The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 07, 1867, Image 2
1 F) rte ill serber. TETURSDAY. FEB. 7, iBG7 Demileratle Co. Cothadttee. The members of the Deitocratic Do. Coin inittee are requested to meet et the Observer Office, in the city of Erie, at 3 o'clock, p. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17T11, 1867, for the election of two Representative delegates to the - nest Stye Convention, and 60 dele gatis to..a pro one¢ 'Masa Convention at Her risborg„ to assemble at the call of Hon. Wm. &;: Wallace, Chairman of the State Central Committee. ''• ! • BENJ'N w nirmArz, Erie,-€eb: 4867-2.0 r. - Chairman. gLecrnox In Court, on Monday, the case• of C. E. Duncombe arid Timothy dress, Democrat• is election (Armen of Amity township, in• it icted -for receivin g the bot PA of alleged des - erters,was brought up, on a motion for their discharge. before Additional Law -.Triage Vincent. The counsel for defend. ants. James C. 'Morahan. _E.q , made an = 2 able plea, showing that the Supreme Court had decided the deserter law unconstitu tional, and alluding to the-fact that the presiding Judge, at the-last — ter& 'of the Criminal Court, had advised the 'ignoring oaf- all the cases growing out of it. Judge ,iVincent stated that•be had not given the Ohl ect.mutboonoideratiOn (notwi t hstan d frig it has been-a topic of discussion in the newspapers for nearly a year) and was not 'prepared at present to grant the motion of defendants' counsel. The parties were !ben bound over in the sum of one hund red dollars each to appe;ir at the next Rea ction of Court. On Tuesday morning= Judge Johnson took his seat upon tse hencirsand the case of Wm. J. Welkerija men:Oar-Of the elec. tioia'board of Le Bci‘ - of township. indicted for the same offence, was brought up be foreltim, on a motion'by lifeasrs:. - spencer &syarv;n, his attorneys, to quash the pro ceedings. Mr. Welkerserved as Inspector at the last eleCtion.%being the only Demo crat on the board, The votes a two are Jetted deserters were offered,,,and the-Re publican officers agreeing wit% Mr.. Wel ker that the, gout d not be constitutionally excluded, they were received 'and counted in the returns. Soon seer, at the instance of the leading Radicals of the township, MI Welker was indicted, but no_nction was taken against the 'Republican' metw here, of the board, it being charged' in the inciitment that he had influenced them to receive tce votes—a rare copliment to their judgment and firoanessl he two rz li voters were also indicted and bog, dover to appear at court. In charging the Grand Jury, at the November term, upon these and similar cases, Judg,e Johnson advised that all of them be ignored. The Grand Jury followed his advice in every case ex cept that of Messrs. Dancombe,Grosi and Welker, some members of the body being probably actuated in these Instances by' motives,of personal Spite, or political in -fefeet: What *takes the matter more cu- rious is, that the alleged ° deserters whose votes Mr. Welker and hie fellow election officers of Lgy &oaf township received, and who by th 4 law-under which he was held were equakly liable _to punishment, were discharged by the same Grand Jury whichheldhini for trial, , i 4 , Unlike Judge Vincent,' the presiding Judge did not feel Rids duty to hold Mr. Welkees case over for PArthep consideration. lie ordered the proceedingsto be suinma rily quashed, thereby acting in consonance With his fornier charge to the Grand Jury. A motion watt made that the costifbe laid upon the county or prosecutor, and the Judge expressed 'a disroaition to cast them upon the latter, but it being ascertained that he was worth no property, the costs were divided between the county and the defendant. Thus, by-the action of a' 11P publican Judge, for the second time, the pOsition of the Abierver on this subject, is triumphantly sustained in our county. The- course of Judge Johnson cannot tail to meet the approbation of every man who'examines the question in the light of reason and good- policy. If the Courts continue to encourage suits springing out of the deserter-act, l the time is not far distant when it will_henearly irrjposaible to procure men to serve oil eleition boards, The law has been a source of terrible bit ternesa of feeling, and given more annoy ance Jhatrany ever engrafted among the acts ot-our , Legislature. Since its uncon stitutionality has been definitely decided by the Supreme Court, there can be no 'object in - permitting it ',to remain on the statute book. and if the present Legisla ture has any pstriOtismosny regard for the interests of the public, Noy consideration for the highest judicial iody in the State, • it will not fail to wipe it out 'of existence. -...'" The Harrisburg Telegraph of January , pay's "The editont of the? Erie Dis patch and the Pittsburg Leader were both called to Harrisburg atj the expense of the gut*,, and requested'to, testify before ..the investigating committee as to their knowledge of alleged frauds in the U. S. Senatorial election. Both gentlemen ap peared and declared on their solemn oaths that theyhad no knowledge whatever of any improper means having been used by . soy of the Senatorial candidates or their friends. This .testimony stands on the reeved of the committee, and will, in due ;time. appear among the official proceed. pings of the legislature." The Telegraph thinks that "after having made such solemn declarations," -it is the duty of the editors in question to "at least- say nothing more on the subject, if they are not manly - enough to apOlogise to the public and the 'gentlemen they . have at. tempted to tillify and disgrace." As the fight is none of ours, we will leave the happy family to settle the question of ve - melt) , and propriety - among themselves, contenting ourself with merely giving the public a Chanceto lead both sides of the controversy. Thad, Stevens' dictatorship is passing away, last winter be bad many admi rers and a boat orfollowers, and was re ally leader in the . national House of Re presentative,. This winter, which be com menced in Washington whirs declaration that he bad wasted ao much time its be , inn n Conservative, and proposed to he a Radical, be has been kicked and cuffed alnrost without ceremony; ilk greatness and theikof Forney faded at Rerrisburg, and his pet scheme of an enabling act for the Southern States has been coininitted to the Committee on Reconstruction, by a vote of 88 to 65, and that's an end to RI ' The Wash; o eon dailx Star au ggestsoth e orwlsatiou of 'minute Wed.! to be drum, wooed eta moment's uciticce, for the pur pose of defending andaulotaioing the Pres ident ottbe United Btatisa in the exorcise of his high official rovoistises.v A PLAY OF COMPOOMOK Advices from Washington have for some time mentioned that the President was in consultation with his leading Northern 41341 Southern friends; endeavoring to de cide upon some basis by which the troub les of the country might he pacified, and the late seceded States restored to their proper places in the Union. The moms- Ty . of this plan is published, and it is found to consist of the following propo sitions - ARTICLE XIV. Sec. 1. No State has. a right to secede, nor has the Federal Government the rich - to eject a State or deprive it .of represen tation in Congress. • Sec. 2. The United States debt shall be hold sowed and inviolate. but the rebel ,r debt shall never be paid by the nation nor ! any _State. Sec' 3. All persons born or naturalirsd , in -the United States and subject to its ju- I risdiction shall be citizens. and shall have the rights and immunitiesitt all