1867. RPRINO TUADR. 1867. GRAND OPRNING Or CARPETS AND T`) HouseFtwiishing Goods, AT TII E ERIE CITY DRY GOODS, CARPET DIE HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM DI EFENDOR F, ROS'S k FOSTER, Reed Rowe and 19 FlO.ll Street, E-te, Pi %fart revived and bow op•nhuc lbe largest and ron.l complete assortment of flarpete ever before offered in tide market, conalstin: of Body BMA*lc, Tapeetry ilruaselc, Tapestry Itigrain, Th , se Pies Tear. h., thatch Wool. Stay:mill& and Remo; Can- Coo, Cof. roeos Sfattlost of el Widths; 00 Clothe, Ifs's, Roe. nod ilrrg¢e's. NOTTINQIIN. TANII3OIIR AND SCOTCH Lkey: Whidos ShVet. Shat'. FiitumVinliands, Cornieeft and the jattly eelebnit.a FRENCH ROLLEALTX SHADES! RTIIR AND VESTIIMLE ROD?, Aprine. Bali end Se. (trap. Mattraotra ern:lst - anti, on hand-and trade to order. The beet totality of LIVE GEESE =FRAMRS- ' .ti'• pound or "leek. Window Cartetrot,Obadee and Lembrequins made to order and bang In the moat tatinfnetory. I, Boner. Re womb" rerrectintly call the attent.oo of thew who tee ftablehine their boaseeenew, to our large and cool• pleteeseortment et, WALL PAPF.P, DECORATIONS, BORDERS AND SIOULDINcis %%lib we 1011 eels of low Prices and hsag on short no tie., in nar DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT 'A'ssfonlal ask tli,e &trim ; bo r vera to our very cape- Toilet Quinn, an ems, 'hide Linen, by the yard or in d be spread, !Tontine, Dayler, airbntcri mill embroidered Plane and Table rover. fianla.l: and Hunk Towel' and Towedin,llow and Flrket I 'non and Ws bare lust Ps ce:rel a largo ant Lilo Writ assort meat e ( sewoosble . DR ES . ..S GOODS, CLOTHS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS. PIEFENDORr, GRC7,3 k FOSTI:R, .. So. 7 Reed Rouse arid i 'J Preati Street. tie, renn'a. . . ..--....-.. : 74. R ..-Pertientar attentinn paid to tlie furbishing of Charettes, ffotels and Prtrate Familiee.' ror'27-tf. .. STHOLOGY•. A- THE WORLD ASTONISHED! At the wonderful retdation■ MkrlE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST MADAME 11. A. FERRIG.O. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happinesa those who, from doleful - eyents estastro- Odes, mosses in love, loss of 'relations and friends. loss of enmity, ho.. have became despondent. tike brings Gag/ether those long separated, g ives int e r- m .ol ao earning absent friends or losers, restores lost or !stolen jMoperty. tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue, manses speedy marriage!' and tells you the serf day you will roarry, gives you the name, likeness and elsamoteristirt of the person. She roes your vary thoughts, sod by her almost eupernattiral powers no •vells the dirk and bidden mysteries of the future. From the. Eton" we me in the armament—the melee stars that overcome or predominate in the eanagnration— trom the aspects' and positions of the planets end the and stars in the heavens st the time of birth, she de. dames the Liters destiny a Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs von but a trifle. and on may never again have mo favorable on op portunity. Consultation .ee, with Maness and all der sired ithormation, $l. Parties living at a distance can conseltthe Ifademe b. mail with equal safety and aat faction go themselves, as it in person. A fall and ea glet chart, written out, with all Inquiries answered and Menem' enclosed, sent by mai on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest escrow will be main tained, and ail corresnondecee returned or destroyed. Befaranoes of the Wittiest order famished thove desir ing therm Write plainly the day or the month and year in which you were born. encloslnz a small lock of heir. addteas MADAVE H. A PRRRIGO, . relniils7-Iy. S. O. Drawer 203, Puffalo, ?N. Y. AFFLICTED, STIFFER NO MORE. Wien hs the nes of Dr. JOINITI LTA'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently and at s trifling c^st_ The astonishing success which has attended this In valuable medicine for ph - pains! and persons weakness, genera , d•bUity and prostration, loss of muscular en. orgy itopoteneY \ or any of the consequences of youthful indbierattio;tenders it the most va'oalle preparation syvrd/seoyered. It will rmove all nefrnoesfroctinos, depression, ex citement. locapselty to.rtody or btsfnes e , !era of m en , ory. confusion. tb. tights of self-de stt action, fess of in sanity, &e. It wilt restore the appetite. renew the b•aflh of thew who have destroyed It by setontal excess or esti pt lattices. Youngmen. be humbuirced no more by' Quick Doe 'tore" and ignorant practitioners, but send without de. lay fee the Elixir, and best once restored to health sod happiners. d perfect cure is Aruerenteed in erery in. stance. Prim $l. rrr four bottles to one -dorms $3. One bottle, is aufficient to effect *cure in all ordinary cams. - - Da:,Joiartxts'o SPEOIrIC Pima, for the speedy and permanent core of Gonorrhea, Meet, Urethral charge,. Gravel, At rieture and all sZectlons of the/HM ."4,w and laladd.r. Cures affected to from one to 6./. days They are orepared from veretable extracts that are harmtees on the system, and never nauseate .the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet ta neeeesary while toeing therh, nor does their action in say manner interfere with bashaers pursuits. $1 per box. Baiter of the al•ovs mentioned 'Wee, b. sent to env address, closely sealed and post rat& b, wall or exprso, op ree.lnt of rrins. A iidnint all ordsts in BRRGF,R, k C 43., Cbstalsts, ??4,...."1?.5 River tzt, Troy, N. Y. YEPARA et TOIr . A p yi,Li. T row away rour (Ore frft,r, your gullet/11, your air,— ettrretive of <•nutrott, and not worth a flc Somo oral ea.e youthful, roma ugly. and fair, cui rejoice io p-ur own luxuriant hate.. REPARATOTe OAPILLI For restoring hair upon bald heads (from %that•yor mare it may hate tenth not) and tir. tug a growth of hair sour the face, it has no' equal It will force the b oor ,' to grow upon the rmontheet face In from eve to eight wren a. or-hair umn -bald heads in from two to three mnathe A few izoorset - ptaclitlonara lan as ',rt..) that there is nothing that will forte or lusters the growth r f the hair or beard. Their userinna are false, aa thousands of tiring vitiate's. from their own erostienre, ran bear wirtese. that many will ear, bow are we to dlstiornialt the ponies from the spurious? It rertainly is difficult., AB alert/nth, of the eiderent pretarttions-adytotited for tte hair and heard are en _tire!? worthless, and coo may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say. try the Reparator Caen; it wilt coat you nothing anion it fatly comes nu to oar representation*, tt your deafen does not keep it. Rend no nes doilir and we will forward It, postpaid. together with &receipt for the mote!, which will he retarri•d-you.on application, proriding entire astirfartion I. not given . Address W. L. CLARK CO, Chemtzta. 