Onr stook Is complete.
Nothing in the line of our , true has been neglected.
Oise ns sail and tee for yourselves. We warrant our
goads ton
the bees we represent themWS. enONIZItd .or prise Ku s as low
u any i mty. .11 m
With the
And the print leg materiel accerepaniirg
MAN itossery roan can do his own prfn ttng
• - nosily, quickly and el eeply. T hey are
so simple in construction, tbat • boy ten
Tears Old CILII easily manage the largest
' aim Printed instructions are sent with
HIS east/ olltee, enabling the pnrebanr to re ,
to work without a precious knowledge
of printing. A c =lay, eontainiog tell
description, prices, trattmonials,
sent tree to all. Oar Spechnen Sheets of
OWN Type, Cuts, Ate., ten cents.
PRINTER. f.t:l'6 -17
For tire.ley's blistery CompTele.
Extraordinary t pportunity ! rnearalteied Stiece ! s
This history mutates ale•eil."l of about one hut:ived
battles not contrail, t" , end in the earlier wort; on the
Reteltion even in Uwe. most widely eirculved. Now
that Greeter& History is enmpleted. its popularity , s
greater than ever beere, and calls with a r•ptuity whlet
makes it the meet Talent's work tor Cane - went ever
published A ddress
U. D. CASE CO, Publisher'.
_llartford, Conn.
No. 83 Neet Tenth St.,
Of all kinds of
Done in the but Style, It the sbottest notice, and at
teuonable prices.
Cir Jill geode will be pnesed and refinished before
delivery mr7'67 311.,
An Ordinance prohibiting ll:dements between certain
streets a the borough of South Skis.
See. 1. Be it ordained and enacted that from and It
t.r the let day-of June, A. D. DIV, Interments of dead
Kaman bodies ghat be prohibited between Peach and
Chestnut stmts. In said borough of South Erie
Bee. 2 That any person. monists er corporation wio
' biting the first section of this ordinance chill be pun.
teases by fats of; fifty dollar+ for the first *fiesta and
one Modred dollars for every art4nonant offence.
Wsr. Long. Clerk. Wif. HENRY, Borger'.
Sealed proposals will be received by the S tetet
tante" of Coarecils of the any of Erie, until Monday,
April t for grading and paving with 1041101 am Pane•
meet the greets around the Pazka. Place- and ePerld
cations eon be Ram by applying to the City IClnieer.
mr2B-41r. A D
Tor Itermcming Superfluous Mar.
To the LAW especially, We Invaluable despatory
recommends Melt as Wag an almost indlePeeiehh , gni
deka hangs brae". ts 'Sally spatted, dosa not barn or
Wore the skhk bat tots aireeelY on the roots. it La
werrented to ream eaperdnons her frnet low tom.
heads, or from any put of the to , dy ooloPlotelY, totally
ens radially extirpating the same. leneinll the Skin
Sat smooth and natural. This le the only article or d
by the Trench. and la the only real sties Coat depilater7
in existence. Neer/ sesta par peeks" sent postpaid,
to any address, on maidot of an order, by
- MIRGInt, SEMIS AI CO., Cliendstn
286 River st., Trey. N. Ir.
F laitAlt HALL.
In i 6• Fffelorieal Play, written e,efo•lwl)
Rietert, F 7 Prole iisse^tnetti,
anti* 4,
ELIZA B F . tt
• (11:rgEN , ( IT RNGLAN
Wbieb *ill be prraeake - a or; tb ear•, yed
_ )
PIM 'Still, Qorii ~ f .... %Pm. pi , r)u ,
Lady First' rowtri •sr INEr-, • •,,,,,,
1.0. Ann. BOTl•irb.... ... ... . . TIR,:I TA c , A ,,
Marla Toinhron . , t )e.I
e r;•Ali v ~ iv
R...erf. fi , rl of Vow, . Gi ' ^ ,, mrt r,• ,
1.,. VI.. Farm of Reotliod ...
..rd , ANNI , RVIN,
Willtvo refit, Lord norlrleb * '''s EPI •,;../
fir [MN ALCell L.;. ..... ... ...I'flll,l r ^ , ..,
Lord Hombre of V111..1. , 0 I lIIP I VI 'r. 1 i,,,,,
Rir Daeions, Kfteo..r of *he Se4'...Cl') '.I ~ 1 „ ~t„, ,
Rfr trace.' nr.k. crt I Rat
Warquls Diesr. Sim:l4r as . rt4.s3tr, Dr I ,
Qaoro's Page . FienEßTco vEtv•Rk
Lords, eeotch Gentlemen. Guard., se a L or d, „
of the Queues Court.
Star Dlreeto.,
On this ocetaloo %a via of wanat..l,,, ~,,,14,
fietordfing as 1.4%. Salta are Grad..,%
tickets can oe obtained at ECII les
Park Flare. or through any member ra the.
The ball bast been en arranged as lo di.Pook
best Keats at the highest prices. On and after T 504.;.,
aye, 9th. at r p n., tbo.holdara of tickets .91
lowed to 'orate tbetn, in the different grade., 1y
peixon or by proxy.-
n. P. Vic
B. F. LYN':
Librettos of all the/Repertoire of Beau.. iti•to;.i.
now reed• sod to be had Ast the Ristori rerie
Eusifra's Book Store. •
Exeursinn Ticket/ 108 be bm•d oo tb•
E•te R ft.. between Kee sod Warren Ltd o t!. E.,
k Pitteburph R ff.e. bettieen Fri sod \•*:castle,
•an to oarties wt•bioz to attend the eater ittemo:
from •tattoo► between the pointe mentioned
lionk• of the tam , of E 'Esbetti eau now be 1v...,
Erts'ires Book Store, or at the door on the 1111 ht
entertainment 4,4 2.
