DRY GOODS AND CARPET EMPORIUM. ONE - PRICE CASH STORE! DIEFENDORF, GROSS' & FOSTER, null reepeciftity cell the atientlan at oar triende and the pubhe generally to nut large and well ieleeted stock, ennsattlog DI?.EAS'S GOopS OF ALL KINDS, WHITE UOODS,CLOTHS, Flannels, Brown and Bleached -Muslins, Stripes, Denims, Ticks, Table Linens, Shawls,. Hoop Skirts, Small Wares, &c., Wall an - A_ Deabration Papers and Bor • ders. The largest and most complete stock in North-Western renn'a, ROYAL VELVET, EN, - ; DISH' BODY, BRUSSELS; ENGLISII TAPESTRIES, nreerlv, lograirt, notch Wan , . na g ind Amp. Velvet god Drnawll, Watts and Rogs or all decoriptlony, Oil Vlntl- a, from on. to siv yard. wide;Cooo r , Can. and Canton Vatting!. doll vidtll.. - upHOLSTERY ?hors justly Celebrated Spring Bala, Hair and Saran Hatt:isms, which are uuisereally scknonledgrd to to Ott» best, enestastly on baud and made to order. Bedding' of every description. consisting of Trolet Qn kits. flolnred and "Mite Blankets, Comforters. pillows and pillow ebeets,./te., always on band. ,Also, Lire Geese 'feathers of the best quality. Chi:TAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS!. 1 • I asp Curtain*, Damask Papas tunkalrnestolle, Curtains made to order. Condom—Gilt. Pori wood. Blank Walnut, o il. and oraeliantal. Stair Rode of all kinds. In a word, ever- thing uanally kept ins gist elate ' and Flow* Furnishing Fitsblirliment Consult your interests and buy your goods where you can end the lamest assortment. Thiel 11 at the one . . trial cub store of . . - DIEFENDORF, GROSS R FOSTER; 'No. 7 REED HOUSE, ERIE, PA. _ prei.EYo4 M%TiONAL CL AGBPIC V. Oleo In Farrar Hall Building, Erie, Pa. sbunzirs BOUNTY AU delineate for extra bounty allowed - by late ado of Cr.,.,,.n eau - bare the some promptly collected by evading their disebervee to me, the recetrt rf 'bleb •ill be promptly ankt,role deed sod .natrectiors re turned INOREASz nv PENSIONS. $l5 per month for total Iris of use of either lee or arm. Instead et Pei $2 pm =oath for each minor child of decouted soldier! or semen. Abe, ether lacreeee.. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICER; OF 10 , S. A 'threw month, pay ;Pope? for all in service March lht, and discharged after April 9th, 1186. Claims cashed Cidma for mule ofpay, and nen.lons, and b&nte prornotly colleetad. Ppm:tailed belittle. for etnainc mod eoropletifor cases. alinwanee to oriaanars of war eollee.ed. Only eireae. in North-Western Pe0n..1..- lab when veer. of tipertenen in the U. Trea•stre can be loon& Ti,anhful fnt the very liberal patronage bestowed fi t the rex+. we hem br inerearad experience and ume• 'milting etiolation to . patroaa to sonars their routinized favor. Mx, in Farrar Dill Building, A abaci, S. TODD PRRLRY, PuSkat Loch Sri 101. Rae, . IMPORTANT TO PUILDRUN no rAu s e.t .na nut stock of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, •n 4 BlitislßiS- in I'm may Do fond at HALL.it WARFEL'S DRUG S'iORE, STATE BT., NOW/ or Srnerra Raving bad long exper.enee In the trade ere are sambaed to supply partial' with a superior quality of goods al the lowest priers. Our stock embraces a general variety of everything that naafi. , need, and thou. wbo the UM their patronage can Wynn not being diesTnnins.a. r Orders for Farniebing buildings will to satisfac torily dltrd. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. - aulady - - THE PLACE TO GET YOUR RONEY BACK THE is kr F. COUGULIN'S SHOE STORE, BOOT AND Vtatentreet. Route nopoelte the Poo nee & Lt. Coughlin. Root and fiboe Neat reapaottally isforina the Public that b. boa menorad big stand to the gtore Room on Rate stmt. nearly oopoait• the Port Ones, label* be ineltaka all his old Mende and enatomem to Ora Win a call. _Particular attention siren to Raving central worksoim, and inparlatending all his bualnaas tdmaalf, he beildna be can itv. as rood aatisfan tips and salt at as low prices as any other person to the 'city. Good int. Warranted. sot7adtt. • 9 1100 8 8 " D - ON A PIANO FORTE ! Esc to $5O ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN 4iy parabiZog or 7.. OF ERIE, toistosol of twooltng °taro to Nor trot. PIANO 70WIR1 AND MELODEONS Furnished hem the tollowbveslotrated listiefeeteeets Steinway & Sou. New Torb. Rm. Kosbo di Co., Baltimore, Md., Wm. B. Bradbury, Fr, York, Orovestoes & Co., New York, Boardman k Gray, AThany, N. Y.. goo. A. !limn A Co., CAITLIN N.Y., 11. ?pang, Syrtestes, N.Y Jewett & Goodman, am eland, 0 Cbresaborolt Grobler, Niro York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BRUM ItANVIACTURERS' PRICES ! Piazioa ire= VZO to $1,600 Eir AB presorts deitring a grit rate Piano or itelode on are invited to WI and examine our lostnimeats be fore purchasing elsewhere. limi Imstrcment *enacted for Sire puss No. 816 SW* Street. Eris, Ps noaols4tf BOORS FOR THE MILLION. CAtEGOEY, .11cCRL'ARY & CO., BOOKEELT47,IIB AND • STITIONEES, NO. 11 NORTH PARK ROW, , Are opening tbe laspet and moat carefully aolretail_ "took of sloppily Wad and boaatifully Illturtratcd It 0 0 K S ! Ever - beenebt to ibis market, &eluding standard works, num EngUsb-and American Juvenile Books. Bibles, Prue/ Books, sod Churl Services, In fine etviel. Alen, TTN; BTAtIONERY AIiTICLIM; Writing Drake. Pansy ink Stands. Ladies' 'NUM mid Mort Mmes. Perth)Sou Sterecactires and vises. Prang's Card Pictures. the most beantlfal Sands, *shoot Cards fo Milt tertetn. Port Monnaies, Card Costa. Gold Pena, Propelling Penes, al• variety of Panay Articles In Seoteb Plaid, Photograph Allmma from the but mans storielyin the teat stelae Java tf CACCifigY. yoCREARY a CO NOittg & BAKER%► \ FIRST PRRIIIIMI ELASTIC STITCII AND LOCK STITCFI SEWING DIAC17: 1 1.11 , 14 ! I= W . F.1010. & 7.lelatEß A S2O St.t. Strest, Arip, P. julyilal—tf 17111 NORM We YOUTIS.—a ratlimo .bo hen , steered for years from Nervous Debility, Pretror re Deasy, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will for the save Sitgltilif hitnuutity; wend free to ail who need it, the:recipe and directions for staking the simple tamed], by which he was cored. Su ff erers wishing to profit by the edeertisee• eaplinws.can - do JO by ad &wine R.,OODEN, - ded2oBB If. .18n. /8 ChWArril et. N.Y. 