2.70. 3 West Fayette At., Et 3 riettra.,N .1" feb2l'B7-ly There eornath glad tidings of Joy to air, To young and to old, to great and to mall; The beauty whlebonee wan lo PITeiOIIII sod rare, free to all, and all may be fair. „ B Y TUB USE OF CHASTELLAR , s WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For hoproolni and Beast tffy int'tbe Complexio n The most valuable and perfect preparation to nu for diving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that is only found In youth. It quickly remove, tan, freckles. pies. plea, blotches, Moth petal's., ullowness, eruptions, and —all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same., leaving the akin white and clear u alabaster. Its nee canoes be detected by the elosest scrutiny. and being a vegetable Portatntion Is perfectly hartoksa. it is the only artieto oa the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian u indispensable to s perfect tot. lat. Upwards of 30.000 bottles ssas sold daring thePset year, a sufficient goarantee of its efficacy. Price only 'ls tents. Sent by mail. put-mid, on receipt of an or derdg 4iBrTTS et CO, Chemists_ " feb 285 River bt., Troy, N. Y. AlcHOOD—How Lost! how Restored 40E-a• , .Tiet published. a new 'MI= of Dr. Cuivererell't celebrated easy en the , cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrtiota, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Semi•at Loewe, Imooleuev. Mental and Minkel Incsoactty, Impediment/ to hicitege, ate.; alto Coosumption !outlaw, sad Fits induced b Self- Indulgence or oniml extravagance. y 111 P. ?limbs a sealed envelope, only ti mats, The celebrated - uthor fn this admirable easy clearly demonstrates, from • thirty gears' stseeerstal tle/ that the alumni" corsturrenmer or mittaba pra s m a y be e radially cured without the dangerous use dt internal media ne or the application of the kolle—polutte g out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and offeetual, by oceans of which every sufferer, no matter what hum, ,dition may be, may core bi:welt cheaply privately and radically. Ing" This leeture aebit m:d in the hands of every icr youth fist sod, mu's. unar m/art ilk CRAW, Sent under seat. Ins pieta tuvelotes, so any address , 24 pout-paid, on receipt of xis mats, or It o post stamps. Biwa MOS. T 3 AND asPrtarteed - CRAB J. C Elan Jr co., PA= !Ow Add/est the publisher/ : • iirENTY CHESTSOF CHOICE TEA . eta Lti Swam N. it. Pass Oleo Bez Ind* se iittl all Theig.' :441441 ERIE RAILWAY 1 GREAT BROAD WAGE. DOIIBLB ITIACR ROME NEW YORK. BOST O N AND THE NEW ENGLAND CITIES." Ills Railway extends ham Dontitk to New Sorb 460 miles. buffalo to Nile 'Tort, 4 3 mllea. Pes • mama to We York 415 =ilea. AND 111 7.011 22 TO 27 1111.1tS TEM 131107Ln...3T ROUTE. 11 Trait* run direetly tbrrowtt - tn -New York. MI VILSS, without change of Conches. From sad after N05.10,1€66, Trains will Immo in eon• 3oetion with all Wedeln lines as follows: tram DON• .tiftli and DALAIIANCIA—by New WA time from Colon Depots: 8 00 A. N. New Yori ZOOl EXPTIO. from Salmnanna, dans the 0 20 intenurts at liornallswilla with the 620 ♦. x Dar F.xpreas from it:MIN and writes in New York it 10.60 P. X. 7.10 a. x. Napress Mail. from Dunkirk. daily (sansot Sundays), Stops at Salamanca 940 a. w . and eon. meta at Bforoellsvillo and Corning with the 820 a. x. Express 'Dail from Buffalo, and arrives in Now York 14 , 00 a. H. 335 p. x. New ,York Night Express, from Dunkirk, daily (exoept Sandaye). 'atop* at Salamanca 058 r. at, and arrives in New York at 12.30 P. 1, snoisrotlnis with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston sad New ngland Citima From Bud E alo.—by New Tort tiow ficon Depot Corner Szchsnas and Ml-hipa Strobl': 6.30 a. W. New York Dar Express, (Sasdaya exceptll4)• Arrives to New .Tork at t0:0 r. x. Cont.rea at Groat Band with-Dela rare, Lackawanna k Westsro Railroad for fldladelphis, Baltimore, Wasbi Eton and points Flouthi. Sal° a. *. EzPvis 5:101, via. Avon and Rornellsrille. dale (exeept!nnidai) arrives in New York at 7.00 a. rt. Conneets seelsoira with Williamsport*. Rl mtra 'Railroad for fiarrieborg, Philadelphia, Balt!. more, Washington and points South". 240 r. Lizarsia, Espresa FatiLlars excepted. atop. for wood and watsr only and arrives in New York 7.00.• R. • f 6.10 r it. Fro York le/1i repro% daily. Connecta lit Hornelleville with the 4.16 p. m. train from Den. kirk, and syrAselin Nan York at 12 30 r. ie. Also i Z counsel' at El ire for Harrisburg. Philadelphia and the South. ' 1140 r. ie. aeries (Esparta, daity (except Sundaral. nisei, it New ork at 345 P. 11, couneete at fil. infra with Williamsport t Maths Railroad: at Great Bead with Bahiwars, Lackawanna At Western Rail road, and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Mies OnlY-OneTraln Eut on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at 0.10 v. x., and reselling New Totk at 12 30 L. X., In ad ranee *tall other routes. Boston and New Ragland passcngers with their bag. 'tee, are transferred free of Aerie, In New York. The beet Ventilated and most Luxurious RiesPing Can IN' TER WORLD ILIMOMpiII3I/ all night traina on this railway. Baggage checked through and fare slew ■ as low as by soy other route. rir ASK FOR TICKETS Via. RWIR RAILW ST, which ran be obtained at al principal tickerts437eas in the \Teat and South-west. H. RIDDLE. NT R. BARR, Getil Gen'i Pm. l et. ' febls'B6 • -pitoDUCE MARKET. { ISL -F. WORDEN & CO., - _. Would respectfully announce that they have opned a store at . NO. 428 FRENCtI Sl', BET iKEN nil AND rag I' R R I E, .? A . . I For the varehan and 'Ale of I ALL KtilDS OF , courirnr ,PRIDuco, BUTTER, POrLTRY, EMS, &e ca" . Orders from abroad will recelsp prompt atten tion at the Lowest 'Market Prime. . Cir The highest price in Cub pain for Panacea. Tattle it NOTICE TO PERVONS 1L4V1140 PRODUCE 3 1 ' OE SALE We ES noir runnlna a Warket [Joe from Rein to Re am, on the Philadelphia di Psis railroad, and *lab hr semi, all kinds of vrotramvits Arm COMM' PP.IDDCCR To Carry it 013, bare eidltbriiaita • Depot on IP,IFTII STREET, In the rear of the old Reed Holm. BETWEEN' STATE LND FRENCEI STREETS. Where we will beat all time. ready to receive and pay the HIGREST HAIIZET PRICK for the amts. All harlot/. Produce for ,ale ars request ad to eye to a all: Impure for Market Depot, Fifth St. R10.1885•tf MAYA JACTSOv. p FIILET•% NkTIONAL CLAIM Atasetce,V. Office in Farrar fall Itstilthag, Erie, Pa, SOLDIER'S BOUNTY, All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late see of Commas, can bare the ume Prnmptlr collected by rending their Olubargee to me, the receipt of which will Fe promptly soltueerbdged and .nattoctlone re. tamed INCREASE Ov PENSIONS. $l5 PIT amontll for total Thu of use of elth.r lee or arak. Instead of $l. $2 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or annum. Also, other Inereaaes. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFTICS,P.3 OP IS S. A. Ihree months pay Drops? for all la sorMay Ysreh Pd. and discharged after April Othi 1866. Claims sashed. Claims for arrest. of ply. and pensions, sua bounty promptly collected Maim:Ailed facilities for elosiml and completion pint. Allnararie• is rrisecoull of war soltreled. Only agency in North-Western Pennsylva nia where years of experience in the U. S. Treasury min bo found. ra -- Thankful tot the wire liberal yatro►sge bestowed In the r rwt, we bons be increased esnerience and unre mitting, attention to patron* to secure their continued favor. Office hi Farrar Hall Rciidiar.• Address. . 'TAT* FARMS', an9-tf Lock nos 101, Fri►,Ps. pIPORTA NT TO glLil LD SUS The Urge/fend Best etoek of PAINTS, OILS;. VARNISHD 4 , GLASS And BRIISEES ie grin any be foiled &t HALT:, & iVARFEL'S DRUG SII)RE, STATZ ST, ORTLI 01.SPTENTII ravine had lung f.2p,tenet4 in the trade. we are enabled to purply parties with a raperior quality of good. at the letreet orb's. (ter molt ernhreeee a eeneeal variety or everything that 'Painter need, and Mimes who give as their patronage ran Ms , en rot Frier disappointed. Orders Tor Furnishing buildings wit I be Attalla. torily filled. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. 715 vidkett . TO (WT ynern kONEY BACK CM F. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND SIIOE.STORE, 'tate .tnlet. Searle Dolinglts the Poo mu m . tt. Cposhtio. ?Iran and sb - 641 Dealer, respectfully Inform. the Pablia that he rpmnweit his stand to the Store Room qtate -Onset, nest , ' opposite the Past . °free, sibers he invites all bis old friends line etstonerr to glee hint a call-- `Partienlor attention given tO REPAIRING! flaring csAvral workmen, and superintending all hi bu•tnru bimsalt,b•telieton he can KITS SS gong 6.4titrite. HOC and mall at so row prietur as AMY other panne ;n t.b• eity. Good Fit% Warrant.d. ' aprd'ditt. 8100 " ON A PIANO FORTE! 125 to $5O ON A 111:LODEON OR ORGAN ! 13y pm - 0111311o t ; of Z SMITH,MF ERIE, tasteld et pentlrtg orders to Now York PIANO FORTES' AIM MELODEONS Feu-oohed from - the fullowlve cel.ebreted Manafutierere Steinway & Sone. New . Yorir, Wry, Kolbe & Co., Baltimore. Ira, Wm. B. Ilmactry, New Tack, 61.w/titter' & Co., N'elr Turk. I/oar:imam k Gray, Albany,. lc Y.. Geo. 4. Trines k Co. , Sniffle, Y, B. Sena, S risease, N. 7. Jewett &Oro:hm% olerelsad, 0. Cbsalbors C Gabler, We York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW uesuFecrUSEB3• PRICES! GE=ll! oat $7.50 to $1,600 tir All persons desiring • And rota Ptsno orlodr on are invited to 15111 and erramlne . our Inettursent• te rm itneimaing alarwhers. terry Instrument warranted for Ere years. Mo. sit. State Suee•, Erie, Pa. 23...wrestf n' 'IsCHSIBTI4N d: coals. The to boy , CIISAP FAMILYpiano G OCZsR rES each as teak, one. Choenlaie, Baba's Bram, Coro Stara:Tarim,. 9 ago,l'opiona Nazi Barley. Rine floor. We., Baking Powder, Creaoi Tartar, Split Paw, Creels& Wheat. Pearl Wheat, tletniny, Same, Mustard Reed, Jell T. Cape*, Spanish salt Raise* none. Tato- By our, Con ilia% Oat Zeal, ail tied. of Pan-a, Aar- Moen, Rabies Cur/intik Ings, aD tla eterything telonging to a Pint Chas !sally ate., _ ang3.ll CAT ARRH. DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE ERADICATEIS FROM THE SYSTEM DR SEE(LYE'S L - CATARRH REMEDY CAFARR-11 C 0 N S U. If P• T 0 N! Unless checked In its incipient gages Mil IT NEVklit FAILSI IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED: SMILE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTII COLD IN THE IIE&D BAD BREATH WEAK EYES SENSE OP SMELL DEAFNESS ALL ARE CURED 1W 11118 REMEDY! THROAT AFFECTIONS . .Ara more frequently than lotherwire tallied by r thlek, ilmay mucous falling from the heed, imp*. • - daily during the night. and re sulting from Catarrh, are Mired by AND PAINTn.§. DR lIMM C A T AR The symptoms of Catarrh are at drat very alight. Per sons fh:l they•have • cold, that they hare Pequent st te4i. and era aniilab/ e to the etmages of tempo stare In this condition the 'non may be dry. or • alight discharge, thin and acrid afterwards thick and adheslre, may ensue. As this disuse becomes chronic, the disthargea are , 1 inereared is Inantity and chanted la quality; Umpire j now thtet and heavy and ►re hurled or combed off. The ...natione are offensive, mains a bad breath; the v ;tee thit,k and earal; the aye* are yeah; the sense of smelt is leavened or destroy, ed; deaneasfeesuently ts.tta-I eaee. Another common and Impo , tant !Promote= at Cidarth is that the person la obliged to clear hie throat In the morning of • slick or slimy mIICOOI. which has Wien from the head doHng I he_sight. When thin tam place the Irmo& easy be sore that his disease Is on Its limy to the longs. and aboold tome nollme In arresting It. the above are but few of tie mauy Cetanhat wimp_ tones. Write to our Laboratory for our pamphlet dir. smibing fully al' symptoms; It wilt beuent tree- to soy address. Also directions where to prom*. the Medi cine. We are reestvime letters from all puts of the Union and alui numerous testimonials from those nail( It bearing the evidence of its Infallible merits. tr This remedy eerntelse oo ofiberal or yol/cooos ing.edierita. but fa prepared Iron vegetable extracts es elusively; therefore it le perfectly hamlets even to the most tender and e.elicate child. SEELYE'S CATARRH REMEDY If not fold br the druggist In your ',lenity. they order tt for ion. Prize two dolLers pun bottle. All 11411101/1 torforlor with one Affeellon of the teed. throat or luncsolhoulit 'write at vacs for our Ru.onblet fol Me ly ditaibitlg SU symptoms pedalo' to the above mel& ' ADRiass, Dji. D. 11. SEELYE k CO., Sola'ls all WAolasale and Retail Druggists Z. SMITZ John D. Peat. Cloacae% °bin; Fuller Pinch ler, Chivas% DJ.; Bambara* di Vim sehesea Chicago, Demas Dames di Co , New York; D. Emma & Co Dulialo. W. Y.; IVarraud, eh oley Is Co, Detrolt„Eleh.; Woke Is Potter, 13.siou; Fe euelv,ltiebards dr Co, Pkills delpids; B B. iveDirs lk Co., Plttaborgb; Galas DWI, EL Louis. Lo.; Eames. Ward E Co, Kew Otleaitsi E. A. libiblaecua k Co.. Louisville. Ey.; Elglay Is Bre" lieu ph da. Slum: P. E D 9147, Eicturioad_ Va; Thom p son ßalttmare, Ild ; Dritar 411 Werner, Albany, N dt . 1 . ,.; Strati Is assuetrour, Cleveland. 'Ohio; Wm. -Tabu , don. De nit , Midi.; neon Peters is Co.. Laded:lle, Kentudie MEI K Esedietas that Ewes tbs visit conts - slata sad Is thanyforli • f the grestest Ltd letfartMe ill• all luoilloo. ‘o Cartel Extract of &out West, Mont istob an today to the truth of thL stamen% sod al Utit ovo it tar Wit HA bow= oleo tonototail • INIES V WILY arTFIII. WITEL THIS Main CAN BE:OURED AID ESTIIIILY I=l LIQUID =I CURE. WARRANTED Relieved 14 • Pew Minutes. Canoed by offensive secretions. Gourd by Catarrhal alleetlaaa. When keened or aratroyed When esueelLby C►tarrh►l Maw:title& S L Y E.' S D It RME_I)YI SYMPtOMS MEM AID TAXI NO OTlllit FNUPOIT, ILLINOIS. 'I3ENERAL AGENTS AN OLD WiNti SET TO A NISW;TUNit. 8-1867.-taa Aa Ipthar approaches Ants and Roschni From their hotel cow out And Mien and Sato In trite of eats, deity skip emit. "19 Jean nt►bllebed In N. Y -.Only Infallible ratakles knows." "Tres from Mama." *Not &metros. tb. llamas Family." .11sta cam out of their holes to Ws: ..cos"STAIr UT, RUCS, kn., caceß►4t4 Ti a pub—aasd for Rata. His. Roadies. Black aad Had Auto, Ra n Le. "COSTAR'S'. 4. -BID BUG Err RIII:SATOR Ir• liquid or wah—used to destroy, sad also as alpreyestatlye for Bed Bop, do. C O 9TAE6" NUMB LI POWDER' FOR INSECTS Yngattta, Flaaa, Bed Burk Insects 4ii - Flauts, Fowls, Antma'a, te. I RawAu I t to lel worthless Imitations. flootbo,"Con.rAo'sr moo Is oo each Bozakit- Us and Yin Fear toy. Address, 't" BERRY R. COSTAR. • 484 Kretdoray, N. Y. Sold In Rrtl ti outdo, and retail Feelers ovotrobero. "COSTARJS" CSLERBATED BUCKT-HORN SALVE, For Cats, Darns, Brahma. Wounds, Dons, Canners, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples,. Bleedlog Blind and ratrdel Pt es, Rerntoleue, Putrid and 11 - 14ondilioned Sores; Vleoze,ffijandolar Swellhige, Irruptions Comae. oar Adectiona, Ringworm. Itch, CMS, Bunton., ChU • Malec. *c.; Chapped fir ads, Lips. /to ; Bites of Spiders. mem; Anion* •te., kr. Boxy. 26 rents, 60 cwt. and $1 slam. Sold by all Droaglita sertyllrtiere. And by HENRY R. coArAR. Depot 494 Broadway, N. Y, "COSTAR'S" UNIVEIVAI CORN SOLVENT, ?or Dm,. Suntan*, Warts. ke. • 'tot**, 25 ate 60 eta. and $1 (fees, - Sod by alt Deoettettl evervish re. ♦ed by PERRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Breads• N. Y. ' :"COSTAR'sr' PREPA tt ATI - .)1 OV BITTER-SWEET & Oil KNGE BLOSSOMS POR IsEAUTIviriNo TUE cOMPLErIoN Used to rotten and beentity tbeSkla, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, ke. ' Ladles see now using to preference to all others. 'intim; $l. poll by all Lioselata_esere whet. And by !TERRY R. COSTAR, Depot lftt Rroodway N. Y. • ' • • . - . • • ; ' • . , • • "COSTAR'S COUGII R E3IEDY . Fa r Clifbg, Cads. F r oarsineii4 pore nets!, Croup, Whooping Coupb, lola/mph_ Alathonl4 Comutlationt Illtonetha Mlcettona o and all diseases of the Throatand tamp. BottJam, IS etc, SO eta. and Steam. • Sold by all Drorit.ta ovary - whoa. And by traxay R. COSAB,-Depot 4SI Broadway, N. Y. "C 0 S TA R.' 8", 14 AOP fl f g 44 81 . 5,110 P P ILLS, • EN IV/ESA L DINNER ,PILL, . Pot Nervous end Reit Headache Castietocis, tutu patios. Demi* D ilicosaess, Co Sattpation,Dtarr ces, Cholla*, hills, Trrers, gemmed dmogetoact of the Digestive Depts. oum, ES eta, SO cts sad St Bold by all Druggists in @webers. awn: HINDY 8 COsTAII, Depot 01 . Bataan, ff. T; THE MERCHAN S UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. \ • . ;;~ CAPITAL, Owned and Oteretediry Our Merchants and Manqacturers, l .. • Cißries by R.T.press, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels ' , Over more than 13,000 miles of Express Line, — And to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And through 'them to More than 4,000 Cities and Towns, At Just and Liberal Rates, Bailed on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending, AND will soon exceed those run 'by both the Amenoa and V. S. tabrt , s Vet.. , Over $lOO,OOO per month Are now saved to Express Shippers hy this Com pany, and ttua saying Call be made permanent by continuing the same liberal pitrotage hitherto giv en it. EINUOII.3 essuree our success, and convinces us that we ma)• rely upon the pubin. iontelenie and support, which we hope• t•o merit Bes No. O. Watt Park Flow. (1421-em C. B. ROMP, Agent. ~ . • ,„. ~... •,:..,_... ..0 ----- It ••,: r a*l)1 4 --"- --, , A -- mAcm A 10 — s •: t.: 7 , -. f s - ...: - ''' -__. • „,_....._........., GEORGE ESTER, ' Pale agent (or Erie county for ttiese celebrated Ma chines. has on hand .t Lytle 1: Gealdiag'i Tube chop, Fifth street. between State and Peach, a large variety, embracing all Made and prices. which ho respectfully invites the public to (Lill end exemme The Flowe ma chine is acknowledged ro be the beet In use, doing all kinds of work, and being easily kept ire order. For proof or these a ions. t simplo ask a trial of the ma chine;rariontiog thorn to do ail I or otn;se. ny'Lot ail call and es mine Le'ore pu - chaeing other nutlnes. Special attention givers to repairing :Ma chines 6f any kind prompt,' repaired, at moderate char gvs. nsa.7.4tt IMPOLtTANT MLISTIf.tM. Loaf qualm, gDa for IDJ B•ot wrote ear..., co., - Un Brown do , 9 tb ...... I 00 TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND L'PW 8.D3. The beet tea in the m•rtet at $lOO. Choke ttone, gyette, per voice 1 40 Niue Ohl Jays &dee. per lb 10 Nn Unify should be without it. n,ery'oody le wing it. To be had or Or, as we are the *seat/. Can end get one of acme PATENT LAMP CIIISINEY CLZAMERS. , The nicest thing out 1,000 BUSHELS CHOICE POT ATOES J tist received. All rd th e k above goods we wilt eel cheaper that the cheapest. I eir All on. good. are new. havira just been received We invite all to examine for themeelves. i my :1•611-11 RC ARIA, CTIRItTItI: k CRAIG. rim WANT THE kitiNl TOBACCO AND CIGARS HENRY T. BTEUNER•e, 00 !LUX 01 ITATI uv TOCRIIT STRZYTI. IR/ R, iirROL PALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. ETeTything to the Tobiecolitio—Cigars, "lug, Chew leg, Clear cues. Meerschaum Pipes Holders, kc,.'a". ways kept no 11.11111 Our satiety is en large pone c-• fall to be spited. Portionlar attention poll to orders are a good. warranted to tee what they are sold for. (miiVett•ly) STOP THIEF. THE GREAT WESTERN & AM