The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 07, 1867, Image 3

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    grit Weeltig *Observer.
5111 E. PA.. MARCH 7T4 ‘ . 1867
CAncra IN MILL Casts.—it Canons of the
D e riocrotio !riders of mill Creek will be held
in the Town Rail, on Saturday afternoon,
Nfoh Oth, at 4 o'clock. for the nomination of
a t a v n iono ticket. A full attendance is re
queried.. By order of the Committee.
CiNv.ks9llll. WANTED —We want to.seoure
alit !Orme! of a sentletnan of large sognoint
ance in the city and coutliy; to act cc canvas
pfr forjnb yorkold're!l igin It and Intim* lotions.
Rood wages and steady employment will he
given. Apply to the editor of the Observer.
• The
_City Election.
In spite of public sentiment, which has al.
ways been in favor of selecting the fittestmen
for municipal offices,. without rasped •to their
political views, the Mies' leadere.of our 014
baie determined upon an:O4A ‘ to make the
coming election a mire party einteek! - - A reg.
ularly organized plot wee clenceived some
weeks ago, by which It was intended thatcer
tain schemers of that fiction. who have loot
been feeding out of the county treseury, but
who have always been defea t te in their asp'
rations to rule over the aVre of the city,
should 'manage to obtain control of the party
machinery, and, by the aid of political feel
ingloist themselves and ,friends into positions
they can never secure thieugh mere personal
standing. :In This, we c;731. assured they will
fail, as they have l eo ineominfonaly on preil
oni oocosionq. The m ses of the Republican
party noderstand the ntiven of these men,
and will not puffer the selves to be dragooned
by the cry of party i to advancing the per
sonal ambition of a setjte greedy
at the expense of the publie interest. A
movement is on foot, ineludiog the best ele
inents of both political organizations, to bring
a people's ticket into the field, irrespective of
Party, and we have little hesitation in predict
ing its certain and overwhelming success.
The caucuses Of the office-holders and o f.
fiCe-seekerst faction were held on Saturday
eventnr. and every one of them plainly'de
=castrated . the fact of a concerted scheme
inch as we have referred to. The old political
hacks were promptly on band, and secured
-the orttlittivition in three of the Wards, nomi
nating iiandidates and . selecting delegates to
the city convention, just ae had been arranged
in the programme prepared hefnrehand. In
several instances nominees outside the clique
were chosen, but the object was p too plain to
deceive any but the moat credulous In the
Third Ward, an unexpected bitch in the 'pro
gramme took place, which •eenited in a split.
add the seleotion of two sets of candidates and
The City Convention assembled on Tuesday
evening, and after a sternly discussion over
theinerits of the competing sets of delegatee
from the Third Ward, finally compromised the
difficulty by admitting both It was apparent
froia the first that" the clique had adroitly ob
tained the controlling power of the Conven
tion; and the fact became doubly evident when
J. It Cochran, one of the meet unpopular
residents of the city, received 'the nomination
for Mayor,lby a nearly unanimous vote, over
Messis, Ciranie Noble and Andrew Scott, two
Of the most popular. The whole prooeedinge
bore Buell manifest indications of having been
"set tip'," that few outside of the parties di
rectly concerned took much interest in them,
and a great. majority even of tbq party which ,
the delegates professed to represent ridicule
'the-result of their deliberations, and scent the
pretence that it is of any binding effeot.
TEI6 Exrnees Wee.—The establishment
by the Merchants' Union Express Company of
as office in our city, was the commencement
of en era which must ever be remembered with
gratitude by enr business men. Previous to
that date the American Express Company had
a monopoly in this section, and the extortion
ate rates which itexseted of customers proved
a grievous burden upon the public. An im
mense degree of dissatisfaction arose, and the
announcement:of aconspetitig line was hailed
with delight by all elasses. The Merchants'
Company had no sooner opened its office than
business poured into it to an amazing extent,
and on inquiry we are satisfied that it is
ready doing by far the largest share of the
express'business of our city.
The American Company is now engaghd in
a bold and disgraceful attempt to ruin its
yotithful rival, iir order that it may again se
curuthe monopoly by which, it filled its cof
fers in the past, at the expense of its patrons'
interests. An edict has been sent forth to re
duce the rates to and from all points where
the two lines come in competition, to less
than those of the Merchant* . Company, and,
,it is even hinted that where this will not se
cure the trade, still lower figures will be giv
en. The design of this it too palpable to ad
mit of misconception. It is hoped that the
enormous wealth of the old company will en
able it to hold out longer than Its competitor,
and that in this way it will regain the monop
oly it possessed for ect many years. , We have
no special interest in either corporation, but
the common sense of every man must teach
him that the interests orthe public will . be
better enhanced by two competing lines than
if the express business were left wholly in the
hands of any one company. Taking this view,
we regard it as the duty of all to throw their
trade into the hands; of the Merchants', until
it gets established on a footing that will secure
its permanency. After that It will be time
enough to discriminate, as may seem most ad
vantageous, but until then, let every business
man direct his exertions in such a way as to
prevent the calamity of another monopoly
like that with which we were hardened before
the Merchants' Company began operations.
J. Rodney Cochran, having by severe in.
dustry, and much beggarly solicitation on the
part of himself and friends, secured a nomi
nation for Mayor, proceeds incontinently to
"spread himself" before his fellow citizens
on the water question, and ,rushes into print
in a highly refreshing and salubrious card,
giving his views nod opinions, apprehensions,
doubts, Wide and prognostications at length.
In substance, and when dissectedand oboe
cmghly examined, the would be Mayor's plans
seem to resolve themselves into the establish
ment of a Horse Pond, oesr the depot, and
the conducting of water therefrom itt wooden,
leather or oil cloth pipes,' to certain subteen,-
neon. cisterns or tank. to be inserted in the
ground at different points along the streets.;
The awe-stricken public having now got
'fan opinion as Is an opinion," on this absorb
ing subject, can quietly read and Inwardly
digest the same at their leisure, and all - who
favor the horse pond and wooden pipe Idea
will be sure to vote for John Rodney for May
or, of entree.
LEvr.—The religious 'season, known se
, Leat, commenced on the Pith inst., Ash
Wednesday, and willvontinne until the 21st
of April, Easter Sunday. This period is ob.
served with strict respect by the Catholic and
Episcopal churches, and is the occaeloa of
some of the most impressive ceremonies of
those denominations. Daring its continustiee
• the members of the Catholic creed especially,
•re required to obey rigid rules of ebstinence r
Which no tel hful adherent will intentionally
violate. What the object of this Omit:its lime
cannot now state, but it has existed • time be
yond memory.
Cossrazu.s..—The undersigned Offers hit:t
eat ae a candidate for Constable in the East
Mae& independent of all party centrals&
mar 7-2t* GEORGE HILL.