St ales of life, liberty9ld properly. • ' - ; Sec. 4. Representation shall be based on 'numbers, counting all persons except In , dians not taxed ; but when a State es . eludes any of its population on account of • race or color from valise, then those ex cluded 811401 not be counted_ in the basis of representation. Also, the following to be part of-the Con stitntion of each State: "Every male citizen a veer in the,. State and eight months in the, con tztv"immerli atetv preceding an election, end who can read the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution in the English Tangunge t and owners of two hund red and fifty dollars worth of nropertr, shall be_entitled to vote, provided that no person who has heretofore faareiaed Abe right of franchise shall be excluded from voting," _' It is stated that these proposed amend ments mast the approbation of Gov. Orr, of South Carolina, Gov. Sharkey, of Mis sissippi, Oov. Marvin, of Florida, Howell Cobb and other prominent Southerners. They are designed to take' the place of the Constitwinnal Amendments proposed at the last session of Congress. and wilt be advocated by -the President in his next message. The first part of the programme is Nto secure their endorsement by 'the Southern Legislatures, and this attempt is successful, they will be presented to Congress as a basis of compromise between the two sections. in lieu of the objection. able amendments heretofore urged by that body. The concessions they make. ought to satisfy every reasonable member of the Opposition, though we have no faith in their acceptance by Congress, That body is too strongly bout en perpetuating its party power to consent. to any measure less than its own unjust and impracticable schemes.. NO IMPNACONIONT. The concurrent testimony of all who have visited Washington of late agrees to the effect that the impeachment move. meet will be a failure. The Philadelphia North American and New York Post, both organs of the business portion of the Rad ical element, are open and_confident in their easertions that - the scheme cannot succeed in this ,Congresi, and has little chance to the next. We. have had; during the week, a conversation with an tutor:- gent gentleman, jest returned from the East, who tells us th s et the business' inter ests are unanimous against the movement. -A heavy pressure fe4m that quarter has lately been brought to bear at Washing- ton, which has given - the death-blow to the designed inineaclitment, for this ses sion at least. .The statement of this in formant is verified by that of one of . our public officers, who. on a visit to Washing ton, had frequent intercourse with our Congressman; Ur. Scofield, and gleaned from him the game information given above. - Notwithstanding the reliability of these statements, we 'caution the Conservatives of the country not to be caught napping. It map be — tbat the Radicals have only re sorted to this dodge to put the people off their guard, and that at some moment when we least expect it, they will rush through their revolutionary schemes. The friends of the President cannot be too bold or watchful. We must so act as to make the Radicals plainly understand our intentions, and he prepared to carry them out if. unhappily, the crisis comes in the worst. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." A NATION4L-VONVIMTION:- The Buffalo Courier speaks with its usu al good sense in reference to the proposed Democretic National Convention, next summer: "We do not question 'the good faith of those who advocate the assembling of a Convention of Union men from all the States ; but we ' are confident their zeal in this matter is RI- timnd. At pres ent, there is positively; nothing for a Na tional Convention to do, except to , fur nish eapital for the Radical disunionist's. The Rump pongressWa; precipitating the party 144enolls to - re resent to destruc tion, and, in the name of common sense,' why should the Dsm raoy—toterpnse to prevent a consummation so devoutly to be wished I When the Itsdicnts have per fected their revolutionary schemes an , are ready to present their programme to the people of the country, there will he ample time for the lovers of oonstitetion al liberty to arrange the details of the Presidential campaign. There is nothing to be gained and much to be lost by hasty action. Our platform is the restersiinn of the Union. as everybody known, and a yard or two of well-worded resolutions will have no benefical influence The ag itators for a National- !convention, n i n e times out, of ten. are played-out politiciani 5it:1.144 to air their ancient rhetoric and galvanize themselves Into a Iletitioue life, fold on, gentlemen. The Rat/le a / a are doing more for us, lust now, than we can possibly do for ourselves I" The Democratic State Central Commit tee met at Harrisburg, last 'week. and fix ed the second Tuesday of June next for the meeting of the Convention to nomi nate a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court ; and also recommended the Demo. creep of Pennsy'vania to forthwith elect two delegates of recognized position and influence with the party, from each Re presentative and Senatorial District. who 'shalt meet in Mass Convention, at Harris burg, on a day to be fixed by the Chair. men of the State Central Conimitice. A resolution of thanks. to lion. William A. Wallace, Chairman; and other officers of tins State Central Committee, was adopted with degerved unanln;ity, in .the State . Convention, Erie county will - be entitled to,,two delegates; Crawford to thige, in cluding the Senatorial ; -and Warren to one. To the Mass Convention, Erie coun ty is egpected to send four representatives, (two for each of the assemblymen) ; Craw ford four; and Warren two, ,4.p Crawford and Erie compose one Seeatorial district, they are also entitled to two additional delegates to the Mass Convention, whom, we •presume, they will divide between thew, thus giving each county five, dele gated to that asaitighl4ge? In the course of a speech delivered in the.Sepate, lately, Mr. Lowry alluded as follows - 1/7003a Itidical _papers in this city. It will be perceived, from the blunt way in Which be puts his stiV.ements, that our valiant Senator is not the slightest bit intimidated by the fear of encountering the enmity of these influential journals I "Mr. Speaker, I did not rise to make, an argument, but simply to repel an at tack made by a wicked calumniator.' The Senator from Fayette (Mr. Searieht), when about 'reading from the Erie Dig. patch, remarked that it was a Republican apet(of Erie:l Allow the to inform the Senator thit the Erie Dispatch is not and has not been the organ of the Republican party of Erie county. Neither does it speak for any Republican in that county. And the same is true of thegrie Gazette. The latter is simply a pan' tA the Dis patch establishment; being printed upon the same press. It was bought by the Dis patch, and that bargain and sale very soon gave the Matte a very bad name. In deed, an offensive did that sheet become, that at the county convention recently held, a resolution was unanimously adopt ed warning the public that as a_party they were not responsible for what appearedia the columns of either of these papers." The Dispatch'-deniea so much ,of the above as recites that the Gszetie is' a part of that einabliabment, "being printed on the sitne press.". We shall hide in pa tience until we see what the Gszette has to-fay for itaelr, • The agent of the Tribune's Boston "bu reau" Communicates to that journal the. following frightful statistics in relation to . flogging in Massachusetts : "Mr. George B. Emerson' has been calt. ing attention to some of the 1 . -defective methods of education in the Boston schools, and Dr. Ordway, who is said to Lave a "bobby," and, therefori, like all men who have hobbies, a sort of red /MCC-. tre to fogies and routiniats, has made public some statistics in relation to flog ging, or. to speak more mildly. corporeal Punishment, in these same institutions. The Doctor states, on authority of the re cord keu'by the teachers, tilatthere have • been thirteen thi , ' usand cases of this sort of dis cipline re nine months.. • Thirteen thousand floigiogs- in nine monthsT The "Key to' Uncle Tom's Cab in,". which coven! all the "outrages" of thin kind for a pitriod of thirty years in the South, does not reveal a tithe of such instances in, the whole slave record of the old slave States. If the Bureau has a par. title of the protective powers that are claimed for it, surly the white-boys and girls. of Idaseachusetta should have the benefit of its intervention a tea ca. and Sen ator Sumner should give the Senate a two days' speech on the "Barbarism of Civilizs tion in Massachusetts?' The Harrisburg Telegraph denies Outt en), person except Geary furnished an idea or wrote a tine of our new Governor's Inaugural. As we published a statement from a local Radical cotemporary to the effect\ that others had provided a portion of *he-matter of the address, it is but fair therßivernor that we should give him 'the benefit of his organ's denial. . 13 ravitioa.- Th e o Bostm- Post compares the Republi can party-to a pawnbroker's shop, full of unredeeme 1 pledges. A Western paper gays if Brownlovr bad not ..;.possessed a strong constitution be would . have-"cussed" himself to death, long ago. Brownlow astonishes and gratifies Ten• nesaeeby the announcement that he will retire from public, life at' the doge of his terra as Governor. It is the duty of Congress to legislate for the welfare of the country, and not to give expression to personal or political animosi tiea.—Sprinee&l Republican. The Harrisburg Telegraph,the central or. gan of th-•H:publicon party of Pennsyl vania, makes a direct and most decided attack upon the loyalty of General Grant, After every election of United States Senator in iPenneylvania, they have a committee of investigation appointed to see who has got the mosrmooey for his vote.—Chicago Tribune, The New York Herald unites with the Washington Chronicle in calling upon Congress to reconstruct the Supreme dourt ? Let uithave ail courts abolishea, and then -we- can go -ahead just as_ we please, and "devil take the hindmost," The New York -Times calls upon Con gress to - give to the South some assurance that tbe-States will be admitted, to repre sentation upon their adoption of the amensimept, It thinks this is the only way to-procure its adoption. Senator elect Cameron, bss been visit ing ,both Houses of Congress to-day. and personally conferring with Senators. It is said that he and Forney have settled the difference between themselves Washing ton „Dispatch, flow rnuoh did be give the "D. D The editor of the Lyndon (Vt ,) Union has been nresentorl by -an Mina's * Demo - rat with a (Arco hickory , chair. ass testi monial 'ln the-man who had the-moral courage and backbone to print a Demo cratic paper iu the Rsdical State of Ver. toms," The. Cinctinnati Cosiimerciat saye("ihe paople_want sme. . Fiver) , legitiroitte in terest in the country demands peaci., the. goad sense of the country requires peace." It:should have added that the only obstacle to peace is a disunion Cot __ grog,. - RiCONSTRCICTION.--- "Why don't they teconstract the Southern State., Who stand repentant, knocking at OUT flues ? It seem' to me," says Simple, i'lts•a stn, Now they've repented,•not tole! them in." "It would not do," says Wise, "for past doubt, If they come to, our party will be out." Wrier wa 'star Emer..--The Govern.. went is in receipt of advices from Europe to thp effect that large amounts of U. 5, securities will soon he forwarded to this coantry for sale. Owing to the tack of confidence occasioned by the announce. meat that Congress would probably im peach the President, European capitalists are disposed to convert our national se curities. Nothing is more natural than a result like this. The truth is, Congress, by its wild, passionate, and unwise system of legislation, is doing ita best to ruin the credit of the cluntry. at borne and abroad. Elder Spooner, of liVaukeeha, Wie., a reverend politician and lobby man used to be a great friend of Governor Ra ndall, but is now his very bitter enemy, haitio. become a very bitter,Radfcal, He has shown his spite by burning bOoke and doc. umenta sent him by the Governor. Gov. ernor Randall heariog•of it, sent him, in an ordipa oft3cial package, franked, a copy of tbS ry Bible. The Elder, in his in. dietitian:nem stopped to open it, but committed that; too, to the tire I The El ? der was told what the book was after It was consumed. 'Waukesha is in a loved grin over the transaction. A 'RADICAL AFT,IDAVIT.—We . find the fol- lowing anti•radicai te4tintony in-the cot respondence of.a Radical Boston Journal —given Ai the.result of the observation of a "prominent army officer." After say* that the , rebel. soldiers accept their do ; feat as a finaliti t and that the only classes who make a show,of hostility are the la ilea and "bomb-proof fellows," who shirk ed military dtity, he touches the topic of the times" as follows:, "Believe me, that first, the negraes are not fit to vote ; and second, they would generally vote - with their old masters. Don't you know Shot , Au? Connecticut blacks always used to vote the old whig ticket, following the ruffle-obliged old eentlemen who formerly owned them It would 'be like that here. It in bpl pot icy, I firmly believe, for the North' to in sist that the negroea shall vote, and con sequently be represented," The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate (Methodist}• eays in relation to the im peachment of the President . We regret more than we can expreis the movement started in the Rouse of Repregentativea to impeach President .JOhn.on. It will unsettle once more the foundation - of.society, and create a wide. spread sensti.of uneasiness. The nation needs rest. It has been feverish long enough. Arid firm, not extreme measures, are the great want of the hour. We tfust the in Ir9mPnt may yet. be arrested by the sober second thought of Congress. In less than two sears the question will come be fore the high court of the people ; and it is better to defer it to that final settlement. A. PLEastno Asstrasxce.