Ile Trie Weeittg Cotruer. cRIE PA., FEBRUARY 14, 1867. 2 1•••••- - DM: Tfi YOUR INTEENSTBO—Save time and if fOl hate anythino to sell, it von have lost anything,' 'lf von have found anything, _ Tr . rnu have a house to rent, . If von want to rent a house, - If you want hoarding, if von want anything. T,ll five thouaand people at once, by ad. ,doing in the OngEnvin. t ,cries sr Josn Wm-Arm—The renowned ;t : Billings, wbose fame as a humorist is ;reely_firceetled by that - of Artemus Ward, taidture-in Farrar MIL on Tiles. c tterning of next weft - ; itirtiberbenetil—of.: Whittier Literary Association., The pie in "Putty and Vs.n,is t, - 11 — and will be full of fun, we expect to'set% the erAmmNl to its utmost. Itt:le designed by Aaqociation to secure several other pronii. ivnt lecturers shortly, among them Mr. Cha , he eloquent divine. As the proceeds . of :seturea are to he devoted to the purchase a lihrary, &c., for the use of our young - e n, it should be tho object of tbebetter chase 777 ur citizens to give them as encouraging a ! mane as possible. ,CI LVEII eitAßT.D.—One of the strangest i errulsioes in public sentiment that has erer f r-le within our experience is shown 'in the w ult - of the trial of C. V. Culver, the Craw -0.1 county financier, at Franklin; 'last week. l'lds another to the many instances of fickle ~c u lar opinion, and shows that the man is rho s y he down to-44y, is just as likely to be at "-- 'le top of the heap in a short lime hence. On e future of Mr. Culver's banks, a general I ' utery arose against him in all parts of the 1 Irth.west. Ho . was looked upon as a ecoun. rel, who had inveigled himeelt into the con. !once of the commtinity to swindle it in the .4, and for a time it would have been dan, ... orrice. for him t 9 show himself in any town f ails section . There was scarcely a man .! ho had-not lost more or less. by , his opera. orie l and the abhorrence of his supposed oral - guilt was intensified by direct pecunia. --- """"C oefaerations -When at length be was ' 1 , 111 into jail at Franklin, at the instance of reral of the wealthy men of that town, to :- wtwer charges of Conspiracy to defraud the ,nango iCattonal . ilatik, the act was applaud. thy nearly everybody, and if he had been ' " l ed at that time nothin ' gless than an extended ~' rra its the penitentiary would have satisfied .--, ,0 popular judgment. It was a leak period . : slurs eke t,.. r h . t O em ul e v n e t r i o n o s u e l l d f- b d e e prevailed fnce, h ut t u ti p e o T i n a t r n . '- 'lsient efforts of his enemies at last in -.' used him to l issue the factions pamphlet of a . f. , nosh or more ago. This document at once '..;- r,-ate I apasionishing change i t n public gen ‘_( iment. Iti?ftrtgrest etrmniee-bggan to look pen him as the victim of unferbittatteircum- Apances,:ather than of willful frattl,and a gen -Aral tone of sympathy became , perceptible. J the feeling in his favor in the oil' region grew articularly strong, and none who were fami • 1 1-tr with it, doubted that no jury could be ifound in Penang° county to convect him'. The ; Itnal commenced on Friday, th,e let inst., and td • iria , ed on Wednesday of last week, an immense icrowd of spectators being present throughout ' Pilo proceedings. The attorneys on the" side I d the prosecution were Dietrict Attorney My n, Col. A B. McCslmont, C. E. Taylor and li. E. Rodgers, all of Franklin; onihe part of Ir. Culver appeared A. & W. Blakeley, of : ,- rankli Ca'. Jas, K. Keri, of Pittahurgh,,W. 1 c ~ ,:rh tt, of Clarion, and A. 13. Itiehmoid, 't: Meadville. No case has probabirreen tried +. /in that county which -attracted sueh wide. 'pread interest, and none has been conducted -11- - e adroitly. The counsel for the pfesecu ilon exerted all the artifices of legal skill, but ; :I.i, t less apparent frore,' . - the first that the current lri' outside opinionztir - entirely in Culver's fa / r,r After an absence of about two hours, r t r;,itiry returned a : verdict of not guilty, and ~' filar the prosecutor, John Duffield pay the cone—at the announcement of which the pent up emotions of the spectators broke out into . 1 applause, which was promptly checked by. Judge Trunkey. Thus, by a most singular revolution of public opinion, the Man who a few months ago was the most unpopular in our "; , ection, stands forth cleared of the crimes o'2. ' ' , zedagainat him, and free to devote 'his en -. , rcies to retrieving the calamities which his misfortunes brought upotahimeeltlin*athert„ We trust Mr. Culver's first efforts Trill - be di ; rect.d towards taking some measures .for, the speedy redemption, of the,notes of his sus - peed's,' banks, of which several thousand dol -Ilars ere atili held in this county .. If be will .iisplay 11 pioper spirit, he may yet regain the I popular confidence once reposed in him, and 4 he able not only to resuscitate rds 'own for. i tunes, but to repay the thousands who lost by his sudden failure The sympathy now enlist. el in his behalf has its origin in the belief that he honestly,;rneans to do all he can to wipe out the stain on his reputation ; and noth ing less than a fair, energetic and persistent , hapriaition'tn cancel all his obligations will -:atisfy the minds of the people 1 SAD AmnonNra.—On Friday afternoon, two b , y., named William and Charles r. Lowry, Iced respectively le, and 15 years, eons of Mr. I, , wry, carpenter on the U. S. 9. Michitran, 'were drow,ned in the hay. 'ln company with a l'fly named' Richard - White, they started to cross from, the Holland street dock fe; the floating dock The ice was thin, and when they had gdt out some distance, it broke. Some men at once - hastened to their rescue, and suc ceeded in' saving the boy White, hut:could ren ierno assistance to the Lowry boys. The parents are recent residents of the city, baying came here from Vashington,where the bodies of the. .leeatterl children, which weie taken from the water in a few minutes after life was extinct, hare:been carried f (Tr A - man named Washingoon Fryer, employed n the - Lillie Shore Railroad, had his hot so badly injured last week that am putation wee ffitind necessary. Re got it caught between the tails of a switch, Nv±io_et the de_pet . , , arft n train coming along, mmMed it plmomt-to.l jelly: Catching hold of one of the cars, be was dragged out, or more serious coneequercea might have ie .ult Geo. E. Zoover, .of Pleasantville, had a hearing before U. S. Commissioner, F. F. Afar.hall, on TuesdaT, on a charge of passing counterfeit'S'loo compound interest note on Howard Johasoo, of Le ficeuf township, some tl me since. lie was arr4ted on i' riday,at his home, by Chief of Polic'e Crowley, and two - more notes of the same kind Were found in Me possession. lie claimed to have been paid 740 of the stuff for,' a span of horses, and on,findini, it was'bogus, be bad taken two of the rotes dp. The ono' passed on Mr. Johnson he affigello bay. received at the Petroleum :intim:lol%4lot Titusville, which is denied by the cieshiei of that inetitntion. 