The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 28, 1867, Image 3

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    Item, of Local Interest.
tit Weektlli Obotart. The name of John Gansheimer, Esq.. was
omitted test week from the list of Directors of
the German Ravings Institfition.
1 Despairing of getting a new county the Ti.l
tueville people want to divide the honors of
1 the county seat with Meadville, by having the
_courts held alternately in both places,'
- - The...oiLand_waste house. of the Erie hr.
Pittsburgh R. 11. 1 . was destroyed by fire on
Friday morning, 41 4 .31Ac0e o'clock, entailing
a loss of aboht S6,o* on which there was no
LEARN TRADES, BOTS...—ETPTy close Ut‘lNtri.•
d . er knows that the proportion of shiftless,
‘od r for-nothinc young men has largely in.
cretpei within the last few years,•partionlirly
:n this and o her large cititieti, but those who
iiscu.s the subject seem to be at d los:0V? the
true e xplAna , ion. In our judgment theiquPe
is one of iery,easy solution. We attribute
to the . ..pith of (also prid+ which induces
parents to put their boys in stores and offices,
an 1 to have them study . professions, rather
than to apprentice them to good trades.
In this city, at the present time, merchants,
ankers, insurance- men and ;others of this
claim are - overrun with applications from pa
rents who want situations for. their hope, but
ininutacturers find it almost impossible to get
Nppr eut ices It was not so in=former times.
Fifty pears ago—much later in fact—parents
Generally regarded a trade as something e 4
„post in the preparation of their bonier the
',wk. of life. Even men whose circumstances
did not require them to do marine' work, made
it a'point`to have their boys learn trades, in
order to give them practical ideas about busi-
ness.•to make them industrious, and also to
furnish them something to fall back upon in
ease ot}adversity. flow is it now f Mechanics
and 14boringmen, even, hays too generally
Imbibed the ides that they ought to place their
buys a peg above the drudgery of manual la
i her. They seem to think that they are not
I doing justice to them unless _lace them
1 i 7, petitions where they can -wear - "nobby"
-I clothes and keep their hands white. There
.11 n ever 1/31 a greater mistake. •
, .
Locket the leading men in our country,
from the President down, and you wilt see as
a rule it is the men who learned trades in their
. youth who have become foremost, in every
branch-of progress and enterprise The boy
.1 ' who is placed in a store or office usually gets
-,-, his head full of vanity and 'self 7 conceit before
he has been long in his position. He acquires
.g an inordinate love of dress, and soon becomes
:•..t so puffed up in his own estimation that prao
: tics! common sense can find no- lodgement in
f hie .brain. His aim _is to dress as well and
i live as high as those with whom he comes 1n
- lcontact, anti he is quite likely to go from bob
its of extravaganco to habit! of disPipatior
.-; We do not wish to be understood as saying
that this is the road which all boys travel
- ..lar ho do - Mot learn trades. We simply tray that
)orch is the tendency, and it requires a boy of
good mind. fortified by rod eirly training, to
4ebt4t the temptation. The boy who input to
;its trade,on the other hand, gives vanity but lit
:7 l e c hi fee to get hold of him He ecq tires
4riecticet ideas about business ; his habits are
91 , 10 b y frugality and coon .my, and he
- `1 : ys t he flundation of a good, useful and in
urinate citizen. The idea that manual labor
not rgpectitble, is one of the absurdest
f s
.. hinge in this age of absurdities. No person
,4. it h a. I himbletal of brains will say anything
r the Lind, and those.silly creatures who do
y 50 are generally the degenerate stmins of
t r ri-workiug Mechanics. Boys, whether high
low, rich or poor, ought to learn a trade,—
T om chit the, should always work at it, but
A tha: they may have it as eserve capital, to
fe,her etithl its influence in forming their char
suer. •
1 • Pim'. & Eats R R.—lt appears from the
port of the Penna. R. R. Co: that a lobe of
278,662 resulted to that corporation last year
~ J a the working of the Phila. Sr. Erie R. L—
e total receipts being $2,541,051 and the ex
nditures $2,819,713. The explanation- of
is result, which will surprise most readers,
, thus given by President Thompson : '
. “The loss is'largely to be attributed to the
i cond4tion of the older bridges erected by
e Philsdelphis I: Erie Railroad Company
er the...SthOebanna, and the unfinished
erecter of the work generally, upon the
ele line •
: ••The passenger' travel has fallen off during
e year; in sympathy with that of nearly all_
the other railirays of the country. To this
e l i l n f e r o li m a t s h e a dt decay had
of the oil region,
accommodation has to be
id e e,e r dp a tet l he ' oeui d iiik e am p ttih r y e ese e l s teor ii acs n iin . ot - efra th ter i n s avt
-The ton • age of the Philadelphia & Erie is
stly made up of cheap products, that can
iv be low rates of tra'eportation
ich, under the existing condition of the
' sioess of the. country, are inadequate to
et the cost of their movement at the per
tege stipulated in the Jesse of the road.
is trek has been quite irregular daring
- ,
past year ; though in the aggregate it has
. gely increased over that of 1865,-irod must
ticue to . grow with the increase of the pop
tios of the region traversed, while the rel.
ye transportation expense* can only •be re ,
ed by this enlargement of its business and
14 11 in the prices of labor and materials.
", •ArrMigemente are being made to increase
• business of the road by the_establiehment
is lioe s hf s'eamers between Erie and the
er lake ports, under the patronage of this
;piny, with anticipations of successful re
The-future of this great work is very en
raging. but its t-affte, as in all other simi,
prejlcts, will require the application or
itat and time to devetope. The transpor
00 facilities are Ample for. the acoommoda
of all the business that can be offered to
uring the present year."
TIE PR TBADC,—"The number of wells
• g bored et present in the oil region," the
olenm Centre gra lays, "in comparison
• those going down at this time last year.
thl Creek anditio tributaries, from Titus
(o Oil City, the number of wells on which
log has commenced and which are now
c is but 93." Perhaps at no period since
origin of the trade lin petroleum has there
• such a complete prostration of baldness
4 at section as at present. The general =-
anon of a rise in - oil during the winter
~, met with signal disappointment. Oil is
..e i the wells at the exceedingly low fig
of from $1:80 to $2 00 per barrel, with a
r prospect for a fail than a rise. The
_ um' for all engaged in the oil business,
:ally small well owners and refiners, is
-y in the extreme.
