11. he Ci e.WeeMg Obomer. cRIE. PA.. FEBRUARY 7, 1867 Locr.—On the Ridge Road, West of Fede mil, on Tuesday evening; a Gentleman's oi l The finder will confer a-eseciarfavor returning. - it, and .be suitably. retarded. at this of:ace, or of T. E. Wile-in, Dis -.,dreditorial rooms. jcal - t.f. Loos TO Yarn INTERL.STS.—Sare time and If you have anythisrz to sell, If yntl have lost an thing, If you have found anything, If pill hare.a bowie to rent, If yon want to rent a bonen, If ynll leant boarding, ir von want anything, Tel fire thousand people 'at once, by td ., rt i s ing in the OrtgEnVEL :.:. T rf ccosr or GAS.—Thicitizens of Syracuse , I „„?, c o mplained of the ei.tortions and an • nyance of the sinele gas corapaby,,which for erly supplied that city with gas. : The price -' ,arced was $4 per thousand't*t; the quali pf gas furnished was very j&. The citi 0 4, after a weary efforttozitettreitair dealing , the hands of the company, rOsofwed to help .-, proeives The leading citizeihrTorthe place . s ,tcl a gag company on the mutual principle, • 11 sacceeded in distributing the stock among Le tiuhlic proportionately to the amount Ilgas used by them— y'coti,4. At irh the mnnonolists woke on to the ;Con ' e Ivaco of the bad feelinz they had created. a' last resort they offered to Pell their busi ,,. to the city at a fair valuation , bat the thorities refuged to have anything to do ith them The new company is now supply ,,g the city—or rather the citizens are sap. !yang themselves—and the cost of gait° them I. one dollarper thousand feet. Court Proceedings.- The regular February term of the Crimirial nurt commenced on Monday afternoon, •Jno. Vincent, Additional Law Judge; presiding. he list of Man is extremely large, and the wart rkuee has been crowded during moat of he time to a greater" extent than we recollect f seeing it in a long period. The Judge's barge to the Grand. Jury contained nothing ,f special interest, except his allusion to the -..*- eed-of providing additional •accommodat ions' . . r :. ur the county poor.— The _toot. House, he tatod, had become inadequate for the purpo4 ` ' .i '79 it was established, and over 300 persons , ~; re receiving outside relief, at s heavy' addi ,: Tonal expense to the county. The following . , '..` re the:proceedings of the Court : ''- Christian Brum. Selling beer without a , '.:' icense. Fined $35 and costs. 5 Jebn Graham. sellingliquor, etc. Plead illy. fined $4O tind coats. Peter Goodwin, selling liquor without a li ,, ens , e. Plead guilty, fined $4O and costs. ! li. Seuhaor. staling liquor without *license. ',iv..- 'lead guilty, fined $3O and coats. . • •,,,; FL. Siegel, selling liquor without a license. 4 - continued until next term, on account of the ` illneea of defendant If. 11 Beidter. selling liquor. Nolle prose g -,qui entered on payment of costs. etc. 1 Dan Sullivan. aggravated/ assault and bat ten.. Noll. prosequi entered on payment of cats by defendant. Wm. A 'Brehm tbleining money under false 4 pretences. Nolle•prosequi entered Dan Leary and Leary, surety .of the peace. On hearing the evidence it turned oat that the diffle My was one of a 'mere neiah- Imrhona tntore, and the CPAo we,a ata.tamaa hr the Court. : Frank Link', selling liquor to a habitual 'drunkard. Mr. Link, who is proprietor of 'hi :United Steel Hotel. plead not guilty. The 'c.1.0 waitought at the instance of J. F. Ap plehy, G and Juror at the November term, who st Poe at the Hotel, and 'mode oath that, 1 he VIM liquor cold to a deuoken -mar t , The ,lefenc • brought three witnesses who swore that the .Flotei was kept in an orderly manner; ihet Link bad given special• directions not to aril to intoxiented.perebn R ;I and that they had never Peen any sold to ,fitonh in the house. Verdiet not guilty, but defendant to pay the costa. ' , John(Srnith, assault- and battery, with in tent to kill, upon Fred. Schumaker, near'Fair-' view.' Found guilty. • Henry Jones, manslaughter. The events which led to tbie case took place on the dock. i on the night of the last election. Jonas is a [ tailor. An unprovoked attack was made upon On by Evan Reese, which was repeated,wheti Jones stabbed Reese with a knife, from which he enon after died. F The Judge, in charging the jury,laid special Meese on the fact of Jones haring the knife'l — M - psitiiiiiiroic. -- remict guilty. .1 A wile prosequtorae entered in the ease of Emil Breic, AndrOt Myers and lineick, indicted for riot, 'it being proved that they were not active _participants in the affair which led to the case. Wm. D. Miller, assault with criminal intent no - the person of IFfratAisnop, of Corry. Tbia case created - cleat interest, and many of its lettuces are unfit_ for publication. The de fense clearly proved that the case was made up to extort money from Mr. Miller. Mrs. Bildinp's-character was brought out in a very unfavorable light, and a certain Samuel Whither, who seems to.be a eortof right hand man of her's, waif placed in a disagreeable position before . the puhiic. The evidence fully acquitted Mr. Miller of any criminal .c . cuduct. Verdict. not guilty: half the costa tie he paid by ;Miller; the other half by .„Illiicher, wilo is charged with prompting the -_,.- 1 4t, Thoriptionand Benson for prosecution t - _)eeamin. Spencer & Marvin and Bowman, of ;Corry, for defense. - The case of Van Daniker, one of the dis charged conductors on the Philadelphia St 'Erie R. It.. against whom the Grand Jury brought in a true hill for embezzlement, was continued to next court, owing to the absence of material witness for the defence George Smi'll, larceny—Grand Jury find a true bill. Defendant ;lead guilty, and was remanded to jail. CharleeFah , y , ki—So Wing liquor withon a licqnse. Plead guilty and fined — s3o anc COON. Wm. Doyle and Charles White, burglary . ..in br;:titiog into a room occupied by a lodger at the Morton House, and taking $174 therefrom. Pound guilty. :yin Anderson and limes Ryan, larceny of a pair of boots and overcoat from the bowling 'thin of Thomas Edgar, in this - city. The tlont; were found on Anderson's. feet, but he Inimsd to have bought them from a boy. An letoon found guilty of stealing the boots ; llyan not ruiltSr. John Coffey, ;moult and battery on John Hievn.. at Corry. Not guilty; defendant to pay half the costs ; liiggena the balance. This close 9 tfie praceeaings up Co Thu rsday ,i•ning .