The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 21, 1867, Image 3

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    he z ircelag Othoerver.
ERIE, PA.; MARCH 21sT 1867
,: The most Lamely ebtuktied newspaper in
Pennsylvania, and tie best Adverti
so, 1
A Mr!!tient Victor&
Vvy-city electi n, on Friday last, resulted
;Cc predicted it would. in the success of
,area Esq . the People's nominee. for
• ~r, by the enormous majority of 852—the.
„p4t veep 'given to any candidate in the
~y We need hardly add that to ns this is
m oo gratifying announcement It proves
'4' at otir people harp at length thoroughly
wakened to the necessity of a reform in the
, AnA reeotof thairmunioipalaffsimand that
, r ty a ffilliations are not strong enough to
'llll Item to their intered as citizens and
rovert7 holder.. To Mr. Nob'e himself the
t aa•lcahle Verdict in hie favor mnst be e to
ec i a uv eratifeing. It is a convincing testi-,
nftbe appreciation entertained by our
,ple of hie efforts to heautift and improve
place and will encourage hint to go for
-Ird with renewed zeal in the praiseworthy
rit whieh he hem die...lived in the nail
Theßadical leaders, counting upeu their four
il,...hundred- majority in the city, entered
field with a confidence in certain intones..
nf:the firmeireteu in the ranks protect.
. g aiiist the attempt, and openly declared
eir determination not to be hound by. the
tiol7 of a rarty eating in selecting city
rs. friends of the Radical candidate
sized . and threatened. without avail The
`:moot coln sot in ton strongly against them
he stemmed by the nld politicol crier and.
„-.Ufh tli lahneed with a zeal worthy of s
tier C,IIBP. it was apparent from the start
•at 1111 their endeayora would be useless
e ronlesie hag decided that far Rome years
the future narty caucuses will- have no in
one* upon our citizens in selecting munici-
nfficers., The vindictive political hacks,
can Pee no_ goo.l outeitle of their petty
i gne ., ,+efrtee only here of rersonal ale
_ lino dep"fnds anon keepinc un the hate and
pleatantn"as envenderel over National
,tes, otter Pwn rebukes by the people like
at of last firming and the preseat, will proh
"•lv conclude that the time has arrived to
ase their attempts in that direction. Kine
ucus mar be potential in Federal, state and
..unly politics, hut ,he is (load rto far as regn
inz our city affairs is concerned.
The intimate identification of -Mr Cochran
th that Notion of the party winch sustains
valor Lityry had considerable to do with
s tlefe'st. The enemies of .the Sen-tor pre
.'el to look upon the nomination of Mr.
.ehran se an endeavor to get an etidoreeinent
'l .m tie people of the city of the farmer's
- nr.e, and. many who claimed to wish to seft
ill n
e'ersed on party grounds. cast their votes
E' .1 influence against him for this reason.
,c . ye facts, combined with his supposed an,i
•',: .provement tendencies, and personal u opine.
..,) arity, rendered him the weakest candidate
..e party could possibly have selected.;
, r The Democratic vote of the city . with veer .
' w exceptions, was cast- in favor of Mr. N01e...
le... cotwithatanding his well known Republi
'' a convictions. Without it his chancel, of
' • . c ,,, e .,4 would have been very slight, and we
io t his friends shit remember the same in
• .sir congratulations over the result. Mr.
~. JChren . bad rendered himself so odious to
. r party friends by his intemperate abase of
I '
t...' emocratic principles and candidates, that
ey decided frbui the first announcement of
.9 nomination to support any fair Republi
tk, .0 who might be presentecrin opposition to
. 0. al. ilk defeat affords" a lesson that it may
moth while for aspirants in that party to
c .. - member. The Democrats of Erie city may
. - - in a minority, but they are at least strong
1 :
' „ .euzlt to hold the hoisting of power in any
. •csi conflict. The pre.criptions of the last
. w years have only served to con/blue
: ern in a more harmonious and effeotive body,
, I tliey are re'olvcd to use every hon-
-- %Me means in their power to prevent the
ecti,i of any of the class of men who have
pen so conspicuous in seeking to disparage
-..'weirpltriotism and integrity. Thesopersowx
are their day of triumph; but tf - ey may
s well understand now as ever that the ma;
'ice of the pest is not forgotten, and that
vhing ;rill cause it to be except a repent
.kce that displays itself in works.
l'lTy ELI.CTION.—The oily election, on Fri
ay, off in an-unusually quiet manner,'
d resulted in a genera, elefeat of the regn
r nominees, in every instance where
c , _lotest•was made, with Own or three exeep.
A Javier vote was polled than is ordi
irAythe case at spring elect ions—a fact that
s undoubtedly attributAble to the warm in
etp:et fe't on the subject of municipal im
r , ..etoents, which was the main issue decided.
he re.ult shows plainly th'it our people can
-, be doped into sustaining party tickets in
eunivipal election.; Every effort was made
o induce, the Republican masses to rally
round the ctndidate• of their party, with
hat success let the returns exhibit. At least
fia'f the Repuhlictin vote oast, comprising the
4 oat' entetpriaing and useful
_portion of the
.iptintloll, was given against the regularly
ecrainale4 ticket. and, united with the Demo
gratis rote it gave to the People's nominees a
majority that is perfectly-overwhelming. Be
;`low we give the vote . for the most important
offices : -
`Noble (P) Cochran (R
231 73
331 81
:121 69
317 125
.Ist Matret
2i D•atrier'
4th Ikatrict
NoMe's majority,
[Ciedidatee—E. CatOphsuPen, Ind. Dem.,
fames Skinner, Reg. Rep., John Constable,
led. F.,c) ,M. A. Quint., Ind. Dem.] •
Camp. 8. Can. • Q.
198 104 65. 4
145 209 -GO • 26
.14 Disfrkt,
-Ith bistrict,
343 318 126
• .• •
_nclulates--D. G. Landon and 'D. P. En.
giro. g. Rep O'Brien, Ind. Dem., L
( Mt, Ind. R 13.1
Diaries,'. 224 51 115
4th Di.trigt, 258 187 123
452 238
- - -
sriloot. taisEaotts, VA97'SPAHn.
W, L. Clevelesd. Reg, ly s•
P 3y, E. J. Cowell, P., Ir, Goriste Jsrecki,
Reg and P. 3y, E. E. litunnickle, Reg Rep
J. S. Clv.iy Caw. Clv.3y
19( 1)io.. 269 105 96 161 161
21 868 172 171 191 196
C 37 277 217 352 357
Hill, Ind. D. Kramer, Reg R
103 77
145 . 233
Ikt bigr:ct,
=! Uiatrc
[. andidttee—D Zit:mom:RN - Ted. DIRCI.
It.chard Butter6eld,,Reg B" W if . Harris
in.l. Rep.]
B. H.
.208 110 12
134 233 58
4t6 District,
The Tr te foe Ccunoil is as follows:
let Di.teict-- eleet—Pblneos Pencil Peo-_
tle's. 21C1: 0. W. SlarrAlttlt.. 81, Common=
--0 F. itr vllflPr P., 168; Robt. R. Keane
dl. Rea R. 182
21 Digtriet—Rdec , — P. A Becker, P., 80C4
el'her. Reg. R.. 110 NalMoll (two
ch-gen ) -- Joe.Eithealaub, 2111; JobTh
abentleld (both ticket.)