—The.Philsdel phis North American offers a grain of comfort to those who are distressed by agi tating discussions of Congress, as follows : "Of one thing we can assure our readers and the public, since it is proven by all current testimony and the common ten deecv of 'Congressional developments. This is that no effort will be made at the pending session of Congr. , ss to undertake imnpaehment.. There remains "hot more than a month .of working time, which must be encroased by the amendatory tar iff, tax and bank acts, and by the great ours, ion of reconstruction," , The Democratic minority of the Indiana Legislature "bolt" when they want to de feat an obnoxious measure of the majori ty. Tee latter, to stop., the little • game, and to manage things a la Rump. have in troduced a bill , making "boltinc" a •mis demeanor, punishable with $l,OOO fine. Whenever that hill comes up. however. the minority "bolt," and the bill, falls, of course. Under the circumstances "bolt ing" is a good 'institution—it tempers Radicalism about as well as anything could. The Democrats and conservatives of Pennsylvania. Ohio mid Indiana cast in October, for Congressmen, 6611201 ballots, whilst the Radicals of these States cast 728;788—an excess If only 68;487—n0t quite enough to make a difference of one Congressman.. Notwithstanding this fact, the Democracy have only - 12 members against 43 by the Radicals. This is owing to the infamous arrangement of Congres sional districts. . When Andrew Johnson, under the forrosof the Constitution, succeeded to the Presidency on the death of Abraham Lin coln, the Republicans declared tbat Prov idence,. for some wise purpose, had called the latter to his final rest, and placed An dyin me s-.04....a Since bis course has turned outl to be antagonistic fcirfieT . "prorressive" plans of blood letting and plundering, they. say he is only President by accident.' New England paperi . say that "a me chanic, who" is nut of work, propose, to write Thad. Stevens, and see what ,mount of money, (to be raised by subscription among the mechanics in New England,) will he satisfactory to biro, ns an induce ment to let peace and prosperity be re stored, North and South, as they are anx ious. to get beck to their workshops. It may be fun to him—but death to them." iff diddle, diddle, . ' • The Congressional Addle— . The war etosed a little too soon, The little dogs laugh While Butler and staff Roo.away with another teaspoon. An exchange says if Providence would only incline Wendell Phillips to keep himself Occupied with the aubj.bct of aid for the Cretans for the rest of his life the world might possibly have a- little peace. • It may not; be generally understood that. the. reason why Nebraska and Colora do are driven into the Union at such a rate, is to secure a majority for impeaob•. meat in the U. S. Senate. Gen: Ifarrimari, the Republican candi• date for Governor of New Hampshir•i, and Hon. John G. Sinclair, the Democratic candidate, have arranged to stump the State together( commencing, on Friday, February Bth. The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune says : "Reneeade Re. publie.ana who have been appointed to oi. flee stand little chance for confirmation, Straight-out Democrats are thought. more of." The ratification of the amendment is denounced more bitterly in Atassachn setts by the RA(Heals than, by any other claps of citizens. Speaking of impeachment, Mr. Or;Celey nye "no patriot will wantonly or lightly shake the twin fabrics of Public Order and Public Credit!' • - A Q,nestloit of Veracity. The Dispatch, not long since, when it was in as angry amod . over the Senatorial el eoll on,, charged Governor Geary with having effete& the following tenet during his etas' is Erie, last fall,—boldiog in his hand at the-time a glass of lager "The English like their beef, the Irieh like their potatoes, and the Germans - like their lager. This gentlenien, is the sincere sentiment of my heart ! ! !" "It 111143 this wonderful, wise and profound speech," adds our cotemporary, ' , made by Geary in Wagner's Hall, in this city, which awakened us to an estimate of hie importance 116 a statesman and a man of ability ; and this and similar expressions of his whtph led' us to believe that the Rep - Oilcan party hadmade a mistake when they selected him for Geier nor.., * e ~""Our argument is, that the Republicans have disgraced themselves by the selection of Geary as Governor of Penn sylvania. The lack is plain enough, and It does not require any effort or argument on our part to prove It." The Harrisburg Telegraph, which seems to have taken upon itself the hard teak of de fending both Geary and Cameron, publisher In 'teapot& to the above the fellowlag letter from the editor of 'hi Spectator, a Getman newspaper published in this city : OFTICS GERMAN SPECTACTOII, Eats, Pa. San. 80, 1887. To the :More of the 'ilarrietarg Telegraphs gists drew it my duty to" correct a statement made in to-day's Erie' Daily Dis patch, in a eottroversy With your Taper, in regard to the merits of our noble' Hevener, Major General Geary. The Diepateh says that General Geary made use of the !allotting ,vords, in Warner's Ita il, leer tall, when requested - -by- hie barman triotrde to being outs toast ',The English like their beef, tbelrielt 1114 r potatoes, sad the Germans their .Isaer.' This, igeotlemea s to the slimes sentiment of my heart." • I tastily, hereby, that the "haulm:de ire,* never uttered by General Geary on that 004 1 cattiest, sal can bring sufficient, prof to . ..that effect. At his visit in Erie last fall, General Cleary accepted my ine , tatiOn to *risk the ,pf_vhe "Gelman Liedertafel," a musical sod pkg. over "ham Tbave the Otor fit s presitte, - and melte the greeting" of his 'many Ger man friends Ind admirer' of this Atty. The General spent over u tow with us, and / wan assure yon that during this pleasant in throwse he never:uttered a., syllable that the above Words were the "Noire sentiment, of his_heert. Sou can TOL assured that Our no ble Itch would not have been so enthusiasti cally sheered and applauded if he had made any each offettaims remarks., In coder that the :false statements of the - Dispateh easy sot bp-i'ploked up" by the ene mies of the Governor and our party and suede capital of. 4 thou; ht it my duty, to correct the _ '. Shottid you deem it of any importance to publish this etatement, aro at liberty to do so. Obliging-iburs,truly, ' B E. iiir ti onzalcaln, - Publisher "tier au Spectator.'" Oiar combative neighbor :is not to be put doirit thus natty, and in iitonday'cisene it re (Grad upon the German editor in this pain graph: ' , Mi. E. E .8: ursniekto; editor - of the Gor man Spectator, of this City, has been induced to write the ilarrlatmeg Tele,raph, and dis pute, or pronounce a falsehood, the statement which we made in regard to Goyernor Geary's toast in Waglier's Hall. Whaterer. Mr. Stursniokle may say to the contrary, we know that GovernorHear.* did-give the toast just as we published it, as we took it down at the tithe, in the presence of Mr. Chase, of the York Republican. True;, we did not make Mention , of it at, he time, to any one, feeling ashamed- of the Man, but this dcee not change the fact.. Mr. Stirsnickle's statement amounts toe nothing, as be may- not have he.ard the toast, and i(litn•salokle can prove by a doz en witnesses that (leery did not give expres sion to the sentiment, we,oan prove byes many more that he did." • The question .119 it nowi stanAle is otie of we racitv between our two editorial brethren, which we neither gars nor have.any right to take a part in: -We shicsrely hope, though, it will have no inure serious result than a war upon paper, and that we shall not be called upon t i chronicle an affair of "pistols and coffee for two.," The.Temperanee Reform. Ems, Feb. 40, 1867 Eurrott.=Although a stronger to you, I feel to thank, you for the friendliness you manifest as' a public journalist to the good Catrte of Temperance. and especially to-that department of the Reform in which I-am la boring in your State. Although the Temper. same cause is the °Cantle atilt mankind," and is a canoe at enmity with no honest, interest, yet the tabor in this department would meet with little success were it not for the-friendly aid and sympathy of the two great powers. of the world. namely, the'Press and the Pulpit. And as we have notHing„to do in this week with partisan politics or sectarianism, the good Editors and good Clergymen are always disposed, to give the temperance lecturer, who comes properly accredtted. a helping hand. Ae you Have already intimated in the Obser ver, I am employed in this work by the ,Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Tempters for Pennsylvania. In lectur ing we make no appeals to the public for ahr In the forth of collections or fees , and seek to so conduct the work that those who feet indis- , posed to joining the organizittion can hive no just ground of complaint.