•Licattraovemcars —TI4 rails on the Jamestown' & Franklin Railroad are laid !o Franklin, and in a sb , rt time repast , trains will be running upon the road. If con noms at Jamestown with the Erie & Pitts burgh road, and will be an important link in the railroad lines centering at our city. W e learn from a good source that arrange ments have been completed forjhe erection of an extensive railing mitt naketliitsetttry dur ing the coming season, at siNt4voint - conven ient to the lake and canal. T he leading men in the enterprise are itiessri. ',tory Rawle and John:-Clemens, two Sientlemen whose huginess qualifications 'arii assurance ettough of the success of the pro Act. . * " * Niessre. Joseph SlcCorter and W .S. Brown have concluded a contract with the ennsylva.. nia R. R. CO. for' the building of a large grain .elevator at the docks n xt summer. They havai secured the exclusive bulinoss of the Phita. , :k. Erie R. R. for a period'of twenty years, provided they continue to make exten sions to their facilities, as the demands of trade may rr.quire. It is a settled fact that befofe long a lice of propellerswill be established to make regular tripe to and from oar harbor, under the\ management'-hrthe Perina. R. R. C olrpany. Penionstin need ofleecie, Lealii;llfortgig les, Notes, other blinks, will do well to bear to mind that our stock is the most complete, in the city, inoinding 'every form in nee in W. section. !Orders to thts trade will be filled at • reaaottable reduction. Duza.Tts . tes.—A,ery comes up from every part of the land—." Dull Times." It is dull in New York ; dnu in Philadelphia ; dulJ North and South ; 7 dull the in large cities and in the Small towns, I Ittelness of aver) , sort, WIN ,and money—well. the less said about it tile fewer unpleasant \ reminiscetices will be called up in the thought:4 , of business men. Here in Erie we are no better off than the most of / Countrymen. Alibi:nigh we have reached • the period of year witen trade ven a lly brightens up, there is a nuiviirsal complaint that nothing is doing. Men are at their ends how to shape their affairs, fearing lest the dullness of trade may continue, and-not wishing to renew their stocks without an assurance of a brisker market. There it no use of endeavoring to collect, for everybody'esys he has no money, and in the prostrated state of trade, it seems almost like insulting a man to ask for it. All are 'Punted to know the cantle of this universal denreslion. The reason seems to us too plain to be mistaken. It comes from the action of the Radical Congress. Just ea long as they continue to la`k about overthrow ing the Government end impeaching the President—just so long- es they keep the Union dissolved and refuse peace - to the land —just that long will we have want of confi dence, business troubles and dull times. -The. heavy *Waists of the large cities will not use their money while this discouraging state of affairs contioneand when they withheld operations, , .the smaller dealers suffer as a na tural eottlteirtoe.,_T_henublie will soon flea that Radical Mr &Hag Them dearly.- It has cost them enough already. Heaven knows, bat in so indirect ainanner that they have not felt it. Now it iti.comini borne, and every man's pocket begins to be affected. Tho people will someday Waite up to know the heavy burden Radicalism hne imposed upon them. Let Con gress cease itsrevolutionary plot tin c—let it restore the Union upon a basis of equal and exact justice—let It cease tinkering With the fundamental principles of the - Government_. and, better than-'all, let it adjourn until the let Monday of December next,—and trade will at once revive, and the nation again start on ward up - on its career of prosperity. We may have - a tenincrary revival of good times pith ettet them- r anch is the wonderful energy of the Anserican,people—but until then the man who anticipates . anything permanent is only hoping against hopei A MOPEL EPlSTLE:—Prohmbly no class of persons in the world'are the rocipients of so many curiosities in the shape of correspotyl ciao@ as 'editors. If the letters receired.in any printing office were publiehed. they - would af ford a collection of "pungent and vigorous" literature equal to Punch. The following is, ,Perhaps, more comical than the majority, but in point of orthography, composition, punctu ation. ac., it is not a bad sample of Many. We shall probably-run the risk of a fearful calam ity to our nerson for putting it in print ; hut it is really too rich to be hid away among the secrets of our editorial drawer : CORRY Deo 24 '6O. lin. Enrrra Reeved your call that tares ening you & i know i am. An you puethem in your Paper as a Dead Beet. But if you Shoul4 Put me in the folks in carry wood be moat Tam foold for they, i om a Dead Turnirp. Now my worthy friend i will be up to 'Erie sometime in Jau & Pay you for i wood not Do without the that observer for -nothing. i have Lots of 0111 one to-go & Preach one to Lectare on Temperance. I Now a call to go & get Drink of Lager i think that is the Beat owu IMe if you nut me to the Dowd Ike/ i will Be Like a Bob Tail nags in fly time so that is all my worthy friend & i will Pay.yon in Jan -1867 i wish you a mery Christmas. LADORYTIS OIIT Or V,IPLOYMISTIT.—We learn from a Prominent raitritad official, that. at no time within the past six years, has there been so large a number of unemployed laborers in the city. He save that five hundred men could he hired in five hours to do any work. for a very reasonable price.' When it was known that the Lake Shore Road wished to employ shovelers, there were twice as many applicants as could he transported or advantageously worked. One man who was all Monday shov eling had only twn slices of bread to eat, and. when interrogated in regard to hisinsoffioient. diet, said this more& wita all his house . afford ed. He bad spent ail his last season's sav ings for food. and had been unable to procure work. There are unquestionably hundreds of just Binh cases in the city.—Buffalo Courier. The same dearth of eroploytreent, me are told, exists in our city. Hundreds of laborers • • if employment, and willing to take work of almost any kind Unless business opens More briskly in the spring than .is ez pect4; there cannot fail to be much suffering among the laboring class. Wages also have a downward tendency, and bid fair to fall to a figure below the cost'of the necessities of life. -Linless.there it a tumble soon in Pikes, _vie fear many a poor family will find a hart task of it to get through the year. If there is anything past. present. or 'prob able, *bent the Erie Observer. which majori ties, minorities. office holders, or any one else, can possibly respec , , we would he hap py to have it elaborately described.—Gazette.. The less said by the Erie Gazette about "re spect" the better. A sheet which has fallen in two years from the acknowledged organ ship of the Republicans to being little more than a guerrilla upon the office-holders of the county—which has neither influence in its. party or out of it—which was ur.antmously repudiated by last Ws Co un ty Coovention— and which is desoised alike by political Medd and foe,—is the. last one in the world that ought to provoke .