The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 14, 1867, Image 3

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    T ric Arrehtl; ebottret
FIE, PA., MARCH liftk, "
;,s,osr Largely circulated newspaper ill
f'enArdvania, and the Isat Adverti
Orange Noble "for Miyor. •
.trther of !eading business men have ad•
, letter to Orange Noble, Esq., re
. a him 10 permit the use of his name au
n a,k te of the progressive portion of
mmun it v , without regard to party, for
,nd expressing the opinion that the
of economy and enter;rise displayed bV
the management of his individual at
a sufficient guarantee that the public
would he shrewdly and safely guard.
• cc his control. Mr. Noble replies in •
teristicalle modest note, thanking them
r par.iality, and expressing diffidence
c ‘pability, but concluding With an affir
response. to their request. Re gives
•arpoce that if elected hie •tbest efforlis
p exerted" for the discharge of tht du
the position "to the satisfaction of the
cflo ." and in such a way as to advance
olive of the city. , -
N-ble mute to our city leee then three
nv , aid established himself se a roil
ruorg ue, after having &it acquired a
-rge fortune in the oil country. lie hits
hen given evidence of qualities of en
,.f a highly commendable nature, arid
e refutation of being one of our moot
,pirited, generous and far-seeing chi-
fine of his Oret acts was to emnbliih
ritooe Nationel Bank, an institution
h 4. grown into one of the most pros-
.. n the' city. The honorable course
red by this I ank at a oriticatperiod of
51 finanzeB iS remeraberecl.with grab.
sii bu.ineFe men, and sated the
univ ttruntode of dollen.. 0
of enterprise sooit followed, until the
of Mr. Noble bas become a "'leasehold
throughot# the oily for progress and
.ness'S The private residence which ne
,intlPied. (he Bank buildieg at the cor-
Ei•hth Egr: d State streets, and the mag
i block-opposite, are all monuments _ to
terprise that attest the character of the
Beiides expendinehis wealth liberally
erection of elegant buildings; be has
ed heavily in the coal and iron interests
nni it is clue in a large degree - to
• -
s t Erie is soon to be favored with sere.
pant improveinonts, which "'wilt ad
ierthly to its growth and reputation.'
ty has had few men like Mr. Itoble, end
ie of his legation in our midst was the
ebeemeneot an era of more euhstential
eritv than we bad ever possessed before
heavy Radical majority In the city would
rit Inexpedient for Democrats to make
ler party nomination for municipal of
, even if there were any disposition on
part to do so, and, with few exceptions,
e not Siam that say such exists. It is
all'hande that the city interests can
he the election of our best
without respect fo their political ente
nte-, and this will be remembered to have
our position for many years. Mr. Noble
Republican in politics, but, unlike Mr.
ran, his opponent, he has never been one
to blatant, office -seeking and proscriptive
we are not intimately acquainted with
hut understand that he is a gentleman of
al riders . , who, if successful, will not be
y to permit partisan feelings to carry him
nd th‘e hounds of a fair adminietr glen of
tittiet of his office. As between the two
fates, there should be no
h to support, and if we had ten thOusand
they shnutl all be given to Mr. Noble,
eferenoe to Jobe R. Cochran.
11'4111 1 .i seem as if there could be no pee-
Ite-of.ney in the minds of unprejudiced
eta. qv to whether Mr. Noble or Mr.
inn iv most wifithy of their support
loner Coming among us, less than
years ago, almost no entire stranger,
firm^r has developed so many good. pull
-5 , and dine so much toward building up
.ethetantial prosperity. as to have earned
t,i• time , a reputation for enterprise sec
to few in the community. The indica
! s of his public spirit meet our citizens on
7 •i 6, and none will deny that to him as
I ce to any gentleman in the place. ie doe
k share of permanent progress which Erie
nj vine at present. The people owe it to
that they should bestow some mark
her appreciation open him, and we know
o more honorable and laudable way ID
eh tt can ha done, than to invest him with
brgbest municipal honor in their g ft.
the other hand, what olaim has Mr.
bran on their special favor? fle has lived
• many years, and in that period what has
done that has contributed to the growth or
tment of the city!? Generally understood
e posse‘sedof la•ge means. in what way
he itiveated - them'? Where are the elegant
Ices be has erected' To how many schemes
public Improvement has he contributed'
.at evidences of his liberality abound, and
ere are the needy who rise up to b'eis his
crone spirit" They do not exist, and if he
I a hundred years. they never would.
ither he, nor the Clique aria* sustain him,
e heretofore given such proof of their de
ion to the interests of the people as to
rrant the belief that they have changed
it life-long , convictions, and we predict
it will c'tlmately be ascertained that
me scheme is on foot f‘r promoting their
irate aims not now knows to he 19111$13eff.
tween Mr. Noble and Mr. Cochran the eon
•st is too greet to allow of the idea that e
.cle well me ming. citizen stn hesitate as to
.at duty requires of
The friends:9f Cochran. too sing that Mr.
Ale is certsin of .overwhelming success
.ould the contest be allowed to rest on the
ersottel standinu of the two men, are en
moring to prejudice the tax-papers of the
, t 7 sesinst,tt.e latter by - circulating reports
.1 , he is in faeota.extravaesotimproveaeats.
hP4t answer to alt spoh 'stories is pile-
iced in Mr 'Noble's busluogs reputation.
I.•i , yl , ,tlriloglr as pruient and economical
rim oe we hare in the city, and manages
...-:. Immense personal interests with a skill
-.. hot is:unsurpsosei ' It Is not likely that a.
k -
L _seamen of this eharaeter..owniog so =ea)
ninety in the city, and compelled to paylito
R arge 2 ohore of the taxes under all eircum
,. tonop, would he apt to lend his influence In,
t'ie or of ony scheme of public improvement
bevon reasonable alai juoit bounds. Them
E. _,.,!igh ItCh.MPA , laid at Mr. Noble's door, are
,r, „ triflin g to be worthy of consideration, and
L'l net be entertained for a moment by any
nihle tat-payer That hale an 'improve
. :n.ut man" is the fullesCiensa of the wain
town by the numerous and Ilonornble
monuments to his enterprise seen on all sides.
!hat he would carry his seal in this res.
cent tl 'nett a degree in s.publio capacity as
to involve the city in debt to an insupportable
Ltr , C., none who know him will hesitate to
proLcutics . the acme of falsehood.
toro. LISP - fon Saar..—.A , tract at wood
1 " 4 is Le Pixie township Is offered for vale
cheap- It fleeter/3e 107 acres, which will be
IA altogether or in parcels. A "good stone
` 4 " 1 7 iw on the premisee.. Addreee &warn
W.LLI/SCoN, Waterford, Pc mrl4•tf.