'OFF, PATTBBRON S CO., 41$ -rEizeca sfaterr, Hare on tune the tat Nada of °rotted Coffees. EP' 0 pf ell Toed), &e. •f Tll2 LairENt WOOED 1= HERAHN, CHRISTIAN 44 !MAW, . HOLM AND 24 PARK ROW, Hays Jae rushed TWENTY - CHESTS OF CHOICE TEA ! Inda. vtll Choy. alli-tf ERIE CITY F.RIF,, PA., CARP F: T S • ERIE RAILWAY! GREAT BROAD GAUGE. DOUBLE TRACK ROM TO NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE NEW ENGLAND CITIES. Thir Railway 'stands from Dunkirk 'to New Sorb 4co c 3145. buffalo to Tirw York. 423 miler. Aa'a• mums to N.. York 416 miles. AND IN nay 22 TO 27 MILES TEE snoartst imurr. •n Tratos tan atrontry through to N.. York, 460 IDLES, without changirof Coaches. From and after Nov. 19. P 66, Trains will leave in eon , pectic:at with all Western Ibsen as follows: From corm- AIRK end SALAMANCA—by New rk time from rition D•p6ts~ 6 00 A. N. Nee York Day Emus, from Salamanca, dull• (except Sundays). Toterse.ts at Normals - rills with the 5.31 A. N DAP Express from Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 10 20 r. 710 A. X. zyn•ru Mail. firm Dunkirk, daily (escort Popov!) gin:4st qalamaaes 940 A. . and eon. Deets at Hortiellnille and Corning with the 929 A. w. Varna Nail from Buffalo, and arrives in New York stjt CO A. w. 1.15 1 , 14 k'erk Nigki &puss, from Tianliirk, daily (exetpt Sunday). atop. at Palamauca 555 P. and wires in Weer York at 12 30 .P • . C0D121,41V with afternoon trainaaad steamers • for Boston an. New England Cities. From Buffalo—by weer Tort lima. from Depot Corner Exchange and NI- hipn Streeter t. 30 A. Y. New Yirk Deiv Express, (Soadays excepted). Arrives in hew York at 10 :0 P. N. Connects at Brest Band with Bela rare, Lackawanna dt Western Railroad for Phtfadelphia, Baltimore. Waabl gton and points-Santis 8,30 A. is Eepr•n Mail, via. AvOn and Forrollarille. daily (except Readav)... Arrive, in .New York at's° A. N. Connects at Elmira with Williamsport t El. rules Railroad for Rarrisburr. PhiladePhia, Balti more, Washington end points Booth.' 2.20 r. rt Lightaing Erpress.Funaan excepted, stop• for wood and water only and arrive. In New York AND PAINTI:RS t 00, • a. • 0,10 r a. New Pork Mitt Express, daily. COl:Medi at Fforneliinflis with tbs 4.18 p. m. 'train from Dun kirk. sad amass la New York at 1230 r. x. Also emmeets at Flmirs - for Hsrftsbarg, Philacielphts and the South. 1140 ►. a. Cierianati Express, daily (except Sundae e). nine in New York it 3.45 P. x. ronneets at EL Intrlt With votatomooort. it choirs Ftaitroult it Great .- Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna to weeters non road. and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Cities • Only One Train Rut on Sunday, fearing ftatfato at 0.10 r at., and reaching Now Yolk at 12.30 A. 14., In ad tattoo of nil other routes. Boston and aew England pointer, with their bag` ssee..are transferred free of durge, In New York. The best Ventilated and moot Luxurious gleepicg Ca IN THE WORLD accompany all night trains an this railway. Bacimre chocked through and fare alwass as low as by soy other routs "" 12r ASE YOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY. which can be attained at a I principal ticket cause in the West and South-west. H. RIDDI.R MMI pummels MARKET. Would reepectia 111 invoice* that they hive opened a store at NO. fa FRENOII S.?, EtZr966.N 4TII AND OH ALL RIND; OF COUNTRY PRODUCT. .Orden from abroad will receive prompt atten tloo It the Lowest Market Prices. The highest price Ic Cub pan ton Pronnee. , ' (tnlo AT W. W. PIERCE -& CO.'S CORNER STATE AND NINTH STS THE EMPIRE FEED CUTTER! A new and imoroved four-knife Cutting Boa, greatly superior to any lour knife Feed Cutter- in use. Its stieneth. degaiility.eampaetness, self feeding. adjosta ble throat and knives. ease of cut, sl pllettj , matting all kinds , f feed equally well. different length of out. o i.aratad by hand er hone power. alt combined, give this Empire Feed Cotter the decided.-preference over every other four knife (hatter. It took the premintn at the New Ye tk State Fair in 1862. We otT-r them to the public with tall eonddenee tbst thee wilt give entire eattstaetinn. For mite by - W. W. PIERCE k CO, Corner State and lith Ste. Resift. , Tholerale and. retail dealers in Hardman, Farming Utenatta, Rouse Forniehlog Goode. - Storet, Tin and Sheet Imo Ware, Tin Roofog and General Job Work, ' n0t.9'8641' I=o NOTICE TO ricusoNs HAVING PEODI CI, Wr ►re coo rocoinc a ilarkot Una from Erie to Re ants, on thr Phlladelyhlala railroad, sad -with•nt secure all Enda of VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODBCE To carry it on, Lave established. a Depot on to the year of the old Peed Harm, 1 BETWEEN STATE AND FRENCH STREETS, 7, Where se will be at'all time. ieidi to rootlet' and pa) the for the woe. All bertok Produce for rale we reqnest ed to therm a call. Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth St. . F 10.1885-0 MAY & JACKSON'. AMERICAN ARTIST'S UNION .—‘IOENTS WANTED. . Rell , l le ii;l •arrgetic persons. male or female. are epaulet to solicit ru , script.ote for our engrarines, and to tun' , we offer very liberal sun toduoments; ahlo, splend'd premion.s to sulacriters. Mouli4 suitable to be asell lo canraislog. together with all nseetsarg patient. • VI to furnished on atiolication. Addicts', with reference, _ , AMERICAN AMSTS no2o tt 25 Pine Street, New York. You CAN GET GO9D AT ONE DOLLAR PER POUND AT GO/F, PATTIRSON & CO.l 616 French Street, erier,Pa. n0?2,41 ll.vir KAHN, crinismor 3. CRAIG. CHEAP FAMILY - ditOCER lES 1 ftueb ss MG& Cboeolats, Banta Bat; Coro St areb. ratio; Por,Tooloes FUG Baal. Rho Float, Gies, Raking Powder, Cream Tarte, Split Peat, Cracked Wheat, Paul Wheat. Hominy, Komp. Mustard good. Jell Cspots, Soontol, Oltres. Volt Goistog Fern• 11l or. Cornitoor„ Got Neal, kinds et Pin a. Sari dines, Raleitss . Pickles, Currants, Flits, sad, io tact, oreritblog t s!onginit to a First Class Tooth arm. are234l B bACK MARBLE. -,_ The Pensu7ivsals Warble Comtooly no coy prepared to DIl °Am los - TILE, TABLE TOPrT, BASES, *C. • the Coma°, would direct the 'veld sttentinn of dealers and builders to the quoits and finish of this believing It superior to soy now in Yak. t. /N.ers fur Mathieu far inforodlon mad beaddrteLd to JOB ?OTh! llesidant or 11108 MTH, tt li mul‘ gt CHAIM B. w ifs s. Tula et. IlieSKat IVM._R.I!RR; Gecel Pmea - : let 4 M F. WORDEN & ERIE, PA., For the purchase and sal* of RUTTER, POULTRY, IfILIC, &e. GET THE BEST FOR RALE. FIFTH STRERT, ElO SST' 1! RY ET PRICI Tha plan to bFir CATARRH. WHY SUITTRI WITH THIS DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE CEDENG CAN BE CURED El=ill ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM El=3 DR SEELYE'S LIQUID CATA-RRH M E DY. CTARRH I= C 0 N S •U M P T 1-0 N I talus &feted it! its Incipient stages IT NEVER.