'tooter was placed under $2,000 bail to ap pear before - the U. p. Court, in this city, on the first Monday', in, July. The immense amount of counterfeit National money in cir culation should induce the public to be upon their guard, and - examine all notes with care that may be presented. We regret to learn that the prospects of h &ring a County Fair this year are not en couraging—the interest in the Fairs of the last tee years not having been of.a mature to war not another attempt, The fact does not speak well for the agricultural progress of our peo ple! Conies's' Frwitscts.l--The report of the Com missioners shove that the receipts In the coun ty treasury (including $45,930 left over from the previous year) during-18K were, 448,- 009.89, and the expenditures $151:979.08,. leaving the large sum of $96,030.81 , on hand Jan. let, 1867. Of the expen4e account the following are among the leading,items;: Coal & wood for Jail & Court Douse, 47713 80 C. C. Boyd, tour viewing jells, 55 00 Jag. Chambers " 55 °() John Warren, boarding' -prisoner 3,028.56 B. L. Brown, conveying consiots to . Penitentiary and subjects to House of Reface & BoSpital for Insane, 542.521 H. L. Brown, summoning jurors, 191.25 Constables for making returns to Quarter Sessions & election duties 446 78 Grand Jurors at Quarter Sessions, 695.09 Traverse Jurors at Courts, 3,932.27 Justices, constables and witnesses' in • Commonwealth cases, 961.15 Thee. Dillon et al, holding Coroner's inquests, &e., ' 284.37 Directors of poor, requisition, 13,500.00 Romp of Refuge, board, &c.. of in- mites, , - _ , 2,092.91 Western Penna. Hospital, 1,300.05 Penna. State Hospital, board, Ste „ - H Tripp, 13.9.93 Election boards bolding spring else- . . .. lion; 05.02 Election boards bolding general eke- ' lion, 1,282 60 Assessors taking assessment for 1867 in full. 1,818.00 Keystone Bank,discount on currency 20.85 Keystone Bank,interest on scrip, 738.95 Interest on Court House loan bonds, 260.00 Interest. on S. & F.. R. It. bonds, 2.999.59 " • Bounty warrants, . 9,626 07 CC. Boyd, mileage and per diem, 270 80 Jas. Chambers do do 301 08 L. M. Childs do do . 315.96 S.' J. Godfrey do do 94.60 A. J. Sterrett, Com. & Auit'a clerk, 1,010 00 Commissions allowed E. D. Hulbert, - Co. Treas., on receipts and dis- bursements for 1806, 2,500.00 Total disbursements 1800, ' $52,482.66 Warrants redeemed. issued prior to 1866, . 814 42 Scrip redeemed and burnt, 54,532.00 Bounty. warrants burnt., 44,150.00 Cash in Treasury Jan. 1, 1867, 98,030.81 Total,. $248,009.89 Ddplicates of State, County and Poor, and County Bounty Taxes, levied on each of- the respective Townships,- Wards and Boroughs of Erie county, for the year 1866 . Districts., State &Co Co. Belly. Erie,. East Ward. $l3 079 74 - $ 9,809.81 Erie, West Ward, 15.643.02 11.732.27 Mill Creek, 13,603.68 10,022.76 Harbor Creek,. 5.054,64 3.700.01 North East tp., 6.289 12 4.716 84 North Eact boro., 1.446 66 1,085 00 Greenfield, • 1,495.10 1 121.33 Venango, 2,232.04 ,1,674 03 tvattshurr, 489 46 329 00 Amity, 1,401.84 : 1.051.88 .Wayne. 2 607.78 - 1,955.84 Concord, 2,232 02 1.674.02 (lorry, . 6,546.14 4 909 61 Union tp.; 2,387.90 1,790 93 Union Mils, 910 08 682.66 Le Breof, ' 2,534.30 1.900.73 WaterfOrd tp , 3,597 98 2,698.49 Waterford boro., ' 1,278.68 959 01 Greene; 2.636 66 1,977 50 Bnmmit, • 2.041.70 1,531.28 McKean, 2,978.80 2,23410 Middleboro, ..* 201.84 151.40 Washington, 8,805 84 2,85428 Edinboro, I * 775 50 '5Bl 53 Franklin, -* - 1,357.10 1,017.83 Elk Creek, 1,790.30 1,842.74 Connewit, 2,822.16 2,116.59 Albion, . , • 526.78 • 395 09 Springfield. 5 261 38 3,946 04 Girard Ip., 5,441 70 '4,081.28 Girard boto., 1,376 76 Lon 57 Fairview, • 4.635.10 8,476.33 $118,191.68 $88,643.8,8 Total, The following statement shows the indebted ness of the county, with the resoarSes avail able to meet it : Court House loan bonds outstand lug, $6,000.00 House of Refuge, ,do 500.00 Bonds issued to S. & E. R. B. Co., $200.000:00 Bonds redeemed & can celled, 156,400.00 43,400.00 Bounty warrants out Jan. 1, 1866,• 54,175.00 Bounty warrants issued • in 1866, 100 00 $54gi,"6.00 Bounty warrants re- • deemed and cancelled in 18GG, - 44,150.00 10,125.00 Cu. scrip outetanding Jan. I,'G6, ' 109.532.00 Deduction on mutilated bide, • 50 '5109,532.00 . Amount redeemed and . destroyed in 1866, 54,582 00 55,000.0(1 Total liabilities of Co. Jan. 1, '67, $115,225.00 1=3=93 Cash in Treasury Jan. 1, 1867, $ 96,030.81 Outstanding due from ~ • collectors, &e., 22,642.68 118,073:49 Total re — sourCes, 5118.673.49 Total trabilitles, 115,2.15.00 Balance in favor of the county, • $3,448.49 BEMAUKLBLS SUICIDZ.—On Friday . before Christmas, a man in Cleveland dressed himself with unusual care, and. stated to his wife and family that he intended to pay a visit to his brother, and should be gone two ...IF7lbfrE drip. He writ:od listen to no suggestionsiabOa any one accompanying him, and went away. The next morning hie wife, accompanied by one of his daughters and a hired man, pro,. seeded to the carpenter's shop with the inten tion of satisfying their curiosity in regard to the secret work of the husband. The door wee forced open, when, to their great horror and amazement, he was found to be dead and laid out in a coffin A note was found on-the shop bench, which stated that the deceased bad tak en his own life by 'swallowing pruseic acid. Death must have resulted very speed ily; for the boy could hardly have.beeto out by an undertaker with more precision. The Cleveland papers suppress the name of the party who committed the deed, stating that he Iris at one time quite well otT, but was recently opliged to mortgage his Win in order to pay a note of hie brother's, which he had endorserl.L This sudden .and unexpected re verse in his hith . eito preepqraus career, and the constant thought that he should never he able to clear his fern' of this mortgage, ie_ supposed to have induced.him to put an end to his life. Fre some time previous to the commission of the deed "he — had been steadily at work in a . carpenter's shop on his place, and returned evasive answers to the many in quiries of his family in regard to what he was doing. Tue . ESTRAT LAW. —An article which bee been going the rounds of mast et enr local cotemporaries for some time, respecting the duties of persona who pick up estrage, turns out to he full of blunders. The editor of the Crawford Democrat has been incited by it to look up the law on the subject, and finds it to be as follows : "A - particular description is to be delivered to the Town Clerk, within four - days after the estray has been taken up, and the Town Clerk le to enter the same upon .his -book. If the owner shall not appear within ten days after the astray has been taken up, an advertise. ment' shall be inserted in one of the conntY newspapers, and if the owner shall not claim his property within sixty days after tho ad. vertisement, application is to be made to a Jostles of the Peace, who shall issue his war rant to a Constable to sell the estray, after giving ten days' notice. Any surplus of mon ey coming from the sale, after all the expenses have been paid, is to be handed oiler to the County• Treasurer. The owner of the' estray can reclaim the same : within one year." The Presque bile Fire Insurance Company is the name of a new corporation established in our oity for the object its name designates, subscriptions to the capital stock of which have been'taken daring the week. The corn; missioners under whose auspices the company is being organized are John P. Vincent, A. King, P. Metcalf and John Hem. • :7' :Itertas-of Laes3. 