No vice.—Persons wishing photographs from
the negatives- made in Chambers & Donn's
"'lt', does the spring of 1863, can obtain
bem by leering their orders at Ohlwiler's
rootis. Rosenzweig's block, Erie, Pa,
TUE WAR or TUB FACTIONS.—The long con
tinued hostility between the two factions of
Radicalism in our eonnly, led by Senator
) im
Loatry on the one hand. and by the Dispatch
and Gazette on the other, in not likely to be
Digated in the least degree by a speeih- de.
livered by the former in the State Senate, on
!the 20th of February, which is published . in
the Harrisburg Telegraph, and we prevnme
I will be spread broodcast over the district It
IS three .41titans in, Length, and consists
thronghonti of a series of damaging assertions
'sarcastic ditzunelations, and violent epithet";
Which catmint fail to create a sensation wher ,
ever the respective belligerents are known
The immediate occlusion of this remarkable
end characteristic production is the lite edi
torial in the Gazette, charging Lowry with
every sort of shameful misdeme , nor. We
predicted at the time thank wouldaall fortk a
rejoinder, but it must be confessed Abet. we
- were - unprepared for one of the terribly maith--
log nature that has followed. The weaktieks of
lint decaying concern is shown np in a style
of excentiating severity—its lack of influence
and the universal odium in *Mott it is held by
the Radical party in the district fully exposed
—its hypocritical mask tort off—and the rot
tenness of the whole thing laid hare to the
public. It cannot be denied that the pluck
with which Lowry marches up to the fray is
- calculated to win upon .the respect of the
masses, little as lame may think of the wrap-
one he employe There is no doubt that this .
speech will be put into the hands of every 1
man in the district, and-the pnblio, whojudge
of such things with less regard to style than
.. -
matter, will speedily array their sympathies
in favor of one party or the other. The con
test henceforth will possess double interest.
It is a sworn life and death struggle between
the combatants, and the side that lets np
even for a week will staid the rick-ef being
buried in a political grave so deep that it can
never be resurrected.
It ii - to be regretted that Mr. Lowry con
tinues to drag the names of leading Democrats
into a diepute with members of his own party.
The charge that either Mr. Galbraith or Mr.
Scott have now or ever bare had anything to
do with the ownership of the Dispatch or Ga
zette is to , trifling to be seriously entertained
for a moment by any who know their political
PEOPLVEI TICILETo—The following are the
tickets placed in w3minetion by the people,
irrespective of perty, in opposition to the
office-holders' and office-cookers'
First. District— Select. Conneit.-.:Phiness
Crouoh Common Connell. 0. F. Bierililer
Judas of Election, David Kennedy: Inspector
of Election. Adam Wild Assessor. Thomas
.Evans; * Assistant Assessors. R C. Dennett
and F ochneider.
Second District—Select Council, P. A. Beak.
Pr; Common Council, J. Riehenlaub and J.
&heated ; Assessor, J. J. Ftiessler ; Assist
ant Assessors, V. Bobo and Thee. Hirt; Judge
of Election, P. P. Senbert ; Inspect* of Elec.
No.regular organization bee been had in the .
Thir&and Fourth Districts, but 'independent
candidates are in the field for the most im
portant offices. The following is stint of these,
as nearly as we were able to obtain them, up
to the hour of going to press ; West Ward—
School Director, A. O'Brien and L. W. Olds;
Joettee of the Peace, E. Camphausen and
John Constable ;, Constable, David Zimmer
man and Wm. H. Harris. Fourth District—
Select Council, H. F. Christian, Jacob Driest
gaker. Geo..T. Morton and P. Hartman ; Com-
Mon Council, Richard O'Brien. -
The delegates for the First and Second Dis
tricts assembled on Tuesday evening. and or
ganized by the celection of Capt. John Gra
ham as President, and G. F. Brevillier as Sec
retary. Often's- Gustave i larecki and W. L.
Cleveland were.noutinated for School Director
for the term of 3 years, and E. J. Cowell for
.one year. George Hill was unanimously se
lected as,. the candidate for Constable.. On
motion of Mr. W. W. Lyle, the Convention
passed the following resolution unanimously :
"We.the delegates, elected by the people of
the let and 2d districts, In convention assem
bled, for the purpose of nominating a candi
date for the office of Mayor, do most earnestly
request the people of our respective districts
to support Orange Noble, Esq., the independ
ent candidate for the office of Mayor, being
satisfied, from personal kneturiedge,that the af
fairs of our'city and the interests of the tax
payers can safely be entrusted to hie care."
Tun SEASON or LeNT. —Since writing oar
paragraph last week, we hive come into :lame,
Information on this subject, which will threw
additional light on the origin of Lent, and tie
reason of its observance : The object of tie
fast is generally regarded as it preparation br
Easter, and a time specially set apart - for
pentanoe over the silts of the past - year ; while
the number of forty days devoted to it is
thought to have reference to -the Saviour's
forty days' fast in the wilderness, to the forty
days of the deluge, the forty years' weeder
logs of the Jews, the forty days granted to the
Ninevites for repentance, or the time spent in
fasting by Moses and Elias. Bt. Jerome;
speaks of the fast as a memorial of the Ss
vioir's passion.. According to the same wri
ter, as well as St. Leo, St. Augustine, and
most of ,the fathers of the fourth and fifth
centuries, it•was instituted by the Apostles.
It seems to have been made obligatory as ear
ly as A. D. 250. At first there was great di
versity in the time and manner of its observ
ance. The first day of Lent is called Ash
Wednesday, from a custom which stilr-prevails
in the Catholic Church of sprinkling the
head er forehead with tales. In the Catholic
Church the nature of the fast is prescribed by
rule Only one full meal s day is allowed, and
at this the'utte of flesh meat is not prohibited,
el.Orpt on. Wednesdays and Fridays. A sligkt
refeetion, tower, may be taken mornint
and evening. Sat considerable modifications
of these rules are made in countries where
the climate or habits. of the people render
their observance injurious to health, and dis
pensations are also frequently granted in favor .
of persons. In the United States the nee of
flesh meat is allowed several times a week, at
the discretion 'of bishops. —Do the Greek
Church the rules are stricter, and there are
four lenten fasts in the year.. 'The Protestant
denominations Which recognize the 909800 of
Lent, leave the manner of observance to indi
vidual judgm:nt.
Bruise 13Laortosis.—We doubt if it is gen
erally known to the public that the act of AS
'eel:ably approved March 80th, 1866, requires
the names of ,01l candidates, at the spring
elections, to be printed or written, or partly
printed awl partly written, on a single piece
of paper, similar to the tiokets voted list fall.
In the townships the tickets must be headed
"Towaship,"! and the name, of all the candi
dates follow, with tickets se folded that the
word township appears on the ottiable. The
tickets for the boroughs are to be the .same,
with the exception that “Borough" . must be
substituted for township in the beading, but
the rule does not apply to city elections. This
ridiculous system of voting ocateioned much
inconvenience last fall, and it will be proved
still more annoying at. the spring elections.