Reg R., 117.
-286; .7. C. Belden, Reg.
Bartlett' (no opp.) 380.
4th District—Common (2 ahooen)--lohn 0.
Eaker (both tialt-te) 340; Andrew Bunko,
Reg. R., 246; - Richard O'Brien, Ind D., 174.
Select—S. E Bacon, Reg. 17, , 209; .1. Deem'.
raker, hd . 8., 116; E. F. Christian, Ind. D.,
79: P. Hartman, Ind. R., 16; 0..7. Morton,
Ind. R:, 3.
ST. PATRICB . 9 Day.—The' Irish portion of
our community celebrated the Anniversary of
tbeirizatron Saint, on Monday, and they have
every reason to congratulate them'olves upon
the highly sueeeesful and creditable character
of the demonstration. Although the airy was
fall of stranger*, and every son of trio took
a holiday, everything passed off.ui the most
orderly manner and not a ease of intozies.
tion nor an arrest, waa made throughout the
day. It is the fashion among a certain ciao
of persons to embrace ail the opportunities
that offer to sneer at and disnarage the ohne
ter of enrlrish citizens, but after the events of
Monday it will be better for them to bold their
tongues. A more orderly or respectable ap
pearing crowd is seldom seen, and we very
much doubt whether, if the same num b er of
native horn persons were assembled together,
they irould have conducted thernielves any
better!, if as well.
At an early hour in the forenoon, hosts of
cleanly droesed men; women and. children
wended their way to the Fourth street church.
About ten o'clock a procession was formed,
which was nearly three-quarters of a mile In
length, and numbered about fifteen hundred
persons, including the Irish American Associ
ation, the men's and boys' temperance 'moie
ties and many male member* of the church.
each individual wearing a green ribbon in hie
coat. The Temperance and College Rands
furnished music for the occasion, and the
marked improvement displayed by both, won
for these new musical organizations many
commendations. 'Several handsomely design
ed emblems were carried in the procession,
of which the flag of the Irish American Asso
ciation attracted most attention.- It is made
of green silk, is very large, hns the harp of
Erin worked upon it In gold, and cost $l5O.
The procession morched to Federal 11111 and
hock to the church-. where it was dispersed.
LP along the route the streets were lined
with spectators.
The otosing proceedings of the celebration
Ow to Farar en immense audience in
the evening. ' Tha Hall is Said to have a seating
eapacitr d fifteen hundred, and it-was crowd
ed to !ace's, many being obliged to stand
thionghout the evening. The entertainment,
conqsted of tableaux, (ell of which were very
good), singing, instrumental music, and an'
oration on Ireland by Rey. John 0. Mullane
The programme was intended to comprise-a
number of ttla te. with responses by various
citizens. but the late hour to which the other
features of the -entertainment extended,
obliged the postponement o f this portion.
Everything passed "off in the smoothest and
most satisfactory style, and tht; larger part
of the audience remained until the whole bill
of fare" was completed, between 12 and 1
The very creditable manner in which the
celebration watt conducted is "a feather in the
caps" of our Irish citizens, which will not fail
to enure to their advantage hereafter. Their
harmony, good behavior anti genteel appear
ance divested their enemies of all grounds for
dfsparegiag remark, and it is freely admitted
that a better conducted demonstration has
never been had in the city. Too much credit
cannot lie bestowed upon Father Carroll, pas
tor of the Fourth street congregation, who
organized and managed the entire celebration,
and chose personal example and excellent ad
ministrative qualities have been the mesns of
building no a state of moral eintiment among
his people that is producing the happiest re
New LICENSE LAW —A bill has passed the
Legislature, making some changes in the law
relating to licensee, which will be of intereot
to a large portion of the community. It pro
vides that when application is made for hotel
licenses, the Court may hear "petitions lo ad
dition to that of the applicant in favor of, and
remonstrances against the algaanon for
such license,•and thereupon to refuse the same
whenever in its opinion snob license is not
necessary for the accommodation of the pub.
lio and entertainment of strangers and 'rev. ,
elem." Applications for esting-h °use licenses,
authorizing the sale of domestic wines, malt
and brewed liquors, must be made t& , the
Court, the same as in the case of hotel li
censes, leaving opt the clause relating to beds
and bedrooms. The act authorizing county
treasurers to grant eating house and retail
brewery licenses is repealed. Licensee can
not be granted in an incorporated city for lees
than $5O, nor elsewhere for less than $2O
For selling withcint , a license the tine for the
fast offence is to be not less than $5O nor
more then $200; and for the second or any
subsequent offence not less than $lOO, end
imprisonment in the county jail not less than
30 days nor more than 90. Philadelphia is
exempted from the provisions of the act.
Sorrel itie adjoining borough
South Erie, a warm contest took place on the
election . of local offieers.—the isms being
upon the question whether the old offices
should be sustained or not. A heavy en
was expended in the improvement of streets
last year. and a considerable debt incurred in
eonsequenee. The Opposition 'party, as we
understand their govition, claim to be no less
in favor of improvement than the , other side,
but for some resion, think the affairs of the
-borough should be placed in new hands. The
election way decisively in favor of the - old offi
cers, as will be seen by the following-table of
votes : •
;Ito. Henry 163 I F. W. Koehler, GO
Samuel Low • 167
8, IL Brown 159
P. Althoff 181
V. Schultz 152
P. Loesch ,144
CITY Orricsas. 7 -The newly elected Cana
bertr of the City Councils tonic their places on
Monday night, and In organi2vion of both
bodies was effected. n the Select Coancil,J.
M. Kalil) was chosen .President, and A J
Foster,Clerk ; in the C•immon,Miebsel Henry
was elected President. and P. B. Honecker
Clerk The two branches then met in joint
convention, and Mayor Noble was sworn Into
office. he delivered en inaugural address of
some length, which contains a number of sug
gestions that will be h.iffily approved-by the
mass of our eitizenq. An / entertainment was
afterirards given by _the ~ flavor, at his resi
dence. .IC wai attended by the Councils and
a large unreber of citizens, and was one of the
most pleating social gatherings held here in
many years.
O'B. 0
OF I ttttt ST TO FAsusas.--Last spring
Messrs. Henry, Bryant & Co., proprietors of
the Eagle Foundry, secured the right to man.
ofeetura the celebrated Iron Beam Curtis
Plow, which bed previously won a wide rep..
station wherever it was introduced. The Ttl•
cult that has aftendartbeir efforts hos bees
very eneouraging—and they are_suieriiiiiri — tig
on their manultoture upon-an_extensive Beale.
The plow is said by those who have need it to
be superior to any other mde ten, sod the
-heavy demand which bait sprung up for it, ill
'proof enough that it muathe all that is claimed
for it. Ve would advise our farmer:WS - Ore
io call an exalts / tap be Calls Plow before
pureltusing 107 other bite k mr2l—tf.
353; Wm. B. !Um
P. B. Honecker, 1'..,
8., 77. •Seleet—M.
P•iaf Pelbiager 61
J A. Gray 67
lohn Boylo 72
P. Dietanbaoh 71
Henry Kolvalage 72
Items_ of Local Interest.
Diefendarf, Gross & Foster have received ao
' alarm sioek of new goods. Tbo ladies should
- not fail to refer to their advertisement.
