The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 04, 1867, Image 3

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    Tht -44`.;tit attecklm filturver.
ERIE. PA.. APRIL Int. 1567
v er Tie most Largely circulate(' newspaper in
Pennsylvania, and the best ddverti
SniCe.-.-Mr. W. L. C'teltia is the regularly
mithorited agent of this office to collect ac
counts, solicit subscriptions and make ion.
tyncts for job work. Any agreements entered
into by him, or receipts riven, will be consid
;red AP binding as if made by the proprietor.
- mrl.lB-tf.
Parttailor Notice.
On and after May let, 1867, all subseription
Acqunfq at this fee* must be nettled emu
or the paper will be di . continued. Per
lammis who fail to pay the subsoriptions during
th.,?firft six monohe,will be charred fifty cents
1 4 .i4itient1; Advertising accounts will be col
eciel quarterly, and *wants for Job Work
t thv e'ooe of the month in which it was eon
meted f . .r. ap4. f
limeoaresr .r e DRATTED Mtx.--The Presi
:pot ha. approved the bill directing the Sec
etary of War to refantto earl* person drifted
lin.ler the cetis of February and March 1863,
ohn raid commutation and was ale° required
to e'er the service forniehlri eubatitute.
the 'KIM of $3OO. that`, being the amount of
money so paid by hina.fe hrinr the meaning of
the amendatory act Jo exemrt,pereena thns
raying etimmuiation .tenre• further draft until
that quota should he tailed end not exceeding
one year. ,
litir We have made aeroneements for the
deti'Very of the Observer in the Weal Ward
through the post office carriers. on Friday
forenoon's. The adoption of this plan will in
creipe ihicoot twenty-five coots per rear to
each .nheerthor BO timed. which we annbt nt.t
they will freely pay. in conefderation of the
convenience and protnntnere of delivery which
ensure them.
For the advantage of persona[ who do not
find it epnverrent to procure their papers
either at the office of publication i t or thrnneh
the carriers. we have eatabliehed the following
minces of delivery. where all .can Imp their'
•papers left without additional exPerfee:
Grocery Store of V. Schnitz & Bre. Fede'
ral Rill ; Anctinn Store of M. J Cronin. State
Areet• opposite old poet office; erg4-tf.
An effort is being made to have Ristori. the
velehrvisr foreign actress. give one of her
rerb;rmances in our city: Mr. Gran. her
manager. has offered to 11111oir Sri. the honor
of having her appear herernroviderl our oiti
iens will guarantee the'rood'erate recompense
f 52,000. irt;t , such an;instance of rare con
descension, let Gran fdrever he adored, and
rip consider herself the moat fortunate of
Jule cities Two .thoutland Utak is a rdea
-.1 plenty
hatsum, and Its morev net now is so plenty
hat everybody hav his porkets full ; who
ill earl+ 'to 'Tend $5 a ticket for tee privilege
Of seeing Riatori. expec\ t ally 'held. she is ac
companied by Aran ? T be Purl° there are
one old fogies who mu , cm' that the money
; g ilt he ?Tent to bette advantage than in
avishing it upon a set n traveling perform\ '
er..who take it all away..and leave nothing in
return ; hat these are not the relict ea peat
nirogressive age, clogs pon the wheete of
. rterprise. whose opinion are not worth no.
Hug. What is ay..Pt-or thnneand dollars
n the feet of having Ri tori in our city ?
1 hint-of the pride with Which future gene—rii
i,os will point hack fo this age, and lay:
ln'the memorable I 'm. t 1867- our fathers.
r grandfstliers, Or great-grandfatherg. or
eat_ireat-grandfathers (ay the ease maybe)
'aid !wt . , thousand dollars to see, Ristol play
r .01." And then. too, with what
orr will New York. and Ph ile,delphifi, and
lOceco.look upon ue. when they see that the
,uch ridiCuled little city of Erie carrafford to
..itronite Rietori at well as themselves Won't
1 take 'he ooneelf out of them ! Won't we im
,edis!elv sten into the front rank of Melro
..,limh citiev Won't London; .nd Paris, and
ieonA he compelled fo hide, their diminished
end Erie become the focus of the Cash
..nahl'e world! rip all mean., we motet have
' istori. I : he stigma that will rest upon us
f we do not will be a burning, cankerous
re. from which we can never recover. A
ty which has given to fame Pneh stateemen,
%yr.. warriors. ; nista and peke es ours.
pd.' but one thing to attain the acme of
, rr. "Whrn once our stage has been pressed
the sacred feet of the (had end
angelic Ristori, we shall haze reiched the
,mos't pinnacle of blies and immortality.
The operatic concert in Farrar Hall. last
•k. is generally pronounced by those who
epre.ent to luire been considerable of a
ibug: The manager imposed upon the
die by first announcing that, the opera of
"Barber of Seville" would be given, and
3, after the main portion of the tickets
sold, changed the programme, under the.
excuse that the Lenten season would pee
many who desired to be present,from at-,
Leg an opera, whro the truth is, that the
cause was that he was unprovided with a
Jenny sufficiently extensive to give one ac
,talily. It is to he hoped that the next visit
Strakosch makes to our city, if he in on
le to fill - 13i8 engagements, he will at least.
to the truthful reason, ; and not, as in
Me, announce one 'calculated to call
rn upon one or two religions denominations
censure and ridicule of the rest of the
ununity. - Of the performers., it, is not our
ention to PrPllk at length, and it is edough
say, that, with one or two exceptions, they
beneath the expectation excited by' the
.susisely circulated laudations sent on he..
relined. Brim:Ai was in one of his mato
airy freaks, and seemed disposed to favor
e audience with as little of his lordly pros.
nee. as was possible to do ; while 'ref.)? the
et hf the Male sincere, we have seen as gond
ordinary minstrel troops,. Miss Phillips
a finely cultivated voice. - hut she is far
thing a great vocalist, We have two or
eeladiee in Erie who are not only her
but in ourhurehle opinion, much her
tunerynm. Manager Strskosoh may think it , thing to satisfy the tastes of his
'country" audiences. hut we tell hien _plainly
ihatthe next tour he takes. unless he has
Inmothing better to exhibit than be bad last
r.eic. it will he the most profitable for him to
lase by our city. •
A resolution reseed both branches' of the
' fty t ouncila on . 3fondny evening. directing
the Committee to.advertiee in the Dis
t arch and (rboerier for proposals for building
• robed colverta across Mill Creek, at the in
terqection of Tenth and seventh rtreete. We
hail this action of the couneils as an indica
tion of the improved state of political feeling
it, our community, A majority of both bed-
IPS are Republicans, and the fact that they
re willing to advertise in the papers of both
parties, ' , haws that they realize the fact that
as Democrats are compelled, equally with the
Cpp9sition to help support Ithe Government.
they areadike entitled to the benefit of read-
Ih e acts of its officials. qt is to be hoped
the time 'is long distant when the jest
tad malignity dipplayed during the war
is respect, will be revived.
&cue, grocery bas been opened by Mame.
S McGiVerin, in the - room in Wayne
I,lltely occupied by Evans' shoe store.
F,propriet:rs are both genuine eons of Erin,
se it is the only store of the laid in the
conducted by natives of the Green Isle, a
fe Portion of the trade of our Irish citi*ens
of course, be extendid to it. "
Items of Local Interest:
Prints ten cents per yard 2at No. G -Reed
Block. apt4-2c
Real imitation laces, at No. 6 Reed Block—
?done11, Stevens & Wildey. spr4 2w.
Fresh. line of prints. Verrimacks and all
the beet brand+, at No. 6 Reed Block.
