The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 14, 1867, Image 4
El DRY GOODS AND CARPET EMPORIUM. ON_,E PRICE CASH STORE! DIEFENDORF, GROSS &' FOSTER, ERJE, PA N. • Would reepeethdy call the attention a oar binds axe the yubli ' b generally to our lArge gni well selected dad, sauteing of . DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, Flannels, Brown and Bleached Musling, Stripes, Denims, Ticks, Table Linens, Shawls, Hoop Skirts, Small Wares, /to., Wall and Decoration Papers end Bor ders. The largest and moat complete stockin North-Western Penn's. ROYAL VELVET, ENGLISH BODY, BRUSSELS, ENGLISII TAPESTRIES. Three._Ply. fairraf", Ntah Wnnt . Ra*and 13 VATat and , 1211 , 0 pl, Batts and to of all detcripUova, Oil 0,01 . 01 6 /rolo 000 V ) 111 Garda war, Vow, Caro and Canton Ilattioes of all vidttis. , TtrosejasMi Celebrated Spring B.da, Her and Seamus Mattresses, ',bleb aro ttnieerasily actnoolcdged t, be the but, constantly on hand and made to order. Bedding, of every description. 'consisting of , Toilet Qatits, - Wored and Whits Mao-kale. flocatorten. pUloaa tad pato. -.beets, ke., Omar, on bend. Alen, Ive Geese. Feather, of the best quality. CUrITAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS! Lace Curtain.. namink Repoli and Broettelle, Curtains made to order.• Cornlees-611t, Rorewood,Black Walnut, plain and ornamental. Ststr,Rodx et all kind,. Ina word, tyros- tklog. vernally kept In allot clasa and lionsa Forniftbinv xt,bl.l,2nent__ Consult your Internet. and buy your goods •hare you can Ind Thu largest assortment, wlttch at to one price cub store Cr DIEFENDORF, GROSS & FOSTER, No. 7 REED HOUSE, ERIE, PA. P RIFMRYOI NATIONAL . CLAtiT AGENCY, ,00eaia Farrar Hall Building, Falk Pa. SOLDIER % BOEliTy All deltoante for extra bounty allnaed T late Len of can have the Fame promptly eolleeted br Nene/lox their dinohnrxmt to toe, the renfot of which will be primptiy aeloseat«dged and .retzootirca re turned. INtRF.ASE OF Pr.,:glTW3 $l5 per moon for total lona of UV. Or eltiw]pip pp' fostred effa. $2 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers-or seamen. Aleo.ofhee fociaseena ADDItIONAT. FOR VOL. OFFICER-1 or U.S. A. 'throe months par proper for all fn service %Torch :14, awl discharged after April 9th, 1869. Champ cashed chdme .tor Arrm• of pay. and oen•lons. end honnte maximally collected. 17n.malled f•et!iti.* fn. ermine and complettne Allowanre to el-40n•. of .ar collected. Only agency in North-NV...tarn Panne lea. Ella where yearn of experience In the 17 4 . Treanury can b. found. Th%aqui fat the epee liberal nafeneace beetoenui In the part, ye hope br-irterrafted ennerienes arid appq, mttting attention to patrons to Rennie their continued throe. 001ne in Farrar Flail Ruddie r , Aollf*ea, a. TO111:0 PfiRLZY, ann9:tf Leek Tint 101, rHe,, Pe, IMPORT INT TO IiUtILDOILS The Largest and Beet stoat at i!AINTS . , OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, And EIRINI3I2 In grip au b. found at HALL A; WARFEL'S DRUG STORE; Starx ST., NOATII iIP-EiRENTU Raving had long en...routs. in tho trade , we ere enabled to supply parties with a superior quality nl gnon. oi the lowest price. Onr atork emhnsees a retort) veriety of •.erethfnd that Painter. need, and thaws who give ua Oasis patronage can rely on not being diuppoints4, Irl• - Orders for Furnishing building, wid he satisrag torily 'CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK'. mutt-tr THE PLACE TO GET YOUR: IiONEY BACK OM E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, State :greet. Nearly. Opposite the Poet Od in. Conehlio, Boot and Shoe Dealer, rourpeetfally informe the Pnblle that ha has removed his stand to the Stora-P , ont on gut s street, pearly °roma* the Poet Once, whetrbolnvitert all hie old friends and eturtomere to give hiso.a Olt. Pirtienlar attention OM , to REPAIRING! Haring easeful workmen, aud superintending all his !Hotness himself, he belierea he can give u good aatisfac- Hort &mitten it as lots prices a; any °thee person in the dry. Rofl.l Pita Warranted. aorifeettf. - Coo `" 4 11 " ON A PIANO FORTE! 125 to 50 ON /k. MELODEON OR ORGAN By Parchasing of Z. SMITH, OF ERLE, Insies4 of rending orders to New York PIANO'FORTILS AND AIELODEONS Furtitshedfrom the followits calebratad Yauaheturen Steinway Alc Sons. New Yo*, Wm. litnalre & Co., Paltimore, IR., Wrlt. H. Brsdbary, Nov York, Grovseteett A; CO., Nero York, Boardman & Gray, Albany, N. Y Geo. Al. Pence h Co., Buffalo, N. Y, H. Spang, Symms'', .14.,Y Jewett & Goodavan, Cleveland, 0 Chambers Oz (Uhler. New York PRICES AT A • LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW MANUFACTURERS' PRfCF.S I Pianos trona $1,80,1. rir All persons doviriair a lint rate Piano er Melode on are invited to call and Arm:nine nor Instruments be fore purebuing elsewhere Every Instrument warranted for Eve yalre, No. RIR State Suet, Rne, Ps neatP6sif WOKS .FOR THE MILLI I. 13 CAUWIEY, MeCREARY Sr. CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 11 NORM CARS BOW, Are now opening the largest and most carefully falsettd stock of elegantly bound and beautifuliy illuetaled BOK e ! &war brought to •his market, Including standard aorta, na. English sod American Juvenile D.)olte, Bible., Payer Boob', snd Church Services, in fine styles. Also, FM STATIONERY ARTICLICS, Writing Desks. Panay Ink Stands, Wire' Toilet and Work Boxes, Portfolice.ilterececorea and stews. Presses Card Pictures, the mast beautiful Sunday School Cards In great •artatr. Port Won:tale& Card Cases, Gold Pens, Propelling Pencils,' large variety of Taney Articles in Se*lrPiald, Photograph Albums from the test mane• factorise, In the best styles. CALUMET: IfeCREARY k CO. CIROVER & RAKER'S ITRST PRIUfIIIM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING Mold b? WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, 820 State Street, Ede, Pa. iulyr6eAt rt, ISROBIe OV YOUTO.-0. gentleman who has r, "offered for years from Nervous Debility, Vrerna -tare Nay, codall-the effects . of_ yoothfal indiaeretion. wiltfor the sue of stairlor huh:unity. send free to all who need It, the recipe and direction" for wahine the simple nomads by which he was erred. Bnfferers wishing , to profit by the advertiser's experience. can do - so by ed. diesainw JOON R. oGnem, dee2P6B.ll.r. No. 18 Chambers Rt., if. T. GO - FF,.PATTSITEION & CO., 416 PRIMO/ 87/3/ST, Have on hint the best kinds of Ground Wham Spia of nil kinds, be., at TIM Winn!! MITOSIL ) yrIAT HEARN, tivutorrAri & (RAW, '!(08. 