At the latter.thera are frequeatly from three
to half a dozen candidates running for one
office, and the inconvenience of requiring each
of them to prepare ships of as many different
kin& ea there are tickets in the fiad can-be
better imagined than described. The system,
for whatever purpose it was designed, will be
found to wart intolerable annoyance, and we
predict that, a hue and cry will soon be Setts
against it from every quarter, and from men
of both volitical creeds.
Whim is a 'young man's anal . Ma The Goa
pel Whoa it wakes glad the waist &ea.
DzAru or'llarragre Wann.--There will b.'
few persona who will
, nop - diteitly • regret to
learn of the death of Charles F. Browne, (bet
tor known by his nom de plants of Arierous
Ward,) which • took phiee at 'Southampton.
Sngland, on the sixth inst. Mr. Browne we.
somewhat over 33 years of age, and b native'
tel W'aterford, Me. At en early age, he was
apprenticed to the printing trade, and, after
!becoming *journeyman, travelled in that ca.
parity over the country, sometimes "flush"
and sometime. "strapped," until he fleetly
brought tap in Cleveland, Ohio. While work
tog as a iompositor=in the "Mein Dealer" of
fice, he develnped some writing talent, which
• .
caused h im to he transferred to the local edi
torship of tIM paper. During a period of
depression in the local market, in his eager
ness to furnish something of. interest to hie
readers. he Mt upon the idea of the Artemne
Ward papers, which, in a brief period, mode
him the moot popular humorist in the c-uo
try. It was impo'eible for a man of his at
talementn to'romnin cooped up in a email
Western city. and it wee not , long be
fore he wile called upon to go to New
York, to edit a neir humorous paper. The
scheme wait not a success,
, but '"Artemus't
was fertile in et pedienta, and he soon hit up
on the lecture plan, which .proved the most
profitable vent..rn be had undertaken. Prom
this time forward fortnneemiled
on him , and in a few. yews he acquired a
larger income tithe Mite men out of ten ob
tain in a lifetime. - Vnt appily he was too good
a felloie to be table to withstand temptation,
and the reputation &exploit by bin made-his
'company so much courted that hp graduelly
fell into habits which haitened a natural teii cossamPtion. Lasifdll he left New
.York Tor a' lecture tour .in Great •Britain,"
'againet the advice of his physicians. 'Hague
case was complete r but he wee not permitted
long to enjoy the glitterof kis triumph 'After
a few =oaths of popular ovation, his health
brae down to in incurable, extent. Ire bad I
made many friend* in England, and it is grat
ifying to all who knew him that his last hours
were smoothed by the kindest of attentions.
dC ISlr..Beowne's •personal qualities it Is Un-'
poi/deli' for any person 'who has -ever known
eipiusk otheririere' than -with gentleness.
A more tender-hearted and affectienaterature
could. not be imagined; and the awestneas of
his disposition wu always sufficient to . atone
for knits of manner which nobody ever de.
nisi, and of which he was thud! perfectly
Gonfalons. His gibers VW fixed, though is it
he 'was unapproachable. lie will be very
widely, and very profoun4 ly lamented, and
his memory will be cherish d by all who ever
knew bun, as that of a charming• companion,
a generous friend, and a min whose heart was
always warm and true .to tho leud!rest im
pulses of humanity.
JUSTICE OP TOR PRACE.—Tbe following let
ter expresses so well what we had deligned_
laying on the eubject. that it ieeme impossible
to add anything that will increase the force
cf its suggestione. The writer is one of our
most intelligent young Republicans. 'We
commend his views to the special considera
tion of our °oily readere, in the belief that
they are pre-tminently round and worthy 9f
adoption :
MR. EDITOR :- , -103101:1g the offing to to fill
ed at the municipal election on Friday the
most importeut, next to-that of Mayor: is the
tffiee of Justice of the Peace for the West
ward. In the selection of a person to fill
that office the claims of our German fellow
citizens aught net to be disregarded. That
they exert an extend,* and important influ
ence in our community, and hatto aentributefl
materially to the progress of the city tone
wilt deny. Among their number are many of
our beet citizens aid business men, and It is
but due to them that their opinions and in
terests should be coneulted not merely in the
empty honor of nomination!' for School Di:-
rectors and Councilmen, but, as they very
ritionably ask, in this matter of Justice of
the Peace; where the pecuniary interests of
the great majority are more immediately con
cerned. In no way can Cites interests be
better suhsereed than by the clioide of a per
son fir Ibis office who combines experience in
its deities with a knowiedve of the German
and English languages Among the canter.
one candidates for, the office, the only oats who
possesses these qualifications ittE. Cacophaue
en, Esq., the .present Incumbent. Ho is a
member of the Bat', has had years of experi
ence as .a magistrate in, during
which time he has given almost universal eat
isfaction, and is a gentleman of superior
English and German education. Heretofore,
in our local elections, ourcirisens hare adopt
ed the commendable course of voting for the
beat men without rapid to party affinities,
and this course shoal d now be pursued in re
gard to the office so sceeptably:ffiled by
Camph au sen. . BENTOLICAN.
The Observer man would be a valuable ad- '
dition to the minority in Congress. We ex
pect to see him go to Congress from this Dis
trict. Re can do so at tiny time—by taking
first-class passenger seat in a live stock train
for Washington.—Garetto.
We regret exceedingly that we cannot return
the compliment. No person who is acquainted
with the Gazette "man" 'Gild expect that he
could get to congress. r even by a "live stook
train." nisi ears are. too large, in the first
pled*, to perMit of belig carried in any num
ber of ordinary cars, and he smells too bad to
'allow of any conductor's taking charge of the
train if he could be got aboard. The only
pahlicassemblage is which he is likely to ever
fignie is in some convention opmft-minded
females, got together to discuss . tie beet kind
of sucking bottles fir infants, or the surest
way to abolish cannibalism In the Fejee Is
lands. In all such profound subjects, he is
perfectly at home, and would soon establish a
reputation equal to Lucy Stone, Dire. Bloomer .
and others of his kind. Politico, it is apps
rent, is not his forte, and ,the sooner he de
setts it to follow some purectit more gulled to
the osplitlty of his "gigantic intelleot," the
less probability there will be of his entering
a 'Quasi& asylum before the year is ended. We
err •
assure him that Odelle not ttsarkasm" but
plain truth: •
Several bills have Deets introdficed, looking
to the p ublication of the laws of the Common;
wealth in each of the counties of this State.;
the general lawn .to be paid for one of the
State treasury, the local laws by the county
or counties to which theyeelate, and all acts
of incorporation by the rforporatore. Astrovg
-effort will be made to piss some kind of a bill
of this nature Ala winter. The bills al
ready introduced are. however, very defec
tive, and will hate to be: materially modified
tefore they will meet the approval of the Leg
islatnre. or of a majority of the 'newepaper
publisher, in the State.