% 'controversy with its do temporaries on that. subjeot. If the editor of the Gazette wishes to know the'amOunt of 'irespect" that is entertained for hie journal he need go no further than among its party ad herents in this county. A political paper, cannot expect to have much mercy shown to it by the opponents of its faith, but to have the universal contempt of its own party adherents, and he without n morsel of influence in-shap ing its party action, is a degree of shame that few attain, and which no editor with the least "respect" for self would for any length ortime be willing to rest under. We-are nlad'to be able to announce that the Whittier Literary Association, an organisation whose -name explains its objects, is now in inl- 1 operation, with a fair prospect of a successful future. The Society bare leased a delightful room. in Rosenzweig's block, fronting directly on the Park, where the members can epend their evenings with profit and pledsure. The regular business meetings will beheld on Sat urday evenings of each week; all other evin inge, except Sunday, will be devoted to social intercourse, reading, Se. The Association propose soon to procure a course of lectures, the - proceeds of which will be devoted to the purchase of a library. We commend it, with the utmost heartiness, to the attention of our young men, and those of More advanced years ,who take an interest lth the welfare of the young.: It will fill a place among institu tions of the city too long vacant, and should receive the encouragement of all, of every age and sex, who desire to'promote the good and the useful. - 00 TO Woax.—We want, between now and the let of July next, to add a thousand good subscribers to our present list. They can easily be had, if each of our present patrons will but speak to his Democratic neighbor, and induce him to become a subscriber. How - many of them will undertake to do so? •We make the offer that for every five new names sent in, an extra copy will be furnished to the getter up of the club., Who shall we be priv. ileged to announce as the first person this year: who has procured us a club of five? Come, friends,—we work bard,day and night, for your interests; let u see that you appre elate our labors by your seal in- endeavoring to spread _the good tidings of Demoersey into every aoseervative hazily in the county. Items of Local Interest, The Senate has refused to confirm the ap pointment of Cot- - Samuel 11falreiry as Mar shal for the Western District of Pennsylvania. The members of the Epi.copal Congregation will - give a Festival In Farrar Hall, on Thurs day and Friday evenings of next week. Lucy Stone, in a lecture in Bangor recently said, “We - hear of hen-pecked haebande, but nothing about rooster-pecked wives;" True, too true, Lucy. The.Ciml Court last week, was occupied up to 4 o'clock in the afternoon of Sitirdan hav ing transacted more than twice the usual amount of baeinees. It wilt meet again - on Wednesday, February 37th. - . The hotels are putting down their prices. The Weddell. in Cleveland, eves notice that it will hereafter charge but $3 a day; and the American, in the same city, will - charge hut $2.50 a day. The falling off in travel is the canoe of the reduction. There ars only two surviving officers who seried under CoMmodore Perry et the bailie of Lake Erie—Cantata Stephen Champlin. of Buffalo, who commanded the gunboat Scorpion, and Dr. Daher Parsons, of 'Rhode Island, Fleet Brirgeon. A mon residing. near Cleveland _lately made for himself a very comfortable coffin, then dressed 'himself ,with unusual care, placed himself quietly in it, took. Prussia acid, and was found_ by his 'family deal Cause, too much trouble. - Some men are like oats, You may stroke the fur the right way for &ears, end bate nothing but earring: but ageidetitally tread on the fait, and all memory of former kind nesi is obliterated. , We -have several of the breed in this city. Those who are fond of the sweet thingS of life, will find the stores of Better k Burgess theplaoesto buy at. ',They manufacture their 'own candies, thus ensuring a fresh and pure article. Their variety of goods embraces everying in the confictlonery and notion-line. Helmr paradoxical some of the litatementa in Horace Greeley's new• lecture may seem. he begins it with a proposition "which nobody can deny ;" "Ladies and gentlemen, 1 be lierh it is now universally acknowledged that lam the worst public !Tester 'in the Mated States." . The Neions\Pabliehing Company, No. 60i Miner street, Phila., will soon publigh a work, by Hon. A. 11. Stephens, entitled, "A History of the War between the States—trec ince its origin, causes and results." IS .will no .doubt be an 4ble and interesting work. No one in the Sold, is better able to handle the subject than Mr. Stephens. ..) • The temirrompe organization known as the "Temple Qf Honor." was reorganixed on Monday esining, same twenty-fir `persons be ing preeeni.:4, whom about a dpi n are old members. Fe Esq., was ehoien W. I C. T, pro tem.,—end the Aes elation ad journed to re-assemble on Pride evening of the present meek. A enre way for a journal to get reputation, is to come out in a slashing editorial denounc ing some of the leading. men or acts-‘ of the party with whom it co-operates - . Its articles will go the rounds of the opposition press, with the preface that the paper, from which they are taken is the "ablest and moat info ential" of the political treed in" its section. 'oz. hew, ass the experiment tried on both sides, and never knew. it to fail. Tile act to incorporate the German Savings Bank Institution has passed both houses of the Legislature, and been signed by the (IMMO/P. The incorporatnre are John Gensheimer, P. Schneider, P. A. Broker, M..l3chlandecker, V. P. Liebel. and J. Eichenlanb, Jr.' The con cern is intended to furnish- a safer place' of deposit than is offered by moat banks—the stockholders being jointly and individually liable—and to loan money, and transact other banking operations. It will go into operation about the let of April. and will undoubtedly become a great favorite with our German citi- seas especially. Some villain placed a rail cross-ways of the track, on the buffalo it Erie road, cut of North Buns, on Friday afternoon, and the 2 o'clock train going to Buffalo only escaped de struction by the vigilance of the engineer. lie saw the obstruction, and whistled "down fleshes," but the momentum of the train was great enough to carry' the engine on the rail 'that was laid across, and the trucks were thrown off, the driving wheels keeping their positions on the track. The accident detained the train nearly an hour and a-half, but no in. jury wee done to the pasaengers. AnAttempt, will be made to discover the party who placed the , rail on the track, and if caught, the un timent of the community' wilt favor the foil pUnishment allotted by law for sub crimes. - The members of the Lske Erie Press kw. elation are invited to meet at Erie, on the 14th of February, and enjoy a dinner at their own expanse. , That is not the way we 'do thiutit in Meadville. One more Convention at. or Cleveland will jest about finial the Aimled Mien. It can't stand the wonderful hospitality of those great harbors on the Like.