- We have, since the first of January, organized Lodges of Good Templar, at Erie. North East, Waterford, Uni on Mills, Corry, Wairen and West Spring. field. Seversl of these Lodges have already "nearly doubled their membership. - The Chief officer of thei Lodge hi Erie, Rev. G. W. Gun nison, could inform you, sir, that the society in this city lie prospering fir beyond alr ex- Ingtationt.itlts friends. Men and women of iniliienee and of principle are uniting with find !shoring for the enema of Erie Lodge. end - they feet already, eateared theta glorietle tutors and grand moral results await their patient nhilantbropie efforts. In the seven Lodges named we have re ceived nearly three handretliharter members; among them are thirteen Clergymen, viz : six Methodism, four Baptists and three Pres. byterians, with a goodly number of the official thee of the several °birches. - It is the aim of the State Organization to havii Lodges formed in Mt the towns. cities and villages of the State. There ere now about two - hundred and fifty Lodges in Penns►lvania, and there are working under the National Grand Lodge, State Grand Lodges in all the Northern, Western and Middle States, and in several of the Southern States. one having been organized in Texas. and in all the Brit ish Provinces. AU these Grand bodges and the suberdinste Lorlps 'under tbera work an der uniform laws. pees-words and Comsat:l, thine, and a Good Templar can recognize Brother either by day or night, • and the Brotherhoodls large, it being estimated that we have Dearly one ,million members in the Order. In the Seats of.Michistan. where I la bored lastyear; there are four hundred Lodges and thirty thousand Members, and stridily increasing. - We are empowered to organize Lodges and grant Charters in any place where twelve res pectable citizens give their names as appli cants for a Charter. 4 The object of the Order is temptresses. to rare the fallen. and the falling. and to culti vete such • public ;opinion or sentiment u Bill effectually bailed from hotels. houses and society at large the,bottle tbet has proved s blaatind end blititafferturee to so into, mil lions of our race. ' ' I would respeetfallv urge the' young men of this city to eeek admission into this great moral fraternity. They will find the meetings pleasant and profitable, and' they will there Mid - Mends in every lendable undertaking. The Order of Good Templars is one of the - grandest of the reformatory movements of the ago, and in view of the'rast 'amount of good it accomplishes, it has claims on society that no good man will ignore. I am,, Mr. Editor, truly yours, • Jamss A. DAVIDSON. air Plaid wool shawls at $4.00 to $3.00. Blesohed muslin; .1 yard wide, at pf) ets. per yard. " Balmoral skirts' at $2.00 mob. tindershists and drawontat $1.50 per pair. Cotton Batting at 20 ets per pound. Ladies hoop okirta $l.OO atoll. • • Basques ad cloaks let $5.00.te510.00 each . Drools& shawls $5 00 to $50.00 each. Morriteaok remnant prints at .15 Ma. per yard. MONELL, STEPHENS fel)74w. 0 Ried Rouse Mir We will sell for the neat 30 days Our entire stook of silks at /6115 than cost of im portation. Look at the follniiing prices: Colored dress Silks at $1 25 worth $2.00 do _ . do 1.69 do 2.60 do do 2.00 do 3.00 do . do 2.25. do 2.50 do Pep. and Fled 2.50 do 4.00 - Our entire etook of goods we offer at 30 per 'teat. less than former prices. • - MONELL, ETEPRENS it WILDEY, fb.7-2w. * , • 6 Reed Hours.- pir Just received, 5 eises Merrimack rem nant print's—they — bre all best vre pave yet had-1 8 els. per yard. 10, 15 'sad 20 yar d pieces. Call coon, before they are all gone. MOLL, STEPHENS & WILDEY; fb7-2t►. 6 Reed Heusi. ser We 'wilt sell our stook of !demises et cost—New York dolt, ISIONELL, STEPHENS & f67-2w, 6 Reed Howie. tar Yard Wide factory at 18 ow. Iper yard: Yard wide factory, 'heavy, 22 eta., at ItIONEGL, BTEI'IIENB dt WILDEY, fb7.2L .6 Reed Nonce, ger'Prinis es. 12} ote. per yei.d, se ➢IONELL, BTRPHENS , &'WILDEY, E Reed House- • Eventess Cora.* ne,t---Theffutst Cos limn have wrought stondetful'ohanges in the aye. tern of popular education. Business colleges bare become a nitiessity, and there is no yowl wan in thscounisi who considers blu education einoplete v otittoke of engaging in - business, without firit graduating at one of these institutions. - __Eremlarge:oity mow has its Business Collage; but thernottt important, as wallas the most - Au;coeeiful, thorough and practical ,cf alc - ii,the - Triin Oily College, of. Pittsburgh, Pa., which halgraduatednpwirds of Fifteen Thousaid students inlint_past ten rum This is the acknowledged head - of - all bnivineel college. in America. . t Lupus's or, Ciotpur.Ain To Lonnie Whin lfAuntocau=—hsoliiy iltroat pea en Umalma ef tads. Led the Nam. 4tisial wad Dimas. *Mob mato istiedimitioto to 11414 R. asi• maim of *id. Ss* to orloil kottoriomolopn. Oil at eleeme. iatcrne,pe. • UMW EN;141100/411ova#1, Amooktiohll,4l4l l 4. t p a me.v. • Lome Potarus —o4.Bsturdei last a gen ileman of this eity,who had been troubled for some time with a difficulty in hie throat, Driastoo, Oh celebrated Surgeon. at the Otobtira ?base. The Doctor proceeded o remote* from the throat of his patient , * fibrena'spalyptut„iehich had grown in the throat to theasegtitsf four inches behind the palate, making Swallowing difficult and painful. Ite, lief of vourie followed Immediately and a per= moment; Mai will be the result. This very delicate and difficult operation was performed la a feW minutes by Dr. Liston, and certainly stamps him as one of the most Mon essfril sur geons of the day. ---Rotherter Union, December 18th, 1866. We would again remind sufferers frcitn any disease of the :Throat, Penult', - Catarrh. atonthitis, or dismiss of the Bar, Bye, De►rt, Lungs, Liver, Stoma:h. $l., that Dr. Liston will be at Brown's Hotel, io this city, on next Monday and Tuesday. the 11th and 12th days of this month. stopping for those two days' only. The afflicted would best consult their interests and health by availing themselves of the great and well known skill of Dr. Liston, during his stay here. * Disratuurtows.—We would call attention to the opinion of the of the leading papers of Canada on the subject of Gift Enterprises: "'Most of oar readert have no doubt read 'some of the numerous 'Gift. Enterprise, Gift Concerts, &c., which appear from time to time in the public primp, offering most fowling bargains tn.theise who will patronize them. Inmost Oasis these are gigantic humbug,. But there are a'few respectable firms who do busi 'ness in this manner, and they do it as a means of Increasing, their wboleeste business, and not to make money. From such firms, it is true, banisorne and valuable areal a are pro cored for a very small sum. and what is more important, no one is ever cheated. Every person gets good value for his dollar ; because uwe have stated, it is intended lo ac!, as an advertisement to increase their ordinary bus iness. We bare seen numbers of prises sent out in this way by Sherman,' Watson & Com pony, of Nissan Street. N. Y., and there Is be doubt that some of the articles tee worth eight or ten times the money paid for them, while we have not Been or heard of a singlef artiele which was not, fully worth the dollar Which it cost, Lint this is only one of the czcep_tions to the tale, for as a general thinethe parties en gaged in tbis business arenotbing but clever eiriztdiers.