The above is from the editorial Harrisburg
oorreapoodence of the Greenville Argue. It is
difficult to comprehend how a more fair bill_
could be originated than the onaintrothutedte .
the.Legielatnre. It was drawn up in eonimon
by the editors of the Dispatch and Observer,
representing the Press Association, and-was
designed to be perfectly impartial, as we be
lieve it is. The set Provides for the publica
tion of, the-hews in one paper of noh party
in every county, thus giving its benefits to
Democrats and Republicans alike. We con
fess that it Is difficult for as to conceive In
what-respeot it is “defielent," unless, perhaps,
in some of the xeljaWiietails. Will the editer
of the Argus be kin! enough to eiplain, se
that the committee of the turecielltion can
remedy any fatties the - bill may *entail), and
not allow Rto be defeated through the efforts
or parties to tinker it tap se' 'as' to salt 'their
individual pnrposes.„ . -- -
tut.noilirsignesl offers - himself for ro-etee
tion to the office of Jtustioe - Of the *Peace is
the ,Wsittlfard.of the
r gity of Erie,,,indepostd
out of party !mediations.. •
Fos flaator Covatui.—The s undersigned Ts
offered iota esedidete for dulcet Council in tie
Fourth Plitriet, subject .te• lb. votes or the
tospeentateat population. ,
• • , • P. UARTMAN.
warns Wens! —& resolution loosed hctb
Cannella on Alondar.eyeniog, and has been
approved by Mayor Scott, autb- rising the
latter offtcer to enter late.* contract with the
Erie Water and Gas company i*-Supply the
city with water for Are purposes for a period
of twenty years from the Ist Of July, 1868;lor
as soon thereafter as their works may beim.
pleted, - provided that the contract Ord be !nil
if the completion of .the,warks exceeds two - .
years front the date mentioned. The said
company ore required to (unfelt. the Decease-.
ry water for fifty-five stings, at a oompenes-
Lion of $9,000 per year daring the coating;
ariee of the eontract.. It is also stipulated that
the construction of the works shall begin in
six months from the passage of theresolution,
anti that if they are not begun within a year
the contract shall be void. The city reserves
the right at any period Within five years to
purchase the works at oast and interest; and
in case it should decide inside of a year to
build works of its own, it agrees to reimburie -
the company the amount of money expended,
with legal interest thereon. The adoption of
this resolution, just at this period, when the
old officeraitre on the eve of retiring, bee giv
en rise to much comment, and does not seem
to ne to have been s politic mem:neat. Warm
ly as we a r e enlisted in favor . of securing a
mare adequate supply of water for fire Pur
poses, upon the most economies! plan possi
ble, we are not willing to see the measure en
tered into without a fair opportunity, for the
people to render a de/thrice on the subject.
The water supply question Is not such en im
perative one that we cannot afford
.to welt
while longer, and meantime discussion will
bring oat new Ideas on the matter, and load
to a more economical and satisfactory liga
tion of it, than it is possible to do under the
hasty plan adopted by councils. ,
The zeal displayed by the Gazette in favor
of Mr, Cochran ie. but , another -indication of
Ole contemptible truckling to party displayed
by that paper upon all occasions. It may be
that the editor and proprietor of the Geketti
bate changed their-minds lately, hat the lime
is not far distant - when those gentleineWwera
not as great friends of Mr. 'Cochran at the
readers of the paper might be led tb , ; present
to inter. Mr. Cochran is one of the men wbo
were most industrious in having. the.pazette
read out Of the Party,'s few months - ago.and
he has lost no opportunity 'for twn.years back
in expressing his contempt for the manner in
which the paper is conducted. He was. pee r
titularly violent in hie denunciations of its
course %it fall, after having beezirefuend per
mission to_pnblish a card in its columns, ob
noxious to 'the vie re of itsmanegers After-
Wards he was in league with others, composed
mostly of the same parties whO ins tgurated
the move - neat which effected hie nomination,
to establish a new Radios! organ in our city,
designed-to compass the rain of the Gazette,
and which only failed because those interested
were not es liberal in furnishing money as
-they were In suggesting plans for the descent
tioi- of our venerable neighbor. All these
things are well known to the editor and pra
prietor of the Gazette, and give special zest to
the reading of its articles in favor of Cochran
among those . who are best acquainted with
them. It must-be a pleasant business to edit
a paper, where the managers are continually
compelled to belie their pereonol convictions
in order to keep up their party standing.
MAP . OI , THE Cm.--Capt. John IL Miller is
preparing a map of the city and the borough
of South Erie, including &lithe out-lote of the
first and second sections of Erie ; the reserve
buts, from No. 28 to 88 inclusive ; sod the
Bay of Presque Isle, with the Peninsula, show
ing its ponds and marshes with their nemeses
known to - the old hunters and fishermen., The
lines thereof were surveyed by him!in 1847,
Ind spin this year, thde showing th_e changes
within the past 20 years. The Captain is de
sirone to. here his map as tiomrlete as possible
and, therefore, requests all parties who are in
terested, to give him the names of - suburban
residences within the above lines, together
with the names of blocks, foundreys, machina
shops, oil retineriee, oil and gas'welle, brew
erys, &a. Any 'communications left at his•
office, over Rindernecht's store, on the corner
of Fifth and State streets,or at Hayes 8: icep
lees real estate office, will be promptly attend
,ed to, if left before the 20th inet.,-when the
map will go to the lithographer.
Tao STILEIST RAILWAY.-A meeting of the
corporatore of the Street
,Railway Company
*as held on Monday afternoon. at the office
of Mr. E. J. Cowell, Mr. 0. Noble presiding:
After listening to the 'reading of the Act of
Incorporation. a committee of five gentlemen
was appointed to receive enbeariptionisto the
stook of the new corporation. The advirtise- .
meet of this Committee, giving notice of the
time and place. for opening the books ) may be
found in another column. We trust ; there will
he a liberal response to this movemset,
lug as we do that the esishilshmetit of a street
'railway will tend to, advance the welfare of
our city.
snowiness himself S 4 iitt independent candi
date for the above office, in the West Ward,
and pledges himself, if elected, to discharge
the duties of the position to the satisfaction cf
the public. M. A. - QUINN. -
Courramm.—The undersigned offers him
self as a candidate 'for Constable in the Esst
Ward, independent of all party canalises.
marl-2t. GEORGE BILL.
ficissitcuse—Suzawoon—ln lTnion Mills. at
the residence of Jas. Stranithin Erq., on
the Sth inst., by Rev. P. IV. 'Sherwood. Mr.