—Meadville Republican. • The above is perfectly characteristic of the source whence it emanates. Perhaps the edi tor of the Republican is not. aware-that the .first meeting of the Association (and the larg est) was held in this city, and that the meta l hers were given a supper, which was paid far 'out of the pockets of the publishers of the `three Erie English papers?? Whenever the prorrietor of the Republican does equally well, it will be time for him to sneer at the hospital ity of Erie. - We are glad to be able to inforni our read ere, that the letter carrier system (which the. Observer was sorry that the Dispatch advocat ed,, as that eapieat sheet argued that the tee eminendation of the scheme by thee paper would eeal its doom,) is to be pot_ info practi cal./Tendon in this City on the let of April next. The full.details of the programme have not been definitely settled yet, but the city will be divided into six districts, and a carrier be appointed for each district; and there will be thirty street boxes for the reception of let 'tete. This is a goad move in the right direction, and its adoption will be hailed with pleasure by our oitisenc—DispateA. We are profoundly gratified to know that at least one local measure advocated by our emi nently sagacious cotemporary hi likely to meet with success. As it is about the first instance of the kind that has taken place, our neighbor is welcome to feel as happy as may be over the event. • The fact is worthy of mention that during the entire winter, notwitlittending the severe snore storms, and the detentions on other routes, the trains on the Phila. Sr. Erie R. IL have arrived and departed, almost without ex ception, on their regular time. it is but sel dom that the trains are detained, and-'hen such is the case, the fault generally lies* with some of the connecting roads. The south easterly direction 'which the road perinea ren ders it comparatively free from the liability to be blocked up by snow drifts—the wind &iv. log the snow Osough the outs, instead of into them, aeon the Lake Shore. and other routes running east end west,. The advantages duel-. aped by the Philo: darie over other through route', during the peat winter, with proper management on the part of its - officers, should make it the favorite line from the Lakes tar the seaboard . We do not know whether iblee who control the road have taken ones stion Co advertise its superiority os a winter route or not, but if they have not it exhit its a deilorsbie want of enterprise on their part. The developments of this 'winter have ehown that it is immusasurably'beyond competition in men, respects, andirith a fair degree of en ergy it might and should be made the great through route from the Lakes to* the sea board. The arrest of Col, Felix 0-13yrne, in New FAIL Qv Carsousr —Tiro years ago any. York city, on charges of swinffting,ireirceratO_ body who had said that crinoline would go out a considerable amount e! amputee in ear city. ' by w t h fA s i l l i t o w n ' s a s li m d s t u i V iso s t t e r k ed ia w t o h u . 4" l/ „P a a s n e i : be lie came to Brie about a month ago, and re- it good investment, would have been cotield msinsd a couple of weeks, representing him erod a crotchety cynic. Nov the whole thing self as a special seeder the Government, and I has collapsed. Ths fashion in Paris at this claiming to bs m1111°1.120 to proenro the re- & n o t it! a : l i te ra l % t 8 cl Q ose to the body moral of any officiaolders obnoxious to the hue bad as and a fall as King Cotton, with conservative• abutting, and substitute wound \} small hope of being reconstructed —AzAave. Union men in their places. Being s. man of We hope the above is not true. With -all good address, he soon engrafted himself into the ridieble that hat been heaped upon crux°. the friendship of s nuoiberof our citizen*. and lino few will dispute that it As the prettiest was treated by them "like a prince." Their 'fashion ever introduced. The ladies. as a kindness he sought to reward by borrowing general thing, say it is the most comfortable, money - from all be could, brit" we believe, ho ales, and will be loth to part with -it. The did not succeed in accomplishing much in thief hoop skirt forever, say we. Viva It crino line. His chief tinansial operation was to intlin. line the note of an old drayman, fig_kblut died 'or more dollars, as a consideration ter procuring the release of his son from the penitentiary . Whether be got the note cashed or not, we are unable to say. Previous to coining to Brie he had practised his tricks with some atlases' in Buffalo and other •cities. His ultimate arrest was merely a matter of time, and we are glad to see that he has at length been tripped up in the little game he has been playing with so much adroitness in different parts of the country. Judge Scofield is kind end genial in dispo sition, but. it le hardly natural that'lle should feel amiably disposed towards the-venerable Secretary of State. We are informed, upon good authority,. that Mr. Seward, daring, a brief stay in Erie, list summer, while on his •vta, toChicago with the President, endeavored to operate against Mr. Scofield's re-election by speaking of him disparagingly; character king him as dangerous man" who ought to be defeated, and expressed a willingness to send documents calculated. to aid In the ac complishment of that result. fronise Judge Scofield has simply paid the, Prophet Premier for his unwarranted and unjust interference. —://errisburg Telegraph. Mr. Reward's stay in Erie lasttosxmet was not more than twenty minutes in length, and during that period be did not not make the most remote allusion, either directly or indi rectty, 'to Judge Scofield. We doubt, indeed, if'he gate that worthy a second's thought— having more important matters to engage his attention. ,t was bad enough for Judge Sco field to make the indecent attack that he did upon Mr. Seward, without his friends endeav °rine to palliate it by such false and ridicu lous statements as the above. " Any one who has attended the proceedings of our courts cannot have failed to notice the number of petty, insignificant and nonsensi cal coma brought up for consideration. On an averag;, we will venture to toy, fully one-half of the cases tried are of a nature that entitles them to be summarily kicked out of a court room. There ahOuhl be some system adopted by which Justices of the Peace would be au thorized and required to decide upon all crim inal proceedings below a certain grade- The Present Tar is a source of terrible eipense to the people, leads to vexatious delays, and causes an amount of annoyance and incon venience to jurors and witnesses that cannot be expressed. We do not know how the Court and bar feel on the subject, but if the opinion of outsiders was consulted, not less than half 'the eases that now enter the Court Hottse would go beyond the doors of a Justice's office. The "World Life Insurance Company," of fice 117 Broadway, New York, is one of the best of the many corporations of the kind es tablished in our country. Its officers are among the moot enbetantiol and reliable