DARING FIAT —Two met were arrested at
Valente, Warrencounty. on Thursday last, on
a charge of having robbed the Breevort Pe
troleum Company', office, near Bouseville, on
Cherry run, on the. previous .night, where
they stole one hundred and eigitty . dollnre. And
almost tilled the clerk, lifr. Foley, who slept
in the office. They were band-need together,
and placed on the' train for Oil City. Oa the
way, when near Tionesta, Iley , made an el-
Rise of going into the closet attached to the
car, sod in &moment or two afterwards one
of the passengers, who was looking out of the
window, asw them rolling down 'the back to
gether. They had crawled through the win
dow of the closet and thrown themselves down
.the embankment, although the train was ran
ing at the rate of 80 miles an hour at the
time. The passenger who witnessed their
unceremeniens exit Immediately notified the
officer wbo pulled the bell rope, stopped the
train . , and started In pursuit of the prison
ers, followed by about twenty passengers.
In a short Ow they came in eight of the the.
lives, and several ghats were fired at. them,
none of which took effect ; neither, had they
the result of stopping those they ware ;aimed
at. After a chase of abouk-a mile the -prison.
ere were overtaken, and yet would not stop
until one of them received t blow on the head
from the butt of one of ihe, officer's . pistols.'
They were defiant and
_took matters very
cooly, giving full details of their mode of ea
cape; stating that one of them hail , backed
, ut of the small saloon windows, and then
with the arm which was manacled to his-com
pardon bad anceeeded•in pniliat that compan
ion through the window, bead fait; and both
had "gone it blind" down the embanktrient-
The snow being drifted, their 'fall was so
broken as to do them no damage:—Zrehange.
Joity Liar —The following are the jurOra
drawn for the court commencing on Monday of
next week:
Erie--P Arbuckle, A A Adams, John Con.
stable, Geo W Goodrich, C Kolb. Sam sLytle,
Wm E McGill, Geo W Starr. H C Shannon.
South Erie—Heman Janes Mill Creek—O W
Brindle, Waltei Glenn, C K Riblet, Dan D
Treey. Harbor Creek-8 Backus. J. 11. Can,
ty. Watteburg—J M Jenkins. Union Born—
B Black, M Plane% T J Johnson. J'AMarch,
Jno Smllik. Union Tp—R H Church. Li
Bcent—Wm Averill. Oteene—W T Myers.
Summit—Oscar F Dunn. MoHean—Jua Cran
dall, John May, ,Tr, John Wermarling. Frank?,
CArnell. ; Elk Creek—H Huntingtoti..l
C Walls. Conneaut-11 11. Herrin, Springfield
—M 11 Gould. Girard Tp—M Lyon. Fairview
—8 11 Eaton. , .
The following are the jurore for the court
commencing on the 8d Monday_ in the month
Erie—Dr 0 L Elliott, Jun Evans, P.Emling,-
Wm March, Wm Peter. F Sohlandecker. Wm
P Sweeney, E_ E Stnraniekle. Mill Creek—
Jae Evans, J A Parker, 'lsrael Waidley. Her:
her Creek—ll A Bell. North East Tp—Clark
Bliss. North But Boro—John Greer. Buell
Phillips. Greenfield-.M M Gifford. Ventage
-=Jonathan Chapin. Wattaburg—Geo Fish.
Concord—E Heath. N Pierce: Corry—L Dan
ham. Waterford Tp—A Brownell. its W
llimrcul. Waterford Boro—M Barnett. Wssh_
in gton—Sherwood MoLellan.M Chase. Frank
lin--Efenry 'toward. Conneant—Thos Beau
mont. Springfield—llenry Dixon. Ea Smith..
S D Ware. GirardZilobnsten Rea. Fairview
—Wm H Canghey, Perry G Fargo, A Fargo,
Geo Shoemaker.
ELECTION CASE...-111 court, Last week; the
case ;of T. E Gross and C. E. Duncombe,
tion officers of Venango township, against
whom the Grand Jury, in February, found a
true bill for receiving the vote of an alleged
deserter, came up for consideration, on a mo
tion by Jae. C. Marshall, EN.. to quash the
indictment—the two law judges, Johnson and
Vincent, being upon the bench. The Court
refused to grant the motion, ' , stating, as its
opinion, that the act of Assembly was count
rational and binding upon election -officers :
bat, tbat'insticaucb as the defendants probably
acted in good faith, a nolle prosequi might be
entered upon,payment of costs by the defend
ants, intimating at the same time that the
safest rule for election officers was to obey
the act of Assembly until it was set aside by
the Supreme Court." This decision
is so entirely at variance with the
previous action of Judge Johnson,
that we cannot avoid some surprise that he
should have given it his assent. The defend
ants, not earing about 'having
_further annoy
ance on Gib subject, accepted the proffer of
the court,'and the prosecution was withdrawn
upon their paying the costs.
PEOPLE'S CAIICESTS.—We have been reques
ted to publish the following :
f_ Caucuses of the citizens in favor of nomi
nating improvement candidates for local offi
bee, without respect to party, Will be held on
Friday evening, March Bth, commencing at
half-past seven o'clock, at the following
places :
let District—Common Council room. '
2d District--Scluslts'e Hall, corner German
and 11th Ste.
8d District:—Engine house on Peach street.
near the depot.
4th District—Select Council room. •
At these canctmee nominations will be made
for the Tarim district offices, sad delegatei
chosen to select a candidate for Mayor. - ,The
city convention will - be held at the Select
Council room,on Saturday eveniig,. March' th,
at 8 o'clock. .
better from Col. Dan Mee.
Having been solicited by many wahines
in public life, members of Congress and othert,
who were aware that I had lately returned
from a tour in the South, to give the result
of my observations of the people there, I
have felt reluctant tolntrude upon the public,
but a sense of duty has impelled me to do so,
in order to correct, if possible, the false im
pression prevailing too extensively in the
North respecting the real sentiment .of the
citizens of the States in which I traveled, via ;
Louisiana, Alabams, Georgia, South Carolina,
and Virginia. My personal observations have
led me to the conclusion that false and exag
gerated reports are made by interested parties
respecting them, for the purpose of ibtlueno.
log the legislation of Congress in such a man
ner as to keep the States lately in 'rebellion
out of the Union, in order that their own pri
vate ends rosy be secured.
General Howard's department is working
well, with few exceptions. It seems .to have
been his aim to teach the black men to make
themselves self-supporting, and just in pro
portion-to their effort& in this direction are
they prospering. The most miserable among
the bleats are those who persist in hanging
upon'the stirtii of the Government and -feed
log at the Bureau crib.
The echoobs for colored children and adults
which are supported by private contribution
are doing well; while those maintained by the
Government ere, in too many cases, conduct
id by epeculatorkand selfish persons:
The Freedman's Bare .0 in South Carolina.
under General Scott, is In good working order.
The only trouble experience arises where
ill-disposed officers have crept into positions,
and where speculators and claim agents of the
old bounty swindling order have tampered
with the freedmen.
There is a sett of traders in some districts
who seindle the poor negroes sbesnefally- by
selling them bogus jewelry and gewgaws at
most exhorbitant prices. In some instances
these persons write for-northern papers, and
as it is for their interest to bore the South
dominated by a military force,-they will, of
course; paint horrible pictures of the gadded
rebels. In one instance that came to my
knowledge, a trader had sold a breast-pin to
• negro for live dollars, 'which was made in
Waterbury. Connecticut, for sixteen cents,
and this man was the correspondent of the
Chicago Tribune, • leading radical PPP to
the North. I am thoroughly convinced that
Congress, while prompted to many acts by an
honest indignation. is terribly misled by
.statements of interested ;tattles. The eon
/dant complaint of the Southern people is, that
they are cruelly misrepresented that while
in their ruin and desolation they earnestly de
sire the restoration of friendly relations with
the Government, they are accused most un
jos* of numberless outrages and wrott:ge.