—Saturday Reader. Montreal,...E. C., Jan. 18, 1866. dee.2.0'06-6t. Roses Ottrrusties's Pm:mum Sloss. •--14 r.. Warren L. Rois hag taken the store lately.conducted by _Justice, Oheen •St Galla gher, and fitted it up with everything , Deem a ry to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing establishment. ills stock of cloths, cassimeres, vestings and ready made clothing is superior to anything_ ever brought to the city, arid we defy any one to visit the store without finding something to suit his taste. Mr. Ross has been very successfal in securing a cutter who is not surpassed'anywhere. Under his skillfal supervision the concern is.turning ont work equal to the beet Eastern establishments. o person' can have an Pietise for going abroad to get clothing while Boss affords the conve niences that he does. In addition to his other goods he has also a superior stock of-hots and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats,—ln short anything that a man' wants In the clothing line can be got at Ross's. Call and see for yourselves. • • je2l tf Fon sixteen years I was sorely distressed with the Anthrax. A great portion - of the time I was unable to work, and frequently for weeks st a time. I could obtain 'sleep on ly by setting up in a emir, being unable to -breaths in a lying poihure. In my long - search after relief, I, of course, tried many medicines, but ell to little-or no purpose, un til I used Carter's Compound Extract of Smart Weed. This met my case at once, and the very great relief I have experienced by using it convinces me that it is no more than my duty to make the fact pubre, that others now sneering as I used to_ suffer, may-avow where and how I obtained my rCiet. I have also used the same preparation as a linimizat end in Colds with great satisfaction, and con sider it. a very useful article and one that every-family would do well to keep about them. Wasp EpPY. ' North Java, N. Y. Atg. 2124.-0012a-1f Ir you want a correct likeness go to Wager& Co.'s photograph rooms, 1328 Peach street, above depot. flaying introduced all the latest improvements in the art, they flit-, ter themselves they can satisfy the-most fas tidious. They have the moat pleasant and airy rooms this side of - the eastern cities. 613 improved background, beautiful side decora tions and a large life sized mi• ror, which the subjects can look themselves square in - the face while the picture is being taken,-- The sky light is the -largest in the city, and pictures can he taken in a cloudy day ns well as in the clearest. 5ept.134.4. A Gaol) Nunnta.—The beautiful Princess of Denmark' and the Young ezarewitcb of Russia ; Eminent American Divines, including the Reverend Dr. Stevens, 4,Thomas. Durbin, McClintock. Morris, Janes. Simpron, Ames. Nast; Elliott. mid Haven ; also. Hon. 3. M. Howard, Cape E. B. Ward, and Berl-Hari. an Australian Cat:lib:11; •Your Likeness." by Rev. Dr. Weston ; Self-Government ; Pope's Essay on Man, :etc.. in' February number Phrenological Journal. Only, twenty cents, or $2 a year. Address Fowler & Wells, 389 Broadway, Nei ti ork. • A Comm, a COLD. COL •Elozo TIIROAO maims home diatsattratton;assi stomata be Macke& V attoerea to continue Irritation of the Lungs, a permanent Td oat DiraLOP. or Consomptton. is often the result. 9ROWWB BRONCHIAL TROCHR3, !mitt:4 a ditoot todoooto to the ports, giVO immedlete roller. Tor 13110NCIUTIS, ASTII It A, CA T ARM!, CONSUMPTIVE and Throat Dlssmiet, Trachea are used with always good Amu& Singers and Public Speaker/1 will nail Trochee vamitul to clearing the voice when taken before Ringing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual mfertion_of the vocal organs; The Troche' are recommended .and prescribed by piivetalins,"and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Tieing an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a teat of tuner iWir each year dada them In new leialitiee In various Parts of the world, and the Troches are unitepilly renounced bet tat than other &atlas*, Obtain 0124 oßrowds Bronchial Trochee," and do not tate any or the worthless troltations that may be orrered. Sold everywhere, nn2p.em' Dr.. scxrEzzolvs XANDRAER PILLS. jut• ir,W7dAntel. Times• Nd.o are comps 0301 tnrtoa• e :,^•• , • the 1 ,1 0"0/ . 10 TV-0-C ant SCCITi 100/ the I etre at Prouthllt* and ~ 14, q trx:/y at tome p..“ or nooehr rattS TOM:tout poodaemo. WI V 0: Thor.• eor eirkrtga e4uli otle. it.hou the we of the hutee. lo nil tilhooeSloorderithesz PJ/e may be ;teed tr:th c!):V.lJence. op Ito protooto tho 46reharre of yitate4. kite. gust removo those chart...tient trop the liver end WRY fleck. aso the ent..e o. blltoiti eCoct:ol3;:u geurral. 81.:11FNCIVti MANDRASX ' P 11.1.1 care 6!e2 Ileadochr, Mid dotorderio•4llo Liver iud:cated Elliott. *kin, rowel tohouo. eoatii•ene,w drottrb.e.4, and n tmling of vrerriorpv and u.. !tufo, thovvitb: diet the hvor lu s torpid or is sh ort. WOW P. 116 Ina,' hi 1.1' , 1 with a9 , il i taso tr, 101 rive. when it purgative or a:trrsai, tuedkine la required. P.taue net. for 'Dr. Schenek.'a Mandrake. Pal.," otnerve that the two Ilkonemes-or the (boor rare Ott the Government atathp—one when to the :an testee of Coon.loqolou, and the other :It hit inrelotz health, t SEOII by al Drucg:lti,ana detects. Pr - ce a/ sesta me Sax. pa. °Mrs. Na. 15 N0r.5.4111 • tenor,' Woolesalt , Actutr: lattnag Barnet .1.• 11 Park 11,rt Nov York. S. S. 11. - troc. 10, 1154 1.. more St., rot Ad. .)011n 2 . ..crk. N. E. Yourth and (Palen; S . tlltto maw, t)1119 Walker & Irct and !:!4: Watath avenue, Cluettro, ill.; Collins Itralbor - ti-rostlwrra corner Of Second and Vine tit:L.,tert. Mo. me. 1 yr. floes VaarrAdisa ' HAIR RENEWER the but atlas known to proems the Asir. ILiUI pant:frilly !titan Ply to,* to tin atintrial It lass the hole frogs talltax ont. n u tb* bad drounat In Volvo:dn. =Xing It On. Inertly • ball Maltby. soft snd 0,4 lay. Pecs $1 O.\ Por ode by all itnngittts. IL R BALL lateral. • - 23ailiso.21.11.Ploydotoro. 143itlY ,Ifq:!-":"e l )ittanta ' ass atrav 1312setaselltut Ainsialzta PiwU.UD OIL OP PALA! AND NAM lop pr•psriag, restotlassad bessitaytag the Bat, and Is the malt dallibtfol and •enderful ow. the "44 -/Amilaktria 4•41A4) 0 .•-•• 1 3 . • dertalel mods to re. O n . hiltV en glad bwat* the WT. Ibtti also E desirable shs . g o net:ror It Is 11[M, perfutped with a , tiedl and delleata , the tzarina% odor ottie oils alpha and soya,. THE luiiirEL'or.rimia. ♦ bow rad beautiful Oerfacar, 'TWA la &Hag of mutt, lad thr traria, with rhiek_tt eftogi tr. the bandkerehiefind person Im =equalled. Thr above &Adler foi maw by all datggists eta per itstraott it par nab eamb. Slat by nptsa to say eddreu by the props Wore., r. w. walowr & co. 100 . 1.1berty Street, sew Yuri' oetlll-1t Eti llt CITY IKDN woinuc, • - MAN Unp TIME STATiON4DY AND 3'OBTABLE STEAM EVGINES, BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND f4AK9, BRADLEY'S•PATENT ENGINE, HICK'S ATE ENGINE, weer ACTINCI CIRCIIL 'AR 4AW 1.11L!$, OFARED I:IIRCULP , R FA VI MILLS MuLAY NiILLS - AND MILL GEARING, stIAFTWI, PULLIkS, 4C, DRILLING TOOLS, PUMPING RIGS AND DRIVMO PIPIC oso.