1 inierestS, , We'arh under obligations . to Col. McCreary for legislative and other documents. A special session of Court, for argument eases, &0., will be hold on the 18th host, Out of a' population of from fiTA Ili seven thoulaud in Titusville, 1,284 us Catholics. A bathiog house has been opened In Pithole. We need one in Erie about at. much as any • thing we kneir of. . Flow to get rid,of a bora. Allow him to be come In debt to you ten dollars. or more, and ask him for the money. It is a sure remedy. I The prisoners sentenced to the Penitentiary. at Allegheny City, were taken by way of the \Erie & Pittsburgh road, on Tuesday. I - ff. H. Wells has retired from the firm of Caughey,, McCreary b., Co., leaving the bust. ness to be conducted by Messrs. A. H. Canghey and J. C. McCreary.' ' • - A correspondent at llarrisburg writes to us ; "A bill bas been presented in the Legislature (probably for political effect) to compel the Philo. & Erie R. R. Co. to fence their road. I think be poised." Mr. Emmett Mellen, a graduate of this of fice, has become one of the proprietors of the ,"Era,". a daily parer published in Petroleum Centre. I #"tgerish himall the success ho may anticipate.. G. W. Riblet has been appointed, Sy the County Commissionere, collector for the Ralf Ward, and Capt. C: Smatter collectcr for the West Ward. It is customary to select the col , leotard appointed by the Commissioners to collect the city and school taxes. Not.log since, Mayor Scott went to Wash ington, ;iintLin co-operation with Mr. Scbfield, securedUan 'extra appropriation of $20,000 nr the improvement of oar harbor, making $OO,- 000 in all. A large portion of this amount. Is to be applied to the extebsion of the North pier, at the entrance. The sermon •of Rev. Geo. F. Cain, to young men, in Park Church, on Sabbath evening lag, was one of the most eloquent and interesting dissoursee we have beard in a long period. A large audience listened to it, and there wan -a general expression.of delight-with the manner in which the subject was treated. There are few abler pulpit orators is the - country than Mr. Cain. The rapid manner in which money put out at compound interest accumulatea will aeton• ish any person who Lipka into the subject k A hundred dollars loaned in that way, at 6 'Or cent., will double itself in eleven years; loaned at 'lO per cent. it will double itself in about seven years. No wonder that bankers iwrease their wealth falter than most people. A decided matrimonial 'epidemic Seems to have seized control of Our local editorial brethren . . A few weeks ago we were called upon to chronicle the sad lose of neighbor Hurd, of the Dispatch, and in spite of repeat. ed Warnings, Graham, of the Gazette, has met the same untimely fate. Thus it is that our fellow editors depart from us—one day in the prime of happy bachelorhood—the next, alas, gone forever ! Unless indications are decep— tive, Rupert, Jr., of the Conneantville Record, will be the next to follow: Remember that for every club of . new subscribers, et the regular rates, wi) wilystm. an extra copy to the person that gets up the club, or whoever he may designate. We wish to 'add a thousand more names to our list be fore the let of July. Row many of our friends will interest themselves to the extent of getting up a °taker five? With a thousand more subscribers, we pledge ourselves to furn ish a paper that shall not be surpassed in size, appearance and amount of matter by any local journal in the State. The Harrisburg correspondent. of a local cotemporary says Mr. Lowry is well known there as a candidate U. S. Senate, to take Mr. Buckalew's place, when the latter's term expires. This is different from the un derstanding here—it being commonly supposed that Lowry will try to become Seofield's sue eissor in the House of Representatives. Cam eron in the Senate is bad enough, but Cameron . and Lowry together, as the representatites of Pennsylvania in the ,highest legislative body of the land, will be a joke far too rich for the people to appreciate. 'From tiny such fate, may Heaven, in Its kindness, spare no ! • The Catholle Church, on Fourth street, has been crowded to its utmost each evening for the past two weeks, it) listen to the discourses of the Passion Fathers, from Pittsburgh. These services are held every two or three years'in the Catholic' churches, and are said to be quite interesting: They partake some what of the nature.of revivals—the'object be ing to reinvigorate the religions sentiment of the attendants, and inspire them with highee views of their duties to one enother,to society, and to the church. The Mission will close on Sunday next. - • - The doings of our State Senator afford a never ceasing topiu.of interest' for the people -of ; his district. It will, therefore, gratify heir curiosity to know, as related by a legis lative correspondent at Harrisburg, that his name "appears frequently in the Record. His voluminous shirt frill is continually bobbing up and down in the Senate, and bis luminous vlisage is a frequent resting place for the pre siding officer's eye when seeking the origin of the cry,. 