ERIC %N HORSE 'INSURANCE & DETECTIVE Pave unght stu stolen horses within the nest'week, and hove captured more horse thieves since its ergaist ation than nay othor compant ' or than all other com panies and dot - retries combined It has a detective force ' - intanding from Pitteburg. Ps, to Coring! Bluffs,lowa, and from Ceiro.to the takes. It has an actual cash Capital of $107,51001), and to authorized central of $.100.000, It has over 18,600 policies to tore, end is the only lire stock Insurance Company doing business in this State. WARNER & GERRISH, No. I Perk Row, Erie, Pa , wilt insole your horses or cattle against death h- dis ease or accident, and against theft, or stalest theft and death both, for lees money than It would cost to adver tise your stolen hone. tt's mjbt 011 tap the whole pa per with names of parties and certilleaver of individuals who have received remuneration from thin company for lost animals, bat one - from the known arm of Louth it Sterrett, of this place, will be read with In termit, which chows, that the company is a company in fact u well u in name, and that they not only pey Jos ses. bat pay them w.th promptuese and despatch : We. the undersigned, hereby eertify that on the 25th day of Acrid we insured our entire livery ■tcek, eon eating of 12 horses, with Kowa. Warner & Genisti, in the Great Western and American Hono,lnemenee Co.; that on the 3d day of September 000 of them died of Cholia. add on the 10th day of September we received e draft on Kew York for the fu‘l amount lof the insur ance. LOESCEI & STERRETT. Erie, Sept 11, - Ise, Insurance can be effected in Waterford by calling on Yours. Terry ikVananden; in Watteb&R of Wm. Van =den: in Edinboro or esquire Enrnbans. very Respectfully. WARNER k GERRisft, General nye, Life, Marine and florro Insurance Mee, No. I Park Row, Erie. Pa, 1 t • GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Papers CAUGHEY, McCREARY 87 CO., Having determined to retire from the WAD Payer trade, are DO offering their entire 044, including 011.11, BATINg, DECORATION AND CODMON WALL PAPERS AND .BORDERS Thug It a rare opportudite {or persons wiehing to pa per their hotorSethle tall or nest spring, to lay in their stock et LES,3 TIIAN WESOLMLLS PRICES W. ara rompllad to alma oat onr wall paws Immo • diatoly, to make room for an increased area at Rooks. Stationarnpteruae o plettuo Crum; Le. ' • • CALMET, MOCRCAB7 .itg ost'l-tt 1 Vbl4Ol.a.TT OB CUePA IS ItTNIMIIIIP The Etna beretoinre existing under the name of C'ARTER & CARVEA, vas dissolved by mutial consent, dating from Januar , ' lath, HIM, lir. Carter vtiring The hooka or the old gyro may be found at the old place Prompt settler:opts requested. S. CARTER J. 13. CARVER, Carver has assoctsted his son with , him, and will continue the broiler= ender the name and arm of J. .8. - CIcItVER. & CO., gasping s new and well selected stock of Drage! Us& eine', Fine Chemicals. new Pharmaceutical Prepare -11.114 Pare Perfumes. Turley article., Mr.. Treerperfeacedalerke of this hots. are retained and pumas aka rely upon being correctly served at all Nortair-Tho writes% of Mr. J 8. Corte? ham also tam wand. aad be will be happy to meet Ma old Moods and oustomoon at - 21 PARE MOW,— THB OLD WARD. AVICECIr, BITBLICIC & mamma, TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM. F,ITTRIS ! No. 3311c' e St., Garner of Fourth, Erie, Pa. WORE Or Evsar DESCRIPTION, ! - (Mar of fly, bon brandies oolletted and promptly ozoonted. C. AVCRY. 8. ntraLsv, B. VoAAR° Tin Mite Worker. Copper Smith. Gal &Steam Fitter. Cseptl3-1:3 F ALL 4k... WINTER IIIiLLIMIRYass - MRS. B. R. BALL • - !shoe plena* In unman:lag to The pablle that ohe Lae opened a new etop 1229 Peach &., 1 /goose Nora of Union Repot, When she will keep constantly a large moiety; of MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Botany, Cloth& and a sewn] anonaurot of nerrhlng rMO o hand to a store of th e tied. A ant atodt ot (Nob . inn nonfood**. the ysaltM4E• I= E=l In the Market, go to EIMIII AT ALMOST ANY mum No.ll Park ',tow. XAXOPACTVIIIPS O c „ svn.tano co S c lTS 'c iParitia " " A compound temcdy, de.,iencd to the most etExtual .411eintire that eau be made. It is a concentrat(d extract of P.irn Sarsaparilla, 0 combined s ith °tint substances of 'still m cater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases - Sarsaparilla is r. put, dto cure. It is believed that such a rru.•tly is want( d by those uhO suffer from ritinour. complaints, and that one IN hick will L-compli-,11 their cure-mitst prove of immense to fills In r s ze class of our afflicted fellow ( itizens. How completely this compound Mill do it has been proven by experiment on many of the Avoi,t casts to be found of the following corsplaints:---; 2.", St:WWI:Lk AZslk SeEorVI,Ol:3 PUIIPLA/NTS, line VTIONi AND EHUPTITE DtsLasr.4, I:Lotus, hunt:s o iltovettr.s, a'l:A0IIS. SALT RILEVM; SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC At , memo :dunce nt tt.ll/SEASE, Dnorsr, Nrx ti.o TA on Tic DUCLOIIIitEX. DEUILITY, DYS• rEPiIA AN D INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rose on ST. ANYllOlii'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints aribing ham lurearm or Itt.oon. This . compound will be found-a great pros . moter of health, -when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humori which tester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them maw: rankling disorders are nipped in the burl. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will sttive.to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by rm alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting tlirrfugh the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; clans , . it when you find.it is oi)- structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer,. for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong; and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has' been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. Or any thing else. During late years the public-have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upint the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa- rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Bence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which tided the market, until the name itself 'is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests updn it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed toeure. In order : to secure their-complete eradication from the system, the remedy Should be judiciously takenaccording to directions on the bottle. ' 11tEyABED BY • DR. J. C. 