- - ararr.lsa MAROS-ft 00, ^sre THE Enittp#Osile , rfF - 4-Ttu or t Roplortwlicre , tatorotp- entes) - 21.! -- W: , Crixx < n Buts Sf: bt. -. tusk: " r:oTniPTIO. -iSingle copies, midi° ielvinoe . ort raid ...pill lie end of ibryer. cot rent t ,, onsia;sis $ 10 ; Ten'al4alktla• _ .obowletlon Roceoate End be pilled WAR: paper will be vent to • ant preen orboes Tie iillo4lincrirn,.naleu the IfleeTls iet; is ,Pi.SliTll , Nc — The - tollowing ars =ix sitterttlialgreates; Icy ~01 be etrktif - adbe zed to. In . ieekoal•g , g yp of ai.a , tbsetotrata aa loth ta :co:I - W . 41 . nd , • a n An-thing - Otte half an fad' trained sr a fall rq• sqr a :14 imp la 121 a 1471 CL) • ;200 LAO t • r :vs „t h 20.00 2110 300 4 640 16 26 00 260 Blf 440 4.0 t 18.00 300 3.2 F 6.60 -740 86 , Ilk 116t14. 600 80 - 10.0 r 12.08 20.00 30 110.0_. - 80012 on 23.00 ta d voo woo so 200 18.00 26.0030 OC 113 0000. 0 0 181.7 .eke Sfrok. ..... 311.^ 00 Nrintbs... Nnntye.._... „e^- , tern ' and Agnitnietratore Notions 113 eneb ; . retrar N..tiess E 2 each; "Special” in Leaded 4onpufel. and inserted be"Or•Kasitaree nrsthi, 25 per cent. to - addition to segalar rat". Notirei. furnished by the parties, 10 rents par of tea words for drat insertion, B coax pet Mae for sod fire cont. fcrr each 'slinkiness% tirtion. torlalNotiees 15 cent( pittr,looB4lo l o and fNcenta each. icirertiatonkniiit orrery two-thirds fall rates. r eitineisklianding to tie.*: , ante ehonld state the piriah them •rhek otherwise they wili ba d until or .: oat, at the earense of thiltih!rit** l, , ox FR0111 . 0.- 1 ;4 4 have one of il!" - eseetjcibbing oft in the eonntrw. and are prepared to do any kind of I, in large or small order*, at os rossomplo prhom, rn - as good stele, is soy establishment In the ntry. comseantestint4shocild aillefiraciedlte ; HENJ'N WHITMAN, Editor aad Propthtor. Business Directoiy. RP II RIVS, - • ATTORIXT AT LAW, riniwn .01-ema ra •nty, Pa SCITCOCiIN Dmerrno, State St .lear strti, st FottGE, H. 111711. M. rrnrurirr R Lair. Glr►rd. Wrlo Cn . • r,d!..ntio an and other businwng ntutnAci n•n-r. and rinnadeb. W. WVT , I , Mit. Arromnrr AT LAW. In Walker'• 111. nnßorentb P. any 7'112 W. FIRED 6c CO Wholesale and ratan dealers in Authr , eliea El , ll^lll. and -Fan•alarg cast and WOl4. OaWaal! .Irh Lumn tor *modeles. mid prepared for hones ore. are nn hand. Yards —Corner e eth and WWI.. and er Mrrtla and Ritmo. sta., 2 squares west of tbo coney.% Frio, Ps. .• J. FRAMER, M. ll. * RomeopattioPhystelaa nd Surgeon co and reoldeoce 623 Pevh Pt.. opeoalte the Park Office hours from 10 to 12 A. 11., 3 to 6P. R., P. M. aps-6m. =I seral-e*ry tholoobnedneaa situ oh Stet %sot, be wrn Seventh and Ffghth ''..treeta, Gnat aids are f• 1 for Pale no very rotaontblt term; if- applied Empire of ' edit WM. A. GAIJIRAITYL, A trent. UN C. BEECHES, miasma nr Dar Gonna, Girocnnuis, h.ra, Hardware, Nails. Glass, geed. Muter, eta.. cm. ,f aisth straat and Plana Samara, Ride, PI , arid- D. (i:nor:No; Limey An, Sea Scurza. on MOM t. between State and French. Fine Horse* and Oar . in let nn rwonsh!e terms. mw4MB4-7r. KING. Seisms., Banns. AND 1 11 1Atinv v. More. or, Ml 4, ales, Lauer. &c. Proprietor of Ale ani p. rrr.rner, and Malt warehouses, Erie. Pa. tIT , V4 1.1 Y. 1 3 , 'ICKRIUND. D. D. R., 'win. Ofaeo, Freneh gt.. second .t•tr7 tt , rißrpck. war corner of .Reol from. oe.1131) R. MA GULL. ' Drumm Ogee ittßosen-• ; 111.4 . north Bide of the Pert. trio, Pet& I)%tiliNNON, WILMA:101 Oc (10.. - Sammons to alp-rira J. Vcadan, mni..intilf.relianti, and Wholomie deafen in Cnal. ' V. dt• E. and Peoples Lino of filteamara., Polple 178ek. F.rie. Ps. jan4'6ll.ly. 14T1 TIN Will LLDEV. M. D., PHTIFTOILN AXD Rtroorns .tr.-2 , 1 door nootteo BIQA. Wirt Park. Erie. Pa. ^roorford. Clolotion k _Ruth's Rtor.. Residence t Mee Ifyrt!o atreol. od bootie Rooth of Ninth. t" , to boors-9 to 104 x., aod 2to E r.lll. tl9'Rstf. l _ - ICKII3 J. BLAKELY, - „ AMTourirt Ar LAIN Ridgway Co., Pa Wilt ago nineties In adjoining Counties. .rte-ems "M. MARKS, , • . ?Anon AID Currores Czotaxint. ,In Most. *hors Dr. Bennotei OEOIO Clothe. ~ ropairod and cleaned on short notice. Torsos as tn.blo am en,ma22.ly =1 'E'CER do STIERIIAPI, " ATTOILIATII AT LAW, oklm, Pa., oflies in MITT'S building, Melte irtreet. isle City. PI., Office OTAT &MID'S Bank. Trolinien at lootione promptly made in all parts o! the oil To 0111. l t„ BROWN gic Innings], dealers In bard nod anft coal, Pa flaring dimmed at our dnek prnpnrty to the' e limed firm, naeessartly retire from tha anal ""lmllidluff otmeneeessare en eminently wnr. o , the eonadaneo and petmnate of nor old friend* the public. [141249 SCOTT, RANKIN &CO TTlrli A:: GOALDITIIir I Fishlonabls %Bore. Flittt *tenet. between and sth, Eris Ps. Cutout Work. Routring and tier attended to promptly. Clouting don. in the 19.041 r. , 4010 as if RIR CITY INTELLIGIRINCR OFFIOR. gitnitiona furtusbed for girls cf all descriptions, ”"rst^ famili.s, at abort antis*. Chambermaids, ilnosakPonaris, Seam:mass; Waitan sad Mr t‘es of all kinds. A'en.bntsla. boarding howas and ( "CLIO. ouPpiiad with servants of all tines at nnott target to 611141 at thi•Oalaa, Sate St., Eris, Pa. J. P. CROSS. tt's7 • HAHN, CHRISTIAN dc CRAIG Rare juet rooolvotl from Vow York ' REST{ LOT OF COFFEE AND SFICE! • Alan. maimed freak Him York handowl We of wo. 1 shore ?orally Hack the Germane Cod Flab. 1 VEItY AND BOARDING STABLER, Cortaro or VW= AND Tao Brawn, Bars. • nor & Johnson, Proprietor& Good Ibrosa and • ales always on hood at madausto prima- Iyl2-tt ISW TOBACCO, & CIGAR STORE. nn iertigned ha,'" openad a saw Tobacco stamay ernnt, between State and Frond', (opposite fl e. eh onleeo and will keep atemstantly on bond a eltakr r in ainexes, Totsoeo, Boat and warathing nolußlir a first elms ?sham"' atom, *Mall abny *44 •to , oott and retail. Plug and ant 411111inft to en el the tilt, rnalintadora. Bloating Whew, pipe , 51,47 COnal in rest Totistr. DINA t, R 04 6 -4 ARIIVP lIIINTER t i DIALII A-TS. CAPS ANEi'..t , u .0.14 iro.te. Hotel. !s °Olin • qty Ear Hai or eo , ds, vrtuitt will to oold at imp imprimis. inn irintlog torthinig t 0 tho above line rill livid it to ull. Ladise• hue alte2l4 aumS• muds . dice tt tRNIPILIESO STORE DOE LAMM AND GENTLEMEN. .ranotv Arleta/Ws Plata and Taper READY-MADE CLOTHING. • Te Releit•Nad• TrodarClorzA variety al Watt Irnsaiahlatt All Or which win he ktipt ea hood. and olio rods to 'ar. for goods ars an taandhatued by ozoooloso. L R tun ID I lag. atiteldnalading sad ItzaWag dated tha , ° , toat tones. lso, Ime aarlatv of the Matt AO morn. for Late( end CWldteles Eihmetotte An or" oil will to prompt!, attaadad to JOSIN nasieß, Pratte/ISt. batman ath and Ath; =1 IBARN, CIIKINTIANI CRAIG, Dealers talk ABLE ROPE, ILOP.E. PACKING. HEMP OAKEN AND BLOCKS AND BOOM An 1341 ItutS{ CHRISTIAN & CRAIG, • AND APORTING DINING HINDU, LETr.AND MDS A TINi4III) .f iIASUNG PONDER, ! t tr.:*lo , • .E I ' I t. a V 1. , Inal VOL. 137--:Nq 42 BAMR, JOHNsUN do CO.; • • ,1 .