%regard to the question of suffrage, Ib)tirS
found, frostoonvereation with tlti. most %-
Wiliest ante colored men, that therieprit
caie the idea of allowing all to vote, *hither
they are able 'to 'understand the mattes mite.
In their way they expressed an unmistakable
preference for qualified suffrage.
I have no political abject in view, I have
no pecuniary interest! to subserve, in speak
ing. of these matters. Fortune has so far
aided my efforts that I am independent, and
am actuated solely by a 'desire to see the
country restored to a happy condition. Up
on the honor of a man, I believe that Congress
has been mitt's]. and that if the 'tont ruble
Senators atd Representatlies knew- what I
know through my personal experiences in the
Routh during the winter just passing, their
views voila be modified in regard to the
•nie.d of an expensive military establishment
there, which would prove an intolerable bar
den uron the N irthern States, en unneoeass
ry irritant upon the great national sore, ant
setich may lean]. 'o I chronic disarrangement
of "the beet government the world over paw."
Respectfully yours. &c.,
Raw Rica.
Items of Local Interest.
We see it stated that Senator Lowry Ale
signed the tesiperance pledge at Harrisburg.
Ijo to strangers for charity, acquaintances
for advise, and relative's for nothing, and you
will always bare a supply.
it is stated that W. it. Johns, Esq , late of
the Oil City Register, is about to start. a Id
weekly journal in that city. We ebould judge
it rather a risky esperimenahut if any per-
Boit can succeed, Johns is the um.
The officers of the German Savings Institu
tion have been elected as follows: President,
John Qensheimer• Secretary, F. Sohneider;
Treasurer, - hi: Sehlandecker ; Directors, J.
Elehenlaub, Jr...P. A. Beaker, F. P. Liebel, F.
Schneider, J. Geneheimer.
Kendall Wells, convicted of adultery at the
February Court ,ot Quarter Sessions, and
whose eeatence was reserved, was, list week,
sentenced to pay a fine of sloo"and iosts,and
'he confined i• the county jail for • period of
Alto 'months. "
Siam Csmeron wee born in Lanoaster coun
ty,' in 1799,mid is therefore sixty-eight years
of ago. He' is still es vigorous se most men
are 14 dtlY, and looks es if he might law t
twenty-Rve years longer
The Mrs. Smith who eloped from her hus
band in Pitholv, a few days ago, with an in
ilividualpimed Rogers, has returned to her
!ord"." a Wiser and' sadder woman.
We do not
,know whether the Washington
RepUblican meant to be serious or not, when
it said, in a notice of- Col. Ries's letter on the
condition of the &nth "His honesty is-pro
verbial among all who know him."
.The latter-of
. Col. Dan Rice. which we print
in another oolumn;deserves careful eons**
ration by* the public. His opportunities for
observing Soothers feeling have been such -as
to give much weight to his report, and his
candid opinion is of more value then that_ of
any number of Radical politicians.
The complimentary appointment of Brevet
Brigadier General has been conferred upon
Col. D. B. McCreary by • the President. and
eonfirnied by the Senate. He is now ti doubly
created General, having previously secured
the title by'hin selection for the Adjutant Gen
eraloy of the State.
About a mile and a half from Tidioute is a
place that rejoices In the name of Babylon,
rbloti seems to furnish nine-tenths of the
criminal cases reported In the Warren counvy
papers. From the information tarnished us
about it, vejudge*Babylon to be a sort of sec
ond edition of tbe • Flee Points.
Seek out cf debt—out of quarrelsout of
law—out of politics—out of idleness—out of
thin•soled shoett—eut of damp clothes—out of
reach of beer and brandy—out of publiti office
—out of jail—out of matrimony, unless you
are In lore and have a snug sum laid by. Keep
out of all these, and you - .will probably keep
out of misery's cintehee.
The U. R. Senate has confirmed the appoint
ment of John D. treys as Assessor of Internal
Revenue in the adjoining district of Qrairford.
Venango, Mercer and Clarion. Mr. Rays Is
s Johnson Reptibliosn, and has been most se
verely and shainefully traduced by the organs
And leaders of Radlealiem In the district.
The announcement of the appropriation of
$lOO.OOO for Dunkirk harbor was received in
that place with great rejoicing; and everybody
who bad . " fiarran , lt up an token of gratifica
tion. The plane for the improvement of that
harbor contemplate an ultimate expenditure
of $267,000. Happy Dunkirk ; unfortunate
Erie I
_ , -Roger Sherman, Esq , a young gentle man
w known to many of our citizens, has been
admitted to practice in the courts of Penang°
county. Ile passed s more than usually cred
itable examination, and the bar were unani
mous in consenting to his enrollment among
their number. Mr. Sherman p-ossesses-abill
tits surpassed by few men in our section, and
we predict for him a prosperous and highly
bonont le career.
- The Job Printing department of the Ob
server Ofßee irons of the best furnished and
organitetl in Pennsylvania. We have the
latest anfi - most elegant styles of type, borders,
cute, etc., and baring engaged the most ez
periencefi ind skillful workmen - that can be
found, ire prepared to print anything. from
the smalltst visiting card to the largest poster,
philn ar in volerszLinks, at short notice and
for moderate prices.
In s speech at the State Temperance Con
vention In :Harrisburg, last week, Hoy. Geary
stated that he has not taken a drink of in
toxicating liquor for many yeses. We have
some euriosity to see what our cotemporaiy,
the Dispatch, which net long 41300 gave a
graphie report of his visit to a German beer
saloon in our city, and ertiditid him with of
fering a now famous toast therein, will have
to say about the Governor's statement.
The Buffalo - Commented publishes a cam
plate list of the disasters on the lakes and
tributary risers in 1866. It fills siz columns,
with an sign gate of seven hundred' and
thirty-four disasters, involving the lose of
osebundred and eleven lives and $1.647.428
in property. The greateSt number of digits
ten happened in Juns_and October. The loss
by sailing vessels was more than double that
by steam vessels; but, though the lake busi•
ness of het year wee considerably in excess of
that of 1885, the loaves were not se great by
forty-one lives and a quarter of a million of
dollars, showing a more favorable season for
navigation in 1866 than in 1885.