•FAILS! CURE WARRANTED IF DIRECTIONS -ARE FOLLOWED. SINULE lIIITTLES WILL LAST A MONTH It COLD IN THE HEAD Relimed in a Few Minutes. .11AD ''BREAINI Caused by offensive seeretioos. WEAK EYF.S C►ual by C►hrih►l ►¢ecUons. SEIs.TSE TOP SMELL When lessened or destroyed I)I.AFNESS When caused by (Tata:Thal &Mehl btu. ALL ARE‘,CURED BY THIS REMEDY! THROAT 'AFFECTIONS Are mace frequently than otherertes armed by r thfrk, shmy 'mamas tailing from tb• heed, expo- - dally during the eight. and ro• milting from Ostanh, WS cured by DR. SEEL Y.E'S LIQUID C A VARRH REMEDY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at Mat very sliest Per. sons find thy bare a cold. that tter have (-tont at. tacks, and are more sensitive to tbithanges of temper ature In this tosdition the nos* may be dry. or a slight diseharige, thin and acrid afterwarda thick and 'aware, may ensue. As tide disease becomes chronic, the discharge, are in.:leased to quantity and changed to quality; they are no. thick' and heavy and are reeked or coughed off. The fey-m.ollns are offensive, causing-a tad breath; the s i • 15(. k and nasal; the elee are weak; the sense of smell 14 Irrsened or destroyed; deafness frsquentli takes pace. Another eommon and impo•tant symptom of Catarrh is that the person is obliged to emir his throat in the morning of *slick or slimy mucous. which has tale* from the head daring the sight. p han Mistakes plane the 'tenon may be sore that his disesae is on its way to the tangs • and should loose no time id arresting it. The oboes are bat (sir of the many Catarrhal symp tom- Write to our Leboratory for our pamphlet de scribing folly al' symptoms; it alit be nut free to•aa address. Also direetions where to procure the medi cine. We are receiving letteii trop all Tarts of the union, and also numerous testimonials Imo Ulnae mites It, bearing tb• evide Dee of fte iciallible merit". or This remedy contains no mineral or poislnons lei edients. bat is prepared iron veistable extracts en. eta•lrely: Therefore it is perfectly harmless area to the most tender and &louts child. =3= SEELYE'S •C ATARRH REMEDY ! AND TAKE NO OTORi. If not sold by the druggist in your vicinity, they will older it for you- Pries two dollars pet bottle. All persons 'offering with any affection of the head, thmat or lungs, shou ld write at ones for Mir pazphlet &seises. hilly drseribLog all symptoms partaking to the ahoy* A DDRESFS DR. D. 11. SEELYE k CO., FRILEPORT, ILLINOIS .Bola ki, all lirltolesak and Retail Druggist: OgNERAL - AGENTS John D. Park. ClaiduzialL Milo: Polhill. Vlach 4c Pula ler, Chive 1114 Dunham dr Veil ' , chuck, Chime°, Dania N. Co , New York; D. Reason to Buffalo. N. Y.; Famed. Shale, &Co, Detroit, Bioh4 Week. & Potter. B.ston; Pi eoeh, itichards & Co., Phila. delphia; K E. tiels k Co„ Pittebulk: Callus Bruels. l.oula Mo.; Buses. Wand &Co New Orleans; R. A. Rol been & Co.. Louisville. Re.; Ripley & Bro Mem phis. Ton.; P. R. Dvpur, Richmond, Va.; Thompson di Block, Baltimore, Ild; pester k Kellner, AIWA?, N. Y.; Strong & inzotrosg. Cleveland, Mao; Wm. Jobn soon. De rod, hick.; Wilson Peters lb Co, Louisville. Irvolacky. MOO medicine that meta the twit comicaln te and la I therefore the gluiest Tame and Importance La lantillan, le Carter's latraet of t3mart Wced. Moo. lands tan test* to the trltth of ntl then ire thdr Wei EU beamstithe atom oidlo tf GREAT DISTRIBUTION ET TIM AMERICAN JEWELERS' A SSOCLATION. Depots, 37 and 39 Nassau, and 54, 56 and 58 Liberty Street, NEW YORK CITY. . Of Boasirood Pianos and Kelodiona. Fin* 011 paintlnp.*l engravings. sliver val., sold and Inver watehertand elegant jeweli,eoneleting of diamond pina,dLa mond rings, gold braretetaeoral, Hors tine, mosate,iet, Wa, aad cameo ladles' seta. told pana v.tle sold and ellver ez . teniion holders deers ha tons, seta of ands, east a.d neck • ' chains plain & ebatad I . sold chains. &c., valaed at $1,000,000, FOR ONE DOLLAR. whiak they need not pay until It Is knows what 1.4 dawn and Its vat se. . . - The American Jewelers' Alsocietion anis your atten tion to the feet of to tieing the largest and most pe lay jewelry association in the United States The busi ness is and always has ban conducitni in the most miss• did and honorable manner. Our rapidly incieuing trade is a sure guarantee of Lb. appseciatlon or our patrons tor this method of obtaining dill clamant and costly goods. The sudden stag, Anion of trade in Europe owl WAD the tat- German w and the recent diaaetrous financial Main in England, bas canard the failure cif a lune number of jewelr bolus in London and Pala, obliging them to sell their goods ate great sacrifice, in sans instances less than one-thlri.the Coot of manu facturing. Its-bare lately purelieud very largely of time bankrupt goods, at inch extremely low prices that we can afford to Wed away Buergoods, and give better chalets to draw themoat valuable priors .han am oth er es ablhhment doing a smilax business Our aim is to plass ant we reireethall aolkit Your parronage, .we are confident or siting the utmost eatufsetion Mg the pat year we have forwarded a number of .the molt valuable prizes to all t arts of the eonntry. Those who patronize ns wiL r: reins the full vain of their money, as no article o our list Is worth lea than one 'dollar, titan, and there are no Wants Parties de ling with us man depend on bavirg pr-opt returns, and the article-drawn will be immediately sent to any address 'by return mail or septum The following amiss have recently drawn valuable prices from the American Jewelers' Arsotiation, and have kindly allowed tt e use dirtheir tans s Chain J. Hunter. Es q , Wsahington City, plan. value IW.00; Mies Anna Ya es 62 St Nark's Plane, N.Y., "awing Nubia, vain. $75; Brig. Gen. L. L Henson. S vol unteers. Nashville, term.. &leer Tea Sit, value $160; Inn Emma Hunter, ea Front street. Harrisburg, Pa., sewing machine value SN); Walter Mitten den. quarter:nester, Louisville, Ky., gold watch, value, $150; Win. S Haines. 257 King street Charleston. S C silver watch, value $:10; Alexitder Johnron, Esq., edi tor litaskateur iioneer. Makatea, Minn, ladies'enitn• clad watch, mine *150; earnest Lee, Fsq.. President, Colorado and Red Rank Mining Company,San Francisco, Ca ~ melodeon. value $1:00; A. ron Long, Erq., Prin cipal Metaled Colteriete Institute, Eckhart. 1. J., dia mond pin, value t. 00; R. M. Lengstreet, Montgomery, Ala., Music Box, value $75; Rey. 10-o Yen Moser, Al Lamy, N. T., go'd lined dining set, vela 1300: Wes Clara Langone; Parton piar_oforte, value $400; and diamond pin- va'ne $175. Many uitnea could be placed on the list, bat we pub • lish no names without permission. Our patrons are de sired to send United Slates ceresticy, when it is aerie : niant. . PARTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES, To be eold for one dollar each, with , nt r.g rd to vitae, and not to be paid for anitl y oa know what you are to •acelve: 15 gitgint Kesewood rlsixotnwot from 4.J20 to $450 13 Elegant llelodeocs, roses ood cases.. 173 to 250 0 lint Clio Sewing Machines . 