43 AND 21 PARK ROW, Hays post riaarect TWENTY OH.I3BTB' OP - C HOICE TEL Which vrit vOl see Obtesp. meNl4! ERIE'CITY CARPETS. UPHOLSTERY. F IL I E R AIL W A Y. ARAD BROAD GUAOK, DOUBLV. TRACK ROUTE NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE NEW fblsjtallwar tatomds' from Dunkirk to Naar York 480 mile., 'buffalo to New 'York. 4'73 9als manes to Nar York 415 milt,. TO MID TM ' , ON 27 MILS Tin spnitTEsT ROUTE. .11 Trains ran directly through to Neer York, 460 RILES, without change of Catches Prom and after Nor. 10,1 1 60, Trains will leave in con. unction with all woos. n lineras followa From WIN eIfRK mad SALAMANCA—by New time -from Union Tenn.e: • 600 a. N. New York Des RI-wren, from Salamanca, AO, (except Sundaes, Iniernelts at Nornelisvine with the 3 .3 0 A. a Pa , Exurese from Buffalo, and arrives in Nov, York at 10 30 p. x. 10 n. x Expws matt from Dunkirk. daily (*anent 'no 'eye) ntnneut 'stamens 940 A. a . and con tette et Ilornellseille and Corninx with the 8.30 a. sr. Fxprers .6fail from Buffalo, and irriees In New York st 7 00a. it. 4.15 r. x /Wet York Molt Express, from Dunkirk. daDY (except Sunday"). 'atom. at Salamanca 865 P. 11. , and arrives in Y. York at 12 30 p w .cnnneeting with afternoon trains and maulers for Boston and, New Pinglandritien From Buffalo—by Yew York time. from Depot Corner • PNekanee end SC Wigan Strnefq: '.30 a. w• Nne roni Day Express, (Sanday. excepted). Arrives fa New York at 70 tO r. x. Cotmettie at Grist Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wastd..gton and point" South. 4.3 0 A. N • Ferns Neil, Via. 'AVON and Iforttellsvill... dour (exceptsunday). Arne." in NelerorkatY74l - U. Connects at Bimini • with Wifirauteport . - mire Railroad for flarrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and points South. 220 p. x Lighttaing ergirtaa Sundaes excepted. atop for wootfaind water only and arrive" to New York -7 03, a It. 6.151 x. Now York Melt Express, daily. Connecta st Hornelinille with the 4.16 p. m. train from Dun kirk, and Arran New York at 12 30 r. tf. Also connects at Elmira for liarrisburg, Philadelphia and the Smith. 11.20 P. a. Cincinnati Esrva. daily' (except ininds.e), InNew York at 345 r. Connecta at El. mire with wilastusport & nature Thirati Tired with Delawarn. Lackawanna is Western Rail• road. ind at New York with afternoon trains and neuter'. for Bruton and New England Cities. Only Donnell' East on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at. 0.10 r r, and reaching New York at 1220 a. x, in ad ranee of all other mates. Boston and A'ew Ragland psuengers with their beg. gave, are trait/famed fro of &eve, In New York.. Thabant Ventilated and moat Luxurious Sleeping Cars iN THE WORLD 'accompany all night trains on this railway. ' Baggage checked through and fare Alwatin am toy am by any Other route. Or ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which ran be obtained at i 1 prinetual ticket °Moss in the Wolvand South-west.. P. RIDDLY. WM. R. RAE% Ben'l Suet. febl6'66 pRODUCK MIA DICEY. AND PAINTERI. Would reapeetfally aanoattee that they have opened ■ atom at - . NO. 428, .FRENCH ST., nzi•vEgv - 4TH AND 6TH, ALL RINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, or Orders from abroad will receive prompt &Lien tion at the Lowest Market Prices. frir The tdgheat price in Cub rata for Produce. tsol6•tl AT W. W. PIERCE & CO.'S CORNER STATE AND NINTH STS, ' THE THE EMPIRE FEED CUTTER! keel. sod improved four knife Cutting Bor. greatly Puree. , to any four knife Feed Cutter in 0111. Its Or( nyth. dare ility.eompaetoess, Pelf fencing. idlest* • his throat and knives. ewe of cut, simplicity, cutting al/ Made of teed equity welt, different length of cat, operated by hand or horse power,f II fombined, give the Empire Feed Cotter the decided preference over every other four knife Cutter. it took the premium at the Yew York State Fairin 11187. • • . • - • We °Mir them to the public with tail eonedenee that the♦ will give entirelatisfution. For pale by W. W. PIkRCE CO, Corner QUO(' and 91h Ste . Erie. Pa irbolmale and retail dealer& is Hardware, Farming UteneCit, Roma Po/alibiing Goode. Stores, Pia and Sheet Iron Ware, Tin Roofing and General - Job Work; n079111-tr Z. q3IPTFI NOTICE TO REIZSONS HAVING PUODUCt POE SALE, We are now motto¢ a-liarketLint, from Erie to Be nova, on the Ptilladalpbta ki Erie railroad, and arlida.oir secure ail kinds or VEGETABLES-AND COUNTRY PEODUCE To earryO on, bare eaLsbliabed s Dy i pot on FIFTII.3IRF:%T.. In the rear "f the old Reed Hour*, BETWEEN STATE AND EREVCEI STREETS. Where we will beat ►ll times ',say to reoelve snit pay the for the same. All.bariex Pratt:Lee for aaliKare regent ad to givers, a call. lottalre for Market Depot, Fifth Bt. 00.1865-tf . MAY dtJACKSO O, 7. , 4 11 ERICA N ARTIST'S UNION Relitble and energetic persons., scale or hassle, are wanted to solicit robeeript.onit for our Ott;[WOMB, and to loch we oPer eery Ilnenl cuts inducements; also, solsod , d premiums to subscribers. threaten soltable to be need to unseeing, together with all necessary pliers, will to furnished on application. Address, with reference. AVESIIAN" ARTISTS' ANION, noV•tt • 25 Plus Street, Nee York. you CAN GET GOOD . AT ONE DOLLAR PER POUND, AT . 0017, PAIIIRSON it: CO.'S 516 Vreneb Street, Srie,Ps. n022-t/ H""'Cl111.113T1AN & CRAIG. The plum to buy CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES ! such as Team, eats. Chocolate, pat.?. Dm% Coro Btartb. Polio; Par.,Tophes Pouf Barley. Rice near Rios, twain Powder, Cream Tszt.r,Yyllt Pesit, Crooked neat, Nati Mott._ domlny, Simi), Mustard Pe•d• Copertl, 9 01 2 / B bLOlites. Self &en Flour. Fain tly Flour. Coro Ira , , Oat Meal, ill kinds of .an .tar dines, IlMstus. Plates, 'Currants, p aud. la Gtee. inerythlng t slogging to a lint Clue Fmully Store. autl tt BLACK MARBLE. • - no Penury lntila blarbleCompany are now prepared to fin ardent pr , TILE, TABLE TOPS, BASES, &C. Tao Contralti would direct ttop spatial atatattoo of deems gall balklma to •tba qua lty god flol•li or their TU. belfatiox 11110,41. W to any omit Sc kfark•t. omen for Ka/bloat for Information may be addratard to JOS D. Parra. Rol/ l ea • at TITOS MUTH, ira mmon, et CB LIMO R.IIIBITORT la& Obi rhila. ENGLAND CITIES M, F. WORDEN & CO., BRI . B, P A . For the porehare and We of BUTTER, kitTLTRY, MILK, ke.. RIG O E-9T MARKET PRIM. AGENTS WANTED CATARR,W. RUT SE mu WITH 41118 ..d..1) , . DA\GEHOUS•AND LOATHSOME DISEASE wnl:l'ur CAN BE , CURED =3 ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM =I DR. SEELYE'S 1,Ii;ziTII) ' CATARRH REM EDY. C A T A 8.8.1-1 'WILL SURELY RESULT IN CO . NSII2UPT.I''ON! Unless checked to Its Incipient stages. IT NEVER FAILS! CURE WARRAAED IF DIIIECTIONS,,,ARE -FOLLOWED SINULE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTH cql,t) IN THE fIEAD 6olittvit.l in row Mantes BAD BREATII CAIIItHI by odensirs Secretions. WEAK EYES Catired br Catarrhal SENSE OF SMELL When lessened or destroyed DEAFNESS Rhea quota by Catirrhal dlfSenities ALL ARE CURED BY, THIS REMEDY! THROAT AFFEOTIOIS re more frieuently than otherwire mused by r thick, shiny raticonelielling from •th • heed, esp. Melly daring the eight, end re- - suiting from Catarrh, ars eared by DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID CA' T AR.R.II REISE'DYI SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at Mit very slight. Per inea fim: they bare a cold, that ther bare f erittent at tacks. and are more sensitive to the rhanges