G. J. Stranshan to Mies Lnoy Sherwood.
Drone—Lasointi—Ta MoHean, on the 7th
inst., by Bev. D. W Varga. Mr. James Dam
(l4ll to Miss Elisabeth Landers, • both of
Washington tp.
flixaon —At Enemata, Ohio, on theist inst.,
Mrs. Mary Elisabeth' Nimrod, wife of John
1;.• Hitnrod, formerly of Waterford, Pa., aged
41 you,.
Fonanersz—At Weston, Vt., on the Bth inst.,
atter a long and painful illness, Mrs. Jolts
Forrester, wife of Rev. J. R. Forrester,
trrmerly of this city.
le you vent a correct hkeness so to,
Wager & Co.'s'photngraph rooms. 1828 Peach . _
street, above depot. Having introduced all
the latest improvements in the art, they flat
ter.thetneetees they era satisfy the most Us
adieus. They bate the most pleasant anti
airy. rooms this side of the eastern cities, an
improved background, beautiful side decors
thins end a large life sired eel for. in whiob
the sitiNeots can- look themselves square la
thelioit while ate picture is belag.taken.—
The sky light is the largest in ..the city. and
picinfilt can -be taken in a cloudy day as well
as in the clearest. Sept.lB-tf.,
ger The Erie Lodge, No. 241, 1. 0. of Good
Templirs, meet.on every Tuesday eveaing in
tho Odd Pollows' Lodge Room, fourth floor of
515 Preach street, at 7 o'clock. Stranger,
Tailgate visiting the city are cordially invited
to be preeent.
G. W. Guniuson, W.C.
' Geo. Know; W. S. feti2B-tf.
PIO A Aire made in the Morning Glory
store eau be kept up all the winter round,
without kindling. Per sale by 'Draped &
Company, 606 French street. 0et.24-tf.
or For' 'parlor or sitting room stove, no
ono te equal to the Miming Glory, for sale by
Marra & Company, - 005 French street.
Yoi lannince in Telt known and the west
'reliable ampoules, apply to 11... W. Ponta,
agint, 801 Butte street. • feb2l ly.
I®' I. F. •Ceps Eris City Latelligesuse
Oincer N - 1, 25 ? Rata et. : %WOWS.
Nsw sTova
; grogE!
Ttor Itobrstbat bop to batuto the Minna of Brio salt
- that be hasoporood • doom of the -
Bourn or Tile flaw.
Whari.W.ll M 65401 aoapteta amortareat of Goods ttl
• - t6a anti randitlap to part of -
a Esattd a sail Willa .Martafratomfor
PLAIN, , '
altiottoo 4111 be given to hosting patio aria
private bui/dlavt
An Wads ofjolibloft in
C9Trepstesit rorbars
eV. Pries; low se tiro moo 'Melo an to pop.
eltiood .!pew .
10 East Park, Erie, Pa.
We take pleaaare to aentotatetag to the path* that \ l ore
him snared the gelatins of
• MR. J. A. ASHBY.
A. most co - motet, awl thorough woriroat, to take
•charge of our
Yr. Ala, hat firr arveral lon bra swot let Psn•
eiaam. Bhiali Book Establiahsaat. to %Masa sad has
vo saaerterla the bailees.. Other valaukAle aristanta
have hoar engaged, ao thatarost from Ws dapartzeamt
L sit that pertains to good *tea, repattor forward.
tag and raporb
Roan and tat sa sth d.. tremors Myrtle and Chest
mit Ths house(' 111.4 with rood orbit.
tad other dutrabls eomarodithts ‘ -qries_S3,l o2 ; terms
Boast and let en Ziat Oth at, between Holland and
Grft 2 a B e oby 160 tea twat alloy. Thin betas to In et
anent couditto-.—ries $t e5O. Tarns, one.tall down
and batman in easy laments.
Hone, and lot eastalning 10 aerie. 40 Mill Crest. el:
WWI team tele. on the Lake Sher* Road. Au excellent
locallte—plee $l.OOO. Terns, one-halt down, balance
to salt the parchasee.i
Renee and lot on Meet oth et between Holland egd G
amt. ATM wrgewrtable dwelling hones. —pelee $l,OOO.
Tema rosy esti.
Room gad tot os Stitt* at, abw lloo'o north of lb.
Ride* Itaa4.lll by UM toot. a vegy grd plico—gsteo
-$1,51.0. Tar= to salt the parebusr. •
We atoo hone • largo nombor Mgood boadisit toliand
,dnirabta (Santa; Tsai to tblo nolgtikintood !be We.
Apps► to
CASKRY k 81[013111T.
• • Real "state Itgeo to.
mir4w. •' BIT Stats Street. Pa.
Maatitactiurres and Whol•aal• Dealers ID
• 4. 14
PIPF23,, Etc
VOA Federal St, Alieglinty City, Ps.,
Thad Doer Wm 4arpeest4D 1014 V
at A 'L O •
N-01 I COR
Solllsor wiry low.
Maas dealing to preheat yein please ealt at
619 111 Villa HT. cpnwEa OF TOE PAK
Cltol7Lll k 1120.
• •
SrtiAßl Dirai sirikatisiismir.,
So. S 3 gait !oath St,
• Of an Nadia
1113 DONS, TllOlB kHt ASER&
Mao la the bat style, at the aborted notice, and a
namable piton.: , •
cuirns CLEANED. •
goi;46 . biiiirtsmid and , ralialsheS before
daliste7 ' ;urn akas.
. . . _
er: .
awn_ ..
11 =Prost siamisi Wed li' iiikaSSl Ts mod i
oats "fed is Distlislis. ~ WHIM? '
• r e: .
Corner of Tenn and St Cliti Street;
T he lAr Vatt ClieSPite BOA
Aortae the put ten years, upwards of
Peenumpriting every State In the Uutint. hove graduated
A COLLEGE or ADTDAL BUSD4IBB, mapolle4 with
&Dim Stang D^etfma , Commutim Drotior, , Inrar
*nee. R►llrnad. Stssnibmt an 4 Tolensph Oakes, &e..
Stip:lents are thoroughly Inotructiel in ullthe branches
cf a
lot:lading Rook taro Pantoaagitel.Rrithoiatle,Rota
asarclit 1 ay. Political Ro , nomay, - Rnaloeata Correahood•
ero•, 'ha Art of Dotretina Coastaffelt Mow, Railroad.
to;, Rtgaaatoatiog. , Telirraphing, Practical Rantior,
Students cts estsrat sae time and completes full
course to from ellltt to twelve weeks.
Days *sponges far ititack, . Doc* Blanks slid D 4.
For Peourerksbln, fltsarebeittor, Italtrositog, Titemktoo
nr niplema, se to other Colltzles. Fmk TAM" don 7 to
Fettrearnhlo to 111 student/1 to the Coreineretal Moat
TOR mem, 4R.4. giving fall information. sad con
tali:deg a .1413204 a outline of our system of Practical
Basinetiltdacetioti. lialf•thir Nth
From practical Maslow M.D. Merest, to, Saok•keepera,
Baskets. &a, address the princlpalsi
24117.8t0. Fittabargb. Pa
VlNrestli Penneytrant t o nstrarenss
the eity of the and Nottb - wes
eanattes Mao t
Lab - Erie. It hubsentemd by the Parstptatis Rat
ire*/ Geespesty, and le operated by thank.
Wail 'halolo 25 a.m
• .
it?* Express Train 890 p. a:
Wren Mom 801 a. la
antra Watvard. ' - _
Eris Express ?RIZ 1000a.m
Warns *room—'
.. 6 00 p.
Pawnor ears rein through ma the Erie Nei and Ex•
pew brains without change both wayebstween Philadel
phia and Brie.
weir York Gonne:Aim: Leave New York at p 00 a .ar..
arrive at Eris 10 00 a. in. Leave Now York at 500 p.
m.; arrive at Erie 716 p. m. Lamy Erie at 580 p.
arrive at New 'York 440 p. tn. Leave Erie at 10 26 a.
ID.; arrive , t New York 1010
Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night trains.
For information resrarting Passenger bealaas• apply
earner of 30th and whet ate MILL., and for Freight
bealeess of the Company's agents.
B. B RINOSTON, In., earner :Bth and Watt Street.
Philadelphia. ,
J. W. REYNOLDS. Erie. •
W. BROWN, Argot N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
31. H. BOOSTON. General Freight Astor, Phila.
B. W. ir WINNER, Geo. Ticket Agt. Ma;
A. L TY1.11.11., gement tieranistrirdent. aria, Pa. .
i 4.7
!MEW g l um.
_ _ _ _ - - -
James P. Crook, having taken in Me . son, Jam" E.,
as a partner, on theist der of Apef1,11164,-noder the firm
name of .7411N0 P. cßonic zt 80N cleanest° have east
dement of him old amounts. Al! pdnon■ knowing them•
selves indebted to him are requested to ea/1 and settle
without Wry.
VI., &C.
A. 16 ILII`7•0717111111.1 OP
Win4ow Suh, Fromm Doom and Blinds, Moulding,
tied Picket ranee Scroll Sawing, latching end
Planing done to otter.
- Shop on Peach St, Between 4th and sth Eta, Erla, Pa.
We respectfully call the attention of the Dublin to our
facilities for doing work to the best of styli,, promptly
sad me reasonable terms. flawing fitted we entirely an
'Naps, with superior caul:doer), we feel confident o
ee;og entire saUditstion. •
arOrders froze abroad will inelye brand attention
rayld‘4—tt. :ARKS P. CROOK k BON.
phaknee .6 ?Mit Itloou Corms."'
Phsloshe ••1414:fi Moe= a 40ereits.”
Photon's. , mkt g VeNeus. l9
Plialoglr ..ffigist Engage. a Cerens.”
Madan's Maki . nlairgaing Cereas.7l
A most exquisite, delicate, and Frataimt Pefame,
distilled from the we and beantlfol flower frow
which It takes Its nanie.
llanufacture4 only by
848 State at , between 6th and Tth. trti. Pa: The beet.
cheapest, actual badness college of any in the State.
Baeton• men say it is a college of real merit. which
don not give the lie to the oablie by giving diplomas
to thou) who do not merit them. A College of
Combining Theory and Practice. Supplied with boob.
emporium, inauranos, rammoisaion, railroad, docks and
telegraphic departments.
Pays all esponses for tuition, blank books, fro. Time
retrir.d from 8 to 14 narks.
Yetratainnir.—We hare the best penman In the West.
Band for circular with stamp.
01308 & HOED, •
T. C E .
Penang° Oil fef Co, antt Cranford Common Pins,
of G. Church, S 297. August T.. 1806: -
Ts. t Yondp attachment:
• James Eason. S
The defendant wlll take notice that affidavit of plain-
Ors chine, taps 20th low, ow, for $B,OOO and tate:reit,
from the 20th of Vay.li6s.
And role entered for the Prothonotary to Men the
damages In this cue. at hi■ office, in Woodville, on the
10th day of April, 1261. at 10 o'clock a. ro.
W. P. CliaLrA‘S,
car 7.11,. Prothonotary.
rjr Fell infonneifen ' with the kigieettertiseeniale,-
also a Book on Placid Ammo, In et sealed ewe/ars'
sent free. Se was- cad soul for Me, and !en
nil sat regret ; for, as adrertheog ehrrlalana are
generally Imposters, without references nn Annear
should be treated. Enslave a stamp for postage aid
direst to OR . LAWRENCE, 3 , 30. 14 BOND MICE!,
NEW TORE. n0v1666.1y.
Disabled and retarred soldiers. -widows mid orphan*
of Oda soldiers. tad the onensplared of both sem rm•
erstly. to want of respectable and proatable ansploj
ment. incurring no risk. esa promo nob by 'Wooing
• post•paid addressed envelope for partici:dere to
stakt - Pan. 163. Brooklyn. N.-Y.,
Whams, letter testamentary to the estate of J. T.
Hover, deed, have been granted to the milacriberst-AU
venous Deleted to the laid setae are requested to
mabtmmehte Pelmet and those having claims or
demands realm% the estate of the said decedent will
mete known the same without delay.
Debts doe to the estate wilt be legate eollected it not
settled in thirty days. BARBARA ROTS%
O.F BREvnt.L.un.
feb2l gsIP4MO4I4.
For Removing Superthin" Hair.
To the ladles especially this imrabsable deptlabm
recommends itsrlf II being an almost indispenalble
ele to female beauty, la easily applied, does not born or
Injure the skin. but sots dtrietly on the roots. It le
wirranted to remove stiperSuons hair Irmo low fore
heads, or from any pa , tof the dy, coinoletely„ totally
Inc radleallyorstirpating the more, leaving the 411 n
*oft 'smooth and netorst. This is the only art fele n. d
by the French. and Is the only teal stimtual depth:ton
In •ristance Price 7/5 nob per package, sent postpaid,
to any address, on recolut of an order, by
BERGER, SHIITT3 It Cit, Chemists,
..fehlll7-1Y MI River St, Troy, N. V.
31" the Die Indian
Antrim easitstaing NM acmes,
-one-halt cleaved. with
ar" Pot farth.r, particulars trogalr• at the Drug
Btora of
Comet 7th sad State Streets.
IS tripod or stolen from the promises of the under
aligned, cortumParada 650 Tenth St . a 'Nita* Sow,about
two 'ears otd, bea langur'. and weight about 200 lba
A Bowan of rim Donato Is caned to the wont or
peons giving information or briorio o n luc t he pLICR aid
7karli. :
fota 2w.
. , -
Eris; Penal.
Tin; swim * 111011.110 Cildrigt .CIAO/11.1
'fbrty digersort girl" sdaptod pored god molar
untslO. for IN to NOG each— riltP4oo gold, or dinar
mods% or ant trot pzionlaauk sowdod tbroz. Mos
head trim Address. ROAM -a. HAMLIN
goottor.nt KOMI avoraga. lire York. An 11,63
peva, nava, Yuma:
- A fur InindreataiTeli choke brand'
farr4+ll! sp ingnitaatb7oDough ßt~
. - chotrafi no,
iv vaii:ArsrrEn stares
OD GOOD Tssrus
Two story frame, No 309 Wed 9th St., sell iltilebed,
pries $2,600.
Two story frame, No. 211 West 6th it, new and good
tiolits, price 112.600.
of** story fritoe. No. lad Nest 3d St, Caogbey bowie,
One 'pi ane-helrstory frame. M0.:02 Myrtle Mt, tor
net lot, Comfortable ho grdev
Two 04.17 tr . me, N 0.211 Eut 7th St., flickers honor,
good todldlog s ad now.
Two atm7 inuao. adjoirO.og P. al E. R. R., ea 11th St.,
will be cad at a Eargata.
One and nue bet story frame. lot 20.8234, on sth St.,
seeondiVest of State, duumble for boeinees.
Two star • well Sultbed truss, pr r• 01 S.
non. Soul% Eri , , lot 67479„ made lot in the Borough,
prieo $3,600.
Two story triune, No. t Haat Banat° tit. house In
fine orb:, er rooms and wood shod on Ist Dom, 5 roc=
UP It dra. tom. 510.. Ito, price 51.590. Moderato ?annul.
One era ose-1431 story Ouse, No. e 5 Canal St. eon. -
renisst to business home to good ord.; inside so!
oat, cellar and wool house, pries $1,700.
ISO seers, tarn, booze, JO acres wood, 0 miler firs city,
OM $2.20%
216 *eras oa Phan Road, 100 mass wood, ne• modern
style how...large meant Will litauulire for du prop•
arty at $6,000. Raumnabla &mama for all cash.
lhavley plate. on Bu ff alo Howl. Beathigast,llGacona,
valuable improvements, 20 aern ttuaberoarke 212,000.
47 sena. bre mile" from city. good itilt4vversealli: will
divide to suit puretiseers, per sere $150.'
45 sere; Are miter from city. brick boner, te e Pod
Improvements. Freer 14.5C0.
00 sees ja Orevne—s targen—prfae $2500
212 acme IJo.'l land and frol.rovemenis, near North
East,priee per sera $75.
147 mei In Ilatiwriretek i n 77 deaintils tad cheap,
per sere 875.
City lot on West Bth St., Wo. 1442, Price 82,000
do do 10th •do 154 do 3,000
de ' 'do 4th do 2101, do 1,800
do do 11th do 661, do 1,4J0.
do do Bth do 140, do 1,500.
City lota on Wed 7th St., Not. 142, MI6 La 1469
each .V l . OOO .
. ,
West half of ont-lots 289 and 200.1 n lots to snit pox
Maser panes vow.
Axambor at lota to ont-lot 118000 Bald* Road.
Eight city lota in ont-lot AST Wee 10121 and 11th Ste.;
be gutter property.
. Agents and Owlets to Real Kanto.
jen24.ti Reed House, Kyle, Ps.
Thin 00ZINUI or tor to
To yoneg lOW to old, to gnat and to small;
The brainy which once wee u eteelou aed use,
Is free to ell, and ell may be felr.
Y TOO - e sic OF
• Par Itoprovingind Beautifying the Complexion..
The twat valuable andperfen t 'munition la use for
,giving the akin a basutlful pairl-llke tint that is only
found ha youth. It quietly removes tan, freckle.. Om.
plea, blotches, math latelm, sallanutnato eruptions, nail
all inawarttbas of tie akin, kindly healing the same,
leaving the skirt white and clears, alsbutar. Its us*
=oat be detected by the almost attrutloy, and being a
vegetable preparation* perfectly harmless. It Is the
only wiles of the tied used by the Premeh, and Si con.
Wend by the Pattstan as iodiapensable toe perfect tot.
let Upwards of 30.000 bottles were roldttuing the put
year, a auflolent gamuts* of its emceey. Pries, only
75 coots. Sent by eyil, post-tad:on receipt of an or.
der, by • lIZEGEB, 15017 TM & CO. Chemist,,
feb2.lls7-Iy. 285 River Si.. Troy, Y.
wain ire the is afbr. :IIItsiTILLXII ELIXIR you
can be cured pernanently and at a trifling coat.
The Wont/Mfg success whirl has attended this in
valuable mediehe for physical and nervous wealfuesa,
general debility and prostration; lola of muscular en
ergy imputing Or an y of the eonsequenees of youthful
indlseretion, readers it the most" valuable preparation
ever discovered
It will rtmort all nervoue stealers, depression, ex
citement, hiclity to study or bulimia', lon of mem.
ov7....fasaint, turista of selbilestroction s has of ill
sanity, he It wi restore the appetite, reruns the health
of these iho hire destroyed It by sensual gem or
evil pi eaticce.
Youngman, be lieseocageo no 13301.9 Dy 'NUM= MO'
ton" and ignored praelitloners, but sand without de
lay for the Elixtt, and bat once restored fo health and
happiness. • pallet eure is guaranteed in every In
stones. Prize $1 or four bottles to one sddresa
One bottle to Wildcat to effect a ears in an ordinary
ALS). Dz. Joirvicties'Srscrrre Psue, for the speedy
mud pennanest ens of Gonorhea, Meet, Urethral Ne
el:large; Gravel, gtrietnre and all affeetteue of the Sid
ney' and Bladders. Cures affected In from one to Eye
days. They are *repined from vegetable extracts that
are harmless oath* system, and never nauseate the
stomach or imprignata the breath. No change of diet
is neesteury while ming them, nor does their adios+ in
any manner interfere with business penults. $1 per
Either of the stove mentioned articles sill be sent
to any address; Bowl sealed sad poet gold. by null or
'syn.'s, on reeett of wire. address all orders to
BEE:MB, SEUTTB &CO., Chemists.
feb2l'67-Iy. No. 286 Riser St., Troy, N. T.