40 to 800 75 Fine it Paintings 30 to 100 150 Fine RIM bog .close framed 20 to 30 50 Music Boxes 33 to 40 DID Revolving Patent ranters silre: 20 to 40 gilver Fran and Cake Baskets 20 to 35 400 Sate of Tim and Table dpoons, 20 to 40 HO Gold Hooting Cue Watches, warranted,3o to 150 100 Diamond Rings, Cluster k single ne, 13 to- 200 11 3 Gold Watches, , 'B5 to 1 50 100 ladies Watches, 1 60 to 100 600 Silver Watcher, 30 to 73 Diamond ins. bunrshes and ear drops, ladles' sate of gold and coral r t and gold, Corsi:dine, mosaic Boren tine, mosaic., lays and onmeo, sets of studs, vest old neck chains, pla:in and -based gold ring , gold tblmb'es, lockets, now eyle belt buckle% gold pens and pencils, thouy work boxes, gold pens With geld and ether exten sion I olden., and a large assortment of One ilium ware and jewelry of every description of tho best come and toted styles. rir A chance to obtain any of rte abo e articles for One Dollar, by port:A.log a sealed envelope for twenty five cents. Fin sealed envelopes .11', be wont rot $1; eleven fee $2; thirty for 15; sistr-hre for Mb; one hundred for $l5. AGENTS WANTED' EVERYWHERE Un. quilled inducement. r !fired to ladka and gent' who will set as inch. • Our deocriptive circulars will be 'eat on spoliation. Distributions are made in the following meaner • Certificate. Diming soh article and its airman" raced In staled envelopes which are well soloed. One e , these e.iielopee co talring the certificate or order for some article will be delly red at OW office, or sent by map to Joky address, without regard to, choice, on receipt of ffd ants. On receiving the certificate the purchaser will see what article it draws and Its valve, and can then sand one dollar, and receive the tittle • netted, or can choose any other one article on oar list cf the tame nine Purchasers of our sealed env lopes ma, in thLinian nee, °Main an article worth [remind() to EMI Long letters are unnecessary. Have the 'Linda's to write pia n ,directiona, and in choosing different att. cies from those dram, mention the style desired. Orders for sealed earelora must /I • ryWe be an. comport led with the cash, with the USED* of the pesos sending, and town, county and State plainly written Lefton shot' d be adderemsd to the managers as Wl' Dime . - HEW" 41‘.. ATPON r 0" STOP 37 s> It - i Woo H.., N. York (It. THE GREAT WESTERN & AMERICAN HORSE INSURANCE 'DETECTIVE COIff'JLNY 'Para taught sir stolen horses within the put week. and hens captired more horse thieves since ita organi sation than any othor company or than all other com panies and deteetivencombined It has a detective force estendior from Pittsburg. Pa., in Ccnne 1 Bluffs. lona. and from Cairo to the LAM. It has an actual cash . esittal of $1M,610119. _ah - d, an anthorizel capital of SAGO 000. It has over 18,103 policies itifrfr-e, and to the oily live stock luminance Company doing business in this Slats. . NV....aNr.R k GEREldif, No.l Park Row, Fade, Pa., wilt inset, tour horses or cattle against death b dis ease or accident. and against theft, or against that , and death both. for lass money than it would cost to adver tise your stolen horse. We no ght SUIT the whole pa per with names of parties and certificates of individuals who have received remuneration from thlecompany for lost animals, but one from the tell known firm of toeseb_jk ,Sterrett; of this place, will be Feed with in tererh—which shows that ill, company is toompny in fact as well as in name, and that th ey not, only pay los ses. but way them w.t.ti promptness and gespatch We. the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 25th day of August we insured our entire !leery stook, con- Meting of 12 horses, with livers Warner sit Gerrish, In the Cheat Western and •meriran Wont Inensme• Co.* that on the Sd day of September one of them died of Chaim, and en the 10th day of September we reeelyod draft on New York for the full mount of the inner 'MeV. LitlESca & s Riie t Sept 11, 1 8 69. insurance can be effected in Waterford •by calling on Weems. Terry & Vanandeo; In Wattabd•g of Wm. Van• anden• In Edinboro of Esquire Burnbam. Very Respectfully, WARNER k eIEREIRR, General Fire. Life, Marine and Horne Inermar.ce Offices, No. I Park Row, Erie. Pa. GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Papers., CAUGIIEY; IieChEARY t CO., Haying determined to retire from the Wall Paper trade, are now offering their entire stook, Including GILTS, HATING, DECORATION AND common WALL PAPERS AND 'BORDERS AT ALMOST ANY PRICE. This is a rare opportaoit• for persons wishing to pa per their houses this fail or rent spring, to lay in their stork at I.ES3 THAN WHOLESALE PRICK. Wa are Ironed to close ont Oar wall plows Immo. diattly, to n.ake room for an Increased stock of Beoks, Stationery, picture; picture frarr.es, Ace. CAUGHBY, liitCREARY A CO.. oetil.ty No.ll Park Row. A UTHOILIZED CAPITAL 1)300,000. CAPITAL PAID IN, 620,000 THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Rill open for bunions, o • MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, IBM In the Baukitag office now conapted by the Merchant'. Rank, in Brown's Hotsl Building, north-east corner of State street sad publle Park. Wit. L. SCOTT, f Inman. WM 0. MIRY. Calton DIRECTORS: - WU. 1.. SCOTT, of Bros of J. 'learn & Co ., Coal owe. JOB. MeCARTER, of firm of Eelden, Diu & McCarter Bul'aars. GEO. .1 HORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S BROWN, Agent Buffalo k Frle Railroad. JOHN C. BURGESS, of arm,of C'emens, Caught': It ,rO.- BUMS', Who , esale Groan. 0. E. CROUCH, of firm of Crouch 4 Bro., Floor Mere. M. ft.B BARR, of Rem of Burr. Johtuor k .lIDUla r Store Ifanufacturero. F. F. FARRAR. Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocera. J. DREBIGAHRR, Grocer. Erik, Dee. T. 1844. • V ERY, EMBLEM dc alcHAittl, ==l TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ! No. 331 Sink St., Corner at Kurth, Erie,..A.l FORK OT EVERY DESCRIPTION, in either of the above branches. solicited awi promptly executed. C. AVERT; B. HUBLEY. H. YeEURO Tin Plata Worker. Copper Smith 'Gas &Steam Patel rseptl3-10 Ty YOU WANT TO ILNOVIi A LITTLeOt gvgairTolNO mlatlar to ths humantettlt o o l .. • and haulm the cane' ano treatment of the mantaso eudoms of the world; how to oarri nil, and • thousand Wge arm published before, road the re ufaect and etriarood edition of Common aim. I various boot or curious poop* and a rod beat tor amp one. 400 popes, WO illustrations. Frio, IP WA Contents table a ant free to day address. Books may be bed at the boot ?tom, or will be sentti issUritost . , paid, on mortpt of the pries. , B. B M it. D am .. 