-set.nrv. Presid•tit. • W.J. P LlDDRLL,Bopatnt.nd•nt. iOaN 8. BLlV,Seembity and rto•4lll.r THE BRADLEY ENGINE, Itanufeetareti by the -gAIE CITY IKON WORKS, U Steam twice. dooblw the power of spy other Zagiow of equal ids+. Pal tits who with to toeteats their power without eltaagiug their bailor. eau do to by using the Bradley Engle., whleh works The Exhaust Steam and giros doubts the viva from the tame boiler, thus wine half the rust Jaataß7•tt. Fuoinot , suerz.v STOUIC, - Nos. 23 and 24 West Par (Beany's Block,) ERIE, PA. HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRA G, Wl:missals sad Retail t , e+P• a • 0 C R S •nd dealer* In COUNTRY PRODUCV, ?LOUR, 'PORKJImqa , DRIED & SEALED 711C1T.4, WO*DEN - 41 WILLOW NARK, ToBACce,,SEGAR9, &C ni Jew cfratuta of Pallas laud Oils •gents for the Olseeland Bide, totug and Eibietang Powder. rr a t holm and trod" stook always kept on hand, which wit I be sold at the lowest figures. - We pledge °umbrae oat to undersold, and Invite ell to eve as a call. Eir Th. highest r Ice paid for country produce • malln6e tf PHOTOGRAPHIC. • -' E. IL ANTHONY & CO., Manukictureto _of ,Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, 501 BROADWAY, NM YORK. to addition to our mein business of Photographic material; we are headquarters for the following, via: stereoecopes and Stereoscopic View* of Ariett.4l:l and Foreign title. and I andarspe, Groupe statuary. +c , Stermecople Views of the Wsrfrom negatives made in the variant' campaign., and fanning a complete Ph oto- IrraPhic history of the great contest. Stereoscopic Views on Glass, adapted for either The Vagio Lantern or Stereoscope. Our catalogue will be sent to any ad dreAs on recoil rt of Stamp Of Photographic Albums ire manatee or more largely than to other house—shout SOO varieties from `toO etc to sse mi r n. nor Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and dam, May to any others. Card photographs of Generale. Plate men, Acton. .he Our eatelogne embraces over flee thous d different itojecte, Including re-produe• tient of the most celebrated engravings, Paiotinga, Sta. toes, he Photographers aid others tderiog goods C. 0. D., ..1R please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. The prices and quality of our goods cannot fall WWI. fy. . , n0.15.45m. IN- TIME OF ROA IWO Prewar. for Insease DR. DENIiETT'S =MI CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHEA DYSILNTERY, CHOLICS CRAMP AND BOWEL COMPLALVT3 1:11111233371 WARRANTED to own Choler* or any or the , st.ors ctitemse In their worst form. A severe ow of nhol•ra , hex been eared with It in 30 minutes, proof of which will be given to say ',Wang it. No case hta seer been known to which itAiled. Prepared by DR: song BENWRIT, of Weilandlle and *old by Wm, and at the et re of P. A. Beaker, Rrie Paws 10.00 ilia Boma. Hawaii or Cocrxraartura. BENNETT'S 1:1=1 FEMALE RESTORATIVE' Has been tested for the last 20 years, sad gives rem. pieta satisfaction. It mires the following completed': Pais in the small of the back sod hips, with a polling - Weitht_itd bearing flowe when long on the feet; pain in the elde.losi downowith palpitation of the heart:cold feet and divans of the heed; pain between the shout-_ den; weak stomach; nervous affectwoe, etc. - ftscommetadations to the merins of this medicine could be "given by the hundred, has we the time sod room. The beet plan ts to buy a bottiv, aad test it for yortreeleros. Primo SIM per bottle. „Sold by Dr. Bennett, at ills oak* in Weeleyville, and at P. A. Becker', store. Erie, aelytf FARlif FOR 'SALE. A Pam soucaichis pm sem. SITUATED IN SIcKEAN TOWNSHIP, ocethilf cleared. with GOOD "HOUSE, BARN & ORCIIkRD, 1= or For forth*: puhr . tt ali* supers at the. brag Store of WY. NICK k SONS orner 7th and Mat* Stioets. EN COAL tr ARD. N - 4 11 IttERC R COAL AND IRON CO. YARD,: -- ti st.issirg..A.3 STMT, oNII-11ALP SQUILIIR NOUTIII 01P lIPION t!BPOT. AA Versos Cnal eheaper than the ehespeat— other Coals ithproportion. A trial is al4 that is twee. aary to eoziviricoAisy *Tie orthiliattyarior quality. deao.3isi ENVELOPES & WRITING PAPERS, Ar WM/MULL Sl* Ittritt. RAYNOR h CO, Nos. 1111 sob 117 WlllbosiStrost, Ns• York, Envelope Otantifscbarers, Including **wry Arlo 01 GI - WOW], Into. RAU% oltctLl, DAY. dreg sod portfolio sisioNopos. - Also solo spots for *be Irving k Ran lea, Mills Writioir Pawns. by the osso or smaller clusniity. Price 141 with wimples soot.►y mail when »quested. Dealers are issitad to esti aced asasolzks stork, style*, prises, he. dool3-lm R EMEDIAL INSTITUTE , PO% BPSOML OA !I, BOW? VIUNT, SUM TORS tr. IND Intornstios. wttls the litglat tanneries. eat • Boob ei Special Distata. to s seated metope ant too& cr Re nu gut •tad far tins, asa you sett sot nem it r tot, so khrlvnirag oltyoletons ors sasttally avoids's, sttbont refersacto or. straw/ sr email* trostst. beets s damp tot 4014AVt. sad ittroot to Da. LAMAZE; No.- 14 BOND Mt n% NEW 'YOU. n0v1514-ty. 1:O/1 1 16116 ROMS and Lot to South Ira% within ono on Matte welt of the consibna 150 I. Two atm &Mao Man. witb cant. Good won of orator. km sod *VII - Moo ea tho pragoo. Tome an. 4w4 JOHN !NM'. OR WIT .— L Howe azia Lot soar allot. II in romodon elm April.lot. Inquire of JOHN ELIOT. WALKER & HONECKER, DEALERS IX•RE AL ESTATE, . - 817 STATE ST., ERIE, PA. HORSES AND LOOS FOR SALE Few tram, house nu Rolland pima, between 3d and LotB2X by 166. Trip low: brine welly. 14aw two stole Fran. Ronan on 3d s hirt, between Cheittral and Witt* Lot 42X Of Gs. Cheap, on ege, . termw i'oeuission elven Imam 'lately. Theenhorrewe rwr 13th IRtreet between F•neh and =fru , . 1 eta 421 i he 142 near': Dr/we law. ler On 1/”47. Fresno booms no Arh atreet. between State and Peso ' , pagiartion ist of Sprit . name ta.nea an Illts otew, hetween Pesch a^ satrap; lot 42K by 160 will ha grid at agreat bargro --.41 0 .,, e , n d i n t an fith street Deter. , Pearl, and sifnut. Tot be 144' nil be. Bald at • ere t harguß llotutt sod 'nt on 6 , " Street. between l'egeb and ee. infra' iof ?2,V; by 165. • Muse • ttrtwo loteust IStlt street, between Poplar end Cherry. Pries low and terms easy. • Brick bon, on eth street, bet ween • Serrtan end 1, Lot.. 254 on stow. atol ter•• In son Fq.stb st6o,:botweett 41111:t kb; term. reef, rTitlt R.most and lot nn Corner silt co,! Gersten ereor, tot elf- l b U s.prlce low. on long tinte„ fine ne id e n c er , tw o g usg In _pries from V., ton t o sur, 000,1 n the bast Ineatlo , • In the nit, I-Inno* east 'fit, lb stmt r,.. nt , ) , and Rolla , el. with Erie fish tree* ard Rome and lot on went Seventh street, totter - ea I's s et tad .anndran. Vino brick boos. on C•fth •treet, between Fr-, e. no Holfand Brink house on emit SI: street. Roush and totsm soots' ride nillth street, thins front Ssestfras and lotus Fourth street between 'Raw af1A..,.! Myrtle. Wipe and lot on' aaaa her, tetw.rn 121 i, sad l' , , streete t 3d door, from 12th Prick house with S itc,re of' hint, in Water'er,i 1 . 14, reeider es of Col:Cimobelt. Derek bones on 11.6 s;re•t, between reeil en( .se ra friat residence of at ilea Boyle. Frame herniae on 11th -a rant, betere Pearls any 8 -4. tares. led 82% LOTS FOR SALE 22 feet br 147 to an 14 f" , ot Ailey, on north wee; corner State andlo•h etyeet. 24 Reel by 100, on &ate street. between 70 ard Stb, east We, 21 feet by 100, east side State etre t, rotes, ot '2l feet by poe lanodred,esst side State streeto„Platalc a h above, Rrtck ewe on Atlas street, between 7lb and Bth :Pe Lot 22) tor 145. 40 by 165 tooth slide of 10th street, part of out lot No. 4 74 by 100 south side 10th street, near Aril Lace, Out of out lot No. 067. 4i (. by 105 on 6th street, between German and Pol land' N'o. 067 52t by 151 on 6th street, between German ant. Led. No. 1674. 825.1 be 165, On 7th street, betty ten Garman and 1707. lard: Na. 1006 roar 101 l c'ty lots on Poplar street,„between 4t5 art 4th street a. Three full city lots on ;WV , street,betereen Poplar sot Cherry. - fa feet be 801. 2, eon:o.r Peach and 25 street. 