At the wonderful renditions
She reemle secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores
to heppinsoa those who, from doleful events, catastro
phis% eroseee in love, loss of rolationsand Wends, lose
of money, Ac.. lave become despondent. She brinier
together those hog separate+, VIPS 112f0113210:1012 eon- . 1
earning absent Mends or lovers, restores lost or stolen
property. fells you the badness you are tr. st 010'50 to
Pumas. Poises speedy marriages and tells you the erre
day you will roomy. gives you the name, likeness and
Characteristics of the pence. sb. roues your Very
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural ;monger - on
yells the dark and bidden =Waits of the future. From
the stars we we In the he ment—the malice stars
that overcome or predominate In toe croullgaration—
trom the apectsand poaitione of the planets sal the
died stars in the hesivensat the time of birth, she de.
duces Met tars destiny of man. !ail not to conceit
the greatest Ar.roTogist as earth. It costs you but a
hide, and OIL WIT never agbitt hove en fivorable an op
portunity. Consultation es. with likeness and all der•
:red inionnatioi,ll Parties living at a distance man
eownottbe Mame bonsai] with meal safety and meta-
faction , thernalves, - as it in person. • fall and /s
-plice chart, written oat, with all' inquiries answered
and likeness eve owl, sent by snail oa receipt of pries
above mentions?. The strictest weeny will be main
tained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those desir
ing them. Writs plainly the davof the month and year
in which you were born. enclosing a sremll lock or hair,
, -
Throw swy . your Was Mao, your 'witches, your wit..
D./tractive of comfort. sad Rot worth • BR;
Como aged come youthful, come ugly and far,
Aad Mold in 'oar own luvutont hair.
Far tutoring upon bald heads (from whatever
ea... it Emir fallen out) and forting a growth of
hair nton,the tam, it has no equal. It will force the
beard to env upm the smoothest face in from Ste to
eight weeks, or Lair npoa bald heads to from two to
three months. A few ignorant preetitioner. have as
serted that them is nothing that will fonts or hasten
the growth of the lair or beard. Their assertions are
false, u thousands of living witaenes, from their own
experience. tan bear witness. Rut many will say, how
Me we to distingnish the rondos from the spurious?
It certainly is &Sled; as nineetentbs of the eiSerent
preparations advertised for tee hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, Lad eon may have already thrown
away lu yearend, In their purchase. To snob we
wonld say, try the Separator Capilli; It will cost you
nothing unless it fully coulee no to our representation..
If your druggist Aim not keep it, send no one doder a nd
'we will forward it'post paid, together with a treetpt Cor
the money, which will be return.d you on application,
providing entire uithifiction Is not given. Address
W L. CLARK k CO., Chemists.
N 0.3 West Fayette St., By raense,N V.
IVIANHOOD—How Load How Restored
Just published. a new edition of Th.
f .•••• Culyereereire celebrated 'may on the
rattiest etre (without medicine) of
Opermatotrb °ea, or &what ifieskneer.
Inyolustary dewiest LOSSIIII, Impotency, Mental and
Physical Incseselly. Impediments to Mariam eta;
Whet Consumption Beileugy, sad lite induced by MU'
or salmi witrataganes.
1/7 Pries, in a waled envelope. only 6 emits.
The celebrated abet in this admirable essay clearly
demonstrates. from a thirty year,: sueeeesful practice,
that the slanting consequences of self-abuse may be
radically mired entitled the dangerous use -of internal
medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out
a mode of cure at cries simple, aerials and sesetual. 6/
mons of which every sufferar nn matter what Me con
dition may 4, ma; cure hisesilf anvil privately and
frir This 1-chn eheald be in the Lando of ever/
youth in the land.
Bent under sha r k s plain enrolee., to any addrese
pan-paid, on t of oil maul, or two post stomp..
address the ptLllabor..
de4.o-In 127 Bowery. N. Y. Yost Mee Box 4664.
rus LIBERTY •WMTB Luat?.
PTOLured by all vodka. Wen. Try It. and you nril
- ban no other. limagloved only by _
ZIEGLER & • SMITR„ , —..
No. LTI North Third Street. ?MIA.
• • Croolred 9tewt, [talon 111114 Itsle
Comiy,As. &B. Wiwi. Prirprietor If
OrflOboarra fan Scrim:Tau
Redo= mbar "kith ,Strant and tad Amos,
ET( el, ja2147.
80.1 G Sat 2ro - • stcv-Tarts.
lifirlBo7 , ...ta
As option epprosthea
Aata and Roaches
Prom that holes come out
And Ines and Rata
4a edit. of nth,
(hilly nein about.
"la years established in N. Y. City."
.Only Lafalllbl• remedies known."
"Tiros from Main
°Not diingerou to the Hainan handy."
"Mats oome oat of their boles to as."
.COSTARIP BAT, B)•UH, kt , -, ricrirmars
Is I pieta—ased for ILA Nice, Rowley
Meek sod. Red late, &c., &e.
Is • Hold or earl—cued to dearer, and
also of 'preventative lot Bed Bum as.
Ir for Aoths. ll.oqutiooo, nos. Bed /WIN
lorecto on flsoi?i, Folds, tolasalo, iie.
art I I Bitrak3 I I Wall waelite iztlistionit
re ea that nearrAn'a" name im on sash Doi, Not-
Vs tna mu brfor yo bay.
at Brsadvsy. N.. T
Sold in En.;, 11 Desist; awl retail desists
evenwhimt ,
(ge 0 ST A. R'' S"
Yor Caul,
Bore rai dßlindin g Canaan.
Broken Balsa. Nipples, g Blind and
Painful Pilagi, Bervfialaug. Putrid and liiwooditlinaed
Bores; Mears, Mandakix Swelling., gra Bons. Calmar
ova taliwtioag. Rianworm. Itch, Cons; Mil.
Makin, gag.; Chapped Honda. Ups : &o.; Bites of Spidan.
ingnets.Aningala. ikn, ate.
Bous 23 ant; 60 mailed $1 nista.
Bold by all Draggitts everywhere. !
And by HENRY B. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway . ,
~n ~~~> l err 4
w an., r 1 . % 11 .
.0* 4
Tor Gras, HuWoos, Warta;
Boxer, 26 ria.,Eo et& sod St aim.
8014 by all premed* framrwlara.
lad by BENEFF H. COSTh3, D.pot ON
',;" C 0 8 T 'A 11, - . 8"
TOE 11141111111 1 11N6 TEM COMPLIWON
Dsed to soften and beautify tbeSklnownrove Prwskite,
Pimples, Eruptionsdka.
Ladies we now using It in preference to an otbera:
Hold owes m
all gby all liturgist' everywhere. •
And by HENRY R. cosres, Depot 4114 - Broadway
Tor Cough,, Colds, Roainriesn, Rare Threat., Creep.
Whooping Cough, Tontines, asthma, Cesatuaptlee.
Bronchial Affeetiona, and all &wow of the Threat
. , •
Bottles, 2Z etc., 80 eta. sad Sl aloe.
Sold by alphaett. seirprhess.
And br =MY R. COST" Net UI letairsy.
N. Y.
rtr Nervous and Die* Neadieles. Wei. tadl
110111:8, Clidls, /rim .ad pawl derangement at th•
Mantles °qui.
Bozo, 5 eta, AO Oa, d=s t esim
. Sold by all Dreamlike mom Item .• 7 • -
dad by BURT IL CO M; Depot 434 Bicediver
N. Y.
t -