1130 Broadest. Now York. F ALL & WINTER MlLLlNgitlf GOODS: MaB. 8: H. HALL Tan= plasma In =flouncing to the public that A. Ma opened a n.w Ito?. at 1229 Peach St; 1 ;parr North of Union Depot, When die will keep toasts:My a large variety of MILLINERY AND, DR Y GOODS, Hohery, Clothe end a cameral eseartmeat of ewerything usually kept ow henid fa a dare of the kiad. . Or A a. stook of Geode jest received from the' and NEW YORK IIOOP SKIRT N.__ infl _ ceeap- _ DOI* elasue, nine. era estal—oot UK* ,those lions East ern factor ea.ane in ram. of our stores, Est durable And made of the bascule-nein]. R.A. F. CO if-EN BRO.. 'Would reapeetiully Inform the ladiA of Erie an 4 it) that they have alwaye on band u-ortment of hoop skirts, all lines and shapes, of their own =MILL facture which they • will warrant equal' oat, in the rearr het. Having had large • sperienne in the business, they are contldent of the , r ahllit. to give snt.re astleisetion tp all who ma-..fsenr them with a call. Ever? skirt lati•an In last twice as b.. as any other In the sat t. If any of our .oaottbscrure treat in one y ear, they will the ehewrfolle repaired and no ehargis made. 11 - 4 - Old skate repa.red. altered .nd shaped as nut. A 1..., a nr.lendid assortment of French corer's and corset • tay I constantly on b'ated. If con wish to get* good fittiny lrt call 'at the Hoop Skirt Manufactory aetnte t arch acing amen here. Merchant' , supplied eheso. Rememter *he place. lOn Clete St Jost wads o. R-i. A. F. eni•EN k RRO. THE MERCHANTS UNION EXPRESS COMPANY, • - \- 4 - CAPITAL, $20,000,000t • Owned wad Operated by Our'Merchants and Manufacturers, Caixies by Express, Money, Valugdes, Freight & Parcels; • °ter more that:' 13,060 'miles of Express Line, Arid to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES; And through them to More than 4,00 Q Cities and Towo, At Just aaagi Liberal Bata, Based 'on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are constantly Extending,. A STD will Boori emceed those run by both the American and V. Exprewi Co's . Over $lOO,OOO - per month Are, now eared to Expresi fihiPpers by this Coui pany, and this aarmg can be made perronnent by continuing the 611 Me Liberal paireonago hitherto giv en it. Experience assures our success, and co . prinees us that we may -rely upon the public confidence and support, which we hope to merit always. 1 Er Ogles No. LO Mast lark Pow. fel2l-oin ' C. B. EiIiF , RP, Agent. „ m , )3 , 0 -----..... -:* I I” " li t ' i i , - .. SEWING.-- _ at _ - fs,, , Tr.„*_. -,-- • ...,„ . 0 mAcHIND ozono.E ESTER. frolearnt for Erie vonoty for these ceitl.tated Ma• chine*, bas on head ^t Lytle L flcaldiefea Tailor 'hop. Fifth strut. between `(Late and Fetch a largevariety, embractng all klod• and prices. which he respectfoll• invites it. priblie to call end egurne - The How* ma chine I. acknowledged robe at.- beet In sure, doing all kinds of week. and being easily kept In order. For proof of these assertions, I gimp] ask a trial of thcias chine, warranting them to do all T promise. cr Let all all and we mine Dior* pn chasing abet. machines !lutist attention given to repelling Ilia . chilies of any kind prompt j repaired, at moderate eLar ro- ma94tf TILPOKTA DaT ItIOTIUgfr• LoaT Scgar,ll); lbg for $lOO Hut :Whits coffee, co., B Ili 1101 Brown do., 9 M - a :1 00 TEA AT ONB DOLLAR AND DPW RD.?. I Tlie best to in tb• m•rkct st $2OO Choker Hooey Syrup, per s. allos '1 AO Primo Old Jr* Coffee, per lb ....... ; 10 SELF BAtisum &LOUR No featly should be withoul it. Everybody iv salmi It. To be bad or as, as we are the agents. Call aad pt *as of those 'PATEN', LAMP CIIINNET CLEANSES. - Weed thing-oat 1,000 BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES. • • Just melee& An of the above gno6 ve sin; tell cheaper than the cheapest. • - . I .0".'" All our goods are eta, having just been s•.elred. We invite all to emotes for themselves. • t0y17436-tf HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG. TErOCT WANT TUC DEVI ARTICLE Or -1. . TOBACCO AND CIGARS Ic the t.•utet co to HENRY* T. STERNER'S; coaxes. or arars Aso roviern ITlZrrik 1111, IntOO . a. wnouseut AIM RETAIL DEALEB,S. Eriorything In the Tobacco Ms—Cigars, Plar, ChiPW log, Cigar ems, konsehavut Pipes Holders, kc, al ways kept on hood. Our saziaty is so large none an Call to be suited. rjr Particular - striation paid to Order , and good' warrintsd to be what On are sold for. 0n5.3•043-17) GOFF, PATTERSON A; CO., Are selling ALL KINDS•OF FRUITS Canned. Dried, Oreen,)Mmeresd. Iroreign.fro. Call and sis the Wes assortment. n 07.3 if D R. LEON'S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS TOE PERFECTION OF MEDICLI, RCIEICE. - • DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. It leap stare cure for Beldame ft restores gray hair to its mining color. It is a tonic, not a dye, and acts upon the pecretions. It Immediately struts fatting out of the hair. It alleviates • murales and Headache. It radically tares Dandruff and Humors. It keeps the itcalp healthy, mean Pad coo:. It is an erquisitaly fregrint heir &Paine. Itrestores cultivates and beautiflu the Rate. - ft makes harsh haft derible ald lastrona. • • - Dr Leon's Eleettio Hair lienewor has enioyed sibleh local reputation for many years Its wonderful restora tive and invigoratieg pperties are well known,to the medical [unity of Philadelphia Being fully eitiseled of the merits of Uwe' E ectrits Hair aill•Welf, vs hare procured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household In oar land shall have the oppor tunity to reap Ito benefits. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY.! , A most del Ight fel sod enizacions cure for the rains ilia to Schiele (chats and young child•an are trebled. Inimitable for ...thing children It rsiftans the gem; sates infisteratton. In•igerates the etomseh atl.bow. els, comets acidity, and is a acre sad speedy ear • for Celle. Crania and windy pains. A most excellent pre , parstion for ehildren of a restless nd fretful habit ana in Lit ears of loosanm, griping, vomiting or other In 'Ward grief, It glas immediate sane. Used for more than half a-century to the private practice of one of toe most eminent pbysielaut of Phlleitelphia. In mew placing this article within the reach of all ma conntautat. gravid remark that we kiloll it to be a reseed► of unri valled ...salience, and that it has proved to theca nds of cases, as we are resolved it shall in millions, a priceless boon. For ale by Draggles everywhere. SILVER S WASH POWDER ! Saves time, labor and wtoaey—mates Wading a DU. time and None a a Feedval. -Bold everywhere. Try it. decit- 1y Address a ll eiders to BOWLER & NUM Bole Proorietors.lB7 North Ti Street;-PhDs. pIaII3OI4IXION OF CO.PARTNERSFUP The dna heretofore existing umbra thosamo of CARTER CARVER, dissolood by mataal coma; dating tram Jaufaarr 16th, Had, NV. Cuter - mitring The tmoka of the old Arm may be found at the old plum optm rettlemouts ragnastad. RTER J. B. CARVER. Yr career has associated Ms son Mm, and viii smitten the basing= Cedar the arm and Cm of •• J. B. CARVER & CO. , see • caw sal solaels4 stock of Map,ll:4ll-, doom, filo• Qom Lula. boo Phareseautleal Promos tl-ns, Hit* Path:navy holey Articles, &a.. The ozpotionoid clerks of this boom rotilno9 and persons coo rely upon Wog. oarrootly sated at all M. Novoir-lha morrleat of Mr. J. 8. Carter Imo a 1 beta *saculad,, sad h. win to happy to mat his old hinds sod autostart at tf9l PARK ROW,-17111 OLD STANv. 