'Mr. Speaker.' The Senator from Erie _county does his share of ',e l ate howling. He is - Ale.veted-to.his party and applies party whip and spur unmercifully, it necessary to accom t push his object in legislation. Ho is indus trious. ' No man in the Senate has perhaps made mdse speeches during the past five years than he. Buncombe with him is capital, but whether the dividend's on the amount he has, invested, will prove to his profit or not—the future will probably tell." ,-,-. The Universe, a Catholic paper published in Philadelphia, announces that Rev. James O'Connerititinerly j ot' Pittsburgh, has been anvilstett Bishop of the Erie diocese. The -- Uniterse ii the only paper which has the news, an 'it is doubted by most of our leading Catholics. The first Bishop of the Diocese was nacad O'Conner. Ile was Bishop of Pitts bu h, and, on the organization 'of the Erie 1 :Di ese, left his position there to, take the mite here. On the -appointment of Bishop Young, he returned to Pittsburgh, resumed hie officiat duties there, and afterwards re signed to enter,a Jesuit institution at Annapo lis.. His blether was a priest at Pittsburgh, and was urged for the Bishopric of Erie, at the s lime Bishop - Young's name was sent to Rome. Whether the reported appointee is the former Bishop, or his brother, we are unable at present to state. Business men inform ns that within the past week, there has been- a considerable revival in trade. The prospect of a defeat or suspect !ion of the impeachment scheme givei more confidence to capitalists, and if the people aid press throughout the country were, with one voice, .to demand a cessation of the revolu tionary conduct of the Radicaleoremight soon begin to look for a return of the good times of the past. Money seems more plentiful than IC has been since the let of the year, Sod less difficulty it experienced itunaking collections. The masses 'are beginning to fully appreciate the ekes of the Radical schemes, and, in.. Stead of applauding the most extreme eenti mente, as heretofore, a vest majority strongly incline to a conservative course.' Above all things, the people demand are oration of the Union, and a turn to a settled state_ of Na tional affairs, and. they will not be content with much longer delay. Let the politicians read the algae of the times, and lake Warning before it ca too late. ' ' The numerous attempts at wit made byidr„ Scofield in Congress, show that he is more am bitious to get the reputation of being a funny fallow than a statesman. In view of this ten dency on his part, the Warren Ledger not in aptly calls his,liitelltiOa to Tom Itenton's ad. vice to a fellow Congressman, - who had made a speech which set the lionise in a state of laughter. Calling him aiide.- 'Benton said : • 'Sir,. I have heard your epee fah. - I hare been here many years. Thla L your fret set Dion. Vila you perratt_nie eve you* bit of advice , Certainly, wag the reply.. -.Label] feel bonoqd by your courtesy.' - 'Well, sir, said Mr. Bentrtt. ,'yens speech wee exceedingly brilliant.; "it sparkled:with wit ; it was fanny; they laughed heartily at it ; but never do each a thing here - agatn it you wish to advance as a statesman or a poli tician.' 'What ?' said the astonished debutaat, 'nev er make a speech ?' 'No. sir, but don't make people laugh,' re plied Benton. 'Not make people laugh, Mr. Benton! why it requires some genius to make a witty speech.' - 'True, sir; but the public hie a poor appre ciation fop genius. You must gain a repots. Lion for wisdom, not wit. You can gain a reputation for _wisdom in Congress by not speaking a single word during the session _2_ 'A reputation for wisdom?' 'Certainly. Sit still and look wise. 11fan• kind is prone to reverence the solemn ass, but the braying one soon makes bimselfintol• erable.' . If Mr. Scofield is wise. tie will bait, no trouble in making the apprication.- A rich father had a ehrewd, but idle eon, whom he often scolded for his extravagant habits. At. length, to quiet him, the son made the following proposition : "If you will be gin on the first day of the month and give, me a cent, and double it each day until the end of the month, I — will — not ask anything more for a year." The father,notwtthstanding his wealth,. had but little experience in arithmetic, _and, thinking the proposition a reasonable one, readily accepted. At the end of the Becond week, ho 'jabot to back out of the bargain, but the son told him it was a fair agreement, and held him to it. When the .young man came round at the close of the third week for his allowance, the father held up his hands in astonishment, and declared that he must break off the contract, as it would ruin him. How mach did the eon receive at that time, and how much wouliAske have been entitled to at the expiration of the month f. We will venture to assert that those who choose to figure the result will \ be as much surprised a‘s the father was. The publication by the Dispatch of Geary's toast in this city, has led ihe Warren Ledger to relate an incident of his visit t) that bor ough, during the.campaign of last year: "He came:" says that paper, "riding through on horseback, while a few of his friends were hurrahing for Geary, a knot oeDernocrats hurrahing for Clymer. At this the, Governor straightened himself back—bracing himself in the stirrup's, and said. 'he can't ride a horn,- back!' to the infinite disgust of his friends, and the derision of the few Democrats who heard him." If many- more stories of this sort appear, we shall begin to think that. the Governor is even a .sillier man than we have heretofore believed him. The following incident ie'related by a nor ; Mpondent of the ilarrisbarg Patriot, writing from "the hill :" "This morning several derkies from Phila delphia, who were horn of poor bat respect able parents, and represented every branch of trade, from white washing to shad Cleaning., blocked up the entrance to the Hewitt- ottein tier. They were lystening with open mouths and eyes in fine frenzy rolling, to their great champion, Mr. Votary, of t Erie,' who was ad vocating their rigit to ride in the passenger railway cars. - ;Drudder Lowry,' remarked one dark to another, 'is jest smgocd a maxi as Feed. Douglass, big it am a great pity dat be tin white."' • The refinery and "appurtenances of EL O. Frisbee & Co., at;Edenville, Le Brent town ship, together with a large amount of refined sad crude oil, ter;!inaptha and 150 empty bar rale, were seized by the officera of the 11. S. Internal Revenue Department, on Monday, it being alleged that the owners have been guilty of fraud in evading the Federal laws. The chargesagainet them are,that they have not re turned as• much onus they have refined, arid that barrels have been refilled without can celling the government stamp. A serio-comio drama came near being en acted on Monday of last week, in the neigh boring borough of Conneaut, Obio. The di vorced wife of one of the citizens called, pistol in hand, to see • her former liege lord, but he could not be found. His absence prob ably spoiled a sensation item for the papers. Josh-Billings says, with as much truth as wit: "There ain't no doubt in ml mind but what the flood was a perfeckt success; and I have thought that another just each an "one would pay well now in sum eektione ov the country." Anna*Dickinson'e lecture in this city, being he last of, the course. will not toke place nu ll April. The sweet tenmered young lady is esssof a.-fevorite here than she was a year or two ago. - The Brookville Herald hag hoisted the name of Hon. Wm. T. Jeoke, of that place, as the next Democratic candidate_ for Supreme Judge. _ MARRIED. Gamt.tat—LlELY—At Trinity Chtirch, Roches ter, N. Y., on Tuesday, the sth inst.. by Rev. Rem Anstiee. *Rector of St. Luke's. Church, Mr. J. R. Graham, of Erie, -Pa,,-to Miss Annie M. Likly, of Rochester. Ityeti—Moyrentra--On Jan. 22d, at the resi dence of the bride's father. ber, Rev. S. Noles, Mr. T. M. Ryan, of Palrriew, Erie Co., Pa., to Mtee Ellie A. Montague, of Mi na, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. BOWES—CononN—In Girard. on the 4th inet., by Rev. 11. 