men f the metropolis, and its Board of Directors a includes a number of individuals whose names are "household words" far success end integ rity in business. The energy displayed by the .ou become the favorite life insurance corporation in the North. Mr. J. T. Frueauff, of Holli daysburg, Blair county, is the general agent for Pennsylvania , to whom applications on business connected with the company, should be addressed. - Theodore Tilton, the white man with black instincts, who leotured in this city, during our present. course. recently fulfilled an engage ment in Chicago. Learning, during the after noon 'merlons, that "colored ladies of the highest respectability" had been refused tick ets, he appealed in their behalf to Ahe Presi dent of the Association, and flatly retpeed to lecture unless they were placed on an equal feeling with, "white trash." Brow-beaten by Tilton's toanner,tlat officer immediately issued complimentary tickets to, the best reserved seats in the. house, which Tilton insisted upon personally delivering to the ladies in question. The definition of "treason" and "sympathy with rebellion," has long been if disputed top ic. During the war it was decided to mean opposition to the Administration. Since Mr. Johnson's accession to the Presidency, .it is pronounced to be friendship for the Adminis tration. Judging by the example in the cue of our daily ootemporary, Will later meaning has bent° und for the terms. A "traitor," "copper head," or eympathieer," now appears to be ortle,lto dares tell the truth about Geary,talle to believe in Cameron's honesty, does not re geld Lowry as a pattern of virtue and piety, and refuses to pdß Scafield as the embodiment et the statesmanehip, oratory and decency of the nineteenth century. The Pittsburgh Allickly - Postje one of the 'handsomest and best papers that come to our office—being printed on new, clear lips, and Codfaining eight pages of good reading matter specially adapted to interest country readers. The Poet is one of the staunchest Democratic journals in the country, and we heartily rec ommend it to our friendawishing a paper from abroad. The terms are; singlo'subsoriptions $2 a year; in clubs $l4lO. The Crawford Journal does not take kindly to the suggestion in favor of Scofield for United States Senator. It'says: s "The elec tion does not take place for two ,yeare, and bringing names before the public at this early day, is' worse' than useless." The Journal might hare added—"and sure political death to the 'upfront who allows his friends to en deavor to forestall public opinion." 'On Sunday evening next, Rev. G. F. Cain, of Park Church.-iiill deliver a sermon in ertilob he will endeavor - to explain “some of -the rea sons why young - men do . not become Chris tiins." The subject is one which affords a wide field for discussion, and the acknowledged abilities of the speaker assure us that it will be treated in a manner moil) than ordinarily intereeting, Our aid friend, Mr. James Harris, of this City, on Monday, celebrated Ms 86th birth day, having been borst_on the 4th of February, 1781. He is still as healthy and active as most men of forty.ftve, and bide fair to out-live massy who are snores of years his junior. A few days ago he took up his rifle to teat the power of his eye-sight, and at the distance of forty paces, sent three bullets in...faccession into the same - - The production of the Venting* oil region, judging from this-best stateMents we can get, for the year 1.118,-I.iiiabout 2,600,000 barrels' of forty-two &l ens each. If the bills are developed to the same extent as the valleys the production out be increased to an almost indefinite &mount. . There are thirty practising lawyers in Meadville—not to speak of the dozen or more in other parts of the . county and o larger than common number •at students. The Peo ple of Crawford county should not suffer from' a lack of attorneys to defend their claims. A good lead pencil is something hard to ob tain, end we are glad to announce, for ,the benefit of the public, that we have at length found an'artiele just, right, 'Those sold by Benet £ Burgess teem to be the best in the Good Templar Lodges are being organized n nearly every toirn and village in Eris corm y. Hope they will accomplish more than did hors in this county.—Conseastoille Record Thetlier theyaccomplirh . oily good or not, there is no harm in trying. The plan of the organization is one of the best ever originated, and its objects commend it to the encouragp li Tent of all upright citizens. We have o faith in any system .of temperance ref which does not rest upon moral Mzasion, d of all the modes designed for effecting the lat ter,give lathe one in which bath sexes are bro't together to labor for a common pnrpotte. tom" For thorough instruction. -by profes sional teachers, go to the State Normal School at Edinboro, Erie Co , Pa, A single term at a good tboo! is of more valnuthen a year as usually spent. • feb7-2 w* - S. M. Weigel. practical Piano Forte 'tuner, of the firm of Weigel & Ziegler. Orders re. oeived at Weigel & Ziegler's 31nsio Store, 820 State Street, Erte, "a. "Janl7-lm. Ipal• Fora parlor or eittinftrobm stove, no one lit equal to the Morning Glory, for sale by Nimrod & tjciziopang, 605 - French street. 00t.25-tf. ' • tfar A fire made in thej Morning Glory stove can be kept up all the winter round, without kindling. For ialft by Himrod• & Company, 605 French street 00t.25-tf. We' J. F. Cross's Erie 'City Intelligence Office. No. 1.252 State at. jalo'67tf., miataini; Arukattx.—Davra—Ta Steubenville, Ohio, -0 the 24th'ult., by Ref, Mr. Clow:they, Mr. Caleb T. Athearn, erectly, to Mies Nancy - M. Davie, et Cross Creek tp., Ohio. ' Pecs—Lradain—At the residence of Geo, W. Wilson, Petroleum Centre, Pc., on the let inst., by Rev E. A. Squires, Mr. A. M. Pah, of Eden. to lilies Josephine S. Leland. cf Erie. DIED SrneirAnAN—ln Concord. on the 4th of Janu ary:Eveline. wife of F. B. Stranaben, aged 41 very. RAST-Ou the 27th ult., after a lingering w pm', Carlie L., daughter of Mr.- Hower. Hatt; of Girard, at the age of 19 years and 21 days. liftrinnals,—On' the evening of the 25th inst., in Vairiiew tp., Airs. John 3felhorn, aged 77 years and 5 days. Bome—ln this city, on Sunday. last, of spinal disease. after a k painful illness, J. V. Boyer, aged 45 years. Wayne,' on- the let inst.. Mr. Eliab Perkins, aged about 49 years. Mr. P. wee one of .the oldest settlers in that part of the county. . New Advertisements. IST,O TIC - E. The undersigned, being about to close up their k:ta te= give notice to all ride ted to c rme forward and settle their *amounts, by doe bill or otnenriSr, on or blr. tots the 16th of Trtmuury. A liberal time will be al lowed ro these who give their notes In cases of failure " get*J° - d4t° nefearA,Prolnetz" - -heT goods in stock will be sold at private sale, at greatly reduced Arms. A rare chance for bargains is offered, and the public will find it of eduuntace to call. JOILN Vint & MP' The store Too it la also offered for rent. feb7.3.