• DEAL/MI IN ST 0 S - PIONEER, IRON WORKS, ERIE, • ' . .. , . ... , . . , , . lir ateet t. pie laTvit wad b4t. inhit of Itutilo, sui• bruin* ii,torir - .Gibes, 4. - fciliindOg Inn 'ln .01112 TIIE A PARLOR COAL , STOPS... O ISTO Ince This store in just therein:in in pm dole * as ' the P. F.) Stewart, and to in every We over It :Err' ale with tmlimited eontideree'ln Ito multi,. flu Ifuto Is sold by ea at atraeh lower pries than :Ltpt er, the Stewart, and is warranted to be all we elan !Dr it. 1;!=a1 THE U. S. GRANT. . . -; Thls le beyond doubt the nowt operating Cooking Stove 'Tor hardoeal in the market. There 11 no trouble in friths , kindling the Ore or nasnaging it Ott/war:lr, ind it eta be easily regulated to secure ja:t_pneh.a heat as is required. Fire an to bp/ In It through. the night o withoat danger. No one who has ores teen It is ope ration would want to 1160 ivy Other. THE ORIENTAL retina tranth;g• the Oriental, eau be enpelie l by us at Low Flgurep. MEE PARLOR. STOVES We here the exelualre light in Penneyteanin or manufacturing the arlibrated MORNING GLORY ! ADMITTEDLY THE IIIS? MU INTIIOgfiCED Also on hand, the Modal Parlor, Tarorite, Cylinder, Belle, Pearl, Globe Heater, and Belle Cottage'. • • COOKING STOVES Our rto ail Tory lute, cousitting in part, sr follows COMET. lIONITORVor wood ECONOIthT, VICTOR, PROGRE3L.IVE, SEILELD, • REPUBLIC, rintrsmit, I=3lo HOTEL' RANGES OF ALL SIZES i Including Veen Impraced—thebent Intim world 811CX73 PATIENT G SOLE TIOTEL STOVE! BLODGETT PASTRY li/KMLB for Betels; Boarding Roam, /to SHEET IRON STOVES! IP II It N•CE 8, And, In tact, everything known to the trade se" THZ TZBLIC' Aaa INiTITZD : TO CALL AHD EXAMINI OUR GOODS. NEW CLOTHING STORE GOTHIC HALL CLOTHING STORE! NO. 1269 PRAM STEUTi Three doors North of the Railroad'Track; LUTE, PA WAGNER & EtTUN. Hauteß operas! • new Store in the above locality re. y announce to the public that 'lll.ey have on hand one of the lares. and most carlallv selected stocks of ReedrMade Clothing, Cloths, Galsialefet, Vestlngs, Gentlemen's Varnishing Goods, Rats, Caps, &a, ever brought to this market—all ruchesed sines the fell to vices. and to be sold at the most namable firms. We have one of the NM cutters In the coun try. and will engage to make up Clothing in the most fastitonabte and datable stile. Oar stook is ampler*. Nothing in the line of out trans has . been Degtedfad. Give us ascii and see for yourselves. We warrant our goods to bees we reptesent them. find ant riots as ley as any in the city. . • WAGNER At WEIN dee2o-tf FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! MANN dc ?ISMER', NO. 2 REED BLOCK, ERIE, PENN'A, thrill• lure stork of goods isibair Has seritable for holiday prosentia—oonalatiag of " - WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATID WARE. OPER* G1A99E13, SPEOTAIILSS, i•d r is 4l lol 1 sisortmens of all ami de. smut) ly kept in • Erst-elias JewelzStore. • wo dosiroto caII attention to oar new g4les of ♦„~ au 't rgw.T . mw7; , ' . 7 . l Which ire Wirral to be the bort in Nl* market: ~ .-Red diaghings aocataatla an band sad toads to order. *ANN .2 1113NBN: doeIS-N . No. 2 Nod Blodk.. MED IN A NEW PLACE; ° CONRAD DECK, T 0 B A_C C 0N I.f!),Ti, xfalopensdearrstowp- . ... • . . NO. UM 144.011 EIMINIVFORTII ar IRE DEPOT. , etoeb at balklut. win bilejige iiiia large aligArefliodeetsd the eteleeet Cigars. Saaff..4l4nl4 Cat etel Ping Vabbaoc7a/1 to be said at ttee Stott mew:Mk . _ _ c rim Call aid .slot youraelni. Mr West *ham& or MAW: and panatela sa> story waive. . . doel3 tt • N OTICEI W. EIANYCIRD Matilla. to the Claart tient:lda se.__, Cd Co. Pa. No. '.TULTA A 1it013114.1... ten 0,1863. The sadarsigaed.appatated by the Omuta Comm rem of Erie eaanty a esestebelases to take testimony IDA. atom stated awe. attrad Who drake of bts aypeltdoaat at' Hs ante to the eltrof Pm%latka cooed of Mc on the kith day of Jassary. a. D. Mt aestassmetas at Id doloak A L. at whiatilisoriat plies all perrozut intended an atte LI.LIII 13.-a4 if thog ?0r d.474t W11174 :021q14,1442P•fiC. N-' COAL YARD. - MERCER COAL AND IRON TARIN BAS/MYRAS 81101ST. - _ on-n ip t TIQUAI3IIIIOItht or UNION-DrPOT. gt(ai the UMW Coal dogs: than ha abespesb— a t bar monks; i tri& fe all Abatis mas a tgt is e ssa eomiae• say one a their apaetor goalt4• aaZet CEO MEM cHAIIPIoNi HARMONY, and DIMING ROOM noatf =ME 1111 -verroot. 9A7.6 WtVOOOD$ -Ay - - 423 STATE.. STREET, UM, PA. SOUTHABD,' CSAWFOSD ;& bioCOsl; JOBBEtig , DRY_ GOODS;• 140TIONA HOD3ERY, 'GLOVES, &o: • Oa/ • Jtoelr la the lsritott trrOt tiroaglit to the ettr - etnatittlag of Pll/21113, - - • , , . . - • DEIJ.D7I3. . SILKS, / _ CLOTHS, . . - ossztujeass, as & UROWN 8111MING1 A (tornado Arrortment of Press Gonda. Fvery kind of a4tele le ittOrptitialbe: dna, to theft, • revtcril ai.ortrithi, or everything needed by Country' Dealers. TO ER_ SQLD AT NEW YORK PRICES Country Dealers OYIL biTitba to giTOI24S, Cali • We do a strictly er'holeeafetrade, and propose - telling at leech. prises tient! inseam it to the advantage of inerehsetta to this jeetion to deal to Erie, instead of paladin "F_tit foe their goal,. FL S. SorertalD, W. A. CRAW FORD, J.l! .Mo& s ono. rasy24-tt • tiLMH 4 , .0# eAL te would reopectfally call the attention of BUILDERS k LIVE DEALERS To our NEW PERPETUAL LIME :KILN. , Slineted on the Cuts'. vsrw - pci MON? AND SECOND STS„ liwr Needs Doek. • 1131rws aro now In operation—ban lino on the - hand. a elennd arb sta prepared to rarebit it item the Ma, on taotite. . NEILIZR & BPOONE,II. sn4DiNoN & co., • THE PIA% TO BUY, HARDWARE! We have Do eirperi,e for Sook•Eaeper, Boots. wortkileat income or &Meet:lona. and elm Humidor* . - SELL CP EAP. B lacknnltha will find, eveiyeang their line Kbatenos k C 0.% lEra Pawl! St, r e best assortnentakNotiona, At Shannon le Co.'s, 1323 Peaeh St. • Charecal for Refrige; ; ; "-- ors and D C St. Wetterhetie & norm' eetetmstrd ISL Otattery et Shaer= & C0.'141E23 /*eh fit. Giliand Patty at Shannon &Co.'r, 1313 Petah Bt. Celebrated Balm Apple Pam; OM going both war. At Shannon k Co!A1813 PlatAti St. aj—gantdce North Cirohaft, at ' , haMeort ir 0rr..0,1823 Pooch St. See thee, Bastin sad &vibe Stews .