Barnum one* took on a fit of economy. and.
in older to cut down expenses, withdrew or
shortened some of his. advertisements. The
consequence was an immediate dealing in
business. Changing his Moths, nod renewing
his advertisements, his receipts .milled as
rapidly as they had before declined—which
taught him, that however dull the times, it
wu false economy to dispense with printer's
ink;- and he determined be would never
again make so stupid a blunder in the way.
of retrenchment. The experience of Barnum
ohonld not be lost on business med. ,
Solnerof our Pittsburgh entemporaries are
given to spasms, and the latest and most ago
nising instance is In the chaps of suggestion
from the Sunday Leader, of that oily, foi
division of Pennsylvania into two States. The
Leader proposes to take the following - a - outlets
to form the new State: Allegheny, Armstrnsg,
Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Batler,Cambria,Clou
field, Crawford, Clarion, Erie, Elk, Forest,
Fayette, Greene. Indiana, ' Jefferson, Tau
nines, Mercer, McKean, Somerset, Venting°,
Warren,.Waihioston. and Westmoreland.
scheme Is a, capital one to base sensation itdi-
Aerials-arm-Imi further than that. it will sot
ampulla mink. It must be uktieridediped,
Shingly that the Western 'counties hats few
- biteitstsin commas With -those .of the But;
anitehat. fitry point of view,'llle Mind.
calloi 'of a new State would reinli to
the advantage of the people this side , of the
The anniversary of St, Patrick's day, is to
lasent siToVE
be celebrated in on* city, on Monday evening, LI
by an entertainment in Perm Hall. The
proceedings will be opened by a procession,
in which" the varioni•soeleties connected with
the Fearth Strati Cite*, will participate.
The entertiiismeat, Still Aiatiprise tableaux.
walla, an walks en Ireland t7Rev.J.O. Mul
lane; and renttasesielo Weida by a number of
gentlemen. of ens city. -These celebrations'
:madly call onfour Irish population in fall
foroe,,ind we expect, and will hardly be ithe
ly to be dtpiniated in the expectation, that
Farrar H will be jammed to Its utmost ea
pettily. ,
Incur alliance, Tut Week, notice was for
gotten to be made of the sale of Brown'. Ho
tel, to George Sherman, of
_this city, for the
sum of $75,000. The terms oteale were $lO,-
000 cash, and the balance in ten year.. Those
wbo are beet posted on the fable of the pro
perty regard the purchase as an exceedingly
favorable one fcir Mr. Sherman. It is his inten
tion to thoroughly refit the hotel, and tne
stores end offices connected with it. The ho
tel will continue to be kept by Masers. Loomis
it Tyler, who have a lease which run for some
time to come. r
It is generally admitted by newepspers
throughout the country .that -the winter
has been an exceedingly favorable one ,
for farmers. There has been snow enough
to protect the wheat, end titere is every pros
pect of abundant crops. Such news is always
cheeiing at this season of- the, year, and those
who are prone to indulge in gloomy forebod
lugs may find comfort in turning their atten..
lion to our agricultural regions, from whence
come the great necessities of We.•
Our citizens- interested in the Lake trade ere
beginning to make preparations for the re.
somption of navigation. The hey is nearly
-free from ioe, and a considetattle gap is visi
ble in that upon the Lake. Unless we have
a . severer cold spell than is likely to occur,
navigation bids fair to open it an earlier
day than usual.
We call attention to the attractive half.
column advertisement of W. G. Gardner, who
has opened a new stove and it ease furnishing
hardware store South of the depot. Re pro..
posesto keep on hand the best cocdt—in his
line, and to sell them at.prices that defy com
petition. „
The Jackson (Mich ,) Citizen eve :—We
would call the attention of our friend* to this
doe instrument which surpesmitill others of
the kind. Tbere are many other' bfdtations
in the market. bat none have been made to
equal the American Orgam We would con
gratulste the Messrs. Smith on the entire suc
cess that has attended their efforts to produce
a" superior instrument. Almost all other
makers have hitherto failed to produce an in
etrument which answers the object designed
--a substitute for the pipe organ. The Amer
loan Organ semis the nearest to the socom
pliehment of this end of any instrument we
have ever seen or heard..
Acnsicrn—DsMonrz—At the residence of Mr
Madison Bliverthern, Feb. 20th, by Rev.
W. N. Reno, Mr. r. 1....-Aldrieb, of L
Port. formerly of Winefiendon, Mass. and
- Miss Nan. A. Delicate, of Girard.
Parnmoss—Coos—At the residence of the
Bride's mother, on Feb. 21st, by Rev. W.
N. Reno, Mr. Riley Pettibone, and Miss
Mary Cook. both of Girard. .
-lisnnts—Dastiza—On the 20th of February,
- tbe Rev. A. M. Tennant. Mr. Frank
Fiarris, of Union Mills, and Miss Olive R.
Bunter, of Bloomfield:
blimma—Bunnorarts—ln •Union Mille, Feb.
- 27._ by Bar. 0. L. Mead. Mr. Edwiii
of la Port, Ind., and Miss Fanny. A. Bar.
roughs, of Union Mills.
Tars—la Etuuunit, Feb. - 6th. of inflammatory
group, Maggie Augusta, daughter of J. A.
and Mary Tate; aged 7 months and 9 days.
Hoaros—At North' East, Pa., February 19th,
Willie Byron Horton, only eon of Charles
and Elvin O. Horton, to the 12th year of
his age.
Frirs—On February 28d, James She rman,
eon of James and Margaret Fathomed 1
year, 8 months and 2 days.
WILLIAMS—Oa February 25th, Esther Bell
Williams, teed 1 year and 7 000 tbs.
COWDEN —ln Union mine, on February 27th,
Mrs. Elmira Cowden, wife of Marcus Cow
den, aged 60 year'.
New Advertisements.
A by hundred lamb thole, brands
agile asap: Ewan it 619 Friaselt St.
tter?-4w. CROUCH ALREIO.
648 Mato itt 'between 6th and e itb.Mis, Po. The test.
asspett. Waal % eallige a iho
MMus* sus say it Mae=
is s collets us
of nal etta ln it. *ble nes* b'
due not it,, ths tie to Umpablio by prang diplomas
io Mae rho do not suit than. h. Collor' of ,
Ca:Milne ?bony and Pesci two. Supplied with heath.
imports" laminae% commleelon, ndlratd. rinks and
telegraplde /apartments.
Para all esprime for tuition, bleak boots, Tim
reqvirml benal to 14 weeks.
Vasmairsate.—We have the beet penmen to the West.
Bead for cerselar vita stamp.
- Principal&
N 0 T
Venoms° OH 8 T CoCrawfbrd Common Plus , ail. °hurray • ZVI. Anson TOM.
s. Turnip ettachasent
JUDAS McHenry. •
The defendant trill take notice that alkdavit of plain
titre claim, filed With July. USN for $l,OOO and interest.
from the nth of Kay, 1165. _ .
. And rale entered Ter the Trethottotary to assess the
to this ens. at his calm isMeadville.' on the ll i tt a g; of April. 1167, at 10 o'clock s. In.
- mrl.lle. Tretbonotary.
pU HI L. "/ Cl 8 A Is 13 .
Tow todessigned will mll atvistas ale, at hls
den -a in Harbor Creek tp.. en the Jeneph Starrett bra.
one Smith of a mite South of WoilerviDe. nn the Sta
tion Road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 12. 1867, at 20 a. so.
Um following describad property. to wit a Pour working
.kones,2 two mar old coltmil curia two Mar old arbor,
1 two year old War, yearling...l2 sheep, Ipm with ß
Mgt, them free, S lumber wagon; ase2•7 Morn. pair
ansistor sod thrasher. Haire Soper and
Rower combined. Ends drill. droning 2 pion. 2
tte double banns la mar cultivator. 2 bay rack;
Nome rake, bay fart, gran aradle, t Haldane. 11 vela
'Mann, 200 bushel eon in the ear, hay by the toe,
Wheat in the ground. ea aums7 ethe r Wicks of tangos
ollanfla Seo namertnui to nisaaaa.