1 - mall• MANUFACTORY. dyer's Sarsaparilla compound remedy, designed to be the,most effectual Allerattre, that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, FO combined with other suhunnees of still Kreuter alterative power:Ai to afford en effec rite antidote fur the di.cmcs Sarsaparilla is roput:,(l to cure. It is believed that such a remedy wanted by those Wl* suffer from Stn coons complaintg, and that one M hiCtl will :lei:01110611 their cure muSt prove of immense to this large class of our afflicted fellow eitizens. How completely this compound.will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints Sennrer.s AND SCROFCLOCS COMPLAINT?, EnUpTIoNS AND Enerrtve Disasnns,l.TxcEns, Plmet CS, DLoyCIIP.s, TC3101:79, SALT EIMER,. ScA 11PAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AP. FrcTios' , , MRIICRILIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, Nat: It %AA.' s on. Tic Dora/ L'REFX, DEUILITY, Drs. I'LP-I5 AND I. DIGL6TII”I, ERYSIPELAS, EASE OR Sr. A:NTIIONY'S EIRE, rind indeed-the whole clai, of complaints arising from LIITURITY OP TIM: Moot). Thit Compound will be found a greatxra , moiur of health, when taken in the spri ng" expel the . foul _humors which fester In the blood at that.season of the year. By thetime ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the, bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever y ou . find its impurities bursting through the skin m pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins • cleanse it 'whenever it is foulc"and. your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder 33 felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the • blood healthy, and all is well ; but with} this pabulum of life disordered, there Can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. • " Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. During late years the public have been mil led by large bottles: l / 4 f retending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla•for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they riot only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load-of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the disclscs it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the, reinedy Should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $l. per Bottle i Six /Mottles for e 5 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it - is entirely unnecessary fur us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has beefi_em played. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. port. Tire MILE o 7 Costireness, .Jaundice; Dyspepsia, Indigestign, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Pile; Rheumatism, Eruptkos and Skin Diseases, Lirer Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Titulars and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neur.*ier, as a Dinner Pill, andfar, P;ullying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they arc the Lest aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Pries 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Plomicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, bin our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AME.IIICNN ALMANAC in which they arc given; with also full descriptions of the alone complaints, and the treatment that should be , - fol lowed for their cure. Do not beput 'off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Avr.res, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is fur them, and they should have it. . All our remedies are for sale by • NE Wffi . /1131 e FURNITDRE AND UNDIIT.TASINffi NV ARE—ROOM S Oo stoteSt..,betweeo Seventh and Eighth. The datecriberibma entered Into the Cabinet Making sad FURNITURE TRADE. And propose making to Order an eeplag constantly oil hand all kind, of rorniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Repairing done on abort notice. UNDERTAKING ! The Imb:scribers will girt tripodal attention to this de partment of their Modems. They will mannbitare and keep constantly On hand a large assortment of Metallic Cues and Cons, and bold themselves in readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the eountry. Determined to spare no *Corti to give sales,- lion both in the vitality of their goods and price., they hope to seem a liberal Moms of purblia patronage. , MOORS& RIBLET, Successors to JAI. Ruttier. READY PAY STODE. Would respectfully inform the Public that he has Purchased the STOCK of GROCERIES of MINIM ¢ RUSSELL Where he inUEds km an good 10 sae ort=nt WOODik WILLO7 WARY, AND VARIZTS GOODS • as Is kept In Eth. • Kept constantly on hand. .515 PRIMER STREET BEST BRANDS Ole ERIE .CO. FLOUR,- WARRANTED A GOOD ARTICLE! or The highest Market Pnca paid for all kirde Country Prideas. Goody delivered tree of charge -to say part o; the City. dec214354! FREDRICHS dc.IMR, GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS CROOKERY, WILLOW • WARE, FRUITS Stets street; Eut aide, third door north of Railroad Bridge, ERIK, PA. Ili E. E: Jong. • J . ONES & BROTHER, CHOICE ERIE COUNTY FLOUR BRAN, SHORTS, MILL STUFFS, AC HOTEL UE3IOVED. The itabeertber who ham occupied the ifewsloa froties,jut above the Depot, lot the put rota pure, haa removed tato the NATIONAL HOTEL, COAXER Of FILCH AND BUFFALO STREET Wham he will try to aceommodats twice ea mazy gem sod ss west, as he am lb the old stand. Bs hopes Or the petrol:lap which was so liberally exuded to him them, will to sr' seeded to him to his new His tabling V soffeleat to aoxemmOishe AU 6 smstus who rya boor him with their pabosags. 