0. Howland, Mr. Philip Bowen, of Fairview, to Mies Alice Cohoop, of Gi rard. Roirmsow—Mclirr.—On the 4th insti • Tohn Prosser, Mr. Lerj T. Robiasoi to Misi Iklau)fcßee, of Sprinifield. Frio 434., Pa. Pemaza—WADSWOIIMI--In Watittibirg, Jan. dOtb, by Rev. F. V. Warren. Mr. David Palmer to Miss Tills L. Wadsworth, all of that place. ' Saunas-13nown—In Cousin:oMo. on the ntl. by Bev. F. Brown ' Mr. A. N. Squires. of Le Fayette. N. Y., to Mies Fronk M. Brown of Union Mil DIED. GLAZIZIL—In Fairview, Jan. 80th, Albert, eon of P. P. and E. M. Glazier, in the 25th year of his age. • • Ilanazaavos—ln Corry, on the 2d ;wt., of heart disease, Aaron Harlin:glob, aged 66 years , . • WILEr—In Cotioeardville. at the residence of her eon, Rev. B. P. Hitchcock: Sire. Mercy Wiloy, widow of the late Joseph Wiley, for: mgrly of Greene township, Erie Co., Pa., aged 99 years,.ll months and 9 days. LOWAY—In this city, by accidental drowning, William, aged 16 years sad 111 h months. and Charles Calvert, aged 14 years and G months, eons of Henry M. and Mary Jane Lowry, formerly of Washington, D. C. Jaintscip—;On the 80th ult. ' in Union, Ursula A., wife of car: Samuel Johnson, aged 25 • = years. Watans—ln Fairview, on the 4th inst., Trine, infant and only daughter of Charter-F. and Mary E. Weigel, aged 6 months and 17 days. Cantratu--At Watertown. N. Y., on the 12th ioet.. Henry Cadiell, formerly of this eit3r. Aged 64 years. A Monet. BUSINESS Cotizos.—The Iron City College is an institution not of theories but of the_most rigid, correct and comprehen. sire prectite. The student is not only taught but he work's. Every possible contingency of business life he encounters and works oat in dependently in the course of his own persona experience When a man graduates from this he his, in preparing to do business actually done tininess for some time, and graduating is little else than thelctrange from one office to another.--.Auslis t rgA Po s t. sa NITORRTIME i rltaGEDlF.—The• Nate:hes tMiss) Courier gives the details of the re- cent trial Itlad COtiViCtiOD by a jury in the District - Conti holding the par iah of Concordia, of a negror charged with the crimes of .murder, r3bbery and rape. The testimony was in substance that, in August last, Jacob Landsburg, with -his wife, sort 'ef thirteen 'Fara, and daughter. a year or two younger, waegoing down the Mississippi river on a flat boat - lof the flat' boat kind,) near the Conctirdiaahore,wben being about eight miles below Vidalia, and in the night tithe, he was bailed to land. This he did, putting the bow of the boat in shore. The prisoner, who hailed from the shore, then approached. and asked far whisky. Landaburg replied be had none to sell, but would givwhim part - of What he •had. Prisoner made some answer, when tt gun was fired and Landsburg stag gered towards his wife and exclaimi olla, Pm shot," fell and shortly expired:, Ife was shot in the breast. th^ contents of the gun having entered' in one body, mak ing. a.- large hole, and showing powder marks where shot, as though the gun was very close to him when fired. • The prisoner in a Second or so thereaf ter entered the boat, and addressing the lady, Mrs. Landsbnrg. inquired,l 4 Who fir ed that gun?" She called his attention to her husband, and begged his assistance. which he prOnaised, and then left the boat, but returned in a very few,,miuntes thereafter with a double-barrel shot gun in his band. Re pointed the weapon at Mrs. L., ordered her to surrender every thing on the boat, and "hand out the greenbaCks quick." or he would send her to where he had already sent that son of a b—h," pointing at her hus band. Mrs. L., distraught with terror, gave up all she had, and the prisoner then robbed - the now dead body of effects upon his person, and the children of Biome little change they had. Then cursing,. blaspheming, etc., and threatening often with his pciinted gun, he sent the children ashore, put out the light on the boat, ar.d with force and vio lence, within arm's length of her murder ed husband, whose ' heart's blood wan streaming over the floor, the fiend (pris oner) violated the person of Mrs. L., and then fled. Daylight brought assistance, the horrible tragedy was faithfully de scribed by the widow and her little son, and the accused was arrested and identi fied. A few weeks only sufficed ere death released' of her nintal and' physical agony, the victims of this demon, the wid. ow of the murdered Landsburg. When the son gave in his testimony in court on the trial. ho several times - burst into tears,• and on each of these occasions .there was not a dry eye in court. Of course the verdict was guilty of murder as charged. . A Boor roa WOMEN.--Ifeasre. Zeigler, Mc- Curdy tr. CO.; of Philadelphia, have in preen and will-soon publish a work, by Dr. L. P. Brackett and Mrs. Mary C. Vaughn. entitled, "Wanien's Work in the Civil War." It will be Illustrated with numerous' fine steel en gravings. by 'Ritchie and Sartain, and will contain about seven hundred cctavo page's, m eluding sketches of nearly two hundred ladies and brief notices of about four hundred oth ers, while *just tribute will be paid to the thousands of nameless heroines who sacrificed so.much to give aid and relief to our suffering so , diers. This work, commenced more than three years ago, and prepared under the sane trot' and approbation.of the United States San itary Commission: the Westerti Sanitary Com mission and the Christian' Chmmission, will be one of standard authority and great inter est. • It will contain an introductory chapter by Dr. Benoit', late President of the Sanitary Commission. We endorse the statement'of the Dispatch that "one of the moat pleasant journeys that can be made from Erie by rail, is on the night ea-prose going east on the Philadelphia and Erii railroad —to Harrisburg or Philadelphia for laslAYPe% At Corry %Dana Ws. taken into a sleeping car, where they-can tain comfort and excellentl,attention. At breakfast time they find theitielyes at or near their journey's end, without being tired or. !torn, and ready for business." Persons vis iting either_New York or Philadelphia, will find that by taking the afternoon train on the P. 8., it., they Can be enabled to' accom plish the journey with less fatigue and more comfort than by any other route. Mr. Billings, the artist, bp presented to the ladies of the Episcopal Fair, a large oil palnfing representing "The Departure of Ba lmy." It is to be disposed of by tido:l44m Friday' evening, and the event will, -undoubt edly, create much interest. FUT TO EVIIITBODY.