, 14"IM ULtT•41 741. at
! Ial lr.; Ealt .111;RMIL*
hoar and tot oe 6% et.. bettors Montle sod Chat
WIC The bona Ia ore, with toed ogler. Iron. &ten
ea other dotirobt• eamatoatthe.—yrtee $3.1)90 ; tense
Map and lot on Uri tit irt Wimp Rolland and
Osman; by no Nit to sn ifl y MU hoer bin U.
0411•61 Cidletkv.--ples $lO5O. ?mot aaaaali &mu
and Wanes aananalaata. .
liaise. and lat matelots; 14 sem. , Cheek as
Wks boo Itrto,as the Likeness liond. as ataillast
locality—rite 57,40. Terata,:aas-halt lowa, balsam'
to salt taa pasallasar.
Ilona sal ,lot on Zig 9ah st..batippso Rolland sad Oar
osso. any sainfollabla dwelling hOurar—pece {], O da. Tama van Ogg.
goose and tot oa gtato st.s tow done north of tlu
Ridzoitoodat b 7 -10 hot— a olai good plooo—prtoo
SI,tV.O. - Tomo to salt the parabola.
WO Otis hove oh:Mambo tdgosof balldtaa lota sad
'Wreak, tozatag lamb la this saighltattood br sea.
Apply to
Baal rotate arrato. -
WNW. • &tato Ittroot,ltts. ft.
JOS. KOHLMILLER, • . 1 • -
No. 113 East Tenth Bt., . ,
• Of all blab Of
• AMON; YARNS 12011111%
Dow to the Out at,* at Nis aborted notlea, too at
reasonable palm,
ler 4A cowls will be prima lab ranietwilig
3 ele
eliver, milli
The Sabsettbor begs to Worm the attlorta el Seto sad
vision, that he has optima a don of tho
Wow eharutar •t,
spurn or TUT DICPOT,
Where •ll ho found a ootoplt to alaOrtmaat of Goa. In
the Una, ootudettag is part of
Of listen and Rome Ittnabetniejor
tioOb & COAL.
Porttouls? atlantica vitt to thrum to hosting int:o to and
prints boil dings
All kimlls ofj obbtag to
'Or Cronpensot "unborn.
or re. as low as lb. Nam vitae :an be put
ehtsed 'Carib'?"
10 East Park, Erie, Pa.
we Wu 'Aware annotuselog to the pabllethat we
have eeesmithe terries. of
charge of A. tacit
put courplala and thorough trork m ao. to take
Vv. Ashby has for wend years beim en reged In hes
thild'r Week Boot listehlidasest. In BOSON and has
so saterier IR the business. Other Washy* esetsturts
hive beer awed, so that work from this department
Is ell the pandas to rood ichmk, signior forward•
tog sad superb drt b.
By-trlcts•aod to mures awe dui md, tor O. Orphan%
Coact foe the moots of tee. I will ewe, to • Mao
sale, ea multurt, atmler of the American Wok!1 ea§ thu
Park is the eity of Elie. en the Nth day- of watMt.
D. all that meats lot es plies' rens& situate
in the city of res. sod boons as the vest hair of la.
Lot W 0.2.509. to Arian We. 33, sad lauded matte
"myth by to-lot No. =Men the east by east belt of to.
lot No. 2300 on the south by fifth street, and on lbw
vest by In-lot No. 210% Wog it feet 3 iselbre on Wdth,
'treat to front.
'MAYA 46P PALT—Ormablrd to baud end balance to
two equal smear lustalarests. enured Di Judgment
bond mud mortgage en the prereatessi p er cub to Norl, at
optlue et purchaser. Y. A. BECKER,
feb2l-Iw, Ades of Memel 1184 bra.
Manufsaturas rad Wbolenlo Deslm la
PIPES. Eimo.
• No.O Irodorol et.. Aretbrir city. Ps, •
'third Door 'tom Surponidon Reidy,
Sign thi. Indiso
rebsra—ity- "
Rsylog_dimpoled of imr intern! In the wraIIIIDOLIIid
ZeTINIVa Ain nil/see to VOWS. Y. R. Hyman S ea..
of WY atty the badYeuswill to ftterri be 410,1011 PG%! by
Oft, and all orlon for tb. in•diclys:asd all cowman!.
stlass Is Mania to tbirbtpdasis will berrirter by ad
dreaod to tbea
- nye wonneliss win dill to mowed nods my lawn
stailsawbdon.wnd thou Tallith* witieb ban stood
for it • montotioa anarecit• afar sista by NOV Stier
=on moditiassod wlO6ll ban wads it th• Yam
dim -barns it boo booms blown, win to fbi.
tif dmistaisd to say retkrtisr.
Orstyfill to my mint Moods for lb. morons cone
6ros sod sport o.towind to nw to Ow put, I ask •
coo•losiso of Ow woo to my noomoors mho aro
*sib• of nye Mist cooddeos.
004114 w.• • • 18. CARTItit.
F - OW *A I. B
NO-. 1 CORN,
Saliba Tog low.
Thom dialttag to parettaaa sill plasma call at
1112111 Ina st. - morn dr Tag PRN
10.11-41 r.
FARM !0R BALE. • , .
Of VD sem. i;beutlollsaw slaw& tbe ' Wow Is
ar od ttroborod bhod, vial a hem awl bats bo It 1 a
mit eithiud at 183 "rafted 'polo two , oat row
other fruit *Ni. &tondo& Ant Iw. fkootb of Smog
M a go i zo tar %/4/4 00s 2 4 =ig u rit..0,E lefT ,
putlesim snobs 01 nh1!:1°.
'80.4841. :, , coneo liviOr . .
quads BELLS.!
A 141 111 • 64 0 '
LiA, grim* AND QuAkrno,--
Yes ealsby
diKl3-tt _ - .
Itto , s cies , CoLLlCtlis,
Comer or teem and st. Clair Str.te,
The Largest. Obespeet, 'Bert
Doeing the pad ten yens, aptardeof
Repreeeettel eeeri State p the Unino, have reeleate4
A COLLE4E OP ACTUAL TlUStiattti. anpol'iti with
Sankt. Mores. ^^rt Ogles. Onnwiosion 8,0%0,1; Imnr•
tam .*broad. Ste•mhnat and Tpiettaph Omens, • At..
Slatlents *re thoroughly instructed I u ■ll tho I.ragehau
loela , liogßook to Woo Ponmsooblo. krlthmetle.Coro.
morel*, I aw. Polities! Re+nomy. Rodeos, Correaaood•
ore..tho Art or Oet.ettog Cototorfeit Motor, Railmott•
100, it•amb•atin;. Tei•arapbing, Practical Booting.,
.te. , /cc.
gletouta can ester at ant titan and complete a. toll
ream In from etttit to tinge. iieeks.
.FIFTY nnuois
Psys ►ln t :pauses for Tuition, Boob., Inuit. itarl
4 NO NM - 4
Foe r'enintoillln, Rt - enrctniVo2, Railroading. 11, king
et Diatoms. as In antra Collar.. Prep Leaman daily in
.Paamtnahip to all 'lndent, In the Commerelal Depart
VOR,CRIZetn,tIV. riving full Ipfnrsottion. and enn -
taintog a e , urop'ori outfit* of our systari Proetieul
Rash:ten Edattatha, together with
Prom practical iltraLsart lien Iderchs•.ts; Book-keepers,
Batters, Ac., address the pr Inclpsla, '
nitre & cuwurr,
ja24•67.43ps ' Tittalturgb. Ps.