Ilan opetied s new Grocery Store at tb.
°con riNi by J. Evans. tr.,
NO. - 505 FRENCE! ST., WAYNE Buhi
Where they 'rill keep on band • complete .tort ctn."
thing in their line of trade. Inelatolc
rap- The pihlic aro incitel to call and otarro,
Stock. Ws r ledge °wooly's got to be noclos , !
r ig 01406W1_ 1104TABLIKIIED
Shatter, Pries,
• Liana, ol,the
Irish awl Freadi Popltn,
3fabaira, Alpacso, DE:1111101,
Call and 402 prices before parchsaing
WARv 137;03,
ipr3 67-Iy. No. WS. Ifarble rout...Stitt
FINKI4C I. Irottl't"
• Are adsoted to all ktints of family sevrieg—dosos
kers, tailors, "hoe makers, manntoetnnos of 'turn,
leas, skirts, emu a, tats, taps, comets, linen r&edst
Tiller work equally as well, upon silk, otto s
linen goods with "bit, emtton or linen thus!: 5"
ertwirgtnaeblai thus improved is operated roWtr
without iostruetiou, except the printed d.reens,
naves nor hundred per rest of thread sad elk-no
the look stitch alike on both sides—repairea no "'met
or 'lteration in !riving from onekind of work to cril
e:, sod no taking apse to clean or od It heri it)
binds, embroiders or braids tucks witbnot =rums
gather" /se As evidence of the farts above etude
guarantee all nor machines se r01e..., v's •1' tier
chaser. after a fair trial, doe. not regsrd the F1N.41
Lion Sewing Machine as oluperior to any coseSts..::
market, be eon return it nod bare his eth-ee "
The above roarbtr es are for sale at the Mt lime I%
Pr• GoodaStore of S - SALT
lit far llre
1241 , Pertelo Et., east tide, two doors Swath r! e.
Erie, ea.
E. A. HALE, Ap'
Saud for elrenlstand 'ample@ cf cawing virl-t:
Teetli positive), extracted without rani by the tat
the new
AN.V3THICTII PIIRE i4rrnor3 ovni: G
Rite will to without teeth when br Kann 9
beautiful sets of Artificial Teeth on tratirnred
and at moderate rates' For a guarantee of
alt rewponaible persons wantin s artittu .
can get them on trial, and if entire sanest:ins
given to regard t • fit and workmanship, they es:
turned free of charge.
Call and sea me. My work is warranted—Tr:l 7 V
saltsflietfon. Rooms three doors South of Tire: NI ,
Rest side,
648 State 4 1, between 6th and 7th, Ene, Ps. Iliac
cheapest, actual business college of any in to b
B nEneu men soy it It • college reel rlent,rf
loos not give the lie eo the onblge by v. dip'cs
to those who do not merit !hem. A College of
Combining Maori - sad Practice. Su plied .Itb " a•
emporium. Insurance. commission, railroad, eaebn
telectapbie departztitmts. '•
rays ill expenses for tuition, blank books, Se
rwrir d from 8 to 14 err km.
"WMANEEITP —WO have th• hwt pens., In tkOrK
z,end for Circular with stamp.
Pm:: ;is
2 , 3 Ann St.,New York.
N . T 1
Vetting° 011 &T Co Imo j f.'rairfori .•
of ti Church, ):9;,Aze , Wt,
vs. Forogo atuchcect.
James McHenry.
The defendantirill take tblt 03. 4, 1 , 1 off a
tifra awn, It led Zitti Joie. 1868, for
from the %WM, of Itay, 1•65
And race • catered for tits Prothoontaiy to a".'"
damage. to thin cam at hi. cfliee In Mot..•+ ,,
.oth day of April, .1C47. at 10 o clock • ,
F. CH ti
M.:- r-.. ho ,
' LTA ' I
NOS. 601 AND 503, FREN.'CIi
Between 6th and 6th Stress. Ere. I.
F. Tit.. Penn'oe
R. fsc vv. JENKIN.,,,,,
Third Door from Suspension Bridge,
itivrotitC.DEtit MT Y. Somitol W•ato t ::
be tuned by one rbo bu cam! binge
divas of others, sod will toll you nothog tot tk , r-.
addreta oath stamp,
.--- •
the Co. Partnership heretofore etistio:
firm name Or Wilma Huhn, 1, thl. 4.11 v
mutual content. - Tba clothing bu wO,l tw . V,
tied by .1.11 )titbn, at the old Mad, No. IM9 ,;
three doors north of the Railroad, wba
Dilate*. and is authorised to'collect all Lebo
late arta. F . w
tarl4-11w. . I.lrfilV
fl NO C.
would inform hlat 3n" ld ma r a li to o m i t a re rm art o d f C tla b epu b6" 10
that he has purchased
Paragon Belding, over Attatio'n.J•velry Stec.;
be le prepared to make all ends-and alai d flCf
In the most appity•d style.
eir Priem early. reasonable,
tot =Wan yon rosy want in do
• ,io
Gel:tend umortmont of Orotorin, pr
Liquors. Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, Crockery Ir"
tea Notious„ e izo.
nr Dotebrer i ms tie place. 1247 State St, 94 ' 1
3 doors Worth of Railroad Brides.
apr4.40 0 ,J. HICSF.BNILL a
Inv grand Cliat
Sig. ('Z'PL'r. :I•R9gr,
J. J. LtAlig
R. H. EstraNN
B /Siff J.
(Next to McConkey & Sbenucto,)
All of wkieh wtll Do to'd at
A complete Stock of
Mantasetnren and Wholeasl. Der ‘1
N 0.5 Federal St.; Allegheny OtY, Pl,
Sign the 8111:1'4
BOX V, Rota , . v