• EVERY With the COTTAGE PRESS, RAN And the printing material accompsnylos it, entry matt can •do his own printing neatly quickly end Oesply. They are so simple in construction, that a boy ten • - years old can easily manage thelargest else. Printed lastrnetions are sent with RN each °Me. mtahitot the Purchaser to gn to work without a ;minions knowledge of printing. A &molar, containing tall description. pricey testimoolals, seat free to all. Oar Specimen Shoots of Typs Cuts, An., ten cents. lIZi3 ADAMS PdESS CO., Y 8 Au St., New York. PRINTER. fabr67-ly 0. J. WILLAiRD ac CO., „ Kaaufacturas of - COTTAGE ORGANS Offm, and Wanroom, No. 627 Broadway, New York We Invlto the attention of DEALERS and th► pnbßo to ORR STYLE COTTAGE ORGANS, With new and rejefehle imptroVeleente, ierektliireff our 4WD The eases eye the 'LARGIE3T TN THE MARKET, Dews beautiful la deeign and workmanship. Oar Or• pas are made from Ufa beet of mater,iel, Voiced with Vest tent, having smooth pipe organ quality of tOO% yet deet. sod mellow. Are finished in highly polished meek Watnut and Koss Wood Cans with double bet— love, double blow 'odds, knee swell, he. All have our new event tremolo stop withwhich thy moot beautiful 'recta can be produced, varying at the will of the per former. Ws, oralre one {rood. aethe .gent in-strery &matron's, TM metro our lamest discounts; sand for ,illuatrated nrica Itat gariag full patties:stars.Address WILLARD A. CO., Ilanntietaters, ICI Broadway, N. Y. Wholesale Attests for the City sot Stete t r Ne w ir cw k , for thicelehrated "VOSE" PIANO FORTES, ire strictly snsalting grit fleas , and have not failed to become the LEADING PIANO wherever introduced. Malone will be sold at the lowest wholesale rats. and guaranteed protection. Large illustrated price list tie. log correct likenest.from photographs. sent to any ad dress on application. 'Address O. J. WILLARD k Wbolegal' Agents, No. (111 Broadway,N. Y. VIE BRIUIS' NEW PATENT PIANO STOOL, Acknowledged by the trade sod profession to be the Neatest and most Saleable Stool munttsotured. We are Wholesale Agents for tlas Ws, and are now =MAY*B **photon Kano Rouses In New York with these stools, and so wrest is the &Mud, Opt a large factory his bier , mead tapsble of *mpg out 1,000 stools ppaar stobtb, Dealers supplied st the Ifaaafastnrwa LOWEST wetourtiaLa PRlCES—boxed end shipped fro* of charge. Pend for pries 11.4 gming full particular' sod cured - 0. J. WILLARD W Sole Wholesale Agents, 027 Broadway, N. Y. - • NSW MUSIC. _ Jest Published, sent to any address on receipt of ■ price. Umbers anvil. dat the usual diaeonnt. 'eta. Girls, get a home of your own—New song and eho.' ray, b Tacker - 30 I'U ne f org et forget thee dear ] fart—bout by Mahon...AO UT blue eyed Jennie Belt-usonr by Bolder ao Oh Anne tome back—song and &nom by Tucker...AS Told in the twilight—eons and thorns by Cri11ey....30 Don't marry a man If he drinks—tong 10 I'll marry no man if he drinks—reply to the above., 30 Beautiful form of my dreams (Lith.)—seng by Bantu 60 When we mamba.' to the roll of the dram—wog by Bishop. SO Oh tome to ma who daylight ate—aong by Bassfor&so Nearest and detest (14th )—song by J. EL Thomas..6o Gliry ma holiest Monde and trite—gong by Tueker....3o Do not had her warning, reply to Gyydee Warning— song by Tacker SO Jennie who-ffitea In the deil--song by .r. 11. Thomas..3s Softly o'er tr" ) tippling water — sow by J. IL tcoesse with brantlfal Lithograph of the Anth0r.........4 0 Bella in distant lands—seeg by Tucker. ' 30 The light step Polka—b• planets B. Brown 35 Morning lighLaehottlash—by Radon - 30 &Wight polka—br 11 re. Parkhurst 40 Pazi) 0 gslop..by lin. Parkhurst 30 Romething preittYs.Nutifka—by, NM Parktptrit 30 ' Baran, Unseen—words by Lcogfellow 60 Pretty Routine — song by .P.. Doak= 45 KM glad fattista 001611-.40011 20 -X011111•111,011:010 , to Pat Mayon y ..--- 40 Fier heart lull thy owe—by Bess ' .14) Yttenot bad& the mill—song by Calton so NI/timing round the allele. ao You naughty. naughty man—s• ng in the BM* Crook 35 Now I lay me down to alien -song and eliortus by Wel - bri SO Blue ey es or black—song by i Baker 35 Stara of the rummer nigh....Qtierteite - li) Coming, analog, by end b7-song by Gabriel 40 Nell go with Grant swain--mw sang and shores by Tacker 10 - Halt,boye. halt,—aoug and ebbnia by BeNasightoss..3s The new horns. meet bore—meg by Madam Pareps.s3 Any eased reb , l• lied will be sent by return mall, and faittitelo• l lf•Pefigt Will realm their -change with the made.. -14(buse orders , b so. 3. WILLARD k CO.. %WM . NO. CV Broadway, N. Y. ItION -MTV COLLEOB, NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Corner of Tens Ea Bt. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, P 6 The Largest, Cheapest, Beet ACTuAL I. ---111/131:NESS COLLEGE IN THE 'Mina) STATES DttFttrg the past ten yuu upwards et FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS, Pepreanittin every State is the Calory have graduated CMS A cOTIVIE OP ACTUAL BUSINFSS. repelled "lib Ranks. Stores, P. , st Ofilre, Commission Brokers. /aver ante, Railroad. Stsismeost and Teterraph Mikes. dn. combining THEORY AND PRACTICIL Stnaente are thoroughly Instructed In all the branches et a • - - PRACTICAL RUMNESS EDUCATION: Inch:Wog Book tte- ping Penncfrnabio, Arith mitic. Com. taercial t aw, Political %connate. Redness Ckwresoond• ere%the Art of Detecting Coenterfeit MOUT. Railroad' itteamboating, Telegraphing, Practical Baakialre kc., &e. Fite tante cam eater at MIT time MO cetePike • fun coarse In from elarto twelve weeks. FIFTY DnLLABS Pays all .:posses far Sci Mon, Boots, Blaok► and 111 plazas. NO EXTRA CHARGES For vaninatuthin, Rteamboatinr. Railroading, Barking nr iiipinma, as in other Canova. Free Limons daily to Room 'tulip to all altadonla to the - Conunerelal Depart moot VAR MAME. 484, eiring foil information, and con taining a e,mp'ete outline of our system of ?radical Business Education, together with 1.8311110N1AL9 , Prom practical BUsinert Kau, Merchsots, Book-keepers. Banters, km., address the principals, 1411193 k.COWLSY., Pittsburgh, Ps. • J t24'67-6m Mattdaeturftn , or , • PURE CONFECTIONERY, tt l And wholesale dealers la FOIE GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOTS, NOTIONS, CRACg£TtS, TOBACCO AND • CIGARS Always on hand a large stoek of FINE ' AND P-LAIN CANDY, OfEviry Variety, YANKEE NOTIONS, CANNED FRUITS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, CRACKERS, CIGARS, UM We thoterecture none bet the beat valitty, Ina es B. tow price* ai PURE AND SALEABLE CANDY Can be bold. 1 Er All Orders vein receive prompt latently. BENER & BIIAGESS, I~ 411 STATE srwr. NEW CONFECTIONBBY."-BOY. AHD FANCY GOODS STOitE ! BENER & BURGESS; Haas opened at 730 STATE STREET, A RETAIL CANDY, TOY, FRUIT AND NOTION STORE, Whore Wit customers will always dad A FULL 'ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE Thee will keep a good - 111:18 of TOYS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS AND FRESH CONFECTIONERY Or EZERY VARIETY tr . Delez itsealistetrezw. their (beta ties are the beet ter implying their customers with MINA CANDY gintll'it DAY. Snag , At BURGESS, . 