Subscribers served by carriers, who intend
changing their residences on the lat of April,
will please give nation at the office during the
next week.. •
Many persons are looting to the election in
Connecticut with much curiosity to eee•if
Barcatn was right when ho said "the people
love to be bUnibugged.",
During the late absence of Brother Gray
eon, of the Meadville Democrat, the other pa
pers of that city tell ue,his "better ball" offi
ciated as editor-in-chief of the paper.
hire. 8. Hall hoe recoiled her store to
No. 1239 Pealit street, (north of the depot),
where her old customers will find her with
complete gook of all the goods in her lino..
Willard McKinstrey, Esq., formerly con
nected pith the Observer, but for many years
editor of the Fredonia Censor, (Republican,)
has been appoiated postmaster of that village
The political ecoaomists all over the States
are trying to cypher out why flour and certain
other stuff should be cheaper with gold at 289
than it is now with gold at 184. It does seem
strange, but such is the fact.
A fearful warning to young men is contained
'ln the case of Stephen Hedgelin.' who was
litely flnect $2O in the Venancio county court:'
for the little indiscretion of putting his arm
around a lady's waist.
Mr. C M. Tremaine, 481: Broadway, New
York, has sent up the following new:music ;
"Juvenile ,Party fielop, by J. D. Jasienski ;"
"Where have thelleautiful Gone, poetry and
music by Jas. G. Clark."
'• WO have received from the publither, Duf
.field Ashmeadi of Philadelphia, a copy of
. an
Ingenious' satire, • by Horace Cope, entitled
s Rev. Mr. Sonrball's European Tonr, or the
Recreations of a City Parkon." ,It will he a
popular work In many quarters.
We are indebted to Hon. 1.13. Gam Deputy
Secretary of the Commonwealth, for a copy of
the General Laws passed during the session of
1860. Also to G•nerak McCreary for the
..Penn's Legislative Hand Book,"—a work of
more than ordin.ry value, nod especially ac
The election in Dunkirk resulted in the sue
cells of the entire Democratic:l ticket, with one
exception, by an average majority of 152. On
some personal ground thellepublicen candi
date for President was elected by 16_ msjori•
ty. being the only nominee of that party who
succeeded. .
At the elections last seek. S. A. Bennett
wee chosen Mayor of Corry. J. 'lll. Angier
Mayor of Titusville, and J. A: Bunt 2 Meror of
Meadville. In Corry, our friend Blesilefiras
candidate for Justice of the Peace, but , Pol
itics were brought, into plity against him, and
of course he was defeated. •
The Meadville Republican, apeakine of the
two.candidates for Mayor, said. "Noble is a
better Republican Mtn his competitor. and a
vastly better man." The ides that anybody
could l‘ei a "better Republican" than Mr.
Cochran ! Oh. dear! Is this the Way that ex
cessive-- "loyalty" and seal, in abusing the
wicked "Copperheads" is rewarded!
The New York Central R. R. Co. is engaged
in an eff-rt to consolidate sill the Lake Shore
lines between Buffalo and Chicago, and have
them placed under one management. If they
succeed, it will secure a continuous route,
without break of guage or change of care,from
Albany to the great.clty t.f the 'West.
The Stereosooptilon . purchased by the Erie,
County Sabbath School Association was ex
hibited twice in Farrar Hall; last week, and
gave infinite delight to the many children who
attended. The inetvument is a superior one,
and the' , selection of views has been made
with excellent taste. We predict for the en
tertainment a series of unprecedented success
es in its travels through the county. .
The Hirrisburg Telegraph contains the fol
lowing goad natured bit of sarcasm :
"Tbe name of Judge Tierricitson, at Mead
ville, hag been suggested in connection with
the nomination for the Supreme Bach to be
made by the next Republican State Conven
tion. - Such a selection would be an eminently
proper one, and especially gratifying to the
bar of Erie, Cranford and Warren counties
and the people of that Judicial district." '
Messrs. C. Englehart and Andrew Msyer
hare become associated in the boot . and shoe
trade, under the firm title of C.• Englehart &
Co. They still remain it the old stand, next
door to the entrance to this office, *here they
hire on hand a stock of goods not to be ex—
celled in the atty. We direct special attention
to their silver tipped shoes for ehildren,which
seem to be all that is claimed for them.
• Dan Rice has made an engagement to travel
with Gardner, - Iletoming ft Co.'s circus during
the coining season, getting—so Dan:e friends
say-428,000 for his services. The circus wil
go under the title of "Dan Rice's Great Sho
and So4ool'of Educated Animals." We pre
some tbst Dan will form the acquaintance o
all the politicians dnri ng hie visits to the dif
ferent towns, and get the wires laid for his
.election to the Presidency next year ! •
The Petroleum Centre Daily Era tells of a
prodigy in the shape of a little girl, only eight
years old, who is performing•the duties of en
gineer at a well on Dennehoff Run. The lit
tle miss, 0 is said, disp lays remarkable judg
msnt-in the managemecit of the maohitiery—
being b 412 faithful and •earnest in at tenth:in.
Her emplitierci place full confidence in her
skill 'and di.oretian, paying her the salary cf
the hest eigineers, three dollars per day.
The enemies of Mr. dowry in the Radical
ranks hive far some time been canvassing the
availability of different Individuals to be
brought forward in competition with him for
the Cruaression)d nomination next year. and
we underetand that they hare finally agreed
upon Her. S. H. Whallon, late presiding elder
of the Methodist church In this district. We
learn that Mr',-Whallon is highly pleased with
the idea; isnd signifies his determination to
enter upends thorough canvass. His exten•
!live acquaintance' and influence among the
members of the denomination cane him to be
looked upon as a formidable rival of Mr Low
rfe, but whether success will attend his am
bitious efforts the future alone can tell.
A bill of considerable importance has paired
the State Senate.and will probably go throne!)
the Rouse, designed to provide for the en
largement of the canal bet ween this place and
New Castle. "it proposes,". 'the Greenville
Argus says. "to increase the depth of water to
six feet, and to enlarge the laces - tr • length
of one hundred and ten feet between gates
and • width of twenty feet, which will enable
the canal to pass boats carrying from 225 to
250 tone. The ezpense of running -boats of
this size will be but little more than that of
running boats of 65 tons burden—the prevent
callatal of the canal. With this enlargement
the expense of transporting coil-from our
vast iota fields to Erie will not be more than
one-ball or one•tbird of what it now is. The
bill provides for an equitable payment of all
damages arising from this enlargement, under
the, provisions of the Railroad 'Law of 1859
Reece, while great benefite - will grow out of
I it, no — iniuries will be irfliesed upon those
owning property along the' line of thtt canal
It the bill panes, of which there is but 11t114
-doubt, the preemie season will be devoted to
withdrawing, by bonds, the present indebt.
edifies of the OrmpanY,-and-ahe-nett-in get.
dug cut the line-and -preparing the material
for the enlargement, when the work: fill be
pushed rapidly forward to .completien." '
A correspondent of the D:apatoh claims
that tho speech of Mr. Lowry, which his cre
ated such a sensation throughout the county,
wee never delivered in the Senate. On the
other baud, a "Democratic Senator" writes to
the Harrisburg Patriot;
"The. speech referred - - to was doubtless
primed and toned in some respects, es are the
speeches of other Senators and Iteorettenta
tires modified. and, ;n this instance, stripped
of epithet and denuiudation used upon the
floor in the excitement of debate,
-but it was
subetantially the speech - be delive red. Mr. L.