'AVER eic. CO. LOWELL, 1L SS. Price, $1 per Dottie ; Six Bottlewfor szi Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has,won for itself such a renown for the cure of every' varietyof Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the e‘idence of its virtues, AN haerer it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its oualitv is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever Veen found to do. Ayef's Cathartic Pills, 'on TIIS CUri.£ 07 Cosarenest, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, DY 3 e"ecrY, Four Stomach s Errtperal, Headache, Rhearnatisat, len:pawls and Skin Diseases, Licer Complaint, Dropsy, TcUer, Turners and Sth Incam, Worms, Gout, Neisaljia, as a Dinner Pin, an d for Parfying the Wood. 'iley are sugar-coated, so that the most seni tire can take them pleasantly. and they are the Lest aperient in the isorld for all the purposes' df a family physic. , Pries 23 cents per Box; Five bozee for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States. men,• and eminent personages, hate lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness Or these remedies, but our space here 'trill not permit the insertion of theni. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AstEßlcgs - AL3I %,ZAC in which they -are given; with alsO full descriptions of the abet e complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. ' Do not be pot oil' I.y unprincipled dealers with other preparations they mike mom profit on. Demand Aynn'... and take to others. fhe sick 'isc.l4. the best aid there i fur them, and they should hare it. All our remedies are for sale by N .W FIRM. FURNITURE AND lINDERTAMINO W A - R E—R 0 0 S I On State St., between Seventh and Eighth. . The Subscribers have entered Into the Cabinet linking and FURNITURE TRADE, And propose waling to order end keeping constantly on band all binds of Furniture. Orders will toseive prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. UNDERTAKING ! The subtcriten will give *pedal attention to thts de. partment of their business. They will manufacture and keep eoratently.on hand a large assortment of Metallic Cuss and Co ff ins, and bold themselves in readiness to meet orders in this 114 e, promptly, from any . part of the rare country. Determined to no elicits to glee satisfy,. Lion both In the quality of their goods and prison, tbey hope to secure t share of public patroness. MOORE At RinLvr, elirlF62-tt Snecessor* to J. IT. Rumnr • II EA DY PAY STORE. A. lif I.N NIG Would rePleettally inform the Pahlie that he has roz,hAvd the , STOCK of GROCERIES of MINING i f RUSSELL mow or STU AND STATE HI'S Miele he batazde to keep u good an ageoetcoer s tt o • FA IfILY GROCERIES Sr. PROVISIONS, WOOD & Wri-LOW WARE, AND VARIETY 600D:i 09 to kept in Eli+. Kept tonstataly . on hind. PEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR WARRANTED 4 GOOD ARTICLE! l." 7" The Weird trartst rms paid for all tires n Country Prolueo. rr Goode delleered free of thuge to age part o• ih City. dee2C6s-tt BOWIS RCM- TUE i71tl.1,10!1/4 CAUGHEY, AIcCREARY & CO„ BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 11 T.:OMT! rAnz ROW, Are now opente+.ll.e lat gee. szd mod creefully pelieted Pto k or elegs: eel n 1 red eeantifelliiVeuteeted BOOKS! Ever her Gehl to ' bia'marlot, including atandvvd new Eneintr and 'Avr.ericau Juvenile Rooks, 111blea, Prayer Books, and Church 8 ervieev., to One Atyltt. Also, STATIONERY ARTICLES, - Writing etha, fancy Ink Stints, Ladies• Toilet and Work flexes, P.rtfoltoe. Stererscores and views. Pranea Card Pictures; the moat teantiful Sunday School Cards In great ♦•rtety, Port laonnaim Card Cases. Cold Pena, Propelling penes, a large variety of Taney +Wale* fa Scotch Plaid, Photograph Album., from the hest ununs. factori•s, to the best styles. 51321 . 68 tf CAUGIII3Y, YCCREAftY k CO: A UTI,IOI.IIZhD CAP". TALL *300;0044 CArrisL PAM DI, $20,000. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK VIII open for badness on • ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 12T13, 1861. In the Banking °Moe now Denoted by the /forebears Bank, la Bronzes Botel Bulldog. north-oasr.oorter of Fltator street sod public Park. WM. L scoTr,Patairmrr. svtf C. CURRY, CUM= DIRECTORS; W. L. SCOT?, of Om of J.llepti& Co., Cool Deafer, 308.11cOAE.TBS, of Arm of Sahlen, Bun do .I.loCartar eders. • OEO. J .IIOErfON, Cool Dealer. W.: S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo & Brie Railroad. ' JOHN C. BITROESS, of Ana of Cement, Canghey & Bargees, Wboaaale Grocers. - O. S. MITCH, of ilzm of Crouch A Bro. , Flour Mara. N. U. BAR !!. ,of faci Barr. Johnson k liMaaan. Maas • ifanafacturem F. F. FARRAR, Grim dt Farrar, Wholesale Grocers J. DAMN/AKER. Griner Erie. Dec. VIM. TitYOE WANT TO /ANEW A LITTLE OF EVCRYTHIXO rebiting to the human stew, nude* and female: the muses tan treatment of ; the marriage enstoms of the world ; how to .ntirry well, end • thousand Range never published before, read the re vised mid enlarged edition of lininum. CCIXON Sons, A curious book for onions people, and • good book for area on., 400 wee, 100 Ulastastione. Price 11 AO. Contents table s free to any address. Rooks may be bad et the book 'Urea, or will be last by mall, port paid. on receipt of the pica. • / i nn, N. D.,* /180 Etaadirsh Now Tuba Ifaunfoot.araro of ' _COTTAGE ORGANS. Office and Wassroom, No. 617 Broadway. Now Twig We invite the attention of DEALERS and the ;nubile to OUR NCR Linn E COTTAGE ORGANS, With new and valuable intyroveineita, exclusively ,our own. The cum are the LAROE3T IN TOE 11AP.SET, new and beautiful la design and 'nao/lash 10. Oar Or guns are rude from the beet of material, Volcod with great eve, treeing smooth titte organ gustily of tone. yet deer, and mallow.- Ara Eaiebed in highly pollehed +•'tek Walnut and floe• W,mi Cases wit'. &told. too— love. doable blow wrists. base a ‘• *a All bare nor new pa•ent tremolo stop with whieb the mold beautiful erode can be producat • orying at the will of the per- former. We cosi re an* goat. nett.* .gent in e'er? ennnt•.wh^ will receive our larg•et di.coout.; send for Moab st.d prise net giving full pa: Oculars. A dcl rnru a. 1. WiLLARD & CO. Manufacture's, (27 Broadway, N Y. 0. J. WILLARD 5: CO., Wholesale Agents for the Say. and State of Sew York, for the cele'.rete4 "WORE" PIANO FORTEtt, Are strictly soeoldne first else*, aid bsore not felled to teelsoe the LEADING. IA Nu' wherever introduced. Dellete will be sold la the lowest whalers!, vetee add voossatsed er6t.ctiem Ico fib:Waited prim fist gig• lag correct Itken.os, from Fhot.