730 Stets attest. T HE BEST LANTERN 11 011 TABIIICI/ . 13 1J E, /9 AT GOFF; PATTSRSOIS Sc. CO.•8. MG FIUMCEI MEM, 2t. tat= PithoL MI grit Tits Fx scliTonns Letters lestsmeatary edste of minim West. deed, late of Rik Creek to., Erie coney. Pa., haring berm vented to the irob.eriber; Doti • bombs is given t. all parsons Indebted to old estate to makelefitowilste psetoent,and all those having claims or demands wand wild Mete will Dermot them. dole itatheattostad for settlement.on or before liarrh4 *ELIAS WEST, Vaeator. Elk Creek, .Tan. 31. 1867—je31-awo SLEIGH BELLS! •. A Large Stock of I.ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, For sale by J. C. ?ELDEN deolg-t: nivrice. We bare associated ourselves together is business soder the fires name of Patent Eats Spout Company. With our teereased realities we feel couddeot w. eau an &U orders atter this date. L. A. raTswoRTE. wmumwt. Pa. P. S. It/MUMMA. jalo.7w. Waterford. PIL zfF ARM FOR SALE.. O 130 sera', about 100 arm defined. the Delano, in rod timbered had. with a bone and barn on it ; a ynong orchard of 120 grafted apple Oats and some other fruit tress. iittnatsd, !trot ram Roitth of Samuel lfieldogata, on the Ridge Road, and about four Wig fronfEriso, Ps.,tu Woof 11111ctreic Township. For for the particulars ataquire of sorld-Cf. CONRAD BROWN, DOFF, PATTERSON & CO., 615 YRIINC9 STREET, HAVE GOT GROCERIES TO SELL =1 pvnis LITIRRTY WWI% CRAP. win 40 mom !Lid better work at • givers way. than as *Mar. 'try q. ktaanfart••l•4 only Ity 'ZIEGLER SMITH, WROLZSALX DRUG. P 411.7. 4 GLAsa D i u/ XIS, No. W 7 North ?bird Street, m a . • Jabl'46-17.• . ' • • N •0•T t .0: . Applhsiilos win mad, to tits 6esamiritr don of William BlsbacD, eclavids4 et new 607.15. • REAL ESTATE - FOR SALE. DIVELLItiti HOUSES Two story trims, Wo MD West Ot4 4L, sell Ota(abed. pria WOO. Two story faros. ?Co. 21 1 !Not 6th St new sod good anish, pries $2,600. Two story have. Ho. 145 Wild 1.1 St., Caaghey Issue, a bargain, price $3.0r0. Oro .n 4 one-bstf story frsnas, Nn.102 Myrtle St., core ner 'ot, corofortsb'e house, peen $1.5 00 . - Two story fame, Xo 271 Suit 9th St, 73i-kers lamas good bonding and new.. Two minty :raver. adjoining P. & I: P. R.. on 11t& St. r will be told at a bargain. One a , ..1 on. ball story tram. lot 3018234. on 6th St.. second West of State, desirable for business. Two otor doisbottl free., property of 8. Wil son, float% Erie, lot Mein, Oporatlot In the Borough, prier PAM. Two story frame. No. 68 Bad Italie* St., boat. la dna ord.:, 6 rooms mad 'mad shed oa 2at door. b MOMS dp st .tri, tare, &a, ita, peas PPR. !iodated& totes. One aria ore-boll story frame, ,No. BS Canal Bt., con venient to bosh:err, booze to good order. Inside 'and ont, collar and woo 3 bonse,pries $1,706. 50 sews, barn, Loans, 10 items wood. 9 miles from city, pees V 1,200. 24 ■er•a on Float Road. 100 sere, wood, yew modern stele bowls. largo orchard NOVI •:change for city prop erty at 11,8,000. Reasonable dtseont for all east. Branlay place, on Ratak, Road, North Itast,lloaaros, •►habte 1 oproremonta, 20 acres timber, pike $12,012). 47 scree, two willow Ircio2 city, good Improvements; will dit'de to suit poreburtyper acre still. 45 sere% Bee miles lenen city, brick house, Ac, good improvement; pica 414.6C0. 300 acres fa Gre ae—s bargain—price $3,L00 112 uses A No 1 land and Imj.rorerdenti, near North Eut, pries per acre rd. 147 arms in Flerborereek, very desirable ind cheap; per acre City lot oo West ith St , Wo MD, Mee do do 10th do 758, do 3,G00 - do do 4th do 2711, do I,llfo do do 11th slo 661, do 1,400 do do Bth do 3466, do 1,600 City lots on West ttb Bt., Nos. 1402,1450 and,14139 each SUM. West half of out•lota 28.3 sod tsge), to lots to suit pur chasers; tams easy. A cumber of lots in out-:ot 2110. on Buffalo Road Eight city lots in out-lot bB7 Wee' 10th and 11th Ste.; the Mutter property. = LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH ! LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH 1 LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH I D .. JUAN DEILAMARRIVS - SPECIFIC PILLS Are prepared by the Ifresieurs. GI - mindere k Dupont. pharamoeutiste. No. 214, Rue Lombard. Darla, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Deimam, chief physician to the Hospital do Nord on - Lariroisere. MITRE or itscortagroagimr. Paste, May sth, 18.3. Gentlemen-1a have rued the "Swipe Pine made from Dr. Delarnarreh proscription, during several years peat, to oar private gad nubile pm:No..4nd have found them a most energetic and-effteient remedy to cases of Spin metorhcwa or Seminal Wishner's, nightly, daily or previa are emissions; serail wean , rui or impotency; special derangements of the nervous system; w caner sea 'rising from secret habits and sosaal otot000s; relaxa tion of the genital organs; week spine: - a ff ections of the eves; "Lime. or "brick dust" &posits in the urine; "Milky" discharges: paleness of toe ski*, with sunken cheek, or bloodless lips; "pinched" feature,: inventor action of the heart, and in all the ghastly train of symptoms arising from over use, atoms, or loss, from any cause, of the nervous form. Oh earnestly advise. Om W.l, inturrair nom toy symptomatic or organic alfvotions of the geLtltO•tirins27 sysloon. to use they pi le. With high rupee; one sow rears snags wiserfeity, ft A. REAIITXPIIII3, It. D., GI. D. Dorewnla. 11. D., • JUN DI Lilletrilt, S. D. • To Garanciere k Dupont, N 0.214 Rue Lombard, Paris. TOBACCO. Sedentary and studious occupationa, grief* anxieties, or whatever ter ds to impair the vital action of the brats, distressing and embarrassing dlserdsra of the vi Ile system. Students. clergymen, and 'airfare, there- Gre, who are estecial/y liable to these weaknesses, should resort promptly to Dr. Delsmann's Speeific Pills. • pamphlet, contrinitrg fail partlcatant, with direc tions and advice, printed In Peach German. Spanish, and ltuglisb, accompanies each Doi, and will be sent by MO, free of cost, to any who will write for It. Price $1 per box, or six bozos for $5. Sold by all the principal druggists, or will be sent by melt, Recently engird from xll, r.bservation, nA map of the "prided price by any authorized agent, or be the sole general agents for Antenna, OSCAR. G. HOSES & CO.. 27 Cortiandt Ist., Y. Y. Authorized spots for Erie: J. B. Caner & Co., Hail & Warfel. oetlS-lreow THE GREAT EN,GLIMIS REMEDY.' PSOTECTED ROYAL LETTERS PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PIL.LA Prepared from a Prescription of otr. J. Clarke, M. D, Physician ExtrnordinAry, to the Queen. Tara Invaluable medicine to unfailing in-the ears of all 'Anone painful and dangerous diseases to which the tamale constitution Is lathiest. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions from whatever came. X speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it le peculiarly suited. It will;in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with iwirulariitt , CAUTIO . • nese Pint statli sot be takes el Fassles urea, tA4 FIRST TLRE MORTHS of Pregnancy. ea tAty are We to bring we, Mikarriage, Ind at say aka' fine are ore We. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pelee to the B*k and Unite. Fatigue on ' , light exertlonaalptta• two of the Heart, Hysteria' and Whites, these Pills will efteenrcuce when elf other meant hate failed: and al. though • powerful i emedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full direetione In the pamphlet around each paean% *Met should be carefutly presere a d. Sold by ell Druggist*. Price $1 rer bottle." . SPECIAL NOTICE. - it DS the fete of every valuable medicine to be coon. tarieltrd. Be eantionn, therefore, and see tbel the let. ter. nil'. &IV' are hi• wn in the bottle, and that each ',reeler beam ti • fan simile of the signature of 1. C. Baidain en Co., and Job lima. Without which none are ironies. N. B —One dollar with eighteen cents-for erielosedlo an, authorized agent or to the sole general agent for the United Staled and British , dominions. JOB MOSES, 2 Cortland, Bt., New York. will Insure • bottle containing eft pills, by Mara mail. *emirate terlod from all otaorratiaa. Agoura for Erie, Ball ROarfel, and J. B. Carror ft Co. orlB-11eow COAL. COAL. TUE KALE TO BUY COAL CHEAP N AT SALTSMAN ft CO.'S, Coal Yard, corner cf Twelfth and Peach Streets, Erie, Pa, who keep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pittston (Poor. sec) lump and vespers& Shamokin, Egg, 810 es. and Nut sizes; Bitnmtnon• for grate and atm; and • n022-tf BLOSSBURG, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, Onr Coal is ell received by nil, la kept on dry rplael door. ►nd wELL ECREENED BEFORE BEIIVE3Y We offer groat inducements to parties viabloi to lay to flogs sintartrapply, olio to desists purchasing by the car p.a. I ry Oise no • alt sod s• gatLantoo to 'lnk satisfac tion j01y1711641 . BAIThUdN..II CO. • M AN 00D--How Lost! How Restored. Js.t nubllshed a Of ef edam of Dr. „ Cniverwelcs celebrated. scaly On the radical cure (without medicine) of Seen:late; rh ors. or Fendral Weaknem. involuntary Semlest Losses, hapeleuev, Vented and Kinkel Ineapaeitt, Impedlniente to Marriage, eta also Conti:map .U.n, splines, sect Vita Induced by ger- Ladolganee or ssznal °stratum:ma. itlt Pete,, la a sealed envelope. oat 6 mai. The celebrated. uthor in this admirable may clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alveolar consequences of self-abuse — may ow radlesily cured without the decorous use of internal roediettte or *supplicatioa of the built—poi:Meg out • mode of ore at ones simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his eon• ditton may be, may cure Mame( cheaply' privately and radically. re This lecture should be in the hand. of every youth In the land. . Sentunder In is plain envelope, to any IlLtiMelle post-paid, on receipt of six *tots, of two post stamp/. Address the publlahers crias: L C. Kurtz d co.. dodo-4ita 117 flowery, N. Y. Yost Once Box OM. GlIttlitDIALP4 8•L. . • The undertigned guardian of-Bolen 'Wilk:nano, Byron ar Batman, RadonWWll:eon and Inn Wilkinson, saner etiiiiiren of In Wilkinson. deceased, will sell at public sale on the on BATIERDAT. FEB. 2, 1867, the =dirtied interest of said inizas in the following-de scribed Idea of land to will all, that eaten farm situate in the township of Anitr,Erle county, Pa , en tailed ea follows: On the Tent * the nubby Mahe*. on the North by land of George Danish, on the limit by lands ot Choirs Meerut and wan. Demean. don the agrath by lender* Glenne Lonlieroodand Abel Nattasop. Mat tract No 137. containing 80 acne and allowances, knowing the Wlikfaion Farm. Ten= of fide—Ore-third to hand, and the haloes in three annnsl payments, witliananal interest. to be sr cured br bond and mortgage on the ittectillas. ial0•11w. IRA .CFI ATTE& Clusediani n0224t P Ultls LlBER r ilf Pres:mild )1 01 ptsetiati palsbitr. try U. and yps wil bare oo other. V aunketared only • ZIESIEE & SMITH, WEI I OLISALg DRZIELPAINT k GLASS =ALM, KG. MAMA /lad kkort.Pkthi. P*ll R1R31.5: ESE LOTS HAYES & KEPLER, - Malta and psalm In Real Mate, _Reid Rove, Erie, Pa. For Blacksmith ?impasse oi.oNowa.sat iro Azlaw Tuna. s . Awe As'prissaSprwehes Asia sod Roadies From that holes soots ant AstiMks and Rata In spite of eats. Gall, Alp abbot. I 'l6 retro is tabllaboi in N. Y. Clip" +only infallible rametilra knave." "Prat from Polecat." --- "Not dengue** to the Ifinnan Ifactly." "Rata Goan mat of their hobo to db." “COSTAVir RAT, RIAcH. &c, LILTUIPS Is • used for Rata. Mee, litosehee, slack and Red Act., Sze.. ka. CINRAWS% BED 8130 RITILIMERATO9I Is a Itgald or rash—roood to dertrur, &ad afar If prerantattro for Sod Bap, dm •vostares- ELECTRIC poirDER Foit mason is for sloths Minolta% Pleas, Bad Bar. Insects en Planta, Yowls. Animals. Ike. cr I niww I ! o hill worthless haltatiow. pir Sao ti flaak tha befort .CoarAme yea a" Dame Is an sub noz. Bat.. e sad e bay. Addrau, EIEHRY R. COME, 484 hutadvay.l2l. Y. Sold ei Duties% and retell &Oen every:ham "0 0 ST A K .1•S",:` • .' cazzaansr) - BUCKTHORN SALVX,, For ,Cuts, Soros, finnan, Wounds. Bolle#Quelleree Broken Breast% Sore Nipples, Skating. Mind awl Painful Pi'em, Scrotal's', Frond /ad llnowlitloasel Sores; Ulcers, Windom'. Swellings, Kreptions , Crasser 051 toctian; Rlogs_Orra. Itsh, Cores,lionews‘ Cth• ac.; Chapped Med , . Lips. ho.; sites of SOW% bents. Annals, he ke. Bona 26 cents, 60 orate sod $1 ,Ws. - 4 Bold by all Drogglets anywhere. . And by BURN B. costes, Depot 4114 Browprsy s N. Y. "COSTAR'S" IJNIVIIIISAL CORN SOLVENT, For Conui,Boaloas, Wait; ke; • (lam, 25 eta, 60 eta. andll gun. , Sold by all Dragfcltta zi arbrre. And by HENRY B. II, Dappt 654 Bipidray, N. Y, WW2 "COSTAII I B 7I PREPARATION OP BITTERSWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS POE BEAUTIFYING tEig COV,PLEitON Died to soften aad bosatity the 81dn, names treciko e licap!ea,,Enaptloas, &a. • Ladles are now tralng it la pntimmele to ail Wan% Bottles El. gold by all Druggists everywhere.- Aad by HENRY - Et. COS !AB, Depot 494 Broadway N.Y. "COSTA-R'S PECTORAL COII . GH fiEIiEDY • ' Poe cough% Be.lea, lioaraentan, Soto Throat, Cry*l l / 2 Whooping Moab, tams'. Asthma, Coaroasptioa, Bronchial Affections, aad aII dhows of The throat ant Loop. • Bottles, 25 eta„ SO eta. and 0144. Sold by all prott•ta *vim/when. . - And by 1126NRY B. COSTAE, Depot 04 1 14044 ' 10 7. lt.Y+ "COSTAR -1 8" af,LIBILIWKD BISHOP P ILLS, AUNMCIV4I . L DINNEI MILL. Tor MIMS( saa aids Boadiabs, Cliathrimas. hal tUrtiONDllrgetbs_ athaanalgh Coastbattoa. Mantles, loliallaa.Chillso Yvan. did Efiltat 41100plimit of the DI/tette* Omen& Belem, i 6 etb, eta:, audit dim -said by all Mewed , ° liait by UURY i , TAN„,iii , lllli.,.llriadirar„ .1.1. T. JaaltriNs• lEMlliii I EMI E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers