The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 04, 1867, Image 2

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    erie Obstrbtr.
leo- The mart Largely circulated newspaper in
N. W. pennsSofrania, and the best Adverti
sing medium.
We have the unspeakable pleasure of
announcipg to our readers that the Damp
er* of Connecticut have met the enemy
and they are-onrs ! One Governor, three
Congressmen, and the prestage of a victo
ry that will do more to revive the hopes
and increase thei activity of Democrats
than any event that has occurred in the
six past unhappy - years I
The Democratic candidate for Governor,
Mr. English, is successful by a majority of
700 votes, a gain of about 1800 since last
year. Of the four Congressmen chosen,
three are Democrats, and their combined
majority will not be less than 1800." The
ambitions showman, P. T. Barnum, is cho
sen to—stay at home.
• Limit year the Radicals carried the State
by nearly 600 majority, and the year pre
vious they elected all of the four Congress
men. At the - Congressional election in
1865, their majority was 11,153, and in the
brief period of two years, we have gained
12,953 votes, in a poll of not quite 90,000.
Who will say, after this, that there is no
encouragement for the good old cause?
Let Democrats in Pennsylvania and New
York but show the same zeal as their
brethren in Connecticut—distribute docu
merits, h?ld meetings, and labor with tad-
Airing energy in extending the circulation
of their party press—and it will not be
long until the two great States of tbe Union
take their stand on the right side, to re
main there steadfastly in the future.
The good news is not confined alone to
Conneciiiitt. 'in Cleveland, Ohio. , for
years the most Radical city in the West,
the Demlcratic candidate for Mayor has
been successful, and in Columbus, our
ticket his been elected by majority of
nearly GOICIr-a gain of over 500 in a single
From almost every - quarter joyful tidings
greet us. The great reaction, has at length
set in, and the fate of Rsdicalismis sealed.
Cheer up, boys, and all will yet be well.
A long null, a strong pull and a pull alto
gether will place the Exceliior and Key
stone States side by side with Ccinnecticut
next fall.
Wherever the 'Radicals have control,of
the State Legislatures they ere deliber
ately delThing restrictions upon the elec
tive franchise as it now exists. Every jut
pediment is to be placed in the way of,
laboring white
_men. The Registration'
law about to be enacted in this State, a
synopsis of which we hope soon to be able
to publish, is intended to strike directly
at the poorer classes of white voters. The
'infamous party now in power know very
well.that the, Democratic party is largely
composed of the working men of the
cities and towns. To impede these in vot
ing is b 5 - lessen the Democratic vote. It
is for that purpose that the Registration
Jaw of New York, which was enacted for
the sole purpose of reducing the Demo
cratic vote in the cities and towns, is to
be re-enacted in this State. When the
bill was on its passage, Senator McCand
less moved to amend it so that the meet
ings of the boards of registration be kept
open from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m., ao as to Allow
the working men an opportunity to get
registered without losing time from work.
The Radicals voted that fair proposition
down, the vote standing, yeas 12 DPI:00-
mats and one Radical, nays 15, all Run
. cals. The hours now stand from 9a. m.
tatter laboring men have gone to work)
10 6 p. in. (before -they have returned
from work). Mr. McCandless also moved
that the polls should be kept open from 8
a. tn. to 8. p. m. This entirely fair propo
sition was also defeated by the Radicals,
20 of them voting against it.
The rejection by the Senate of such
nominations as General Couch for Collec
tor of Boston, General Frank Blair for
Minister to Austria, and Genital Slocum
as Naval Officer• for New York, has crea
ted a very general feeling of indignation.
These, gentlemen are among the bravest
and• most deserving officers who gave their
services toward putting deist' the rebel
lion. General Couch distinguished him
selt during Legs invasion of Pennsylva
nia; General Blair earned high military
honors in the Wecst and South,. and Gen.
Slocum served as division commander un
der Sherman in his lamella march to the
sea and baCk through the Carolinas. The
rejection of snob men for offices demand
ing a far inferior capacity to theirs, and
That in favor of mere partisans, can only
be characterized, as atrocious insolence.
The whole, country feels insulted in the
indignitfiakfered them. This is one of the
worst things that the Radicals have as yet
- attempted. in °ingress, and they may rest
assured that they will be made to suffer
for it,
Tao proposition introduced into the
Senate a few days ago by Mr. Wilson, to
establish impartial suffrage in all the
States of the Union. meets with strong
opposition from the Republican members
, representing the Middle and Western
Staten. Senator Sherman, of Ohio, de
clared in private conversation the other
day that such a measure would be resisted
•by the people of-his State, and be. did not
believe Congress would.lorce them to ac•
apt it. 'This is the 'way .Northern Radi
oils talk of negro suffrage in their own
States, yet they vote without any com
punctions of consoienee to enforce it upon
the South.
WE Gin elsewhere the text of the speech
of Beverly Nub, whoa called by the Co
lumbia *South Carolinian as, colored citizen
of Columbia," to The colored meeting in
that place, March IS. If Mr. Nash repre•
outs his race, the negro vote-will be nuns-.
-imous against the• Radical party in the
Southern States. The speech- is worth
reading, if for nothing more than to see
_what can be said by a representative of
Sumner's• "barbarism of slavery ;" and in
point of style it is equal, and in matter it
is quite superior, to many of the speeches
uttered by some of the Radical represen-.
Wives in Washington.
\ 558
Pdr. Scofield, of this district, we are pleased
to ee, was one of the Republican members of
Cots who voted with the Democrats in
Dm, of adjournment. It is the only vote he
has east that will meet with the unashnotts
endorsement of his colustitneatte.
_ The high.handed manner in which the
Radicals have made use of .their party
predominance is beginning to awaken at
tention to the evil in our'system of repre
sentation by which the minority is .cut
off from all participation' in the legislation
of the States or Nation. Its result, as One
of our coternporaries aptly remarks, is,
that the people of even the States which
Congress graciously allows to send repre.
sentatives to its Halls era glaringtrmisrep
resented and unrepresented ; that Con
press, as composed at present, is nothing
like a_fair index of the will of the people
as expressed in the,most recent elections.
Take,..for instance, the case in New Hamp
shire. The Radical vote was 35,776 and
the Democratic 32,733. The delegation
consists of three representatives. It is ap
parent that if two of these were Radical
and one Democratic, the Radicals would
have, proportionally, a stronger vote in
Congress than their majority in the' State
would justify. Still, as you cannot split a
Congressman, the Democracy would have
no reason to complain if they seed - red one
representative. But the - fact is the Radi
cals obtain all three,and Nevrtfampshirit's
voice in the balls of national legislation
entirely uninfluenced by her thirty-two
thousand Democrats. Or take New York.
The last Radical vote was 366,315 against
352 526 Democratic. A fair proportional
division of her thirty-one representativee
would be, Radical sixteen, Democratic fif
teen, whereas it stands, Radical twenty,
Opposition of all sorts, eleven. These ex
amples are sufficient to indicate the point
we desire to make. Let us now see what
the extent of the evil is.
. House of Representatives of the
Fortieth Congress. as it now stands, is}'
.mposed of one hundred and twenty-sev
en Radicals and thirty-four Democrats.
Five States are yet to elect. Should the
result be the same as for the Thirty-Ninth
Congress, the present Coilgress will con
tain. one hundred and forty-four Radicals
against forty-three, Democrats , . The vote
at the latest general elections in the States
which have a voice in Congress, footed
Radical ....
4 026,81
This will give one member of the one
hundred and eighty-seven which will com
pose the lower House of the Fortieth Con
gress when all the elections are held to
every 21,534 voters. The just division of
representatives, therefore, in proportion to
the total vote would be, Radical one hund
red and one; Democratic eighty-six,,n
stead of the, gross disproportion which we
bid fair to have, of Radical one hundred
and forty-four, and Democratic forty-three.
In this matter we have nothing to grum
ble over but bad luck. It is the natural
result 'of a defective System. In another
Congress the disproportion might' be as
great upon our side. But we submit that
the evil we have indicated is a glaring one.
It is clear that, under our present system,
large minorities are practically po*erless,
\whereas justice would declare they should
have strength in Congress proportional to
their power at tbs ballot box. As we said,
it is easier to point out the evil than to
suggest its remedy. Several devices have
been proposed to correct it, but as yet none
that were satisfactory.
W e allude to it now simply to set our
readers to thinking upon what we have
long regarded as a serious mistake, which
is crying aloud for a remedy.• It is by_ the
close balance of parties that the security
of our institutions is most happily main
tained. When neither is largely in the as
cendant, power is lets; likely to be abused.
Irma either is largely te the preponder
ance, it is almost impossible to keep it
within bounds
Certain Radicals are sorely exercised in
their minds because of a report which
reaches us from Toronto to the effect that
the new Confederation of the -British'
American Provinces is to assume and be
known by the name of the "Kingdom of
Canada." - In the Senate Hr., Cameron has
introduced a resolution instructing the
Committee on Foreign Relations "to in.
quire what steps are necessary to prevent
foreign governments from introducing
upon this continent institutions and gov
ernments contrary to those established by
the founders of this Republic." It is
passing strange that the people who are
so terribly sensitive to the possible con
tagion of monarchial words to the north of
of us, should be at the same time mosVse
renely indifferent to the direct and cer
tain contagion of monarchial facts in the
veryrbeart of the nation itself. The-Ta
nadians propose to baptise their new goy:
ernment of laws and !I a Constitution a
"kingdom." The Radical majority in
Congress have just ordained the establish-
ment over one-half of the late American
Union of a series• of military despotisms.
In the proposed Kingdom of Canada the
lives and liberties of its free inhabitants
will be guaranteed to them by such strict
and clear limitations of the authority of
the government as our fathers .once be
lieved they had founded end made stable
far themselves and their descendants. In
the new military governments of. the
Southern States, the lives and the liber
ties of the inhabitants will be held at the
metcy and discretion of rulers completely
irresponsible to the people over whom
they are to rule, as the Russian satraps of
Poland are to the Poles, or the British
viceroys of India to the Hindoos.
If•ever there was a case fitted to the
parable of the mote and_ the beam, it is
this. What a miserable piece of hlindness
or of hypocrisy it is to rave about the ver
bal introduction of royalty into provinces
utterk foreign to us and to our affairs,
,while we smoothly acquiesce in the en
grafting upon our own body politic, not of
any verbal royally, but of a most solid and
real imperialism, wearing all that is worst
and deadliest to human progress, its its
yen essence. as well as in its name ! .
Tat present State Senate is - composed of
21 Republicans and 12 Democrats, giving
the Republicans a majority of 9. With the
close of the-present 'session eleven Sena
tors will' retire by expiration of, their
terms, as follows:
Third District, C. IS:Duman, D.; Sth;
Horace Rover, R.; 6th, Oliver P. Jhates,D.;
7th, Geo. 13. Schalk D.; Btlt. .7. De Pay
Davis, D.; 2tb, Wm. M Randall, D. 14th
John Walls, D.; 21st, Louis W. Hall, R.,
Kirk Halos". R.; 25th, nos. J. Ingham,
R.; 29th, M. 114 Loom R.
trivwxszinto Purness.--The bill to, to r
crease the pay of member@ of our Legisla.
tore to thirteen hundred and fifty dollars
has passed the lower House.
Tor Peonsylrazdalsegialarure has passed
onereaolution that will be gerferaily ap.
proved. It two agreed to adjilittro finally
on the 11th of April.
The Philadelphia Age, ;in the course of
an able article exPoining the financial re.
suits of the Radical policy,clearly disclos
es that the people of the North are Pay
ing a heavy price for the luxury of a di-
vided nation, and the inflated currency I
which the Bullet's have determined to
perpetuate. They are cheapening all the
'great products of the North. and adding
to the cost ()limb as aro grown at the
South. Let us look at some of the facts.
Take the article of 'sugar. Cuba clarified
is quoted at 9 cents, gold. That would
be from 121 to 13} currency, using the
lowest quotation of gold, that is. 133 i.
Within a few years Havana sugar could be
bought at from si, brown, to 7} cents, clar
ified; or loaf from 11 to 13 cents per pound.
Sugar is a Southern product. Carolina
rice is quoted at 10; to 11 cents. It has
sold by the tierce in our market at 37i cis ,
the retail price at the same time being
from sto 6 cents. The gold quotation in
this instance would be 81 , cents per pound,
an advance of nearly one hundred and
fifty per cent. over the lowest price given
Rice comes froth the South. Cotton is
quoted at from 30'to 31 cents. Its twice
in gold would be from 21 to 22 cent.. The
highest price which cotton ruled anterior
to the war was from 8,11 to 13 cents. The
advance, therefore. ranges near one build
rid per cent, at the present 'time. The
price of the best cotton clsths, 'bite or
printed, f.rmerly rated Nirameutta from
11 to 12 cents ; Merrimack apd Sprague
Wile from 12 to 13 cents. These brands
are now selling at frrm 22 to 28 cents.and
the white goods higher in proportion—
that is from 30 to 40 . cents: This 'is the
Southern side of the account.
Now look how Northern products have
been affected. We - have to pay high for
all articles purchased. .Do our farmers get
a corresponding advance on the articles
they sell ? Hay is quoted—the average—
taking the short ton. at $35.20. This in
gold is hut $23 65, a price loirer, or as low,
as it rated trn or twenty years ago, We
ship and sell hay to the Southern States,
and the small demand for it there keeps
-the price lower than it would be if the
South were allowed to move on prosper
ously. Wool, a highly important article of
commerce. which is produced in'all the
Northern States, is qtioted as follows:
Double extra, 58 to 60 cents—highest fig
ure 62 to 65 cents ; lowest inferior quality
32 to 40 cent,. In this case the reduction
to gold would give 44 cents as the highest
price, and 211 cents as the lowest. In
1845-46 wool, when prices were much4low
er for all products than they are at pres
ent, would readily bring from 33 to 35 eta.
in gold. We show it now selling at from
21i to 44 cents. The same ratio of decrease
exists in all the leading products of the
North which are exchanged for those of
the -South.