of temper ature In this rondlUon the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge. thin and acrid afterwards thickeind adhesive, may sans. As this disease beeornes chronic, the disebsrires are Lnereared In quanUty and ehanced in quality; they are son thlek and heavy , and aro berated or coached off. She mentions are offensive, causing a bad breath; tbs t Ire thick and nasal; the eyes us weak; the uses of emelt is fesseced or destroy ed; deafness frequently table pace. Another common end inspolant symptom of Catarrh Is that the person la obliged to clear his throat in the morning of • slick or slimy toucans, which has feller; from the head during the night. - When this takes place e4he pinyon may be ears that hit dimities is on its way to the lungs, and should loose no time 1.11 arresting it. The above ars but few of the lour Catarrhal symp toms. Write to our Laboratory for" our pamphlet de scribing lolly all symptoms; it will be rent tree to any addreu. Also directions where to procure the medi cine. Mre are rasehring letters from all Atte of tha sod alga numerous testimonials Irma those nalig It, beatinuitut esidenea of its isfalltble =rya. • tr. This remedy contains ao mineral or poisonous Ins clients. but is prepaid fro , . inemibl* 02 tree II er clo.irely; therefore it is perfectly harmless Oven to the most tender and delicate child. =NM SEELYE'S CATARRH REASEDY AND IAK6 NO OM ER If not sold be the druggist In.your vicinity, they will order it for you. Price two dol lars per bottle. All persons antrerior with say allretion of the bead. throat or loop, should writs at ones for oar pa.ophlet folly dasarttlizig all slant.= psetstatag to the above Mamma ADDRESS, DR. D. H. SeELYE & C . , FRILZPORT, ILLINOIS. • Sofa ts all Wholesale and Retail Druggists GE;iERAL AGENTS John D. Park. Modena% Ohio; Fuller Flock k Pol. us, Chiesga, .1114 Burnham' * Yen gobssok, Chicago, HI.; Desna Darns* k Co .355, York; D. Ransom k Co., froM, vi„ Y.; Parmind. (0., Detroit" Ilia.; Weeks k Potter, B"ston; French, Maul's k Co., Phila .:looW H. E. gabs s & Co, I Pltuburgb; 'Collins Bee's, At. !oafs Ito.; Hared Ward k Coy New °skins; R. A. Rolinson k Co., Louisville. Ity.; ales, k RTO Item phi,. Penn.; P. Z D•pnv, Webs:moo. va.; Thompson Block, sow. ; Dexter k Prelleges, slain', N. Y.; Strong k itrav , rose, Cl...eland, Ohio; Wm, John rton. De rest, &Mk.; Wilton Mem k Co. Louisville, I ILenterke • 101 l K =age lIA nal mNra the suet oemo'alste stale therefor* nt . the greatest ,aem sad hapcatarasa la ill Wallies, u Outisoe Rztuet of Bath Vrad, Thou. um& euk tatah to the With of thi. statawaskaadill tZga it a akirtrlal:wlll teams data maw adad tt • er HEAP DLLTRLBQTION EIZZI3 AMERICAN , JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION Depots, 37 aid 39 Nassau, and 54, 56 and 58 Liberty Street, NEWYORK CITY. • Of Rosewood Plum and 3Lefadeons. Fine 03 ntateßagn, engtselngs, silver wee., gald and Wyse watotea.and 8111011nPlwel.7,eenststIng of diamond pinadLe• wand tfcp, geld bft CIL *me on 1, fiora_finn, snook, jet, lava, and eamaet ladles' eats, gold peas.-witn sold sod meat es. tension holden. slos!es bn: tons, ' sets of studs, Pest lied teen. ashes plain 'fa elated gold ettalna,he, _valued at - $1,000,000, FOR - 01 4 1 E DOLLAR. which thew stead not pay until tt ti known what if drawn and Its ,aloe. Thy American Jewelers' Association calls your stten• tion to the fsektif is beteg the largest and most pa a— far jewelry anutcistinn in the trotted Staten The buti efel in and always bee been condoccti to the most can did and honorable odeincr. Our ranidiv Intsrhinr trade in a inn . Itheolatitee of the appreciat'no or oar patrons tor roothotor obtaining , ri h „elegant sad costly goods. The madden stareitionof trade le Europe smile to the lat. n..esin war sad 'he recent disastrous finanelel crisis in Sneand, bas tanked the failure of lento number of jeweir houses in London and Paris, obliging them to tell their goods at a great secrillee, to some lestanees leas than ono-third the cost of taltail. , lecturing. he bare is•ey pi:irritated very largely of these bankrupt goods,st shah estreniely low prime that we ne afford to la tid sees , firer geode, and give hotter chances to draw the most valuable grieve :tan en' oth er es shilaiment doing a s miler puniness Our aim is tn. Weis - met we respectful' solicit ton- pa , renege, as ww ire confident rat giv leg the utmost tstitr-rhon Par log" the peat seer we have torwarled a number of the most valuable prize. to all r arts of the country. Those who patronise us wit r retro the full va.oe of their money, se no article o our list is worth less than cue dollar, retail, and thereat* no Wanks Parties de hug with t.e may depecd on Levi, g pr mpt rehires. and the article d'ese will be immediate', sent teeny address b y return mail or osprey?. 'rhe feline log mile, here rerentle drawn valuable' pre.a from the American Jewelers. Association. and have kindly &bowed tt • cum of their cam I: ClorleS I. Renter. Esq Waidiington City, piano. velar =tn. Miss eons G Ya es, 62 81 Plea, N. Y Peeing Machine, value $75; Brig-Oen. L. I. Harmer. U. S Veg. entire**, Naahville, Tette. tither Tea Set, value 11164 , tiles Emma Ranter, ea Front street, Rarritherg,'!Pal, sewint machine 'value rtr; Lieut. - Cpl. Wafer Chltren dva..tiaert.hilesteT, Lonfscille, Ky, go'd watch, lame •Sgor wm. S Haines. 2'7 Meg street Claarleetsn. C, saint!' watch. vain. $5O; Alssender Jobe. 00, Faqi, edi tor Musketeer Viol:iv,. 11naloiteur, Minn . lasites'enam eled watch, ve'ue 6160; cauinel Ise, FN., President Colorado sod lied Reek Mining Cordpanr,San Francisco, Cs , mel..deon value 4:00; A roo v. Long, Esq., Me nivel Eckhart colle , ste leatituts, Eckhart. ar. J., dia mond pin, eerie 1.130; ti. M. Lengatreet, Montgomery, Ala., Sask. Paz, rains 676; Rec. toa•c Van Meer, Al batty, N. V., go'd lined dicing rod., value f3)0: Clara Lecusuer, Peyton ..h•o, platiororte, value $lOl3, and damned ,in value $ 1 7 5 . Many vamp meld be Oared on the Ret, but we pub lish on names withOta, remission Oar pstrona are de sired to end nnitsd States currency, when it hi conve nient - PARTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES, To be void for one dollar melt, without rtg rd to rattle, sod oat to be paid for atilt! you or what Too are to -acme: .• 16 Elegant Rosewood I iatincoirplb from $2OO to $450 —l6 tie,,ot Melodeons. rosetrood sums.. 175 to 160 10 Vint Chas Seviog Ww bin 40 to SOO 75 Fine • it Paiatloas es 30 to 100 150 Flue Rural Saratoga framed 10 to 30 60 Music Braes • . 25 to' 40 160 &voicing Patent Cutts , " silver , 20 to el 60 illver Fruit and Cake Baskets >0 to 35 400 Seta of Thu and ?obi. Spoons, 20 to 40 160 Gold nun flag Case %Patchett, warrsoted,so to 160 100 Malawi Ring*, Cluster k stogie et, ne, V. to 240 175 Gold Watches, 65 to •60 tX) ladles Watches, • - 60 to 100 500 Slicer Watches, 20 to 75 Plamond r Ms, era, rhea and ear drops, adieu' meta of gold and coral jrt and gold, dorm:Gino, mosaic Soren- Ga. morale, lava and cameo, seta - of studs, Teat :nd neck chains, pla:a Sad-head gold slog gold thimble., locket*, new ryle {sett hued**. gold pens and pencils, fora work boxes, gold peas wlth geld and sneer oaten* stunt alders. and a large ataartment of 60. silver ware and jewelry of every description of tho but make and latat f chance to obtata any of tn. alto., article. for One Dona, ay pnrcasslng sealed envelope for twenty- Kw* mita. Ii Fie* sealed sorelnpes will be sent fm $1: eleven for 82; thirty for 85; slats-dee for IRO; one hundred for AGENTS WANTED EV.EitTit'fißßlL UM;inal'ed indulementa offered to !wit.' and gents who will act as such ger de=eriptlee circulars will be sent on application. Disrributirina are varid• in the following znann•r : Certitleataa naming ad' article aril its rakfaara p aced in sealed anemi.bieb are mixed. one G. thapp Lie/lope. ento g the certificate or order for some article will be d zid at our °Mee, or sent by umil to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of 2b cents. On rireeivtog the tertifieate the runtiaaar NR ass trbetarttcle it draws and its value, and can than sand one dollar, and receive the attic • nuned, or can choose any other one article on our lid of the wain. value Purchasers of our sealed env lopes maze. In this an nee, ohtain *Aide worth from S ILO to $5OO Looplettere are crnecessary. Hare the !dodoes. to write own directions, and In choosing, etrervi aril. clai Intm those draw., nitration the style desired. - Orders for sealed envelopes most :n .y rt case be ac companied with the rash. with the name Of the person, eendrng, and town, county and bats plainly written Letter* shoo d bestridtyrssed to the roenagers as for -11.•••• • JISIVIA.W. ..4 . 11.15,4 a rn.. ocli-Srn 31 It re at.. W.V. 'York City. • STOP TEIS EV: THE GREAT WESTERN & AM ERICAN HORSE INSURANCE 4 DETECTIVE COMPANY - Pave caught six stolen horse, within the put yeah. and have untitled more horse thloyee stone Its organi zation than say other company, or thug all other corn !pules and detective' combined It has a detective force ortendlog from Pittsburg. Pa.,, to Cannel Minfia lowa, and from Cntro to the tabu. It has an actual rub capital of $161)510 09. and en authorized capital of POO.OOO. It bus over 18,100 rondos in forma and in the only live stock Insurance Company dolma business is thin RUM. WARNER & GERMS*. No.l Park Row, Erie, Pa , writ Insure your horses or cattle against death h- dis ease or accident, and against theft, or against theft and death both. for lemmoney. than it would coat to 'dm tile your stolen horse. We might .611 up the whole ta per with names of parties and cartifitiver of individuals who have received remtmeration from thiecompanv for lost animals, but one from the veil known dry of Loeseh St Sterrett, of this place, viii be read with in terest, which shows that the eototany Is a company In fact am well aa in mmoind that they not only pay lot. sea but pay them with romptneas and deapatell : We, the undenignedasemby certify that on the alth 13 day of A,llO we tristradi tine soothe Seery smelt, con sisting of 12 horses, with Mews. Warner & Gareth, to the Gast Wertorn Lod American EforselnstitanceCo4 that on the ad day of September one nf them died of Choke. and on the nth day of t3eptirother we reaped • draft on New York for the WI amobot of the hunt , aces. LOESER di STERRETT. irie,Bept 21, Mi. Ineuranor an be effected In Waterford by telling on VOW.. Terry *Vartanden; in Wattabdlr of Wm. Van anden;• in Edinboro of Esquire Burnham. Very Resywetful.y, Vi'APNER te a EMU,. General Irba, Lite, Marine and Elam losuraresollles, No.l Part Row, Erie, Pa.. GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Paws: CAUGHEY, McCREARY do CO., - ' Haring determined to retire from the Wall Poi; trod., are no• °fief log their entire.etock, including GILTS, SATINS, DECORATION AND COSMO?: WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS AT ALMOST ANT PRICE. This It a rare opoortanite for persons wishing to pir per their bonsai this fill or next spring, to lay in their stoek at LESS THAN WOOLOALE PRICES. • . • We & e comp•lled to does ork our watt min Immo- Atately, to stake roots tor an increased stock of Beaks. Stationery. plcturee, Octane fringe.. CAVGdEY, MoCREARY & CO. octll-tt AUTUORIZEU CAPITAL!, 9500,000. CAPITAL PAID IN, CV . MO. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Will open for busing... 1 0., MONDAY, DISCFIIBER 1013, 1664. In the Banking Ware now oonspledly the Merchant's Bank, in Bmwn's Hots! Building, north-sad corner of Fits fe 'treat audio:alio Park. WM. L.. SCOTT, tarsal's! v' s t C. =MY, CASIMIR DIRECTORS: WK. 7.. BOOM of art of J. Ream le en., Coal Nolan JOS. McCAELTEIt u of Brut of !Wen, Bliss 8c McCarter Borders , GEO. J. MORTON., Coal Dealer. W. B. BROWN, Arent Buffalo ir Brie Railroad. JOHN C. BURGESS, of Sr of 1701310214 Caughey & Bums, Who'enle Gramm 0. P.. CRoUCtt, of frea of Crouch & Bro.. Flour Meg. M. R. BARR, o f dna of Barr, Jol2.llrOr k ftearoall,Btore Maaafactatero. P. V. FARRAR, Gray AF Farrar, Wholasala Groans. J. DRIGGGARBR, Grocer. RIO. fay. 7, Mak Aynait, iIIIIIBLEIr .Sr JUBA/in, /111IIIP1CIRIU111/1 61 TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS! NA. 331 State•Sl., arner of Fourth, Erie,. Pa. .wolot or ZRETIT DIMBIPTION, le either of the dors branehes tolleitod sad promptly tainted., C. AVERY. • B. lIITBLIff, B. VcRATIO Tin Mite Worker. C.qpper Smith. Gala Sienna /Me; " Dentl3-1y) TV YOU WAN* TO 11140 W A LIFTIJI OF BYBRYPHING relating to the butrausejstents Mao and foals' this causes ana treatawat ofd anama; the ,nirrisse riots:ass of the world ; bow to .carry wwll. sad a thousand things never pabilabed behrre, read the ',s eised and enlarged edition of Ramat -COMO/ 8112113. a Carla" baaa, for curious Peon* and • good book 107 every one. 400 pages, 100 illustrations. • Pries it to. Contents table aad free to any address. Books may be bad at the book Homy or will he swat by mall, port paid, an receipt of the pries. Add . ll. am • - 11 10 B r oadway , r New York. & WINTER MILLINICILY-GOODS! i.lllB. 8. H. ALL Taw. Own,. la anew:Wag to the public that she has opened a try rote la Harmon's 810ek.2 Squares south of &Ilion Dspol, When She will keep constantly a large variety of MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, iloteery. Cloths and a metal easonntent of everything antekept on head, in • docent the kind. • VISO stet ar Sends goat reasinnti ban ti• i\TEW YORK ,HuOP MANUFACWRY. Nee. ltgbf s bablanable and ebsip—mors durabb.. Inure *l4OlO, more graternt--not like those from Eut ern facto, mend said In some of nut 'tore; bnt darabin and cr.san at the beet material,. -7 A. F. COJIEN & BRO., -1 Would respectfully Inform !be./oilier grhe en 4 skin- Ity that they-hawtlwe,ra on hand a large awortment of hoop skirts, 01l au" and shapes. of their own mann. ketur• which then warm,! equal , o any In the mu- krt. Etsving bad large esperieure in the ., bus , ors; they are ennfident of their ebillte to glee *otos malefic:lon to all who toa^ fa•nr thews with a call. Ewer, akl4 war. valved to last twice. as Inn is any other In the • ark t. If any of our oiriontsernre break in one year,the( will be ebeerfolly repaired and no chews mad. A Cir Old Wel ragweed, altered in,' shaped as new. Ais n , a eplehold assortment of French cone's and corset a taps enustantly on band. 11 to wish to get • good fitting skirt call at the Poet, Skirt Wanasettory lnefore ruretiseing elsewhere. Iterehmits supplied cheap. Remember the' piste, 3009-State tit Jost south of 10a4 oath-tt A. F COPES Ai BRO. GEORGE ESTER, Foie ag.nt for Rrie county for Woe cehc.