Is my political opponent, but my brother Sen
ator, nod I owe it to our official and personal
relations to stand between him and misrepre
'flow much additional credit will be given
to the document by tide versification, doubt•
less depends on the sympathieS of the parties
who read it.
A number at young ladiesls about the city
have Imbibed the idea that in order to succeed
in their political aspirations they must be es
pecially noisy in their denunciations of the.
Democracy and its leading gentlemen. Per
hap* it will afford these verdant individuals
an instructive lesson to study the fate of Mr.
Cochran. The politician who depends upon
malice and falsehood u the chief instruments
of his advancement may succeed for a time,
but nothing Winner than that they will even
tually rebound upon him.
NOT t r . VOTEII.—At the lets election in Har
.rishurg for local officee,43overnor Gesry sent._
o the pelts and asked permission to vote, but
was refused, and
...retired in extreme, dis
gust." He has been a resident -of the city
only two months. and neither been assessed
nor paid taxes. Why, under such ciranzestan
cos, he should have felt indignant, is bard to
tell, unless upon the theory that Governors
are entitled. to priveleges not accorded to the
_people who select Mein.
A Pttecrtoar. Busufsas Consort.—The
Iron City College is an institution that can
not be too warmly commended. It is a
thoroughly organized, efficiently officered and
admirably adapted pradtbsal Bneineks College.
without a rival in alt its peculiar features, as
the most casual visitor to its well appointed
halls, will discover at a glance._ Tee great
value of its system of Actual Business training
cannot be fully realised until .ne has b ulna
.opportunity to carefully inspect its workings.
We have no hesitation in saying that a more
thoroughly efficient practical business Col
lege cannot be found in the Baited Stater.—
Pittsburgh Coin.
:Costrso AGAIN —The publiti and the name?.
otai patrons of,the celebrated Dr .Liston. Sur
geon to the Albany Infirmary; will be pleased
to learn that he will make his next profession-
JO visit at Erie, on Tuesday
,ned Wednesday,
the 9th and days of April, stopping, as
usual. at Brown's lintel. Dr. Liston is the moat
succeesful practitioner in tide country: All
who are afflicted should call on him. Ills
success is almost marvelous. Ile has per
formed so many cures it is useless to specify
caves ; his certificates mutt satisfy ail that
these cures are genuine and not trumped up
with forged names to serve a, vile purpose, as
is the case with some traveling humbugs. We
advise all in any way afflicted to call on him.
- Norma —The undersigned beg leave to in
form the comtnunity that they will re-open
the New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory at
their old stand, 1008 State street, on nr about
April Ist, with an entire new stock-of Bona
Skirts and Corsets, which will he cold regard
less of oast. A. F. Conga & Duo.
- A. F. . & aro., at prettent, can be found at
820 i, State et , alp. Noble block mar2l-tf
SOCIETY lizransia.—A meeting to eetabllib
a society for the benefit of needy German,
children will be beld on Sunday after next,
at the bouse , of Daniel Creek, corner of Par
ade and Fourteenth streets. A general a•-
tendance of the Germlin citizens is invited.
airs. M. Weigel, practical piano forte
tuner Orders left at the Grover & Baker
Sewing klaehine Agency, 820 State street,
Eris; Pa., or by mail will reeeirs,prompt
tention. A first clime workman employed to
do repairing of pianos and melodeons. [2m
News Items.
Honaca GUSELET lately attended a recep
tion in Washlogton, and was !Mistaken fora
11. is a fact, according to the statistics of
Pennsylvania, that bat one citizen of every
thousand arrives at the age of sixty years.
A MAN in 'Jackson, Mississippi, gave his
Wended money to buy her bridal outfit, and
the following morning she married his broth
A New OIILIANS stoma - who wart deserted
by her husband ten years ago, married again,
became a rich widow, and gave one thousand
dollars to tier first husband.
Frye chinketie were found roosting upon
the iron connecting the brake s of a car, in
which_ position they bad ridden from Louis
ville to Nashville. .
Ross WINALIC of-Baltimore. built the Nich
olas railroad from St. Petersburg to Moscow,
and made $8.000.000 annually while it was
being constructed.
Is Fox county. Missouri, a store clerk, af
ter lighting his pipe, threw the match into an
'open keg of powder. He won't do it again in
this world.
, TUE Melbourne Australasian contains this
ti-two.pages of eve columns each—nine feet
by three—and ie the largest newspaper in the
Trusty . thonsand girls in New York, it is
said, work for from one dollar to three
dollars a week each, and their board alone
averages within about twenty-five cents of as
with.. .
neitan.while being lalrrogated on the wit
stand in the court at Columbur °Pio ,
set week, became disgueled with his legal
,u•stioners said was all foolishness," put
n his hat, rushed out of the room, and map
-9n horseback, though hotly pursued by
I • °listable& -
Nsw Y,01 4 / 3 1 statistics show 2 100 known
onseA of Al-fame ; with 11,000 inmates, be
dee 14,000 street walkers, boarders and
opt mistresses. An act now before the leg
stature prop - see to compel the registration
of all public, women, and of all w'men •ho
ire seen entering. houses of ill-fame. '
Tna Toronto Leader is eery much provoked
at the sensitiveness of the people of the Uni
ted States with reference t the proposed
"Kingdom.'. The editor• says: "Our Ameri
can neighbors may as well understand now
as later that we no more eonault their feeling
or these matters than they con
snit ours in the reconstruction of the States of
the Union."
Tni richest man in the world. it is said,
will probably be the young Lord Beigrave,
the grandson of the Marquis of Westminster,
if he lives to inhoilt, the property of the lat
ter. The ereaent locome of 'tie estate is esti
mated at $5.000 s day; but ten years hence,
by the expiration of numerous long lease's at
nominal rents, it will probably bo $lOO.OOO
Earl Grosvenor is the father of Loa Beigrave
and the eon of the Marquis of ...esttitinstez.
Lord Belgrave is now thirteen years-of age.
Ranson TOO OLD TO MARD.T.—Mr. John
Proctor, ' a well-known. citizen of Orleans
county, was married last Monday._The Al
bion Republican says: Mr Proctor i now
eighty years of age; his bride is eixty-three ;
theunited ages of eight of the guests, added
to those of bride and groom, aggregate six
hundred and ninety years, and all are bale
and hearty, bearing their three-to:lore years
sod too as lightly as most people do at half
that number of years. Mr. Proctor's recent
mainage is his fourth; and Mrs. Proctor's
herthird; ofthe guests. one had been married
four times, and live of them twice. •
• As impressive traeedy, that should carry a
nodal lesson all over the land, ' in
Philadelphia on Wednesday morning A man
named George E linger had hieen, under ar
rest on a charge of assault and battery and
attempt to rape. On his way from the prison
to the Criminal Court for trial, he was met
and shot dead by the father of the girl or
'whom the outrage wee attempted. The fath-.
er did this with deliberation, and immediately
gave himself op and has been- committed for
Tns Ohio Statesman gives an account of
'the brutal and ii.ndish treatment of a little
girl but seem years old. by tier mother and
stepfather. Chs was beaten, day and night.
until her body as covered with sores; her
hands were pieced on ti stove sod burned to
the boos, and sb Was looked up in a close
room and compelled to eat her own excrement !
All tiihroecurred-es-eht,Christian village of
wddietnirs, •or West Columbus, and the
fiends who committed the horrible torture
were Thomas Blackmore and his wife.