.. 1,842 549
It is thus plainly to be seen that the ar
ticles we most need, sugar, rice and cotton
all exhibit a great advance over their form
er or actual value, while those of which we
have a superabundance, or for• which we
are asking a market, are now quoted at
less than their relative values. This is a
tax upon the business and industry of the
North, self-imposed by those who uphold
the Radical patty imatheir policy of pre
venting a settlement of the difficulties be
tween the States. The Radicals hinder
the South from applying all its energies to
,increase the production of that seetion.
and the limited supply, in connection with
the inflated currency, keeps up the price
of the articles needed in the North. Radi
cal rule is s costly one to the nation, and
the sooner the people recognise that fact
and apply the remedy, the sooner will th•
burdens which now press to the earth the
business of the North be removed.
Raman= Raintitscesces.— The Rich
mond Times,. in on editorial on the anni
versary of Washington's birthday, makes
`the following enumeration of the wrongs
and outrages which led to the rebellion
in MG:
1. Beeping in the colonies, in the time
of peace, standing armies.
2. Itepdering the military independent_
of and superior to,the civil power. •
3. Imposing taxes without allowing
4. The depriving of the colonists of the
benefit of trial by jury. •
5. For suspect:ling the Colonial Legisla
0. In inciting insurrection likely to re
suit in an undistinguished destruction o
all ages. axes and conditions.
7. Abdicating.government by declaring
ne out of the protection - of the mother
country. -
S. Quartering large bodies of armed
troops in the colonies.
9. Sending into the cotonies swarms of
officers to collect taxes and oppress the
coldnists. •
10. Refusing to pass proper laws for
large districts of people_untess they would
re' inquish the r ight-of representation.
11. Obstructing and interfering with the
judiciary, thukclenying justice.
12. Interfering with legislative bodies.
and dissolving them for opposing with
manly firmness 'invasion's of the rights of
bhp people.
13. Protecting military officers by mock
trials for offenses which they have mu
matted against the colonists.
There is not a charge in the above cat
alogue which cannot be as truthfully ap
plied to the Radical party of the present
day as it was to old King George, in 1776.
, Tut term "loyalty," if its use be allowed
at all in this country, must mean fidelity
to-the Government of the United States.
'or, in other words, to the Constitution of
the United States, the instrument upon
which the government is founded, and
withont‘which it could not exist. Daring
the war the Republicans contended that
the President being the representative of
the government,. support of his policy
and acts was the true test of loyalty, whilst
the Democraticparty adhered to the good
old notion that the Constitution was high.
er than the President, and that a faithful
observance of its provisions was the only
rule by which a man's patriotism could - be
judged. Tried by either of these testa, - ,
the Republican party Wilt lie found want
ing. If fidelity to the President; be the
tes4,:ttsen it is the most disloyal party that
ever existed in this country. for no party
' ever displayed so much bitter and =lig
cant hostility tosoard a Chief Magistrate
of the nation as it today diap_lays toward
President Johnsoz. If fidelity to the COX-
stitution be the true, test, as contended by
the Democrat., t) it is equally disloyal,
because it is they declared purpose of its
leaders to subvert and change that instru
ment. by means of 'amendments, and be
came they have flagrantly violated one of
its plainest provisions by denying repre
sentation in Congress to ten States of the
American Union. If the Republican party
is a "loyal party," as it claims to be, we
would like to knol in what its "loyalty"
The merchants of Dunkirk haft entered
into an agreement to sell no more goods un
less the, caret to paid down at the tints of par-
The question of impeachment came up
again in the House last week on Mr.
Clarke's resolution that Congress should
reassemble in June to hear the report of
the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Wood
bridge, a member of that Committee, ex
plained, in a temperate statement; its in
tentions,. , He contradicted the report that
the investigation had become a farce, and
said that the Committee daily continued
its labors, and had made arrangements to
resume them in May. If the facts justi.
fied such action, the Committee would not
hesitate to recommend impeachrient. Mr
Fernando Wood quoted Mr. Woodbridge
as having said that nothing 'had been die
covered on which &resolution of impeach
ment could be predicated--a statement
denied by Mr. Woodbridge.' Gen. Butler,
in reply. Ao Mr. Wood, said that Abe Presi
' dotnt had pardoned 193 deserters in West
Virginia twat they might vote for o Demo
, astir, candidate, and Mr. Clarke referred
to the fact that of 4G papers published in
his District of Kansas,- there were not six
which bed not emphatically deolared that
Mr. Johnson should be impeached. Ms
Stevens expressed his belief that the Com
mittee had no intention except to delude
the people, and complained of the dilly
dallying method of its inveatigation. A
motion to lay the resolution on the table
was defeated by 52 to 56, and finally 'ilia
stiture of Mr.-Broomall's. providing that
Congress should meet again in July, was
adapted by 88 to 26. Subsequently it was
voted that the Committee should report
lon the first day of the adjourned session.
Ma. Gan, editor of the Reading Ga
zette, and Congressman from the Berko'
district, writes to his paper as follows on
the subject of impeachment,: . . •
"Some innocent persons may imagine
tilat another important point has bear.
rained. in the authority given , to the Ju
diciary Committee to continue the im
peachment investigation. But.that is well
understood here• as the merest pretence
it is the last resort of a desperate mejnrity
who have eihausted and indeed transcend
ed their Constitutional power, to compel
the President to enforce the laws they
have passed over his vetoes. No one.
even ofthe most vindictive Radicals, be
lieves that a shadow of a case has bean
made out, or will be made out, to justify
the presentment of articles of impeach
ment. The Senate evidently does - not be
stow a serious thought upon the trumped
tin accusations. and a decided majority, in
the House, if their honest opinions could
be'expressed, would to-day vote the thing
a humbug. My word for it. with the ad
journment, it will go to sleep, and thence
forth 'sleep the sleep that knows no wak
ing.i n•
IT is understood that the question of
releasing Jefferson Davis; on bail or on
his own recognizance, has been referred
to the Attorney General by the President
for the purpose of obtaining his opinion
on the propriety of snob action. It is
well settled that Mr. Davis . will not be
tried for an indefinite period. .The Pree.
Went has no power to compel the proper
judicial officers to try him, and therefore
the question arises whether he can con
stitutionally be held in custody. Leading
Republican Senators have expressed the
opinion that he ought to be released at
ores, and the impression is that an order
to that effect will soon be issued.
LET THE people rejoice and make the
welkin ring with their shouts of gretifics-
Con.- Congress has adjoUrned until the
first Wednesday in July. end. if a quorum
does not then assemble, no session will be
held before December. The business in
terests of the country will feel re-immured
by this action. So, long as Congress re
mained in session; they stood in constant
fear of action which would unsettle their
relations; they are now safe for at least,
nine ritonths,—which is 'a long time as
things gq.
Ar as election to fill a vacancy in the
Fifth Wisconsin District, on the l3th in
stant, Hon. H. L. Palmer, Democrat, was
elected by a majority of about one thou
sand. The city of Milwaukee, which only
gave 431 Democratic majority in - the Con
gressional canvass last fall, increased that
majority to 700, 'The result," says ; the
Milwaukee News. "may be taken as a sure
criterion of what the Democracy will do
on a large scale in the future."
An Erlean In the South,
RICIIIIOIOD, VA., 311IrOb 26. 1867.