• IN O.', 1090 rows et. Witsibe Row Neff, tad Tart Polisher inSharproar at Shannon as Co.'n, VW Petah St. BTlMbell litri.ty—Tter, Rom, Vane, Sarah, Shoe, r tVhUnruh. Stove and Counter Bruahee &Darter. at Shannon & Co •r, 1823 Peach St., attars the 17e!on BR Deem; Erie, Pa. M'Sole Atenta to 'North 'Western Perna. for the ArA• Imidlen Pgent Atlas; also Herrings' Piro and Rnr glee Proof tlahnrand.Pairtankl Sealed. Jeln-tf WHOLRNALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. BECKER /t CO., - WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, para t tee am" of the - Park 4 Pima Stress. (aozooonn.) Todd reopetfally eil leats Stook l attalatio of n antis coca:motif to b GROGHRIES AND PROVISIONS, Width he la desirous LI aelPat the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Me assortment of SUGARS,. ,COFFERS. TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, 1...P15H, linoti4ssued in Us city. as he Is prosissil to wove to elf who eve him s Fis koiosoonstitottr on . hond I 1111011210 Z Pit Of PURE LIQUORS, tortte otiolegrale trod', to whiehhs dlNeta tL attontlos of On Ftlie. - . ma mold te. `Quick lAA ibian Prat. and a Mt Roanivaied for th. Mono! , • 1.9211.413tt. NOTICE. •.• • The tudetelgeed wing been dnly etnezateeioned by the Geventor et the State iTCTIONZER JOB TSB MT OP EBIZ., Das Grua an AVIC6II and Commission Stem na de thetas= and dna of .• 0111 W W 010311, On State stmt. opposite the Pastel," whirs Its nil be found at all Criss. Parties baring any goods to die poll of at Futile or Private Pais, vilirnd it MUM, aS• vantage to entrust them to los. Out door salmi attandod to sapid's» Maim city. Coosignosenti reapoetfoily solicitad.ani prumpt oittlemants mods sitsr each sale dilution sales two A sys tn amen soak, visa • WEDNESDAYS 'AND SATURDAYS, Without bib, and I would respsetfuliv reaped all yard , ' haying goods to disponi of.•to nal& ma in that time. so..that I magi themes *edam Mut. - - • I. J. CRONIN, . • COmmissionod Anotionorr. GREEN I CRONIN. lattion I Commission .alereli ants. =WA! HEADWAITERS HOir CHEAP GOODSI WBOLZBALE AND MAIL GROCERY AND. PROVISION _STORE, MIXES AND !..11/IM2S. F. M. M. SCHLAUDECKER, Ar• now readying at thew old stand, American Bloos State shoot, • largo and superior stock at Groceries, Provision; Wabs, Liquors, - 1 - Willow, Wooden, and Stone Wars, Fruit% Nuts. ko., tm Together with everything found in a BMus or this kind, which Um will sell as cheap as any other *dab liehawnt in this city for Cash mama kinds of eeinutry roams. Therbars Almon hand one of tho largest and flout Stooks at Tobacco and. Saws mar bro ugh t to trio, to which they Wits Ihs attention of the ler Call and ass ca--• nimble donee to tatter Wan ' • Mow al t =tgemtir Cade halal WM rad gnat GROCERY ARADQUARTERS, =-AMERICAN BLOCK. STATE STREET. Am, 2.1610-0 •-• 1. 11; 31:111311LIKIDALSR. • Tr BARB, casisTuri e!c. - Tian jut ifeetTeis troll lot •P i AINT B I,.OrG O I'.'IBALD. 'LINSEED. OIL, • - . 0 14 as Azln tilai OIL. . minas Ai co., • COUNTRY PROi)IICE, ?ROCERIE4, , , - • - • • 111101135f0" OVUM mass, renamo, Orockay, Willow Ware, Fruits; -Nuta, &c., MEM 'w a114f1t471111741111,- -- • 1 4 _ west 'otd betirssi - eth a . aa 'Pit; filtiiklikt coultly ' • •T. liffitua;- • • •:ina.24,tt • ' • W.ltiewer; • lill 8 ,T R Ar ' P 8, - • tr e 11,4011111 Cgt tarot. tE r i tt ydedi U, • - LO. - 811 . MILS BRIDAL VUAMBSB,as Era of Wands and lostrootioa to yoga/ frit--00. ord Asoxistloo,o. d mot frto of ebsrm in aided lottld opos.—lddlos Dr. 8011(18TON. TIORSE 13LAYKETS - 't!euoir ai itidieted 'Woe aids& sr. a mix/ . .. ,i ' • " .r• -- • •-• BiIIEMEIN . . • - - . 1 ..~ - - dtli DS MA r QNOLt A. ; • - A toilet dellitit.eopertor to guy _Cologne-41mA to :hotligthe taco sad *with to yowler, the gin port and trtib, Inliaiiwotioth . to . item* clothing, for hest, &kW; am' it i miißt►etared ii;aartes deb SonthP :gm listoolts; settlf (kilning I vittonige vette ow. frordntid• )it bl **Wl* with wittorwittuid -*pas atoms. it it multi bit all *glom at IMOD ( la I, up hot* tito;iird iii - DIFYAS'I3AA N•w Yprit, 41Liqe- .BARATOGA:. SPRING WATIiRI Skid bran Mauista: ! I risesttlY r .rioloa riblahle:eishlt• • • rsh thayik oteirtlanl! .1:1 ? bo ..brit *welsh le ,the moraine. he Of* Platitarcia Bitters: It be felt weary at• olabt,betooktbietattice Bribers; It be lacked aaerite, Vie vest. herald or meatilly opyreved, be took Plan• Mane rittent.laut ther Beier lariat to set Admen his alas natty and rine, , v pinions want oar teller aethoritr. bat u IMMO may, jolt nod the - •: • • "1 ova Marl to you, for I verrir be llevePlexitatloolllttersiaved my rife." W. H. wiaonii.irvirldfn• V. • • • 4 Wien henna great outTarst',froxs Dripepats, and Wen abandon preaching:, • • The Plantation Differs baTa tem. , ma." S. • • "f had lost MI apOotitomas so weak and en*v ted I could tuiidlf Ira k. and bad s trir feet dread of meteor. • • Tion Pliotatlonlllt. tim har• sot m• ill right " • • • • .The Plantation bitters /lays enred ens of a derangement efts Kidney', and Miner,' Organs 'that &strived Ise 6.r years. • The* sat RH a (+bairn. C 4 C. MOORE, 254 tiroadwal. N. M nevi; manager of the ratan Rome Moot for Soldiers Children, as., she has wirer. It-to *the weak and invalid el:111ton under her charge with the most hippy and gratifying results." We Vivito. waved over a handfed reams of each cer tificate; but no adrelserasat t• so elleat.te as what poopls tlomielwo say o a good &Ride. Oar tartans and oar rep?tation Is at stake. The erigizud (plait. and high character of Lhasa' goodi - ho sustained tinder every and all circumstances. They hare already Ob. tained sale in aTtyy town. oiling% paw& and hamlet among civilised nations. Hun 1 item try to come a . near our name mad style es possible, and bean se a goad article cannot Weald as 'cheap tea pow+ atm they find some support hem parties who do not • care -what they sell. Re ca ienr gaud. flea one prints mark ore the cork. P, H. Da= h CO., New York City. SARATOGA SPRING WATER! lama Railroad D.pot ()Arsy. A ruLtßtini DOLLARS SAVICD. afteuttewen: I had a aatra mut IrOPILI ' $ 1,200, .bo took cold from • tad hurt la the lee, and tru tutelage for over,* year— hrd aged everything I could beer of without beau% until; tried the lieslout Malta cLlo bunt. It moon speeded • partuawint cure. Ventgotuery„.sle ;rime 17.'01. J. L. DOWNING.." -I take pleasure to reeereasead lee the Vesleale Moi tangLlalmeetas • 'slash% an.l !Otiose:m.6le stet& for Sprain; gone, SCllliellillUOT Gat CZ Rpm& on maw bass laud It for bates„ Braga !Uwe', ithlumte tioa, tke, sod all say It seteltke L•W JEWEFT. Foreman for American, Wells, F gal and Hamden 's I:lvrea' ' •Tbr toprain of my 4lanailder's ankle, oenuelened while skating last winter, wee entirely cured in one week after eh* . inumneneed using your celebrated Undone Mt- =3 Mound: T. Mats., 1665. It is an S.dmitted tut that the Mewlean linstang Lini- Meat performs more curia In 4orlwr time, en Mat and teast, than any article our dlicovired.. Stun!Ors, lir erg-wen. and Owasso should always bar it on baud: Quick and semi it certainly is. all genuine te,lmipped In steel plats engravings, be ring the