,Tocan Sroar.—We have been shown a let=
ter from Fremont, Ohio. written to a citizen
elide county, from - which we extract the fol
lowing : Some time since a woman in this
neighborhood gave birth to twine, which were
half man and half incite. They are snakes
from the hips up. They have . the lees of
human beings. The parents are compelled tp
keep them -eel:weer, na when they are to
gether they immediately fall to fighting.
They (the parents) have been offered three
thousand dollars for them, but have refused
to lake it. as they intend to take them out for
a show in the spring. " The moqier Was a vie
lent Abolitionist and called everybody that
didn't agree with her in Politics, "Copper.:
head." "snake," &c., and to this is attributed
this strangephenomenoa —Bedford Gazette.'
' MII. PIABODY'S Dossersol.—Estimatiog tha
bond& at half a million of dollarii,
we believe the following list of Mr. Peabody's
donations approaches correctness:
The poor of London, $2,259 090
Town of Danl6llP, nom*
Grinnell Arctic Expedition, 16,000
City of Baltimore, 1,000 000
Phillip Academy, , 25 I I I
Masekobusette Ileforlcal Society, . 25 I
Harvard College, • , , 160,000
Yale College,. 160.099
To the South, , 1,600.000
It War only taday Or two Inco that 'm i ng
man in this ekty mu fined fifteen dollars aid
costs for attetnpting to kiss a- young lady
against her will, and now we have snottier
instance of the hazard attending such opera
tions. On Wednesday evening a young man
in New Britain, while playfully trying lto
stesUbts neotar o ff the lips of the fair yottng
- aimed, tree hitte the eye braknlttiog needle
which eliehad biter hand, tapd which Arnim
short off in the socket abovellie eye ball. f A
physician was called and after a very delicate
operation succeeded in extracting the piece.
but for some-time to comb the youth can only
"risk one eye on it."
A sveorpso took place in Raleigh, the other
, night, amoig the "upper cruet" of darkey
dem, at-which the guests, receiving the usual
card , of invitation„were required to pay Lan
entrance fee of five dollars, and after entering
the charmed precincts were required to ex
pend five dollars more in refreshment.. The
money was turned over to the bride and
groom, who bad taken this method of raising
money to start on their journey in life.
Woo. VAN DEvzs-rim and wife were murder.
ed on the eirening of the 28th tilt , near Hick
man Mills, is ,Monroe county, Missouri. They
were fired upon through the window, Mr. Von
Deventer being instantly killed and his wife
eurfived in an unconscious state until morn.
big. Three negroes and two white - men are
supposed to have committed the murder.
They escaped With $BOO in gold, found in the
Pcrtrioss are being circulated by the wo
men in St. Louis. asking the Legislature to
strike the word male from the State Consti
tution. Preparations are also being made for
a mass meeting of women for the purpose of
bringing the "-question of ferns!e suffrage
prominently before the people. What silly
Move will come next ?
Tura Canada papers mention the birth of
a child in Ottawa, having but one eye, 'situ
ated in the centre of the foreliend, an inch
and a half from the roof of the nose. The
name of the mother is Black. The child is
otherwise well formed and in good health. ,
Ai Greeneastlb, Indiana, a few dirt sgo,
a man held a pistol at the head of a lawyer
tamed Scott, 'whist the man's eister ,hire.
Ward) threw vitriol in his face and cowhided
him—all irkettneerpoonco-a-damaging reports
set afloat by , the lawyer.
FRED. DOUGLASS, the negr3 lecturer. NU
treated with distinguished honors at Lansing,
the capital of 'Michigan. 1:17 a formal vole of
the Ilotiso of Assembly, he was invile 1 to. a
seat on the floor, where lie received the com•
plimenta of the members.
WHILE a young man in Wiszonsin was en
joying a tete-a-tete withs a - young, Indy,. the
green-eyed monster in the shape of a rival
rushed in and stabbed 'him in the back and
neck. =
, A young woman Ginted is a New York
theatre a few nights since, and water; being
thrown in her fate., she revtved,..ataimins,
"O. tny new bonnet"l"
• 1
A rEw days since, two geweizen of Chicago
came near fighting a duel - because one of them
raid the fare of the other . * wife in a street
AUCTION SALE.—An auction sale of $20,-
000 worth of Linea, Dress and Woollen goods.
will commence on Monday next, the 25th
inst., at 'the store' lately occupied by Isaac
Rosenzweig, near the corner of the Park and
State street. A rare chance for bargains is
offered. •
_F'LEstisa—Neste.—ba the 14th inst., at .
the residence of •the bride's father,' by Gev.
G. A. Lyon, D. D , Mejor Hugh B. Fleming,
LinKed States Army, to Miss Maria Louise.
youngest daughter of -Joseph Neely, Esq.,' of
this city. San Francisco papers please copy.,
New Advertisements.
A WO new dwelliog hones, with two AMU of lsad,
commodious stable, and two skors •Jea4o, situate on
Holland street, near the Keeh'er Brewery. is for We or
rent on very liberal terms. the land' planted with
vines and ( flat trees, and ls esptelsily deairable (or gard
ening. purposes,.
Also, SIX Willi on French street, far sale on reason
able terms. Apply to
Tim place to get a choice article of Totaceo. Seed and
Cigais Is at
Soith of the Union Depot
Always •o hand • wood assortment of the .Don esti.
else of every grade. Wholesale and Retail. Also Pipes,
Pouches,, sad Smokers' Articles •f every descrip
tion. Please fasor tie with • call. Don't forget the
place, 13 8 Peach street. mi2037-Iy.
Pile firm et Weigel & Ziegler is this day dielsolved by
=Mal consent.
The Machine bailor/is Will a erraiter be coo
tinned by 8.11. Weigel at the old stand, 820 State street,
who Is anthor:sei to receive all moneys dee the Sowing
*aline bash:ire& and settle all debt+ contracted for . he
acme. Andt Mule t usineu will b. continued by .E.
U. Z.lgler, at the same place, who In anther's td to se
retro all moneys dee the tousle blethers and settle all
debts contracted for the came
E. D. rtpLeit-
"Io the matter of the account))) } In the i Oipbao's
0 Joseph Waldron. adatinistra-Court of Erie Po. No.
tor of nobt. B. Rotrart, deed. 3 Kay Term. IBM
"And slow. Ruth 14,1661, the Court appoint Renjs•
min Pinot. fin . an Auditor to make &Attribution of the
funds In the hands of Administrator In the shove eta.
ted ease.PER CURT , W..
. - ... . .
T undersigned wilt cite d at Mr office, No. 405
French street, Erie. Ps.. on t e 4th day a April neat.
at 10 o'clock a. m, for the purpose of attending to the
duties of his appointment.. when and shere'all parties
interested may be heard
mr'Zl-Ba. FEWJA wIl El ZANT,Auditor.
For nor purchoos and salt of i
No. 4 thRoOTAT, Youri
Csvh Advances Kai.. Conalenments SoUMW. G.
oral or qpecial Market Rapnrtv Furnished at Request.