1 130 U -P JOHN 1101'12. rnErAUED BY Ayer's Cathartic Pills, srll'B2-tf. A. MINNIG :00X117 OP STU ♦ND 'TATA NS. FAMILY GROCERIES Sr. PROVISIONS (Successor* to Weber & trbra 11/IEZEI Wines, Liquors, &gars, Tobacco, Ntrts,, Tairz Novas, &c. P. Pairmucss. • . ma24-tf Joax Ues. N GENSHEINIIER & SON, btAIXICI ZS CLO BING AND GENTS PORNISHINO GOODS, Comet of Smeatti t tued St SRlf, Fal lisontattursrs and Wholesale and Retail Dashers in OATS, CORN, CORN VIAL, 421 Stite6St., third door south of P. 0., EKE; PA, Whirr free in the Mt, 6. J. WILLARD & CO., Itainfutators of COTTAGE ORGANS taco sod Waroroom, No. 627 Broadway, New Tork. Ws Invite the attention tif DEALERS and the petite to OUR NEW SIYLE COTTAGE ORGANS, With new end valuable torprovesients, exclusively our own. The eases are the UWIE3I' TN !BE MARKET: • eir andbeantiful in &sign mid workinaeship. Oar Or gene &remade from the beet of mattes), Voiced with great cane, haring smooth pipe organ - qualty of tone. yet despond mellow. are dniebed in highly polished Wank Walnut and Moe. , Wood Cues with doable bel lows, double blow psida/s, knee sate,. he. All banana? new Went tremolo atop with which the most beautiful eeteU can to produced, rttylo,-; at the will of the per. former.' We desire one good. active agent in *very count...b. , will reads. ono] t discounts; send for illostrattd price Bet giving full pm Oculars. Addreux WILLARD B; CO. Manufacturers, 827 Broadway, N Wbolesale Ape!. for the ';lty and State o! Near Toxic, for ttl• role -,rated ..VOSE" Pl.ktNo FORTE.q, 're str:etly stenkine drat 'lgor. and hese nut felled to teeolne the LEADING If ANu wher.eer f u t,,d e eed. Dealete will be ,old et the towed whniere, mt.. and 4 casnrateed orotection L go 111uetreled pries tlist g i, I tog correct IlkEntes.from Gtcgrepbe. sent to any ad dress on app Rest ion. Ad II J. WILLARD 1 1 / 4 Go. ' Wholesale Agent^ No. 627 Bmadsray,N. Y. THE BPIGGS NEW PATENT PIA NO SiOOb, Acknoirledgel by tau trade and profnalon to be thr Neatest and moat Saleable Stool manufactured We are Wholesale Agents for th:e City. and ate now suruly.ng the tiriacinai blank tiouraa to .Nme York with thme st o oly,,e,gdso ere•t'ie the &mind, th t a large fictory bombes erected canaVe of turntog not LOC) atooll per month Dealer* sump:Wet the Manufacturers LOW E:4T' WHOLIN tI i PRfeE 4 4—trmed and - shipped free of charge. Yend far price 14t g •irg panic:ll.re tad correct likenes. 0. J WILLARD & Eole Whole.ato ADY,te, eSi Broadway N. Y. J4yt Published, s•ut to anv cadres on receipt of prier. Teachers its ph- cl at the usual disc./ant . ct■ Girly, get a home of your usrc-Sew -.ring and err. Yee, by Tucker 30 I ll never forget thee dear !lazy-eon., by B rhi p....• 0 By blue weed Jeuu e Bell-none by lioleer T. nb Anal. come back-rang and ehltus by Tricaer:-.35 Told Be the twiligtit -*nu y and shorn-. by Cri 'ley._ M Tina't marry a me. (the flrgke -sabc Sill I'll Our( no nun if he drinka-rep - y to too ab ~e.. 3) Beautiful form or my dreamy (Ltth 1-s or by Dunk. 50 when we wareinid to the or the erum-soog ij, Bishop Oh Come to Me Wile+ daylight Bate-song by irmisford e wi Nearer• and dearrit (14th )-song by J ft Tbnma•..to Give me bones: friend+ and true--s-ing by To -kar....30 Do not he d her farming, rep y to Gi Fr les' warning -soar b( Tucker Jennie who Site. in the dell-Kong by J It Thome. 35 Softie fie , the rippling wst•re-song by J. Ft T omys • with beautiful Liihogrs,ph of the Math- r 4 , Bells to distant lands-song by Tucker.— 'CT The light sten P-Ilin-le Francis H. Brown 35 Morning Pohl athottlach-by lieadon :,0 Sunlight polka-b' ti - s. Parkhurst 40 Paolo galop.. by Mrs. rarkbaryt - 30 Something pretty, lisaarka-by Bra. Parkhurst 30 Beware, Quar'ettrirde he -T o eiillow 50 Prettv Roe-aline-roue by E. TloLman 45 Pm glad letzten come--.ong ..come t o Pst Mmony . . Her heart is alt my 0.12—b, 'Sass 30 The cot beside tie mill— tong by Calton ely Swroging roond th circle. 30 Yon naughty. naughty man—a nz lathe We* Creek 35 Now I lay me down to fiery -tong and chorus by Wet. bridge - 30 Bine gee or black—wog by F Bober - 35 Stars of the aurorae? ragh•—Qaartelt. 50 Comlig, coming, by and by—song br Gabriel 40 We'll go with Grant aeaic—new song and chorus by Tricker CO Halt, bap, halt,—sorg and chores hylietimigh.on..36 , The new home. sweet home—song by edam f'arepa.s3 Any music, puriabed will be eat by ?Warn mail. and parties over-paying will receive their e wage with the music. Address orders O. J. WILL‘RD it CO , • febra. . ' No.= Broadway, N. Y. .....•-- . HOTOGRAPHIC. . . -1- . .. F. If. ANTIION Y & CO., Manufacture's of Photographic Materials Wbolesal• sod Retail, NO. 501 BROADWAY, NEW SURE. in addition to our rosin bus'ness of Photographic materials, we are headquarter' for the following, viz.: fllevoseors and Stere scout. Views of American and Foreign ettlee and 1 andoespe, Groupe, ..taturry, , Stereoscopic Views of the War, from nerati yes made to the various eampairne. and formlnv a complete Photo= graphic hlatory of the great contest _Stereoscopic. Views on Glass, adapted for either the Magic lantern or Stereoscope. Our •ezttalogne enit bc sent to Bray ad dtwAs on receirt of elamp Of Photographic Albums we manufsa or -core largely thannv.pther house—about 200 vanities from 0 etc . to ssleach. ~ t ir Albums have the reputation of being snootier 1 I beauty and ara bility to any others. Card photographs of Generals, 'tata.me,. Actor.. &I Onr eatalorne embrace* over five thongs) d different enijecte, including re-produc ttons of the most celebrated engravings. Painting., Ste. tuts, Ae Photograph-resod others rdertog goods C. 0. D , • ill pleat, remit 25 per C.ltt. of the amount with their order. The prices and quality of our goodi =mot WI WWI fy. - nols-8m• _ KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS. TIBBALS, SHIRK & WHITEHEAD, X 1587ACITIMISJ OP STOVSS AND HOLLOW RARE, Dare a hers and extensive, assortmsvt of Stoves at Wholesale and Retail. THE IRON GATE • Is a first-elan Coll Cook Star's, with or without reser voir, for hard or soft a sti, or wood, and it BETTER THAN THE STEWART Slth We a clanuteeture the WHEAT 911EAF AND NEW ERA, Both low erllll Cott Cook Stoeirs-- . wita wept grit*" cm be bed either for coal or-wood. THE FOREST JAS. We are rtlll maraitieturint thu ce chimed lo • OTOIM ' Stove for wood—with or without reeervoh. THE MENTOR, A Low Oran-Stove for Wood This Is a new Stove beautiful design, and now for late—togetaer with . a leap snort sett of elvvatod Oven Cool . Pati^r Cook for wood or coal, and Parlor and Odds Stoves, for wood or coil. C. K. TIBRALS, D. WEBS, W. H. WHITEHEAD- EnA, Jan. J. 1866--tr. BANK NOTICE. KEYSTONE NATrf)NAL BANK CAPITAL, $250,000. DMECTORB BELDEN MARVIN, JOHN W. flea BLURT MARVIN, HESTER TOWN. 0. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLE, President. JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. The above Utah will be opeaM rot the traossett, of DEC. 5, 1865, IN lIUGIIES' BLOCK, West side al State nt. f , betr.