100 feet by 165 on !that:set, between }'reach and Mil Land Ad ' Five iota on 9th street, 98 by-160, to an e/16 , , letters Vallee and Aah Lane; on long tiros sod very theal,.. at by 165, on 14 , 11 street. near Ash Lane; /err cheep Two fall city tots on 11th street, between C:ertent and Walnot streets. Four full city lots on 12th 'Pest, bt.tween Chedrat and Manta 'Amer, 86 1 2 by 165 on French street, between 2d and 3d 821 2 by 165, on west 6th street, !Amer of 11,yrtls, ad joining King, Esq. Flee lota on Sassafras street, between $d avd 4th. 621-2 be 185. eprner of 6th and Poplar; pries low 40 by 145 en an alley, on east side Prate street, bet..., 12th and .Bth; will sell twenty feet if &lazed, verz cheap. Vine roe dense lot of 6 acres, adjoining Capt. and .1. S.,Carter, io Mill Creek. 3) by 165 on east side Mate, between Bth and t - . streets. FARMS FOR SALE IEO acres, 3 miles from Erie. tetween Buffalo Ikea and P. & E. raProad; gores another, talenee in Ike higheat state of cultivation; brick &mu, with good barn mod One orchard. - - J?. acres on Gospel Hill. els miles from Erie—good or chard; 54 acres timber; good grain lank well watered. 100 acres on Lake Hoed, four miles from Arts—house barn and good orchard.. 108 acres near Flarborcree.k;, good grass land Mg Cant Hinton's. 60 acres of hemlock timber land near Concord Station, onibe P. eletp Several other good fareoS elthth two miles of *a • allures of lend, two and ono-half miles from Erie, oa Wattabnrgh road, loose, two torn, -two orchard -- 31 acres In Greeta,townehlp:two roller from Erie. es acres two mile, from Eri e.. ..nrav Bldg. Road, ander doe enitivatloo. • 20 sores near Hirborereet, on Lem goad, near Focr tt k A bolts amount of Oil Linds and producing wells Pennsebraokk, West Vleginta, and Canada, are ofered et extremely lose pekes- _ pHILADKLPIILI drY. 616 !LAM MEW. TRIs great Hoe Worm the Northam and.Northoes mulatto' of Parana)lmola to the elty of Kitt. , Lake Erie. It has been !mad by the Pensk!rasu Rid TIM Cooper:ay, and Ix ..posted b. them. TJYC lay T.lO9lllOleR THA.7RI AT WI Lowe Esstarard. #tii'Raln Er, Expresi 'Praia Wa• Peck Amara... Arrive Weetwerd Mau 'Train . • '7 13 p r Eris Express Train - 10 orl a r: Warren A =WU-.. _ 6 004. 2: Passeoger ears run through on the Erie Mail and Er. _press trains without ebaugaboth wars tetween Philadel• phi. and Erte. wYork emoueetios : Leave New VoyY, s= 9 DO A.rj, arrive et Erie /0 00 a. la, Lem* New York at 3 COp ea.: arrive at V.r.e 716 D. so. Leave Erie at 5 :20 p. t , arrive at. New York 440 n. to. Leave Erfuit 10 26 a. r , .; arrive • t New York 10101 to. Fllegaot Vl.plos Cars on all night tmina. For information respecting Pasrenser bovine's sprit at corner o f 30th and Nark/tits . PLili., and Sro .IProaekt Pt:misses of toe compatri agents. N. R RIATOSTON. Tr., corner :Rib and hark et Streets. Philadelphia. .7. W. RFYINOLIr, Fri. . . BRnßir, Atant N. C. R R.. Baltimore, • R. R. TinrfcrenN. General Freight Airent. Phila. If. W. G WINNER. Gen. Ticket Att. Phila. It L. TYLER. Masai tioneorintandont. t rie, Pa N kr• F 1 it 31 . taken to hie ton, James 8., of April. 1964, ander the tm OK & RON define to have ken nts All porton' knowing-Om ar" renniteted to tall and set" James P. Crook, briqqj as a partner. on thole. - tam* ofJA.LIV P. C 11( t Leming of btu old tem selves tadehted to tai without dila). P. CROOK & SON, V . Datums rD • & PLANED LII!s.I'DEII can ItiIVFACTTIRZOO n► Win 221 r Sulu Frame., Doors sod Blindn, tln•lls.lp, Picket Fence Scroll Salting. Idatchldg in! Planing done to order. Shop on Pesch St,-Etetween 4th and sth Sts., Erie,?► Ws respectfally mil the attention of the public tow tatilitAss for doin, work to the best of stole, prompt', and no ressotabls terms. Rawl:lg ettse. ay entimi.m• 'bops, with onpertot , madden); ors tai matelot o_ (Woe entire estisfution. reOrdsm from atrralta wit) rscalrs prompt attieve msor64—tl. - • , JAMB' P. CROOK & , THOMAS 11. JErrEnsoNlln the Court of CeLVZOA YS. . Floss if. J. SO BINSON. of - Erie Corioty. No IV November Term, 1835, Ejectment to enforce the &oscine performance of a iontrect for the sale of the following described Pod el plaintiff to defendant, to wit. a - lot of ground situate 0 the city of Corr, loal-eotioty of Rite stortisia, di •eribed as followe - --tnitaciot ISTo.II in said cit-r, boutd ed on the wilt by Centre street. on the tooth by tot voaa, oaths cut nflands of Periot rn Sr Johnson, sot on the North tre land said to Perry Stewart; the raid lot tonnz Nor inflow wi to on Centre street, And the Rberiff has made Tatar* to the •sid writ that the "defendant Is not foand inhot batlaict, nor sr ! ' nor in possession of the land l athe said writ deacnbs'e, an the, return day of Said wilt tows. sa• part. ioe plaintiff by his attorney come and move, tits teen n grant a rule on dc'endent, to ppear and plead to nd writ, ask con. act of Aelounstlfin inch case malt av ,l provided. BENJA MIN (HUNT, r Attorney for Plaintd. t I Wit, Deo 17 , h.198 rale gren'Ael no doNDJ" ant to nten4 se staled tor.-M3 be nobtfibea at restate. kyttet of 4. "amble' Pet CO; Ftpm the record —e trot copy. ' — der.?.(,) 2m 'C. P. P.00e.1.3,--et?tys,_ FREE TO EVERYBODY large 6 pp. Catalogue,.tasellins how to tenors To ?rookies, Flaplos, Slouches', Moth 'Patches, Sat aeons. Evptions ga4 *II impurities of the skin. How to (ono whtikels, rostsre, curl sod heouttry the hair, nose ssre. rare Druakenoese, Nervous Debtlitir, sod Wu! useful and ithilble treormatton. Eyerybodr good Address BERGER, SEICTTS & CO, Chemists, Ins Rt•e? - Strost„ Troy, N. Y. d oor.huLT a NM PERETNE FOR TUE REVDKERCOIEE. Paama's "Night Mounting Ccrent.' "Night Blooming Ceroors:", Pbalon'a .• Sloe:maim% 'Veress.:" Phalan , . Phalan's • • Night Blooming= Verses +LI: Mistimes "Night gioennicili Cerefici A most exqui+ite, delicate, and Fragrant Ferfams. Celled trmii the rare and beautiful flower. trorr whiglr it takes its name. • lannutactrord only by PIiALON 4: SON, New Turk BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. AMC FOR PRALON'S-TANN NO OTHM E MPI,OY3IENT FOR BOTH MBXBM. - :Disabled mod foto:rad soldiers:widows and ofylar of idea aoldtara, and the,_tinesuplo.Ted of bolt! orally, in want at raspretabla and" pr. /Dahl' .rvple'' In.nt.Ltienttlar ao atak.eta paean?* ankh by ene'arrf a post odd addresPed envelope for ptrtieniala to • DR. JOHN li. DAGICALL, Boz 143. Brorklva, N. T. 619-4 S QT RANGE. RUT TIKIJR.—Every , sung 110'0 4 10 gentleman in the United •Itates can hear ootsethwi eery much to their advantage by morn mail. (il,O O Charge) by addressing the underelaned. nose la f fs,f Tears ci being hambagged will oblige by not aotitlng 0: 0 wed. all others will please address their neediest mo ant, 1110 s. T. CtiAI•MAX. dwar6s-Iy. 831 Broadway. N.X. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! F. A. WEBER & CO., 814 STergBT., • Baas tam:mead klaitilna , Pratt & Co,'l Baltimore 0 steraortileb they will toll eltber_t_ . i... ran or out. Theta Oyatera are eotoillariel the twit , the market. Houle, saloons and printe r'r plisd at lon Wire. oPti•eo ritti lIRIDA talAltlOßß,aa to. , of wnitt , .1 and Instruction to,yentor Meo—pobliabc , l C"• tie and Annotation,' • d sent free ot ohne* in snir.l * op s. Address Dr. J. SRILLIN jill'at9e. • P 411001 0 1" ra, rr.II_I3IIIAMON & 111.41,11.11 4 1 cenINE - r _forty different iteles, adapted to tarred sed.tre? - : mode, for PO to 1.600 etch. Fitt?-one gehi or s t ,'" . medals or other first premiums awarded than 11. 1 r, trtted Cettloots tree. Address., MASON Bs ItANII' *MUM. or ItAsON lißoTliaßS. New TOtli. lb^S ....r. s..Tar.ra .. 600 i.le