REFERENCES -41. F. Vail. Csabler National Bank
of Corotnerce, New York; Mews. J. B6011:11110.. Johnson
& Co.,Trair York; (lord & Co., Cleveland,
Ohio; W. P. Westatl. Cashi r Fleet National Haut,
looospolls, Mion ; Thos Arti.un Cashier First Nat'l
Bank, Newton Iowa; Means Ford. Dixon: h Co , At
Lord; Illsoonri. and to any Banker *satiation' the
count ',luring New York rorrespon den ts mr2l-Eno
The Most Successful Medicines
in the World. ,
Established in 1835 by' one of
our Most Eminent Physicians, and
now used throughout North and
South America, with more Wee*
renata than any other Medicine in
cases of diseased Liver, Blood or
. Indigestion, Costiveness,
Bilious Complaints, . Rheumatism
andTever and Ague.
Thousands of certificates are In
our possession, giving, detailed
accounts of perfect CURES effected
by these valuable 31edicines,
They regulate the System and put
all , the ftmctions of the body
In a healthy condition.
fat by ail Druggists. White & Mirka, Wald.
dam &mason to Dr. Zola Moffat and Dr. W. B.
Nert York.
House Famishing Goods,
AT Tllli
Na 7 P.athl Fla lie, wad ID Fah Stniet, 1::i., Ps.
Jus.i ro ',lnd sad now opeWlog th, tuge4rao4 toast
emoting onortewat ctCaipete am Wore offorod ha
this =att, consisting of 1
bay Smut% Tawdry 1;trowsols„ I
Tapestry lograto,ThrOt Plys, Lova,
Datoh Wool.liwanina sad limp; Can
, taa,Col: 11 Cocoa Maine' of 41
Widths; 011 mum, ites, it go iladDiWizets.
Lir! CVlrtil.p,
Made. SW, rist:Fe, HolLnda, Condo, and
. I
Aprll4.lll'l2 and Se• Oraw bl
attrusas cent/Atli oal
hand and made to order. The but quality of
- By ea Remind or sack. ,
Window Curtain.. Shade" and Lambrequin' made to
order and bung In the most utlatzetory wanner.
W. would rineee . tfally cell the attectono of those .I
ere fornislaing their bowies anew, to our large surd com
plete artortmetit et
Witleb w• w;11 sell at low Priem and hang on atoirt an
tics. To our
We would oak the attention of Loyal to our vary supe
rior stock of
Toilet Qedlis, all eV!".
Table Linen, by the yard or to the esiread,
Napktof, Dayler, emboreed and embroidered,
- • Piano arid Table Copra, Datukok sod Hoerr
Towels and Toweling, HU* ea - Sheet Liam sad
W. bare Just velars& a largo aird bstatlfal assert-
Meat of seasonable
No. 7 Rood 3ouie and 19 Franca Street.
Pit. roan's. /
N. B.—Particular attfutiou paid to tile famishing'
01 Churches, Hotels Atli Private Yamillea.
N'fl , w'•94l.o Y B
The Sabscriber begs to ihrom the eitluns of Erie and
vicinity that be has opened a store of the
ablTO'CbAMltetCr At
Virfiere will be found co.mplite amet:Den! of Goode In
tb. lbo..cooslstbs b part of
Cr Easton sad Home Manufactaro, Lot
trAD PIP:,
Notieniat attention eda to; g iven to heating public' and
prints building;
All ilndsof jobb,"); In
. By Comietest workmen.
ar Prices u low as the ream article can be pia
chilled el•evbere
With thp
„„. A or/ the In in! ing material arestnpenyirg
MA ri Cover” usanieare do his own psi g
weekly and of esply.Thir;
sto simple in vonetraellon, that • boy Ise
- years rid can es4ly tramp the largest
- else. Printed insqurtions IN sent with
hp; each omen, enabling the purchates to do
to work whin nt a previous knowledgn
of renting. A e rents. aontaintrg fall
des= iptiorr, price, • estlenoniebs, kr..
' - sent Iron to all. Our Specimen Pliestp of
OWN Type, Cuta, &a., tan mtg.
AbAMB Pass VO.,
PRINTER. tarismr
Via 7 Chimp. it .
4. anDIONT.
Taos CIfIC COL ,gat;'
Corner of kmo and St. cm , stmu,
(ma sod ono-half story \ soar; Nit.:Celifyrtle `tt •
star tot, comfortsJalo Dm, , prise six%
graduated Two story frame, No. ill 'sat Oth tit,Elietey'abona#,
Proyeseattab ovary `state In tholinton, bay.
hors. good building sod new.
During the past ten years, apwarale of
A OOT.LEOR OF ATUAL BUSINESS, supplied with Two story frame, adjoin:l4 P. kE. R. it., r n lith Et.,
Bantu, Stores. Pant Odle*, Cotornirston Broilers, lam- will be solo at a bargttn, '
sum &stirred. Steen - shoat zed Teteuapb Orles4
Student, are themaghly Instructed In Mt the Manelies
Inelndiag Hoot tte•ttiog Peatasaa►lp, Arithmetic, Com.
words! 1 am'. Political Vennomy, Hallam Correspond
ent.% Ito Art at Datr,thkg co Interfett Nosey, Rattroad•
Stssat'aestlng, Telagrapttlog, Fraettest Bacittar.
Rtaients caw eater at an, 'Uwe and complete s foil
course In from eliht to twelve weeks.
Pays all ripostes for Tnitroa. Books, Marta and Pl.
For reosranahlo, Etteambiating, Retlroadlog, Baking
or Diploma, as fp other Canoe. Thee Lessons daily In
Peamsothlp to all students to the Coestoereal Depart
FOR CIRCUL AM, &am fall information. and con—
taining a compete outline of our system of Practical
Business Kdamtion, together with
From practical Badness lien lditnlia ta, ILok-keepers,
Bantam, he, seder/slit principals,
jaatif4as. Pitisbrusir, Pa.
p LULA DELPIII A dc 881 RA IL 110/ID.
TTII3 great line trarirses the-Northern sad Nerthwes
counties or Pennsylvania to the city of &le..
Like Rite. It has been leased by the Per.asyteaata Roil
reed Company, end ts oyersted by, them. ,'
- - _
Wail Train - ,_
........ ...IQ 25 a. to
Zee tires* ?Isla ......... ...... 8 SO p. m
Wet rea Acosta_ 800 a. w
Mail Train Z 15 p.m
Erie Express Trals—..-- 10 03 am
Warren eernm.. 6 00 p. m
Penetrator ears - run through on the Erie Mall and Ea
preen trains without change both way, between Philadel
phia and Erie.
New York counts:An: Leave New York at 9 00 a.m.,
anise at Erie 10 00 a. in. Lea's New York at 6CO p.
eci.; arrive at Eris 716 p.m. Lease Eris et 530 p. ro.;
attire at New York 416 p. m. Leave Erie at 107.6 a.
m.: aMre •t New York 10106 m.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night teen&
For Information respecting Parranger bnaineara apPIY
it corner of 30th and Market ata .Phira, and for height
business of the Company's agents.
E. B. KINGSTON, Jx-, corner 13th and Market Street;
W. BROWN, Agent N. G. R. R., Baltimore.
H. R. ROERTON, General Freight Agent, Phila.
R. W. °WINNER. Gen. Ticket Apt. Phila.
A. L. TYLER. genersi Papertarandeme, pets, p a .
James P. Crook, kevlog "taken in big too, James E.,
as a partner. 00 theist der of April, leek Madre the erm
name ofJAVIC. I P CROnB SON d seizes to fume eget
Cement of his oldie:counts. AU pawns knowing them
soiree indebted to him are minuted to all and settle
without delay.