Goode for farmer's wear, at No. 6 Reed
Block—Monett, Stephens & Wildey. •
Our public schools closed on Friday last for
the usual spring vacation, much to the de
light of the youngsters.
The CityCouncil' have eat their heels down
firmly against the erection of any more frame
buildings upon State street.
►ie are happy to announce the re-appoint
ment of Mr. 0. A. Bennett as city Waver
Commisstaner—a position he has held for
many years, with entire' satiefaction to the
Mr. P. B. Honecker, one of our most enter
prising, young business men, has given up his
other pursuits, and is preparing for the bar.
He has the energy and atiility to make a suc
cessful lawyer. ,
March went out like a lamb and Ipril came
in like a lion. In other words, Saitday, the
last of Mares-was as pleasant as a Slay dly,
and Monday, the let of April, as unplevant
as a day in December.
The Lycoming Standard le the name of a
new paper eatibliebed at Williamsport, by Col.
Levi L. Tate, the veteran of the Pennsylvania
press. It. is very tasty in appearance. thor
oughly Democratic, and promises to become
the leading journal of the county.
We nett indebted to Hon. I. B. Clara, for a
copy ci the new act regulating the granting
of licensecto Hotels and Esting'Houses. It
has been plseed in the hands of E. Camphau:
men. Esq.. where all these interested can call
and examine it.
The usual amount of moving took place in
the oh* on the let inst. . The day woe one of
the windiest and most unpleasant of the mi
nd), leading to miry incidents that were in
tensely comical to non-movers and quite ■e
disagreeable to the partite Interested:
The A. &0. W. R. R. Co, is helplessly
involved in debt, and a Receiver haa been.ap7.
pointed to take charge of the business of the
comptiny. This pots an extinguisher' on' the
proarects of having a branch road built tot=
harbor, as required by the act incorporating
the Company.
James Foreman has been confirmed' s Post
master at Corry during the balance of the preag!
ent Administration. Mr. Foremerris a Radical
of the extremest kind, and believes, or pre
teeds to believe, that President Johnson is a
traitor, yet has no Hesitation in bolding an
office under him.
Mr. Hobert S. Hunter, the well known
dealer in hate and 'caps, has removed Ms
store to No. 1327 reach! street, two . doors
south of Shannon Co 's hardware estab-
liebment, where he intends keeling a full
stock of all the goods in bie line. We com
mend Mr. Hunter to the patronage of allour
friends in that part of the city.
We direct attention to the series of letters
from the South no* being published in the
Observer. They are well written, sad their a gentleman of our city whose ini
tials are evidence enough to all who knOw
him, of their entire reliability. We have on
band another letter, dated at Lynchburg, Va.,
which will appear next week.
Oa Tuesday hat, upon the motion of G. If ;
ftatler. Eeq., Messrs Henry and Samuel
Butterfield, after passing a very creditable
ezatojnation, were admitted to practice in the
several courts of our county. Beth are young
men of more than ordinary ability, and we
confidently predict for them a successful ca
reer at the bar.
The pupils of , the 'gest Ward Grammar
school will give an exhibition in Farrar flail
this (Friday) evening, which we hope to see
well attended by the public. The proceeds
are to be used for the benefit of the suffering
reople in the South, and as -charity should
know no politics or religion, there ought to
be a liberal responee. The do!ers will . be
'opened at•T o'clock, and the entertainment
commence at 8.
The announcement is now made that 'the
Reed House will not open until the lit of May.
and we shall be agreeably disappointed if the
event occurs even a month later. From acme
cause, the progress of this building has "hung
fire" in a ; manner that would have done credit
to the Government circumlocution office. Mr.
Laird, the gentleman who is to have the man
agement of the hote', is in the city, superin
tending the internal arrangement of *the prem
On Friday, the 2Gth inst., the different
Lodges of Odd Fellows in our county will as
semble in this city, to render thanksgiving
""for the Prosperity of the Order, and its
maitdainanoe .during. the late civil strife"—
the Grand Lodge having set apart the day for
that purpose. throughout the State. The
members will march in full regalia to the Simp
son Church, where en address will probably
be delivered by Rev. J. li. Tagg, and the cere
monies are expected to ckse, with a supper in
the evening,
The Dubuque Times says that, while in that
city, "John B. Gough received a letter from
an English gentleman, who offered him £250
($1,200 in gold) per night, for one year's
services in London—but one lecture to be giv
en a week, and the series to be confined entire
ly to the- metropolis. Besides the money offer,
the correspondent tenders Mr. Gough a well
furnished house in the moat respectable por
tion of the city, free of rent for one year. Slx
ty-two thousand four hundred dollars a year
for one_ night's work in tied' week. Mr.
(bush said be 'should bale to consider the
proposition." A cotemporary thinks it doesn't
need to take him long to consider.
The managers of the Ristori entertainment
have made arrangements for hitt to appear in
Farrar Hall; on Friday evening,' the 120
instant, in the character of "Elisabeth."' The
price of tickets has been, fixed at from.Sl to
$5 each, according to the location in the hall.
Every. community contains a certain numb.r
of people who will pay any price demanded
for the privilege of patronising whatever for
eign celebrity comes along; and as our city
has her full share of this class, we presume
that the humbug. Gran, will be quite as site
eessfui in victimising the community here as
he ha been' elsewhere. Previous to agreeing
to vial). thi city, he recinired a guarantee of
two thousand dollars. sod some twenty-six of
our bdsiness firms entesed into an agreement
that the Bum specified should be made up to
The Union Mills Star attributes the in
creasing number of Sheriff's sales to the al
mosttteneral use of what is known as Night
or "judgit'lent" notes. It says : "We have
frequently expressed the opinion that these
notes( would yet ruin the country; and the
expeifences of every day strengthen us in
the l ±aion." The Star calls upon th e Legit
-Ist for relief from the evils of the . gtight"
note isystem, by which, we presume, it means
that Jan act should be passed making illegal
the stgning away of mane privilege,. While
cone ding to . some extent the Star's oonolu-
Menai we are of the opinion that the financial
trot:biles of our country originated mainly in
a diOerent source than the giving of "light"
notek They are directly traceable to the pol
icy of the Radice* which the Star edvposice,
and which, it continued to be sustained by
the people, will eventually plunge us into
state of financial distress beside which the
record of no other era tarnishes a parallel.
The looal of the Dispatch bee been search- Among the candidates for Chief of Police
ing nut statistics of the ale and beer mann- was our well known friend, Wm. H. Harris,
factime in, this city, and gives them as fol- who receive! the dubloturcompliment of OM
lows: "There are eleven beer bretreries in vote. Instead of "flying off in a tangent"
-Erie, with an average capacity of two bun- over his poor luck, Harris-views the matter
dyed barrels per day, or slaty thousand bar- in a philosophies' aspect, and in a published
refs per annum, whose gross earnings on this card coolly says: "The gentleman who cut
capacity would amount to $570,000 per an- that vote has my everlasting gratitude. If he
num. One ale brewery, with an average ca- will divulge himself to me, I will take him up
racily of 'forty barrels per day, or about in a balloon, or start hip in the saloon bOsi
twelve thousand barrels per annum, whose nest, or do any other clever thing for him
groat earnings on this capacity would amount which he may think to his advantage "
to $132,000. The malting establishments "A fine brass band from - Erie—MehFs, we
base a weekly capacity of twenty-five hue. believe—passed through thtiiiity.on-ToesaW
last en en route for Oil City. "Between trains,deed bushels, which at thirOesopt price of
melt would make the grope itarnings $4,550 specimen of their music was given, and - the
performances were pronounced 'good' by
per week. and $286,000 per year, and a grand large crowd;—Meadville Jourmit.