-6.litiv 6 pp. (Iterate, giving teormatlon of the greatest importance to the 'maps of both same.. • It teaches bow the boately may beelete beautiful. the despised respected, and the-forsaken loved. No youog lady or stentleman.should fail to Bend their "chines, and reeeive a copy, postpaid, by return mail. Address P. 0. Driwer.2l, fehiC67-Iy. Troy, New York. New Advertisements. MONEY, FREI: AS WATER.. 10 000 A.tir• T.neal 'end Traveling A g ent., V a l e at Female. of all sleet, are wanted to solicit trade in every. City, Town, Village, Hamlet. Workrhop end Factory throughout the entire world, for the moat saleable now pities e'e r h awn , fOO TOT cent. profit and READY BALX RECIRTIIIR Ore' Sib. Smart man and women can make from $' to $6O Per day. and no risk of tou. A small capital required from il2o to sloo—the more money invested the 'rester th. profit No motley required in &deal ce—we Ant a' ad the articles and receive pay alter. wards If you actually wish to make money rapidly and easily, write for fell pertientere, g o d u td r .,es YTLNOR &CO (From Peril.) - 210 Broadens. N. Y. City. Newspapers cop. lag will be liberally dealt with. WHISHEIR AND 3100STACUE4. FORCED to grovi upon the smeothest fete to from three to eve week,. by esiog Dr. SEITIONE'S RESTAU RATEUR OAPILLAIRR, the moat wonderful discovery in, modern science, acting upon the Boards:4 Flair in a most miraculous meaner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and L rrdon vrith the most Battering success Names of all purchesars will be registere.Land if entire satisfaction le not given In every lestance. the money will be cheerfully refunded. Priori by mail seated and peatoald,sl. Deserlprive City:viers and testimonies mailed free. Address R ERGER,S FICITS &CO ,Chemists, No. V.l3sltiver street„ Troy, N. Y., mole agents for the United States. febl3'd7-ly. B g 'A U T Y • AUBURN, GOLDEN, rthaccm & SILKEN CURLS, Pendwavi by the nee of Prot. Le SARUM' TRINE% LR CIIRVEUX. One application warranted to marl the most etraightand etubbone,hair of either sew Into wavy ring Ma, or heavy , maestro curls. tiu been weed bv the fashionable* r f Paris and London with the soartgratifv ing results. Doe, no injury to the hate. Pries by m• i!. sealed and *poitoeld. Pl . Lirealere melted free. Addrere BERORR. BRUITS &CO.. Oherniefe:No. 295 River street, Troy, N. Y. Bole agents for the United Rates. febleer-ly. EXCELKIOU RXefiLSIOR t —7` CIIASTELLAWB 4IIAIR EXTERMNATOR, For Remo vg Superfloons Halt. To the ladies especially, thie invaluable depilatory recommend* Hari( saheb:man almost indispensible aril ele to female beauty, Is easily applied, does not burn at injure the skin, but sots directly en the roots. It is warranted to remote superfluous hair fr-ro low fore. heads, or from any past of the b- dy, completely. totally and radically, extirpating the 'same, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. Thls t the only article used by the Preach and lithe only real effectual depilatory to existence. Price tS rents per paelard, sent postpaid, to any addresa, on reetlot of an order, by BRUER, SPLITTS CIS ;Chemist; febl4'67-Iy. . - 21 e River St., Troy, N, T. N 0 T I The undersigned. being about to close up their btud twee give notice to all inde'-ted to c woe forward and nettle their weeount4, by doe bill or otherwise, on or be fore the 11th of Frbruary. A liberal time will be al lowed to those who give their notes In mss. of failure to settle by the date rnentiopto). the accounts will be placed In the beadle! a Justice for collection. The good' In stock will be meld at private sale, et greatly redneed figures. A rare chance for Laraine la offered, and the public will find It of adeantaire to cell. • Jr , FIN UHR & CO. I The store room Is also offered for tent. fob? an•• - With the EVERY COTTAGE PRESS, ik And the printing material seenumanilre ola 4ll it, every ma can de his own nehttlott neatly, quickly and el , esply. 'They ue so simple fn entistrnetinia, theta boy ten yeast ell can grtly 'range the largest • else. Printed instrurtiotui are sent with ins each office, enabling the purchaser to co to work without a previous knowledge of printing. A °Trude., contplaing foil description, prices, testimonials, fie.. sent frroto Ourapeoimen Sheet* of • OWN Type, Cuts, &0., ten cents. • ADAMS Pit CO., - PRINTER. übramy WARD -HOVbßCtootb Attila, Unica NUll, tee Cosity,:ra. IL D. Wald, pyorkiter -U pox crrr cos.wcom p AND NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, _ The Largast.Chstosit. Belt ACTUAL susurEas COLLEGE IN TEE UNITED stems. During the put tan 7U!I, spwarit of FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS, Representing every State In the Union. have vsdneted COT.I.E3E OP ACTUAL BUSINESS. impaled malt Stub. Stara. P. MEM, Commintion Broken, laimr sack liallroad; Steamboat awl Toleeniph Office", emablaittr THEORY Alta mance'. St:Pleats are thoroughly Inatinedad in all the branch., PRACTICAL BUMTSS' RDUCATION, laeladlogßooE ter qt. Parmasalito, ArithEastle.Com: menial I aw. Political Economy, Ragtime Oottesoood , ones +ss Aft of fiatectlng Coont erica Mousy. Railroad toc, StAamhnation Telagraphing, Practical •Ilisoklar, he , he. citalPt;t. es.* evt•T• et eaf Mate end COMplifte • full coarre in !torsi eightto Weir. week& Pays- all rlrpeoreo for Tuition, Plooko,alooka and PI Atoms. Vor Rteambiatioa. nellroadtag, 13welting nr Diploma, ea lo othet Colleges. Irna Lesson daily to Penmanship to all students In the Comm let Depart ment 'OR C=RCUI,tRi, girlog 1.11 %format on,, and eon telottig a oemp'ete ontnne of onr erttem of Practical &Woes, education, together with Prom emetics! Htuteese Men. Iderchi,ta. Book-keepers, Hankers. he , midyear the prinelp►le, SMITH COWLECY, ja24'674m. • • , MUM:ugh, P&. TrNun ik PURE .CONFECTIONERY, 1 • FINE GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOYS. NOTIONS, CRACKERS. FINE AN-D TLAIN CANDY, YANKEE NOTIONS, CIGARS, We Manufacture none but the beet quality, and at as PURE AND SALEABLE CANDY cir All Orders will raceme prompt attention .1 N MV CONFECTIONEMY, TOY. FANCY GOODS STORE! BENER & BURGESS, A RETAIL CANDY, TOY, FRUIT A FULL" ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TOYS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS rr Bang Manufacturers, their facilities are the heat far impairing their customers with VERSE{ CANDY EVERYDAY. RENEE - & BURGESS, Jan2l. s , • 730 Stat. Street. THE MST LANTERN DOFF, It barmi Finial* Oil lint mtg. FICEouTouPp Lettera testemeatary on the •.t.O of Willieee dee'd, late of Elk Creek to.. EA. rone.f. Pl., having been granted to the eub•etiber; Doti ^a hereby , is ifiren tb dl persons indebted to said aatata to make immediate p.rinentand all thew having define or den:made against ssid Wets will present them. dolt anthentlestad for settlarnant.on or before March I et. 1807. _ ELIAS WEST, Executor. Elk Creek, Jan. 31. 