-oled Ma chines. be. on /mad • t Iylfe di (Floictiog's Faiioy shop, Fifth atm.t between State and- Pesch. a large variety, erritimcios all kind• and prltos,which h.. res t imattalle Invite. the publie to rail sod exam,. n. owe ma chins is acknowleditsol io be th- het is use, doing all kinds of wink and being easily kept in order. Ftr proof of thews ammtions, (+lmp% - ask a trial ct the mo at's*. warianting tb.m to do ail 1 protnis.. lot all call and ex mine Neese pis elating other so l ff nes Fpimisl attecticn givett to repotting Ids. .hiras of any kind prompt p repaired, at moderate elver -1 Vg• mai:4-tt . IMPORTANT NOTICE. to:if .ugtr o ay,. Ms for $lOl B4st White ('offer. Oo„ 6 lbs ' 193 Brows do, 9 lbs . 'I OU • , TEAkAY ONE DOLLAR AND CP r RDA. , The hest ten In the in•rtet ■t Choice Roney Syrup, p•r ga110n.... Primo Old Jars Coffee, per lh SELF 11.11SINti FLOUR.. Ito family ehould,be without It. i'erybr.dy h acing it. To be had of sae, as we are the agents. Call andittatulg PATENT LAMP caistszf'a.watta.. The ateest glint onf Leno Busina.% CftntCE ror tTOEQ Jolt:received. All` of the above goode we arill set cheaper than the cheapest. r' AU on goods are nay, haring Jut been rorelred We in•it• all to examlno for tbsmsolvss. . zoo .r68.1f . ACA f • A R t'TI.4 k HARTFORD P. 111.11 HARTFORD, cnyNterctv. MCORPOILITED CA P 17.1. 51000,000. T.O ALLYN, Prem. - 0. )L COIL:4Wy CITY PIUS INSUIIARICHCO.IIYANY, MCORPORATEb /847. t gP7r4L lmsn.eoo W. E. RAKER, ?rest. GEO. AV LE.S:TER, -Foe , Mr' Torsuraoro to thew spare old.and tell.bto roma: alas elm twobtatned oa arp:lcation to mireb2:l--42 R. W, (root To roNoumpT,,,_ The advertiser having twen realored to heslth 1p ' a few weeks by seers simple remedy, altar beel , e Put r eretioeveril 'ISM with a were lane Creation, and that dread sVise ism Coq. sacoption—is lonians to make knortn to hbilfellow-stif biters the mesas otenre. all who desire tribe will send a copy of the pre. Per!pile!' used, (free of charge.) with the directions for preparing and tiling the game. which thew will End • sere mire fir C'manmptten. Ast hma, Bronchitis, Coldi„ CONfht, Ate. The only objeet of the advertiser in sand lee the Plated otioe , is to benefft the afflicted and spread / information whtell be er.neeites tote inwainabiel and ha hopes suer er will try his remedy, u it will cod them nothing, and ma; prose a blosaleg. Parties wishing the Presegipiten, pars, bi rstarti will plra.e address Rev. PAM inn A. WILSON, • dere2Bl.s-1y: Wllliamsoursh. Kings Co., N. T r , IF YOU WANT TUB 885 AST/CL E OP 'l5 TOBACCO ANo CIGAR le the Market, mho HERAT T. STERNER'S, 00113111 or TTTTT £.16 lord= lITILUTIII. MU; P 115 1 .41.. --.... WOOI.II3ALE AND RETAIL DBALSR& Everything in the Tobacco Ilno—Cyran, Plug,,Ctreve Ins, Clow was. lteeraebanin Pipes. Holden, &a s st ways kept on hand. put vane, to ao large none,can fall to be suited. Icor Particular attention psld to ardor; aid sit goods warranted to be what they ant sold for. itnarrbly) C.9"' PATTERSON it CO., • Are waling ALL KINtS• OF FRUITS Calmed, Dried, Omen, Preserved, Foreign. am. -Can mate* the large aportmeat; no.VAI D it. LEON'S UELEBRATED PREPA ;RA TiONS TRE PERFECTION OP lIEDICif. SCIEIICW DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC RATE RENEWER. It is a p lofty. care Yoy.ftaidgess It restores gray hair to its original color.. It is I tonic, not a dye, sod sielanOon the •ecretloae It instuedlately wrests falling *tit of the halt. ' • If alleviates • aural/is and tleadaidie. • /t radically curse Dandruff and Humors. It lone the 1 1 cep healthy, Wean red cool. ' It is an exquisitely migrant half a:Peeing. it restores. cultivates and beautifies the Bair. . . It metre harsh hair flexible yid lustrous. Dr Leou's Electric Bair Renewer has enjoyed a bleb ' . local reputation for "may years It' wonderful restore• tire and invigorating properties are well known to the medical faculty -or Philadelphia Being fully satisfied of the merits of Leon*, Electrie Bair Reamer we hate reamed exclusivi ownership and arodetermined that every household id our , land shall hare the °pier Many to reap its benefits. rark,Row • DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. A most delightfad sod efficacious can for the various ills to which infants and roman ihild , en sre tabled. Invaluable for teething children. It softens the goals, Meknes tnflsmm•tton, invigorates the stomach and bow el': comets acidity, and is a inre end speedy ems for Done, Cretins and windy pales. • most excellent pre. petition for children of • teethes' •ad frethil habit and awe of toommem, griping. vomiting or other in ward grief, It gives immediate talsc, Used for more that half s century fo the p• Iv • to practise of one of the moot emizkerkt physicians of Philadelphia. In sow placing Vale ertiele withicr the teach of all our countryman we would remark that we know it be a rated of slut valled excellence, and that It hu proved irithativands of mars, as we are resolved ft shall in millions, 4 priceless boon. For tale by Druggists everywhere. SILVER'S WABH POWDER ! Raves Cr" labor and monap—niskaa Washing a pa* time and afoniar a les,ivat. everywhere. Try It dee&ly Addr•es 611 orders to ZTETMER & SIMI. Sole Propriahra. 137 North Tf IrL'Street, Phila. )18 , 80LIUT 101 t• OH IeIiePAtiTNEILARIP n• arm beretofore•ristine ander the mos or CARTER & CARVER, dbaohred by mates] tomcat, dettos from J*owi leth,lB6a, Yr. Cartat•tniaing. The boots of the old dem may toi foetid at the old place. Prompt regvertea.l . • 8. DARTER. J. n. 0/1.10172, lir Carves has use hti ton with blm, add continue the business under the name and Ann of J—B. CARVER & CO. lagolog e t new and well selected stock of Drape, Midi ohm, Fins Cheadeala, Pharmeeentliel Prepare, Own, Rare Perfume, Taney A Meter, he. ?be arperienrod alerts of this house are retained and Owes. persons an rely upon .being correctly Hind at all Warrez.—The service' of IL Carter bare aloe been aimed, sad be wUI ha happy to meet Ida old trinda and automate at Maid/ 21 PARE StOli,-THS OLD allou. GALE'S PATENT FEED CIITTER:! THE MOST BUBTANTIAL, MOST L.1517_ TO RII:N, AND HAS THI DE9?• CHARING or ANY IN TM NANXIIIO. if eCONtlir 'SHANNON. SOi sad SET Treads atm% SEIANA(OI-/COO, Itt; Pea* IttliaL M: Tt > . EWIN6 \-5-CINES MO WO 110 BARTrOItD, CONN ECTTCCT - 516 FRENCH STREET settlkos . . -.1 .. Ayei sSargapafille a filliE AGE.