Window Back Frames, Doom and Blinds, itactidinge
old Picket Pence Stroll Sawing, Botching ant
Planing done to octet.
Shop ow Peach St, Between nth and 4th Ste., SAN Pi.
We respectfully call the attentloo of the s
publle too=
faellitles for dolog work to the beet of drilla ilroroPlit
and on reasonable terms. Haying fitted up ecurel.
shops, with raperior machinery. we feel confident , a
giving entiresatiataatlon.
creme" from abroad will receive prompt attention
ms'lraa—tt. yktma P. CROOK as SON.
~r:i:4:vtiia:j A
Phulen , * "Night Uloonsing Corelwo>
-• • -
Phalan's "Itiaht Bleamiag Ceram',
Phalento ' "Night Blooming Cereoz.",
Pirolon l / 4 .141iglaii - Blooming Ccrems.”
Phulose. "Night Bleocriing Ceresta.”
Ainost etquielte, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume,
distilled from the rare and beautiful flower frog
which it takes ire name.
Mann!actnred only by -
PIIALON dc SON, New rock.
CUOIL de. 110RO'S
688 State at. between 6161 and 61b. Erie, Pa. The beat,
cheapest, actual business College of &try to the state.
Barlow moo say It le a nonage of real ranit, which
does not give the lie to the:pnb , ic by giving diplomas
to those who do not merit them A College of
Combining Theory and Practice. Supplied with tank.
emporium, insurance, coaunimainn, ratiroad,atocks and
telegraphic departments.
Pays all ezpentes for tuition, blank books, &c. Time
reqsir , d from 8 to 14 we , la.
rI.IIXLNBUIT.—We hare the berl penman in the West
Sand for circular with clamp.
mr":117. Principals.
N 0 T . 1 C B
Yenango Oil kT Co, nee t Crawford COIIIIIIIM Fleas,
of 0. Church, 5 207. August T. 1858.• .
vs. Foreign attachment.
James McHenry. S
The defendant tIl take notice that affidavit of plain
tiff's claim, filed 20th Jolv, 1666, for $3,100 and interest,
from the 20th of May, MS.
And role entered for the Prothonotary to men the
damages in this cm. at his office. in Meadville, on the
'oth day of A pyll, 11:07. at 10 o'clock a. m.
mr7-der. Prothonotary.
D IMPATICII 11110111/IT,
We take Weastite in announcing to the pnblic th•t we
have &tented the services of
A most nomglete and thorough workman, to take
ehariga of OUT , _
Yr. Ashby hu for 'event years been maimed in Pen
field, Manic Hook Establi,hment, in wuffato, and has
no wareriorin the bnsiner. Other valuakie ueiatant■
!nee beer eniagodoolhat work from this department
&C., &C
In all the pertains to cool 'trek, superior forward
hi; and auperb finiab.
For Removing lipperfloous Hair.
' Yo the ladies espeelally, this lee:Wahl, depilatory
recommends Itself is being an;s.' most indispeosible ari l,
to female beauty, la easily applied, does - not born or
Injure thiskim but sets direttly en the ?Oats. It is
omit:sled to remove superguons heir (r •m low fore
heads, or from awe mot of the tr dy e completely. totally
arm radically, extirpating the Mire, haring the akin
soft smooth and natural. This la the only article u d
by the French and is the only seat eillPetnal depfletprr
In existence Price 76eaute per white, sent postp ,
to any address, on receipt of an order, tor
BER3HR, SMITS 4 Cn . Chemists,
10144174, Tee Myer fit., Troy, N. V.
A Lugs atoek of
doel3 tt
Tut , xi CRON & HA•ri.tN CAEIIt:RT
forty afferent stele.. adaptld to sacred and sekol d e
mule, for SSO to $6OO each Filty.ons gold or Sneer
medals, or other ant pretotams awarded. them Moe
'rated Catalogues Awe. Address, 11010 V a FAULTS
noeton.or maAn iv mu:dß z RS. Now York. *Mr:A
Isnewlesors to Acheson * Ileum)
i1t11117A01171.1311 0.1
Every Stem Ell by la warranted to glire saidenactlan.
Settler . , 81stilpokoes, awl Ire ith&e., on hand or =O.
aftehered to order.
Ptown ay? Piot Toners of sivirtar make sod darn•
0t7,0r islitire on band. A all and star trial eau att•
des t m s alters
tf. - HENRY, BRYANT it
26 AaCtli n Njr Tot.
The Largeat, CLespeat, Rart
10 Esat - Park, Erie, I",ii
For a 1• by
.r. c. sy,I.PEq
Tom *tory intro, YO VD West 9th Mt., well fia!ebel,
p , le. S2,C,
Two Story frame; No. 2:1 Welt Lth St , new and good
entelb, price $2,500.
Two story frame, N 0.185 West 31 St., Caoghey house,
a hargalo, ogee sl,of O.
Oast *ad one ba7f stoey frame, tot :;(4810.f, on sth OLT
mood West of State, desirable for business.
Ulla dor: well doithedirttr., propetll of S. it WII. - g,
non. gout% Erle. lot 1'41179, driest lot n tho Borough,
prleb $2,600. -,
Two story Immo. No. 5.3 East Buffalo St., boost in
law urio .6 man and_wood ithal on lit Boor. 5 roams
up xt Ira, two., &e., &e., pries $l,BOO. ilodsrata taint.
Otte sal one-half stair Inane, No. 83 Nam BP., eon
tesant to business hones la good older. nnslda sni
- ont, collar aid wood house. prits $3,700,
50 serer,_t aro, boas*, 10 acres wood, 9 mi!ea from city,
pies S2,M
216 seta oa Plash Road, 100 acres wood, rew ZlO,llllll
lumpy lart• orchard, 11111 exchange for elty pmr.
arty at $6,000. Paasonable dlcoont for ail cash.
ammo plate, on 'Bask Bout Narthlast.llo lump,
value3,le I ipprovementa, 20 sera tiabsr, pries 212.000,
47 acres. W. Win from din Pod tentanzuntai wilt
divide to mit yardman, per ban alto. .
45 sou, Ere mites from city, brick house, &e., good
ED increments, price SOCO.
100 acres In are ele—s bargain—pries $3,500.„
112 &CMS A:No 1 laird and TOM:Ina% nett North
East, prl es per sere. 175, .
14T acre' In Harbasertek, Teri desirable and cheap,
per lea W.
City lot on West 81.11 St , wo. 140 Plies 22. 2 20.
do do 10th ' do 766, de UM.
'do do 4th do 2711. do /MO.
do do 11th do 661, do MX.
.do do 6th do 141111; do 1,600.
'City lota on West Ttb St., Nos. 1482,1488 and 1489
each SI,(S)Q.
Rust half °Tout-lots 239 anti 2M, in .1 ott to so it par -
chasers; terms eaq.
A number of lots in out-lot 230, on Buffalo Road.
Eigbt oty lots It oat-tot 68? Wis*loth anclllth Stg.t
be Natter property.
HAYES h 11:11PLI18,
Agents and Dada, in Real Sett*
*12441 Basd Haws. Eris, Fa.
There eonnath glad tidings of Joy to ►ll.
To young gad to old, to greet and to aman•
The beauty which ones was so pnwions andrrare,
Is free to sill, and all may be fair.