41167-1431,410 CiLEIGH BELLS 1 • A Lugs Stock of ALL STYLES ANP QUALITIES, I=ll p AIITN Elt dill I" NOTICE. 1g We hare aisoei.ted 'oarseiver together in basieesi under the fi rm Dame of Patint Tars tippet Company. With oar Increased Nettles we feel confident we can all an orders after this date. .4 1.. • EItIRWORTH. ' Williaturpmt, Pa. . P. 8. ENAWMITEL. jalo-7ir. • Waterford. Pa. MMI FARM FOR 'SALE. : • Of 180 acres, about 100 tom cleared. the balsam in rod timbered land, with a house and barn on it ; a young orchard of 120 crafted apple tress and some other fruit trees. Situated. lint farm Routh of Samuel Fiekleeer'a. on the Rides Road. and about four mile front Erie, Pa., in Welt 11111 creek Tolnship. For forth* particulars acquire of novl6-tf. • CONRAD BROWN. D OFF, PATTERSON A: CO., . HAVE GOT GROCERIES TO SELL pang LIMCBTY WHITS 1.11.1 D, , WW do mare and bettir work at a gina 'cm t. esti am - tau: Try it. lisbabotnzed only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, fraoissitz Dam rduir 4 0L1.98 VW. SR 8 , N 0.137 North Third Street, MIL f0P61,1y.• , _ 20 Ann Eit2i New Yost. O .T 1 C 11 • - Apollo:slim:al/GI be made to Mrs Governor for the Ru donor WlGuon finateory condors* of am& • . 11111.35. „ , I= Comer_ of Penn !Ltd SL Clair Streets. P1111313V1 GEI„ PA illpTY DnLLABS :NO EITB► CHARGE'S ?E4TIILONULS Manufacturers - of And wholesale dealers in TOBACCO - AND 'CIGAILS.i Always on hand fir Large stock of Of Every Variety, CANNED FRUITS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, CRACKERS, UM Emz=:ci Can be .old BENER & BURGESS, 431 STATE STREET I i D 2 ri Mrs opined at 730 STATE STREET, AND NOTION STORE, Whore their customers will always fichl IN OUR LINE - he, will keep • good Une of AND FRESH CONFECTIONERY OF EVERY VARIETY 70R PAIIILEIn3 VBt, 101:AT FiATTERSOPI .00.'13. x• • Ms FRENCH STREST, Vor ails by J. C. SELIVEV 516 FRENCH STREET 0= REAL. XciTA'tg FOR SALE, DWELLING ILOUSIIS Two pi* et $2,600. story frame, tfo 30) Weit 9th St., sell flatahiol. Two story frame. No. 271. Welt 6th Bt., new and gOod price AVIV. Two story nape. No. 193 Wiiht 34 St., Caughey bouae, ■ bargain. pies $3.000. Ono 204 ono -bar story frame. lro.:02, Myrtle St r coo. :ter tot, o trafortabto honks, JU.* SUDO. • ?Ira *tory frau, 47n. 211 East Dth St, Illekey's house. good banding sad new. Two etery frame, adjoining P. &E. R. R., en 11th St., - will be sold at a bargain. Ono iLod,ooe goy, trams. lot 30552 n. au sth 3t., ,tecoad West of Mate, desirable for btminesp. • Toro stor oell 6ntAbe , l frame, proper' y of R. 1..W1t• 11104.13Mith Ede, 67x179, Quest lot to the Borough. pries $3,00. Tiro story frank*, No. 68 bid. tintign St., bone, in fine orde-, 6 rooms and vood shed on Ist floor, 6 rooms up itoin, tarn. &C., &e, pries 61,600. XL:dents teL Ono and ose-half story frame, No. 8S Carat St.; con. ♦anleet to business, bows 1r cod order, toads and oat, cellar and wool house, price $1,700. 50 /term barn, houte, 10 acres rtookl 9 miles from city, Pric*S2,29o. 1 SS aces on Plauk Road, 100 acre. wood, raw oaokara style•go orchid will vxahanan for dtj pinP' .rty at MOO. Ramattda dlfecnit for all (nab. . fitasiloy plats. on Ruffslo Road. North East,lloaeres, Tali:tette t nproyemeott, 20 tern timber, price $12,000. 47 serve, twe mites from ettr, good improvements; Will divide to salt purebuers, per sere 81W. 45 sere*, five miles ham city, brick home, &e, good improyementt, pries $4,600. 100 sexes to Gre cte—a bargaiii—prlee 13,500 112 acres ♦ No 1 initd and improvements, near North East, Pries per acre $l3. 147 acres in Harborer/4., eery dealrabla and cheap, per sere $75. City lot oo Weld 9th St., No 141% Prlee 82,800 do do 10th do 756, do ;40l do do .4th • do 27 SI, do 1,88 do do 11th do 611, do 1,4:10. ' do do Bth do 1465, do 1,500. City lots on Westntla St., Noe. 1452,1466 and 1169 each $l,llOO. West half of out.lots 289 and Min lots to suit pur chasers; terms easy. A number of lots In out-lot 290, on Buffalo Road Eight city lots in ont-10t557 Wes. 10th and 11th Eta. the !gutter property. J HAYES 8; KEPLER. Agents and Dealers in Real Estate, Reel Ranee, Erie, Pa. E=El LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH! LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH! L Du. 'JUAN attL.lOl.4Jll/2,8 SPECIFIC PILLS Are prepared by the liessieurs. G•n¢eiere .4 Dupont. pharmaeoeutista. No. 214, Noe Lombard. Paris, from the praseription of lir. Joan Delansanr. ch/ef physician to the Hospital do Nerd on Laritottere. LITTEM OP RECOMMENDATION Pawn, Ifay AM, 1883. - Gentlemen—We havo.used the "Speeide Pills" made frees Dr. Delamarres prescription, during seven' years past, in our private and public practice, tad have found them a most energetic and sidiciint remedy in cases of Spec mstorhoes or Seminal Weakness, nightly. daily or prems.nre emissions; vernal wenn , ss or Impotency; special derangements of the nervous ; sea setting from secret habits and en erosions; relaxa tion of the genital organs; weak spine; affections of the eyes; .Lime" or 'lain dna" &post*: in the urine; "Milky" discharges; cabmen of toe sox, with sunken cheeks or bloodless lips; "pinched" feat ures; irregular action of the heart, and In ell the shortly train of over On, clund, OrJOar, Iron SOT cane, (Wilke nervous force. We earnestly advise the profession, and all persons srarmnot from any apootootatio or ammo% art.:nom or the gentto.u.rinary systems, to use then pi le. With high respect, we are yours most sincerely, BIJLIIROYAIRI6, Y. D., Ci. D. DOWIDIII, Y. D., Jim: Da Lzrotrna, Y. D. - TOBACCO To Garancicre & Dupont, No. 214 Hue Lombard, Paris. Sedentary and Studious occupations, anxieties, or whateeer tea ds to impair this vital action of the brain, distressing sad embarrassing disorders of the el fie system. Students. clergymen, and :sayers, there fi,res, who are esteeially liable to these weakcesass; Should resort promptly to Dr. Delaroarre's Specific Pills. A pamphlet, containing fall particulars, with direc tions and adeles, printed In F , each German. Spanish, and English, accompanies rash box, and will be sent by tna.l, free of cost, to any who will write for it. Price $1 prr box, or six boats for $5. Sold by all the principal druggists, or will be sent by mail, securely seal, d from all 6hier ration, on receipt of the 'Twilled price by any authorized agent, or b. the sole priers' agents for •merica, OSCAR G. MOSES & CO., V. 7 Cortlandt At., N. Y. Authorized agents for grist: 3 . B. Cagier & Co., Hall & Warfel. octlB-I,row • THE GREAT ENGLISH lignimy. • PSOTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS•PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a Prescription of sir. .1. Clarke, Y. D., Physician'Extraordinary to the Queen. • True Invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all. Snore painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re: moves all obstractions from whatever cause. A speedy cure may be relied on. • TO MARRIY.D LADIES it is peculiarly suited: It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regulanty. CAUTION. nest PRA skaaild aot be takes by Ftwalar daring , as FIRST THREE MORTHS of Preget:am it dig cre rare to bring es Afucarriage, Lett at any enter time they ere safe. In all cases of Nervosa and Spinal Affection; Paine in the Sack and Limbs, Fatigue on alighterertion,Palpita• lion of the Heart„ Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will street a cure when all other means have failed: and al. though a powerful tented'', do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. FbS dtreettone In the pamphlet around eselparkage, which should be carefully preaerved. • Sold by ell Druggists. Price Si ter bottle. - SPECIAL NOTICE. It Is the fate of every valuable medicine to be coun terfeited. Be caution", therefore, and see that the let ters 'T. AN." are hl. wn in the battle, and that each wrapper bears t ' e he simile of -the eignstnre of I. C. Ba`dwin zr. Co., and Job Moses. Without which none are genuine. N. B —One dollar with eighteen tants for rolsge, enclosed to any authorized agent or to the sole general agent for the United States and Itritieh dominion'. JOB NOSES, 27 Cortlandt St.. New York, Will Insure a bottle containing eft pills, by return wail, obscurely aeilod from all observation. Agents for Brie, Ball A - Warfel, and J. B. Carver dr. Co. oalS-lreow • . COAL. VOA L. THE MACH TO AM' COAL. AT SALTSMAN & CO.'S, Coal Yard, comer of Twelfth and Peach Streets, Fee, Pa., who beep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pittston krun ace) lump and prepared, Shamokin, Egg, Store, and Nut Rises; Bittiminon. for grate and steam, and EMI BLOSSBURG,.PITTSBURG AND BEAVER For .lllzeksmith Purposes Oar Coal Is all' roeelred by rail, Is kept on dz 7 plank floor. and WELL SCREENED BEFORE RELIVE IY We offer great indueeinbote to parties ',tithing to lay in their winter supply, aleo to dealers purchasing by the ear load. rir Otte nit a call and we guarantee to give satishie: ti on julyl9lll-t, SALTSISAN & CO. M ANHOOD—How Lost! How Restored. •Justpublisbed. a new editi,n of Dr. "2 , 4 Cuiverwelf a celebrated sassy no the radeal cure (without medicine) of Mpermatotrbosa. or Peoiir al Wealiness. involuntary Semisal tone.. iMpOlf AY, Mental and Physical, Intspacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; alto Consumption, Mpileosy, and Pita induced by Self- Indulgence or sexual eatravaganco. Pries, in a sealed envelope. out 6 cents. The eolibrated nthor in title admirable mum, clearly/ demonstrates , . from a thirty years' successful practi that the alarming consequences of telta h use mar be radially cured wi th out the dangerous yrs • of Internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no 'matter what hi. con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. . Eir his lecture should be in the hands of every youth in the land. Sent.andei seal, in a plain envelope, ro soy address post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers . CHAS. J. C. ICLINtt deit'2o-3m IYI Dowm, N. Y. Post °taco Bon 4588." GUARDIAN N &I.N• The undersigned guardian of Helen Wilk:imp. u m , W Ikinson. tendon Wilkinson and Les Wilkinson, minor children of Ira Wilkinson. deceased, will eell at public,. silo, on the premises, on SATIMMAY, ;Pre 2„ 1887, the undivided interest of said tallow 10 the following, de. Seribed piece of And to was an that certain faros situate In the township of Amity Erie countj, Pa , ve scribed u follows : O0 the West by the pubile highway, no the Morth by land of George Manley. on the gut by ludo of Charles Stewart and Wm. Duncan, s.d on the South bylend e of Georee Lockwood and Abel Matteson. being isactlio 1137, containing 80 acres and allowances, known ss tba Middleton Farm. Terms of lisle—Oas-thled In band, and the batsmen in three annual payments, with annual interest, to be siri cored by bond and mortgitye on the premises. 1110-Sw. VRAVP'S'e, Guardian. puuE LIIIIKILTY MUTE LEAD. • Preened by all preethul painter, Vey It. sad you wil Deere no other. ltenotethwed curly by ZIEGLER & SMITH. WHOLISALE DAM, PAM 1: GLASS Dr.ALIRS, 1107 NO..IST North ?Mid Street. Ma. - • • FARMS LOTS. - , 21LA N imp NON° Mgt TO A NSW TUNS. mrlB6T.'w As spring approaches Ants sod Roaches From WO holm some out AO Mee and Eats la Bailout eats, Ofd l 7 nip about. • "IS yam established in N. Y. city. 7 .4)&7 remedies ittefirs." "Yves tree Poisons." - Ithogerovi to the sawn irsisdiz." A oasts some oat of their kola to die., ~ C OStAPPs. ,O RAT, Slab% &ay. U 1101.48 Is • pmts.-rood for Ws. Ntoo.l4orhso„ 111•4 and Red Azar, lio, are. • O:I,3,TAR`3'. BED BUG EITUMINATOR Is s ttota or wash—aunt to destroy, sad also as s proyoutstlye for Boa Bap, &a 0 conars- Kizzywo POWD Poi mucus Is for Acestesquitos, Emu. Bed $9;l, Insect' en P unta,la Fowls, Animals, at, 113 r tt t Hawses !elan - worthiest talitliti4lllL Irer U. See tbst "Canis's" muse is on each BO& lop. and Mut Won yoa bay. _ • Address, - ELCNRYIL COSTAE, 184 Broadway. N. T Sold In Erts, P 4, by Drassisti. and retail &Lam °nowhere. "C- 0 S . T A R '•8" CELEBRATE) BUCKTHORN• SALVE, r For Cou, Warns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Mama, Broken BM/14g Sore :apples, Bleeding, Blind 'and Painful PCe, , Sumfalaus, Putrid and ill-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, gruptions. Cu , ant one Adectione, Ringworm. Itch, Corns, Gaston', Cha • do.; Chipped Hinds, Lips, &e.; Bites of Spiders, Gamete, Animals, &o , am. • Bose* 2 rents, 60 ante and Ri elms. Salo by all Druggists everywhere. And by HENRY - R. cosus, Depot 484 Broadway, N.Y. , • , " AB' = R." UNIVERSAL CORN SOLV4NT-, - For Corns, Shalom, Wauti &e. Boxes, 25 eta., SO eta. sad Sl slew Sold by MI Druggists seem/bete. ADS by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 N. Y. "cos. T A I?J' S",' PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS POE BEAL'TIFYING rn COMPLEXION Deed to gotten and beautify the Skin, remove Trestles, Pimples, Eruptions, Ladies ►re now usio k ; it in preference to all otbere. Bottles $l. Sold by all Druscists everywhere. And by HENRY R. cosreß, Depot 484 Broadway N. Y. / __, • . . • . . ':"CO.STAR'S, PEMORAL ',C;CYU-Gll REMEDYR• or Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, gore Throat, Croup, IV °opiate Cough,. Induennt, /Whoa, Coasosuptloo, Hroueblal Affections, and all dbleases of the Throat and Bottle; 23 eta, 50 eta. and Slalom • Sold by ail To-arena everywhere: And by 111$NR1C R. COSTAE, Depot, 434 Divadvay, N. Y. "COS T R S" 1.1 415 441 BISIIOI P ILLS. - itINIVER"AAL DIN !ILL, For S3 erroae and Flak Headache Ceethieutesi asatloo, Dyne**. Ealualueesli,Coakpeitton, Marti csa, Cholla", Chilli, Perim And ratersldseuipteant of the ,Digeetire Organs. BPIAA. IIS W nar , eta., MASI. Sold by all Drougtats ant7where. And by roma: B. COMB. Dept 184 fteekadHerke. N. T. • JulM4llo_ Broadway.