FRIEND Wrrrntas —I left Staunton on the
morning of the 22d inst.. via. Virginia Cen
tral R. R., for this city, 136 mites distant. It
was snowing quite fast, and about three inch
es of snow lay on the ground. We recrossed
the Blue Ridge at Gordoeterrille, rain, and
snow falling alternately. For about tea miles
from Gordonsville we passed through a wood
ed country, thinly timbered. After this the
country almost the whole way to Richmond
is tobacco laud, and seems to be poorly calif-.
rated. There are bat few buildings and the
plantations are large, The soil is sandy—
about 12 or • - 18 inches of this soil is un
derlaid with yelloir clay. - At Tolereville, 56
miles from Richmond, and nearthe railroad, is
the Victoria Iron Farnsee,end near by s large
distillel A short distance farther on is is
Vrederic Hall Station. (I call them stations
for they are not towns.) Here is* fine man
sion, the residence of Harris, the celebrated
fine cut tobacco manufacturer. At , Hanover
Junction, 28 miles from Richmond, we begin
to-see some old fortifications. The country
from Gordonsville to here is quite level. At •
this place it begins to be more rolling. We
arrived at the Spotted. ood Houle • about 5:80,
p. DI., the rain still falling. It rained a Q little
all day Saturday. On Sunday I attended St.
Pactre Church. This is where Davis was
worshipping when the news of the evacuation
reached him. I am told he! actually discred
ited the dispatoh so much as to consult some
of his friends as to its mithenticity. Rich
mond is a beautiful' city, regularly' laid out,
With wide streets and quite a large flambeb
of elegant residenees. The Capitol building
is s plain, large structure, surrounded with u
fine park, in which is some finostatuaty. The
burnt district is almost entirely rebuilt with
handsome structures. A large manufacturing
business is carried on here, inoluding several
large tobacco manufactories and flouring
mills, meetly rebuilt. Here was manufactured,
before the war, the best flour in the United
States. • There are larger cotton and woolen
mills, and extensive iron works. Oo the op
posite aide of the river is Manchester. with
her cotton, woolen and paper mills.
- and on
Bali's Island (which many a poor soldier will
recollect) is a nail mill, runningdfty machines
I am told by good authority that the estab.
lishment is very profitable, and I am satisfied
almost any kind of manufactories will be pro
fitable here. A stove foundry would pay well,
for the South hereafter Will use more stoves,
onee the ultank", shows them bow.- I find
many Northern gentlemen engaged in eland*,
business, chiefly concerned in iron, el:446lst*
and granite. Some very fine speoimena of
coal tare bans shown me, mined 18 miles up
the canal. Oen. Mulford, (Pa. Com. of Ci
f:thane) wbo, by the way, ity'alwaye hue been;
and wu ail through the war, a staunch Dela
°cutoutd a very clever gentleman, is
tar of a splendid shitelquarry, Wanes nes
canal. I have had thir pleasiare of meeting
Mr. Hudson, Assessor of Internal Revenuer at
one time Assistant Superintendent of the linf;
fain & Erie R.R. Don't be surprised to hear
of his going to Congress from this district.
He is welt liked here ; deals justly with the
citiseue, anti does his duty to the Goveintnent.
Judge lieneesy, of Philadelphia, ?relenting
Attorney here, through his course
in attempting, with Judge 'Underwood, to
crowd the trial of Jeff. Davis, hue made him-
self odious, and so be would at any mut, for
min of his caliber and poMposity must natu
rally come to that. Major,Lawrence (brother
of our townsman) is in charge of the Old Lib
by. I have found ht him a friend, and through
hint have meth) several acquaintances. The
male population here are well disposed, and
treat all Northerners kindly, but I must con
fess-all my information - leads me to say that
the remotes are not yet disposed to associate.
While this may be true, to some extent, here.
all concur that it it not so farther South. hence
it must be attributed to the old peculiarities
of Virginia pride. We know nothing at the
North, and never will know: what these peo
ple, particularly the poorer class, suffered
during the last year. of the war. No wonder
they turned into a mob and burned the city,'
for it was to get somethieg to keep body and
soul together. The Commissary Department.
(at first in charge of Major. Lawrence) can telt
a sad tale of the miseries of the people. They
are now moving fa earnest in reconstructionH
preparing for registration, &c. It is a bitter
'pill, yet they take it in a remarkably philo: 7
sophical spirit. Once the South is "recon
etructed," I have no doubt bat this city will
double her population (now 60,000) in tea
years. The State is rich in all valuable
erals. Even lime stone is plenty, yet thej
Import the bulk, of their lime from Maine.
The colored brethren and deters are numerate'
here. On last Sunday I saw about 500 coM-
Ing out of eltnroolt, and on that day they were
as well dressed as two-thirds in tho North.
Of the females, Quadroons and Octoroons are
not a surplus. They seem to be well provided
for—are fine looking, dress well,—don't see
-much of thenton the street. , The morals of
this city don't seem to be. of the highest or
der. I beau here in a day or two direct for
Georgia. tours, &G.,- S. F.N.
Tire TIMPIMMICII $l/011;/.—It would seem
Ai if a general effort were being made through
but the State to revive an interest la the cause
of temper:once, which_ 'Pao lot eight of almost
- entirely during the war. A State Temperance
Association has been formed, having among
its members some of the leading public men
at Harrisburg, sad auxilliary societies are
rising up with extraordinary rapidity in al
most every town. The friends of the cause
have taken bold of the matter in earnest, and
unless they repeat the mistakes of the past,
will not fall ,to exert. a most potential and
beneficial influence. It must be confessed,
however, thet there icon unfortunate tenden
ey on the part of the short-sighted advocates
of this literal towards carrying it to an ex
treme that is always certain to rebound
against any moral piovement in which theme
advice is allowed to prevail. Of our synapse
thy with any measure ' that' will tend to ben-'
eat our fellow-men we trust that by this time
none willdoribt, and it may be, therefore, that
those t 6 whom we refer will give to our views
some of that consideration which id always
doe from those* who are striving in a good
cause to the opinions of their co-laborers..
The fact toast not be forgotten that tempe
rance. like religion, 121 a grab3eak yeaaliattiv at
moral reunion. and cannot be made aucceesfal
by wen compulsory measures or party action.
Whenever it has entered the domain of poli
tics, the almost inevitable result; has been to ,
defeat the purpose aimed at, or, it successful,
the triumph has been simply of• a temporary
nature. ' We are not of those who believe in
enforcing our Oro views or modes of life upon
our fellows.sny more than we are willingthat
they should enforce their's upon uri. A rigid
prohibitory liquor law, snob as Is now advo
cated in some quarter*, will fail of Its object.
and merelr,oreste an ill-feeling that will in
time react upon those who secure itg adoption.
Men's appetite, can no more-be controlled by
law than their religion, their party lumps
thief or their affections. To reform those
who indulge in immoderate drink, they must
first be convinced 'of the evil effects of intern
parance, and when this cannot be' done by
moral or intellectual influences, it cannot be'
done by legal remedies. The severest - bilis
ever passed have not restrained a single indi.;
Mail who was determined 'upon having
liquor from getting all he desired, or con
verted a solitary soul to the opinion that it
was right to deprive him of l it, when his taste
called . for a supply.- A c ertain *Mount of
intoxicating drink will be sold in every nom
molly, under all circumstances, and it is a
question in our mind whether ein the end it
would not- be found the best plan to allow of
its sale on the same principle that we do all
other'articles„ holding the dealers responsi
ble for each violations of the criminal code of
the State as may ensue from as improper utie
of their privilege. Lei, this fact be steadily
borne in mind, that in all questioneof a mo
ral character, what cannot be done by convic
tion will never succeed by legal requirements,
and that we can no more make man temperate
by an act of the Legislature, than we can
force them to accept of Methodism, Roman.-
ism, Baptism. or any other denominational
• creed,' by the same forms! ceremony.,
Now Publications.