, t) ARE H , IPPT ?—Lord Byron said: "The
.auies and working men who can maintain
families are, in my 'opinion, the happiest
of men. Poverty is wretchedness, but
Poverty is, perhaps, preferred to the
le!f. unmeaning dissipation of high or
" Another author says: "I have no tiro
ity to envy any one, least of all the rich
great; but if I were disposed to - this
Pes3, the subjectraf my envy would be a
by young man, in full possession of his
•gth, and faculties; going forth in the
-.lug to work for his wife and children, or
;log teem home his wages at night."
exchange. tells a rather dubious story
.. o lady In Obio,who, traveling in a rail
car, with one of her feet out of the win
had her leg torn off in crossings bridge."
a shame that s lady can't - assume such a
efial attitude while trarleling on the Ohio
'ad! without haying her legs crushed en
w”' 'Congress ought to send out Alpe
cocimittet and investigate . the matter, for
rst thing they know some coloreds/ 1 14
be lamed for life. •
Monday morning, of last week, s terri
client happened in the , family of Mr.
" 0 Kelly. Cleveland. One of his child
ilittle boy aged three years, was playing
► tub of hot 'water, when: he was pushed
it, by some of the neighbors' children,
sse in suddenly. The little one wag
' calf scalded. It lingered in gust ago
is died-
Wednesday morning, at four o'clock,
inearsoce. ,
Dr. Galbraith t ii.lrvilte, taloa died at Warren
recently, was Demeerat4 nominee for Con.
cress, against Gen. Reed, in 1843, The con
test was very close' the\General's majority
having been only 48:
The Corry Telegiaph is advocating the di-
Visir of our county; and the formation of a
new one, with that city as the county seat.
When the Telegraphist/mods in the movement
we she'll let our readers know.
The whole Democratic ticket for localefft
ceis has been elected in Brokenstraw' town
shir, Warren county,—E. M. Biddle, for Jus-
tice of the Peace, hating received 42 majority,
and D. W. Fisk, for Constable, 121 niajoiiity.,
The latest - sensation at Pithole is the eloini
ment of a Mrs. Smith.from her husband with
a "free 'wryer" by the name of Rogere. Smith
had suspected his wife of too close intimacy
with Rogers for some time. The "misguided
woman leaves four children at Pithole.
Hon. G. W. Scofield will please accept our
thanks for a complete set of the Congressio
nal Globe, for the last session. The conduct of
Mr. S. in respect to furnishing editors of Op
position papers in his district with important
documents, has been very marked in contrast
with that of his iinmeditse predecessor.
The following the weight per bushel of
the griine, seeds, mentioned, as zed by
act of.Legialature : Wheat 60 lbs.: corn 56
lbs.; rye 66 lbs.; bran 30 lbs.; barley 48 lbs.;
buckwheat 48 lbs.; oats 20 lbs.; beans 60 lbs.;
clover seed 6048.; timothy seed 4616•.; dried
peachei 33 lbs.; dried apples 22 lbs.; flaxseed
It must have been something of such a day
as we have had two or three ot, this winter,
of which the London Punch says : "The
slippery pavements were very trying to all
classes, Acrobats lumbled for n , thing hank
ers lost their balance ; farmers grazed their
shins; soldiers embraced the flags; tailors
measured their lengths ; ands revelers tripped
in all directions."
A• a dist tt brace in Babylon, Warren 001311
ti; -- on &natty before last, a_ party of roughs
amused themselves by beating a stalwart ne
gro over the head, with an iron rod. The War
ren flail (Radical) says: '•The blows were
heavy and bent the iron badly, hut the woolly
pate held its - own, and at last, hot eless of
malting an impression. the scoundrels ceased
from their unprovoked asedilt."
.The office of Justice of the Peace in Petro_
leum Centre, must be profitable if We may
j edge by the number.of cases tried.before that
tribunal. The Era says, "Over five hundred
and fifty oases have been tried before Esquire
Durtgby, since the 26th of September last—
an average of—a-little over foal cases per day.
It is with some diffienity that the constable
and deputy manag l e to do/he "outside work."
LtClTHE.—Justias We go to press, a tele
gram has been ieceived_ by the Executive
Co.omittee of the ;Whittier Literary Associa-
tion, from Miss Clara Barton, the Florence
Nightingale of America,' naming Thuieday
evening, March itb, for her lecture in this
city. Her ooun•ction with, and labors in a
cause so near the heart of every American,
will secure ber a warm recption. -
A bill has been intvduced into the State
Legislators, and wieprobebly pass, which
provides for a new method of selecting jurors.
Two Commissioners=tme
. of each party—are
to be elected anomaly in each county, who,
with thiSheriff, are to select and draw•the
jurors on and *after next October.• The jury
Commissioners are to be paid the 'same per
diem as the County Commissioners receive.
The Odd Fellows of Warren have procured
o splendid monument, to be erected upon their
lot in Oakland Cemetery, at that place. It is
said to be the largest marble monument in
the State, and When in position will be thirty
one feet and ten'inches high. The foundation,
four feet and sit inches high, is to be of Tenn
etylvania sand stone. The monument is
beautifully designed and finely executed and
will be an ornament to the grounds: It was
furnished by ayermont firm.
We are gratified to announce that the Reed
House hai at length obtained a landlord The
lessee is Mr. Baum, a Syracuse banker, who
has operated largely in the oil region, and the
house Will be under the immeiiiate supervision
of Mr4John 11. Laird, who has some consid-
Oabla riputation as a hotel keeper. Those
who are acquainted with these. parties, say
they are the "rightinen in the right place,"
and we anticipate a highly successful opening
of the hotel, in consequence. • -
Not long since, Mayor Scott went to Wash
ington. atm in co-operation with Mr Scofield.
secured an extra appropriation of 520.000 for
the impiovement of our harbor, making $60,-
000 in all. A large portion of this amount is
to be applied to the extension of the North
pier, at _theentrance.
The above is from the Erie Observer. Yet
that paper will probably join the Dispatch at
some future time in denouncing Mr Scofield
as untrue to the interests of Erie.—Corry Tel
egraP h •
Yes, the Observer does denounce Mr, See
field as being "untrue to the interests of Erie.'
When Dunkirk can piocure an arpropriation
of $lOO,OOO. and Ashtabula of $54,000, while
Erie receives the comparatively trifling sum of
525.000, it allows that somebody is negligent of
his duty. Who that somebody is, can easily
he decided
A farmer named Wm. S. Tracy, of Fairview,
wae, seriously injured on Tuesday, near the
post office, in attempting to climb on his wag
on, betweefi the fore and hind wheels, while
in motion. His foot slipping he fell, the hind
wheel striking his right leg between the ankle
and knee, crushing the bones and injuring the
leg in suhh a manner as to probably disable
him for months, should be even be forthinate
enough to stave the limb. He received every
attention.-purgical and otherwise, and aunt
home. .-
On Monday afternoon of laid week, Charles
F. Gretter, a young man employed at well No.
2. on lease 60 Stevenson Farm, met with a
terrible accident which resulted in his death,
under the following circumstances : A cow
panion who stood in front of him; was enlist
ed in making a trial of his strength by raising
a piece of iron pipe above his head which he
did, but the weight being too heavy' swayed
backward and fell from his grasp, the end
striking young Gretter in the abdominal re
gions, inflicting *vies which .caused hil
death in fifty-eight hours from the time of the
We notice by the prOceedings of the Conn
- len appropriation of $l5O has been
made to meet the espense of taking the pity
census. While we warmly Savor the idea of
having a census taken, it is to be hoped that
the task will not be attempted just at present.
The depletion of our- hotels and boardiag
houses of their usual number of inmates,
shows that many who are residents of Meetly
during the lively season. have taken up their
temporary location elsewhere. The time for
taking a census is when the lake and canal
trade opens. what all who are properly to be
regarded as a portion of out population are
teddies atuag on ,
Senatorial Investigating Committee.
Testimony of D. F. U. Lynn, Esq., and
Gen. D. D. McCreary.
The following le the testimony of Messrs.
Lynn end McCreary, of this city, before the
Legislative Committee appointed to investigate
the charges of corruption in . conviction with
the election of (len. Cameron to the U. 8.
January 22d,1867.
The committee met it: the call of the chair
man. Present; Messrs Lowry and Graham,
of the Senate, and Messrs. Stumbaugh, Marks
and Westbrook, of the House.
Mr. IL F. B. Lynn appearing he was swore.
Q. tty Mr. Lowry. Where do you reside,
and what is your occupation?
A. I reside at Erie, Pennsylvania. I am
the editor and publisher of the Erie Dispatch.
Q ,By the same. Do you know of any money
being paid, or other improper influenecif being
exerted to procure the nomination or election
of a United States Senator
A. I have no knowledge of any money be
log used ; but I have knowledge of what is
considered improper means having been
Q. By the same. What were the imprdper
means of which you speak, and upon whom
were they used ?
A. In a conversation with Colonel McCrea
ry, in which I attempted to convince him that
he would best subserve the interests of his
'constituents, and fulfill the pledges he was
understood to have made to them. by support
ing Glovernor Curtin for United States Sena
tor, he informed me that; Governor Curtin
and his friends had refused to sustain him in
his application for position ; and, that inas
much as Mr. Cameron and hie friends bad
tendered him the position of Adjutant General
of Pennsylvania, ha would support Mr. Cam
• Q. By the same. For whom. did Col. Mc-
Creary Tote?
A. So far solknow, "or am informed, be
voted far Curti , .
Q By the e e. Do you know of any other
fact. srbiolt you deem improper, to proonre the
election of U.. 8. Senator ?
A. I have no personal knowledge of any
other fact. Ron. J. K. Moorhead assisted me
that he positively and sacredly believed that
corrupt means. in the nee of money, and prom
ises of position, had positively , been used to
effect the nomination of 'Mr. Cameron.
- Q. By the same. Did Mr. Moorhead - toll you
that Getters' Cameron -defeated him for the
nomination for Governor at the time General
Geary received it!
A. No, sir. .
Q By the same". Letters have frequently
appeared in your paper, dated at'llarriOurg,
charging corruption ots members of the Leg
islature, you will please state. who wrote
.A. I can give you the information without
giving the names. I have talked with them
and am convinced that their statements were
made up from street rumers and hotelo_nver•
Q. By the same. Mr. Lynn, it is important
to this committee, for the &mid ttion of their
inquiries, that the names thee eorre.-
pondents should be given. Yoa will please
give - there.
A. I hive already given you the Information
which they gave me, upon their word of honor,
as facts.
Q. By the saute. Mr. Lynn, the committee
mart insist upon having their names. Please
give them.
A. Their names are sacred to me. and no..
lees I am compelled to giie them, I prefer not
to give their names.
Q. By the same. The cause of justice re
quires thci names o' these correspondents,and,
if fciti — roltase to give them, we shall report you
to the Legislature as being in contempt of its
authority, and ask that you may be punished
for withholding longer the names which the
committe_aalc. for.
(At this point itir. Lynn regnestell time to
consider. and the committee adjournad uniirg
o'clock p. m.)
On the re-assembling of,,the committee at 8
o'clock p. m., Mr. Lynn appeared and said,
"Upon consultation with authority, I find that
I am compelled by the regulations governing
snob matters, to respond correctly to your
question. But, inasmuch as editors are re,'
eponsible always • for the action of their cor
respondents, and I assume responsibility in
this case, the committee will do me a favor If
they will relieve me from Answering the ques
tion; and more especially, because 'I assure
the committee that my correspondents do not
know anything personally in relation to this
Upon which Mr. Lynn was relieved from
giving the names.
Q. By Mr. Lowry. Do you know any other
fact or thing that will elucidate the matter
under investigation
A. I do not.
B. F. H. LYNN.
February 6th, 1866.
The committee met in Senatecommittee
room No 3. \Present—Mt. Lowry, of the Sen
ate, sad Mesers. Stumbaugh, Wdstbrook and
Marks; of the House.
Colonel D. 1. McCreary appeared and was
* Q. By Mr. Lowry. Do you know of any Im
proper means, or undue influences being used
to procure the nomination and election of att.
8. Boaster ?
A. I know of none whatever.
Q. By, same. The appointment of Adjutant
General -of Pennsylvania has been tendered
you. Are you indebted to Gen. Cameron for
that appointment'
„A I am indebted to ao one, thst know
of, for that appointment but Governor
Q. By same. Did jou receive the appoint
ment with any conditions attached, or any in
timation from Governor Geary, or any One
else, that you would be Incanted to vote for
any particular candidate for United States
Sena , or
A. I did not.
Mr. Lowry said ; "We have read the testi li
mony cf Mr' Lynn to you. Do you desire to
makeany statement in regard to it ?" . •
- A. Yes. Mr. Lynn and myself had a con
versation in relation to the Senatorship, and
other matter. in connection with the organt
Cation of the House, and the State Adminis
tration: I' said to him that as a general thing
the friends of Governor .'urtin hid opposlid
me in my efforts for the Speakerehip of the
House of Representatives; that they seemed
to have united on Col. Quay. I also told him
that the triends of the other Senatorial-candi
dates had, at least, treated me fairly. That
Col. Forney had published a very fair article
for me in the Philadelphia Press. That th'
friends of Mr. Stevens had made no effort
against tae, and that my friends had informed
me that, so far as they knew, Gen. Cameron
had spoken favorably of my claims for the po
sition ; although his personal choice, as I a!-
ways understood, was either Col. Glass or Mr.
Wa idea, from the fact that they were person
al and political friends. Subsequently, .but
during the same conversation, I said to Mr.
Lynn that a strong effort was being made by
some of the opponents of Gen, Cameron - to
prevent a nomination for United States Sena
tor being made this winter, and thus throw
the election over until next winter. The same
thing was done a few years ago, and in souse
quenee of this Gov. Bigler was elected at the
ensuing - session, and that I was afraid, if it
were done now, the time result might follow.
I said that this effort to prevent a nomination
and endanger the election of a Republican,
would meet with determined opposition from
the great body of the Republicans of both
Houses ; and rather than run the risk of hav
ing Edgar Cowan or Governorßigler, or some
such man, elected next winter to the United
States Senate for six years, I would vote a
thousand times for Gen. Cameron, and the Re
publicans of Erie county would justify me in
so doing. This was the only contingency in
which 1 told Lynn I would vote for Gen. Ca
meron. When the caucus met I became otitis -
fled that the effort to prevent a nomination had
been abandoned,.and. I then voted for Gover
nor Curtin•
With respect to the Adjutant Generalcy, I
told Lynn that the friends of all the candi
dates for United States Senator had, as I un
derstooltadvised my appointment, and that
they all urged me very strongly to accept it;
and none more eo than the friends of Gover
nor Curtin. The appointment was made by
Governor Geary, without any solicitation on
my part, and without say conditions whatever
on his.
The chairman (Col. Stambaugh) now hid
before the committee the following communi:
cation from Mr. Lynn, dated Erie, Pa., Jan.
24, 1867:
Col. iltaxabaagh. Chairman of Joint Committee .
of Investigation :
NAIL Sot—From evidenes Which' hsebeen
famished ms by CoL Meerney. I am satisfied
that the testimony latch I gave the Joint In
veitipting Comities in his ease, concerning
a conversation between him slut myseu re-
Wed. as he Unstated to yov. the lipeakenthip
instead of the &thetas% elwasisWp. this
correction I submit for such use as the com
mittee see proper to make of it. "
Fours, &c.,
(Signed) B. -F. H. LY3iN.
4 ), It is but justice to the editor of the Die
patch to say that hkelaims - that his evidence
is not fairly given, and that beintimates that
the committee threatened him with imprison
ment unless he gave the name of hie fisfris
burg correspondent, or took the responsibility
of the latter's statements ition.his own shoul
We would call the attention of out. ieaders
to the advertisement in this ism of; Messrs.
&W. Jenkinson, No. 6 Federal street, Al
legheny City. This firm is well and favorably
known in the business community, and their
trade mark is surety of excellence througfitut
the country. They have bed large experience
in the manufacture of chewing tobacco, a
specialty in the trade in which they are not
surpassed by any other manufacturers In the
State. AU the leading brands in the market
including the pure "natural leaf," are manu
factured by them. They deal extensively in
cigars, smoking tobacco, pipes, tubes, pouches
stems and every other article, usually found
in similar first Class establishments.
A writer in the Harrieburk Patriot, while
on a visit to tho State How,. met with the
following incident ;
We met in the rotunda one of the most di
lapidated specimens of humanity we have ever
seen. He was unshaved ; his clothes all tat.
tered and torn, and his generalappesiance as
dirty as dirt could make it. He accosted one
of the grave and 'reverend Seigniturs of the
Senate, begging for a
_stamp big ehough to
buy a.drsm with,
"Ga. to
burly Senator.
blazes 1" bleated out the
"Well," soliloquized the poor fellow,.'•l am
hungry; I am dirty and ragged, but I'll be
cussed if I sm mean enough' to be a member
of the Pennsylvania Legislatarar '
The report of the New Orleans note stretch
es out to a greater length than we anticipated,
and priients us from giving our usual varie
ty. It is so lateresting, however, that we
presume most of our readers will not com
plain.' Nett week we shall try to make up
for the deficiencies of the two last beam.
News of the Week.
Banfrancisco is increasing in else with wok
derful rapidity, and a visitor of ten . years ago
would hardly know the place.•
- A superstitions madman in Hungary killed
four children and 'ate their hearts, believing
that by so doing be would have power to be
come invisible. .
A ten d-ys' Widow in Petersburg bought a
new wedding trousseau for *self and a
tombstone for her scarcely cold liege at the
same time
Tho colored residents of Washington have
nominated Mr.-Cook, President of the Freed
man', Relief Association, as their candidate
or Mayor, one of their number.
Couple were married recently in Sagi
naw City, Michigan, who had never seen each
other before their wedding day: The coart
ship was done by correspondence.
• t
Tile railroads of this country employ two
hundred, and at least a million
of men, women, and childrei depend for their
support upon the railroad interest. •
At the last term of Court in Crawford .coun
ty, Judge Johnson levied nearly $6OO in fines
upon the liquor sellers, the proceeds of which
will go to the sohcol fund of the county.
John Shear, s pr:minent citizen of Colum
bus, Ky., who went with *party of good fel
lows to pull a comrade out of bed as a joke,
was shot dead by .their victim, who didn't
know his friends in the dark. .
&correspondent writing from Berkshire,
Massachusetts, says: It May seem incredible,
but by actual measurement - there are snow
drifts found of the depth of 25 feet.—.weird,
fantastic Titan drifts they are. • -
A lady of Preston, Conn., lately gave birth
to two infants so diminutive that one of them
weighed less than one pound and a half,
while the other .Ras but little over two-and•a
half pounds. Bo says a Boston paper.
A Massachusetts gentleman who had been
mach annoyed by a solicitor of fonds, reel:ug
ly gave him a cheok for twenty dollars, paya
ble to the "biggest bore. in' Plymouth." It
had not been presealid at last accounts.
It must be amusing to go .marketing in Tex
as with prices like these : Fine beeves are
selling' from fourteen to fifteen dollars each,
for specie.; sheep are selling at one:dollar and
a half per heed, and pork from two and a half
to five oentsler pound.
A mannamed Anthony McGill was arrested
In Pallet - ion, New Jersey, last wedueadey for
having taken of en, other man's wife and"
when brought before a Justice, both he and
the woman-swore that he paid the husband
$6 and a quart of rum for the woman. Bcob,
were committed, however, because McGill
could not show a receipt.. ,
As ARMY or ST CDENTll.—Diiritg the past ten
years, upwards of fifteen thousand student..
rementing ery . state in the Colon. have
attended the Icon City College, Pittsburg.
Pa,-a larger number than ever before have as
tended any one institution in America is the
same time The immense popularity of this
is attributable to the superiority of its system
of initruetion, which commbines both theory
and - practice ail carried out in actual- busi
nees, \so that when • young man graduates
here, he is prepared at once to enter upon the
active duties of life. A Diploma from this
collage is • sure - passport to success, as no
higher recommendation could be desired or
is required among business men.
Te■ PSCiPLL'a Cumcs.—There is prob
ably no one -medicine that has cured
more people of bard colds, coughs, influenza
and throat difficulties, than Coe 'e Cough Bal
sam, whilst irt_ebBoB of croup and
cough, It ps remarkable far its speedy warm
Coe 'e Dys,p4sis Cure. There is no need of
any one's..having the dyspepsia, for it bas
been demonstrated beyond fear of contradic
tion that Coe's.Dyepepsis Care will certainly
cure It. Conatipation,the most prolifio cause
of ill health, is. , nrely cured by the Cure.
Sice.leadaebe, cramps, pains, or cold in
either st 'mach orbowels, instantly yield to its
power. - •
8. D. & H. W; Smrra's OM:ANL—These are
the organs that took the first premium over
all competitors at the great St. Louis fair, in
October last. nothing more appro
priate for a pesent than an American Organ.
Give the church one, tha Sabbath school one,
and the llinister one. Music, such as may be
produced from them, will benefit ueall. The
moral.s_.of society may be improved, and the
young whin their use 9nd• a way to upend
many a happy hour, that will do them and
others goed.—Topeka (i 10.,.) Record. •
We have been privileged to examine the
American Organs, manufactured. in Boston,
Maas., by S. D, dt R. W. Smith. For parlor
or church music, and as an accompaniment
to singing for an instrument of its size, we
have never heard anything more rich or
grand. We were not surprised to learn that
the manufacturers find it difficult to
the demand for their instruments. The
chn.rob demand alone would be a match for
the enterprise and chill of this' large estab
lishm -tat. No congregation is excusable for
having poor music, when it is so easy to im
prove it et Belittle cost, by tne4urchase of
one of these organs. As an ad on to the
parlor,,they rank hardly second to the piano.
There is a rich fulness inttheir tone, a varie
ty and power in expression that Is an invalu
able addition to the home singing.—Evansvill e
(lad.,) Journal.
The introduction of actual business in e
course of halal •g, is a new feature in com
mercial colleges, and without disparagement
to any other, we tan safely say that the Iran
City College, of this city,'ls the only institu
tion in which him been carried into success
ful operation. The enperority tf this system
over any merely theoretical scum, can not
be questioned. -By it the student becomes
familiar With the details of business, which
he can never learn thoroughly Without prao
tice.—Pittampil Chime&
• -4
ADA3III-13owitN—At tho readout of the
bride's father, on the evening of the 20th
inst.. by Rev. Mr. Blinn, Mr. ELI Adams to
. Mist Henrietta Bowen, all of Harbor Creek
to., Erie Co., Pa.
BLACKWOODPAVID-0.12 Wednesday, Febnia
ri2Ott, 1867, by Bes. T. D. Blinl►, Mi.
James C. Blackwood, to IdissEiles J. Davis,
all of Wcsleysille.
hfaut.r--on the 113th Ice.. af diptheris, in her
third year, Margaret May, a - daughter of
• meman and Rennet M. Mealy, of Venan
go tp:
Tammar--On the 22c1 hat . Mre. Lydia Tag
gart, wife of Wareham Taggart, of Wesley
vine, in the 82d year of her age.
Monti:map-0o the 22d inst., in thiscity, Mrs
Rebecca Moorhead, widow of the late Thor
Moorhead, avd 61 years.
• Heirs Writable Bleiltan ask Beamr renew, the
Hair..restorsa Gray Halr to its OTigind toter, manila
its falllaB off, nukes the Heir math andrilany r it does
not stain the skin, it bas proved itself the test prepara
tion ever presented I. tba radio. Give it a trial. Ries
,$1 00. for ale by ail druggists,
Nasbas, N. If , Proprietor,
ffir The Erie Lodge,' No. 241, I. 0. 6f Good
Templare, meet on every. Tuesday eveaillir in
the'Odd Fellows' Lodge Room, fourth floor of
511 Frenoh street, et 7 o'clock. Stranger
Templars visiting the city are cordially Invited
to be present. -
Geo. KNIOUT, W. 8
For Inserance is well known and the most
reliable companies, apply to R. W. Russell,
agent, 507 State streeL l ' feb2l Iy.
New Advertisements.
iitrayed or dolma from . the prontase of the under
signed, corner Parade end Tenth St, a White Sowohout
two years o'd, has long ears. and velglis about MO tbs.
A Reward of Fire Dot ars le offered to' the pima Cl
parsons aiyiug Information or bringing back the said
CAPITAL, - - $20,000,000.
Owned arid Operated Irr
Our. Merchants and Maqufacturers, Express;
Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels,
Over more than
13,000 miles 'of Express Line,
And to more than
And through them io
MOre than 4,000 Cities and Towns,
At Just and Liberal Rates,
Based on DISTANCE and COST.
Our Lines are constantly Extending,
AND will soon exceed those run by both the
American and tr. S. Zama COL-,-
_come stao,ooo per month
Are now saved to Express - Shippers by this Corn.
- pay, and this saving can be mauls permanent by
consuming Ow same liberal patrcmage hitherto giv•
en it. Expesseace =arm our mamas, and convinces
to that we may rely upon this pablio made= and
rapport, which we hope to merit always.
or V) Wart Park Raw:
fal•2l4m C. B. HaBBI3, Agent
10 East Park, Erie, Pa.
We take pleasure In asnounelng to Limped's that we
hare secured the sorriest of -
MR. J. A. _ ASHBY,
A most complete and thorough workmany to take
charge of our.
'llr. Jtahby has for neveral yaws teen engaged in Pen
ear. Blank Book 'Setallhihment. in Staab and hu
no aunertor ,th e tendons.. Other estuab'e leelstante
have beer engaged, so that trait from this department
'ln sll tha• {whin, to rood 'stock, impeder forward
ng and sarw•h finish
Ey virtue and in enrsuanar of an or& r of the Orphan's
Court for the county of Erie. I will expose to rublio
gabs. on market. corner of the American Rotet end the
Part. in the el ty of Erie.'en the 30th 'day of afarlt. A.
D. 1267.a1l that certain lot er pleas of groom+. eltaate
In the ear of tee. and known as the west balr of In.
Lot w 0.2502, fn Bones No. 23. and bounded tn. the
north by in-lot Ka. 2310. en the met by east half of in
lot No 2300 on the south by rani street, and on the
Test by in.let N 0.2503, being 41 feet 3 Melee on Fifth
street in front
" TEMP OF PALE—One-third in hand sod balauee to
two equal annual instalments, aeounsd by judgment
bond and mortgage on the premise., or cash in %ID 1, at
option of putehaser.P. A. nEcnErat,
feb2l-3w., purchaser._
of ilichael blather.
Yen; tacturere and Wholomat. Dealers hi •
PIPES, ste.,
No. 6 Arderal St., Aregbeiy City, Pa,
Third Door, l from Suspension Bridge,
Sign of the Digil adieu.
Ifilrit B. 'COMA.
nh I abe'vai 'beautiful and fair, •
Wit% starry eyes, and 'salad hair.
Who.* earns tendril. soft entwined.
Enchained the very heart and 'valid.
CRISPER C 0319.,
To, Curling the hair of either Pez into Wavy and
Glossy Ringlets or Remy; Ravin Curls
By win Ms article Laden and Gentlemen cal:beau•
lily themeless a thousand fold. It is the only article
to the world that ' will 'earl straight hair, sad at the
same time Stn it • beautiful, &ear, appearance. The
Crtimer Cema sot only atria the hair, but hartgoratee.
beautlies and elessume it; is highly sad delightfully
perfinned,'ead le the most emelete article of the 'Mod
ever . 8.44 to the AmericanpnbUn The Crisper Coma
will be mat%) any address, sealed and postpaid for $l.
A.:Wed all ordat to . •
W. L. CLIME & CA. Chemists.
No. 8 West Fayette St., Syracuse, K. Y.
Raying disposed of r.y interest in the •Compound
Extract or ant art Weed" to brews E. R. Barren /2 Co,
of tlds city. the basica= slain tears be aradacbed by
them. and all credits for the medicine. sod all sonnansi
nations la Wallas to the badman •ill hereafter be ad
dressed to them.-
The medicine will still be prepared noder toy Immo?'
ate roperrialom and those qualities which bare gained
for it a ripatatton scarogy veer gained by any other
=tory medkine,andwaleb have made it thi
4We, ne:l
wherever it ban become Wont. Tinto fol
ly maintained issrary partlaalar.
Grateful to mynas , ' hiimda ter tbi genera= too/i
-deate and support etteodsd to re in the past, I ask a
onignamme of the ems to my raceesson, vim are
worth, of tbe tallest cealdenes.
tsblB-.1a.• • • • J 8. CASYBII.
F- -0- 0
5 A 1. 5 .
um arsons
Sontag Tory los.
Ilter da.triaito pazxhaa• grill plasma at
iI9FaENCB S?. coimior VIZ PURL
Cotner of Tana sod St. Car Streets,
Tb. Limit Chsapest, Bat
During the pad lea years, u‘paards of
iterevatini tam Staffs in Jim Ul2lOll, Iwo grialtittad
Sinks. Stoma, P. 4 Oftlee. Comtmalon Broter, Inrar
-acme, Railroad. Steamboat cud Talegrapt, omen, Be.
Stalin:as ars thoroughly Instructed lit all the bninchou
a •
Ineindin g Rook keeping Penmanship. Arithmetic, Com
mercial I aw. Polatlul Sennomy, Rosiness Correspond.
enca.*be Art of fleircting Cocaterfeit Ifoosy, Railroad.
int, Stumb-ating. Telegraphing, Practical Rankin&
he., Ire.
• •
Staients can eater at au! time and complete • toll
COWINe in from elrht to twelve weeks.
Pays all expenses for Tuition, toots, Blanks and Di
For Feamtnahlo. greamblstlnr, llailroadlog. the.lting
or Diploma. al la other Colleges. Free Lessons daily in
Peemanablp to all student, In the Commercial Depart•
FOR CIRCULAR% ethic MI Information; and cos -
taloing • uompWte outline of one eystem kt . Practical
Boalnesa Education. together with
prom practical Boalucre Wm. Maras tf, Hook keepers,
Banters, to, addrees the pricielpale, . .
£311; LH k pOWLEY,
Ja24'674m. Pittsburgh, Ps.
- ono on band •tarp stock of - -
Of Eire!? Twisty,
wi Itenufactore none but the best quality; and at ad
rir All Orders 111 »our, prompt atteallon.'
NEW (...ortrzertoxsay, TOY.
Wham their customers will always Elul
h 61 1 .6141.
rir Betia , Canaketwaralheir &ditties are the
beat ter eappleing thetreastemers with FRESH CANDY
51b TREXcra graErr, •
It buss PUNA. 011 rat rata. noS-t!
Letters tretaaaatary on tiro *state of William Wed,
deed. late of Elk Creek to.. Erie county. Pa.. having
been grUitaa to the subveriber, nod vs hereby la given to
all persons indebted to said estate to make lottnediab ,
payment.and all those having claims or demands against
said edits wilt moat them. del, authenticated for
illittlemankon or before Earth let. 11337.
ELIAS WEST, Executor.
Elk Creak, Jan. 31, 1831.—j131.evr•
A Lam Iticek of '
Of 1.1:1 saes. about 100 urea abated. he balance la
rod Sobered land, with a boue and barn on if ; a
young , orchard of 120 grafted apple twos and woe
other fruit twos. Situated. drat farm South of Samuel
Tlekl-wer's. as Um Ridge Road.. sod about four rails
Nora Erie, Pa., in Wen II illereek Township. Tarf`arthe
partleulare *orate of .
- -
uovl2-tf. CONRAD BROWN.
Will do moorand batter wort'ai a giro) art, Mutant
other.: Try ft. Manoloctorid only by.
LE d,
N 0.137 North !bid Stint, -
iteaskr.• -
Inane& Were to tits estate of J. 11.