aggregate of $968 000. -By allowing fifty ;er The Journal is mistaken in the' name, it be
cent for contingencies we still have a gross log the Temperance band, connected with the
produce amounting to $469,000." We would Fourth street Catholic church, instead of
not have our readers suppose for a moment Mehl's. The compliment raid to it, however,
that the immense product of these establish- is none the less deserved.
meats is all consumed in Erie. Our °Meese The change in the political sentiment of the
can do their full share of beer and ale drink- counties of North Western Pennsylvania ie
Ina, but their capacity Is hardly sufficient for shown in the folloWing table of majorities
the storing away of - 72,000 barrels annuallY, given in 1844 and 1866:
The breweries of Erie are'famous in all the 1844.
surrounding country, end they have oustk- Dem. nig.
mere for, a hundred miles south, east and EriO, 1294
west. •At least two-thirds of the ale and bier 510
made here ie shipped away from the-city. 110 -
• Within the last couple weeks nearly all
kinds of retail trade have revived, and we
meet fair of that clue of dealers who make
much complaint. The wholesale trade still
eontinues depressed, and the trouble in mak
ing collections Is u great as ever. Most of
the country dealers have done a poor business
during the winter, and are unable to meet
their obligations. Money appears more
dant in the city just at present thin It has
been for several months, though in the small
towns around the smite ecarcitY is complained'
of. The adjournment of Congress will prob
ably increase the confidence of the pUblic.anik
if it will only stay adjourned until December,.
.we see no reason for dodbtiog that the sum
mer scaecn will be es prosperous a one as
usual. .
The system of 'free delivery commeneed in
the : chi on Monday , and although it has not
yet beocime familiar enough to fully test its
merits, , ire believe that up to the prestint time:
it has worked with - entire eat iefaetion. The
city has been divided Into seven districts, In.
eluding, South Erie, each of which has a sep
arate carrier. The latter will make two deiiv.
eries a daY,_exespt Sunday. until - the summer
time table. is adopted on-the rsilroads, after
which they will make three deliveries. Boxes
for the deposit of mall matter are soon to be
tie! up at frequent intervals in the most thickly
settled portions of the city.
The U S. Internal Revenue office has been
remoVed from Wa"yue block to a room in the
old Poet office building. where It will remain
in future. After the Post office has been
changed to Noble's Block. all the United
States business at this point will be conducted
at the former place, including the oftloes of
the Collector of the Port, the Collector of In
ternal Reienne, and the Assessor of Interest
Revenue. .7ffitt building is to be thoroughly,
refitted during the summer, and made one of
the most elegant and convenient of any for
its puipose in the country:
We hear of - - :V considerable number of per
eons 'in our county who haVe'decided to emi
grate to the West during tilt,' present spring.
Most of them. are farmers, to whom the pies
pect of gettinge land cheap, and on reasonable
terms, furnishes en attraction which they can:
not resist. We cannot help but think, with
one of our exchalies, that they will not be
likely to the West as much of an El Dora
do-as they have been led to believe, and that •
brief sojourn there will enable thein to realize
tee sober fact that "all's not gold that alit.
tem" Experience sometimes is a bitter but
valuable lesson,
• A careful comparison of the votes cast at
the late municipal elections in our State with
the supped populations of the various cities
and towns, leads us to believe that the pro
portion Of voters to citizens is in the ratio of •
one to ten. Thus, Harrisburg,.which
twenty itieusand inhabitants, cast 2,057 votes;
and Eattion,,7which claims .twelve thousand
inhabitints, - nast 1,219. Preiiuming this ratio
r r
to be correct, it is•essy to estimate the popu
lation .of oar locality. At the late election,
the city proper. olled 15411 vu'es, and South
Erie 228, making 1971 in all. This would
give Erie 15 480 inhabitants. and South Erie
2,280, or both together 17,110, which, in our
belief, is very near the mark. •
The mach talked-of case of Walker vs.
Folitrisbee and Loomis, of which we gave , a.
full repoit last week, came up before U. 8.
,Commissioner Marshall last Saturday. Loom.
is wag dischirged and Follansbee bourid over
In his own recognisance. (OD Monday Mr.
Walker was arrested on a charge by 31r.
Follansbee of obtaining money under false
and fraudulent pretenses, and appearing be.
fore Justice Sennett was bound over in • the
sum of $l,OOO to appear at the - May term o f
Court. _ The iffair gives promise of affording
abundant employment to the lawyers, and
furnishing staple topic for the gossips, for a
long time in the future. .
The following incident, we are quite sure,
did not take - placein our city :
Scene. one of street croseitige. Time,
the muddy season'. Personae. Lady and gent.
Gent discovered standing in four inches of
mud. so that Lady can pass. Lady brushing
loftily by, rot noticing gallantry of Gent, but.
taking it as a matter of course, Gent. (IQ
spectfully), "What did you say, ma'am?'
Lady. (haughtily indignant). "Sir I I did not
speak to ;on ! Would you Insult me ?" Gent.
(humbly), "Beg pardon„ ma'am. I thought
you said 'Thank you P
Mr. Coil:ran is getting sharp raps all
around from the organs of his own party.—
The Ohambersburg Repository speaks of the
result in our city as follows:
"Mr. Noble, Independent Republican, has
been elected Mayor of Erie over Mr. Coch
ran, regular Republican: by 843 majority.
Mr.Cochian is the gentleman who endeavored
to make a local popularity in the Legislature
a few years ago by the most shameless vitup
eration of the border people. It seems that not appreciated in Erie."
• The Clinton Democrat asks: "Has the
Democratic party pluck?" If the editor would
come and live up here in Erie county, where
the Radicals have 8,000 majority, for a
few months, and see the steadfastness with
Which Democrats stand by their principles,' in.
detlatice of persecution, _calumny . and hope
lessnes of success, he would hardly be likely
to doutt on the point afterwards.
The city condoner ire at, a sidead-look" on
the appointment of a City Attorney,tbe Select
Council having selected S. S. Spencer, Esq.,
and the Common Council Elijah Babbitt, Esq.
Mr.Spenoer le decidedly the better man of the
two, and if the questimi were left to a Vote of
the people, irrespective of party, would be
chosen bye vote of three to one.
The, Dispatch hal . "no tears to shed over
the result" in Connecticut. We 'are profoundly
gratified to learn that snob is the ease, for the
fact that it contained no returns on the morn
ing after election, led many to fear that the
tidings :lad overcome our neighbon to an
extent" that might affect their 'happiness for
some time to come.
- The local editor of the Meadville Journal.
who has evidently "been there," thus feelingly
expresses himself: 4 .Evien as nature benevo
lently guards, the roses with thorns, so does
she endow women with pins." •
The advertisement of Warner & Bro., dry
goods dealers, appears in another Delimit.
This is one of the oldest established stores in
the oily, and has always been among the
Me teen,
3 efferaon,
W arren,
Senator Lowry has been the recipient
of a massive gold-headed hickory cane, made
of wood 'that grew where, the brave General
Reynolds - fell, near Gettysburg.. It was pre
sented to the Senator by John Dune, who is
known u the "hero of Gettysburg." Neatly
engraved on the head of the cane, is the fol
lowisig inscription : "The root of this stick
was baptized by the blood of Gen. Reyliolds,
out by the bands of John Borne, who pre
sented it to Senator Lowry." •
Dr. John Griffin, of North' East, has been
indicted for manslaughter, sod held for trial
at tie next term of the criminal court: Be
was called upon to attend a woman Dimmed
T r yon, in a ease of confinement, sodas alleged
to kaie canoed the death of the infent r throngh
carelessness or malpractice.
The many readers of the Observer who are
interested in the wool trade will find it to
their advantage to refer to the card of Mr.
John hi Pendlton. lir. P. bears the repu
tation of being a prompt and reliable busi
Vie spring eleotion this . year in Cherry
Tree , township, Penang° couity, was a square
party contest, and resulted iia the success of
the Demrcratio ticket by an average majority
of 28. Geary's majority last fall was 47.
The lady - who did not think it respectable
to bring her children up to work, has lately
heard .from: • her, two eons. Ono of 'them is
a bar-keeper on a flat boat, and the other is
steward of a brick yard.
The Hartford Conran! reaffirms the state
ment that Miss Anna Dickeneon is about to
write a novel, but denies that it will in any
way have reference to any incidents of bar
personal history. .
This le good from the Boston Post:
I Call (said Isabella) the tearful city
ie weep ing sadly—only bear it sigh ;
Do net. (said Qailp) commieserate its woes ;
It does not weep-41 only blows its snows.
New Cloths for Basques ; Buttons and
Trimmings to match, at No. 6 Reed Block.
Good Kid Gloves. spring colors, for $1.25
per pair at No. 6 Reed BlOck--lionell, Ste
phens & Wildey. apr4-2v.
Large stook of new Dress Goods, just re
ceived, at No.. 6 Reed Block—Monell, Ste
phens Wildey. epr4-2w.
Real French Prints and Percales, spr. i n g
styles, at No. 6 Reed Mock—Monell, Stephens
Wildey. apr4-2w.
Amber buttons and trimmings, alto jets and
crystals, at No. 6 Reed Bloclr—MoneU, Ste.
phone & Wildey, apr4-2w.
Linens, Jaconeti, !Unlocks, - Cambric',
Brilliante, and a fall line of white goods gen
erally, at No. 6 Reed Block. apr4-2w._
New Spring Shawls, Stripes, Plaids and
Plain. Call and see them, at No. 6 Reed
Block. spr4-2w.
We call particular attention to - Our large
line of Alpaca'. For quality and- price they
cannot be excelled. Monell, Stephdne
dey, No. 6 Reed Block. ' spr4:2w.
Anew line of bleached and brown Cottons,
1n 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. 8-4. 9-4 and 10-4, chiap, at
No. 6 Reed Block—lkfonell, Stephens & WU
&PI - . spr4-2w.
SYRACUSE. N. Y.., Mar. 8.'67
I, James Donovan, do certify that I have
been blind in one eye for three month,. For
more than a year my eight has been so .bad
that it interfered with my business. On the
16th day of February, 1866. I called upon Dr.
Liston, tee well known Surgeon to the Albany
Eye and Ear Infirmary, while he was, en a
visit to this city, and was opirateil upon and
?Moreno eight by him, I never can express
my thanks to ham in words, I feel
,so grateful.
Were it not for him, I should to-day be blind,
and enable to take care of my family. I re
side at 61 Adam Street, this city. •
Sworn and enb•cribed to. before me the Bth
day of March; 1867. IL WHEATON, J. P.
Remember, all you who are afflicted with
diseases of the eye, ear or throat, or with Ca
tarrh or Cbronio Diseases of any form, that
Dr. Liston, in regard to whose great skill
abundance of testimony has already been far
nished, will be at Browr'e Hotel; in this city,
on next Tuesday and Wednesday, the 9th and
10th days of April, stopping for two days
only. Do not fail to call on him, if you want
to be cured.
DIAMONDS IN BRAZIL —We have teen grati
fied by a visit from H. M, Lam Esq., the
agent for Ayer's Pills. Sarsaparilla and Cher
ry Pectoral, In South America, who has just
visited the mines with his medicines, and de
scribed tone the process of taking gems from
the earth. A driver places his gang of slaves
in a mad hole, where the gemr are found, and
pans out the earth to the water, like gold
washers. The negroes are naked, to prevent
their secreting the diamonds in their clothes.
They are required to work facing their over.
seer, and forbidden to raise a hand to the
face lest they should swallow the jewels when
found. Yet they do carry them away, by be
coming so expert that they can snap them'
with their fingers from the pan to their
mouth, without detection. Ayer's medicines
are the , talismins for their diseases, and it
was not difficult to exchange, with the ne
groes, - Ayer's Ms in about even weight for
the rough stonesin which the brilliants are
holden.—Boston Leader.
Tun laou Cyr: CoLataa.—An examination
of its circular shows that this is not only the
most - popular and extensive business college
in this country, but the best sustained and
most highly approved by practical business
moo. Among its supporters and warm friends
are - to be found the names of many of the .
most prominent and distinguished business"
men of the day—men who have bad an oppor
tunity of examining for themselves, and who
are competent to express an intelligent opin
ion in regard to the merits of such aninstitn
tion as this. Backed by such authority, well
may the Iron City College bid defiance to all
its rivals. -
The excellent Smith's American Organ need
at the convention-in this place deserves espe
cial notice, a large double banked Instrument
9f 14 stops, whose heavy snb-bass note, were
distinctly heard above the whole chortled 860
voices, while in accompanying the retaliative!
in the oratories, - the effect at the soft stops
and tremolo were very striking. We notice
that the nee of these beautiful instruments
is beginning to be appreoiated by. mildest
e teteties in the larger cities.—Burlipgton Pres
Are adapted to all tints of family peerfat—drese ma
kere. tailors, Amanitas. eitanuftetnrere of shirts, epl
late, skirts. &oaks, ate, eapa, corsets, linen geode, k•••
Thew workequelly as *ell upon silk. woolectectton and
linen goods. with silk, tenon or linen thread, The
sewing machine thus Improved is operated perfectly
without Instrnetton. accept the printed
esrte one hundred per cent of thread and Silk—makes
the took stitch alike on both sides—requires no change
or altenetlen in awing from one kind of work to smite.
a:, and no Wing spar to clew: or oil. It 1 hems feuy
binds. embroiders or braids. bleb without mossuclog,
Fathom dle An *Menem of the tarts above slated. we
guarantee all our machines es follows. iris: `lf the pur. ,
chaser. after a fair tr4l, does not regard Vie Tinkle &
Von Seeing NlChin• as euterler to any nuts. in the
RIMMITAL.—The stove and. tinware store of 'rota. be ten return It ant have his r•o-ey.
Nimrod & Co., has been removed to No. 1864 The above nia-hires are for sale at the MI Hoeg and
Goodelltare of t he 8. Ai HALL.
Sassafras street, near the Buffalo Road, what.' 41 for Itrie Co.,
will be kept ouitand a complete sty ek of Roods 1211 Peach St, eattalde, two doll., Vontli of 121 b at..
in their line, which the public are invited to Ertl' Pa Amt.
eall and examine. apt44l. Send foreirenlarand samples of sewing. i . apc&-tf.
NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Erie
County Bible Society wiU be held at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. on 7th street. in
the city of Erie, on the 17th of April, inst.
13usiness meeting at 8 o'clock, p. m. Annual
address in the evening,by Bev. T. B. Hudson.
S. 8. SPENCER, 8 eo'y.
Vi r maassas an Counr.—lf any of par pa
trons hive ever MO HR misfortune to be wit
nees in Court—azd 'we presume there are' few
of the male portion who have not at some Pe
riod in their lives—they can appreciate the fol
lowing. The discourteous mode in which' so
may lawyers deal with witnesses has always
seemed. to us an evil in our made of rim-,
dueling Court proceedings which, for therc4d
it of the bar, as-well as the interests of jus
tice, ought Dot to be any longer tolerated t :—
"Yon are Galled to the stand and place Your
hand upon a copy of the Soripturea in sheep
skin binding, with a eross 'on one side and
none on the other, to accommodate eithetva
riety of the Christian faith. You are then
arraigned before two legal. gentlemen, one of
whom smiles you blandly because you
on his 'side, the other eyeing you savagely for. ,
the opposite reason. The gentleman who
smites s protteeds to pump you of all you know,
and having squeezed all he wants out of you,
hands you over to the other, who proceeds to
shoe you that you are entirely role.
taken in all your suppositions; that you never
caw anything you have sworn to ; that brat
never saw the defendant in your life in_
pilaf, that you have committed direct perjury.
He wants to know if you have ever been in
State prison, and takes,your denial with, the
air of a man who thinks you ought to have
been there.' Asia you all the questions over
again in different ways, and tells you within
awe-inspiring severity, to be careful what you
say. He wants to know if he understood' ou
to say so and so, and wants to know whether
you meant something else. Having bullied
and soared you,out of your wits,aad convicted
yon in the eyes of the jury of prevarication.
be lets you go. By and by, everybody you
have fallen out with, is put on the stand, to
swear that you are the biggest scoundrel they
_ever knew, and not to be believed under oath.
Then the opposing counsel, in summing up,
paints your moral photograph to the jury,' as
coharaetrr fit to be handed down to : time as
the type of infamy; as a man who had Con
spired against innocence and virtue, and stood
convicted of the avezont. The Judge, ' his
charge, fella the jury if they believe yourles
Stc., 80., - indioating that there is even
a judicial doubt of your veracity, and yoU go
home to your wife and family, neighboriand
acquaintances, a suspected man, and sill be
cauie of year accidental presence on Gni un
fortunate occasion. Who would be a 'wit,
nese ?" a
WiEws—Pottotv.-At the residence of the
bride's father, A. Daggett,• Esq.. March
14th, by the Rev. A. Hall, Mr. W. J. Weeks
and Mrs. Ellen M. Polley, of Girard... •
ILLTILUF—DAGGEI7.—At the residence of', flit
bride's father, Mr. A. Daggett, March 14th,
by the Bev. C. L. snipman, Mr. James
Hanlin, of Rochester. N. Y., and Min Flor;
once V. Daggett, of Girard.
HORTON--O'RAIITEITY.—In Meadville. on the
17th inst., by Wm. Beatty, Esq., Mr. 41p1-
nag G. Horton. of Springfield. Eno county,
and Miss Mary AI O'Rafferty, of Hayfield,
Crawford county. • .
Mostron—Camitsrs —ln this city, on the 28th
inst., by Oie Rev. A. G. Laurie, Mr. Fred.
C. l'iloroyer to Miss Alice L. Calkins.
HIED.—In Erie,• March Nth, of whqOping
cough, Diary Us, only daughter of/C. M.
and Emma M. Keep, aged nine years and
three mouths.
POLLOCK —ln Leßoeuff, on the ith of March,
of consumption, Martha Ann Pollock, sec-
And daughter of C. J. and Mary Pollack.
Aged 23 years and 2 months. -.- '
WALLACB.-411 Erie, April let. Mary E., eld
est daughter of I.' M. and Elisabeth Wal.
Lace, aged 17 years. • 1
YRILY.—In West Mill Creek, Mira ti'ith;
.. I . Martin Frey, aged 88 yeira and 1,
"Nighi BleessinrCerea: 11.7
Phalan's - Blooming' Carina."'
Phaleash' . ...Ifighs.BloonaLug
Pludougi "Night Blowing CeleipOt
"Night Illoomlni
A most exquisite. delicate, and Fragrant Ferrara°,
dialled from the rare and , beautiful dower frotr,'
width It takes Its name.
blanninetared only by -
PIIALON & NON, New York:
New Advertisements.
end Real E state Agents. 832 etas street, (corner 9th.)
Die, Pi. A drainers toads on eons( gamete. ,
maxi win mite . [iprt6T-ly w. Drown.
Formerly of drin of Chambers le . Darn.
would Inform hie old customers and the public general
ly that hr has purchase , "
Paragon Banding. over Andlea Jewelry /001.• where
he Is prepared to make all kinds end sites of :Matures,
In the meet approved sty's. ,
cr. Priem always reasonable. apre-m.
Tor anything yon mar rant in the '
General aaportmont of Groceries. Pro Malone; -Nine,
Lkinona Clears, Tobacco, Fruits, Cutlery Nun Yan.
kw Notions, ke.
Don'tlorget the place. 1247 State fit., Rut side,
3 doors Worth of Railroad Brides
Auction Paturday, /prig 11W7. of Can and Wood
Maim, Tables, Waitresses Lounges. Saloon and Parlor
Tooting Glossee. Voldlug Iron Itedetssia. Cbambor
Feta, Homes iff stem court sfo. Monger
Wilson Sewing Machine. *quid to new, cod SU, moral
belies of Soap, an Enclosed wee of 32 drawers. ward
rob. Nee, Clock Saloon Counter sad other useful house
hold foroiture, in store lately occupied br W Weinbe
mar. Person, wanting to Dell can pot in Abe auction
furniture and othet Pronertr, if for bonaddo gale. and
notice given me by Triday afternoon. Money advanced
on vide for auction or private rale.
aprt-lw. 0. W. ELLitilt. Atetionerr.
DEN TLINT/ . 13.11::• .
Teeth Positively extroet t el without polo by the too of
Who will go without tsethwhen Dr. &101 l tureirtlvg
trautifal este of Artlardel Teeth ea impnrred principles
and it evident. rates? Tor a guarantee of ids wart•
mmishlp. all responsible persons wantleekrtificial teeth
can get them on trial. and if entire setiefeetion is not
given to regard t • at and workmanship, they can be re.
tuned free of charge.
Call and ere me. My work le warranted—l 6ttrantee
sathesettoir. Rooms three doors Routh of Coma Depot,
Cut ride., .
, C. KNOI.T.
Shootloge. Prints,
Lint6l3 Cloths,
Saekrovi, Flannel;
bi4b.and Frolic% Poplins.
Elslairs, Vries; DeUlm, &e.,
;Call and pt prices team puthating.
ap367-17. , Ne. LOS, Rambla Prost; State St.
♦ 'mambas Stock of
Also. _
. - •
R I'S T 0 •
- -RAI7
the Ristoriesl_Play, written arelnoinly for Madams
Instort t by Paolo Giaeoniattl.
E L I Z A'l3.E
Qtrool ?r riate.o.
Wbleh will b• prosontoiwith great care, and the follow
ing *and Cast
ELM IMMT. Queen of England. - Wren RITPORI
Lady Sarah Froward 4 NrcILITET•4 nyrinN
Ladr Anna Burleash VIRGINIA CA 4 Aff
Eol'art. E.rl of Etym..«.
..... . _GIArrIIIO GLUM Jae.
Sac VI- Zing of Scotland - GIOVANNI 4311111(iNt
William Cecil, Lord Durlelrh Cgs 4RE 111.1TORt
Fr• vele Bunn— ..... —. ...... . .. . ACHILLE carriN
Lord Froward of . rilarbam 117130171 , 41 WANCI 62 I
Sir nsvilinn. Keever of the Sist,..Glo MARI 4 •flanlift
Sir Froncir Drake 0101.Iff DWI
yarquir Meru Wildcat ne. O ARO PIMA.
Lords. Feotch Gentlszoon. Iluardr, and Lords aad Ladles
of this QUID'/ Court.
Rtte Dlreeto.,
Oa thin oeelaloo the vim of atalastonerill be
A eearS ing s.; the Seats Graded
Tickets can he obtained at Enid .i's n ook Ptore.bforrli
Park Piave. or throurth any member et the Committee.
The ball has been so arruaged in to dimes of the
beet rate at the tastiest prima On and after Tue.daY.
evil 9th. at p 9.. the bolder. of tickets will be al
lowed to locate them, In the dlff. rent grades, by lot, In
person or by pmny.
00111X117121. ,
F. F. TA 4I AR,
B. P. N. LYN!,
Lihrattaa 4..4'41 the Repertoire of Malmo Rioter' are
awe end. and to be had et the Maori Ticket Ms,
Eri. l / 4 15 . 11 Book Rtare.
Reenraion Tickets will be teamed on the Phtladetwhia
k R.; between Reiland Warren. and on the Elie
& Fittobargh R. 8... between itrt end Newesetle, at halt
tare to parttre alibi'''. to attend the enter element
from atattone between the entataisniationed.
Rook/pal the Ida. of E rzabath eart now be bad at
EaOra'a Book Store, ar at the door on the olabt of the
entartainmaat apr4 2w.
ths condition atlas FIRST .74ATIONAL BANK of
Erie Stets of Penneelnnte, on th • meaning of the •ftret
Xonday of Apri1,1667: Di and discounts._.
Pprnitcfre and flattest • _
Current Errousea and Pres:doom_
Caab Item. (Including Rev. damps)
no from National Banta
,U. S. Rands depodted wttb U. H. Treasurer
to assure rhantating,Notes 157,000 03
U. S. Roads deposite&with U. S.
Treasure• to eecurgeposits 848,000.00
M J.! bar S. PPCI2Ii ClPPollitad •
- with U. 13. Trasiturer to mars •
denosita 77,003.00 T 5.000 00
U:S Ronda and Securities on hand . 81,000 CO
Cub on band 1 eisulating Note. of State
Rank. 805 03
insellonalCneraney -
Legs' Tender Notes 11.661.00
Compound Interest 22,70.03 34,401 83
Capital Stock $150700 00
fliarolar Van& 7.341 3$
Obettlatinz 1.44,tas outstaading l4s,soo 00
• .$90:0
trutted Step Dsposit 39 5471.63
Deposita of D. S. Dletrarsiog racers 13,53343 149.548 22
Discount, Rutting% lams% Proet & Lou. 9,533 72
tt82,9.8 28
M Ssnford,Cubier of the First Rational tomls of
Erie, do solemnly rwur the shove statement Is
true to the best of wty hue/ledge and hell.f.
U. SANFORD, Cashier.
State of Pennulvants, I „„,.
County of Ede : .••
Sawn and rubseribectbe'orn rue, this 8,1 day of Aprll,
1887. F. MIME. •
apr4.11. 8 Jostles of the Pears.
E =2
Sara opened a..w Groom= w^ el the lined lately
occupied by J:Erane, Jr.,
(Next to McConkey if Shannon's.)
Where•they will keep on hand a complete stock of every
thing in their line of trade, Including
All of which will be sold at
Eir. The public are Invited to call and examine our
Stock. We pledge ourselves not to be undersold by
anybod.. apl4-.lto.
Wart mania the htsblit premium at the world's
Far in Londen,snd six brat premium gibe N. Y. Stets
Fair of 1666, and
Are celebrated for doisir the but welt, =Mg a mush
emalleibeedle for the woe thread thee any other ma.
ehlae, and by the Introduction of the met surforrd
rearMnery we us now able to supply the wary test ma.
ablate In the world.
These amoldnes am 113 W made at our new and spa
de= Baotou at Bridgeport. Conn.. under the immedi.
ate supervision of the President of the Company.ELlAS
BOWE,Jr., the original inventor of The dewing Ma.
They an adaptad I. all kinds of l'amily Analog, and
to the use of Paatneraram, Drees Makers, Talon, Vann.
fartaers of Phirta. Collars, Skirts. Cloaks. Mantillas.
Clothing. Uala. Caps, Corsets. Boats.. abaci. Harnews,
Caddies. Linen tioods. Umbrella, Parasols, etc They
erk equally well upon silk, linen. woolen and cotton
goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will
rem, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, bald, bind and
perform every sada of sawing, making a beautiful
and perfect stitch, alike on both tildes of the articles.
The Stitch Invented by 111 r. HOWE, and made on this
Vaebtne. in the most pnlar and durable. and all. Bow.
log machine' are sub je ct to the pttotpie Invented by
him. Rend for Cinor. or. -
gas HO B
Broadway. Coo. /myth St. N. Y.
grand Be-Opening a the
Hoop !Skirts slightly damaged blabs lata firs sold at 30
par cent : below Cost.
The prOpristors ue delermlned not to be outwitted
by the late fire, but still tot a First Class Factory in
Nei" for 'l4. purpose of supplylad Ladies—either young
or old—with &substantial artio e.
Messrs. Ai F Cohen and Bro. hue just gots to New
York eity to purchase en =Uri stock of now resebineer
and materials. They will return and rs.opsn their Fac
tory at the old stand. No 1001 State street. Oast South
Of MAW •it or &boat the 15th of April, where they
will be happy to see their old friends 'and the publlo
reverally. As heretofore '
A ocmildlar your, lady will te. In attendance, to Wit
ntestoras.ko. Ladies inn plow misombor thaSon
Hoop Metres are vomited our year.
• A. F. COHEN dr SRO.,
vara-ti. 1005 State lit, Erie - , P a.
The Lerpst. Cheapest. Beet
- Duriop the put test years, upwards of
Replanting any State In thellnlos4 bare gradated
•- I •
'l' ' H
Raub. Stoles. Paid Offlee. Cotmpission ..Brokers, lustir
sae% Railroad. litessubost sod - Telesraph Ofilees, &a,
Students are thoroughly Instructed In all the l)ranehes
ef a
Inciudiol Rook nerving Penmanship, Arltheistle, Com.
morels' fasr. Political rolnomy.. Badness Conospond•
epos, the Azt of Detreting Recut erfal t Roney, Railroad.
tog, Rteasobeating, Pessvaphing, Practical king,
ate, no.
Rtodents eatar at any tins and candid fall
coarse fn fronfelpht to twain, weeks.
Pays all expanses for Tuition, Books, Blanks and DI.
For Penmanship, Rteamboatine, Dal Wading, Ba-king
or Diploma. as In other Colleges. Fite LAMM daily in
Penmanship to all students to the Commercial Depart
FOR CIRCULAR% giving fall information. and eau=
tanker a camp'oto outline of oat sigma of Practical
Salaam Edneation, torahs? with
Prom males! Backing Zia. Yue9y.ti, Book4sepers,
Bastin. •0., address Ms prizePalg.
Pittaburgb, Pa.
gmat Una trarwriss tbs Northern and Nortkwas
*mantles of Psnarybranbi to the silty of Mk.
fake Eris. ft has bean Mend by the Parssessiis Riu
raid Canvas,. and fa Opreatml by Ram 1
wtas OP raszanis TRAMP A.? 111111.
LOST* Eastward.
—.. —lO 21 a. ea
RA* Bsarty 'halm ....' a 30 p. m
Wages acCOUI • II 00 a. aa
... _ _ . Antra Westward.
Wall Train .. 7 15 P.m
Erie Express : lmin 10 00 s. z 2
Warren ACMOITI-. 6 0011.
Pamanirer can ran through on the Erie Mall and its
pram trains without change both ways between Philadel
phia and Erre.
Nev.Yotis connection s Lean New York at 9 00 a. m.,
min at Erie 10 00 a. tn. - Lame New York at 600 p
61.: Milli It Elie 716 p. ItL LISTS Elie at b3O a. M.;
arrive at New York 440 v. al. Lame Erie at 10 26 a.
m.; &mire • t New York 10 10 a tn.
...... $52448 29
498 84
1.443 8,
3,141 33
2,643 02
68,670 23
Elegant Bleeping Cari on all night trains.
For information ngpeeting Pamonger brudnega apply
at corner of aOth gni marker ma ,rhue.,..a re, / . .eight
Onshreee of the Company's agents.
B. p
B. Ki hia wasrox . , Ja., corner lath and Market Stria%
W. BROWN, Arent N. C. R. R. Baltimore.
'H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. 1 •
•FL. W. GRINNER, Gen. Ticket Agt.
A. L. TYLER. General Anomintendent. s rill. Pa.
NEW Flltall. • -
James P. Crook. haring taken in his son. James K..
sa • partner. on theist day of Apr% 11114. under the erm
cams ofJANER P. CIIOOE a; SON desires to have • set
tlement of his aldose:mats. All parsons knowing them
mires indebted to him ars requyled to sail and tittle
without daisy. • • '
Aso tialwracrrozzas or
Winfow Sash, Frame*. Doors and Blindly Mouldings
. sad Picket Penes Scroll Sawing. Matching and
Planing dons to order.
Shop on Peach St, Between 4th and sth Sta., Me, Pa.
we respectfully eall the attention of the pnblle to oni
&Clink' for doing work to the beet of SW%
entire and on ressonnble term. Raving fitted op ly arm
shape, with superior machinery. we feel confident o
giving entire satiedastion.
Kir Orders ftern abroad will receive Prompt attention
ney2r6fi—tf. JANES P. CROOK 81 SON
Has opened • new store at
Where be will keep on hand a large and well selected
■took of she choicest Clears. Sang. ' , Aar, Flee Cut and
Plug Tobacco—all to be sold at the most reasonable
Call and see for yourselves. Re sells at wholeade or
retail. and guarantees a eatisiketory article.
dool3 tf
COOK ok nopuri4
618 State St , between 6thanii7th. Erie, Pe. The best,
cheapest, actual business college of any in the State.
Bestow; men say It is a college of real merit, which
does not give the lie to the public by giving diplomas
to those who do not merit them. A College of
Combining Theov,and Practice. Supplied wilt' bank,'
emporium, insurance, commission, ndhuid, stocks and
telegraphic departments.
Pay' ail expenses for tuition % blank books, &c. Time
reqn it d from El to 14 we.
rainwear? —We have the best penman in the West
Send for circular with 'tamp.
Princdpals. -
N 0 , . T I
Venancio 011 &T Co , sisal Crawford Commca Pleas,
of Q. Ohnrch, 5 ZYT, Ammar. T, I€t6.
TS. - Foreign attachment.
James McHenry. 1 '
The defendant will take notice that affidavit of pleas
ure claim, Fled 211th July, 1868, for 2%8 00 and interest,
from the 20th of May, 1485.
And rule entered for the Prothonotary „fil'usees the
damages in this elm at his office. in Modality, on the
iOth day cif April, 1120, at 10 o'clock a. at.
me-Bw. , - Prothonotary. ,
We take rheum' to aancoinefog to the public Quays
have meowed the manias of
A moat complete and thorough workman, to take
charge of our
Vr. Ashby hu for Neural years Leen enraged in Pen
field'. Blank Book EstablAment, In Bello. unt Imo
ao suDerlorin the Matto.* ther ralnable assistants
have beer engaged, so that irorlkie department
In all that pertains to good stock, superior forward
ng and superb finish.
A Large Moak of
forty different steles,entaide4 to sacred and secalar
made, for $BO to $6OO each. 711t7-ons gold or saver
Medals, or other tret premloma awarded them. Illus
trated Catalocnes free. Adam,. NABON & HAULM
Boeton.or MASON BROTHERS, New York. jarill'6s
• itarinucrroms Os
very Stove sold by as ersrvented to give istlesetton
, Rattles. Blalgh-skoss,Badirsns, /so, on hand, or sews
ußettund to order.
Fl.owa aro Plow Posits of impostor meld and dors
Kiel allows on hand. A emit and a fair his! stens artl
sins Is all we ask. EMT. BRYANT a Co.
puttE h i
Preferred y all pry etbul painter. WI it, and Yea vU
vs no other manufactured only by
ra: North T PA hird Street, Phila.
a 14 T 8 D
• Agate to call Finkls and
Mona'-Lock Wish Swiss iiattaais Ix See county. Vcre
terms, &e., apply to S H. HALL..
meal . / tt, 1241 loath St., Wig, Pa.
Whirmajettere testamental" so the eetate 04. V.
Boyer, doted, bare been grated Le the estismibure; All
persons lodated to the add state are rerouted to
make Immirliate payment and thole tuning claims or
demands spinet the estate at the add decedent will
make known the same without delay.
Date due to the estate will be Wally collected it net
wattled in thirty days. BARBARA ROVER,
1.021 6w
Comer or leas add St. Clete titee,;ti,
C 8
10 East Park, Erie, Pa.
MR. J. A. ASHBY, _
Yoe sale by
tries of the Dirsetors of the Poor and Boris of
limplo►ment, for the county of Lie. Pa.. from January
lot, 1806, to the Iltt day of Deeetobir, 1856:
azoiwers. -
To cash in the trauxey u per Auditor's re
To am, requisition on County { Commission $ 761 50 •
To cash of Cosongssionanof tile County on 12,500 00
account. 4,400 00
To cash for pip sow from firm, B 00
To ash clover seed soft from farm.. . 62 80
To cash sheep pelts WA% shoes $Z0l) ' 37 00
To cash hida5..„....; . •
.. . 278 17
, ...............
To cash Samosillister, wiwi., ants, •
25 00
To cosh ;maturing cow ....................... 225
To cash ear
2 00
To cash ssed wheat.
, •3 00
To cash B Barns (pauper to haus) 800
To cash dos Treasurer 6 11
To warrants in cirentation..— " '1.193 21
..........i. $201410 00
_l-; 4.71901 roans. -
Dy warrants issued for sund7 bills as per
nottetuns on tile, for aid to out door WWII
of all grades $ 7,819 17
For aid is passing transient paupers through
the county - 618 18
For groceries $1,126.28, dry goods $ 1 , 20 7 ,15 -- 2 . 623 46
For flour 1,646.13. crackers $41,51 687 74
For wheat $125.62. hardware, kitchen fared-
tun, ha, $29:102 ' 418 61
For blacksmithing, must:tog -wagon, tniggy,
he., 105 1.5
For pork $358.90, butchering 421 25 388 16
For flub $5.00 plough point, 43,90..... 8 90
For blank kooks and stattaneru... 84 76
For be* Idris $7,00, soap $58,1!{ - 65 16
Tor digging graces and permits to bury:.-- •10 75,
Pot eolllas $122.10. leather MVO 363 22
For physicians to out door paupers.... 381 25
Por Omitting 482,89, tool $932,08 394 97
IPer eonstatdes for removing paupers to Poor
. —.. 38 00
For w00d11380.50 - Justline fees $56.82 437 as'
For plinths/ anneal stateumnt. 60 00
For butter 498.66, beef $171,82. 270 311
For barrel. $8.00„ miscellaneous $36,03...__ 44 00
For crockery $13,85, Iron bedeteads Mx... 41 as For new building 1,103 60
Far cows $202, toot cattle $340, labor on firm M. 813 03
For Thomas Willis, Kg., saytaee ea Director _ _ _
one yeV
For Andrew Thompson, Esq., services u Die
rector one year
Tar Thollll.ll Mamas% En, 'mien as Direc
tor ono year
Tor CalebsPoola as Steward one year
For Dr. D. 'S. Dickenson, physician to Poor
Rouse onsyner 300 00
For John H. Walker. attorney ontyaar 25 or)
Tor P. Atintekis. dark and treasurer one year . 200 00
For seunstrers $716. Ume and ashes $12,44.... 87 44 ,
Frr Western Ponn'a riospital " 120 34
'or bats and woolen yam ' 10 60
For making eider 5 IX)
For shoe findings 10 33
Tor drugs $44,07, lumbarlo4 13
Amount ailment* issued. 18,952 44
Warrants in circulation at last settlement._
Total S2OXO 114
. mathe undersigned Audito , s of Brie county, having
42114:together at the office of the Count, Comminionent
of Sea county. and after having earehtlly examined the
account of the Directors of the Poor and Alma Hones
of Beet:suety, do report and certify' that we !Ind them
carnet as dated.
Given under our hand! and seals, this 7th day of Jan
nem 4 D 1867. _
PHILIP oqaortx.
31er. 1888 .803 bushels wheat, 15 tons bay, 100 bnabeli
b1z101,15 bushels 00101111. 900 bushels eorn. 1200 beads
esbnisge. 100 busbels potat , es. 101 bushes tomatoes, 60
bushels turnip!. 39 hogs weighing 3,000 pounds albush
els closer seed:2 vest calves sold. veal 90. tbs. 20 sheep
pelts sold 601 bushels apples. 110 dos. candles, 96 bbls.
soae. p, 400 tbs. butte?, 840 tbs. hides, tallow, -
be _ . _
RTOME ON TA= .43/. ler, 1877.-10 saws, 4 berm. 1
'airbus . bull. 14 shoats. 10 geese. 90 ehieltee 8.18 duets. '
AILTICLIS 1 1111 Hopp 701 YEAS
ESDIYO Deo. eter. tea6.—Sten's—Costs SO, Deets 60 pr.,
rests 25. &Me 90, stoekiags 55 pr.,' shoes 40 pr., heed
kerehiets 32, overalls 82 pr" hits 8. Boys'--rosts 25, -
pants SO pr., shirts 80, shoes 15 stoelrinialB pr.- Wo
men's—Dresses 55. imps 11, ehm;setts 6E. aprons 65,
shoes SO pr . eta:kings 85 pr.amodterenlets 21,peftleoets
26. night dresses 10 Glrls'—Dreeses 52, ehemlsetts 45, -
petticoats 46. aprons 25. shoes 10 pr., stoeklags 20 pr.
Bomber of in Bosse. Jan 1.1867-- 83 I
Admitted du4vg the yer _ 100
Illeiltatid oat ; discharged 66
Remaining in the Home Jan. 1,11167, --119
Pelee 72
Will= Boas—America 61; Ireland 27; England 1: In
Haase 10; , Germany Dj: Franco 1; Switzerland 2; New
Brunswick 2; Canada 2.
Luis.—From 1 to 6 • ears 11: from 6 to 10 years 9:
from 10 to 16 years 2: from 15 11) 25 rears 15; from 26
to 40years 20; from 40 to 80 years 20; from 80 to 76
yurs 21; from 70 to 85 years 12; one 93 years; one 92
yelps; one 109 years.
Perraroaa Cozurrtos.—Blind 5: deceuld 18; idlotle 13;
-insane 9; deformed 1; deaf and dumb 0; helpless 2.
I Number of out door paupers Jan. 1. 1868. 212;
taken charge of din tog the year, 999 total 1.211; dia.
charged and died 787; remaining on band . 1110881 7 1 .
1887 424. -
Mesta and lodNiugs to destitute and eat door paupers
tarnished to Fate 480• also at tit* Poor Haase for tran
sient peepers 182, zsiaalaing from ems night to one
All of width Is rospootfally s ubmitted.
January 8, to cash tho Itrauttry uper - Au-
&tore report. 161 so
To ash. requisition from Coutintectetters of
Eris county
To cub. inquisition frail — & - iiiiisaiitioners of 48 00
Erie county 4,400 00
To_cash for midges " 415 00
To cash, balance due Treasurer...... ......... 5 11
By warrants redeemed ar.d cancelled by Ad-
We, the undersigned Auditors of the countj of Me,
having met together at the oMee of the County Com
missioners of Erie *aunty, and, having carefully exam.
iced the account of P. Arbnekle, Treace* of the Direc
tors of the Poor and Alma Hones of gehtUounty, for the
rear A. D. 1860, es stated in the above imprint, do re•
port them cornet, and that we End due the ealdfTnesn •
rer doe dollars and eleven MILL
. . . .
Given under our hands sad aeile;this 7th day of Jan.
nary, A. D. 1867. . .
04H. P.. PERM:MON,...
(LJ3 . . 1
L.S. 1-J3.I.ItTLEB, 1 2,
The Most ' Successful Medicines
in the-World.
Established in .1835 by one of
Our Most Eminent Physicians,
now used- throughout North and
South America, with more pleasing
results than any other Medicine in.
cases of diseased Liver, Blood or
Skin, indigestion, ostiveness,
Bilioni Complaints, Rheumatism
and Fever and Ague.
Thousands of certificates are
our possession, giving detail
accounts of perfect CORES effected
by these invaluable Medicines . :
They regulate the System and Put
ali the functions of the body I
in a healthy condition.
Sall by ail Dru-- c ti.,L. White Sr nowlazta, Propri.
eon, 5ur ,,, ,0r5 to Dr. John llt.ffat awl Dr. W. D.
IlelDt, Neer York.
,5 04.1 31ANUFACTFREf. OF '
AND C t O.
Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets,
lorthspurchase and We
1 wOOL,
N o . 45 DzoAIIIIrAT, Nil' YOU.
Caih AdranMs!liade. ConsicumentsSolicited. deo.
ersi or itocial Market Reyorta - Furnished at Request.
REFEBENCEN.—B. P. VW, Cashier National Bank
of Commerce. New Tort; Noon. J. Boorman, Johnson
k Co., New Took; Gordon, Melfillan Co Cleveland,
Ohio; W. P. Westiall, C as h i n First National .Banly
afinnespolls, Minn ; Thos Retina, Cashier First Nat'l
Bank, Newton. Iowa; Num. Ford, Dixon k Co , At.
Loot% Wissorui;; and to any Banker throughout the
country lasing Newlrork rormsyoadents. mull-eke
A WIG new al/a*, hiss, withlwo sera of bind,
commodio stabls sad two shops 24:40, situate on
Holland st re et , neeir the KashLsr Brewery. is far weli or
rent on very liberal terms. fhe laad is planted with
Tines and fruit tmes,end la especially dutiable for pri
nting popes.AlsolB OaMch street, for sale on mason
able terms. Apply-to
• J. fiCHALL.
TOBACCO AND camas. -
The OM to salsa dotes t Whale of "Macao. Dna ma
.4. - -..:.. _ i Cippl firA
E. B. WEL1301:018, 108 PEACH STREET,
South of the Onion Depot.
Always on band a ir2od amortmfmt of the above a/U.
o h s of nal pop. tetolestlo tad Wan. Alao Pips%
y ouc haa. Bolas, sad Smokers' Arbolsa ad 'NV4.
Uon. Plow biol. as vOlk a eel. Don't Qs
pinto. 3.162 Past* stmt. zat2l -D.
12 00
125 00
366 w
600 00
$19,082 00