PIIILIINOLOGIOLL J01:1111AL.-•-PrOf. - Louis Ag-
Assist Eminent American Divines, including
the Rev. Dn. Chapin. Sawyer, Osgood, Yel
lows, Prothingham, Hedge, Coll,yer, Ryder,
Clarke. sad Rave Emerson, Bartholomew.
.Briton, and Hepworth. Also Es -governor
Blair and Philo Parions. of Michigan. Also
portrait of. the Veteran Eagle "Old Abe ;"
Woman's Rights and Woman's Wrongs, by
John. Neal; Shakor Communities; Aboriginal
Legends of North America; -Our National
Military Service--The Army; Can we Think
of Two Things at Once? Pope's Essay on
Man ; European Guide Itnolts, etc., in April
number of Pbrenolegicil Journal. Only 20
cents, or $2 a year. Address Fowler A. Wells,
389 Broidway, N. Y.
The April number of Harper is, if possible,
better than usual. It contains thefollowing:
The Dodge Club, or Italy in MDCCCIX; He
roic deeds of Heroic Men,XVIL ; True Chic.
airy; Benjamin Portr ; The Children in
the Moon ; The Shaded Strum ; A Christian
Neighborhood; A Forced March; Earner
idly% In the Smoke; Strayed and 'Stolen • A
Californian. Carivansary; Davy Crock ett'.
Electioneering Tour; Chsacer's Griseldis• ' A
Mosey Article ; The Virginians in Texas; My
Fathers-in-Law; Theltomanoe of Sleep; Mrs.
Pullett'a Perversion; How I, happened to
Merry.; Aciatiy and Jack; Editor's Easy Chair;
Monthly Record of Current Eventa; Editor's
ATLAITIO MONTEILY —Contents for April
The Onarliaa Angel. IV; The Restless; Pio.
wearing; Tke United Sesta Sanitary Commis.
Won The Haunted Window; Katharine
Horne, VI; Tinson's Soliloquy; Considerations
on University Reform; The Canadian Emis
sary; Travel in the .Untted States ; Chester
Harding; A ramilliar Epistle to aPriemd ;
Adelaide Ristorh A Winter Adventure on the
Praine; Reviews and Literary Notices. Pub
lished by Ticknor is Fields, 124 Tremont St.,
Boston. Price $4 a year, or 85 with; s num
Pyreamain Mactusa.—The contents of
the April number of this pspulir magasine
are varied as Reuel; and ha embellishments
are etsgant. Reuel
full page engraving, eine
%era Dom" Is a capitel picture. and the dou-
Bre paged colored fables plate will be toned
very attractive to ladles; •
The Old Guard for April has bees received.
As usual. it le well filled and ably wilted.—
Tonne, $8 per year—specimen copies twenty
meta. Seed for a copy. Van Retie. Berton
& Co., Publishers, 162 Nassau Street, Ilser
To*. -
GOONS'S LADY'. 8005...4 would be °gild-,
log retitled gold" to praise dedey; everybody
in the land knows what it is. The present
number is unusually hilly of good things. A
new story is oommenclid by Marian Elsrlend,
entitled "For Better or Worm" which is to
run through several numbers. The Fashion
Department and that for Housekeepers I.
tilled to the brim with matters that will give
the ladles food for thought apd—dare we BAY
it, ?—gossip, for IS month at the least.
BRADLIN tlonruLy.—The publishers send
ns the April number of this popular magazine
with the following table of contents:. Our
National Capitol; From Poet to Pillar, by
Mary N. Prescott; Wykheff Jones, a Poem ;
Natural Forces; Autobiographic Notes; Three
Nights at Ceast Cedira ; Wonderful Balloon
Excursion; Skirmishing in the Shenandoah ;
areenblow in Gotham, continued; The Ship
of the Desert; In Duress; Words from the
People, &e.
- 7,-Rose ' s triNTLINZIen Funnt3llllll3 871)111.
—Mr. Warren L. Ross has taken the wore
lately conducted by Justice. sheen & della
gher, and fitted it up with everything necer a -
ry to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishment His stook of cloths esseirneres,
vestior and ready made clothing is superior
to anything ever brought to the city, sad We
defy any one to visit the store without finding
something to suit, his taste. Mr. Roes has
been very successful in securing a cutter who
-is not surpassed anywhere. Under his skillful
supervision the concern is turning out work
equal to thebest Eastern establishments. No
person can have en excuse for goieg abroad
to get clothing while Ross affords the (3011,8
sienna that he does. In addition to his other
goods he has also a superior stook of hats
and cape, hosiery,collarii, 01.11•118,—in short
anything 'that a man wants in the clothing
line can be got at Ross's. Call and see for
youreelves. - je2l tf
Os INTSILIST TO FAlXll2l.—Last spring
Messrs. Henry, Bryant & Co.. proprietors of
the Emile Foundry. secured the right to man
ufacture the celebrated Iron Beam Curtis
Plow. which bad previously won a wide rep
utation wherever it was introduced. The re•
suit that has attended their efforts has been
very encouraging—and they are now entering
on their manufsoture upon an extensive scale.
The plow is-said by those who have used it to
be superior to any other m .de here, and the
heavy demand which has sprung up for it, is
proof enough that it must be all that is claimed
for it. We would advise nor "fanner readers
to call and examine the Curtis Plow before
purchasing any other kind. mr2l-tt
ter 8. M. IVeigel, practical piano forte
inter. Orders left 'at the Grover dt Baker
Sewing Machine Agency, 820 State street.
Brie, Pa., or by mail, will receive prompt at
tention. A first elass_workumn employed to
do repairing of pianos and melodeons. [2m
Wi ou LAND Frft BALY. , -.41. tract of wood
land in Le Neuf township is cffered for sole
cheap. It contains 107 acres, which will be
soldaltpgether or in parcels. A good stone
quarry is on the premises. Address JOSZPII
WALDIiON, Waterford, Pa. tarl4-0.-
For Isteuranoe io *ell known and the• mos
reliable companies, apply to R. W. Russell
agent, 501 State street. feb2l ly.-
Or J. F. Croatia Erie City Intelligence
Office, No 1.252 Etate et. .jalo'67tf.
'Dxszntum's Pions Extitaur Bruno—ls a certain CUTS
for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy,
Organic Weakossi,ireemateComplaints„ General Debut
ty and all diseases of the Griner . , Organs, •bether ex
isting to male or female, from whatever cause originat
log and no matter of how long standing.
Diseases of those Organs =qui» the use of a diuretic.
It no treatment to submitted to Consumption or haul
-17 may ensue. One Flesh and Blood are supported from
ihese Sources, and the Health and Happtnese, and that
of posteriti, depends upon prompt use: of a re table
=mod,. Relmboldra Extract Buehu, established up
wards of 19 years,,: prepared by
H. T. GELIMOLD, Druggist,
694 Broadway, Now York, and 1044.vouth 10th Street
Philadelphia. Pa. mtl•'67-Iy.