Y---72/11-1.1/218 OF
-For Improving and Beantlfying the Complexion
The marl. valuable and perfect preparation la use for
giving the skin a beautiful tint that La only s
found In youth. It quietly removes taza.lbsekles; pim
ples, blotches, moth patebe, sallovneis, auctions, and
all impurities of the sklo '
kindly besting the same,
laying the Alin white and clause alabaster. lie use
cannot be detected by the clout 'trolley, and being a
vegetable preparation is perfectly ha:talus: —lt Is the 1 ,
only article of the kind used by the French, and hi eon
ildered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toi
let. Upwalls of 00000 bottles inn sold during the put
year, a sofileivat guarantee of iu erneacy. Pries. only
5 cent.. Sent by mail. pest-raid, on receipt of an or
dir, by BERGER, ROUTTS & CO., Chemists,
reb21537-Iy. 28.1 River Mt, Troy, N. Y.
A F F i. , 1 U T , E D, _
When bs the use of Dr. JOIVV I LT. Ell ELIXIR yon
can be clued permanently and at a trldingcost.
The utoniehing sump which has attended this In
valuable medicine for physical and nervou s . realmans e
general debility and penetration. loge or muscular en
ergy Impotent" or any of the consequenees of youthful
Indiscretion, renders It the most
,yalnable preparation
ewer diseoiered.
It will r. move sU nervous affections. annulate, sre.
eitement. Immunity to dude , or Dumdum, toosof roses.
on, onnfneion, fir,uutts of self.d.etnration, feu of in.
&q, It will restore the sppetits, renew the health
of those Oce. bets destroyed it by sensual sinew or
evil radices.
. Young men, be hutobunged no .more by "Quark Doe•
tore" and ignorant prastitioneu, Let mend without de.
lay for the Eltslr, am beat ones restored to health and
bappinere. A perfect ours is guaranteed In every in.
Manes Pries $l, nr four bottle, to one ddress $3.
Ons bottle Is =Molest to affects Curs In all ordinary
ALSO. De, JOISTILLea FIiCIPIO Prus, for the speedy
and permanent mire of Gonor•hea, Blest, Urethral
*Urges, Gravel, Steams and all affections of thsHad
ney■ and Bladder. Crizea affected in from nue to dia.. t
days. They are smarmd from tweetabla extracts 'hat
are harmless on the system, and never nansante the
stomach or Impregnate the breath. go change of diet
is necessary while using thedo, nor does their action in
any manner leerier° with business pursuit& ill par
Either of lbe store mentioned articles will be emit
to any address. closely sealed and past raid. by mall or
express, an reeelpt of nriee. Iddreuallordersto
BERGER, SRUTTB & CO., Chemists,
- frb2 - "No. 285 River St., Troy, N. Y,
At the wonderful revelations
She reveals secrete no mortal ever knew. She restores
to happiness those who, front doleful events, estsateo
phies, melee in love, lota of relations and friends loss
of money, ke., have become despondent. She brings
together those long separated, gives Information eon-
earning absent friends or lorsae, reeves lost or stolen
propertyAella you the balms, you are b. et qualified to
pursue, canoes speedy marriages and tells you the wry
day yoa . w Dl marry. glees you the name, likeness and
characteristics of the- person. She nate your very
thoughts, aNi by her almost impernatural powers on.
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future . Irene
the stars w see in the firmanumt—the melees eters
that overcome or predominate In the configuration--
Inm the expects and positions of the planets and the
fixed stare in the bosuns et the time of birth, she de.
dimes the fatting destiny of tau. Pall not to' consult
the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costa you hut a
trifle, and . on may new again have as favorable an Op
portunity. Consultation ee, with likeness, and all de
sired intormation, $1 Parties living at a distance can
eontelt.the Madame by with safety and esti*.
faction bt themselves, u li in person. J. tall and U..;
plieit chart, written out, et% all Inquiries answered'
and likeness enclosed, sent by mail ea receipt of mice
above mentioned. The etricteet 'acresy wilt be main
- tallied, and all correspondences returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order tarnished those desir
ing them. Write plainly the die of the month 'swu m.
in which you wera born, enclosing a small lock of hair.
feb2l'67-Iy. P. O. Drawer 553, Einflklo, N. Y.
Throw away your faire f rztr, your twitches, your
Destructive of comfort. sod not worth a fig;
Coma tied eonts youthful. roam net And .
- And resole. In y ^ tubown • Inintiant War.
For restoring hair upon bald head. Mug whaNnr
mute it may hare fallen out) and forrhag a growth of
hair upon the face, it haat no equal. it will force the
beard to grow upon the entoothest fat in from are to
eight web,. or hair aye bald heads in from two le
tbr-e months. A few ignorant practitioner• have as-.
sorted that there IN nothing that will tome or harden
the growth r f the hair or beard. Their assertions are
halm, as thouiends of living trammel, from their own
experience, ran bear winless. Rut many will my, bow
are ant to distinguish the genuleefrom the spurting)
It certainly is difficult, as ninatentla of the di/taunt
preparation. advertised for toe Inds sad beard ars en
Only worthless, and eon may have already thrown
away larg. amounts in their purchase. To snob we
would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it will ant you
nothing unify, it folly comet up to our reprearlaldeas,
'lf y our druggist dare not Imp It. Rend us ale duties sad'
we willlorward poet paid. together with a reesipt
the money, which will be return d you on applidatlon,
providing entire ettlalketion n not given Address
W L. CLARK & CO. Chemists
No. a West tayetto Syracuse, N. Y.
MANE 00D— How Lostlifew Restored
• Ju.t pabliaid a new editlth or
1"' - Coleerwelre celebrated env , on the
radfll core (without nediellie) o f
' tryenvarorrhora or Pe , ,i t al w. o k om
1 00 0 ontar , S.pnipl . Lou... TIMW.111)151 , . Mental ela
iocerault.7• loPedlturats to Marriage, era;
0 4 6 - co..amptiou. Balmy, sad rite induced bylielf-•
hai,igeace or sexual eitranarenica. •
TT' Pries, la a valid 'iravolope. on)' 6 nets.
. — The eelabrated utb.l'ir In air admirable may clearly
deteermtvater, inn. a 'bitty yeare• entetratel practice,
113,1 the altrixuaa coratainraers of all-alms* Else D.
radically cared 'Moat the dearteroire are tf interne)
tnedtethe or tbe apfilitretioa of rbe lielre—Yolrdlrß oat
• mode of care at ones SIMON, COPtllill sad froetnal;by
Means efarbtell every ev,7trer, no matter what ble con.
ditinn may be. may rare hlrosegtheaply privately sail
Pqnt•nader oral. inn plain envelope, 1 n swaddles.
poet•pald, "1/ towelot of 'six nuts, or two pod amp.
Addrees the
CHAS. 7. C. BLIN 7 & CO:,'
de4o-8m 12? Bowen. N. Y. root Ofßee Ben Can
Preferred by ati prsetical eaglets!. 'hy it. and yew wt
bare no other.' Kattalhotered only by
N 0.131 North third Street. flaw.
WARD ROCrlelt.
Crooked Stmt. Velez lUlls; tie.
County. Pa. R. B. Ward. Preyouy
T ana a. MiLLAIP,
t.l • 'CIVIL gig ISM imp Stiorreop.
r 1
e5:4006 WI?, 41r1b Street s i p d. Nut .4TODVIN E
, rja:4ll
P 4.ltNil