Dom illat'd„ltaire beta mated to the sabsetthstet 1111
mass Indebted to the saLI estate ins teototted to
maks hamlet, mem& sad these blabs SUOMI at
tiewealle sgetast the estate of the aid Isiodsaa trip
Bateacos tbs sum lathing% delos• •
se=ta i W teo/ t h&e
pesht brill W li M a
411/1 8171.142‘
4:12017011 it 13110.
virrir DaLLABS
Manufacturers of
low prices u
Can be ,old
Hays opened et
Thor Till keep a good line of
BENESt a 103ROES'4,
790; Jab Streit
10/1 I'AEXEII'S VOE, 19 AT
Poi male by -
THAT'S 301
Two story frame, No. 309 West 9th St., sell finished,
Two story frame. No. 211 West Sth St ,;new and good
finish, price $2,500.
Two story frame, No. ISS West 33 St., Can ghey house,
• bargain. price $3.0f0. ,
OCIa an 4 one-half story frame, N0..3 . 2. Myrtle St
ner lot, comfortable ho.e, price $1,040.
Two story truce, No. 211 Etat. gth tit, Eilekty's tionat.,
good bonding sad our.
Two story Imo% adjoining P. it E. R on lltb
will bo solo at a bargain.
One and one half story frame. lot a 118234, on sth ,
second Want of State, amiable for trosinesa.
Two star - well finlebed trace, proper'y of 9. IL. Wti
we., Snothle. lot 613179, finest lot to the Boroaer.
price $3,500.
Two story frame, No. 58 But Bufsdo Ht., boos In
en. arde•, 6 rooms and wood shod on lit Boor, a rooms
up at ,Ira, tarn, ke., ke., pries $l,BOO. NOdernte term&
Ono and one-half story haw, No. 85 Canal St., eon.
verdant to businim, bowie In good artist, inside and
oat, collar ud ¢o , l hops, price 04700.
50 scree, barn, house, In scree w00d,.9 miles from city,
246 acres on Plank Road, 100 acres wood, yew modern
style boar, large orchard. Will exchange for city prop=
erty et $6,000. Reasonable &scout for all' cash.
ltrawley place, oat Buffalo Reed, North Bast,llo strati,
improtemeots,2o scree timber. price $12,000. -
4raerws, to mile. Inica city, good Improvements; will
divide, to omit purchasers, per acre Situ. •
4.5 Lem, the mites from city, brick house, &c., good
Improvements, price $4,600.
300 acres in Ore 1:10-11 bargain—pilca $3,500
112 tali • No. I lard and tak,,roveratuts. tear North
East, Fite per acre $75. .
147 aeres Harboraces, very divirable and amp,
per acre $75.
City lot on West Bth St., Wo. 1449, Pries $2,600
do do 10th do 756, do '4500
do do 4th do 2711, do I,Beo
do do 11th do 661, do 1,400.
do do Bth do 1465, do 1,500,
City lota on Wat 7th e SL, Nos. 146:,1436 and 1169
each $1,040. .
West hilt out-lota :89 and 203„ in lots to suit pur
chasers; terns easy. .
A number of lots fp oat-lot 980, on Itattalo_ttoo4.
Elea eity lota to out - lot 587 wee 10th and 11th B 0.;
the Nutter property.
- - 13.t.YE.3" k EEPLEIL
Agents and Deafen to Emil Estate,
Jan 24 Reed House, Erie, Pa.
There eozneth glad tidlnyi of joy to all,
To-youag and to old, to great and to mall;
The beauty which ones was ao minions and rare
Is true to all, and all may be fair. •
For Improving and Betio gyitt: the Comphalos.
The most valuso'.e and perfect preparation to au for
Rising the akin a beautiful pearl-like tint that is only
found In youth. It quickly removes tan, freckles, pim-
ples, blotches, moth patche, eallowness, eruptions, and
all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the yule.
luring the skin white and clear u alabaster. Its use
=net be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a
vegetable preparation la perfectly harmless. It is the
only article of the kind used by the French, and is con
sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfeettoi
let. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were aolddnring the put
year, a acilleient guarantee of its efiblaCy. Priem only
16 cents. Sent by mail. post-odd, on receipt of an or
der, by BERGER, SRUTTd dr, CO.. Cha
fets2l'67-1(. au anger at., Troy. Y. , ,
When be the rum of Dr. JOICTILI.III3 EIJXM you
eau be mired permanently an a trifling e'st.
The utoniehing success which has. attended this In
valuable meapine for physical and nervous weeknets,
genera! debility and prostration. logs of musicale? en
ergy Impotency or any of the conseoneneee Or:nit/AA
indiscretion, renders It the most valuable preparation
ever discovered.
It will romove all nervous affections. depression, ex
citement. incapacity to study or business, lops of mem.
eonfusion, thoughts oh self-destroction, teas of in
sanity, Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the health
of those who have destroyed it by serumsl excess or
evil practices.
Youngs:gen, be humbugged no more by Naga Doe
tors" and ignorant pm:tattooers, hot send without de
lay for the Elixir: am beat once restored to health and
happiness. A peffeet cure is guaranteed in every in
stance Price $l, or roar bottles to one eddren $3.
One bottle is sufficient to effect a care in all ordinary
Amt. Da. Joi.vrturs Sarum Pius, for the speedy
and permanent mire of Gonorhea, Gleet, Urethral rip
charges„ Gravel. Stricture and all effectiorui of the KM
MITS and Bladder. Cares affected In from one to fire
days. They are prepared from verstable extracts that
are harmless on the ayatekt, and never nauseate the
stomach or Impregnate the breath. No change of diet
Is neeesiary while using them, nor doe, their %crop to
any manner interfere with business pursuits. $1 per
Either of the acme mentioned artiele.s will be lent
to any address. closely sealed mid poet raid, by metro;
exprese on reeeft.t of nriee. Address all order■ to
BERGE% SHUTT'S k Co, Chemists.
feb2l'B7-Iy. No. 285 River St., Troy, N. Y.
At the wonderful revelations
She reveal* secrets no mortal ever knew. She reetoree
to happiness those who, from dohfal events, eatastro-
Phi... crosses to love, loss of Mallow and friends, lore
of nioney„Av.., have become despondent, She brings
together those tong separated, gives information con
cerning absent friends or lovers, resterne lost or etolen
property. tells you the business you areb•et onalitied to
pursue, sautes speedy maniere and toile you the very
day you villa - serf, gives yon the name, itheoesa and
characteristics of the person. She read. your very
thoughts, and by her almost stipereatml powers to
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. Prom
the stun we see in the firmament—the =leie stars
that overcome or predominate In the condonation—
from th• aspects and positions of the planate Ind the
teed stars in the heavens et the time of birth. she ds
dates the Liturre destiny of man. • Fail not to wenn
the greitestAstrologiat on earth. It costs you but a
trifle. and too may never again have 40 favorable is op
portunity. Consultatkin .ee, with likeness and all de
sired information, $l. Parties living at a distance CIA
conceit the Madame by mail with tonal safety and satis
faction to themselves, es if In person. A fall and Im
plicit chart, writhe, out, with all Inquiries answered
and likeness enelossi, sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main
tahred, and all oorrespondenee returned or destroyed.
Refeeenees of the highest order farts/shed those dealt,
ing them. Write plainly the day of the month and year
in which you were born. enclosing a small lock of hair.
feb2.117-Iy. P.O. Drawerw Buffalo, N. Y.
Throw sway your fries truce, Jour rwitches,your
Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig;
Come aged, eon* youthful. come ugly and fair, •
And rejoice In your own luxuriant hair.
For restoring hair upon bald headc arum whativer
elate It may hue fallen oat) and 'forcing- a growth of
hair noon the face, It has no equal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from fire to
eight Imes, or hair upon bald 'heads in from two to
three mouths. A few ignoraot practitioner. hare as
serted that there la nothing that will force or hasten
the growth rf the hair or baud. Their aster ions are
false, u thousands of living witnesses, front their own
experience. can bear wi mess. But many will say, how
are we to distinguish the grantee from theieptuhruat
It certainly is didicalt, u nine tenths of the efferent
preparation* advertised for tee hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, and •on may hare already thrown
away Isrgsamounts In their purchase. To loch we
worlid say. try the Repent-or Capilli; it will cost yon
nothing statue It fully cornet up to oar represe , tat.ons.
If your draggict does not keep it. send nu one dollar snd
we will forward +t, postpaid. together with a receipt for
the money, which will be return d you on application,
providing entire satisfaction is ant given Address
W L. CLARK &CO , Chemists.
Ito. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N . Y.
IVIAN HOOD—How Lost: How Restored
Just Published a new editim at Dr.
• Crelverwell's celebrated essay on the
14 . , rad:cal cure (without medicine) of
apermator Aces, or Peroinal Wesknere,
Involuntary Semis'' , Losses, Intpetener, Mental and
Phrsice Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage. etc..:
alro Consumption, Mpilentr. sad Pita Induced by. Self-
Indulgence or anon' extravagance.
le?' Price. in a sealed a tents.
The celebrated uthor In this admirable easy clearly
demonstrates, from a thirty _years' succersful practice,
that the alarming eersisensneas of esinebtues me be
radically mired without the dangerous use of Internal
medicine or the application of the knit— pointing out
s mode of mire at ono' eertalu end efreetnat, by
means of which every sufferer, op matter what his con
dition may be, may cure bircmilf amply. privately and
ear This lectors should be in the hand, of every
youth to the land.
gent under seal, in a Odle envelops, to soy 'area
post-paid. on receipt of six math or two post stamps.
Address the paidishice,
dire2O-3m .124 Bowen. N. Y. Poet One. Sex 4586.
Preferred by all yosetteol Water. Try it, sad yoa Ri
here no other. Illanufietured only by '
No.1:I North Third Street, Phili
WARD awes,
C•koolos pr =, Voice Mtis
Cosab. Pr l4. B. INN. tr
Raddises OMR faith Street and rut Eaa
Erie. ja24-0717.
gip 1 8 6 7 ."Fax
As sprisopapprosehes
Ante and Roinbee
From their hole! nom out
And Wee and Sate
o spite of nate,
Gaily skip about.
"`tot daagertun to thong - moo Fatally'•
"Bab come out of their bolo to die:.
is s
Mut sad pssts—assßed Anti , Ra to, dn.ts, Mae es
, Roach,
Is a liquid or wash—Ctaad to destroy, and
alio as a ponentatirs for riad Bags,
Is for sloths, Mosquitoes, Plass, Bed Bogs,
Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, ko.
! ! ! rlimmur! I 14) fall wsztalue imitations.
the ado that nogrAuVer llama is an each Box, Batt
and Flu befot yo buy.
484 Broadway. N. Y..
11 valeta, and retail dealer.
Sold In Eno,
*---B-='--_s "
I. 4A ri 71.4:{.1
For Cat; Baru, Brnlaes, Wounds, Bolls, Owen.
Broken Breasts. Sore Nipples, Bleeding Blind and
Painful Pilas, - Senfillens. Prillaid and Id•sonditloned
Sores; t r lears,43landalst Swellings, Ernitione. *Avow
one Ailhxtlons, ittnprorm. Itch, Corns, Hisaloni, Cbll•
blslns, lo.: Chappyrd ll.nda, Lip.. kc.; Bites of Spiders,
Insects, Anissals,'Ho. &e.
Bozos 23 cents, 50 cent. and $1 sites.
Sold by all Dntegt.. everywhere.
And by HENRY B. cosrAs, Limpet 454 Broadway.
- • -
. • -
. •f !_COSTAR t S".;'..
11 1 ,
?or Cones, Baalons, Warts. he.
Hosea, 25 sta., 6p ets. and Et atm.
Sold by all Ilraiglata
And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Dupot 484 Broaohnsy,
N. Y.
Deed to "often and beauttry iheSkin, maim Freetlee„
Pimple; Eruption', &e.
Ladieskno now using it in preform:tea to all others,
Bottle' $l.
Pold by all Cr:meals avarywhere-
And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 483 Broadvep
Y. Y.
C 0 . 32 ' g
For Cavell., Cclds, Roaresness, ffors nrclat,
Whos e = Cones , inlinenss," asthma, Canaan:Wien
Brea Affections, and all disuses of the Tbreatatter
Bottles, 'ZS ate., 30 eta. and Ft, sises.
Sold by all Prestige syyrevre.
And by EZNEY R. cams, Depot, eIS4 Breadvay,
"COST A - R 'S"
tyvF a:1:7~e 4.1
Paz Narrow' aad Sidi Itaidaatai. Coatirmasa, Wl
Silarasafts, Coastipattaa, Di art oh
eh o u g ,,.=Pavers, -ad gasanal darsavnaaat ad ib a
Divas , * °Miss.
g e ...; Li ava, 10 ata.aad Si dr* '
' Sabi by
an , .
Awl by =Mt. C=lMpg 431 Rivalry
- ii. T.