-esa Seventh and Ig, Satiekctory Paper discounted. Money received os Deposit. Collectinna made and proceed, aeconnted promptness. Drills, Specie and Bank !totes bought and Gold A theie of Public Petrons4te is respectfully solie“ F P.ANUIS PFEFFER, BOOTS AND S:HOB.81 EVERY srrLs AND vADanr, No., 81G State St., Weil Side, bet. Bth and 9th - ar-Just received, a usw stock of Goode, which wtU he sold at the lowest paces. CATARRH CURh.D FOR ONI DOLLAR. • READ! For one dollar. per man, I will send free to any addmse a recipe and medicine that I yid tea to cure the worst ewe of Catarrh in the heed or bran. ehial inbuilt a few weeks. 11 has aired say We. a... 1 eurid me of catarrh and a mien) bronchial trouble T had Infrared with for yearsl tried the est physicians and an ,turn the ',turned medicines of the day, but found no relief till I obtained this. I wield give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine if I now bud the Catarrh and could not obtain it ten. I believe, if ‘nstractions are followed it will core any eue what.ver that has not al aady reset"' the lunge and became a settled coutninption Care it while ion can. Address T. P. 3YIIIIT.S. No. 112.' Fulton St., N. T M USIC isTORE. Y. H. Joan. WEIGEL it ZEIGLER, N.. 820 State Street; Erie, Pennsylvania, MUSIC AND 1117SICAf. IN.PIRIINENTs 4DF—Nv DESCRIBMON. Italian, /handl and German "bingo of the but oil ttr., • , _ Bologna' km Gldekarins Uwe, Wto. P Emerson a, Deccan & Co •N, and Raven k Baton's Plano Porten also, the celebrated Treat & Lthalay Cabinet Oro:nand ifelodoon • Mario and 'Mega "ent lrymail free of postago. - All otters promptly attended to. Cea , oane of Untie nor fr.* or range. stat-ty • THE BEST LAN i EBN • • .ro->>am• IA reamsn's mg, Is AT GOFF, PATTERSON & CO.'S, 515 111110i0E1 sumer, Mama POWs 011 ant rite. ' MUSIC IMO OF ERIS,. ==l KANLTACTraZ.It A D DI7ALZS ICAIE. PA Denim In F s ilofBB alii Cattle/ Powders. T 0 - 3 , : rf, • • • ell animal, tacit YELLOW W' TER. HEAVE COL:GUS, DI T EII ER,• vErts, rorsDi LOSS OF API' TITE AND TIT. ENERGY. &c. uf!.. , improve.. wind, incre. the apiwthe-4, , F smooth glossy skin—v tran4forms to:ierable eke! , horse. To keeper rr Corte t:.;, It increases tt,s. eitt.atity tuzl • y tit: o. REi . 1 .111. t. r • L •.... Ell made tier. In all of Saine t bath a. Cought, the 1,3nr.,,, I.il - &c,,this article r a%l 44 a Aio rifie. - 13,y puttinx , from one-Iv-If a 1 , 15 , :r .4, , gft , • - -72'; VI 3 Tvl:,r fl - _ trarra er sirin t:tq - above a,,,..1•03 sill- - or rattrely prey,rat,i • , prerentlrc 8114 ro, , Prico 25 Coat; p- r,in Z 1 tf AT TI ZIE 7‘ ix. mitt S\D l!EDIfl F Tit - No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore 1 , •,r S:d. by 1./nuzgi:ltA tl. ry - t • nnt tt, I'mte.l State.. 172%3 . 311 Sold by HAL% W A RFP,, 4jjtilQ For the Handkerchief. ALON'S E A Most , Daquisite, Delicate. and Fra• grant Perfume,'Distilled from the Ban and Beautiful Flower from which 11 takes its name. Mannfactnre4 only by PRA LON' it SOIL NEW YQR:E. • BEWARE OF* CORFTERFIES, ASI roD lIIALONS—TAKIE NO 0T,.514. boil 1* - Druggirla-6e'tr—erMY. D VIS dc CARSON, 1011=1 KNDS OF GROCERIES, r.Rurrs, vEGF.T.,;•!. AND PROVISIONS, Fifth `treet, tetween State knd Frentb, Hasialtioarchasetts our etock belt, the late rise In prices, we te.l confident of being able to Rice Satie , faction, both in price and Country Praiicce of ..rary sorthoutlit•n: nirmet ua aI"Y , deo•oci on reoeinag the togbi.si cu bet trim for their articles. • - - DEALERS Ili THE ADJOINING 'And on the Lines of Rai SEPPLIFD WITH I=r M! '4AY k JACKSON'S HARSH' Di Fzirra STILES? Itnl7-tt MOUILIBON s DINS3IOIII3, witozaszas DRALICBs 19 FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, GRAI* CLOVER, TIMOTIIY SEED. .tr'. NOS. 501 AND FRESCH — STREET. ' - Between 6th wad 4th k•treeta. c.rl P. a. masySe63tt p . .I4IGRAVING. AIJSINESS, .WEDDING AND OTHER CARDS Bill Heidi% Corti!lee/Pa of tif and oth r cu STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, ,v , BY J. If. J.APHAII, PARNiON E 417 ILDING, WEST PARK Dew, 5p21415-ft ro L INE, v sTABLE. . Me andarf,gted 6m - 4U PnretasPd the welHicoio Lirery -tam!, trw,,fci occupied bjlV an J. Sterrett, dunes to in:,,tn t, I 'ne 0 sad the- public that " *lit coattuue the bta•ao, tv: invites their palm..." THE STOCK WIII be ttirgelrincreased 'and improved—u• ccinv! antes have been procured, sad tome of the Borers In the eotrott7.are. d teramod „it the estahhahment as to give eattataeln n to. •‘-' Wait to Obtahithe tervicev of a Ford tn et ready at :dittoes to accommodate. them, t r -as , tit 'li.eollect the p'sce, TERRETPS OLD STAG atztpt, rear of the Reed House. Erie. irote $, 1863—tf LlCHSnare, j . ELVLIBNLtUB 43:: CO., RIA,NUFACTUILEF.3 OF BO!0 - TS AND SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETkIL AT RRRI:CI - A PRI ES daring a lirce stork dot! own =natio. ere on hand, with • complete sES/itCet , of city-made work, we can-v.ll cheiper at . hetet! than may other estibliahmetit in this Or. Hiving hatllong experieuce •• to the wait+ of ~ .."2 " men, we aLatl kake 'pedalpains prepartig 0 . , ` • met them. We have th e =Cairn right to this fit% !hake the PLUMES PATENT BOOTS for the benefit of our customers, and Only 11 , k a ' them, tositicry any one u to their superior co=for: o* , on made m the old way. The Plainer Boot needs no breaking in; it ti u can hem the start aa one verb for some time. 04r CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Mill receive our awn eapeeial attention LEATHER, LASTS .AND FOTOGS For the trade akwaya on hand to intt. Teta i 4ring thaa4 to our triendi and eußtoturflo put rouge, bo'e by just and honorable , lea , mertt ^ontinuatEee of the same, and eordlalry to call and eamnkhe our stock before purehami, where.; No. ark Etude bit. Foie, Pa. 'oar::NS 1212E1= J upSON & WILDER, s linnufactarets and Wholes .le Dre,,r4 .. TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED \CARE, STOVE FIFE 8 T O. VE T,RIMMINGS, S;CI Waterford, ;Erie Co., -P.4 =I tar . EDIAL INSTITUTE MK arscut CASCO. No. 14 bIIND ~, T RI‘Er, NEW YO 5E 1 Cr Toil intonation, with the itspiest trs.tarw also a Bout on .Special Donau, to a rfa2ed mar iro leicilin o t f ji ts .free tty r4P ll7lll)(4:4 lllrl " :: B" T n: itr e lo7 " t dv ie r f 7 tr 'd 7 f w g'', ; ' .._ b47'7,mnji a rl ahoaldbe (mated. Endre. 'tamp for eo.'..er dtreet to Mt. LA ttiItENCK, No. 14 BoNl) .NEW VORIC a0r15164/. E MPLOYMENT FUR 011Til ENnS., - 131 sabled andlitoreed soldiers, widows sod orpho2 of slain soldiers, and the !loom player. of both miter , Ily, In want of respectable sod pr.dtsblttotepAt 12""'Innriae on It'll can pramrs nob by ssetoesi a post paid addressed' envelope for perticelare io DR. JOHN U. DaGNALIft Box 153. Brooklyn. fl. 1T213 prr; long f ". t. !Pi Xl.!) - • // LCiPt/. by .trt and cleamnr.g stoln,ll hs It is a•-J•s" Tenth,. 0 . nsPt ~, . , =I 1111111 EMIECIISI = Mil