—A Democratic Morning mints. r ZaTo. l. le r :ite i r r a " tra v i:r ag o a allit G a r g t air tir ' : T y t i t. s . n w in , y - sas wi ee e inst . O,M - state's news Irate all pane A compound remedy, designed to be the most tt editorial articles ow floremment. Cfreetbill AUcratire that can be made. It is Politics. " Rae. Finance and 13•11111111 Subjects, toes a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, - m ute. iterfoli..Rillrig• Stock. Quotation s, Pelf/lout so com b ined • with other substances of still 0 , latunigeoz Legit glitr i gk i yyrort(gn and Domeetio greater alterative power as to afford an ace- . p:a 7 =4;:71 6 . rbettriest critt iligen etnwroe L ' it i tire antidote for the din . Sarsaparilla is ' eratnre, Priem enr•enr, Literary Nothwe, igrteeltnral reputed. to cure. •• It is believed that such a ;'!"..„„.fmr 5 v d , i . ( t 1 ',. 4 .1r u-le "4 - "' I enfd" m " eial Tal. remedy is wanted by those who suffer from ' ;;,;,„T o ,„ - „,',„," - p,, r - - V o i l g. 4l = l ,Mil h ,„ e ,,,, A r a t itt ,L l4 ,4l,! &ruinous complaint.. and that one which will i ssichss rescued br the atlantic Cabto, and tho news ac complielt their cure must prove of immense I from all puts of F.urone. brought by the simmers, le I t i li n et t st , t . tc . taleirtsphed from whatever point the strutters seri ice to tip's - large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will 1 Thelretelle age will to 111 CNIIpI.I. CnieIP. ,, I , IIM ~ .t -do-it Is . been prover! by experiment on many I. tall news at tb week. and beeldes the , e 1 0!. yr editortale of the worst cases to be &Wad of tlie-followin--,- .ree It' the Manly, will cnut•i• • '""* " '"x4't of tote' '"Lt' 4 `7 1 .toitw.corerdeiroyfar-th.-weektk' teetve. Is - eolliplaitirs:........ - . - ,,=__ • t will be le all reeneete, a Pret ei.rnone Isurreil, per, . _ SCCOVVI.A AND SCICOPCLOCR ColiPt %INT% tientaelyaNnted - to the - leclittelan. the Farmer' _The ECAIPTION•I AND EIIIIPTIVP. DISEASES . ULCCI6I, I Merchant. the Mechanic. Abe Family Circle , and the t Gametal Ueeer, haring every elasracteri•tie of e live I l i‘lei.ils, IILotOMES, TII I / 9 48, SALT RIIEUNt J piper. Seeb namber will contain an InteoFeie toter- Se.xt.o 11.2%0, Sventras SYPUILIS/C AP-i f eating serial, , one of the meet popular and twins. ir.t . l 1 os s. 31miceinat DISCASE. Duorar, Nay- Ur 50c.,,,,,..5d it is Lis° the Intention to : publish I f ,o re u trt , : f r i e h k . t: e te et e s e a y i ni c h 4 : n ee , ti e rr l e of the year, three or ItALCIA Oft TIC DOCLOCILEUN. DiDILITY, Dlfs- I`El . Bi.l AND INDIOLST/UN, EitYSIPELAS, ROSE Torinr—Altre. it hi pevAcee. Y '• on Sr. A.Nriioxit's Fine, and indeed the whole I The r-ny—owe ens., owe year. $5 hd; sit months clalq of oomph/int, ari , •ing from btruarTr or ' 34 b'; three r ' n ' th ' 42 C4l . "T 4°9 I ' s " I " 6° ` -1 ''' t C " ( rate of nne , 'oll , r .. i,er mon.tb, Poway. thirty ,„,„ per Till: 13T.11011. - , quarter, to he pal., s. the ore of delivery. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken -in-the spring, to expel the foul" humors which fester in the blood et that sea Son of the - year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, sp?re thernselvei from the endurance of foul eruptidns and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body. by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the • vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you thid it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse - it whenever it is foul; and your feelings will tell. • you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the better; Keep the blood healthy, and all is 1 ell ; but with this pabulum of life disordered: . there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of \ life is disordered or overthrown. - Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any . thing else. During late years the public have been mis led bylarge bottles, pretanding_to eye a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla foronidollar. Mast of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsap which flood the market, until the nameltself is justly despised, and has Wee k° synonymous with imposition anti cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, ankintend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible hP the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend. ed to cure.. In orderdo secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions• on the bottle. PAEPAIIED AY .ps. CO._. LO LL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle t Sl* Bottle. for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has von for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that. it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has• long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to dolor their relief all it has ever 'been found to do. Ayer s s Cathartic Pills, POD. TEE CV= OP • Costireness, Jaundice, -Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Pout Stomach, Erysipelas, Ilcaidache," Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin, Disease; Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and sae Viinuir, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a binner Pill, an dfor Purifying the Blood. They ate sugar-coated, so that tbc . most stn.i. live 'can take them pleasantly, and they are the hest aperientin the world for all the purposesof a family physic.. Price 25 cents per Box; Fivo buzei for $l,OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Scat es men, and eminent personages, hare lent their name.: to certify the nnpa ralleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here -will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AUERICAN ALS( ANAc in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol. lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Alum's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. • An our remedies are for sale by MUUME lIIRNITURS. AND UNDSBTAXINti - W A .E E R - 0 .o Isf S t Oo Mai* St., between grentb sad Eighth. the Sitemettnti lam entered tit. the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE - TRADE, And propose risking to order andkeeping constantly on hand all kinds of Furniture. ' Orders wilt via:sive prompt attention. Repairing dons - on short notice. • UNDERTAKING I . Tba salami:berg will Nos special attention to MIL de. =lt of their basinowo They will manufacture and nstantly on bond a large assortment of Metallic Cases and *Moe, and hold themselves in readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, Cron any part of the oonntry. .Deteradned to spare no efforts and gissm. tkia both in th e quality oldish. gooda prices. they hope to mono liberal share of publiopatronage. 100R8 3 SUBLET,. torlYCl-tf. Maxessors to J. 13. Stair?. READY PAY STOKE. A. MINNIG Would respectfully Inform *be PubUe flat h. ham Purcbeeed the STOCX of GROCERIES of MIRIIIG 4. RUSSELL, 0030111:1 07 BTII AID max IMO Whirs be Innen& to keep u gOod •n assortment of FA my GROCERIES .