eignrta. e of G. W. Westmont, Chemist, and the primate V. B. Stamp of toSNIAS BARNES h CO, over the top. An effort hub en made to inentafelt it with • chop stone pints Wad. Look closely. SARATOGA SPRING WATER_I It its most delightful Bair dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. •• • • , It kmpstbi head sod And clean.' It makes th e lair rich, so ft sad glomy. It prersala theltsir tinning my sad &Mug oft. It pastors, hair amen airtgastaisly bald beads. This la what Lyoies ilathation viii do. It is pretti-e It fa cheap—durable. It is literally mold by the ear-load and yet Ste almost inersdibte demand is daffy Increasing until these ts homily a sooner, dors that does not Ineeti lt, or a family that dam not mitt. moires LYON. Ch.salist , N. T. SARA'TOGA SPRIN G WATER I Who would not be beautiful! -Who would not add to thigh. beauty? What glee that male purity and &- Mg= appearance In cheerio non the stsge,andln ths city belle ? It le ao hunger s omen They use Cagur's Kagnalla Balm - Its confirmed use riznoires Tan, rota tes, Pimples aid roughness from 0111 tbei and heads, and Isms the coutpbrzlon smooth, tranwpatent, bloom UK and ravlshhig. Colas swayaaisaatlen• It =WI= no ceertal injurious to the Mu Ass &aged eel ardor Ufa? yens, If not unhand, at 60 aunts per bottle. W. IC. RAGAN, Troy, W. Y., Chemist. DEUS 11/10/1:11 it CO, enigma's Spate, N. Y.. SARATOGA .SPRING WATER I Sold by all Druggists, • Iletesetreets laleeltable Bair 'earning net • dye. All instastaneuue dyes la runquand of lunar eaustie, and mint es tams d vtroy the ?Malay Lad beauty the bar. This ii the original 4sif colonni. ADA lase been roving tit gam' ores tr.eatYnalrl. It 'restores gay hair to attend eater bi grades/ atioiettou. In a nit sttinuartibleirinanuet. ,Lt la -atm.& beaufltut Halt &audit. ; Bgid to two des! 50 eent• - and sl—by alt &alai' • „ C. FinufsTair. SARATOGtA SPRING WATEIi - Sold by all druagleta. Luaippltntser ofsPots , Jatatea Gram. "For ' Artnr,thirri; Moses ftesstblant, Ilinatutw• °helm; fftrif , m, Platalwr o Am. srbsrs,a tramOtsg stimulant Is iirialred.. Its 4tarstal prsparatios and entire suit, toskeilta elteaziand istabls irtielitcrr eallaari pupa , Ns. Sold svarywbsrs, at 60 ants per ^:tiottl,4 , " A • r 4 Lyeile Pies lake asi other. • 'EIAkiirO43*SPRiNaIVATER I , - ..ical.bian-Drateds„, YSTEMS I • OYSTERS . , • ..„, A. WEBER CO.i Bi 4 STATILST. Hen animated keeybot Pratt i Co'a anointed Ilaltimore,o ataey taloa they will sell tithe: by the eon at ene. MOO 07114111 are eoustdeart the beat is tM exisiet. notele t Woo= and prints test=p w ,O uu'rurto, 8 AI7.B*G,P TII Z-34 4, Of Os lOstithylst , astir er 113115 11,3 IMWEI ERIE r :THURSDAY, ' 11 - 14 1867 INA RIM. C. 111. MILLWOOD. New York Mr. 7AUE9 , EptIMINWAT St Loafs, IL., Sold, by all Druggist*. YD. SEELET." Sold by all Druggists Bald Tar all Dl'llahrli lIMEMEI UM . - J. CL sturvirs. =2m!mi.mm! INEBE klinial ,Fe c lieroloto at Home. READ . . The maidatio'bbid's her wirrior's Bub: - with stnibe.thaf well bs' pain dissembles, The whili bneathner drooping lub ... - • One slim tear-drop hangs and trembles ; Thonghlierreh alone reodid the tear, And fametholi sever know her Story, - 11.vr,heart lwa shed a drop u dear tierver limed thi geld of glory. VW wife wfotirde her - bugbears sword, ljarlitt one& that weep or , wonder , . • 4d. briiWl spelkhe the , cheering word: s'en tbo her heart be rent naander f ." Doodled aloft ii - herdreame to-hear - .. • • ": Theboltvof war around him rattle; Rea abed atsiadred blood— -•..........- . u r Was F ,ppon the field•of battle. • The soothe whotionuala bar grief ..„. ,f While toba r brivatirAu boy elle presee's, o - And Speak • few brare.words, and brit?. Rigging 41) patriot sheblesses ; Witblio - tmehather;eecret.Ood I- :-: •:. : :r • .I:)Teibrovvr kbOreight tl- vela& upon. her, Has shed &nay bloOd ,*D 'e'er the sod • ' Reseived'o'n ftsideti'ei fled of hciiior..'" Prom p.Crivford COL.:NM. ciprArg 'eArrso3r. In ordinary times the idea of greatnesi• is often associated,with and measured 4y . rank ind positioc: But in the turbulent times of war, deeds take precedence of vain show and entoir weeds, and en .im-' partial world zottlea meritorious acts the standard by, will 4. greatness is estimated. Eirperience, ho ever has taught us to be not hasty in for ing our estimatea of the characters of mei ; for Cleo at iiatneastna# fall, But when death-bas-closed • mac's career, • and he has departed aurrounded, with a halo of gbrv, and hi peat it'Cts will hear the serntini of time ; when - Ills char- Refer stands col, bright -and Itnnitinue): without blot or shin. and his career proves to. have been tut' the development of goodness 'and gi,atneia:'''etiinbined, then may we Gately award to him his aporopri ate niche in the ample of lame; . In. the case of the 'hero of whom we write, this award comes not tardily. but is rather a spontaneous emalation froth the hearts of . a-graterut peoplet• • , Col. John W. 70Lane was•born in ,Wil-• mington, DPlawar, August'24 1820 His 'nerents removed to Erie county, Pe.: in 1829 Of the erlacalienal advantages that he may have enjesed in his eitilY days, wo are not apprisec. though the marked ability that be .diplayed, particularly- in military matters. itould seem to indicate. that .hia editcationhad not been neglect ed. - • At the age of ttienty he &starred before the • public it a military cap ity as the Captain of ,a volunteer -co peep, known as the "Wwne Grays." This com pany was cnnapcsiet of the best young men' of Erie, and undertlie efficient ,drill and discipline of their young Captain, they became celebrated long the line of the northern frontier , es the best drilled com pany in Western Pennsylvania: Mena , of our readers will remember the great Mill; tary encamnment held in ' gewd.rue a t . September. 1842, and the spirited contest between several volunteer companies for a prize banner that vas to be presented to the beef drilled tympany. The Wayne Greys, Capt. -McLane, were - vcresent-and entPred, the lists; as also did C-1. "D," Buffalo City Guards. The proficiency of these two frontie' rivals soon drove all, other competitors from the field, while between them tbt contest was exciting and orntracted, aid - the committee cho sen tb award the ianner failed to distin guish between their merits. -Capt. Mc- Lane finally received the banner. and the Wayne Greys carried it to Erie and then presented it to tip Guards, and it was taken to Buffalo. 1 duplieate banner was prepared and afterwards presented to the Greys. ' • • Capt. John Gram, of Erie, an old he ro whodistinguished. himself in the late war, wan then Capt. McLane's First Set.- geant,iiiiTfrom hire Relearned many in cidents of the contet. For either com pany fb excel, in aqrtlaing found in the tactics of that day, ; was out of the ques- ' tion. for each was farmer perfect; as it was possible,to be ; and after exhausting eve rything' found in the books; they had re course to what is !crown as ileum, move ' ments." - Inithese tie Buffido..boys ocmfi dandy expected to excel. And they had I sufficient grounds far confidence from the fact that they were thoroughly drilled in a very intricate and beautiful manceuvre, which they themselves had ceiginated,and they' were confident that it was unknown tool! their competitors. So carefully did they guard their secret, that it was not until the night previous to the last day of the contest. that they quietly marched out of the camp to drill upon it by moonlight. Their movements, however, did not es cape she vigilance of Capt.McLane. He became possessed of' their secret, and on the following day. When the Guards cnnfi dently and proudly executed their Star movement, it was with astonishment they beheld the Greys follow suit, with equal precision and skilL Shcertly after this Cant. McLane removed temporarily to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and was there immediately elected Captain of . the Mad Anthcny Guardif.' - Ells residence there was of short duration and be epos . 'returned to Erie. It happened, -however, that he was in' Fort Wayne arranging his private affairs, when's call was made upon the State of Indiana for volunteers for the viar in Mexico.. He immediately volun teered with his company; and marched for camp at New Albany, before his friends in Pennsylvania were apprised of his •deter mination. Here his company- were mus tered into the First Indiana Volunteers— Col. Drake, Lieut. Col. Henry S. Lane, —and from thence embarked for the seat of war. Daring the Mexican war, Capt.-Mc:Lane hada but little opportunity to distinguish himself fo the exercise of his great mili tary abilities; not having an opportunity to take'Part in any engageinent of note, his comMand being employe& id garrison :duly' at Mater:l2ora' and Monterey, during the entire war. - . • At the close of the war he returned to Elie and engaged in millirig and agrictil= tural pursuits, which he followed suncesi• hilly, until in .1860 he was elected Sheri ff tit Erie- county. In 1859 he organized "ThiSlVayne Guards"' in Erie city.- Crum. hoserinks came Inch . men its - Gen. Strong Vincent, Gen. 11,•711. • Bfovrn. Alen. D. B. Ucf3reary,. Cal, Thomas .Walker, 'and many. wt, lesser , rank, who., distinguished theMinlyeidiiring the war; and many of Whom now "sleep the sleep thit knows no wakiiig" , on the • historic fields of the South. , . -It might with !propriety te , said, that Ool..MoLone was the Drill-linger General Or Western Pconsylrma. At the out-, l?reak of the war, there - was no man in be Western portion of the State who un-' ileersteod military =attars well dohs did or took M mnoh-paino 'Jo inatrunt others. Officers and nonitommispioned • gffitters, 'find even privates, who had enjoyed the, advise tages of his instructions, were eager; ly• sought after to )(dim 'other arganisiv *ions; and we w..4f0 in making: thole sertion that 4e - contributed more. totrude • thesefficiencyttutt ebarooterised the.troapo of Western Pennsylvania thin ,stnY other man within its Limits f tbis dirrotion.were of inestoulablebtmelit to the. State teld the Nation: - When: the report of the Slat-gun from Charleston re, aerberated - along the shores of Lake Erie. Capt. 'McLane at' once tommeneed 'organ:: lung a (*repots*, with -the intention of tnartfhing ti3ltittsburgh and there joining a :Rib:neat. , Vincent.- Itrown. Graham, Austin. Sell giCotbere, enrolled . theiT I -,1 , ' e ' i 4... D .. . ~..: 7: , ~ . ,_ . .. ~. 1 /ST 4 - j R .„ . ' , l.' : _ r names upon idolise, and - runners were seal out to eanvasi the surrounding country, and in, a .very short titoehia "company". numbered sixtesn bundred men. Select log a 'number sufficient to conatitute a reg iment from artiongthent,he waselected end .conitnissioned their Colonel, and., on first day of Met, 1861, they marched - for Pittsburgh.and were the first regiment of the war to march through that city. Cupp" Wilkins having been designated as a camp of rendezvous. Cal. McLane was appointed commander of-the camp. Hia regiment, however, was not mustered into the serv ice Of the 'United States; and ofterremain log in Carrie three Months.' they recetted tram thect3tate authorities pay-lbri-ette mon',/,' end seventeen days. and then re turnid to Erie. • , While in cismp:at Pittsburgh. Col. Mc Lane wsa simmotted to Harrisburg by Governor Curtin. and tendered the office of Col:emissary General of the State.- This he at once declined, and expressed a , KR , •fereneii foe active :service in'thia field, tit; 'the same time remarking that alai:Emmen. could 611 that plum..., HeLanes patri otiantatiaa:of the purest:tyPe.,Alehad .i nn desire to gekgaln in tie coat& He sad. already resigned thestaffot the-Sheriffte' 'WO up the Sword, and the tender upon the part of the:Goverriorof this safe,,coin- Ridable and luerative poi:Alien:in the rear: could rektor p gnopent swerve him,. from his 'fixed purpose. He saw the country_ engagedin a mighty • struggle inwhish she must either triumph or die, He bad fully resliied the Magnitude of the con. test, and weighed well -the ,interests at stake.' Efe" knew that the needs, of the' Nation denitinded fn: the-front, the use of the bones, the- sinews and the brains of her beet soda -; and he was "not 'the man who ,otitermi a place of safety cry, go f but rather would place himself at the head of thentlintin and gallantly lead fortieri to the 'centlict: He would seek for re nown through'ne other line than that of duty. and , through that line-he reached immortal hontirs,7even as he passed the. . portals. of death: . . ArrorcontraCtors,debauched politicians and the elrmorante who swarmed around the Provost'effleree during the warvireept to speak in light terms of sash disinterest ed patriotism ;•, to pronounce it foolish, and to chuckle over their unholy gains, accumulated and extortectfrom the others fought Readied in her de fence. But the name or Col. McLane will survive the lapse of lime, and live for ages bright and fresh in the hearts of his countrymen, while their's will perish and rot in oblivion. Peolish l forsooth. If the pure, the disinterested., patriotic-and no ble example of John W. McLane be fool ish, then let our. sons, the youth of the land and the hope of the Nation, all be come ,fools. Let folly become-an honor, and let it rule the world, and let wisdom become's reproach. . Immediately upon his return from Pitts burgh Cnt. McLane applied lo the Snere tary of War and obtained an order to- re cruit a regiment for the three years' serv ice. This was - soork accomplished, and on the 16th of September, 1861. in obedience to' an order from the War Department, they left Erie for Washington. In organ izing the new.regiment , the Field sad Staff were ea - Sone W. McLane. Colonel. Hugh B Flemming. Lieut.. Colonel Strong Vincent, Major. ' Wm. H. Lamont, Adjutant. JamesSaeger, Quartermaster. Wm. Faulkner, Surgeon. - • Josiah Flower, Chaplain. The Captains of the organization ware Morgan, Morriso Campbell, Woodward. Brown, McCoy, Carpenter, Knox, Graham; and Austin. namedin the order of senior: ity. Hugh B. Flemming (Captain 9th tr. S. Infantry) declined the Lieut. Coloneloy, and the subsequent action , of Col.:MoLane in filling the vacancy occasioned by Flem ming's dedination, did not meet. ith the entire approbation of his subordinate chiefs. The" Lieut. Coloneloy was .very properly .coriferietr upon Major •Vineent, but in the regular order of promotion, 'dept. Morgan should have been the Major. If Morgan was not a suitable person for the place-(as is very probable) then the honor should. have been conferred upon Capt. Morris, 'who was a gentleman in every way eminently 'clualified to SID the position. The Colonel, however, desired the appointment of Dr. Louis Naghel,. of Indiana, and to this his subordinates gave as unwilling assent. Major Nagbel was a gentleman of many estimable qualities, and well deserved the esteem and confidence of his Chief, as well as the respect of-all others; but be was not a citizen of Pennsylvania, was as des. .titute - of militaey experience as any Cap tale` In the regiment, and bad expended neither time money in its organization and had no claims whatever to the dis- Unction conferred upon him. The-action • of the Colonel iu this matter, might with some propriety be criticised. However, the great respect felt by the officers of the regiment for their Chief, led to a quiet ae qmescence in this arrangement ; and had it not been for a similar- occurrence in Mitro l 3. 1862. it would never have been our unwilling task to chronicle the fact that there was ever any misunderstanding be- ween Col. - MeLane and his offleen. February 28'h, 1862, 'lieutenant James Steger, R. Q. M., resigned, on account of physical__ disability.. According to army regulations, the vacancy should be filled by some one of the Lieutenants of the Regiment. Col. McLane, however, lap pointed to the place,'a man by the name of Tuttle. also a citizen of Indiana, and a brother-in law to Major Naghel. When this transpired, unmistakable signs of dis satisfaction became apparent among the officers. These act' were without prece dent in military affairs, and could only be justified upon the presumption that the officers of the line were destitute ot-ebili tsi, and unfit for any 'grade higher than they held ; and 'the imputation thus cast upon them. they regarded turszojust. After consultation, several officers waited upon the Colonel. and respectfully represented to him the views and feelings of his offi. etre, with regard to. hix-reeent - 'arqmint• meet. He gave them a respeotful hear. log, but declined acceding to their wishes.; and. Tuttle was retained as Quartermaster. The Governor 'of Pennsylvania was - then eppetaed to. and Mr. Tuttle was not cont. Missioned, and shortly afterwards left the army. Colonel McLine was resolute in all his 'purposes; - and when he had delibenktely taken a, position be would not. easily' re= cede It. He very properly• regarded his judgment adequate tto bin rank, and his rank was' pamnrcarnylo his entiordl riates;. and though ; his views did not at all times accord with the wishes &others,- yet this indomitable resolution; this fizei. amentpurpose is one of the mosteesential qualifications of a great military mats; and one that has characterized all of Mir' great eat Ind most successfulGernsials. No fun. they'misunderstandings ever onourred, and this was loon forgotten; andihe rola eons existing thereafter; between him and his officers; were always of the most agree able- nature. At:the:time, of Waking camp at Erie the. "regimen t was without 4 'clotbing or wen and:gatrtion . equipaker and id that ,condition they arrived on the morning of . the 180i.tWillarritbarg..; Here an effort wen madeity Govartior. cumin to indite. the Colonel to go iota Damp, and "chithe aid :equip" before proceedingto the front. but haring receiret.hig authority to omit his regiment fratlV the ;13enteieff of Fah elso,tha ordeito report at Wash- Atigten; he declined doing so : and having; with' tame,-,secured traosporta, title far his commend. be-moved forward tis - ,'Washingtem, arriving them oat4l night nt the 20th of Sept 1861. The fact that the regiment wen wit . re. I= ERE ll ; %BS :tort s TrN ' W/UTMAN: EDltalt AND Pllo'l%lE7'o =1 crnited and eqUipped under the auspices 'of the State. probably =omits foritahar . . rort been called the 'Eighty-third for, by reference to, .the Adjutant General's Re port, it will be seen - that no less than twenty-nine organizstions of later date, ex.' clusitie of. the , Ono - nhree 3fonth Regi ments," and the "Penn's Coups," were en tered upon .the State Riater prior to the entry of Colonel 3foLane's rivintent. The regiment remained at WaShington; on Meridian Hitt, until Oistober let; when they marched over into Virginia, and fin ally camped on Hall's farm, rear Ball's Cross Roads, and weralnisigned to Butter- Beld's Brigade, of Porter's Dishier!. of the Army of the Bateman. in • which brigade they remained during the entire war. The brigade was afterwards known as the- Third Brigade, of the First DiviSion, sth Ann' Corps. The regiment remained in ibis camp until March 10114,1862„ and during this. time Colonel McLane inaugurated and en •forced.,a 'mut thorough' systein of, ant, discipline and polioe-"devoting his entire tittle to the supervision of the , catop and the exercises .of the troops. 'Though camped within sight, of -Washington. he Seldom if ever visited it, nor would he per. ,niit hi. officer. or meta to do so. 'The du- ties of Abe ciamp,•tbedemands of the ser vice., and the obligations due the govern. meat. 'were by ,bim held paramount to. all, giber considerations ; and by arduous and untiring personal efforts his forced - his regtment.iip to qr. degree of pinficiency that could not be excelled:by, any similar organization in the army: . , So expert .did they becorize in the exercises and evolu- tiona of the service that thioyextorted fre quent compliments from all the promi nent Generals. The health of the regi ment ..during what may with. Some pro priety .z 4: called this period of incubation, was •prece dented . in the annals of Camp - Tife bare tovEuer b u t 'e rr 7tttlw aicknent. T. 's may be attributed altogether to the ..irable aystem of police adontod by the Colonel. Cleanliness of person, Ofelothes,, quarters, cookery, kitchens and drains, was acruuulously exacted of All; •ot what• ever rank,,or- station. Thin s , with whole some food, healthy eaerclse, and almost constant ' occupation, bad the effect to bring the men out in' the Spnisg, strong, healthful and robust, and well fitted for the hardships of the coming campaign. As a disciplinarian, Colonel. McLane was gni peer of any officer in, the army. He was unwilling thst'any branch of discip line should escape due punishment, yet was ever ready jo extend the strong arm of his power to protect the meanest sol dier in his ranks from of fiat oppression er wrong. Butterfield Was called a great disciplinarian, and in , some respect be , was, but McLane was itfinitely his superi -or. in this, as well.aa in other .respects... - Butterfield's ideas of military proprle- : ties were correct, but his method of en forcing them, on, men of inferior rank, was often .contemptible and mean. Col. McLane never by word or deed transcend ed hie authority, or fell one jot below the dignity of his rank. Inflexibly just in all things; he adjusted the scales of merit and dement wit h the ,o!cest. precision, end wbsterver - disp o sition to insubordination may have been entertained by- either of& cers or soldiers, it was their greatest and most profound study to Bedsit concealed from the Colonel. He was feared ea. well as respected and loved. - March 10th, 1862. the army moved - out from t6r, defmnas or washingtotii - ana- /I T " ter encountering peril!, by sea and by land, arrived in front of Yorktown on the sth of April following. At the siege of York town it became evident that Colonel Mc- Lane occupied a high place in the adios dim of his superiors. Enterprises Of mo ment and matters of weighty importance were intrusted in his hands, and were al ways executed with promPtness, energy and dispatch. Upon one occasion. acting in the capacity of :'Officer of the Trench es," he discovered that the enemy bad -thrown up a breastwork sod planted a battery in an advanced position; where they could severely. annoy . some of our working parties. He_ at once applied to General Porter, the "Director of the Siege," for permission to carry the position by as vault. An order to that effect wee issued and the troops designated to carry it into effect. That night, at 12 o'clock, the troops, under the direction of Colonel Mc- Lane, stealthily advanced until within rifle range - of the breastwork, -and then suddenly charged upon it with a yell. The works were handsomely carried at the point of the bayonet, and the guns and gunners captured, without loss to the as sailants. - During the siege the Colonel often expressed fears diet Porter's corps would constitute the reserve of the army, and everything did seem to indicate that such might be the case. The Regulars, the Reserve Artillery, and the Pennsylva nia Reserve Corps were successively at ' taehed to the command, and it became -the largest and most unwieldy corps in fheesmy. The Coloriel'aexperierice on the reserve of the army in Mexico . had not given him a very exalted opinion of inch a position, and he very much feared that be would again be compelled to occupy a place in the rear. He desired to be in the front rank, where he could grapple with the enemy hand to hand, and strike telling blows for the cause of his country, and he regarded as a cheap article that patriotism that expended itself in harm less and empty words, where blows are needed. • The siege of Yorktown terminated May 4th, and the army advanced to the Chick ahominy, and...there commenced opera hone against the city of Mohamed. On the 26th of May, information was received that General Branch, with ten thousand. _men was at Hanover C H r on his way from Gordonsville to Richmond. Han over C. H. is situated nearly/0 miles from Gaines' Mill,. where the left of Porter's &mos then lay. It is neither a town, sta tion nor junction, but *simply the court house of Hanover Co. It is a venerable 'structure, that has withstood the tooth of time,the innovations' of pride, end the vanalism of progress, for, more than a century, having been erected in 1740. The First Division of General Porter's corps was ordered' out to attack Branch, - and early on the morning of the 27th. in a drenching rain storm, they started upon the expedition. At about 2:30 p. in., they arrived within probably, two miles of the court house,' end- thine encountered Branch. They moved forward at once to the attack.., tarn Butterfield was di. reined to triin the leit'flank.of the enemy, and for this purpose pushed forward the 83d Pennsylvania, 16th licichiesii. and 17th Vow York regiments, the 83d taking' the advance. The main forces of the one. my'were massed in a dense woods lying to the lett of Butterfield'a line, and were unobserved by him, or any of his corn; mend,, who, -deceived by the appearance of troops and artillery elationed at some distance in their advance. in ; an. open field/ actually passed the main body of the enemy and advanced to the - attek of these detached forces. — Collin - erlifotane bine down upon them gallantly, and the enemy fled, but the pursuit was so hot that they were iximpelled to abandon one of their gnu. ;The' gad passing the liMei 'contirined the-pursuit, but the 17th-New York, commanded by colonel.-11eratip Seymour Lansing, coming up,in the xeak cheered.' vociferously, and fancied:square around the abandoned piedeirif . oidnenee, stacked arms, and theme remained guard ing the prize during the remainder of the action; • - col. Lansing, thelack - Falstaff, of the Americart' , rirmy, actually succeeded, by, Feartinaoicirte lying, and 'persistent clamor, m gainipg credit in th?, Official reports of th -t ti the IMpthre of the- gunk, li w 4 • ,i;iiiwaa the . meet heroic nobler ! comp .:-;ent;list hat hed, he redoubtable doubt!** wilt hereafter this chieftain ao. 1311112Z1 prodicaki chal4elieratitt-tefihi ethernet: ^f , 'State; ',' these event, Were lakiiast place In thie sir% of the field, General Martindale, com manding the Lt B r im ide; l **l att acked " and ainiost.o-ssnemYr--- liatiraeld's brigade was scattered. be 44th New York, With IfirtlitdaU; the $34, - Pennsylvania - In pursuit of 's flyhre de- ' ;achy:tent of the enerey a tbe 16th !dial- -- gun imniewhifererid the rub' - New - via -- - supporting the bononiattlib great Ameri ca ragtag. . Batik. din of the oonnjot • 'ib the rEar. and - the peculiar situation of his own command. called into requisition the greilt energies . a Dan. 'Butterfield,- WI reorganng WS force* With astonish. lug ceterity, he led them back on double quick to thnscene of action and hurled them •tion the flank of, the" enemy, • who fled •at their` approach. •When the - order Lf charge was given, Colonel Mc- Lane fought Emplace in toe rear of his • —... line, Put _,.advaneing to the fiont, and ~ - drawing his glittering blade, his clear. full-toned, Manly voice was heard - above the din of the conflict and the hastily tread of the mustering boats, "Now Meat - Niivi lithe time to prove yours - elves sol diers 1' Forward I"—and bke a gallant' chieftsinots he was, he led them forward to the front. When the enemy fled, General Butter field ordered immediate pursuit, and find ing themselves closely followed, they again made a stand, but were almost im mediately routed, And the • aneroach et - darkness favored theirilight. It is report-- kl 'that ;General. Branch never counte.v. mended his order tit "doubliquick," un=" - • . til_ ha Ives - in the fortificatioas of Rich- - mond. : Theo ion.returned _to MOW'S' Mitt uu We mo th 21.1 theyanntrom that time tcl, the Milt of June, were engaged in • . .bridging the Chloltahominy, domg• post duty. 6:310t1131 McLane hintielf -paid no attention' whitever to thinnman - ly manner in which Falateff had -secured.zt the -contmendation of General McClellan - for the of the gun above referred to... The matter, however, was freely'dis coned by , othera, and as often as Tensing " obtruded. hiiobese person among men of hoeor and, self respest be met with an noying reproaches for his •cowardige and instconade. He finally became alarmed: lest bis 'yen - precarious"' footing ehtinld •slide from under. him, and inasmuch is rumors were prevalent that. Col. ]McLane. was about to , be appo . inted Brigadier. he .determined to apologise to him and ifpos aible.make "fair weather," and for this purpose he went to Colonel McLatte's quarters. The Colon el received him, heard answered .him, and dismissed him • just as be deserved, but with less formali ty .than Henry -V. dismissed hilt' 4reat B.ngliab piotetype. ' He. Veoeilied bite coldly; heard him patiently, told 'him bito IiP4I; and .ordered him to leave.—[Fait - - [Concluded Nest iVesild] • ' ' Brief Paragraphs. Row many peas are there- in .a pint? One p. Why is life the riddle of riddles I Be cause we must give it up. , Woman is a delusion ; but men will h ug delniions. The art of book-kee_ping . taught in" one abort. and easy lesset;—neiefiend-theth. Gen. AreClellsn's wire lies become - a mother at Dresden. • - - Mrs. John Bigler, of Beaver, Ohio, wears a widow's weed- at the age of 12. 11er baby has seen half, a summer. A woman in Nevi York, over fifty, , has sued for a divorce from her husband . , near ly se•enty. .The "youth" has been paying his addressed to a young girl. ' • The latest "conscience money" ease la thatt of it Newark man, who paid a farther for apples he stele in childhood's sunny hours. &nu or CONSOLATION.-4 'man's— Well, I'll tell you what you Mist do. A woman's—Ah 1 I told you how . it would .be. • A cm%-mnorary summits that ttuaquieltest way to mate a fortune 1, marrying a fashionable young lady and aelliog her clothes. _ . _ . A young lady of California recently ,broke her'neck while resisting an attempt of a young man to kiss her. .This fur nishes a fearful warning to young ladies. "w, papa, what is humbur ?" "It is," rep No lied papa. "when mamma pretends le be very fond of me, and puts no. buttons on shirt." "Gentlemen will please leave their to hamar' at the door," is the polite request prominently p ieced at the entrance of several paces of worship at Columbus, Ohio. A New Bedford lady recently wrote to a Boston publishing house for a copy of "Gellert, or Trust in God," and received for reply, "There is no 'Truitt in God,' to be found in Boston." - . No more married men are to be enlisted in Uncle-Sam's army. This order will keep men from jumping from a frying•pan , into the fire. _ He is a a great simpleton who imagines thattbe chief power of wealth is to sup ply wants. In oinetpisine cases out of a hundred : creates more wants than it supplies. A Connecticut Yankee has cleared his house of rats by catAing one and dipping him in red paint. He then let him loose, and the other rats, not liking his looks im. Medlately left. • A Hississiipi negro worked on shares. When faked the amount of his profits, he said: "Nut En. I worked for de seventh, and de boas only made , a fifth, darfor I got muffin." - A boy's idea of having a tooth drawn may be summed up as follows: "The doctor hitched fast on rde, pulled his best. and just before he killed me the tooth came out." • "Pray excuse a bit of sarcasm," said Smith to Jones. "you are an Infamous liar and. scoundrel." "Pray pardon a touch of irony," replied Jonet f as be knocked him down with the poker. The editor of en Eastern paper remarks "We haVe adopted the eight hour system in` this office. We commence work at eight o'clock in the morning and end work at eight in , the evening. Mrs. Partiogton is in New York. She came in.from Boston as soon as she learned by telegr aph that gold was falling rapidly in W street, but after several unsuccess ful attempts to get into the shower, is go. log bask a disappointed woman. A man named Aaron Bedbu g recently applied to the 'Kentucky Legislature to have his name changed. He says his sweet-heart, whose name is Olivia, is nn ',Mingle shall be called A. Bedbug, she O.'Bedbug and the little ones, little Bed bugs. - • 'I think,' said-a wife who could not agree with her husband—'l think, Hr.'. Jibba, we had better divide the house. You ahalllive on one side, I on the other.' 'Very well, toy dear, replied be ; 'you take the onside, I'll take the inside." A northern planter overheard two 004 bands talking. "Jim,"Mild Sam, "what's the reason the major don't call me mister; and what's the reason be calls my wife the old woman. and not minus?" "I can't tell, " replied Jim ; 'Rem to me Yankees don't think much • more of es than our old masters used f• - : • A Goon Spaiiiard mita a peach ° I. Pear bY tbe:voideide, where ever.he foot , digs a hole.. in the groamt with his , and covers the tieed, Con sequently; all over. Spain,liy the roadside and elsewhere, fruit in " g reat' abundance tam is the taste, and is ever free. Let* this habit be imitated in , this amoutry. -- - "I Wish I bad your lead.'.'-said-alidy one day, to a gentleman who had solved-, foi her a- knotty point. "And I . Wish r..-. had your heart," was the reply. "Welt" - said she, "since your head and my eh 5 can agree, I don't see why they should, not g 6 into a partnership. Oar A fire made to tee Morning Obit? store eau be kept up all, the mint= round; without kindling. For sale by Ilitorod & Company, 805 Freeoh street. 00t.25-tf. ferrFor,a parlor or sitting roam store, At one is egnid to the Morning Glory, tor macaw. Himrod . de Company, 605 Fran& stmt.' ciet.2s-tf.