-grartot, tent b. soy ad drooa on witplimstion. At:dress 0 .1 WILI.ARD h rn Ilifiotesole Avestan,. :it). 6 / 7 Brosdwor.li"Y • • THE BR 3C,S• NEW PATENT PIANO S row. Acknowledged by th•• tride and profe•a,oo Mahe th• Neatest and most ea:walla Stool manufactured lee are Wholesale agents (or th•e City, and are now •u:plying the principal Music Pow, to New Yore witti th•se stools, and SO erect 14 the dam Ind. th t • large factory buboes • erected capable cf turning out I,IIJA stools per mouth. Pe.slera &copied at Ike Manufacturers LOWear SLR PRlCES—boxed and ehlpped free of charge glind for price list g slog full parieJlars and correct liken's i. 0. J. WILLARD it , n foie Wlraleptl. Droadval N NEW MUSIC Just Published, sant to any address Ott receipt Of price. Teachers en ph. det the usual discount cis Girls, get a home cf. your own-New song and cbo- 30 rwa. by Tucks, I 11 serer forgot thee dear Matj-100, by Bair , p..... 40 .tiv blue eyed . lennie Elett-eon; ti y Holder 3Y .011 Anal- tome back-aunt nn I chorus by Tucker„..3s Told to the twilight-None and chortle by Crilley....Z) (Mal marry a man if he drinks -swig 50 11l marry no wan if Le drinta -rep yto the a oiy a ..sl Beautiful form of my dream. (Ulla )-t rig, by Dents bit when we marched to the rill of the eram-song ty Rishop . 1,0 Oh come to me when daylight sots-song by itasatord.r.o Retreat and deareat (faith )-soot' by .1. It Thor:use...so Giveisie honest !Mende and true-sing by Tnaker....so Do not heed her wiernisg, rep'y to Gypsies' warning- Song bir Tarter 'll Jennie who lives in the deltrecing by J. it Thom... 35 &fay o'er the rippling waters-sung by J. It T name with beat:third Lithograph et the Atith , y - 4 1 Belts in distant lands-song by Tucker.— Al T he light rtes Folks-10 Frannie 11. Browu 35 -Morning Pet gibottireb -by RO/14010.- - tlO Sunlight polka-hr 'I-s. Parthurat 40 Paajo gr•op..b• tie , . T arkbant * 30 SomeiNn. pretty. Itarorks-by Mrs. Pwiltborst 30 Fiewve.l4tir'e't-or 41,1 a be 1 0 eti110w...., ...... ....50 Pretty Rowiline-eons by E. Hoffman' ' 45 I'm glai tattoreoi came-.Ong SO Unilia's are'com^ to rat Ifa•ony 40 Rye 'Jelin lean my owo-b; Dean. 30 • The cct haside C a mill-tong by Calton 30 Swinging round MI • circle. 30 You naughty. naughty. tr....M--B nr, in the 3 a-ii. Crook 35 NOw 1 lay nit Caen to Bleep -et Og and eborus by Wit. bridge...... . .... .... ......... .30 Blue eyes or black - song by F 'Dater .... 35 Stara of the summer nigh.-Qaartette 60 Coming. coming, by add hr-song by Gabriel 40 Well gn with Graf-A Crain-new tong sod chorus by Tacker 30 H.P. boys, halt,-song and chorus by IfeNaugh•ow -35 The new borne. sweet home-song by t'aism l'areps.lo Any music pub'isbed will be . eat by mourn snail. and parties overpaying will rece're their g image with the must^. Addres- orders O.J. W ill iRD & CO.. frebre7. N 0.627 Bresdassy, N. I'. D • LEON'S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS T'E PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENICE DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC RENEWER. it fi ap a tics c.:r.e r 4a dAesa - It ra•loree gray hair to lta or,pinal color. It is a tonic. not a the, and acts upon the ..cretfons It immediately a re.ts filing out of the her ] r tee entalgta and, Headache. It radical': cared Pandruff and Hatnota• It 'traps the ?nip healthy, wean ..g cool. 71 to an exquisitely fragrant her dryLeng. • It reatnom, cultivate. and teantillekthe Halt. It rostra harsh hair deubte a•,d last-roes. Dr Leon's r.leetrin Rair Renewer ham eniored a tilah kcal reputation far osaloy years its sorrlarfal reatnra• the and inr gontirg ` properties are sett known to be medical faechty of Yhdadelph a Belig tat ed of tb- merits of Leos'', .ti eetrie Hair Renewer we hare preenred exclusive ownership and are determined that every household In oar land shall bare the op;or trinity to reap its banefita l'R. tEON'S INFANT REMEDY A most dPlight NI and effitacione mire for the various ilia to winch intinte Cod young thild-en are aubiset. /anal:table tql ‘erthirg children It softens the gums, ahe tee to dire mttion, toe lgorat , e the stomach and bow. eta. temente, acidity, and is a sure and speedy mote for Colic, Cramps and windy pains. A most exc. Heat pm parstion for children of a reitless - ad fretful habit and in all us . .s of loorecese. griping. vomitirg or other in ward grief, it gives immediate ease. reed for more thee half e century en•ths - private practice of one of 1.111, most eminent ays:eiliti of Philedelphis. In now placing this erticte within the reach of ill our countrymen. we would remark that we know it to be a remedy of unri valled excellence, and that it has proved in thousands of eaen., as we are resolved it shall in milliona, a priceless boon. For sale by Droggbta everywhere. SILVERS IVASII POWDER: . Saves t.me, labor and mosey—makes Trashing s pss time acd Rosie, - • Feeds-AL - sold everywhere. Try it. daefl-ly Address en orders to ZIEGLER Az SIIIrEI. bete Prorrietors.l37 North Ti ird Street. Phtla. KEYSTO.NR STOVE WORKS. - • TIBMIS, SHIRK & WHITEHEAD NA7C7ACITRIEII 07 STOVES AND 1101.1.0 W FARE, Savo a large and estaaslve astiortatolt of Stoves at Wholesale alai Retail. TILE IRON GATE- Is • arst•elase Coal Cook Starr, with or withoco rawer ,roar; for hard or soft o al, or wood, and is BETTER 'THAN THE STEWART BTi h We at o meonfoctoro the WI:ISAT SITEAT AND NEW ENA, Both low ores Coal Cook Stoves—wita wood grates— = be used either for octal or wood. • THE•FOREST JAR. • We are still manafaetnriog this esiebrated to • ° vim Stove for wood—with or without reservoir. THE MENTOR, A Lo► Oven Store for Wood This ls a ne► Store beautiful eeelgo, and now for lii•--toreu e i with at large aesoArient of elevated Oren Cow, Parlor rook for wood or coal, and Parlut ' and Of ice Stores. for wood or coal, C. K. TIBRAT.S, D SHIRE, W.. H. WHITERS.I.D Eno, J..n.n. 12 1865-b. BANK IVOTICC. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK MEM CAPITAL, $250,000. DIRECTORS:. SELDRN MARVIN, JOAN W. 11.1.1 g LBW ILA.BVIN, BEETER TOWN. 0. NOBLE. MANGE NOBLE. Prieldent. JOBN J. TOWN, Csubies. • The above tank will ha.opened tar the tratauti ^ of business oh ,DEC. 5, 1,865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West side at State St, between Seviantb sad Meta Satirlactary paper diesouuted. :tone, received on Deposit. Colter-Hone made and proceeds accounted paornptnata Dtatte, Spedi and Bank motes bought and mold A 'bare of Public Patronage ture.r. folly.. F tt.t NCH; rvinFPFKit, • 321171t7ACT111311 A3D 32.113113 BOOTS AltD SHOE'S! EVERY STYLE & VARIETY, 816 Stitte St., West Side, id. Bth and 9th, 2212, PA rir Jost reeeived, ♦ new dock of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest proms C&TAI1411 CURED trait O:4X DOLLAR. B.EADI Tor one dollar, per. neap, I will send free to any address a recipe and medicine that I will tee to cure the worst ears of Catarrh in the bust or bran alai tubes to a few mt.. It has saved au It* sod eared me of Catarrh and • severe bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. • I tried the cast phystalano and all the advertised medicines of the day, but found ea waist till f obtained this. I would glue one banded Alonairs for this recipe_sad the medicine iff stow bad the Catarrh acid could Olt obtain It len. I believe, it Instructions are fallow& tt vat Cure auy we whatever that has not already reached the Innss and became • settled consumption Cure It while roe ems. Address T. P. SYMMS& No. um ruiton st., X. T .Ho2l‘l. UN.3lolflas. , The Subscriber who has areaplisd the lAsusicra Dolour, lost above the Depot, ter the part tont rem, has removed lota the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER Or ?EACH AND Surtax) SUES? "'taw he win trr to accommodate twice as um! guee and 88 Milt as he did to the old stand. He hopes th the latedusge 'NM was so USK* mrtaaded to Idar there, will be weeded to him la hL DIV owartam. ills stabling Is ennitrient to accommodate all tem:utters who dr Newt Idea with thetr patroweiv, atiSNA4t - ACORN soyue FVUT Z'S I=== Bursa aad Cattle Potlt .—. 0 ....5.... this anima YILLO I TER. Ii E COliGli TfiIIPEI 4ERS, FOI LOSS OF TITS AND ENERGY, use impr( wind, I the appeth • ,moo arlossy si tnntfonal issisentble horse. To keepers a Cog. o.lu It ineseascs the qUantity wt. to , / ;. tau{ • • llt, (,' • . 1 • N . , !bat, t`• • • •-• ),gr, _ f-• swath twat. In all dia,,a9,3 the Lungs, L Ike thig acts ass sixei, By patting 9 one-hr.lt a to a papvt barrel of teal abovettl, 4 9 will I n ot7ll or entin•ly rrn Co,. preventive and en •-• 9- , - Price 25 Cents In: - • • A. 13110. , qT THEIR WITOLE4I LE DEN AND SIED/r/NF D 1 FOT No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, b e for Sale by Dru eg ist.znd ~.,torei.rt i nn r• o.nt the United States. - maSi le Sold by HALL it WAY:Fr. , „, KA‘.A4DisAltifil For the Ha.nAkerehief. f SALON'S'; -mi t P En 121 A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Fn. grant Perfume, Distilled from the Bar and Beautiful Plower from which takes its name. Manufactured only by PIIALON et SON N'EN7 YOEff. BEWARE OF COUNTERFMI AS FOR. Pn-ki.ONS—TAXE ()TAU .. . Bold br Draggira erneranY.• D ,VIS 3 CARSON; Pas'era la ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, FRTITS. kNU PROVISIONS, Fltat Etrcet, tetweit, State and Fronel, En. Having parchaaeu our Meek 1344°4 the Leta rise In prices, tie feci confident of being shin to give SAW faction.both in price and Quality. Coats try Prodcee of e very wert beech! Tame. can alwayi depend . on receiving the htghoit ne tat pica for their art:elm DEALfiRS T THE ADJOINING TOWNS And on the Lines of Railro.di SUPPLIFD WI7H nterr, VEGETABLE', GC. Give Ula Call ItEMPAIREP. MAY t JACKSON'S lle PJ I Dtp.l FIPTI STREVP 12233 MORRISON dc,DINSMORZ, I =a FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, 61;AD CLl)Vfia, TLIIOTET SEED, NOS. 501' ,AND 503, IMENCII STREV. lietalazia 511 rad Gila iStreetC =le, • a nay9l.3tl EN GRAY I•2,it; BITS I N W}DDING AND UTH CARDS Bill RiAdf , ,Certillqitoo of Oil mid Of .)-r Vali STAMPING. EMBOSSING, SEALS; Sr , I BY-S. -.11 PARAGON BUILDING, WM PARK R O4, ap21'65.1t. FRIE: MMEMI -lb. undo/ogee,: tot. Purehased th• well--known Livery mead. hertlece occupied by Wm J. Sterrett, damns to tworm hol :U0 and the publics that be will continua the bcoacr.. Invites their pltz roan. THE STOCK Will be largely increased and improved—Dv , me' ante; heck, been procured, and loin. of the ' lll ' 4. Bonita to the country. lam determined the eatahltihment MI to glee satialecton. bon , .l . ran tto obtain the Lereices of a good :elm ca ready at all times to ace.mmodate them, t prices. `tteolleot the pled., _ oTtltatETT'S - .6LD STAND, D'Uth street, rear.nt the 'louse. Eels, Juno a, 1885—tr TiloS.Lsaa- 10 - S. cicamAts, . EICILENLALTIS b rusurocrOasis or BOOTS AND SlioES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT REDUCED PRI ES dasiog • large stoet own SI:LI1O41814:ure ow hand, with a complete assatnet of city made work, we can sell cheaper at Petall thin any other establishment in this eirr. Hating had loop experience es to the wants of CA welt, WO shalt take special pain, in orerseine welt them We hire the menu right in this tit, make the PLUIER PATENT BOOTS S; SHOE: 'd for the benefit ofenr enetorcers, and only s4; - , a tri them, to satiety any ens as to Their superior coodoit ,w those made in the old way. The Flamer Boot needs no breaking in; it is As treouth• start as one worn for some tome. Dor • CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Will reeeire our can etepecia; attenticin. • LICATHLR, LASTS AND FI:I,I3 I I.NSS Tor the trade always on hand to qint. Tendering thanks to our friends and customs: l9 , put patronage, hope by jut and honorable ~tes4ls . , merit • - ontinuance of the same, and COTtInVI, to Cal and numbs* oar stock before p att where. No. 6211. State St , Erie, Pa. csar'qri' r. r'.4rDsoN. & WILDER, Manufacturers and Whotss.lo Deilei 1;1 TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED . 45" STOVE TITS. STOVE_ TRI.MMINGs, s'e Waierford, Erie Co.; Pa cr nrclors by =al promptly ottoodrd ItEILEDIAL INSTITUTE 701 1111101 AL Cast.. NO. ./ 4 BOND Nratar, NEW YORE car Foil information. with the kigkest tattsew 4 also • Book on Sjeenis) Dowse, In • matt[ nu?! sent free. rte. Yt ears fisd mid far tun. dr; r a ' , Wit it i for, as !Weenie as rtomesrk!, - Panel? talpssfarif without reftrencts 0. . should be treated . • E atlas* • sump fot poines.7, &rest to DR. LkWHISMCS, 'No. 14 hoSII :".1BLi" NEW YORK. nortY6B,:f. . . ElieLoymENT FOli uoTti sExvg. lltaableill and - rotorred soldiers, widow. and orOr of slain toldurt, owl the uoemooled of both ovoid 0 arft/ 1 /, la want et rvapreteblind pr , duels 0: 3 1.1 ' ment,iaourrlat no risk , esn p r are oarh by Yr• o2° "" > • a postlabi addressed envelope for pallic°, l "lr • Dh. JOHN - 11, talit-tt Dos 163. Bract f'' 1 N long 4,1 „ , toughly r., timkrt 491% -; . 1 " , V 1 r , ;• , 1 Uy' •tr•n,u„ . : cl,trolny u. strduarh ;",4 Mei It 19 a .1.• 11111 I:. I.• • I ..:r ray:: for =I •fa-- _Tr , •