PILPARAD nii or Pox Aso Yam
Tar solowtrirm restoring snd twelatifyine the Bair, and
Is the moat dsllghttal and wonderfal article the world
ever produced.
Ladies will dud tt not only 'certain remedy to re
gore, darken and beanrify the hair, but alto a deairable
article for the teilet, et it Is highly perfumed with
rich and delicate pi,: fame, independent of the fragrant
!goe of the olls of rani end sp. ee.
&new and beantlfal perfnm.. wlstetk in &linty of
scant, and the himaity with which it clings to the
bandterchlidand person la unequalled.
The above arteiles for sale by all druggists and .par
clams, at ill per bottle each. Sant by unrest to any
address by the yivyrbiton,
100 Liberty Street, New York.
Elroy Tin faararr.-11adame tr. F. Thoraton, the
Vest KASSA Astrologist, Cis(introit and Facia° un
atria; who lies astonished the scientific easels of the
Old World, Las now located herself at Hodson, N. Y.
Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of
second eight, as to snob% her to impart knoirtedge of
the greatest Importance to the angle or married of
either set. While to a state of. trines, eke delineates
the very features or the person yon are to many, sad
by the aid of en inarnment of intense power, known as
the Psychemotrops, guarantees' to produce a life like
plants of the Ware blamed or wire of tits applicant,
together with date of marlins, position in life, lending
nail* of the:actor, ke. This is no humbug as thousands
of testimonials can arat. She will said when desired
a antified armada% or mitten guarantee, that the
piston is what It purports to be. fly enclosing fifty
cants and stamped earslope addrasecrto yourself, you
will Naha the plakre and desired Information by re
tarn mall. All communications sacredly rionfldsatial.
Adams In csondesce, MADAXI fi. P. TEORTOII, P. O.
Box t, Hudson, N. If: eb2l'6T-ly.
A COl7Oll, a COLD. CIE a 8011 TICIPAT feipalres Wora
diets attention, and should be elosokedi If allowed to
continue: Irritation of tbi Limp, a permanent 7k oat
Moue, or Consumption, tp often the result.
having: Croat tollasato to tluo port; eve lorroodiato
pallor. For
and Throat bums'. Trochee are used with always
good steams. Shirrs and Potato Speakers will tied
Troches nistel lielgriug the role when taken beers
Moen or Speaking. and relining the throat after an
mescal stcrtioe of the resit organs. The ?troches are
Pearratmended and. prescribed by ylwalslene, and hare
bad testimonials from enakerut mut throughout the
noantrr. Reins an 'Alsip of time merit and having
proved their sterner bra tact of men^ yours, sash yea.
Sods them in net localities' he rotate Farts of the
world, and the Trochee are universally pronounced bet
ter than other artielen.
Obtain ca'y *Brown% Bronchial Troehes," and do
not tabs any of the • worth , ess imitations that may b.
offered. Sold everywhere.
riALVe Vicirnau
Mire ?scotchle Sicilian Haft lienever renews the
vostorse Grej Hai, to It. original whit, prevents
its Ming oS, =but the Hair voseeth and glossy. it does
.not stain the skin, it has prised itself the heat prepara
tion ever presented to the poblbs. Give it a trial. Price
$lOO. For sale by all dinged&
B. P. HALL & CO.,
feblr67. ' Kuhns, N. H.. Proprietors.
Ma Glair: os Wks to Soeuolo—Therstore the
Nersoss and rebtlitsted should lassedbitely us Pelee.
bold's Estrort dacha. lorle'd7-I.t.
Fan TO EIKRIZODT.--1L large g pp. Cironlar, giving
Information of the grsatast importance to the 'ones of
It tombs' bow the homely say booms tosatifirl, the
&Egad rotimetod, and the Nakao loud.
Ito yoting lad, nt gontlomaa aboard fall to mod thole
Mama and roman a Gorr, postpaid, by Mara mall.
Mamas P. O. Drawer 21,
Troy, VW York.
Wampum asp CeMeant: min at 114.111111 S - 67 Tara
liamman.—la way for yang men at the ahoy of
tode. and the trbtoal Dram Abuse and Dilemma
Ind& mate tespeelmeats to YARHILGI, ants enre
mew of raid. Rent in meld latterearelopen, tree of
amp. Address, Dr. I. ItliaLLlN 110CEISTON, Howard
Ameetatlen MO Mold; Pa. balM-ly.
Mimeloses Irma? Brew sad beamed Rose
Wag earn mast sad dspate dteordors I• sU their
slap", st little even% UM, or so clump to M. no
Inerarealonea aad no exposure. It Is pleasant to tuts
sad odor, loamalliteli salon sad fees from all Ns*
eat MOM& - antle67-Iy.
Tau in um trapieniat aid Ilaah Itookilies for
aaplessint sad dawn= dimes.. U lielastoW a
Rzteset Zulu' sad larroved Ross Wilk.
Haweezazi maetan nattered *7 lifamigibra
'Mead Imam atIVICAr.
A Substitute fur Calomel.
now. Pillo ore comp:oil of various root; banns
the power to renz the serret:ooe of the !Iry es
vomptly and eneehrgly as b:off pill or moreury,
-and without. ;trail:lea:4 any o. those dlfarreesb:43 or
dattsrroi oroeto whteh often folfow the nee of the
I n an Mono disorders Wee Pills may be toad with
confidence. se they Promote lho dhcharre of .(tiered
bile, and remove thew othrtriuntotut from the neer
and batary ducts, wlnch aro the cause of !Alton/
affection, In genomL
rthadazhe, ands', dliordere et he Liver, ind:cated
milow &tn, costal tongue, 023t1TC2C.14 dretrainea.
anti a merit Scetne ol ores:then and !attitude,
chewing that the Ilmr is In a torpid or obarected
In then, these Pdh way bo Med with advan
tage In all OM. when a purgative or a!terative
"Encd;cine Ls repaired.
P.esee ask 'or Sehenees Mandrake PAIL"
and ota_rve that the two likenearee et: thei Meer
are on the Gevernir.ent Imp-ono when in 1:10 Lau
dap of Cooltutption, and the other In We Drees:
2301 d b.: at: Prunelna and dr..ler,.. P:lea caws
per box. pa. Office. No. North nth Street.
Phliadelph:a, Pa. -
.eeera WbeferVe Arrter: Metal Barlee....
Park Eon— Nen - YOT6 B. S. Bente, im Balti
more de, Ba'll . .1(1:111 O. Park. N. E.
ear. of Fearh and Wahu . Oblo-
Walker .b 141 and 1.7.1 Averv.;ek
Chic o. 1.1. - C•Alin4 Bro.her?, rot:qv:Tat c,r,
a. Second and Venn 1,010, !So,
me. 1 Jr
A YOE'S° Lsziv—R tarninv to be- COLLOtri h on, of
tar a sojourn of a few months In the city, wu hardly
recognised by her [Heads. I a plies of a coarse, mono,
Bashed face, she had a soft, ruby comilexlon r f almost
marble smooths:Lea. and Instead of t.en•ythrea she re,
ally appeared bat eighteen. Upon lap iry uto the
cave of so great a cb►age.•he plenty told them that
she used the CIRCA'S' AN BAIA. sod Coneldersi it an
hnsloable acquisition to any IMO Toilet By its use
any Lady or Gentleman can improve their 'personal ap
pearance an hundred fold. It is okapis in its era:bias-
Won se niers hermit is simple, yet onsurpassod in Its
In drawing impurities from, also heallng,olesne-
Ing and bestlifying the Ain and complexion. By Its
&root action on the cuticle It draws from It all its kn.
Purities, kindly hording the same, and leaving the our.
I lie a u nature intended it to be, char, soft, smooth and
beataful. Price $l, gent by mail or express, on receipt
ears order, by W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West flay sus St., Syraeass, N. T.
The only ACl2elitllll Agents for the sale of the same
Woneuvr. ger Tara.---Madams Remington. the
world renowned ALtrologint and tiomnausbedistle Clatr
repot, while in • tiaimoyant state, delineates the very
filatures of the promo you are to burry, and by the aid
of an instrument of intones power, known as the Pay.
chomotrope, gsarantres to produie a perfect and life
like picture of the fotare husband or wife of the appli
cant, with date of marriage. occupation, tem:Ling mum
of character, ac This ill on imposltine, as testimonials
Without 'limber cart wart. By stating place of birth,
age, dr:position. color of hair and ma, end enclosing
My cents, and stamped envelope *dem/eel to . 04 ,1414
ion will readies the picture by r tarn resit, together
with deified Information.
re Address to co:lds:lee, Iliosirs Gummi Eva
INGTOI, P.O. Ha: 29?. West Troy, N. T.
A DMiititsTakToißs !SALE.
ey virtue of en order of the Orphan's Court-of Erie
county, the undereigned,adcoinistrator of the estate of
Henry Hartle, diree, will self the following described
Real Estate of said decedent, on B aturd67l April 6th,
1867, et 2 o'clock, p. m, at No. 619 Trench street,
Pa , to wit :
All that plod 02 pixel of land situate in the o
ship of arournit in said county, bound.l as follows :
'ominen log it the Northeast nor ner of said pi• dr,
thence &ath 26 deg East by land of John Johnson At
ty-gre and a.half rods; thence South d 4 deg. Wert by
lend of John Hans, one hundred and arty-forty rods to
• stone or poet; thanes along oenbe of the .I.a. Rose
North 25 deg. West liftr-rive and a-half rods; therms
North 64 deg. Rut by lan'l of Alexander Pink and Mrs.
Matti:ears, one hundred and fifty f .ur rods to the place
of beginning. eontainl'g fifty three acres end sixty
seven rods of land, more or lest. Being pad of tract
No 169.
Also, all that part of tract Nn. 368 in said township of
Summit, containing one acre of Tau.. bounded .North by
read, Southeast by land of John Johnson and est
by land of Mealtime..
Alio, Lot No 18 to Out-Lot , to 219 In the city of Erie
u sabdivided by Montt it Hitnrod; said lot b log for
,ty.ons feet three in ehUin width, fronting South side
of Huron street, mod on. hundred and twenty-are feet
long to Buckeye Alle y.
Terms of dale.—One-third its hand, the balance in two
equal fasten:toots loth annual interest, to be secured by
indolent bond and inottgege on the premises I •
mrl4-4w. Adm'r of Henry Martin. deed.
E - iC 1 E OIT
The su' scribes baying been sporan , ed at a nmeting
of the eorporstors of the Erie City Pawner Railway
Company. held on the 11th I ,, st. a Committee to ope n
books and nevi?* in:awe/101one to the stock of aid Cor
porstion. would hereby give bathes that s- id books will
oh 'Neldal. the 9th day of April proximo, at
the °Mee of th e Drexel Real Estate Agenes, S. w. car
eer of tate end a lit Streets, to the city of Eri le. and
remain open from i 0 o'clock a. m to 4 p.m., for the
space of three deys unless within tb.t Ili:tett:o re shell
be subscribed the whole somber of there. antherise
by the aotof 1000rPOTIWOU of the aforremid Kris ity
Passenger Railway Coca as In se•orditee with the
provisions of the Act of the '9th of Feb.uary, A D.
late, entitled 4 •An Act Itegulain
A. g PM
°SLIMS toad Companies."
WY ire;
WY. F. arsmatNecar;
Erie, Fa, 12th March, IP?
ACT OF ihu FESE.SARY, A. D. 3949
Sso Sts—The capital stock of such Company shall be
divided luta shares of fifty dollars each, area shall be
called co and paid Much times andplaces and such.
lutportions and instalments, not, however, exceeding
Itirsifillare per slurs in any period of thirty data as the
Directors shall require, of which pulite notice shall be
given for at least two weeks next nreeeding the time or
w edppointed for that purpose in the manner s hove
N.B. Copies of the Act of Intortcastien of the. Erie
City homage! Railway Company may to obtained gra.
taitoludy by application to
vatl44d. 8. W. corset Mate sad Ylith Bts.
For wreeley's History Complete.
Entmordlnary 4 pp3rtnnity ! IhroaralLeled Gamete I
This history contains mammas of about one hundred
battles not generally found to the earlier 'works on the
Rebellion. wren in these moat widely circulated. Now
that Greeley's History Is completed. its popularity Is
i th th e m m oat f v o ala s b a l d e
workw with
aC atenpai di s yw m hi a ch r
published. Address •
O. D. SIVE k CO., Publishers.
urrl4.4lw. - Hartfbrd. Conn.
No. 83 East Tenth St. ' Erie, Pew's
Of all Made of
Done In the but style, at the shortest. Dotter, and ,st
ressostable pleas.
de All goods will tor pr sad and relatibed
ai Wore
llror rrar 332.
801101/13111 , OF MOOTAI BRIO.
An nnlilsente prohibiting internmuts between certain
streets n the borough of South Erie
Seal. fie it ordained and enacted that trona and of
t the lit day of fuse, •. D. 1667. interment/ of dead
human bodies *LW be probibited betneaa Pauli and
Chestnut strata. in said borough of South Me
See 2 That any person poeistv ere entration vio
lating the first sectinn of tide oidiztence shall be pan
❑hed he a line of-bitt &glare for the ern Donna end
one hundred dollars for every inttununtott offence.
Wm. Ltrrre Clerk. WY. EIEVILY. Burgers.
D -
Ire. 1= Pesci Street,
Two doors Smith of . haaoon & Co.. Hardware Store,
It offering a very doe HMI of
the ahoy golds. whist, will be .old at very low prices.
Perrone welting anything in the above line will end it
advantageous to eall. Ladies' fan attend and made
our. • dwell tt
Salami preposats will be received by the Street Com.
zaittee of Councils of the any of fie, until Soodey,
April 42 I, for poling sed paving with Nicholson Pave
ment the etreetaaroand the Parts. Plans and
cations an be scan by applying to the City Unison.
• Jo3tym macarfam ?
.1. stemendLus
ser24-4w. • .
Street Committee.
!or Bassewing Supargaoas Bab
To the Wise eapedally. this laealeahlei depilatory
roommenda Wolf aa bolos en almost ladirpendble ara
eie to female broth Is artily smiled. does not horn or
Waft the attn. bat sets directly. on the mete. It is
llnnsated to remove itopiolluons hair Ms los fors.
b.* or Mae Sal riot of the br dye empletelr. totan7
end radleaßy. exthpetten the sane. hatpins the din
soft. smooth end ostoral. Thle la the oaly ertkde on d
by the Fteueb. and is
only reel effeetnet depilatorr
be *riotous Moen Note pft pada" sent postpaid.
to ear eddreee sl oo m sandal of an order,
u, sauna a an.
febttlft-ly. Tla after 111..1fteMf.
Coma of Dort% saa St
-BRIX. 74 4i3
diell4l J. C.
(4 p riFiuNo ,
kii , k),
• 6,000 our and rrtood•bsol 1 . 114 . 01
itrt los soB CoVart. 8 000 SAdd'os
VIA. 800 tour horse Go•sroomot Wfito.r, 2 65
oa corrrr, all shoe, cow aad worn. 8.0 , 0 81 44 , ')t
Horns Cover... s 1.0. • 'arr. tb , c's tt' et.,
Wl3lt s bu,, Y RDA ninhalsces sr et, e nt•tb` t
Cballts.Sltio2ottoto o . Itivd.R ref, .4. • st•
Sfamsr—lttlo rroris‘4l - 1 oat r•0p..4 ...,h ?
o. e' $l5 fit po r•.. 1,
elwileg arid!. TAtitd do, le 00 T iffr.l3
Caroni SI to II • itrt. 1' NI- 11, 4„t
3269 an 0200 r•00 ,, *.• Tilts $1 r. to $2
ttnro $l. hatttv• *A to 11 - e. , d• • ite
sus. with plattei bI eST ' • Srfro f
bridle $l4: itOtro addle* for 10 S
Male to 81 an, ellitne, le..- been. f 3 sp.
Gotten • ;Litt 3a to 18; 12 tit. dock p 812 jr,:,,
0101 10rt12..0, os w ied gond is st.s. B•I
..Z 7 VI to sto ~f hrerr' Al. ot . c., , 4 ,;' •
to 118 10 ID , bags. from 10 .4 1„ t ? ,•:
sorbs' 82; 2ts bor. 810: 01 us- 81 ;., •
40, ss •ttd S 2 tO
small i:ltdeett simt Expretr, C rt
NO sod k."9:lnr.h Front • r i
No. 0 . Park Place. nen York. outi No. 4.1
Washington. '• C.
Pries list s.nt,e) ippliestv.
FMK CITY I tr;f 4 i {TOMO+.
:.. ,
DIRECT ACTIN ( CIRCULLR 4.1 W 1111.1.,1 ,c
pitivixo PI r.E
GEO. SELDBX, Presiapat.
W. J. 1' LlDDELL,Plapertotrai
J 01321 EILL/3, Sitarstaryand Nu. ' '
ilendattured by the -
Cute Stoat twice. Use dotal.," the pore, et
famine of equal aim
%dim who with to inereare their_pen.
changing their holler. eau do so by taste: it, h .
Rogine,which works the :hand Strom
doable the power from the tame boiler,
the toeL irecr:
.7Vos. 23 and 24 We Park, (Brauis
6816, PA
fill °lasi* sad PCs II
And dation la
comity PRODUCE,.
/1.0178, PORK, rivi,
wooDEN a sctr.r.ocr w 4 ,E
rka Pal Qua Wits .1 P..tti
♦geate for the Cleveland Rat. klnc
, c Polrlof
rr A tholes lad fresh god' a!lravt
which wit 7 be sold at the lowrat a/omi.
We pledge oureelve.-not to be enderoold, u_,-.
to give to e tali.
rir The highest pries psli for nI:SI7 Dr+r
m 471
Coal Yard, comer cf Twelfth sod Prork
Pa, who keep conatantly on hand Lehlbll4
(Fan ace) lump and prepared, Sbenotn.
and Nat sizes; Bituadnou for grata and
For Blseksmith Porpcon.
Ow Coal la alt readied Drraii, ie kept ela
Boor. and
lre on? gnat Inducements to partlem 161::
In•thoft Weer "apply, also to dealers pzrelc.:(
tionrir Mill • eel and a e pima te• to psi
-B 1 II N:V . 3.1 ri‘
D G • A te
,Tll4, DEPOT•
IU.OOO Active Local end Traveling
Tamale, of all ages, are wanted to eolith
City, Town, Village, Ramie, Workrbt
throughout the entire world, for the ulna
*Wes CiTer known. tOO ter cent. inset aa:
yawn' °maim. Smart elan and went
from $3 to $6O tar day, and to riot, of to'
capitalrequired , f treat till) to SICO c
Invested the 'roster the groat So slow
advance—aro first NA ad the articles and mei,
'wards. U you actually wish to ratite toots'
wad easily, write for toll particular', and
ItILNOR & CO. (Frot
210 Broadway. N:/
!foarsppers coring will be hberally
VORCDD to grow woo the smoother!
them to eve weeks. Ur using Dr. :','ETIGSE
RATRUst CaPILLAIRE, the most sonde:
to modern Weems, acting upon the; Dear!!
most miraculous nmsner. It has bees roc
or'Parts and
I. odon with the. inert date
Nampo of all yardmen. will be registered.
sitistaation ft lot strut to miry datum
will be absertally
mallad rolundod. Price by ssw
Desmlptles Cfrocders es 3
fres Address 11133i0ER,5111.711`3 /
No. 485 River closet, Troy, N. T., eels
United States.
B' A U T
- . -
Predated by the ass st Prof. IA BM
CHBVKIII. Ona application a arrsoud
strati/4*W stabbons hare eftesrer
kb% or heavy, numb. earls. Hu No
fasbionables cf Paris and d
log resits. Doss ao Injury to the ail , .
sealed and postpaid,' $l, Du.eriptirs
free. Address BERGER. BRUM k CO"
28.51lirar strut; Troy, N. Y. Sole spa
CliiarlilL COMA
Ph I else -u beautiful and fidr.
With starry or', and radiant tall,,
Whose) curling tendrils son, runn . '"
loath:ant thevers heart sad mist
Ter Carling the hair of either se:
, fat
Glasey Ringlets or Beaty,
BY Mint this article teams sad &sr'
'iffy themeelires u thousand fold. It
In the world that will curl 'thug,'
are Woe give R a beautifet, slow
CT Wit Cetus colon!, curls the hba,
bssetll.2 and eltazwe It;
retreated, sod Le the moat eoconiete talc.
evert Irma' to the Attoositen yob Ise The ,
will be at to ski,' ad4ress, sealed and yd: .
Addrenesl all online to
No. 8 West Fayette Sts
R . *. W? Jlqelillataofa,
Maastaataren and Whalen!. Deer'
Na 6 P*lirral St., af!•gbral p 7. ?6'
Third Door from surviroion Briar,
k tura by ono who bwo otiroat 4 ,
dation, and WEI toll pro notIOIS.
Addxwo Nta 41=1 1 / 4
,NP Co•Portomblp 1010000
firm cam of Tient Bobo, 0 010
metal want. lb* eirktbtot bo inl. lo
nod by J. II Kuho. at trio obi land. No
throe dorm north of Om Raltriad. wbo,
NOON. sod Is 'valorised to tollott 01l
Srot. V. 4
F 23
- I‘ii
S TO '
Sign *,' i'