THlS'great line twitting the Northern and Northwis
counties of Penney Wants to the eity of Erie
lake Eris. It has been leased by the Peassylesais Rai/
r.rd compost, sad is omitted. by Wm.
size OP rasistrasa ELI/1 A'N.
fete. -
Leese Eastward.
Neil Train 10 25 a. at
Bass Espies' Train 620 p. m
Ws, real Accom S 00 s.
Arrive Westward.
Mall Train
Fasten ger can ma through on the Erie Nall and Ex •
press twine without elcungeleoth ways Wines BMWs!.
phis and Ins. -
Non Tort ealleettleill Lan New Yoik at 000 •.m.„
arrive at Erie 10 00 a. m. Leal* New York-at 500 p.
121.: &MVP lit Elie 716 p. in. Lure Elie at 630 p.m.;
arrive at New York 4 40 . n. m. Lam Erie at 10 25 a.
m.; arrive • t New York 10 10 a m.
Elegant Bleeping Can on all night Widen.
Tor information respecting Pusenger business apply
et earner of 80th end Narita at. .11111 a., and for Alright
bandeau of the Company's agents. ,
8.14 EIinGSTON, Se., corm 18th' and Hyatt Streets.
Pb! huleiphia.
• W. BROWN, Arent N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
R. u..gararrisr. General - Freight 4064 Phi la.
R. W. G WINNER. Gen. Tido, A.t. -
A. L. TYLER, cierwai guserintendeut. t Ohre.
JaISIIM P. Crook, having taken in his eon. htosuir..
am • partoekon the Inds/ of April. UK ander th e Arm
name ol'J AVIV P. CROAK a SON desires tobaire sad
tlement of bis old sesednte All pas= knovitufthesn
selves Indebted to him are requested to oat and settler
without delay.
JA - Ing3 P. CROOK d? SON;
4WD 11.13=111711711,1111 or
Window Sash, Frame. Doore aed Bttnda, Itotddings
sad Picket Tanis Scroll Sawing, Matching and
• furling done to oTder.
Shop on Pesch at, Between 4th and 6th Stu, We * P i.
C 322
We-respectfully call the isltention of the..pablic to out
faellities for doing work to the beat of dry,.preWlll4l
mid on reasonable terms. Baring Sued as en s& an
shops, with su pe rior machinery, We feel- ornedett o
siring entire naUdottion.
rrOrdsn &ors shroud will receive prom pa attention
my2W64—ti. /AIMS P. CR00144.110N.
Phalint , s- °Nigh@ Bloontiaig Correashn
Pamlon's Blooming Cioroom”
rbinTan , • Night Blootaing
Pludoces "Alight nisomins Caretas.”
Pitsbongs "Night-iiloonalua Cereal.'►
A moil ampitatte. delicate, and Fretritet Pettit*
dlittled from the tare and beautihal flowei frost
which It takes Its
Manufactured only by
PICALLON ir, SON. New 'Fork.
And Use printing =starlit aecoutpurirg
MAN it, every num tan do bis own printing
neatly. quickly and eiSply. They are
• so simple in construction, that a boy ten
. yeas; old can assilymranage the largest
Bias. Printed instructions are sent with
His sash ogee, enabling the pow:baser to go
-to work without a prwrions knowledge
of printing. A erenfar, eontaining fail
description.' pricer, testimonials, ka.
• seat free to all. Our Specimen Sheets pf
OWN Type, Cuts, bas:, ten amts.
PRINTER. dbr674y
Na. 14 Big; 7,7ll c retlEl7 'YORK
Cr Vc4ll isdormstion,with the Herd tatiesaraht
also • Book on .scial Mime; in —a—scaled sweeps
sent tree. Re sure and said for tier, end pm
edit err regret it ; for, se adrestle TaIDICIIIIS 1111111.
rurally taperers, without ream= Do stmasot
should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for taster. and
'Street to DR. URBINO& No. H BOND PTAS , .
tatbled sad s t ored Waists, oldt;ws sod orphan*
of slab soldatry, sad tbs ontooployod of botb scansook
wally. to waist of reopeeeablo es* profitable employ:
meat. tannin to ebb: eaa proeubSottobt hT im:kudos,.
posbpald addressed exoreloptior potttoabos to • _
sub-!, - ' Box 153; ittoolalta. W. IN
-pUldtt liltakitTY , WW1!! BAD, ,
WIT! do toonitanibetter troth of i siren cost, thin an,
• - other: Try it. Itanotacturod • only by
W11044844LR RR1181..P41.87 4 , 13L483 LEW
SR 8 .
No. 18T North Third Streit, Ptiila. '
Vi.reitCH-Tolll.ll' NOTICE.
Whereas. Letters testszontary to, - the 'stets of J. V.
Doter, deed, bare been 'granted to The subeditors: AU
pawns indebted to the eal4 estste are requested to
ante imtneAlste payment and thstie - baring attires or
.demands eestest the estate Of the laid decedent will
mate tows the rune 'without' Ws*.
Debts doe to the estate wilt be larttir collected if rot
• tattled in thirty days. BARBARA ROY KR,
feb2ll34r. . Brecatort.
,• „.
Parlistnoring Saperflaoas Flair. 1
To the ledies espotheir, thi. inestuahle depilstore
reeimatends gulf as %wog en Wallet ludlspeostble sant
slate leutalslmenty. mulls evened, does not' burn or
Wore the sltin.natt sets directly ou the root.. it is
tr , rrsuted to revolve saparthioas hilr•fr.nt low ton ,
has* or from any past of the b- dy, eompletele. totally
ens adlestly,szttrpstlos the sums. lotting the skin'
soft smooth mud uttaraL This is the only ertielio ue d
by Th./ Pesoets. and Is the only test *Votes% deuUstetp,
In existence. Prloe 75 mats pet Whim pent postpaid,
to any sillbess li ou reseiut of an ardor, be ' "
• BM% stunts en., Cheeps%
f5b14137-Iy. SO 'Um St.,-Trop, N. V.
- • ocagialf eleired, with
Or Tor forth r part .. tculari enquire at the Diog
Stow of
Conist 7th Ausik mai ttfreirts:
Los? ou rlTDi.6ll. '
Jotraiokor slnta hioo - Atio oidolor. of the under.
easse4etelterPoreall eed Usti tit. a White Sow.aboat
tee long sm. ast4 vielessters}llii
ititesaid or Jive *Donate Is plhowl to
ttoOtiltsioroto or
reiteoludeleg t tafopootto or Ist , Isteg tee The d
••MON 'IWIUSON LlN3litalwiT
1 totirdUkmit 'Mak admipteeto sinedtid stiodst,
MINN fai IN) to MN nab: •liftpArDe gold to I
umodsW&liit pitsdiniimarda4 ties. Masi
tnted tow= Adinswitallo it &smug!
Mutation. N EIRINNENN;Now Tait. ;. Walla
. 1 !, 6 -P* ra
. .6133.P.1131
With the
- V. Ann St., New Tart.
Sib ntstiott wITZET.
4 Do2itt
• Rom antulpiug 975: CAM
OS 000 D Til3lll.
Ax 01,0 !lout] OOP TO • NOW TONS .
41, .
Two story ?mole, vt; West 6th %L , ell antabed,
price s2,oq.
Twoitory frame. No. 2:1 Weet itb S s t , new and pod
&dab, prim $4 50 . 1 •
Tyr, atnr, frame. Kn. 195 t , Catigbey Lome,
• tallith), pricy 53,0'0.
' .
„, 1 ,
OrrOrrii orow-hnlf:toty fraftr*. Nin:' l '2 uremi 't . . cot-!
Ed:* 'o'., C3at!,lFt..6 c• L' le. price .32.:11t). ..
Turn story fr slue, N 211 Etat 9ltstit.;Xilekey's houari
rod building mud tope. .
l'wo stny qame,atlJolnbag P. E. it R., re I.lib
will bt sot: at. •171^glaa.
:Oro and otos half ifory 4=44 lotaixB2.% ou L!ti
feemsd •West of 9tafe,• dokroo/a for bbsineas..
ho tor Sabha' hare, ytopor of A.
aim gout , ' Erie, lot 117s111, lined lot In tho Borcntb
price $3,500.
Two Moor frame, No. 59 Eut Qllfftlo tat., bous• fu
fins orb .6 rooms and wood *bed no lot floor, 6 rooms
up st los, hut), &e. , Itt ;pries $l.BOO. liodsra:to terms.
One eat oce-hell etere frame, No. 85 Nue 131, con
venient to batineas,, boys la good Olden, Inside arta
oat, cellar iind vol., bonne, log re 10,100. -
50 arm*, bate, larvara., 14) arras wood, Q roll•, froureiry,
pries $2;200.
218 .era an Pim& ilasd, 100 atm wood, ray atrklern
style hons..lanza =hard. • Will stela:tat far cityprov
en-Jr at KIM. Iteasotiabla disaant tar all eitab.
Brawler plato, on Ileato Rood. North Esot,llo series.
valnege tzproirarents, 2 &eras thnbor. pries 812,000.
4? metre, twe mites (mu et le, good improvements; will
divide to eti o it ptereleurri, per aces $l6O.
45 acres, fire Mites from city, brick
,bonne, de., good
fteproeements, pries $4,600.
100 tam la Gre cie--a bargain—price $3,600. -
112 Berea A No .11and and ha torments, sear North
East, pries per sere VG.
11,17aases ta Sasboserask, drain _ 41s in 4 asap,
PIT Via : , , ,
Clti lot on Wiot 11th St, wo 140; Pelee $2.600.
do do ' 10th do 756, do ,
do do ith rt. do, i 8 U..
do do 11th ' do 661, do 1,44*.
~ do lleol," do 1,500
City lots on West 7th St, Non. 1462, 140 and . NCO
inch $l,OOO.
West her of ont•lotaV32 and :in, in lots to salt par
chasers; terms easy.
number of tote In-ont4ot 280, on DuDelo Road.
BIOS c,lty-lote ortt4ot 697 Wpr 4 10tb, lltb Sts.;
the Altitter property.
- E5.443i, 4. KEPLER,
- - Aviatiasad Deshroth 11W Estate;
. .
' !teed !Tense. Este, Pi.
... ,
Thera cornet& glad !Silage of joy to all, - •
To 'oiler and to old. to riot and to small; -
The beauty lad& cmca was to redone acd rare,
is free to all, and all mac befeir.
by TUE USK OP . • ,
, .
-anAB7-sLt.:An.s • .
~ - ~ •1
For froprovingesid Saratifylng the Compleiton.
The most valuaateiand perfect proparation in nee (or
giving thie skin • ben' ntiful pearblas tint that to only
found in youth. ft quietly 11120 Tell tan. freckles. rm.
Phi. blotches, moth pitehe, sidlownets, intuitions, rid
all iniparitlas of the skin, kindly healing the same,
leiavlag the skin whits and elesras alabaster. its see
,essoot be detected by the timed medley, and being a
wegstabl• preparation is perfailly hsruilcsa. It la the
Only article of the kind used by thieTrench. and ta con
dilated by-the Parisian es iodiapsneablelo a perfect tot.
let. Upward/ of WACO bottles wins mold during the pest
:IPraP, a stfrielent guarantee °fits 'Macy. • Priv" only
75 eanb. Sent by mail. pest-sald, on receipt of an or
der, by DE.Tio.SR, SPUTTS & CO., Chemists,
- fabLVIST-ly. - 2Z5 Meer St., Ttoy, M. Y.
A tri,,LIOTBD-,
81.1' Elt
When b• thence of Dr. JONTILDITB ELIXIR you
can be cored tiermasently and It a trilling eNit.
Theaetonishinsaoepepwbichhe.-attendedthu In-
medfcjois for phystoet sad nervous weakness,
general &tat, and prostration, loam of tniumular- en
ergy impotency or any of the coneinnences of yontbfril
indiscretion, renders it the moat ransalle • preparetfon
ever discovered. -
It will e mote all nervous affections, depressionost
eitement, tom**, to lin dy or busluese, lots ameba.
017. mansion, thoughts of ooltdestroetton, halo( li
sanity, he 'twill restore the appetite, rettewthalusafth
of those who hate destroyed it by sensual unto or
Ml to azticea
Yowls met', be bumbussed no mote by t Quack Doe
tors" and ignorant poustitioasos, basso:id without de
lay for the an/ beat oats restored to health and
happiness. A perfect cute is suarantoed in ems in
stance. Price $l, or four bottles to one address sn.
Otse bottle fa rattelent to street a core In all ordinary
dunk DI. Ailirrn.t.Ne Seismic Mc., for the speedy
and permit:pat care of Gonorhos, Glatt, Urethral Ills
chimer, Gravel, Stricture and all affections of the Kid
neys and Bladder. Com affected in from one to Ave
days. Theyare crewed hem saleable extracts that
are harmless on the system. and never nauseate the
stomseh or impregnate the breath. No thane of diet
is neastury while using them, nor does their action in
boxany manner Warfare with bushier. pursuits. $1 per
Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent
to any address, stately sealed and poet raid. by malt or
express, on 'taint ef mire. Address alt orders to
teb21137-Iy. ' Fa. =I River 9t, Tray,
A .TitoLo G Y.