&. PROVISIONS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE. AND VARIETY GOODS as la kept in Erie. 'llO constantly cer baud. ' BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, 11412111NTED 1 GooD• ARricis! cir The hliheat iiarket Prige paid for an ldr de Al Country Proddiia. Cr Goode &limed free of (Nuns to any part oI the City. dee2llls-11 'Foal/Lucas ek mut, (Soeeessoro to Webor GROCER I ES AND PROVISIONS 1 Wine; Liquors, Segars, Tobacco, CROOKERY,. WILLOW - WARE, FRUITS, MITTS, y.tycill aoTloae, La. State street, Vast aide, third door north of Railroad Bridge, ERIC, PA. P. TIUItDZICHEI. ma24-tt Jo URL TWIN GENBIII{InEII & SON, = moral:go AND GENT e FURNISHING Goons, Comer of Seventh and St BRIE, FA E. E. Jone. - M. H. Auras. j ONES it BROTHER, Maantketnrar• tad Wholesale tad Patsll Dealers la CHOICE, ERIE' COUNTY PtOUR I ORR% COIN, CORN lERAR, BRAS,, SHORTS, .MILL STUFFS, &C., 421 State ASt., third door south of.P. a, R► PS, Delivery bee is the C 1 HOTEL ItAMOTED. The thibserttor who biz occupied the Mansion House, tut &bon the Dopot, to: the pot toot yam has removed Into the •NATIONAL HOTEL, - CORM Or MOH MW BarraLo STUB? II hem la itUl to to sotommodsto to at many gut sad u as he did in the old stud. So hops. th lb* utroaap Witch vu so liboraltp uttadod to him than, vino ul ended to Wm b al/I 0/10/ quitots. stabling to milltdert td stdommodito thouttoro who day tdok et thilerttrougo. atts MI sons. The Weekly—One rope, nne year. $2O1: eve &mites one year, $9; ten we pies one veer. VT let twent• rep les, ore year. $3.11 CO. In e'nbs, where Pin r ApAr• cent to r whirrs,. the 0 llowinc re,inet.or wVI b+ -roade• Tilye enpiee, eon year VS 10; fen mrlea o oe co so; tomnty forfeit one rear. fairip A wit) be fond:bee ratio lot. ea , h e' ohlet len; er more, to nee addrrips for one. err.- Fontein.. ere es• to ror guar ter; to be prepaid at (be noire. of native,. The above trrena will be ricierly ailberee to. lived coon collie, of the )'site and Weekly sett gralles on application at this Olt*. Advillisernente in•etted st moderato rates. Addresoi, Oat:Olt THE WHITE MAN'S PAPER. ct.cFs roR 1f. , 37! cl tR9 POR 1 The hest New Yer's publehed, • NEW YO i RK DAY BOOK, For 1867. will can:moue. ua its itione of Jan. ' 5.1, • now and ortstosi romance, , kr columns, entitled THE CONFEDERATE PI, ILO 0 1 ; THE OCEA', A tale of the unfree of the Sumpter and Alabama. iy Pref. Vim H. Pock. f Lopisiana, ant tor of "Etert l ta Seeley,..B:string," Age. Among all the *fore. that hag, he.," arrive, men. barn yet portrayed that meat rorroiniir of .11 Ao/do. the wonderful and e'en tilt root'. ua voy•peo of the r 001.4 ~rate ernagert• big etnro of ronfo,nr i Fit not. to ererely tnlnginrtive het h•eroiral err. .1- TO, rn- macre, tot r•al etc —or nrh orl , from tho tiro the Toty Betels In the wen, the tryettea r fee ea r . in re d intim( that It wilt hare a p,ater anon* then any provlner story of thin prtn‘st .ot''r. Nor, to the tin, tore Ti le ,t°, wilrle mine mance , : In the Week 11, Book of lon. Arh. 11117, and all who whir to opeolrg chapters. shoc'd scribe now, or tend their elate all early as p^s• sib's Tam, rs.h, in sOonoro. ( - 0 copy per year three curl,' $l.l a, copies $lO rlaren - oopfge $1760; twenty C 4.0 tf 'lb. trtell. Fag. Rook la the =oat r0121),;•le weekly purer puhliellei/ F. News Fniristarv, Family Feather. A !rivet , ' roil A rdeles, Saporta of Catty, Grain and Valtoo Yerkef., ate not stirptared by any paper. Fp•cim , n copies srsit ft,a. Fend fore cop.. A4err,r„ VAN T.W.lfi. HnhTnr h CO. dec',Orlt ' No. In Naeati St. how York. - ICOHOTOG It APIIIC. E. ir. ANTIICiN-Y - & CO Manufacturers of Plotograpl,ic Materials Wholetalit sad Retai:, — NO. 0)1 BROADWAY, N,,:ts" in addition to our cuzin time area of Photographie materiala, we are hradoutudeea for the (olio. log, vla.: pt ee .o ge or a and Stare , Unpin Viewe of Americo and gore , trn mtge. and I landscape, 0 mu r. ec , titereosentre Clews of the War, from naval yea made in the carioun,arnpaicria, sod farming a compete Photo graphic history of the great contest 3 terroseopic Views en Glace, eilapted for either Vie Viten Lantern -dr,Sterimanope. Our catalogue will bs, sent to any ad dress on totaint oentamp Of Photogra; bie Albums we roil:flake or more 'largely than one othaehoroo—about 200 varieties from 0 Cs. to $5O each. i•ur Albums hair the reputation of triug superb r heathy and aura% hititp to any others. Card phntogrspbs of Generals. Ptsteemen, Actors gre Onr catalogue embraces over Are thonaar d digerent so•jects, Inc/oiling -eeprindoce Gone et iha moat oalaheated anansvinga. ramtities. Sta tues, .te rholoraphore se d other. rderteg goods C. 0. -11 l please remit 2.3 per e-nd, of the amount with their ordsr. The puce , and gualit ; , if oar gn 'de cannot fail to as`i fy. nols-Gm• K TIBBILS, SHIRR S.: WHITEIIEAD, .11/.I7I , ACTrRIRM OF E'S AvD HOLLOW , WARE. Rase a :air ant ertnolonve uiort". 1 at z 3.105 1 ,1. at Who/v.ll/e aa , iv tui 'f 11 E IRON GATE Ir flret-tiw Cott Lon} Strive, orrev, voir, far hay.: soft e od, nisi BETTEK THAN THE STEWART We. al n ratnufeettrre the WHEAT ;.*; E t J) r E Roth low , "•0•1 , :ook : rate.— C. 1.2 be tivod eltbee for entl "r THE FOREST /AS.` V..p are ettliJi.into'netttrtrg erat. , .) 1.. Dien 3t014 for wool—grab .r rritilot4 r.aarvoiA. THE M E - N - T 0R , • A Leer ( I, On store for Wood Tile is 11 lIOWOto beautiful aeillgo ' and now for eal.—rogeu,, w ith. a large ea sortsneut rt elevated Crou Coo, Patter rook for vo , ,d ' orcoal, and Parlor . and 0150 e Stoves, for Wood or coal. C. U. TIBRAI.3, D. 88/as, NT. H. WHITEHBAD Rile, Jan. 12. 1130-1.. B ANK NOTICE. • KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK . - OF ERIE. CAPITAL, $250000. DIRECTORS: BELDEN MARVIN, JOHN W. Hill IP. ELMO - MARVIN, DESTER TOWN. • O. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLE, President JOHN J. TOWN, Gail/ter. _ The above bank will be opened for the transom of business on DEC, 5, 186 . 5, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West side of State St., between Seventh aid - Sett/Sectary peper amounted. Malloy reuetved on Depoeit Colleettoniinade and proceed+ nueounted proraptnees., Drafts, Specie ind Thank :cotes bought end sold A ahem of Pnblfe Patronage ts reneettnily CLE3IIIO4IS, CAVGEMY s BUittiggS, wnoLr.2...itlg opolEns AN.D PROVISION PEAL VitS, WOODEN WARE, NAILS, ROPE, REPINED OIL, WATER- LIRE, WHITE LIME, OIL VI!RIOL, CAESIIC SODA, L11L4k.C,,, NOS. 25 3; 26 NORTH PARK STREET, deell'Utt FILANCIS PFBFFICII, NIATC/AClT?tra A3D-D11.11.21/ BOOTS ; AND ,SHO,ESI EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY, No. 816 State St., West Side, bet. Bth and 9th, .dt.... XIII 6.. -PA tr*Just received, now stock of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest paces. CATMIOII COILED FOIL ONE DOLLAR. - RE Ant For one dollar, per hall, I wilf - selml free to any address a recipe and medicine that I wiil guarantee to cure the worst cu•a of Catarrh in the bend or bran this] tubes to a few wee k laved Ally life, sod mama me cf Catarrh and a setere z Ettinhial trouble I had antlered with for years I tried the lest physician, and all the adrertieed roedielnes of the day, bat found to relief till I obtained ibis. I *said give one hundred dollar* for this recipe and the medicine if l now had the Catarrh and could not obtain It leas. I believe, if instructions are followed, it will cure any case whatever that hari - noriliieflyeeached the lunge and became a settled consumption Cure it while von can. Address T. P. ATIEVIES, 1.1..162% Volum .4.. N. T. MUSIC STORE. • WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, No. 820 State Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, MUSIC AND lIIISICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. French and German shrimp of the beet qual ity. &Genes& for Chic/wing !Sons% Wm. P. Emerson's, Drucker & Co 'a, and Raven & Bacon's Piano Tortes: else, the celebrated Treat kiln/ley Ceblnet Organs and Idelocifors Music and Strings sent by mall tree of 'postage. All orders promptly Attended to. Catalogue of Mule swat tree avoid:atm •D $-11 sep-1y8m• ENVELOPES & "WRITING PAPERS, AT WIIOI.IIIIALL HAMITICt. RAYNOR & CO„ Hoc HS and 141 William Street, New York, Borelope Maneaaturers, including entry styli' or istolary, note, latter. Wilda), pay, drag and portion') amalgam. Also aolo agents for the Irlinit & Harrison lints Writing Panora by the eau or ataallar quantity. MCe list with saroplai sent by mall when requested. Dealers are Wafted to call and glandes stock stylaa, prices, &c. wzt.gri k 4Z) Chestnut .tre-f I= ERIE, PA IE:51=1 MEI Fo. vs Horse ni Mlle PRIM. I; VERS,FOI,7OI.I I.OS OF .API TITE AND TIT . ENERGY. tia use improves wind, fncorat. the mope a smooth I glossy transforms inalterable skelr lone. To tepees of Cow' thi. preparation k It increases the quantity end impure , the quality ; " of the mile, It tuat ex7, , rinnst to been qv, nby , • increase the quar, tits of mlik ; erelta tuetity ;or o,nt.aml rritke ti• butter Pe Ct.( In fattehit.,,g.. -itth. It ghee,* dew vi) .111PPItte.in0.S.141. i tri..11.. them three the Lllntts, Liver, Afc'; fST4 article vA , T --, :I,''''''' atth wil a' Poocia . e. . Fiy potilloz, from . .-;;-,- . • :-: one In( a raper . to a. pap, toa ' 1.- '-- tr3rrei a grin 4 , - the ...-:- ± = j' :' above ti I 91.(Se, .. --..-.... M. Val be ersaicatet ..-- --1. - "— or entirely prevented. Tr el• - i - n in than, a - eert,.. preventive and e t irt: far L. ilo.!. Cholera. 'Price 25 Ceuta per Pzpe.. o- 5 Papers for IR. • 4/"...E.P.A.Z.ED llr S'. It. li"011 - rz & uo., Air Trzat WHOLESALE OHM AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Fee Sale by Deugettla and Stead:N.l*n th,n, oet the Cnited Statea. s.:,l'ett.kt dd by HALL k.WARFRI , t,, NEW PERFUME For the Handkerchief. S liALON'S BiY r~ A most Exquisite, Delicate, ami Fra• krant'Perfurae, Distilled from the Rare . . 7 11 and .Beautiful Flower from which it - 4 4 , 2 takeS its name. 31 an'ufactured only by PHA LON & SON, NEW -YORK. BEWARE OF COUTUFffia ASS FOE PIIALON'S-TAXE NO °TREE. bl:d, by Ipraggitte merdlY D • c•Aittlios, - ).s'ars in ILL 3INTIS OF C;SOCZRIF.9. ,PRIIITS, VEGETABLE, 11 I'ROVISJONS, EI frt. retwreu State andl rehe, Erie 1.. UnstL i our Oink beton. - the late rife to pease; we fo.l'eockfident of being able to dire Satre• fiettop. both in pace and qWalitp. Cbco try Prodr re of :very sort boucht And eold. Fennel can•Ahreye dep-sid oo rereiviva the highest oar ket prleefor their Artlelps. DEALERS IN THE -ADJOINING TOWNS, • And oaths Litl4o of Railroad, ST:PPLIF.D WITH FRUIT, VErIETAEILV, - Give no a CalL RV : HUBER MAY L.JACRSON'S MARE= DEPOT, Firrs aulT-tt EACJLE VOVNitILT, PEACH ST, ABOVE TIMRUFF.LLO ROAD, BRIAN HENRY, BRYANT A SHERWOOA, (successors to Acheson & rfiarTa XAErtiaartMll 01 PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE HMV, Tut a Sum IDoN Welts, AND ALL RINDS OF IRON CASTIN9S. Rvpry Stove sold by'os eravented to give rattesetloa Kettlei, Sleigit-shotet, Sid Irons, ka, op band or nst• lactated tO order. PLO .47D PLOW FOURS Or superior mates and bur always on hand-4, call and a fair trral of our ith• des is all we ask. FIRNILY, BRYANT & sasswoorr car2r63—tf. "•• MORRISON & DINSMORE, WEOLIDIAIII FLOUR, PORK, BREF; SALT, GRAIN, CLOVER, MOTET SEED, &Q. = • NOS. 501 AND 503, FRENCH STREET, Between bth and BtbEtreets-ane, I. . nsynatt fiGRAVING. V(JSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER CARDS Bill Iloada,Certlfleafte of 011 avid Other Stocks. STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, &tr., gc• BY J. M. LAVIIAII, PARAGON BUILDING, WEST PAILS ILOW, Ap2l'6t.D. KIUK. P4* LltEtt STABLE. The undureigned Wag I Purchased the well-hadiro Livery larr , tA rl occupied by Wm J. Sterrett, desires to inform his and the public the he will cuctioue the burice... Invites their pati mice. THE STOCK - • Will be largely-We/wiled and-improved—se cenve7 tilers have been procured. and acme of the .1 LIWY. Homes to the country. lam determined „se the eatabhebnient as to glee satisfaction. beim si; want to obtain the'serrtees of a good team ill Is' in ready at all times to accommodate them, t reamb' pricer. rtseollect the plane, " sTERREITS OLD STAND, Firth streak rear of the need House. Erie. lune 6, 1866—tf TN. ‘s. Lr-SNoV J. SICHEXI.AVS, JR . I. IiICUEM L .4CB a: CO., ... - -- - -- - .III , NItFACTUBCIIS 07 AND SHOE-S BOOTS WHOLESALP. AND RETAIL, A T.R.F.DUCEII PRr S craving a large rtork ofot . own InanaraC are on hand, with s complete assort:ell of city made work, we 0 , 10 sell . che,per at a hoWs4t et Retail than any other establi■hment in this city, Having had long sepetienos se to the artiste of apt} mem, we shall take epecial pains In preparing st&t, snit them. We hare the ezdsßeo right to thie o, ` Make the PLUME PATENT BOOTS k.' BriOEZ.'• for the benefit of oar customers, and ortlr uk a tit! -. -.,' thiln, to satisfy any one u to their superior comfort eel those made to the old way, The Plume? Boot needs no breaking In; It ill IS an Mm th e start u one worn for some time. Oor ' CCTSTOIf DKPARTIINNT Will receive one own especial attention. • LEATILICR, LASTS AND FINDINOS 'For the trade new on band to slut Tendering thanks to our friends end castoren N pat patronage, hope by just and honorable dealing_ merit e -oatinuance of the same, and cordially tent*" to call and examine our nook before purchasing Of' where. No. fflat, State St Kris, Pa. man:TOM =1 JUDSON & WILDER, lianlifactareta 'pi Whobuzle Males in TIN, JAPAN AND PRESSED wARF, : 4 ~lPpP$ FIPS, O` . VE TRIMMINGS, &C water/04 Eris Co, Pa. Er(ftiotutwtsimegistegog LI II Th 6 Peenarath,,,, ang and fa rtrably mo.o,- aft! tt„ ughly reinvi;nrat. Isnata dirt 11. ovapftttel Lorna, iy streagthstun z gad cleansing stomach and into Ines. It Is a stn., r,r, native of an a,. GIMP as Coughs, Ulcers i❑ 04 11 4 . ' =I .. wu.DIZ