At Ronderfut revelations
Ph. tweesla 11•014.11 oo mortal ;CMOs: oil. She restore.
to happiness those who, from doleful. tohstils,
thies. crosses in love, lot, of relatione sod friend,, kite
of money, At. have become deepondent. She brings
farther. those rang seranifed; Ohl information con.
cerning absent friends or lovers, riiteres lest or stolen
rroperty tells you the business you .'skirt qualified to
Pursuit causes speedy merriere and toile you the ve re
day you will warry. glees you the name. Menem and
characteristic. of the person. She reef, you very
Choi:ribs and by her almost seperneteritil powers an
veils the dint end bidden mysteries of the future. From
the stars we ye io the fiTlD.meat—tb• malefic stars
that overcome or predominate in the onntirraticov..
from th.verictit sad peettione - oe the planets and the
aged stare ie the heevitei st the time of birth, she. die
datestfoi f-tiere d2 -of men. Fail not to coeval&
the rratestArtrolo It emits ems for a
Wilk% and .'tfcrinai grits have ho favorable an op.
portesity. Ciensultattas ;se,
l i lt ikees an
consultthe game by mil *Ph squat safety and galls.
fsetbeete theenaelies , ulf le semen. A full and ex
plicit clitirtorrittivroutoefih all inquiries armee d
endlikeneleenelosel. sent by toll ea receipt of pries
strove mentioned. The strictest mores, will be main
tained, and ell correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the MAW' ord." lettilsbikktboge desir
ing theca. Write pleidly the divot tie month and year
in which you were bard. enclosing • mull lock of heir.
P. 0. Drawer 293, Petrillo, 511 Y.
Minor away 5 our ham frinar.lroararltelea. your wiz..
Dratrcortra of comical. and sot worth a OR:
Corns Aged come youthful, coats nal. and hdr.
And mini." in your own luxuriant hair. ' •
For teetering hair upon bald beads (from whatever
canes it may have Callen net) and forting • growth of
hair neon the tam, it hu no equal. It will (ores the
beard to grow upon the smoothest (am la from dye to
eight ovals, or hair upon bald heads in Ohm two to
Um... months. A few treoraot practitioner have as
serted that thee. la 'lathier that will form or batten
the riewth of the heir or burl. Their user lons 00
false, as thousands of living witnesses, from their nitre
erperienee ein bear ',Meg. But maor will ear, bow
at. we to distinyaish the gentilee from the sporloael ,
It eettainly Is Mien°, ea eitortenthe of the ell:tenet
prepinitiore stovertined for tee hair and beard are en
Orel, worthless, and eon mat have alrvedr thrown
away larval:novels in their purchase Tn end:,
would say, try the Reparator C spill': it will e-et you
notbingenless it 6,11 y code* ell terror repress - titian..
It .oar drosgt4 does not keep it send be nee dod.r
we will yorward't, poet paid. togetti-r with &weep% foe
the envoy, which will N. ridarnA you at atmliestior,
pioriiiing entire asti•fietion ie net elven . eddrowe
W L (LARK A; CO „Chemist!
No. 3 Wig Vs3ettiitzt , S 3 races*, N.Y.
M AN HOOD.;-.llosvlostl Ilow Restored
• and sublisbed a new edit! to o.
0, 4 :gra-. Cuiverwatrir zeichraild -.may on .tho
.radical core (wilbout_medielne) of
Sperms/4 , lTbm%. Of retpleal Weaknrap.
Involohtary ?famine Lome*. lospoteneyAlantal
Phystcal locaranity. impedimenta to Warrlage, etc.;
also Consumption. Italletar, and Fits Wham! by s•Ir•
Indograer or onnal travaranca.
vv.. Peet LO • IP • ? d envelope. Gel 6 can to.
The celebrated' lithos in thin Wadeable canny clearly
41 . 1 : 00 : 11 tntoo , flout a thirty yearn' entemnfol practice,
IhAt the Mumma correqueocee of ecif-above acme be
radically eland willmot lbw dangerous oil of internal
medielno or as 'animation of the tape—pointing out
a mode of core at once cerluirti end effectoal. by
sonata of 'bleb every anfferer, no matter what hi. con
dition may be, may cure himaellebeaoly trieetely and
radically. . -
cir this Penn ahonid be Witte hands of leery
loath in the land.
Font ender ineelope, to taloa/hies
peatistd. on tecolpt of aim costive." too poit statspe.
Addrealt the pilltitokors.
: • - J en..
eitsszor_.lTaireq, Nit One. 6r.3! 4611 t.
pens' 'er,sugury wnseks MOD.
— Prete/led irotat.',..T4v It , sad you
- MT* iNft other inntliAtenal noly
Nu. IR NottlillattSiNst.
Ihikria NW& grip
Cawtr. Ps. a: Li• -Y/00 4 5. !MAR*,
kir CIVIL Esarini AND tionsto i ,
gfatnici , earan Rath t!treet and Icsniseran,
. jai-err
"111 yours astablithod to N.Y.City."
ly WOOIs totasillfsksovo."
hos I , tot Poison,:
daapions to tits Russo Tatolly..•
"Eats coma out of their bolos to diet"
"COSTAR'S" RAT, a,a013, 8 , [SPERM'S
Ti o, paste—um) tar }Lao: Me*, Rosh..,
Blatek and Rod Apt*, *e., act.
Is a liquid or wash—usad to 4t.troy, sal
also ea a preraotatirs far Bei Bugs, &e.
I, (or /lathe, 11 , squttoot, ?knit Rod putil,
truants on Planta, Potts, Antedate, &a.
cir 1 I I amiii 1 1 bOu ll warililaaa traitatkma.
Cr Sea that isCoaraa'a* own to mama& Itoz . Sot
tlie and Pb. Wl*? $0 - bay.
Addmo, URlntir R. COSTAR.
• 111 Hroadway, N. Y.
II Unlit% sod retail dealers
Sold in Erto,
ST..&'R•;' .$"
Fat C Barn a, Wound", Botta. Canner%
Broken Elasaats. Rots Nipples. Bliadlog, Blind and
Palatal nu. Sadalana. "'nub' sad .B.l4ondltionad
lions; Bloom olandulas Svellinp..Ernatiens. Matson
au Ailaatrons, Btnenarna, Bab; Cone, Beaton, Cb.ll.
[meet ,
Wain*, ba.;
Animals, Chapped Honda. Uri, tc.; alto of spiders.
Boxsx 23 eon% 60 eant. and St atm .
Bold by all Drnstgblia everywhere. 2
And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 494 Broadway,
N. Y.
For Conat, 00alora, Warta, ke,
Baass, 25 ati, 50 !sts.'asai sir.
ati D A ' WrCOW i t r i i ttlpot 484 Broadway,
N. Y.
Used to — sofbou .td beautify the Stith remove Freckles,
Ladles are noir Wag It to the%sell other.
Bottles di.
Peld - tersU Lruggists evoyetherc - - -
And by HOMY - B. COSTAR. Depot 434 Broadoe3
K. Y.
%. GTO
Tbro. 0.
f Or' -copal it ,
....110.....• Ip%
Vol. Coughs, C01d0,13 ol s .. OW_.., o t Ihn IVO
Whooping Cough, inS .• lO s s lvitaw •
Bronchia Affections, it; na
Lam. oi. OW'
Bottles, SS eta.. SO at ' ,-. ;' 4 . $1
.475 0 1;01. 04 II"'
• . • S him /
86 .4114 1 a l a
11 / 2 / 1 : 'N. Y.
. •- .
Tor Normal I
o=zi t o =
bola by an DI
&ad II =X
ber."l: B'6 7 lag
• A. spring spproaches
Ants anti Boobs
From that/ holes soar oat
- And Rim and Batt
to spite of mils. -
Gaily ably about.
" . 9 0 . 8 T A B'8"
:;" COST 4'll ' S "
PI 0 0°
_lt ST)
Qs l.l ` ll
•aers,- sd
• - !ia eta, sot St
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